Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1940, p. 6

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,. 2. plication will be consiclt.-rod. 'i`nd.-ix seclfondary schools are post-pi`im.'n'_v and not, as 30'years alga, prv-uni-I ve'rsity. The primary function of education is to provide an adequate trining to enable the pupils. when they leave school. to (`urn a liveli- hobd and to fit them for um1m't.'.l-.- ink with credit the duties or (til:-i -ynhnl-min Qnl-aim-I14 nnrl mnlhnrlg must! (Continued jrrjr: Pam: 1) i I I (.l. lll|Jl`I, umu. "It vvns 2.l\v;1_vs pr:>h|mn:nlic'.1|l whether and to what extent rm ox- podilinmnry fm`('(- wuulri hr rt-quir-_ ed. There was novel` any (lnubt of the nr~ccs. of Cnnnrln In-ins: nbiv to defend hm` mvn . H wuulrll huvp bnvn impr0p(`r In nliIi'/.0 13"- funds votod for purposvs wf rn1iun all defence upon (`|(}U1il1p," (*IC.. for overseas services laccnusc every (Inl- lar oxpondnd would have had to be taken away from funds l'(`quire(l for more vital d(`foncv vquipmoni. ..AIAI u n, rV'-uf\`\| I nu |||II|\_ .-uu u\..\.._. "AHhim._:h lhn mnnryv was spmail for defence. yt,-I. llw ~.~:1)un(|iI1n'.- of. this money not only im'1`(,-n;~ml ouri defencp fm'(-vs. but it mm mm opt-ru-' ticn in C:11mr1:: Hm in mm! chin:-ry 11Ccoss:1ry In sp:-ed up prm` duu1i(m wht-n the nv(~s_~.\: zu'ns<:. E - - I ._ ,,,u_ __ :1... _,g >7 7 I With Canada's Largest Selling S Cough and Cold Remedy-Over ` 10 Million Bottles Sold! i IMPROVED FORMULA--ALKALINE- SWEETENS THE STOMACI-1! 271 (':7'6I"Ti`i'f nniiiinn L. L .1: gnjnjgn nav-. cw 72:fc}KING DUE TO plnm-s ncquirvd as the nnutull, of l|1(:s:(3 or(,lL~r.~:, lht: [.{l'(`ll1,(`.\`|, benefit In Canada has been tlw ('.\li1bUFhIn(`l\' within our own cmmI.ry nf Hw capacity 10 px'mlu(:(- aircraft. And this h(`C1lll.`(.` of 1.h(- cffurlz; mzulv by tho l)(:pzu`ln'u.-nl. of National 1)!`- fcncc.-, in cu-up:-ralinn with Cnnn-| dizm intlus `y along those lines. \lI(lll IIIIIIIDLIJ (lIVlllh \||\-I\_ . Even when war was (1(?(!]EIl`(,`({.` lh~rz_- were plenty of ;,'l'ealcu:u1:4 ml hand In mtret immt-(liute met.-d.<.| There were enough 1n1ifnrms In` Iequip 5().0()0 men: 45,()()0 pairs nf. 51100.5. l35.()()0 suits of unrlmweuz` and 125.000 l;>1unkel.s'_ To show how industry was prcpml.-(I to meet any w-mcrgency. there were 235,000 blun-` k(-ts ()r(lr:1'vd after tho war hoptnrn` [and already the must of these have] been delivered and l5().()0f) mm`!-I have been nrdercd. Up to the end` 4.!` `r-mu-n-.. mnnnn n:|il`~.' nf hm-X` ll =For`c.A.s.F. Overseas only j_--._ .. .. . I---- HI Douiils of this cu-npurzut HUVL` DCCH UX`(lL`X'(.'(l. nf J:nmi:ir_y lSl0.000 have been clclivc-red. Althuu;.{h (me (livisiun is nvz-vu sca.<, and others will follow. yet I helivve our main ctmtributinn tn; thv war will he mnrlo by the u'~:-l Lzivvn Great. Britain in pro- .<(:cuting the Air 'I`r;1ining Scheme known as The British Commun- wealth Air Training I lz.m". The proposal for the ostublislnntrnt n.` .'this programme was submittc(l tr , tho Canadian Government on Sep- tember 26. and was acct-plorl x)r0mnl,l_v within twn (lays. 