ACCOC .-., `IVELCII. AND!-ZR un Chartered Accuul - Crown Life B}T1`il VETERINARIAN numxralni: MEDICAL SECURE PC 3 1 nd Miss \Vm~4`.h-I`. the furxm\r`s par- rum`: 1)! Slmcmr I . GRAY Surgcuns .. Telephnno 213 -v r4 hm. ; tn suuuzguw 3 Phuu-~ an 1 -as`:-.=-_-, . LJLZ: I . Barne P:`n`_\- ullusl s Toronto ms! wc-ex. Miss Ethel Bowman is spvnding 3 Iew days in Barrie. Mlss Florence Mzmnlmr was :1 NEW MODELS .G.-E. WASHERS Now washer models announced by` Canadian General Electric Com- pany. Limiled. feature exclu.s'wo Pernxndrivo mechunisnx. tasked "'NlI`0t` Lune" washing uctiun and cnnvtmiont drain hose urlasl auniun pump for quick. easy draining. 'l`\\'n nf lhn nnuv nxndnl: I\:\\uI :| pump mr quum. easy cmrmnlllg. Two M the new mudols have a. capacity of seven pounds of .dry oluthos nnd are equipped with strennincd tubs and \vrin;.1m`.~`. 1):`- Luxc mudul M950 has an em: no-'_v -vl` nine pounds and has new drap- skirted styling with pnlishvd trim bands. All xvushm-s in the linv tux- cvpt the M700) nro finishvd in whin- bukvd omunvl nish and ur pow- vrerd by dvpondnblu G.-E. nu-lnrs. op n.. | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Booth and sun Jucklv. 'I`umntu_ mu` .\xpcn(Hnu :1 \\'n-k with Mr. uud Mrs. Jno. Arnold. J I ,|}I.\nr.\.-O 'I`.\|u\-5|.` |..... ...:...._` [ l\l'll|)l(l. I W. J. Skwwurt. 1`ummo. has taken over the M2|.s(')~Ill\l'l`1S xlgmmy In Elmvnlu and is located in the Wall- illlm` BIOCK. I Mr mm Mute nlm-.m.... nun... ynuzv KSIOCIL. Mr. and Mrs. Ol:m~,nc` Gu(`.\`l` and childrmx hawo rcl.ummd In North Bay m`l4\r \' Ln funn- c|"s Inutlmr. | MN (`.h:\ M.o.m.u~ l\uc ...,_ gx-rs Inutuer. I Mrs. Ch`sl.m' Mccunkcxv has re- lurnvd to her home in '1\n-mum l`.1t`tor n wash with hvr sL~`tor. Mrs. lw. J. Stewart. .\/.\`\` RnH.\' Rlnnk hue mun:-n.ui me vumge snor 5. The Elnnmle Women's will meet at Mrs. S. A. on Thursday. April 11. 1 "Salt and Its Uses." PM Jan: Annual rnnnnn and M155 LIIZXXDGLII lllsll. OI HRH}!!- ton. were the guests of Dx. and Mrs. D. C. Harvle for the week- end. Mrs. Allison returned home with them after a week with Mrs. Harvie. \`|n-nncahll Roll (`rune Gnnlnl \'u(-ntimx ul his home in St. Mt\l`_\'.~'..` Mr. 'l`urnor. who is mllm-imr M W. J. l(`Wl\l`l. ML`\\` Bvtcy Black has I`0l.lN`lk`d hmnv uftvr compkvnug nor pupil `work us dictltluu at Lhv Wclluslo_\' l Hospital. Tumnlo. Ml` nnd Mix A (1 R.--xwleull El`. RIM! MP5. A. J. LIQICISIIIIHI, spam. .saturdt\y in 'l\>mmo. M18-s Bltumhe Andrew apont um -holiday season in uxudon. mum Inna-n II-nu-nna u(nlln CuI.n\.{x* 'HU.`lplRlI. Ll0l`ul1l0. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bc,-nrdsnll. Mrs. Jam. B(H\l`dSall1. Ml.s'scs Don- vldn Clutv nnd Phyllis Bcnrdsaxll spvm i-`rldny ln Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bmxldry are inmvimz this week mm um-t or Mrs. SPUHI K"l'l(lI\)' Ill '.l'0l`0Hl0. 'nm\"u1g pm`! Mrs. `A. R0wnt`s Jmusv on the corner of Pam-rsun and Quvon strcous`. I Rm`. W. C. Stubbs. Re-v ('1 H u-rnuou. | A. Flvnxing. Harvey Rowl9_v. T1105. Drinklll and Russell Drysdnle wan- ln Toronto an Erldny at-tending un- Onmrio Edtxcntiuxml Association ` nleetills. ' Nlise Knv Summon nnd R: Ana- - nu-cuxlxs. Miss Kay Summon and Rex Ans- den. of Rou.\-n, Qua. Mrs. John Ansdell and Miss Beth Ansdell. uf Guthrie. vlsgtcd Mrs. D. C. Harvis on .\donda,\'.' Gm. Lnmnnnn has mntpd his TCQS. Alllll TIIXUIIE 8 of omcers. Dr. Geo. Allison. son Miss Elizabeth Allison. inn uvorn fhn aunctc r l b|l(`0&8llll ISCII HITS ROGIXU A most successful social was held in the Parish Hall on Friday even- `lng under the auspices of the local ' Red Cross. Progressive veuclxre and crokmole provlded -the entertain- mam in the early part. of the evening. The prizes were won by . Mrs. W, J, Hill nnd A J Pynlri- rum-rsun mm uumn .N`Ll'<.