Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1939, p. 7

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.(|L`I(`nCC` for uarrm cons. Ken Davin moved to 'I`nmmu the next year and developed hm: a classy hockey player, bving with Young Rangers the last two swa- sons. thvn re1urnin;.-; to his mum- In....n. 11.... I`.... 4 hi.` |~1|rLl'liI\ 1 sun. ; Ann-Iv Myrt: me good natured ` }l>ig cm-nlrv for the Flin-rs. known] '1 in lhv district as tho 'I`ny I3limp".' l pwu:. again the slur and mnin.~'tu_\" 5! of his temn, playing prznuticnlly lhv! `,wlmI- gunlc. Ho figured in lmml '|;5u'.:Is. scuring um um! zussislilng in` H,`Ilu- other. ML-(Tlnskv_v turn:-d in at 0, gmzd gaunt-. but was sluw:-(1 up wht-nl :1ux'cud In l`vlil't' uflt-r an culli:-irmi "1 with Tm(-1-y. ". Colliugwuud dpened the: scoring.- 0| m-zfr Il1e4,'hn*l'f{u:i:)s.v\r'w'91:ii'r s.i'v: 'h;-T " xtr. Xllllll I\ElllL`,l.'l'-N UlL' lilhl city, Nnrlh Bay. for 1his : V\'HH lI'lI('(`_Y. ". ()`pel1Cd_1I11-:_se0riVI1_gl 9; nuzfr me;n_a1 yo-.xymaas.ihfsne? rirst Q"/h cn AIvie* ilson sank Ab I\'irby".~< 5 "1 pass. Bmphy wun from end Lu end) Tim` fin` one in as he c1`us.~'o(,i 1h-I gun] nmulh .1 minulv and an qmnrturl: - lulu-1'. Camp were dangerous` as} .~:.'.V[yrv broke in In dI`i\~'v a hut um-i l.`\\'hicl1 Nobos stnppvd only In 10!,` `- `l mu rebound away and he was cull-3 Ind nu fur H\l`1't' n\nI`:- nninlz <.'1\.':-x ! I Cnllinrzwnod - Goal. Nubvs; do-' fence, Cain. Brophy; centre. Brock: `wmgs, Mccarl, Tracey; alts, Kirby. lwilsnn. Coulson. Ed. Fryer, Butters.` i I I Q Camp I3m`don---Gnnl. LoGoar: mu! fence, Storvy. Gmng'or: cc-ntre.. Myra; wings. Slrnnsmnn. McCl0sk- uy: a1l.<.. Lewis. Leigh. Goodwin. Norton. Holman. g Rvforvo---J. F`. Dnbsnn. Barrio. I g First Period i 1. Cn1li.ngwond---Wilsnn ' 1Kn`bv) 1 :5. C0mngwo0o-wus0n ICuulsun-Kirby) 15.15| ' -1. Cullin;,,rw00( "Kirby 4 . in) 1511!): Pcnullit-.<--'I`r:1ccy. Storrxv. I.(-1:411," Tmcoy. Cain. Second . PL-rind. inf Iho protlit-S1 won hvrv this scu- l Snll, ` Ill! ll`l)UuHll LIVVRI) unu H0 'iI.\ ('i1H'| iod on for lhn-0 more quick .*'~11Vl`.\ : ilmigh draw 9, penalty and the Ship- ,bu|ldm`s buzzed around Ihv Camp not, Al lhv Ihrvv-quarter mztrk Wilsun gm his second am an dnublv ` pass from Cuulsun and Kirby. i Dutch Cain broke away and .~`lip|)( d| 2 Kirby :1 h>v<~l_v pass which Ab druvt-I I home with 11245 than :1 minute 10 .1. \ ; ;.;n. ' Cnin was still resting us lhv sec-l land SL'.\`>`iUl1 gut undm-rwu,\'. but thcl Shipbuildcrs conlinuud to uutplnyl Ihn F`llvrs. 1.1-Goav mbbing Gregg} Cuul>`(m from close in. With sidn-<! vvvn McCl0skey look "Blimp"! M_vrv's pass close in to givv Nubos; no clmnvo. near the halfway marl-:.| 'rm.. :m..l...;1,q..,-_- ..... ;.. ..._.,l nu cnum-o, msur mu nnuway m: Thc Slnpbuildurs gut in S()ll`l(` 5 tonmlic play in Ihv final round I had tlw Flivrs "up in the air" a while. uspc-ciall_\' by the \Vil.