F. W. KENNEDY l' `: OFFERED 103 or INSPECTOR Sovcn boys from Simcov County (`re among the 245 lads who arv (`H- rolled to date in tho Airrsraft Train- ing School at Cult, which was of. ficially inspected by Hon. N. O, Hipel, Minislor of Liabmj and Hun D12 L. J. Simpson. Minister (at Edu- rvann lrauon. I 3 The Sinu~m- buys onrollod are Arthur Ashton, Lloyd Smith and Robert Ramsay. Barrie: Donald] Wilson, Bradford; Reginald MC-| Phec and Edward L.altimm*v. Port lMcNic0ll; and I-`rud Scott. Midland. lo L ..u-.Au.- Ohn umnh h-nininn nlnn :l\`IL`lVlC(Hl: nun rl-nu ocuu. wlluiillltl.` | It is under the youth training plan lhal this aircraft school has bmm , launched` The original objective was to train 600 boys in Classes of ` 200 at :1 time over a period of train- ing of approximately six months. Outbreak of war spocded up the project and alrozady plans have been enlarged to permit the training oil 250 students in the first class. This number \'vill be further increased. ii is believed_ and there is a pos- sibility of future classes numbering l 300 boys. or even 400. Lilan nthnr nhasns nf the Dnminll auu ooys. or even 1uu. Like other phases of the Domin'- ion-Prcvincial youth training move. ment in which boys are trained to- wards definite employment. this aircraft mechanics school has been `arranged so that the trades in which `l'llE'BAEllIE EXAMINER, BARBIE, ONT CANADA GOD OF LOVE IIIDES One nf Britain's best-lmnwn land- murks--l.he lmnize sl.z1tul.(: of Eros, god of love. lilting his urruws nbnvv the fountain in Piccadilly Circus -- will clisuppczir because of war. 'l`hv Lmidon county cuuncil mmuuncctl it will be st.nre(l in :1 place of s:Ifc`._', . .___.~--_ _(j-~ ._..___,. .. ._-.. CLOSE I0 A(.M.-I P.M. ON NOVEMBER 11 PORT MCTITCOLL i MAN REMANDED { UNTIL TODAY. Cifford Archer. 35. Port Me- ` Nieoll. charged with attempted sab- ` otage en the C.P.R. grain elevator at Port McNic0]l, was remanded in Midland court, Thursday last. for ' one week on request of his counsel, C. D. Stewart. Barrie. Three sticks of dynamite and {use were found; , near the elevator after an intruderl ; had been frightened off last Sep- tember 24. Alkn-~9 1\IYr\r\I-n 1\/nrn:.n.-1 cam in `Clifford Argher, 35, Charged With Attempted Sabotage at Grain Elevator. pointed at $.50 per momn. Aid. Clark's motion carried. a `show of hands in committee indicat- ing seven in favor and six against. .______(.>____._._ ICYTIDCI` 4*}. Albert Monro, Midland, said he was on guard duty at the elevator in the early hours of Sept. 24, and saw a man loitering in the shadows of a shed near the elevator. --I .-hnllnnnnrl h;n1 nnrl hn cinrlnl lo: snug near me cluvdlur. I challenged him and he started in run." Moore said. I fired two :ho1s. one in the air and the other 221 the man. but he di. in tho bush." v\rrnm~n u-.:.-i In. .~-nu an `M1: tvv Mayor ll. G. Robertson will proclaim a public holiday for three limm;--fron1 10 zun. to I nvv|___. nu In-nuxmh H-0 Dav. me pusn. Moore said he ran to the spot where he first observed the man "nd found three sticks of dynamite and 12 foot of fuso. Archer was I-`.4 Ir.-M ... no um FDR Ema I5 ICCL OI lLlSl`. .\1'CHL`1' \'V'd.\ '.`r1'c. last Friday at the CPR. freight sheds. whvrc ho was em- ployed. by Royal Canadian Mount- lud Police. Au-nhnv fvnn nu hail iu n1nI`v~inrll three h0uI..-n'0n1 up u..m. up 1 p.m.~- on l{en1emhr:uu:(- Day. Saturday, November ll. it .15 decided at Munduy evening's Tuwn (Jnum-.il meeting. This :10.- tinn follmved :1 request from Bun-ic Brantrln of the Canatliam Legitm. ~ 'l`ln- Mzlvnr stale-cl that there ICU l`0llC(`. A1'('he1'. free on bail. is married with two children and two older stop-c-l1ild1'0n. Ho has lived in Port ,McNic0ll all his lift` . Legion. - The Mayor stated that was :I, holiday fur three I last year. Alnl (`_- 1u- uunrayl-ulnll last Ald. G-:u'n(-,r sumzt-slml 12.30 p.m. instozul of I p.m., as he clmrgotl some stores had ro- opem-(I before 1 p.m. last year. and if that was the case. the re-opcming hour should he put earlier so that tlu-re would he no "chisclling". Council voted for lnm Young Lad (Sn Bic;i:|e 1 Figures In Collision '4 U u u '_` The dog derby to be sponsorcdi` .tomorr0w (Friday) by the Lions|4 -Club. gives promise of being a veryl novel event. Entries have been re-` '_ccivcd and the derby may prove :.a largo success if it does not break "fut in a free-for-all. ` 6\ John Butlc-r_ Ann 551.. is a patient in Royal Victoria Hnspilal with a frziciurvd Sh0lll(i('r following an ac- .-idcnt abnut 8 p.m. last Friday tho 13th proved unlucky for Billie. Accurding to Chief Stewart. Phil- ip Morris. aged 18, was driving east wn F.li7.z1lwth SI.. \\'h(`l`i he made a left turn to go north un 'I`orunt0 "Si. Young Butler was travelling.' wvsl on 21 bicycle when it ran inlo rhv . nf llw car. throwing ihol 1 Billie Butler. l3-_voar-nld son of\ Lmy in the pzavcmvnt. Tho frnnvl whvvl of tho biC_\'L'ic was broken` Nu churgo \\'Zl>` laid. `l`h- (`.nn|~un F \'.'lu-ynnnr v-nnrlnv-rurll 1 p.m. Town (lounvil and Fire Bri- gade were invited to join the Rememhrzmce l)u._v pzu-zule from the Ivlarket Square at 10.30 u.m.. halting at the Cenotaph on the way to service in Central United Church. They will attend. 