`,,,,, One cent a word. cash, each 1nser- 1 lion. (minimum charge, 25c). five Insertions for the price of four. 25 extra if not paid within five days of date of issue; niso 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examin- er. Store or business advertising (Including agents) in this column. two cents per word. cnsh with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents ii` chnrgcd). Classified ndvta m-noninbln un in ion o'clock on 12 (forms or` 4 FT. woon rm-' <.-.1.- In nuilns nut nl' lmrrivi, \\'ill ILUUKT (Tl\uu'<' (HIV u-mu! nu S15,' ;,:;un.< Ill x:-nu-n spvciul. $3.25 nu-r lmd; mnplv . H13. 'l`R:\ll.l3`.R FOR s:\1.F. 2il)-3|~~; tirv.\'. hulf-tun. l 'il`hnn- 1;'25\v. E? I TRUCKS 1-`OR S.\I.F. 3 tvuck: I-`argn panel truck: Ford model A dump truck. J. W. Hart. Intvruatiuunl Motor Trucks, Barrio. Dudgo 3- ` 13b '[.{l\|H'1 l'|Xl]lHllE inruxvn. :\ngu.~' FOR. SALE OR EXCIIANGE um: um mm It In The Emmlnor) I 1`;--'l`(')N STAR TRUCK fur - mmd rnnnilu` nrdur, An FORS{\1.F. Olh` Inn Fun! T nu\du\1 FUR SI\l.r; Ulla` '--_>~um hm Fnrd '1` nwdvl l<`m`d I !pl_\' 40 nnyriold St._ mm , _______ GR/\`I)UA'l`l. NUHHl~I_ ukilful wilh chlldr--n_ will :1:-(`cpl vnrlml pu: Hons, hy, Iny nr \v~vk. I-`nr Informa- tion npply Box 'I"'. Exnmlm-r. 13p ]l"Ul\' \\.`\L.l`. :rnn\bl(~ smut; ;x\pp|_v Box lm` h~`(1H S.-\[.F. - 'I'nn\hIn u'n:|I' :l*`UUR-\\ HI".}*IL TR:\I1.ER fol I.-nn|nnmi xvifh slack l`:l(`k.\` HI il*`UUR-\\'Hl`;r;l. '1`l\':\ll.r.h I01 5;: It`qll|[.)pL`d with stock racks and 1 xmwublv tmxguc fur l\:.\1`.\'v.~'. Cram yumcr. Cruigvulv. I 1c.-\ns you s.-\1.1-: 192: (`h1'_v.~'1vr Eu-H211)` mzm I-`um much, with trunk. 'iL`.-\RS I-`UR S.-\l,.l`L -19:52 L`l\1'_\'.~'wr{ sedan; 1936 Ford cxuwh. with lrunk.i both in first class condition. .-\ppl_\'; at Gm\'us CxiH'&lg\`_ 38 B-.1yfw1d SL3 i Barrie. 13p 1 | ` CR1`)/\M BABY PR/\M L-, in gund cnnditimn. Pl M. POW!-`.RFUl. BUICK 6~c_\'lindcrA _ Ij -motor for 8.111`. in perfect cundniun.x1E`\M OF HORSES {UV Silk` `I1`t`." `. lclwup. .`\ppl_\` (`.m~d.m Bose:-, RidguII\(j u1`rvI\. rising 7 _\'ou1'.< and ;Ruad_ slmnty Bay. 5 lnilpg .m_.-1 nf;\\"c_xgl\1x1g`_ abuut 3.400; 1-9:111 horse, Barrie. 13p`ISll`.;I D _vcm`s. wvlghmg about 9 3 ; H50. Phmw Stroud '.11r23. 13tfb 6~c_\'lindvr 5m.nn.~ vnr sxnlv in nc-I-foot cnndninn. I ` `1927 MODEL '1` FORD TUDOR r- ` `Tires. paint. u.phulslcr_\'. motor. in; excellent condition: m'acticall_v now`. [Willard bzmcry. B0271 cash offul` `takes it, 218 Bayfield $1.. Barrie. 13p ; C()(')[x'-(H-`.Nl".l{/\l. w:mls position in nm-m-: or as :1 L:nmn:II1inn In N'S Hl(?YLZl.l'.' Iur :<:|u-_ 1:11.:-:41. H-I. gum! condilinn. ll) Jnnv SL. Fit`. 12$!) my rum Harm Phum` 15913.}. _._T__.-__._. WOOD FOR. SALE I. um. mm It In Thu Eunmlnnr FOR. SALE ml can It In Thu Eu: 1\U'l`0|\l()Bll.l`IS . u . . . . um. n In Tm: Elanllna (.`.lum'v t:Im:1`:u'k - -fl.` ` . $5.75 pm` (`nrd nr SH. (lt`lI\'\`l`(`(l; uls-. bur-` 1`.!-im'h wnud; (:1nun`:u'k` Q: '75`: l\l`v hmmmu h'm'k\ '33 I)oSu1u fu\Im`.1 iulin. Imzlish I-`nslvr >\". Barrio Exzxmin-i 13p } l'K UL; Ix order. In!` sum, In infnrmut inn_ 13h C()(')l\'-(H-`.Nl".lU\I. wzmls pn.-zumn in B.'u'ri(': u L.'nmp:II1inn (`ld(`l'|_V nl invulitl Indy. : gift- Nl Hm! way. Apply Barrio I-`.xnm- lnvr. I3!) fur sale, In infm-mu! inn -mm; umum hv:npm;: trm-la $351), Just val` bu r;::u 1 und 0111- 1.- \ trucks. :\p mm 189 l3|\ .\\'l|L`. Apply 11`.-1 lur | I lmm- | liih l H(`IHIll('l\ ` ` ` "' in (own. , \_\'='L'W Vulliluztulu WU`. 13! `ON. A mwk -lift. ` Y0 `r _\'<` l>'.u`- `ID H` l:1nm1`:u'k T3-'1l`l'i - 1~ .-1- - Hm. 1lI(\ HR, call 12-15.). >1. 1 ------ } `xch: - ` ` .3 lb l _lIll1 nmlnor) i [son `.3 \\'lu'ol.<.i WW" ruuin $10. I *""`."`t my 2 `N \vn.~o1.;l pain. 310.: lily! lL`K.~'. z\p 1 mp . $3.-H), milo . . Min- 43Lfh 'rImrsa.':y.. March so. 1939 pw .1 1-:-13x` wnn .'1l`t(-r 12%|) Iuzlo 1 1311 _ I l ROOM TO REN'I`~-Apply 69 High St. 13p BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS for rt-n1. Mmlvrnt(- lt'l`lnS. Walk in along hull upstairs to Inquire. 82 Flliznba-th St. 13p 'l'WO LARGE ROOMS for ronl, qmtc cc-ntrnl. furnishvd 01` unfur- nished. Apply 56 Muplv Avenue, ur l"hmu.- 927M. 13p ' ' I ROOM AND BOARD in private home. cvntrul. Phone 10:(1R. 13f '2 m'U(}H'l` ROOMS to lot, with hull zmtl hnlctmy, suit. young 01' xni(|(l|v-nuod cnuplv. (tonvuni(-net-s. |l`(`}l.\`()llil|)|(`. also &ll'il)l'. Phmw f 14821}. I0-Mp S'l'/\R'l`l".D CHICKS fur 3-Hill`. up to H) wet-ks uld: privv r(-nsrmul)l1-. Mnplo l.(-uf I"mI|lr_y Iurm_ Phnnv i(i().n'."n. H:n'ri-. {I-I31: EX| ElH|'IN('.T'IH JUNIOR : arrnnln-r mun! l`l'fl`l'l`llL'(`$. know- O'l"l`AW/\Y'S T`0UI.'l'RY I"/\H.M fur 4 llm-d-ln-l:Iy Hnrrutl Rm'k_ blond--` In-5|:-L hnhy (`hit-ks, l".vvry (-11;: frnln ; nur nwn l'|n('k. rwlm-litm nn mi- v:Inm- owl:-1's. (Iuslmn Imln-hing; Phmlv 739.1. 9lI'h iQIIAI.l'l'Y CHICKS Hl`L'(|-In-lH_\/I n Burr:-(I Rm-k.\'_ sir:-(I I)v ()nl:u'iu |hQll[\l.l'l`Y (;IIIL.`Ka Hl`L'(l-In-lH_V ;H:u'r:-(I Rm-ks, by l!