One can: a word, cash, each inset-. * Glob. (minimum charge. 25). live lnlertions tor the price of tour. 25 extra if not paid within five days or date of issue; also 10c extra when tcplies are directed to The Examin- I!'. store or business advertising (including agents) in this column. Iwo cents ner word. cash with 0rd- M 34% THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT for rent. Apply 110 Elizabeth St. 34b [FARM FOR SALE OR TO LET In-u van um I: In Thu Ixnmlnor) FOR SALE OR RENT-For any- thing in real estate see W. C. How Realty. Homes. farms, business pro- perties. sales, rentals. exchanges, and property management. 51 Dun- lop St., Phone 63. 31b STORE FOR RENT_ now occupied by Garner's Men's Wear. Apply John Saso and Sons. 34b FOR RENT--Housc with one-half` acre. in Shanty Bay. Fred R. Day. phone 158 Oro, Shanty Bay. 34b TO LET -- Apartment, heating. ground floor; house. centrally located. Hayfield St "" I FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 18. Con. 8, Essa Township, 2nd lot from Ivy. Good brick house. 2 barns, 10 acres wheat. 12 of red clover and five of alfalfa. Apply I. E`. Lennox. RR. 3. Thornton. 34b POSITON WANTED ON FARM-- By the year. Open now. Experienc- ed. Write L. Simpson, Barrie 13.0. p BRICK HOUSE to let, 6-roomed. in nice district. Apply Box W". Bar- rie Examiner. 34b TO LET, SEPT. 1-7-roomed fur- nished house at Minots Bay. 3 miles from centre of Barrio, for fall ac- cupancy. City conveniences. coal furnace. fire place. water pressure and electric conveniences. Beautiful grounds and outlook. Apply W. Sar- joant. phone 94 or 91. 34-38p THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT] for rent. on bathroom flat. partly furnished suit couple. Sept. lst. Ap- ply 38 Sanford St. 34p SIX-ROOM BRICK house for sale. all conveniences. hardwood floors, sunroom, double garage. Apply 70 Vi(.'t0rin St. 34!) SEVERAL HOUSES for sale that will return investor over ten pr-r cent. not. Whether buying or ront~ mg sec H. A. Henry. 9 Owen SL, Barrio. 34p HOUSE FOR, SALE. centrally 10- catcd; four bedrooms: terms arram.{- Cd. Would build a house In your own plan. R. E. Tuck. Builder, 85 Dundonald SL. Phone 337M. Bar- rio. 33-37p DETACHED BRICK HOUSE. 6 brighl moms. large attic and sum- mer kitchen. conveniencos, new fur- nace and garage. garden; reason- able to settle estate. Phone 1482R mornings. 34-38p FOR SAl..E~-6-room brick house, at 181 Elizabt,-Lh SL. Barrie, all con- v(rnicncos_ double gnrago. Also 145- zicro farm. clay loam. lol 19, Con. 6. lnnisfil. 1`-'; miles off Highway 11. 12 miles from Barrie. good build- ings. 12 acres hardwood bush. Apply D. A. Banting. Cookstown. 34-35p TWO SOWS FOR SALE~Onc due Nov. 1 and one due Dec. 1. Apply Earl Barron, 98 Wellington St... east. Phone 1596.1. 341) GOOD SADDLE HORSE for 32110. um]! n1:n1nru-nrl uyilh unrh-Hn arid GIRL WISHING POSITION at housework. no baking. fond of `children. Box "S". Barrie Examin- - 6!`. 34 . `_" ur.Nr,t(A1, l'lL I\-U! /uvu ur.L.n - ,1 ER\'. anywherc- in Barrie. reason- `, able`. H0(`kI`ld 0 Service. whone 760, , I ' Bm`ri('. 3'2~36pb F` 1 WE BUY live and dressed springs, "')HStOl`S and fowl. Highest prices paid. Maploleaf Poultry Farm, Phone Barrio 605r5. 25-34p uuuu bnuuuls HL)K5I!; I01` szuo. well mannered. with saddle and hridlo_ oxtrcxnely reasonably pric- vd. Apply 118 Penotung St. Phone 357. 34-36b lHl1IlU!2l"UK1) L'.A'l'1'|1h2 ff)!` SalC- Ono choicoly bred ma.1.ur<=. bull: one _\'0ung bull; females all ages. Herd fully accredited. Apply Paters(m Bros. Cuokstown. 31-35b TEAM WORK HORSES. also one rvnnri rh-iuinrv hnrcn uni! run run!` I l"(`K l'.`\lN'l'IN[i and pap:-rnang1n_:. 'lsm~ A. Miller. 59 McDonald SL. or f`! Phone 510.}. Work done in town nr :_%('o11x\try. 33-3T;\| IF`. & H. MONGERr~Carpontr_\* con- tractors. repairs, alterations. shin- zling. mttagvs built; flom`.<. hui!d- ing cupboards. a !=DE`(`ia1t)'. For vs- ,. "1 9. I timatvk. Phone 625R. 30-341 HEREFORD CA'I'TLE for sa1c- lnn r-hninnlv hrnri rnahurn hull" nnn 'n:;AM wuuh Humans. also one good driving horse, suit, mail man. would exchange for cattle. Team harness and farm wagon for sale. Aply 7th lino Vcspra, corner Town line. 1 mile west Allandnlc. Phone mu.-I-v run L:A'I'l`l..t<; FUN 5Alm;-r'1,1ll_v n<-crc-::- Hod dual mxrposc Shm'thm`n cam": grades and pure bred. Cows with calf at sido; cows duo to freshen: hvifors. bred and open; bulls and bull calves. Manv of the individ- uals 0ff(`r(`d for sale have qualified R.O.P. I`(`(`0!`dS or backing. A. Wal` & Suns. Midhurst. 33-34b| WAN'I'ED---Chosl of drawers. good condition. Phone 1524W. 34p PUMPS AND WELLS rnpaxrod. and Im-\\' wvlls dun. H. Cxnvst. B8I l'i(`. |l'l`Ml`S ANI) WhLL.L.b ropaxroa. mm | ne-w dug. H. Guest. Barrio. i Phrmo 6:'mlx'.`!. 34p `P.-'\F`FIR for tables at 1 ]n10oting1-1. om. for sale 2 `Office. Savos work : 1-nuts` l\"vENF,RAL PICK-UP AND DELIV- [FRV an\'u'hnrn in R.'n`l`i reason- `FOR f`AIN'I'ING and pap:-rhangin_:. lsov iWOOD SAWINC-~- For single card` ` $1.00: '1 cord and ovvr. 75 per cwrd. Special pl`i(`(`.~` for largo quaminos and ?hos:~ supp1_\'im: h(`lp. .Waltor ,:\fhortnn. Phone saow 3'.I-3pi I ; N.