'AVl7 L'Il(llf.'l.' \\lJ D1`. George medical attcnt One Month's I 1 Reach .9.` 'T`.nvn Fnnnnil Barrie Police D9} ed fines and costs t mnnth. Chief Alex v '90 X11195 unu L'lk\|S lUlilllH1_L . .)lJ ld:~t| Ste?\\'ari. reported to Town Council Y.\Innda_v evening. Scventy-six uffencos wrwc as fol- lows: bLirgiury. two il1V(`Sti_L'E~ltiHgZ thefts. six, four cnnvictod. two in- vestigating: theft nf hum. four. one convicted. one no cluc. two awaiting trial; drunk in charge of autumn- hiln nun nnn m\n\viv1nnl nun -.i\vRil- [U lU\\ l\ K-UllIlL'll `.\|l7Ilu:|_\ L'\`L'llll|.',. l\\'n thefts. four t\\'n bile. two. one convicted. one await- ing trial: indecent assault. unc. con- victed; wife deserlion, one. remand- ed: breach L31.-*-... seven, con- victed: breach H.T..-\., 13. cnnvicled: breach dog bylaw. ll, convicted; petty complaints. 29. all amended to. ' I irauung lh ceurusu LTLH in the major trades Canadian Air Force. majority of students ally to serve. tsj. Guinea pigs grunt pig-like Iasniun. .j training is carried cut are confined m thn nminr tmdo.=. in the Royal If the business. acknowledged by a majority of the merchants to be gcad. continues as it has started out Barrie should be in for one of the best merchandising periods in sev- eral years. :2 an o J:-purtmont collect- ; totalling 5250 12151 x unr-ne urr-um 21 fnl. Fines 1 . 5250 Tom: ll are Cunnnuu in Royal in which the hope eventu- . hours COUNTY DRAMA; I GUILD FORMED ENSUING YEAR Prize for B_est One-Act Play Written by Simcoe Resident. Festival in Barrie in 1940. ` Midland last week saw the for- mation of a Simcoe county drama guild. This new organization will replace a similar group which last year held preliminary plays in towns of Simcoe County, winding up the season with the spring drama festival at Barrie. A6 Han rnnnna it nine rlrmirlnrl in cred Iesuvm at barrle. At the meeting it was decided to offer a prize fo`r the best one-act play written by a Simcoe resident. It was also decided the 1940 fes- tival would be held in Barrie. nir-nu-c nlnr-Inrl umv-n- I-Innnrnrv LlV'dl WULIIU Ul: nulu Ill X)l1.lJl!:_ Officers elected were: Honorary presiclents_ William Finlayson and Rev. Father McDonz1gh, both of Midland; Walter Downey. Warden of Simcoc; Miss E. M. Elgood, Ovenden Collc-go, Barrie, and Hon. L. J. Simpson, Minister of Educa- tion D Dnur Av-01-... lfnr-Ann Several business men have spoken of outstanding days of selling dur- ing the last week and are optimistic ` for the immediate future. Three stores have added to their staffs. Stuart St. Clair going to the A1`- cade store. L. Prince and Mrs. J. Cunningham joining the Walker. Stores staff and Lorne Wyse of Belle Ewart replacing Gordon Lit- tlejohn, who has secured employ- ment elsewhere. on the staff of the Agew-Surpass store. xx x: 1 non. President, Rev. Arthur Harden.` C0l(Iwater; chairman, David Smith.l Barrie; secretary. Miss Helen Law- unn Rzxrrirv irnncnrnr Mic Mar- l1 Ii1l'l'l(?; S(_`CI`(.'LiIl'y. IVIISS ru.-nun La`dW' FUN. Barrio; treasurer, Miss Mar- garet Stewart, Barrie; stage director, J. A. Cautts, Barrie; business man- mznr. I-[amid Warrlman. Barrio; publicity, Miss Mae Livingston. llarrie; riirvctors. Miss E. James. Orillin; Cyril Richardson, Penman- ),-ui. Chester Martin, Coldwat- nr: Rev. Hamid Vaughan, Bradford: ` Miss Grace ML-Mullen, Midland. __./C M1; 1 !A||eged |nce;1diarist Thought To Have Tried 1 To Derail C.N.R. Train` Man llcpnrted Lurking Near Barn` Fire Seen Placing Ties on Track. lisuupt-.5 into Bush near Calling- wood F`ullowim:, an alleged attempt to derail n Co]|in;.{wrmd-Btzetnn C.N.R., train and several burn fires when!` incendiurism is suspected, 2: posse of, farmers near Cnllingwnod lust Sat-5 I 1 urdny suught a man who is believed mnnlnlly deranged. A mzm w:n< ronnrlnrl lnrkincf nmlr` Hl(.`lll,1lll_Y (1(.`I`EIYlgL'U. A man was reported lurking near the burn or John Brown a few min- utes bel'ore t.he building was com- pletely destroyed by fire. Friday night near the scene of the smould- ering ruins Albert Allan, a farmer of the district, saw a man placing ties across railway tracks. Allan chas- ed him. but the fugitive ran to the bush and the trail was lost. A posse j Inf farmers, convinced that the fire- bug and the fugitive are the same person, combed the district far into" the night. but without results. It ume lhn qr-nnnrl zitlnmnl tn czihn- LHL` lllgfll. DUI. \'\ Il,HULll. IVUSUILB. II. was the second attempt to sabo- tage the railway lines in that area lately. Joseph Lazin, Canadian-born son of a Polish immigrant discover- ed a pile of ties on the tracks of the C'r:1lingwnod-Meaford line in time tr avert a crash by the night passengcrl 1"am , Fire that demolished the garage and residence of George Johnston. nem` Stnyner, and barns belonging to Harold Prentice and John Brown. with a loss estimated at nearly $10.