`-APLS. R4-\'. W. C. Stubbs. Rev. G. H. Purchxlso and Rev. C. G. Jones at- toended mm Mtnlstvrhxl Association, [' in Barrie on .\1ondn_v ur- +u'rn00n. A F`lnn\ino` Ilxu-\:.`u' Dnurlnv 'I'Vhnn I on .\aonua,\'. Goo. Lungmnn has rented his farm on higluvny 92 to Jas. Fur- long. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Langman will move to the village shortly. The Elnnmlp \Voman's Instltxlm Mrs. w. .1. am nucya. J. U010- smith for euchre. while Mlss Aud- rey Middleton .and Jos. Marquis The lucky tlcket for the ham was held by Walter Middleton. Fol- lowing the serving of refreshments, lcarxjied off the crokinole awards. Gray's Orchestra furnished music [for dancing. Net proceeds wlll be about $30.00. Girls Branch of Wycliffe W.A. l Pr:-_-mnl. Plrnv I uIr|s' umncn on .wycune w.A. Present Play The girls` branch of Wycliffe W.A. under the leadership of Mrs. W. C. Stubbs. put on a missionary play entitled "Be:ty's House Party" in lthe Parish Hall on Thursday even- lmg. The parts were well acted by ,lhe cast. which was as follows: Betty. Maxine Rance: Janice, Verna Guest: Babs. Alberta Hensmnn: lecn Tipping: Larrulne. Joyce Pear- son: Eleanor Elliott (the mBsion- my: Ruby Hurt: Mums Bears , mutiwrx Margaret Stubbs. Tm` play was in three acts. Vocal num- bers were sung by the girls of me group und by Earl and Raymond Edith. Thelma Rance; Cora. Kath- | .McEa.ddcn<.-. - --'-The-- new -~1smceeds-' amounted to 5825. Doing Fine Work (or Red Cross Although we have nnt madv 'uvuulI_y mun-uu In un-u\u-u~ Miss Lmlru Barnes \'Isllz`d frhmds at Victoria Harbour last week. .1- ..|. I_l....I..L..... nn...:.. ... ..A..u_.A -A'|Il$'3uGEl|-.-- ' --'-.l`t' ~v-- ROI ` 1Y)CCEuS' Although we have not made much reference` to the work of the Red Cross In our column. this does. not mean that they have not been workmg. The rooms in the Wal- '1a<'- Block, so kindly donated for thmr use by `Mrs. Wallace. have .been open each Tuesday and Sat- urday from 2 no 5 p.m.. and work- ers have been there cutting gar- n1enL.s and material to be given out to the workers throughout the arm. On Saturday. March 23. thvy held open house when the: mmhed uruclvs were on dtsplay. Afwrnoon Len was served and the nun .1!` com) wax rut`-nivud in [hp I\HR`TlKX)l'l M311 Wit-\' SQTVBG unu LHE sum M $9.50 was received in the silver collecuun. The goods were packed for smppmg last week and 'm(:1udv the Iollowing: 111 pair of {socks. 2 pair wrisuets. 11 swo.-avers. 1 paur knee cups. 9 scarves. 12 down hospital towels. 18 suits ox !n\'\:nuau 4 bed mm covers. 12 me ICIBSQS lill 1 (`Flu Quilt. Tho ladies who are giving so fru'l_\' 0! their time are deserving -of great praise and credit for their lxmrk. p_\')amu.s. `I Dim pan covers. 14 we ibags` 12 cotton bed gowns. 10 can- .on annel gowns. 5 dozen pillow [cases and 1 crlb qunt. '1`h.. Iadi who are nivhnr `Luu uunr nu La:-`I Iv\:\nr Mm `A. A. Hambly of Keuleby Is ape.-ndmg the Easter huhdays at ' hunw . luv-.' \k' ,l Hznnhlv cnpnl nnrt nf | hUl1\t* `I -Mrs. W J. Haxnbly spent part of 'l;st week wxlh her daughker. Mrs Chwrk-.< Pcpperell Turumo Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Bk-welt n! L.'H`H`|l`S rcpperen .l0I`\)||lU Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bleweu M .New Tunvmu spent Easter week- end wnh Mr and Mrs. Matt. Kn??- slunw. SIu.>l.:`s (`nvnnr Rnhnnl mac nlng. slunw. Steel:-`s Corner Schuol was elm.- ed for a wuok before Easter. uwmg to S'V&'.`l`3l cases of whoop- } `mg cough. - Mr, and Mrs. Reuben` I-"w-stench` I lug Cough. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reube` [are m 'l`uront.o this w Img the funeral of Mr `nephew. Harry Goode ' The Junior Institute `nephew. R1_&l`l`y uqoue _ . 