Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1940, p. 5

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Chi1dren s Aid V Society Concludes Successful Year who h(`|p(`(| us in so mu vt \'Illl|'H.\ V\'l|lll"lI cs. S(`l\ i('l` Clul i7.n1im.<. fur (lc kinds. and fun` i \'\'Ul`l{ of Hw SI` inn hnmmz` mn!h(-rs nrv In be com- m(`n(l(-rl (m`1h(- way Ihvy brilrg lh(`.~'(` (-hildw-n nlnma. . The Rnnrrl is gr:-::ll_v imls-bit-rl `m \':n'ivu.< WmnI`n`.~' ln::tilu1(: h1';nn('h- S<~1\'i('t` Clubs and nllu-r m`;:nI=5- i`/:)1it\n\' fur Ilnnzninn-: nf u:|I`inil< IIH` I'A.\ . \vm'Lh murc. nimrr sells at $2.(l(l and is n illlllllh Ill <-rc-. tnkt-I nln Page Ylv ` Thursday, April 11, 1940 nu" --u--u v. nu-.~v uuuuhs - lvrnui are m nilublv. r: I: uI--L-... (:12 A..a......o:.- I..-... (R O! (J-` T.\...o.. (9 OK I MAG|ST(li2:\v1:f-E: SPEAKS -CC-II:-U -T Read This Important Message! Dn vnu drmul Hmnsxu trvimr vr-zn-sx" (.'lR ~-V`. .`---------:~--w.--v----_.----- -v-........ R A N A D! A N% AAsFmA:A A A; .p.........._........*..............................____........ .- ..., . A. (:`ol:':1l(i`Z:;l5l`t|l St. B93'N5N HARDWARE -vuju-Vs 31 Du nlop St. C1-E Refrigerators 8 models from $189. Other Makes Cost Dollars More G-E Washers 5 models from $19. The social problems of this country are a challenge to the com- munity at large; it is a challenge we must all face; it. is nut just the responsibility of the Children`s Aid Society", deelnred Gnrdnn R. Fost- er. supei`inten(lent,. in his repnrt presented at the annual meeting of the Society in Simcne Lnrlgc. Bay- field St., Tuesrlay, April 2. Presi- dent M. D. Mm'ri: was e`nnir- vn 2: n IICIS M $19.95 Yuu not only save ml the uriginnl cost of 3 (LE ('.|vam'r. ova-r thou` nf olhvr nIulu~.-. but u (J-I . dm-s tlw vlc-uniug juln llIm'mIg|Ily. qnix-.k|\. (Iumv in and son` Ilu-so hmnw-clvnning tools and ullwr llefpfnl (L-F: appli- lIll(`(` that saw` lmlh limn und mum-_\'. I".u.~*y budget E Automatic Iron 1 Others from $3.5 H mu. xzuuu-1, u; -.a-un.,..... Introduced by President Morris- on. Magistrate Compton Jeffs stat- ed that social and humanitarian leg- islation in Ont.m'io was of compar- atively recent date. A start `wad been made under Sir William_ Hearst, had been continued under] Hon. E. C. Drury, and had been supported by every government since. I often wonder how lhir country got along before". he com- mented. 1-,, u re , _ _i n,.,,u .1, n Mr. Jcffs c0nm`atulnt(:d the Sn- cicty on its work in the past 22 years ,sinc(` the Shelter was plH`(Yh- ascd. and said everyone was gI`at.i- ficd with the work He alsn com- [ilimented Suporintcnrlnni, Fnstm`. nu... .........I..... ...-.. u......1....x :. I... The !~fp(`Elk(`I' was thanked in be- half of the gathering by F. W. Dnbsnn and G. R. Fnstm`. and short spcvchos worn mr-rlo by Mrs. D. H. MCGHI. Orillin; Rev, F`a!.her Wil- gliam Dncld. and Rov. W. A. E. Dm.