Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1939, p. 13

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One cent a word, cash,-each inser- tion. {minimum chaxjge, 25c). live insertions {or the price of tour. 25: extra if not paid within five days 01 date of issue; also 10c extra whet replies are directed to The Examin- In-, Sfnrn or business advertising 1 l ll-`OR SALE-W936 Intvrnational 1`-'- I ton slakv truck. good rvmir. pm--.~ right. Apply W. M I)inwnor*_v. lBRl`I'lL`. 2537 4-WHEEL TRAILER for sulv. 192 Essa Road. Allzmdalv. .-_.:_-.---T..T_. I931 L)UL)Lil:. br.L1.~\N mr su vntely owned. excellent ow 3 brand new tirvs and now I ` Bargain for quick salv. 1110.}. 1931 DODGE SEDAN for $1111`. \.-nfnlv nu-nnrl vxm`ll`l\l vnndi IFOR SALI-1~-l935 Chovmlot Ma I coach. A1 condition; also 18 u-. . .. hi ah nl'(`sSl1l`1` st 0a m cm: | suPEh-1.;\s'1'1g ': Corner Uuulup streets. 2\ssocuu.c Tire Corporntioxx. snln ..l x:\.lul0z'l|t . l.`\Il\I OIIIJIJI (lny you my I: In Tho Eumlmr) coach. Al conunmn: msn scum high pressure swam "Mus \Nxlirc L)0LnCx. rx.l~-. rus Dunn. n-l|r.:Z ROOMS AND BOARD 11:11 you an ll In Thu Enmlnnrl AGENTS WANTED in... nu -nu: II In `u Sunmlnnl FARM HELP WANTED. some ex- ggirlence preferred: Percy Kennard. ornton, Phone 9r22, Ivy. . 25p FOR SALE ml nnh It In TIII `II AlIT0M0l'!ilA.l:Z:%.- n nu. ll In Th: Iuamlm BASKET and s(".'oon Quebec heater: sov- nf stove pipe and ahonc 12731`. 2511 SEDAN pri- condition. Iraq and now hntt|\r\' 1111!; xJ.`\LaDO ` " J and Mulmslm`; 0 dealer (,`an.nm5m 1. All murcnandlsu - pl`lI v . -hm: uu`n1.~ I237 'on(1umn. ' battN`_\'. Phonv 25x Masior 11.1). on m` no engine 1;. Rar- .-I and 25p COOK WANTED for children's in- stlmtlon. wages $36 month. Apply Box D". `Barrie Examiner 25p v I ` l of?` El FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (nu um um It In `the Enmlnerr `. 25p with Ap- 3-39: FARM TO RENT OR SHARE~-100' acres hay to cut_ share; some whom in, good chance for experionc-ed farmer. John Montgomery. Sunni-. dale Road and Crows Cm'nr31's. 25p SIX-RU()Ml1i1) BRICK H sale: Modern, all con` west of Queen's Pal <:r>.-zsinn :mv time. Terms ru west 01' Queen s 1`?! session any time. 1 to wind-up estate. Ph Barrie. BARRED ROCK PULLE'I'S fox-R sale, 4 months old. W. J. Patterson. |Allandale. Phone 634rl3. 25!) summon. :5;m momn. Box D". Examiner 30 BROWN LEUHUKN l`UL4l_.J:.l.`s for sale. 11 months old: also 1. ) White Wyandottes, 1 year old. 'l'e|o- phone Stroud 211'23. 25h O'I"l`AWAY`S POULTRY FARM rm I bred-to-lay Barred Rock. blood-`Q? tested, baby chicks. Every cgg`f1`0n1. our own flock. rcduclion on ml-f Vance orders. Custom hatching.I Phone '739J. 9lfb! I 30 BROWN LEGHORN PULLE'l`.`s` fnr unln 1| month.-4 nld: 15 I FOR SALE -- Brod-to-lay Barred! Rocks and trap-nested White Log-1 horns. bred to R.O.P. and Approv-: ed cockorcls; Rock-Hmnpshiro cross. Kelly Chick Hatchery. 6.5 Clappcrtnn SL. Phonv 910J. 24-2.`-1p | Phone 9l0J. 24-Zhpi [FOR RENT --~ 4-rnmnen ILll`nlSlIl`u , , con: g- :1 M'm-tin: Point. near watenj. BARRFID ROCK CHICKS C'0d| l'{yd`m(, l:~'(:|'<`(|'l1('rl vr-rzmdah. Phone for mom, an_r! eggs. I"nu1'1ecn yt-{Irs 1112;; 0,. nmy 23;; Bayfield st, 2513 of blood testing and govormnvnt m~ _.__..___'::--------- spection. All chicks sold are l1atchr~.cl Gr-:()R(`}[AN BAY, Donnlna Bench. Om GEES laid by my OWN (Wk r('::tricl(-zl. . finv wonrlnrl Junrr (`hicks_ 9 ctmts: 2 WI"(`kS old.` hats. l`(*;|::(lllIbl(` L-nll;u_:re:: for rr-nt: 13 cents. Tom Kenny, Shanty Hay.` .'u|rl_v l_wu('l\. SHIP lmthing, fishing: |Onl. 'Ilfb1 zznosl :I('<'rnnmmlnlinn. Apply Gmrflt` ---------i ----- V-vw?-- _:::V?i(-h:1r(I. AIl(-nwu(_y(L 24-ZED` CLYDESDALE MARE in foal. fnri s'nl(!. Bill Jnhnsmn. on A. Baldwin's `Farm. Le-frny. Ont. `).5pI ROAN MARE for sale. 5 years old.` bl'('d. Phone Barrio 604r1'2.. 25p FOUR YOUNG SOWS their littcrs_ 10 days old. 1'0 Phone Strmld 2lr23. CHEAP wom-< MARE for exchange for weaned pigs. Roy 1.inn, Ivy. Phnne 10115. - I ll YOUNG PIGS fnr snfo lY0l'k-5 shire). 7 weeks old. Vivian Sriglvv. Sunnidalc Corners. R.R. I Stnym-I`. Ont. '35}: ` - \ GIRL WANTED for general house,- work, b July 1, sleep out. Ap 13 ' '7', 55b Bo$_"K Barrie Examiner. ` . T SOW AND 12 YOUNG PIGS. 3! woe_k:: old. for sale: also ynungi calves wanted. Keith Crmstablv. Cmigvale. 25p - WE BUY live and (lros. s:pI`imI`i.` rnnslors and fowl. Hi;.'h1~::l pri<-o.<] paid. Maplo 1:-nfPnult1'y Fawn.` Phone Ba'r1'i(- "6 512"). 25-.'Mp` _ _________ I won SAI.[`.-~F`inc mm gt'o_v Pm--1 choron golding; risim: fmxr yvnr.-ct n.'n'ticulm'ly suited fur bread on; milk dt-livt-ry. Mm`I'izIn1 l\/1ntrn`... Phmw 40!. 