'I`he Junior Institute box social, which was u) have been held at {Grace and Irene Brown's last 'l`hur.s'da)' evening. was postponed owing to the condition 0! the roads. Mr and Mr: W A I)-on nnd known musxcjans: Urgun 'l'l1em`y . Lnd Com osnmn. Dr. Healey WH- Ian. I-`.R.-.0.: Singing. Dr Albert; - Ham. F.R.C.O.. founder and dirucmr; `n! the National Chorus. Tummozi ` Piano. Vxggo Kihl, Danish piamstt; "_' nes! Sc-Hz. Canadian pianist. Also: gaecial courses 11: Turumn, New_ my \7'n-annna nlr Punils nreoan.-d muas. Mr` and Mrs. W. A. Pratt and Kenneth have moved to Barrie. Mr. and Mrs Pelrosky and the latter's brumz-r from Toronto have nuwud lnlu My. Pratt's serw-:e station. rvw. Succcsslul Red A than! uvr-nncall 331-39F'. Tm. Late for Last Week) \ u.._.L.I.. _.r I(..ovI.. H110 JLS uses. Annual meeting mcers. 1` L119 L|uS].)l(.`5 OI UH.` IQCRLI ;.s. J. um nnd,A. J. Gold- r- mmhrlr whn Vin: Anll- 1 Reuben` l-`iegulwxz ` week attend- Fiegehen'.~` Goode Cross Social 1 nn Fhiuv nuun- m's Institute 'I`ipping's 1. Roll call. Ptgvment of and election George and . of Hamil- nf nu nnrl - Illld Harsh`. Mus. Bat-.. F.'l'.(`.3l. 1`:-ac-her M Pxanu. Oraau. Vocal and: A large number from 11;-re nt- tcnded the sale of Wm. Rqw:. 51:, on Thursday of last week. The \.Vnmon',: ` mm" for on uuursaay 01 mm wec1_<. ' 1 The Women's Inst.imv.c xnct` for, its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 28. at. the home of Mus. Palmer. Bradford Road. ' XII;-c \l\nv!In Runny-nun Gnu;-hnv nfl I rutnurr. Dl`L1(l1Ul'(1 K.()H.ll. Miss Myrtle Benmnun. of Wilcox's school, spent. last week in Brampton visiting her sister. who is on the staff of the rmnpton hospital. T119 (`ui (`ynidr-K nwr hnlvlinn-Hur'.r. uuspxuu. ` The Girl Guides are holding their. rst meeting of this year in thui Sunday School room of the Univ: ed Church next Saturday uftor-` noon under the k-u(1ex~ship of Jan)? I Watson. 'l"hn funumul n1` \/tru Ylipluv nf VVXIISUH. The funeral of Mrs. K`11'by, of ` Dunk:-rron. took place Monday of i last week and am attempt \ms 1 made to take the ruumins to Q Stroud for im.erms-nt. Owing to ! '1 the condmon 01` the roads. how- - over. this had L0 be delayed till I t he his )1 wt: ys we re opened. t',VI'. [HIS lllL(l LU D0.` the hlghwnys were A large number of the vubcrs or: this district were unuble Lu gut ml the polls for 11115 electlo11. The 11-- sults on the whole wer<,- no prise, .aa`t`led ti)` ' lca've ` the 'pfem`1lsh1p ' 111 the hzmds ul` :1 man 11.9 well ; qualied as M'.1cke117.ic King 1.; I guide Can11du's desli11y in this Llmv of c1'l.s`1s for the 11exl. ve _ve11rs. Death of David 'l(a1plin 1 The dmlth of David K11pl111. all Torontu. lust \\`1.-ok 0111110 us 11 slmvk} to this 11>lghbu11rl1ood. Mr. K:1pl`.n has run 11 1-1`:-111111-1'_1' both in scl1m11-` berg and Co for a 11u1nbc1`l of _\'ear:~`. Ills trucks wu1'1- 213911 ul~ moat daily Lmwlll11g DULWA?-.*ll H111. two places. Train Hits Truck. Mun Killed One of Mr. M.1y11urd's 1.1'11;:k; from Scl`1o111b1-rg wz1.~; .s*tr11<-k by H11- 1 : 1 train 119.11" W1-s1u11 1.1111211 (`:)mll._.: home 111 the storln of .\`[z1rcl1 :5. Mr. Fullnr. of l.luydmw11. wus 111-I stantly kllled and Mr. Adzur. 11:3 'I\)l.te11lm111. was Lnkx-n to the l1u.~-} pltal 111 11 da11g1-ruus cundltlun. T111-1 truck w as uon1pl:>u*ly dc-sLm_v1~ season's severest Storm : The severest storm of thv scu- son carne Lo th1.x d15L1'lcI un Mon- day. March 25. colnpleu-ly 11111`-.1-5 lyalng Lraic fur twe11t.y-1o111- mum: even on 1111 l1lgl1\\`;1_\'. Owlng La 1111-` law}: of snouploms, L1`-.1v1.-ll:r.~ huu; `.0 leave then` curs 111 slu-d.~. and bar11ya1'd:. and e1Ll11~r walk ur 1). clnn\'n Lu 1111111` du:'t'111a.r.1o11 by farmers w1tl1 sle1gh.s. Nu 111jur_1' 1.: 111. 