Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 13

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I :CLOVER AND ALFALFA HAY for` . umll -.~.mmd 3:6 nnr load in 1111'. ' WOOD FOR S/\I..E---Clll it `\'lllll'SL`.g ",I1oaI' Amzus: also 1'0-ady cut. at tho` :`hush. Apply W. J. Pnltc-,r.L;nn_ Rum ,!2()8. Allzmdalv. Phone (i34r13. 5-9|\' I 1 ' ' ; WILL EXCHANGE 25 cycle elec- tric washing machine motor, in good running order. for 60 cycle. Phone 614r3. 7p `CLOVER AND AIAIl\l..l"A HAY 10)" `sale. well savvd. $6 per load in th- .bz1rn. D. W. Dobson. Telophxmv |`612r4l. 71) I SEED AND FFIEI) for sale. 10 UHII [timothy hay. timothy clnvvr mix-vr., 6 tons wheat straw. 1.01 24. Cnn.| 0 lnniufil 'P(|I'n1.\ Nnrnmn Novlv. ti Inns. whcnl slmw. hm 24. L201]. 9. Inmsfil_. 'l`(-rm.s. Normzm Nooly.| 84 Brnwnmg Avc.. '1`0mnln, 5-Slbl l IWOOI) BARGAINS is what 'r|mking fm: Sn\r(` now by ( 1413 for infnrmalitm nn __ Olivvr E. Carson. 11` Buys 1 I"! l_%arriu $m.AcI and wood-\vm'kingl tuhnn l`m- unln nr rnnl 'I`|1i3< is tin n|rl- . ,: J I '_ 1l.Os'I`-- mun KEYS in rod .~uu~| `lczxso. nvar Pust Office. Frid:|_\'. Fvh I `. $10, Finder plmw l(-a\'v an Exumin-. ~3 or nffi('(~ or Phmw 992. 713: x .iLAm"s PURSE 1.051`. lust sml iurdzly. botwcon Mu'_kv1 Squnrv and `W . ~... USFID El.FIC'I`RI(T WAS!-HER want- vrl. Apply strllinp, full p:u'ticulnrs and prior In Box Barrie Exam- iner. 7p! _'i urda_v. Market and . `Little Lake. containing bank lmok. :1: ko_vs_ bills. .~'i1\'(`r and slzunps. Find-; I.` or leave at Brown and Cu. Rt`-'. 0 ward. 7;! I '1L4Al)Y'S l'UHSl`L l.Ub'|'. l:l. bah` ` 100-/\CRE FARM FOR Sl\I.Er~-hr` (`I-.n(ling 15 acres bush. h)'drn. mmrlj `buildings. half mile from \'iHng(- of` ;`Edgar. Ownvr, Mrs. J. W. Ki.\'Su(`k.' i f Apply C. T. I 21ll(`rs Ornllin, T-Rpl PILLOW CASES LOST OHD pail`. Inn Friri:I\` Foh 10 WollinEhIn-Il.`I\'- I `FOUND --Slmy. hrnwn. shurl-lmir-` led Collie. wearing, mllm`. in l.el`rn_\x[ {Owner please cnnw for him or call`. l.('fI`0y `Jr-I. Tp [ I1'1L.I.Uw (;[\blbb I.Uh !nn Friri:1,\`. F01). H), We `fivlrl dI.~'lri('1. Finder I l(MR.l_ FARM FOR SALE -10? (1 man. Mina- Qhnirm 1 ynilrv {rum HiL' M\1(M run b.`\l.h.' Mint-sing Station. 1 : `\\':1y 2?. 120 a('rc.=. 1;u1(:(- pn. bush. nlmn_'hin:_- duno. Ex :l.U1\H-5F`.R MILL and shit u-ill um-I`.-ah` nn 1.411 11'. PROPERTY FOR SALE ll-u nun Inn: In In Thu E:-mlnnrl u -1 `urn.--u Sealed lvndx-rs \\'iH be l'(`Coi\ , Ihv 1`uwn. of lvlcdontv on forv the first day of Iv_1:u'c_h for (`rushing and dc-`lI\`m`u' r. Adx` \n tho and tn-nxhin 501` W/\N'l`l';l) 'I`() Iu~;N'I' u Mzlrvh. lmuso in (mum rt-nl. Apply Mm. lmgun, I:mr|nl(. A.\' EASY WAY An ens)" \\.'u}` to fxnd aruclvs Inst ms Iu .ad\`-rtisc in The Barrie Exam- Hlwr Cl.cssxf1uo:l'.< Ono vvnl A Hard A -._u. .. i.n.u. u. `--'5:-3 E0]! SALE OR 'I`() LET lnv nu nnm It In Thu Eiamlnnrl nun} I 'x'ud1t. urn mil PROPlR.TY TO LET llnv wm nnw It In That Exnmlnnr) FOR EXCHANGE lav vnu -mu: It In Thu Euumlnu IOST AND FOUND (Inn unu unw II In Th: Finrnlnnrl WOOD FOR. SALE Rnv Itnn (am It In Thu Exnmlnnr` FARMS FOR. SALE [Ina inn nun II In Th. Iinlnlnnrl Km` loumn . You pay vld. See us lH",N'l`. ('on1I'.:Il|_y rnvcnir-n('C.<. hut n-dnn- Il\|D i 'l!AR|.l'IY nml mixt-ti L:r:Iin wzmtod. .'I|.-an lwunrh-1' 5ln\'(`. I00!) : SAl.h;--1.m 6. H.` anion. mile from High-i * 7: ) cl(~zn'('d, bul- v. 15 acros wlu~n1.I dune, good bank burn. hmI.