- 000 are blamed on the incendiurist. Shell il Er;|')|oyees Enlisting For Service i ,Continue On Payroll; All employees of Shell Oil Com- ipany of Canada with more than lone year's service with the com- pany_ who enter war service. will continue on the pay roll. according to 21 statement by P. M. Fowlle. pre- sident. This applies to employees who joined the armetl fres-or -an" cther national service. Every such Lmpluyee will be considered to be on leave of absence and thus will continue to accrue service which will count towards his pension. He will be re-employed by the com- pany at the conclusion of his gov- ernment service. A . ........no ,.......: ... um (IH'Fnrnv\r\nl W` 5: 'l~ The factories are reported to be ` bu:-`.y and have taken on new men ] in the last few weeks. This_ coupled ' with the building in Barrie and the construction at Camp Borden and on Highway 90. together with M better year on the farms and prom-1 ise of higher prices has combined to give business a brisk tone. an an ac: LTYIIHUIII >L l`\'lCU. -` An amount equal to the difference 1C between the pay and the allowanc-| us he gets from the government and` the salary he was receiving fromgs the Shell Company will be paid to h each enlisting employee. The com-`C pem_V's contributions to the Provi-is dent Fund will continue on the}; ~`2'.nw lmsis us though the emp1oyee:~ were still actively engaged with} | mmn \VK l U Shell` [Essa i>ZE}7EI For Sheep Damages] At a mun-ling.: 0f Essa Township Council` held at Thornton, October `.3. scvoml claims for damages through sheep being killed by dogs wr-ro paid. viz... S. Page. 3 killed, .1 iniurm-I Q'.7`)- V (`hnrhh 1 (ro- '\V('l'(` pul. \'l'(... D. rage. a niuvu. 1 injured. $22: V. Church. 1 (re- gislowdi. 38.00; J. Hand. 1 killed. $8.00; N. Cm-hrano. 1 killed. $7.50: ~hocp vulua1m'.<. 86: B. Rodfern. slmming sheep-killing dog. $5. Other accounts paid included: County Tl'L`3Slll'(`l'. hospital account. |S~l3.38; Tr(~n. of Ontario_ rvfund i1'(`livf. $10-L67: renor supply bills-~ |Mr.<. Gallaghur 512. H. Bell $5.61. iTI`(`El>`lll`(`l` I I`nr0n1m $1.75, Treasur- 1E`!-wlxir-nl.-nl (R ')R T`! Flnnnnr |l'(`ll(`l. zalu-L01; l't`|l\'1 huppny uum~~ l\1rs. Tromurm` I'I`nr(mIo) wr rEt:vbic0kc-) 58.26. D. Hopper $l353' N Coxworth. re Old Age, n at: each. The Clerk was instructed to notify all p=.n`lie.< affected by the Corbett award ditch. that the said ditch 'must be cleaned out. Council adjourned to meet in Thornton on Nov. 1. at 1 pm. L'HSllH1$. QU. An order was placed with C. Dav- _v for 216 snow fence posts_ at 37C -xnk Fashion Show and tea every afternoon. Dinner. Cabaret and Fashion Show every night. Dance to Joe De Counccy's Orchestra. Stars of radio and stage fame from New York and London. .`Zan l` ,u'/14 11:3 NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW " Biliuusnosa is just. nnothor name `for u clogged or sluggish liver. lt ! _ is u very common mnxpluiut, but can who quickly rvunuliod by atinnxlntiug 1 (ho flow of lxilv. This soften; the _:au-vunnllutvd nmss, the poisons mo .`u-urriod uut. of tho s_vsto.n1, und the --livnr uud bmvola mu relieved and _"_tonod up. ` " Milhum `s Lnxn-Liver Pilko quickog um! enliven tho sluggish liver, opnn- iug up every cluuun-l, by czuxsing 8 free` ow of hilo and thus clmumiug i _ the liver of (he clogging impurities. i an. V 1 I ._ ___ __._II ___1 ._-_ ;- 4-I... October 14 to 21 Barrie Lions Attend Coldwafer-Waubaushene Seven members of Barrie Lions Club attended the in.'1u;.{urntiun nf the new Col(Iwzntcr-Wauhaushonr=I Lions Club at Coldwntnr. ']'hursdnyI cvening last. They w(-re I r(.~sid-nt, Warren Wilgm`, Anthony Sam, R. N. Smith. A` F. Pugh, Edwin N. In-V unn vv 1: Ylniunn unll R N nihhv ' N. amun. [L r. rug-,n, l'.(lWlll AV. HI"'[ son, W. Batson and R N. Bibhy.j Other clubs roprr-.x'vnI(-rl \vm~r~ Whit- by, Ncwmarkot, Midland, Orilliu and Bradford. |:-nu uracunra. I A banquet was held in the hilS(`- 1" mnnt of Colrlwnirrr United Church.`; with Coldwatvr Wr>mr`n'.s' Inslitutnig catering. W. Percy Bamxu. prr.-. cf. the sprmsm'in;,r Orillin Lions Club: was chairman. Rev. Arthur Hard:-ni .gnvv: the invnrmtiun, and the clubs were intmdumrl by Bruce M. Mu`-.1. culm, Nizngum Falls, Ont, nrgnrxizcr. in District Governor H. H. Hall, Hnm- ' i`l.on, mndr: thr- pr!-.vr.-ntnlinn nf 1hr=' charter, which was l`('!:f:iV(.`f] by Prr:- '-idvnt F`r(.-(I W. Brown. A rlnncrz ful- lmw.-(I in Manning's Hull, v:... ..4'r:..n.<.4 /.r `Hm nr-ul r-luh :-rm- I mw<.-(1 1n 1v1anIIInp.',.s nun. First officers of tho nr-w club. mn- 'sisting of men frnm bath Cold- water and Waub:au.