-.| .. . ..`.\.u. u-nu .u 1! Mrs. McGi|l slated that a, com- mittee had boon formed in Orillia. rcpre:~'(-ntin;,: tho ch1n'(:hos_ : clubs. etc., In help ihc Society. Mr. Mm'ri:~'rm sairl this wnrk was ;.t1`e:1t- `ly apprrscintod. and announced thnl rt-p1'osenl.alivo.x' from {he nthr.-I` lnwns hurl boon nskr-cl to serve on I the Board. A, ,1 .. r. lvlnx. ........u. I I Superintenrlcnt's Report The report, of Superintendent. Gnrclnn R_ F`n. for year ended March 31. 1940, inrlicat.e(l that hel was deeply -impre.=se.rl with the growing neetl of the Sr)eiet.y's work in the community. The year we have just completed has been one of some advancement in our work for neglected children. but unfur- tunately we have not. made as swift rtricles as we would wish. C`,hild T rnte(:t.inn l This branch inelurles children In| their own limnr-s who are new-i` brought to the . Thix :1 divi- 'sinn of the work in which cases are first referrerl tn mu` office usu- ally thrnu;,'h n repnrt or complaint as to cnnclitinns of neglect. ill tron`- ment. immrwzility nr other injurimu.< influences in the natural home <.l' 'I`rcr.-surer George Johnstnn re - ported a. balance on hand at March 31 of $12, and $3,934 in trust for |the County of Simcnc. 1'..L...-...'I.......1 I... n .... .:.l....a vuv......:.- ------ xv Social Problems of County Challenge Community, Says Superintendent I 1 $8.95 a $3.50 i%L;e;r&si%<.: ac ___.,I.. _ ..- ._._. Phone 1040 G-E Toaster $8.95 Others from $4.95 the children. The list of factors in the appended statistical report gives an idea of the problems met during the year. 2 1|; AI... 1..\...:.......,. ..c p... Ivnnco un. u g un. _, -.-... . I At the beginning of our year we had 175 open child protection cases. During the year we dealt with 104. including new and re-opened cases. This involved 768 visits_ 101 office interviews and 41 court cases at- tended. We were able to close out 134 cases during the year. leaving a case load of 145 open cases of child protection at the present time. This is a very important branch of our work as it is the primary aim of the Children's Aid Srciety to save the home for the child. Children of Unmarried Parents This is another important part _of our work. This society admin- iisters the Children of Unmarried Parents` Act in the County of Simcoe. There were 174 open cas- es at the beginning of the year. Eighty new cases and two re- opened cases were dealt with dur- ing the year. We were able to close out 98 cases. but still have 158 open cases on our books at the end of the year. There is, taking the province as a whole. an in- crease in the number of cases un- der this act. It appears that the number of children born out oi` wedlock is on the increase. I think that the economic conditions un- der which we have been living these past ten years is one of the main