~'('. electricity in' gnnd hay burn. imnlu-- Hnwing woll. Mrs. Thus , vn Nlills RR. 1 7-111)` I |.Ub'1' Uno p:In'.| , Wcllinglnn-Il;:_\--_` rim` plv.'I.~'v phmw; 7])? ,1 nay U1 rL'u.. T D. ROBINSON,- Clerk of Modome. l Ch-`lI\`t`x`1ng wnship, 5000 c The` lawns! 'nsmp, auuu The luwos n\\:ari I \` :1 ('0 I you rm`; ('nllinL:1 nl`i('l'.< I prI~z~.<. S1 rovl. Tp lnlnlup i-llptfh Lnnm and 7p =t`r\'lc(` `, npboll. ` 0. 5~9b`; :1 Ian I Apply . Phmw 1 : and` nail ' x\ll sub- ! nu` AD ('4 an OPPO -m--av. In~ CH./\RLEBOIS-'/\l Hy- 1m-in H n.~'nilal. Bm'r1u. CHARL.l11BUl5-~/\l mo Kuym vu -I toria Ho.~'pita1. Bm'rie. on Feb. I1.| 1939. to I\ [r. and l\ I1';<. M. Cha1'h--I bnis. Anton MiHs_ a :~,un. . ; CORBE'1"I`--At Stevenson MCI11l)l'llI I Hospital. Allistnn. on Tm'sd?|.\'. , Feb. 7. 1939. In Mr. and Ivhzs`. E'~I 1 wood Cnrbcli. Beotnn_ :1 (l:m1l`n-| 1e1'. - IFROST -- A1 Sluvcnstm Mmnmiuli T-4|nunHal Alliutnn, rm T<`1'id:l\'. FM .5 iFROS'1` MumnI:Hi Hospital. Allistnn. on Fridmx 3. 1939. In MI`. and Mrs. G. A; I Frost. B01.-t :1 dmuzlllvl`. `: McBRIDE----Al the G. and M. 110%-V 1 pita], Collingxvond. on I~`riclu,\'-1 Fob, 10. 1939. 112- Mr. and MIR? Junws McBridv, Slaym.-r, a $011.. ` MUTCH - Al the Royal Vi('IOI`I:|] Hospital. Barrio. rm Mnndny. T"(`h. 13. 1939. In Mr` and M114. W. I{.; . Mutch. 101 Clnppcrlnn $1.. :1 sun.` QUINlJAN"`Al 1110 Rnynl `. iC(m`I.'I`| IIu:~`.nitn|` Bm'ri-, nn lvvh. I1. `.!'3.`3.| I [C/\ l`( )N-BR()OMF. In 'l'(:mnlr>. um I Rnhn-rlnv Fvh II 10219 .IHV('l 10 NH . 11110 H 32 Muplu /\\w WICEKS A1 | Hnunilnl Run C/\'l'()N-lH(()UMl'L - Ill '|'(!l (I1 Samrdny. Fob. 11. 19119. Anna. rlnu;.',h1:-r of MI`. :11: John Rnmnlw. 1.:-frny. In Culnn. rmly xun ml" of N Mrs. Wn]l.m' (,'.'m)n_ '.l`ornr KIN(`.-RlI()DES-- A1 Hnnm California. on S.'nluI`rl:1_v_ .1 21, l03.`)_, Phyllis V~runiv;. In Hm`I'y '1`. I\ inL`.. mu 1 Kim; and llw lnlv Juhll I }1I`ndfm'd. (`)n1:1rin. :AvE.mI.I, /: sh-uni. tm S:nlIm!.'-_\', ` Ivl)_ ll. lS)2i!|. (`:ulh<-rim- ll:-\\'m.m /\v(-rill. \-virlmv of lhv luiv I`!m:.-, A\'<~rill` lnl<-rm:-nl (ilh Lino Cum- v1u~r_v. Innisfil. I":-I). H. C/\SWFZl.L .'\1 his I'(\. Ill .l.:u'\'i.< $1.. Orillin. nn S:1l\1x'(izny. I F01). ll. l!L`%!L Smmu-l Cn.s\vx-ll. |)I'~ ` loved hu. nf 1hr` lulv Mzlrihn (}ru_v Rm-hvunun. in his 1 .Tlh yum` lnlormvnl Orillin C(`1nr`1.(`I`y em link 1'! l'0'l`l\ l`0|iS WANTICD Must l l'.~:, Hight-st pri(:r':< paid, S00 :11 fore H1-Ilium. 0li\-:-.- F. C`.nI`su Hays S1,. l`|m1u- M13. H.'\I`ri(~. v1u~r_v. lnnlsnl. 1':-I). C/\SV\ FZl.L. : lhr I 1 ! Pvh IR i l"(`l). I21. `(`/\V/\1\'/\ /\1 h(`l` I Y\/II'<< H`:l .\`lI`n'~1 1 `L/\VI\1`'1\ l\l m-r rvsx .;~n: ] Mi.<.s`is.<:1;.;:| Sm-(-1. ()l'!Hi4l. on Sun~< tiny 1:~h_ 12. 1939, Elliv Sh.'n']w.` lwlmm-xi wifv nf /\H;m (1. (,`:n\`:m:a.; n Inlornwnt S1. .I:Inws` (`mm-11-|'A\'.` I Orlllin, Fvb. 14. MCCRACKEN -On MnnrI.'1_v. IN-h. 13` 11111.`). M his r(~. in Do-I mm. Mi:-h.. l)nu;1l:u:; M('(`m<~km1.; dvul'L\' hvlnw-:1 fnlhm` ml" T'v:\I'l, _ Gruhaun um! . \lf1'od Mc(`I':wkm1.} ; all of D1-lruil. .'nnrlbrn1l1or of, Mrs. A. Privv uf /\n;zu.<. * ,Mc(`UAl(3 (m S:I1urdn_\'. F(`h1'llill`_\'* ' 11. IEIHSI, :11 Iwr hnmv. T 1`L-vl Sl.., I Hum l\/I-nrv Iunlu-lln :l.'1n.v*Ihlm` ` 1-v1)x'11nr.\' 1.5. }SlMl`SONr In 1111- Ru-,:ix .' Sn>`k,. nn 1"v|)rxI:n'\' H. t (;1(m~.N -H10 Iumlly m mu Inn`, '(.`gcn1`_s,<- Gr:-vn wish to (`xpl`('. thvir f Sll1C('l'(' thanks I'm` the m;m_\' n(`t.