25h SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOME. for: nln- Mnrlnrn all c-nnvoniences. FOR SALE -2 1 rrmmral nnrnr`: FOR SALE -1 . good. farm vmnrmz; I; general purpvso n1:n'u: 3 .frosh> r!hws';' 2 calves; 9 pins. chunks; 2] good brood sows. Apply on 7th` Lino Vospra. vnrnvr of Townlinc.| 1 milo wvst of Allnndulv. Plunwl 61lrl2. _ 25p} AI`/\R'l`M1"`.N'1` ` lior S1,. Phmw TO LET Innnt 5 l`! no `u`-`5 2\L.`l{l:JS MUHE OR LESS. in tin`: `.`-1 `Cmwyoruuuu m Tm.` l'uwn uf b'nrriv.1 '-'1f&Cll\g Lmcwo mm `romnm 51.. ~ , kno,wn as mv Hubnort L-jsvavrx would "COI\s1m`I` 0.\`cnalu.-.0 ml` Urlllla pI'l` fill pvrty. For Iurllwr pnI'licuIar.~' ap- lse my to (`:cm'5;- |'H`:e`vI a :2 Alb-`rt lfh .51. mu-.. :3-zap. -- u HRILTK HOUSIH fur n-nt on B/'lz1plv'; Aw`. AKIN)` John Sz|:m's [*`1`ui1` Stun`. I 2::m. CCDUNTER GIRL WANTED fdr Whdnnsdnvx. SM.-urdnvs nnd Sun- TU L.t:.'1 -~ Lxrnunn Imml. 5 r(mn1s. hut w: Apply 116 Bn_vfi'ld St. /\I AR'I`MTs`.N I' WITH BATH in rvnt; sink in kilvlwn; private onlr:nwv. $10.00 pm` mumh; alsn bv.-rlrnum. with or without bnurd. Mrs, ( l)unn_ 57 Dlllllnp St. 3 :3: I) HUUDI`. IO! rt 1}` (lvcnratod thrmuthum, wnccs. Apply I6 l":u`k S1. 3ROOI\/TED HOUSE for rent. H-`W Iv rlnr-m-nlnrl Hu'nnx'hunl `(I|\\'l`l`.- FURNISIIEIW HOUSE for n . .-hninn Ynr~:IIH\' N l"l.|l(Nl>-lu'.LI H\,lL|Bl'. am". (`lmivv l .*\\'nilz\hle` nuw. .`\l.\'n Hmumu nH rnn\'a`ni<~n(': hum:-.-. all (-nn\'m1|<~n(':~.<. nvmuu July I. W. C Now Rrmlly Ot'l'iL'v, Dunlap St._ Phnnv 63. `J 1" )R RENT in 'L`,hm'ntm\. ml 1{ig:h- way `.37. mm` milx-:2 from B:n'riv.\ 'l`l1-l'(`(\I11l`d housv with rmmim: suft \\'uh`r in bulhrnum and kmrhvn. <`.zn'(lm1. stablv and gumgo. Apply L` j A. l,.a\vrmu-v. `.260 Irving 1\\'vmu`.` ()ttuw:1. om. 3.4-231!` [.O'I` nir-n now, \(`|' CCQUNTER GIRL WAN'1'r;L) ror Wbdnesdays, Sat-urda s nnd Sun- da `s. _ Apply Puvi ion. Mlnetfs Po ng. _._. , "V 25_b '7 -ROOMED good North vnnsirlvr (`X1 7-R()UlVIl'}U HUUhl'. 101` Sun` In 'I`m`uuto location. Will t`X1`hiIlH.!l` for hnusv in Barrie`. Apply Bnx `l". Bzlrrlv [<'.xnm- . invr `_2;3p 6-RO0MF.D RRICK HOUSE`. (`of salt`. `.2 hlnvks from Fivv Pmnts or wuuld vxvlmzuuz" for small ;u`1'-vanv (`I050 to town. Apply Box "0". Rar- rin I-}x:unim`l` '.!!'\-'.!tip! LIVE s'i'ocK FOR SAl:l;1 tam: vnu saw It In `flu Elamlnar) (`I\\.\`(` I0 [0\\`l\. no I-`.xzunun~r T-ROOMED I -RICK HUU51-7 (or 5.110. well built. good bnsmmwnx. all`; cnn\'vnioI1('o.<. douhlv garage. m`~` mom smblv. Iurgv Int. Oxvnor. 1`-"x "M". Examinvr. 25p ` V FOR S."\LE--Snutrt new T-mmm`d or-`.\ brick hnusvin Nvw Lowvll. full sizvd basoxnom, gnnd sunrmm. hardwnod floors thrnuglxuut. vlm'~ tric light and wutvr. good hnnw fur retiring fnrxnor. Price $1.800. .>\p}\l_\" Mrs. A. B. Coutts. Box 158. Barrio Pi). 25-29b -ROO'MT".D ERICK HOUSE :-1|. uu-H lmilt mmrl h:1,~`mnm1X, 1-nox4i:iT`i7T-iii? .'Ai;[ (In vnu um: I: In The Eumlnov) PROPERTY TO LET nu. -mu Inn: II In Thu Exnmlnn) W'0Nl`$l'N.'COUK" `wanted 1or- up-._ Bay Point Hotel. Write or honr C.` Grant, Big Buy Print. hone 28r2. Stroud. 251: BABY CHICKS nu uni: -aw II In Thu Fuxuulm , , A ' FOR SALE--60 n. by 13-: n.;m noigzhburhood. Stan`! t- build .v . finish interim` as v-wld Wm- 1-nnunx` l\'h--< (`rng\\'u'kv 35313 " r HED rvnt. ;.;n`- ; nivv rvu. i 1' .`\l.\'u ti-n-muwri , IH (-nn\'m1i<~m':~.<. nvnilublri M F` Hnu< Rnznllv (7l'l'il'(' 3]; nx hm \\':1lm' l11`;IUllL' Grnunrl flour .'\p:|rI~ .___j..___ ` 1 good. farm Ii wsv HOUSE for Sal 'I`nI'nnh\ 101'}! I inn ---_ \ RENT, 90 CHI 25h`; C0l'1V(3l1|I`|(.'5'. Park. Pos- ms reasonable. Phone 1124. blur! in I` Cl`:`.<\\'I(`kv for salt-. 25b C. uram. 5: 26r2, Stroud. -..jj.__ sulu or Apply ! ll` ap:u'I- h(`E|UlI;.{. 25h] 2111!? _ 7 1.. 1 VVHY SUFVER VVTT] I'`" I I`sm`i;1: EI`)'tl1(~111al. N"'|(`lmp:=. Hull."-. I lmplu.< "d` w(l'l11. 1-t(".` Try [{l(`(`l't lbrl"` 'h~;|lmLI S:I1\'v"_ ;'10(': "',,,'," .*Mc*(l'1um zn1d. I "b `_ nnrl snlrl by all Dru uh_ ` Sim 1`.~. `TOMATO PL .quantity lots. or bedding pl Cook and C0 365.}. i H . . E[.aEC'I'RTC MOTOR LOST n-nnninsvhrmrrl nf cm`. betwt-on EIJEC']`RlL' MU" runningbn;n`(l of rio and Camp Br ity of Fvrnclnle). ify Exarnimrr of! SUM OF Barrie anr \unn'< Marl us. mnc Frank 1 1262.1. 1 FARM FOR SALE~9E K u-nu]: hnrcn imnlon GIRLS-WANTED to wait on table and do general work; non-smokers State age. experience. wages_ -r Box 4. Wasaga Beach. 25 cows. nm tonls. hm` Sh(-rlook. I T.- BUSH IR (`nu 1:5, gun. I; hvmlm-k a R R Rlm I SEED _________:_:____{__ BUCKWHEAT my 5211!`. good, CW .<(-ed. Apply 10 Eldon Wlce. btrmld. Phmur 1412-2. 