Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1939, p. 8

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'l'll()ll(ill;l`l lIl. IN )l1lH' AL1n1i1-".n.s`lu-(I Illllv I:ul>h_v,` do you put pmvtlx-r tn) _vu1u- |`.'u-4 'l`u m::|<(- mv pr:-H.\'. l:~;u`." l.iH|(- Hu|)|).\' H1nu;;h1 fur .'| munl. Annli.." '\.A .--....r...l..A -~..... Ilm_Im 130.0 3`l.').(l(l l,:')'.l().0(l $15.5) -2.1 34 (i,7!l.").2l5 5.7U0.(|0 1l.(iH.'Hl!l 2()().lN) nnuyno`\ :um um ` I lnzm 2.: us nu 150111)] 4nu.'.:u E EALDERMAN ASKS . HOW MANY HOURS ; GRADER WORKED! 'l'lll(l`I/\'I`I`1Nl~` l)I{/\h"l.`l(` /\(."l'lUN H.'n'|n|`u Arltn, .l.'m;nIu-:- I`-un-ign m|ni.-l-r, Ins inslrm'1<~l his .-.mlr:.~- .-':uIur In Rn:_<|:n In Iuftwln Ihv Hav- H'l:\ (ll'.|;\liI' .n'liulI will ht` Lnkvn h_V I-nu... lulu`: I'l II:u- -v. I'M:-I'...|.. |,. .. ""|I_\' \\ m'c'n'I, Sin-1-[.3 (`I1-um-tl` (H'|"."' QIl('l'i('.\' 2\l(l (i{ll'll(`l'1 Slmuld Wm-k at Nights 1 I xlll` :II`lIlllI \\'| Hlllr," lh|:<: iyzhl-: in Siln-: |lll;.`l' |`Il|\\' l'4|IlUl At the prvsvnl linu- mmn HI huvs :u-I ivn in `, BAREIE. 0NT.. CANADA IV!` I The In-1::-:a:-ily M nu (lI ;.{:lIIi7.:I|iulI In u.-e.~i:~1 \vi1h (.'nIImumit_y \ V-H'm'u- ` I [in lhu tnwn:-:hip is n .<-rinlls m-v-cl nl |n vs-nl. Al thv Inst cuum-ll nu-u-1|n;.: nvu-I` llm-v hunrlrml rlullurs xvus puiql nu] rm` lm:pil.'uli7..'tliun in vnrimlsa humi- tulixms fur nnuny mus-'r-:4 which miuhl. hnvv hr-on lulu-In <'m'- of lm-nlly, hznl :enn1I- I'm-ililit-.-4 hm-n nnvnilnlnlv Uncv 1: family m'- I`:-;.:i.-.11-Iwl mu lh H-lit!" rull Iht-y |)('('1)ll1l` 4-nlillml '4) fl`:-v Int-(li('.'II ('5Il'(' 1-vvn if lhlrt H'- |.. ..n.| o ulunnnt ll` -. .. `(-1- HM`! 1 I Iv vvvn H tum H-- ruu. lm2~'pil:I| ll'!'a`l|IlH'l|l. If in via- I |l,'uI;,', ImI'.~4r- \Vl`I'1' c~nI|)luy<-ti. II In |) III-Ml. many of Illa-.';v 1-mu-!. cnu| Iw Immllt-(I in III:-ir own Imnu-:4. ll:-r nil:-mlznum nl Hlv lm-.'uI ,;-hnnl.~: wnultl ills!) -In-1-k Hm h'|)I'l'iIIl of (:nnl.'u,;iuns (list-mu-s; and mmhlv llw ("`lIllHllllH_\` In Hm! if 1-hildrx-n \Vl'l'I' prulu-rly ('ln|lH'(l in zzclmul. '|'hruI1;:h lhir nurm-. who szlmnlrl hr- nmlvr Ihu in.s|I`u-(inn uf n wu-lf:m- ('uIIlInIH<'(- unmlv up of um:-n zml ..: ..-.. `H v ...~u-...i-: ('lHllHIHH`(' lllillll` II]! III \'"Hlll'H IIHII nu-n nl` \'.'n`iuu.~: u'g:nni'/.n|inI|~ gr`:-'11 |:=, >'l:uI('- Hmltl In-1.:i\H-1| in plzu-inL'. Inukilm zmcl uhl;Iinin;.{ u:lu|hin;,' `IHII ,I|1-4-:;:;ilivu fur !|m.~'- (ll | )l`ll(ll'lI| I-zr Illw Iullxlivipnlily fur .