<' nt'_ kindness. sympathy and Hnrnl; {tr1b1It:\= from fI`ivnrI:< and nvi;1|1bm:< during` their recent l)vrcn\'umm1t in the loss of thvir fnthvr. 7p HIRl.EHEY---M1`. Henry Hil`1(`h(`_\' land fmhil_\' wish tn thank fri(-nd<' iand noI;;hhm's fur kimhu-. and '. shown lha-m in their IT`- : C0111 bcrvnvt-rru~nI of u lnving \\'if(" and moth.-r. 7p QUINI./\N~-/\l llw unym IIu:~`.piln|, iv r-h. 10 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 4 Q`) T\Il:1n|:- AV.` :1 ~:n.n I .:~l'rny. :CARDS or THANKS: lVll.\`.\`I.\`> 11.1:I mm-m 1!) .1 VICCR/\CKF.N ( Hm I"l`. lI \- h|`l(\\'l-ml and S11 f Eryiht luvhiln `V7/\_N'l`F.1) T0 l'{EN'l` by Mun-h. lnmsv crnn1tl'\', {5zI.~`k.. l"l`l)1'Xl:Il'_\' II. I`.l.$H. /\lYl(`l-i I8 Gnrdon. wife nf Juhn Snnp.\'nn.-1 nf Sinmsun. S:|.~k. l xwmrnmun and Dept. IN MEMORIAM TEE BAREIQ lE_AI\IINER, BAERIE. ONTL. CANADA ..__n._. MARRIED m Int! um- xl. B:n`riv. um I-` and Mrs. W. :1 daughter. } BORN /\\w.. H .~:. 1. the Rraya Rzarrin nu Fvl DIED x I rv. 1141; `vm. Elliv nf /\H:n\ (2 (`:n`.'m:| ` HITIIDINGS W/\N'I`F.D for \m'v(-k- inyv~ alum |||n :|uII' nnrl hl'it'l:H (`nil .~....~..... ` lli-:1. illiv . .... lnnrlny. l`lH'l` M(`(`!`:\<`lu`n. ; -1` Mc(`r:n~k(\n. brntllvr ll.\', of l(`ln'u:n'_\' S1,. Iv. ui: unrl 1hr (Tnnig, in hm` Cnlhric cm. __ , -~ /\ llnrriv rink . by /\ll_)('|'ll .1. Simnn. with l)n||;.:l:IS l{:In1sn_v.l" In-ml: (`.|_y(l.- .lulm. xm-uml, nntll ll2n'r_\' Arm:~`1r.n\1.z. vicv. will pl&l_\`1": wnlh svvvn nlln-1` rinks from ullin |):II'l.\` ul` tlw pru\'in('o in 'l`m`nnln (':n`l_\' in M:n'vh in tho l3l`lll.\`h C0n- H sols finals in (l('l('I'll1lll(` lhv sinulv 1' nnk 1-hznmpnmship and Ihv ri;,'l1 .,`l'h' lu rt-prvsvnl. Ontario in tho Mm`-l (lunnlrl Brim` for 1h(- Cnnudizln ('lll`l-` in;.: <'l1:nnpi<:nsl1ip. ' Lust 'l`lmI'. .'Il l\/Iidlund. |'0ur;`_ l_;n*1`iv rinks wvrv t`Hl(`l'(`('l in lln-1"` ;.',rmu) nl.'I_\ml f.~'. with SiInun`.s' funl"-` wlnnnlp, llll`(!(` slmi;;l\l gxnmrs mull; .mnvn.:im.: lhv winner in the finnl{,, inn llus1n1'I'.' . _ 1 _ , _ - m*.l- Am` " 1 Wilbur Ilnrrls. Jnhn H. l\(`l1l1(`(l_\'.` ( Ilm fllnl)-*'I\.~l.m.......-... r` r.....u.... -.... Au-lhnr zn,-uinsl -'lll()ll`l(l` l .:n'I'iL- rink uf All L \. 4!!` 1 S:11\1x'(izu'.. I.~4\vvll. I):-.` : 87111 ` `Inr`1.(`I`_v mu` (H Kim: Hf thv lmv I`lIC< H1:-iv `Simon's Rink f In Ontario Playoffs i} For Curling Honors}; nr un'm- S1l`(ll1.`l\I gaunt.-s unu~_ 1 v1nvr;.:im.: final 1 . `~']u;,~:1in. :n'riL- .1.}! lW111)ur 11:n`ris. kvnnt-(1_\'.`,. Nnrman C. John:~'nn and Arthur A.] -Smith. skin. I `K In 1110 first round the Unrriv rinki . of Mali Rnbvr1. 1'1i11izn'(1 1\ 1<`rv-:1 3 H111. Chzlrlio But-lhy and Solvin '1V1vrvdilh_ skip. (1vfv;11v(1 Stun S:n`~1 _i<-:n1l'.< Ori11i;x rink by 10-9. Smith's; nBm`|`iv rink (`11l1\1I1:l1'('(1 W. 1.. Mc- "~_`.`1((_-11'/.ic's 1V11(11Hll(1(`1`.< by 15-12. Sim-j M nn put out W. 11. Kollor of M1d-g l.).`|m1r1 by 15-10. '1`1nI.< thorv wort" mrlhrou wins in tho first round 10)" yp Barrio but the fourth local rink1 iv 01' C(`nr1."o Jumicsnn. .1. H. R(>(11.:ors.! 1911. 1". (`.zn'rcl1 and Rev. Dr. J. N1 Shnrn. skip. \\'(`l`(' vlimimau-(1 by` "E; 11-6 1)_\' '1`h<:mp.s'(m of Ontario Hus-1 W p1m1.OrI1|m. H 1 11) 111: .\m'm\r1 rnnnrl 111mnn.~'mH Three Barrie Rinks Are Still In Toronto Bonspielv -`uur l.m-:|l ltinks '1 lirullp I'I:IyolT at of 'l`hrm M('l`l in Lll'llIl'xl. 4` 1 ihv . rnunrl 'l`hn|np.