STAYNER-ClM'ford Jerry, Stuy- ncr youth, had a narrow cscupc when a limb from a falling tree struck him a glancing blnw across the bridge of the nose, inflivlimz 3 gash which required 10 stitches. Jerry was one of a gang of bush- men employed in clearing bush off John I-Iutton"s farm. part of the proposed airport site, four milus nnszi. nf Srnvnnr UJFEBSCG HUI. Wclglu. uu [all] Today .......................................... .. $11 One week ago .. $11 Two weeks ago $11 Three weeks ago ...................... .. $11 British bacon market pegged. I SOWS lr....|...........a c....... .......l. unr- I ` \ (As quoted by First Co-operative Packers of Ontario Ltd.. Barrie) auvva Unchanged from week : No. 1 Sows ....................... .. No. 2 Sows l"A'I"I" IJlll'lIJl'A Butcher cattle ......... .. Butcher vows Bologna bulls . ..... Cunners and cutters . Calves .......................... .. l.mnl.m,s, ...... .. Sheep DIl(.'C[) .............. .. -pa.uu- EGGS Unchanged from week ago. A large ........................................... .. A medium . A pullcts C . ,,,,, ,_ lVIHl'K(.'L SUII/Q [)UUl' UUIIIIIIIU. CHICKENS Unchanged from week ago. 4-5 lbs. ...................... .. 10-12 I. 12-13 11 Over 6 lbs. .. . .. 13-14 1`. nu...-l...o 1-Inul` u IUVVIJ Live DI Unchanged from week ago. 3-4 lbs. ...................... .. 9-11 12 4-5 Fbs. .......... 11-12 11 Over 5 lbs. .. 12-13 1! Market good. -_-_::.45_.__...__.... Theft; of Trees Charged Judgment ls Reserved 'l'hu wnslcful prucl.i(:c nf ttulljnu (lnwn evergreens prorniscunusly at Christmas time was aired in court on Wednesday morning bccfnrr: Magistrate C0m~pLon Jeffs when foul` local men were chm'ged under sections of the Criminal Code. QWI|l\`n1r 'l`u|n unnpli 9`) unrl rlnn- BOX OFFICE OPENS 1 RM. Sharp Sectis Still Available For Friday Night EX/\(?'l`l.Y AS SHOWN /\'l` l'l`S I"/\Ml*2l) :\',l`l./\N'l`/\ AND NEW YORK l lICMll`Il.I')S SCCLIOHS 0] H10 LJ`lIHll]ill k,l)UL'. Stanley Tate, aged 22. and Don- ald McDonald, 30. both of Barrie. were jointly tried on an charge of cutting down trees the property of the King." at Wusugn Beach in Sun- nidnlc township. r\.. :1... ..|.....1 l1...\..:....:..l Ft\h\vv.l|L\' Lilli] a\nu nu \.uu Inuuua .u.uu.. I The two accused took the -box and } frimkiy admitted cutting trees with-ii out investigating the ownership 1-it the pmperty or attempting to find` out whether or not they were priv- `ately-owned. It was indicated that they simply considered` it scrub land. I4`.\ll.....:n. lh...- n..n..I inn. -ur In: nnunu: utwualnp. On the stand Provincial Constable Frank R. Dnbson told of question- ing the two young men with regznrdl to where they had obtained trees they sold at Christrnas time. ml. I .......... .....,z i.,..I. 41.... 1... ..nrlI lilllu. Following their qucstinning by the police they had returned to the district. found out the wwner of the property, and paid for the trees. they said. | ('1ravr1'nn Smith 9'). nnrl Wnllr-rl may SEHG. | Graydnn Smith. 22. and Walter Binion. 18, of Bay'field' SL, were charged with theft of trees in me Midhurst Forest station district. I Arum. knlln I-\..,l .a..|.m.. `nu. m;nm._-.- lVll(lHUI'hL L`Ul`L`b'L blilLlUIl ulbkl M51. After both had `taken `the wiLnc;:.