Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1939, p. 10

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V-----r One com. u word. cash. each Inger I (Ion. (mlnlmum charge. 25c). rm` Insertions for the prm: uf four. 25:` extra if not paid within five duy.-. ux date of I.~`>'uu: illsu 10, exlyp xvlyoz` n-riul (.`hri .u.~'i4- ul nll lln-I |\' *r mu-g whr-re 11 Mrs I 1. nu)` .\u Lhv ml\'unm ..H`1Ipo1'-silk. ` Smrv. Fllllll`. A .spa-vi. Cnulwjl \\' (`ul||]l`(`liul\ (li.~`pn.-ml s_\ l\`IulnnvhI -`--"`"" *` T ' r us. ,-1: Surveyors Conhnuc 1 I. Survey In Sunnidalc \`!_l'4" ` For Proposed Airport: ..`; Il|H' un.s'pn.~'n| .i_\'.il\`ll1. Mulnughl dam-r, l.().()I". lLII'l`iu, N`\\' \'u:H":s l.\ \-., nln 12.05 iLIIl., Jmmzu'_\' l Hui) l'u I\ h-In-Ll_v Ma-H. I`-npnlur |n'i(-my ~ .\l'lm' (`nrl.s`lm.n.s ml-'. N4 .'i('l \ t. l`:IlHl'l` wml .~lu'|i UH 1\|amy in half prim-. Himnmns ` 'l`|n- (`null Slum- llll 3"'\'l`lt|l L'nInplc~lmL |u5t'|u'.\' IHI l'|.\'ll|lI|ll|I Hllll l Afh-r C`hri.~'lnm.s' ml:-. I-Im lrlmmml mml .~slm'l\ ml wn \'ulm-s. I\1uny hull` |uri:-- Sim C`-L, llw (`mil HluI`- I-`rml (`1*n\vu- \\'n.-u H10 \\ mm- l.mn.s (`huh \\'m~I clmw I hnx >l`Il.i fur lhr Hnlunln. |)I'Ufn'.\`.~.iUlIl|l luwlcvy umla-In In L Ivunnusnl-zn mums \\': prvl`v1'.1hl{\' \\'lHI pI'I\'uh~ lmlh_ npllunnl .-\m-|_\' [hm "H". I l1\-mnnn-r nnanny an 11 Thu (`mu 1 I r`_.m..... Eight Below `Zero And 6 Inches of Snow /\llvI'u mg M .1` nI\4-.- ml nun` lm.sn-r\ North Sunnidale T "T lluy _\'mn' lm.sivr_\ NOW |..:r...-.-M: zul\'um`v m priw \V1'h|I`n'.s'l ulul L`l'-.s'iH\..Hl1\ll\uIIs S: (`u 'l`lu- (Paul 1`. 512!) .. I .n...-i.l .......ai.\.. ..u` I|`\.. 'I`... nl nwc-ling; nl` lh:-. us ht-hl HHS mum. with llw nvw . 'IuI\\ <, In l'u- lrunl A. Mnlt-nm.~ Inn ~>\'I`l| | `L. .....l ON 3 COUNTS Ill -4; A} (`;l.I') OH l)lTN-::l_\I.l7`.l) l.l0RSI~2S \\'nI\lv(l .~uIlul|\- fm fux HH'Zll. ul.~.u rnlIt1`uml av! ul .~lrwIu.: clrlvmg hur- n.u:\- fur \'zn|u- I'|unn- H|Il'l'.! 5` J 1w nary sun. '1 Midlunri. wL' Miss. M'y'r`.1e her =ister. 3 _ln. Qvnnn an ;- urn Mrs. ML ! Ii ..`Two Members Meet If On Way To Lodge One Suffers Injuries` L1" . M r) \ C L U A Y *`>.~i lAJ\.I 71Hl.||u-.