'I`ht~ "plan is so popular that in. uf [giving tho Lznw-rmnunt Cl`l,'(ill for its l U[) L() ll|L' unu pairs of ghrm<' F . . , . . , .~n-npr~r;1ti<>n with Grozit. l'}rIt;un, our _i '>[)1)()$iii(I11 try to claim that it _|\\'<)ul(i huvc hm-n in (![)'1'utiuH muvh _`r-nrlim` had tho prz-.~'(`nt govornnmnt `nut. clccliiwrl to meet an (-zirlicr r(~- tqm-st. This C()l1l,l_'llli(m is wholly `without l'mmr*lat,i This govern- t `H in gmvnt, m<-t (`very . with 2:,- [ to Ct)-()|)(:l'&ll(."" 0 l . - Inn W(`I`(~ '\\' Ih.. unnnkr-I` ` xrlnnn l`(`(`l()I'_\ un '[`hur:~'clny (`\'(`lllll_L" T110 A.Y.P.A. of tho (fhurvh of: hv Gnod Shvphvrd held iht-Ir 511-; [01:11 vvnning at tho hnmv 0! Mr. an-I ` Mrs. Hnldon. Wodnc-may vvm1iI\L:{ 1 I Mr>'. William MC]-{mm-ii mu! tho. 0 K R n1isfurm"- to slip on the ice Whllf` bringing a pail nf walor frnm cm- pump at her hnmv on \Vedm-sdny and suffered a badly brnkvn hip. She is now in the Midland hospital. so A...:.......-,. Dunckuvnrinn nhnr:-hl ' D119 15 HOW In In!` Lulunnuu llll|llIuI, St. Andrew's Presbyterian church held thelr congregational mot-um; `on Tuesday afternoon. Encourag- ing reports from all tho cliff:-11-11`. branches of the work were givv-n. 1'1'ne same officers were elected for the nresent year, The pastor is Rev. A. J. Preston. Penetanguishc.-nc. .___-.:. Tell it well am; it will sell. For Barrie the telling is best done through Tue Examiner. . ])El[)( pum. VUMI, , I Fl St.ui`L:L.-on and Irma Nich- ol W(.`l`(.' joint convent,-rs fur the month and thvy opened their pro-' gramme with :1 reading by Maude Wright. Doris Knertshaw mvourod with a lovely piano s(:lccti0n_ anrl MuI'x.:1iu1'iti- Boll rrrnd zm intuI`c:4tin,z -r on l r<>pcr Rccrt-;iti0n." Ritzi HU1_. ,'h(.'S l'(,`Hd H humorous papm` (`ll- '1lHL`(l Don't Work Your Body Till Your Brains Can't Work." Irma Nichol put in ii Jumbled C<)ntv.st" which was won by Mar1.;arct Nnilly. ;l..i|lizm Kncoshaw. Nadnnc Rcbnrts'! lillld Ruth Knrreshaw staged 2m in-. tr-rostin;.{ (lL.'monstrziti0n on winter Jsulzicls. Lzivinu their recipes and lnt-- (.-r sill had tho plL-asure of .s':implin;,' `-he finish:-(l products. : Mrs Mnrtnn and Mrs. SimL)kin`~`| ' of B\'arll'urd spoke un me -lC(l'L1`o5s. showing samples work being done. The meeling closed with National ,Anthcm and the usual pot luck" lunch was pnrtakcn of. Thn March lhC('UHL[ will bv held vcm-r nf hvnllh. will be in chzn`ux*. (!oulson's Hill Junior Inst. ['h(- ["(.-brunry nnut,-ling of tho .luni(.1- Institult: was held at Man'- ,i(m Bell's with an zattcnrlzlnnn of 1 iwcmy-.s< '/1-n lT1(.`lTIb(.'I`.\` and vixitol 1 Cmxsidcrabh: business was rliscuss~ |cd and it vvns dociderl to give Mount |Pl-u: school a First Aid K11. `such as pro.-u2.t0 In Lhrvc nthcl I schools in llu: dislricl. during the past your`. m...-m..... Qa...u....n -_.nrI Irina Mir-h.. ;'-My ]|n|shI*(1 pI'()ll(.'L.\'. _ I Mm Marion and Mx'.='.,Si IpkIn`~` of Brarlfurd spoke the Re 'Cros.<. showimz samnles beinu _W()Ml'IN 'l`()l CulF'l` BUYERS 1 Llnan on "The Shadow-ovuy Vlad, CH5, 9 -9.30 gun. Every sag. cgo, _30,7_,_m. 31.00 will and 300 Swnl Cans to n Canndlnn aoldlnr AAdnu._"w..O Fun" Victoria St. and Railway Lllxlll -I.