|'uv(lin1.: Slnlinn mules; high ru- vnrd. '|'l':I])-ll(`Sl(`(l Whilv 1.1-u|mrn:4. `lmltvtl tn R00 R.O.['. il])[)l`()\/(`(11 (`rwlu-rvls; .`-'lI|I`l(`(l ('hi('k.\'. Kt-lly Chick Hnlvluvry. 65 Clnppt-rim] SI. Cusslmn h:Il('him,: tlmw. 13;) In/xrw c:n|(:I M` rim-st qunlily in |H:n'rv(l and Whilv Plymnnlh Rm-l<>` `nml Whilv l.l'L{h()l l1.`~'. Hnlvhim; r~;,';,g.~: `frown Huff ()1-pimzlnns. While (turn- lish. I`m'h'i(l;,{z- Ilnrkx. (`::un(~.-4 uml v.lnp:nu-.-'(- Silkivs. All slm-I4 bluntl- `.$l('.~'l(-(I. (`.n.-:l h.'It.chim.z. llnrry . Morn-n. Burris-. Ont I3-22p BARRED ROCK CHICKS from fv- . nmh-.~: 1-nl.(-rm! in R_(),l" nnri pone; Hv[I('l'.'llillL[ undvr 'l'ht- l~l:It('lu-ry Ap- prnvnl pulicy. I-lvt-ry -gg SOL is pru- tllu-vd by nur nwn bird.-: on our own plant. and all is opt-mlml undc-r s'lI'i-I gUV('l`l)IllL`IN inspm-timn. Pl`iL`.(`.\' l'('. I.\`ullIh|(` fur . |I(':IHhv, L!l':l(h'(| vhivkx. ()r(|-r 1-zlrly. (PFI- ,nmr-'.< I'unltr_v I-`urm. l'hnm~ 1194. [:11 HI) I'<-Iu-lulu; $1., I3n1'1'ic-. 011-` h.`n'in_ l-Mn ` n1ur<-us" I :11 Apply M. J. Elsml. Urn Stzllinn, !MlNl\' FOR SAl.E. hrml fvnunlt-.~:.I` om. 13-14pj I YU ~.IIv. 24r5. l'I-IN PIGS FOR S/\l.F,. (S W(``k>: old. I-`red I.:Iws. E(l(:nv:Il(-. ()nl_ I31) in mas FOR SALE. ts wm-ks um. Apply F. l.in(l(-ns(-Imuitll, Mlh Cun- m\s. We.- Innisfil. 11%| EXl ElHI':N(`.I~:1) JUNIUH ::n-nn- rmpln-r, mun! rvfu-rvm~v.<. 0(|1:(' nf I)m|<|u-vpimz. .s'p(-(-.(ly, :u'- (turnlv. . lypisl. wislws. |)(.`l`ll1iII\I`lIl or 1vmpnr:n'_v pusiliun. Phunv I-HRH. 131) 1 HHUWN 1 snlur: HIS I ply I-`red BROWN ulsn ONE BROOD SOW fur .'~`n|(-, (luv April 7. Apply Gnrdum Forht-.-<. `Barrio RR. 1. Phmw 6()Ir3. 13;: 4 (mm) cows for sale. yuurl` ('lmim- of 7. 'l`h1`4-v in fr:-sh, Apply R. J. Wilson, Anton Mills. l2~l3p I SORREL. GELDING for snlv; i"nw and yv:n`lin).'. hvih-r. trmlv I I . nmv milvh row. Phrmv 61-112]. 1 "IMAM 01-` MARFS rm snlu, ris- in1.', 3 nnci 4 yvnrs. !(`ll(`l'll puI'pu.<(~: I hI:u'k. I hay. Apply .ln.<. E. Handy. Dalston. till) lH(`JRSE l'm' sale; gnarl P(`l'(`hl`l'|l1. 12 _v<\'u'.< 0|` Apply to Mrs. Alln-rt ( I Am.-u.<. 'l`l`l:\M of gcncxwnl purpusv lmr: w:u.'nn and hm'1w.<.<. and xnurv wnh rm` snlv. /\ppI_\' C. H. (`nul- Angus. Ont. 131) _` HORSES I-`OR S:\l..F.~ \n-arc nl1' h ll)l) WHI'I`F. I.F.(}H(')RN (- .Hn`:-:- unu-kc nlrl fur enln 1|! 101- um-I . 1 (`.Hll.l)'S (`NIH xvunlvd` \vilhmIl Inntln-ss. I |u>m- 768, l.'u'ri:-. Hip ._______?__._______ lum WHI'l'l'L I.1<;uHuHN (' I (Inn-v wm-ks u|(l. fur sale :11 100 much |L,'l".1igiu Humvr. Cmigvnlv. I`hun(- Zihz"). Stmud. 131)` . years um; .~'nI`1'm nor` \Id; brown menu`. 3 black lwrsv `.39 Cnllicr i\Iasun, - 1 `I I W ,5 Lr..~\m Ul` _ ; wagon and \ l \`L`[)E|l'1lU`1.\'I 'n'.< Yard. `c YUUNU rlU1 lur am I _\'v.'Ir.~` nld. wvizzhingz {rm `up m mun 11; n. A. In-n_ t `Rn:-riv Phnnu 62!) "H1 5 Market. `Hp 10 Hillll lbs, I). Hnrrizr. I hum' 62!). YOUNG HORSES fur .I \'v.'Irs nld uvni1Vl1ivH' I BROWN , non ` \\'p"\'|lIl'Yn 1 nun, 5 years old: zusv Nlilrlnoll .-1 ,,r.ns. svdzm. G. Bmccialc. An-| }`<`n Mills R.R. 1. Phxmv Minx-sin): l'.".33 13; I ` YUU.\"G :\\ ki:oH1Kh. LZU\\` ml` szuL`.1_ `:\)'l`Shll't`-Dllfhill. due in April`; `llsecmxd cgalfz good milk_ and cream ycow; quiet. Frank. Madxgun. R.R. 12., `_ ;.\llanda1o. Highway 27. 13p; W/\N'l' l`5lHl1~_ I{nrr_\' YOUNG HRONZF`. ('}OI`.Bl.ER for .'III- A Ilu-rl I"I'.-nl! 'l`uI1-nhnnr- `MAM: AND GFILDINC`. my .-uluf \\'(-i1:hI;1;: `.3800. prim` $1175. invluding ln`N`x'hlng hm'no.~`.~': also nmro, 4 \'n~u:`,< old Thus. Blain. 196 Eli'I.:\~ lhvth St. 13p ' )l(l. I-um \xjI1:Im.Iv .Dmnl;m. FOR S.-\LE I.arg~ stock now har- `;nox~`. dioront st_\'lv.~'. lung and Hlmrt . mll:.u`s_ lines and p.'n`l.<;| "xlso used harness. Thus. Blain. 196` El1;:2Ibv.`tl1 St. 14-18; I 9 I I ROOMS AND BOARD [Inn um um: In In Thu Einmlnnll HSll`.;L wmgm 1 1 x'ou.\'c .-xvasmm-: cow for sang.` r\\'l`Sl\i|'I`-nlI!`h1ll. dim in ADM] | `I-`OR S.-\L.E~~---1 pigs. 150 lbs. cam` H Ayrshire cnw. 6 years old. fresh-. :`.`!1 Nlay 1. 1 Quebec heater. .~\ppl_\'j `Raymond Jobbitt. R. R. 1. Allan-: `dale. Phone Stmud `.!1r22. 13p} LIVE STOCK l':0R. SALE (I'I:|u um: n.-nu In In `u. I`-nmlmu-| SHORTHORN BULL for sale, 9; `months. eligible fox` regism1tion.g ;Y0rkshiro sow due April 1. Rea-I ` ronablo for quick sale. Allan WM-` nicn_ R.R. 1. Allnndalo. 'I`o1enhunei LIVE I`()Ul.'l`R.Y ` to ]1l`il`(`:: paid at ` 38-1. or wrilv H. 5-I2. Hnrriv. .pp|y m z\m,:u.<. JUNH rmUN(.I'; (H . Alhurl Prutl. _Sh-uutl. BABY CHICKS ...... um. In In Th. I:--mln MARE. R _V(`Hl`.\' nlll. for \ blzwk nmrc-. ri.-'in;: 15, Ap- I I`1n'\l.s`. (`.r::i;:vulu. 1:5,: MARF. fur :~'.'\|u~_ 1 ` H):~'.. : wm*kvr_ .` fur vnw or pins. RR 1. Hzlrriv. Fm` quic-l, blnckl` n. old. I-I00 lbs.` (iibsun, R.R. Iltfb WORK HORSES. farm`, l tvnm harness: will sell: mu.~`t sx-ll. Apply Man` 89 (`nllivr SL. opp:-Sin mm 2-_vL-m`-old Colt :11 old: ulsv Mzmmm m (I Rrnm-izxln AI `luck sale. Allan Wm`-1 Tolephune 12tfh W/\N'l`I-ll) H:-nlth_\' lmrsvs and 1-zlllln ril I`m~ I'n\- nml mink l'('(`(l. chnrgecn. Clnssmcd nuvm acce table up WE NESDAY NIGHT. But udlcts will be accepted up to nine o'clock Thursday mnrning, to be run on the same page. unrlvr the heading. `Too Late to Classify." nu, IIHIIHIV. On- In- 1 4.)