INN` Hllll .`1lll|I|I\u -x-~ IV` 1l`|`l'l'.i0ll." This w; ` H 1'v::ululinn hIlI"vduvml ty 2: privul- nu-mlwr and it was Th:-1`(-fnrv frzunwl Ill ;.-,1-m-ml wm':l.< nocullsv |n'i\'n|v Int-mht-rs cummt (nmmit l|u- ;;m':-rnnu-nl In l:u'g(- (-x- uelltlilllm-.-: ml" puhlir nmlwy. 'I`h.'-y jun, hU\\ l`\'(`l'. ::n;;;-,1-M Ilml lhv p_uv- frmnvnl wm::| lhv (gnu-.~;liun. 'I`Iu. In:|inI'il\.' nl` lhv lll1`lllhl`l'.` ms Ixrl jury rt-turn:-I n Irnu - Imlwtnn-n1 M1:-I` In-;n'im.' uf wil|u~.~::~;-:4, for N10 14- m-nsv rnmlm-nvml |wI nI`t- .. 1.... ..x.. ....... f yr-Hrs nL,'<>," 2: violent nllnuk :5. My, [CPI ~n. 'l'ht- pain wns 1-nlly quite crip- .'md- 91- Sinrlml umihl lllv \VIll]I`S.*:<`:~ mr ` (':n- ml" Mi:'h:u-I , Mirllnml, clmxnmt-I .-ngsuiml his 1!]- , (`rmvn/\l1m`m-_v K.(7., n('l'tl for lhc 'IH'l' l(llH\ [Hill I` llll and prinr In [hut Hml hm! hm-n cnm~ I by M|iS1l`|`(` II Midl:-ml um Dv- HI(.. 5 nun uI'I'n mliff '1`. I). Rubin- -::H11n~r nf Nlndunln-, 1` :|p,l`(-l*}l|('lll hn'm;.'. ` mnon him:'olf- ...:| nun uu-|`l( 011. w st-H hm} hm-n f` 'l` l\ `)n`\i|\_ . u --u- '1 _V,.;..--ull alim- look |I:u'(* uh . .1 |......-\ .....n,, (By I). I-`. M(`(3II:||L:. lsnowbouufah Roads Affect] Trading On Local Mart; Chickens Again Sell Well Wilh cnunlry mnds mostly plm.- gcd rim-p with snow. In.-al Smur- duy-+ Jucnl llNll`k1`l unis slimnucr lhnn usunl. Nm m.-nrly us muny funm:r.*a \w-re prest-m us llllill nml trading nccumdinuly was nul 511 brisk. 13-... un-nkI'I` lhun tho nr:-- Eggs W(`l`(' vious wvek_ still .-u-[Hug 1 25c and 22:-. changed. all 1 (`kin-In-nu: 1 M.\|2|m'r slill bu-lung m ;:m- wnn mm ... l)n'n'y hum-r wns un- 25-2(ir nu-r pnuml. Chickens brought 2: gum] Hlif ugvnin n.n(l lhv |)l'il,'l' wt-m up mu- cum. In 231: for nmsl of mo supply. Thc-y \v(-ro nll ggmw curly, ']`h-ru WHS n gnarl snl(- of lmm-y, 4-lnvc-r hum-y l)rin|,'in1.{ 451: per 4~ll). pnil, nntl Inrk hunvy 351:. N0 vlmngc-.-: were mum! in w-;,'Mnl)l<-5, in fact. lhu-rv w<-r~ not very muny in vi:-w Pntulm-5 c-nn\imwd In 111- firm, with ` must lungs hrimgiuu $l.?.5. ; V('l`Ui|)l1`H l AIll`l` |.,.u|.m _ 21).- $l'('lH_ nuuu:., Cnbbnge ..... .. _ ......... Cooking Onltms, lmrakt-L Cc-lt-ry Hv.'u'1s, hum-h : Rlmhnrl). bum.-h ................. .. (Turrn1H_ hnskol, (;'hinu-.~;v l.0t.tu(:n, hum] |`1u'.*mip:', Imskol, . Pnluluwt-'., bun Turnip.-4, much . ................ .. V4-;,r<-table Mm-row . , Misuellznwmm A l\-1L'|Jl\` Hm-1:~I_ |)n.~lm1, l`nI\I\nI1n |VIIh\I /\m)lv.~a. |m:4kvl. . Ru-I-I`_ ll). .. Liuhl lmxwy_ -1- ])urk hmw_y, 4- ' Purk. H). Wood, lnml .... .. I) l)lII\II Buns. duy.t~n ............ .. Cakes, ouch Imuulnmls, do ` H<)mt.`mml(- DI'(`:|d, r\n....I him: pg-|| HLIIIN`. ll), (31111.-Imuna, ll). FQWI, H). lCm4s. alt)`/.1-n "4 run rub` ' GUARANTEE , ricnn Hm: I-`nll urn Iuwnr l`u~r,nImu uf H|:lnH ` 'Ilx mu-n H : .S I -> )_v\vriIinulm y. y ` M:|Iu|I`nvI|:Ir::r:: nn|:u|V;":':I":`nl-x`\l-Inn l r-ulu|nl::0l ag-a'nst '$ and 'l`rmIu lhnrlm nml .hun--mvny l`uullrv m|uip- other infections by the umul. I\t||r<-mu: MOM hmlpll SL. |'rmIon. Ont. regular use of Eastern A/Sgggigmducts Dr.Chase`s Nerve Food PRESION ONT. urmqn man MONVIIAL ,vo-mum cNTA'Ns VITA" IN 3` 1 lV|l`.'Il l'l(`.'i, Pm," Muffins, dozen ` Plea, ench . 