~'nni put (in! h_\' Simon H-8. whilui A. Smith hon! Svlvin Mvx'vdilh[ H run mm the final from Smith D HUH.DlN(iS W/\N'I'l`Il`) l`n|' \A'l`('('|(- in;.'; also lumhvr nnrl l)ric-ks. Cull nt um-m m...;~. Frnrl FIlliuH_ 153 To-I rnnin Kl 'In `nun . I" /\3"'H.t;,:. R&IIl1.<:l}'.} R h-`- 'm.m` m.m,`nl-Zvlul nu. \ i(,`l WI Pl") 5,-H H.,- all; in ' m\.im.(. I .. L A`, cA\Jnn\a-nu I SUI. 1 1 [ AI. lh(- in:mgurul lH(`l(`il1;.', of Ihvl Tilkv |'i||'l in |ClIl1llHiH(.`(` of 51-\\'nrds of Collin-r SLI Midlalml; 'l`\\`n1Uni1r-d Church on l`m-: ni;.:hl. Pi ` um l.~im_ iH. Hurlhllrl \vns 1'0-(-loclv(i cl1:1irm:m I `and H. J. Hu:ul1. .\`('(?l`(,`1II`)'. Thv lul-: imwd I. A|b(...Hl-1" \\'::s ulsu ::ppnintv(l seen-l::1`_\' Inf} . '.. :Ih.- nffivinl lsnnrd ` FXHUF A.l `riv __ 10? {I l<`I`r'- I` T Lzm S:n'- V L 12. Sim-` ` Mid- . rv \vor(- ` '1 mm! for ' on cal rink in 1 R()d[.ECr:. I H8}! \.. v u`1hl.< ~-Adv:incu showing nf lho slnurti i new spring coats and suits. Simmons `J3; C0. The Cnut Store. 7h The Examiner has not an "cl:iimod"' circulation but mic guaranteed by chartered uccm1nim\is' nudii. .. `lint uh * I u uvinrh nun; tCl1&ll`[Cl'C`C| ucunuluunna -Iuuu. --Flowers. Watch uur windows. ,tur weekend specials. The Harris ` Flower Shnp, 10] Dunlop St. 7b! __'1`hn W 1'`. How Real Estate nf-I Flower Shnp, lUl uunmp an. cu: --The W. C. How of-| ' [ice is nnw located at 51 Dunlnp St.,i over the Sui-jennt Cu. office. Phum.-' I 63. 71:! I --Se0 the big :41-lvctimi nf stylus, and materials in the new spring` coats and suits. Simmons & CI). Thcl Cont Store. 7h I --Mudumc Alice Special true! i |!Wednesd;iy nnly. Feb. 22, ll) tl.lTl. to H0 p.m. 26 Owen St. 71) --New millincry for spring. Smart individual styles to mulch the iiow` cunts nnd suits` Simmons & Cu. Thu |l'C0ut. Store. 7115 _#Qnnunn-Hnv uyn|l nnnuru ()\/(`Fl [crystal gazing \vith every rc:i(liiig.t` |[ LocAITNvs ]{ C0111, Suwu. ` 1 -~Sun\-vnrlhy \V:1|l pnpx.-r.~:. ()yt`I`| _l%l)0 designs In (tlmnse frnln. |l'_\ l|\l-`.1 ;|McL:1ch]un. 33 Essa Rd. Furmlurv iund LI|)h(>lslc1'in;:. 7})! , --~S(`l(`L'l your new (`mil or sun! vurly. WC` will store it until wzum-d.` Bo.-at selection now. Simmons & Cu] |'l`hu Cunt Sturv. 711' Dun T A lIil1v nf 1):u\u-nlulrl I llllk` LJHII h1()l'(`. lun Rev. J` A. Hill`/., ml I)uv<-npnrlg `~Prr*sbyl('.ri:m Church. is In |)(- the` |)I'(`1lCh(`l` at tho :Innivm's:1ry . of St. Andro\\"s Church on Fuh. 26. 1 'l`h.. Inin .\`ir jnhn Aird l'nrmu-1': gm bl. .`\l1(1l`(`\\'S Lnurcn on 1' cu. an. 1 'I`hI.- lute Sir John Aird. l'rmm-1': prosidvnl, of the Bunk n1 Cmnnu.-run-. ; \v|m. family residence is near J`nl- `lcndul. left an estate uf $9()(l.0(Jl). , --Cun:n`ies. New shipmvnl .'u'1'i\'-I wd. BI`ili. Surunudx-rs. Clmmu-rs.] and Bulllmw siI1;,'m`.~.'. nlsu l.n\*1- lirds. (`mldfisll and pvt Sll[)])lil,`!s'. Aw IE. Harris. PM Shup, I01 Dunlnp St.) rm... r:....c :2. ..........o..... lL...l,...~.- I-H44 ` ui-saay, February I8. 1939 Ila. Auunm. A \L .,;.n..;. .u. uu--.--,. ...., The first Cl!-(l1)l.`I`illl\'(` l`z1clu-|*.x' nu: ;c-ntly pu1`cl1nsu- from Jzum-s W;m~` loss. Vigo. Hi hugs raised from n lsinglv litter of mm saw and ulll. uf .1110 Int I2 graded sclt-ct". 'I`|n- 11 "wore only 5!: months nld whvni |sn1d. 1 AI nu. i|\~nIu|I|'-xl nu-Ininu nf Hui] _`1hc lulu b`. H. 1'nrr|11 ul HiIl`l`l(`. - Pn. in an mnnmnbiln driv- [_un by her husband. Mrs`, C. Hurri- _1.s'un. 'l`m`un1u. . S1'\ (`l'l' hrui.<- , 1, ;-S when thv (`nr was in Collision 1; with .'mulhur mnvhinv an Kin:_,`:` ,IIi1,:h\vny 11. south uf Orillin. on. I i'I'hur.