` lHSI.l`.'H mr 'I`(.`Il`phl)Il(' 13h snlv. (`nun Dl.a'lll()H. 1. !-lllpn __ Ill" . |(Il'l mp nppninlnwnl nut! l"('H{ Rl nll [)I'i('('F; irnxm-(ll:m\ paw ' \'ih-(I. 11ml ()1: Sn ... , llun:u~.< nf all kimls, nl :;A"d"'W :Il.H`(> snnw nirtv :|[1znI'l-`"]" W: mt-nts. lwulvrl nnrl unlmnlr,-(I; ;{nru(ll-"`- II l'u.I'm fur SJ|ll`_ Hm nvn-s, privt-rl;|')I'u|m::-. mm.-I1 In-lnw vznlm-. vnnr nwn h'I`rn:'. Cnmv 'I.' SUP W. C" " Dunlap S11`:-M," V.l.h_' Haw, .)| l_:!1mwWl:.{. ~ _ Lil) Hmmnuh 5`lht' |'nlIl ;S1u(l-nls lu1'1'n .`|Il won. PAlN'I`F`.R on PAPF.R,HAN(`.- i=Huh|i~_n> yup. II rlnv IUAI MlSCl'ILl.ANEOUS (Say you saw N. In Thu Exulnlvmri \ ,, ale: 9i `Reef H` Bowman \\'isho.< to thank ` .'at|on.gh1s many friends in Motive Power.` Rea- ' Car and Stores Department .-\1lan- ' Wm`-Edalc. for the many beautiful gifts phune'on his recent retire-nwnt frnm ac-:` l2tfb rive set'\.'i<.e. 13p 1. I311 Ol..L) z\(H'I`I`l'2NSl()NI'1R wnuld uivvl homv In ruspunsilnlv 1-Id:-rly lady on cnuplv fur . l`l`ll(l(`l'L`d. or would zm-vpl hnnw In r-turn. Ap- ply 69 Victoria St. 13b m>nv>nn-m-q-.-4, town fur snlo, zu-ro land. gm Phnnv NH-IW. LOST 21xli(lh_ V (`znnn -;- `HUNG/\l.(')W 0nn\rnl\i1|lIl't'.'-1, LOST - wntvh. nvv nlnn Lu! and and l:Il\'. Inu- II"/\RM l"()H S/\|.|-` Hull`, luv! 2, (`mwt-::.~: '|`nwn. (Sum! In l'('1I.\`(!IlZIhll'. f(Il'llI('l'|_\ II. lIIn \A/nu I-'n|I:n: HOIISIC 'l`() R| I3!) III'mll`ur S1,, inuuodiznlv pn.\':s`('.s`:'inIl, .`||l uunv4-n- i('m'(-:~:. l"hun(- l?.."). 13] ) -_-._.__:_.._:?-.._. HRICTK IIOUSF`. fur rr-nl. .-:qu:u'(-i plan, 7 rnmnh`, Imrrlwunxl I'Inul'.`~`.. all! lI`.UYlV('I1i(`ll(`('3-'. ;::n`:n.:-_ |.'u';:<- In1.| HC)USl'} l`() Rl'}N'l`, 48 'l'm'nnlu J Mnv I Annlv H l.(`)Wl-IR. DUI"! .1-:><- r-tn\\mni:-nm-\' hnl MAN WANTED in supply (nnl st-ll) |1m'l\v.'u`v. gas slnlinns. in lhis (lis- trict rm` 'l`m-nnln firm. Must hnvc $125 x-:I. You will nulkv hi]: num- ov_ Annlv Inst. nux Hnrrlv ('llll\ l`llH`l1('(`S, I wilh_ L:nx`.'I;:(-, Av:ulab|<- May PROPI'.R'l'Y 'l`0 I.|.'l` Hrivk lmu: l:1r;.:-.cqu:1r<- plan, .- rtmrns-3] wvll plnnn:-L duuhl- ;;:z1ru;y-, rm; C S1. l |mn- iiril-Al R:u'ri<~ fm'| 121;`: `I-H.()()Ml*;I) /\I'I\H`I`lv1 l'.N I nu rt-nt. imm(-rIi:Il- |)l).`a`.`4('.`~`.tx`i()ll. cun- tmH_v In:-ulvd` l`hm1<- I ). A. Sic-ph- .-n.-:. 1042 hum; nll nri1'1-K lI.l'lH I01 In-lm Run W I" T /\PF.R,HAN(`.-`5 I*IR_ in r-uunlry ur In-WI). (-ull SIIIJ: nr st-0 A. Millvr. 59 M(`Dr>nnld SI.` T.2:n'rio. Iii-171)] ------------------- t WHEN fmm HI zwlu-. H: /:n- /V VV\ Illll S| )l'('i7'!I 11 111;: huh". pm` hum I./\Hu~rlm nvlu-. uxv mun:u:up.: Im-n VV.'u' Avlnm .'nll.'u-k>: Hu- I)uuL,'l::.< hrw; Slmwr. v'v~c>0n SAWING -:n:-1-inl In l .'|rrn4-W: - |ugI'l\vl.'nrf. `nus sl:llI_1|1s, m um; `H01 lnrm. Must $13.5 I c-`y. /\`npl_v "S", 1;, luxanmncr. I`.UYlV('|ll(`l)(`('E-', l lmm- 878W. H()lI>}l`2 'l .'n\r.:ul.'nhlr- In-um unm I . zmll H. M()NCER. (`/\RPT",N'I`RY (`Ul|ll`il(`|(3I`.\'. rvpzllrs, ;||lm'a1inI1::.` ShiIIL!lill].L_ 1-nltn;,'4~.\ hnill: flnnr:.. building: mmlmnrrls n s`pv(-i:uIl_v. P`<.r. 1-:~linml(-.< `.25 William SL, PhD!!!` H`"'\H lf!.1'ln ANYONE WITH (1001) LAND` wi~ tn ;Il`n\\' l)&l!'h'_V fur C',nn-; udu Malling Cu`, un (~m11:'nv1_ 0./\ C`. ' N0. `.11 .\`l'(`(I suppliurl. 2401- C}m`(1nH Prmt nr Plmxw Mim-sing $11121 imIm~- dial:-ly. 13p` V-H.()(')Ml-1|) AI /\R'l`MI~`.N l` rm-` nu! i|nI'nrI(H:Il(- um.-454 Sitlll. E./\'I` AS YOU [ l.l'IASF.. T`l'nmp1J;I rnli:-f I`:-nm :xH :1nm.'u'h rlism'rl(`1".~. 1*./\'1' rol it-f wit h I nnl: _SF.l'Il) AND FICEI) FOR SALE . IR: I u u n I . um II In Tin: Fl.-nn|Innr\ 3S l`- !.nr|y`s white nnlrl ntch. H1 Ivy Hull. M.'n'('h 22. plvuso vmnlnunit-ntv with 11- Smilln, 9| Bnvl'i-Irl $1.. -_ I'hun(- BMW. Rt-wnrd. il`('('nW4m(l. .51! I .:|_\_".x' I~`|nw-r | l.'n'. '.[`l'2NI)l'IRS nsluxl fur lhv labour of vnwlim: twu .<\vin;:.u on N10 ;_-_rmInd.< M 5.5`. Nu. '3. lnnisfil. Specifica- tions may hv haul rmm lhv under- :~i;:Iu-d .\'l`l`I'(`hll')' 'l1'll(lI`l .\' In close April 1!: ll\\\'(`>'l nr :m\' tvmlvr nut m`cv.~'sm'il_v .'u'v<~pIml. Artluu` R. (inn-n I`hm`nlnn, (mi. l3-Hb (- I:u- Wm. 1-nun ('l().\`I' u.~:l:|lt-. /\p 1 (/\(lmini.~:.lr;ntnr nl /\[.S(I`) AND RED Cr.()VI`:R .\`('l'(i Ifnr uh` /\nnl\' Hnrnlrl M H1`n1('\'. FOR SAL!-`. -Strznv. oilhm` by .\'1ll(`k` nr load; quantity ul` good vluvvr nnv- also four mrknv hens Annlv '|]Il)'. HIS THU} l:\|fru-(1 Harris: L,m'mm1.< mm (M~h`22 and h; apply Frv(l. . rim-. lI`(1'1`g\'I`()PJS "FOR SJ\I.I".r Cu` (Y:n'nwn.<;u1d Dm\lvys. Just 1L$Jx," null h:|\`n 1ln~n\ II:-livnl FOR SALE I tnuu vmu nnw It II for cattle. .T3hnnn 1R:-4 FOR SALE clover . black mart`: LOST mm: lnll mu rn.0|`|cIc'i'A{r V"i'0 I.I-:1` lllnu vnu -nut II In Thn Funmlnnr) April H: |(\\\'(`.\`l um m`cv.