'I`m'ts, dozen Hog M;ie}i;.g wan ! Be Higher, Says Dcphg "'l`h- muput of hu;.{:-: luring I'M!) \Vl :huw am :1pprm-inl)l:- il1l3l'1`Hh|`. nv:-r Ihul uf li)3ll," nvtrmtling In UH` /\}.{I'il'\lH.IIl 5l| Siluniiun nnd ()u|luuk fur 1939. is:-'ut-I hy tho Ihnnininn l)-p:n'tm(rnl:a of Aul'i~u|lur- uncl 'l`r:ul* cmtl (`rnnum-r4:u-. l`hi:; prun- |)t'cliv1- im:rvu:sq- i.-A 1h- wmnll uf thu- f:wurul)lv ruliu |)nlwm~n hug |)l`ll`l'H ' -` I A .. .1...-[nu 1|... nu-J -:1-V. l)('|)ilH.lnI1um \u ..,,... pron-I t :wnrnl)l- |)l`l(`l'S and I :-rd print-.<. (lurlnp, tlu~ pn.-:,t :~:z-v- <-rnl munths. "With :~mnp:u'nttv<-ly low tut-cl |)l`lL't`f' ltkvly In lw Innin- tmnvd thmugh thu 1tl3tl-30 crup yc-nr. it is ox|w('tt-d lhnt lmp, num- lwr.-.' and hug xnztrkntinw: in tizmmln ~ will lll(`l'I`lIHt`," .~.tnl(-rs tho report. ll ` is lIl'\l.l(,`l])Hl.L`(l that thv lll(7l`(`Sl` will bu xnmst prnmmncnrl in W:-.~a't<-rn ` (.`:tn.'ul:1 whc-re th(-|1`|ws`t. I't*(lll('- '_ lions uccurrw-xl in 19258, (luv tn ml-, ' vm's- fl'(`fl s|u)pliL-.<. 'l`h- main m~\ l I m~u,~.':sv in mark:-tings is exp:-ch-rt in thv lutt:-r half M 1939, .':ltlmu;,'h Sl)lItI,' lllCl`C2t$t`3-i in /\llwrtn, Muni- " tubn and Ontnrin will prnlnthly ur- vur l`ill`lll`I` in lh<- yuan`. Hu;,v prim-.~' urn nut. u-xpt.-1-1:-rt In H-- tluct fully the ln(.'l'(`IS(.'d m:n`lu't- iltgs l)I"C5lllS(' uf the impmvu-(l run- sunwr (lomnnrl in Czmmln znul :- ]')(l.*l.\`ll)l(.` ll\CI'CtJf%(` ln 1-x|)0rt.<. "l r'u--' r-2:. however. should be relatively mum t'avnrnl)l* from Jzmunry In June. 1939, than in the lnttr-1* hnlt ..r kn m-:u~" zu--m'(linL! In the Out-I -llllllf. Ia)-).v, V uf lhv y.-:n'.' luuk rupnr1. 'l`hn Rm-nu K Thv Bacon lndu.x'lry Acl, mm, in (}r~:n Britain. which h-(-mm- law in July. makes pruvisizm fur lh- h(-l- ler ur;,'ani7.u1im1 of lhv Hrili:~'.h hug and bacon industrit-5, including z\.~- surancc of l'(:0n()mic prim: luv!-la In 1'm'mr:r:~' and curmrx. Thu znvc-rngu pric(- fixed by 1hc- Act is to bv :n'ljusu!(1 nn :1 monthly bu.-'.i:~' with :1 view to ensuring an I`f.`LlllEll` supply of hng.~: thmnghuut {hr yum`. In ad- dition, tho rmzulminn or impnrh! is in be cnnlinmrd. which :n.~`.k`1x|`-5.1 Canadian producers n[ u murkx-I`. pruu-clcd from st-rinm; fun-iL:n mun-; p<-titinn. I Hndc-r 1h<- I`i.'L`CnHy sigxu-(1 (jznm-` lstales was reuuccu xrurn twu mu... [0 unv com per puund. This may i result in a considerable regional ex- port movement of certain types I! . . hugs to adjacent United sum.-.< mzar- ' ` kcls. I'a`nv dm;.il< rm the hm: silun-I . Further details on hog situa- tion as well as zi l`L'Vl('W of all llu: major agricultural products pm-| 'duced in Canada will be found in] ` the Agricultural Sitiialiun and Out- lunk {Or 1939. which is nnw avail- able free of charge {mm the Pub- licity and Extension Divisiun. Dum- linion Department of Agriculturi-. ` Ottawa. ` ____,L___ 1 Under the recently dian United States /\;,'l`L`('lh('rI1. thu- duly on hogs entering the Unilv,-rl lsmlcs reduced from twn cc-ms in. nnn I-1-n1 m-r nuund. may; |!Mid|a:\d Thrteatens 3,. `L Throw Relief Back On `I The Bath Governments THE WEEK IN PARLIAMENT ` \Vt'1llH'l` hm lop p:'rn were .`lHng ul `lr wilh mm-n.~ In I am. I\ni u |\nHtu- wns: I vvouvo -. I Midland Welfare Committee duL'.