Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 11

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HUMAN SEAL" TAKES DIP HMEAFORD-Meaford docks were crowded with specmtors when Kri- V kor Hekiman, native of Armenia. commonly known as the "Human Seal", braved the icy waters of Georgian Bay Friday lust for an swim] and said he liked it. Ho nisn pulled, -- n-n- uliih hi tih. I ii Ezixzm SNACKS 4c `iiii)`n7';`:: ;f5I)"` "51`iF" 3 10 5MHT Jmci: 2 15 Ea AAA: 3` A .9 A A 4. 4:. Co. .`il I~I(,`L\l.!---!{()m-IR'I`SON'S 3l:\l.'l'l-II) HILK ---pug.-..nnn flk 3-- l U:II.\ I 17?.` |DCIn;~znaS; lI.ll`ll 1 r.: 1-H" Finn JHU1 .__, . | ltmf _, H, gfgf: 'M jbS_ lb. ZC I . ul)L`l`l\I -1I\"I'\I.'l1I \'.. I <.r.n Q 1L I\l|1" In 4- - in JA/>..Jo uav\ 5'1 -}:<'I\|.-7~ \"1\mu'Ju I lxuit` Cooking Onions 3 "35- 5c IIU JIIU which i 91' than unn- ~`I'lH'\1'd(3u.xl:l_\ '!i()l.I)I".\' RH !-I 'l`(N\I.\'l`lH"..\' - |- inn .m(! 1 C .},_3C,I|n"r 1`g_S ('I{\':a"I'.-XI. lH{.\.\'l) nu nuI'h\l - Greenings }`.i` . KINGS . !!\l `T-)`.\(l >-MCIINTUSH REDS ))lll`Cl`l;lSe 0| illl iluullnulzll I (I 58-l'nn1 luddvr in |)l:u':\ 1 sun! 38-I'm-.1 lznddu-r. and 1 The |)l'('S('III :u|))mruuI.x` I5-yvnr-okl truck which (- and :1 huso wzmnn. o `I ve- B~:)$.`7 L55 5} "1 U.Vl.'\l.|\7 .`v|n:1nunnnun - ......... .-\nri\En_--_ hail) [rum lh Fim-.~.l (irmu-rs .\l slw In-mptmg l)`.\svrI~ frum thus .~`p:'ing (m :u_. UN"l`.-\Vl1l(9 u .|. 4`.-..m H... Iran.--a l`.rnu':-rs .'\`TR:\'S\'B!'ZRR\' l{Hl`B.\KB ' ' I ICZHGS '2 r,.. (.(|(P|I (`ULHK 1; qt Iiuskt-I l)\"l' \IHlI .\l'I l I25` 1 I14. L ..I M A"? 6 qt l.a.~'|'u-I .- .__ -.___, 'l`h~ Burrxv l`Ix'.\nm1er curried 23.! L70 linz-s uf Classified Advertising 2. lU.'H`. wnh 1-an .-avoirapoz 0! 109 ad-` l(lLl.I-ll) BY 'l`llA(!'l`0Il ()Rll_.LlA~ -Alborl Heron. 48, who was m:uI:u.-,(~r nl` Brigudic-1'-Gunu-ruI Juhn A. (`:uIm's Dunrubin I3`:n~m. 13v:nvm'tnn. dim! in Urillin 1\ lvm>ri:ul Hospital [rum injuries received in :1 lrurlnr zwcitlvnl an lhv I':u'm surm- duys ago. 1 5:1 =3 1% I.IU l`.l`S Ul Ll.|S.\'lI|l.`(`l :\Cl\ t`l'USlH n 1938. wnh an a\'erage of 109 ad-` cl ; per lllu. Results have done it.- wxlznriu. .\muh- r-In ! Qullnh i~qt. lhskn-t A 1.: nu: -1- inv Qua|i;\.`ml{ula- lmrh YE! l.()\'v' (INTARIU u{ 33 per cent. in pmduclir-n' increased from 1.393.000 tons, on 1 Bi: nnn u.-....~ in In`!!! Thin- Grocery Prices Elia |`eb. l8~22 Meat. 7 mouszmns I HCCLHIM l.0B!.1llM S Markets & Grocelorl as n DFSPINITII moan $2 EVINGS 29c, 29c `35c 39:: UU [U115 U1 12!-JO. 1H my production sinc LARGE BAR 7. : PER CI-2N'l`. SUBSIDY Ul{ll.l.lA TOWNS]-ill --Folluwim:| up his prunnisv to ask the Depart- ment nf High\vu_\'s to lake ovvr :a larger proportion of the cost of Township ru:n(1s. Conn. J. S. Drink- walcr spunsun-d 4: motion uskingl that the D1-p:n'llm`nl pay 75 pvr 00m. :11` M14` cu::1 inslvnd pf 65 per (`vn(.