=hr-nr.~, art: as tn!-V lows: I`r(.-sident, Fred W. Brown:` fir:=.t vice-pre.=irI(:nt, Fred Hor_1qr:s: second vice-presirlrrnt, G:-n` Kin$!,.'~i- -borough: 3rd vir:r.--prr.-.~:irlr:nI._ Jnmr-'-' `lPnpplct0n: st_~r:r(_-tnry. F`. M. P.u&~::-ll: treasurer. Chnstr-r ;VI::r`..1n; tail , twister. Alf Peat; (hr(:r:9,r;rs', Dr. Geo. ; Hall, Harry Cowan. Jack Tippingti _ Rev. Arthur Harden. L , _ Zsform Washs Away `~, 150 Feet Meaford Pier Workmen's Close Call; * I An autumn stnrm. znccrampunic-d by snow, on Saturday. caused thnus-3 ands of dollars dnmagze as huge! waves swept out 150 feet of the onsti wall pier now under crmstructiun by` I la Tomnto firm at Meaford. VXfInnn`kI)rrI\\xH: unrl nlhor nrmin-i `a Iornmo nrm in ivu.-u1u1'u. 1 Wheelbarrows and other equip-` ment were swept into the hike. where :1 number of workmen whoi attempted to retrieve equipment barely escaped with their lives. I Rivtv Mnnfm-d fishermen uttemnt- ` ]D21I`Cl_V C5Cl[)O(`l wnn mun` nvus. Sixty Meafnrd fishermen attempt- ed to secure shelter for their craft. well up the river :13 (looks were swept from their moorings. Oniy| quick work on the part of the guid- es saved the launch Daisy Mae" from being smashed on the rocks usli she broke loose from her berth. \ v . , n_- ...._._a......a:,\.` ,...m i iBilious Attack? T_f ~Liver Complaint . _..__.______..._ 3. Blondes are 40 to 170"? mnre ` susceptible to ultraviolet I`:l_VS than 3 brunettes and men are about `.20 pm` ` cent. more susceptible than \\'0n1L`ll.` ' Isays a writer in the Journal it tho, '3$American Medical Assncizitimi. rx!\_j l aux. uuuu. ...... Y! ....... ..,. .-- I Loss to the c0n. com- pany is estimated at $2.000. us th(.-1 I $27,000 government project would `have been completed within a week- 3 -. I nxulnn nun; lA\lAn4|.4u l4AVl4-\)- Eight boys. all employees of thcl B;-_tt`y Jane Bakery, Wasaga Bgax,-h.| . t-.,. , . have'Efh'li`sl'cl'f0`r' service tci"ih'ir' *- King and Country. constituting: quite a record for one business firm. `The list includes Harry C. Frcemzm. iron of Mrs. William C. Freeman, the `lproprietress. and two nei;.;hbors`i isons. Kenneth Tracy and l~{ar0l(l `lwyant, all of whom joined with the; |';Ro_val Canadian Arniy S(_'l`\ l(}(' 'iCorps, Camp Borden. I ,,_.__i_ . _-_ EIGHT EMPLOYEES ENLIST - , ,__-._u._.....\.. Ar L. Iavvuuvu vv 1-cu-a-uu---up--v ` n Charter Presentation; \J&{& 75 at (own P/ukw EXPERT I OB PRINTING Letter Heads -~ Envelopes - Menus Billheads -- Invitations - Circulars Announcements -- Programs -- Cards Skilled (-ruftsmen can give you the best print- ing service. All our printers und designers are experts on jobs of all kinds. If you want the bcst for l0:1st-(':1ll us! The Barrie Examiner 'l'('l0phum- 23.2 for ()ur Rcprcso.-ntul.ivc mu -..V. ..- ...- ..,.Db-..b ....`.....-.~ They are small and may to take. Do not gripe. wcmkm or aickun. ~ AUTOMOTIVE BLDG. EXHIBITION PARK RESERVATIONS for dinner and cabaret -Tc1tp'nonc. Toronto. Adelaide 02-16. or write to National Motor Show. Lumsdcn Bldg.. Adclaidc Street. Toronto. Ont. Lumsucn up Toronto. Ont. (Barrie Juniors Fete `j Newly-Wedded Couple Bill`l;l(! Juniors made a surprise visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Parker. Minesing. on Tuos~ `Gay evening. the gathering takim: `the place of the regular October iner-.t}'ng. Mr, Parker. who is presi- 'ctcnt of the organization. was re- eently married. ; Charles F. Newton, president of `Barrie Junior Farmers, and Miss Ruth Cumming, president of Bar- )Tl(` Junior Institute. combined in `imnking the presentzition of :1 silve" `bake dish to the newlyweds. the '_}p,rnom replying suitably in behalf , f his brirlv and himself. The even- Sinu was x:,renlly enjoyed by all. -l art Blmn, Lat zu. \..on. 9, x-ms. ` Farm stock. implements and lvu:~:.r,-hnlrl furniture. Terms, cash. P. A. Coughlln. Auctioneer. 42ph - 'l'hur:4rlay, October 26-Mrs. Chas .. Kavanagh. Lot 8. Con. 6. Vcspra. i Farm stock and implements. . Vearl M. Coutts. Auctioneer. 41-42x ,H VVerlnrrsr.l:1y. November 1 - W. O. `l I-Iubbert, Lot 4. Con. 10. Innlsfil. = will hold an auction sale of farm g stock, implements and household y effects. Sale at 1 p_m. sharp. H. , A. Groso. Auctioneer. Phone 834. ;_ Barrie. 42x Wr.-dnc-sr_lay. November 8 - Estate I of late Mrs. M. Myers. Farm .=tr.ck, implements and household [1 offr:ct:=. Lot 24. Con. 4. Essa. l mile south of Angus. Sale at l pm. H. A. Grosc. Auction- -~- 49.44 I Plastrrl` casts of fractured stones `are br-ing taken by nrchaenlugisls rr3:;tnrir1g the great. prehistoric stone {circle at Ava-bury in England. j____?./Q` .. , _.._____\ _ AUCTION SALES W'ednnsdny_ Octcher 25-Mrs. Stew- V Blnin, Lat 20. Con. 4, F105. n A r~,....m;n A.mvim-mm- d')nh : CON_SJ|PAI,E.D? 7 'h'X T?1"':;iIy n1 's()n1tll)it\$Il u whirh nhmlun-lv accumlc track mum be kcpl. ~ Is your subscription paid`? } ,` ..