< sLand.His-Worship found bm.h.guil- Ly as there was no question about it being theft of trees," he said. Jud-ovmnhf was roan:-rvpd until Sm- H. ubemg IIICIL 01 l.I`CCS._" HO SEHG. J ugiygrnent was reserved untjl_Sat- urday i'r'1'all"'c'as`s. ' " ` ` ' Examiner Clasitieds cost little but do 2: big job. WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED to givr you complete spring service on all types of cars and trucks. Springs made to order: also radiators re- paired and re-cored. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1 O I A - `Al I , M;.';-'k}if "'.s?L$'r't{ `A'5x;r'"&1.}mi{i'." ll ICK EN R GONE WITH THE WIND Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry .lVL'l' U l'|J5. Market, steady. in villllilvli 7 Maple Ave. nu--nu-`nu u. ...u..\_. -....-........ Dominion Aut -Wreckers I - H mI....I_ A..- . Dunn- A901 |FO$O O;I BACON IIOGS (Dressed hot weig "Inn The Examiner sells at $2.00 and is ________j__________ at the same stand. Bank of Toronto Building. AlLm':.u,um:; (all kinds). repairs. n1u(le-Lo-n1eas111'c (House of H0b~ berlin) suitings. Phone 576 SuncTcx;r. 171-cx-rc:.h 24 II II! VCCIHFII 30 YOU REALIZE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE nlxvc \-'a'\lY This Piclura Will Not Be Shown Anywhere EXCEPT AT ADVANCED PRICES UNTIL 1941. (!()Ml l'.lMl'lN'l`I\l{Y 'l`l(`KE'[`S AND l"l{I`}l'I l.lS'l` SUS- I`l'INl)l'Il) FOR 'I`lll'I l'3N(}/\Gl'IMEN'l` OI GONE WITH THE WIND" BARRII-I GARAGE DEALERS ASSOCIATION IIVCTIVIT Vw- BUYS YOU AN ADJUSTER A DOCTOR A LAWYER A BANKER IF ANY OR ALL ARE NEED- ED AFTER AN ACCIDENT IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT SEE MAL.c6"i1sor` A1 I'\____ __. at . Dlgnnn IVCIDXT T IV-T? II t 41 Dunlop St. : Phone 447 - ""KIiKG E ~ OPEN. -, 1200 I-Sf.`-cvx-r_.ifo"1;d St. "KY1?/L ii1ii'f llknnn `FIR NEW 6W%1i-ilgsulp IACKIE cod'ER%'}{BiTY FIELD in la y. FOWL 1 Phon-c-335 Uls rer lHVh[ weight on rail). ........................ $11.75 . .. $11.85 .. $11.85 .... $11.85 nnanod .i:vi'zJ:Mi-:fi:;i"ck The Tailoring Business of the l2;te __ _.:- --j:j:4-: 1.. M. McIh[NES .).uu-qm.:m i kip to $11.00 up in $10.00 $3.0()-$5..")() . ago. $6.00-$6.75 $4.00-$5.00 $4.50-$5.00 . $3.00-$3.50 ... in an an will be carried on by BAl.AI.AIKA wrm NELSON EDDY and I_1_._g1_\IA MASSEY Per Cwt. I nn I-nil) Dressed V lU\ul\UI~) Phone 420 ` ID`! I 17-19 In ,'H] J`!-Ii) 15-16 ANNOUNCING I . $8.00 . $7.00 (`.1111 1 IN PLANS T0 FURTHER? STEP `HAVE C. OF c. Committee Aopointed To` Name Provisional ` Executive ` CANV /\SS SOON . ` A1 a meeting held in the rum!- I instralo';~. court room MI-vV""` " after an address by Russell '1`. KM- loy of Hamilton. there was furth- or discussion on the proposed est,nb- E lishmont wt` 21 local Chamber of! r<.\..........-..n and 2. nnn-mninru w:|.k'.\ A 1-11L.XREbus STORY OF YOUNG LOVE Universal News Friday and Saturday usnmoni U! l()(.`El>I L,munucx U1! Commerce. and in committee was named to nominate :1 |')l`()VlSl(3lI(||! executive. This commitlec 1-(iiisists: of R. H. Nettletmi. Dr. Lt.-wi.s. 'l`.' A. McCarr0ll_ Warren Wilgar and` Albert Bryson. Tho pmvisimmll executive will arrange for the L':In-1 vass for membership, and WIIPII! this is completed the regular ul- ficers will be elected. The nimuul for will be $5.()0. 1uI.- Vnlluu nrhn in :. nminlu-r Hf ten will no .$n.m;. Mr. Kelley, who is :1 mmnhor I-f ` the c.