nuJaw Alliston Beeton Bradford Camp Borden . Faun ir Training; |5|.aI`1.-V Expected to Increase 1 Settlers to Canada! I I 474 616 525 mm 474 ll". -14-) 303 ID OI) 127 46 3!! 65 .,., 1:12 H; u)-) Eh 19 1 r Mag-nub McLean '[`issingLun ul 11.1.11 Ilihl Af`{'F`\, I73. EDGAR lJUI'l` Amurunlh . `M:-Iunollmn Mum) . Mulmur ('):'z1x1gn-\vil|'m Shulburnu i.l(,'l|ilU lVlL'L4L"dIl L and. tub. 32 2.009 14 1.005 24 1,405 3 237 2 276 an 1-4:: 15.1! I `J III (325 78!! 5l.`l I .10 I ll! 1.: 48 NH nn 0/. 4|) I50 s Injury I lhv pzlinful . liL,n- < logs. C1llL\'L`J | His l'I'iun LIH3 `41 u I74 2&8 .`)l| 00 zu Barrie .... .` 11 C-allingwoo 13 Crcemore 5) F105 . :51 , Notluwu. 130 Oro -13 Stayncl .. 4'] Sunnidalu I I Vo.~`-pm .... .. l A In nninu In \...\./.1` .......... .. - 196 Call ingwood 232 9, (`I-nmnnru 'I`c'tul.s` ....... ..:..398 V 91 R(:j(.-clad bz11loLs--4. T lur.'1lity fur R0w(>-332. NLIUCIIIUIC G I ................ .. 36 Nottuwu `uga 35 ................ .. '22 Slayner ...... .. 19 28 I .......... .. 37 |Ab: cnlce vptcs 1 I 'l` b`()81r.324 7,244 5,290 I Rtjectud ballots. I42. , Plurality cf McCuz1ip, over Simp- :u.-1-l.954: `uvcr Cruwfoml 5.9202 over Cm;-per 6.636. Mnim-itv nf NI:-(innit! nvn-1' ail l k Ward Una .... .. Ward 'l`Wn ! Ward 'I`hrm- Ward Four .. Wm'd Fivo .... .. Ward Six .... .. ' /\(lVElHC1' Poll Mays` (2) HlI(.`hilllill1'.\`*_y`.~: . McCm'kin(i:Il(2's Cole's Rzunsu IZub.s'0n'.s Shop .Pa1mer's I2) 'Mzn1ey's ...... .. .Mim1ikin's ........ .. Reid's Bank. 12) 2 Smith`x .............. Kilg,rouI":~'. (2! McKL>uwn's l3e1`1'i(~'s .. Orzmgv Ha l t2! Sanders` ............ .. I/\(l\ HllL'(` l 0lI \,\.lIAlnIlVLIVV \l\Jll l`ot:nls .............. ..232 161 1.252 Rvjctul LKIHILIS, 40. l IuI'ulily fur McCuai;z H0. | Aplu ............ ., `#1::-v;lcy'>' .... .. A 10 p.~`tv.n |Elmvalv (2) Vigv, ., . . . . . . . . . .. gL.i1licrup'.~a l 14:mg`m:|n'.~: l:\/CI" L;Ul.'pL'l' U,l)-H). Majnrity cf Mccuuig )UH*!':`~- 22. Vll..I.AGF. OF CRF.F.l\ l(.\Hl". 'l'.)lal,g ................. .. 2 32 171 I I{I:jcL'll.'(l ballots, -1. I lllnn-ulilu fur |\/lr(`||nin' .lH 1 Aveuing \.llI I ll: .5 Cazhtuwn 4th Line Ccrm.-rs Synnutls` 1Buu,cau 1 Dunedin ............ .. Glen Huron ...... .. Singhumptun I [":|nll'oun Notluwu l.uwn-ncx-`s Millix-'5 I ]1'x'_v. _ Mujnrity fur I{L\v.- zwm` zIll---T26 Total mnnber cl` vuu-s was 15- 654. 'I"h.~11- were 80 F1) vilud bzlllmh. Adjula 2. A|li.slun At. Amaranth 4.1 Boolun 1. Bradford 4. Camp Burdeni I 5 A \rV\ . ..u....u ...... ... ..... . .. ~ I \ . U. Esszu 4. l1mi.\'f`! ll. Mt-lzmvumn 2., Mom 4, Mulmur 5, Orznxguvillo ~| 'I".u-nun;-nH\ A Qh.nlln|I`n.- .1 'rnHs-H- I`ury I-{ill Sunnidule CUl`>`, \Vusugu Beach `LIUVV 5 pin lIL'l.\ 4 I Dulslun I Midhur:`. iCund1e_~` Mimxzing !Grenfvl . ; Edu1\'-.1lo.