Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1939, p. 11

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\`\'Jl.\ l'('ll`.'l.\'('(l . . . (IS UH" LIUIII (`nns:unl_ his ])(`npl(-- nmvod 1 (li.~4lri('l lust sprim, and ho ulsn :n`uun(l hy hi1n.x'vll'|m| rm- uul. ]H`n\'in;{ 1110111) gznod ml 1}` -unr-.\ lift to the (`nlls. . . 1v:nv(~sjlIsl lwn 0|` Bill's six . . r|nn'l, F4-1'1,-(`I Ihv big; majority (`nlls .'n`<' very definitely i h:unn|n~..u- ..l._.- in In. L~r|I1` Cuulsan h:l.\' (ll)`L(`ll n.. ...n . U ([18 Irk _\~'.~: |m,\'i!ml Hun l|l- ;"'.`(`.\'( nml rlIu'k~. -w in vmmlwr, wilh "h('l' lhnu llw ])X`(' l:u1';:v 4-gvy.-4 drnm1z'l --n_ \Vl|i('|I xvns lhv` I lhv prv.:lur-.- in reporn I ides. who ~ hq.~*pi1:1l_ xsxmrs ir l\`_ ' `h llness ufl 4` 1%; pl\ti(`lI? 3 3 Miss (E. Ecklv spent thu week nl `Eh:-I` hnmv in L`lil'fm'd. ` MI`. and Mrs. .lu:<. Mm-q1n'.~' sp--nl *' CIn'i.~'l1n:1.= at '[`horn1;m, ' Mr. I6. Knapp is \-isitimg nt Hu- u- hmn nl` lu-r sun in |..nn(l:m. .__,______, , __..__, I The Exannnm-' as 110` 8 C1aimt`d" ; virmxlrninn hm me g- H'antee(i\_h;' chartered .Il|lInu9-.0-art?! 51I!`Ht_ . ` . . I" udmll an Kirkhn ' high 5 r...- nun nucr Int? Chanrmaxumu aluIUul1L'L'0i jun :1cc|:Imnlinn_ Ruck? Spicher ex- ipl'O:`.s`(`d rupprecinnon on behalf of ma` Council. and mlnfducvd :1 W- lsnlutiun oppgggng the curtailment `of m1u1iL-ipnl ;_.1ecu'on3. This \}'a.\ 1 n.1.=.-ed by the mocliug with but one dissenting vote_ Imrrmrmnn but `me K"-P311389 chartered accoxTnams' audit. UN.` ('11 new n\>r.:|`I\`r'.\ Lur cunn- cil. Nm`m;m 'I`hpma Wm. Grant, : were max; (waned, Mg. Thomas was` not present and Ur. 5??-m Whd1""- .' After the chag,-manad announced I {In .'1!`P)n-\'1lin-. Dm>\'I' Snirhnr D\ - I THC- nil RY.- NEWS OF . uN'i'.. (i.~`\N.~`\i)A an L m} the -\.u\n I ELMVALE -' ` '""_" ' " "" "5Re-ck-clod Deputy 1>{-.'-\- pf 5 ensuing year. - Township by nccklmzuinn tor Deputy Reeve Refurns {Ill H'.`lI ::l.w hm Fl'os Reeve Back EDGAR ==rm In-.-.i%ring on 7r\ | 1': ' . I . ` MT-`.15. Wr\H.1nd_ Uxbr_xdgn-._ ind`. ML`: C. Hall and son,;Bnbbte. 3148.9` \ $I5() 1! Month! .I;tppy?... I Should. Suyl TGRTH SUNNIDKLE: "I'm all swl. lo ro-all-y c-nju-y life on an im-onus I a-.'m'I Iu.~- . . . nm_vlw |`|| lrnvt-I . . . Ii:-I1. . . ;:nII' . . . in Ilu-I. I lhink |`|| In all I,|1a-.~u-. I.|oin;_r.