-... _ - ,1-" ; 1 'WK'T!`Y'S"daily sunnellxinfbhl which nhsulutx-ly track kcpl. \\'h<:n he miss:-s snnu-thin}: must be done at I unu-. Constipation is serious for baby. \1.-_ mm '1` Row M Ih-smlor. Ont..lm this mu-. Cumlnpallon 15 scnuua xor uauy. Y\Trs.Jul1n T. Rcivl of Ilespvlrr, Onl..lms this to say: llnving had seven chllllrrn and having nu.-l B:||)y'5 Own '1'.-drlvts lur all sewn. can my they .1 the hen nntl gentlest regulatur lnr childn-n lo: and ell:-ctivc (or the linirsl inlzmt. I give lh:-m up In 10 years 0! am`. During: teething lL1hy's Own Tablets war a I-nun H) mv us they clrarml up at once my 4JiL('>li\'L' disturbance or In-,lfulntss." Eqllzslly-ffrcli'rc fur simple (ever. diarrhoea. upset slnnulch, culic. simple cmup and ulhcr minnr ailnn~m.-3 of hahyhvnd. ` n..:..x. .1 cm-.~ in nu-Ir .'u'linn. Easv to lake. 'E;|| the Truth! slum-{yin .1ua|y.~l`s 50 oft:-n MACHINE Our MOTOR Analyzer tells your EXACT Motor troubles by checking 38 points in your Motor. Stops all guesswork. Assures better pcrformzmce--- lowvr ()])(`l`21llHLI cost. See for yourself. Drive in today`. W: BRENNAN` n_.._. -_ ' `liunfsday. Octobei 19, 1939 TORONTO * Along The M_A|N smear `Tax Collector Will Have Added Duties Under Board of "Health - Salary $25 Month L Up. . Frederick W. Kennedy. present collector of tnxes_ will be offered the position of Sanitary Inspector at an additional salary of $25 per month, the Town Council decided L... lmnnrlnv mmninz. He had been BABY Auto Electric Service BARRIE. ONT. Ev. curl . 0. (En u bn n \KrikM in the night. i not satised. _________._.___. 3. Dr: not cunmin upialrs or l-Inch uackagr, contains `mx today. Sickness night. 25 cents. Money |V)4J(l. `r mzliun. Easy cunuun umalu-5 .ucunn- 42-Hx -..-.. 1939 Plymouth Dehuxe lV.__. I. IIYQIV I I.` IIIUIIIII III I-AIIAL (`ouch 1938 (`hryslor Sedan 1938 Plynwutlt Custom End-n n Sedan` 1938 Plymouth 7 -l`assen- ...._ |_...:.... K" sedan .. .-. ...,...1 1938 Chevrolet Conch 1935 Plymouth Sedan CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DISTR.IBl-J-T-(;l:z`1:(i-a\RAGE 55 Elizabeth St. : BARBIE : Phone 293 iAll Sizes and Prices of USED TIRES OVER 100 IN STOCK %_HA_!!__.'-.9 ml-I-_. [TALL TALES TOLD |AT ARMOURIES `Ore Community - Auction Proves Quite A Successq ----~- - I Town Council (1t.'cluv:u n Monday evening. receiving $50 per month for tax collecting. Mr Kpnnedv will act during the The bommunity Auction Sale. or- ganized by a group of Om fa1'n1e1'.<, attracted a crowd of about 500 peo- ple to the Town Hall grounds yes- terday. I Wiih ihn on-nnlinn nl` horses. teraay. With the exception ur horses. which moved very slugpzishly, the bidding was brisk and prices were considered quite good. In cat.t1e., feeders sold for around $48. Cows of which there were only :1 few, brought an average figure. Pure bred sows sold at from $35 to $45 and young pigs at $5.75. Poultry and sheep were in good demand. Offe1'~ ings in implements. furniture and tools were light. nn nf thnsn nr-tivnlv r`rmnnr\inrl ` . 1 They say soldiers can tell tall stories about their fishing prowess. Probably that is why the members of Grey and Sim- coe Foresters are having lots of fun these days hearing all about the big ones that got away. mv.......... llaumlltnn nrrnnwnrl :1 [0015 WCFB ugnt. One of those actively cmmectecl l ,with the project tells The Exmniner that sellers seemed satisfied and that the undertaking was successful to am extent that encouraged repeating the event next year. .:_?.. or spow on aaturuay. UCL. 1`l, . 1 MISS Margaret McCarthy visnedi with friends in Barrie last week. Mice Paarilin 1\/Ir-Rrirln 'T`nrr\n1n | III: III` ullca luau. `up uuu_y. Mercer Hamilton arranged a trolling party to Wiarton on the Georgian Bay for the non-com- missioned officers of Headquart- ers Company over the weekend. One oi the chief incidents--or accidents-wns that C.Q.M.S. Frank Hunter was carrying :1 big lake trout from the bout when it flip-flapped" him into the water. 0. R. Sergt. Wilfred Hig- gins turned around quickly and slipped in. too. Both borrowed dry clothes and were none the worse for their experience. n_A n......I. I........-v mu Hun We were treated to our first fall of snow on Saturday. Oct. 14. ` Miss Margaret ML-Carthv visited: w1mv1nenus_gn uavrxe msn wccx. M155 Cecilia McBr_ide_ Toronto. spent the weekend wxth Muss F01`- est. "Allin: Trnnn Qhzunrhnnccv 'Y`nI`r\n_ CHIS. _Dumond returned home _this wevk `after a couple of weeks In Quobc-cl C_1v. The Misses Teresa and Holoxwf 05!. Miss Irene Shaughnessy. Toron- to, spent the weekend with her par- ents. Thn Nficunc 'T`m~n<:u and 1~Tn1nnn Mr. Kennedy bbsence on active service of Her- old Sharp. sanitary inspector. who has been granted leave of absence while on service. with the under- istanding that he be re-engaged on his return. mum... me come discussion re- L..1_v. u Mr. and Mrs. W. Coma:-tin andl family. Toronto, visited with M12] and Mrs. Fred Comartin ovm` the. weekend. The Y.P.U. of the United church has re-opened for the \vinlm" months with an attendance of somcl 35 members. A rniccinn urnc hair! in Q1 V\/Y-nr'v':| Wurst: un uncu 1:.