Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 7

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g%EE>'iE'5 "i*'ii'1G"s"ii5EBii?iEE{6Ef K 54:14-tux:-cpogncpnguz--on$1-mutate-c-gut--cm-:--a-.--m-no.-a-.--------n.--.--um:--u-.--.4--.-o-.-u-u-c-a-u-.4-p.: 19130 La Salle St-dun I930 I'Isst'x Se,-.d;u\ I930 l'l_\'muuth Svuhm I930 lnr(l (`nupt- 1929 De Soto Sc-dun 1929 (`lwvrnlvt S1-:!;n1 I929 Chevrolc-t (`nhriulet 1936 (`he-vmla-I .~:~|.u1 Ile- livery 1935 International l,--ton Pick-up 1928 Ford (`mu h I927 (`ht-vrnlc-t ('u.|rh I;)$|luIlIl'l Hllplly H|u1,`,l.'. )U'.\l rvy: HIV ;;a.~'. uwy ll'_`,' In -no hnL'k4.'.V H|.l'- twr lruphy .'-I.` I II)`\I r1|mn--(1 -`x.zc- Rev. `.1 q_. - . .'|`S :\l .\\' A YS l.I , w ll.~\Hl3l`IR ()U'l' h;a\ \- lhmr '|(':I(|i _.. ..v._- n |.:u|mraturi-s A`. . (_, -. - ax \v.-: 3 333313. LIQNS. liurriv (Tolls (ln:1l_ Ll(`fl`ll(`l', Dun l`ir:u`(|. (`(`lHl`(`. l)un lu\\mn: \\ Huwvn. l!u~' Vi:-k:; :||l.\` `nu-..-`Inn. llvnl l\`lu|m.~'. H Rvrl .|vI\n:'H. - lVIi'rH:Iml (luul. l-`run ,xl-I`:-m--~_ ll:n'ry Dirk. .\x mus; rolnn-. lvnn Juhr I'I\\'vI1 (`:n.~lh-. 'l'im N: il|ur\-uy Willis. `.iIl ll llhullc-y, Fluyxl .\ll.~'upp. ... Kl... ... I n .r.. . l`..l .n\I-Iul I \l 3. l!:n'riv n. lhnvun . 9 Barrio Muhns I1) 3'10. Mixlluml Divk IS { l'vn:|lli-5 I) Hmvv `mujnrt. 'I`m'r_\' minc- lnn-k. Ncshitl. 1 'm.i.-.1 I`:-r :Loca| CYO Midget Team` Suffers 2nd Defeat 4-1;. Goalie and Spectator Hurt .s wnrrw 1'uIm<~r Y\luhns I l`vn:1ltiv:< '1`:-rm` -|ll(| lVI'lIlIll Ill |IIl'll' Ill` 1.:';lIII('s. Imlh h_\' l|u- s:nm~ ul` ~l-l. lhv lK;u'ri:- vnlry (`.Y.ll mixI;,u-t luu-km \\ill likvly <~mlinm* HH- ulv. l:1l|u-r Ihuhl tuld '|`l ;nnnu'r .-\l Urilliu cm '|`|u-sd;\.\' nu` l.u~l \\'(-qk. the l:n'riu~ INI\'\ \\rr- un lu('k_\'luIus1 lln-ir guuliv. Hm.) -gr |I`.\Inlu`ussin. um- 0| lhv ~l.1:\ ul llll` (mun. 1-;n'l>\` in (hr LL.||lIl`. llr uus hit on (hr In-.uI In llu- pm-Se and it \\'.\.~ dvrich-1| In \\il|nlmu him from llw ;;:mu-. .Illlmu-;h ninun I I... -. .u ..n`nn. In com um o1wI:N solmn \\iI5 |II| Ull \III' II -lll II_\ I zulllmu-;h lu- \\;|.\ '.m\iuu.~ ln runlinuo-, Hi` olqlvr hrnlhvr. Orlauuln. \\hu lI.u| hm-u ' `yin: nn lln- I'ur\\.u'.I I. I (`ll ' ')'III;: III! nu` IlIl\\.|l-I NIH`. is` his |)I:u'\- lu ,- .\licl|:md-1)rilli;| iunmr (`.\' 1-. ,x::nm- \\'lli\`II fu|lu\H`\| lln- l{:u'I'i--Urillin Ininhu-I. \\'.ullu-r "RH!" (inrdml. .1 \|)(`l'l.IU|I'. \\.