| us Ilu-_\' did lust _\'t'a1l'. :k :1: 4 3 I-lh. IDIJ1 7-" ;-nz. J In 176 130- '|'I. I'l(|(. * SPECIAL BONELESS ROLLED 15325: VEAL r'RoNTs 17.: ;21r l WOULD KEEP PLANT {R cm.i.iNC.wo0D . A cninlnillcc-'1 _1'r-nn Cnllimuxruml Council will .\`(`(`l{l an interview with officials in! linpa-r-l iul Oil in an all:-nip! In roluin Ilu-1 large distribution plant in Culling- \Vm)(l. l\t'l'0l`L'llIl),2,' In \Vl`ll luundvd rv-. ports. the company will .~:hnrl.ly{ Inuvv its dhelribulinm plnnl lrum Cnl-; limgwuml in l\ liLll:m(l. ` 0 >31 -'1 'Bl('YL`LE lN\'ENTED BY A SCOT A Scottish bl:n"k.xmi!h. Kuk;~.:n- 'ru-k M:\cMiII;m. !)um{rm;=h1rx,-. w:x:: thv xnvwntnr or the first bxcvcic .>\ French I:-nachbuilder perfect:-d it, `and sm-urcd a pawn` in 1866. An interesting story uf the dv\'el..p-I men! of this independent xneaus. `of locomotion is given 1:: :4 well 11- Hlxstratc-d honklet, "Bi(`_\'(.`|P Husk-r_v". I1AA`1\]L2r. I nrann (SOLDIIN BANTAM ` "`.'!;::' Inc: ".1 1-run 11:}.-; - swx;1=.1' xuxnzu nIml.'a1lII`J -5! mean I`!-TNN Inna: H mmii /\'\ l.I\/H-JR 1`|IRl-ILV Vhfilil .'\Ul.l*. CQISCO .-.nnIu1l.:'l I- urunu NH own}: :-:IN(h`xl`0RE :sTANuAm> ug--nnj 1 K1! LinIitd;AAAAAAAAA AAA . 4-. 5. RI-2-El.l-`.("l`El) MAS'I`I".l{ ()RAN(}l-3Vll.l,E ~ Muyur l`. S. l`;n'kin.x'nn. ()r:un1.,'uvillo` has bu-on n- nlevuyl l.4U.l.. (`uunly lV1.'1sl:-r fur Uufh-~rin L`.mml_\' fur 1939. ::= 1.1 tr issued by the Canada Cycle and Motor Co._ Ltd` Anyone desiring :1 copy may have nnn on applica- tion a! the head officv '3! the cam- pany at Weston. Om - ----~-~> 1 Haven`! you :1 (new! who would : hke to see.` a copy of thus week`s Ex- ` aminer? For sale at all news deqeu ..r this drive. Page Eleven _ Thursday, February 16. !939 ._..:_ S'l`lMlII.A I`I 'I`()lIl{l.\"l` l`IlAl)l~I (f()l.l.lNGW()()D -1-`urmvd lu sli-" mululv lnm`i::l lrudv and industry in ihis (.\'ll`i(`l. lhv m`\\'l_\'-ur;,'unnu-(Iin (`nlllluuxmnd 'l`um`isl and '1`r;ulv us-` suciuliun with .]n.\'1'|)h N. I3 prmidom. unnmum.-1-d that n cum- pniun wunld slur! ul nnrv. 1 will m|\'`I`li. (`n|lin;,'\\'md in tho lll`\\'S-I p:apm':: and nn lhv air. A branch \v:as' ulsu 1'-Wm:-d In dvul with p1'u. iuduslrivs. __._____._._-_._ _. - .._..- ;_ _ Three Good Reasons Why THE BARRIE EXAMINER Should Fill Your Printing Requirements Do You Need These .7 and said he IIKCG II. a car with his teeth. -a o Billhendo Bauineu Cards Circulars Coin Envelopes Church Envelopca I`.-....n-. (`L41-In nn: LJIIIICII DIIV C IOPCU Counter Check Bookl I\...I_-_- uuugclu Envelopes Invitations "THE BARRIE EXAMINER ` Phone 222 Modernly equipped. The Examiner is prepared to fill your printing needs, no matter what the job may I... DISTRICT NEWS Check up on your requirements and fill your want! now. TAKE STOCK OF YOUR PRINTING NOW! K0!` sum In Ins rvcnmnu-mzlc-(l -.I Hum lrurlt V I; OWNERS IIAI) LICENSES l STAYNER -Two radio inspectors: frnm lhu l)c.