`lI(?|I nHu-'.~,i- `Ii:-~: 'II1('I `HH- lit.-~`. /u :SU'Illl'I' H \'. lll U1` ])lH Ull 3| _)l'U:)i3|' . hzusis. lnnisl'il's Wink-r Roads ` Wiih lhv .'nnmml of .~`m;wfnll in Hw Iuxvnship this _vcn:'. it hn:~ bl'1'i| n-n1n1`l(ul;|v huw \V(.' the r h."VL'| in-u-n kvpt upon for vnutm`in;_: I l E ixlwzughaun lhv win1(-1'. 1 ! Vm'_v lilllv. if um` (.-rt-(Iii, fur lhi.\i Iv-mu be '.ntlril.uh-d tr: lhv municipnli l~`nn\v 1'(-ncvs which wt-rv placed so.` .\]):II`iH;.{|.v that lh:~. nrvzm whi-"n .1h-y (lid prutvcl xvcrv usually no!- iim-ublv in u-drif1in;.v:n1 ulhvr pleat:-I ivs. Hand lhv onlirc mnuunl of fem`- [_ing In-vn plnct-(I rm \\'h;Ilc\'(`r r0;Id~ I H wnulrl have cmnplvlcly ])l`Ul(.'ClC(l.| I `.11 lunsl .s'mm_- 1':mrpnyu_~r.< would h'l\'(` l (`ElIi/.(`(l lhv bcnefils {mm the; (-xp<'n(lilur(- and gmdually thin: cnul(l huvv boon L-.\t(,-n(lL-(I tn mrwrci 1`u:I(IS. . 'l`hv cn-(lit fur km-pinL: lhv r:m(I.~`i :...li.vi,l..-.1 r.v-nu. I I y I I I r ; ru.ru.s. l j I: .wunld be only fitting if each `of thu:~:- who so generously rL-n(lcr- it'd lllosc . would be hcrc` Inn-nliunvrl inrliviclually. Hmvovcnf their deeds are knuwn and, oven ilhungh they Inny not be r(`\vzn`dcd `in any tnntcrinl wny_ they have the :.~ull.~fuclinn of having pt-rl'm'm(.-(l a lpnblic S(`l`\ lL'(`. E On the 10th line after one .~'lnl'n1. !~ig-htven mun. mostly from the shore,` ltnrm-(l nut with shm'ol.~' and (lug. .Lhrnngh rlrifls as deep us ten foot` -nnd pm-kvd so snlid the honw-made fpIungl1~` mnld not bv usc.-cl. This [marl has l\l`\ L.`l' been allowed 10 `hlm-k fol` znurc than 24 h0u1`.< all `wnm-1' and has given an outlet to `Hw rv.~id-nts nr `.hrvv emu-o.~.'siuns. ;..n rt` \\'hirh hnd l'L`CL`l\ ('d smno nf {mo municipal . fence. i ln many pluvvs un tlu.-so r(md.~' the u tmnw of mu drifting: was from rail] [1`mn,-:-.< alnng Inc ruad. Had these f(`llt(.\ be-vn nwvc-(l back into the fiolrls in curly {all they wuuld have 1vun.~'l1Inh-cl us -,:n<>d an snow preven- Iiun us the (~xpon.~I\'c fence purch- insml and thv mnving would not cost h1m'l1 nmrc than pnthm: up and '-.nl.n'in:9 . f~nm~ Al wlu-nl (,`nnnmuI|l,\' 'l'"HI`I' Oruunlwallmn N1-1-(It-II ml unl In INNISFIL NOTl:`.S- [Du I`! I`! L` I GH_|TT|C_K MOTOR SALES \` Ulll"ll Ul llllllhlll `I-I\|' III \ `I n Iux in thvir cmnxn-mil" c-f-5 This -\'V('5ll'f? pr<:|)I<-In i.: Hal u-l:n`_\' ])l'n|)ll'l1l hul ix .wnn"- wv will n|w::y.< h:Iw- in fact` hivh will iI1<:1'(.