|\' injurc-ul. `I`lu- pm-k \\'t`lll on-r lhv lnuarnls and slrurk (`mrdon nu lIu- fan-_ hr:-akin: Nix g`|`.I!_~'(`\ |'il'l`l`.\ nf ::l.ls\' |ml_::~d in our n!` his |'_\`t-\ and Ilr (E. .\. "IW,(`l`\` nl` Orillia ~ l.m-cl tinrdmrx sigh! might hr ~.1I`l'1-ctvd \\'.|l lrr (iurdun \\ .u -.1 slur d(`f(`lll`l`- man fur Orillm jmlinr Imvkm I. u ..u :1 \n \ nun uh.-n : liurly copy xn its apprecxated. .'\Ilhmu;l| ulvh-:1 and Urillia in I n. .-um I...I In ||\' UIHIIII \l'\'C`l II lluw muuuzml Barriv (`nlls. Colts Il--Conso|s 4 . ...~. . . . Hill'1i|' Vwkrz I} . Hurriv -M ` . Mitllwnd Jnlmm . H: iv Ll\'il\_.'.1,\'l .H:n'ru~ [) lh:-w . Mixllnnd Willis . Hill`I`i1' Vix-ks t. n:,.. \1;.|... uunu - - t|wI\| . lkurriv l iv:ml ... .. . Mndlalnd ~Ju)m. :\\'i . Hurriv Mnhn< H l'.-\ l\:n|`u\ Vi:-kr; I|`u':n'tl) mum: nultix L\'1nhn.~' Vivkr; l`ulm<~r I -g-- IJJILILILIJ WW -I-IEVVV---I -A unau- Stm1(li11;: ,[rumh`l'l,t.0riul1t, ~Mm`l0y Ricllmdsml. (It-l'm1m-; Bml" H:l|ll(|l'_V, g.-;n:1l; M:1uri(-.<- I-Imv.-4. Ivrl. winu: (`.1-ruld Slmnuhun. clot`:-nm-; Alvin Ilnuuhl.nn_ um. winu; Lm (luvztnzulgh. in-,`l1I. wing". "Rod" Reynolds. dvfoncx-.. Sc-:Ll.v(l, lvft Ln rip-,hI, [my ll:1_vvs, rip;lnI. wing`; (Elm-v Gm'inp,`. ('('lH.l'(` (`uu1'(l(m R0:1(',h, gnu}; Lloyd (im'im:_ right, wing; H`.ll'Ul(l Sp:~m--. 1-vnl,ru~. Al)- sonl. [mm )7i(-.l,uro Ilurry I.in(1suy. (l(-.l'm1(-.0; Hill IAi|.l.l<-. (I:-I :-um`. n:1l_ [)1I\'x` . ilk `(nu 'l`u-Hy` Hn\u.\n- u'in|n.' V;-rn Q uwvn; \\'mu<. 'k:I: :||t.\, Divk Liv- ulmx, lhnl `nlmvr _\ I`-II'\ Ag \\ l|l'll in rl.|~ln~\' \\ ilh rnlml lI_\' .\Iitl|;uul lhrir first l\\u A szmw .\I`(|l'l` - nl--r in ll-1. . ... ' I-nlry in Un- rk|*_\ lr.1_~,-nv 1` .~.'h1-4| uld '|'ln- I.\v |`Sd;|_\' |.n~l I\'\ uuliv. ('n`1.)"_c' I ll` lln pun-k nun ` ;\l.l.lS |'().V& pru ~!.u h`. zmd nnvml DON BowEiI"L`w11~i V SCORING HQNORSI, Dun ll->\\wn. r: :.luI` ul` H.'lI`l`Il` (Tn|` nu: |mIIul':; for H1 H ,"_l`lilI|l h_\' pi('ki in lhv l`.`.lh and I .\`l`lI l .mv-n lwn In-ll:-r lhnn II. I -'l\un.l" C .\l mm... lwl llnrnhl Juveniles Finiish Schcdu|e;;3 Central And Essa-Anglos Win The Midget Games` Don B0weI;n, Vicnks, Mohnsu: and Picorcl Show Scoring i Power in Last Game u 9 Copacos Tie Shclburne Leading C. Grey Team II ILHI I llkll III Q|I|l JD \l\I IINAIHS ~ ..\, i ll Ill |l|lII|\\l (|U.\l STBPPHJ lllltllll IIIll| nllul .ninl.~:. lml lIli.`:.