causes. Employment for young men and women has been scarce. They are not in 3, position- to es- tablish a home of their own. nu -,,,:u nu , The society's responsibility un- der the Act is to obtain financial assistance for the unfortunate young woman. from the man responsible. When an unmarried parents case is reported to the society the young lady involved is contacted. She fills in a history form of her relation- ship with the alleged father and she also makes a declaration of paternity. declaring who is the fa- ther of the child. The alleged fath- er is then interviewed and it he admits responsibility he is asked to enter into an agreement for the maintenance of the child. If. how- ever. the allegcd father makes ad [missions of misconduct with the girl. but refuses to enter into an iagrcement. an action is taken against him in the County Court. with a view to obtaining an order of the court. declaring him to he the father of the child, and having; Ihim ordered to pay the confine- imnnt nvnnn and :3 wnnklv nl` ' llllhhlullh Ill 1 (girl. refu agreement. 5 i nf Han r-nun-1 nu..." `ll vnI\. ..-v......._,. There is need for increased ser- vices in this `field. We feel that !(~v(.-ry girl in such a predicament lshnuld be offered the services nt` the society. both from the angle |nf attempting to secure financial `help from the man respnnsible and from the angle of friendly aid and counsel. also that full attentinn thtlllld be given to the welfare of her child. Every effort shnuld be mnde to rehabilitate the mnther and help her to again take her p|\(".` in society. l rmem run-.. Wlul H VH:W Ll) UuLduIIII;; (Ill Inu:`I ment expenses and a weekly or monthly sum towards the main- tenance of the child, until the child reaches the age of 16 years. i n....:.... AL- ___,.: . . . . _ . . .. |.....: 1:10 Di1'c'ct(>r:' for the (.~v1.'I:iru:y,-:11` wvrc elected as. fnllmvs, in the re- pr.rl of the Nmninzuting Cnmmiltnv prest,-nit,-(I by .l. E. Mm`ri.< M. U lVlnI'1`i<:u\ 'r'hnvn!|c Gin:-In ir \,IIIu_A n\.uu.uu.n uu. ub\. u. .u 4; . During the past year we had 128` ) office interviews. `_and 458 visits were made in connection with agreements, court orders, mainten- ance and collections under the Act. Ten settlements were made by the men, and 7 court orders were nbtaincd through the court. There 'were 32 court cases heard. 156 sup- Iervisory visits were made to the [unmarried mothers. and their chil- dren and there were 72 office in- terviews regarding unmarried mn- thers and their children. During the year it was necessary to makr` 12 children born out of wcdluck wards of the society. nriy-I un .