-nsv fl`:-I. yvzxx`? ll", I`h- .\`l)lIlH`I' facililit-s for; with i1 :nr(- oI`;.'nni7.(:d ihv` it Jill hr pm cm :1 _)rup`.|` IQ `i\'urI hi: 1-:-vnl, l|u- wmm-n nf Hw -4: m-nrly nll In-lung: In :11] In.- ur nllu-1' .~~v.-mznl I inn. hut in: Hu-ir l'Ul'1fw' : I, nunw of llwm [H-rh:Iyr4 : in lwn ul` ll'l'l- HI" II":I- 3: 1Ih.-'. llw I)lll (l('l| f:Ill~ on ..I n.. ;.l`l'nn-9.~ on-.. Inn-nu -vdi`. ru:uI.<' :.< to :1 fl'\\' in(li\'irIunl fl-lX`lI1~|` cun. humt--madv; I1! and whn. with H10 as- of snmu mghbors whn put U-unxs. turned out after` nrm and plnuL:hc(l nut Ihog 1u-- -54 uV\.l I (By R. G. S.) i $.;ps Finn ' To Be Detailed Herc * At Joint Gathering H:3'z.ELLER's LIMITED _ Retailers to Thrifty canadicms<--: Full cut. (jolour. Sizes 14'-_. to 17. Value! Zel1er-pri(:0(l .. GET A LOAD OF THIS BARGAlN__! a_____ `WORK SHIRTS SUPERTEX BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 1-10 Dunlop St. Hnotlier Thrift Value ! Men's Wear at Thrift Prices .\lzulr of S:m|'uri'/,rd liru;ul'lnth l"ulLv (int and lbuuhlv Stzznmttl l'l;nin (lnlnurs ` Stripml um! l":uu~y l`utt-rm l r-shrunk Sl l`J('lz\l. FUR 'I'lllS S/\l.I'l N:u'j.' Cxruml aJ4a.A.L\.aAAA.I.I o p.;\.a\J:.sn.a 0 W()f)I. AND (,'O I"I`()N SOCKS! It/\Y()N AND (,'()'I"I`()N SOCKS! I"irst quality and :1 1'r:vvsubs. the I:1.t,L-1` 1)r1u',Li('ull_V l l;w.'I-.ss. Sn12L1`t, puttnrnzs. intzllzdirw, c.H(-('k:s and diamonds. -'7`: Si /ms" 1010 11', SI I:`.(,'IAL . .... .. 5'9; 'I`hr- quality and zLl.L1`;u:l,ivr: u:1Ll.r.-1'n:s will mark this 14c salt: .. ......ol\.... L"Y`l\\lV\I\VV'Y` :.. rr~:.. In-.uw.;u.; vvun unun 1. mun I'll. man. as :nml.hr~r S I`ANI)f)UT in Ti!` Vnluw! '[`;Lkr: your <:hui<:.- 01 (iuzvn.-'. nl dc~:`w,11';, mdinurlly mum! in mmzh hi:',h-1' prirzcrl :u;;.x'ru`m1v-nl..; only! - SI !-1(1I/\I, . . . . . .. . C BARGAIN ! SOCKS \V A Pd! \ I'I\ f"lVI\kl I'l \I`l.7(`I Ihgh um] Iuw buck :at.ylv-. .xplv-nrlid (]ll1lHY..]f dvnim. Pu 1:11` t:olrn'.s. Si"/.1-s 34 Ln 44. Z 1-1'-px'ir-r.-(,1 `T A ma //ml 's FIIIIIOIIS Rear/121g/I I1//)I ((`l/( I\'..o...-.. . ,_ |,,, . . n 1 . . I ... u - -- - Three Months Gaol For Breaking, Entering, And Theft Of Trees RELIEF cows kl ( Hl1>.\f I.` U.\' .\'\|J' \ | \'l1l K lJRl'(u('-I.\'l".\ MEN'S 'I_'IES ...`u`.'r. \\'l.\'l)S()R I.`..1-_I(3`TOjBJA.TORIES. LTD. t\|V7I'\Ar|I1 OVERALLS um drmzgisl tlmux nut h.nr uI.um- Prcuhu-ls n:.ul pur xv pric-v dirrt-l ln I.lhlIl.|- |`ll'('U'/.().'\'I-I Rl'H (fur ( hq-at ( Inu;(`stiol|)~-."