~'s:ml_V lrm-n. Thnrnlnn. (mt. FARMS FOR SALE '11.... mm -nu: II In Thn Eunmlnnrl Pinl In help. ` hum` gap or THANMKS `; .mI\r; l\Nl7 H snlv. Apply m'nIun_ P110111` 7.`\N'l`l'I`Y or H\i:an fun` std S))1lI'l' lin- _ on 'l`uv. IV Hnrdvrl Road, uml I-lnlly. Rm . Phmw ti1()r2. `I lrnm all 5:ln|n:I('h (nsm'rI('r.~` 1 Wllth-r`.< Slmnawh I ()wd('l' V k for thv hlll(`-(Z|H`(`k(`I'(`(l 1m and $l.(N) :1! Munkmamis I)ruL:tI ...,a umm. nu... whinxw LN I`/HNS ARK 'l`(')R'l`(TITl<`. IHH-mn:nlisn\. S<-i::li-:1, Hm-k- nc Hu-Ir 'l'\Jvn- IIK'l` Hlnnz l(`l'ILl.ANEOUS nu II |n 'I'|In Fumnlm-r c, HE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARRIE, ONT., CANADA __. :\(H-2\1'l` Wz\N'l`l.l) In svll cmnph-lv lmlxsu t'm'nIshiIu: Iinv in this ms- lrirl for u l:u`;:v crvdlt lumsu. smu- q1m1iI ic.'\linn.< anul give rvfvrmu-0:4 In lhvx "H", lmrriv Flxmuincr. I3!) m xaum .-u xvmmm md Smith Drux: Sim Stnrv. Allundulv. ~J'l` npzu'l- mlc-(I gum! prim-:1" uw " Hnur 5| Hnnlnn .'~'.1I`1'(*1,` H`! mm In pt-1` (`()l'(l Sm`, I".l l'ivic-nl .\`l'|'\` Phnllv FIHUVV. ` ND FOUND - nun In In Tim Eunmlmlrl DIM` ..Inn Ii. lVll`fllIlHl': ml lmildinus. Pris-4-. 'nwI'|_v lIl`(`lI])l('(| h_\'; I-'nu:m, Munl hr snlrl Apply /\rlhIu' l".'u',~` marl. (`.uIIl::tm l`,().` w..1:u.`, E 0|! 'l`0 Ll.'[` In Tim Eunmlnnr) also general purpu would exchange ho Apply Clifford Du` I\'\'_ 1` I'l`l|l ur sun`. rnuv. I-lnusv out I (' l` [.10. 29 'I`m'nn!u .)| SICKU (1/\'l3`I. I1.-'|\'1 sulv-. vm`l_v pl`()(lH(`(`l' Strand. 181101. 11%;) HUI \V.'Ill'l' H('IlH1L',.` (--nlr:IH_v Inu-ulml.` 1. Phnnv 156']. min` AGI-}N'l`H W.-\N'I`l".l)! Fa slur! _vuu In :1 prnfilulwl likv lmmlrml.\ nl uHu'r.~' (`nn:ul:I. Nu vxpvrivmw \Vo lrnln _\':n|. l.ilwr:I| ` fur svlluu: `JIM ;:u:u';|nlv: liq-:4. l\lm~I all vnxnpvlitu fully :\ml\ilinus ,-'ulz~. O`.n- I'm-n |'.Il:llIH`Ih\ zllnl ll` l1I_\' ul ;1(m(1 mrkoy hens. n. Burriv R1? HUI) L3lJ)VI`H .\`(`l'fl H:ll'n|rl M. Hnllt-)'. ~ 2rH Ivy. 13-Hp I A PM` ('4; 5 Mid 1hn. wt! Sn!` nnl: ' SEED 0/\'I`S. EJIS1 nln nu rlv nrn(|u('1-I ` Quznntity of alfalfa lsu uvnornl uurnnsct `Hi /\m:l_V :n'v S1. ()l' I v:Ir(L ..()nrl_vv:I `ll `.28_ ( In-Inn-1 7.-i'T I_"inrl- I 'm`(l '/hC.. -supply-z rlt-3. $1.007 `. Wnlicl" 13-I71) AG!-}N'l`2-3 W.-\N'l'l".H! l"1lI1\lll`X \Vll|'ll`lUC prnl'iluhlu- l)u:~'inv:~'.< I-LI. tl\rmu:hxmt ---- Nu vxpvrivm'v rvqui1'v(l. _\'nIl vummis:-`innWill! ;:u:u';|nlm-(I In`:-0 1- 51' vmnpnlitmn . SUI` .~':Iln~. writu !_\Dl fur l`rm- ('.al;|lu;:\u` uml plnn \\'H|\:-H1 IN nl\lI;;:IlI-In l":\Mll.l".X ('()._ 570 S1. "` ('.lvmu\nl. Mnnln-ul. 1o-x:-1 - ---- V -----j--- \\'(\l ---- .. ( K! I` IA` `Ill 0|` . hull - R! uruv 1 I3!) B:n`~ I3!) (-1: N0!` .\ppl)' . 2. Hip; Easter Specials Ii/\!s"l`l'lR (ll-l0(30I.l\'l`I'} NOVl*}l.'l`lI'IS 5c to $1.00 ' ."s.i`s~z$'.\. l~)/\S'l`l-IR ICE CRIEAM Novoltlos 'l`opped with l)(-coratctl Rabbits .... .. 50 ?\.';\I` tip`). .5 7. I`;/\S'I`I`}R. BRICK S 20('.-II:lI f 100 E 3. .".\, ., .'.-',u`Iu5` `).-.h'I: N4-ilxon's and Smiles `N (`ylnu-,k|4-,.~; (ilmcolatvs in Sm-(-.i:tI Wraps 25(:, 504-, and $l.00 F ` v. v. 7. (`V/\l(l')S AND I`/\S I`Itll-ZS LUNCH AT ;BRYSONS H. 1 NEXT A. & I`. S'l`()I{E i % Phone 39 t *[ LOCAL NEWS 11.1! (I p r|l75 Hm ~ _ inllllllltrll l'vl.'l')/ IUl`.`su:l_Y. I nun: [,l134l. ' ' 13;! .` (Tl:n`k:- 8:. Cl:n'kr- this Wm-k hurl rz` )[tu1'm-ll In ll'u-m m:u'k:-(1 mlclruss un- _`,|~'.nmwn" u l('l,U'l' st-n1 by thvm In n '_'|(-hvnuisl. in Bu(-hurt-st. RnunmnI:l _ 1'1`:-|):ul)l_v thv ;,':-nil:-mun is nnw ._HununL: 1h- rt-l'u;,:(-vs drivt-n ml. by ,;lh<- Nu /.i.~:. ...|...a'p ....... ;.. u...~....- 1-4.,-.1; hll` ll"1' v nlslumll-.u "HIP XVSIZIS, ` S1-r what's ll('\ \' in sprin-,1 (:v>:ts` Inml suits: l'Ix(:lusivr- m.-mur.:cmrm"s Hlxrelxlzuy all they I"ridu_v :11. S. W. :l\'1|uII`l*'\` I.".l){ 25(:, $1.00 ` Um, `Qun . A). }$ELI,.~VVc wish to thank all oli mun kind friond.<. m-ighbors. pall-' bcar(~r.~', and those who so kindly 'prU\`id'd car. fur thnir many acts; of kindness. expressions of . pnthy and condolence and for lheir' bu-auliful floral offerings. at the} glass of our dearly beloved husband: and fa'.hor. - Isigncdlz Wife and` `family of the late Mr. Jnu. J. Bell. `and Mr. and Mrs. \'Vcs1c_v Craw-; furrl cw.-r_\-day neC'..'.sSl(18S including spic-. :- 5>`. v\'u`acL~1 baking powder. soaps.` medicines. mineralized stock andix pnuitry tonicx. Farm experience! . : helpful. Selling experience not ne--\ .';.\-uh $30 weekly `cossary. Beginner must be satisfied} at start. Credit (furnished. Write immediately Thef ;.I. R. Watkins Company. Montrea1.- .0111` nA'DI O-R-SA. 11-14111 (um. 1:50. DU\`N-Mrs. Jos. Dunn and tam-` |l_v \\'lSh to express sincere thanks. tn friends and neighbors who have` `burn >0 kind and thoughtful in-. thvir recent bereavement. 13p-i , KN()X-Tho family of the lalel Mrs J. A. Knox wish to thank, `friends and relatives for kindness? zunri =vmnaOh\' finwers and C8.I'S {OF} .7~.nln.. J1Iu)I`(*S. |-In] In th(- list, uf Htmw Mission) pp-I mnmm-ms for tho I'rc:sbylt-rimli '.I1lII`Ch, thrvo s'ilJL|('lIL*< w(-rv dcsig-` um-(I In H:n`x'i(- PM-. J. (2 ` l'r<>_v-1' is zuzuin in Hrmll'()rd. J. A. {was of Slnym-r will prr-bnhly L")i n :SI|lk5. :mrlI)>n::1dWudc ml .....1 ' `t'ricnd_< rclali\'cs for Kindness. zmd .