Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1939, p. 10

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o_ . Mn/rr. and Mrs. J. Ball of Conksmwn Spent Monday with Mr. and ivirs. Wm. Bristnw. 2* Mrs. R. G. Maskc-1| war: a visitor} in Toronto with friends for several days last wm_=l~:. Wnnknnrl xricifnl-Q rd 1 `IT R`:-m.~ux`r,~ 1;. A. E. SMITH 11OBlTUARYJ./ n .1!` nl'l1)l`l'ly \\':|<' hum .-gun l:t.`1l, / Ilzrh-ln~_y I";-h. EIIII ml `:1 . lIl'.NI(\' llllfl.l Anl~l l:|:`n.|| -.. \ Hun VVIHI :, MI": ll-.. . ,........ \])!'l| 1i_ H .!)|_ Iry Hi1']<-huy '('h<>\' hvml I . MATTRESSES .``I\I|`>4HN Page Ten COLES & POWELL 'r':: (;'12. AY V #1%51'2`i1',}r.'x'r' Hz-'x.x;'r.i".;5..'. i:]f"I`II2I)I8Y M SPECIAI. SAIL` IN POT PLANTS _ (.'Ihoir:e BEEF and PORK PRODUCTS I~"REf5H' AND SMOKED FISH Milkfed Chickens -- Tasty Oysters 5 I l'lH.l(',l'I `u',"H",|f I` ...l 1`. .. limml nhiluzslril-.-. ml |I:|]'_l' o `x'pH~in|i'/- in I-`lm';Il 1 an --.o-`-- . (L mum nnvul` Dclivery -T~- 'l|("', HI |:m;.',hI hhn u '| T Drcxsticcxlly Reduced Complete Clearance .`_lTlI:mtl-r`s Sm-1-iznl ;:m'I,|c 'l`I" H| \'.`~ ur S'l`/\l(KS h -ui. lhlslwl ............. .. lac |.:ur1:u- Sp_\a~.'. I$-ql. :I.\l(l'I C. - I/{innit .>|`tV`V;lVI.ill|:l '1-znlw l|uur nml Unv Ili u /.. `(Iv Muplv H_\ I'll|) IH) l`l| NH: .. |___ g %S%pcia1w;:pp2f`%` ,BREAD ...... _. g for 15 E ORANGES by dozen 3 I5c-I9c-23c } 6-qt. Bcxszket 39c Crc1'peI1'uil .. 4 for 19c QLEMONS ...... .. 2 for 5c Chant|:r s_ Ggpcery '7 llu/nu H |nI|A- All"! Why continue to suffer from poor eyesight, when glasses of such accurate vision correction and beauty cost so little? r I70 Uwvn M. rzwnau `&..-- "1`|])||H' (lnlznrio .'\|I|I|I' (3|~n\n-lax IlI L` L"I`.\ Ibll p Q: C{t11i` s;s&;c,1;.iui 26-oz. Tin 15c i .I.I Large Ccjlm IOC. Mrqxlium 7(: l`ln:rsd:1_v. !Tvb1-nm_v.IG. I939 Phones` (526 or 627 FURNITURE Stoves -- Paint 1/2 IVORY QSOJEXP 2-11). 15'f{g"."'E" 53 Dl:l'|l0p St. Phmr 80 - WI llin;-Jun llnla-I UH'I'II|HIll`.I` llIl`I\\ ! Mme flavor lo llm Cup Mme liups lo llm Pound 1`|I an This Is Apple Week "' """l l'lmm- 407 07.. MM - f49c 139? mGiIi.'ASSES FITTED Complete from $7.50 Single Vision $12.50 Double Vision Robert H. Smith OPTOMETRIST GLASSES . H. Knappirzl , North }3zIy,| I ._ .. -l 1'0 1.15471 .