()I: "ai.'i'9L-'1'fi9 Nntllro In`-Irlc it the host Hf hard L`II`.l|. ,~\n4| laumlcring" Ixukm it lwncr xull. Iwcry hm nf hunnus Rcmiing Anthracite.` is w'.1~h('<| in giant washing lIlil(hin(`\ In lrco: it from (lust. dirt and \I.uc. It'\ gu.Ir'.mu.-cxl as Incarly 100% pure uull as um he prnduced. \\"h\` nut gnc it .1 lri.||. ()rJ(`r .| low Inns tmlzly. \\;ItL`h this Lauuulcrcd" (.u.al cut your Incl hills. .\l'. 'l'hru.d and null: an rxpwu-(I In Iulmlimu of 4 nu nan rhvvk void and HUN`! Infra-limn in uni For [hr first time in lhr lli'~.'.Ul`_V uf Hl'l -- l~2l('l`lCX, wv :m- uhlv In mmmzmzv: 1|. Spu- rinl Eva-nt. u/hm; Inn thy-1... :1:.m- umam. nun: l:1|, wv. 1l.l'7ll.lll" HI zlllHU|HHI'I U. n')])lT` r-Jul Event, when. 101' Lhrv.-4: duyr; which w:- know will hr: MI-n'.'. (J(mm,(:r, SUI ER'I`I'.'X SHIR'I'S --I......| .....I ..|.....I.:...... .. .- orxtzmnu, rmr::a at, our nu an 4 xnruumtl, n)Ul l`:l\.l nix OHIKLID In-ml and slmuldnrs above ordinary dul- lur shirts" will bl. rm 2:111: ut. l(-:~;:; Hum u (lnl|H,l . The :s:m14: :;upv-riur quu.lH,y Lu whivth you :u`I,- lU:(tIl.Hl.Ulnf.'(J, un:umJH,irm- ally 1.',Il5LI'&LXH,!,`(fd. l'Ll'(`()Z()N|'L .\1)."oE l)l{()|'S~-li.'u' lil'(`()Z()Nl'I I\'.\S.\|. .II'ILI.\5-~-.'.'n(' * [Nn\`l|).|I|| _v u .> u: Popu- A 'Inll ado o-:----- (of Canada) ORTURF In A Minnln mane um mum-1 um. 4't...v, gr-uric: nd_ unh- lnu xvwa um un.;.u llw mar -nur-A ilthmg It sunny A :5 Han :-m.---. at 4: .4 -nun. pmvn Io- . um:-5.-y nu`: Aulu o. 0.0. rncscmmou. zl ' BIG SELECTION `All Popular Makes and Models `LIBERAL TRADES ' BEST TERMS H1 ..tm' I21l)r'u,'s.5 pm:k- 4-1.. .5 hvlt, lumps. Sizes 34 In/1:1 0:4 AA Thursday, February 23. 1939 ...._.-. WORK PANTSj v ~t_ .ru`u, r not and other `IUD . 3, In l\-nn-x p,.-o_ ~n`In|. Ml r1 0 J. D. PRESCMPTION. Ha pnllo wt um. v`:..r_ and do- ,__r - _ - - --' TORTURE In A Minulc -- I-!` w. `no `hm.-u r-I "Inna. N00 -pri(:(-cl U_V l'I'HVlH(.'|5l| bull` Ellinit. t`\Hi'~'turI. whu A. Dm-kwnrlh. Angus, 0n|Y Quanta IONTARIO . mu: .1 .1`! $1.00 2-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON ANY R 6: G CAR nplc -n. THE SARIEANT CO., LTD. l"m`l. lhlilclx-I`.~.' .\ I-`:u`Im~rs' Supplivs |'hunv.~ 82'} and SH : B.'\l{Rll'I .GUARANTEED , ___._. . . I~`m'xn(-rs mnlurnlly lunk In `1`hv Burriv Exuminor fur l':xrn| sulv lusts. `, unvm l.4'un~ [.'u- Mulls. Hill` u('k.<, Dnu;:!:1- ,...1,...=... Mm!` Hl|`(I H11-1'1` nrv n lhv (`lulu us` l`.'.ll.