~`dny lust. Sho 1'vL~(-ivod vnu.-1'1? ,'[m1(:_\j lrvnhnnni in Rnynl Vi('tIn|.\ 'lHuspiln1. Barrie. and pl`UCt`(!(1t'd cm ' hm` uvav I ` . I 1 {l(`l` wu. iH1(`(lffi(`i:i1 bnurd. illhl) i|[)])U|lIll'( R. V. `"[)iCk") Pm` ..| . ti K. V. ("IJICK I l'lll'l'lll. 2l5:~'I.\luIll` 5;,'c-Iwrznl munuuvr of lhv Nnr;m(l;-' ;Min(-. om` uf C.uI1:Id:|`.s' lvndim.'. min~ "im: n~nlx,-rp1`i.<(_-s. was Ihv spvnlu-r all ` (ho 'l`urnnto bnmch of tho L`:m:Idi;m _ Institute of Mining and M(`l:llll`;:_\ .nn I\ lnndn_\'. MI`. l nrritt Ls :1 sun nf Vil\'Ir.<. Purrill n! Viclurin. BL`. .'m(li .|`hc mo F. R. Pnrrilt uf H;u`1`iv. I l)nucr\I\n`nr in run .-nnnn1nhilr\ ririv-l lhindsay Watchman-Ward:-rD I Toronto Curlinxz Club Inns (`nu-r-,1-1 '(~d us wmm,-r 01' the premit-r o\'('ml !in the Ontario Curlim: As.sncia1ion.l\ lnamcly .1he Onlarxo 'I`m1k;u"d. In? `this in-c(nnp1ishn1(`nt thv 'I'nrm11u|, `~club succeeded in (l(,~f(`n1im_v .s-mm-Q ivory fine rinks, including Barriv xzmd I.ind.~'zI_\'. The lultvr rinks hurl` _pr(.'vinusly machud thn finals nnrlg Esomi-finals by 1-limin.'nin;_ .~u-vm-rul 1 pm.-vxmxsly x iscmi-finals }L:n`()r_l vlubs I mats. Tankard Favors Curlers With Artificial Ice, So Lindsay Writer Objects rtracncn `mo nnm.-4 uw by t-lnmnzmng; h'L`V('I In thou" r(-.~'p<-cli\'(- dis v 'm'ri1t. zussislznlalf r H... N .mI;.| ` OElO OOL0OT0%( um Sj ....`..,-....__....._.j--.:_ lF.FID W/\N'I`I".D -Hay. slrmv. unis.` wilhin lvnmim: clmtunvv nf Gilford. l`|(-am` . prict`. location and qunnlil_v znvnilnlylv. .1\l|)orl Buclfnrrl. (iilfurtl. (ml. 7p V One cent a word, cash, each Inser- I tlon. (minimum charge, 25). five Insertions for the price of four. 25` extra if not paid within five days of date of issue; also we extra when -replies are directed to The Examin- er. Store or business advertising (including agents) in this column two cents per word. cash with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70_\ cents if charged). Classified advts acceptable up to ten o'clock on WEDNESDAY NIGHT. But adlets will he accepted up to nine o'clock ]`hur.\'day morning, to be run on the same page, under the heading. Too Late in Classify." ml] \ `:' Full Gospel Tabernacle ' 75 (,`OLl.ll'2R S'l'RI52ET Pnxmr: (,`. (imlmm r!` r!} *r*"* T u TCol|ier St. United Church` !\'I'.'V. I'.'I.'IVl2'.S"l' I4.` I,()N(i. H A , II I) : f\1iniL-Inr \.CII|I\.II xzuun R017. A. N. ('1mp<'r SUNDAY. l`}l .RU/\l{Y If). a an an. IUI.....l . . . . . .. L L75-&JWI--\r-vs 5"" " J : Phone 215 : We Deliver ` Elizabeth of Mary <->._~'v-__ I I I I I I /\ H. M. LA M FL9R1I 5-lb. tins Corn Syrup H`....- Ilix,-n ur I".:lu-:n zl. nI`u| SUN!)/\Y` |"l`Il .IHI/\HY HI I1. .I.V1. .Llt1.L " '_`_"_"`_" "f"" $\ ,2 (`IIHH |'. ('l7I' I-l.H\\ I'.|lH I ANII I|l.(HI.\IIN(i I'|./\N'I'H 7| Illukv SI. I'hom- K3?! I G7 ldlimln-III Ht. 4-~ I |mm` '12`/. l\'ll')l\1|l`2R l~'|.()l{|.'~}'l'S"|`l')|.l'1(Ilh\l`l| lr|.l.lVl",H\ A3$.`:t)(`|/\'|'|UN 7 7 A _. _,_._.._..._..__..-..-..`_...1mu...-u-.-o-`a--...au-..aou-3 ll /\.IVl. LlHll'l('l' lVlI'lllUI'I.\ DI'|I\`.= I Nu` .3 "N/\'l'}l/\NH'lI." " |`.M. (JRUS/\l)I'II{S (II./\HS 3 | .M.- (THUR('H S('H()()l. l"M. "\'()U'l'H ()l-` Yl.S'|'l'Il)/\Y /\Nl) '|`()l):\\"' ~<- -- II .1-. W/\N'l`I".D !~'.x~\'~ml big. (-hvnn lnuvrsos, :~'uit:|l>l(- fur hu.~:h wnrk: also numb:-r of good brm-dim: cxvo.-a. Ap- ply Hnx "I32 Rnrrio Exurnincr. 