-purllncm of '1`r:mspurt] mulled un mzmy residents nf Staynerlj but found none who had not :1 li- ` m.-use, and few who had m-;4loclod! o.. ...u.m Ihnir nhl li:*m1sr~_ | I mun: luv:-x-_l : i|l('llI(]('S ;I` I (`mil $1`.Z.()U(l. I ngln lllurn, \ of the pro- ` mun: lm:`.~. 1 FIREMEN GET BEDS 1 ORILLIA---Decluring that he had a Newfoundland dog that slept on a better bed than did the firemen at the fire hull, Alderman P. G. Yule ' suught and received the sanction of t the Town Council to purchase four tlnuw sprimzs and n1:1ttI'-ssus fur the new uf the firmm.-n who slept :1! Un- hall it 2* `-3! x: :r 1:! L! MUSEUM NUCLEUS 1 BR/\CEBRlDGl~} -- Pntnln mash- "ers. pilIcup[)l(-5. rifle gI`L-nudes. bombs of every description are but u ` 1::m:xH purl uf the tnulnuntns '.h:.l`_] '\vill furln u nuclous of Lhu mus:-lun in Brucn-l)ri through the g4-nu-ms-| ily HI" B:altN`y Svrgt.-Mujul' Rnbt-rt . Din.< nmx'v. l`uruntu, whn spvnt tho . grt-utvr purl of his lifv hvru and serv- zicd with lhe 301.!) and -llrat llullx-ry |l....\....Iu.u. nu. ut-Ir L`(] \Nllll llll-` .l.ln`mw,|mm 1 | 1 t N01` AlIl.l". 'l`0 V() l`H SEVERN F/\l.I.S 'l`hr-c mc-n 1c.'nn4~ lwrv In put up u |)u.\`l(`l` fur the :l'l(`(`HHlI nu l"u|n'u:u'_v 21. Thu pnnpw znmmul lwro will hnvv to slay lmmv as it is llm-v and um hull` nnln-s l),\'| I'i\-vr tn 1h:~ pulling bunlh. In than I ..x- A-.m_~ H1.-\v unmlnl hznrn In `\\'lHlI'| iwulk: ilhv In ..n : (?()I.I.IC(``I` ()Vl~Zltl)l!I 'l`A.\'I-LS _ /\l.I.lS'1`()N '|`uwn Cnum-il will f ox-l|m*l uvvr(ln- bu::im~ss 1:1.\:r`:~' in Ilw _ llmst -fl`m'li\'c- nuannvr. Onu dc-Inzmd will he lnmlv fur llu-sv umuunls sunw ufwllivh:uI'.>l<:m{p;1s1 (luv and il'1hv nuuw_\' in nut l\u'l|u-nning suil will 'Hu~ t-nlv-rm] in ihv (li\'i::iulI vnurl .:n.....u r...-oI..u- Au!-.v III NIL`) all. :10 pullml. R l$IIIl.l)IN(i ltl-IVIVAI. ()l{ll.l.I/\ Orillin is hnpim; for n 1':-vivnl in lhv lmildilw, Inuit-.< in UN` .-zprimz. | l:m:< nrv uln-ud_v lIll(l'l' wny fur lhv vun.~:1ruclim: uf :1 t|u'ull'<- and 1:: f:u'1nI')' ` =2: :1: I 1 1;! 2.! 2,: LANDMARK l)ISMAN'l`LEl) MF.Al"OI{D-'I`h(.- 85-fnnt srnnkv-` stuck at the wn1v`rwm'ks station, e1'- 1 1-cted nearly half :1 century ago. ha.-xi` been disrnzmtlod. This "stuck" has.` been :1 lnmlmznrk to fishing 1lli(lI'S` for years. Its work was cmnph-1:-xl whmi stI>:|n1 built-rs ;',:n\'<- way in (-1- 1-vtric mulurs. xx :7: an ; 'l`W() vlmn (JUIINCII. 'r|-mm |"}'." ()lHl.I.IA ~l\uI|mriv.:nlim in |mllh"'h' ; pl:-lvisvitv can uxlvnding L-nun('il' " |1-rlns from mu In lwu ya-:nr.s' pussml` 0",`: `its first sh-p ul lhv monthly mm-ling 1" uf thv 'l`nwn Council. which v:tI-(Il.].l:`l:'l!l] `fur :1 cmn1nillL-(- In Ilmkv :1 :~:p~(-inl ,. - - |..o..,:.. ..r n... 0...-1...