|Ill\I.|HI\l :||I that. in vw-1'_v l.l)l)l) l.hcx`(.- are 12! .~;l:|: pairs .~:l.m-| and 93 Hi). ,|'Il).'_u\\ lvlnst of the ;:il'lx luys. (.`-il'l:; for I shirts. 173 lies an slippers in every inn mi I Road and use Exzuniner Classl- { f ieds. !.n_V:~`. Lulu: l()I' mvn ;IvL-nu.-.c an. and .s'u(:I(.~:_ 87 pziim 1,001). the res! 7:- im; mi.s'cull.':|u_-mA.~; :u'1i-lvs. ` Tlnurdauy. Fcbrunr_ 22. 1`!-M0 .._____:-- Is This the Reason A` You Are Constipated? It ymfrc wrmrlr-mint. why yr-ur lmwt.-In rlul1't. wurk right. . . . amp ` nml think nhunl what. vnu mil. All gmul nunrizalnm; Inmlu _ ~. . but I::<.kim.: in "bulk" nfter Um rlixmnlivn prim-rm. And ynu need hnIk!" l~`..ul llml. JIIVOS the huwnl.<.x shmimhlnrr in work nil . . . . L`! noun I.uI.`Iu nuwvu. Ir its this husk or "bulk"" thut'H musing ymxr '.nnnt.lputlon. Kellogg's All~Brnn in just. what you need. After llxzusllnn 1:. Bl)". nmnn r(.-nmimx whirrh he-nus ynur bowels nmvu. In utldilium, All- Rrnn mw-:: yml Nntum`a ln~ tr-nlimnl luni--. vil:nnin Hn. EM. "hnlki" I~`..ul Hml. gives L lmwols .~1nimh|nL: up work on . to help them move. -1: u-.. n.1,. I....1. ..r -II... IOILI In IOICIII Addnu:-"Swul Cam" I . O. Box, 6000, Montreal, Out. bowels move. In mmumn, All- giw-sx Nu1ure's |n lrmiu \'iI:nnin H|. Em. this l:mt:-fnl rvmvly In-rmt, rtcroul cw,-ry lay, drink plI'nl._`/ of water. and cnjny lmmmlur days. All- Brzm In unmlo lay Kellngx: In Lun~ dun, Gun. '.>`-mi by cw.-ry Kroner. nmrt. wurk I'lKllL amp wink about you cnl.,_ nu -,n!. o;,';.::4 nml pumtncn. ml nunrizahim; fnmlu kim: in "hulk" nfler Um H rtmvly In-mil, rtcrmn lrink I0 luv Krzllmzxz ll {UH}; lull` \VIl|l|l'll. xx uml |;:mliL-5:, H2 in h.`:|1(lk(`l'(.'hi0`fS wns ur pyj:unu.~:. ; fur 1-hildnvn urn -) illll -nun--urn Canad'z; s Oldest Life A`ssu1-ance Company . . . Boy! how these last ten years have galluped past . . . Sixt_v`s almost here . . . and I m not nearly ready to retirc~-th-at is, tinnnci-ally speaking." liven if you are in your forties, we can show you how you can retire with :1 life income in 20 or 25 years. . . . ()n the other hand we lmve never heard :1 man who is about to retire on :1 (lunada Life income vuiee regret that he started young to put by money for that inevitable day when he must leave his desk for good . . . and in the years be- tween. life usually has been happier in the knowledge that his family was protected by life insurance. An early start certainly makes it much easier to arrive at 55. 60 or 65 with am incqme for the rest of your life. 1 y ` 7 "Is it hue what they say aboul Ted and Maw?" "Well, he is sending her :1 lot of Sweet Caps." The (`mmdn Life `Assurance Company. 830 University Ave.. Toronto. Ont. ing \VH.h cremt tnc nuuns m (,'n:-( . zehship, Subjects and molhnds mu.~'t~ be` considered in the light of mas nA'm fnm-Iinn of r-dm-nlinn. Without obligation on my part please tell me how I can get a guaranteed (`unds Life Income 850 Q 0100 U $200 C] 8300 D I month at age 55 D 60 D 65 U Name .... .. -"Address .. Born ...... .. Charge of Bigamy ; .I Faced By Soldier John H. Davies. 