frwo ACQUITTED` CHARGED UNDER` NEW WAR ACT} Ilcon Ill` .Vl nuns \V:~1l Bub)` Chnic u`(`luL`k t`\'(`l`)' \\':*d- Inn Inr nu-cu`; . LITTLE (`nnn!V nf Adn1ll1lSIl`:|l()l` I . Thurmun. Om.| 4l'l`l'Ll`. mnly of Sinwnw I. GRAY Su1'g;wnn.< I .. T('1(`pl1nl\L` 213 ` v4 n.m.. T In . um: unxrn I Surgn-on N (`nl`'\1`l` ' ' .\'.\lOl'l{ L1 n-cv 'l`o.`lepnm-n Sux:-u-on at Collie-I` I0 '7-$.30 p.m.' 47 Cullivr St 1 'm'~u`r . Phun. .A. ; ETC. 1 I Bzxrric; mvvsnnawsnna/\~v\nvv\AA~vw~v\n~vv\I~&nAAnoAAAAA .\(`(`()l'N'l`*\N LEGAL /3. THOMPSOIJ Esq 2l'z`o~ 140. n In Mr. nnd Mrs. l-lurry Muyx-.~: visit- vd m 'l`ornnlu_ Inst wan-k. I Mi-mm` (`.|`m-n- nnd Lvnn Hl':|(`- |(`(I '|`<>rnnlu_ Ins! WI`l`K. iVli.~`.s~v.~' Gmcv and Lvnn (-ialv huvv rc'lurm~d hnmv frmn 'l`u- nmln, MI` and Mm Q J (`ox urv un Mr. and Mrs. S. .l. (`ox ugwf pn thmr huI|du_v.-4 uml nrv \'mIlIm.: 1'riund.~'. in 'I`m'un1o. ` 1 Cum! nn L:-n M.-Lnnuhlin nt-. runln, K `1'riun(l.~'. II`) 'l'm'un1o. I 1.. Scott and lmn,zhlin ut- Ivmh-cl thv Plowing Match at llmvkvillv fur a couple of mu s. Mr nnrl Mrs Fwd (Tutu um Mrs. Hl`U(`kVlH(` fur L`UlIph' 0! ml Mr` nncl Mrsa Fred Culu Mrs. ('I`an'l<-.< Cole and sun. aru mcmllng lhv wm-kvml in Kirkland Lu P. Rum-nt u uilnrs in tho vicinltvl lhu wm-kvntl In Kll'Kll1[l Lulu-. Rm-c-nl vi:-'itm's in tho vicilxitx \\(n.-: '1`. CuH'(n'(l and .1` D. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. W. Divkie-, Juan and `KL Kirk nf '|`m'unln_ Hill OITUH 0|` 'l`nruntn_ at 1". _(`.nlv's. ` Mr. uncl Mrs. Russ K0llm'_ Owen ISuun(l. Slnnclaycd with the lulu-r's }p:u'unls hero. 4 Thvrv was :1 large attendance and H):11'L`11ls here. | large :1 goud limv at the (lance hold in tho `L-:.ri.~h hull. WL-(lm-sdany evening. `um. 11. Mrs. Lvu Mclmughlin was 1-nnv.-In-1' p VVT [('un\`('ll1'l'. I Miss Patricia Edgar!` and Miss ! !":n'k-r nf Midland, Tum Pyman and Tum Devlin uf 1`urunlo. wrro Sun- day visilm-s with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). O`Nvill. Mun Knnnv nnd snn Vincent. 'I`(>- 1)` L)`Nmll. M1111. Kvnliy and sun Vincent. rnnm. xv:-re rocom visitors with 1\/h's. Dun. Kvnny . . . Mrs. (Dub Isvhl of Kiicht'n0r_ at her fornwr lmnw hm'1- . . . Miss Mary Loflus uf l`un-umn, with hvr parcnls. ' Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Henderson ("(1 (laughter Patricia. were week- uid 1.1110515 of Mr. and Mrs. George Munro. Mrs. E. Hutchinson and little nnughtvr, Mary Lou. have been vis- .Iing Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arnold. Sunday visilurs with Mr. and 7\".rs. Bert. Crawford were: Mr. and l\ ll'S. Archiv Bozislcy and family oi Cookstuwn. Former Pastor at A~nni\'crsnry Anniversary services were held n Sunday. October l5. in The l`illu Brick" United church. when 1 - Rev. Mr. Meek of Longford. a form- . er pastor. delivered forceful ad- -,clre-sses. morning and evening. A lo- .-nl I-hnii` under ilw able leadership ;clre-sses. morning and evening. A 10- lcal choir. under thv leadership M..' Harold Dempse-_v. Orillia, render- `nd :1ppropriato music. In the morn- 'mg the solo. "Rock of Ages". was ;l,vautifuH_\' sung by Irving Cr0xa11_ . Orilliu. 1 l<`nnr Rrtnthnra I-Tnliel :()rllllil. 1 Four Brothers Enlist z Among the first boys to enlist `;vvcrc four sons of Mrs. William xL -arnes Of Toronto. formerly of Oro Station: Gordon and Harold. with |ll.C.E.. and Walter and Lloyd, with l:.C.C.S. A daughter. Mrs. George Paxton` IVi0lvtI of Nottingham. 'l`.n;:l:md. has also vnlisu-cl for full- `limv . PE/v[-_T/1 AIGUI am`-_NE __ ..... ___.\,,_ Early copy in news or advertising `is uppro(`i:Itvd. ` An easy way to find articles lost _is to advertise in The Barrie Exam- invr Classifieds. One cent a word -cash (minimum. 