1.x reported` however. Rev. D. G. Kendall and I-`alnlly - say Farewell ' Rev D G. Kendall p1`cn1'l1cd l1l.~; taxxwwll .xcrmo11 last Sunday .11.1l` Qlllylfu Ull ' ` sux`- 1 ` The ,D80lJle evidently - wu1'-':_` ' `WW: Attacks, 1 liver Complaint Bmouaness is just another name fur D clogged or sluggish liver. It 3 a very common ruuxpluint, but can be quickly remedied by stiunulaliug the tluw of bile. Thisjuftcna the accumulated muss, the puisuna are carried out of the system, and the liner and bowel: are relieved and tnna nu - -.._-.. ,.. Milbuna Laxurljvur Pillsquicken and enliven the sluggish liver, open- ing up every clnuuusl, by causing a free flow of bile and thus cleansing the liver of the `clogging impurities. 5|`).-up --n um. and A.-- .._ .,,u, xuuy unv uunu unu may to In Do not gripe, wenkan or nicken. - IEW uays H1 DEIITK`. Mlss Florence Manning .1 `weekend manor tn '1\)ml\k). Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cloldsuslm, nnmno. .Rnhn-dn\- in "l\n\mln Advance Publish'er farewgll Statement __.._.____ `Iv, PliG3Cilll'|D Ira I-u nun uuruvuuu I\.1\.l\uy_ Amalgamation of weekly newspapers throughout Canada has been increasingly in evidence during the past few years, and on Saturday, March 30, arrangements will be completed whereby the publication of The Advance will be undertaken by The Barrie `Examiner, which will also take over the com- mercial print-ing department. `Tl-u-A...-.L. OLA nnanlrunnnrwl-:r\nn A` I-larmrn After having served the citizens of Sim- coe County for 93 years, this newspaper, one of me pioneer weekly -publ icotions in `Onto r- -io, presents its final edition today. A..-_I_-..-_.LEA_- -1 ...nnI-l.. ..-. n . . . n R n n g ...~ ..-\.u\..-uu Pu -run-uuu uuyuu unus---. Through the amalgamation of these newspapers, a greater single newspaper will emerge which will retain the title of Barrie Examiner and which will be in an even better position than heretofore to serve the aclver-t- isers and subscribers of Simcoe County. 1'|....C.......:...._....:|| .... .........L.l..._..,....-......,. A... \.u.: uunu JUIIJ-1\.Il|JCl3 un 4-vvuuuv \..\JIAIl|y. The.Exomi~ner will assume the carrying on of paid-in-advance subscribers of this news- paper, and in cases where both papers are taken, the subscription period of The Exem- iner will be extended to take care of the un~ expired term of The Advance. f\... .......I ..L__ A_...'.| I 1('\/1f\ ._Il ... .l-.._..:.- .np..-.. LII ...c . \.........-. On and after April I, 1940, all. subscrip- tions due The Advance will be payable to The Barrie Examiner. Advertising and com- mercial printing accounts will be payable to the present publishers of The Advance. A4. 41.2.. 5:..- AA...-......- l'):La... ......J l\,...:.... Pluuulli 'J\JlJlIJll\aIg In. I\\.Iv\.lII\.\.. At this time, Messrs. Pitts and Davies, editor and manager of The Advance, re- spectively, wish to express sincere apprecia- tion of the splendid support accorded them by residents of town and county since com- ing to Barrie in August, l938. Increased `business has made necessary the installa- tion of modern, automatic machinery, which will be taken over by The Examiner, and it is the wish of the proprietors of this paper that a continuance of this tangible good- will be extended to The Examiner. u :4`. \.I\I\.II\.l\a\l l\J IlI\a \-r\\.qIIIl|I\l. The assumption of other undertakings will necessitate the removal of the present publishers from Barrie in the near future. May we take this opportunityof again thank- ing the many friends and business associates who have made our stay here a most plea- sant_one. I` l'\ mu-r-w-H I- n-. j;ib in*.Ab (From The Barrie Ad-vzuwc, March 28. 