We carry :1 complete stock of New and Used l arts for All HIl..I-.... -4! r1._..._ __._n rn.... - 2 Dr(:.*a.s'v.-(I -. 14-16 -. Dressed ,Il| 1').-13 Drcsscxl In 20c rum. $11.80 . $11.75 . $11.75 . $11.65 an! ` $7.00 . $3.50 11-..; 13"]! 16-18' sun 1!) an CAMP ACTIVE . 1% NEW TENDERS E . ARE CALLED Hangar EH5 Central` Heating 1 Plant i THE + BARRIEZ +E`. XAMINER W nusumg (:()n.`;Ll'lIL'I.Iull iIl:uvILy. The l.'1t<:: tcmlc-r cull by lhl` Wm` Supply Board, Department of Na- tiunal D('f('n(.'(', is our fur 1h<- con- struction nl` an U6-font, Iimbusr h:m;:- nr and ulhvr l)uil(lin;.::; in the R17. /LI". urea. 'I`('ndt.-rs for thi. work C10-'~'u on l)ccumber 22. '[`nvulm-a_- nu-|'n rm-r-i\n-1| nnlil mum With winter fast . I])|)l'()iI('hill1'.. Camp Borden ls :<|.ill the scum: of bustling cnnsnructimn uutivity. 'l'hn l:m-at 1|-ml:-r will hv 'I`cn(l(:rs wt-ru r:(:r-iv:-(I until noon today fur the (:unslru(.-l,irm of [I ovu- trul hL`lliill[.',' plant. building zmrl equipment, in llu: l1:m;z;u- arm or the R.C.A.l". slullon. Bitls W(.'l`(` cull- ed by the War Supply l$0:u'(l, Du- pnrlnuml of Nntlonul mruncn, Ol- tuwu. A number of large (:mIlrzu:l.- Ina firms througlmut lhc l i'uvinct.- flgurt-.(l on this conlrucl. CIU-'~'u on lJ(.'L'(lnll)l!l` (.4. `n l . uI.\..I. |..... ..a....o..,I I.\;(' ..u...l1- m. Ihni UUIIBLI ll\.2|.I\llI LII ll ll|.In]lI|KlI I NJ uu 11.. Sterling Construction (/`u., Lim- ited, Windsor, WU}, recently award- ed :1 contract for low,-lIin1_: the fly- ing field in from of tin: 1mngm*s by the elimination ul`. :1 _~;.'1nr1 ridnv which had intt.-rfcrrccl with .s'ucct:s.s- ful take-offs and lnmlings nvvr a wider nrr.-n. This work is progrussr inu rapidly. Snvm-ul mih-u nf n:n/ml l'|lllW1IV!~2 uguluu UII LIIID \,uuuu.u. Work has started this week an the conslruction of :1 huspitul 24 by 80 ft. L-n_...|;.... r-.\....|......1I,... r`.. In... IHH lilpluly. Several miles of paved runways: were recently crmmlvtcd by HM- samc firm for the we of the I{.C.A.l. In the permanent forcu suction of Camp Borden, good progress is be- ing mude by the Brt.-nnzm C(mtmcl- I RED CROSS DRIVE ; BEACHES $4,600.00 i MORE COMING IN 1 W. J. Craig, Campaign Chair- man, Will Still Acccpt D0l`I2l- ' tlons From Those Overlook- ed in Canvass. Publication Delayed This Week Publication of The Ex- aminer was delayed this week owing to a break- down on one of our lino- type machines. This ne- cessitated getting repairs and an expert from Tor- onto to put the machine in running order. thus depriving us oi` a day's use of the linotype at the busiest time of the week. ROXY Hlil(.H.', ML` hillll. The Campaign Chairman slut- (ad that several nice donaliuns had been received by mail from out-of-town points. sew.