\ (`(| ll Lunll In-(I Hu\\'n-n |>_\' 'r1d:ny ni_-.1hl Ilnrry ..l - Il||I:| mu 1-uptuin and (`('l)ll`l' ul (nulls. -:nplu1'ml :~'vur- lhv (LIL/\. Jllninr -_rmup |)i('kill;`, up :ix lminh I:|.~l ;,:.'Inn- uf 1'1-' I7..| `Pl nnunl-: uv-Iv, 1 |Il IISIIX Ollll ll\V('ll .\ J.) his Ill" SPHH. .I ll... HIE? l('|Ill'lIHIll` nll. \\`|m. hzul Ill llw lust uzum-. ... n'.... .... nnll ... ,,..... . up until of Mid- \ Hll\'K' \Vr.`d~ \ nu |\\.) COl_TS SCORE EARLY; Undurdog's in the prc-g':unc talk by us much as mm to t.ln`m:, l3m`1'ie Lions held the hlghly-l.0ul,u(l Auroral (3(n1:~;ul:: Lu :1 5-5 draw horn on I'uu.s'(l-.1y mg`hL in l,lu- l`ir.~eL nzunv ul` Llwir ().H.A. Junlur C first round luyoI'1'.~;. Lions xt.ul)bmnly fought. uck Lwlm-_ wlu-n Hwy wvrv (luwn two goals. to Lie Lhv count. They nmutlu-(I Aumm &:l,ri(l1- for sLl`i(l(e from start. Lu flnixh and '.u:Luully Lhv Imsuls were un- lucky In not wlnnimg. I?`un.x' who w(`l'(! .~:~ul.<-(I (:1u.s:e Lu the nm'l.h` net will L011 you Burrio .s'c0ru(l 1lll()H\(`I' gun] in Lhu gm-Um| D...-_ ind. which was not. (-.ount.cd.'1`l1e puck ls :1ll-L-;(-(I to have m'u:;::-- ed the 11110 1.1 few lmtlu-.~; but, the nnul tnnpirv. :Ln Aumru mun.` 4 (lid not. flush me light. unu nun ........ -...,, ..`,,,,, Ho|'vI'w- (`ullillgsz \v:1s not in pun`-' ilinn lu .~;u.-n- it. and Ill l`:wL lhv y'_u`.I| mnpirc- may nut huvv :u-on it. an qniclcly (lid (hr ;v_u:Il'u- >:llllIlhL`|' lhv yuurk and hunk il ml. At any I':||I' lhv Liams |n-nlc-sh-cl nml had the yzunl llll)|)il`l` vh:m;:-ml. Ihul Hzmhlrv I)|iIVL'l| .\`|:nulm1l |ARRIE%y[9ys TIE cousoL_f$-6] lwn! hum. 'l'h:- sznnv lVIl'\vllI'I'. unw- vvvr, I':nmI'(l ml :1 |unr_ .~:hul lulv in Ihv |hIr:l pa-riml whirh znllmvvtl l.i in (iv Ihv count. In lhv up:-ning |)('l'i()Ll linrriv s:t`ur- l`(l firs! with thv Llt-I`:-m'1' pun` of Ih-unnltlu "ml l.inl-::|v m:im.! x: mm- lh-ylmltls and I.iml:;:n_y u.\`in:.{ |un:<.~ zntlnck lu wnrk in on M(--' (1|'l`. A mmuiv lnlvr Anruru :u-nu-1| wlwn l\nm- shut from vlnsu- in. l|;ml- (|r_v Lliw-tl ln mukv :: luv:-ly suv:-| lull lhv pm-k buulm-(I rml auul nn-f hmly vuvc-I'('(l P('l(' Dnllkin. wlm lifl-' 1-(1 it uvur the ;-,nuli(- into lhn HM. I V 1"rnn| :1 l':u'I--HIT llI`.`I|` lhv In-I lulva , Ill lhv |u'I'i<>(I /\nrm':: 5:;-nr:-(I :u::zin.. D(.`uImnin;-,5 ;;rnlln'(l lhv pm-k nml 'S|i|)|n`-(1 il uv:-r In Dnmlain whu \v.'u.~s '|llllCU\.'