Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1939, p. 8

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GIVILFEYING ! PLACED UNDER ; REGULATIONS; 713.51 CKING DUE TO ll p\`l'HII.\.\| .u. iunznl flights ln_\`li;:hl. ln-rmitlvd In : rvrlzlin `1'l~'S. nut in \'.mcou\'cr and Victoria. ('-Ul.l l\` pl.1)`L`\l all yew` "roumz'. \\ .|l`ll\ w.l-lwrcc.-zc-s and the protection ol (hc mi_u_ln_\' (ilmsml mountains m.|inl.lin `.1 xmnlcratc temperature in \\lIlk`l1 .:// outdoor sports take on an In\I;_;or.1tIng nc\\`m.`.\`S. l l.m mm` In \l.\lt (i,'.ldlAl`$ l':Vl{R- (ERI-'l"N l l;i_vgrouno.l-l'or rust or play. the ideal place for a thoroughly cnin_\.1hlv: wintcr vacation! Special \\'inu~r rates at lmxels. The new Hotel \'.uu'uuwr's spacimis rooms and dc- liglulul acconinimlaxions will add to the plmsurc of your stay in Vancouver. ... ..---. Ag. - A`Il-LIA AA-Luv lll'.\r\Ilw1\ I nu: Ill lw-KI-I . I l".lxn<~r l{ich:n`Ll.\'. son of Mr. undl` 7\ h'.<. 0. R. Rich;u'd.< uf Wu.~'l1ngn,1 has rocvivod am R.A.I~`. decor- ulium. Rivh:n`d.~`. nn ox-school Leach- ...- In-._~ hnnn nn rm'nnn:I Nillln. ull'IliIl'u.\. alll L,'.\'.\\.II\nu I LII` .~r. has been on roconnumxnncv `l'ln:lHs nvcr Gvrm:In_\'. _ l11L`.\.:l;,{L`S musl. not be in code or any lumrmuze other than French 4 I'Im.{1i.sh. mm. nxnu I nluxn cfpmplere E$}{'%}oI Of An! ';Air Movements in Gov- ernmen r s Hands A------~ 1 I'u|;.;-mun. N0 uvriul ph0tug.:`rup|1_V may belt ` cmrix-(I out wtthout express pm`- mi.-.sinn of the government and no I, plzmv may fly at night withmit. per-, missitm. Purmits of airc1'a`ft crows] not. of Bl`ili.\'l1 nationality may U0 .~'t1spv11(]vd by the Ministry of Trans- ` port at. its di.~cretim1. an aunt -,\rH1nI`a\ virririlv Inl |JU|l um. n-.-s \ll.`\ILllIu|. ` All aircraft must adlwre rigidly lg; `their regular routos or routes map-It purl out with co-operation of thv :iuthm'itiv.< and only bad \\'oather may cause a permissible deviation." l`r0hibit.ccl m`0us range from nar- row (areas surrounding: military or naval o.stablishmcnts to the area | including the whole of thv provinco of Nova Scoliu and the territorial wntvrs zuljnccnl lhorctn. _g)__ work Among] Indians Of Alaska Described To Barrie Kiwaniansl Hurriv Kiwzniis Club had H very `iili-n-slim: ;iridro.~s on December _~i from Brig:Iclim' Jos. Acton of i `[ |i<` Snlvzilion Army. H0 is division- I :11 C0l11l`n:lndL`r for Northern` Ontario mid lives in Orillia. On M(1nd}' hv b\`(?Zll'I1(! :1 member oi Orillia Ki~ wanis Club. ' '~ ' r..,i:.... A4-inn n....,i in ulncvm-nl VVHHIS L,lllD. ` I` Bri;::xdiu-;- Acton lived in Westornl Canada 29 years and was n.1nis-l sinnzn-_v to tho Indians of Alaska for six _\-o:n`.<. Living right in tho 11011135 or the native. and travelling thou- sm\cl.~` of milos with them. he got I)l'I(?()llA'l`l-II) BY R./\.l". r nn.. )HrL`(`l ill`L`ilS |'illlg(' as slablisluncnts g 11 nr\I:n 1\l'\f' Ha.