~s . . . |`|| Iu- .`||n|1' In .~ vvvry Iusl. rvnl of vw-ry vlu-lm-, jun! ;I.-; I p|c*:I.~u`. "|"I'iu*|uI.a' xxmnlrr Imw I call u|'I`url In re-lirv ul, M) . . . |ml ulnmsl any man with 2: lllHI|I`l':lI(' a:u|.'u'y mm In il . . . uml wlull. :I|.~'n .~mrpri.~-.~4 Ilpllm is llml. Imal I llnl livml In 4-njny il. llw (Inn.-Ml.-n |.iI'<- \\nn|4l |I.'I\- ;;i\-n my wi|'- an im-mnv for |il'- inst:-:u|." (.I:u|.'u|:|'.-4 Hltlc-2-zl |.il'1.-,.\Hsur:1-rn-1:Company` \\ :- ; rili-ulous. Hm nu lhnl .:n`riv nu...-I` ...a,l ..|l WYEBRIDGE n- 1-moral of mmr Izranrl g rs. Hmmsome Bradford and Llnyd Dawn:-r. TI`- hohdaymg Wxlh lh.-it 115; Mr. and Mrs. William; I H11 X}L`l`f\ wmcn held a dance in; my hall an I-`ridny ni.iu., `vrw vc-r-v sucr--2-'sfuL '1: nn `Inn Iinnncnvua-I .\rmIu.IIuu: u uuI|uII|_\,.n.ur I uuvrn,-u) nun, nun- -, -nu-.. m on my purl pl:-nw It-ll mu Inmr I run url. n ulmrxmlm.-II 1 `mm-In Minn` |m~:uu' |N(: .INI; ju munlh ul. um: .35 [_j my [_j 1;.) LJ. of Midland- ith her grand-i `n H-"un'nn1` nu-ir -{rand I . llrndlnrri ~ t to: his} spud the: --------q-----.._- 'l'uI`mI|u, Ulll. -----up---o----- nuIpnII_\`. |`ni\'I-1':-ily /\ \`1' Du) nf I m .~.|mr1Im; .`I(`lIVIll('S of rust ` . . l"iI1;;u!(l_ whu used, n Hun. l".Imns` H:n'ri<> sum`-` has hr-on tn the furv in (I Lnurllninlnn. :<|>un.~mr0d :1 (-:un (':uIl(-(I the "R0xio.s"' I: 1:-v\.. 1.. ..l.. I\ Hun` nitlnlu i yum. 1 n Hun. T99 ..'z z;..;-4 1'u:kI:rIm_'. nml 5 . 11' r`.l_\' (,l~. svr\'1- l,'l`(:(IH fur `did prugmmmv unjryvod ,S'1nta Claus urrivr.-d nfla-z cert and cli~ pr-~ ...mdy ta all Ihh .':hi!rl(:on. 1 Among the Chri:~;lzna: ".A.'I`l`n NH` and MI'\ In-4 If Lam-I -nnunvu l.aiIAil`laIIl'l I IILV ZIIIU |lII\l` II HHIIH novcm:-nt at Hm hn\\'v|s. 1`h:-y not gripe, wmkcn nn.1 shkcn many laxatives la. UH` Uh` lN'lll` bnw-sls, and : pm-s. Ii The use nf chmp, will never get yuu xu only xlggrzlvzxtu the int the ulvliumhv mum in 1`. Hunt: I.'a., Lu. `2`a::;aa. Ox. Those who impurity pent dav ufwr day. .-.J o... nun Our MOTOR Anal: your EXACT Mutur bv checking I18 pmnt Mnlnr Shun nll m HOCKEY Stubborn} 5_e7` oi constipation W, L.mBRENN_AN r ug-,3 .' uh` 1 ..l.. u unur. amps uu ..<.surcs boner po.-1 IW(`f (mt-rating (H mnsti pa t ed in kc` 1-Liver Pills and hnvn mum-n F Hm R...`-..I.. Auto I-Ilc-rtrir so-rvlcr BARBIE. ONT. Kl'('p 7| "UL? I'll. up in their bodies. . instead of having it turn intnndml nl I.