(`l`(`(l auznin. Poul` 'n\'m'in;',~u|> 'll'nHl l.iuu:: hull! mrzllrat - I\nnn':| waml l\\'u Ill) (`:ll'1V ill lht `PH lIl'.\'l \V||lI lll(' Ul'Il'lI\'I' |lnII| `rust l.mu:s hnlll ;:u::l.~'. I /\urm':I wvnt lwu up mu-1_v lhm : .~:-(`mud lwriml. |.illl:- gut il |wn:Ill_v ~ zllnl wlxiln hv wm: nff Aurum l1:nr(l|_v : hzul :: (imu-In shut NU wvll xlitl lunnrs vlwclc in (:cnl.ro '/mu-. Sp:-In-0 nml llnm,-Jllml haul u-m tic-(I in knnls. Ilul Lilllv w:I.~4 `Inst buck nll Ihv icvl : \\'h(`ll Bmw gut luusv In-hinxl tho IIUI. um! slippml :1 p:ns.s' out In l\'l('('nH|b. l('..n1p-(l nlmw in front. I 4 l.i.m~; wunl uI`l<-I` /\m'ur:n s1rn|u.:! RETURN AT AURORA ON FRIDAY NIGI-Hi l('..n1p<-(I ulmw In Krnnl. i ' I.iun.~< \\'('lll s1m|u.:;` frutn lhml un :_m(I :nl 7.l5 l'Iin<'.-: .`:('uI`-I It'd whvn hu pick:-cl llw rvhnund nl'|' :l.lnyLl (}m'iIm's shut nff thv |)n;n'(l.~;|` um! bunt l\1(-(`.h--- wilh :1 fast shut ` from lhv si(|v. 'l`hirLv .s'm'muls lnlor ~ Lloyd (`.nrinp_ wvuvvd dmvn lhv icv!` from mud 10 (`ml for :1 ht-:uI|il'ul Rnlul ` -unul` with Hm xcun- tivd tho 1:-mns but-I l;Il|lI.`\' \\'('lH illll'l' 7 I \\'i .~4i(|v._'l`hirl,\ wvuvm Imun mud in run] fur Locals Come From Beiaind Twic; to Score Two Goals ` And Tie Score in First of O.H.A. Jr. "C" Playoffs I In tho .ln~.1 win-dulvxl gzmnv nl` lhrl U.ll.2\. Junmr "H" gzrnup ul `.:1rrw' Arvmn l:I::I lrnl:n_\' night. H:|l`I'l1` Cults bvnl Mullzmd (`:n.~`ul.~; bv ll--I` and lhus Ii:-I Uwvn Snuml (irv_v.\`.I whu lwul I : Iwlum; Llw .~a:|n\o ni:.:hl. fur fir}! |)|.`l\':-. ` `N... .u....\.. uv-n: nl-xvml nu muule uml. With the :~`(.'0I`1' lvums but- llvd uw:n_\' in fusl and nxvilinxz hock- |:-.v unlil In-nr lhv (-ml ul' lhu pt'rin(l Y) BCUU. Ill HM` IUZISI. us 111' \\'i| um mun lust :,vusun. und hv was just us glad to svv his pal lukv lhv lmnurs. so long, as H;n`ry Dick uf Midlxmd . didn't jump in lhv frunl . . . 1hv luudim: >'L'Ul`(`l`.\' of bull} junior and ` xnlvrlm-dizutu .\'l'l`i('.\' nuuloc B:u'ri.* Ar- _ 1-nu lhvil` hmno icv with Ann-It: Myra- `mi Cmnp HUFIIUII lnliiny, lhr lulu-I .i11l|`. ' I ! Midluml juniors soon-(I more goals, than any le-ann in thv gmup _vn-I lixlislxctl lust Bun (`m-l)u;1n .<. bruisz-rs !s`l:IlIlll|(`d (i2 gu.1l.\` humv. um-' more than Burric Colts . . culrh is -If cuu1`.~`L- lhul 1\lidl;In(l also? had bf,` fur the musk ,`,2(lZll$ .~'cun-d} against the-m. 85 In Do l'X:l(`l . . . then-1 was grout scoring punch in lhul Ir Cml.