Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 9

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74th Yea? n H] H! Hi `Gill! I $12.00 $1 L75 $12.00: . $l2.'.l.')E nu {Local People Find Maix Lying Dead hgnk Hi}ghway_ I l V _____._ lGe0rge Fn'iL:| ancl Dr. Txl M. Laurie N\a| GlLlC- some F i ncl H |T-/\Nl )v-R UN VIC T I M THURSDAY `k FRIDAY it SATURDAY ?.--~~FIRS'I'-HUI`! F};IIYl"URHS Z :via11a;,n;'a;;`;g;;aa at Bay lIIIl| l'Il\. `\`l/\l'l( All I. Avltlml 'l'l')RRY l`00N~--"||I'Z|Hi'S 'l'U (HHH) OLD .|/HI." MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2--FIRST-RUN FY2I\'l.'URFlS--?. PAUL J R0355? i+JIHE%%\NILprwrxgsif 'l'HR|Il,INC H().\I.\N( I . HI l'.l H I\ (.(II,.U lll7NTI'L!*{` with .`-('() |"|` (`HI/l'H.\'< ,||-TAN | ~ .|\l`K S\l.r\R'I' I .-\K.-\.\llH '.\"l N lC\\'S-~-~'I'|w I .\ -- x ' `""` J I! with JOHN l,0|H;'|'}~ IH)|U)'l'|lY .\l/\('K/HLI. Vl("l`1')R .H)l(.Y ~- (`lu\l'h /\l l.lH'l'F.R B.|JGJ%i%FE_LLA~ HADDON HALL DISHES GIVEN Janna/Arman` --.-----. - . . . v -y-..- VVVC . ,__~ . l`lnn'sd.'1y and .\Ioml:|y :'\`i;;hl:. In .*.m- Lzulios 1 law Wm M" I\.Ju;n:\a;u -.-.; ,\-.. TIN? l.H\"/\Hl.l`l .`s|.\'(i|\'!. \'\(./\|'-H`u'l) IMPERIAL ENTERTAINMENT j_ WITH A FINE S|'l'l'(H`l'l'\ ('. (`:`\ST pl:IyIIu', l" H l"Hr\'I`|'|l'. NH 2.\ l) |`lI.-`\'|'l'|{l'I (l`1`10ll`J Singing _.__..A... ....p.. rvr oooarc` uoooanooooooooooooooora . ,:.N.n_ ICE urrme :IN ruu. swmc; COMING EVENTS rs um! I'..Ir.=s uf the Wnrld Musical Revue "I"0R(iI`I'I` Mli I(N()'l N" ......c_ ,-....--~-.- -..J ul (Ian:-u-_ Ht. Mary's Pm- 1-uuluy. I":-h. 20, H pm,, . M.. k:...|;.Iin, n.-. \l-H nlmia I :-I'~.un:IHt_V Page me-ml l'H|I|` full, . cu. n uulul ily N"..- zm, rsmv-I. ' Hw :u'<`v-~ ln_-lug kill- |\.nmH'H Hvvllm H... -:| Inn `.'I' r hr h.nvl u4..:...1 MON.-TUES.-WED. /\N0'l'Il|'.'|{ (:'.|{,l'2/\'l' l'l(J'l`lllH'2 -l"ll..'\'lI'ID l.N'l'l|l.l*II.Y IN Color Cartoon l'IVl'7NIN(i h'II()\ V.'~$ M. 6.4! and 9 p.m. WILL HOWARD COMEDY and COMING--"THE COVVBCY AND THE LADY" "ALGIERS" and "THE YOUNG IN HF-AR'I` at ROXY 3%? PSIEFUQEE GRANAQA Pictorial Revue Legion Skating Carnival Draws Good Crowd Despite Weather; Good Costumes .\l.\'|'. \\ I'll). (iI.()Il.I()lVH '|'I'I( 'IlNI(`()I.U|{ Iu'.`\l)lI) S'l'.\l{ IN HIS l..