-mu! IVHP, Vlfli |'\Tg run any whme :1 tmublv .'II o- um--nun lining ' vvry li:IMv In .\lill-um '.I \ -. n-dnyul ZIIIII HI` ng of tin- lu Hui:-H \V \\ UlI llll(IL`l' \\'iIV . , . :r'hudulr~ ;umu:u'.< (`Isu- < prim` . , . lhv mwninu .1 ..|.....I h...) 0.. kn ... lhh II x 0R5uIn.- Illl)" \Il..\'.. l nus. rlanim nf Bill 1 `mrriv Calls have md all the nmrc so` 4 ln nmno lhvm . . . fmw -4 um... n......... ..,I...l `I LlI('lH l|Il`x : Vern Hmvvn. who` lzurric until this full `: ('ullpl(` of w<-elm in! 1:1 with Young Run-f 1.10 and Chmn_ysh_\'n.= llw import (`IRISS _ . .' d l..n'/.i(:ki xvurc lwul pl.-n_\*vr.< who unnu: 0 lxjv- and [hull 7\/Lu-a |v\ ,.-nun in: HIU IUIXIC5 I ) play with tho` lmxm ` . - - .\`qu:ulron Lt-zulvr W. J In-.'nrl.u1`_Ihu first R.(`... unit, is \\'l`-kHl>\\'l1 In f:m.< wlm I'<'n 1cInl.wr 1): lllll"|`\' III NH`! 1 tlw s.'nn0 ml-I us .1 "stricilyl hnw nhnul, \ CAMP BORDEN BARBIE ARENA Adults 25c |lI(' (1[)! lllll d In he must ulhvr snl I .~' able in gr u 'l`. INTERMEDIATE 0.1-LA. 'l'll 1. I (`in : :1 ll that. ; uvhw` WED. JAN. 3 Ana; Hill. illl which . and (If NIL`; in lhv, man 1. .1. V ORILLIA nu-. I\lll`(|l`Zl. urn l`L`DIH`l I"in_q0ld. fnrmm'ly at` that \v:us nm|)ri<~lnr of l`5:n`r Sluro >:(-vr-ml _w':zrs: ugn \' lm':u1('rl in mm pI'r:svnl nu til` lhv A. 81. I` Stun`, ymnnim-nl in .~.]nn'1im: :1 Mtuml I-`um-.sl . . l"in;;ulr in play fur (-or Ivznm. I 1:.-unis uml 5 smfllmll l(`.`lIH lh -nnrl -Jun. I...\|: ..l. I.-a|n;;um_ vvhullmuz 1 -1n\inI\r [uxmnor jn ,,r':hc .~:1.'Ill ;:md l`imM for :1 mu` `:1 sidn I I": 1`! 3 rnnw '1 \\ vck, ; rntvd I 131: {hr} mans MEET ORILLIA. INTERMEDIATE GAME EBARRIE, WEDNESDAY \\'(`('I\ Rlllllllllg U\'('I' 1 llrimminp. of I3:u`rIe Cu lunk fm`\\'.'u`d \\`i1h ;:r:' m-x1 I\/lnnduy .'lfl(`|`l1mH whvn (_`nl1.\' hunk up :xg:ui1x and vnnfi(|n'nll_V 1h.\1..|\I...-xv. .-u n... n[u`luI|g Rglnw. llill Wc(`lnslu-_v, Dam: Ill-lman and lms. [look of Iasl y0:Ir's lvam arr hark. also Bill lli<-Ixar1l- sun from Tr:-nlnn, Dmming from Toronto and Stan ulvillill from ()ll:m`a. ()lln-r play:-rs arr (luc- to cmnv in h|l()I`lI_\' and (`uarry l.u(`-var. l: -I you s star gualit`. may also sign up with llw lflit-rs. as all play:-rs must be on lIu- fnrcv this _v':u-r. ll:-il ll|l`('l` llll .V'l'iIl'l`. 