\`nl nnllil. with l~l;u'r_\' Dick. Bl H;n'l)vr. I\'.un .luln\mn and '1`-xlxv \\ El- ll.\` nll l'1ni. x'n,:h\ up n<-a.' Ih-: mp nf lhc rveux`d.~;. ` .o. . but the H H(`l illlll l'l`bl`l'\'l' SIl'l.`|l[lH . . . :\'U|1!|;.:( Jack H;-p\\'u1'1h. gnuliv fur lust _\wu1*`s% Midland provincial juvvnilv suln`.-; finalists. st;u`1:-d out as mgulux` and: looked rvnl gnnd. then won! :1 bit, ~`.uur . . . 1hu_\ mtvd him nut \-xithl` g1u.~'sc>' and he svclnod in unmuvr [for :1 whxk-. then they bc-g,.In fo bhum- him .xguin for losses. ulu~.uu,:h . II \\".1s :1 \\'ldL`-\)pL`n defence .no1'-I! !h:m anything clsc than \\'.x.~` xu blnmr g . m the :;v.-coud lust game ;1guin.~" Burnt.-. Midland used Jim Bmwnen ` then they brought dnwn here `-..<`'` Friday night Frank G0d1`ro_v. ml`! goulw nf tho juvomlo lean). Bruw.\ .ull being. the reg\|l;1r . . . north;-r mm; xlnf tha-m lnnknd zn mmrl :n< H(`l1\\'1\I`lhJ ECU Dt`Hlg UM` l'(`E,\Il;ll' uf th-cm luukvd as good ; did in kw. previous 54;: the Colts . . . `Midland h. |\`-nunrc .\l' luniur Fl nlm (Q Hl l\\'U ]|l'{'V|llUS _L',ilHlL'S Llg&llll."E had only [ivrl plu_\'(`l'S of Junior B class. with the ulhcl`.< still ho.-iiig (If Jimiur C culi-I brc . . but they may be ripe fur F COl`n|).|li_\' by next svusuii . . . Midlaiml loses Willis and Johnson by age bin all the nth:-rs could play next year. that is if Dick mid Castle. lwn im- nnrlc \"l\' in '\luH-inri lnr munch;-r . `S J .\lIdland had two weak spuls-lhe [:.U wt and 1`;-sx-1`\'v sn`on;;lh ,\'uu'I-,:r. SPORT- ANG_LES u uxcn nun Luau:-. l\\'n un- sl.u_\' in I\lIdI;md Km` amntht-r r\ TEE F-ARR??? FIX.-ll'vi`-TJFIII. r -7\'7ui u"vN ... CAT!/$323 __________________:__ 'l`inn.sc'm_\-. I't']II`|n:\|'y Hi. 19:5! .._...j._...._._. _...__...__ mu lulu l\\'u \\'l:3u\ I slx`om;ll1 wxnwnrlh mmlin fur BY KEN WALLS , p 1|..|.... Nu IICXL .\'l`11SUH mssi|)l- lnjlld1.'.l' p1u_\'v1's!tl nd Hill mld us hn would; 1 fm` :1 ('uL1]Il(' Hf pl:u_\'<>l'I'1 vI.\ |JUlHlb U` S|)llll('I_\' IIIIHHHK HI (I1! \\'llH E s didn't \\'m`-'\v::1,rvr. \\-hi:-h wnnltl nut hv 4 ho was lUp1<-n:nm`wl |)_\' Ihv (H! A fur um ` \\'i|S Huh: . . . if H) vlulxs \\'.m1 In :n -lhv hl)ll (`.\'hi|)ilium ;.',.'um- ur se-ru-2 `is uptothq-n1.bu1 us clubs lhvy ml 1hL !nnl hinvu :m_v mum-_v at stul 1 3" ilhc-re wnwuld be :1 syn-(~(ly burr kc Bt(l'l`i(. Al`-`.|1.ny(-rs and 01'!" His by thv 1 I\lll ('l(.