`. llivm i NAMI-II) A()'l`lNG ltl'IEVl-I N()'l"l`/\WASAGA- Still mnfilwdl In Royal Victnriu Hnspitnl. B:ll`l`i( ,, fulluwimz n mujur npurnlimn. R1-cw-' Percy Nu-ff \\':us nul |)l`( Sl`ll1 for the! l *`x-l)ru`n'.v Im-1-ling of Nullu\\.'uszu.zu `lmvnsllip umlncil. Dvpuly Rovvv Jim. I Hr:n('k was :nppninl.v(l n('lin;.: rm-vv. rt! :3 :2: ` u u .. ' I . - . .3 lN(`.l{I~2Ah'l-I TAX RAT!-Z? '| PI-`.NI-`.'l`ANG~--Owing in mm cm`- ` purutiun taking over prnpvrly valu- ~ ed at $24.000. which is not mm linblv V for assessment. Penctzmg facos tlml . nu.-zsibility of an increase in the 1939: `Max rutv. According1ncuum'il's tom- 1 "lutivv blulgvl, lulu] L-xp<'ndilurv.s' uf| ` 17,483 :m- :mli('ip:Ilt-(I fur this your.` mu il1(`l`l`:I.\`(` of $5.000. Exyu-vlx-(1 l'l'\'- ll`lIlIl` from ull SUlll`C(`S other than: dir-l `vol tuxulinn is $54,875. :l|)|)I'nXiIn:Ill`l_V '!$0.000 mnrv than Inst _vv:nr. ` 0 : ? ()Rll.l:lA (:E'l`S *l.l-IAI) ' Orilliu Juniul` 'C" hockey team will curry an l|\1'e--gmll loud for ilhvir l`l`lUl`ll 1.::un- in Orilliu nu Fri- lduy ovoning us thv result uf tlwir 7--1 =vivlnry uvvr l :n'r_\' Sound in |:n'r_\' Sound lust night. _: xjr . (7Ul.l.INuwuun wine: 1 5 (`nllimuvuuul Shipbuildvrs quznli-; Him! to nu-1-1 Owen Sound 'l`I`um)vr.~;' ifux` lhv (it--n`;.zi:nn Buy 0.H.A. Inlm`- \lnl`(li:Il(` A" uruup title by (lofe:al. hm; l\ lidl:md Cnnsuls 5-1 in Culling-` `xvuml l;:.~'.l nigln. thus winnin;-, the ,ruun(l H4. ` I 3 2:: :1! ;(`AN.-\I).-\'S 'l`()lh\(`(`() lNl)lIS'l`lt\' ` Thu Inb:ICL`t) imiuslru-s in Cun:nd:l uro dividvd inln 1\\ u di.\'tim'I up(`l`;l- tiuns the })l`l`l11ill;|l`)' wnrk uf pm- Icvssizu.-, and parking r:1\\' lunl` tn- lbucm. and tho m:muf;1cturing nf smoking: and L-lwwing tnbm-cu. snuff. c'u.:;:r.~'. and vi;::m-llvs. 'l`h-re are up- prnxim;m*L\' 100 \s1u|)li. |-|1- l|'|' (HI l.ll|',Y \' nlmul 1'i\'t- nu`: lumh. and Uu-y on -.lu.nI , ll1 \u I' In Ill!` pnlullg I-I` duyrs th:-y -.l\....I finu nu- Tho Examiner prints fink- chu job: at economical prices. l I'intiug that will rave you time and money. Labels Letterheads Letter Advertisement. Milk Ticket: Nouhend: (\,J__ B_-I_- :lIl(l low wnn nuu tn rt-new their old 1iC(`l1:-Z". >3 :2: :3 | V Ill JIICCIII Order Book. Office Fonm Progrnnu Pamphlets Post Office Square (?()l.l.lN(}'()0l) \\ lN.\` Il;nuu-,....l Qhinhnilrl.-rm u II\rl\r A-Iv U. n V succu-:sT1oN Here Are a Few run -3 lg-argu--n;\nI4\ ` \\'llI IHIVI H) S 'I_V l|HHl('[ v hull llll`S ~ :4 wnuld huvu In or :;ix milv.-4 llll`)ll; ,|I Id lmv(~ nu mm] ul ll 30 vmvs will lml Iw Trinity Mission Circle will meet` tun Thursday evening. Feb. 23. at Mrs. Ivan Maw's. nu. ......... r.....n,a. no -u- (1 Q:-ullxnc IVIIVBX l\'iJlI JVIIIVI -`. The many friends 01 '1`. G. Scythe: will regret to learn that he is svr- I iuusly ill at his humu in Maltnn Mlru Q A My-Qnnv wnc x-nllvd ' lluusly III In I115 nunu: Ill xvuuuuu Mrs. S. A. McQuay was called` to Ni:\g:n'.'1 Inst. Tlmrsday on :m- ` count nf lhv illness of a friend, and expects to rvmnin Ihvrv for some limu 3 1u:.... r~........:...... I-nuinann cnnni Miss G1-mrviuvv Jznnioson spent the weekend with friends in T()l`()l1- to and attended the two~day l.eud- " (:I`s' C0l\f(.'l`L`l)CC of lhc Ontnrin I m- `A vinciul Cuunci-1, A.Y.P.A.. at th-:11 Church House. 