25}. I Canadian National Railways riiilliw rIw|l'lI IN 1 German Postcard Says Prisoner Edie ALL.-\Nl):\l.l i Southbound [.eu\'e Pt-netung Arrive Allandalv 398 2.25 p.m. 4.20 p.m ! Northbound I.e;n/e Allandale Arrive Penman: 39 ? ll `.`:3 .n.m 1.05 p.m. n..n. .~ .J~..h- .n.-n.-no Qnnduv PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY : Note:--No. 60 dauy, except Sun- `day and Monday; Nos. 661. 662. 63 daily except \`.unday; No. 160 Suu~ Qday oxxly. I/-II\I I).||. (97 ll.-. '.Ln\. mm p.n Bnlh trains daily oxcopt Sunday. )0! 1 ..'U H 111. lU.3U u.ln. I Lav -.I.|u, Ruth trmns daily except Sunday. ALL.-\NDALE-MEAFORD Southbound Leave Me-aford Arrive Allandale an R .15` . I\\ R `(R n In ! L2I\'l' l\.lC'ulUl'U I\lllVC nuuuuasc I 60 6.45 am. 838 um.` :61! 2.10 p.m. 3.57 p.m. 60 5.45 p.m. 7.35 p.m. Northboum. Leg. Je Allnndale Arrive Mealurd $61 11.15 u.m. 120 p.m. 63 7.45 p.m. 9.35 p.m. \V.\6A~ KIA Ell inf... nnnnuno Run WANTEN MILLS sTATI 1.U.v p.Hl. '1..'.o p.lI|. Northbound Leave Arrive Haruiltnn Allandale - -m .. m rm :1 m mswonL[ Leave Barrie J 11`. n . I a l | I a I I A V 1 ; N I u I | u | A w u In ll-I:.N('. (" l-`l.l-1.\ll.V(: ' \'x~:'r1:mN.-\1 and svm I S1 H.n`I'In` Phu I Anvil.` I \I.l'f1`L`!i\ t* Svpt. 24. 19391 ONT/? Rio I31] TX IE -(.05 p.n\. 'l'0RON l`0 LIN E Southbound II A MILTON LINE `_CIWR DI3 -_.._ ` Southbound Leave Arrive I Allandale Hamilton un. -L23 p.m. 8.00 p.m Nnrthhnnnd 1' .1-n\'e Arrive Allandale 'I`oron'c 5 10 n.m. 8.E'>() :n.m. 4.23 p.m. '7.-L5 p.m. ._4L|........: 7.05 u.m. 10.50 n.m. 6.30 pm. 9.35 p.m. xuannale narnc 10.50 a.m. H30 a.m. .u\onnr\O C. unduu G.G. `SMITH 5. co. ....I I RR lirm'lu~ls. roads: I aim ht-ullliy (slightly wuLIn(le,~(ll us in (ii-rmzin pr or of war and am in gnud hainds. all will b.~1.uke_-n) fmm l'wn- (tn um place) in the next tow day.-s tthv :l(l(lI'L`2a'.'-l nl` Whll'l`I) I will wril.:- III II will be! allowed to receive mail from yuu l,lu-1'i- and will bl` In write in you.) Best \visln-.~: . , ,' Ito. The Y.1 ,S. are cnmuuvncing their fnll Inet-tings with :1 wicnur must ncxt Monday nip,ht. i The Uniu-cl church was fill.-(I tn L-;.pncily for (he zumivn-rsury s-rv- | was and again on Monday night for lho supper and ontt-rtain1m`nt. Ru- cvipls at thn latter amounted to $60. It-uving u profit of $35. The ulow bovs who wvnt tn $60. lunvmg prolu )1 #65:). The plow boys wont tn Bruckvillc again made in fine .~'lmw- `mg. Russell Maw and Aubrey Git- fvu \v<-rc- .~u-cnnd in the inter-county buys` tractor class. Roy Rupvrt was third and George Fralick won :1 prize in their respective clsnssus. Duugul McN:.1bb and Mervin Fru- `nck did nut curnp:-tu at the pruviu- cinl match. -2000 Rush:-In :5! Rants and match. i 2000 Bushels at Roots The mungol and root crup is quite ' gum! Ihis yvnr. Wm. McNabb hus| just finished harvesting 2.000 bu 31:. . C0np;rm,ulatinns to Miss Vc-lmza` Goodhnnd and Bruce Wlct.-_ whn were married in Stroud on Satur-{ day. Oct. 14. ' Weekend visitors: Mr. and Mrs.` dny_ Ucl. 19. Douglas Hill of Hamilton. with rric-nds and rolalivcs in the com~ munily . . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Show-don and Billie and Allan Mc- Vnddvn of Thurman. with J. A. Goodhand . . . Mr. and Mrs. T. P. (Eimpbell nf Clear Creek. with V. Weekend Mrs.` C. Hall. Mrs. Gordon Lauder has returned! `twine after spending some time in , Toronto. A. Irwin and Miss H. Cockburn `pom :1 day at J. A. Cockburn's mis week. `Mr nnrl Mr: Jnhn Rnnrmv, MiS nus week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonney. Mis< Athena Moore and Robt. Thompson, are visiting in Sault Ste. M:n`ie.1 (mt. 1 (.