- Anmn Mi 1-`erndulv IIDDLIV 1151} VKJIIL l'I`0lals 1 1 '12 g :13 l"ib|'lcd 11:` flluwx: (`-.``in `wood 21. N.)llznv;1 1. Vigu II. D Rejected ballots. 3. Pluralilv fm` MoCu;:ier 3' D Total plurality for Mc(`uuip_ R 1,954. Readers at The Barrie t-I.\'.ann.:ex` gel ALL the news for Barrzu .-n.-1 lhstrict, -$200 and worth nnrz. l`utuls ...... .196 251 1?`lul'zI.lily of McCuaig .:Il 1100. 'l"u1uls Ruj oclxsd Pluralily : lU1_[l'L'll.'(I UilIIUl>_ `I. l'lur-ulily fur McCuni;;' 'I`(.l.:1ls ........ ..36 157 Rcjctud ballots. 8. Pluralily for McCuuig- 1`ulals .......... ..35 197 890 Rejected ballots, X0. Plurnlily for McCuaig-H1. Tot )! Rk`jt`L`l{`d Plurality IVIUHU `I, lVlll|Hllll' IL \ll'klIlg'\ ll|(' `I 'l`w:um.~'1-lh 4. Sh;-lburnv 4. 'l nIlc.-n- ham 5. 'l`vs::m-umiu -L Wm: (`.wi!- 1iIl1bLll`_\' 10. Trial 3' I1`je\'lc`d b: !l*t.~'.. Plurality fu` MC NORTH SIMCOE l)F. l`AlLS- OF VOTING BARRIE by W:n'd.:) Cmw- M(.'- Simp- Cuuper ford Cuuig sun C.C.F`. Rm-_ Lib. Cons. 18 25 2!) 36 (iii 43 52 u -1 208 300 24 I 452 342 234 (II: 165 232 NH 396 2525 244 -1'1 I'E'BARRl'E`E'XA1\NER{'BARR`a'E, `ON'I'.. CANADA I3/\RRlE by Polls) L`raw- Mc- Simp- Cuoper fm'(lCuaig sun C.C.F`. Rm-, Lib. Cr:n.s. ................ .. ll 14 83 'II) .n\ In II cur. nr`. LIN.` Mills Il.\ 1935 SUMMARY F`:--,nn_ MI COl.l.INGWOOD 232 All NO 1`';AW;\A(}A : `J H ABSENTEE VOTE I I - l A luw-wing:-d nmImp'.zlm- am-11 (`.mnp 13uI`(i(`H \\'u.~' for:-vd to land ix :1 field near Milvcrlun, ton Il1'_`5\ nuvth of St.1'ull'm`d. _vosu-1'du_\' uf-`T lv1`nm:n. The ucvup:1nL< \\':~x'~ un-1 infnm-d and lhv pl:-mu us unlyf ~slIg|nl_\- dmnngud. nffiviul.~ rx-put".-:[ nut? ' ...... ..l9(i 25] 1.2172 bulluts. 44. ' for MuCuuig 360. 5:: auxvuvuuu Craw- Mc- Simp- Cuup`er ford Cuuig sun (`PW Run Lih (Tans. SUNNIDALI". I I0 11 ...II *1 -n . .1?! LR! "1$ai'1o1s, o. for Mccuaig `ballots. 8. for McCuaig- .... .42. . GUO iI`1\l ballots, 9. for McCu:Iig-~66`.Z. STAYNER ll) RI] VESPRA 1-) II ORVOW ` I! I |.`~. LII. McCu:1ig l ||.lIilIll_\' Illl I\.`JVV\' Ill Il\l|Il.`IIII"` 1.486. Grzuul tululs 4767 21337 {`..L,() R(`j(Cl(`d bulluls -30. Pluralily fur Rzzxw in riding 12.2183 uvvr Dwain` and 5.493 V1-I` I-'41`!-v II N) I`) | I I9 20 In 1M1.'u72 L512 ; uvur Simp- A {72 125 95 H4 Ell "If". Ia! B] 315 112 97 Hr: um 96 173 I'm 8!! I02 123 145 M4 _ 103 '71: 1)`! 19 123 126 R`) Plane Force; To Lnd 2 Occupants Unhurt I UL: 133 157 nu! 294 96 86 '7 ') k.un_x. 1.512 1.142 155 476 '7'1(I l.5l2 1`]_'-J 11:: 278 202 32") 1|`) .34 1 >1 1`? l\'| IIIILII. vd l.`n..i.... all H7) El] (35 III] `.-1 H8 1!) I In WlIl|ll},'_ In nu-". "I'm sun- -I7 l"i(`t zn'<- gr: H5 pulicv for I 22 Ebb.~:)'('1n:Il`l 153 hrulhvrs in 32] ". b`;lBatt|e Fl "| -r- n ,...