1 ) ilh-v. (7. lligginsml /\dlll`('S(' Y.l .U. I "he Y.l .U. held iheir inc-L-ting ;. inst wmk as usual. wilh Calvin Shaw, cunvcncr of Christian Citi- zunship. in charge. The ::pv.ikL-3' vus Rvv. C. U. liiggin:-rim of Cuoksiuwn, whu guvu `J very inspiring umldress. IA qnmlettv by Mrs. Maw. Miss Muc- Ko.-n7.iv. liziyinmid E'd.\"Ul1 and Or- villv Curr vvus vvry mm-h mriu.-yn~(l. Junior Institute Juniny Institute met un 'l`hursda_v evening in Miss Lenore Jamie-::nn`s. Misws '/.uvil7. and Pasinoru, who in`: condnciin_sJ, ihc girls` shurl cuinxet-. \vvr:- gin-sh. and :l.`1ii:l(`(i with lin- pramanninv. Mix: I usnmru ;]_uvi- 1| Inlk un textiles and {rude terms and IVIi:;.~: 7.nvit'/. npnkv UII In-r trip 10 thu Old Country and Ink! c-.~71Ju(-iuL!_v of u gzirclvn | ).'u'i_\' ul Btu-kinghzim Pnixuro`. which .-:hr- mid 1110 honour uf nth.-ndin1,:. Miss l.ilu (.`uIl.\`ilIS yzuvu :1 p:I[u'|' on Milk. 'l`rinit_v W.M.S. Trinity W.M.S. mm at lhv hn-ne of lvlrs. .|, '1`. Scott vn Wminazsrlny afternoon, with Mrs. Fred C. Grow- as il(JSiI`:i\`. Pluns worn made for `ha Wnrld i):i_\- nf Pruyur. which is in Dr nbsvrvi-(I in 'l'rinil_v (`hnrrh mi i"L-hrn.'n`y `.24 :1! '.!.3l). l"inn.x` wm`o ais-i niadv rm tho making; of :1 lnyvlto und sninv quills. l`hv svl'ipliin- ins`- .-:nn was lukvn by ivlrs. J. A. Len- nnx. Mrs. Mi-i):muld read an urtic!-9 un "'i|w (`hrisiizm and Tnlili \b. m~n(:e". A sulo by Mrs. lvun Maw was vvry much enjoyed. The .~:lndy ('i14|])i1`l` l'run1 'l`h- World in Cun- ndn" \vu:; lukvn by one (if [hi- `.2 sl-`.I.I. Imnm x.u:rNsI:s ` COl.l.lN(`.W()()l) - Lnllingwuml ` branch of lhv L`:m:uli:m l.n;;iIm has lwon nnufivd Ihul rt-I1n'm-d me-n will be | 1l`iVH(.`t;('d In 2::-ll rmliu Ii('l%IlH1`.`%` on a cnmmis.:iun lm.-zis. II =3 f.I `('l1:Ipl<-1` 'l`h- World in (;un- : by thr- |Hl(`I1ll)(`l'.\'. A vvry (It-lighlful S(I('Iill" `hull -hmnr wan: mljuyml by all. lwatln M G. l.. 'l`lmmpsun I ()ur ('ili'/.wns It-urn:-ml with l`(');I'('l Inn 1"|'idny M the death of Gen. 1.. '|lunnp.~`u.L which lunk place nu l'l`lun'sd:|y at H10 l riv:11o Patients` ilhnvilinn. 'I`orunlu (imwral Ilospilnl, g.n...- .. In-inf illm-sea Mr. Thom!)- "|`hmnp~`n.1_ wnu-n mmc `Thur |y D1':v:11v lhnvllmn. ,uft(-I` u brief illm-.~::~:. Ml`. `um was :1 sun 01' gugod in lhv (`:m:Id;L Servic_e in a feature of The l_l. D..:..A2_... I'\- ICE II ll ICIIIIIE DI Int Examiner Job Printing De- partment. Unuunl service in given and job: complet- ed promptly. Phone 222 and our representative will all Receipt Boolu Sale Bill: Statements Shipping Bills Shipping T-cu Social Stationery Tickets Visiting Cub Wedding Stationery BARRIE . 