-rnl }mnclsonw cheques having come from the United States. NEW HOSPITAL "Money ls still coming in. per- sonully and by mail," W. .l. Cxjalg, _ Red _Cross _ L'8Tl'lDlllL7,ll chairman. Slil1.(!(l today in an- nouncing that thu drive had ul- rcntly collected about $4.600_ and that further efforts are Pxp(:cl- cd to bring the total up to the $5.000 objective before many days are out. Mr (`rain mnnh:u.\i /.nrl lh(- Fm-I. uuys out. Mr. Craig CI1')Dhx'lbi7.0d the [nut that any citizen who wishes 10 subscribe to this great patriotic war effort. and who has been overlooked in any way by the cunvasscrs. should get in touch with him immediately. A last- minute check-up to set: if any- om: ha. been overlooked will be mndt.-, he said. !`|u.. !"rnunnin.. f`hul--v.-.n I-.|_ This week's issue of The Examiner has three sections with a total of 20 pages - 160 columns of news and advertising. Live local news on every page. Tn {kn nrhlnv-!iuory1Ln10u Is your subscription paid ! yusc. In the advertisements are hundreds of sugges- tions for the thrifty Christmas shopper. Bar- rie merchants have made fine preparations for the Christmas business. It is to your advantage to SHOP EARLY and IN THE MORNINGS if pos- 1-ihln ALLLJ sible. RELIABLE COMPANIES our Superior Claim Ser- vice brings us many new Policyholders. ,:.._._.. Try us and be convinced MONDAY ;-IUESPAY -; WEWESDAY 4 1 Dunlap St. WE SELL Good Insurance MALCOMSONS Three Sections This Issue MOI)ERA"|lE RATES ing C0,, Limited, in the construction ` of the new tank 1{`dl'il[.{(! and drill hall. This building was commenced several weeks ago. In addition to the above con- tracts. work is going ahead steadily in the con.-struclion of temporary buildings for the troops in the per- manent force urea. mums sonn an - emu. POST OFFICE SQUARE - BARIHE D. *s.rlm'vz'.-wm'&<=)IFWv-Iwaqumrwumaqumvwnnr-mynm;c1mr~1)um9.a7Iat' 'UCcEsT10Ns -9; For vnnmr Man Man and Rnvg 3: {vnr ---7----7 ET; for Young Men, Men and Boys I,.. IDWINM27 1'HU_13_p1_q_:__n1DAY -*A'rURDAY 3-mturwnmmlarrwnmmum-n;ummummoam~:,namraquocauavurza-gang 5(3ifts...Gifts... 5 N I`: ___--4;-_-2--jtgjb 55 Dunlop St. V Bctfrie g lbu`-Jwbdl "A4l1\.&4/GU ?-l :-..l.dl b`$-d I`.sAdf|b$,JIrf-f$t`:( $ I a I F7IRl'74InE"$9I!I."`)UIil?`LQIrwI0'&3II7V*$4>;l8 1J.V; *s.!IIS7r`A3Ia8!"QIl?% A pot of tea ' (1 cup of good coffee ' ct hamburger ' and CI tctsty sctndwic ' ' as a refresher during shopping days. FULL LINE OF ()HlHS'[`MAS Wl{Al l El) (JIGAILETTES, TOBACCO. ()lGAl!.S, SMOKERS SUNl)RlI".S, llUN ["S CIIOCOLATES, NElLS()N'S ICE CREAM You've enjoyed it in your favorite paper, you'll enjoy it more at your favorite theatre. %OO $O OZO O= MONDAY . TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY WILL CAQNEY TAKE IT...wHEN Rggnlsnzs IT OUT? ..