-qn.-u-w\.. Sgt. Frank Lcnnox won the prize for the largest fish, Sex-gt. A. E. Sugg. that for the small- est. and 0. R. S. Higgins that for the fish "pool". But even those who didn't capture prizes had 11 good time. 33 members. A mission was hold in St. Mary's! Church last week. The speaker` was the Rev. Father MacDonald. lCS.S.R.. Toronto. I '(\/fie: 1-Ynlnn nru-I '1`rnc::x T311-xnnrl L; 5.5.5.. '1'oromo. Miss Helen and Tressa Dumond took a motor trip through Queboz` and report the scenery very beauti- ful in the autumn season. All 41... ...-...... ....,... ...` oI.;.. ..:,.:.. ' ILLIL All LIIC Cllltulllll DL'(lbUll. " All the spare men or this vicin- ,' ily have found Cmp1()ymCn`L at Camp Borden and in work on the : road from Barrie to the Camp. | The Late William John McQuay I It is with regret we have to re` ` cord the passing of William John McQuuy. after an illness of some _15 years, on October 9. 1939. Mr. ll/IcQuay was born in lnn1sl'll Town- .!ship in the year 1877. but when. - quite young moved to Sunnidalc. K whc1`0 he engaged in farming. Some 32 years ago he marricd Miss Vina ' Hodgins. and by the union raised a family of five children all of` whom \V Cl'L` at his bt*d:id(' when lihc pussod away. Mr. lVlcQu;1y was aim` tho fines! lV'D-.` oi` ll(`,i`_ i1blll ai-. ~ l he pussea away. Mr. 1v1cu.gu:1y was ot` the finest typv m2ig,l1bm`. al- ways willing to lend :1 helping hand in the time of neod. All through his long sickness ho was novel hum`d to murmur or complain. His placv \\ lll be hard lo I111 111 the llL`lgl1l)()l'- hood. He s:~x'vud on lhv pubhc school board as 1ru: lor sum!` ycms and hls judgment on allznrs of the board was always highly c<- |l<.`('n\Cd. The funeral nn 'I`lu1rsday. 'O(t0be1' 12. was largely atlundocl. Rvv. Goo. A. Cruse conducted servicv at the house and at the United church. New l.u\\'vll. \\'lu`l"` lhc prvaclu`d 21 vn-ry inmros.~'ive ser- lmon from Avis 13: 36. hm-rm-snl was in Stuynvr Cmnvu-r_\'. Thu pull- `|b(`ill'L`l`.\` \\'or-: S. l\ It`D.ll{ll(l. D. lS1.om`s' W. Man. J. l. il\'. M;Ix\\'0ll untl W. l` (`lurlu-. 'l'hv.: .fl0r.'.xl Lrilnxlvs slu-\\'vd lhv hi',:h ru- I.-`mvt in whivh lhv dvcunsud w than` I l 'l\'. 1\ \\\'01l mm \\'. '|. k_'lil|`|{_<`. '.1n floral ispccl 1n whxch tho dvcvnscd '3: `held. Among tlu-m \\~vrn- lnnsu 1r`.n1| , llentxvoncl vhurvh and Ilw l.udu:s" fA.<.\`oc1atinn. mm [mm Brcmxvovd Sunduv Sclnml and Ymmv P00-' I , , ~ . . `= ip.cs Umon. and nnv tmm Now` Lowell VVomvn's z\s. bo- - sides several from 1nd1\'\due1I.<. 'l`h.;.<\- , altundnnp; the fum-rul [mm a cus- ,. |li`.ll(`,l` we-rv: lvlrs. IQ l-`lvtvlwr and szm. H`l\' N11` nnrl l\`Tx`< l\nnnn'h R l VV . W HILL` 1 Mr, and ] Tomnluz Stuymcx`; 1 Elmvalv. |l`.1lu`.t` 1\'lI`S. l'l\`I(`l1L`l Sca.rb01`ough Bunch; Mr. W. White. Mr. and Mr: IT./l'v unri Mu`: Hnl:~hi his return. There was some discussion garding the appointment. after Reeve MacLarcn had stated that the Medical -Officer of Health would like someone to take Mr. Sharp's hlace. A lot of valuable work had been done. which would be nulli- ed if not followed up. | ' Am Fnmprnn said he felt therel 1929 l)0Soto Sotlan 1929 Ford (`ouch 1 27 (`hr_\'slor Sedan nEL1vERi' 'i`1u'~CKs 1936 Willys l -ancl 1936 Fargo 2-ton Stake l935 Chevrolet l`:mcl 1933 International Panel fN`fWobD' EC. l\'1l'. duo Mrs. Hulchism Mr. and I\'Irs. Mr. and Chas. and M1`. MCQU ICH (Ht? (ll`Cl`Z|SL`C1 '3? tram hurch 1,udu:s' ml Young P00- from Nvw vn's individuals. o and Mrs V11`. Mrs. Croukv. `s. Hulchisnn and sun. . M0.-\x`(hm'. .'\rm. 1 McQuuv, Bm`1.`:\. I \: Mr. i3ab_\' lo1".< I .105 unia Mr. : nu, .1... y ..-. ,... 1:.\n:.-... and Incl all SHE OUT-GLAMOURIZEI) THEM` Shh UUl'UhtIlVl\lUnluu|1 ;--nu. Polly Lux. ex-Follies girl, lost all _ her show earnings in the 1929 crash Despite pessimism in that ex-boom region she went to Florida in 1934 wilh $10,000 capital and ran it intn half-a-million in Miami hotels. Her success secret, according to Polly- "Out-Glmnourization. __.__..__'oL___:__ lWasaga Beaeh Flyer ` Capt. Leonard Reid, I Killed In England Captain Leonard Gillespie Reid. 39. one of the first two aviators to Hy nun-stop from Canada to Eng- land. died in hospital in England. Saturday. of injuries received in :1 traffic accident. 11,. mu Han Ihil-A cnn nf H10 lair` tramc accmem. He was the third son of the late Sir William Duff Reid and lived at -Hoclif[o, Bcdfordshire. urns. (`nnfnin J R Avlinn` hn apt. followed up. v. Ald. Cameron there .was no need of a man in the win- -ter, and Ald. Clark thought Mr. Kennedy could do the work at `least in winter. 