-\TIONAI.. (`ASH REGISTER -1 ?l<\-nunn mu\~tnn\nr'c rnr-nint v N.-\ 1'lUN.`\l.. \ .`\bH m-_.u1a 1 an -~ iI.~`su1m: cust0nwl"s receipt. showing` lmdividual it<`ms_nnd total. purchas- 'c`d frvm the Nanonal Cash R<`:1>`19!' =Compnn_v. 2 years ago. Apply Harry `J. T\\'i.\~' Mani: Wear. Barrie. 34p EPL.ASTERINQ and repair work} `neatly done. In town or out. Ro- rnow those old ceilings with Puzzn finish. any color or dsign: mrnico work: brick work. Frank Hnwos. 82 Cumbvrland SL. Allandale. Tel- ephone 95W. 29-33p CA'T"I`I..E FOR SAl_.F.~~'F11lly El(`(`l`(`CI- in-rl dual nurnnsn Shnrthnrn r-atHr': USED BRICK WANTED. Apply to Phone 3r2-4. Barrio. T. Ander- slnn {Mn CORNS AND CALLOUSESZ` You`! bet they hurt. but you can have mstant relief and comfort by ask-x . in: for LLOYD'S THYMOLATED `CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE. `Yrnnrnx-mi You u'iIl thank us la`.-I "T\DY`0\'(`(1. YOU lll IHEIHK US Ull- OY`. WHIT'I'Y'S DRUG STORE. Al- l'.nu Dhunn ?9R-1-SR `Nu db-`liv- PUUNN ANU CALLLJUB a.`\L.\'u.. Imprm-rd. You will thank In`.- or. WHI'I'I'Y`S A1- wru'1'1'! a unuu b1'uxu:.. Al-i landale, Phone 226-148. We dellv-I :1`. 34!: PROPERTY FOR. SALE LIVE STOCK FbR SALE lllnv lulu n-w (1 In Thu Finn-\lnnD\ :;()R SALE OR. TO LET llnu Inn any It In 'I'hn lxnmlnnn IVXVI. FIJI` B11111`: \JII/ L!) I (any you law It In `I'M Inmlnor) _:___.:_.:___. rnurnnkx Au nun (lay you aw II. In Thu Iumlnor) VEROPERTY TO LET llnu Inn nu It In Th: lilmllllll LIVE POULTRY WANTED. market rice paid. Phone 384. or write H. evit. Barrie. 33-37p MISCELLANEOUS Rm: unu nnw l| In Thu Euu-ulnar hot water also brick . Apply I16 {Mn pi< ni(`sA toa- ' at Examiner and laundry f`.RH' I H) {Mp [`|0Il(,' 34;)` In(1r_\ '.`.3H' A great many families held pic- nic teas at the township park. Sun- day afternoon. Threshing is the order of the da.V in this vicinity. the weather being very favorable. Miss Eveleen Watt of Montreal and Miss Kathleen Sloan of Toron- to are at their respective homes. Recent visitors in the village in- cludc Mr. and Mrs. Castle, Toron- to, at Gordon Moir's: Eben Todd, T0- ronto, at Edgar Sturgeon`s; Miss Maisie Francis, Toronto, with Miss Marion Hodgson. Tho Institute ladies have comD1et- ! MIXED MAPLE. medium heavy. $6.75 per cord; limb wood. $5.00 per cord: cedar rails, $4.75 per cord. Waller Athortnn. phrmo 580W. 34-38 |Hl'JMl.()CK l4UMl`5lSl{~--l In. 2 Dy '1. |:md joist. sizod. dressed and deliver- ed. Also cull lumber for sale. Geo. Gracny_ 24 Parksidc Drive, phone 573W. 34-381) Marion Hodgson. The Institute ladies complet- ed the work required to be done at home on the Institute quilt. The remainder is to be finished on the Exhibition grounds. May the lad- ies bring home the coveted prize. ..__:__\_____. 100 ACRES WANTED to rent, with good buildings. Apply Barrie _Examinm'. 34p |HEM1.0CK LUMBER~--1 in. 2 by 4. nnnrl ini dl`(SS("d and WOOD FOR SALE-S1.0VC wopd and fnrnnr-n r-hunks: $3 50 nm` 1.11)!`- WOOD FOR SAL.l woon and furnace chunks. $3.50 per trail- er -load; also 4-foot long, $5.50 per cord. Special price at the pile. W. J. Patterson, phone 634r13. 34-38p SEED AND FEED FOR. SALE lnu unu mm It In Thu Eunmlnnri [mm 1 old S town. FALL. WHEAT SEED for sale--A D:1wsnn's Goldon Chaff, grown from registered seed, 65:: bus. Arn- Sulcliffe, phone 451`24, Cooks- tnwn. 34-35b DAWSON GOLDEN CHAFF. O.A. C. 61. seed wheat. Send produced t'r:2m pI'i'/.(- winning field in Field Crop _c0mp(`l.itim1 last. year. Excel- lent, quality. 75c bus. Eugene Smith. Utopia. 34-38p SEED WHEAT FOR SALE~Daw- .=:rm`s Golden Chaff_ grown from reg- istered soc-d. field inspected, won first prize in Smith Simcoo Field (-nmpeiitinn, 1938. Government test No. 1. 70 a bushol. Eston Davis, Inhnnn Rrlfl Ivv 34-350 |N0. I. we : phmm 3rl3. CAR FOR SALE---1931 Ford sport roadster. Phonv 931W. 34p WAN'I`ED~~Hmlth_v old or crippled horses or cattle. fit, for fox or mink feed. Phone` 311, Barrie. 3-tp MODEL '1` FORD COACH for sale. Good condition. Apply Victor Small. Slroutl. 34p FOR SAL.I'3-~Durant `R1 4-cylinder. 4-door sodnn, good condition. new tires and tubes, a $10.11 at $95. Dan's Comer Store. Phone 543. 34b sale, 1m] plough. r-hoan, .1 SUPER-LASTIC TIRE SALES - Corner Dunlop and Mulcaster streets. Associate dealer Canadian Tire C01`p0I'nli()n. All merchandise . sold at. catalogue prices. 31tfb [1930 ESSEX COACH for sale, in good condition; also 1029 Chevro- lcl coupe. rcasnnablx`. or exchange for hardwood or young` cattle. Ap- ply Earl Barron, 98 Wellington St. cast. Phone 1596.}. 34b WILLYS OVERLAND CAR SALES, 93 Bradford St. 1939 Willys Over- land sedan ldemonstraior) for sale. reasonable reduction; 1930 Durant sedan; 1938 Oldsmnbilo sedan. low mileage. Wt specialize in automo- bile lubrication. Washing and pol- ishing. Tire and battery service. Canadian Oil C0`s. products. J. Knicely. 34p KLEEREX--F`ur Skin Ailments- Is sold in two strengLhs-medium and strong. Heals Eczema. Psorias- is, Erythcma. Impetigo. Itch. etc. while you work. 50:`. $1.00. $2.00. Rt`:-omn1(.-ndod and smd by all Drug and Dept. Stores. \/uu vv uu Miss Helen Bonney of Hamilton I/'15 a visitor with her aunt. Mrs. . Madden. last week. RES'I`AUKAN'l'. $'I:m. completely outfitted. hamburger grill. Apply D. D. Bloom. 