` Myra-', _ . but if Ihv ;:;m(- was an" 1;: .1h<- ()`H.A, (mum (In nnlhing 1 ;,un'l<'r.\' nf llw two l<-:m|.< \\'.m -(l.; snniv lwl1m;; znml k<-pl thu- g`m|_.'r-n thvmwlvu-s . . . \Vv vnuldn" `<.. l`..\.l null uni-I`r\Inn .l..fi..n.. mluul .` mud ...n_- L`. UH .11 1_.`_` :1 also ! -curt.-d V then-1" 'k Ihntt nu. `ll 5l)llll('|_V IIUHIHILQ HI llql \\'lll '\v:u,r<`1'. h M-n:nm'wl ` H Um st` `is 1} mm lnum'V : ;n.....,. . ..|.: I... .. `uh. I. ;l\U('ll. Dlll l'('l lunlnl uflc-r H1: n,-grood. x: ' " D .Ti!\'(-nilc and midget (-huroh hark- .\- lnutllun n|v.\~n-I-. u'n-I`|- nun-- nI' j smut` u1t'r:uIgrxm~I1l :1 Hit main-3:. LU: if there \um- um knlnc-_\' \u-:nk1u-a'.~ the back would lie` strung and well. Du:u\'.~` hixluc-y l`IH.s' In-lp tu give p\`I'f'e<`t I`\`l;.l'f<:Il|II n-n1l'urt In all weak, hm-knrlu: sulfa-ling uunu-n. and make their lmusehnld Julia: in pleasure iustcud uf u lsurdeu. Tho I`. .`-lilburu Co.. 141., Tvrouw. Ont, `um: 2\u`Dy . . . no 5'.n(I L'uuI:.un xx. I `pus: Yhv mmru-r-c~m\u'y m.u`k. hut` !h~' xxunx` B.u`1'u' buy h_._q n,.v_ 5-1-1, `rs-achx-(1 hxs 2-Hh hu'1hLl:_\ uh.l 'Ku`h_\' x.< only .1 few In-mlhs s'mm;(- ivr . . .`1lSl your If junmr fnr bu\h |w.<..< 1935. `ul|uI;:\\_`-Md has u_\," far the oldest team 111 mm! age. though . . . Wilson is 28. the Fryer: Nagging, Dragging Pains in Back "It's at 'Qhn `Ln Ill)` :1 a..nnu1_ IIIIIIITI II nl lIH'I:n;1 Ii<'ul:u- :- luillly rh-: nf Rt-ylm illIpI'nV1-(I ' nl - guts of \';| 'vr.~'. Bnll ("r.\: -l |'.`.~u.. I1. .- {Grunt" Goring Has Tun... QLnuIAuuOn nuunv Former Barrie Boy 191:8 (`In-vrolet Sc-dun 193:7 Plymouth [)4-Luxc-. .\"(|:m 191:6 ('h=\'rult-t Coat h .1. u l!)I .X |'un!i'.u' ('0'.l(`h 1.1.9.: lIl\l.1lIlllIJlll n|r\\n (`mu-h. with trunk 1934 Plynnouth (`oach l!lZ:.'} Front:-um` Sedan I932: I-'urd Sedan l9."..'; ('h-vrult-I (`oath lSI. `. Rurknv Sedan 'Bir'ni:Ai'I1'v`d11ibt;1i1v'nHnRn l9. l.': ()ldsmubiI(- Special I `nu "In uvillu iunnln ::._:_-_. 1 ~_->_ I`ll|{\'1~il.l-ZR-I l.\')I0l"l'II DIS IIIIBI '1 UK N: - Ezznlwth St. : BARIUF 1.!-115 \ III v|uII.I with Trunk 191:6 (`In-vrulct Sedan SWE ET CAPORAL CIGAR ETTES .I:\(`K l'A'|"l'().\' "7 hr purrsl form in nhiuh Iubauu can be 5muh'l." A?t.4!.!!S?..!e!!...!!!-1 . ~v'; .. - saY ' . D4` :1! a Sweel Cup ' ..ye,-`oI W n VII.` vuuuu Iulllill t|I\Il u : ('.un:uLu Lnuilrd \'.'l.\n.~.uu_ u.\"l.\Iuu

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