\uu> i I I I pl`l`ll;l])S; u\\'(lt-H" I. . \llwrl ' I. Wvl- ,. _cml<-_\-_` l\/In, irn M(._;l|'zIiI1 thv h n,.hm,l. ` m-r. Aft:-r Nl.`.d_ l'm`v(s(l In 5; Jnrvnnn ` m" 013'` .(`llH(`lh ' " g"``P " rl Rn('l- l ``l`. `'``'`" L Smith. D1`SCl'i|J\ 1. Hm1~ Ml`. Hn(H, ,(` Albp;-I " \\'n.\' pmuj `two hard fund lhv all x A I `llxh I-`|n4l~ nrlxlvn. ., Alan` \'\|\ _ ; ll'iIll) H|(' HU_Y.\' ll] h[)iIl'lilll'|ll((' IHHH" [Am-I`. all this. the l)<:_\'.< \\'(-rv spend :1 vuuplv mm`1- hmlrs `In! Olympic Slzlrlium. and watch `in of 1()().()()() \lm'n1 ll`()0pl`l`.~ : _ ;.;'(_)n.s`(" slop" Ill parade. ` _ _ I):-.~'cx'i|Jim.z lhv fnrv at [[10 (-:m\|\.I - }`InrI},;('l1s slntvrl that the fund; ("\\'n.x' l)l`l`1lkfil.\`| (-nx1.~'i.~'lim_" of rolls and black mfl`m:. ulhx-1` lwn mvuls lwing enm- I ; ;n`i>:(-(I uf li\'<-rwur.\'l `and (Irv l)rvzu?_; nn .-0-.n.l-.\~,l.' I.. GERMAN YOUTH% iWOULD FOLLOWj `HITLERBLINDLY; u(:_vs. NII`. HM `\-nulhs un- ` Icy lJ(~('nu.<( vlhvir fnmil `V:-ur.~ up. `kinds uf } II\-A u:-up . -Hutu) l.\ HUI .\l'II-."lI.\lilIllllI}.: (l(`>|)Ill` lwlml I-Iitlvr suy.~" Nazi ymnih (luvs fun! knuw wha thv nu1.~i(l(' \\'nrltl ,I.~ dning: and lhinkin: and will l-l- Huw Hillor blindly into win`. he l)v-: 1 licvvri. | V IVlUl'l IF. Mnffmt. Mm: l':ll WI|l'(l rim- LVHI Mrl~`nrlr|(~n. .'\lI)l`I| Il`l. lingtun M(`l.t'url. Jinmny M:(`:nl<-_\'. l}Inrmu n Lend, Runnltl Nmnnrn. hmn. Prin Lzl c. Gnrch ll] Tummy Ivan Mt'I'I=n-ht-rn. M('l .(-ml. |`c';I('n(` Nowmnn Nvy, Gnwlnn N:-vrllmm. Hill O'Cmmm'. l".I'ru- Mr .llI.\lin Mt-- Nnrmsm k. Pluwmun. Curl Qu.'Inl7.. l):n\rid gvr.-:. Donald Sinmn_ l`un Smith. Bill Smith. /\u.~ `alum-hmn. alrl I`casdnl(.-. Jm,-k W vhl). Watson and Bob Wnlkriun. P`im1nm-(I Hy Kiwu his (`lulu Kl`Hl)(`lh` - Since its ilx('(-plum. lhu m. Ill` this wurkshnp pnirl {ht- by the l('iI(l(`l'.\'hi for Ki\vnni.: )) nf lh-~ hn_vr:` Im.\ (fluh. whilr ('l:1.~:.~'--.~` In: l)('l'!I I boon .\'np|)liml by lhv Y.M.(` /\. l)ur-: In,'.: Hw pI`~.~'.-Ill .~u-n. ;. pninl .\lHI|)' was add:-cl In the hz-nu-h \\'nI`k I-quip mt-nl. I27:n'l,\` nx-xi bird-Imusv will b(' hvld. Duildinx: nmnlh Ih(- nmuml vnumn-lnliun - (Cnntimn-rl. lrmu `mum mm) `in n pamulv uf 160,000 pvnplt`. Aflvr -jihrvr humus stunrly m:u'vhin;,'. Uh` .huys xvuro l'm`(:v(l ln slunrl ul ri;,'i.'l' `nllcnliun while Hon` (`Hwl)l)vI>'. min- `islvr ul` -px'np:1;,'nn(in, (lvlivvrvd uni Imur-and-n-hn|I .-nrl(lrv.~'s in :1 hm! of `H0 (I1-1.-,x*x_-us. Thv ('in'|~ was sur- xnmnrlvrl by ~m<~rg:~m-y toms. Hu- {Uvrunnn lll1h(ll`i|i(`.