~`| not _mtend to take the 'proposcd| W-.,H_ml pm, ..cut in the government relief grantinmv M, 3,; |ly1ng_down. If the government In-|CUm_,ll H`W,,__..; 5151.5 in carrying through the pro-.hmm_ m Slay! to pay only 20 per cent of after a .~hur` llll rehef costs for the months of .Ian- F(,bmm.\. 3 uary. February and March. the Mid- ' `K I . `land Welfare Committee will con- `B'_ r?_ "'_ :""i lsider throwing the entire burden """""" ' l prey Tnwn.~.l`np, m~ntur\' nun `Cuv-1-` ------- Only the m0tl1er_ knows how hard it. is to keep the children from taking cool 0!? too quir lv, get their feet wet. kick n the bed clothes at night. I i cold. They will at overheated and ` and do a dozen and one things the ] mother 1-a_n`t prevent. l`hm-a ux nmlunz betu-r to `help Children : coughs Quickly Relieved . |, .L- ._...l...- l...u.- harul can't There is nothing help 1 children`: coughs and colds than Dr. Wood's 1\'orwa_\' Pine Syrup. It is so pleasant to the taste the ymungsters take it withuut any fuss. .... , -r ..:n_..... .'-.1 um 'r..,...` n.,v__ U516 lb vuuzuux an: The T. Milburu '20., than In the mm-r nun yt.-:n`," :n(-cording On!- 1-nnr1 l`|`mhu'e l.`i;1IclI1uU )l`1l\'IIll Ill|\\'l'\'| In (-n-npt~I'ul(- rl llw Ilnlnzh N ":n.~:I'-rrim-_ llw 1 inn , Inn! . I`I`IUI') $3.50 1... mm) | HI! ).l)l-l $1.15-$1.25| 51- I .i2~1`x;`;i:%?:? L. A. mus ELECTRIC Phone 20 mh aw G. Keenan Music Store Phone 243 `/.2)-/.m: '.!'2-').3(' H5-20? 2').-2H1` . l5~2()c . 9.5-60 . 20 "jg. 10.; Kg. ~~ ;n: .... .. 20: . 25-30 25-30 l 3-101- I-25x: 10(- .. I Rn |'ull' 431' Min" 351` |< 1 (iv 1-: an I I |)lll)lI(' mmw_\'. ; -zulvr qm-slinn. ily lh- uwrnh:-1' I urn in 3 YEARS GUARANTEE on Hotpoint Hi-Speed Calrod Element Coils ! :,Ex-Reeve `AI lj ` He is SLH'\.'l'.`t.'O my uh win...-.. formerly .\Im'gurc-'. Km-hing. O~-I.` prey: tum daughlv.-1'.~ , Mrs. E De Lorme. Detroit. and Mrs. J05. Un- derw0od_ Tor- :m.n. and th`re(- . iflussell. William R`. and Harry S..,` astayner. For fifteen years Mr Hawkins was a member of the Town C0unCl1.[ being Reeve for eight terms. He` was a trustee of the Methodist and later the United Church. and used? (1; tell gf driving \\'ilh -mm: 'nh- Ii :1 l.|11'i1i,yW . . . . . ..I.. I.|u...._, mu:n.l:s. And only Ill)l|)|Iil|`.].;IV1'_VUll I`: (`.oi|:~;; now lmolu-1| hy :I 25-` l`l\i:s .~;t-nszxuuxlztl y.;u;u':ml,m- 1:; -yum" :::.:.un:mv'I- Hnl.]m1n1,4-lmm-ntx will uivv you lmw, nml l`('Ul (ml ti(`I'Vi(`(`. Yuu nut. mly t-niuy -rmmrw, n wm`l(l :a l:l.1il.(`Hl.(*ll'(tM`i(f |':u1;!,- -It-tnvnl: Iml sztvv mum-y tm I'`])|:|.(i4`lll(`ll|, -n:.l,:., lizulmcl run] rluggmlly built. with Imzmu-l |.n vm,h:.I.;mrI kH()('.k:~'. and sapillvd Iiquirln. We invltv you to sea: the Iwwt-st, i( ll])()i'l' Hz: at, your (l:ulvr .s. For :1 Inmam Lilllv unly. ]JI'lI" suhs1.unl.I:Lll_v rnd\"u-.nd you can l,:n.| .I' up mnnl,h:s in pay zmrl .-w:In'<- an ullnwnnrv ml `"212 in:'t.ulluLinn costs. S0 Luku :uIv::.n1:n.;.r,v- nl 1111. (`ml UH`!-I` NOW. 0. A. SM |'l'Il 3 YEARS TO PAY 20% REDUCTION IN PRICIIS $25 INSTALLATION ALLOWANCE |'uw `n. Lhv mun Ln .~.w'm-n <'.unkt~ry. Il.':a rlt-zm mu! 'H'l,y and H, c-n.