On Dressed Basis of Hogs Farmer Paid For Good Job ' 3 pads in mu-h pnrlu-I. 10 CENTS PF. PACKET l_`.-um-rx_ Co-nl-rnl Storm .1 l'h-..-.ui. 0 need for hard rubbing andi scrubbing when you use ag solution of Cvilletfs Pure Flake Lye. It cuts right through grease. _a clears clogged drains. keeps our" houses sanitary and odorless. scours pots and pans. takes the hard work out of heavy cleaning. Keep 8 tin alwa_\'s handy. / I ll inch pad will kill ies all day ind every day fur thrc-r wt-kn. . 3 pads in Nu-ll pnrlu-I. In rl:`.N'I`Q PIP. l`A( ZKET III l.l';lVl.` I r.I\ I Drupginln. (Jrm-c-rs. Cc`! wrnv II A v 1|/I. `Nut! alnvuhv hv In Ill" nu-w. nu. o:&I 01 HI: lw null Ian ch: mun. (-l'lH`l'l`.I. 1-rnrrm Juvrt PAY MORE ? I In \' van r-_o.. Hunilcon. G K I .`\\:I\I.'JI Com:-rnl Scorn. ` Il1'\I'lI" 0 The carcas weighing 161 lbs. and the one weighing 180 lbs. were both of suitable weights though they came from hogs weighing 190 and 230 lbs. respectively, alive. to npeds nn further illn.-tlralion JU IDS. I'UbPC\lVL'|y, i`|l|\/L`. It needs no further illustration to show that dressed weight is the sound basis. As between 45 and 50 per cent. of all hogs handled by packers are exported to Britain as bacon. it is evident that it is vital to our whole hog industry to get hogs delivered at proper dressed weights. There is a market for out- weight bacon. but it is very limited and whenever delivered in any quantity the price discount is heavy. The rlnn-metin mnrknt it vnrv im- quuuiuy Ill!` !ll'lL'e lllbCUlllIl. ID l|I.'1\]. The domestic market is very im- portant. It does not want {at pork. nor heavy hams nor heavy backs. nor heavy side bacon. Nor yet does iit want any quantity of very light zproduct. The same dressed weights suitable to make Wiltshires make the most. desirable domestic cuts. The same is true of quality. While `packers may trim domestic product to some extent it is costly. Quantities oi` lard are being sold in the United `States for soap grease. It is a ser- ious mistake to think that the dom- estic market is not as exacting as the export market. lt is the same .hog that is wanted for both mar- ] kets. `III-..... v\ [rub-vuuluuv A'\uv rl.u.lA.- \\u-inns A series of messages is being sent out by the Packers` industrial Council to their customers. The first of these appears below. On page 2. in a letter to the Editor. the general manager of the First Co-operative Packers of Ontario_ Limited. dis- cusses the question of rail grading of hogs which is dealt with in the following article from the Packers` Council. When a farmer or dealer brings in a hog weighing 200 lbs. and sells it alive at $7.50. he gets $15.00. On a dressed basis. at $10.00. it` it .yields 80 per cent... the hog is worth $16; if it yields 75 per cent. it is worth $15. and if it _\'l(`1dS 70 por cont. it is worth $1-L Thus_ a hog `properly reared and pl`0p(`!