~.IJiI?1.Y Tumcilnns i '1 COLLINGWOOD The managr-- ,monl c-nrnmitte of Cnllingwnm! |Lu`).'nl'(| or education has been nnth lnrivml to seek supply t.oar~hors avail- able I'm` public schnnls and colleg- mtv. Tho 'mnnmitte(- was urged In rnulw u list uf thn tezmhors fur romly x'efm'oncc to fill omm`;{m1r~_v v:w;m I-inc and 1'. nmnn, '1'm'm'nn. `Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilgnr and | daughter Patsy spent the w-'*r=kr-ml with relatives: in `I m'nntt). M13 and Mr`: m.1.m.- nnm. |"nr'.~.n_ 1 Miss Marga1'et Davidson of 1.11:-`._ st:1f!' of '|`un'nn1n Western I-1o.~`.ni1.:nl,i was :1 wnnktmd guest. nl` Dr. zmrll Mrs. Cr.-n. (J. Snymmn'. Eclmnnd Hardy was in 'l`m'vmt-1 lmzi. wank nth`-nding n mnnting of the Board ml I-`.x:umnr\rs nl` l.h-- 'I`m'- `lnntn Consorvntmy of Mn.~;iu. 1\/[ice (hwnn Di.-h-n-rlcnn lnulrnu lliiv nno party on Lvmnuay evc-mng. rm). 13. at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. larry Armstrong. The evening was`. [much enjoyed by all in the playing jar games and the dainty lunch which ;wa.~: ::c-rvt-(L I live 'l`|\nu 1\/fr-'k'nn-rin Tnnunc nn 'lllll.4) L,()l1SL'l V:'lU)l'_Y Ul 1Vlll."|U. Miss; 'n`::r-n Riuharrlsml louvns this wr-ok I'm` ('lm':1lrIlm1_ ()nL. whrrrn .~4l1-- |h:n<: ':r~`urc.-rl :1 ])n.~;i1inn with hm" l)rn~ Hhm-, (`nnstnblo E. M. Richm~d.~mn. l '|\IliH.-In {Eu-nu ml I2--u-inr:Iir.1A l\h.\ Imm`, rnnsmmo, 1-,. lV|. mcmn~n.~mn. lvliltrm Gray of Sp1'ingl'ir.-Id, ohm, Mrs. Melt.-nlf, (Gnr1rur.lc- (`:rn_y), Wi.~: r.-nmrsin, and lvfrs. S. Wesley of l`m'r>n- lln, r-nllnrl rm B.'Irric= friv'-mls on Sun- `slay. Ivlr and Mr-:. W l~`, Wul,-run lnmm nay. Ivlr. an-`I Mr.~:. W. I". Wnl.-~`.-an Ioavw for their hmrm at B1'anIfm'r|, shortly al'tr_-r visiting their daughter Mrs. 1). li` Mu-("nnip' fur Ilw nrml r-mmln nf. iHIl.`l' VISJLIIIK llH`_ ll' U8` F`. M:-Clmig. fur the j i rnm`11!1s:. . nun. Inn. n..mr;n - irnmuus. I JVli.:$; Lois Pudifin and Herb. Ma'- ('1111I:1g',|1 of I`m'nntn were wvr,-kc-mi mu,-st.-: uf M.'auric(- W. Park and :n- tended the badminton valentine pm`- l,y on Friday night. . Llnvd Mm-1in nf Ihp ("zmnriinn ! my .n 1- rnaay mgm. Lloyd Martin of the Canndirm .Corp.<: of Signallers returnell tn Hali- 'fnx last week ul u=r spending :1 month at hl home how, convalc-scing I :-um lun opt-mtinn for .':pp(>nrlir-iLu:. I lvlrs. Rnborl. `H. Smith, in Owen SL. re-l.m'nr-cl Tuesday after visiting in Hrnmltm: with her daughter, Nliss: l)m-othy Smith. who r=c(-ntly r(-Ium- m! In Ilznniltnn uflor fin].