25!) st-cu. Apply 1r. Phone ` 10 ACRES RED CLOVER HAY. 7 ::(:rv:< nlfnlfn. for salc-. stzmcling. Ap- , ply Wm. Agar. Cnokstnwn. 25p . ` `- I V . .v ._. ` (FOR SALE---6 act?-:4 mixed hay; 1, usingcr ::(!win{.{ machine: 1 small idre:<.s`m': 200 field tile. 3". Apply 91 | Y-I :-nrv Fd 25p | | lOR RENT 4-rnn`rned furn1.=;hPd I-nHuI:1n :11 Min:-I`: Pmnt. near water. _________:____________ `GT-I()R( }IAN `r(`:;tricl(-zl. svcluszivc. lluts. ' ':mrl_v lwuclu. : 1 I Ri(-hnr.I.< Al lc-nwoucl. 24-Zpi FARMHAND WANTED texperi encd).' or four or five months cod wages. W. N. Nevc. Barrie, .R'. 1, Phone 9031-I2. V 25;: cents I! harged). Classified .,auvzs'_ ncce table`; u to ten o'clock on ~ W NESDA NIGH-'1`. But hdlets will be accepted up to nine o'clock Thursday morning, to be run on the same page, under the heading. `Too Late to Classify." `DRY BODY WOOD for :~'a|r'. N0. .1 Maple: also liml) wtmrl. Camp slnvt far .*:ul(-. Apply Bm'1'i(- Examin- Pl`. 255) I SUMMER WOOD BARGAINS 4 (f`.hnivr- mixvd stnfl wood. only $2.75 pm` Innfl: maple limlwvnnd, $3.752. lmclyxvnnrl. $4.25. Olivvr Cm`:<.m.| Phnm` I-H3, B:u'rit'. 25-29p! * I SW/\N'S TAXI ~- L -1-hmxr servicn. ` l`lmno l0'il. 25b _j.______.______ 1 nrnrrmrv \\ (II'K: : :41 IN ` H1Illk Hn\w~s;, 82 Cum! tAH:mdalv. I`h0m\ 95W. PLANTS AND nllnv vnu uni: II. In TI -i---j----j----` mums IN sn.1< Hosr-: mmm_ed.' ;Mail m_'dz~rs tu Mrs. Geo. Money. I R.R. 2. Utopia. ,2bb 1 lnl`. SMITH, C/\RPEN'I'F.`R.. `nm1.'; . rrlnmrs. (-1('. 9 High 1P-:n'rn~, Phone 944. mm-tings. ~lc.. for -Kala Of[I(.'(`. Szlvvs work I-Huh: PAPER for lub|r`s (I1 FOR PAINTING and pEl]3(`I'hIl1ginE.]; zrw A. Miller, 59 M('Dnnuld St,_ or` ,I"hnnr- 510.1. Wnrk rlmw in town or `=('tvtIIn1'y. ~ ` 21-2515. 1 ; 1 ` ` `WOOD SAWING. Tv cord. or Srl Ivnrd for lhnsv slxpplying he-lp. An-- `nly Arlhur Smith. 73 Dundonald N SL. Harri!-, 25;): x -:-------------:-:T------ FARMHAND WANTED Immediate- ly`. fully `experienced. State" wages and experience. Personal npolica` tlons referred. Norman M. Camu- bell`. uthrie. 25p In & n. MONGER---Carpentry con~ zlr:u:tnr.<. r<~p;uirr:. altvratinns. shim 1,.;nn;:. (-nl(zu.:t~.< bum; {mm-.<. build- `tinu (`llphn:u'ds. :1 . Fnr nu- [:in1atos. Phmw 625R. 25-29;) !l"I.AS'I'l".RlN(`- and |`<';I:Ii1' wnrk. \lH`;.l`l_V done: in town or nut. Rt`-' ,.xu'w flu-sn nld coilimzs; with nnw ?pu7.'/.n finish. any calm` or dcsi;:n:; v`nrnim~ wurk: nlsn hrick work} 3 ""'=mk (`muborlzmd SL. 3 *.A\H.'n1rl:)h~ |`hnm\ DSXV Hi-`)5h` NqT_|E TO CREDITORS: V1 U1" MUN rig and Al]; `s Machine Finder pleas nlr Qh:'n1k< `,Sl.:\l.F.D Tl-3NDI".RS will bo I`ecoi\'-` ;-`d by thv xuxdcwsigned up tn 1'3 `,'~`v1n<~k noun or Saturday the 24th `day at` Juno. AD 1939. for the pur- K vhnsv .1! all that portion of the V` cnrnvr of the cast half`, '\f IN .\":mlwr 25 In tho 4th Cnn" - I`ns\'inn nf {hr 'T`u\\'n nf F`.:<:| in |` SH LAND. 50 acrc~::. SE /4 1.01 Con. Ii. Issn. mostly maple, some I1(')('k and ulhc-r wonrls, Apply Dr. S. Blackslock, 968 St. Clair Ave. Toronto. 23-27b vo,v:nm--~ Nll!nl)1`I` mm 101` 1:.s ; The higlwst or any tondcr not ne- `cessarily accptvd. Ftmhm` particu- 'lars of sale may hv obtained on ap- plication 10 1ho`undorsigned. ' DATED at Barrio this 6th day of June .1\.D. I939. `, :\L.):))'\.>\NDER COWAN. Rnrrin Ontario. `sumim; bd'ri?K"'E- mm. um: um ll. In `rim Elnmlner) LOST_. lnu um: um FOR SALE BY TENDER v1 1' un on horse. hm`nr-545:. ru-1: Ilffin FARMS FOR SALE vs... um. um 11 In "nun Emmlnnri nder plea, Shank.-4.. Reward. ANADW 7. -V; (i0D Fbll um: um: nnw It In Thu Elmnlnar M1s(:m.1A1moUs aw mm mm M In Tim Exmnlnnr` rm: mnnm nxnnmgn. BARBIE, o1~_z'r..- CANADA WITH ECZEMA. sis. Pvrnphigtls. Mvnplc-.<. Itr-h. R`ing- . " Iilowvx "A Quirk I 50: $1.00; $200` nun nnrl Rn:-rnnn1r~I1dI'd| rn('s:~`. L HCH Uffingtnn_ GIRL WANTED. [6 or 17. `as moth- er's help in Barrie; 2 children Country girl preferred. Must b fond of children. Apply Box "G". Barrie Examiner. 25p _________j__ MONEY LOST belvs Id Allnndale and rhinc Shop, Friday, J ' plczasc communicate \ nanks... 13 Ross St._ P? vnnvrl PLANTS me (`nil n-: lJ1,AN'1'a - Ls. Call us f. plants. E. ' Codrington AND i"OUND Inm n m This Examlnon ` i'ii:Es6i}\'{ ) I-Enrrlml Kr le). Finder 1 office. Rm 01 car. D` a Bnrrlmu rm) Winrlm li`l'1El")m ALE--95`,4,- acr implements, . Cheap for `ngtnn, Ont. . . V `n--. . V..- l\-nrvb_v LIl\'t`n pursuant E ttve Act that all pvrsnns ~ ms .'u:uinst thv Estatn nf " .0 f.x'vv`vtt. lulu uf tlw Town f H ll1`.` (fuunty of Sinwnv. .| lcwt-a:~`('(l. wlm died on Or l lth (la:-' of lvlny. 1939. are tn svnd p:n`tl('ulal`s of :~ ntu tlw 1|nr.lvrsign( d OH in :mm clay of Juno. 1939. \ (lntr tlw r~.\'vvutnr.< will` tlw n.