`l)' mar- keted may be worth $2 more than one improperly roared or impro- Ipcrly marketed. On the dromod basis the farmer gets paid for do- inu n nnnd inh l)d-Vl.` IHC ld|Ill('l ing a good job. ?FRED W.}GRANT i REVISITS HERE; | w , n uyx :1 l"'I`hey say it is the lungcst tra\'vlin[.- ,ticket ever sold in the world I'm `going to the four cm'nm:< ml the it-ontinont and on a lot of such` trips! gm-sides. I don't know how lung 1! .will be awa_v. It all depends upunl !tho people I meet and how I like I .. |..'.. ....... A.` -nu. yu-\.u.a A \.rllI cu. We envied him. On his xvay to .where he liked. with time and mun- loy no object. `Pk- A nnn .. ._. nu K-.4`;-i The ticket cm'crod 26.000 lllll('S -if traveling by bus. all the traveling tn be in daylight. ll Hvro it Is." he said. pulling it frnm his wallet. "It is 12 foot lung and the agent tells me it is thv lung- iost traveling ticket that has ever been issued. l 'T`hnnn" 5-... K"\;tJ ue-on xssueu. > These-." he said. "are trips off the main routvs." `r-r<\du(`ed nnnthvr bulky wickets` I "can... n... ...:c.. .:;...a I 3.. = uciceis. ,_ 1 Since my wife died l have done 8 lot 0! traveling." Fred said. "I ` traveled 32.000 miles in the last year or two. I've visited 41`: i.t the (Continued from Page 1) -18 states of the United States. Afraid of Germany ' through Mexico and through 5 of I mink the Italian peopltL-that the nine Canadian proviiices. I've 1g_ distinct from the regime -- are been all through Yoseniite and \'<-l- dgxfinitclv pm.British," he declar- lowstone Parks. l`\`e climbed P.`.<:-`s ed --1 a1'_\.1, 11111111 1119}. 31-9 1191111119. ll-`eak. the Statue of l.itiei't_\' and ihe11`. m111_G(.1.man. because 11,wy {W1 :w5h.""-l"" M``"'````'` *" ii an unnatural alliance. They don't i Fred had his grip in his l`.ai.i-1 mid 111. 11. prmwh so .011 h(\(`;]11S(\ iuxis on his way to the Vniicxiii-:~:~l1hm, {W1 me). have a g,-19`-am-,. thoat 21: we were talkiiig. so this ll\l`l , .' . , ~- , agaiiist thun. ;."'a>s.`:`.`ke`.i ""1 `m .m.`` H" m.m` "'I`he_\' are afraid of C3(`I'l1lRll,"-H ham 1m"dNm'`\" H `S " Nd `Mb was his significant comment. [for any normal min to keep pzu't`| , . .1 -d h 11, 111 1 with this traveling giant's greziti nmwr Lmgsand Sm 9 (mg strides and tailk at the saine tiinc.'~mm ":0 ""`q_.:11`RrltZO1?f1`h.;:h3fm::: 1but I gathered that Fred is ll"l`.'t`l-:pe0.p_h 3 .' `h. uS1`L`_"N` ht; gag ing the ideal way. Dates ll\(`dl\ ll(|< "W" mm` m `m `a'j`. 1 , `thing. Time uni) Counts when it vs mvugm l.aw and ord mm '1 I a matter of 1! bus starting. and then `'`|``.`'- 'H*` V135 C3P`U1`d l*`E` not much because if it presses he '`3`"`"_ M m9 people _"_lOn at can .811 um" 11, next da_\._ anyone since the Caesars. he Sta - As he travels these 26.000 rniles d- _ . .1he is as tree as a bird. freer then The young priest expressed his _ ` if he were dl`l\'lll his own (`.l:' on ,tli`i`ai liking: for the Italian people the niarvelous trip for he has ii-r"'ni." RN` 3' fi`"1." Di-iplt`. he said " Cares of drivintl iii` wni*i'.