1940) _ JESSL". R. BRYSON Orgnmst and choir director. Central ` Umted Church. Teacher of pian0.(` singing and musical Lh}.'CI"_\ . _Mxss Br_vs0n has had cxlonswe training` _ with each of xhc fnlh:\\.'il1n\\:t:ll-X known musxcizmsi Organ 1eo_r_\' And (`nmmxsulinn Dr. Hvalev E EXAWHNER, BARRIE. ONT-. CANADA .-.-__.----_-:--------- l|]MH|, ()1 X u shark: '. Kaplin` x Schum- ` number } I cnan u1_ S. R. PITTS, Editor. H. M. DAVIES, Manager. "HUlL`7. _[ Tho position as tcnvln-1' of mu r `junior room of SS. No. 3 lms lwvzxl `taken by Mr. Fergtxson. of Elm-i _ Vale. He slwceuds .\/115.5 King; \\'h.> I I reslgnod at Easter. Showers for Bridus-Elcvl A shuwvr was held at the hour- of Mr. and Mrs. Gmrgv Sc-in-ll :11 March 18 for Miss V. King. l:rn1- or lA l(`h(`I` of 8.3 No. 3. who n to ho xnarricd the part or Apnl. A shnumr \l'1l.\` alsn ht-Id fur Miu-` weekend at hex" home. Bergen Shaughnessy Le working vat a position in Toronto. 3 Miss Madeline F`a1coner spout :1 |COllD1(.` of weeks in Toronto. I`4u\urnInI-uoinnn on \/in .....l \.1.... I Miss Bessie Derby spent the} I l I I u .,. .- Fred Johnston. 0! Toronw. sprnl the weekend with Morns Dark); T Jas. Truax moved his faunlly `xi gm: village Inst week from 111. i farm east of here. Ron: I` M Warner ha: nun-nhu.-.1 ;Iarm 885! OI nere. I Rev. C. M Farm-y has purvh.Lm. ithe property on Yonge $1. from` .'I`h0s. Robson mew bungalow: und ;1m.end5 moving very soon. , i Mrs. John Mcwatters :L.ou1.~r fGa1la.m died at her home here on ;March 30, 1940. of dropsy. u; her '58th year. The funeral was h(`ld from her late home to the Unucc Cemetery Apr. 2` rm: Arr-her met wnh an mem- I uuy. | Mrs. Clmrles Fender is visiting ' with her parents. Mr. nnd Mr:;. 1 J05. Shaughncssy. l ' Mi. (`irnlnx Mt-Qxlxav hm: rt-Im~n. IJUS. aluxugllxwssy. ' Q Miss Grace McQun_v has rt-Lum- `(rd homo utter spending the E'.1sLux'! 7 holidays in Toronto. ' `, Mix: Mnrv Rmlmnnrl T`m~mm. l ' .3Ulll(` LHIIC H1 1Ul'UIlL(). NIi.$`.s (.'.S Jcxmy and Kat:-y A114-n. 'l`0ronL0, came home to auvml Hr.- iwudding of their 31.914 -1` Haw}. Dir-|\0rrl Ilnnu klxn Inn r.... c1.\.~ ` I in Turuum, New ark. Virgmm. etc. Pupils prepared , !or Toronto Cor:ser\'umr_': uf .\IusiL` A exaxnxnzamens. All grades. Fm` terms Ippl)` a`. studio. 2'.` Br:e':1;'-rd SK. L F ' `WAVERLEY .\_uuyn. vn vv\.\.n.3 nu A\Il\IllLU. [ Congratulmions to Mr. and Mrs. ` Doug. Day on me arrival of n bznby box`. I uuuuuya H1 1Ul'UHLU. ' Miss Mary R4uhm)nd, T0l`u11tu.| ivisited with Miss Dorothy Mccurthyl ;0vcr the wevkmxtl. | ' Mrs. P. Daley and two sons fmml | ( ` . . 'I.rr1v vlszwd with Mr. and Mrs. A F`. 'T`I`Il1n\ nu .Qnn4-inn *bll'I'l(` \'lSiL(`(l WIUI G. Trnvn on Sunday. I Mrs .1 Schvll. Sr. gu. xrm-n on mumuy. Mrs` J. S(`h('1I, Sr.. has ,to her home here um-r '.~;ome time in Turonto. ! \/Iiqunx J4-nnv nnd Km.- 'vv\u\AuA5 vn -.u\.u nuauxn Anuntl. Richard Kelly has left for Fun! .Wiilinm. \\`il(.`l`(` he will 1'1.-sumo in. `position sailing un the Great Lukc.~,.l, C0ngi`:iLulzLLions to Miss Ha`/.4-l` `Allen. who was mnrrivctl to Mr. `Vcrn. Bowman in Stnym-r on SM-u lurday, Mar. 30. : (')winu in lhn vnnriivianu nf Hm i I I uruay, Owing roads number [ht-1'0 Lions. Y`l\u Null`. JU. to the there was had been nu xult inn of vm4-1'5 n: 4 I X nuzw nuun OH AVl'nU('ll ll! LN. U11` horns of Mr. und Mr. F`. Cumurun `A l:u'g1'. number wcrr prose-nt an ` awh placc and both lztdica` r. - `Au-ivcd many lovely pmsvnts. A shower \Iva.s` also held for Mis: Hazel! Allen on March 28 at U1. hnnu. nf \Ar und `Urn F` f`.uuurI|:\ {had n. sale of lxouschuld -[Tm-ls on! iMondayl The lamlly left for Lhn.1 l Inc.