`s'l._ F.ll'..lHl'J-' l'| FITZPATRICK -: ()I"I l(,`/U. :- ` of good used household furniture of all kinds. stoves. heaters. linoleum and congoleum remnants and drop pattern rugs (new). No reserve. Buy needed goods at your own price. A. E. SMITH Furnitufe Dealer Saturday: Dec. 30 At The Trade-In Stor 147 Dunlop Street ul :I`m'n I` nmph~_ Hi I m~(|m'_ <|r_\' 11.... N.. - A Complete Modern Optical l`lmm- 25.12! I 93 l)un|uP 5 (Tum plvlu t'I|v.-- .\'l.'\'(il.l'2 \'lL~l().'\' u-llvr Vixiun -Ul't':llI'|' Auction Sale El'lV;(l u p FL_ORI':I?'; V I for nmmintuu-nl. Y . \\l`llHI'S(`.l) Jlld l:ul.n .\n,';hh lav /\|:,mIullu-HL nnn mu. 1!!-I0. '|`\*n llnlr H um. um .u a. , l'lmm- KUIEL (`um plr lo: .30 and II], at 1.30 p.m. lHH'l%l.lC \"lSlU.\' I37 I-Llimln-lh St. '1 l')l.l'.HH/\l'H Jrl'.!.l'~."lpl(': /\..,;U<'l/`.'l HIH . n,_,, :'x'.,7://......'2 V ' III: lizusi. of Past ()fl'im- up .\...z...a.'//....-J; (`mn|'m'l Hl)Sll 'l`l".NlH".HH ' nl` um-mu |u H. A. GROSE THE FLOWER` BAR Auctioneer Service (ilu SI-`.I".l) .\`Nl) I"I".l-Ill I `II In. l'0S 'I`IONS WAN'|`|'1|3 nu... . ...w n m 'IIm EI.`uumnr\ .\l\l rm pI`t'fvI'I`ml __ IIELP WANTEI) n u u n in mm M In Thu Elnmlm not five duy.-s nl date of issue; we extra when` replies are din-cl:-(I In The Exum_|n- or. Start: or l)u.~;inu.~L~: udvt,-rLi.~sInr (including agents) in this column two cents per W0l'(|. cu.-ah wilh (ard- or (minhnum 50 cvnls pvr i.~4sm:-, W 1 cents it chzu-gem. (?Iu.~:.~sifis~.(l zndvhx ncce table` In In la-u o'clock on WE NESI)/\\ Nl(`.H'I`. But, ndlets will be ucct-plml up In muc u'c-luck Thursday nmrnm1.'.. In he run nu tho .~:uIm- pug:-. \llInl('l' llw hcurling. ~ "'l`uu Lulu In (`lu.~..~'iI'v." ..:_...___...._._..___:_ HUUSI-I wunlq-(I an I mums: mun! lUl':lUUI\. :` Ii` \A\l' blvvp In. :\mu_\'_ mun -rim! um! amt`, In ux ' In I In-I` |'Rl(`l'.IH puulll`_\'. llrn-run WAN'.l`IEl) n mm It In Tim El ._._._..._.___._ `.33. alum: mmn `s h:mdb:a_-4. calorod cm- gray tr~.\n.~purvm han~ `Ling squnrv \\`c-odvn ward. Finder plvasv T". Barrio Examin- 52p mlr. .\'I ~ !lU('Il`lIL . FOR S:-\lTl; wuuu-(I lh_ huzml Hzurrin _._______________._.______.__.... ('/\l'.-'\lll.lC Gllil. W.\N'l`l<`.l) fur; um) l..n.~.mvurk. l'hnnu Ill-IOW. _\'Ulll' Crlll.` "\"..|n 74- u-.. Hui`- 5`. .h ` " 5 l'Imm- 774.: [. HUI tn Huu snlt-, .~ln- ti; `H:\l3\"S (`RIM fur sulv. ll ll-.n~u~i.- `___:_._....__._-__i_.__. F0 S-.