Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 14

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()11 Rridaly night B.C.l. basketball players pl.'1y(`d ugninsl Orillin. the 1 ,-,'i1'l.-. I11-rv, and lhv bnys:1tO.C.I. For- ` 11111.-111-ly thv teams finished wi1h 'l'1>u1' \'ic1nrios nut of four games whir-,h is snmvlhing of :1 record :1- ;;:1i11.~;t Orillin. I11 Orillia B.C.I. jun- mrs (I1-l'r-zm.-d O.C.l. juniurs by the -` .~:1_-cm 111' 26-22. while Banrrio seniors wuu by 29-20. The uunms were very .`n11p_l1 :1l l|1t- 0111514 but lulor in tho 1 game lhc players seemed to settle uluwn and :1 l';1iI`ly good game re- rulla-rl. ll:11'1'i1- girls O1`- il|i:1 girls l1<-1'1 so if 1h(`y cam l)(r:1t. 01'illi:1 .\`(`lliUI`.K`. i11 Orillizl Bzurrit.` scn- l-11'.-1 will hold tho group ch:1n\pi0n- :l1m. l`|w j11111iu1*s, hUW('\'(`l`. have :1 IillI<- 111u1'(- Imublv in p,1-llimz out of l.hc..- 1.',1`uu1: 1121' Hwy h:1\'r- In play tho ` 1'l:1.-1.-av !Vli1ll:IIul hiuh .\`r:l1n tonm. :|: :1: :9: (`()S'l' \L'\'l'|'.l(lz\l. .. 5c 10c VIDC 10c .15c .. 5c .. 5c ...5c 5c .. 5c 10c Wm-kend \':si!ors were: .\'ln.~,< D as Crump uf. Tumnm. \vm\ I\h`.' Lzmra Hall; 1VIis.~ Eva Nhnrdoch uf 'I`omntu, and Russ Murdoch of Bar- rw, \A lIh Mr. and Mrs. W. Murdnch; Muss Manon Gray 0:` Tnrnnto. .u the Mango On I-`ridav night nc-xl Feb 17. L`()S'l` HAULINK`: ('HUSHlN(i l'.:u Ly u I-1-v III is apprecsated. W E DELIVER ANYTHING ! ANYWHERE ! ANY TIME! ANY WEATHER ! I '-`: V Early c-npy in ncws or ad\'erlmng e zannrm-mind, ` Phone 1515 imam SALE DONUTS and Coffee NO ORDER TOO SMALL NONE T60 LARGE GUTHRIE 'J'( )'l`A I . (`I IST um `J-1 NIL! H5 I973 mi 14-11: '11 l'l`l (`u Yd umm ; 1 .132 1,023 I l'J`I Tomato or Fresh Orange Iuice, Cereal with Cream. Tea. Coffee or Hot Chocolate ........................ .. Wheat Cakes and Maple Syrup .. With Bacon or Sausage ................. IV BACON EGG .... .. CHEESE SALMON RED HOTS . It-us `J um-.<-- H H\ H`l4F.MF.N'I` uinnlm` T-l'l (`ll "l`-:1. (IoH'c* or Milk l`()!VlA'l`0 .|lIl(`E Sll{l.()lN S'l`|'IAK 1 EGG ANI) UNIONS 4 S'l`l{ll S BA(`().\' IIICIN /Z IHCANS or lA'ttu.'-0 and Tomutu IIICINZ SI /\(Elli'I'l"l`| l``u. ('0l'fm- or Milk |(`l HI zvu uxxu AVI!.`. vvx:;;;n:.~ uu lusl D&'(`(`n1b(.*l'. Flyilng Pm-k Breaks Players Jaw On 'I`hur.