\' of mi`."'l`li<`y low` their homes imd their E.trouble. lt some tIllh{`l`dldt`(l >`Piiili`liildi`eii. and l don't b(`llt`\'t H10)` 1 Eoff the tourist guide books a<)p1,`>t`;llS'iil`t` wartike at all. " _ to him he can stop there and con-| 1J1\vmg smug-31-d Low `tlllllt h'.\' )i`lil`llP_\' tht` next "`l:i}` 1 (_~1,1n1n,_tn11ng on ,-0n(\111- condi- ; He \\'l me tin spots all `--u":s`s` ` ii ins. Father Cl'O&\`l declared `see. but Fwd. and he is the kind -it'},ha1 ,m_0m_1)()o 1,9,,1,11. 111.1. m 1. "ldll who \\ lll. llll_\` find ;-ti.il \`.\ of _.1,u1m.\. 1111111. in namm1 11,51,111-1.15 `other imerestiiii: siviall tn.\:~.,: .m:i` md 1',1.1.u1.m1_. 1155 _\-pace than iiitri*est..i_; \'illm:es and son; -m.,r-' ls`\u.`1,,-11 0-maa, "11 is 3 m1,-,1C11. .. . ' y . C II . `_ 1 V` H I \\.l.\ izniiu. tn .~.i_\ that \\ itli ..i..'. ll 11111, Hwy 1_\.1_1_(_xN_ he Smd r1-111,. `"7"',`I"1'7"""?' "f,h`s hr V1,D.'\.`:\>l}\ll\'lal`t`l ur living is low and thq._\. H1dttll8.\ to lUllH.ll|l us .i ii.-ix 11? m L___\_1,1.1)._S11.11.111. 1,,,m111,.,1,_,1 work for the rest of his lii`- out I ' V-.. _ -. '-[|- h-a\'\'_ in hi`! am in1.m`d to think th.it ?llt' `\b`Nid-:` I`j\f 111*, .\l1l;\)_1;\(,1 R: 111", \.1.1.\.`m_ 1ei".iisi r.n.~ l-`red in Us izrip ind ii` i '-`H mu L` ` ' inn . l |lHlll HIV _]|`lH lll`_V' Int` HPKI ']l_\'. 1 wnll su u spnts all `M kn umm '1. ;-rm": juther intoresting small -mlrrest..1g vlllagvs `tn ' I u':x\` nninn Qn saw that \\-Hh `J1 lIlll`|`.'s`Kul \'lIId}:(' iIll(] .\(`lIl' ` going say that with :1 i tontivc mvmory of his he "1 `materials vnmimw his ! for rvst me to think that Hu- ivrlusl ha: In Us : 1 w m --rth or twn aftvr his re` `will vnsualize the lure wk` .2.` `road -.";1il1 und gr` nff In 6 I. lvnc c'.r.;frw mum Since 1932 the value of the Bri- tish market to hog producers has been very great. We have 21 mar- ket (or 280000.000 lbs. of bacon each year. To realize its best po`xbl1- lties we must produce steadily and evenly throughout the year hogs of the qualities and weights that will, meet the requirements. un..._ Al... .....I:.... -4` I..." .o....A;...u` ors haw` gone back K R Parkhurst. Wa spent thi` we-o.`kr`m*1 Mrs J. Parkhurst Mr: Will .'h:u1 3 Mrs J. rarxnursx Mrs Will Wham, : daughter Mar_\'mL I spent the past \m\*k V Maud. (Cmztinu;c`i`!;cr`1` Page 1) 93' M DVD!` sold in tho wn-~ld Yn BELLE EWART I It it 1 (I l'|ll `ll|I'AI t `Jun re- : will hnvn 9 li'e`I'in`,\`i life. but I hat Hm \\ and- pzrip :*2~.d nut rwuvn ha " 0 uh!` on-1.] If on uIm'l1~r I 1 l l\lI >111!` | " and ht` wad of nppeals` 1" " .3, con- _\ _ Cm ..urEs`..< nuns. mud 4`! that W95 "tr spun` ._: and and ~m(`.1'.-`v | Sou Tomowfoes And Corn Are` Feature Mart Vegetables New Honey ls Offered Barrio market trading was very brisk iast Saturday. Featuring sales in vegetables were tomatoes and corn. Buying was steady most of the morning. Tomatoes were bring- ing 30c for six-quart basket, and corn dropped five cents in the week to 15 per dozen. Nn nrinn ohanxzox were recorded W111 ltll xvnuuuo ; (`NE WILSON FLY PAD (20.. Hamilton. 