-1-hing he -r rrnurso m pt-diutric:~; in tho Nlit-hignn Sick Childrc-n_'.<: I'Ios:pil.al. "l`lv.r. rrunv\n`1Av-H nf than alum? r\' I;-CI 5 ;wu.~: st-rvt-(1. . Ivlrs. 'I`ho:-:. McKenzie leaves on '.`a'at||l'(lay for North Bay. where shr- will visnt her sister, Mrs. W. N. Duff. for :1 muple 01' w(-(-ks, ulso her bra- lthc-r :11, Iroquois Falls. bl-fore return- ling In her home at Oberon. IVI:m.. af- |ter :2 mm` months` visil, in Balm`!- with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Stephens. and sons. Konnt-th and Arthur. ;.u._...; r,..._. ..;- n-..4..,1 'lV..:A__1 unu nuun, ;xvu|u;n.u uuu lllllllll. About forty 01` Central Unitodl Ymmg People attended a very an- linyable valentine party at the par- !:mn.'1g9, Mary SL, on Monday ni9_`h1. 'I`he programme of games and mm- lr.-.~`.L.~`. was followed by u lunch. Miss Vvrcmzn Apploby. tho s:ecr9ta1'y. moved :1 vote of thanks In Mr. and Mrs. (rmpm` for tho u.<:r- ml` thnir hmnt-. I , , ,,__#_,J uayu H151. VVECIK. `Weekend visitors: at J. warn Mrs. C. 1... Burton. and T. Smith, "I`m'nntn. `Mr and TUII-c Wn1Ivn|1 ` ' . n\,n \,:uu.uvu .1 1--:.1l;u.un. f 'I`hr- members of the choir nf Col- `livr S1. United Church and their Criends held a very pleasant valen- lirm party on Monday evening. Feb. 13. at tho home of Mr. and Mrs, augnwr Mrs. 1),} past. r-nupln nfl Hotpint Electric I Ranges Have Many ' Fine Advancemenfsi I-`.xpru.-;:~:im,{ n Inmlorn lml. simplv: Iip,ni|y which is sw-n tu :ulv:mI:utA' 'in the kilvhvn, llulpninl. v|v't'l.I`i- rm1;!,o:; (whit-.h urn |)(~inLE u:~:-1| nl itho Cnnmlizm (lvn~r:nl l*)|(-1-l|'iv-(fuulr `3n.r I.`nl..r...l .I H". ll\l\ I.` 'I`nn\n1.`x |lrl(' L.HlliHll4'lI] \|l`H"l'3ll I`1|l'l'|I`lV' \.(l in); Sclmul at tho l.().()J~`. 'l`m1 1nd:Iy:nul t |"<-I). Hi and 'rysl.uHim- lhv lulc-st. :u|v:m<-<-mt mul rt-finmm~nl.~: in x':uu.I,<- vunralx Hon and rluuimn, an,-r.-m'din;{ to (" ulinn (immrul lClm'tri<- urmiumr-I 'l`W'4) p)|)uJzu' rm-m;l):-r--: of fmmms Itolpnint !':1miI_y -gm` " (I0n1n10 and 'l`lw l`rin-'1 Ruth llwsw ;;`lr,-zuninp, rnmivlu, i pnintwl nut, :1x'o'- built In Ihr- II and in :u.lr,Ii1im In I)-imp, v-nu; I an`? P.'lSy tr) npmnlrx Rrmlialol with L-`iv L-urfmm m WlV.'.`7. Espcerrialiy :~:uilnhlo fur :m avr-r:u,{- silo I`-tlmily lhis: znll.1`.'|(-Iivo mnulr-I, It is pointed 0111., (-mnhinvs n1mlr-1'1`: d(`s:ig`n with H10 lnlr-.~:l mlv.':nv(- moms; and rnfir1mTwnI.~=. nu .-mu.