<. of the estate so entitle-d llwr9to_ hav- only to the claims of .' shall them have notice. lu`_\` \\'lll not be l'('sp0n- _v pmzknn fur the assets of wluusv vlzmns shall not he-I-n rv<'r~ivvd. .-\l.I-`.X.\NI)ER FOWAN. I-1xw`utnr's Snlivitnr. ltarrw. Ontarin. 1 10nd of Chlldrql}. v. ;1U(`: $l.UU; $z.ImA `1"<`I1!*. Rt"cnmm(`nd!`d Drug: and Dnnf. 33!) FLOWERS Th: Eunmlnlr) LUDL 1| . P. M Rnarl (vi der please I Reward. _________ Bargain in : for all flow- I. V. Babcock. n Sts., Phone "1`(')Ii A ! pi(!niI's_ tea-I - at Exmninor` and lnunrlnyx-[ `)..'Hf` iulsn LLUWAN. V B;u'riv., Ontaricxl l:Ixm-ulor, E.\`I.11_t`! A:1un~.< .1n..-:1.'P(`l . _-j.-. bet ween ` d John- mes, with g , wagon. cash. J. `2I_9.5n GIRL ovmn 18. assist hnncnurnn-Ir nlnin nnnlclnd nvml M 0f `Nui- 1 lint` In` Qi (`I:n`.. from Bar- winin- v1(-m- : not- 25x | 22-26p 1 aItera- Slrnol. ` l l"nr (.v..y~y 24-261) ` I1. J. ` l-25p [Id 51.. ` 16-25!), 'Ol|l'1. ` .ronto. GIRL UVISH Ix. as-nslt genergu housework. plnin cooking. Must be lean. quick and fond of children. 15.00 monthly. Good home for trustworthy person. 8 a_ '-full par- ticulars. 203 Geoffrc` V ' `t, Tn- . ~ I` 24-_-2b ,,..._..A.._.... H114` I0 Clar- V7111 Y1 wnrk , t. \ lcsugmz wnrk. 1 Under and by virtue of the powersl Hf sale contained in a certain mort- uagc-. which will be produced at thr'\ tumc of sale. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the` QITF`.F.N`S HOTEL. BARRIE. on} Inruvn 2.'Hf` QANTALQUPE ' SUNDAES 15c FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAES .................. .. 15c FRESH LIME 'son`As 10c Ice Cream Bricke 20c-Hctlf 10c Chocolate Drops .. 200 lb. Fruit Drops ..... 200 lb. Licorice Allsorts .. 250 lb. _ Jelly Beans .......... .. 17c lb. cums Aim PASTRIES LUNCI-I?A:'l`r I` BRYS ON S 22 ELIZABETH ST. Phone 39 x ,. TENDERS will be received by th`e .Lj1nrlr-rsigned u to 12 o`clock (noon); on Thursday. -une 29, 1939, for wig- ihg and lighting re uirements iv Barrie Public School. e lowest O!_` any tender not necessarily accept-" ?d. Specifications can be securegl {om .' fgdm 25h `TENDERS will be received by this undm'signed up to 12 o'clock (noon\ on Thursday. June 29. 1939. 91` piainting requirements in Ban-if: S'chnnl.<. The lowest or any teqdcf not nc-cossarily accepted. Spccifnca-s |t~'ion.< can be secured from 3 I A. H. FELT. sec'y.-Treasf.' 251 Barrie Board of Education; ._._ 31 or VALUABLE .REsmEN'nA1-.' PROPERTY IN THE TOWN o I : mxnmm IN THE COUNTY o_. 1 SIMCOE. I I ( YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN wish: es housewonggc in Barrie. Apply Box 'A". B2\`rrlr~_ Examiner. `!5p ..j__._:.,._........-..j.:..: 1Undvr and by virtue of the powett `Inf szule contained in a certain motif}; ::ag<-. which will be produced at the` time of sale. there will he offers for sale by Public Auction at the QUEENS HOTEL. ' BARRIE. oh iSATURDAY. JULY 15. 1939. at 12.15 o'clock p.m.. by P. A. Cough-I lin. Auctioneer. the following pro- `,pm'!_y_ namely: ' 1 That nart or lot, fourteen (14) on; `,peH_y_ namely: 1 That part on the west side of Mary Street_ in the ' said Town--of Barrie. -according to ` `Registered Plan Number 115. as ` parlicularly described in Registered ' Instrument Number 18265 for Barrie. H . . n1L,..... .. .......: on LA nu-nninri nn : sale Public Auction at me`; NQUEEN's HOTEL. on `. SATURDAY. JULY 15. 1939. at D, 12.00 o'clock noon. by P. A. Cough- - 1in.'..Auctioneer. {he following par-` "eels or tracts of land, namely: HI 'n-.:.+ nnrt. nr Int fourteen I14) `lrISU`llTnL'nl IVUHIUCI LOIAUU lUl lJlIl.|\.. 1 Thorn is_said to be erected on Mhe above described pro erty a 1:-nmforlable semi-detachabe two- [ hrirk rnsidnnvo, 1:-mnlm-1an_1e scnjl-aetac [uinrey brlck residence. Torms: Ten ner cent. 1 brlck residence. I per of the pur- Ivl1`;a.x'o mnnoy at the time of sale and ,the balance within thirty ldaysl thereafter. _ _ . ' 1 The property will bcbffered for` . nip subject to H reserved bid.` _ ` Further ter'ms and conditions- Ofj ` "nip bid.` 1 ; Further terms conditions-ofi `sale will be made known at the; {time of sale. or in the meantime jun application to `. :vn.~,wAn'1--x, STEWART. 1 1 I I 1 1 (11 That part of lot fourteen on the west side of Mary St.. in the ~ said Town of Barrie. according to - Registered Plan Number 115. as _ particularly described in Registered V` Instrument Number 17628 for Barrie.| . I21 Those parts of lots numbers `hirty-t`our 1349. thirty-five (351. ` Valid thirty-six (36: on the north side of Elizabeth St.. in the said Town .of Barrie. according to registered` '1l&l11 number 129 described in re- gistered Deed 18583 for Barrie, SAVE` .