26. R.C.A.F. sm- lion, Camp Borden. appeared _i'.1 Ecourt. hex`c. Saturday morning, bo- Ifore Magistrate Compton Jeffs on .1-a L-lmarge of bigamy. and was re- `manded on` $1,000 cash bail "until F`(.-bru.'n'y 24. V u ! H u:::v< r~h;n'm\d 1h:lI. Davies :11` i 1- cnruary ac. . ', It was charged that Davies I 1936, being married. icn Canada iu.-I `the purpose of going through :1 marriage. and thereby did commit an indictable offence. __.?______.j____.__ own judgment and we'll rely on your findings." l"hn `llnnrrr S1-hnnl dpnm-tmcntal your uncungs. ; The Upper School departmental lexams_ he declared to be thoroughly justified. as this is a pro-university !'l\lll`QP in-nurse. 5 Dr. ML-AI'thu1' pointed out the im- lportnnco of close co-operation be- .Iwc(-n pm-ems and teachers. The es- ls'u_-nce of democracy is a realization {of human righhs and liberty, and a iwillingnoss to give to others the rights we claim for ourselves. It is important that the foundation for our democratic institutions should bv laid in school: 'T`t'\rl-J1: Mn. Inn:-hnr`c n'rn:iIn (in- s l \ `Board of Education, presided and no into In senom; 'I`oda_y the teacher`s greatest op- portunity is to perform a social ser- vice t.hat will tide the youth of this pmvince over the most dau- 'L_It`rous period of his life and to help him becmne a happy and contented citizen," concluded the speaker. About 200 Present W J. Blair. chairman of the seatcd with him at the head table were Hon. Dr. I... J. and Mrs. Simp- son, Dr. and Mrs. McArthur_ Mayrvr Robertson. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Blair. Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Mc- Arthur wore handsome Corsage bouquets, the gifts of the teachers. in the gathering of about 200 people were practically all the teachers of the public schools and collegiate institute. members of the Board of Education and Vocational commit- tee, George Johnston. secretary of t.he Simcoe Trustees and Ratepay- ers` Association. Trustee Gilchrist and Secretary Caldwell ot the Orn Township School Area. trustees or teachers from Holly. Bethesda. Killylea;.:h. Dalston. Shanty Bay. . Wyevale, Minesing and Centre Ves- ' I pra. wives of trustees and teachers _ and a number of other guests. 1 Ilnrlnr thn rlirm-tinn M` Mr Fish- and mnmucr 01 otncr gllCSl.S. i Under the direction of Mr. Fish- er, the B.C.I. nrclicstra gave a num- ibcr of selections, Miss Leah Lowe ).'HV(` a piano number and Miss Dol- ores Jones sang a solo. all of which wore warmly applauded. A si1'u.{- song was conducted by W. Roy Mc- Vittic with characteristic spirit. nn......... 13nI-,.......... ....:..: Clan` ...I.:ln De consluercu In nu: n;.;n ne"w function of education. 1.. ., vlluu wuu \.||uIu\,I\_|IoI.I\. nynn-1.. Mayor Robertson said that while `ideas and methods change, educa- "Duty of... ? lirmislg zllways foul` it their duly in make people think. He ll1mu:l1l. ll. very fillinp; that Eduunlinn W'(-(`:1 should coincide with tho np<>nim;' of the Legion campaign for funds In cducnle so|rliL-rs so lhnl they mi:,v`n| be pI'0pm'0d in l`('-(`l11l`l` vivilizln Ill"!- when lhc.