` snor: sront: MAN * ! Is NOT GUILTY | or convznsron Gordon Thaell, 26. Acqulttcd hy Jury In County Court Sessions; Theft of $64.54 Charged. from July I. 1088, After about an hour's delibcrnthm :1 jury in Cnunly Court Sessions un- dor His Honour Judge W. '1`. Robb. Or.-mgcvillc, Thursday 1:1.-at. brmuzht in a verdict of not guilty in tho case of Gordon Thacll. aged 26, Londm). Ontario. formerly of Mldlnnd. (`Imam- ed with theft. by conversion of $64.54 from the Agllew-Surpuezs shoe storo. Midland. during the period to Jzmuury 30. 1939. `v:.llnLv|nLI ' l..- I`\:\ n-;u~nnnH.\n "Wartime 1'cgulaI.ion.-a` govt-rning lhu i jing of all civil aircraft in Can-l a a are luid down by an ordm`-in-. council published in an extra rdi-1 lion 6f the Canada Gazette. 'I'lu_-' Dc-l'cn(:c Air :iv;:ulati0ns_ H139." plncr: cmnplnte control of all air movomcnls in lhv lumcls ul the gov- (:1'nmcnl. so that ils oI'li<-L-rs will know just what phmvs are ulnI`I,:1ml what their l)n.xinv is. n~1/ sum-:1< :n`v. | I` O". Witncssc-s" fur the prosecution were Fred Leslie, :1 travelling in- S|)C(.'l()l` of H16 Aglmw-Surpmes Cum- pzmy, Limited, and J. F. McClure. who :nssistn(I Leslie in clmckim: stock nnd cash, The nccuscd was the only witness for the dcfcnco. I-`.;n'lv in Hm Irinl, Hm indiohnnnt umy Wll.llCSS 101' II? (lClL`H(Y(`. Early in the trial. the indictment - was amended by .~'ubs1ilul.inu the figure $64.54 for $446.53 on motion or Cicorgc S. Dudley. Mldl.-md. dc- fencc counsel. Following prcscmuliun of the ('I`n\lIn'< r-nen :1 Inniinn nf rlnfnnmu t t | IL`llL'C CUIIHSCI Cmwn`s case, an motion of defence counsel that the judge should in- struet, the jury to return :1 verdict of not guilty. was refused by His Htmour. After addresses by Mr. Dudley. Crown /\t.tot-uey Fran k I-tnmmond. and His Honour. the jury retired at 11.25 am. At, the re- quest nt Mr. Dudley that the jury shnuld be further jury was brought back to the court room at 12.23 p.m., retired again at, t 12.27 p.m.. and brought. in a verdict. of not guilty at 12.43 p.m. 'I`h:mIl hnri hnnn mxmzurnr nf tho instructed. the ` J \ um um. gumy :11 12.4.: Thuell had been nmn:u:er of the Agnew-Surpass store at Midlamd and mud deposited I.O.U's ]re;:ister for amounts thm he had borrowed. The defence pointed out that this practise was well known to the inspector over a period of months. Thaell was paid :11. the rate of $20 per week plus emmnissions. 'l`hr\ inrv onnciuinrl nf- (`hm-lnu in the cash ` The jury consisted of: Clmrlos Bnn7.lc_v. Midland. foreman; W. I`. Priest. Vespra: Fred Pcnrsun, Ves- pru; J. H. Buchanan. Mcdnntoz AI- vin Hisoy. Flos; Alc.\'andor Allen. l`ecumscth: Ficlwnrd Full. Orilliu 'l`nwnsl1ip: Arthur Q. Jay. B.'m'io: Victor Lindsay, Barrio: Arthur E. Lowe, Barrie; Harold Day. l"cn(`1nn- guishonc; Herbert Graham. Brad- ford. in] .,Vcll [)Cl` \\'CCK DIUS (LDll`HlSSl()ll.S . \'or_v cluso lo lhoir hoarls. Alncl-n hnu nnzndu nnnnnn \L`I_V CIU-\l` RU |ll(`|l' Hl`HTl.