-nt. ' Wecknd visitors at James Laud-l e-r's we-re: Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy. Mr. and Mrs. Currie. Mrs. MCKi!\-| non, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson.I Greg Johnson and Mrs. Marifield.`-, '31) of Torontn. and Wm. Johnson of W innipog. & I Mr. and Mrs. S. MacPhee. Tur- omo, spent a few days with Miss M. Cinrnex`. \alo\lo b..:A's:- .LAA \n `rur- I-`.sl;|hlIslu-d I869 |"l'Nl-`Ii.-\|. l)II{l.("l`0I(.\` :\.\`ll l"..\ll!.\I.'.\l|'7I{S utur .uulIu|'.uu-r 'n\ (`mun-oliuu ........ ...r .\-n vuru-r Uurner. | Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Mrs Roy Graham. Mt. Albert, spent Sun-l day with friends here. i I Mrs. Lena O'Connor has accepted`, Allan Amos i |`,$,,`_s.V.,'_`L,f,".,'}`,`-`5(,',`,`i, (f,' accepted 1 as. No rem is being chargvcl by thvi a position as school teacher at Ru1h- .P1`0V|C'~` 3:01` mi` U50 0`: `W PW` . Jgleyl School. east of North Bay. [party dur1n;.{ the (iumlnm of the-i Mr. and Mrs. A. I-laugh. Mrs. W .xvar. Mooney and Mrs. John Haugh spem : L3,-go scfg [raining of pilots will 3 Slmday 3` 13' H"rd'5- Cwemorp ibc Ci1l`l`i(`d nu! at the S1. Thurnmi L'OnB1`tllla1i0DS 10 M15? EdiThisit(.-. Natiunul dL-ft-nvo In-uc!qu:11'tm`.~| Hubbard a_nd Clarence Smith. \v11o1:,a;d plans are .6. under .,,}. f,,~ "'"e marmed `m Saturday` 0" 14 iostablishing 11 flying field on Mr" 1 Mrs. A. Twaddle. Mrs. MacD0n-` 1 . nrnrnienc I writ` Illull out \.1\.\. MacDon- ald and son. Archie. of Camp Bord- .n. motored to Toronto and spent the weekend there. 'T'hn r-nnntrvxidn Aru uu unuu_y, A1 nwnkv Sal|n'dn\' . |tnc weekend mere. z The countryside awoke Saturday` morning to find a touch of winter` in the air. Thorc were snow flu,r-l rivs and :_ strong north wind most` of the day. Shower for Miss E. Hubbard I "I ` On Tuesday evening, Oct. 10. :1 1 lnrgr number of friends and neigh- bors gathered at the Orange Hall and presented Miss Edith Hubbard` with 21 miscellaneous shower. She? rm-vivcd many valuable and useful` gifts. An enjoyable time was spent i by all. A programme of vocal and in.~'truinentu1 music was presontvd iby the local talent. after which a lunch was served and tho young` , pmplv vnjuyvd tlumsvlves dunving` "or the bulancv of the evening. ` A son WELL DONE V` The Barrie Examiner carried 28,-. 3:450 lines of Classified Advertifug |`in 1938. with an average of 109 nd- ` Jlets per issue Results have done it. - 1 am surry to_ report that Ronald GLh'|n`isL is confmod to his bed. | Alice (`.r:n-n And.-rsnn and Miss Ikniciinsi is conum-u to ms oeo. Miss Grace Anderson and Miss l\l:ll'gH`t`l Gziirus. 'I`nronto. spent the iw:-2 kend at J. D, Gila-lirist`s. I Sunday S(`hl)Ui of the Unitvd cliurvh will be livid ill l0.l5 next isunday. with church service fol- 'lm\'ing. This is I\'lissionary Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker "showered" Lust F`rid:w evening a large gznh-' wing of Guthrie and Mitchell S(u.:irv friends met at J. W. Walk-` er's to offer congratulations to Har- a short sing-song led by Mrs. Gen. Strachan. at the piano. Jim Pearsall read a joint address from the Guth- rie and Mitchell Square groups to the bride and groom and Bert Jam- old Walker and his bride. After` icson and Earl Reid presented the- lmsny beautiful and useful gifts. ' Among tliese \v;i.