~'da)' last Shanty }'.:w hm.-kz-v team played Hawke_<\mu- :.: Guthrie. Shanty Bay. after a strug- nh. u~m-.- rl.-fa-'11:-(O hm` mu rn-'v DELICIOUS % HAMBURGERS SHANTY BAY 5c" SANDWICHES SPECIALS -SPECIALS- 'l`h:~ umIvr: has n-(-1-i\'<-rl m.-.1ru-1mn.< from WM. CUNNINGHAM Lot 15, Con. 11, Essa . an-... \IiIInm- HI` 'l`hm-mun GRILLED CHEESE and BACON .... .. I BACON and EGG 1 WESTERN .......... .. 1 HAM and EGG 1 STEAK .................. .. 1 PORK CHOP .... ..1 Th nn_d-Iv MIDHURST UTOPIA . 20C 10c 15c .uI 0c -10c 10c 10c .10c 10c 9. vv, vvr-II I `:\'< )R'I`H H.~\1.F Lot I5, Con. 2, Innisfil v.\ \.~ll |\\ 1*:-lulxn \IIn"hvl\ nu I II\JI\-7&-1| THE FOLK I l\'l`:S'X\)CK 1 1-H`\ . Id sin. N '-\` KUCTION SALE UI IJ, sun. I ., flu 1h- Villas.-c` of 'I`h0rmnnv In ~: II by Public Anvlinn on :..-.-An. --In Q` HOUSEHOLD IL'r'r`h;L1.`,.-~1 unu- |I;.]|| sum: 1 &`x1t.`ll.\'inn mm;-_ 1 u.1~h-n mblr: I Quvbcc hoau-2; 1 vurdrnbr. I hull rack; 1 (`hP.~`1t l-I wld. 4 hmps: quilting l'rann'.<; 1 .ulh\r Ian`-ct 1 bum-r prml '|`l'ZNMS CASH. .\... r..\.n-m- nu fznrnl Ime l1rPH suld, T14 ow.-.sx +`, `EE.2" 3' 'I'HI` 13:)! 1 (\\\'1N1I In ~l II I).\ Illlllll r\||\||U TUESDAY, FEB. vvnw WIN 1 n\\7l1\T(`.- (,?urr-I-{mu Ilnsl \`\.'('(`I( in this cnl-I mun wlu-n writing up lho ('I(`I):`lI('S :::::ninsl IVIirII.'md I .~:I:m-(I lh:n1 H10 do- IJ. II1'|'.`1 in IVIKIIIIIHI \\.'('I`(` .I IVl('-'1 Iiritlv :.nr| I-`. S:-ult. I was infurmod. ` um! ynu will znll \`(`I`_\' likely knuw. lhnl the :4:-1-unrI tlvlmh-1' lhm`r- was mnw HIhl`l` than our own John Scott` I)|m|):u'. I ulsu said 1hu1 unv nl'1he N jmlm-s \v:u:~: Mr. C. D. Stewart, and uunin I \-.';n; in'I' it was Mr.` n r.` nn....I uvanu 1\1..uv I hmw I havo ` `((1. (`UP 1 1` ; old. milkix l<`MF`|\"Y` :nuim:~u.:nvd h;l.\ rm in. from - n . n..4--1 s".' WA+'_+ \'. \L\`I`IX II \ IS I brown l1'1llI`L`. 7 years lh_<.; I l)m\\'n gt-lding. 5 . N00 ih.<.: 1 hny horse. 15 ` rm!-(I mm 11 wax Mr. . Now I hupo l have mg. ETC - 1 f1.; 1 .\las: .v.\nIh- I 1.uwn\`L.: Durham -fox:-. 8 \.{uy: 1 black cu. `ma |m'Iln`4`.<. ' S 1 sm lulu: ..~'.<: 1 wt chimv p,-lu:.' hm-kbund - lmrna-s.<: qunn-1 \`I\|\\'n`K (`ha in .- - arm. ll-I'Ill)Z` (vclder; 1 H- ! 1morn:niun:1l n I I-W`-(`. 3': On Mul`I(I:I_V murnin;.