1\I[nunr Rnhnrtson thought there `HOCllIlC' t$C(l10l'ClSnlI`C. With Captain J. R. Ayling he set out in the plane, Trail of the Cari- bou". from Wakaga Beach. on Aug. 7, 1934, in an attempt to break the long-distance non-stop flight record. I Objective of the flight was Bagdad. a Aftnr n mngh crossing durinz-I l,UD]CCllVC 01 L118 Inglu was Daguuu. lwhich carburetors were frozen and the gasoline supply became so low After a rough crossing during ` that it would have been impossibly ` to break the record. the fliers set their plane down at Heston. Eng- Iland. They were in the air almost |1hi1'ly-Ont` hours and had covered |3,500 miles. 'I"I (`Hnlao uyuc 211 Fire? cr-hnrlnlnri` ;<,nuu mncs. The flight was at first scheduled Lc start at dawn on the morning of `July 24_ 1934, but tricky side-winds 9:1 vvncam. nrrmpn1r>ri (ham from [July z'+_ 13.1%, out Ll'l\.'Ky mu:-wnuua `at Wasaga prevented them from taking off in their heavily laden ma- chine. (|\__..__.-___ |Simcoe-York Teachers , Convene At Beeton E Higher Salaries Urged I The annual convention of the Tea- 'che1's' Institute for the Inspectorate lot Snuth Simcoe and York" (in part) `was held at Beeton on Thursday cv- ening. October 12. '1`hr: l`1F\\\l rssznmufivn fnr `I939-40 i9 emng. KJCIODCF 14. The new executive for 1939-40 is !as follows: Honorary P1`es.. C. A. `John Scott; Executive Committee. Miss Dennis. Miss McKenna, L. Mel- bourne; Auditors," E. Cumberland, llvlr. Hummel: Secy.-Treas., J. Moran. .. /` vv /~11 ~. , , 1 n,, Lapp; Past Pres Fred Hall; Pres.. ` Miss lVI:irga1'et Murphy: Vice Pres.. ~ ILVJA. 1ALuIuu\,A. L)\.\..v.`An\.u-1., u. un.uu... Rev. C. H. Cleverdon opened the `meeting with the devotional exercis- PIC, [CS- ' John Scott of Ivy, representative ifor the Men Teachers` Federation 1 Ifor this Inspectorate, gave an inter- lesting tal eration. In his address he pointed out that the old argument of living conditions being higher in the city than in the country is absolutely false and went on to point out that ` it costs more to live in the city simp- ly because people live more ex- pensively. but not because living conditions are higher. Mr. Scott -urged all men teachers to stand be- hind the Federation so that the sal- aries of the rural districts might be vraised to compare favorably with |those of the cities. l`l~in Fnnhn-n nf H-in nnnuunnn uync 1 k on the work of the Fed- 2 LHOSL` ()1 UK.` CILICS. , The feature of the convention was 1the inspiring address given by Hen- ry Bowers. Public School Inspector for North Wellington and a former Normzll School master at Ottawa. on the subject. The Product We Seek. `least winter. 1 Mayor Robertson thought ~ ishould be something definite done. Ald. Clark moved that Mr. Ken- .nedy be sanitary inspector at an` `additional $25 per month until thc:| _return of Mr. Sharp. Reeve Mac-| Luren moved that James F. Mac- -Gregor, who had been previously recommended by the M.0.H._ be ap- fpointed at $50 month. Am (.lm-k's Left to mourn his loss are his wife. lihruo sons and two daughters, viz... !C,".ax`t'nce of New Lowell. Elmer and `illizun, on tho hmnostoad. May -Mrs. Hutchison) cf Tomnw, and Grace`, at home. Mrs. IVlcQuay and Hnmily haw the Sympathy of this cnlirv community in their bex`eav(\- mvnt. -0.. 1 l and l\r1rs. Herb. Caldwell and spent Sunday with the lat- parents zit Waverley. Jns. and Rubt. Hawkins of Eug- Falls visited this weekend with and lvlrs. W. F. Switzor. A number {ruin hon` attended the Slit`.\\'(`l' on l<`ridziy_ O(.`t0bL`r 13. zit 'l\/nltnn 1 oueock`s. Clowos. in honor of their daiig'litoi'. M:u'jm`_V. $119 ro- (`('i\'(`(l niuny lwuutiful prosmits. Slieriff Addresses W.l. 'l`lio i`vgiilzir iiieutiiig of the W0- 5i.i-n`.~' ln.~'tituto was held at Miss ifvth |)i`1it`y`.~ on 'I'1iosd:i_v vvoning. (`wtnlwr 10. with tho ludios of .t3:.llirii~ Wumvn's Institutv as g'.n~.<'..~: The topic. Historical Ro- .--t:ii'vli". was \'or_\' ably taken by .\'l~.ri'it't' E. C. Dt'ur_\'. Miss l\/larion (`zild\\'`ll of Gutlirio fzi\'(`rud with :1 .~.`m and lvlissos Laiira Hall and .1511 Gr:\_\' of Guthriv with a duet. F--in Switzcr and Joyce Robson _:;;.vc two interesting papers. After 11 ln~:irt_\~ sing-song the hostess serv- od Ll lunch. ` lIl\' ncglual xurcu 'L.\-n`s was `rth Dru1~_\"s Tu |Ovtober ID, G:.4lln`iv g'.w. topic. :'-\'l'l`l Drury l:<..m....~n .4 r`...m n S\'l'L`l\. G Mis Juan Gray of Essie int: 21 sing- :1 I Mr. and :\1l`.<. I\luui'icc Hayes and l: `filH\i1_\' of Kirkland Lake. were 'l`hank. visitors with their sis- ter. Mrs. V. Dicker. Visimrs during the weekend were: Mi`. and Mrs. Vincent Hayes and son Ralph. Oshawa. at V. Dickers` . . . Mrs. Sid. Partridge and son. \`. altoi'. Toronto, at O. D. Part- x-idge's . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wilscn. Toronto. at Miss McKay's . . Mrs. W. J. Harrison. a former nsidont here. and her daughter. Thelma. Bridgeport, Conn. at W.l i Thomusoirs. Mrs. w. hex Bri Thompson's. Australia is 97 per cent."B_ritish in| its population. 