=ympaxh_v. flowers and for: thv funeral 13D` 1 I l"\l\E IUU Illl. lVIl'lIVi yRELIABLE MAN. between 25 and` :30 _\-cars. with car. needed irnme-' -dxau-ly to hand out Free Salve and jlnsectia.-ides in nearby rural route} and supply established demand forj uec-.-ssities including spic-. \-x'.I`aCL~` bakmg powder. soaps. :CARDSAOF THANKS: DOS!` lu;Il`u\` vxrl\.`Im:n` l I}:u'rw 1 . " ,, , _ l EXPERIENCI-`.D GIIH. wanted for hnusc.-work in np:n'1nwIIl. Apply 33 Maple Av:-. )3] :,J. h`. Watkins comp; nQu~:.. Dvpi. O-B-SA. VARE YOU THE MAN? I.` \v-.\' F\.\VI|'nn.\ `H nn .(l])liIlll XV u(lvrship nukcr H1 - f`|n|\. SIu1d:n_y mIn'nin1.z IHH1. in St. 1-\v`.~: (`.hm`r'h. :1 very pl:-(using \.\':n.\ sung, by Jm-k H0pph-- yummy, |mri1nm~ of 11?`-'11 H. 'l`h- .x`(-11-ctirm was. "I - 'I.'n '['I`l(`('"_ by Cum Roma `uh-nlvd sturlr-nls will rec!-ivc :1 uuuh lrmnixu.-, in vui(.-(- cullurv nl `nu! Hui S!mlin_ H5 B:n_vfi<-Irl S1,. l'IIl.\' pn-p:n'vtl fur ('UlI(fl'I`l. urn- nnd npM':I. Marl:-mlv H-rms. inns pvt.-ry 'l`uv.x`(l:1_V. Phant- 1311 illl :'Il'('l(ll"l`., illlln llllllh wnnl In nvnirl," lw said. um] mm-lim.-, nf lhv (.`hI|vl Su('I'l,_V HI" SIl"n('Iu- (fulln- hu-lrl rm 'l`m~: April 4 .'ul lhu (flnildrt-n`.-: Sh1`l'!'l -Irl SI. Puhlit: (-m'di.':lly in- mrm-l1n'm'.-:' H::|rl:I_Y ts and stills :uI| day lVlm'n,-`.~: Sl.m'(*. ITII) 'IIlI' horno wilh Hu- wnllpnpc-rs. l"rLm-s Rnl)im0n Hurd- l.n wish ends. I Ihncn I-1|) 4 l<`m'niI,uI'n Stun v Hw f:nn:ms Sh:-xv :- mi" paints and mur rt-qui|'-mu-ms. I. warned 1nd:u_v i('(- nl lwn p(-uplv 1-v:-In "'I`h:-rn is :mw :n'riw-(I this ;;nn(|-|)yt- ink:-n I I'll" ('lHIL7l , Illu- . this urn:-Ir Hnrl r:\ l`:\lH l\l.l.(:l.r\ yv:n'.< uld. ills: nnuu |\\:lI`n~; 7 to thank all of: nni nhhnvw nnll-I 9 L,'r;n[.:n arm-,1 M.1..1.LE ufu-tnrr~r's` ' am 5 March I5 -hi Wilkvs liss.ion mcnt 1 "L-:al)yl-rim1iM(_-RAE /(-r<- Staynv. t-ry: g 1939. l'()rd. /\.l W`f!C ` 'nh:Il)ly 5 wudc ml `c':fh:.I.\-1: _ ! Patriv` m1mm:.\' M1 M,,,~,_.h u- lmpt-rml1S']'|gw,A_ u-sdny ;m(l' Thurs` . Ihv firs? Mulilc r filmed Ill` -M`-`X?! ()1; rlHIS`-U. .Vm`r- X.` 11-ry. I 'hu. cars TUCK'_ O Ammm._% Illncsi nn tUl.n`II:I- I rl thv iht-F`! Tuck `rnstcrs an-4 F B(,w_', \'4'I1il!rs ar-W` of Mr iel, I hill. S1` - y ;4..u Mart`! :u llubuunui ' I d=M[NNIKIN-In loving memory of! W -1- BC-i Lillie Purvis belnvvd wife of w.` :l<-3-' Craw`, D. Minnikin. whu passed away- 13b; April 3. 1937. n farm We miss thee from our home. dour. E G rerc . , _, i ; who haveiwe miss thee from thy plactl H E C `A shadow o'er our life is cast . `utghtful 131)? We miss the sunshine nf thy face. i n ' p1W'e miss thy kind and willing hand ! `i th 1`'3|Thy fund and rrarnvst care. 5 . th" kxOur home is dark without thee `, >1 k`de55 wn miss the evervwhere. . I|l'll' I.` I lhn1's - Ul.H'I|tl' 1` ihvf ..-L. nu.- >m.reaI.| 11-141) 13h |H[*`.R'l'RAM' On Snturdny_ March 25, 1939. to M|'. nnd Mrs. Regin- nlrl Bcrlrnm. 1):Ilslum. u (lHllL:hl(`l`. JOHNS'1`ON--~Al the Ruynl Vi(-tm'i:\ I-lnspilnl. Bnrrio. nn Saturday. Mnroh 25_ I930. lu Mr. nnd Mrs. W. John.-alnn. 62 O\V('l`I SL. Tlnrriv. u dmuzhlcr. KEEN-~ -At, the Royal Virtnrln Ho.-a~ )ilnl. Bnrrit.-, nn 1"ridny. Mnrchl L4, 1939 In Mr. um! Mrs. M. Kc-1-u. 248 Blnkc S1,, Bnrrit-, n dtmghlor. LOUGHEED -On Snturdny, Mun-h 25. 1039, nl St. Michm.-l's llnspilnl, 'l`:n-nntn In Mr. nnrl Mrs. Miilnni 1-Ins~| Llul. Mnrch; 'l`nmnm, tn Mr. nnd Millnn l.mu.;h(-ml (non Mary Wright), :1 dnuxzhu.-r Pnlri:i;n Anm-). Mt`DOU(7:/\I.l.~~Al Hm Rnyni Viv- Iuriu H<)Spilul_ Burris-_ on Mm-4-h 29. 1939. in MI`. unrl Mrs. V. J. M..n......uIl llu-n Ha-h~n H.'1w-| lhurn). ll (Izn I l`/\'I"l'I".RSON- Inrin Hmmitz l'l\'l"l'I`iHh turizl H rlny. Mn Mrs. R. -.~nu.(_ :: SINTON I Mr nll lI(H'.\`l~'. FOR S.-\ trio \`I|V\'|` all t` .H~Il4l.l-IV - W()0l)R()W Al Hu- l'l'('H|)yl(`l'i5In Manmv. ()r1llin. by Rvv. J. A, Mn(~lm1i:~:, ml Satin"- rluy_ Man`:-h 11. 19159, !~`.:uliu- llc-n-`,1 dnmglm-r or Mr. and Mrs. .1-yhnl, Wmulruw, Orr) Shinlinn. In Vit-Mr} 1 Eur! J:-llvy, Hun 0|` MI`. and I\'Ir:' 1'}. .l(-llvy, Nnrlh Orillin. HPRY-1-`()R|H'3S -Al Halifax, Nnvu Scutia, nu l`hursrluy. Mart-h 224 1939, J1-ssiv l'2Iisnhu-lh, d:nuuhl<-r 01 Mr. unrl Mrs. Hwy Fl:-tr.-hm-I` I-`nrln-H. In l):nm-l (Ihurl:-.u: Spry` lht-Rnyul C:m.'uli.'nn Rt-Lzim--nl. sun n1" Mnim`-(in-m-rnl D. W. I . (`,lJltl{lF,'- - Smith-n|_v, in 'I`m`tmIn.l rm Mnnrlny. Mun-h am, man, Mrs 3 J:-nnie (?I,n'rir-_ lnlo (IT 413 |..'ms=.- dnwnv Av:-.. lnelnvu-(I sislu-r :1 Mrs. H. W. Wrinhl. . rt-:;i-| of Rlukv HL, | .:n'rit-. lull-xw` `I I < lll('ll|. in lrusp.-t.-I, (`.4-rm-It-ry_ Tn- mnln, DUNN Al Hnl`ri(-, Im S.'I!In' March 25, 1939, .ln.-u-ph llvnry Dunn |(I.N.l(. pr-n:~ ionm'r_ In-luv- wl hu>:|):nnrl nl` Rm-In-l Dunn, in hisHl)1,h yn-zn . l~'um-ml [mm his lulv l'(`Si(`('l1('l'. 200 Hrmll'urd SI ` on 'I`m-.