{. nl Assvmbly. Sir/.:mm~ (`.rn.s'-ll rvportvd 1h0 girls` warm quan- hnvvls. (`hx1il\.~'. ' nthvr .'ll`H(`l(`~' rinn I at 1 11.111. I.-Hnnnnr HllI)|0lln1.i kilchunl I:l( ` By Doug. Galbraith | `K Space for the Boy Scout News hasl been \'or_\ kindly (lunzitvd by Thol Ex:iminm'. Sn cnnw um follows. let's lhnve news from all the trunps and` `make nur column wur1.l1 whilv and lput Barrio an the Scouting map. 5 On l`l1ursdz1_v. I-`vb. 9. :\ l1lll1\l)(`l` ul" gsmnits :isi. us uslinrs at the "Open .`H'm1. hvld at thv culloxziztte. 'I`ln.= ifollmvinu xw-rv in Lmifurm. J(=1'f(_'.un- l gnimghnm. l\l:mricv l)1`;.{(`0l`. Dung. jnlljruith. Gr:i_vdm1 Knupp. Bill l lMilnn_ Jack R:nn.<.':_v. Rnbt. Surjt-:ml.` lill Tlmmpsnn and Vvrn Wnlkm`. ' Third Barrio 'l`i-mm The movting was u[)0t1(`(l with in- `.=p(=('ti h_\' Svnlltvr Bill Nl:ll('l)l11S For 20 yam-s War Vote}-;m _1.,,,-(.,,hiTln Sq'.1ir|'vl l`:|trnl won tho ilispvt.--l Edwards can-iod this cnpppr.ghL.mh-,tiun and Pzilrul l.Pu(l-r l)uup4. Gul- ed bullet (LEFT) in [hp 1);-k of his-l>ruitl1 l)l`ul-'.(` tho flag. /\llI|1>lllH`(`- neck 3. reminder of ;. (;(-;~m;ml!nL'11ts \vu1'o nmrlo i`(=g:n'clin},: tlwi snipe;-'5 n'];'kgn1;lnghjp_ 11,. d,,(.~.,,-,1-t :1-l1.'nmz~.s in thu I .-itruls. and tho plans want to lose it "Ow ;.f1e,- having iufnr l1:i\'in;,' in:~ti'uc1inn lll v:n'i>u.~", ]`LAn'1()V(`-C] ug Chrjsp Sim. hnslm;.]_lf11'xt-u:l:isx and pi-nficin-ii(~_v l):ulp;u' 'I`nron1u, \ lusts. l`h(-n tho P;:tmls bl'()kL` utf fur; `l'):IlI'()l v:1'Iwt'.-4. l'(-vs \Vt'I'(` (`l|]1(`(`ll`tl.} STILL HIS "PAL" tt Lust W(`t`k I l`(`C(`iV('d an (` -utI the Nmvmnrkct E.\-press-Itemtd. This` a-dition hud boon printed by 1ht"t; N(?W'lY`tiI!`k('l high svlmul \turli-nt.~m ` who. through lhv kind miirtt-.-y XII.` flho oditnr. Mr. West. hurl tutu-n; l`nvvr his ut't`i<`v. Thv .-etudt-nts unit` ,written at] thv copy nnd had unlit:-ut' all the columns. Thv heading and zttl other business cmct\1'ning the printg ing of thv newsp:u)oi' \\ (-`l't' pl:mm-d` by tho stttrltmts. undu-r the \`u])i~;".'i-t 1 .` siun in` Mr. lVlun,xzov:m, Miss .Iutntx..:tE and thv other literary ti-ncht.-r<. '! ht- pupvr was \'m'_v woll dnnv and .\'lm\.'s] what can ho riunv by at . at: =:: rx games ug:u'n.v.l Orilli.-I and I}.C`.l's, talking reporter. John Sum Dunbm-,1` reported Ihe boys` gzmu-s. 