- 2;;)lin1u_ ha 4. , :1 new 59 lL(!hl)i_L".` 39' Filmir 11., Clone \' 4(; Good Fl 7!) made it an , phntt kw 'm| 84 Until 1 1-1;: xv-`v hi GETSENTENCE TODAY, CATTLE GRAIN THIEVES (Contimwd, [mm vuae one) Brudlt.y_ Whitby 'l'nwn.~hip_ on Feb. 20; thL-ft of nm- cuw_ property oi Wesley Slt [)h( nSUl1, Whitby 'I`uwn- ship, on February 26; theft of four L 1ll\ L'.<,. pmperty of limpet` Allan, Pirslu.-ring I`uwn.~:hip, un Nov. (3; lhn-ft of full!` culvvs. properly vl Wm. Wright, Brock l``hip, in the month of J:mu:n-y; theft of :11- fulfu mid sued nuts. prapt-rly of Wm. Wright, Brock 'l`.nwn.~.hip_ in un- month of 1u'ucexnbm': lhtft 01' twu culvt.-s, ])l'()pL'I'ly mi W. Reynolds. Cartwright. 'I`nwn.s'hip, on`Fcb` Hi: and theft of rzrw ;-:n.H'. pmpt-rty :1 Harry Nt.-ill, 1\'I:mv Tnxvnship, un Ft-b. 16. f\nu Mn... l\/I-n-vinyl UH l`(`U. . Ono Mzm M'.n'riL-d In.-tpvclur ML-Kny l'(`V(*1l|L'd lhzll the men had cnmv ln C:mu(lu sunn- yunrs ago from Elm]-.1ml \vh,`n- tln-,y lW(.'l`C born. Thoy hnvu hn pm-vi-ms In-1-1 I-rl Inunnh urzn: uu~ll H unhhl nf . L UUITI. 1H('y HHVI.` IIU }Jl('V|')l|.\ I't'Cl.l'd. .ln. was well th.1u;.-,hl wt` in tho Bzirriu district Whl'I`(` lw w:1:s :1 furmhnnd fur tn/t.`l` tvn ya-an-5. Wil- lium VVIIS an t'ill})lt)_\/(.'(' of :1 mamm- fucturing firm in l`nr until last fall, and is :1 pmpvrty u\\ n("`. While J(iSt[)h is xim.-,l(-, Willinm is u murriczl man with llm-v small I L-hi.|rlrt-n. 'I`l... .. L'lllv|(ll'l'H, I The nwn bnm.:|1t 1|. pun`.-I truck] in 'I'nl`(mln almul lhv end of Nov- vmbnr, the police insrgmrtnr slmml. 'Ihis lrm-k_ Whi('h vvus U.~`0LI in thuir l)t'l':ll'inlL\ |)llHilIL'.\'>`, was wt-1`. mil:-d, as :1 numbur nf cnlvvs unuld bv nlucod in tlw ll'll(,`k unxl not I):- svuln over: by mnrv than :1 cu>:u:ll ilmnt-I-Hun I'U. l*.m:iuv truublv was givrn am the vallnsv of Lhv fc-rcvd landing. A plum uuumwd with skis iu: lhv` 1:l"IlIl1dvd plant` and brought PM ()fl`im-r Brunollv and Flight Sm`.-.n. (iuglm-1' back In (`amp Bnrdotl. Nlil\'(*|`t0n is ubnut 711 nix`-milr;~` from Camp Burden. _. ('l_`II l'\ l'l| I1) lll|ll|' Illllll II knlllill inspt-cliun. I Ju: who was the farmlmn-l in lhv ll:u'ri- l.\'[l'lL l, told [ht- fz1r11w1'.~4 lhnl lw hzul gnnv intu thu- t'1lU.|(- bu.s'im-:'s zuul with his. light truck he could buy the (':1tll(.- l`r<.rn "(lnwn l)0lu\v_ :1! :1 clwup prim-. uml thus st-ll In hit: frit-n(|.~' for u .~'m.ll| liguru mul still nuvlul 21 profit. Critical n1` ["z1r1nu=rs "I1 is llII'(| U; l'('2lll'/.(' llw m<'nl.'|l- xly of these [m'n1(-r.-'4 wlm buuyhl ::|tll(~ ill hull their value. The very privv .<.l1I:ulll Imvv mzulv them su~'- piuiuus." Crown Allnrlwy Allig- |Anni.: (l(`('l2ll'l`(l, "Ll-nu. I .. unulluinur In urn: I`.