011. -----L_______-.__.-- (0 we aozen. No price changes were recorded in the produce. but eggs. butter and chickens sold well. Mn... nnOoh\no uynv-n liatm-l no l cnlcxens som wen. New potatoes were listed at St per bag but vendors reported a slow sale. The market was given a touch of beauty with the many vases 0! fresh gladioli on the tables. Sales were good at 25-300 per dozen. Anntnu Vnllnw 'I`rnnsnar0nt and goon an za-we per uuzvn. Apples. Yellow Transparent Duchess. were another popular fea- ture. Thinxblobcrries and muskmel- ons also were in demand on the fruit counters. 'l"s..\ ta.-o l\' H. 1020 hnnnv nrnn xrun counu.-rs. The first of the 1939 honey crop was at hand and the demand was good. Quality was excellent but l`t`p01`tS are tho crop will be some- what light. It was selling at 45 per 4-pound tin. Vmzotalalvs String Beans. 6 qts. ........ .. New Beets 3 13.11 Cabbagt`. hoad Carrots. 3 bunches Celery. head . Cmnliflower. head .. Cucumbors ............. .. Vegetable Marrow Groen peppers Lettuce. bunch ............... .. Green Onions. 3 bunches New Potatoes. bag ........ 44 New Potatoes. 6 qts` ....... .. New 'I`0rnatnos_ 6 qts. Rndlshos. 3 bunches ....... .. Rhubarb. 3 bunches Corn on cub. doz` gn:___n._ l\'llbL'CllllllL'l .`\pp1(`S . ........ .. Blueberries . qt. Cut Flowers. bunch Raspberries. 2 qts. 'I`hin1bl(~borries. pint Cnntaluupo. each l'lUUlJ\;I: Butter. lb. ................ -4 Duck: lb. . ................. .. Fowl. lb. iI`ulIets' Eggs. dnzc . ispring Chickens. lb. Baking `Quinn plnwnn Eggs. dozen `. .. I. Danni; Buns. dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cakes, each Douglmuts. dozen .. Homemade Bread, loa Moat Pics. each ...... .. .. Muffins. dozen ............... .. Dine nnrh lVI\IllIll. UULC` Pics. each i'I`arts. dozen luusv. When the policy of hug grading`! was adopted at tho gonerzil confer-' once in 1921 a large pcrceniage of producers and dealers did not be- lieve in it. Time. hnwtwc-r. justi-, Had the action. Grading gave de- finite direction to hug production. When rail grading was introduced certain interests that had opposed` live grading suddenly endnrsed it and opposed rail grading. In the course of timo they became a small- er and smaller minority. n..__ ::....4 ..LL.._Ii.. ..|..\..l.l L... pal %IT1U[fA1\T_ 5 ANTI-GERMAN 1 PRO-BRITISH I) | "I distinct definitely I also dc-finitr |l_v `ii liikv well Ithvy them." I "Tlu-\' arr` afraid n( German,v."| |\\-as ms sxgnmcam (`0mnu'In. said he thought ulhat the` vast majority of the Italian ipooplo are with Mussolini '1"h9_v put `Ihoir in him because he has law order into the` muntry. the im- agmatnon more than since Caesars." stat- A `XIII I .