<. March 215, Lu SI. Mm-v`~; (fhur('h` llnrrit-, for Mines w A I (EIBBONS Al. /\ll:nn(l:Il('. nn Mun- HUMPHREYS --- A1. his reslrh-nr-1-,, his Hl)1h yum`. l"lmt-ml [mm Ins. SI` SI.` M:n'y'.~; Chum-h. lnlvrmt-nt S1. M:n`_y`.~: (I4-n`u-lvry. day. March 27. I939. (,`h:url4-.s' l<`.rl- wnrd Gil)l)nns. hnsbuntl uf Mu-' ln1(- Lnuisu ('hbhnn.~`_ in his With your. 1"um.-ral held unrlt-r au:~zpi<-- vs uf S.().E.B.S. Inturmu-n1 :11, S1.` |':m|':~: C('ln('I('l'y, lnnisfil_ Mm`. 29. 2 (Ht-n Elm /\V('Illll`. Tnrrmm, On} Monday, March 27. 1939, Hm/., John S. I-lumphrvys. fnrm('rl_y ufu Allundalu and Ct)uk.\'l.nwn` m his 72nd yum`. Int:-rmt.-nt Mnunl Plna.~a:m1 C(.'m(.'l(!l'y. March 29. day. March 29. 1935), Arthur .I:u_v. boluved husl)zIn(l n1 Murlhn Ellis, nut-(I 73 yv:n`.~.. I*`un(-rnl on Sn1ur-` day. ul, 2 p.m._ In SI. ~!ohn':-1 An-` xzlican Church and (,`t-rm-1-r_\_'_ Ur;nghur.sL ` hum S1... Allzmrlnlt-_ on Sund:ay,i 26. 1939. Julia lI:u'r1`<-1` )1 Wilkt-s, wifv M John Lilllt.-. lnivr-5 Hm`ru- Union Cmm-It-ry. 3 "MCRAE A1. h(-r line I`(`h'i(ll`Hlf(?.l -! Slaynur. on l`h\n`.~'dny. March 231.; ; 1939, Minniv Shnnncy. Ix-Invurl: _| wife of th(- Into Chnrh,-:s' M<'H:u-.1 ,`| and lTlU.lh(.'l` nf Knthlmt-n; (}(-r:nI(l`- Jl uf M-rJn:in(- Hat. and 1.1.-CH1`, `. Ch:n'lr-5 of 'l m`unLn. Inl.(.-rm:-nl S1.` Patx'i<'k's C(-mt-I1-ry_ S1u_vn-r_ on`. H 27. 5 .I1c.'m.1w A RT Al Stnuffvillx-. nn ['1 I I'hon M` 93 Du Hurinx: ;::Irl(- w.'n-. Ell/,:nlu-III hm! (-:nu.',` hl:n7.r- wu: u;,'r- xvnx ( Using : JARY AL (,'ruip,lnn'.s1, on Wmim-.s . f,,,.(.,. H. :1 Hunt`. v I-rl in H): ()il wnrt-) In SH`:-l-I |:n:'l unrl `, l..I'1"1'I.Ev-A` er re.-iriunu-. 67 w1I- 5 H I-mmni (TAN Th!` gr lion of H :u,I.'u In In: whirl) is III` 1:! $.' privv rm Hm: Hu- l.mn. BIL: vn Iurm Hospuu M('l)0u;.:nll lhurn). din `/\'l"'l`TI`.Rf-n7\T- lht-Rnyul L;nn.'1m.'In m~;;nnI- riun Mznjnr-(it-m-rnl Spry and Mr.-4. Spry, ()l1.:nw::. `YUUF home Is uarx wnnuun L[ll'L' ` .Wc mxss thee everywhere. ` i13h --Husband and children. ` ' EHOLT---In luving mvmnry of Jr 1 seph Holt. who entered Into rr` ` April 3. 1935. "T13 Sweet to remember a father 5 dear, "I'huugh absent fmm us yet over 5 ' near. 1 near. 2Unscen by the world he stands I ` our side, 1 And whispers. dvar nnos. death on nut divide. NT-`.v(~r r(-m(*mb('rr.-d 1 : Izspb _.__..._______________. ROBER'I`SON~-In lnvmg memory of a dear loving husband and fa- ther. George Robertson, who pass- ed away on March 31. I937. "Tis peace (9 know we'll meet again }Where partmgs are no more. ]And that the one we loved so xvull .1-[as just gone on before. vnm`nnl\- rsxnnrnhrd hv his. Ii-ROOM!-`.H l`-Rl(`l\' salv. (`mm ally lncutcnl hnnu\u 1-mul Hnrdvn 1 WI-IA'RRAM-In loving memory of; '1 Bertha Horton. beloved wife of` Edgai` Wharram. who died March, 28. 1938. ` --Ever remembered by `Has Just gum: on UUIUIE. --Loving1y remembered by his. ;13p W'fe. and daughter. Margaret.` x ' - ~ - - - ; mother of John and sumuclgy Wesley, Service at hm` hum!-. 179' Dunvugan Road. Thurs-day, Mar i 29 at 2 n.m. Intvrmt-nt Barrim Road. 'l'hur. Mar 29. at p.m. I3arrie< Union Ct'mI.-tvry. l'2H3S()N- -l\1 l Hmapitnl, M:n'.'h 27. n mm.-r )N mm 11 IN MEMORIAM MARRIED LII (Ill-0 Iwll-n nuw- clzmuhtur )N- -A1 tho Ruy:l| Vic- spitnl. Barri:-, nu Mull- '(.'h 1939. In MI . and` |`7lll1'l`St)n. RR. 2, Min- , Bonn l(`l\L`\`.\`. -*\I.~N.\` dnlv. u =ul`I. Mrs. .`I|lI DIED nde ~-Evvr } M()1hf`I' and Famil Mun-h 2!. I935), 1'5. S. Hinton. (`rm -Ever remembered by Enna \Vharra:n "*'-*l ED __.____J 1-nly, 'I`m'nn1n. m-h at inhl. lnl:-x'- I.-trl, Irrit-, 3), H<'nr_vx pr-nsiont:r>_ . xllznmlnlv. nn . J In! \|)lmm`_ S. an. .. lII\ A nrl wn-.s. v. .1. H4-Inn Haw- " I I'M!/4t|I)l'lII -`I. . VVIll' Lhml mun.-,h1, I'iru- in :s` wua qmrlcly ; t dum-. In-smr u nil-1-n u |l'lI III In!` IIIIIVV. l'l|Il,'ll'll |lll' -VIIPIII :()il w:urt-hnmm .':I 1hr- {um nf 'l`n'm- nnrly l hur. mnrnln;-,1 `Inst .~:1ulr- :1 flushhuhl, :1 ('lvwk.i In fnunlzain pt-n and .\'uuu~ pt'n(:?L<. E V * V uarru Wcdnus . hnvn FUR "l`.~:w I am of the opinion that your issue of the past week is about the finest weekly newspaper I have ever seen in my life", says a well-known Ontario weekly edit- or and publisher, writing to The Barrie Examiner under date of March 25. 000010ooolooo00000000vooootooovooooooooolooooooooloooaoooo coon` LUCl(Y S`_]}j3A UTY _gAIz1.oU1z 4.. II1..III....A.... ll `30 c1oa&Zuo.;Z' ron SALI-:: 11 t ((||I|NINll1` WI-Illmglnn Iluu-H swung, l1pw:Irl.-z WIUI (,`mnplc-l.- wH.h I.ul.-.-.1, Spring, Htylv $2.50 to $7.50 LURN/\ l$l'2|`2'l`()N. ()pnr:1tm' ' l'|mm5 59%| ...... --.-pppmppppppppooononooooococoon:ooooooloovooooolooolo. A Complete Modern Optical Service Ihrttvr Vi.'~*ion~--(in-zltur (1mnl'm'l.-Sl._vlis|I (Alumna.-1 FITZPATRICK -: OPTICAL :- ` V2: ;a`1.:I:;:vI. 4'-:';~`n `S3734 .1` 1 pm -' -- .`- `V-_.- - W 7 W I A (:.,..um,,;_ ,\_;,.-I 1;-,.H.;; .-\l.|..\!\I);\l.l'. : l'hmu: 220' II-:::oI=oJ'a`:`::i:A_Touor.-.=-'."-_=::Ao:::o=="I' I lmm-. 232 I I\`lnml:n)'. Dunlop E "I'uz1m~n:n\-v.