~..n|. n ruvnrlinnrnnnl bllllll L.iII|' I It is in this division that wo mom our hr-avinst responsibility. This division (rnmists of the children whn arr` nur toinpnrary or pm`-' `memvnt. wards. and the children Nwhu are in (`are pending: (`Hurt av- )lirm or nthi-r disposition: also tho` i I m n-wnrcl children. who are in mi- nptivo homes under our supm'vi- uinn When a child is math` :1 ward 11"` or she is first admittvd to our shei- tvr fur a period of initial (`:1l`(` and training, Our shelter is sihmtod n1 I75 Bivfivld Strovi. Barrio. Wvl hn\'<` named it Simcm` Lndgo in nrdvr In gm mvay from thv "all .-iuuncling word. Sh(\ltvi'." Simcm Lndgv is n lvrgtg fine inuking brivk building: nf SUIHL` 19 rnmns, inclu- ding 4 bHH1l`(l()lY1.\`. lU)Z(`H\(`l` wiih s`pm*inus grounds for the <'hildron`.< i'o(`l``:i1inn We have a czipublv mul- rmi in (`h(H`Rl` and two assistziiiis. |'I ho (`hild ilnnwdizitoly Y(`(`(`i\ l`.\` ' inodicai and :1 dental vxaiiiiiiziiiuii. [Any ll(`('(`F.\`2ll`_\` modiczii ur dvmzal iuitcmicm is prnrnptly lnnkvd af- |H\r_ The vhild is than inkvn in lhi Mental Htwilh Clinic for s~xmninn-l linn by H ps_\'ch<>l<>1,:i. Afivr :1 pol`-i iivrl of training in the` siivlti-r av `!'.li'?|l)]l' t'n, hnnw is ublainvd `fol tht` Child. I J Jun 2.. .. n~;\i'I l.`....o .... I.. In-L`:->.~d1 y thv child. u cxvwisod i Whi typo r:\tx`gn1i-st hzmw, l rn`e~ I0 I llun U_\ H [ ivcl Ir: :'.1iI:il)lt' ft` `fur (`h ] F(\_ h | important I l\l\I`I|\`\2ll`\' 'llll\I. lmmv finding t item uf Child tn find a homo to sui` _ :nd great cnrv musl bt in securing foster hnnw<. o wf can` falls intn four .~`: .\h{`H!`l` Can`. lmardinp `n hum` and adoption pro t is. of cuursc. thv mnir ` 6': \.~ is :1 -an`. \'m'_\ It i` Ln .. .-.\0.. |.\ .~\:Vnu|w.\ Child Caro `:0 Aini:-inn 6|-u \lhl| l'\l`I_y \'V in lJ()"l1'fHll_L', hm at lmsl um-v 1 and \v:~.|'d:: in visi1('d at It 1451 Dvlniled n-pm must bu ]u`[)I. : H10 vi5 nnr) |llL' Vlhll.` aillll IHI` IIIIIIHILLS H|ll\"'*l :11. A full his-1<)l`_v ml` mwh chilrl must bv kt-pt nn filth This is also required in ilw Unln."-rri~d l`:n'm11;: and Child I"1`nicclirm (li\`i:~ivm.< of our work. f'\nn tr! u-n .\l..n.-in.r .In.4.. .\l` ll~r.. IXIIIBL I)l' l\l [)l, .` the visitx nnrl I |1i;-1 rvnu:-I Isn bun! . p|tr.L'xIu,'1| u_y .l. N. lV]()l`I`l)-`(HIE IVL D. Mm'risnn. 'I"hnm:1s Sinclair. Gt`0l`;.!c Jnhn.- Wnllvr Dnwnoy. J. E. Mm'ri. E. C. Dmry. I". W. Dnhstm, 13'. A. Ham- mond. G. R. I?`nstt-r, J. R_ Coll!- mnn, Rut-vc :=nrl Deputy Rm-vo of Barrie. Chuirm;m nf Cnunty Pm- perty Cmnmittms, Ward:-n of Sim- one County, Mrs. 'l`hnmn.s' A. Lowe. Bzlrrinz Mrs. D. H. MvGiH, Orillinz Mrs. C. W. Mnit|;mr|_ Cn.lIinL{wnn(l.. rr.`prc::m1t:1livv {rum Midlzmd, HUI` WIIIK Ono v(,ry pIvasim.{ ph.'m- of HM- chilrl cnrc rli\'i:'im its the S(`(,`llI'il`1Li nf`adnptivv hm'nC.= Fm" (`hildw-n. In m'dC1' In 1):` n.<: lhal (110 Child fits in lhv hnmo and is suitor] 1n the foslor p:n'Lnl,,s' in M-m'y way :1 '1 1uI<;.vr!.'|r I`n`n`h:u1i`nn:n`v nnrinr] l[ll.' lU.\l\'l' IJHILIILS lll (`V('|`y VV :1 i\v<;-yr-.'n` p1`:rh:m`un;n`y pvrinril undvr s.upv1'vi. is rvquiroci. During thv p'::-t yv.'n` wv .