\ L-\'irl('llH_V zmli-, r:ipnIinL1 that 1h(-1'- wnulrl l)(~ pk-n(_\` HI cn.s'I1ull.io.<. But lho id:-:1 \\'-:12: Iv-5 ;lrnin buys in Spnrlzm-lil(v 1n:m~[ `IN-I`, /\l'l1-I` nll this ihn In-\'\' un- I('llt|l. Ill lil('|. flish .'llh|(`ll`.\' ' nu-. .'nppzm~n1'j Ihrir hats in \- vully on llw \` `rlinn cnlhlu-tv.~'. ` wt-rv lhv must `um!.~n.-Shiv In. .\lll`llIl1` H3 IIH` N21/.1 SH Ihv (`nrrmun and C :-=<'L-xmrd \'vr_v .~'imil:vr 'lL In nn inn-r\'i('\v ..l with Rudnlfl `H('.~:.s'L'. :1 \wr_v clusv pcrsunnl rm.-urn; -ml` Hill:-r. MI`. Hmlgvltxs said In-I ` uniru-(1 lhv fx'm`(lnm uf lhu camp and` `UlH\`l(|(` lho (-amp for the (`amndizm ln:v.\'. I T*NifABKErXMILIs `ON RELIEF .1Il.\l'(l U . . `.I.1\'m{! \`l|I \v Inn \'0llIll`lI .\'I0ll(lil_\ l`\'l`llllI].'. l`lu~ lolal I`\|)l`ll(IillIl'(` for last wuvk \\':L~z S7-103 us coInp:u'Nl with 3172212.}!!! for tlu- I-nrrospnmlina' \\'-ck of lilli. imliu-alimr am in- -rc-aso of sligmly ow-r tln-co pm- :-:-nt. l`lu- im-rcuso In \\'(-lI'zu-n ro- ripionls. from 400 In -138. in NH- s.mu- pq-riml. was 9'-3 per ('(`lll. (/`mnpau'uli\'o (I1-tails of regis- lvrod \volhu1- rvcipivnls in lhv hvo yvarm arr as louw: I933 19. !!! n: In: Ill!-ulc nf I`-nu Ho:u|.~: of famiilios . l)vpmulonl.~.' .. lmlivitlmnls .... .. liurriv now Inns (on more ll:-ml- nl` l`:umili(-.~. uml lhir1_\'-(-iglnl [wr- son.-." more rt-1-1-i 'III' rolivl` ll`:r.I ul llu- sumv limo Inst vc-a..`. ur- vnnling In lhv rvpnrl of \\'I-lI'.:rc ()|`fi-or 'l`lIomus A. Grant. whiz-It \\':l.'x` suhlnittt-cl lo llu` 'l`uuu (`mnu-II Mnml v u~\'onIn;.~. 'l`Im Inlnl n\ ' 'l`nt:|ls . x , . lCm:.!imwd {rum nuuu mm) dawn` stops, xll inu hnxt-.<, xwk :.tr(-l('h or.-x. fern .~l:uml.<. hunk t'm|t<. Il|l`(iI' cine (:nbin0l.s'. put lmldm` l'ill'k.\`, xlv sols. luuth bI`u.~;h rm`k:., .-;nuk<-1:. stand. fuse plug rm-ks, nwmn I`uH.`. cr0.<. dolls` lw(l.\, wnx p:IpL`l' c(mtainm's. I`:-ml hum-.~. fur bird.-..` beV(?I`ll{.{o lrn_\'s. mail lmx--.<. in!- boxes, pi(`1llI`l.` {Hum-.<. wall [murk- cls. milro bu.\'0.~' .'m(l nu mull:-3:4 \';n`- icty of small x-ulmnts. 1\l.... ml... ..Il...1 l'(l (H l|\'(`l'\\ lll'-`I EIHU (I 11;! .~`tund.'n'rl.-4 \vvn- ' Iuw in G1-rnlzlny. (}lu1`ifi(*(l Hillvx` 1!` Olympiv (`.:um'.< H v ht-lrl in n wi Y I'.... 'v|\. no l \IHIlI .\... ppulvlll _\` uI`(':l\l.*" ll1(`_\' (lnllvllt vnltxtv to Hitler nppnr-' \vI'nn;,: sulv. 'I`lu- C:mn~| next In thv (h~rIn:1n.<.. nmst pnpulnr in th- c:unp.' sibly h(`('(-Ill.\`(` tho C.'1nutliun.