-.lx'm' Hnn I"h(: insulalinn hf llw llulpuinl! range is sur-h that In) ho.'n1. is limi- pnlod. lhn kin-In-n re -m:n'ninp_ mm] and (-0ml'm'1nblP whilr~ llw <-nrzkinuxl is prm-coding. Tho (fnlmd 4-It-uh-m:. which or-cupy limo .xpzw, :m- nut-1| for lheir spevd and ufl'it-ivm-_v. '[`hosr- 1-lr*nwnl.~:, (,`.(`..lC. ('l1giH(-01'. .~:1atv,m'(- |)1'ac1ic.'1ll_y imlr~slru<'Iil|m- and mo all inslllatml. Thr-_v am -| p_:1:a1'arn1vml ngain.~:1. l'ui|m'- fur :1 period 0|` tl1rop yoars frmn llI<- HII14` (.-.f pln'(-hasn n!` 1110 l'Ill]f."'l." an :.~::.nu- nnvo nf r*xpPn.~'.0-l'1'nr- .~:(-1'\'i:-- In llnv hmn::Pwil`(-. . I`hn Hninninl .-unun .|ml-..-.. Ilun| IIIIH; \,UUK{`f illl l\V'J HIH nnlrnnntiv nvonsn ""l`hv= (`mmnm is`. 25 inches by .53 imelu-.~-. ` whiIr- the L-ookirw; : of rnodols is 36 im-lws from H10 1 " [`lw P|'i1`xr-ass" has; lhrr-:1 all units, l`hrifl, (;`nnkm' mm mm ; matiz: nvnn, whilu il n.-: '. .T. in by 2&4 im-hvs: With . (Inn nl'1hn 1.-nnv nnivlnunliuu Ill}; l'l'(,'L'])l'(l('l1`, Th!` R,.A.-l57 is: zmnllwr llulpuinl rnngv which vnjny:; \Vill|".`;|:l'I'. lLl p0puh11`il,y znnmlpg mmlwn lmn~:v \A/IUIICZ Hllll2\l`W|lI'. I`hn Hotpoint 1-:nm,u~. mu ('.C.'lC. Officials, lml am!) now and thrillinp; ..-a-n.~:- .r to H1!` hf)IlS(>`Wif(', but its |)1'r-:;m1('e> .'w(-n-Iuuln.-: Hu- and =fl'ir-if-nr_v ul` lhu mm r-hnn. __ A `Ifll TlZ1UV(`.. H1 '1'm'nnm. I Mr. and Mrs. Culver Riley, I.`omn~1 tn, were v/eekenrl guests at Mr. mm 1`/_[rs, Donald F. M:m'l.:m=n. T\/Hum In,-an 121'nn1r 'l`nunn0.-. r-.-...nl' i Mrs. E. E. Long, snr-roinry nf lhu affiliated C.G.l.T. groups for Sn'n`m= Prosbytm`y. .<'.pn|u> In lhv jnim gl`0u|J\' 01' Cemrznl Unnmi and (`nllior Sin-vi United from Ihv pulpit .1 (vn1m! Church, un .`Sundu_v rwrmnng, F(*hru:u'_V 12. On Ihv pluH`m`m with hr-r vs.-(-rv Raw. A. N. Cooper, whn intrmhncod hm`. Mia; I\ !1n`)' W:Il~ son. of tho (`mnrnl Unite`-ti (lruup. who rmnmmcz-cl tho hymns. and Ivlws Fern llampvl, M (Tnlhvr SI. gmup. whu road Iht` S(`I`lD1lll`L` lssnn. Alum! 35 girls and lhmr In:1(lm`s wc:-1-n pro- I ims. is. s.T.;.;;.;.;.ks I | To C.G.|.T. Groupsi ll ""` I` Mnss Esther How. divlilizm :11 mp Royal Vncturizz Hospital. hzwmg n-- [ signed. her resignmmn was 10091!- ed at the February meeting of un- ' Board. effective March 31. A ros0lu~ I lion expressing appwcizmml of her | s9r\'ices was adopted. Misc. (`.l:xdv< F Rnetin u-hncn SE`l`\'l(.' S \\'US UCIUDLBCI. Mi.