-w ho|m- m Pinon the day {ul-| : `lowing. The preacher next Sun- ;day In the United Church Wlll 1)` jMr. Galbraith. uf MacTn-r Mr. Kendall and his family vull u- greatly missed, as they havc: nume- `their home wxth us for nearly nu- yenrs. and Mr. Kc-ndell's work w.s-u always well done. \,nIxv\Jx unx nvna rny~N:1al1 unu burecmn `39 Owen St, Phrnw 1015 ). R. It Eli A. - Ln-egLs.q~d Dru;;}s.s,\ Th~;r;x|:SL\' cemetery Apr. 1. I Lois Archer met wuh an RCA- rdem mnung to school. Manda; smorning She was ridmg horse- !back. when her pony. on meet- ing a car. became unnuumseable bots was taken to the Royal Vn--' toria Hospital. % Mr. and Mrs. ithrlr return trip I I-:\.....a v,.|.....p... gn:m.~wo5D' _ I conditi of thv : not as large :1 vm,4-xxx" on Manx-.h 2li us ut 1'orxn<.-1' 1'11-r- .' Ed. 39 are 0:`. from Florida. . lth `MorrLe. Dari) . l'(fLlU`Il:'(l :~;p<-utlin-,1 ` \uuu |ll ' nnpruvin;-, Bu 1'11:-. gas- 89 ELIZABETH ST. Branch Office in Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie IMPERIAL E3`CU":C. laxkn, 1)'G!`() M(`Chinlsxn Tin-rupy BZA Dunlap S! Pi .--?._:_._.--.----?--.-. 5- 0 Ana ANDERSON & COMPANY 3 Accountants. Trustees. etc or Building, 59 Yonge St.. Tnrunto FERGUSONVALE HARRIS MOTORS LIMITED 141.1 \_Iu uunu-1 x \.I\1 nnnnu |J\.I\J|\ The title is: "llmv I l`II/I/1` I/St.` l.i/0 Iml/rum'z-." You'll hml it very Ilclpful. II is free. Wriu: lmpcriul Lift: Asaununcc (ju., 20 Victoria Street, Turunm, Out. art 111:1: D'u-k H111! Hu- R.V. lluspiiz` LET US SEND YOU THIS BOOK nu: .1 nu :- "2 Suppose You Never Marry .1` rsu 21] 'l`m`Unlu. Mrs. Cu-.;. Muir spout u wv:ekv.'iL.1- in Butfalo. rvlutm-.s Miss 11-xx` any.-s in `r nth- J0!!!) mi:-d Richardson Whilv 'I'm'unLo. thu- ()`E.A 4 spt-n t. in `, Lh4:x'.- 5 u.... .~:p-rm. Easter holltlays with fI'i(`H(i; an l`m'untu, Let Imperial Life safeguard your future income _.~-f" ...-.---. \ l("I`0Ih|AN ORDER (IF NUBSE53 .n......... u. .. nl-.1 w..H H,|.\v ("hum IN :1 small public .\( |InUl in rural Unlnrin lhl`l'.i.`i an at Inml l('.l('|M'l` wlu) hus lalkrn zn pruL`tiL'.I| virw nflilr. Sc-vcrzll years ugu Miw l ~-~ invvslml in an lmpcriul Life plan Mr Ht-xi|)|c in in terms that it pruvidcs fur must nl" life's CuIIliIlgcIIciL-S. If she dies the plan pays` uitlu-r (.:.~.h or an inrumc In her fntlwr nml nmllu-r. If she is ill for 21 lung tilnu, (ht: p|.In curries on wilhnut any furtlncr invt.-slum-nr on her part. If she nnnrric-4 it pruviclcs an nu-st-egg fur In-rw|I', nr (ht plan can he lrunsfc-rrcd In the life of her hmlmml. llu1,ifs|1c ncvcr marries, the plan will pay her $50 at month inunnc unnxm-nc- lug when she rc;u;lws' ago (ll) and cumir.1uingu.slm1gus she lives. l rncticul? Yes! And so ccmmn1imltlmt1c.u.||cr~;nf even small outlyin;,; sclmuls .su<'lI .15 the unc in which Miss I"--- is tmvlninlg hml it well within their nmcuns. Have (lune with wnrry about the future. Look forward In :1 full, curt,--frcc life. See an lmpcriul Lifc rcpl`cwl1l.|livctoday. PHONE 372-373 LIFE `rianxminy, M311] 4. 1940 ----_........_...._.......----____ will me we cxung rmgmx and drum: uculars Phom 598 2. ~- ---- J. IEIDWWN VVILSUN. B.S.A.. .0. DR_ N_ v_ ROGERS I OS'I'F.()} .-\'I'}`H(` l`H\ SI("lAT-' P[}Vlcia]] and Surgoun ` Kill)! Block 3;-r,. -'1`:-`u-pU|W 3`-"!Ass(_)cialv Curoner. Cnuntv nf Simcoe Othce }.urs~-9l.`, 130 In 5 .()ff:cc and re-sidencv` 50 Mary St and by H|)lHHnUH('l`.\ ' phm-,9 10] " "- Urhce hrs... 1-1) 3 . .`0nsul1.a\iun frw.-4 ___.________________..______.__ '. C AND ETHHI. .VI(`KIN.\'E" u.('.. z-;;..(:, nnrr. '.'l`.irrmru<-1m`: & lJ!'Lzu` \~ Th:-r:npi.<!.= l'JYl';SlU!1`l I r.\ IALIDI 53 Dunlup S1 ~ Phum` 30 Hours 5-6 daily Saturdays ml 10 Ease F011: D1... hp \ ',`himpr:u`\urs UN 70 Essa Rand '.`hIropnu'mrs an urugl--W 70 Essa Rmod. Alla Other: and Hrs. Phu: Office hrs- 1-5 p m mu 7`nn9:||I!xa!inn {P00 Foul I jfon-131.1. H3 Blursh-.