= a handsome wal- r-ut table. the gift of the` Guthrie (`huir and `CPU. The bride wa- :1 H11 mber of each nrganizalion while she taught at Guthrie. and th-- - rm: ovrr 1:1 wars. After Mr. and groom has been :1 member of each` igroom has been member or each fr" uwr y-ars. Mrs. Walker had expressed their :`ppn-ciatirm of this surprise pa"tv, Rx-V. Mr Gray mad an appropriate speech. Refreshments closed a very happy evening. , ; %',.!f7..nan ... ant!` ,,..... :i4ta0" Luuuu .IlII|IuIuIu| nu`... . (`PEN DA`. .-\'.\'l) .\'|(`lT B.\RRlI.. (LVT. I IIU.\1 833 -:-. \ . . . V .- mm zammt EXA. an, BARRIE. om`. camp; IL -._-.____...-_4.- -__--_ {_.__....-..--_-j_.L {EDENYALE[% '_'\d) bin gufunb -- Hi)! turnout .- in bnt|'d)r RrlmsgcfaII\1:n|\().:iI ,\rr.1!m nub lufinbe mid; moM. m-.. m... ...a .....n. u. z. n... ...u.n... ma... In in Mum: mlumht um-hm. IIIID l't|llII7I lump mum. `Ron um ad nmbc id) in hm ndgfhn Ingul is in l'agt\= uebnsm um-hm, boffvnnfttnlil id thud) fuhreibrll zen-ip, limimtyuly.-.ltu| molt Q-do M6 Idyuil-MIL mlidn tvmiis W EDGAR T ucurmus 1 is humv from 'l`m`:n- .6In|id;z LA _` B _ T:~{or\P53/) 51.1 me o F('1CL7I2([l'U72-plmii _OFLAC-> , ITzEHor._... f\:.:=Mn.N' (l|\` I'.\' Rllitll-`..\"l` \':\I.l'Ii ....l-V .' mn`1nl.xHnn uuy. ------ (Tm) Lulu for Last. Wm-kn . Anniversary visil.>I's: Mr. mul Mrs. C. Duckwnrth, Aru.{u.~i, Mr. nnd Mrs. Willard Mt'l)(1l1:I](l. B:n'riA_ ,-'Mr. and Mrs. l'hus. Millx-r, /\||i-' | sitnn, Mr. and Mrs, I). (lI':1h:Im 3111" .lHImily, Ivy . . . Miss T-`.l1u Millmxl H2:-urge Wnmls and Juhn Aylin-.{ u!" '1`0r0mu, at Anrlrvw Mill:-r`.- . . .| 1VI_r>`. Wvllvrm:m nl Mrs. R. Hulls! . . . Rev. C. G. l'liggi1m:n. at H.'H`|>l(l' -l3.~I|'s . . . Mrs (`.lur_v znul t|:m;h- ( for of Ivy. with llw !'m'nwr'.x .~;i.s1-r, Mrs. Robinmn. l V. I ___ ` K 1-} Frank N. llimzinsun spent n I -4w 1. days lust. \Vl`(`l( ut lhu l luwin;,-, Mulch at Bruckvillv. g Mr. and Mrs. (,`l:m-mm /\I'I1H|Il, 3 p Mrs. D. J. Millvr and W. A. Mr- L (`mm spent Saturday in 'l`m-unlu '( Mr. and Mrs. um, 1:n.a- um 1w.-.1` and Ml:--< I-In:-luv l`|n-nhnll Il:n'\n v ' . . and Lvlrs. um, l`;IlIH mm um-A and Mrs. H: -tor l`urnbu|l. |['II'\H_\" and Jean, vlsm-(I |`ri-ml.~+ nl 2\n;v,u Flats on Sunday, 5 run. ....,I M...- |.*......1. x.'I..|.;..l, ....,u| I` IuL.1 uu uuuu--_y. Mr. and Mrs, lv`r:mk l~Zlphirk zm two chiklrvn, and Mrs. lilplniv` spvnt Sunday with lhv lulu-r damghtvr nl. liuxtn-r . . . Mr. nu Mrs. Allnn Millm` nnd Mrs. H Hu vixil.u(:l Cnukstnwn l'ri:-mls am Sun day. m`...\ 1..o.. fur `SIC! W.-.-In Damn /2 -:4 I IUU Ann: I I Quite a number from here tended the Fair :1! (?uuk. Friday and found it (|ui1.t- :1 .\'l1('t`t-.\)4. ` Weekend and holiday Vl.H`lll:l!~.i `Mr. and Mrs. Dolph l(nm-shnw. nl \'.". King's, Sent:-h Settlement . . Mrs. John Gillespie and family uml ll/liss Gitu-n.~'., I`m'nn1o. at ll:-rl llughes.` . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ernzwt .|'H1lgh(-5, with Mr. and Mrs. 1.. (_Z `McLean. Bond I{n;1d, also uuemln-rl lwoodbridge Fair on Monday . . . ;DI`. and Mrs. H. Scull. Hilmiltul. {P/lrs. N. C. Mz1cl.enn and Miss Mm`- ugaret Mucl.ean_ Toronto. with Mr. land Mrs. I-l. Be-ll . . . Miss Mm-inn `|f:ell, with Mrs. Stanley Cairns, . . . iMr. and Mrs. Frank Dnlcher. Bar- "rie. Mrs. King. Brzlclfm. with Mr. ` land Mrs. Dulph Km-Pshaw . . . Miss -1Nnrmu Evans, wilh her p:u'em.~a :1! |I~.:r}elon. n runn. u - -. |\ . -I /_\{__ :ll-i on I l u | . I I `The St. Thomas Hospital 3 To Be Used For R.C.A.F. 37 AUCTION SALE ' The Dominiun guvermm-nt will] `take over the St. Thomas mmitul Ihcspital as quartt.-rs for the R.C.A.I".i [almost immediately. An ugrm--i iment between the Ontario govern-` |ment and the federal department L1`! public works is now being drawn! up. Heating and mainte,-imncv ch:n';:-| es are being ussiiinvci by the Dom-' iinion. as well as certain ar1'uu,{c-- `ments with the City of S1. I`hnm- `as. No tho [province for of the pI`r)-| du1`in;.