\'l`i.H'l' ll|'I'5 Other Trecxts I \'(ll ' R |".\ \'()I{ I'I`|". l.\`I'lNlN(i .\'ll()\\'S :11 46,-1.3 and S) p.m. EXTRA ! ANI) A A1soL'7'rV11\'/1V"r3r_I.E1W=i"s LUCK" `Episode No. 2 3.31! I'..\I. I)csi)i|r: l.|u- (-xl1'mnt-Ly Culrl wea- lhvr lhorv was a uonrl crowd at |h(` skating (:;u'niv.'|| .~:pnI1.'~'nI'(`rI by 111(- BHl`l'i(- Bl'nn(:h ur tho C:n'mdi:un Lu- giun in H10 Arm-mu lnsl. evening. 'I`ht.-rt: were nbuut 100 .s`katm's in l'nn(:_y (ll'CS:~' nnri (:n.s'lI.nn:'. The judg- vs \ V(.`l'(' R. G. Norman, K. A. C:4mor an and Mrs. C. I), Slnwarl. B.'n'ri(- Band .'~ilIpp(`(l music for slcating. |):|v(- Silk I- .:n'|'in hm-kr-v urnnlin ' hI\i'll.ll|K. Kr-y goalie, `aw. In tho nld Mnhns the Cults in .. hr. n n, up ('nnlc-::| buys` r:u-In Ht~s'.l (`om nuys , I?w.<.l` (-omic z~n'i|:..u-: I.-I llu- niulnl were aw-:n'rl:-(`I in Snnw Whilv and the Svvcn Dv/:u l`.<"_ rt-pr:-M-nu-ri by the 1'nllnwin;,- rrmn 'l`hm'n1vn A Burlin- S14.-wnrl. ls:-ulwl I-Tm'lnn_ Mvihn Jur- dinv. I.iIli.'m S:(~w:n'l_ II:-nu Nlilivl, Dm'nlh_v Dunpztsy, Nnrnm Hznlhu-rl (Ind Vivian (izullnrnilh. I'u muy lady"; IV Indy"; 1) Imwt`. "Mcunlic .`:irl.~< I Il n(:l(- 1 Whiln": THURSDAY--FRIDAY--SATURDP.Y THU}bAY - FRIDAY ._ SATURDAY ` Imrl:-I` Sum": |'\n\u' Special Matinee Saturdcty. 2.30 pm. 2 - ALL STAR HITS -- 2 l`)H('| -'~illDDll(`(l IWTIISIC I01` S|("1Unf.{. l):Iv(- Silk. "..'Irriv lmckr-y won the lucky lickvt draw. npvn s'l rm-v Harold and 1)nnnl Pit-nrri of finishvrl first and S(?(:m`1(l in :1 bang- THAT I-"AIVIILY'S HERE AGAIN! .'\'l/\'l`lNI'}l'l S/\'|'l7lE,l)/\ \ 1\'l' 35.30 l .M. I'IVl'ZNlN( SIIOVVS /\ l' (3.45 ANI) S! | .M. .|I|l"II ll.` Marnn|'~I 1', Syl\'i:| H"-1 tll`<\u.< "'I`m`k i.*.h H\v<'t|i: ll.'m'_v Ilnllrun; . . ' Oi !-`.lh`\'l'l()N Iu-;(:uvI-zns mum-,y IV I 1M{:u/nnn I win! mv mun lH'I`.IU'\'I'l|HV ICl'.l:|l\'l`.lLn nllnwnn (l()1,|.lN('iW()()|) l gut my mun (-y l):u`k". SIX-yr-;II'~ulI| HhII'|('_V Nnht-:; (:ri(`d nl'l.ur nu upt-rulmn In r(~nmv~ coins frnm ht.-r :;1nIn;u'l1. Shv hurl ..n....,...x lhnln --.. |u'- nu-u I wuulrl COINS Irnm nu.-r uwzlllmvvrl thmn not low them." ITIHH III?` .\4lH Iruunvul Imus with lhv Kn (la-nlul -Imi vhilclru-H. .__...____: _.__.____...__ V777?