-um-:s nu-nu` Of Stayner, . Hawkins, Dcad :I.!.Hl nwkins. former and Cuunty .... A;...a ..I Hi: - -ynlll` :u:.:.m`:m-. I -you lung.-,u.1ul v-r'nlH cm n;;-1-lwnu-nix. II, r',U:al,:; Unllrul rullt. .: I Tl\"K`1H` LEAD FEELING OUT 0FY9!!{!?.E!. Ce! Mr-re U\y'_':u In` Pep that Sends \-.u I I : v 7 , ` bnntmeni Lu llu|,pnmI mml |"'II1 2 uh-l1"|mI:,, In ml hr \v:n.~; i - I vnnlln l':I|I'm| lli-Spa-1-I lulu- -\'|'lAI(. HI /\l,\ \"I`l".I'L IlI,.\ H."\lII" 1. ,.\\'Inl{\ ~I'.( liI" l.` 1.1.111. 1'. v I Page Three I 3 t u - ---- V. - VI In `mu Hlmu! gull Cd Ike Inn Ymundang ['9 H1: Shin v.4-1 44,9 mnlc: A-nlll In .13") ('llH` '.::|)l'/ m.:..| Hiv- mu! II III` W In Inwun mnl .~'.Iu:L1-sh-(1 lhnl tn pus.-e Ivpzi.-dzntinn ur llw |n*t>vin('(-s In nul Ihv !':n'In<-1' unv- - ntlwr way unrl il (luv nnlv .'Il- "'|n, Limitrd l Il\34ll|'HHlfl'. |lIl' n::liluliunnll_v sun- n'u\'iII('inl :ul'I'niI'. l`\ l'I', |liI\'l` hm-H `t- In nrdnr to Nnrlh Aim-|'it-2: - puwt-t`.~'. In lhv ,|(,(:, MI'.) ]l`llnlI'I|I \|HI.\IIu| ... '.l`ht.~ In:u_'|nril_y well as Hw |:n\'v|'nn l`lIl` ml" lIll('llI|IIn)'lll(`I xliffivully I.-: lhnl mu yiul ilIRlIl':IlI(`n` I.-: :1 1 'hl' |)l`II\'ll|l'l , hnw unkml In 1'.)-mw|'.': `uwrnm-r.-; nrv in I'nv- :lll`Ill(?('. 'l`h(- ..lIn mu. I.`v z`funu1.'vr. Redistribution Ami ` Next Census In 1941 Cut Seats 90 to 72] /\lIH| l'il Ilil lo reduce nvnui llfm nun wuuun Inn ... ,... M the sossirnn npvning Mm :-In 1!, : Iw (:m|sir|m'0(l it In-ll--r in wait ul lil lhv nvxl ('1-M.-mt. hm; |H'I`lI lnkc Hir; plan.-: (`ll fur an n-luvlmn Int-mburship [mm 90 pI'ul`)1I|)l_V tn : Mum. nu-VI m-n,~:n~: will I')(` lnkvn "I|`ll||J' t'l`h(~ I 1941). Ihx U'Y1I. Ho znl.-an zlnlumnm-rl hv vvns nut` (:0nt(`Inp|ulin;: rvlirt-um-nl fur Hu- |)I`(':u`lll" untl pmlnpily l'|'Il(`Wl`(l n (ll,-4pulv with lmuninirm unvurnum-nl IlliIlih'H`l'>i WhI`I`l' il \v:ns In-fl off when hr It-ft on his hulidny ll`i|) lulu |u.~:t nu-<.|I' I prm-on-(I1-d In .-4uhsili'/.0, by l',~rl<~rul ;.:r2ml.~;-in-ni(|. s:-|u::|':ul:- prnviuwiznl .\`(',h(`HH'SIIflllH'lll]IIIIylll1'Il| Insurznum it won!!! nu-zm u vury I1--uvy (-usl uf ;u|Inini::lrnliun nml en mu-:nl (I1-nl nl uvt-rlum>im,( zuuznilml whu-h we hour . no muvh ul pm-.~:t-m. 'I`lwn :np.:2:in if r..-:.uim-.- :n'lnnl(-tl il :IIH l zllmlhc-1' il(llI1ilIih'll'1llIUIl nml p,ra-;n (nun --. \\ hl('h our ru`nvim'~ mluptx-rl and tli(ln'l il wuultl rli.-elurh llw m(ln::l|'inl e-quilihrium of the I'u||nf|`_\'_ 'l`hi,\- would pzu`licul:n'Iy Iw l|u- vI'l'-(-I un- lv.~:.~:1'mH1 Ontario and Qm-lwc zulnpI~ Ml il ant. lhv ::2nm- linw. I I'<-I`:-r In (7nlzn'iu um! (.Jm-In-r |n-<`:nI.~:t- it is ~-~ o....| |h:.I Ihx--w lwn I)l'u\'Ill(`('.\'| 'l`hu-(I1-lmluvunllluu-5nu luv u.uu- :u.(rw-mn-nl. 'l`ln- Minirm-r of Nation- ::l Rt-vt-nuv tl\/Ir. l|.~:l<-yr was Hu- fiml mt-mlu-1` of lhv ;',nw-rlnm-nl tn] ~:]w:uI; lnsl wt-I-k. ||:- (`X|IlIiIl(`(I l|ml.\ AL-- - .1 (In uulnn \\':I\: (III HM" `Thursday. March I939 lwv slmtlltl 1-m'mu`:u,u- :np,:rn-mm-nus llu-I\vI-1-n Ihv Unilvrl l\'ing(|um nnrl `the Unilvrl Hl2Ill':. llml l|u- ::|.'ul)ili'/Al- `Hull ul` um` ll`:I(l1` n~l:nlmn:; wilh ilu: 1 I . 'Unilt'(l S|1Ill`,\' nml llw Hull:-(l l\'.inL:- - I :. I.|.. ....,I than nu: n l!l'."|l Hllll Illl` lulu. ` 'l`ht- I.ibl`l'1Il!~? 1urui.