` tmnly war " "WIL 1 m st. -` Do Not Want War ; Father (`r0& said education [is pmgressmg in Italy. particularly ll) the south and in Sicily. The sp1r- 5 it of peace prevails. "The Italian people do not want war," he declar- ed '`The_\' are a devout. peace-lov- mg pwplc and they abhor the !thought of hostilities even as we dn! hero xn Canada." ' The` friendlinegxs` nf Italians \\'a.~ .......n..... ..L....~~..-Q.-icnn u-hirn hn. anutncr L`I1`dlaclL'n.\uL wuuu Au pressed Father Crosslnnd as a ten pt`l'IH`)' resident. "You cannot he] but hkv them." he explained. "ar lhmr kilxdness and be`nevnlenco ` _.|__.._.. ... ....-.~o ....u..kIn Dan:-n Ic nu M iscellancous | `Vegetables ,_ n -1, Produce RHCOUS mh cu |\.nu.| auuuun -u--u...... l, Our first obj:-otiw should be to produce hugs thu: will give Wilt- shlre sides at A grurlr. No. 1 so- lection. weighing from 55 to 65 lbs. If a side of bacon weighs 54 lbs. or less. or if it wmghs 66 lbs. or` more, it sells in F,n;:l.'md at a low- er price. Undvr the s_vst(`n1 of live sale. hogs xvoro hv;`ing delivered. yielding all thv way (mm 70 per cent. to 84 pl`l' re-nt. Thus. hogs tha: weight-cl 2150 lbs. uliw might yield` carcasses wrighim: from 161 lbs. to 193 '!bs`. m-om-(lung: tn the way they had been rmu'Nl nr u('(`m'ding to how full of fovd llw_v were or who- ther thvy w0r(,- (`ll`IDl_\' whon weigh- ..A H 2. hr-:1 u-niuhsvl nlivr` 190 lbs. K'lIK'\lIICII5K ' '. Peace is cw populace. n- .i7\J .n 20c ` 25-30 25-30c .. Jl 100 $1.00 . 200 30c 10c 10c ISL` 25c L 100 r-100 100 ` ' 150 5-20 , 25` . 750 S-206 . 25c 18c 5-101` 25 . 25c 3-200 3-130? 20c _ 3-'.!.'\(` ARMS M.~\ll-JK (`unu-.3 rum mu Eugvm` Schnvidvr. 70-_\'\`:u`-old French arms mzmufzu-1.\|ror. urrivx-d in Canada x'ovvml_\' on tho l~211u\1\\.~'.~` of Britain puroly. hv claimed. "fur sumo fishingz." Recon! ropnrts frnn. Paris indimlvd that [US huge firms were cuntmnpl.-mm: (`\l\Sll`ll(`H0ll ul arms plzmls sulm`\\'h\`I`(` in Quvlwc I\I'|\\ i nnn ther HIP) {`H`ID(_\' wnon wrigh- ed. If a hm: Vvoigin`d_ ulivo. 190 lbs. it might yield a (`m`('nss weighing 133 lbs. nr :1 (':il`(';1s.< woimiing 160 lbs. The` vurcass wt-'u:hiu[: 133 lbs. was lno light, ihv ('zu`('ass weigh-` ing 193 lbs. was much too hc-avyni an pl'0\' i nco. nuruvvinn u.-. \v| ... IV` Live {axes of 31" kinds and mart- (`us :lI`(` iiruliibilvd fmni being ox- pnrtvd from N0l`\\':l_\`. On l"(`bI`i1:ii`)' 10. 1939, :1 fn1`l1\(`l' Nni'\\'ogi:m Gm`- oriiiiivm nrdvr prohibiting thv (`A- , pm`! from N(\l`\\`(l)` of bluo and , fnxos was l`.\1l`ll(`l(`(`l to include gill _ kinds. NOR':\Y I-IXl`0R'l'.\' N0 l~"().\'FS TEE BAIIRIE EXAMINER. IARRII. ON`!'., CANADA lyiwil YOU GET IT ALL Rvadcrs of The Barrie Exzuniner Rot ALI. the news for Barrie and District. $2.00 and worth more. `MISS BARBIE ISCROWNED FOR THIS YEAR ,Continued from page one) anmzod the crowd with llwir mn- tnrtiuns nn 1-ecoivvd 1: big hand from the crowd. `!`luru_lny. August 24. 