'l`h- on-J` choslru was in :Ill(`l1dHlI(,`(* and Tuv-1 oured us with :4 .~:L-loclinn. Mr. Girrl-` wand nnnouncod tho dmih M` I\'1:n~_v ; McCuui1:' and in simple _\'-1 .`lillL`L'l'; wurds inld nf her su('(`l'SN1's ul I3.(`.l.; .u. .. _ LIU5 unu Stiltf Slilllllg H)!` l.l'll`B(' p1n_vs ` _ was not. an easy job. and it is :1 tri- ' bulo in their on-operating n::lurv.~: that the lights and pl`up(`1`livs for :11` ` the pluys. were kept intact. ....__...|__._ __. .._. I As ynu round this culumn thv I939` odilion of .B.C.I.'s Night u1'Pl::_\'.~' will I be compleled. Probably in znmxlu-rt section of this paper you will find; in cnmplmo wrilv up givim: lhv rm--; suits of the competition. All L'1.~'lI }vveoI< and on Monday and 1`u.-s(lu_\" inf fhis u'1-0|; lhu :~:u rnhn.-n-<:~r).` \A't'(,`K HHG UH n'mnuuy HMO lU`.'S(lil_\' inf this \\'(-ek. lhv msls W111-;:x'sx~(1 ldiligmmlly. Tho prnpmty men and , stage crews \vorv rushim: urmmd [.{(`HiI1[.;in ouch 0lh(`l"S V\ :L\'.bll|: ` ,hnw or mlwr getting the sl:Ip,:- in nu-- dor. Tho work 0! goning Ihv |)l`n])<`I'- Lies and stage se1ting for thren plays ; was ensv inb. and it is n tri- ('lI\\" lvlny l l( `__::___-._.___.___.._...-_.x___ ._._., ?___. ,_. ... _ . , _ V 4....-.._..._u_...._..-..__..-........._..._. ..... .._..._...-.._..._..__..-..._.a--...._..- +' { ` courmr ENGINEEIVS nnponw, 1938 (By Eclwnrd W. Jonvs. I3.A. So.) I l l\JI\JI \.\./\JllI> I\\J\.4IL.l |_I\ _I\.oll\..Il|\.l|\.aI I /JKJ 'l`he 1'01lnwin:.t is :m iu-nui7.ml . nf nvluul (~x|_u-ndiinI`(- in rnnnvclic-n with thv Simmw (`minty Rnud S)"~1('Hl auul (`nuI11_\' '.ri:l;-,<~.~ during 1938: GENERAL MAlN'1`1ENAN(`l'I: r~-.|,.;..m ..1.1.mra.. w R071] 1.1 (`()NS'l`RUC'I`I()N' I`I.urnu ul 1 VILIUV L.`\L4L)\'VLl-IA 1\\lll`.'HHI` 1\|` GEORGE V'HlTl".Sll)l'IS, M.n`h1m ] \v1Lur:m` WILSON .\[uuhmv Nu HARVEY TAYLOR. !\`lm'hlnv Nu- SENTLO BALL. I\1'.n'nnu- No ti ROY }\I(`LEAN l vla4`Ium- Nu 3' D MAW. M9(`Illllv NH 3 It WA'I`S()N ROWE !\luvmm- No 1 BIG. BLACK. Machine No. 13 Supvrinu-ndvm-u lnsurum-v Dminugc Iuwurd dmin-A Rvbutvs up 'I`u\\'n.< and \ :llu Evluchinery 1 tm-wt Mu(`him`ry H'up:nir.< 'I`ouls . Ruud Commmeo (`un)pon.~'.'1tmn Su1i('iI0r`s .`\L`\`UUlH 11137 :1 Land Pul`(`h.'|S1`.< Misoe1l;mmu.< l`ur('hases and work dnm Buundux'_\' Road .