-x frunl 50 h_\' l1`iciL\. \\'u l3ollwm- Cr .__._.___..... 5 . . , . . . II n \\'.|ll;u1- (iut-st, H. U. .\lrl\l.\.\().\. g Sulcsmaul. l'hnm- 1161. Barrie .402.-.-==:o|::o%_o|::o:o|:go%oI:. 1)(`,g(.-('r. ml zu_ Lnn, |Sunnirla]q- f .u:uh_ wi auction .=al(- of farm nmplt-mvnts. Sale :91 A. Gmso. nuctinnr-1-r. Harri!- 1' w.I-. l.IllI'Il Lulu-1h 81., w n- ulu-. nunrltl` ( Iom plq-. tn SIN(iI.l'I VISION n;.; H nu-1' lurk `vf, wham- ) Ihv `huV ;; y.:xv:- In Luv I./.:Il:H||'l n, ..v.. 2-L`:-2-==:-4-"-1 "*"' The NEW, FINER, SEAMLESS AUCTION SALES 1 NUFASH|0N"La'stex 1 v , , ,_ I..- ll-.. -.1 `KIA.-n-n Curloud No. 74 April 5th. and ` Honsis and cons ro%RA_L. FOUR CARLOADS OF CAR!-3Fl'LL\' SELECTED FARM HORSES will arrive and be for sale at G. W. ATKIN- SON'S FARM CROWN HILL. on and after April 3. any Choice Colts rising 3, several Matched Teams and a nunuber of well bred Brood Mares. ,,_,,-__--. ... r\1\t\__Ar| FUR S.~\l.! . In! with um ish. with ml smllvd Rv 'l`hm`ntun: P and up luxi night lhv- ; ('.'nlI(-I 1:: Pry: CI ..v|...n~.. -,-an ' l'Sl]H)5lll H ill 3. Ll1,nUll_|lU` . pc-r <-4-n1_ In-lnw Hm vn (i2').'}.()() In 1937 riuv I . .,..`,. .. , ;.-' farm vnlnv nf prmhn.--[ - mtm {it-lrl rrnpr. in Ctm-1 l'SHH)5I1l'l5 ;.x $52n,Hh`().r)t)tI.y .....` ,.....1 1...)... H... u:.l-! These are 1 . Apri 23. C for zumointnu-nl. '. \N1-ulm-.-.cl:u_v nml l"I'i(|;ly Niuhl.-. by /\|D|ItIIIll||I|`l|l. 50 .1 -;-4aan\/-.- n.. (Uppn.-4Itr Wt-Illnghm Ilulc-ll .- urilll 'Df\'NI II "I" BE` (tum plvtcs .; >1. FUN .\`:\l.l'; Io clnsc an vsuuo. lurgc nvw l.-umzzllmv` stucco fin- oak Hum`s and hydro `mm Rvply to Arthur Grcon.I '1`hm`ntun; l~'r:mk C-1*ucn_ Q1`uig\'nl-2, Ont. I3-15b . lH)lIl!|.l". VISION aquiet. farm- will arrive we expect * East of l o.st ()|'I`i-.1: llclll `U ml pro bl-)\.n 1 pm Plumm- 1'4 ` :I.ml u |I I \'.\l.U.\Bl.E l~`R01`F.R'1`\ fur .~`alo.! curu:-1' ul' Cnlhcr nn_d ClaPDt`t"} .~n~.-.\1_- Ham.-_ includmu two stores. 'TruIy Express the Spirit of Easter 9:l0_1vgr's llunlclc-rI'vl (irt-1-nlmns- 74 Illnlu` St. : l'lmm~ 832 THE FLOWER 67 l';'I.2I|)l`l St. l |mmt 72'/.. H-._1`/1.-.. LAY L: .0.-.W.*.*!TTY lVl-mln-r l"In|'i.'`l\' 'I`c-Ia-urztplu llvliw-ry /\h`slN'|:\I.il)l| ' I [):'III', -'?1'IlJU (IUVVII int:-rt-:~I n1 5 1:": .,!SM/\l.I. I-`ARM: !u/umh-|'l`I|| hulltl ur Lfnlllcr and Ljlappcrton `Irv-`l.~`. l3:\_rrw, including; stores and d\volhn;:. with all nmdorn can-, \'c1\|'|lc0_.~`. Apply Gcorgv Shzmnum on pl'cInl.\'L`$. 12-um` , lH~`.l.P W/\N'I'l')l")-~ExrwI'ivm-ntl kit,- chvn mnid wunlml H-4. Apply EH Owvn Slrt-1,-1. 13!)` :, ! SM/\l.I. I-`ARM ulmu lwtmrh-rl`uI Imllding.-; Hziur um] huh! lurmi ilnkt-:; lhih nlm-v. l- -- - -- '10 1.r;'r -~ --~ `- l{0()M.S~S-vu-rul fin`:<|-(3135:: ||'!lI."H- V; lu---ping I'mvm.'i with privuln bath: ') `ZIIFU :1 Huml)('I' nf (.'h1':`||)l.`l' nnvs. IIH) . an and or: I 5/('1Il'!L |)Il||l lpnir. $4()() .1. l)()lH":l.I'". tliululx. in 1 ;NI('l-I L`! lbnlhrvmrll. |(2()()l) HI vu-nu`-; Inn W. ATKlNSO.\', Phone 902r42 'Hu- 1 245`) land .u. I ll`!!! rooooooorooooooooooooooooo0 on` 5 - at Burriv I-`AIR GROUNDS. Curload N0. 7:) on April 6. -raiscd liars:-s and Colts MRS. A. B. VCOU`TTST n;u9(-r hi. lrmzznr v.'!-Ln`. T- I- uH l:-ngvin or saunter length as xe- qulrnd. ' y 1 I 1 . `I I , , _ A , ____ ::_:_ FOR SALE ~li-nm|nl`d .~'on\i-dct:u`h- I` FOR SAI..E--Pri\'atcly-owned 193`. ` ed house. tile cement kitchcn.`Pl_\'mouth deluxe sedan. in good thcrnmstnlicully cnn)mllvd furnace.icundition, small mileagc_ good tir hardwood do\n\slu11's. `~c`om:u1eun1les and extras. Nu reasonable offer covers upsmixxx. .1cvIric range. Ap~ refused. 1-`. J. (`.rar-9) . Telephone ply `Z6 McDona1u 5. 13p)293. 13p I\/Ilzntlfie to Measuire for CI correct fitting IIZI I I&IIIIv -vnwuwvv Hose for Men and Women who suffer from Varicose ,-, ' ' Veins lIHIII|l|'l I ":'>.o..e 2i"';'$"'J% I"()H H/\l.l') I .l.I`I IIHIISI. with uuml rvpnir. $500 I Z (,`()'l"l`/\(;l`I. with `until, $1.00 M HHl(`K IIHIEHI". in: Il\J. I`! II. `ave - I Real -Esta tc List `HIIII, EMA ) HHICI Iunll :1 Mun nu :1 5 ])l';' rvnl. FARM ubuul 7 m-rt-'-2, with AI fur r'hi<:lu.-n:<. lnxlzhi 1.'u`nnim.:, $700 down " I) a'I('l'. l*`()H S/\l.l". HHIISI". wi uuul x'l'l|.'Iil' $5 H-tn 'm 1.1-2'1` m-r:|l firul -I ,FlNER, _...---an r n. POSITIONS WANTED (In um: um It In Tm: Enmlnorl :11: :I\"'r:I|.{4- UI Ilm nu- l{"I\lI.`i have-, (lulu: it. ______.__...____ I'4X1lHlHIl`l' "ilIll"U an.` L`l:n.<:~:Ifu-d Adv:-r1is;inL( :nw-rnL;v- uf 10$! ud- n.,. ..Ia.. |....... .I...... it ue Thlrtegn Jhl-L, |ml su I1'\V firl vlzmsa r-- M $10!! _v-nrly. ll :II`I'|c-1] A .0... wntu-1 I-:u'h_ .'-pi:-: WI`R ()l`l-`.l-tr !-`-\' FOR SALE .-.u ..m. Inw II In Yha [umlnnn HELP WANTED nu vnn um ll In `flan Enmlm -W(-:l:2N'l`_1s:- Mann mm mw ll In l`I'}l) H:-nlth_v hnrsn-s mm {H fur fox and mink lvlnrrvn. Hurrio. 13-22;). \ `. cniruw Apply 8! . l`l\n SAL!-`. L'vl\:1\ vl\' an In- |'`nk. Vl~;.!