\` bl . D;1Ixz\' _ _ , , WALTER C. SLACK. B.A.. `A3055 Mt.-\l L[*.\.v.-\T-(--- BARRXSTER. SOLICIT OR. ETC. Teacher of P-;:! ;.~nc T?\t f." . lmmrp Rhmk Rrnrip __ on . .. Cm -- FF *- F. "' 0! * ` " ial __ ark. V _ Tar` - ._:.._-..._.:-._- Ii0l.\(`l! WESON. A.B.(`.0. `..v-n...v.x- .\....,,,.,~~ U; (*"u.:. 4 Nlc.\l`Lll'. .\.1 .|..'.:u. Paar. and The-n-3' Orgzmxsz 5! George`; Chuyrh 315 Bayiu-Id S`... Barne- ..?...-.__.:_.._.-... IO. 3. & litmus A. DllKle.4!u Druglr Th~.:r;zpisL~`. Ek*(~Lrxc. Rani. iiydru and M:-vhzmu 'I`!wr;mV' G.G. SMITH 6. CO. S`.-A ..S.Ii_-|._J IRRH I.`xIl'5lI.n: lluuuuux. u urn. AND EMBALMER AMBl'l..-\N(`|-`. SF.Il\'I(`.I'I I`! Elinbeuu st : Phuur 218 T080 |..r6'Aa can `an `r: - Established I869 I*`l'!\'I-`RAI. l|IIl.l".("N)llS AND l'Ix\IB.-\l.MER.\` Motor ambul.unm- In connection xsnum nAv Ann LYIIZIIC` CIIII Glllvulnlux Ill \-vuaanwupu-I-uc OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BAIIRIII. ONT. PHONE 32 - FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE 86 Mary St. : Phone 481 rnorssslomu. ouucrouv (WT H. SMITH EYESIGHT SPF<'lAl..IST `.31 Hnnhm S`. I":mz.<* nu Vl\.\\-II III AIIII wvun uwn vvnrn. Jack Houlnhnu. Windsnr. xwslwd Elmvale friends for a few dxxvs. `Cleo Illlinn K'InO.n\ -nI\.\ill lI\.\ I\|.~_ `|\"'Zi{VAl. IIl|{F.( "FUKS ClHRO! RAC'I`0RS MUSIC IESSONS P. c. L_LOYD .n-svn\nnAl xnlmlntwlvl `aocovxikvf V NEWS or ELMVALET OSTEOPATII Y SWEET CAPORAL -CIGARETTES OPTOM ETRY He said, `You were charming, vivacious and beouIifu|'. Confucius say, `Sweet Words no substitute for Sweet Cqps'." 5017101181) III. I Mrs. E. Mu|mmmor_\' mm Misses Edna and Wilma spu`n( hut wuvk In Toronto. -Mllumu Inn! Hh~.L'lhu- and \'I\-n The purest form in wlnich Iobatca can be smoked." A.ll.\r.U- am u! Comer S1. and Madam Em- 3 1 upcn a studio for. .1 Dilxhu. elocunrm 1 lur l|ll|`8l.'5 ser-.5 nude duh.-C! or Tvlo-phulu` 35 1| Ill` Hvluvnw rH H.ah\' Clnuc ..x 52.00 and is; ~'~' ' T'h-rapists! lundulv ` uuna 39] i Jne DUI I |d 7-9 p m. ' udlustm--ms; S~`.\}"h Une .v1uNL` TU LUAN Office. Masonic `Temple Building. .- 1'? Owen Street. Barrie ._"; Alexander Cowan. G. A. Ross Cowan. muons cu ms name. M|.`\\' Mltmnuw Stubbs has i\mu'n- ed to ux-vmul Qmllegv. 'l\H\)nlo. M`- Iur holldz\vtmx at hm` home. .\Iime \nrnu n.\l \\l~n& n nrl I3.-4-u m woronw. 'MLsses Inez lllcklim; and \'l\'n zeanook. .01` Alk`n\\`\}`\)d. are in Tn- ronto [or a wcmk. 1 BOYS & BOYS Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries Pub- lic. Conveyance:-s, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of `erest. Of- :fice: 13 Owen St.. Muaunic Temple Building. Barrie. Branch office IElmvale. J. R. Boys-J. 1-`. Woods. CAMERON & CAMERON ;BARRIS'I`ERS. SOLICITORS. ET C. (5 Owpn St, Rm-rip 3 Tnlpnhnnp 408 FRANK HAMMOND. B.A.. K.(`-. I Barrister. Solicitor. etc. Masonit Temple Bldg.. Barrie. Money to loan. DR. I-2. G. 'l`lYR\'Bl1Ll. . IGrudunte Mu(`-ill University) .OHicc- and reaudc-nu-' corner Dunlnp ; and Puynlz Sts. Phuuo.` 105 ;H0ur.~" 9-10 am. L8 p.m._ 7-8 p.m v .... ...- . ....... .. ....-.-......-... i mum mums on uxllxaaw. Mm may scan has mmrucd lo '!\\n.\uto afmr holldu_\'h\x with ` Mrs. C. IL`. (\px\.l:u\d. altnm. Gnwrav '.l`vrry N!uI'mKi to Rlmmmu cm ~Pr\da,\' MIN` n couple or mks at his home. Mk: Mnmuxuml .RtuI\hu hns I\nnnn- lI'I us.-u\u\vuu;_; -n -nu uuuu. Miss Margaret nnym and lion-as. M '1\)mm.o. warp the of Mn. J. Anmld. Slmdxxv. XAa- I II`In .II.\II l\HI`.uul un |I|s\. u. llII|\lI\l- v-nuuuxn I Miss Lvlhx llall. Gilrurd. spent` HI` Buster hulidsws wmx hm- urnuxdnmthor. Mrs. Jns. mu. \1.. .....a \1...~ I\.`.._..... \;..n .L. guunnun-unn . an a. van. nuu. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M`(`\)k`- man. of Stnxlxer. spent Sund.