0|-illiu is rt-mruing to into:-- modiutv lmrlu-_\' this _v(`;\r with :1 ropulc-dl_\' strum: ta-znn. invlud- inz S('\'(`l'll .\'I~niur l:|(`ru.\'(5 stars. Opt-nin;;' hm*I'Im'di:|1o U.".x\. gzuno zll I!:u'ri:-. .'\l`l`ll'.|, is mwl. \\ mlm-.~4day night wlwn Orillin plays (`amp lhmlnl l"li<-r.-`. lfnmn Rm-ahtn lunm n uiu-n [l|ll_V.V' llllll lH|I`(H`II I'lll`l' (Yump Borden have. n llivn lvum lined up this sv:n.~mn with R1-an Nublv. furim-.r pro sl:|r_ as tho l`0:l(`h uml l{oI)l)_\"` ltolu-ran as munagt-r. .`s`qu:ulron l.-:ul-r Imvr llnrdim: is also (`|0S(`|)' 1-mun-vtml with l.lu- l1-um. It is unticipulml that lhv now (20,. il1;:` (`nnnn:uulm' Mt-Gill will |`:u'- of! the pm~I( at the- 0[N`llilIg' glllll`. ill 1 h~(`lnck-\' "HIM" "nhnnn H.`lIlll. and ulsn I-`.. -FLIERS" VS. L` . . . nu\\'i'\'('I'. n I` \\'nul(l likt` In v.\ frmn the : ml` '1` '.,-the .~:l.'uH` ml" the hm -. nn-.1..|-. r;.... . ':m;:u furlhvr dL-1.'nil.s' if h(I\\'l`\'(`l'. Mr. 'I`i.~<- \'nul(l 1-.\'lvn(l :1 an Thu` I" ... Q:-.rr ..r n... n... Childen 15c t`hL`ll` Hwir .1... -) n fun last _iuninrs' -0 \\Il` I . . Gramtes Enferfam South Simcoe Curlers. I !5 Team Junior Loop I Plays An Interlocking 4 Schedule; Open Jan. 5 I .nnn\-.n:~u-1nnI lift a.. 0|... I`:-`lip HM` FHIH mum mm: to may wnn I-`I-rs-_u.~' .-('llin|' !~1I(`l'('l' Imxm. It is Bill` sn (`.m|n.~`1,un six ilmun-ls" and wlwn hr .\`|:n`l.\` fun` in:- l:uH`v he lists` Whu hml ll(`V('l' It-fl U:u`I`i(' \`\ |l('ll Iw put in :n in 'l`m'cmln trying ml Run- 111-rs 1-ily .\'('h pLI_\'(`l`$ up fur unv _u:Inw that` l\y'1m-;,;:m cmnv in' wur: `Hm-ir t-nrl .'III by himwll` lu:>kiIL'{ fur :1 lx'_\-mil. hurl plt-n|_\' in six uznlwws, nnd thou \'.`a.< I`("l(`.'I.\('d for p_n;|li(- AI`! and mum` Ir)`- ull. ph"nL\' ;m uulanh Pznqm-Llv wv .'m- in hut Kirkhnm and lwn` ln1>\ (`([ in tho- lt-`um tlw 04 m mmm i: \ npeni` Bill 1 , fr 'l`m-on ()t|:u\ on` l.(-Go: u all ()1-il nu-din rep: Six rink\ {rum Em md (`lmrvhill \\'l`l'(' x 1. (`...\.\0.. I"l..|\ '1: . ll(` \lllllll|I' k.Ill t` curlin,u on 1' match x--.~'ul1vd 1 H. 1'.` hut.- ORILLIA - Orillin past of the 1c;xdersl\iu of Juscplx R. Hudgkinsnn during 1940. M1`. Hudgkigxson. :1 C;mndi;m [.0-ginn will be under thcl former president. was returned ml ` office at the annual elections after .1. P. '\\'(-lls ummnnccd his retire- ment. . 2`.!