179 Blcmr Street w..| Toronto Inoar Balhurst), Phone WAv(`rlo_v 300]. 34p APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock moom Tuesday. September 5. 1939. for position of assistant caretaker In Barrie Collvgiato. D/xnnvw Df\Auh r.~nnr~A'r1n1\1 YOUNG CALVES WAN'I`ED--Su1't- able for vvuling. George Gohcen, Crnigvnlo, Slroud mrxm. 34p NICE APARTMENT. suitable forl two girls all conveniences. $20 per mnnth. Svvoral othvr apartments from $25 up. RF`.AH"I"\' PARLOR FOR SALE inl 341) from $2.`: BEAUTY PARLOR FOR SALE lTnuvn nf RH!`l`iP' vm~\' rs-:as.nn:-able`. Town at harrxr`; very reasnnao SEVERAL NICE HOUSES Iculn :11 rr\n nrim~< ]5EVh;HA1. X\'I`.'l:. HUU: `salt: at rmszmnblo p!`1L`(`S. NoT|cs 'ro_ CREDITORSE Iv/\'r`Y1`!.` .3. "`&"X1 If TI\$fIIfl`x 1 NOTICE is hereby given ursu-` lant to the Trustee Act that a l per- i suns having claims against the Eu . tate of James Johnston, late of the ` Town of Barrie. in the County of ` Slmcoe. farmer. deceased. who died -' `tan or about the 13th day of July.` \|1939. are requested to send particu- lars of their claims to the under- ; . signed on or before the 12nd day of; September. 1939. after which date! , the executor will dlslflbult` the as- ' . sets of the estate among those en- titled thereto. having regard only to` - the claims of which he shall then! I have notice. and that he will not bel - responsible to any person for the -iassets of said estate whose claims` ) shall not then have been received. , ALEXANDER COWAN. -I Tvnmutnr RESTAURANT. $750. Completely nntfitlnd h;nnhm'mvr crill Annlv `E 32~R4h vrnn BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GlRl..'S`USED BICYCLE Wnted. must be in good condition. Apply Norma Banting. Cookstown. 34p h'.AU'l`Y I'e\Hl.U1< run`. bAL.b I `own nf P-a:'ri:~; very reasnnable. la`.\.'F`.RAI. NIFF. HOUSES ft} D-11 I IQ \UI|v.'5na|v.'. BARRIE BOARD EDUCATION. b A. H. F E1/I`. Sec`y.-Treas. MRS. A. B. COUTTS Real Estate List Phone 281 or 853] CARETA KER W'ANTED 24%-lh Barr]? (H`IYRTl( TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY nnav mu nu IL in `nu Exnmmnr) WOOD FOR. SALE luv um: nnw It In 'I'hn Eu-mlnnf cI;p3cmLf \J\l 1.11111`; AU \.'I.n'lDOll` may you law I1. In Tm Examiner) AUTOMOBILES .u mm -nut II In `fin Funmlm um mumm nxAnu1m'I.$An_.u, on. 04!.`-.` .M" GIRL`S`USED BICYCLE wanted. 'must ha in xzrnnd nnnditinn. Annlv this column. ho per word, ord- II` (minimum 50 cents per issue.`-70 cents if charged). Classified advts gee table u ? to ten,o'c1ock on. A NESDA NIG M HT. But adrets ghl `be accepted up to nine o'clock uursday morning, to be run on the same page under the heading. vroo Late to blassuy." CLOWES PERSONAL nu Ivy. at L.`UV\'AI\|, 5 Executor, Barrie Ontario :1 (`I Aecrwv I '00 s- uavns, 34-35p voronto. . ` ' Rev. W. McDona_ld_wi11 be home the end of the week and will take his ulpit in Tnnity Church next Sun ay. morning `and evening. Mrs. Ave:-st and her 'A'randdau- Sunday. morning `and evemng. Ayerst and _her `granddau- ghter. Shirley, arrived home a`fer spending the winter in` Toronto with her daughter; Mrs. Harry Mc- Naught. _ . .A Mrs. Ivan Maw. who snent. last tored there for the weekend. Miss Edythe Greene. who has been spending the last year in Scotland as an exchanle teacher. arrivedl _ Mrs. W. E. Grey spent last week m Barrie with relatives. _ Rev. B. B. Bcynon And Mrs. Bey- non spent thcweekend in Bolton. Miss Lenore Jamfeson -has return- HOUSE WAN'I`ED-~5 or more` rooms. by Sept. 1. State full parti- culars. Apply Box 32. Angus, On- turin. 34b n0n_spent thc'weelencl In 110110.11. Lenore Jamieson ed home after spending the sum- mer at Bela. ' Mr: W M _'I nhnunn and Mrg, at Bela. ' Mrs. W. M. Johnson and Mrs. Josh. Terry have `gone to Toronto for a. week's holida . Mrs nivnn nf Mn 1.:-pal fm-me:-111 acqqalmances here last. week. * Miss Bethe Fletcher pas gone to Toronto to spenq some time with {her aunt. Mrs. R. A. Thom "on. I Ravmnn Rastnn ri-J.11!'n,' home jner aunt. Mrs. E. A. Thom on. Raymond Easton return` home last week after spending`the sum- mer at the Par1xamem.4Build1ngs. Toronto. Rm; W M :-nnnnld will has home Naught. Ivan Maw. w1}0`o went lgst week at her mother's ome in Km- cardine, returned with `M1 . and Mrs. T. W. Maw and Ivan. who `mo- tored there for the weekend. Mix: Edvthn Greene. who spending last in Scotland; exchange home on Tuesday and will spend` a couple of weeks with "her mother before going on to MooseVJaw _to resume her duties as teacher m the Moose Jaw Collegiate. _< Recent visitors: Miss Marauerlte the Moose Jaw L:oueguu.e. ` Recent visitors: Miss Marqueri 1 Spence of Midhurst, with -her aunt, ` Mrs. Thos. Knupp; Mr. and Mrs. I Harry Powleyl and son Graydon of 1 ` Toronto_ at Mrs. W. A. Jamieson's; I ` Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of Q1- tawa. at Wells Fletcher's; Dr. and Mrs. Gillric of Hamilton, 'a't-- Jack ' Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. Hounsome of Newton Robinson, Mr. McDonald of Toronto. and Miss Zavick. at Geo. McDonald's; Alfred Grcwar of Hamilton, at Sam Maie1`s. I um-mu uicifnre invluded: Mr. andl uull. 1cu_y nave guns: to :.