` war is over. I Tom-l1c1's` 1 :1y1-nll, $lll.23: a I Chairmzm Blair rvlnmjlu-ll uplul the happy occasion sucll :1 l<:1ll1L-;~-, ing pmvos. Barriv. he s:1irl_ has 51 public school lvur.-l`1m`.s and 19 in the B.C.I. Last your [110 payroll was $79,800, This yvnl` it will lu- ` $81235, not inmrlurling supply l(`.'l(,`l1- ni'< tor of Eclucnlinru as "1h(- frivml ml` the schnol <-hilrirvn. lhv frleml 0| thr- tozlchers and mu: (:|n.<(~ly intvr cstod in the wnrk of {I16 in. ` Dr. Sim[).snn had left wiih H10 :.-1'.- izcns his influomrv in 'm:n`kvd rin- greennri vvas woll wnrLh_v uf sup- port and bx-st wishvs. n....:.-H. 1....-.1 'I'..:..-1..-n " I `Dr. Spmll inlmducvrl thv Mini;-I _ l |'H|1"L`S l1'.)('il| l(`iIl'Il(`l.\ `Aflvr ])l_Vil1[.. ,` tI'ilm1,v In "tho \'ory capable and nmst vfficivnl 1(`:I(.`hI!1;1 .' of H10 Barrio .<(`h(ml.\', um]--1 principal": "who \\'L`l`(` dninq .~pIm1-` did wnrk." Dr. Simpsun prov:- 1o introducv his Deputy 1Vlini. hr huuv\rn)1 1\/Ir-/\r1hIIr zlnrl h|`i(`H\' lo mn`0(1uc(- ms lJl'|)lll_V AV1Il||rL\`I'. [DIX Duncan M('Ar1hur, and hri<~fl_v `_skt`lch0d his uzlrm-1', Born in lilgixu `County, grnrhnalorl from Qlu,-x-n`.~ Uni\ (`rsit_v in 1907` gold medalist m 5'CV(`l`E1l stxbjocls, an Cmmdian Ar<-`.a- ivos stzlff for 11 time, ;:r:Idll.'1lvr`. from Osgondo Hall in 1915. mnnngz": nf irnst cnmp:mic.< in Lnndun. hvnd of Dvpl. of History in Qum-n'.< U21- iv(:r. in 1922. svr\7in;.{ in ihzll cup- ncity till nppuinlvd l)vpn1_v Miniv- tcr cl" Edu<';`.1i(:n in 1934. mvmbvr m I\'in;:.~tun Bnurcl uf Erluculinn. L1,. h frnrn thvvo nni\'m`si1i~.<. N01 un- l\|ll',L.\lUI`l Duuxu an |';lIllLrIIuIII, D. from three uni\'o1`siti~.~: * ly has he eminent ncadmniv qnu'n~ fications. but as :1 rlupuly hv hm ' few 0qual:<." said hi.~ (`hii-l , "and i our association fuy five and n hull" 3 _vcnrs had been very l1npp_v." A Fine lnflnvncu Frzmk W. Dnbsnn. . for` the l`mm'(`l. mid Barrio .~'hr:uI(l hr` proud of H10 calibre unrl quzalifirrn lions of its toaclurrs. nnl only f": their acuclcmic a11ainm(-nls. hut. rm the influence exercised upnn lhc lives of the pupils ~-- caxamplu: in clean and decent living. nn(~ ml` Mu` most important things in the making of Canada. He said Hon. Dr, Simp- son and Dr. MCAl'll1l1l hurl down much in r;1i. thv SlHllrlc'll`rl MI lln le.'1cl1in;: p1`el'os. Wnrron Wilgm`. . I'm` th: (`lulu :;nnl`~(~i:ilrl`l ` I inrxc n\'rn'n~\\l-ri |L'.uunu;.; }JI\.'|\nnA\.ru thr Lions Club. cxp1'v.\\<:ri zappwcizliirn of the fine cu-(,)pm`:llim nf tho I01- clwrs in savings. that 1110 Club`. 10.- U00 bottles of milk gets where it iv needed most, J. E. I\ Im`rison briofh voiced the thanks for 1110 milk dis` tributinn. Pvin('ip::1 A. R. Girdwunri Enid 1h: B.C.I. Imus 38 pupi|,\ pvr In-zu-hm`. The Board incr(`:ts1`d ihv .~ml'f My rmr last yx-:11`. but a1H'ncl:uu'o \\`~n1 Ill I0 and they are l.mkm;; rm` :lHulhr*1 t.(`2u'hnr this _,-;n'. 1 A6`1...- -u I`.-uv uuurrk ml Hnnrc I`.\'\ Distinguishca Speaks To C I I | 1 K 3 El ll'\V (`I HIS U\\'ll lllfllllllg l`Xp(`il |4.`n(`e`>` Ono .~{ Ilwm` .'1d\'I`n1lI1`(`.\' hzr Heft its mark upnn him still. Cap llurvd by tho Arabs. ho nnrru\\'1_~ (`$(`ilD\` rlvnth. but did no! <`.