__..;-2.. __ ._. _,...._.. THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY *w1L'i= H. TODD MEXICALI ROSE SELECT SHORTS Coming---"That's Right. You're Wrong" ' The Kay Kyser hit Bette Davis and Errol Flynn in The Private Lives of Eliz Essay: GRANADA A The Adventures of Jane Arden Bargain -- Alla.n(l:tlc-Burriu Bus 'l`ickel.s 8 Tickets and 1 Show for 500 Ask for these bargain tickets when you get on bus. WITH Gene Autry - Smiley Burnette. Noah Beery Cctrtoon-"Thuds with Dirty Mugs" Now the comic strip comes to life on the screen onus unlnn-UIUKUI IANLKUPI `DI:-uni by WILLIAM KIIOHLEY - Pronmod by WAINII IIOI. buuIuuuu-uIoIIr1_lu-o-.4w.nnoa-hvonououuua-noo--Alt-bu-ul lMPERlAL-Barrie`s Finest Equipped Theatre Be Good to Your Eyc-s: IMPERIAL '-' woooooooo 904.). .,,,4,,;.g;. JANE IRYANOGEORGI IANCROIT Kllllll Ullnllllv . I--.-...-.A L.. u.;u P/2'!/WP/3. - PYJAMAS $1.55. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 SI'IIR'I`S ................ .. $1.00, $1.55, $2.00 GLOVES 500, $1.00, $1.25 to $3.50 HATS ...... .. $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $5.00 SKI CAPS ...................... .. $1.00, $1.25 DRESSING GOWNS, Hilk .... .. $6.95 OTHERS AT $3.50. $4.50 to $8.50 FINAL EPISODE of THE L6l;IfRANCER and Universal News showing Fri. - Sctt. A 1` Swczxturs $1.25, $1.75, $2.00 to $5.00 TIES, BOYS 35c MEN'S 50c, 95c TIE and I-IANI)KER(,`I~I1E1*' SETS $1 SILK NECK SCARVISS .......... .. $1.00 WOOL SCARVES .... ,. $1.00 to $2.50 Lcul,ll01' JiL(`.kl?L.S` $7.95, $8.05, $11.75 SOCKS, ull wrml .......... .. 500 to $1.50 $31it::Q.Y.er99=2xt $16.50, $17.50, $!.`I.50, 2l-.50', ALL GIFTS IN GIFT BOXES ZN!) l"l1\ l`URl l` \Il\|Vll`AlIp llllllrlwllll - uu V ----- . . '1`0r0ntn city council at its mectim; on Monday approved nppolntmem of Dr. Roy 11. Thomas as chief medi- cal officer of the police department. at an unnunl salary of $2,500, and 01 Dr. Percy A. Snrjuzmt to be police m(:di(r.':l officer (IL $1,200 a year; Both are fnrrnur Burrleitcs. o FOIEMIEIL HAIHIIEITES CHOSEN V .:I ..A In. on.-uni r-.1 PE P13.-WI!" m!P9. !xP7 No. 50 MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY 2 ALL STAR ATTRACTIONS 2 THURSDAY -- FRIDAY - SATURDAY 2 TOP ATTRACTIONS 2 l`;\'l`ll0NS l'l.l~I.\Sl NOTE! Owing to the trmnontlous crowds on I-`uto-Nile and the l`-.u-t that it is eligible only for adults. tlwro will he no children's tickets sold on Folu-.\'iIu so we cam ll-`.l\'t' all zuuilablo: seats for adults. >x1r- GRANADA AVIJVV (IIIII IJBUII 1 ill [43 IIII {III Makes of Cars and 'l`rucks Dominion Auto Wreckers 7 Maple Ave. : Phone 420 $651` FOTO- NITE FOT0-NITE ONE FEATURE SHOWING ON FOTO-NITE "NAUGHTY BUT NICE" YOUR IAV()llI I`I'I SINGING STAR IN IIIS Gill`)/\'I`l'}S'l` I`ERI`0I{MANCE! _.