-xccutivc of the (Lnmdinn: Chamber of Cmmnc-rev and lanai been very active in this work, said he couldn't imagine a lnwn suvh as Barrie getting along wilhhul. n Chzunbor of Commer(:o." tn. Iw:ncIu nnilinnrl Hm unri4m:\, L:I1mnl)CI' 01 1,urnrm:n:L-. III: briefly outlined the v.'u`i<:11.x prnjt-cts: cnrrierl out by tho Ham~ ilton organization and mzndn .=u',; Lrcstiuns for the 115:0 uf mum of tht-m in Barrie. 'm... muan I-:iu|1u::|\Iu Iv Iilili hm-n Lm-m Ill narru:._ The main higzhwnys having hm-n built. .'u`mmd_ instead Hf l,|n'mu.-,h. Hamilton, ho was a.s'lu*d fur mu npinivm as to I`unlin;.z trnffir through tho hu.~'.inoss .L.c(.-lirnm, His` udvir-0 was. "Keep your hi;:hwn_v| rmltt-(I through ymlr main! |)l|sixws:~: section ns long: us: you` can." After ;1I.l. he said, the mmv-. gosh-d scclirm is not. a lengthy um-I and he th0lu.:h1. it a mi.sluk l'nr= motorists to be so impnliom. nlmlll.? losing .1 [cw mimll/(:5 on their jnl|I'-: noy. In most cases thv timv :.'uv(~zl` I was not, of :1 gram. dual of value. Amnvur Ihn nninfu Inn:-hm] nnull WEIS HUI, 0] Fl j!,l'L'uI. uI':l| In vunur. \ Among the points tnuchml upon` by Mr. Kelley were: Exlr,-ndim: Hu- 1.nwn'.'4 trading zu't~,u; closer r<-|n- tirmships, between rural and urhzm folk; Dollar Days; securing in tries; dpvcloping fr!on(llin(:s's to-1 wards strangers; L-ncm1rnL!,iIu: mun - ists; and several others. 1 A hearty vote of thank. for hm. laddrcss was extended to him. I - n ,_ __;. ) "' "'""' `(z Clnrcnc(.- V. Petc" Doxxalclsnnml Canadian Dental Corps. Exhil)ilim| V Park, Tcaronto. ` . An`.-...4 1:'AmmA Dinhunlunn dmh`. l} lI'K, 'l")T{)l'lLO. 1` Albert Edward Richnrdsun. 48th` Highlanders of Canada. Tnrrmln: formerly teller in Imprwiizl Bunk. Kirkland Lake. :~;o.n of Mr, and Mrs. George Riclmrdmn, I42 l r---l' `St, Bamric. 5 A. W --:1-uxuuu vvn-4uu.w. ...u.\r.... ` Formerly organist of Comer St.` {United church... and .Madam. FIm- . m'1ejWilson. will open a studio fnrl the teaching of pizmn, elocution. singing and dramatic art, For pur- liculars Phone 598. ' To The Electors of Simcoe North The e|eCtors wull gr) tn the [>r`)||', next Tuc';.r,|<::y In elm I r: gav- ernment whose mam duty Will be to prosecuI<: the war m the best interests of C<,mur.|rJ and the British Emparc. i;I6ND.AY -~ TUESDAY --- WEDNESDAY Special Matinee Wednesday 2.30 2 --- MORE BIG FEATURES -- 2 Before war was r.k:c_|r:rc>ri the government nmr-nc'r_|um'|y '.r-gt up various boards headed by able men, irrespechvc of party, who were anxious to serve Canada. These boards, in (;r>-oprrratmn with the government, are givmg their best mwarcls furthmunq; Lan- ada's war effort. The War Supply Board is re`>n:.Ih|e for ill gum iwr;-.r_~". as well as the organization and mobilization of ll\(ilI'.ir\,/ In meet the war needs. Under Ii`) r.JireLti<,)n Canada's Firut Diviwm r.k'part- ed overseas about three months after war commcnccri, r_,r;rnp|ete-- ly equipped. The efficiency at the Board was t'(;'C")(_,}fl|L'l-?ri when both the British and French governments asked that that, Board` deal with their purchases in Canada. This is no time to dismiss from office men of (,`I.