<(".m` lorhxrv. for he \mL< . Th: sire-l(`l\in;:, had :1 po1'n1arwnt vffov [on his throat. giving him a difficult} Iin spn-aking_ which to snnw exten` !is n lnmdicap in his lccturos. I M?-jm` Carter concludvd by stress ling that young Canadians 'bn thankful for the freedom am demncracv of their own cnu!m'}' and should hnvo for Canada a gren` neyv xunctxon 01 eclucaunn. 1 We must concern 0ul`s('Iv('s witni th transition from tho mo of ml s(-1001 to the life nf tho cmm.m:1-' it)`. so there should be some ("win-! ing to help boys and girls mukv :1! wise choice of work when !%v.~,_v leave school. Much of the tragedy, --f unemployed youth between 18 nnd 91 is dim tn thn innbilitv of Inc Haven't you :1 friend who woulc" like to see a copy of this week`s Ex- aminer? For sale as, all new: dealers or this Ouiuc. lIll".\l` E|(I\ L`ll||ll'l".\' Hil` Cap ' 1. 10 d pormanr-ut rrivinn hirn :2 diffimulh td Traveller C.|. Students P. U. C. GIVES $2500 TO TOWN FROM PROFITS 1 i . ~ I I(.`nn.I.mued from page one) The l`(`D0l'L shmvml :1 new rot.-nrd'1 for xvnlvr r4-venue and for cum'p:n`- :ul.ivo purposes the following fi1.z- urvs on revenue may be`interesling: 1933 .......................................... ..$l7.443.34 , . 1934 17,852.53 1935 18,293.27 -1936 18,920.90 1937 .. 20,289.68 1938 . 18,859.99 ` I939 20,878.42 I 'l`nlnl amount of water pumped . I'.\.- Hun vnvn` umc 1'70 '7(\!'\ nnn nnlhnw IU-)U . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a\l,0lU.'Ia for the your was 170,205,000 gallons. ` During the year new mains and S(`l`ViC(.`S were inst.nlle(l= as follows: Cnttnr Ave.. Tiffin Lu Brock Sls.. $2,278.40; Perry and Frances Sts., $2,169.02: 32 new services, $798.20; total. $5246.37. 1 Yu`vnnncm_- hxv nnnihlnxn` nlnnl |[OU1l. J).Z`M).6l. I Expenses for pumpmlg plant mnintommce were higher due to the n0(:ossiLy of installing 21 new roof ion the small rcsewpir at the plant znurl nvnnncnc nn rnninc nnri HliIliILl.'lIrlll\,'l! WL'll.' Ill}.',lll.'l L||,ll.' Ll) llll.' lnecessity 4 mid expenses on mains and services were increased through the neces- sity of renewing: nld services on the streets on which new pavement vvns laid Inst full. I I 13 inn` (kn u..n- nimkl `lvnnlm-dc ilEll(1 IHSL li|ll. | Durimz the year eig-ht hydrants. which were giving trouble. or which `Vi/(`l`C ton low to make fire de1)m`l.- ment connections in the time.which might be expected of them. were replaced. I f\1)I"I)A'l`Yr\l`f` Af'l`!'\'11\l`l` `n\'l O`1"ER/\ l`ING ACCOUNT n Earnings Water revenue .................. .. $20.8` H_vdr;un1. rental 3.3` Mulor rental nempmycu youm D(T|\VuL'Il in nuuv 21. is due to the inability T boy t{) discover, tho jut) for which he is 3best`suitctl. ft. is tho duty ufi the school to $00 that the buy: .mrli girls, leave school with such umlm -| standihg cl` their own CIlp21l)iliti~'.\" and such kn0wl(`cl1.:c: of tho Hm)m'~i tunitics of cmploynwnl tn makr tlw tvansitiort with a minimum of rii.<~i turbnnce. The Fundamental Function Our main concern must ho a rv-- nlizatibn by. the ,tcachm's of tho fun- damental function of nrlttcatinn not simply tci1Chin;1` .