\ND EXCEPT that part thereof` as dvcribed in registered instru-- 'nent number 20701 for Barrie sub- ` ivct however. to two mortgages ag- ~ cremmng $5000.00. There is said to be erected on the ?ce1s' of land, namely: 1 inn iippllcallon to I STEWAR'l"& STEWART. ` Barrie. Ontario. Mnrtzaxw-~'9 Snlic-ifnrt. DATED at Barrie. the tenth day of June A.D.. 1939. 24-27b ___________ I . . ........ .. YOUNG MAN. 'h55cl'\r,_dcsi1`cs good. room with boar d In prlvu_te home.` Box "H". Barrio $3 (nmim;1'.: ,3` 25; TENDERS WANTED zzretzating lands firstly described. a semi-de- vavhablo two-storey brick residence. mL._._. :. ..-:..| An \...~. A.-nnonpl An Hun _________f TEN-DER;S` \_N;A_NTED ; Hl(`l1HDl(` IVVU-SH)l't'_Y U1 |l`l\ ICBl\.lCIIL\.. Thorn is said to be erected on the lands secondly described. a fine duplvx residence with all modern mnvvnic-noes and beautifully situ- ate. T`nrme- Tr-n nor rent of the DUI! `)F VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF BARRIF. IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. l M .I`~rnxs: Ton per cent. of Du:-.1"15D*` H5bad and Famny :-...-_.-__.-.-:-:-- vhasv mrmey at the time of sale and GRAHAM_1n cherished memory gf lhv balance within thirty day" Robert Graham. who passed away` HH`I'f`RfI(`l`. June 26. 1988. Each parvvl will be offg-red for.Qugk1y and quieny (`afnp mp (-a|t_ ~'d` S\1bJ'f`<`t Y0 a r9S9T\' d b}d- ,1 His sudden death surprised us all. Further terms and condxttons 0 !we haw, ]0g[-_ bug God has ga1npd_ W .L `ti `M? will ht` mad? knW 1` 3"` 1 One of the best the world cnntaineduli 5 3 4 E time of sale. or in the meanttmvt __Remembm.ed by win, and `m pa`i" m lnaughter. Son-in-law. and Grand- STEWART & STEWAR_T.ichj]dren` 25p Barrie. Ontano. STEWART & s'n:;w:-m1.c Barrie. Ontario.` : Mortgagoe's Solicitors ` I).-\'T'F`.D at Barrie. the tenth day`, nf Juno A D 1939. 24-27!!` Fnday. June 23 -- Thomas Banks, S.` E`; 1.0! 13. Con. 6. Essa. Will hold 2 an auctinn sale of farm stock. im- nlvnwnts and household eff9C`5.\r Sale at 1 pm. Vearl M. Coutls.], Aucti0ne`r_ Phone 1488. Barrie.-f Gm D. Banting. Clerk. 24xl 'I`uu-sday. Juno 27--Melbert Don- l nollv. Lot 1. Con. 2. Innisfil. will l MORTGAGE SALE ).-\`l`FI) at Marne. nu nf June A.D.. 1939. HANDY LMAN wmits i{Joi-k. pap! hanging. 'pnintl_ ., carpentry wdl Apply 5 Sophia W.. Barrie. 2 .___:_ MORTGAGE SALE Fun-.~'day_ 27-Melbcrt Utm- nclly, Lot 1. hold a credit sale of farm stock and implements. Sale at 1.30 p.m. H. A Ul0.~(` .-\1u`:un1.r-c-r Pnonej SH4 Rn'rn- 24-25x . L.il0.~ 83-} Bul'I`1t.-. A. H. FELT. sec'y.-Trgas?, Barrie Board of Educatmr}-.' {_ AUCTION SALE . . . P'I'IlHII'V.,` I I wish to thank all those who Tl`- _ ` {erred so kindly to what I wrntn in .Bk~`- A recent letter to thic napnr. '1h.'d 25].) -c. NASH, cunaues wk` "'1 Joseph Third wishes to express "e:5-` his sincere appreciation to all those; Cm" 5"who helped during his recent B8l'l(.'. 3 fire. ' 25p: 24*` I wish to thank thv Waterloo rt Mutual Fir Insurance Crmpqny.` am. through their agent` J A Corbcttt m Thornton. for prompt and satisfac-` 1.30 tory settlement of my loss by fire` ' Phone on Jun 4. -~ Benny Imwneru ->4-9=.u mm...-2 Iu..s- 14 mm Japv I -27*-\;,F(':71*liDS>`0_ P`VTHAri_KS`V`I \-,._-_.--_ 24-25xJ . TEACHER with 8,months' office Ex- erienco desires pnsition as book ecper. Apply Box Barrie Examiner. _ > 25;` .___.._.._...J......___:_.___.__.... dli-ected The Examin- er._ Sto_ or business (inludl% agents) in this column two cents per word. cash with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue. 76 charged). Classified gadvtsl nccentablei un ,on SOI1. HAGAN - Atjhe F Hn.=nitn1_ Barrre. on Poole, Utopia RR. 2. a son. SASO~-At the Royal Victoria Hos- giltal, Bax-rie_ on June 17. 1939. to r. and Mrs; Charles Saso. a `daughter. 'I'1DEMAN--To Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Tideman. Kagawong. Mani-` tou1in Island, on June 8. 1939. a daughter tJoanee Elizabeth). COOKE-SCYTHES-At St. Steph- ens Anglican Church. Toronto. `on Saturday. June 17. 1939. Mary? Dorothy Scythes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Scythes to Roy Lambert Cooke, son of Mrs. C. H S. Cooke and the late Charles H. S. Cooke, Toronto. GREENWAY-MILLS - On Satur- day. June 17. 1939. at the hnmr- of ,thc-`bride's parents. by Rev. William Barclay_ Marianna. only- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- s0n- Edward -Mil-ls. Hamilton. to ` Flight"-Lieutenant Charles Horny. Grcenway. R.C.A.F. Station, Cnmp -Borden, son of Mr. and Mrs 'I`hos Charles Greenway. L.l0ydminslur_ ` Saskatchewan. *1-`ERGUSON --' M the Soldiers` V Memorial Hospital. Orillia. on I Monday. June 19. 