7b ` | .l\/I. Lvlllxlllu) xvnuu; II\rIrI Unulml l):I_\' of l rn_vI-1` Sv-I'\'I~ Nliss J'ssic Brusml, Organist. uml (mirlvmlter Suml-;n_v: H /\.M. 715 I` M l~`.\/:1 Wot-I; Niglntst 'I'u('.~`(luy and Friday, H UM. EVI'IRY()Nl". Wl`2l.(.'()I`./H`) Aunt Jemima's PANCAKE FLOUR lVlcCullough s Grocery -I! _L-.L -1. AA-.." . DL.-..... 71 - \A/n nlivnx V Phone 232 fur :|ppoIntIm~nl. .\luudu)'. \\'*dIu-.sd.n_\ and FrId.u Nlgllts M .\P|H'|l||llH'||l- I`:-w-`- u u-nu w. n nu:-u,-4.... ('h.'n'l(-r Mmnln-I'.~. 3 '. --.'\VA'I'H/\NlI- ' "sic }}.{` \.WI.. 1' l'|lII\\ I".v:m;,'cli.~:li KY .1... W/\N'l'l-)D~-An nld (-lo(-trio r(~l'rig- ~rnl,m~. in I'M!` rmming L-undntinn. fur rli::m:mtlin;: purposes. Phunv HIIEIW. nr wrllv |`.(\. Hnx 3515. Bur-i mu Tn HUIII yr -`gr E(l\\ iI|'(IHl)ll|'}_{I IICLJ \/lll.Il'-vI `or, Ii./\.. lVlini.~.'l(.': F1-llmvship nrnli.'Iin- an ~ (il`l.|lt`I` ('nm|'url ?~1_\|l\h (iluxxvs |H)l'lI.|<'. | VISION ;_` ('omp|:.-tv 50 :3 and up iii TRICK . :6` 0 E Modern Optical Service Plus! of Post Offict` First Baptist Y.P.U. St. Va|cnHnc's Social I \ !Bur10n Ave. United Church 2-LBT. JAR PEANUT BUTTER---25c iar (`|'ID./\R I`0l.lCFo WAN'I'F.I)- `.20 pm!- vs 135' In 30' lun,r:. 12" ul hullmn um! I!" :11 mp. `.20 pulos-~l5' lung. 10" m luu.~u- .-and R" an top. Delivery hv lVl:n'(:h 1. Annlv Box "H". Bar- l..`\l(l\ P _2l~l Polix AND BEANS T.h9F!9Wr Bar The Salvation Army l'u\HH|l",('HHl'H br.1c|< to God And The Bnblc Campaign -. .~u .Iw-'v x.'I x In. Mini.' Ifvv. ST. /\NDREW S Prcubylcriun Church 1' In A III] SOAP FLAKES 5-lb. box 39c :1-w-v --y- tins for 25 ('l./\Hl\"H 2l-()7.. l\Il ALII\ nr-A l'lh\Yl'Z|{ I\ W I`)! )NF.Sl)A ()r(/u ui.x-1., H? by VII` ullu llu ~fw`l,\|ish ` l"I`ZHlH/\|{\' lw ('Hl'I;\'I'l\/I` Inun hlllry-('1: 'll|. \'l` WINS ()U'l"' HH'l.I'I S(YlI()()l. |...- In .-u~vluu|-./ mug .`\I`I'\'l('l' null:-I-u -'H'I1`Jf'l'} Rl".l.[(H()N" NJ-Ilrmr 1/! -`f 0':-Im-It I go Fificszi HAIKY H_ mm vi/\'l'l\ l". <'m>:':~`. (`ll svurml. (ilusscs Phone 232 ,l"El . 15. VII lN(`l.USlVl'I rs...`-.. .r.....Ii:.nu .'\MlH'l`lUl|S MEN! V\'t` \\'l.\`l1 [(1001]- (uvl you fur . ('nmlu_vnu-nl--~ pmul 11:1)`. nuivpmulvlu-v. E\'or_\`- lmd_\' lm`\':~ nnr `.200 ;,uIu1'ulIlvod pru- mlvls. Hu:ln`r qnullly Luwvl` [H'|(`(`S. No ('x[N`l`I\'ll(`l` m-vdvd Your suc- r(~:~:< llli|k(`.\' ours. so wv hclp _\'nlI Rig: 1-umimum.~ rvpvut sales and prut'Il:< Nu I`|.\'k l*`n~v (-:1lu.lu;,:1w und ch-lmlnr |".*\Mll.l".X (KL ."I70 S1 Ch`- , M A.. I) I), `r In nu r Vnr.~.hip .1- M in ixlerr Slllpjm l(:l(IN' `K mu m n)u_vt`d'.' Due AMHI I um: I'm Hu:lw ('X[,N`l`I\'l 1-umim I dc-lanl:-' I-`AIM nwnl. MUHH Nu I'|.\'I( ll'\`(` (`HUI-ll\].`.lI(` dc-lull:-' (`(1. nwnl l\1nnIr:\':I 4- l":\I{Af\`l I-'r('Il{ OR ' |I.:v II\Il mun H In Thu I'I.InI ..__j.- `l'l\`U('l\'S l-`UR .H`:\l,l". Um Jan! (run-I; Iuu`I\' `Mu .-- H.`\B\;l CHICKS --f fmvst quality In 0 I Burr-~ and \\'hitv I-`lymnuth Rucksll-` R SA ,1`? ~ Om` team of chvap nnd \Vhito1,.ogh>rns. Hatching og;:slg'cldings. sun farnwr; also 1 g'.`H- (mm Buff Orp'mglun.~'. White Cnrn- oral purpose gelding; brass mount- 1'.~:h. Partridge Rocks. Games and ed team harneax`. Nu reasonable 0(- Jnpum-sv Silkios. All smvk h1und- fer rvfusvd. Apply on Tm line of test:-d. Custom hatching. Harry Vospra. corner of town Imn. I milv` murrun. Barn;-. Om. '.'~l1pl Urn Station . -:I:~ \u'~! L! :\H'.u\(lalx. Puux.c Lillx 12 '.`;~L FIX| l`IRH.NCl".D MAID wanft-cl. Ap- ply Bnx "M". Barrie Examiner, 7h POSITIONS WANTED llnu vnu nnw II. In That Elllllllr) n.