19 .31 ux-nu uu. \..un \|. Midway Pnpulur Tlu` Midway did it luudoffli-0 business both nights and t`\'l`l`-p0pll- lar bingo still retains its huld un the public. especially tllnsu uf lhv tairer sex. it was indlcntod. The H`- treslnncnt booth was also very pop- ular. and other gnmcs ulsu drew large crowds continually both oven- lhgs. nn_........|. 5|... I.:n.l.....-. ..r rm.~ nnul 5:. Through the kindness (If Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eaton. Entnn's llemily SRIOII. Post Office Squaw`, was used by the partteipunts in the lleiunty Contest prior to their nppenrnm-e on the stage in front of the (`.N.ll. Station each evening. Aquatic Sports Aquntie sports preee(lim,: the ear- nivnl each evening. were an new fen- ture this year, and lIul'lI(`ll`(l hun- dreds of people t`tl(`Il night. pmwd lining the wuterfrmit from Bnyeld St. Wharf lo Cnrle_\"s bout lmuse. The innovation proved very popular and will likely be contin- ued next year at the Lions` slimv. George Fricke. .112. George l(igl\t- ley. and Clare 1`:/lill. mnusvtl the crowd with tests of tttlllllplillllll, skill, and an mm\tenr" sliuw war.` the ` Fine And com or $25.32 For Having Beer In Car Jnsoph Hurnni. age 29. Ruhinsnn SL. 'I`urnnln_ was fined $10 nnd costs amounting in nll to $26.35 in magis- lrulv`s court Snturduy morning on u churgv of hnving boot Illegally. Thn nlnnrun mg Inirl hv Prnvinciul cnurgv m nnvxng Door meguuy. The Charm` wus laid by Provincial Cunstnblo Peters. Elmvnlo. `who on S(`lll`(`hi|l[.{ Bm`nni's cur nl Orr Luke. Aug. 5. fuund n purtjnlly consumed vnsv nf burr. '1`hv uccusod ndmmod mvlwrship. Rn:-uni in hi: :h\fnI\t`I\, stnled Hull uWn(`l'Shlp. Buruni. in his defence. stated ho had [won invited lu visit friends at Orr l..nkv but on urrlving there was told tho cnungo was sum in the pnssossim\ uf tho previous tmmnts und that hv would hnvv to sloop ln thv cm`. H wns nftor that. he told tho court. that the bum` was (`un- sumod. ______.L.... ._.._. VERY l`()l'Ul.Al! 'l`|u- Barrio I-`.xmnin(-r curried 28.- 450 lines uf Cln.~:sifi(`d Advmjlislng in 1938. with am uvvrugv n! 10!) ud- lvls pvr issue. Rt-sults huvv done it. ._.____gn____.__ l ----~-a LEARN Wlllilll-I T0 (10 Pvuplo mnurnlly luok in The Ex- umin(\r'2: (`nming Events." fur (l`\;,~:: of dances. sumwrs. vtv. In I038 Tho 1-`.xumim\r 1-urrivd 2479 line-s M this class of ml\'(-rtisimx. I stugod by John Dymcnt and Roy Smith, tlw Inrmvr staying "out" for thrt-o mlm1t(~.<. Motor launches oper- utvd by Gvorgv Wright nml Cnrman l)utlcr_v pn1'li(-ipntotl in these (`\ N\lS. l`nnn1\ tilvim-: nl.- nrnvvd n lJ(IllCl`_V pul'u('1pnu`(I In uIL':m vcvvunm. Canoe lilng ul.- prnvvd ('rn\vd'-plvzlsw. Tlxusv inking purl bring Wnltvr Cmnlls, Bill Norman und ulhcrs. Thu nquntiv spurts were in (-hnrgv nt Bill Garner. mxns OFF -'IN-!!19_ 0 You'll love its rich. longv Intlng avor. And It's so good for you --l\e|pn keep your teeth bright and your smile attrac- tive. Chow it after every mall! _.crff\ Subscribe for The Examiner. 6?! some roomy '~3_i__@INS~ emu: . WITHOUT 1 scounmcg