1939. Samuel Ferguson, .be1ovcd husband of I Catherine Harvio. aged 46 ynznzx. grixtqrment Orillia Cemetery. Juno` 21. ` GENDRON--On Thursday. Junr- 15. 1939.. at 175 Glendale Avenue. Tn- I ronto. Elizabeth Gertrudtx wife ` of the late M. A. Gondron of Penetanguishcne, in her 71st your. ` Funeral at Penctanguishcne. June 19 19. .A _ L HENDERSON --./u Orilha. on I Thxnrsdav. Juno 15. 1939. Isabella Lu Iyu (n . (sti-1 I uwszn I HENDERSON --- . At H ONSBERGER -- At Collingwood ` LEMON--In Lisle. on Friday. June |McKEOWN--On Sunday. June 17. McK1LLOP4At the home of his 'I`ERRY-At, Allandale. on vVednes-. Urnna. ll Thursday. June 15, 1939. L. McFarlane. widow of the late James -Beverley Henderson. and sisber-in-l.aw- .01 Mrs. `Edwin Longinan. Barrie. Interment Oril- 1i`a Cemetery. June 17. General and Marine Hospital. on Tuesday. June 20. William Frank-l li-n Honsberger, beloved husband of Rosamond Marion. Funeral ffomi his late residence. Angus. Ontl. on Thursday. June 22. at 2` pm. Interment Angus Cemeter_v.; L6. 1939. James Alexander Lem- on. beloved husband of Sarah Hetheringion, inlris 72nd- year: Interment, A listen `Union Ceme-` tery.: June 1 . 1939. at . Mercy. Hospital. Annie McKe0wn, widow of the late Pat- rick Mclieown, aged 83 years. In- terrnent St. Paul's Cemetery. Al- liston. June 20. brother-in-law. Peter L. Speirs. 92 Northciffe Boulevard. 'I`oron- to. on Sunday. June 18. 1939.: Rev. John MeKillop. pastor oil Knox United Church. Allisiunl beloved husband of Lillian Ailr:n.1 day. June 21. 1939. Benjamin Terry. in his 65th year. Funeral; service at the residence of his sister. Mrs. Mary Cameron. 13 Feel St.. on Saturday. June 24.; at 2 o'clock. Interment at Barri-:1 Union Cemetery. 1 \ I I l UULl`J -- Hospital. 1939. to Poole, Ut` :As:n._A1 1 \ ~ -- , ` I CURTIS ~ The family of thm` Iate Maria Edith Curtis wish in! extend their heartfelt thanks: and: appreciation for acts of kindnos: from their neighbors and friendsl during their recent sad bore-ave-` lment. 25h, . 1:1=:m.w.R M w. A. Kc-elor anrl` pnAc'rtcAr; NURSE would look after elderly people` or others. it` her own homo. Applv Mrs. M Perry. Shanty Bay. Phone 1628 Gm. 251: KEELER W. and family wish to express their a pre- ciation for the many war 3: mfg` comfort and acts. of kindness shnwnl ` them in their recent sad hvroavv- 1 1 man? 25p `I I ment. ztm i ` ment. i"iRD,s PFTHMSZ BONE-In memory of Mrs. Albnrl gligcgge. who passed away June 27. We watched you suffer day by day. ` And could not help in any way. But just stood by and watch yrm' bass. `. but Just buruu u_y uuu wnmu gnu- pass. In to the Saviour's arms at last. ` -Deep3' mourned by zspb Husban Family! __ `GRAHAM -ln away` . ,Quickly `His death 'wn havn lost: but Eainvd. Jon June 4. K18! Egm.-rt. June to Mr. , Utopia 1 -At. F .r'crr_\ Oro. `LBQRN At` the Royal Victoria` Barrie. on June 19. Mr. and Mrs. Samuc-ll nnia RR 2, a son. . L%5i?5Ij "al.\/ictorizl Hos-| June 18, 1939. r~`.u-nmprsnn Donn.| `Elvin \ 1 _.____ R.W. Bm. D1`. R. J. Sprolt offi- ciated for the 27111 1'011svc11livo` H1110 at the install;1li011 of the new! officers of Kerr Lodge No. ....U_ Aw and AM '1`1m1-.r:11:1v (`V(`l1illl| ! DI`. Sprolt was n.<.=i.' by R.W.l Bro: I-"al;mm'(\-O1'ilIin: ILW. BruH.I ,Campbvll and Ivvzz, Saynerz R.W. Bro, Alex. (`,nw.'m. Cnrinlhizun Lodge. Barrie. and several past-N rnas1m'.< of Knrr Lodgo. I Offi(-trrs W(`l'(` iIlI~'l&l(`(l as f'\|lnw.=:= W.M.. Bro. K. A. Cmnerrm: I.P.M.. W. Rm. (1. A. (fmxpt-r; S.W.. Bro. M. A. Admnsnn; J.W.. Bro. R. I). Hodges; .<~(`r-1nr_\'. Hm. (I. E. El- _ rivk: hvnsurm`. Rm. William Pom- frol: Chaplain. Bro. J. I". Dobsun: S.I).. Rm. .1. M. Mills: .I.D.. Hm. F). A. Twiss; S.S.. Bro. G. O, Smith: J S. Bro. F . Day: l.(}.. Rm. W. R. .g\iK ' The Flower Bur *"`_\' \ mmuw-2 (`UT rumvaas _ AN!) BL()UMlN(} PLANTS ` 67 Elimln-ll: St. - Phone 122 74 Blake St. Phone 832 :1 MEMBER FI..OR1S'l`S"I`EI.EGRAPII m-:1.1vn=;m' A.=;suc|A'1'1oN ._ , __.._..._..-..-...-..-sn:n:I-11.1;-1:-:1-In1--1-nzuzu-rotuanuzuxqy Kerr Lodge Of;ic~e:sV Twenty-Seventh Time} RELIABLE YOUNG MAN. experi- envnd in rofreslnnent booth 01 -v: ja-_` Elizabeth in Mu;yT:U|"|1one 215 :We De|.i'ver use r'1\J1VL1;.n 1 Lu.-Jzu . PIONEER FEEDS ARE HANDLE BY US AT ('v(I'-()l`ERA'I'IVE PRIVES. STOCKS ('ARRlF.D /\'l` B/\l{llll'2 l l.AN'I`S AND ALSO AT 0URS'I'A\'NF.I{ l`IG('i_ (BR/\l)lN(i h"I`/\'l'I()N. ..~.num nn t1nI.`lIA'l`I\Il-`, l)lll`.I( I-IRS ()l~` ON'l`/\Rl() LTD. "1-2"3i:9-S(V%fv-iE%ia: N H 0 U s E SEEING PLANTS . m .1. .n- R fnr 251! ..-..-..-..-.._...1--1-.1-`:1-in-cunt-vz.mun... \JLnlZa.l'l.l1ll.