*\u'uum\ 1937 R:-. A:-v.mn1 In:-ludvd m H nwms amounting in in addition to Bxlls ing lhesn` anmums. in 1938 amounted I for 193? uud eslnmn 1938 ope-ranmu: our fur 1933 In I: n-n-vimuln ROAD |~`.Ql'll".\II~K\"l" l)l'l`TR.~\'l'0RS VERN CALDW):2Ll. Murmur` NM 1 '1`! (`.F`,f\`-?(`.I:` \l.'lJI'Y'L`\`ll\L`\` KA.~hvv~.| K.'m '{ Total County Road Expenditure, 1938 'I`h:- fnllnwin-I` is` nu in-Inizwl , nf .'u'lu:|| (-vln-III! run. 1vu\11wv.m.u.w C:1l('ium('hlo1`id:- Ruud Sig.-,n:: \U.;.rl< ,v<-nrs um. HUU m.<.: I may um.-. _vv.'u's nhl. (`A'l"I 1 E 1 grade row. 7 years. duv Inst of F:-brunry: 1 Shnrthorn wow, 4 y<-.'n`.~ ulri. f1'v~~`n: l Avr:~'l`.irv '1-\\'. ll! _\.':xr.~=. milkin;; well. (luv Iluv I , W ("has . . Ditvhinp, Grading Dragging Illuhmlxr (`ulvt-r(< liridgvs I{z'.~ur1'u(-im.: Oi ling` (`yuurd Rail Snmv l.`..n...; llnnuu nus unu nu mr nun`: (`uunl_v Bridm-x King's Hl;:h\\'.`l_\` Mu (`numy Sm-I Stork un hum! I lK\'\. I l\JlV (`lvurilipi 11 l)1l<-hing Grading` I-`n-In'n\u u........, .1":-m'In;g Cul\'4-1'15 H('.\`lll'f2H'i! Bridges Sl1I`\':~)'s Y7.\l.u-ul i. .- IHl.\. lH(` l`\('lllil ed to $11-8,9911% immlng an axm nnl` .-\lIdHAIY`\` h I 1938 F.xp:-ndn Ho-m-intx` 1,101` nuvmg lHS1l'l,l(`lII)lI 1n v:n'mu.N`, |_{fi1'. [>1-ul ici:-m'_v `ltvsts. I- ;utmls fun" -']'):Ill`()| (.'l)l'I|(`|'.`4. (`l)]1(`L`l,(`(l.n S;p:llI'I>I rv('m`rl.< \v-rn brow.-hl up in ` -~!d1|l(`:Ill(l'1h(`ll lhv l`u1ml L(`:l(1('I'.'~' (lv- _ Luidvd whu! (`<)lll`Hl` nf instruction was _]xnn. Iw:-dvd Ill lhvir I`(`S])(`L`1i\.'(` pn- _ tlruls. Inslrut-linn was givvn in St JI1`l(" V `of lhv 'l`-mlm'l':mI l(`.\'l.`2 fur the l)(-Hm }.;Ci1 of Ihv nu-w I'vm'1|ils. Thu l11('l|iH_",| L ,\.v:u.< lI).\'l'(l with ln\\'m`in.u of H10 Iflug by Pntml I.(`:Idl"l' Dill '[`hum1n-I, fsnn. A Cnuri uf Illl()lll' (_`nIT1])Hsl`(l Hf] `f the S(`l)lI|(`l` and Iho } :wlrnl l.0::(lu|'s` "\\v:|s hvld :aI't-r tho ulhvrs hurl la-I1 " land m-xi wm-k`.~' nmming was p|.m-E [- ::1tiv- i in Hu- I I.`.~;. :u-k-rs 0r:1n;,u- nvnn i nu Hf Hall. H \\':|\' 'l`ht' <-xnplnyvvs ul` I"il`.~'1 Cu Onlurin hvld llu-ir :1nnu:1l "('np:u'n Ii Allnndu I41` \.,.|-w :\-l1 em: | m:1mm- spun hIb]`I(`-Allf]f`l'H()H1 1 Null Fr-M and Wuurl hue cl 1 Mu. huy 1( nl.'m- dxsc llarruw; 1 I .~prnu;`-tmnlh ('ulli\".11m`; Hun l`.:u`l'u\J\-'.