{ (iuraliun mu` lhoavy, in XL.` ;h(avy; bay \ bay gelding. `u`I1.~'. mare.<. (`A I'l`LE~ I R ranrlina W. D. MINNIKIN of Choice Farm Stock A and Implements , I'hv under.~`ip,m-(1 .-Xurimmw-1' hm 1`(`(`L`i\'t`d in.~:1ruc1i:m_< Lu wll by }"ub!u- A1u~hm1 :1! . - 4 - an . . . `(\`l1>'. mm`e.~`. (`A'I'l`LE-Fmn' 6 yearling slvcI`.~`. all T.B. tested. HUGS --ll dot`:- an `Lu. tesu-a. HOGS -~-9 storv pigs. ubaul 1b>.: 9 store pigs, about 55 1b~ stun pigs. abuut 75 lbs. IMPLEMENTS 3!'Ln'rn\\' -,:z plow Ccckshutl: 1 bu;;g_\-'. 1 van ` TERMS -Pi;zs um! :11! sum: w plow cu-Ksnun: 1 nnggy; I v-.m;- ~Pigs In :`der ten dollars. cash: uvcr lhz amount six months` credit t. pnrtn f'.:mi. approved jkillll um: `bx-aring interest at :13: pm` cum W 7am:-.nn. 5 per cent. on for va.~l\ "4'l[.'. CHAS. FOSTER. :\ll(`llunr'e' E|?i|dren s Odifhg vi*.'v .'5V9` It is hard to keep the rhildren from taking told; they will run out uf doors not properly rlml: haw on (no much n'1utMng:lllI1g0t u\`m|n':\h-I and F001 off too suds!--nl_\'j. they get their feet. wet; kick M1` the lued 'l`|... p....-` u: ...\-H... uru `um. u... an `-.. .... rluthn-5 at :;igh!. T!:;- nmiiu-r cnnn watch them all the tiuw, so whux she ceuiug In in! Motln-rs should never Iwglevt ti child's cough ur mid, hut uu its '1 6:.-pliuu should prm-urv :1 I-uttle Dr. Wood ~` .\'ur\v:\y Pine h`_\'rup. is an ;-|e:\.~`:ml In tho tastv l` youngsters t.-Ila: it \\'ilhnuI :m_\' In.- Lot 3, Con. 4, Sunnidole >~.\' TI_IIIIIC`RA(\I 3f`? `If rvuu -I HORSES \.-:~u\' urix kJ`.\ THURSDAY, OCT. _26 L 0 Lil C-ILIT 9 -w |l' .`{|".l\':\l. l)lI{I`I("l`0R *\.\l) I* \lI$:\l..I.R :\.\ll{l I. \\('F. .\`l~'.R\`I('l". I`. l`lE: uh.-xh \ l : l'lnuu- `Bl! Officers Nof To Be Cen- sored Bur To Be Com- mended, Says Codi 1'I`uu Late for Lusl Wm.-kn .04. n Ir\Ilv\\|'\:\hv fvrv-v\ |'\LIV`1| r;Xn'L?ii'i5 Nclikiz xnono , V`... _ at 2 pm.. the prnp-.-r1_\' ml" AAII I'l\Fl\ f` A fI'I'EfI A FENNELLS j UTOPIA Joc-nnur... 1 GERMANY A u.....: 1.... - Buy murv. I` with (`uh at (not. fuul; bay nlurv. i In. I` hnu n1-1!`.- |':l'(;Vl`l| I)I I:I\ uvrpnu thvr and lhv rm-1 llw l`hunks;-_i\'im,- I l'IH1L.~ llmk mmllw In-ill}: lhu pI`il':- [m whilv Ilxu pri(~(~:a ( I!H'|lllli'l)'_ lmllvh. . ..1.. .... |l..II...- ymlil-:'r Thv Saturday Irmrning nmrkvt .1-uvml I)I'i:k hu~`pil:- llw chilly w(-n- hm` fun ! that ii l'ullu\v-(I . uu., ..u |,\,_|. `:6 MI`\ SI {MOUNT PLEASANT` MOUNT ST. LOUIS: An nu.~:_\' way to fnd urllcles losh [IS to .1d\'r-rlvsc In The B;n'ru- Exani-' lnn-r (`l'.s.~a.~:vf|c-ds Our cent a wnr(I_ cash cmmunum. 25). ! .`\.\ l`\Hl \\:\l ` c (.'(Jll.`'l!-'.Ll.*(l Ul nurnm'nu.~' my Mrs . 1"` (jzmttm. Mrs. 1l Mrs. Nufhnn F2 rs. V`/illiams and Patric 1} 1 lr:' (2:um:n ('I)H(llICl$'(I 2: `hi(,`}l was won bv Mrs. I~`it7.gcral(1. Rvfrcshnwnts ed by Mrs. Dunn nd ::~:- :.`%1I'>> . Nlrs. J. Williams. I -\\nn1iI\r`f mill hu .9. -\ .\' l~`..\S\' \\'.-\ Y IHHI II V hnliclay. wr jump. H'|i1l fur KHIIIIILIAY. j x-1' 40 q-mntsl mid fun` A |uI'gv,' un ulhvr grzulc-s. rzmm-(I l`I`mu 25 lvnm-ml two cu-ut.< . wilh lhv mzunl ` V nrs: M LU. M. I\/l(~Curth_V. Dznvid Imnnu \/i.-nvv n"nrhn I u\V|I this wm-R` 4--nls :1 qnnrl.` \.|II'I l*l I55 V?`|llIil >3 nus. S1rr:ud_ Saturday. I\,1... PA I-`l`NEl{.-\l. IHRECTOR .-\!\|l1t'1..\!\'I I-1 SEll\'l(`E ls (xi:-nd cam- Vc-lmu Smith Qsrvuul urh'\ fru(:`.urL-d :1 i; I\I'|x(!l -\'*(. `ilk: 10(- /.|Il'l -1100 ` 'l(I.- I Mr. unu Mr.-4. l. K zvn nml .l:n-k L:-mun, .~p<-m 11'!-m|.