`\'l' UI LJL l.lll.I\uu - ...- --. .... Box Plants. 10c (melt or 3 for 25: Geraniums, $1.00 dozen 'l`uhcr0us H('.g()Ili2l.'i. 3 for I Q--:1-cc-v:uv:u1:u RITZ BIC.UITS 2 pkg- 4:: _y\,.unu. rum; ES'l`lMA'l`lS `5 0| l\!'l I Injllgl: nu, lntlug and /\.M.. J`lm1'.=dny t-vvning| I +r .SH-E)?!-`if:-1`-I_I`l\IG 2 H 22: __1\/_lq_(3L}1`l`lough $ Grbcery RELIABLE YUUNU MAN. expen- enccd in rofreshment booth summer hotel work; also short ord er cooking. Urgently in need 0' work. Phone Barri 282W. 251* h"l`/\'l`lUN. FIRST ()0-0l`l~1lm'l`lVF. P/\(2ll-IRS ()l~` ()N'l`ARI() Horses and Colts o:TSale` n ..._.u.....1.- .. \/nunlr lv`:arn1 IIuI`.'i6`S and CONS \J.ll.\A. \a.AL\4 \n-\\r- ,..__- _. Included in Lhe lot are 4 Lwn-y~ur-0ld mares and some good 111ut,(,-,Iu-(.1 LL-:un:; THIS IS AN EX(`l`Il"l`I()N/\l.l..Y (BUOI) .`~}IllPMEN'I` G. W. ATKINSON. Phone 902-r-42 `'""_ .lJ1Ia\J\J,ll1.I. a 1;` \.a CIlUR(1llI`lS - luiSll)lEN(_1l'1S - SCll()()LS 15 years with '1`. Eaton (J0. Decomting Dep'.u't,n1ent - - PHONE 49; ..... uannvumu Arfijfc A Complete Modem Optical Service Better Visinn-(irc:|tor (fomlort--Stylish Glasses Domestic Wlll iIl`l'l\'\t zunu nu: nu Jlllb . G. w. Atkinson's Farm. crlwn Hill qnd and after lune 27 ..1 .. u-new n nrl any _____..__--:----------------'--_' A GOOD TIP 'l`I) 'rnI-: MAN wlm It/\Ihl-.h IIm..s -n-_ , n~rr\nn:"l:'D !:'II:"hQ VIVDWS IIIII %`r--- -w- 2 Carloads of Young Farm llumes and will arrive and be for sale at ~ - - - A , , 11:1 AI`:--wv-_ DUE TO AN UNFORTIIN/\'[`F. AC(`,lDEN'I` THE TIIOROUGIIBREII STALLION nr-r\I'\1"'1`l'ITf\" WOOL. WANTED. Call H. l.evit_ nllinr RI Rm-riu Ont 'I`nlonhn` \I\.ll.l.l..nJ.Vl.u.\J HAS BEEN IIUM/\Nl')l.Y l)F..\"l'ROYI'}l) A. V. l.l')M()N. ILR. I. MlI)|lUltH'l` ) TIP TU 'l'IlI'L l\I/\N \\`lIU lu\Inr.n Oilse PIONEER FEEDS m.-nu ADI? IIANIIIJ-`II In US AT (`.0 - MDECORATING nI. 4 I llultuululunnur u . "CORENZIO" .... "nun Avulfl v l|l.` -.. at-uzuzoxog Dtb1II_r1_|:11>1v)1I:c1 11:1 NQ'[I_CE East of Post Office F':!"Ilvd u P ,._.__.._._<`g_ _ , _,T_. I ~ - . E Early mpy In news or mlvertisin [is apprer'.i:Ilcd. i . ! MCVHIIO; lylm`. Hrn. {-`umilh Kain.Wv [ Vixilimz hI'<`ll\rvn im:lu:|e,l KW Hm, Rullrduv. Qlll`(`lI'S Lodgl, Kingutnn, 'l`|u`re was a good allen.d.J_ HlH'(`. Ligl refreszhments were serv = nrl .. CALVES FOR VEALING wanted. highest prices paid. Apply In Irwin Neely. 10th him`. Craigvnlo (near lnkm. 25p i|ar8 Pkg` 16 oz. , IVORY SOAP `FLAKES aeio % Baking Powder jg. F615: '7i.6EKI}s".. _s.EE PAGE 16 , Kain. |....... i....hnln.l N. s by Appoinuv rent. *2 ac: %- 24 COUNTRY HOME WANTED to-. buv of 11 _v1-nrs. during sllxnnwr lwlida_\'s. Apply Box Barrie` Exmninor. 25b dun!` - I... inh: ' x KEL`/INAI(,I . `r1 ,-Sr ~ 3; ?1=. / E Cplu un nnnn -v PHONE 195 D ~ door 1- inn-I`;-sled in ` Your vlmmre uwn |mr:iI1es4s. ..`......nu> in Phone 232 _T_._... luxterlor 1._:__Ld ' 250 2 YOUNG (`Al.\~'ES wanted fm vealing Two garden vuitivators to: salt`. Apply .1. Knapman. R.R. '2 Bm'rio_~m' Phono Gllral. 251 SERVl(`.F. S'l`:\'l`ION wanted. wol heated. $l.500 cash as dnwn pay- ment, In uns\vm'ing kindly givr articulnrs. Apply Box Barric- .xaminvr 25p ANY PERSON who has vn\D*.y but- tles or cases belonging to the Bar- rio` Hm-vragv (`n., kindly rvturn (H 86 Clapportmx St. or Phnno 38 and we` will arrange to collect. 25h MAN WANTED. shipiper and check- 1 er. Bryson Bread Ltd.. Bradford St. ` Barrie. 25b \V(\N'I`F`.D - (`.u=tom tractor wnrk: nIe1IRl\ins:. double disvinz and Ful- vix-alinu Prmnpt. vffiriem service-. R-uh` $1.25 per hour` Annly f'f`I`I?y Varrma` Utopia. Om. noun` An- gus 25-29p I.~ARGl-`. QU.-\NTI'I`\' of l\ard\vond lofts` \\'m\tr`d. mosH_\' maple-: will Mk!` shnrt pin`:-s, 4' Inns. if gxwd Ptmlar bolts wamvd. ll" thruugh and uv. out 5'.) il\(`ht`.\` long` Oliver L`ars~m. Phum` M13. 25-29; WUUL. WI\N'l'lSU. can H. l.evn_ .s.< Collier SL. Bnrriu. OuL. Telephnm 334 .. 21-25p RADIOS and outboard motors for, rwnt. Barrio Hadm_ 56 Bayficld SL.` Phone 435. 23-271 l IALL. AI`AR'I`MEN'l` Wlmled. d-sitlln .nmm. central. Am \- "("', rrin F`.wuninm'. . nal. REFRIGERATION now via`. 21 Avon Street. Barrio. Au- thorized rofrigerxxtion service` unranteod \~urmuax.:hip. backed by a \n>nrs' ex.ueru:..u~ on all makes 12 years` ex.eru:..co on an mum-s of refrigera ors. `.1.-8-uour service. Also washing nmchhu u mntm repair l`l'.uu~; .21! F `E 1: nnur vvnn1nu y you n w H In The lnmlrm) lvoslons WANEB E (In you uw It In TM Illmlnul IFWJGII IUIVB VVl`I|` LEI} EXPERIENCED MAN for farm work. Apply J. E. Mason. RR. 1. Cookstown. 