<- llw lLfl'(`(`ll\I`| vI:IiInIm.', il will 1nun`nv<- llw pm (11IIl`("nlll(*. bzwull. lmlnlm-.~:, (lniry pr: ';l1tl1u'l.~::u1(l :nL:1'i(-ullurnl pl'II(Ill('L\` gm A,m`ully. On lhn- nth:-r Imml `hu (1 Hlmsiliun claim 11 will iI\_|lIl`(' lhv I'm [and \,'L,';.{('lIIblL` ;.(I`<>w:-r.~: us .'.'-|l Im:nml`m-1uriuu intlu.~:l1`it-:; H-1; |(`Xli|(`:. (-I('. Q 'l`ln- L:`(`IH`l`iIl am lhv l'(`.N`Hl bur.s`h1p xrum nu plulnu n(-xl ct-n.~:u>: \vil| `Ill lll.`\lll' zuml lht-.~ lht-m 1' mm! uf i (':m:n(l:u. _H_\' u.~'in;.' Imr Xiglll l\`ul's /'n'ln'('lx apply over)` vrening uvllor 7 and all du_\ .\umlu_\`). uml pluving ".~lu_\'nne" :uU5---you mu tulk u lung Iruy far very little. `|'.`N` l\\'|7 [H`lr\'lll\`l':x 1':-gm-.~u-nl nhnul F i|uhI.~:|ri:nl ~nmln_y- u|':n::-` lllr :1;-_1`4-4-|m~nl ll1<- prun- pru- `llurnl prmlut-l.~.p_-I1- up- \\ |ll l'.'Inl [.{I'n\\'l`l': . us mlvb :I.\' l'|)iIl(` rr-:u-lu _______._____. st cold_s ctions ar s 5 VITAMIN llnm will l:ul.~; \`\'lll .'IL'l`I`l'IIll'll uf llw wl (lt-Imlv ll` lmvc-(l. I are 5:))('.` st-::|'m-l.\' np]m|'lun 1-nmlllnm |ll1'lll. ll lhv vuml 1l1(-mm'1- wlu-lh<'r |m.~:ln1.{ ll V`/lll'|l ll u-tlsst-(I i will bu ll('lll um .l'lull.\`1- n zuul lhnl . u nu`.-"u. wn :n'u- inla-rt-sir-d lnwmw-(I llm`u|p-_lI- '_V l(nl|Sl\|lHl' Iw Dl`I'.`it'Il|(`(l Mam-In as un- ' taken. ..I..... in U A full rl:ny`:; c 3134!. Wm-k on ll nee. 'l`h~ mm .~ "'1`h.'II ill llu-( ..-.1:/...-.I cu-: mly In : not T61`66i1i1sE ` I IS CONCLUDED it WITH _13_1gNQUET (Contimu-Ii from mmc mm) on projects und homo b(~nulil`lculinn. but found she could no! nltuncl. Mrs. Stewart .~;um:cslc(l that, won if not on tho ruulv of the tour of mo Kim: und Queen, nll should do smnc dvcuruting at thvir lmnu-s in honor of the Rnynl visit ln Cunncln. Mrs, Elwood Bone, prc-.x'i(l(-nl ml` 'l`hm'ntnn Womt-n`.~' lu.s'lilul(-_ con- vceyml the gnarl wishes of that. ur- ' x.:m`nizul,i0n. 'l'hc- young punplo hud ` been fortunate in halving 2: fine .~:ln1'l' ` uI' inslmctnrs. I'hcr(- had been u | splcntlid nppmulnity to lvurn things L lhnl would nix! tlu-m In be b4-ltm` ll()nlL'ITlZ|k(!l'!-i. which. l|H('l' nIl_ was ' (he must inumrlnnl l>C(7lI|')1IHlIll in H. uuuvlrl 1 'uu- lI|u.~.L Hm world. NH` WUl'l(l. 'l`uwn.~:hip.~: Gland 'l`u HI'||) Goo. Bunting, Reeve ml` I-inszn, H-- mimlc-(I the lmys nnrl ;.:'i1'l.~4 tlml. 1hi.~; l'()lll'S(` hud mt-unl trxp(~n5<- nut only 4.. n... m....i.-innlilim: hut n|:'() in mt-unl (. ponso um nun) to tho n'n1nicipz:|ili(-s but lhv folks nl Imuw. R('SlI|l>:, hIIW('V(.`l'. nmply rvpnid the 1205!. Ho mlvi.-:1-rl lhl.-In tn gu bnvk nml nmkv up fur lml limo. "(`-I-I up in llw murnim: and light llw l'iI'(-.-4", lu- zldvirwrl {lu- lm_v.~4_ zmrl wlu-n l;I'unkl'n.~al is r(~ml_v nu-n (-all dud" n s\I;:1.:(-stinn lhnl `vs/its rt-('<-iv(-(I with cnlnsitlt-I'znl`)lv nan! I l Hinn l('l`lnilIiIfI" shurlly. '|`lu- (Iv- lzuil.-; will lw (li.~:('1I.~;.~:-(I Wh-`ll Hu- :'I[.{I`(`('IHl'l|l is b(-fu1':- lhv vunnmlla-v whulv Hulls:-. In lhv pm-:4:-nt lhvrv is in gm-at Iznlituxlu ::l- In furl whu-n sunnv Im-mlu-rs .~:p(-nkin1.: lhv :u,u'1-1-nwlul is .~:-an-4-l.v r<~l'(-1`1'vrl In. 'l`h(-_v lnkv lhv (\|l|N>I'|lllIiLV to air lhnir vu-\\/5 nu I'nuIlilInn.~: ;,{(-n4-rznlly us tht-_v `l'l' II. is rullu-r unh>|'lunul:~ lhul (~nn(lili:m.