\'llt)jC(.`lS_ but instruction in subjccts tn pmmo`.:- intellectual and cultural develop- ment in the students. 'I`cachm'.-'. &`..~'. specialists. require S]`)(`(.`i5li skill, hit`. it is of greater impnrtancn that they understand thc rclatinn bu- twecn- the content of the subjt-cl. and the (lcvclopmcnt ot the boy or git-1." said the speaker. 'T`nIu-hint nnrm tho (tlI('.'~`.lin!1 of t |'l`nt;nl water cumimzs ...... .. $24,227.17` Dvduclions Frmn Earnings `()noruiin;: expenses: `Operating and maintonnn-cc ml`: Pumping plant .................. .. $1,581.35!) Pumping plant operators` \v:mI\< $l 37'] fl] - unnyu.p, lluun. \Il1L|uI.\IL. \vz\;{(`s ..... .......... .... Mains and services and L-iunrlninn 1\'lillll.\' ilIl(1 SCl'VlL',C-Y EIHU stzmdpipu . Hydmnls Fuel. oil and gals . I?.lrJctric power lDopx'ecinl.inn of lllllltyu I nnninnxmui :n u\.\.:un.n-u nu uI,uu,_y equipment ....... ................ .. 1 Motor truck operation includ- > inn deprcciut,lon zmd insur- I Zl}\l`l\ h1Slll ilHC() ........................ .. Work-men's cmnponsutiun Salaries. office expense. billing and mmlwlnriinrr , ,, n.-unrucs. ounce expense. billing and collecting . /\ur1ilin`g . Total npmutingz and YT\2lil1'(\1\}Il\(`{`I nvnnncnz mun npomunp. mm mzuinlmmnce expenses. $13,146.61 No! operating: p1'r)t`it. ...... .. $11.08U..`i Other Income Profit on merchandise sales $137.45 Other Charges Dobm1tL1rcs paid principal $2,362.36 Interest paid on debentures 911.555 Inl.m'e. bunk . .... .. . 2.95 Bud debts written 01'!` $45.50 1.055 previously written nrr r-nllrw-hurl 9:12 m _'u an. laL`SS ])l'(.`VlUUSl_V Wl'lI,l.CI1 off, collected .... .. $13.91 . il.:3!l I):-pr(`cintim1 on buildings 327.82 Net profit for your ............ .. $7.581. /4 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Au.-nip t\SSClS Current: Cash on hand ............ .. Accmnnts root.-ivznble: Water rules. c1n`i`cnt . /\x`re:n's Sundry 'l'0l;I1 cL1rr(~nt assets . 'E`\-nA- ne six Fixed: Land A :5 -_ 2.6o`o.nn ` Buildings . 13.ll3.()3 ` Artc-sian wells ..... .., ........ .. 18,832.72 Plant and equipment 177.586.4:') Concrete reservoir .......... .. 15.62841 Gzisuliim engine .............. .. 14.329.()9 E\ ['L-tom", rented tn consuintrrs 25.00 Utility equipment. Lruck otc. !)'l6.32 'l`nlnl fixed assets ......... .. $243.09l.()2` [)ofcr1'cd charges. unexpired insurance premiums $160.10 K, Ill |'('IH. Bunk or I`m' Accounts puyuhlo . | .)vb<`ntu1'os; Town of Bzm'ic . Rosorvos: L`n.- Ix-\A ....A A. I'll] llall l(lLl,' >LflVlL'L'.` in :udv:mL'o and pr( vnmmckx` ............. Fur doprccintixm on buildings Total roservcs f`nn(. I`H.|Il ll'.\L'l\L'.\ . . . . . . .. .pa,\rn.J.1l; Capital: I):-benturu principal paid $133381.-11 iurplus us :1! Dec. 31. um}: u ) 9R7 3:3 surpxus 1938 ` undrir l I`n[i|, I\`Ir.= Erm-st Rurtvh is .\`p`l1dll1f.! r. fvw d.'\_\t< in Barrio. I\h.~:\ Hvlnn Bn"r is .~'nonr`lina svw*- H1111` with Mrs. C'n`0. Devin nf ("WM- \v:1tm`. Alhnrt Kvlly has rvturnt-d frnm ~'pondim.: :1 (`oupln of \vm`k.~` in T- rnnm_ H\/l'l|lUl _V. Supplies VOIHO, Miss Nm-mm PM-stnn snvnt thri mnvkond with hor cousin. Miss Kn : Hutton. Hillsdnle. NI:-c (Tun R1-nurn ic 1-nnfinnrl In said the Sp(.