25p HELP WANTED mu um. um I: In `an lumlm N.'COOK" `wanted 'for- Bi-_ xin Hnlnl Writp nr nhnnr I` llI\v Iblln` I (Day you um II In TM lutnlnon REI-`RlGF.RA'l`10N "vvjxnnzn - u nun II In `Hm ll Eoui KEN ? you nu In mom. L`L`n!l`8l. uzno Examiner. T Z-*-*-" ` I ark. papmw mentrv wnrk` farmhand. Midhllrcf BOY TO HELP in market garden. light work. Ma board in. Hughes. 46 Codrington L 25p Iarmnana. Midhurst. 251; genergl nhilrlrpn service` `. makes` mr . led. 01 Apply 25p "U . CANOE FOR SALE. Apply Lloyd Partridge. Phone 565W. 25p 4 HEAVY SCREW JACKS for sale. Apply Barrie Examiner. 25p SMALL KITCHEN COOK STOVE for sale. Apply 24 Henry St. 25p ,FOR~"SALE-Lloyd reversible car- riage. in good condition. Telenhone ,l"Ukc~ tsAm:;-L.1oya reversnme car- riage, in good condition. Telephone 1361J. 25p COOK (WOMAN) for small sum- m`er.resort. Statje wages. J. E. Day. Kahshe Lake'P.O. 25p 1 STEEL DUMP BOX for sale. 3-` yard. hand hoist. Apply Barrie Examiner. 25p r`t(AM1:2 HAHN [Or sale, qu ny nu.l ha]! steel roof. Ferg. Kidd. Cooks- town. Phone 38. 25bl ` ' I FRAME BARN for sale, 40 by 60. half steel Ferz. Kidd VBRANTFORD WINDMILL for sale. all steel. Annlv Trueman Thomp- BHAN'l'r`UKU w1NUMu_.L. [or sale. all A ply Thomp- son. Barrie, .R. 2. 25b FOR SALE~l uvrccorxnicmnem-iKg| binder. in good shape, 6-ft. Earl Mc- Fadyen, Cookstown. 25b SHINGLE CHICKEN PEN for sale. size 16 ft. by 32 (L. nearly new. Ap- ply Barrie Examiner. 25b RIP 'SAW for sale. in first-class condition. Power driver. Apply vMrs."-F.J. osking. Hillsdale. 25b ELECTROLUX like new (vacuum cjeanercheap for quick salo. Ap- .p1y Box:3B". Barrie Examiner. 25p MCCORMICK MOWER for sale. 5- ft.. in good running condition. Ap- ly to Jim Murphy. Telephnnr 6r24. 25b WANTED--Experienced Apply F. J. Frankcom. Phone 603r6, Barrie QUALITY GROCERIES. downtown values. at West, End Service Station. Free delivery. W. J. Harrisznn. Phone llrfi. 22-26b USED U1"-l"lCI1L 1"U!(Nl'l'U|'(li. `H'.)||| mp desk. bookkeeping desks. chairs. typewriters. Must be sold by Jun 30. Phone 445. 25p __jT-- USED OFFICE FURNITURE `Rolll Ihn rlnglr hhnlzlennninr! dnxkx t-Imirs ' SLIDING COUCH with mattress. good condition. cheap for quick sale. Apply 56 Penctang Street, or Phone 633W. 25p `FIRE Ul (l\'l'E HASKEI` EU for sale; also .hez eral `lengths screen door. Phone; ,____?_.____.__. ERAIN BINDER for sale, 6-foot Frost 82 Wood. $30; also steol land roller.`AI`thur Young. Lot 24 Cm 'l0.d`-I:nnis'fi1. Craigvl P.O. ?5p_ wt-: DoN"r mx FLATS -but we sell` otor`_ ;o_il ut.,68, cents pr`;ga1lrm in ge`a!loh.}-lots "or !ovr.- West End rvic/e Sta i0n..`I_"hone'611r6. 25-zap RE~C`0N._DI_ IONED noovmns Ami Electmlux(:s|.for sale, gunrantm-d. `Annex pric:$`.'-for quick :4,a}p`. Aypnly 11 Elizabeth St.', x;ear_ apartment. 25p _..-._a w . WILSON 5-.'1'oN STOCK .scAm.s (dt"(s,l,e:._al'o 2000?"): scales, at ran`- equal) 0 pl`i;;'c.', All. rnakvs nf qgnlos repaired by ,. Ca`mpbt-ll_ 36 Bria-L ford ,St.. Barrie. {Pip .-... PAPER won mcmc TABLES. In-u~h'n: minln In rnll: 'T`nn route 1 CAPABLE GIRL wanted, 2 or 3 hnnrs dnllv' fnr nnn week. for lizhf PAPER FOR PICNIC 'l'!\l:$La|`.'b. JD lnclies wide. In rolls. Ten cents lb., about 8 yards to lb. Rolls approxi- mately 2 lbs. and up. Apply at Examiner Office. 23tf WATKINS` QUALITY PRODU("I`S -~Sp(wials in baking pmvdvr and soaps that last hviuo as lnnf. 'I`vlv- phono your order. W. G. Iuxvkos. dealer. Phone 1468. 12 Albvrt SI. Rm-v-in 1151) ucmer. Barrie. __j; WANTED! RESPONSIBLE n\:n'rio(i man. 26 years or over, for spvvini sales work by (Tnnadian mmmf:u-- turer_ in Ban-iv district. Empori- ence not Ht`.C(3SSE!l`,\ . Car an advan- tage. Atti`n(`ti\rv profits paid wvvkly. Write Box E". Barrio Examin- er. 25b 1` ARE YOU THE MAN`? \Vatkins3 .ac.ucr-1lwl\vvm\ 25 and 50 _vvzn's. with car`. necded innnodiatoly to hand out FREE soup in m`arb_\' rur- Il mute and supply \. dr- mand for ewor_vdu_\' xwvvssitivs. in- 'luding spices. vxtrm-ts, bnkmzz uc-wdm'. elvunsors. m-`dicim-. {Iv pmy. n\in`l ali'/.vd . and will]- 'r\' tonic. 70-yew` rupufatitm. 10.000 ienlvrs. Mus! lw satisfied with $30 .v1`.ekly at stau'l. Svlling vxpe-rivncv uluwcessmgv. Femn vxpm`ivm~v helpful. (Trodit I`l|rI1islwd right part- ies. Write i1mne`dizm~l_v. Thv .1. R Watkin-2 Cumpzmy. Montruul. Qua. n.-m O-R-SA. 25-2m~| FIRE GRATE 1 fnr enlcv nlsn ( ` Dept. O-B-SA. \`VZl[Kll\- LUHIDI FOR RENT -- A largo bed-sitting mom. Phuno `FURNISHED ROOM to ram. gentleman. Apply 100 (`nllivr Barri. ROOMS FOR RENT. with or wu out board. closv to down tmvn A ply 53 Collier SI. ` CAPABLE GIRL wanted, 2 3 hours dall ' for one week. for ligh`. house dut es. Phone "441. 25b

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