\'. Alnskn has nonrly 600.000 square miloc. our--fifth tho sizo of the Unit- ' `ed States, It was first. owned by ` 'Ru.=.~`in. but they did not nppI'0(`int0 its value and sold it. for $7,200,000. Out of that country in 72 years. tho U.S.A. has got $l00.000,000 in furs. $600,000,000 in fish and $500;000,000 in minerals, yet have hardly touch- vd it. Alaska has 60.000 people, hull` lmixvd whites. It. has the higlu-.x't, `mountain in the U.S.A._ Mount Mc- Kinley, 22,000 feet high. 10 active , volt-nnocs and 5,000 glacio1 :=. I Tim lnct nnrt Ar um 'Rrirrnrli.-v-`u A4- UUULUI -\ HIUIIIUUS. I In conciusion, he testified to the miracle wrought in the iivcs of `he lpcopic through the work of 1hr: n1is.~icnarics with the help of God. "The salvation of our problems in this troubled world today is `Back to God.` " he declared. _______._A;,,4 , {YOUFG SOLBER IS ACQUITTED \ or BURGLARY | \'U`l(`illlUL`.V` illl D,UUU EIHCICYF. Tho last part of the Brigzldicrls` ad- dress was rk-voted to a description of a lrunkful of curios. de.<:cribim.: < many of tho habiis and character- istics of the people. Donning tho garb of n medicine man and boa - ing :1 tom-tom. he gave a most dram- atic representation of the wiich doctor's methods. In nnvxt-`nu~:nr\ kn c....:r:...: 4,. 4|... WIIuL un.u uu .. 1 ml1ibil(- mi1il:n'_v :m':n.< urv clearly (ll-fin:-(I in tlw rt-;.',l1l(lli;`n:~'. and all Cl\'ll :ur(:rnlt must give them a wido berth ('.\'('(`|)l ll1usL- pmm`.'~. ll) - in,': S(,'h(!Cllll('(l air roulvs zmrl pn:~'scs:<- inn :~`.nx-L |l ])(`l'lhl.\.\`l()l`l. in which (-use the nir(.rnl'l must make iclt-nlil`i(-a- lion signal. vi.~`ll)l0 'n nl`l`irinl w;n<'h- crs on the Lzruund and fly at n h(.`i1._:l1l not ;;1'(-aim` than 2.00!) fvol. Crews of :~u('h plum-s must lnkv an oath of nllop_i;mc- and an oath of strcrcecy com-(-rnin;.: ull Hun. llu-y :~'('l' while flyinp; l)\ (`l' suvln zm--.n.x'. lntcrnnlimml air l1`nl`l'i<- L ru-. ed to schvrlulurl nil` lint-s amcl [)lilI](`S' with .<`pucinl gnvu_-r1nm~nl p'.'l`l1]I.\i.\'i ;n. In any 0:134`, inlornnlitmznl may bu mudv nnly in (ln_\'li;:.l1l. Tlm.\r- (-i\'il :1iI'cml`l Ix`, fly in (T`:nnn(|n mus! ul>. l`ul(::<. l"ur lll.\lI1l'l('(`. nunv may (';m`_\v guns or muniliuns .~,I' :m_vlhinx;' (-x-I plnsivc in chnruclvr (-xcvpl signal` flares. Rznclin lrzmsmi1I-rs ml 1)l:mL'.'~" must be usvd . only for tI'ansn1i.\`.\'inn and l`(`('(`l\'ll1;.`, nl l11l`H- sngos noct-. lo nzwiguiinn and operation of lhc uir('rnl't and the . Judge Directs Jury to Return ' ` Verdict of Not Guilty in l, Lorne Tcnnant Case. R ------ I Lorne Tem1ant,Orillia. now a member of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. Toronto. stood in uniform in the prisoner's dock in County Court Sessions last week. faced with a charge of breaking and entering the premises of the` Jones Music Store. Orillia. on June 23. 