1>l)i|(`('t) industry (,'llI(`l .Ju.w|m 1'1. l)lilCl\('I' sauu Ill um nnnunl r--purl. Hv purchase of am ::ddilinnnI Ii;,'l1l lrmrk, .'| RH-fun! luddvr |)l:u'v I uospnuu, 1`. 'l`h0m))- lhv lam nInr\\'nn nI' (P he 1. l>h\`.` g old ` and l ;| i , ) b- at the time of his MERRITI` A. SPlLLE'l"I` (Winnipeg Free Press) A resident of the Wvsi. for thi- past 48 years, Merrill Albert Spil- lett. business man of Dauphin, M:m.. died Sunday. Feb. 5. I939, at Gener- ui hospital, aged 59. Burn at Aliislnn. Ont., Mr. Spillett cumo west as an youth from Nuntyr. Simcnc Cnlmly. 0nt.. and for :1 time iimnnsleudeti _ in the Dauphin urea. Lat:-I`. he unim- . ed an implement and auto business. . which he lI])L'l'1i'.( d for 10 ya-airs. and death. he \vu.\' proprietor of :3 ladies` cluthing shop. Mr. S|Ji(.'ll was :1 Cunsu.=rvai.iv-I. zmd an uclivo mt-min-r uf i)uup|iin `United (.`inu'('h. H0 is survived by '_ his widow. his futiu-r, iiiree |muliwr.~'. ` Jnhn and Jzunc-s, uf Duupiiin. umi 1' MPi\'iHl . uf l"ort Arthur, and mm _' sisters, Mrs. William M('ll\vruiiii, uf _ Saskatoon, and Mrs. W. i\4iiwr. if _ Dauphin. Ininrinmil in Dannhin I-n-Im-im`v ml Itho United Church. uaupnm. Inlvrlnvnl in Dauphin 1.-mm-Im`y 1 Wednesday. Fr-b. 8. after .~:m`\'icv nun-.2. -.-nun` `nun-nu--u... l\/Irs. Ellvn Callaghan, wlm dim! (`In I\/1UI|(]'.l_Y, l"vl)ru1u'_\' G. in l' was buried in St. Mm'gan=t':: Cmnv tvry. l\/Iitllnrnd. Thursday lust. Hnhl In/n rmnh-: nan l\/Ira (`:1l I.(`l`) . lVll(l|'Il'l(.I. '1 nursuuy IHSL Unhl lwu months ago, lvlrs. Iughan. H5. had made hm` hmnv ` = hm` dnup,hl:-r, Mrs. Fred Chuw. I lznul Born in Fins 'l`nwnshi ). she was I l'm~n1m-ly Ellvn Stone. She nmrri('d D. .1. Callughzm at Ann: and we-nt with him In Elmvalv. whr-rv |l(`l' husband n|)l'H(`d :1 hurdw:m~ bu::i~ lwss. (`h-_y Iivn-d (-mtimun1~:l_v ir- tlw village for 215 _v-ars. ` On hm` husband's rolirn-nu-m. l\`i1'::. (_`nllugh:m :u-mnupunied him tn 1\/lid land in HH3. Mr. C:ull:ugn:m ~H-(I n- 1919. Ml:-c (`tall-|u`\uI\ unuc -.1. vu-Hun` IHIJ. Mrs. (`ullughun w;as :m znttiw member nf the Chrislizm l\r1ulln-:`.~; uf St. 1Vlzn'g:nr<=1's Church. F-urvivm1' arv lwu dzmghlors. Mrs. P. J. .Inym> ` Windsm`_ and Mrs, Frvd (`he-w. Mu! Hand; two sons. l-`rank. l.:m>:inu. Micl|., and 'l`. E. Cullaglunl. 1`ur.m:n. and mm sislvr. Mrs. (`:1h0rinv Gr:-)'. Cull inzzwou ad. MRS. W. A. lI()(i(i 1 (`ullingwnnd r~ili7.vns 1):-id final h'ibuI.- to Mrs. W. A. lltmg. vhurcln and .-:n(-iul worker. who was burivd In All Saints` Anglican C<-mt-Ivryl l`hurs(lu_v lust fuilmving un in\])I'(`H- sxvv church service column.-tn-(I by Rev. F. G. Shvrring. Mre Hum! wnc hnrn in '1`m-nnln. 'nev. r. u. :m(-rrmg. Mrs. Hugg was born in '1`m-nnln, tho dmlghlur of the lulu Mr. and Mrs. Gvnl`;.{v H. Lzmvruuce. hul wt-nt In Cullingwnnd :1! an I-urly ago. In Juno, 1887, she was married In Wil- liaml A. Ilngg, pl`(`.