\I- uw mun. I Wiiliznn blmm-rl lni:: pm`! in lin- lh(-[L on finnm-inl trnuhlosz, flu lnld lhv cuurl that ht` hutl t.'ll]iH((`([ In Suplcnmcr, when war bmku nut, and aft:-I` an slmrl time In` haul IJL-(an (lis- tnissuxl bu-uusv h`- hm! tun m.'m_v `dc.-pmnlen1.~`. N1: Mum-v In FLILN IJHZIULIH. K..IU\V|l I\|IlHllI'y l\lI'!' Annir: Have you zmylhim: to say I`m` yuuI'solv-.~`! Hm Mznuistmlc asked Ihv mun. UICII nun`! in Hun I \ |.l...n...I l Hl.'[JI IlllL'll'.`, Nu Mum-y In Eggs l Jns.'('ph clztimtxl thni t.hc'tt'u('kl h:-1| been buught so that hr and his broth:-r cnulnl buy 1-gs truml .fm'mrrs; and than l`(`-SP them in l'l'uI`tmtn. "W.- 'u1=ltln't mukv Pllullgll` Inuncy that `way, thoupzh." Iw (]('~-I lclarvd. l`tu- fnrlm-rs wt-run't tn lblznnw fur l..u_vim{ thv vuttlv at .'v luw pricv. I'm unly tn blaum-. zmrt I'm wil`:in;,z tn tulw what is mrmin-.1 tn nu. ; H) UH` . thv lm'nu-rs in Hui:-. (HH- l"icl. :m- grntvful in thy pmvincinl their work," Mu;zi.~-1r:uu Ebbs rmnurkr-(I as hu rvmundml Un- (-u:=lnrI_v fur rmltvllttu isame Flags Had I ' To Puss A Screen Test Like Actors L:II|I\' .~..,l.. '1 lU>L (.'llL|.`wl'. Four Diff:-rt n1 Flzgs 1'hcrL- WLFU fuur CnllfL`( flags. shzwn in their I1-:3) pt-1`i<:cl.< in lhv film. Kurlz cx ed that lhv ori;.-,in'Il unv 11-sv the Uniun (`:'ln1':` W) (-lmtly 1 was smm-1inn:.~=. difficult Lu r uIIi:h the two in !h:- ::(-non u Ol.. Thv Exmnimw has nut : cnrculatiun but unv gnu lchurterecl uccnaumanl.-:' u Ht`. ' "Thv Cnnl1z(i(~1`zu:y cunsishx `Ann.-ricuns and thuy :!idn t wk `(`h`-Hflt` the (.'l)lUl'.\` of thvir flag `vaid. Thcy :l(l(p1t.`(i :: blue |wi1h .*l&1l`\' in llw m);)a*r It-I`! .(~m'me!'. with ihrcu bara of rvd. ' [and rm-(I. l't`>'p1L'H\ L"_\'. 'H1L*1'v of |\a\n'L\I_' VIDA.` .04....` -.0 Thursday. March` 41. 1941': gun-g-op.-u-~-- -p-----pg.--. Innisfil Tecumseth Tassorontin . . I`o1.t.-nham ......... .. W. Gwillimbury . "Vlll .`liJl'S EH lllhl. March 1. 1861, only .~ h:`:l sccccic(l from lhc U ,wu.~` added fur cw-1`_V joined the C'.mfcdc1':u-_\'. I<`0lln\-vim: llw 13:11:}. ans, G1-m-ml Buzum-p.Ir lu..o t.;.. ..\.... ... .. ||r\' mm. u 11h -' h `lingui- I linn '1 srammc rgqsrs Uncandmonolly Guaranteed HEIUNO TOWER Il'\Il'l .'r'_\ I -I Kvmuckv was ndnf A legal Investment Io: Trust Fund: On Gucrcnhod Tnut (orcllu PORATION Totals .. R.(.'jL'(.`l(] 334% ~ l/"LII U1 l`1ll'lIll`lS ' `nwll Alli:-S ml Tl-iil Hlfll ..\.'|.l v'." explain-I l 11-. that it ficult rlisztin-I ..n .4` `\VI` , Illll Ll \.lcllXlI' ;:uumnl.ue(i us` audit. ' flag." h.- cnnsislcd nf` :lidn't wish `.n I -. hlnn f.lrl~ Ln:'Ix' nag. us` fitldi l..o'o l\v|v\Il\ l` I. 3.5 CmfL-(lc.~1`n`: nun -\r)li. I A u IORONFO !Fines A1; Elsts $490 3 Collected In February: Totals ............ .527 123 Rejcted ballots ~4. Plulralily for Row(~-~304. l"in.