~x :1! l*`.vI-rt-ll. Mrs, (2('ul'Lg-- (.':nl rnvmling 2: Vlhilv wilh lvr, Mrs, Wm. Y4IIll|]J_l- [ Wall:-r (T:n'ru1h-rs, !|n-nulinu unnu- nu II'l, IVII-`I, VVIII. l`l|l (.`:n'rulh .~.y:<-nriixm mun- .i:u|yI,h1m" Mrs. I). I All.-. 'l` Ilnlh -nu I..1<- JIHIU 1)" [hug lulu- `v/nut!` ! Vi.~'il.<` , !*'.r'|1v|l's W` {tun Sch:-ll Itzuul PH !||| [UIH LECHPI and Eli /.:| J:wk,~"m : Inn! Miss (Hive I)i<-kin>'un is vi. v. 'l'nI'nnIn ILW days with rnr :-'u-r. 1vn`.~'. um B""kh l(lr1' Clt-urviuw. ` Mr and Mrs. Guy L(.'YnUfl and stun` Harald of Toronto spun! lhu wt-vk cm] at Mr. and Mrs. Iviv Milm-`.< f Mr. and Wire Gnrdun (_'ru.~'icr and` baby. Tumn ' spv.-nl thv \'/t:k'k('n(l zn ` lV`.r.~`. (.`x'usi r s and with Mr. and`, . re (`nnurn ` lV>l*.l:s;IA;:l_.l`):s`S()NS lvllss Imvv l)l('Kl!I:~'U . 'l'ul`uIItu. Mx':~'. J. M. 'l`|unn|).~'! /1--IL with hvr 11-r '.:.rru~. l.uw.~mn Mmniu-r>.nn of ".x1II'd nu his .4i.- Mrs Jun 11, Inst work. Mr. and M|'H. I. K Milm-` :1 1| ,lm-I: |.:-nnm ~m-nl Y~'.|nn \ \ Sunnidctle Corners I. ` V1:|Lor.~ ill. 1' run Vv(rJrl`N;n'u.< WI Mr and Mrs`. Rwy Rwbhin 2, zhildren of Hamiltnn_ Mr. and I`: -\ff('r 0f Virpzinvulv. Mr nnrl EV |[.U!'l]l' M_\'u-r.\ and Wilfrvd ."`.1`v:-r.< |Im`t Duvet`. I v u u |.'|....c.. nn':........ ..-r.-.- m. m... .... ..\.` Mrs. Ed. Wiggms 'Lw days with ht!` S .v-v'|(|1 Clt-urviuw CALL 222 AND ASK FOR AN AD-TAKER 10:4. |`hL- .~:_ynnp::lhy 4,!" this mu u-xlt-ml;-d 1;; [hr tmrulic-:~. 0 Juhn V. Ill.`ix~ ul 'I'|mrn1 lhn Wm. M('Q\m_v of null 5 Ut.`Ur)_'_;* Williams nu, hvr .\ q 1\/h--< P ' 5 5l`O4`C#~I C ffvlw-IICJ`f5 If`! If-i`IlOOO OJOOVOOOOOOOOOOO49 Tl`-i~l`<#9`OO ` 9004. (`ll )`I_ VEA("l`()l{S THEVBARRIE EXAMINER Phone 22?. and our ro-prt-.~;vm;|ti\ v will v.:|l |l l. Anna. :1. :1. -.unu-nu. . 'l . llulh mu] tlnllghlrr . up and Mr. and Mn Hm und family 1;!" Hum 'I.....L-.v .-.1 M.-. M. % CRAIGHURST Iywrrvz ,-_/.a(v---um-- -\ . LET US ESTIMATE ON YOUR IOB! M. 'I'|uurn|).-tun :-`punt lu-" her Hist:-1'. Miss Mill:-r 9"" rt-prm;-nt:\ti\'c~ will ~-uw Diltmzm `lllw Mm`- ) of Alsm.-k. Sask.. 1 'i. Mrs. M-3v.llr- Jun-n.-..\ ll:-4.uvn Nlv-s | C`-rt.-(-nhulAu,h -. lhv wm-k"nd Q N11` null '\ Queer things, rare things, use- ful things, ornamental things, old things, new things can be bought and so|d quickly and cheapiy through a Barrie Exam- iner Want Ad. Isnrrw, ' with ltU|!l~IR l' ll. .\'.\ll'I`|I I-'.\'|-'.3w`l(`.ll'l` .\'l`1-lk`1.-\I.IS'l` JR llllnhm H! 3`|1-mu-til) n ..|. L`-.'-II-.l`|\'c will BETTER WORK LOW COST SPEEDY SERVICE On Things You Need for Office and Shop Hon uhmot Inuth-rni.'.ins: that old Itttvrhc-;ul~wgc-null: :1 new .~auppl_\' of l) l'urm.~;. cards. cin-ul`.u's`. \'uu'|I find nur work \'up(`|`l\H'. uur prim-~; |r;1s`mm|)|r! Bull Chases Mothers and Children Into Lake Couchiching RED CLOVER Lu m.~ and H10- L',I`.'u bl):-II IIu.vi1w,' :u:,uin. us; _y(-:1r:~;, m:uic- -. nu-111,3 with H. White C2 C0. of .`~3Iu-lhurm-. Hm for thv hzunllinu :s(-u-(ls. uwuu -._____ It may he the C-.ui-iv uf \'uur truu blurs. Buck it uplhi-ri1.:hr way, with Fruit-'.i-tivuu. I"u\'l grand. Your liver is the largo-sl organ in your body ind most irnporlant to your health. ll pour: (in! bile to digest loud, gt-In rial of male. sluic- energy, allows the plum: nourishment lo reach your blood. when your liver gt-In out of order lood tlrcumpo.-ies in your irilrslimex. You be- come constipated. sluniadi and kidneys can ! work properly. You l(`I'l "tulle-Ii" lleulnrliy, baclcachy. dizzy. dragged out all the lime. n;.i .._ IS -5 .i...... '. . . .