` THE * BARRIE * EXAMINER ~~?5~7" Itfvar _- . EMW WE EEt3I\iE2iiIEI CANABIC ffigso/iv, rEBRUA:2EvEi6fT5E E ""`l* - 1- - Iran. `I I3} I'I`:lV I1I .I;mu::r_y \ I :-um Hu- IH".l.lI'2I-' l |".Nl'I |`/\N(i ~...n.u-u u/nu SKIN I" BlI.l. .000 'l'lH- 1'4-In-I" lull `(i,()l|U. (It)V\'I| :|l)u||I Z} 2 |)l`l'I lnsl _w-:n`. ' :o;.',r<-(`ti in (`H-I)|)l`l .ui--1-lulu III lI>I'InIn `Ill fllll ll'_V IVIIIH :-I mtum mnsuclm. : lw un~- I wuulrl ml f:1Humidity of Classrooms} {5_Keeps_Scho9l Kifis Ho_m_s: Hnspector W. 'R_. McViHicT Suggests This As Reo- son For Colds H (. \\=vr- III l)I`llt`r sump:-. !III(' In mu. iM'ViHu~. ::ml wv nwv him :1 1ll`lI' Inf ;!v'::1ihul<-." 'I`rn.~'lr-r~ I~`rnnk W `])nh.k:un. I-lmix'm.'m of the Mnmu:I'~] nwnl Crnnxnilh-v, 1-mnnwrm-d nl Hu- :z-|n::r- uf 1lu- Ill.'\'))(`('l()l"H nl):`m`v.'alim1.*., Ein mnvim: :u vnlv of lh:mk.\'. l`rn.~ |/\llu-rl. Rrysrm .'<-(_- lhi: mw Iinn. which w: x` 1-zwrwd un:mimnn:~ ly. wilh (`h:Iirm:m W. .1` Blair .'uIri- `inn :-'uit:lhln r-unnm-n1 ! ` l`IqI|ipm('nl /\(lriiliu~I):; ` llI.":p(`(`l(Il` Mt-Viliiv lhnnkr-ti Hw Hu:n'd' [or |lu- vnry ::uI):4l:u|1li:nl ml` rlliinm In (-quipnwm in lht` :4r|uml.\. \Iu'luzlin;; Ihv nvw lmu:.-lmld :~'v'l4*m-:- l'-Il"lll in l'I'inm- uf W:lI`.s .`3<-Imnl, umlg who lnnlvrm. in Hue schools. Whil'h |1:|(l |)l'n\7l'(I ul gr:-:4! \ lI|llY`. PI'(u:'_|`(-.'~`\\ lmrl In-(`X1 m:ulr in rumlinu nnvl I fr:-v slmlim: hurl hm-n ?..w.u..h..I ....I Ihm-n urn nu :n1v:n:". HOUSE OF HITS . W, H. M('Vi!tiv. l`ul)lir: Strhonl In- i:.|n-ulnr fur Cm1l,I`v Sinwm-_ whn has `:4upv'I`vi:x'ir)n nvvr local public }.<<'h<-n|r~:. I'r`IIrlerI-ri :1 C0t`n|)l'(`hl"|l.`s`lV(` `\'l`I`h'I] 1'1`pnl't In l'.:n'riv Bnilrd Ur ` l". Monday ovcning. in Iwhivh luv l'(`\ il`WP(] :1c('mnp|i:~'h- 'uu-nls`. nf llw past your and madc- -`illi .'t's1in : fun` Hw ful.urt'. Hxuzm-::IinI1:; mndv hy Ihv Im~'p('(:'~ `l\I'ilH'llll|l`(!H10ilIS1Z|lil)l)Ur(`(|lli|) c.. I,...... |.....\mHu :.I a fax - %""--|. IH .llu`:- _vI-: I "'l'hv- : ' .. ' {MERCURY Dow1~}'**i*6"18 BEEOW SECOND COLDEST or 1 I'In|||ll` l`I IWIIII nil -mu! Thu- \'\ nIH` In HM` l'.`\'[H'IHlI"lllvlI lnl); I fvvl um` :<('hm)l.< will ('cnnpar` I`:wnI'nhly with anything in 1110 PH: LIBRARAIESWNEEDED Wv rm`r_v :1 Used Parts. I `\r`n`.2l'l|Y`F`.