\;;|Vlz\N(il~1 n... unll unw H In `flux Eunmlml HOUSI<`.KEl')l`l'2. W/\N'I'I-ID fur cmmlry hmm-, Phnnu V:ll11VEl|(` 2M2, or Bnrriv 5821. I31) T0 ;\(`Rl".S fur Silk` - 2" `nlt:u.'- an Inkc. good .~`ub-' Milka` uffvr F.z\sv terms.`-` `n! I` I-7. C`.m\vfnrd. phonu Sl;Ilmn 13p WAN l`l'1l) u Inn: ll In Thu KI mu p::u` an k`mnlwrl:1nd `hunv 5301. lsu nnir wm-rul pm`- 7 and H _v\:ul`s. would ` cnlllv nr pigls. Apply lllp I l.'\N I\l:\lH'IS. 3 (Ind -11` \' lm`:llL` g:\rdvn nnlwrl: F\u'ni.~'lwd cutlauzc. Minvt's Point. water- `_`00, fi\'c rmuns. Cluc- xr. .-\ppl_\' .\H:m. 16 .<. \\'o. 12-1613 4.-\1.l"._ \\`i1'<'d fm` elm`- mn\`rx\ivl\n~.<. hurd- lmwlglmlll Amsly 5|! S! \\'.. ur '1`vlvpl\um` IR-1'.`n W/\N'I'I~2D, 1`urnn- _Vnlll` lnur. Phnnv ` l. lmvil, I`.O. Box ll-I51) WANTED In Tim I Inn\InlIr\ J'l`I-ID fur `. u-hildren Burnfivld. 131`) 1"/\IlMIl/\ ND W/\N'|`l'I D, ('x|)m`imu:- Cd. gum] hnrst-m:m. Apply Jznmes Irwin, |'LR. l_ All:Imlnl(-, Phtmv Strnud `JIM. ' lllb ll`3"l'|\(`H. \\'I'll(` 1` I ~ . 1n.I:z-1mi `:1 vs1.'Itv, brick: nss und Mnplog \VnIfcndcu. 5| 11-l."u\l uuilvx nhln In:-:i lI(1L I. all and .1 -:2 HOUSE furl -xll 1-.\n\'nIn-` _.____.__.; l vslnto. lnrgu \" {tn- n hvrirn in 13]) llll` Ii. it t'\`Il\ l`ll`1 ganwngv. .~\l km - 13p 13p' D I-lOUSl~)l( IGl'}l l~Zl{ WANT]-ID mnwrlt-5:: fnrm hum:-, vhil tunn age. Apply H. Burn Noblelon, Ont. IJIH, In` 12-161); ._:._-. will` \l\'\' TO GET SPECIAL -von- CLASSIFIED ADS. (Minimum, 25 cents) Payment must be made by Tuesday Following Insertion Otherwise in charge of 25c extra to cover bookkeeping costs I. CASH RATE i I I 1 |--T------'-------- (.`. lIl.D'S C()'l` fur sulu. 'l`vl(-plmxw 5. 6.1 13;) su Io, 9625M. MlSSF.S' 'l'WEED (IO/\'I' fur .~'nl<'.l h'i'I.(- Hi. l hmI(- H119. llihi |--------:------------ MAN'S Hl(7YCl.I'I fur salt-. lnl.t-34!. Innrh-I mum! 1-nnrlilinn ll) J:IlH- 51.. lVll\ N .5 mod:-I. Burrit- GIRI. In (In liglnl hUllSl`\V()l'k for bu.-4im-.-:5 family. Mus! lw vxporimu:- ed nnd (-upznhlv; slt-op mll. Apply Box H:u'riv I*)xzIInin(-r. IIH) I BOYS` Bl(,'Y(`.l.PZ for S1I|l'. in gun!!! cnndilitm. Apply 52 hmi.-efil $1., [ hnn(- 782. 13;) '2-l)()()H. Wl\lH.)l gum! mnditlnn. Phmu- 315. ICE FOR S./\l:T'3 HY 'l'Hl_`.7 TON-`H/\RR['}D ROCK CHICKS Guml wlmlnsnlo. l hum- `J99. HnI`I'It' YlI4'|lfnr nu-nl, zmrl up,-1.15. Fnurtm-n y("ll`H "ml Supply CW mb {of blond u~stin;,' and ;,:nv(-rnnwnl In-. -:I' .All -}"k.'.' H '-l 1-} -I EI,EC'I`R[C STOVE. MnfI'nl_ umlvrHB1n(x1::;1L!s lz:i(`ll); \:;1.(V "|):vr1mf(lr)l(f|:. oven. l'(`3lS()lllIl3|(' pricv. Apply 2". lI1:/H. (.hi(.ks_ H (...,,;S; 2 w(.(.k,.; Hlzlkt-SL. Bnrlu-. Lhtulrl. 15 cents. 'I`nm Kt-nny, Shanty ' swmn '1{un1_\1mg~*. _:_mg un=n_-`:_u1Is;"""' ____j'` 2-D00 H. WA IH.)ROI$l". .1vnn(I 1-nnrlitlnn Fm unrlt-1'1 rm1smml)|t- 224! Hlnkv SL. 131) E SWEDF. TURNIPS and lnnmznlclsg for snlv. Apply J. Y1-mos, Slnno-I (`I`nH. /\|lunrlul,-. Phuuu llH2.I. l3p| I 866W. 131) I BOYS SPRING ()II'l`F`I'l` for su|(-,1 3-pivcc. (i-R _vu:n's_ in gum! cmulillrm. Apply 58 Pom-lung SL. nr Ph(II)(`I KI'I'CHF.N IL/\N(}E fur snlt.-. nvnrl_v'- m-w 1-rminnml with nil 1.)lll'lH`I` KI'I'CHF.N IU\N(H'; Iur HZIIL`. nvm'1_v"- uuw. 1-qulppvd with l.mrIwr_ (`Hill or \vmul. Apply 30 Tiffin SL, mmm- 370. um` BUILDING FOR SALE. l(| by 16 H., in Hnnrl 1-nmlilitm. will snll l`(`Zlh`Ull- WANTED RY MAY I. t'np.'Iblc wu- mnn fur |{(`l1(`l`lll hvlp; must lw good n.'IslI'y mmk. /\ppl_v .I. J. Smilh Sorvicv Smlinn. 5 mil:-s nurlh of Bnrriv_ Highway 11. 13]) 1... .._.. ---- I FOR SALF.--~l"rlnu'n.~:v No. 1 r*r<`:Im| >`.(`|):ll'illUl'. vlu-up. in gum! r'umlilinn.. Apply A. Phillipa Shunty Buy. Ont... Nl"lmlIt- 923 Urn. 131 I DRESS UP YOUR HOME with lhu nvw Sun\vm'lh_v wn|lpu|wr.'~".. Sp!`- vlnlly pricvd l'rum He rnll up. Ruh- lnson Hurdtvuru. mp HON'EY-~F0rty pounds: No. l or while honey, in t!:m`y pails, 3 '6-Hs znnbur, $21.10. 'l`wt.-uly [mo delivery. R. W. Mnguirc, I sing. om. A sale, 7 H. by Ii fl.; mu` Tnlvdn cum- puling S(?{ll('.\'. m-:n`l_v nvw; mu--tn-n ||Jlillf()l'l`n sculcs. Phullc 1192M. or imply C. W. Pnuchor. 5 Cnunhvand Slrnvt. IO-Hp I F.UREK/\ RI".I"RIGER./\'I'()R fnri 'I`W() G0/\'1`S FOR SALFI ur 1-vvhnlnru fnr 1-luia-lwns, Annlv 1 'I`W() (EU/\'1'5 run m\|.r. cxvllxlluzv fur vllivlwlxs. Apply : H p.m. Ill 40 Buys St. I , . _ . , ,. FOR SALE OR I.X(`.HANGI*`. or liv1':'ln(:k. nU(lL{(` truck. 1931. sin - hudy. Would mnkv umnrl l':n'mvI"s truck. {\m)|_v .Ia.~;. Hpl`IH`(`. SH l`n- rnnln S1,. Hurrw. 13:); FIOR S/\l.FI 100 Inns hny. ho:I\'y[ Ivnm l\0rsv.x`, 3200 lhw. . svudl unis. will -xx-lmmzv fm` mun nri _vnum,: pins` ovmjvlhinxz gu:u'z1I1tm-(I. A A Wall. SI1.'|nl.yHu_v. l`hum~ -117.11 rn 13h S1..`\l}S FOR S./\l.I.. :1|.\`n u Smzlll quantity nf l)ud_\` wunrl. out any `I:-n;:(h_ in may qu:Inlil_\'. 'l`t`lo.-hphum` m- Mp) I12 CORDS ()l` -1 F1`. \`VUUl) nu" `. 410 milvs nut ul` l.'Irriv>, svll (`hl`il|1`. :Il.1v Dl`l`l(`(i |wm|nL'k slabs. $5 ('ul'(l. (It`ll\`l`l`l`(I tu\\'n., 2\mvl_v I3`.m`l Hurmn. SIR \\ vlli1w;lun} .Sl.. 12H) W/\N'I`l*ID Hnus('| pnsllimt Gmtrl l t'fl'l'(`,ll('(`.\'. Apply Bux "W,` Hurriv I')x:nni1wr. 13p`