-| _1. .:.C- LLOYD tnarny. uuz). uuggeu Inn All luv Iuuu. Rid yourself of these niiseriex. as thousands have with Fruit-a-lives. for 33 `u-an Cnnadfi largest selling liver n-mrdy. Fruit-A-lives slimulalr your liver. bring prompt relief nulm you feel like a new person. (32! Fruit-A-lives 1! your dvuggisfs Iodny, Zfx, 50. __ _____ _ ------O|.- I would amm- cvivima, .-~;:unplr-: nnmir:u!,itm:; I prmhntl-r:; of 1':-( um] nbmn. Hw I tI'it'l.. Lock es.i%T %i*6I! _ .V". LIVE. Eii"ij"ii7A7'fi\iE% W. M. Dinwoody T1nu':~u'I:Iy. (')\-tuiuu Hi, IX! Hi /.:1|wl|a Slrm-I linrriv Plumv HSHW 1l))])l`l'(',i ..n.l;.. . u I.|-1v\ s an ` l$:1rrlt- (lira .~; in |):1.\'I. :u'rung:- .-\. "ii >14 iml-`.1. w-K|N.\'F.v ma. .\`.u:. n.n.1`. -n-hm. .\`- l)r|n'll`.\`>' ThL'l`:\[)i.\'1.\` Ltd. `nun u. fit-Id -111: 1.111: K \' I". I` I N I; \'V II. tn-nr-h'.~' u (9.\"l`IV~`.(`)l' .-V\"l`ll Y STATEN\E'N`TS[ ALLEGED; ()l"|`i )A.\| i'I'-I`i{ \' , V J. (KERR!-IT'l` i ` ., u w 1 utury Pub iv. unw-_\':n\Cu1`. in- 'PR`\( IORS icluding drznving of wills, dovds. :n*- _________ . _ , ,. ., . rung'1nLz of lmms. etc. Insurance nf \'lm"" all kinds. Evculor. Adn1ini. nnrl 'l`rn u-`I-'.<.< 'l`h-_-r:m:.\'1.< IHIH l'3lHH' IU L,l|Il" up,u. I-lu was nat- `:m:u'Iiun l'iv- years xx` burn in lhv Unit- umnmnm zmrl Rus- znul has liw-(1 in ~ Ilv is n'.mn'uli'/.ud. x-.~:h~d hy l rnvin(`iul '. Hllinlt. .`\l1i.\'lnn I...I.a...n..I II in Hu.s'.~:i:1 of Gor- nml in Cm!- I.I.. uruu nnl . I'M-nll limos. Ev:-nls. 'iI'I'mnslum.-vs lhat wnuhl puxx un- - nnn m-nnm-- .`7H'(l Hy I l||\/llllluv I .Hul;zm(`nL n1. [\/lu*,:i.~'lrnu` xluffs yllu nu `L'|`(l In llixmn `mud, l` H14` /\llistm1 dis-I mu, Hf`... m~nI'I.v r nnd haul been n-rs and :1 mill ||ll{|~I("l'0I{.\` IlK(' lH(` DUI-| hnvv." [`h(- hnvv bt-on . 0.. .. rn!Il'I - In-. '5 III '`I HUI 74'.':(liIu_; I In.-llivd ..I-.9:n..A-n l$l'I(Nh. as l`h-.-rupis l|_\`(l"n :m Inn-~un\' ,l:lv.<.< `rnvr .-\|.- |`h.nn\ H! ll] il IIIKIII l`h(~ charge Roth |"..Vll.V(i M ..\'Ul{L}l*`.UN ru` P110111` 811 I -__._._._____. Q :m- nut in . 0.. kn l'|mm~ {M I7." I Phunu 405; .1`. _ I 'l`hvr:1pL~'l.< f nrlzlln ! ,-u.xu u ` |)l'()pm`- 11:! In` - NH 7-H p.m. Hn.~.n\cnl IIl'II||`ll .`1lLlU`llI( maulv V ...y .-lrin. ) m-v m-an nnd fivds. investigate every snuumun. .~um.~.u-- nr suspicious in even tho slightos! (l(:gl`(`L'. Military e-xpvcliuncy and mtlnnal safety require that nciion nay be taken when anything nt n u.~'pi(.-ions: nature 1-xists, I But the verdict of n court musl still be based on the swarm h-sli- mrmy of crnmpotont witnt-ssr-5. Thu- lmrm-d Crown Counsel. in his sum- mary, tzxcilly admiltvd that h(' -ould not nsk a L'0l1Vi(`U()H in thvl "Zl.\`(` of Richtor. .1... ........;.l...-uoinn nfl ..._ ,__ 01 "An overnight C(m.\'i(l(`l'I|li()l1 of me evicloncv does not satisfy mu- hm lhl'l'(` is an Vcl'_V maluriul dif- l'm'onc(.- bx.-tw<-on the two or that Im- :-vidr~n<'<- shows that, either by words: or actions. was thv SlI('('(`.\` or safety of the public t.-nclnngu-n-cl. I am cumpt-lled tn acquit on Hu- :-ln`.rgo.x' mid and lh(- vviclvm-o sub- nillud. I'\lL'll|l'|'. Tu summmlzc-_ while :1 man mnyl qnitv prnpvrly bu dvtuim-cl during| the war nn suspiciun, :1 com`! i.~;| nut jll.\`Hl`(l in convicting un lhnli .'-l(me3." Crnwn Allurm:_v Hzlnmwnd pm-` culvrl. and C. D. Stewart ch-I`:-nd-` ad the at `used. Fr()fnznG(e1'maIII prison camp has cnml` an furm ;msl(rnnl" In LL-ll tho- futher (1fT1.`/'lY\F{ Officr A. B. 'l`huml>:mn ul` lhv R./\.l~`.. whn livvs in P('II(`- t..'nnguishen(.-, that his sun has boon inlt-rm-(I the-rt -. 'l`h(~ l".n;'_li.\'h l.rnn.4ln- titm of the mt-ssnge cm the rt-v(-rsv of lhv card, with purls scum-d nut in `investigate o ry siumtiun. sini.~'.tvr :...~ s.