~l lhv OI,\'mpis- snlutv which is` I1` Ir llw Nazi snlulv In (`:|l11]Y. rrvnnn nnrl (`-nmzli-nu hm. \\ll| \\'l7l li_mv F: is nu! x.mI...- . HII(l:.:<'1l.< fvll : 1|I':- Dlnnl innnll ll` VIIIUIIUI nsv lhvy :1 Illlll nI|l' )rup;n1_nn(I:: vvuld hr f I`. 'Hl])H' hillllll` > C:mz1(li:' uiunlvnv In [H11 Phone 491 than (human ->nu|l_v In-hind Hil- :II'(' I'1`n1u\':~rI frnlu . sum. on :1 uvuls chm - dry brvznd. x\'('l'(` nu I v\'i(lvnll_\'l 4 Norman 1'-(.`ll. Ll17ll'lI(` l':ll'('Il. Vin Bowen, Hnhh_\' Rnllislnn, nltl Bron. l3oI)h_v Hm-ll. hnlph I ninghnm. Jack (`|nrk. (Zn COIIUS. Bill Culrlwu-ll_ .1:-rx'_\' rulhcrs, Ray (.`zun;>h.~|L l) Clark. Jmsk (,Tl:n'k. Kt-mu-Ih (`m Bill Dl'umn1un(l, }l:n'\'v_v l)uwr-. lhur F'(,`I`L{lI.~'(:l). l`mn Fl:-an`. Frnst,-l'_ Jimrn_\' I-'vIli.~;_ l`.'u|yh)' 1' lay. .I:ut.-k l'~`inkhim-1'. (H1-n (Eur Jimmy Gilmun-. Hm`! Ilnrl;-_,-.s. ]riL"L'il`L\`, I-I.'u'rv lln\w~rnl'l_ Nun man 95 74!: vlgnl ~nbjn-cl to all Ho lwliv\'<'(l` "nu-ml In . .-n.-.. -,._ rt...-.1 llh \!l'I` (l('.~pilv nth rhn l!I.'m 105 3:14 It 45:; vap~ '|`h" ......-, IIUIH ` sigh! . ) all` 1\|uIl' ; |[,)(-In-nlun-.< ! .\'rc1'('(:II'_\.~` ! 5 ll'\' IlilIll'h . 1 l\'ilL'lIl'lb . S1xp|)l_\' l<'m'lu-r.< 'Agrivullurnl t r~|.'I\<:-\' '4`\[.:l'|l'l||llll"l| (`l:'l.\.\`('.\' (,'Iu-mistry cl;1.s.x'v.\ NI' 5 Hunlvr 1\'li.~'m-llnlwmlte Jimmy Ul|lTllDl'('. Hm`! Ilnrxp_,-.~.. Higgins`, I-I.'u'r_y llnwm-nl'l. Hnwcrnfl`. Rug:-r Hunlx-1`. I-Inrnv, Fr.'1n(.'is .J-rxnu-`V, l.|uyrl l W0. C31`ny(lm'I Kmlpp, Ilurltly I 1'(.'l1C('. Bub l4u\vr(-um-, l).'x\'irl l, nrrl. H:n'r_v I.uw:-. M:u- Milnu-. Rnndnll I\/lunm-k.<. Uni Muff-alt, G(-ur;_{:- Munknmn. Mm'l'iF. I".rIw:u'(l Millvr. A hlfnl'l`ulI n'A.'lI.i .. '\/It-Ic`|rlrlnn I Nuln-: l`hv uhmu .~'::l.'|ri-.~ in:-llnh [unl_\' !|m.\'o l(`:l(`hl'l'.\` whu urn` ll`l('ll Kim: :|(':ulv|11i(' work. 'l`lms:- It`-'I('hl'l iwhu |t`&I(?h (`(7lllllH`I'L'i:ll work ;n':- In i(`iu(l('(l in Vmwnlimml 4-. gun . .. R:-p:~ir.s' with , p.'IinIing\ lsupplivsz tsrhnul I ` and .I:1ni1<.|.~v :.'\H\l(`HC:~' (,`:n'vlnkin:, 'Pl1um-> .. ,l\ Iis cvll:l|1c0u.~' }~I.\:Ir:n ('.'ll'(`I1lkill.;.-,. . i i 1 r..\'HmlIH'tl S:al.'u'ic.~: Night (.`I:1:~".~'v.~' 'Du_\,' (`ln.~'.~'o.< .. Supplies and cquipnu-nt 1 1 Jun. 1 ........ .. . .m `All Cinvl. :.',l'zInl.< . 1 i Nun-Rvsidcnt (1-1-.< .`uIh|l'_\' In.~'urn ncv .'V1uma;: m1wr {`I\I\\I\\;$|u `I/\n1num rvqum-d $.`)(l.!)85.T1 I ilk-|wn|n|`:-.~' Sc-n".\'. !~.'ll&ll')' In. .... .. 