|)("llCf'l(C working in harmony with the vorious boards Si(`li)it`,i 1f;'4.i in this country and cooperating with the British authorities; nor is it 0 time to experiment with 0 new and untried government com- posed of members whose names have not yet been disclosed. >1: 3 I appeal to you to use your vote and influence (`in my be- half and if elected I Will continue to serve you to the best of my ability. hlll\|(`Al\| C AAr(`IIAIr: THURSD-A-Y'-: 1=;II;1{Y' : SATURDAY] MONDAY _ TUESDAY :m:DNEsDAY TUESDAY IS GIFT NIGHT Now.'."J} Lizlmsz yzggs wllh THOMAS M|TCHELL- EDNA BEST - FREEDIE BARTHOLOMEW - TERRY KILBURN - TIM HOLT BABY BOBBY 2U|LLAN. ATho Play`: Tha Ihing" Productlll H lllllll vvnnnupna w..v\.n_y 5-... ...b...., .... ...,-...... Special Matinee Friday. at 2.30 P.M. - 2 FEATURE moannmmuc THE FUNNIEST FAMILY IN FILMS! -THE WORLD-FAMOUS ADVENTURE STORY " F_|LMED _FOR THE FIRST TIME . . I 5,050 lMI'l'2lclAl.-Burrio-,`s |"in4::~;t ldquimn-d 'l'hca|.re COMEDY-"ACT YOU H AGE" SHORT-"VACATION DIARY" '[`HUR.Sl)AY NIGHT IS (iIl"'i` NI(ilI'I.` 2 prize winners every gift night, 110 blanks ..-- .. rs-1 .nnn'n'|l' WALT DIsNEY'c_RI'o0N IMPERIAL-J-{ff} COMING--"PINOCCHIO" V ZN!) urr . DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG. No. 12' I'ungYitive ag Large Tr`! K`!/'\Y /\T\ /"I Y3|'1"f\f\RT T'IURSD1-KY -- FRIDAY - SATURDAY SpeciaI Matinees on Good Friday and Saturday. 2 P.M. 2 -- HOLIDAY FEATURES - 2 pl'UpU5Eu aurpor cast. of Stayner. NO SEATS RESERVED With Rc:1;:Tl\-/Irxitgzbmery -- Robt. Young Madge Evans and Walter Huston SIN `UNI! l"I'I1\'l`|`I{l'l GRANADA TO-MOHROW. FRIDAY. AT 2 P.M. IACK HOLT and PATRICIA ELLIS in Seats are now on Sale at Sctso's FOR ALL EVENING PERFORMANCES ONLY AFTERIfiOON3 '___ MAIL ORDER5____' EVff:HNGS SEVENTEEN COMING "CHARLIE MCCARTHY DETECTIVE" >1. nu.-u wwvu Vs at 2.00 [).llI. '71:. 2"CAs'H`oF1='ERs 2 1ST OFFER I 2ND OFFER -7918 Year Fio-NITEJ .lvII I) 75: EESXY--GRANADA P-IZUS COLOR CARTOON. THEE + BARRIEZ + EXAMINER i Send mnru-y order and &oHndr'lr.!!sorl stamped onw-lope for chain scan. - ORDERS - lulu. lIlll'4I' kJlJAIl.llA1\.I-4-: MlDLAND--Edwzn'd l..eCx'0ix, :15, Midland, was convicted nl theft of :1 car and`was sentenced to one year definite and two months in- definite at Guelph Refrwmntm-y by Magi.strate C. F. Bick. He was giv- en an additional six months de- finite for stealing :1 car tire and rim from William Adamsun, local mail driver, on January 13. Terms will run concurrently. ENTERTAINMENT TH EATRE ROXY T H E AT R E HOUSE OFEITS $45-.92 CAR. TIIIEIV SEN'l.'I'2N()EI) ...`. A`Vi\ r , . ,_,~.__ - v ..u nu wv. 09 B 57.01. C 1 l'\f\ cn a pm. $1.00 Two Seriouslylnjured In Head -hor;Col1ision; I I \ Autos Crash In Bhndingv Snowstorm East of Sunnidale Corners |cARs BADLY DAMAGED Two men_ were severely injured in a head-on collision, 100 yards cast of Sunnidale Corners. in a blinding snow storm yesterday at- ternoon. In one car was Dr. Harry Nlnrnhu nl` Qlaunnr and in N10 |.L'l IIUUII. lI| IJIIC VH1 Wdb Lil. lid Murphy of Stayncr. and in other Wm. Monkhouse, wife son. from Orillia. "I"!-un inhnonrl urnrn r-nnknyl In Tonlcui-mitrwnsnav IS DUII, llUHl Lllllll. The injured were rushed to C01- lingwood hospital, where it. was found that Dr. Murphy was badly hurt. He had severe lacerations uf the face. a broken nose and lust several teeth. r\IIlrl1\II1l\ -nun Iynunr lxut-"17 nu! hL'VL'|'i`ll LL'L'lll. Monkhouae was very badly rutl in the face, 14 stitches being rc- quirod to draw his chin together. He lost several teeth. Mrs. Monk- house suffered from shock and bruises. The boy escaped unhurt. A.. \..