}I' I17 Ill H'Il}.;. In Ill lH=`I(\IIl| (I :11 ' Nl:u'(:h Apply "H". - Exznnim-r. 71) l)u.~.'||ur-ss. rznquwu.-s cnnnucn- Apply Hnx 355. B:u`ric Post 0 7h HELP WANTED nu vnn unw It In Tim Eunmlm -AGENTS WANTED Iuv vnu nnw II In Thu funlnlnnl-) i`sAL.1~:s Au1::N'rs WANTED nu` tnxvlw up 1-mmlrr rli\`|I`i(`1.< MRI-Y:i(N)'Ei\Al((TlllAl'2'.~` av um. mu. II In Yhn fumulm W1\N'l`F.D n nun ll In Th: Fl ml mnxc-n ;.:r:un wzmwn. 11-I` . . Cnnuphvll. Shanty Bay, Urn. 71) .|Iu~ lllll `ll .000 sx-dnu unnul rl` EXPERIENCED MAID wanted. Ap-` ply c-vt~r|im,:.< In.-lwvvn 7 nnd 8. 14 Wt.-Ilin;.:lnn SI. E. 711` ZNT first ml" (:rmIm')'. small .un ulI R R 9. AI- iI.N'l'5 WI\N'l'l'.U (-uutm'_\` rli. nmvh fruit U'(`(`S. l' . (lm-(1 pay. lmvv . (inu- I mzlkv gunrl mun- -rx`|1m`\'. I`u|l\.'1m RlK(` QIHWI ntury. I`:-ll\.'1m' (WI-:Ic1'v nur- I n-1|h hv Nu. . mo bo- (":n' I7 `v 6-1 lb R01` |---------T-- -t..-m_\- 1 YORKSHIRE ROAR urdvrs for sale`, brrd by Iht` (N u-hm-_\-. will consider vxclunxg `ip stock This hug has pr ,sxr:\. Alox. Cmmobvll. G'**` E P.O.. Phunv -17 Om. \'`|l'S 1 71) HI!`- '71) M\lll\'| Ttfb` I 1-`.XPI`)Rlf-`.NCI-31) I"/\RMHAND. nun- Hmnkor. w.'mtvrl_ to start at unr~(-. Apply K. N. M. Mm'ri.s'un. (,`r)p.'1cn plum. 7b Ul'H.lLil1'l' l'll\NU tor sale. "Nvw- Cmb". in l.{nnd (`U-ndillnn. l hnn(- .. 794 mg 1 SPEED SKATES. size 5; bmgnin I for quick sale. Plmnc 755W. Tx UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. vnrnh" in Hunt! 1-nnrliiinn ELECTRIC SI\Nl)F.R fur sulv (:h(!np. Black and Deck:-r. Apply Ili!l'.~ Garage. 7!) _.__..T__________: , ELECTRIC STOVF. for salt-_ in gnutll (trmdiiion. A real b:n'p,;Iin. 'l`vl(.--` phone 1173. 7p, lphrmv xsscsw. MAI!-Yb uxmy l'K/\lVI and play pm: also pm`(?('lnIl`1-10p table. Tele- Th |CANARY--1 oniy. ht-nuliful ;_'r(-(-Iii roller. (`x(.'(`||(,`l1l singer. $5. Gnsnc_v,! l I7 FI'uncis S1,. 7!) u BABY'S GREY PR/\M and plnyi pvn: pm`(:m-lnln-ton Tclr,--| UNDERWOOD PORT/\RI.E rm-I sale in carrying cast`. $20 cash. 'I"x-1(-- 1 ` phone 445 ovt-nin;.::<. 7p`_ I PRIVATE SALE of lmu.s'L-lmlrl g..m:.f and oloctriv rmnzv. Annlv 38 Sn-V YOUNG MAN xvunh-(I. of mm! up- p:u1'uIw(-. with ('.`(f)f`l'i('lH'(` in but- rlwr l)u.~.'im-.s':<. lCnqui1'i(.-s cnnfidCn- Iial. Annlv D:u`rie n HUU.`)I`.' 'l'U mom 1'. (-onuvmy I "``~`1'h"] I1"`"'<*` vd. all cnnvcnic-m-c.<. mngv. Apply 33 s.,-wl ,.l- . .d, . . .-I. phm St. up until S:nt.urdny nnnn. 7]) 1111311,.` H l ) C L FLOOR I./\MI for sale, 3-x:.'n1cll(`.;FOR REN I'~--~1-mmn(`d :Ipm'lImm1. hmnzv st.nndm'd. yznlrl luff 0'-7 -\'h?1dC.|n('\vl_\j clu(`m';n1(-d and r(`a(l_v for im- In vxcollz-nt L-nnditinn. 'I`olophmm;mediate pnssnx<.ion. Apply tn D. A. l368W. 1 1 x 1 7PiS1('ph(`nS by phoning 1()}2. Stflz I `FOR QUICK S/\l.E Slnglv (Inma- lcrat. cullt-r. farm :'(,-ufflm`. (`:n'nnn1- Iruu QUlL.`l\ 5./\l.E slnglv (Inma- ('rat_ cull:-r, .x'(-ufflcr. carpent- or and ;.:nrrlvn Innis, Mr. Apply Cinn- dlns ITO. Tp DOHF.R'I'Y ORGAN In pinnu (*n.<-. good condition; cheap for in|mr`di- ntc sale: also run. 12' by 12`. T010- lphnnp 24112. Stmurl. 7p SINGER SEWING MACHINES. l'('- L-rmdit,im'u-d, $500 nnrl nn Rinm-r I HONEY~-Fnr1_v pounds Nn_ I wan) or white lmnt-_\'_ in d:1ir_\' pail. $1Hi()_| `6-Rs amber. $3.10. Twvnl_\' mm`- fl`('(` (Ic|ivm'_v. R-. W. M;u,'ni1'v. Min-I ` L-:~'in;:, Ont. 4311'!) hINUll{ SEWING IVIACHINES. cnndititvnvd. $5.00 and up. Sinner. Smving Machine Cu-1m>.'m_y. 45 Eliza-I hr-lh S1... Rarriv. Ont. (Hnh; RF.A'I"l"Y WASHER. (`llL.',ilH* drivt-I bosl mmlol: usvrl nnlv 4 nnunlhx" nmu l'Y WI\bHl'jH. mmnw (II`l\/(`I mmlol: nnly 4 nmnlh.