-5` and cr:.~;ls totalling $490 xvcrc c(:llL'(:L(rd by Barx'iv.- Police Do-: parunu.-m in I.-bruzugy, according tel I-`ur (mm E S I-`ridnv l)H'.'|kl`u~.l (.`r.'uh- A &P Bakery Products i=gaEAp Ann I zu4'* Whita- Whole Wheat (mu-kod Who-at ii`&ii`dE6s'EEns ;z%T9c nnnwn nmann Cherry Pound Cake lb. 19 JELLY PIIWBEHS; .`!.`.25i{fL` 2 mm ` Layer Cake *:::`;' each 17c RE HEART ~`??- '" `Angel Food Gakevw`:-i:'.:*:29c CW0 '*'~'- : 14 '*'-"'=: ANN |'A(-`E doz. 11: Eedeem muso BoTxi_Tups Here (H-1 2 l.llv`l-IISIIUY sum!-S fur GIT GENUINE GYPROC-- ldomily it those two ways: 1. Lock for the name (}YPR(`)(.` un the back of cu-ry sheet. I 2. Luuk for lhc: Green Stripe on both side edges. Light enough to be easily handled-sturdy and tough to provide a per- manent joh-Gypr0c is the ideal material for walls and ceilings. The large sheets of pre-Cast reproof gypsum reach from floor to ceiling. just a few rr___`r. sheets nailed in place and the job is done. 'I`utnls .. Rejected I Pluralily x|'\ (With -l`m-X `I-'<-11.)) 134 -111. Wrap. Loaves` :4 I=ii roons?i?F`rq "0l`.'s'13SIl(M' '~;-'5 20 1':; SALMON 'l`in `rm .| HIIIAIVIIIIV IHI .\rmuur`.-e LAND . . . . . . . . .. Heinz Kl~2 l`(?lllil Ikmish Bhu- (.`lIl'2I*2.l-I . . .. A 4.2 P l`om.ulu .llll(`l~2 SWll, l".\' l'l IMIIHI (Ht \\ huh- ur M:\|'l.|-I l.l'I.-1|-` SM|()I*'.l`lll HAMS~.IU'illl1 Hull` 295 Iul).~|l. l\l\.`l ll 3AVI|Jl\l".lI Innurnxa WllUl.l-I (Ht ;_ A ."l'lHN(: HALI- nu nu hIal\nI. mam.` z_.n:.gum :3 s-wan-n-nu:-r.1wc:u. "--- *' 351;: ` FI\Nl`\ ()UN( _ (5 In LBS. lium-IL-5.-; Hound. Sirloin. Wm: (`uhv or I'url-rhmm- Hutu-In.-:.s ltmnul. \-"zrluiu. \\'hu:. I-`.'u'` Itumn or |orlv-rhmuso PHK SHHULBEHS PUHK SHIWIMEHS suceo T011118 ...... ..Vl+lU 84 Rcjtrctod ballu1,.~:--r~4. l |\II'l':lily fur Ruwv 317. __.. -._ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables l('l'IBl`I|{(: .\'EW (ER!-TI-IN A .. LET ! IICE .*-.'-:::: Head be CHBBREE .'.`;'...':: Zlbs. 9c l`I-I.\'AS MAICSII SI'Il~Il)l.|-ISS .`JI'lW PRU!` Guam-`Rum 5; CARTS:::;`.$.`.:::=L3{or 11 AT Asp ' 5 Low E\`lERYD_Y_PR|CES Vig.urnu~: KL Wlney the monthly r(.-part of Chief Stew-1 art, which was pm.-s;r2nt:(l tn thi- 'l'uwn (_'r;u,xnci|. N[un(ltI_V vvr.-nim,-. 1):,-t:xil.s \`.'~L`l'L`1 uswtnlt, mc_ await-t in}; trial; t'murL cnc, awaiting triulzl thcft, unc. nu clue: disurdcrly con-i duct, (hl'1'L_ twu convicted. cnvr` i %A%=9? 3 5% WILL NOT CRACK, WARP, SHRINK OR SWELL THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT gypssqn wallboard made Canada FIREPROOF - therefore safe PERMANENT AND DURABLE-therefore economical 'l`n11lls R('j('('2(`d I Plurulily INVISIBLE JO|NTS-pone| strips are unnecessary SMOOTH, DUST-FREE SURFACES - easy to keep clean TAKES ANY TYPE OF DECORATION -- no monotony And Gyproc gives you all those advantages: Ejiii If'I.Ax cowAN's PERFECTION I-UK SOAP TOILET 3 LIPEBUUY SOAP . pmumn 2s-oz. ` -*`.'