1939. long before he enlisted. Fnllnwivuv QIIl\lT\i<-zinn nf Hun .;.2. man. long octorc no enlisted. Following submission of mo iCru\\'n's case. His Honour Judge `W. '1`. Robb instructed the jury to, bring in :1 verdict of not guilty. :md' the prisoner was discharged. E\ id(`n(`t` for H10 ('rn\rn \l':)\' rrivnnl inc prisoner was cnscnargcd. |. I Evidence for the Crown was given ` by John Jones. Herbert Harwood. Chief of Police William G. Carson. ` Hugh Johnston. Constable Harold ' W. Peever. Claude Huffman. Gordon i l.ightfoot. Mrs. Mary McGill and ` Alfred McGil1. ` : Jones. co-proprietor or the music. . testified that some one bl0l\C into the store on June 23. and took . about $65 and a mouth organ val- ued at $5. The lock of one door on i the side was forced. and he was iquite positive the doors were lnck- 1 ed the night before. He identified i {the mouth organ. also a pencil and pen with an adjustable nib owned : by himself. which the Chief of Po- ` `lice had produced. The door of the - isufe. from which the money had `been taken. was closed but not lock- : ed. he swore. Cross-examined. Jones said that he. his mother. his brother Hayden and Gordon Lightfoot. were all working in the store and all had keys. All knew the combination of the safe. PI~(\1|In Leann...-... u'................i ..-.. i llll` SHIU. Crown Attorney Hammond Con- cluded the case for the Crown at 2.45 p.m. Friday lust. and on instruc- iiun of the court. the jury retired. Hugh W. Grant. Orillin. counsel for Tennum. moved that the jury be instructed to acquit. After argument the motion was granted. The jury was brought back at 3 p.m.. and His Honour instructed that it bring in `a verdict of not quilt) . This was done at 3.15 pm. Tho iurv nixnsisfpd :10 John H GOHK` Z11 JJD p.m. The jury consisted of: John H. Buchanan. Mcdonte: Henry McKay. ` West Gwiilimbury; Arthur 0. Jay. Barrie: Norman Stoddart. Oro: Ern- est Desrochcs. Pcnetanguishene: Harold Day. Penetang: Vivian Benny. Tecumseth: Norman Rule. Collingwoodz Herbert Graham. Bradford: W. H. Morrison. Essa: Alvin Hisey. Flos: Fred Pearson, ;- Vspra. i _.Q...__._... _....._._._ Is your subscription paid. -rag-mnnn; nnmwan, mumm, ON'l`.. CANADA Dilfhdlbl .*-Mil `f\4I1Il1()`?-AU! 1*-551$?` [N MILITARY AREAS: ' IMIKVLI`. HI`. In In \lll' l ntrxx Supt-1'l:ulivL-ly lovely I);m(-v St-is uf lllh`lI`ull.*< ru_y:m s;1l|z1.'l`o:u`usu. whiu-. ice bluv. l'U|Jul:n' .s`i7.t!5- 0 ll./\VON l'AN'l`lES AN1) m.()OMl-IRS INIIIKJLV BJKIAIAV l.IAlA1\IlA ll Panties and bras. with law ur ri rose. while. Pupulnr sizes. Set A I` Alvtil LWIFVIVL` I`! IVIIJVI` ID ' ICAYUN l'1\N Illua IHVU nI.uumr.u,n While. luumsu ur pindot pnllcrn. 'l`uilnn:q lypvs nml lace trimmed Im>dvl.