\uvn_u.u holida. Mrs. Dixon or Mo treal, to_;-merly Beatrice Stewart. was 1-_encw1_ng_ old acquaintances here last. we`ek. Miss Rpthe Fletcher has none Sam Maiel's. ' ' It Recent visitors included: Mr. and C. Belfry. Mr. and Mrs. W.' J. Mc- Connell of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. A. Belfry of Bradford, at Geo. l{olt`s; Mrs. Frank Bmwley or Ivy. at M. McClean`s; Dr.` and Mrs. Gil- rie and Mrs. Geo. Plotvman of Hamilton at J. T. Scott's; MissrAl- 1` lie Blaekstock and Mls` Fleda Ayerst of Toronto, at Jas. Speer's'; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milligan and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crossley of` To- ronto at John Crossley's. - v Death of Elwood McQuay _ Arthur McQuay received word on Sunday that his brother, Elwood. Kirkland Lake, had been seized \ with a heart attack..Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McQuay, Mrs. Me` Quay. Sr.. and Mrs. Banting of Ivy. and Elwood`s two children". who were holidaying in Ivy. left ` at once for Kirkland Lake, but El- wood had passed away before they arrived. We extend deepest sym- pathy to the bereaved ones. were Well Known Herc Word was received here on Sat- urday evening of the death of Stew- art Wilson. which had taken lace at his home in Toronto. Mr. llson had been in poor health for the past year. so his death was not un~ expected. Interment took place in Thornton cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Word has also been received of the death of Joseph Cunningham. - which took place at the Canadian Soo. Both Mr. Wilson and Mr. Cun- ningham were well known to many readers of the Thornton news. ! Historlea_l.Meet|ng of_.Wf.l. 1 3 The members '~`pf-`the Sr. Wis` Jr. Institute and visitors, making 5. mm nf Al-inn ? mtv:assem`b1ei-I at J Mrs. John T. Agar of Cool-tstown, ` y i x l \: 1 visitors, making a total of about ftfty;"l&ssern`blei'l at the home of Mr. and rs. D. Bant- ing on Thursday evening.` The pro- ramme was in charge of, Mrs. H. Black. corivener .0! historical re- search. Roll call, was ;answ_e_red by each member g ving. what she coh- sidered a hards ip endured by 1-the ioneers. A committee was appoint- ed to arrange for ourexhibits in the W.l. section of the Barrie Fair. Mrs. J. '1`. Scott gave a short report of the Achievement egay held in Stayner and report that Miss Ilene Maiel's book had been taken to Toronto and exhibited to the Scottish ladies. Miss Wallace con- sidering it the best she had seen. Miss Mary Reid delighted her lis- teners with a piano solo. Mrs. L. L. Greene gave a very interesting ac- count of the historical places vis- ited on her recent trip to England, Ireland and Scotland. Dr. W. Grey. who was visiting in the village. gave several reels of moving pictur- ' es which he had taken himself.- These included Salt Lake City. Jasper Park. the Grand Can on and the lift locks at Welland, ia- gara Falls and Emporia. Kansas.- school in which Dr. Grey is a tea- cher. The assistant hostesses were: Mesdames Boake. Bone. Black. Churchill_ Easton and Miss Florence Barlow. Thornton Continuation School MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS Ynnrinnn Ra:-vnnn C 1 G90n1.' WANTED TO REN'I`~A 75 or 100- ncro farm. with buildings. Reply stating pl`i(`('.. Apply Box Z." Bar- rie Examiner. 34-36p ' Joedene Beynon. C. 1115!. 1_, ueom., 1, Chem. 1. Lat. A. l_ Lat. C. 1.| Fr. A. 1, Fr. C 1; Jean Carrut.hers.`w C Hist c. Geom 3. Chem 2. Fr A 3. Fr C c: Betty Cochrane. Geom c. ,Dungey, Eng C 2. Alg 8. Phy 2.` Chem c: Norma Halbert. C_Hist 1.9` Geom 3. Chem (2. Fr A 2. Fr C c: Jack Hogarth. Eng C 1_ Eng 1.. 1. C Hist 1. Geom 1. Chem 1: Jack ` Jamieson. Eng C 2; Melba Jardine. Hing L c. Eng C 2. C Hist C; Bethe ; Lyons. C Hist 2. A13 1, Geom (`.8 lphy 2, Chem 3. Lat A 2. Lat c c.l * Fr A c. Fr C c: Ilene Maiel. Eng 1. 1. Eng C 2. C Hist 2. Geom 2. Chem _ ' c. Lat A c. Lat C c: Joyce McQuay.:; Eng C 2. Eng L 2. C Hist 2, Geom 3.1` _'v, Chem 2: Lester Reid. C Hist 2. Geom '- ,'2. Chem 2. Let A C. Let C C. Fr` _, A 0. Fr C c: Mary Reid. Phy 2. Lat: _ A 1; Cecil Rcbertson. Eng L 2: _`Marion Speers. Eng C c: Louise ..'I'ownsend. Eng L 2: Lillian Stew- fgart. C Hist 1. Chem 1. Geom 2. Frl g`C 2. Fr. A 2. Lat C c. Lat A 2; UPPER SCHOOL. RESUUIS 1 1 1 1 I 9 Jean Carruthers. Eng C 3: Jacky Hogarth. Em; C c: Victoria Horton.` Mod Hist 1. L Phys 2. Chem 3, Fr C c; Dorothy,` ':H.-mo-sMrm-Mr. and Mrs. wm.l: ? Smith. Barrie. wish to announceyl the marriage of their dauzhier. Brodey Estelle. to Arthur L. Hand 0! Bradford. son of Mr. and Mrs.` N. W. Hand. The marriage was` performed at Ridge-way. Ont.. on; Sept. 17. 