.'.`.:'.:!.`;*` 2. RED COCOA IONA 14c ? BLOSSOMS "1:'.'.`.'.""~"2 (i_)proc is sold ezrerjyw/Jere in Canada. See your local dealer in Lumber and Builderx Supplies. nu... ...u... .... .`.. 7 u,u.|-`lb 2 C ..nnun.:LaJ1..I I !-uh. Butch- A lunu us nu.-uvv .... .... . .... ...,..u.-.. '8 _9"CL3C-l(_..! 7:53 CIRCLE '1`ulul.< I lLn`ulil_v Am: 36% 17M 15} ?:`fi ' (`l:u*k's `>;()lIl S (Assort . (`arm-(I E Bl`I|*`.l" . . . . . . . . . uviiv \llr.|(`tlvvIy Prlrn-d by HM` I ur l0~ll). Hangs" IIIJI I! L` I4`.IIlIII:`Il withdrawn; breach L.(f.A._ 16. con- [- vir.-ted: breach H.'I`.A., nix, <-0nvict- Hi: pmly c:nnpl:m1ls;_ 29. all at- tr,-ndcd tu: mini, 57. _ _.__ ,... o..,._..._- ..-- V. ~l '1 . . -9 Burrw Exammcr mvus by far I114! '71 bimznsl. value. Maple l8-u'n.l8 l44':\l' Hui. C (Assorted) I \'I`JI.I.UW ITUUI .,.??!.'..9'.f!~"...% III, - 1 1|". 2 29c DUFFERIN`-SIMCOE _ lb. :';:+e:::: nu. 29 lb. r'.:':. :~' lb. 3%] 23 -I-lb 63c uo (fake-s` 16 muss- 25 . . ll). 3-11). 1 . 'l`h1 ' 1_'lh Page Titre: Federal Election `Voting, October 14, 1935 lb. 1 0` l_|l\ LLA , T111 24c 20c 25; - "ii: . 15c 13c 27c DUFFERI N SECTION Inn\I|\ Hl `FIR SIMCOE SECTION :Bonke Ferry Rowe lLib.-P.) tec.) (Cons.l ................ "351 79 '335 .93 .413 32 203 I 67 286 67 186 123 E34 1 0')` Lorctto ..... .. Pridham's Young's Waymnn's TOSEORONTIO /I`) Q` ............ ..351 7!} bu1lots-~2. for Bouku ~16. ............ ..619 231 ballotsm 1 l. ' for Rowe--257. .......... A4323 156 ballulsm-10. for Ruwo--2(). 'I~'ECUMSETH 44 I ..... .. I 636 for R-uwc INNISFH. an ADJALA .......... J39 HI GWII..l.IMl3URY . 93 25 `)0 UR - ESSA.` Adjaln A llinhsn .. mi ...527 ...6l9 ...393 140 "Q1115 .323 ... U0 ...1l3 . my . 76 1: '7 . H-1 . 79 ` " " ' '* I 1.610 3.12). i .n l)ut'f.-rin--| m 231 01 L`! 156 3.3:, Ccokstown Elmgnovc ., Ivy ........... .. 'I`hnrnt0n I IKJIV 335 557 10.! ID! 220 189 I'll". I0?! 125 ,, . 730 ` 457 I 174 3 529 I on 175 I "33 l 89.; , 174; HH 1 :1: 145 on Hll 13:; I FRI Betlmsrrln Churchill .. Cookstown Crzsigvalo -Hony Let` my Puinswick Slroud ...... .. I`hox'ntnn 15:)! 1711 1 n)_ | W1: 327 I 403 i 571 M- 822 350 i um 167 10%;! 1 rlves, ` Plane Makes Forced Landing llerei Gilford had its share of ext-it:--' ment on Saturday and Sunday. when a large plane from Camp Bvrden landed un the ice in the centre of Cooke's Bay, `upw-ml: Gilford. The pilot and his cu-pilnt WC'l'u flying over the bay 1.u:uu tG(`Ql'}.{L`lla Island. when their enszinv stopped und they were foreo.-d tux land. The pilot made a wnnderful `landing in the slushy .~'.nnw. duim: Ivory little damage to his plane. The propeller \va.