`\|.l.--l'zIi1' lmy`.~: hunts, .s'i`z..- 8. .-\ppl_\' HH 1 Phum` 711%. _ [\O\"S H()D'l`S and ` unln ~i'n- ti` HIS-5 mil `USED SINUEIR ..u-wnllg mm-him-.~; l'nl'* Milt`. $5.00 and up. 5iI\1.:\`|` Srwim: Nlurhnw (.`lI.` Hi|l'l'Il'. 5|-Ilbx I-`OR 5 with `('n.~`l\. u-in M_ mu-n ._ mu! Lmul. Sltmn Alli . `l El.EC"l`Rlt` REl*`HlGlilU\'l`01'{ 51110, 9 rnLIi(' fvvl, |1:~`c'rI lIlll_\' (3 Inc mm` \\'uI'ml1L\'. (`an hr sm-I1 in n .1. ;.I.. l\ .. f W.-\N`l'|<`.ll lnr rm! l.u||.sv\vuI`k. _____.___.___.__.__ ,el<`(.\R .8.-\l.l`} (:|rl',~ znul .~|um-.~'. .~x'.-.a- 5. mm llu-In In MI'.~`. (,uuk>ln\\'H. (_)nl ~_ FOR 34 wilh 1;: also pan I\uu'l)' &lIl- --A--: 1~`un- CLASSIFIED ADS. TO GET SPECIAL cxsnmjgafm / S.-\l,.I`2 Ho: Iur mllur. . :\p|)l)' I2 ' HOUTS Fm` huh` ..n\~ 1.1..` mm mm _.__.:.....:__....._. S.-\1J (mu (`.1 .m~l |\'u-lI'\ ~i'/A- IS.-\l.l-`. l.zuI_\".~` . lenrgr mmllum pun` hluu lnuln l_\' m*\\', .~\)ml_\- WOOD sAwn~:(`. 4..~.mn-\- Prnmnl ...._.__..._._.._._____.___._.___. GIRL W/\N I`lu`l) Smurl, m-ul girl to work in s1nn- and he-lp in humm- purl linua lm-p in. .~\pp1_\'_ alulilu: \\'iIL'('.~2 vxm-rh-cl \\' UU u c;21I11h' ' r i1`|* J2 \'lCl`. Jib. x Phuno 1'11 .:._._.-_.._ ._.__......__._.._._.._.___.___. W001) S.`\W1NG Pm` sin;:1r $1.00: '2 cord and u\'l`l`. Tfvc pm` Spvcial prices for lawn qum and `H050 . lwlp. \i Alhcrton. Phum,` :'>d0\\ . - ._.j ,mul.. >lI.\`.H . Allumlulr, __.__._..:_ _:__._.._..__._._...____._.. NOTICE-~S:\\'v nu:nv_\'. (`Ad furni- lurv re-nmdcllud and l'cfini~`hcd likv incw. .-\l.~`0 1'\u.!< and clu-.~.\crfi-*l(1 :_-um.-.- shumpooed very x'easonub`.e. `Phcnv W89 for '.~`1iI11ates_ or see `Wall; l{nup;u in A8 Hruck 51 '3'.`-`in -;`0l SALIE m .-..... :1 ln Tim Eun .~I.u- 1 E '1'|uIInp.~.\m 3.\ \V H\ l I Pmmpl us. Hm':`i.<. r` nun-: I pm - pun` l.n(L\".~ 3. .`\|h|`)l_\' J I lulu- \l n WAN l`hI[) TU lU\'. lwnlvr. l`hmu- 'a'."Il\V. my 5 >.I\2Ih'.* Dunln 1i(ln- |\'nlht`l` u .v -|'. . rlu-up mn.~.un 31.. H V lig.-,I\l h x vnllnr, .|- |un.l< (mliv In lL`\\`n u. and t`Hi(`icl11 sur- =. H) Frodvrlck 5!. 50-25) _ Inulclwtl and 1-mull- Phmm "\"h ll`, .\`l'!.(` . .\l(ulv.~` \V('hl)'> , u"|n- rL:v qllill\1Il|(`>` \'\ :1h-I` V fmtb . anc per L-nu. quzumtws holn. \'\".