1 c3RowN"i+IILkIf CLOWES _::_ BRYSON'S BREA1) SAFE IS ROBBED $335 CASH TAKEN The last or the "street veran-l dahs" considered at one time as a _modern necessity in store fronts. -- have been torn down. The block ;:on Bnyfield SL. north of W. L. Bren- _.`nm's Garage. was the last of its -kind in the Barrie business section I "and was torn down this week. ~ a nu nu Combination Used to Open Safe-Nothing Else Disturb- ed by Thief A daring robbery took place Some time late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, when 'the office of Bryson's Bread Limited, Brad- ford Street, was entered, the safe npened. and cash amounting to $335 and two small cheques. removed. EH-uh-u in M15: hnilina` urn: nrn-\m~_ anu LWO smau l:Iu:quL'>. LCIIIUVCU. Entry to the building was appar- cntly made by the thief going up the elevator which is used for tak- ing flour from outside, and then walking down to the main floor. where the office is located. He used a screwdriver to force a small win- ; dow in the wicket. The safe was K opened but nothing else apparently was disturbed. (`anal-al-an \XYnHn|- Rnvnnr nhnnt VVES GXSLUYUUU. Constable Walter Rayner, about `2 a.m. Sunday, found the door on the south side insecure and reported the matter. Investigation Sunday did not reveal the loss. which was not known until Monday morning. Dnlir-n hnlinun that tho rnhhnr KHUWII unui 1VlUllLlily IIIUIIIIIIE, Police believe that the robber knew the combination of the safe. An investigation is being carried on _. _j_._.,:o ._ _. .. 75 Now Registered In Regimental School For Officers, N.C.O s. Seventy-five are now regzistvrecl in the Regimental School for 0!`- ficers and non-commissioned offic- ers, Major Gordon Lungman. com- mandant of the School, slated to- day. Lectures are held Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings in Barrie Armourics. Han nn cl n....ln.~r urnnlr lhn in- ba,X`l'IC l\l'lnUUI'lL`S. 3 During the past week. the in-' structors of the School have boon assisted by Capt. C. A. McB1`i(Io. formerly of the R.C.A., who l(`(:lu1'- ed on artillery: Capt. Eric J. I 0pL`, formerly of the R.C.E.. who lectur- ed on engineering. and Scrgl. Gord- on Pratt, C.A.F.V. Training Cvnlro, Camp Borden, who lectured on arm- oured vehicles. "l`I~.n Q:-hnnl hnc hnnn r\Iirh\rI inin OUTCCI VCI'll(_`lL'.". The School has been divided into two platoons for more effix-iml handling. Members of No. 1 Plnlrmn' lake lectures on map reacling; gen- eral organization and practical drill. in that order each evening, while members of No. 2 Platoon take prac- tical drill first, followed by lec- tures on general organization and map reading in that order. 'l"hn Sr-hnnl is m-ovim: most . T`lHp l`L`iIu1llg HI uuu unucn. I The School is proving suc- cessful. It commenced a week ago last night. ------4> V '0` V` ' . :1 A new panel truck for transport}: ~ing electrical appliances and for` "use in radio service work. has been i put into service by the Home Ap- ` .:pliance Shop. ` ~'< 9 I U l Cold Wave gtrikes % Yesterday Coolest Day 7 Degrees of Frost Yesterday was the coldest day of ` the autumn season so far. when n cold wave sent the mercury (lawn to 25 degrees, indicating '7 degrees of frost. The highest for any day was only 42. or just' ten degrees above freezing. ~ The net result of the cold wave i was to cause the furnace stokers i more worry. The wood piles and v coal bins also suffered materially. n....:... Han and umnlz Ham-n max C081 DIHS also sulLl;'H.'u n1uu:n mug. During the past week. there was frost every day except Thursday and Monday. "\II'avirv1IIrr\ and rninirrnxm h`mnm`- Monaay. Maximum and minimum temper- atures during the past week were: High Low n..o an RR R ) lDangarous Isriving Charge Laid Against Driver of Motor Car Provincial Police said a charzzc of dangerous driving had been laid against Ivan Burns. Toronto, on in- structions of Crown Attorney F. A. Hammond. The charge follows a recent inquest into the deaths of four persons in 21 crash on Highway 11. south of Orilliu. in August. | mun nn--nnnI"u hn-v in it: vmxi ll. bULlLll UL \.J|IuIu. nu axubunn. The coroner's jury, in its ver- dict, placed blame for the crash on the action of Burns in (.'utting`i his car 100 sharply in from of :1- car driven by Mrs. Edward Ln- Plzmto. Barrio. The L211- 1ante our shot acrn.<.s` the highway and crash- ed H our driven by Mrs. Vvrnnn Buwlcs. `.24, Mzmhuttzm Bench. Culif.| Burns will appear in court at Oril-I Iia. Oclobur `.27. rm....._ 1,:n.\.: ;.. m.. m--,..~I. nun-xx UH. LJCIUULT .21. Tlmso killed in the cm. \-vcro: Mrs. Gourgo Lamas, New York; her daughtor. Dorothy. and m':phov\',' Leo LaPlanto. and Parker Burbank. Whitehall. Md. ix?` `Three Loca|`Youths In Aircraft School ` Training For R.C.A.F.