~: as Hwy any lhc-y sm- 1h(-m are usually vulnurt-(i (It-pt-nrlin,4 Hll`_V ill`(` :4uppu1'|im.: nr up- the ;,vuv(-rnnwnl nf Ihv (lay. Wht-n lhv zu;r(-(-rm-nl is lnlvr (lis- in ('nmmi|l.(-(- Ihn h`]Il':lkl'l'S limilvd very 1-lu.~:vl_y in UN` in... nut]:-I` (lisu-In.-<.~:in|\. V\'|II UK" Illlll um]:-I` uf CY Ft-l)l'uur_v 21 |'Hl(`(l V\'| ` (|is(?u:<.~ nvvnnnnc ., (liH('lI.\`.`~`iUIl Irmk pl.'u:(- um-vnpluynwnt insur- I`h- lnnlinn Iull'n(lllt`(`d xvns: Thu! M10 ()pil\i nf lhis hnusv. nulimml syntc-m of u-matrilmmry Ilelnplnynlnnl lll.\`llI':lIl('1- fur (i;m;.(|-.1 fa` n pr:-.~.-:iny.-, nvvd znl lhv pl :-.-:1-nl. "ln`u` mu! ::hnnl(l l`l`l`l'i\ (' il[HHl'(Uitl(` hon um. " .._.__.. by Misses 1-`lorcxlcu Sp-nucr Belle Stewart The clmirmuu (`iIll('(l nlto.-nliou to the hurt that tho (In-ss- ...- ......-.. hv nu-.~.-n lwn vuung lmlu-2` unrl hurt thnt mo (lll'nn- cs worn by llu-.~:u young lmd boon much: by lhvm us .~'lu nf lhc class. l`hL-so ntlrnclivv (`Uh - lulncs gave cviclo.-m-c nf skillful flnlgem and good lash.-. Rm: Jnnws I)m`rlnn nl` lhv Unilvtl Rev. Junws church. Allisum, wne; chic-I` S|)l'1lk- ...- Wnr n nnInh('l' of vcure: hi.-3 min- Alhslun, cnn-1 hprun cl`. For n numht-r ycure: islry wus in Albt.-rln mm the spun- iny.-, purl, uf his mldrc-.~:.~: Inuit wilh .-mxnv of his. L`X])L"l`il`l]('('S mu! nltm with 1.-rmrliIimu.~; lh(`l`t'. lh- (*mphn.\'i'/.- Nl tho vnluc ul` (T1)-U|)1'I'lIli()ll and .~tui(l it was 1: Lfuud thing` for lhc 1,-uvermnx-nt lu rstmly lho pmbh-Ins of np,:ricullur<-_ which is lhu hm-k- bono ul Czmntln. 1.1.. h-mIiI'ia-rl In {hp fine wurk hr- hum of Ho [('.H'li('rI In tho ing dmw by Mr. l.n.~:hl1-y. whu 1.;.'nv- nnslinlingly ml his limo. tulmns and (-nvrgy, nnrl wus must 1-ffivit-nl in p1'unmlim:, llw ('illIS(` of In-llu-rl farming. A n_...Iu... cull` I-`-4|;-4..., liIl'lll|ll[-'.. A l-la-nllhy S1-ll` l':5il('l'lII Mr. I)m'rinn's main lhuuuhl Wm Hm iI1l|)l!l'U|l\(f(? of having n In-ulllny st-ll` 1-sh-c-In, I-`ilrming is lhv ul(l(-bl and unmet '|mpm'lnnl an-vu|).':linn of mun, hv mid. mud lhl`l`(- in nu 1-:nl|- inn lhznl nl'l'uI'x|.~; 1| ;.',|'-ulur nppur- lunily ul` pmdm-iI'u.-, 2: 1'4-nl mun. S(`It'nlil'i(` l'uI'mim:. hr snid, is v.\'.~: n- tiznl iI' lh(- furmt-r is ],:uiIlL'. In slay nn lhv lund nnrl [my his way` It IHiIk('.`.\` furmilu.-, -n.-1'1 :-1', H-(llu'<-.~; 1'n.~1l.*. niunu |\iI r.-.- H-[urns nnrl mnk .~. 1' lumty ul [)ruuurm;.; u . vs (-11- -uni:-1', gives |)im,n-1' l'('llll'l1S Inukvs lhv I'in`n'wr himst-ll` In-ll`:-1: Mr. Dor- rinn ndvi.-u-(I (-lu.\'v .~1m'l_v ml" llw mm - kvts nml ml" thv III('lhII(lh nI' mm'|pu-- lilu1'.~:, pnrlivn|nI'|_\' lhp l)nn<-5'. II was; in InI:iluk<~ fur lhu l':I1'ml-r In (,'.`(|)(`l'l tlw guvn-rnnu-nl lu run his lms1n<-.<.*. '|`lu- main thing: lhv |.{nVl`1'lll]|I`ll| rlumltl lu- (-x|)<-cu-I to (In is |)I'0Vi(lI` nmrkt-l:~:. I`|u- l'zn'nn-r, hv tlc-rl.'nr:-(I, >`hnlll(l have 2: h('2IHh_V .H'l`|f ('11'l`lll. .~:lmuld slnncl an his own 11-1-1 and .~:hm1l(l (It-mznnd _iu.~;liu--. Wilh H ht-nllh_v 5:1-If 1-.\lw-n1. lhv |)l`lI])l(` am - ~--nu I`: -.- H-u-ir nml)l<-mm. Hlmulcl tlvrmllul _|umu-an vvllu -- MN-m. llu: fm'm.~: mn.xl l m-- lh:-ir prul)|<-m:;. .~:(-:- l.h- lrulh zmd, on-up:~rnlIm4 will`: our illlnlhm`, .