\`idl'lIl nf the Eu- ` tI`l`Dl`iS('-Bllllelill. Colling\vnnd, pus! mnyur and pulicv n1:u:isl.rut(- nl` lho lnwn. Mr. and Mrs. llngg coh-brul- ud their golden wedding anmivc-rs:n`,v two years ugn. Rncirhw In-r hn Mrs HUULT is. SKA I`F.S AT 86 I MI./\l*`(f)Rl) l"I`I*d J. Rnpur lmrkf up an D01 and In shuw .~:unu.- 0|` his nld >`('hn(Il-ln(IIl".`i that hu i.\`n'l us old US ` two years ago. ` Besides In-r husband. Mrs. Hugg is, survived by nnc sun, John. 'I`n)1'nn11).' and fuur mmghtr-r:<. Ivlrs. H:Il'l)I(l '1` `app, 'I`m'ontn. Mrs. Ernest Evans. Iwmtrvul. and Phyllis and Kuthlvon. :11 home, Ono sun, UL-I Hnggz, |)|'(-- (Im-enst-(l hm` in 193."). I"I1:- nulllu-an-n|~c \lHI|`l| (3:-nmru R:-v.| (u-c-eamvu um` :11 1u.s:). I The p:1Ilbcm'ors wore, Gc-m'gu Bry- zm, F. H. Nettletnn. John S. Loin-h. B. Sl0w'.1l'l. O. G. Bm`nh:n'(H zmd J.` E, Jnmieson. : ........ ............... .....,....... A buuutiful young lit'- was tor- minatvd on Saturday, F( i)l`ll:tl'_V 11.: 1939, wht-n Mary Isnln-llv McCu:ui1.:.} duuglltn-r of Mrs. .h,~.<: McCuz1iy,u and the lutv D1`. Ah-xzmdor Mc-i, Cuaig, pussi-d away at the fztinity re.~:idenc(-. 7 Pvvl St.. Barrie. 11] since tho opening of the your with :1 rare disease. slw had been foul- ing much hotter but took in sudden turn for the worse on Ttwsduy wt` last \\ (`Ck and it was soon t'culi'/.t-d [ that there was littlv hnpv of ro- t`u\'t'1'y. Shv was in hm` l7th _vt':H'. having been burn in I3.'u`riv on Jum- il, 1922. 'l`heI'c \vux`v but two chil- dren in lhv family, shv nnzt In-1` brothel`, Bub. A \'0I`y cl:-vm' sttnh-nt. 5114- \\';:.~'. in the Fmlrth Form of Bu'\l'l`i( (`n!-' , I lvgiatc lnstiiutv. Frmn ths` timv Sim entorvd the B.(`..l. she hearted ht!` class` She was :1 patrol leader n1 thn Zird Barrio Company St. An- (il't'\V'.\`) Girl Guides, was H't`llStll`I'|` of St. Atulrc.-w`s Girls` Guild, and u past pn~. of tho Sunshinn (`huh . Shv was of :1 swoet and t'ri9:uti\' dispmtitimt. at very :ffm`tiu|mh~ unit [devoted daughter. and much |n\`.-:t' Inn thv cirvln of her ncquuintam`t-. | Rnv hr Qhnrtf hm nwiniuti-I` inn Illl Ill?` ('lI'l'll' U1 HUI` ['qIlillHliIll("'A l . Rev Dr. Shortt, hrr mini: on! |Sunday morning rvforrod In llw! deep sorrow felt at the passing,` of` Mary ML-Cuaig. young. :0 bright. so attractive. her life so full of prcn1is(*-~~:1 lifv that mean! :1`; much to hex` humv. hm` church mull to every activity Ill whivh shu hm! vngagod." The fum-ml s0l`\'iCv at lhv I\~-nu |ou Monda_v aftermmn vms lulu-n `by Rm`. Dr. Shnrlt, -.1s.\ iS!'d by ll:-\' Dr. Nml Campbell and Rm` li. li Long. As the body was bornv rmm; the house. it passed between luu-yr (of Girl Guides and Sunshine (`luhl members. bearing the flu\\'vx'>. among which were those` from lhc-; following organizations: Girl Guid- vs. Buy Scmxls, W.M.S.. Wum:m'.