< bent and repairs. had to be brought from Camp Bur- den before the plane cuuld take Off on Sunday afternoon` 1.011 Neilly's two small buys had the} thrill of seeing one of the lam;-` modern planes at close hand. Neith- er of the pilots was injured A kindly person irom the other s'. Ht the buy brought the pilot who ,`\\/as on guard. a fish huuse zmdi stove tn stay in while repairs wor- t-tuning. The \veather vo/as near`, `/-.rn both days and :1 strong windf i mm blowing. I brute her birthday. All roads leading to Gilford were blocked for cars over Sunday.` causing :1 cancellation of [host ichurch service. Rev. F. Bvrntrrl [came duwn by cuttc-1'. but most inf the Church-goerskept clusv mj lthoir fircsides. Spring will be more than welcome when she mu! y-iunm ` H.Sl W (`OK S \,Ul I Ubp-lllllullgx v I i Kay Steele was home for UN.` `weekend. helping her mother colu- birthday. All rnnric In.".-(H112 1 i--. . 1I4aaL`W~eeiu`s.Con:espondencua 4 The Y.P.S. me! this wcek at F`/Ir.` and Mrs. Hurry Rowelllxx Famm-rs have finished :'tui'in:4i their supply of ice. A1 Edvlivulvl lilt`I`t` \va.~' 15 Lu 18 inches of Lvluvr ice. but in must plucxx` on ihu ri\-~ or lh0n- is not nvux` u-n inchvs. huh M which is snuw ice. A mm-1in.r nr rm-mm-_ \,\.'.'l\` :u!- r I'.4\[IIDII -`I An cxv`usive vvgutublv dict 1.',l\'u you :1 trim figuro." Did 3` u ever lake :1 guud In an hippnpo1:m\us`."' Totals ...... ..3.13l 1.64? 5.028 Plumlity for Rowe in `Simcuc, 1,897. nut which IS ncc. ` A lnl`('1iH1E of farnwra w'u.~' ud- ulrcssed by Slmvart Page and Dun- 1 am McLean of Barri-3 on 1h-*`Fod- `m-ntinn no` Am-imnllnrn H) SIm('w aid McLean uf Barr:-3 on 1n-- M-(1-. oration of A5_;x'iculIux'e in Sixmww County. Earl Richu1'd. gave ul rcpurt on the Farmers` Cmxferoncc h'ld in Barrie. Twn study ;:1'mu).~' were m`; to dis:'ux'.< 1`:u'w 1 moblvms. 1 Thn \v:-:nhm' this wintcr has H->1 1 p1'omcn1s, I . Thu` \'VL`2l\hL`I' this winter nail Tfulluwed two prophc-ciu.<: '1`h:n \-.--A }no\'cr gut wimm` till lhv .~=\\-an.-.;.~* f.ill up with water. or that w:- :11- }\\":\'.~` have` an .ILnmzn'y th:1\'.'. law hvwh land and s\v:nr.;)s \\'vn- ins! 'us dry last fall as in any dry .~".Im- liner and lhorv has bvun nu .4;-`:1 10!` :1 lhuw all wintvx`. .--_-r..-..`- -- -___- E. SIMCOE SUMMARY: Cramp Drinkwzztur 1\ (Rear) (C(ms.) `Town of Orhllia ...................... ..256 1.658 Penetanguishene Midland .............. .. .. 31 385 . 320 1.030 :Port McNicoll ...... .. I. 34 137 `Victoria Harbour ............... .. 31 197 Coldwater 31 117 nn..a..I......:....|. Ar; r71 ....... .. Town 2 Port ..... .. Matchedash Medcmc .... .. Orillia Town-nip '1ay . . . Tmy . . .. Absentee poll ..... .. XVICUL Hillsdale .. .. Wm. Gibson's Milton Bem`d's Warminstcr ..... .. Mt)0nstnnL- Mrs. F. O1'1"s Wm. Tuylm"s Mrs. Shaw's uh`.