~:lri\'u- I'm` mulunl ml VHIl(.'('ln('l1l. 'l`lu- rill /.I`Il wilh u hvullhy Ht-II` (`.\'l('('l]l trim-.~'. In huxld up 1 an .~'lrmu.( (`hri.\li:m t'lmI`:u'll-1' lm.s`:-(I upnn daily lhuu1,,'|Il and (' In .`ill(`l| (-ili/mus US lhu hugw uf (':mnr|n. 'l'..e. In ('|:IM'\'l'< (`;mnrIn. ` V 'l'uu.<.I In (`|:1.-am-5 "'I`|u- LIlu.x'.~: in Iltmw I-`.muunni('.s was'~(l hy Ruynmml lanxlun nnrl rm-.~:|mndt-(I In by Miss Kulhlm-11 I D:I\/i.~a. Mlsr: l.iln ('nu.~;in.\' intrwllur-I-1! 1h,- lunsl tn " l`h(- (`.ln.~::4 in Ap.:ri('nl- h.n`~", uml lhv r<-.~'puns<- was lTh'Ill|' by .lu.s'. l.t-unux. I- I0`! ml` llw.x`- yuurm ])('U['Jl(.` h`| )UkI` |n'I<-l'ly hm wnll and llu-ir In|n`m1':mn rvmur|(.\' mmlv quilv .. Lin H... ..Ihm- nmmlu-r~; ml` ln|n`m1':mn rv|nm`I(.\' m:uu- qunw ` \ :1 hit with lhv ulhor nu-ml):-r.~; ul lhv v|u.~:.s't.-s. I1 nu II:-n .-n|..(| `\('l lI'i|lI.`vIl' (mmininn Dr. Mzmie If lhv rc-eml it muzhl In l1`n(l HIM: \` 0-O|)(`l`:t|(-. -I-nnu-III II` /\l`|1-|` N('V|l` nu N('V|lll' .liIlnII-.-uni. .`|'\ Wl'| 1- pm-.~`(-nla-(I. tumu- c:nm- l'1'um lhv l'unrls ` (fuunty Cnllllil fur ` JlllH(H`h'. nn;.-.- l.`.liI|. I.` '/.:.uil .mnun. Miss lI(lil.h b('IUl'(' pm-.5":-n Mia`; |.ilu (Tn cmnnn-nl:-I u] Wumon'.s' Ins [u,rm('d 42 yu why lhv Fan la.-41. Shv hn| rvu-n ram: =. l CUllIlll|'ll|l'll Ilpllll IlII' . u.-- . Imslitulv silwv it was yvurs nun zmrl \N(Illlll`l'l'(` l3`:n`1n-r.~.' |n.~elilul:~ lid hul hupml tn .<-u~ lhv l':u'm mvn find :n h.'' upnn whit-h lhvy vuulrl (`Iv-Il])l'|'-lllv .~;|x(-m~.s`.~'.l'1lll_V us 111 Dvnmnrk. 'l`hu-_v had :1 fm(- (`IEISH in 'I`hm'ntm1 unrl shv f(`l| surv Hu- girls would m.-nku gum! u.~u- of Hu- instrun.-Linn rvcz-iv(-(I. hill .. Iltnllnvn Iiuuina . Hf Hun-It uuuntl 1-In: anus mxzuuwnn, mung, . _____;___`__.______;_.___.__.-__ s. l riz4`s l'ru.~:-nlm-(1 | \w-ll-rm-ml:-re-rl n \.llI S -I upnn lh:- ` ` itulv ...r.. 1| 1 dUllIl>UIn. oluu n J:-nnen. Bill Ja Jonnvtt. Came E. Knisley. G Kvll. Jnc Lcnn kllon McFadden. `th. Oswald MCK cock. Allan Rod}: '1` D Druln vily. HI` Sp:nrlu.!, (-111:-k hunk In :15 "top girl", * .rIl:('I'S.\' of H11` \L'I>\Hl. I')Ill n. Floyd CH Hunter. Hubbort. I Inh...-onn C `ruse: llu- I--;:I:.I:m :lll` VilI'I(I":. [b|`n\' ';Mm~knhl-. ` TIM` l\.1ilIi.~:l<-|' ul' 1'l`:~`I 5:Ii(l lu- \\';n: )|`n('u-NI \\'Ilh um` :|ll(`(' hul Hlill Inn , 'll wx wk Sula: h_\' ( p1`i'/.1-.~. ; \`Vhil'h by lhl' nmunp, y-.u..-..., uggestion that uward a pay- us is in effect nlcipalilies in \A cu... \u-nu 5!. DREsSli'KiE'E'i HAD TO Qug1__Ew|Nc I\II\v|IIIIuau --u-u |`il.,v Ihis pour tlrossmukt-1'! Nine- la-nlhs of H01` wnrk contsi.-al.~: of .s'(:w- in}: -- um! shv was no! nblu tn .~:<-w. l(ln-ulnnlimn in the hnurln wns he-r lrnublt-, zuul .~aln- lrix-(1 nny n\IInb<`I' nf |'('lnl'fli1'S. But nothing In-Int-(I murh -uniil slw cunlo I0 Kl'llH('|\('I| "Th1':-v-nnd-u-Iunlf wnlc-:: I hm! . hllv r.-.-I nud- wrnl n[ rhr-u lnmrl.-. xx l('l'|'ihlI`. plvtl um III In .`II\ II D.` ch:-n 3~ (-uulrl 5 I'll wl| ll llll'II|'. In wurk my Hr In-ul In In- nml to Iw |' [RC l'n.-`L l`h~ :.l::h|)im.: pnins ul` rl1<-mnn- Iism :u'~- um-n vzunst-(I by nu-mllt-- puinlml <`r_v:~`.lnl.~: of uriv -`H-id lodg- ing In llw joints. KI`ll.