~1I(:(:<`od1-cl in having 20 r'hil(l1'(-n 2lrln))f('(l and have plan-(~rl nut an mlnpliun pru- balion. nl. lhv nrr`.<'r-nl tinw, (52 (rhildrr-n. (:(m. of 24 w:n`(l.~: `ind 35 nvm-w;m'l.<. AI llxnx .`. ..4 4 u.:.` `IILI O-I ll'Hl"\`\ (lI A1, tho })nv. has 270 \v.'n'r!'4 ir xvarcls. Of llwsu ' h<-Ilcr, (iii urv i 24 ar an min] n.-.. n|`\ . . . . . .. I.... .... ...., aye in \v:;; fl`(`(` hmm-s in. mvnlnl inrl Ull'lll1ll lH.`|IllllIUH.~. lH'l'C \\'(` llIl\'l' nur ;:1'(`:v1o. H : 1h' care. thv placmnml. lhv sup:-r\'i ~'.inn rnuirlnnr-n nnrl 1In\'~|nn|n4-nl rt` CHIC, |ll(' [)li'ICl'llll'lIl. HI!` ~'.ion. L`lli(`lilH('(` and (I(`\'l`ln thcsc _vuun;: lives, In the 4: division 1,575 \'i:~'i1s wm dm'in;: lhv y:~:n'. and H1: 135 nfl'i<'o in1~r\.'iv\\'<. 11: Turn luvinnnu H mm IU-) IYIIIVL` |Il|l`l`.ll'\\'\. I3(fm`o b1'in;1in:; this cln.~'(- I \v(,1'l(i Iilw In nxmnln-r.< of Ihv I-`.t::m` ' 'slnnr-n cIm'in;: H1L' also tho mulrnn rm! hu lhr` r-ffivivni np1`)`H|im1 ( cm` I.nd}.:`. and lhv fns who |1;\"v rrzm-d fur mu` Cr)-opt-rmiun nf lhv CU (til. lhp (lm'lm`.~'. tho v'n.r (flllh lhv Wt-m`n'.< Ins 3'H1(`r wolf: "1' nrgnn` ':'r<`n1l_v ;mpI'm-i.'1tvri. Child Im1o('1.iun w-wk linn and Pl'(`\'<'I' Numhrruf(`|1ildrvn in invt-,~Vign1im1:< and vi::i1 i('(- inh'x'\'ir~w.<, 101: (`n -.n..n.4 Jl L.IIll\lll|l V` amhip: as 1: IS Y( l11| )fll'Ell`}' vrnpz~ru:_\' ww ChH(ll'(`H Hf WUMEN r*'?f40?" zupsn STOMACH ' ` ....9U.'.FKFY?...9B_"FSTFP 1 r u T3-ABY% 70 in <-:n'v. and 8. \':n`rl.\' 26 art` 1`, in hoarding I (3 nrlnpiinn prnbnlir 1 xvugu humus, and 88 1mm's: 15 an` in cm're( Minn: and tho h:1l:mv(- .1 i.~.lit..4i.\..- 1`l.\..,_ THE BARBIE EXALHNER, BARBIE, 0N I`., CANADA . I-J: `.2 Irlillltin .0...-1 |~ '\`\ (II\l.`. -.<('n1 iimo 1hi.< .~`<)('iviy` 85 mm-l I l in the n in lu\.u..-Hun I\:\I\st\,' I|.\ lull ll|\'.-1' \ |.`|\ . shmving lhu (lntv I lhr- I'inr!in;1 .= arriva- ;u.1nl`\r nl` Iiru-I1 phi] pm lllulllll \\*.'n`c|:~', 'n'd: hip, Iv. I \'\uI1.\ 41! UV Ill Hurl - Imnnvs. npiinn prnbn1irm_ 27 unnus, urn in 5 cm're(:i.i (1 nrv in 1inn.:. Nero \\ (` h.'n\':- Nil`. 1|... H: .-u. n\ 1'; l\I' Ul |ll1llll\ Ill` I-}t::n' fvn` I/Imir past. _v:_-`qr. ht-r sinff [I-1' alinn of HM` Sim- hv fnstor pm-nnlu ur wnrris. Tht` hv Cmmiy Cmm kn .. -..~~ IIIFCII IIII IIIIPUI ullll "Ic3aa5c you drmul those "trying years" (38 In 52)? Are you [,:l`.HinL{ mnntly, vrunky nntl NER.VO[TS'. Do you ft-ur hot. nshns, wenkonimz tli'/.'/.ysp1-ll:~x? l`lH'IN LIS'l`l`}N: Th!-so nvmnl,om.q nfu-n rmuh. frnm fn _ . `hm. (H5 h:u`gx-(I I for \-('11:: m1nl_ H nHL*L`linIl>'_ i.\i1.<. l;'1(i;} rt nttvnd-` mrl. 320; 68; MT- n It vnrl - from care, 95: children in care at end of year_ 355: no. of visits re all children in care. 1575; no. of office interviews we all children in care. 165; no. of mental health attend- atricc-s_g:.17; no. of medical health at- tendances. 