-:5 Gladys E Bnstin. whns '|hnm0 is in St. John. N.B.. was nr 1 pointed us her successu Most . ` Miss Bastin`.-a experience has hem : lthe \Veslorn Hospital. ]`nrun1n. I. . I...-. n..-u... ..u.-run.-u. a---x-nu ll Stalxstics: for the month of Jam | my showed considerably JnCJ`0.1Su business at the huspnal. Pmxents ac "named were 100 as compared '11 I 63 Ill Jami.-n'v l92iR- X-R:a\'s (G3 : unuuu \N(`X`t* IUU CUII1p1il`t (1 \Vlll)Q | Ill .lam|m'y 1938; X-Rays (:3 :12; ! against 30, and obsleirical cases 181 as agznnsl 9 X-Ray rvcenpls for 'hP} |'m0mh were $326.50, \\'hil9 tutu] 1'r*-I | ceipts were $407-L76. An offer at C. D. Stewart in pun | chase three lots to the north uf lhe I hospital was not accepted. ..._ ._.j_(.__.?.-.. THE w:nr.'mB1,n TREND 1` Spmacl) we crmn will soon be `.produced by Plnlxp Wengor. let- cream Inanumcmrex`. wlm 15 already ` selling tomato sherbet and 1s plun- \ ning lim'.a bean and grown pen fluv- \ org. yaw Husy rt) rpm; licmlsatu with '|"hI`i!'|1 (.`m)ke>;- n|||rnh'1H.- n\/an-.` gm s4.; ;[.2{;;;;.;s7s 5 i Dietitian At R.V.H., { Miss Bastin Succeedsf 5. more was spnciul music h 1'. an anthem. and a Solo 11; J Smith, who is the super I of Cmnrnl C.G.l.'I`. L l'I_Ll'S. LIUHEIHI I". WI-'.|C`|ll'l"l'I. I Miss Jenn `Brock, 'I`nmntn, snr-nl.' the weekend wiih her rnothc-r, Mr.-;. lvfnrgaret Bmck. 18 Dmmld St. \\/h- and T\/lru Jnhn F? Rnun -.4Im-.rl_! . Long took as hor subjm-1 1 for (`C 1'1` \\'D('k "Tm. I WEDDINGS /\YF.RS'I` just hear the nnntlmr of boy saymg "A -=.pm:u`:h 9:: uncle boy! L.\.l.l |. \\ t`(' Whn hmlds I :u'I' In-Hm, u:~;-In :u lmwrznl l*)|m-lriw (!m|< 'I`mn|1I-'* In'l`uW. I7) * :u|v:Im-<-munl,-a l.~: -un.~;lrm'~ ll :u-1-nmlinu In (`finn- uuuu. u.u.. vsaa 4 .,.- successnr. of! :per1enc9 at Ispilal. 'I`nn-mu. ' 1 . .I:mn- nsiderably mcreasczl ad-! 0 wxlhl X-Rays. nsj obstetrical 18! pm. .-..m:.me fnv nmi 4 ; ,1" GAGI-I HIUH" , ll 1.`: lh- - llm`:r, ring`, a-- -mp`|u-1, xvlzwgaret umck. I6 1Jmm1u til. [ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Boy.-: ::`.Lond- = pa the Phi `Doha Phi n-:.m.m_y ! dance in T`rxmnto on .`u':lnrrl:ny even I I `mg. ' Mrn Jnhn 1\/Im-m1 nl` Rnnln nml _\ lJI|lI}.`- ml` pl:-u.~.u! H 1,-lvmnix hu In`-:11: 3 by Ihn a by Mrs. nnu-inf.-nx , ; wnuczu |')nHIi P Hoar !*?l|l"f(ll`I`} :2 llh`)-i im-In-Hi kc-1-pm". l`hc- fa` pl:-1:-l_v wm-k II !Underbrushing Now [ In Rogers Park Area E uucn nu llI('lI I parlmont and been engaged Park. wnh 1 deal of the .