--OI'illiu -Gr:wonhur. :11 Midland, -Midlzmd :11 Owvn Smmd. A :11 Gmvonhursl. CnHil\;.>,\\'m)d :ll Cl`:l\'(` hursl. A Midland nl L`nIlilL!{\\Hm( `(hm-,n Snund ul (,ir:Ivv hursl. Oriilin nl (Ynmp lmmlml. I`..|l2.. ul ~|I YUIINI-nu` .' -.vuu1am;1 at `. .~-K1ngsw:1y z` 3 .-\urnr;1 at ' T B'u`rip at .\ 9-~KinL`.~`\v.'Iv : 9-Mi.H:Ind at 13--Midland at I11--Aux`m~a at 1 I.L_T!.x Uw-cu Sulld `.`.--K1ngsw:1y at .\urm'.'1 all Kin::sway .\hdl;1nd :11 Owvn Sound Anrom 12- Midland I\'inL'.<\v:\_v Harrin- 1+-B:\x'riv at Midland l--Barrie at .-\nr-tra l9-Bnrrio at Midland I--Cu|lin;:wmd ) . \Ill|lliI -"ll Killllp lIlll'(ll'Il ul ()riI1i:1 Owvn S-mud :11 Midl.'uHl Camp Borulon :11 hurst. (}r:wvnluIl`.~'l at Mirllmxd (`nlling\\'nml M Owm Suuml - Midlnml :11 Camp linrdc-n Orillin :ul (h'n\'m1l11II`>`t Owen Smlml ul (`oiling u..\.nrl G r:1\'(`n- \.ll i|\ |'H -Mitllum Owc-n \\'(md I`: \.llIIlllK\\ l'Il(l ull I-EIIIIII Iillr` (ls-It ';\/hdlmul nl, (.`.I'.'w\-nl1LII'.s`!. ()\\'<-n Sumul nl (`amp Bur-1` dl-n (Nu-EIH. -.0 I`-nun Ii.n..I.... " I iIIIl|) IHII'(H'II HI HIM Gr:1\-'vnhur. nl Smxml Midland :11 Orilliu Orilliu :11 1\'1i(ll:m(l (`.r.':\-w1hur.~I nl (`um alnn uu nnv _l.',iIll I : \\ llllll Camp hursi ()1'|lliu :1 I! `I: m-n (iI':n\'x-nlI1|I`sI :11 (`amp Burtlt-u . hl)lIll(l. ~():unp llnrdun :11 Mirlluml ()ril|i:| :11 Cnllinruvmnl Uwvn Fumnrl all Orillin (`ymvvnhuxzwl :11 (.`:un|I linu- (Ivn -L.`nlliIu',\\'mui nl Owen Sound I\'li(l|:md :1! Ul':IV(`llhLll`.\`l t\.-;ll;.. .0 7\r1;.ll-uni \'l |Il|-I tll \ Kllllll l`.'I`l`:Iln ' (`ullimuvuud .~u Midland I -l\ Iidl:xml ul Orilliu. ('?;xmn Burden uL ()w:~n .`~1uI|n(l L\ ll(l|:H`.(! :u uruv ()ril|i:n :1! E\'IiIH:I (~.'illll|) Ilnrclc-n wnnrl nurrw -.n .>\1u'or:\ .-\nrvr:1 .11 1\'xngs\vu_v .\!Idl:md nl Bzwrlo - Aurora at Mudland -Ivlndlcmd Owvu Sound -K1nsw:1v .\urm':1 lIIl|l ll \J\\I ':I\'vnluu`.- mud nHilu:\V l : I I \\'I'l(' lul) In .1 I Il'i(L \' .1 .. -nhuI't~'l :11 Orilliu mi :11 (`unul Hm-cl:-u u Snulul nl (`nlling.- I Ihnrdvn . n llI`(|(`Il ; "uh. o m .~wwwmmwww~www_-`ww_"-_'m~w) 3 LR ) :11 Owen Suuml .I ulu ..| l`..IIu' nt (`amp lII`lI('ll `\\nm(l :1! (3riIli:: uul I\ lidl:md `.. r\..;n;.. mdlhrd Slrmull u-:\l1`I't.'1im'd :11 l'riun(l|_v j.-,:mn- .. .. 'I`L- . -'\. \.lll\l|IlaII .".{. H<-run . \V. DL`Lv(- ` .-\. Fm'rv.