-hn Reynolds M. 1.i`llicrnp's IUV Pine Grove Forest Homo Murchmont. Ardlrc-n .......... .. Parish Hall Uhthnff J. Gibsons I-`uxmead Cnrlyan H. Qunil`.s' Wycbridge .. Lufaivc's Corner Lafontainc ............ 4- Wyevale ................ .. McAvcllu':~: Schuol G-ibsun's .......... .. (Last Week's Corrcspnmlemsul u/.... c..`..|.. ....u- hnnxn l'nr vlx Totals .......................... ..1.220 5.531 I Plurality for McLean over Drinkwatcr -2`_(~imL M:-jurity of McL(.-an over all---l($)., PARTIAI. DE'l'All.S III ..pIn-10.. Cookstown ..... .. Hamm(.~ll`s Sulton's 'I`egurt':-: "l`h0mpsonvi llv Wi|cnx's ......... .. Tnlals Plurulity uf ML-Lc.m nvur Majority of McLean over 2 l nwn9hin 1)!` Drill Totals Plumdity of McLean uver Drinkwntvr Majority of Mclmnn over all -680. 60 303 801 . l`nlal.s' 1 Plumlity of McLean ova-r Tiny nrhrirltrrx _ 'EbENYALE THE NOTING IN EAST SIMCOE RIDING ems ;...T.m1" .\ .-...u.n -uh! Medonte 1:115 ................ .. :10 -1| ty Dl'iI]k\ViIl('l` ly allA8. l'uwnship of Orillin 9 ( 197 107 RH Ail`li(,- ............ .. EV('l`(`ll ........ .. No. 1 vlmul 197 (H6 1' I)rink\v:m-r I I I 30 20 20 IU ! (Last \Vvuk'.s' C()l`I`(.`.`:|).)ll(l(`l1C(`D Mrs. J. A. (Iuckhurn visit:-(I in |'l`m'unlu recently. Miss Jenn Lauder of Orilliu vis- ited at her home here last week. Miss Mary Kissuck, 'I`n1'unlu. is {.spundin;: :1 I1-w (luvs :11 hl'l' home i lwrv. I MI` null IL11`\' Wyn [.H*I1l`l` \`IH'Il1 ; hero. Mr, and IV1r.~`. Wm. spun! 1:1 few days with 1'ri-mls nl Rugby `last week` I \N:\ nml ulml 1n rmmri Nurmzxn last week. Wv are glad 1: |'up<>I'1 Nmfmzxn lConk. Whu h.'1:< hm-n quilv Ill, is [able lo hv umuncl ug::1In. I Miss Dm'm|1vu 1.005 ullomh-(l thv lzumuul cmnu-ntnm of lhv ()nlun-.; I l`u1m)u1':n1(-a.) Ft-dx-ruliun in 'l`umn1u| Lu.-c ulnnnlr |nnnu:u cnn\-a-mun lv(lv lust \veuk. l`.n\v'v: K 344: I Ililsl \veuK. I _Cow's Ki__:k (tullses | Gm`(l 1.:mrlm' had |(:x{)m'ivl1(';- of having-, inumts turn in nnv of _hi.s' by :1 cuw kicking: him. His 1' .ml.; [wish him :1 S})L`t'(l)' l L`(`U\'('l'_` . | , -5, , ,.. .. r.._ . Air l The l.)(`llt'f mm the British Com- mnnwvullh Air l`1'ninin;.; Plan will boost tho number of .~,vlllm's com- ing to Canmln from Great Britain aflvr thv war is k'X])I'( ."S(`d by Roy- ul Air l urc.- (:ll`ico1'_< in Olluwzl. 'll1('sl- 0lTicer.~: have been slmvvnl lmuvh kindm-ss by Cunznclinns and] ism will pupils cunning hL`l`(` from Great Britain. lrluvlng t-.\:pm`ivnc-cl !~`(1ll1l'llllDg , or C:m:1(li:m llif.-,l `ll. is: llmuglll pmbnblv that mzmy fol` tlwsv rnvn will (-.m. settling lin Cuzxuclu x`ll'lor the war. V WEST GW Bond Head .... .. Cn(.k:.1uwn ....... .. Ornngo 1-lull .Plnnl's House Church's School `