<. D Dnvvs. Wim and Tubes, I-n\`r'.<. Cylix Rxndintnrs. T Htup Lvak. 1 Sm'u`\\'eId {m 500 us {or y u gal.-(me f: s`v.'1.~'vm.<, 521 Ml` IVIUIH` Pt` I\_ ... 2 ._ I'1HIh`)` rvxunnvu. `Dominion Auto Wreckers -an . ~ I\l.._I.. _Iuvo llll'(x lllu Ill.`-v.umuuu HI l -411-1: y kt-rp Immidity .1! a l':'IV- I:-vvl in Ihv u:luxs|'rmn1S. lhu.: II: -'Il)F1`l1l'(` nf pupils l'I'mn nnrl lhv pun-Imso ml` :1 : ln`:n'_v fur 4-.'u'h : lhv. Iw . ()V('l` 3 pnriud 0|" I. II": 5=rhtmls n lwl,l,'y .n -nnl u ROXY *;u`r_v full line of Now and 1 G6-nnrator and Sl.n`1r'I -.;Hnre\<. I\1uffle=rs_ Axle Starvm` ~vs. Windshield Wiper=. 'l`xr--.~ Front Main Spring .'r`.~'. (_vIind(`r He.-ad. Batwrin-s mtnr.~'. Tire Chains. Radiator 1 Radiamr Cloannr and `weld for Blocks and llvndx your :\t1ti~Frnoze--$3.95` al.---nne filling good for sc-\'m':Il nns, Satisfaction guznrantnnd nnnew refunded. `m- .~K.'1IIm: nun m'I'n I Ihorv w.'n.~: an :ndv:n`.' ~ `mull. flmnv ins|.1'|u~- nul I vv IGI-l\\pI-I` 7 Maple Av:-.j A.F.A. Mxlcomson l'hmn~ H7 : 1| Dunlup St. l'l..%..'\' YHl'l{ 'l`|(ll` `I'M F.l'Rl)l'|. I-',`\l{l.\'~-vitlwr :a Tour nr Il|(\'idlll|~--\\'l` livprc-5:-I1! .\lI l.im*\`. '51- WINTERQ |1Hu;Iy .......u., (Mm \\'l`l`l( man $11.75 "l`vvv) wN`k:< nun 'I'lm-(- wvnks ;|p,n . ` . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . .. $12.25] lCng|is|1 vnblm; inrlivutv mark-H ': l<>Im.'.-ativ Innrlu-I slusurly nu` Elixzhl :~'u|>p|y. | (1/\'I"l`l.|'2 I`:-.r (iwl. I Uw-1 5 Ilx: _M 1-.') Hm. .... .. I3 33-4 H):; H Mnrkr-I fairly 51-nrly. I-`OWI. [H14-Ii-nuvnnl fmnn unlnlt '1 \'Vh.'ol 5: w.- mid gum! p:n'wnl `:~hnuld dvslrv fur h1.s uwn I-hihlrr-n. '|1h:nt a pawn! should dv:air:- for nlll ' x'hil('h':`n," q1ml.vd H. Ii. | rIl. V:'tl|i()l' of :<-hnnl It-xi |)H()kf uf l.h(- '()n!:n`in I)(`p;nlmc`nl. of l'Ir|Iu'.':lizm Ml in. |).'mqm>1. nl to;M'|\c|':-" in H10 -10- |rm:nlury and .*iCf(`()ll(|5Il`y .*.('|1nn|:` `whivh markrd "l".dLu':m-m VVN-k" in ilhv Queen`-.5 Hotel. Friday ,-vz-.niu;! ' llnsl hn` (TIO-n\u`... :1 . L-inn I... 1-1\uI\(1r-1:} ()V('l' 5) HM. 1 '1 -.') |h.`;. MON.-TUE.