&__ ._ EVERY THURSDAY - Frank Mdlugh -Billy Hnlop - Directed by lewis Sailor - Pmsonlod byWARNER BROS Ml'Sl(';\l.! -- l A'l'l() Sl`}lCI`INAl)IC (`UIAOIC (`z\I{'l`()()N and 'I`III'l /\l)\"l'lN'l`l7RlCS 0|" A (71\I\`lElU\Mz\N (`ONQIWIR ING 'l`lII'I COI.0RADO nurana. .n.\:.n.nn;.-o.-.n.-. v-an-an.--.-u Sp:-ciul l\lut.im-- \ Vo(lm:s(la_v 2.30 p.m. .. u . rr\ 1 nvnmr Tunsngv 74th Year R. M. Wilson, James 151.. u C.N.R. en1pIo_yee, recently moved to Barrie. was the winner of the Lions Club weekly draw for four box seats for the New York Americans-Toronto Maple Leafs huckcy match in Tor- onto Saturday evening. T H E AT R 1! HOUSE onffnrs - T H E AT R E ENTERTAINMENT Offer for Your Photo .00 Cash: l\.I.I-.. 1.... E JEAN PARKER IN "PARENTS on TRIAL" A l"l'IA'l`l'Rl`I N0. 2 .00 dash Offer for Yqur puowockii |A\ 1.1:: un.u IIAVI \\'F.l)Nl'ZSl):\Y u an -. .__ The sensatiofli}a}gS{15&uu2;}; Cour- ageous come to you in CI great story! !`L'l".`?! _'F_`L"_'!I!?E!*9FPjI`""`Ehm |.n:;vn4uuu.- 2.30 |).lll. >o~ro~ooooa~I~Iol4 Christmas cuncerl, Stroud publu: school. l`hu1'sduy. Dec, 21, at 3 pm. to be held in Community Hall. An ` excellent pmg1`:1mn1e is ussun-(1. Sub 1 ,. . . ..... . - . .-._.. Cnulsnn's Hill Junior lnslilulu eucln*(- nnd dnncn, nl. Gill`nr(l. Due. 15. Lucky draw.-: my lurlury nml p,00sc. Lunch [)l`1)Vl(l(`d. /\(lmis.-dun 25. Everybody come, 5()pc Kiwanis Nuw Yt-.'ns (lum:-, ()(ltl- fcllnws Hull. Barrio, Mm(l;l3', Jun. 1; 9.30 p.m_ Ln 2 sun. Music by Bob Powell's Melody Mml. 'l`icl $l.`.!5 each. at Smith's Drug Sim-c.-. 5-l'i'. .|) 3 KlhidlllkWwxW='&)0"`~3lI8='&ru/9"r~:;uI87ww/2'59tH$!'r~MlI8?'*&?I K wanna rnun MARKET ZIIIIIIIZ J Int: - -I------____ -5 For the best in all kinds of Fruitsg ` and Vegetables :3? ,_ _ gee g II? C WI %9RAN:Es _ >"I9<?>~3:Is?E, ~"Jl'F5fLr`|'1I?`?"L"I!'!$. ("V-`lU$"Js")!'l9"`9-'|l3"`)"N `ar Ills? 1": lI!P"}.`-37lll"("-r lllIV'}..".IID' Iv ' V7 -*"* z9*`)P% .W"k9*?"9%2>a9WP$5i!%?%!`@3i$Z5?!`8fe!"i'$ Iivlrvvil-V VII I III: uvrua Iv II The Surun Has Never Known n Lovc Story like This! `E BRADFORD ACELERY.... )7 1 4 7 v \ EVENTS T OUR FANCY FRUIT BASKETS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS ARE BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE LARGE ASSORTMENT TOCHOOSE F ROM \ 1 I | I `TI--V it 7" TV - 1*` ~- 0% ;: PHONES 41 _ 1022 -BARBIE E} .1 \`?*~' t*s""?fi9v 423"$9`K-*? i&>;* % !%&2*E?*`@ vs*&&!ea@ee;'n GREENfN'GS, by th baket (N -- E? DELICIOUS APPLES, by the iiushel. b` rut-\v-uv-:11-1-11-/Nru FRUIT CHRIS(I:1\i/iAS NUTS PRISCILLA limzils. .-'\lmon(ls. I-`ilhq-rts. Wzxlmlts. l c-ans. cu-. (`mm- in and see our di.~pl'.1y. OUR WALLPOCKET CALENDARS WILL BE IN NEXT WEEK. W SEE TI-iIEM IN OUR WINDOW. IQHNMSASO 8 so_Is! medium 8 for 25 R A D F O R D Best that can be bought. Crisp, white Large bunches .............................. .. 