<. including rufflt-d Cam Cun" Pun- lics. 7.011 ~r- ri 3 -d. 1 1) (( 25C I |!l"l`Al. l`,lIl`.l I<`. I /\N'l`l 9 RAYON SATIN DANCIC SETS ....v|. |...... .... .-ihlum I hilllll. IL'ul|u.\L'. wunv, n.\: unu . | up an RAYON l'AN'l`lES l!l.()0hllil{.Sq 1n\.:.. 4 ..;.uI..| n-.H.u~n '|`::ilnI`1wI 1\' . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 l l'}'I`AL CREPE l AN'l`ll`IS Flmver-p;1t,len1e(l! Slim-filling sl._yl<-5. '/.:~l|u1'-prim-(I. [Inn LCD ' IUIXULV anlln rnnxlna * Plain ruynn satin, \\'il.h widv lucv trim: HI` f|<>I`:I1 Imi- lerncd in tanilorecl stylus. "l.us1-x" \v:ni5ll)uml. '/.ullur- |\I`i nrl H H H ..m-. n....\, ..,. . . 0 DANCE Sl'I'l~'S IN (ill-"1' BOX L`... :. .lu I......I.. I\........ cum nf 9 RAYON SATIN l'AN'l`IES . .. ....H.. Iuv:'lI .n.l.. Inn.` nI..:.. ,...-..... ....... .. `vb 0 DANCE SETS Lovely Pamticte and Br:ns., (LunIil_v l'u. of flnrnl pulul crepe or plain or .\'l1'i})L`(l rnynn satin. J`o:n'n.~:v. white. icc bluc. .......................................................... .. 79C 5| V A AL V A J. A 513 J. ml An expensive looking Vanity Set. in a lovely lined box. Gracefully sliapecl inirror Wlbll golclinc frame and handle. Green, ivory, blue or gold back. Brush and comb to match. THREE PIECE YANIT ` and 5 TQKCJ QQIQGIIDJ K\l.'\NlCUl{l'I Sl'l`S: Nu-lune Nail I`nli.x'h Rulnuvux`. Orungcwuud Stick, File, Emery Bnnrd, Absmbcnl Cui- ton. in lcuthcrcttc case. . .. .. . 39C \`V0()l)BUllY'S GIFT S|'l'l`: Face Cream, Fact: Powder, Perfume and Soup. in Gift Box. .......................... .. 25C Children s Gloves `I A-IA not again! Bay: nou- Whilu. I.m'L-ly rubrics. Vnrinus .~'Iyl<-.<. rou&a--v V-van`! I-`L 9.1----no no "Supcrtvx" and Wzlrrondalc bl'amd.~: _\`nur l.\'.\`lH`;I.1L'(' of superior quality fabric und nmkv. [`ubt'u.~'L .-\ vu.1 \`uric1;.' of smart pant:-x`ns and solid culzrurs. CUHUI`-uh li|ChL`d or lwn scpurulc collars: Sizes H In 17. .............. .. AL _ _ _ . XQTQQQIQ QQLIE V;u`ic1_\` nf p;murn.<. . f1ux`ul.<. nu\'clI_\' Well made, good looking mscklics .11 31 thrift I an _ `A \IAnnI \\'\m1 and cunun niixturo Hose. in check. dmmund and Cluck puucrns. Warm. dressy and durable. Fair 11 \ -1 ca:-an -vaaIa.AIaa-ooavna Plum brushed. BLmon-{rom. style. Long sleeves. Sims 24 m 34. lill... ......I (III. . - Page Eight Z ELLE R S LIMITED Ziiepvfeig "%=*9:.5i"5*-='39e5io%is\o`3*Q3o6:3zhoi9Bo@%a*:aiZ5ioA osoAiso%i`@aoA35i$>oaQios5aes2:o5aQiu4>a?v'isoiQio@ o iIFT LINGERIE! Great Array! ..39{39`:9TH SHIRTS . .`i9X;...9}YF.3.1F5TF.9HL bY~(),ya aw :3 `$3-KW c I00-.:cMa_n *? E`?` T : PFf..;ASC%A3F5 W53 SOCKS: ..I9!I+FTRE., 1".`._3T l'VT;ES.. 39c and 49c $1.00 Thursday. December 14, 1939 with Canada's Largest Selling Cough and Cold Remedy-Over IO Million Bottles Sold! nunnnvn.-n I'.`f\DnAIII A ,,A1I(.1lIM)Z`_ nn5iiEiiiAL 9- L :2 j-jjj

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