-WED. Mat. Wed.. 2.30 "NEWS CH00L1 AEMPHASIS TOLD TOTEACHERQ v(illl'|'|(,'lll|HH. HIIU (H3 `Hm! had born In: !::uurs:- of study in 1 l'h:- first shift h` :u`1m'. lw ':nid. Th lin snmv q1mrl.m':< I ,`|u::l In have :1 mm Hlw 1-||ihl-:-nnlrml - r |VlI'. l'4lUUl'|l (Ill--l vwhimh had been I y<:urrit:ulmn. and 1 [Mini I Euuursv i ` l'hu- In 1. uhifl (flH'|'|(,'llllUH. (l|bl'll.;.- U |.lll' Hm! lllildf` in Hu- ::uursI- thv sdmnlx. Ilm; In-ml In t'h:Ir~ 'l'herv- is u fr-(-ling in that rhilclrt-n m'I' `|u:<| ram! ;1(u)4i limv-. lmt lhv <~hi1d-('nn1rorl school mt-:m:= Hm` tho (-hild is thorv as :1 sl.;aI`lim; prmn. "I liko tho id:-3 of lirm rmlu-r than xv`!f-=xprI\::' Mr. I-Jlhorn dr-clm'4~d` I`|.,. ,. .`-l||llI' IIIJW -.lpn. n'I\Cl)rl H...| II... L-.:< ,lV/ll, IUIHUIH (ll'L'lilll'lL 3 Thp sponkor slated that llw .'='I lunrl v-mphu. w:n:; from urmu `I4-znrninrr In n:-r zu-Yiviiv "\/Q \_ . F41: mark:-I qmtv firm; |)l -vnl nlmvv 'l`ul'nI1tn lurluy. (FIIICKF S l1n.|.-nun-.1 frnn. .u unu-l: I'V lIm'h:m;;-I frn Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry '\;: qnotvd by First (f0-()rl`l'Hll\'l?I x":u'kers uf Onl,:u'in l.ld.. inrriv) I ........ ..-_ 0.... I TE/\CHERS BANQUET "D66 bK'fCfHER" HUGH l`t~r (`.wl. Il)11-s::L~(l hut weigh! on mail) ul-AI! $1200: `Mr. F,|h`0rn d uluhh hurl In-nn n :1.-rd Hm -mum!-1: uln in II\:- 4. E. E|b0vrt7 \7O(1;l|incs Thel Changes In Basic Idea l of New Course I 5pt'Cl.UT m l`U)I`lnr'xIl 'Jlllrll II) A. R ('.irr*lwImrl. prinripa! n{ H; me Collegiate Institute. expruwrl the thanks of the gathering lu tlw speaker. and stated that tlw 1":-:1 vf putflng the Child fir=t in the E1l`hOf)lS was not a new idea Warden Walter E, Down`-y. Mm- to-sxntz. brought greetlmzs [rum Hm `(`*mn'_v of Simcoe l\`la_vnr H G. Rnberl:.Im lvrvuglmt `awe-t.ings from the Town or Barri.- W J. Blair. chairman nf Rm-rw glirvarrl of Education. sp()kP |n I..:- gllillf of that body ` H. J Heath, president (If the Sun rm` Cr-unty Branch of the Sewmti ary Schools Federation. exprs- ; the thanks of the committee to rm- [whn had attended. mentioning the` `Lions Club. which had relinquish- vd its meeting night. and all those I lln |1ip,'hI'r Hum ' . llhWl`H lHl' l'IIrlll].',".` I lnildt` in Hw xx-htmi I disvl ' vrl H10 .a|\iH:' ...urln II... nuunl .up It-31' H]! II) up In up In . in ( up in 11 I I l)rr-:::r .v,\.. .., GRANADA

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