~' Auxilizlry, Sunday Sclmul and lh-4_ Girls Guild. all of SI. .A\m.lr1-\\".i Church; Staff of B.C.l.. Form 41: ml`; B.(`.1.. Sunshiuv Club. Barrio Lawn} `Buwlmg Club and Colher St. Ju\~ `vnilc hockey (cum. The pull-Lwur~'; {ers were` Jeff Cunningham. (`-ml I I . ` Thompson. Geo. Rooke. Scott Dun- bar, Donald Mills and l:'Inv1'.~mx Creed. At the communal serx-we m Gulhne Cemetery. Rev. Dr. Slwrl!` W8.` assnsled by Rev. Rul>t'l'l.-nu Mn!-. lar. Gullmrie. I (`ARI-ITAKER KEEPS JOB . Q COLLINGWOOD - Rec-\'v T Z Scraunage. Deputy Rveve h`\\`lIl, Al-3 dermen Patterson, !\lcL.eun and. Mayor Allan Mclmush supported Al mouon In council rescmdmg the re-, cent order In dismiss Allan \Vx|l1snn" as caretaker n! the town hall. Willi-- son was re~engaged at a sal.1r_\' of!" $62 50 mnmhly. I 1 n 0 1 MRS |'Il.l.EN (?ALl.A(iIlAN nn 1-. n . 9 1 (`A'l`H0l.l(` TAXPAYERS . I M|DLAND-A reginnal meelmg nf .lh- Catholic 'I`axpa_\'9rs' Assocmtn-nj lfnr the dxstrict of East Simcoe \\'.Is; held when the following ufficxws` ` \-were elected: Pres.. '1`. J` Belan.ger.! Port McNico1l; Vice~Pres.. Geo. Ru!-; : land. Orillia; Sec`y. Miss Eileen` Chew. Midland: Treas.. T` I\1ulc:m_v. Orillia. MARY ISABELLE Mc(.`U/HG I, .__,;:r_,| _. ._.. uzr BIEHTARYF THE BARBIE EXAMINER. 1 Do! and ln snuw on um um r:('l1<>(Il-vlullvs ` he luuks, dmmml an pair of "blurlv.~;" , and went skxallnu un llue upvn :nr 1 rink. Mr. Rap:-1'. wlm wns n sclmul ` 1-lnIn1ufSirWilliam Muluck. had all lhv scluml (`hlll]l'\`Il l.ul spvviul nu-' line In him whvn luv : hi-4} .~:1ul'f" on tho lo:-, vvvn llmunln h- i::` 156 yvurs nld. I2! '3 I3 CU/\l(`. - -l)ru:n'_v I - mdor family ( l`Ln`.s'(luy Jll rpo of `iv Jnnv, I` L Balrriv H` :w.'1d-(1 hll \ y (St. na` h`n`1lSllI`'l uild. shim` (`Inh- 1d frie-znllv tinlmiv nuch luv.-nH mintaruw. nini.~`1-1 , my `ed H1- nfi zn full] .~-; mm` '11 hmll I 1 am Iihl-u`H: U11 1' ` v Rm 1`: 19] frnm`; l\\'c'un lzn.-xi ushnw Club; , BARRIE. 0N'l`.. CANADA I .~`.|'I*.l`x .:.-- v:~.~w. :'s.: & *ra1,:(- 40 3 mm CREAMS exam. , ,. ._ _ _ . Iu1\lvI'l)'l`L`l\\"U '\I,\l 'I`l-`II }\lI'J{ .\1-It-t'lmR(. |l.x\ l`n.\l \'1`m Nip: ~ lb 1` ` \` and `} L1` 1 .s'|'-H": u.-Q if a, 1 ...l AA...` I ,__ _.___, `R!-I(` Rl)l<`..\`1.l.l.- .f 'I`k.. ..~... ~~.~ ~ !xRE(`0Rl) I-`..\'(`-I.l.\H \\'lll*l.\T VRUI '1`h.. -...... V '~ H xvm ` HI _\'IL`lU D|'I' il('l'l' .xl h|Ehl`.\'l mm-r n wxlh u lr-n_vv.n The illL`l`P(l:'.c in ll with lht.` l't.`t.`\Jl\l 3 nut unu Thv .11`: Elxwlumi ..~\x S I'I(ll.\I.! ~-!{()lH-IR'I`.\ GHEQMATE BAR \f\4\/'.r"u'\/'./\.!'~.v'\/H.-1.-'\4`\ wax.-\/~. /\/\l\/``./\/\ E Q .\`rlu'! ( orppnings .....z n NICICDS IVIOIUC l"llU'I Fl!`-lI'l'IN(i| A|'I`AlU\ I`lIS ` (')Rll.1.lA--Orilliu is urgt-ntly in now] uf Innrv fire`-fighI.inp, upp:u'ulus.. (L`hi(*f .ln.- H. Illnckor said in his .-mmml n-nnrl,

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