-uunivinus BOYS K BUYS Bm`rislm's. Solicitors. Noxurivs Pub- lic. Cm1vu_\':\m,'r-x`s. -10. Money Lu luun at lowest mtes of irltmwst. Of- fice-: X3 Owen St. I\ lus Temple 1Build'mg. Barrio. Branch uI'fi-v, lElmvu1v. J. R. Buys AJ. F. Woods. CAMERON dz CAMERON BARRIS'I`ERS_ SOLICITORS. ETC. I5 Owon SL. Barrio : T1-lephom` 406] E MONEY TO LOAN . A1.I:..\ANums 1 uwnn B;u`risLu1'. Snlicitur fur ubtuiniuu probate of wills. guardianship and ndmiuistrutiun. General Su1ici1nr.1 Nutur)'_ Cunvvyzmcor, etc. 17 Owoni SL. Masonic 'I`empl(> Bldg. Barri:-.| MONEY TO LOAN ; 4 DR. W. A. LEWIS _ `.5 ISur;.'or\' and 1)ism1: of Wumvn>| (`him-f (`m`nm`r. County of Simcm-1 - Phunv 61 : Offiru 58 (`ullinr S1 ` 8.30-9.30 u.m., 1-230 and 6.304% gun.` L ___________________: ... ihrw nu wnrkingz 5 1 l I-`RANK HAMMOND. B.A.. KC. 1 I Bxurrismr. Sulicitur, etc. !\/lnsmm-`i f'I`on1plc Bldg. Bzlrric-. IV1unc_v to loan.` |--------------------------, I ' ` 5 DUNCAN r. Mccmuc. K.(`. 1 . PAUL H. ARMSTRONG. ILA. \ 1; BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC.` I Mmwv tn luun 2 Russ Block. B;u`ri<-' BARR lS'1'hJt{5. I u ; Money to loam . 3 ____'____________.._._ DONALD F. Mn(:LAREN.. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. `.M.~mmi~ Te-mule Building`. I BARRISTEK. sumu run. `|M:1snnic ` MONEY TO LOAN . ._ :Ill Kmus. n md 'l`rusu-o. [ ulc. vv. 1. Llllhr. ` :\ssm*i;ne Cnmnor, Cnunly Sin` `, and DR. A. 1). l h\'si('mr1.< and Ufficv. 47 Mnplv Ava. Office hmxrs: 1 to 4 p.m.. 1: 9 p.m., ur by uppuinnm-ut Ivrnnl I 2 Officvt Phum` r .'\ssm-in Olficc ; ()ffu:o: Uw:-n 51. `Office Hnurs: 130-3.: Phom- 700. Rosxdcnwvz .\liIl| l',\Ilull (fzuuulu 22 _ 'l'hv_v \.\'m'r I`:-n luh. *\ l l\. \IIA\II\\Il. \. xvnnnnv Physician und Surgw ;`HIxcv an-d Ros`dmw~. Cum vlwlh und Toruntu 515.. 1`) ,Hc\urs: 9-10 ~.n.m.: 1-4 pm; DR. R. G. l`l`R!\'Bl`l.L \Grudu'm- 1\2h`(`-ill Um\'o1$iI_w ()ff'u`v and l`l`.\'idf`l\t`\`Z vnrmu` Dum and Pn)'m7. Six`. Phnnv 105 Huurs: 9-10 u.m.. 1-3 pm. 7-8 p \'I("I`0RIAN ORDER OF Nl'l{SES . . _ _ . .. l).-......l.\ \.\.`..lI Lluhu (`hun- I I` IHJEIFIJ \ll\l 'Burrm Brznwhi (rum `.3 30 to 4.31) \ nrsday. .M\pl2c:m< \-in-s mm` be __._________________._...___ VVALTER C. SLACK. B.A.. BARRISTER. SO1.lC.I'l`OR. ETC. Mnnre Block. Bau`r'w \'!(`L`S thruI.u:h ductn Fm` E-tr. Nos-` ;Im1'I`I1v':\:vv b] Will be "K Qm`e'n's Howl. S'.1mrd:|_v.<. 8 u.m. to 12 n . DR N. M. LAURIE. l..M.(`(`. 4' "|r\u`r I`.kI\ ' DR. \\':\l.'l`lIR II. \\'()()I)R()\\` r\......... DR. (iE()RGE C. I... 4 Pauzn Tuvvlvvr ALEXANDER (`OWAN Q..l:..i|.m fur nhhn ..... .. ... Ph_\'six-i~.n1 and Sum ()ffu:L-: Own-n St. at C inn Ylnlllx` I RI}-R R 1 F `K I `,2 ,fJ T7,'In', und RlS'l`h;1~:. SU|..1L'.l 1 un. Moore Block. ____.__?.__..___j cum. UISt`2\.\'(` nl Lnxmron. In- lnt`dl(`il\(` and nmmr s1xl`gr~!;\'. 30 Owe-n St ; Office and R05. - -vnn V v|L.. _,,; k DR N W . R0(il-IRS nu` L?nrnn_-r. Ltuumv 0| :. and rnsndcxwu: SI) Mn Phone 101 DR J. H. N. SMITII I\|. _, BOYS K BOYS u Qulinitnrc Nninl \VlCl.(`lI. 2\.\'l)l~1|:.\'().\ & (`-OMPANY (fhanrl--1'ml ..l'L"Ill!ll:\H(.\'. 'l`1'1u.~'t.1\v.~'. etc (`rnwn l.ul'- Hmlthm.-,. SH \'nngv SL. 'l`:n'nnhn lchllbunlroi L 7'1 _'E"7-: ENTERTAINERS MEDICAL n. n. n. nun.-n.--.u '~'ici'.n1 and Sul`;.:wm {`.nrmwr, (`nuntv of SI ill. I t.l\ ll. vv\:\r|rn\: vv 0rillm_ Onturm Nos-` and 'I`hv'-1:-V Sp--cinlist 'v\ 0m\e'n`.~` Hm-*1. H:H`l`i0 iirieqsqefungcntnpoit `Boftkurte . I4l"Il ILlL`4. IAMVI-\ .\ . isn`2\sv nf Children. inn :mrl nnnnr ,\'lll`L l st )1 .1L:1'1`urm ` Exznmim-1' (`l:1.x`si- .1. I`2l)\A\`|7.\: \\A'Al7l..\'() .\'d.-B.\2\-.. IH u.-4'H= l'H\'-\`1('1-`\'1\' ..... Ill...-i. 31..-H. l`.~\.~n)mm~ 1`