~'| . . ;\. H(J(`kll1L{ . Fullnn n- (`.u-:\ .n .3. \l|l`I|I| Pmxnm J l{u2hv<. r::vonhLu`.s`t Ilnnd .. `.1 (``..H:.\. \.H|ll (`amp Bor- I Orilliu M i(ll:md -.1 (Nu-.m I Culling!- )WsPoRT. i ANGLES lll.'l :'illi:I lil Owvn ` mum Ow:-n (_`:1hlmg(:h-':It| I . . .. `Hm-l.~;_ I-;ekI'l l.Y<'l<'ry,`-_`ba1I'|\ (':n'rnl:q;, mnkt-I Chinv.~4e Czhlxuzt l'h||)l):II dSqlI.'n: I- :u`snips`. \'[).`Ini`~hi. 'l`m'nips.` . V1141-l:nl)| .\1.u'r |7nInl.u~< .l|| `Ulla `I lnrp, | nunr ' llI\IIl I Lll . ID. Dm~k.s'. !'.:. Hunt-y Ix an .x. -:u'n lDm|p;lmuls, II llmm--nlzulu I l\Il`.`ll I`in'r:. (`:11 Mul`l`in.~'. (]U7.l'l l'u~_<. vuvll I`-n~Iu .1.`- Q uzlngrri The Aurora lira reports that Sam?` "`ivLqv\ld. that tnwn, who` I .v:us l`5:n`rie G:-nornl ilnrn when it was I m'.'t1(`ll nvw pI'Nni:<.'-.-z I n|' has hm-n' mnnivu-nl :u'1ivili(-5 nl' Vlnunl l"4n'1-st I-`in:ml(l whn |I.k:n-(I. I l l l I nu ma u:u'r1v ru}.~'pu:u_` Chl`i \'1s1tnr.< 1"t`hl(`d: M1`, and Mrs. Jennvn of Thrmvn and ;V1'i. Grncv Ellis oi .'\lhd;)]p .11 (`r~.u.vfnrd Ellis` . M!`.:'ncl Mrs, `MM Marlin: and llnrn-n of 1`--`,. nnm, :11 O"ma`nd M.n.in' . . .VIr.=, Bennett. 'I`m-onto, at Gm (`lUlbl)'.> . . . Nlissos Minnie and Li R;1ino_\', 'I'(\rumo, at Fred Rnino_v' _ . _\h~_ and lvIrs. R. G;1l1:\uL`.hcr -1 -at M':xn. . . . Mr. zm 1m-,3 C_ Cooper and sons :11. Cook wn , . . 5,-.n~`.: Mr. and l\lr.<. Hnddl-` Thsrn-; ton . . . Mr. and Nlrs. 1 Rrivv and Rvgcr. in Tr.-romu . M1: and Mrs. Czxrman Hindlc. at . lyr. We Er`gx`l`l in re ; Pvtm` Greensidcs. in the Barrie hos; (`hi-iilnvnu \~1'\iH` Tell i: well and it will ll. For B:1r1'iP the telling is h done through The Examiner. v llzlppy N:-xv Y(*.'u' In 1:2 Nliss Snru Wnid i.s visllis u (`.:1H Miss Hem` Mnyus ~k u-ith frivnrl: '1 `- 1 . `_0wn.\'p(`nplv turnod nut iui FMM U I n}1x1bt`l`s for mu S}lllll`dIl_\';h`,|. h"mm.' j, lT1IlI'l(('l nnrl H*u(lin_:. was r<-- _h'i.-ak lln'nm.:l1uul. 'I`hvr(- w::< 4 In an \mgvl:1l)los and many | hm! lufl. gmrx-|I:n. {hvir haunt` 01" .1 H10 ln~l. run that H1.` slum M "ml \ ` . ('lll`l.`~|lH:I`4\ mg ml puullry llI:'I[I[):`:\|l`vl lllyll A`. ` J cum u rcdul in` ' LWill'l'll' I'](. |)l\.ll. i virs. mi M!`.: nd darling ztt. I`m-onto, lissos to. wIr.<{ yd s.:n~1 m.~'fiv|d `r nd Thsrn- h.\m\r in 'l`r..rnmn tur and UTOPIA `1`lmmu,\. I)n-L-n1l)cr.'8. 13,032;

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