~ randy brwn ( 1:`. plunn:-d In 'I`h.\ an. L- Rogvrn Park swampy lmnl um toward 1hu- rm! gradually mkm,-_r prover! uppvmtmu Dnrinn Hm um :1 MA|N:f'.`l:lEET Reeves Jewellers mg. t Mrs. John Mm-an of Seattle and her cousin, I`/Kiss Irene Wilson, form erly of Barrie, nrn holidaying ml Honolulu. ' IVTI-e ur TI` r:..,.p...v.-. ma 1\n;.~(~5 A gznnlv from the Orin-nl for all age; This l)r5:1ul,iI`nl p:1,t,I,-rn i.~-'. umlvr ye,l:I'/.0 ])l`IHlw mlormi. }':m.>;li:'l1 lKmxqm`l," 1.; clm-nr:m>I I l3m.~;., mo 01' Llw Jaxmml, :m(| mu.-:1, In-nlwn H!.a.`I`I'm`tIshir- mu :-nnI,n- nl` l+)m*,li:;h -mm in Phone 273 : BARBIE : 76zDunl(op * Along The A nrurnonn. nan. VJLIAJ 30 I`I|i'I.:1bt-th $1.. H:lI'l`it` Pmnw n WEAYMOUTH S 13991`? 3301373 . .`.liHl Hum 11!,` 111-1` Chinese Star CHECKERS 2 to 6 Plcxglers 65c. $1.00, $1.50 To Look In at REEVES .FEW7EUi%.fiRS HOHOILUII. ; Mrs. W. F. Grahnrn and 1Vlir;5'.-. Frances Graham of 'I'm'm:l.n up:-nl the weekend with Ihv fnrrnt-r .~: rrm-| (her. Mrs. Fae. iun Wlcin \lIiI|iv.nnn- I.-:I|'.n|"|nhn'|.. 1 DON T FORGET English Bouquet" OPEN STOCK I')[N.NHl?\/'\//\'l{LI'. ']`H'I3`N 1-.W` 1:'1.onm. Pl\".l"`I`}:`.HN ,3r1\1'1:ho1*n-1'~}a1%; M`.{X NY} l*(.11i\1",_S % BARR'1'E EXATVSTNER, BARRFE. ON". CANADA ONLY 10 Mme Days of Real B(,lT;Lg`LlinS 111.: .l"l.ll.J A kll. I|\Illlln_) Oiferinq Y<:;1_1 '.l'his "Month 50 Pieces $9.65 Zllt H1 ft srd ulrn 1.-.nnu Whi u.-O Lu .Ten Barrie Reliefcs i Receive C.N.R. Work UlEl'. lV1]`S. |`'l(`. Miss Elsin William.-;, s:ur:r>rintt-n~ (lent of Royal `Vic-tnriu Hn.v,pimI. nnrl Miss Irene 1.:-wstm, Vwlnmm (`)rdo-r Nurse. attended thr- munlhly rnr-vl~ ing of Orillia l3rm'u'h ml Ihv I`):-u-r 'I`uesday evening. - 12.3? RY_`?'_1.1)T I..}`_fARN HAIRIDRESSING I-1A1R1>REs's.\IE;-' j SCI-I001: _ 75 spring-mled and 135 FELT MUST BE SOL BY FEBRUARY 28 DrasticReductons :1 Bedding The Lot includes Marshall, Sim- mons, Way-Scxgless and Arrow Spring-lled Mcxtt1'esses--Wind- sor and Globe Bedding Com- pany Felt Mattresses. SPRING-FILLED from $9.75 up COTTON AND FELT MATTRESSES .............. .. $3.25 up IHIIIIIID NI. 129 Dunlop Si. Phone 535 A. E. S rr H =' s law! and hand by Julm:-`.()H vm ~])I:nnL:; in im1u::l.ri<-.x`. Mp, and Mrs. John F. Wands: spent the weekend with relative.-`. in 'I`m--| null).

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