161: no. of dental health attendances. 129; no. of children in care contacted in office or on visitl during year, 653; no. of first place-l mcnts of children. 27: no. of re-I placements of children (one home tn another). 45; no. of children re- turned to Shelter, 48: no. of fnstct` hr-me investigntimis, 64. tinvnlvinp, 131 visits). 1 KY.` Al` ..n.-.ln...\u.-.n\0.~ (v`\1\"1\|I ml I In)! Vlhl N4) 1 foster `. S`C{lI'(.`h I Adoption No. of investigations fur l~`in.~nl Adoption. 26: no. of Final Adnptinn Orders Obtained, 20. President's Rtvpnrt I In the report of the Board --I` `I)irvc1nrs_ President M. D. IV[Ul`1'i.\`l)il` dcclnrcd there were p(`!'hapS. few` high`-1ights tn 1'0:-nrri. The rmlg work of the Society (l(`Vl)`\ (`$ upnn the Supcrintcrndenl. I huvv pm'h:ips been in closer much with Mr. F'u.<!- nu nn:-`I lsir r\I't\l'\]l\rr\n~ II`-un nunvl UL'L`ll HI ('lU.Vl,'I' U-`UL'Il \Vllll XVII. [`U.\1' 4.-r and his prnbivms lh:m uilwr mmnbc1'.< of the Board. and I nflvni wtmdor how he ucc:m1piis|1(~s Ii.I In Simcne Counly we hnvv :1 pupuiatinn nf about 8().000. and no r no mzm. iimvcvor (`n(`l`1.:(`|i(,` ho is`, can do more than nth-nri tn thr mnrt` urgzvnt cusvs. Thv Chilrhw-n`s Aid Society is the only nrg;Ini'/.;.- lion in the county, clnlht-cl wiih authority to deal with Iicglt-('lv'ri <-hi1r,h'(-n. and the timv has cnmun whvn thv Board inuxt z1.<. nm':`t'- rospm.=il)iiity` if our prnhivnis zir-.~ not In becumu 3 xnmizu-:;_ (jm|111u.~.<, with less than half thv pnpulativml Hf Simcnv have lwu and thrrw fivlri \v(n'l(m'.v assicling l.ht~ SLl|)L`l`ii1|,(`l1l i- out. In all fairness, M1`. F`n.~:lm` must have at 10:15:! one fiold \vm'k(rr. weakenimztlizzyspt-ll:~x'!'l'l WIN LISTEN: symptoms nftnn rmult. frnm fl!< mule |'um-.t,innul dix-mrrlnrs. So start. lmluy nnd take rnlinhln Lydia E. I'inkhnm's Vegotulyle Compound. For nver (30 yrs. I inkhum's Cnmpuuml |ms-1 Imlped hun- drodunf t.lu)1mz1n|m)ff1\`ult-ful women dur- ing tli'Ir-.uH.(l:1yH. I inkh:1m'n has helped calm Iumtrum: nnrvnss nml Imqcn :mnoy ing ft-unaln funulinmxl irrc-;:uluri.i=s." ' Pinkh:1m's Cnmnmnlrl in nm-. of the I V\ u. .. ...... ..\... ..., . .. I Frankly. I {on} 1hn1. tho rlmrchr-5| hnvo not born nlivv In their r(-<- nnnsibi|ilic:~' or lhr-ir n|)pm`1IlHilH`.'~', 'I'ru(-, the home is whurv lhr- 'fir::1l r(`.~p,.11sibilil_V \'(`s1.s`. and H10 Inc!-: of proper home training is the ynnin 1-nnun nf nun. nI'nhlnn\u ln.: `il IJIUPUI IIUHIU llilllllllfl, lh lIlL' main causv of mlr prnl)lvms In- (l:'_\'.-Tl1o(:hur<`l1 shnuld be in <:1>.w~i' much with the home and give mun! muiriancro in fmni1_v~lif0. 'I'h- Child- :'rn s Aid Rn:-in1v uwlrc 1n krmn H1- Mn`: Aid Sncioiy sovks 10 k(`(~.p lhw family ll))',7(`ih(?i'. if at nil pu::.=:i'nlv, and children urv tnkvn nwny nnlyl us` a last r(.`. Tho v.'('|f:m- ml" ihv r-hilri. however, is ihv {ii`.