1938, by Rev. c. L. Poule.l 5. i SCHOOL RE5UL'1b Beynon. C. Hist. 1. Chpm, 1 Lat. 1{ THORNTON- 5 `ORTIIIIIIV I <..h,Y`*7 thair hojlda s with Ivy Inenas. v lMr._and rs. James McQuay of Sunnidale Corners, visited her sis- ter,,'Mrs. Whitehouse_ who has been very ill. spenumg some n Reta, Hoggarth. Mr-..irm Mrs- Reta. Hoggartn. Mr. and Mrs. Esten Davis are giehding a few holidays at Wasaga each with friends. Their children are holidaying there. Do; Polsoner at Work Someone seems to have a special spite against dogs in this commun- ity. Some of the best dogs have been oisoned. Among others, H. L. Jenne t lost his valuable watch dog at the garage. Elwood McQuay`s Sudden Death On Sunday morning. Mrs. S. Mc- Quay received a telephone call from Kirkland Lake that her son. El- wood. while preparing with his wife and children to start for his mother's home here for holidays. was seized with a heart attack. His mother and two brothers started to motor to Kirkland Lake_ but before thev got there he had passed away. Service was held at Kirkland Lake, Tuesday afternoon. The body nr-. rived by train at Allandale on Wed- , nesday morning, and was taken in I the home of his sister_ Mrs. W. E. . Banting. Service will be held in the Presbyterian church. Thursday ; afternoon. Vcongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadden on the arrival of a RI'\_ son. Rev. E. H. and Mrs. Somerville Bimbrook. called on Ivy friends last. Tuesday. `Miss M. Rawn. Mono Mills. is WAN'I'ED~-Old or disabled horses or cattle. suitnhlo for tax fnod. Ap- ply R. L. Richardson. RR. 2. Bar- rie. Phono'614r2. 30tfb last Tuesday. `Miss M. Rawn. spendln a few holidays with her cousin. eta Hoggarth. Mrs. Smyth of Little Long Lac is olldaying with her parents, Mr. an Mrs. G. L. Davis. Miss Amanda Lyons and her bro- th`r.' at`. Toronto. are spending their 110] (13 with Ivy friends. Mr. and McQuay very cm. MiSs `Dorothy Hallett of St. Cath- aripes has returned home after spending time wth her cousin. Reta Hozzarth. Hospital. Barrie, on August 22,1 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kcast, 55 Mulcaster SL. a son (Bryon Lloyd). : McCAGUE--To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. -V - E. Mccaguc. Alliston, on August i 13, 1939, at Stcvonson Memorial Hospital, Ailislon. :1 daughter _ (Janet Christine). WI-[ I'I'MAN-At Dclia_ Alberta. on. August 13. 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Whitman (nee Lona Bi-nlln a daughter, (Elinor Anne). \KEAST -- At the Royal Victoria L ` WILLIAMS-Ai the Royal Victoria Hospital_ Barrie. on August 15, 1939. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wil- liams. 24 Eugenia S1._ Barrio, :1 ROD. son. WEBSTER~At the Royal Hospital. Barrio, on Aug. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack ` (nee Muriel Kelly), Thornton, a daughter. CALDWELL--At Crown Hill. on August 19. 1939, Clara Marie Part- St ridge, beloved wife of Frederick Caldwell. Crown Hill cemetery, Aug. MacDONALD-At Thornton. MacDonald. aged 66 years. Fun- 1 .|. l M S M STURGEON--At. Gilford. On Mon- WILSON -- On Saturday. Aug. 19. Robert Interment `)0 1939. Wed- nesday. Aug. 23, 1939. William eral on Saturday, August 26, at 2` .In.. Service at the family re- st ence. Interment in Thnrntnn Cemetery. cQ'UAY - At Kirkland Lake, on Monday. August 2l_ 1939. Elwood A. vMcQuay, beloved husband of Dordthyvsrigley. Funeral from the home of his sister, Mrs. W. E. Banting. Ivy. on Thursday. August I 2711.31. 2.30 p.m. (S.'I`.). Interment. Ivy. Cemetery. 1 at:_LEA`N-At Orillia. on Wednes- 5 day; Aug. 23. 1939. Effie McKer- T roll. wife of the late Dr. John Mc- t Lean. Interment Orillia Ceme- c tery. August 25. \ SHANAHAN~-On Monday. August I 21`. 1939, at his residence. 572 Mi1- ( vex-ton Boulevard Toronto. James I Edward, beloved husband of Eleanor Sevigny. and father of ' Mary and Eleanor. Interment Mount Hope cemetery. Aug. 24. MIT]-I - At Orillia, on Friday. August 18, 1939_ Francis Smith., beloved husband of Jessie Trill and loving father of Jessie, at home. and Mrs. John Thompson. 1 Painswick, in his 64th year. In-it terment Orillia. August 21. . 1 day, August 21. 1939. W. M. Stur- ~ geon. beloved husband of Jane.` Tegart. in his 76th year. Interment,` St. John's Cemetery. Coulson`s Hill. August 23. ( l i I 1 l 1939. at his home, 42 Geoffrey s1..l Toronto, Stewart Andrew Wilson} beloved husband of Edith Cath- erine Hicks. and father of Mrs. E. Turner. Mrs. William Blark. William. Norman. Harvey and Charles Wilson llate of 'l`.'I`.C.). Interment Wednesday. Aug. 23_ at Thornton. I t BROWN-Mrs. Harry Brown and: Mr. Norman Doane wish to thanki fhe members of the Ivy Band and, ]their wives for the muc and ro~; [freshments at their home on Friday ; evening. HAYES - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh; evening. 1 ' HAYES Hugh; .Hayes and family wish to thanki 'their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympath,v= during their recent bereavement. 341) l . 'l"unhlD('\N_'!"hr- hrnlhm` of tho` iuunng umu l!`Ct`IIl UK'ACn\rI|u.uc.` -)`n; .1 ` 1 THOMPSON-Thc- brother of the E late Fredwin Thompson wishes 10;! thank his friends and neighbors for 11! I I I kindness and sympathy shown dur- ' [mg his recent sad bereavement. 34p! I , HU'I`CHINSON-ln lovim: memory", 0! our dear sister. Violet MC-', Master Hutchinson. who passed away suddenly August 28. 1937. U -Ever remembered ;I , 34b by Siste-rs; 'cAR16r rms` \ r--?--_-__-..._._...._._._ J WANTED 'l`O RENT ---~ 150 or 200 acres land. good buildings and wat- m`_ by experienced farmer with good stock and equipment. Apply Box "G". Barrie Examiner. 