10 . . . . Medium bunches .......................... .. 5c CELIIRY HEARTS, 3 to CI bunch, ................................ .. 10c LARGE ICEBERG LETTUCE, .............................. .. 2 for 15 SUNKIST STAMPED MIXED EKEY _ all kinds _ pried 15 suit all. BARRZIEJEANADA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1939 (_'.|1ul`I'y Creek school cunc(:l'L is to bv hold on WudnL-sdny. Due. 20, ill 8 u'L'lm:k, Evcrybucly welcome. Adults |20c. 50pc .--u,.,; ..., , .,...n ....n_ AUL. ....r- l..<-giun Cl1ri.at1n:u4 true and con- cert will be held in club rmnns OH W(!dll(`:([Iy. Dec. 20. uL 8 pm. for all ex-:.'u1'vic:: men and lhcir fulnilius. l);m(:(: (.7ln'isln1.'1s night. Dec. 25. r\.I.lr..Il. I.l..|I lliulu I'ulIn|I'L!' III`- lkrlttg ()(lrlf-lluws Hull. lligh Manners` tn`- ulu-:,l,1'.'1. l'2vur_yb>r.i,v \.Vl.'lCUlnL`. Gun- l.lvnu.-n 35, l:u.l`u'-.3` 251:. 50-51b Chrislm.'n:; dnmtu lvlnntlny. Dec. 25, nt l"inuvww, Bu-ntwuod. Music by Im-lu-y'.~< six-nix-cv nl'(`h0:s`1I`:1. New YL-:u"s d:mcc midnight, Jun. 1. .";()-52b -4"- .. _... ...... .4? -. .._. The Exurminer sells at $2.00 and la wurlh nmrc. PRICED 75c`c1nd higher ;\l.l. K13-'l)S 0! Mixed Candy l'ri('v(l to suit e\'(`r)'om- NAVEL Extra large 49c doz. Large 40 doz. Med. 29 doz. Small juicy 2 doz. 35c ':"-"""J ll (Ks quoted by First Co-operative Packers of Ontario Ltd.. Barrie) lurcssccl ROI. wulgnl. [`ud:Iy ....................... ........ .. Om: week ago . . . . .. Two weeks ngu . ., Three weeks ago ............. .. British bacon market 1 SOWS M. . I Qnum `No. I Saws . Nu. 2 Suws. IJI l:noL\n I0-I! llm. Ul`I(k! "A" .................. .. llndur ll) lbs, Grade A" 18 Over 15 |bs._ Grade A" I8 1 Crack: B"--two cents less on all |[i1'N`E I ~------.-,- } AN msv WAY I An easy way to find articles 1051. is; to ndvcrtisc in The Burric Exam- im-r Clns.~'.it`i One cent u word lcn.-;l'1 (minimum. 25c.) -_____...._____. rzuurs (nu: m.-nt luwur than week ago. '/\" |:ll`p,L- ........................................ .. 2:1 'A ' medium . . ., . . 3%.! `A" pullc-Ls .................. .. . . . 20` `H'` . . 20 Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry BACON IIOGS Per CW2. (Dressed hot weight on rail). Irlnv ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. $11.80` doz. NoL small. buL real large size. FLORIDA TANGEBINES runuu . CIIICKENS I .i (-`.l`lESl~J . :.'.rudc "A" . `. |. ,l`IdC B" . _. _._J_.,._ -_ ' -;u.a;`m- Something wpnderiul IJOHN FLORIDA g ORANGES 53 25 doz. IIFOWIQ `_ 9c doz ioz. 35 O .ORIDA ll 11!` `DC no Live I `..l0-12 1l_l`) v .I.)'.:E-Ii-ed. ` Per Cwt. up to $6.75 up to $4.00 .. up to $4.00 up to $3.00 `. up to $10.00 up to $9.50 |_AumLz.:.