\1h-I` 521) I wn-. hlzwk wun Iunvzt (`mu \\'IIn |)x'I`>i2ll\ lzunh lrim Aflrr u almrl l\}Il\t')'l1\Ul')l1 In Toronto u-y will 1':'-- .~uh- on lhv grumns furm ul Ivy. *- (`ullil.`?~`. Ski SUl'|' \\'|HIll'(l. I\:|\'\' m~n-I`:-1'1`:-rl l`lmm- !lU('Il`1 '1`l!lC.Hl):\\'. .lummI`_\' H L`r2nfl_ \\'~>l lmlf l.nl IH, V--:pI'u I2 mlh-.-. nnrlh of ...-.\.lil .uIn nf I"u`n\ ~:|u'k f_"-_-__--":_\ ' ' `CARDS or THANKS \ |AIIl_ \\'r>| I` rruhl rilh` plmm-nL~.. S A (`.m.s'-. . lh.- lm,\ |\I>|(ln`I',-` huuln I \\'I\ll ll XUETi6N SALE 4'il(\`l'H0UH. I `IIHH ill llll l|YTH_' Ill lm Council Chamber. Court I{ou. Barrio. Ontario, prncm-d tn sull by public auctiun tho said lands in` 1~-.x_\- such ar1`vur.~`. together with the! ch:1r'.`cs lhcru-on. An adjourned salu \\'i11 be ho`.d ` (`D 'I".msd:\_\'. January 23. 1940. at two o'clock. T) H ("O[.F3Y\T.-RN. '1'rcu. Lgoumy ()1 l`ruasurer`.< Office. m nrt House. Barrie. Om. 535:1} 1'). mt` \.sr\h-1nI\n.- 1-|' 152 ml or UNI TUESI).-\\'. .1 the hour ;f!.-vnnnvl I VEG'BER`l`7- m.\'lmI(ln-I'.~: ul l.t'|l`n)' I(|Il'- l w|.~.lx In lhzmk ull I`-n kind cu-up;-rnlitm <|urmyl m.I.~. rush znul \\'|.\l| Hwm my uml l'I`u.\|M'1'u\ls N--\\' any !\1nilm:m, . \`_ h l1z.I`i'n> uw|<|n- Thursday, December 28, 1989 1 Ah -_....-.--.-.-...... .. 1 mil:-.-. nnrlh ox l)zu.~u Iv f f.'n`m .~lm'k uml il . In in I 51.11:. .~'Imr|'n. _ .`\ll(?ll\lll('t`|`. 3iIl`l`l|`, 0 55$ '1 House. Barn:-. Ont. u4_ uz` b-.-pu.-u;L)c:, 193:). 10-53? ` AND BOARD w n In `nu Ex.-ululnarl 1 m:- |nn'.~'v.~ um ynl Vwhu 1| Hn ' g.;l'x'il( kindm~.<: s l`t'L`t`lH illIu'>.s`. r 01 um I ~'ha11 at zu-in nrnmr on` J .-\NU.-XRY `1. ml` 1 \l'n n`:-lm~k D. H. CO[.EI\IAN. ur l".\nnl\' nf Qhnhuiu J. H. LUl.l`JA\1:`\.V. ` County of Simcoc-.1 ,.,. DCIUCK In H_l` lhul tune it . H0u.<\ marl in cu!` h l\1(1l)l?.HN 1 four ln'(lI`Hl |\I\' "\\"` I ;4.u.u..'1. Atthc ve Chrisx will _' ' Blessed :n_`0 ` inhcrn n ,, .. ~~z:\'vr H`: ` Gcldcu Stu; _,........ ..... l`|!l".`. llARIlE IEXAMINEIK. BAISEIE, 0NT.. CANADA 1 ux ';~1EwTori'_i_Iso1~`; ; "nu Ls snvmling Ihv `. and I\`h'>', Mnwnl l.\llHi|>' Ill l'l||'\|lllU. lt'l`.~nl\ is spmulin;,- `r sish-r In Hvlrnil. u\\'iIl'(I (`uI'.~'-mltlvn \\'|lh frwnnls an my . lc-fl Sulun|:1_\' walh l.ia-ul. .' II 'l`.u`.n\|.. lllt'Hllv;.\`.'I` I-;:_n,-.~ mm m....... an I

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