33-`34p ;'I'UCK-In loving memcry of Fred-, `Tuck. who pased away Augustj` ,23, 1930. 1 His memory is as dear today I WAS in the. hour he pa$ed away. I-Lovingly remembered by Father. `[349 Mother, Sister and Brothers`. Victoria . 21, 1939. Webster :2 :2 1 cial rates to Canadian National Ex- hibitinn. Wm. Stewart. 52 Bnyficld CO I I ~~Phnne 474, Barrio Taxi, fm` sne- l .14-35b `I31. ;I`om Jennc-H, pm'1.ublc radio a draw held at nlnnrl-,:\v Monday. --Gils0n Furnace Broadcast Tues- day evening, 10 to 10.15, CFRB. Sold by J. N. Balfc, Harrie, Ont. Phone 188. 34]) The report of the engineer on ` the prnpnsvd new sewage disposal for Barrio has been rccoivod and Mwill bo (:(msideI`(`.d :11, the meeting .ln0` Hxn '1`nurn PlIl|l\Pi` lH"X' M()l1dilY !wi1l bo (:nnsideI`(`.d at the nmelnm of the Town Council next Monday night. Fc`r:|nI( A Hammond. K.C.. has MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING work with a largo manufacturing concern of 200 daily necessities used in every home. Sure and quick re- peaters. No oxporionce needed. Good pay (`very day if nciivo. and permanent business certain it per- sovoring. Investigate our plan at once without obligation. Catalogue Free: FAMILEX C0.. 570 St. (`.10- rnnnt Mnntrt-nl 301)! Frank A. Hummnnn. x\.L,.. mm ptwchnsod from Miss Long the brick residence at the corner 0f| Shirley St. and Sunnidnle Road and is making extensive lmprnvcments For many years this property was owned by Fred M. Smith. 1.l.\..1 Y).-uuutu Quin ,`ff,,'-c f"|- l nwm.-0 Dy L` I CU AVI. LJIIIILII. --Idenl Beauty Salon offers for 1 limited time only~~schnolgirl morn- ing spccinl~--intmducing new type specially treated and paper, which positively eliminates` trizzing or acid burns. Price $1.75. Other ` waves up to $5.00. 5 Clapperton . St. 34b` At the Lions Club carnival held in Newmnrket last week, the major ' award of H General Electric Refrig- ~ for North Simcoe. l erator was won by Stewart L. Page. Barrie, agricultural representative Linn Moffat Cockburn. representative for York County. and formerly of Barrie, sold Stewart the ticket. Ix r*....u.- In...-1 v. nnn_murnn0H- `UWiIl'L LIIII LICl\L'|.. `R. D. Cuutls had` an non-competi- 1 livv display ol .his own` nriginallons l at the Canadian Gladiolus Socic,-ly`s Show held in Stratford last week. The only other nnn-cnmpct.ilivc cxv hibit was by E. F. Palmer of Vinc- lzmd, Canada's most noted hybridiz-i mm_. u:.....1.: ..r 'r,.w....-.-nun" .... Iunnu. punuuua u.-M. ......... .._, ~-77T } -- "The World of Tomorrow" -- This ten minute tour of the biggest show on earth is for those who will miss the New York Fair, and for i those who want to see it in unu- chair comfort. The towers of the world of tomorrow rise in their im- i pressive splendour. housing exhibits ; of the artistic and industrial pro- ? gress of today. From the four cor- ners of the earth the Fair has re- _ quisitioned talent and treasures to build its preview of a streamlinedl _Iuture; dramatic and picturesque| material for motion picture enter- l tainment. 0 Ac Hun klnhllnhlc nf HIP Fill!` are tainment. As the highlights of the Fair are` brought before the Reelism cameras, `the audience sees scenes which no} [casual visitor can observe; sculpture ranging in style from the traditional In rnnrlnrn: uirmntie and colorful ranging tn style trnm tne u`HCIIu(mtu to modern; gigantic murals; foreign, state and federal zexhibitsz and the midway attractions in the amusement 7.(me.~Showing at [the Imperial Theatre Thursday. Fri- _ `day. Saturday. Dun`: miss it. H. M. LAY FLORIST night. Frank A. Hammond. ....-,.k..cm1 h-um Mic: Lnmz 74 Blake St. Phone 832 conducted at the greenhouse MEMBER FLORISTS TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION MEN ! HERE IS GOOD PAYING umrk min: n lm-an mnnnfmstnrln VINEGAR (white or cider). gal. .... .. 59 LOCAL NEWS 11 Elizabeth of Mary :"Phone 215 :We Oelgvor 25-oz.','1"t3r 15c * * McCu1+1ue_h s Sf-r9.<= Ba_gri_g__!l__f_rigration Service II-1'II\ T` I(I`.l`lll1l';Iw|1|un annv-un Guaranteed workmanship buckled by 12 years experience on all makes of refrigerators. 9.4-nnlm SERVICE l'l..l.\J.I.1l.a Lava; WASHING MACHINE MOTOR. RE!`/\lllS CUBS. the New Erecxl Sensation with Sample Package. 2 pkgs. 25c l"l`(`(`: r`AMlm2;.x ment. Montreal. TOMATO IUICE 'iE'<'>3vEi':r:-f3ARRIE AUTHORIZED -.--nu:-est: Armin`! &I .`Dllll'I` FRESH VEGETABLES TDAILY (1 U L l.J.\IL|An.u.u-a REFRIGERATION SERVICE .... ...I...........|.In Inn-Iusll hv I2 d`i'\))U was winner of H10 in thv lucky ticket the ball game on It`? all males In Irur 24-HOUR SERVICE 151131!!! I t `131'E>r3'i'b'Ef w I: n rnuuvnvi.`\'l"l'\l`l Sunshine Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Band met Wvdmrsdny nflnrnoun at Mrs. Gen. Cnnslabln's. with 35 present. The l.()pl(`. was lziken by MlS.S` Greet: Allan and :1 very interesting slnry was read by M:1rjm'ie Flower. The scripture wns road by Jezm Thom- as, Roll call, "Where l'd Like to Live Othvr 'I`h:m in Ontario." A dniniy lunch xvas served on the lawn. bnio sT1{rr1oNf ` Mr. and Mrs: Kvmu-1h 'I`|ldcn ox London huvo bmm spvnding the past. wm-k with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford. Mr. '1`ildtrn_ who is a former teacher at Om Smlion, was married August 19, to Miss Roberta Elliott. A hosl. of grand wishes arr`. extended to the bride and groom, from this cnnnnunity. ARE YOU THE MAN`? Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 50 years. with Carl. n(-(`dvd immediately to hand out FREE Soap in n(~m'b_v rur- al route` and supply oslalxlishod do- mnnd for l'<`.\'m'_vdav N(\.cossi(ies_ In- cluding Sx\l(`(`S. Exh'ncl.<. Baking Powder. C`lNiiisoi`s. Medicines. Fly Sniuw. l\linm'nli7.-cl Stock and l - oul- lry 'I`oni(`s. 70 vour rvputatinn. 10.-i 000 du-ulc-rs. Must be satisfied with! $110.00 weekly at . Svllinp: ex- :-rivnvv llllll(`(`(`S.\`lll'_\`. Farm expor- Ionm` holnful. C`r<-dit fumished rlghi partivs. Writo immodiatol_\: The J. R. Watkins (`.mnpzm,\'. Montreal. Qllt`. Dept. 0-8-SA. 31-3-lb ..___l.__._. ._..__._.. 'l`hr(:shing is the urncr m uu: uu, in this ncighborhnnd. Elgin Len has returned to Camp gBordcn for :1 few days. C. Barnes of Barrie visited with his sister. Mrs. Rnbi. Elliott, at "Breezy Nook Cottage". Mr. and Mrs. Asa Warnica and daughter Marjory are spending a few days at their cottage. Th-rnm`d Joiibiil is reported to ht: days in ll'\(`.ll` C1 Bernard Jobbitl i: doing as well as c after his operation i pita]. George Elliott P 3 Elliott had the miston tuno to got into a hive of hot shots `the other day and not quite a sting-_ .~ . ,_, un --uv --vv. __ -__ ..\ will he. closed during July and L A ..... ..A an |.....x..-.... ...III In; will In: lrIIh`|l`.ll uunnu. on-_y an. August. All business will In greenhouse. MISS bnnu nuwuu. VI ..... .. ...., Jas. Rix. Miss Nixon, Toronto. is visiting Mrs. Fred Partridge. . '- Gcrald Kenney nnd Norman Thompson motored to Rochester, N.Y._ last week. Mr and Mrs. D. Rickenburgher .Mr. and of Berlin Centre, Ohio, called on Mrs. J. Rlx last week. Mrs. Howard Robson, Shirley and Buddy, of Bradford. returned home after a week with relatives here. I The community expresses sln- cere sympathy to Fred Caldwell on the death of his wife and to her sister. Misses Edith and Mabel Partridge and brother. Roy Part- Irirlav. _ 'l`ild(-n of nmlnn havv sp(~I1ding 1ht_- Partru I ridge. BARRED ROCK f`Ul.LE'I`S for uh u-om - ninn nnd t\\vr\l\'('1 I '._______._____.._____ er 0! glzidioli. A special feature of the Midhurst display was a basket nf Cnutls Orchid." This gland. which is a watermelon pink, is something entirely different and created quite :1 sensaiirm. His nlher varieties .Shf)Wn were Cnutts N0. 9." "Cherry Ripe" and N0. 3201." j 'I`hr(2shing is I .. miu nmuhbn Miss ? Inc Rn O.K. LAUNDRY -sA- The {F19W9'_3.= . wCIj{U}RCHiL1%.' 6 bars 19c `Edna Hewitt. visited Mrs. `iv . ; the order or the day hnrhnnll, BARRED ROCK I*`Ul.Ld:I'l'S tor] sale`. thrvo. six. mm and txvvlvol \\'t`(`k.\` uld .1 D. 0li\'0l`_ Shanty Bay.` Lot `.3. (`on 2, Om. {NM 0 ` I ' V ` HOUSEMAID WANTED, experi- enced. Two in family. Mrs. S. W. Moore. 166 Bayfield St. 34p bu can be expected 1 in a Toronto hos-I Pi Nth O BARRED ROCK CHICKS --~ Good {or meat and eggs. Fourteen years of blood testing and government in- spection. All chicks sold are hatched from eggs `mid by my own flock! month-old pullms. July hate-hed.1 30 cents. Tom Kenny. Shanty Bay} um. 7tfb`,_ FOUND--\`uung sxnoko Persian cat.` Apply Miss A. L. Brock. St. V`m~ Com St Mb LICENSE PLATE NO. 9 X`694 lost on` Camu Burdvn Road. Finder please` return to D Dunnell_\'. Barrio, Phone` 65lr'.!. an! LAD\"S WRIST WA'I`CH ~ lost on 'I`mu`sdn_v bmxvoen St. and Blake St. Finder Phonc 246` IRvward \. CHANGE PURSE. boigzx lost be- tween Zellvr'.< or Wool-urth`s, con~ mining small sum of money. Find- er please leave at Harris Motors. Reward. 34p LOST-~On Monday afternoon. be- ' tween Roy Hi:-kling`s. Vespra. and Barrio, going by the 7th, pair of `mm: handle`-d berm` pruners. Find- ` er pit.-nae Phone 606r2. 34b 7 P(;SITi0NS WANTED (mm mm uw It In Thu Eunminnrl nnur vvnnnnu (luv you IIW It In "rm Inmlnon IUDIIIUIVD VVII (Say you saw It In The I GIRL WAN'I'ED-For general work in country home. Give experience and wages desired. E. V. Wilson. Shanty Bay. 341': $GEN'l`S WANTED an. um. um I! In Thu lunmlnin HELP WAl;I:fEi) Lnll um um II In Tho Iunlnlm LOST AND FOUND (Inn unu nu It In Yin Iunmlnnol BABY CHICKS nu I-an gnu It In Th: -Illlllll` . Anny! 24. Tvia" u sulw It In Thu El I gold I. ll J ames ' pleasv 34b| I05! on` :j._:- please ROOMERS WANTED Two scmmy .P`h:\m' nr vnllosze zirls. in m`i\'zm= hnm<`.: l(`l(`.l`- Mpl Luv- 30b S ONG YOUNG WOMAN want- c ,with hospital training, to care far inmid child in Tornntn. Annlv h3m' p V 88!` 34b I.`.|A'1'1'EY RADIO Rhone 607111. Barrie. jinx:-njtt-1-- , . ~ -r `two GANG PLOWS and electric nnumr nrnnm cnnnrnfnr for main An- BAT'I'ERY RADIO FOR SALE-l Phoms 67rH, Rm-rin R4!-1 -:j WICKER CARRIAGE for sale. large wheels. excellent condition. Phnnu WICKER. CARRIAGE for sale. large wheels, excellent condition. Phone l524W. 34p xzwu umvu known and el(.`CIl`lC power cream separator for sale. Ap- ply 39 Collier St. 34p RIFLES FOR SALE-Savage ro- peater and Savage single shot. Call '87 Ross St. Phone 931W. 34p MANURE AND BLACK LOAM for sale. Delivered. Also sodding and grading done. Phone 611rl2. 