`~'l duiy ml` Hm Chil(h'vn`.< Aid SU(`i(`i_V. The work in (`)l)Xi(`('li()l1 with ;`-.'|` ministering the Unmzn`ri,-d P:n'enIs~" l;,'uIlIxlll\:l' III |rlIIlII_V`lIlU. llll' \.lIInl' ` of 1-eplacmnonts sholtvr IU| home. 48; nn. of visits m] x of foster h0mL'S_ 119. HGHWAYS OF THE VOICE . . 1 ~` \(`l`h2l[).`~' . Fus! - (>1 hm` I I/\(r1, is 11 .<(`I'iun.< prnblvm in itself. TIN-so childrvn. lhmuuh nn fault uf `ha-iv nurn x-l:n'I lifn nnthw :1 h:III(Ii.l JIM I ' l.'lllllll'('ll. llllull1.:ll nu lullu I'll '.hvir nwn. s '11`! life undvr a handi- lvnp. They unvv fur lnvv and res`- {pnnd In love ju.~'t as (my uH1l`l' Hui`-' lmul clxildrvn. The ChiIrir>n`.s' Airl |Sn(-in-t_v . to rcnwvu as far :I.< Ip0::. any s1i,L;m;l zmrl \\ (` haw` [ht-vn \vtmrl<-I`f1I|l_v .\`ll('(`l`S.\`fll`. ...:- wurk in this din-L-timn. lmwe-vvr, i: ir1cI'vn. in an nlnmuimz cxt(~ni. =..{ 111.. 1 41...: .. . Wu lll1d('|'S|lll(l Hm! n L (')ri|li:1 inlvrv:-:lv(l in : hnvv nI';,,:1ni7.vrl In ('u-npm`: 1h(- Chil(l1`vn'.< /\irl Sm-iv l}nm`d w('l(-mm-.-: .~m'l\ ('0-In and hope that srimilzwr :I'u1 ~r;:zmi'/.1 in nthvr rm-nlr~.<. by tho flll`1~'| ('HH])l`l`2l`-inll 4 .m('i:I| nnrl philm1lhrupiL' H linn. (tun wv hr-pv In In` nrnhlnnuc |':uvinu nu ..,., 1 | I | ing rt-unalte [unulinnnl "irr(-;:uluri.i=s." I inkh:1m's Cnmpmnlrl ht-at known and one of the most affective "woman's" lon"s you can buy. It in mndn from bnnvhcinl roots nnd hnrhs and cnmr-5 in t-ithnr liquid or handy to carry tablet. form (similar formula). '1`r1/it! lllill. (Till! lllI])l' U) llIUl`l lpml)lvms fzlcing us. I I)uI`in;,r Ihv _v-nr llw `.u:n'rl In wlltlml nu-ml):-r 1ln`nu;.:h Hw ru- vul or R. 1*`. `urzmt, uur 'l`x'v:I.-'\I lln Orillin. hut hi:: :~'u('('r-ssnr in liuyzll Rank. Cm), .Inlm.<`.hm, u.'.`lll('(l tn (,`ZlI`l _V mm, which ht nbly (loinu. /\ (~hun;,'r- was mnrlv in Ilw Sllpvrinil um nffiu-. Miss 1VHl,'|l("(l Knapp` plzu-inn Miss Murtlny us Sw`v'v1 Min: Knapp rt-:n'iil_v mlwptvrl 1 xvlf in lhu wnrk nml is: ;,:i\'in;,' 1iI'(` ::n1i.~f:u'liun. Ulll` rv1n1,inn.~:hip with mu (`m . l .{`....n,.ll ...l\ ..-... . ..II . .. llrl.\ In'\'H lllilhl I|(lllll'1IIl|7| . 1| '_'/mnlrl likv In p:n'1i(.-u|:n 1.v Walter ])nwnv.-y. lust _Vc:Il".< FOR 535` The SARJEANT CO. Ltd. - Barrie I\ l'nzIll).:(' Vvils MIMI := 'r(\- < Sw~rv1.'n'_v` I h(-"- vu- A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE lllrll El ).:lllll|) ::n(-inl wt: . (-u.np-rzxiv w irl Rm-i(-1v '1` ull nu | | Mi.~:.< Rurnfh-It]. thv mnlrnu. uml Ihvr s1nff_ h:I.v(- cnrrit-(I on (`fficiL-n!- [ly and ihvir work H-f|vcl.~' on u- |(~hilrIr(-n unrit-r thvir (-nrv. who mu- mnnng thv bus! b('hEl`. ('(l :11 schaml. at vhurch. or at play. The v(-ry ymnu: (`hil(ll`(`I1 marl 1hn:<- mw-(ling syn-('i.1| nnrn um` plum-d in Bn.'u'din}4 hmm~s_ \Vhl`Hl vnro under .=1l))<-|`\'i.\'irm. The hunrti-l

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