`i('lH'l| |)l`ill[,'H l'('i'f In-<~zn::~v il Iwlps In m.s'.~'nlw- lhnsv I'~.ublin;4 cI`y.\lnlH nnd In ex- pe-I lln-In frmn 1h(- .t.y:~`.l.vxn. |__.__._._______.____._____.______. WALKER CASE { f TRANSFERRED WALKERTON `3'l1l' |)l'|l\'lIII rskvrl I ;lY11(`lI(l \nO 'I"I :|'n\ llulul, '1 |;4|m-r. llI(- \ |'u\\v CQlll*H`l|l`1 Wllh nu |........_..n.a . L.rmvn. 'l'h4- iaHl*).(l'(| HIT:-In l)('(`(,`Il1hl'I` 2!, 1931!, n |rlnlt-, um! l|n- .'n('('uH~: minml I'...~ 1|'1.'n| lHH.ll'lI IHI Ill-ll ("|1:n'lt-.~s I. Hi('k :nl ('1-x'nl)r-r `.'.`J. l'hn ,'r:mrl hill on llw Imhvlnn :1 numb:-r If wi` .~.. ... 'l`|u. ....\.. l'l\ I\ lI'(lImlt- k.::.~:t' hlnru-u Whilv Hw (-nurl w:m wui1.nm4 for lhv rt-Inn: of lhv (irnnal JllI`_V with UN` C.)xu-.~.|u-||:'- inrlu-lm~nl. lhv first `,civnl lmn-jury <::u.~m. All):-rt (immnum. ' nu-vh:-nic, Orillia. vs. 'I`mvn.<:hvp of . M<-dnnlu-, fur d.'nm::uI-.-a fur wrnnpzful ` di.<.lni.~:s:nl, \v.':.~; slzurla-rl. . An...- Iurn uuitm-xx:-.~: l`\| nun; "I lrn-ml 1('t'1-5:. Ilrlpll nn. mrmy I`l`l`ll(`(Ul'S wilhuul '|`|n-n I !~:tm'l:-I on KI'u5- wn Sulls_ and anal` unv mouth, I mlrl hlilllll up xugnin. 'l'hvn, I walk- I Wllh :n rum-, In lhn-v 1n<)n1.hrs, 1 ms quilv w<-ll ngnin. AH l mu n ru-,':~un.'alu~r, you cun i|nu;4in<- what um-nu . In mu Iml In lw nhlo tn mrk .~'-xving mm-hino Whul ll '1-ul nhlv In walk, to wurk. ml |'I'm- from |min.- -tM1'H.> -u (lI>;lnI.~z.\:u, \v.I>. .\|.u urn. Aft:-1' lwu \vihu-.s'sI-.~: V h(*m`ri fur lhv plninliff mm, (`Ix-rk and |l`l`:IHlll'l*I' \, who prnducvd lhv , (`mmmon, and (immnrm him:~'vlf-r ` \ 1hu- vnso \v::.~: .'|(I_]ulll'IH'(l nnv wt-Pk ( ; unlil M:u'vh 7. .1. F. Wnnds, l.'u`riv, ` - nlud l3.S. M:n'.~:h:u|l. 0r1|lm,:m1Nl fnr ` . lhv plninliff, mm C. I). S14-wm'1. H:n'- ( ru-. for iht: (I:-ft-mlzml Iuwnship. 1 Svw-|':nl (`ass-s S:-Ill:-I , . Tim-1- r-I lhu SIX mvil jury :u:li-ms I | \\'l'I'l' :nnmum:ud by 1- as .\`P1,- 1 .- ll:-ml. lhs Lur(L~;hip L`ll(]l>l'Sin the re- _ mm! in much case: 1 Mrs. Hzumuh Mc(.'mm-ll. \VilIlI\A'. ('(>ukS1HW!I. v.~<.IBundt-d (Tnrpnrniinn Lnmllvd. I`nmnto,_nnd (2:-urge Klinu. ' snlt-smun; Juhn R; Knnsl, and Irene I<~ust.. F`m~gus. vs. Sir-phcsn Pyburn. (.)ril1i:u; Wnlu-r Middleton, Flnts`, vs. R. A. W:nl1vrwun'1h. Barri:-. '[`h(- st-L-nn(l (`use on Ihv |_mn'-juI'y lnsl. :n1,lh<- l'l'(|lIl'S| uf John 1 . Woods. (tmmst-l for lho rlt-fcndmn. was ad- I jmxnu-rl until 1h:- n(`x1 nun-jury sil- (;.',a. It was 1h(' action of Frc-d W. 'd ('}n`rlwnnd and May Gi!'dW Nul- "1 l:|\\'2Is:u.::I, vs. '[`:>wnshi_n of NnHuwu- cnuzl I II (I >- 1- \mu-.~. 1 mm H rhr-umullc Dilill. nrlt. wmm L.\lII*i`lI Hands `gs;/zen with Rheumatism .u \l: Illl". I VVHTI I uml hl'lpl(*H>&, :'|'l(` |I hmlw i hnlinna I_-..___ 3 k CUIVSTIPA r/aw .} 1: mrreus YOU our 1 l|l`II1', }l)., I'll .11., WIII nI'l`u|."t- m1, nld 4l:nu.',l1lt-1" (`I . |l.'Immnml, K.(,'. l. 0NT.. CANAD - - `me in italics: `,5 mm, camz. Av vw meets. ! n\'ul\/imp, Ins (Advrrmrrrncvtt) '|'rm- Hull lh-turnml rmul jury lln-n rt-Inwl in tin- un In ht-.'n` lh- \vilm-.\'.~:<-.\ I'm` ... H... ..-.u.. ..l' Nli:-hzu-I uIInut'(l [mm Pum- .\. , II.` pinun. .H\VOH(`IL H1` ('i| :~:.l:-nlny mlunlv (3: ll-... I-1\1||`I N l'lIllI(`IIl lI'I(`(l us llI'|(l ullr (`I'll:IlI\'v in In ...m. H. In-(tin