34p s"UNu yuumu WUMAN want- for invalid child in Toronto. Ap ly Box P," Barrie Examiner. 4b I DINING ROOM SUITE for sa1c_ 8- ninnts onmnlr-tn nr :al u_1N1Nu HUUM surnaz tor sa1c_ 8- plece. complete or separate; also hall rack. Apply 58 Pcnctang SL. or phone 866W. 34b I FOR SA-LE~-1 sulky plow, 1 2-fur- row riding plow. 1 single Fleury piow. 2 gang plows. lvlakc offer. W. G. Small, Stroud. 34-35p BABY CARRIAGE. wicker, revers- ihln hndv rum:-llont r-nnriifinn Nn BABY CARRIAGE. WICKCI`, ible body. excellent condition. No reasonable offer refused. 73 High St. Telephone 1521M. 34p THRESHING OUTFIT for snlo, Sawyer-Massey separator. Bell on- gine. in good condition. Apply H. A. Drennan. Hillsdale, Ont. 30-34p SPECIAL TO FARMERS-'I`hresh- lng roasts. We can give you the lowest prices in town. Jack Dy<:k's Meat Market, Phone 821. 7 Collier Street. 30-34b PAPER FOR PICNIC TABLES, 35 Inches wide. in rolls. Ten cents 1b.. about 8 yards to 1b. Rolls ap{>roxi- mately 2 lbs. and up. Appy at Examiner Office. 23tf WASHING MACHINE. dI'nss'm`. cupboard. battery radio, tablos. rugs. and a number of other art- icles for sale. May ht` soon at Mrs. Elva Carson's. 17 Boys St. 34b FOR SALE~-1 new washing mach- ine, never been used. would sell cheap for cash: 1 used washing ma~ chine, good condition. Bl1u=.hir(l". price $18: 1 used Wcstimghnusc 8- tube, electric radio, cabinet morlol, cheap. Apply to Stan. Siton. Phone |905r32, Craighurst. Garage. 34!) CAPABLE WOMAN WANTED im- mediately. for general housework on farm. no outside work; two child- ren. Apply Box T." Barrie Exam- iner. 34p FOR SALE--Magnificent Garwood designed solid mahogany sport mod- el motor boat, latest streamlined de- sign. seats ten, solid leather seat covers: powered with 125 h.p. Gray Phantom motor_ rubber mounted. speed fortv miles. One of finest ~ boats on Lake Simcoc. Cost $5.000. H-nwnn vnnru nlr-I will gm-1'ifi(-r> fnr boats Lake Slmcoc. Ljnsl $n.uUu. three years old. will sacrifice for $1,500. For demonstration writo owner Paul Pearce, Box 52, L.ofrn_v_ Ontario. 34p _.._..:.___________. IDUCHESSS APPLES for said." on the `tree. Other vari(.'li('s lntor on. Also fresh cow for sale. Apply Jns. Cochranc. Phone 14121, Strnud. 34b .....:...T._________.. APPLES FOR SALE-Du('h(-ss of Oldenburg, rosy colnrcd. graded. Applv Mrs. C. E. Weldon. 118 Cod- rington St.. phone 1571.1, 32-36b GHERKINS and pickling (`Incum- bers. graded for size and quality. Dill: also fresh `picked Golden Ban- tam corn. Low prices. George's Place. Little Lake Road. 34:) tam Low prices. Place, Lime Lake `FARM FOR SALE on highway. first class condition. pricv ruason;:b1<~. or would consider 50 avros on ex- change. Apply Box Barrie Examiner. 34p {".RooM AND BOARD fur stlxdvxmtxi {ihome privilvgvs. (`m1t.rnI. Anpl)` 11` Msophia Sh. west. I`hom~ 69W. Mp; A , , . I ..., - =',RooM AND BOARD mmlam at! innvp for working man (`I` svhnnl; Igirl. Home privileges 1'-`hmw `.`R'iW M __..:_.._.____________. IFOR SALE-~-'.!`~_- nvrvs good land. small cottage; also some building material: hydro avnilahlv: few min- utes from highway. bus stun-s and school. Apply to Mrs. Smith. 807 Craven Rd.. Toronto. 341 DEPENDABLE GIRL WAN'I`ED_-- Clean. quick. over twenty, assxs! housework. plain cooking. fond of children. Toronto. $15.00 monthly. Apply Box 0." Barrie Examiner. p `~.lONE FURNISHED ROOM in let ~ with or without lward. centrally 10 D catud. Phmuv ISIIIR. Mrs. Dnvxd Al ' len. SM} n I FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. hume- privileges. Phone 1558. :\R-3 .`hl ROOMS AND BOARD for um` Hr] Itmn in rnfilwri home` 44 T(\l`UlH; : ICLEAN. BRIGHT. newly nn~msm~d mom to let. cmnral, rvzumxuhlc. 85` Mary St. 34-.'-`.5p' ~---_-1 IRODMS ANI.) BUAHU [Dr In two, in rotixwd hnnw St. 341! TWO FURNISHED n06Ms m mu I I [Central lovalimx. hoard optmnnl . p-; ! gply 100 Elizabeth St. :Nh](, | ,, . . , _ u- FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (I-v van Inn: It In Thu Einmlmwl ROOM FOR RF.N'I`-~Sunabxv rm-I two high school studoms. (`uat. . 16, for Salt`. Phone HT`.`\\' mp; !ROOMER5 W.`\N1I:;L)v rwn scnum Ior college girls. private humex `with young people-. Apply Box iBarrie Examiner. (Hp 9 %'I'WO ROOMS T0 LF.'I`- Rem rm-3 sonable. Also girl wxshes fu mind`) children afternoon ur evening. An-` 'lply 105 Wm`sle,v St. 34p r RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL needs light. housework immediately. Tele- phone 144lW. 34p LARGE BRIGHT ROOM. furnishochl [ or unfurnished. privatv ontranm`. ~ suitable for office. in central Inca- ' tion. Phone 501. in the evenings > 850.7. .13-37b BOARD AND ROOM fnr two high` school students. boys pm-fern-dz a few minutes` walk from school. 7`? Parkside Drive, Phone 707. 33-37; ` mm. 8505. Ull IIAVII Vlhlllllllilllll (lay ynu cur Iv. In Thu Enmlnnr) _:________:?___ I` nluuo I` U anuu (luv you out It In The lumlvml _?_.__; ROOMS AND BOARD (Inn um an In In Thu Elnmlnor) FARMS `TOR SALE `In: um um II In Tho lnmlnnn-I Fdk SALE Ill um It In Than I-- \'t.`Ill 11 ES SCHOOL GIRL would look itftpr home for elderly couple in ex- change for board. Phone 985J. 34b