<: llk(` now: for lmlunc-v of zmmunl. Apply Mr. Lundy. Phumr I097. Rm--l riv. 7% rm-r nu /` Office. I FOR SALE Onk dining!-rnmn lablt-' nnd six chnirs. drop-leaf kilx-hm)! 'lnblc: nnlsn so! of mon's loft-h;m(|! gull` ('|HI).s'. Appl_\' 37 Charlnlw SL. Phone 1294. 71` [,'l`|l ('|llh.<. I A I hnnc_l294. _:__1.___.___. ' I . J. Moran. 58 B.'I_vfi(-M S1, 7;: v _:_| FOR SA1.E~ 2 sols of vxlr-nsinn Ind- rlors. 36 l'l,; 1 SM stock and divs. 1" to 1!"; I so! stuvk and rlivs. '4" 1 In 1'`; pair pipe ('ull0r.<. _-" In `com. B/\RGAlNS~ A dollar .<:1\'(-rln I is a rlullzn` (-arm-cl, so you mm mrn I` many dullm`.< by pu1lin,r.{ in ynur;" nvxt winter's supply of coal. (hm! host tlwrv is. Or if you want a ('uu plv of Inns just call 1413. Ca1`.~'m'1's1 Fm-I Supply. Barrie. Tp ?.---j__.____-.----._-, (`0MF`0R'I`ABl,F`. WARM ROOM: for rvm m~nh':|l iumrrl if rlr\ ROOMS T0 RENT. fur fnmIl_v with`, nu vhildr:-n. Apply 216 B:1_\`fu-ld- SI. 7!) `maul-1'1`. W.-\h'IVl HUUM fm` rvm.I\ with board. 48 ']`m'unlu SL. Phnnmq I794. 71 M `I HRIC`vH'I`. VVARM ROOM for \\riH\ hnzur -U1 '1`nv'nnln Q! T` k`UlVlI"UK'l'l\ for rvm. (`(`l l["hnm- 1507. wnlrr. L-1\NUr.n' lnl` mu` Mrs. Wm. R("Htl'i('l_L{t`. 51h I.i nisfil. YOUNG MAN wnntvr] for soda fnunluin work in high class rcs1zIur- ant; oxp('riL-m't- (`.\`.\'('lHi$ll. Smlo ago mud t|IIaliI`i-ulinns; In Box I"", Bur- riv Exmniru-r, 71) WIHTFI GI\NDFR fur .'s.'Il(` Mr: \.\ m RnHm'irlm- 5H1 l.i FRESII (`OW .h`r. an jdv: IISI` L` nnl r H [FOR S.-\l.E Good scl- Shurthurn bulls. All rods :1 sirvd by Glvnburn .-\m*'.u'1 . from cuws with man) lcrosws. Fully accredited farm Ph_=m- mm. E1'm`-st C "Ora Slemnn 1 LIVE S'l`(l(`K l:0l{ SALE nnnv Itnu unw II In `rm... K-mun 1 ROOMS AND BOARD (III vnu nmn ll In Th: F uuuuuu -I I'_\'. nu` r\m\l_\` W. H FOR SALE u. can n In 1-3.. 5*... ('l'.`\Hl1I`I \\ . \HIVI R()()Ml vontrul. hn.'n'(l if r1(`.~'iror|. E07 Tn - I'.\\ IItI|l`(' l|.'| \'|l|\| g h`d.\ proved u gnud :mpbc~lL Shanly Buy Om Tn Hl`.`\l( 'I`\`l>'ll v Iht` O .-\.C.. Gu vx<'huI1gv for . has m'u\'1-d u . |l()lISl?2l(EFl 1")R'S pn:~'ilinn wanted. ;,-mud ro-rt-m-a-.-:. Apply Box "K". Hurriv T')x:uninr-r. 7p` sale. purv hn-rlf (`u\\' fur pri\';m", K(~nm~rly. Phomy 7.` . ::`lt`CI mm and rn:-n Clvsl l`:l DR` I Motnr to L CrR\v(m`d_ '.'J\ .`\p]\|_\` 1 nv. In- ) Bl.I\ClSMl'l'H and xvnnn-wurmng: - ` shop for SHIP or ronl. This is an nlrl- l` V | oslnblishod business zmrl :1 grout _ 'l)p])()l'1Uni|,y fur the 1'ip,hl mzm. ,;Stnck. machinery and tools also for `.1110. ill health cause for . l\Cl)lT1(`. and son il. '1`. L. Webb, Blzu.~k- ', lsmilh zmrl W(mrlwnrkv1'. Cxmkstnwn, 3 5 Ont. 6-8|) ) ` 5. nri nll I`(\l\ 4 i nousw. 'T'() ; I lnousm FOR SALE-215 Bayrield! S1.. 7 rooms. hardwood floors . throughout. all conveniences. Tele- phone 1523.), or apply 90A Mary St.` I Barrie. 6-10p D ` DRY woou my sale :11 Lm H: _' ll. 1`z:cumsr~lh: mu-slly vlm. 12" _`l 16'`. Alfrod Rivult. (`.ur)ks1mvn. _ new frame bungalow. poultry house. lgaragc and barn. Bargain. Terms. W. C. How Real Estate. 51 Dunlnp iSl,, Phone 63. 7-llbl : RDR SALE -~ 4 acres garden soil.` AND FEED FOR. SALEi (Rm: vnu mm It In Thu Exnmlnon mvm mwx. W/\N I'|".D Mnrkvl ' prico paid. l`hnno 01` write H. Lov- il. Barrio. 5-9p

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