\_\' wlth Mr. and Mrs. Dun` Rmmt. I J... \a.. ~..n*.. ..- .|. , n ._.u_ ; BAl'LKlS'.l'EHb'. SOLICITORS. E'l'C.| (5 Owen SI.. Barrie : Teleglhone -106, . MONEY '1-`O LOA i .COWAN & COWAN Barristers, Solicitors. Convcyanccrli Notaries Public. etc. \nnN.w_v Tn tnmu I Edmund Hardy. F.T.(`.2\I. ` Teacher 0! Piano. Organ, Iusicai Theory. Organs! and Chnirg * uasur of S`. Andrew`: Presbyterxan ' Church. Gold Medgdm Toronto Con- ; ' 9en*a1.ur_\- 01 Mussc and Unwersny ; 1v1Ton-vmu. H8 Wunh-_\' S3. Barrw _ DON ALI) I-`. MacLAREN.. `BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, M 'Y\1:1snnir` Tnnwnlp Rnnlinu 3 DR. WAl.'l`J-Ll! H. Wl)0l)BOW I ` Orilliu. Olmnrin (Eve Eur. Nusv and "I`hrnm.Spec1.1|ns1 .1` Will be at Que:-n's Hotel. Barrie . Suturdnvs. R a.m to 12 nnnn. j 1 - x .. "-".. Jm. cum and Summer. Halted th cuts Smxdzw. Mlmms Jmm and t5AKKlb"l'1'_1'(. SULICITUK. ._Money 10 loam : Ross Block. ems summy. Minus Jnzux and Edna and Ken- neth Stem-art. Tomnm. wvw with their mums `on undcxx-. Mm Rlmtv Scott has mtnruq.-d b.`\tUtb".|'l`.`. 5UL1Cl'.l'U1 `Masumc Tem ale Buildin MON .\' `PO I.nA I 1 .1. A. connerr | ,Nola!'y Public. Cunveyuncer. in . zcluding drawing of wills. deeds. ar- `ranging of loans. etc. Insurance 01 `all kinds. Eecuior. Administrator land Trustee. Thornton. Om I Illlc L- II. III\_IDl.l\J"V Phyqcian and Surgeon 39 9mLAmLo - UK H . F. l4l'.l'l`Ll`L I .'\ (`urnm-r. (`nuntv of Simone` and Inn A n CRAY I DR. W. A. LEWIS ISur2erv and Diseases uf Women) (`hue-f Cnrmwr. Cuuntv uf Simcuo and DR. R. N MaoPl!l'lRS()N " h\`\;t`a"lv -znrl Qu--.2...-.n wtulllvull,` ulvuu.` Iv: u nvu \|c\\\`. Miss Lillian Klrtnn spout mm &\s- vusr hohdzxvs will: lwr slslnns in Toronto. Mix: Vnrnn Pny-null \lYm-\vnh\ I: DR. N. M. LAl'RlF.. L..\l.(`.(`. Phuno 200. Ph_\'sici;m. !)isv:zso nf Children, in- te-rnul medncme and minor surgnry. 0!h(-e-` 30 Owe-n St; Offncv and R4-:2 um un. n. n nvncrnnnaun;m zmd Surgmm ' Phone 61 : Oflm-~~58 Collier Sl 8.30-9.30 3.111.. 1-3.00 and 630-8 p.zr. . I and LU`. A. I). GRAY . Phvsiciuns and Officer 47 Maple: Ave._ | OYYLH` hours 1 In 4 p m. 7 It 9 pm- ur by zuppmnunom um. J. II. N. umrui Ph_v.\`ici:m and Surm-on (')ffwv: Owe-n St at (`ullmr ;OI11ce Huurs` l.30~3.3() 7-8.30 p.m " Phone 700. Reside.-nu-: 4'7 (`ullier St . nu. 1iI'.'Uluil'.' (I Nl:`YMul`II Ph_vsici;m and Surgvnn Office and Rvs'dm\cv. Cornvr Eliza- `mm and Tnrmltn 81s.. Phnnv l40.I `Hours: 9~10 a.m.; 1-4 p m; 7-9 pm i DUNCAN F. McCUAlG. K.C. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. ETC. ihlntu.` On In.-In ' Prue: Rlnnlr Rvn-v-in vi-.`rt;xuN\tuAN and O`? Buvtivld St R-urri-~ I "R. (`. (` rl.EMING VFTTERINARJAN and SURGEON Bnvfivld St ' Phnnn RU wmus uIe"`amer. (or yuur nex Lodge or Church or other E71 tertainment. Illustrated Circu- lar I-`REE Address 628 Cnwiotd St. 'I`orom.o. mm 005050. on & VIDlnI\onI The Vs-rsutiln-. Hrgh Class. Hum ' -n"mI.~ "ute--`am:-r. fur vnur uuronw. Miss Verna Parnell. \\ _\v-ml:-. ls nursing Mrs. '1`hu.~: sum. who Ls seriously ill. Mrs. E. Munl.\nnnor\' nnd Misuxxn Phv-zimnn mm) nrunnn BR, (`.EOR(`-I-I (`. .\`I-IY'.\I0l'R $1.00 wall and 311) Sweet Caps on I lb. om Vugnmu pun lnharm to tlunamnns ununu on Umlml Kmudoln and Fiance unlv. Admins: Swul Cam" P.0. Bax nun). Munluul. Que. R. L. H. BIGEI;U' ph\';u- ul Cnv-nnnn LVOIZIHCS NHDIIC. OK`. MONEY T0 LOAN 9- Mnsnnir "'l"nmnk> Rnil 1Il:- L UY`lIYl|`Y', L111 and DR. A. l). h\n4i|'iuI\!< nnrl ` mmnn. bUl.lLJl'JU_l'{. , Moore Block, Bmne Q) lnll. CI\JI4.I\I 1 \J1\, C TGRIIEJIE , MON Y TO LOA DR. 1. II. N. SMITH PM \.' znwl Qnrvm n\ DR H (`. Ll'.I"l`LE 1.-(`urnvmr (`nuvnv nf` Mrs. A. M. Train had :1 visit Ln Toronto last, week. Min Rthnl Rnuumnn ix` nnnndhwr nl