\.... 1-4,... _I.....- .. |...u- ....'I- -nu-.u.u. All`; -.u_, \.u\.u'I\..\I uuuu. .. An hour later. about a half-mile east, on Highway 26, a similar acci- dent happened between cars driv- en by James Spence of Burling- Itnn and Wm. Dijlingzbnugh of TH- rnntn. No one was hurt. In hulk zxr-1-idnnlc: Ihn :nI'\u in- rnnm. NO one nun. In both accidents the mums in- valved were very badly (imnagctl. ---T<)--_._j AN EASY WAY An easy way to find articles lost. is tn advertise in The Barrie Exam- iner Classificds. One ".ent in word cash (minimum. 25c). *_H1._'!7 5-X-T 9_?99&,T+ v FOR EASTER in stock~-$l6.50, $19.95, $21.50, $23.50` HATS by.St.etson. New shapes, latest, colors. $2.95, $3.50, $3.95 to $6.00. Others priced at, $1.95 SHIRTS by Tooke. $1.55. $1.65 and $2.00-'l`lES, 501:. 95 55 Dunlop St. (}0l.l.EGlATE Q/\rUDKlT0'R,lUM. WEDiVP}DAY. MARC]! 27 8.15 p.m.L $150.00 SPECIAL CAQEIFLOWER lllllll-I`; I(l'aIl. l`Il|.|Vl Toggffbos l.;\l{(il'2 W|H'l`i~2 (.mm.E ' CELERY 10c each CRANBERRIES GREEN oN1oNs Florida ORANGES. large size 2 doz. 45c I 25c 1b. 5c bunch ` CHOICE GRAPES 25c lb. ` ('ll()l(TE RED. FIRM ma: 1 I IIIr\1~ Good selection of plants and cut flowers No. I quality 15c bloom Also assorted plants from 29c up PU l"l`F.I) DAl*`|0DlLS 291` and 390 HYDRANGEAS I-`RESH CUT FLOW!-IRS from our own green- house cut while you wait TULIPS .............. .. 59 doz. DAFFODILS .... .. 45c doz. ROSES .......... .. SL00 doz. Extra large size 4 for 25 nA'....I:...... nu SASO 8: SONS yAAg4moo oA01 s; ii; T BEFORE YOU BUY EASTER Prompt delivery to all parts of Barrie and Allundule In` A 1 I `I Afl LAT sowlii TONIGHT. THURSDAY "9 gaw GRAEF_rUI'r 19c egc - In I lJlIrLIA1\Al4Al\! from 50c up Entire proceeds Red Cross Polish Relief 1 A:-lwuiuc iii`i'5='.$ REV."<`f.`if'ix. O.M.I. t. WILF. H. TODD "15i1o}}$"37ii"_ or-i`(`)22 :e for Large size Medium size 7 for 25 GALA PREMIER OPENING /Jame emgaw T WFTTTDF DV LECTURE BY ml I_y the and BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA, MARCH 21, 194 J\J\) an-4;. nu v_......,..-._._ _ I"OUND--Nuw blue rack of Fm'L:0 truck on Highway 27. south of Bar- rie. Owner may have same by prov- ing pmporty and paying for ud- vortismnent. Alox Sl.ow:nrl_ Chi-~[ Constable. I2!) __.__,, .. ., /g ,. - - The stare formerly nCCl.I|)iL'(i` by Kenney electric is being renovated and will likely be [alum uver by C. Munro, Allundulc. who will con- ducl. u 1'e.~stnurmit business. As usual The Examiner will give Election Night service by telephone, making the returns for the district available as soon as they can be secur- ed. The Bell Telephone Co. is co-operating and giving extra. service which will facilitate the work. Specials for the weekend ELECTION RETURNS "III luunnnwuwv v--V "...---.. Polls close at six o'clock and it is not expected that there will be much news available before seven o - clock. This Week's Circulation vlvvilu Several phones will he used in handling the re- turns, all of which can be reached by 'I`he Examin- er's regular numbers $l QQQ I $Q'I 'l`OO LATE 'l'0 CLASSIFY }3nI..22'2"z"_;;I.}ij%2z3 GREEN f'IHI'II'! ?KBAGE sc lb. CARROTS 5c bunch :- -w-._.- " VOOOUWWOOOO OOOIJ Carnations. rd and white $1.00 don. . Ahhllbl Admission 25c BARIHE 5 for 2.50 SUFFEES SEVERE GASII 17111-Ir`:-Irvin an-.5 .