`ZlKC'l`. Touching upon lht-t'1lI('Slim1 ` promotion exams, Dr. McArthur 1 said there was no heavier incubus ` upon ieducation. The Department t had thken :1 long` step forwnrrl in ' suspending the Middle S(`l`lfIUl exams and this was likely to he permanent. Economy \v:1.< not the reason. Rather was the object tu[ place where it belongs the respon- Hibility of rleterminimz who shoulrl go on. "The teacher who knows th"l pupils intimately is best qualified to determine their ability, so we` I believe it. 1| sound policy to entrlezi the promotion to the teo(,-hers." cle- clnred the Deputy Minister: To the teachers he said: Prepare your own tests and decide on your knmvledgze of the pupils` work` Rely on your ` HUHOH. Hl|lFCl7`ll(`.. n I\/Ire` Gm, Br-`ywn is tmvwfinvd In `wr had thrnuuh ill|1(-ss. Her many 'rivnds wish for a sueedv rocnvcry. The manv frinndx nf Enrlrr Hons- `in are snrry tn hoax` ihat hr` is -nnfinvd to the house through H'- "IDQC min to rvmrn norm`. Sincere` svmnathy to MN. Jr`: Vahev nf Cnulsnn. on fhe 109: rf H:-r fathnr. tho late John La`-'|nr. -vhn m.~'~'or! away unite `Dnnnno uo:L:Ir\l~o REE;-c Dffin D.. 'vn-I p u.~~L-u uvv Rcem \'i.~,imr:<,: Mi.=< Effir` R-Wm "nlri M Bm". with Mr and Mr< away In: ~---uu"-|_\. Wm. Burntinld . . Jack Burr 1\f `hn Shwndard 1<`.nEinNv`inx' Sr~ho`. "`nr0r~m. with RMrw~ Gm. Barr and \/'[v~.<, Ran` . . . Mrs Ins. f".nrd-"1 and "W1. Bnv-F v-'h M"s. Gan. F1`-um; Mr and \""< J"-* Lenvwvd of Cm!- -vnln and `Mfr: Wm F`n`H< and r~\\il-. '1(`<!=` Ernnct Rurtrh \vas fomovod `u `ho R.V. Hospital. Barrm. on Sat- vn'dn_\'. All hone` he will snnn Ir- wbl-` to roturn homo. Rinr-an svmnnthv tn Mv`< Jn: V1" and MW .I"" L..P"1"'1 of Crn`rt- "aha and `-\In~=_ wm pains and nkil- "Wm M` Vwey, wntn Mr.-and Mrs` - David Miuex. I MOUNT ST. LOUIS: Lill L'Llll'(` Fixed: -`A um muuulz: Ex`.`~miIN1i. BARRIE. 0NT.. CANADA + ._ wvos: and doubtful dobts $500.00` ram services billed ';mvo prepaid ` mq , . . , , . . . ,, $121753] m:1l.ol'iuls EEKCHERS ARE II %BEST JUDGES I BE PROMOTIONE Liabilities SLV Ll Lall` Assets and $254.400.;')()` $10,134.73 . I . $1 l.149.38 raft $233,252 .11.`; I $254,100.31} I . $9.265 .94 4 22.05 446.25 i I . $18,618.86 $1,217.59 $939.64 $2,015.41 327.323 92,287.35 . 31.70 7,581 74 . . s:sss1.4:si . 3102.34 i $~s54.:sO .:-jj.__. .__.....__.. __ \NORTH s1MC0E" LIBERALS NAME` % D. F.1VlCEUA1G I (CmLLin1u'd from nuqc 011(3) lhu ;_;nvvrmn~n!, um` did Hwy rm-I I`l'It\ clzc. "We must rcmombt-r that the (la-- fencu npp1`upriu1im1.s' of Hm pm` sevcml yozn's )m\u~ l)(.-on for t'nI* defence of C:mu:_lu. 11 wn.< 'ulwu_v:< nuuln :-1n:u- In n:n-limnr-n1 lh:I1 II" Iloncu ll[)])l'U|)l`lE|ll(HlS (II um p-I:~' made clear In purliumcrm that :1" 21:1` cxpc-(Iilimmry force was In hv- s m abroad it. xvuuld hr by thv oxprr~s'.;l aVlIlh!)l`H_\' of Purlizum-nl. That nu- lthorily was nul given umil the sm- clal session of Parliament in .`3(r]>-` Lernbor. 1930. 1 anvx 1... I - -~-------- -- --- It will pay you to imvstigate! -

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