1 MiII1(lg('ll)l`Ill . ("nnunillm- ]l'I'U|)(`I`l_\' NH 1 Supply `M15 -llzmc-mus - V I l'rupn-rly and Supply Cmnxnill:-n ! 193:: 193:: I i l.i|u`:lr_\' . .....$ 250.00 1; 200.01. l3uildIn',: and silt` .. 115mm I .:`u() 01),` I".(1uip1m~n1 . ::5().l)lI (i0[I.llU[ I'I.\':In1inu1iuns . 13l)l).()ll `.!0U.(liI 4`I.....\:.-9.... ..I....... Irinnn i -Ii|llllill"\' I `(.uvt. gzrunls IC`|\;V\' NUITII` I n(|.\'.'\' H('l|\"` HI HI!` l'lllX The Il1(`lnhI`l`.~hi]) rnll ix nw f1`>llu\\'.~ Waller Adair, llnss Arvlwr. Rmmlu Arnnlt, Rny Amntl. II:u'r_\' Bcl Norman P1.-ll. Ch:xrli(~ In `in. MN` uh. llnunnn Rnhluv R:.Hi Hnr '|'l't'.~ . , V C""') Ltram I \ Ul11l]1Ill('(.` . l`ropvrl_\' and I Supply I l`.uI\Yinn'nn.- ;I\ lis-ullaxu-u1x.~ | nmu (fusll on hand J-:n|lIm`y 1 .. ..$ 3.244.!!!) 1 [All Gnvt. ;:l`Ill\l.\' 2.(i()7.()l 5 ,(.`uunty g.-'r:mI n.472.:sn 1 I Student I'ov.~ . . 1. )().0() Duv from Cumin- ...\l:.... u..I.....I.- I nnnml I l\ lilIlilj_[l'lIIl'|ll (`nnnnitlvv l`mpvr1_\' Hlld I Qnnnlv I)('cl't-xI." fur 193!) ...._$-L!)-|H.'.!l M.'nnn;.:vm<-nt (`mnmillc-v IHIHX '1`v:u-In-1'5` .~`n!:n'i(-:4 $:().80().liU :+:.`:2,I r u...m1.. 'lI!lA'|\l|I'\' `)1 - .(Il| mu nu I I/\nmunl rm-qllin-rl $37.li412glU $Z2.li!)vl.l!b` ' I ' F IIIHHHHIIIILV `Cm-lni.~`h'.\' vl.').~.x u.~ ! z\griouH.ur:nl vl:n. lI"uvl ... .. .. .. L l.i;.:ht. xvulm` nnrl ` l".'l\' `SCHOOL RATE ; CUT NEARLY g 1`/2 MILLS )lll`ll'Ull1L,l)llllll` unliun S('hl)Ill:~' 1.mm.m) lm-rv.'I.~(- mu`. . u M .\ N .`\(iliM I'IN'l` (`()l\1MI'l"l`l`II'I ISLHS 193!) I?-YiE1Y17 AT WORKSHOP T E IN 4TH SEASON 'l`ul:1ls . .... .. Iu'.\`li1nnlI'tI ` ((.'m:unme(l from Page One) (.`()I.l.I'Z(:`aIA'l`l5 lNb"l'l'l'lVl'l'} I'.'.\`linuIlmI lm-nmv lllilll 193! ml: l|I\ I\<|n\tl l'ulnls \'()('A'l`l{)$`1:EITLASSICS c .,m...m l'.`.s'limat'rI l'.`.1'))r-mIiInrv.\' "in-v Inf!!! 1` :11 hand nu--u I l'UlIl.iC SCll()()l.S I'.'stimuI<'(I Rt`(`l. lpl.\' 1938 .- h..nol I\. An.-`nu-u \>-us... I'.'.\`(in:nH'(I ln('mm' I938 l'.`.z']u )IIiIu rm` lllfm 1` Aunlit-". hu h'l|',',;.f(`.\ll'(`l. pm 'nI.l'l'(` nut. using lhv right pow ....1mx,47:.::o $25.1 .....r;... r..1']u'uuu urI'.\' I I938 Hill!` 5 . $lIl.!l2I.l0 $|IK.!l'.lI.|() Jrull [HI .15 n $32.45l}.(() 1 $56.1 16.70 $5'.'.m:a.:sv;! HL47-1.5) 25.llH.l A` I ll.(i2(Hl(l .'l2.").()() $8,?) ` ZI.lfNH)(l l,'.!()U.()U 5(l_(M `. ..(Hl0.0l) |l\l\ nu w5.3'{.I.lll I -|5l).0() 3:")().(lll |Ul).l)l) l:3(l.1l(| 9501)!) |7.'>.()l) rue Eight

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