~': 1 win rm-k l xx-l \\ il>`nn S ` in I Barrie ` Urooooooooooooootooq I; Lllllllb wyv ;` 1 .IOfOO~lODO`OO0OO~OfOOOOlIVOOOIOO . [\v:as fund 1 `nod. 1 :Copaco Dance Proves Successful Affair! ` ..__ N __ _,, W, t ` GIVES BIGGI-2.\"l` VAl.lI|~Z I What you ;.',l`1 fur your mum-y nu-1; \.\`h:Il you ]):-I_\` d<*tom1in(-s the vuluc-. Ilinlh in In-\vs and :Id\'vrtisin;2,. 'l`hv `B;.n`iv l".\';nnmu-r ;:1\'n-s h_\' l':n' Ilwl . ,. .. . ._ g . . . V. . . ['1 'x`ruck!,p~ 'l`ructnr for zmnn`. Whm-l Grader for I '1`r-nnI.\I~ 'l(` I '-'lHHl vs! value. -n uuumn mnnu-4 lull l):In-v .\l|:1n m u .. .....-V K...,. 2234 '.'.L! 'T.lIT'T (H I,!iSD(Hil 40.`! U5 '.!3.H(i(|.7l! I nu: .1 I ..`1U.l I !Hl.'3 `.37 3l3U.U'. . '3 mu "m LA\a\a-v-- .._____ ` 1 Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects .`. 5.279 M 749.71 23.1391! 55 57-1 3. ) -;-).1 -7-) l'U\\ f`l' \.lldul'l Construction for (`nndruvtnmn *lur-drawn Drug Weed Sprayer Kl l'ilUl'I ` GI`ud\'l' gr...-um. l\\|.`\lJ l\\l I ROAD N0 1 ROAD NO `L ROAD ND 1 ROAD NC) ` R0.-`.17 NU ROAD N0. Evidence of Successful Business Is The Comment Created. VISIT THEWHITE CIRCLE CRUSHED GRA V BL ,_..__._._... l__1_.5__!. BE THRIFTY! CITY DAIRY MELO-ROL ......... .. CEREAL, WITH CREAM ........... .. HEINZ SPAGHETTI ..................... .. HEINZ BAKED BEANS ............. .. HEINZ SOUPS. ALL FLAVORS. .5 -| n .` hul. _ A. H. KIDD. Clerk 7: L. M. RUIIEDGE. Auctioneer. BEVERAGES TEA, COFFEE on MILK .... .. MILK SHAKE .......................... .. oxo ............................................ .. HOT CHOCOLATE ................ .. son` DRINKS ......................... .% MALTED MILK ....................... .. THE 0 WHITE 0 CIRCLE OVVNERSHIP-MANAGEMENT - CHAS. D. CARSON RESIDENT MANAGER-STEPHEN BESSAW TH!-I BARR-I EXAMINER, BARRIE. ()N`l`.. CANADA l.()C:\'l`l()N .'\l'l l.lF.l) Listen to the Comments of Satisfied Customers I I. arull. . J. Edwards. ('()('.\"I`\' RUAID l\U|H .\ll` .\ Pam Fmn-ieen _ .-._.- MEMORIZE THE PHONE NUMBER I:!`..`\l I I .(`.-\R'l'l~`.H \\ l".SS().\' (`ll '\l1\IJ|.' Drop in fora Snack After The Theatre En(d](IESET1 06 Watch The WHITE CIRCLE MENU DISTRIBUTION AND_ UPCOSTS Per Cut EE] I \lI..Jlil'| I , I I-Ia. THE I-`()l.I.OWlNG: ll()HSFS .m umn n.<- 1 hrmvn L"( ]

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