~ Kirby-Cuulson trio. I1:-nnlu: ......nv.xA L.;.- c.-m.\n.1 Says Vgricgsg Veil}: l`\ll'Uy'LUlllS()H U'lU. I Brophy counted his second un-- assisted goal about thv halfway mark. slipping down the right boards and driving :1 backh-under` tn the top corner. LeGmr Sloppud Coulsnn and 'I`raco_v in rapid suc- cession. Then Cam}; began to press. Slm'o_v and Myre both had great: chances but were off the target. Cain broke away nvicv but both his passes were gummed upl Brnphy was penalized when his puke check spilled Stransmnn at ventrv and the F`linr< .w:1rm.`-rl H) I pmw um-ex spiiicu airansmnn Ell` centre and the Fliers .~wurmed in. Ed Fryer got. over the blue line to hand Kirby :1 forward and Ab did the rest. Furty-eight seconds later, 'Nobo.~s made :1 good stop on Me-' Closl~:vy and Bt'uph)' was away again with Wilson trailing Going .in on the not hc faked a shot and `swerved to the right. leaving the puck for Wilson to bang into (hr. open vaigo as LcGv-ax` sprawled tr: usfnn tho first shut it \\'n~ Ihn he-st! ; stop 1 guul x that . an I IKU L('kl.'iil' UFUKL` HIS SK 'M'yre played in the net. 1 couplv of saves. After Slop in the last minute he ms! and In end to beat Nobes a the snare 7 to 2. the :;-m` Camps first game nere. oL'L`U||u I CI nruv I. Cnmp~-MC-Closkey' `Myra? ;.. 830 1 :-nully v-H1-Imun. vum;..a n....:n,: I . C01] mgwonu---w IISUH Ki1`by) ....................... .. . Cu]lingwond--Br0phy . C0I1ingwo0d--Wilson 4Cuulsun-Kirb,v) ..... .. . puunp` AVI_yIL` I`(~n:1l1iv.<~ - IV/ICClusk(-_\g firuplny. :1 FLIERS ELIMINATED I - null} nu uuuu. Third Pt-rind . Cullingwood -Bmphy . Cul1ingw0()dKirby (Ed Frvm`) L.()IllngW()0(l`-l\ll'l)_V (Ed. Fryer) ........... .Collingwuud Wilson, frnnhvh II)l'l)ll|.U lnunn `... `(.'. R. Rvdl'm'n I9 (1. O, Cunwrnn 10 1h'(ll'('I`11 4...(lll.`3 ()2l H2 100 042 x~-~19 H ~ Cunu-1`(m ..l2l) Hill 000 011 40!) X--10 ' mm, Barri:-`s (-angry cmnmundt.-r. Highlight nI' lhp finals was J. S` M. ulrhsulxildk .mcuvcI'y in the lth (`mi of his nmlulm with St-I C Me.-rvdilh. Al lhv 12th vnd Mere- hand nvurcnnw an vnrly handicap (, and lit-(I lhv . H-ull. Burrit-I11` hurl an lhrm--pnim load :11 lhu ondg nl` Ih- Hlh. but 2: fiva--om! Ruth.-:-` child .~'.(-nwnl in the 15th ht-Id 'I`n- I mntn sufv by unv point at lhv (`ml C of H11` mzllvh. Rn1l\.~`('l1i|(l svnrvrl 1631` nnrl M(`l'l'(lllh 15. . ,.-_. ., em. _.__.._. I, . C()lllng3,WUu(l (Brnphyt .. C:nnp~ Myrv 12....-.Iv:..,,M..( Ld;;t' 31$ Lt'ktl"nlX' Spl'K`l\\'lt`C| HI` I the first shot. I! '3: the b.-st! I uf the game. or the season fur nmtter. Wzth lwu n1inutv5 In LeGc-ar broke his skate and -u l\|,'l\Ip\l. in aha nu. v\|'.)ll|lI|) :1 `am. PL `ind n:..rn.. . nut. J In 1111` am nu \Vil. Toy Blimp". ` W 1d ncticnlly lh:-I1 `Pd in _) at? Jvvd \Avlwn:" culli:-inn 1 _1_ I . 9.30! 1u.45| 17.02 17.50 19.10, | L10NE13f E COLLINGWOOD : 1 JUNIOR `C 3-2} |Bou|dry In Nets, Caven- ough And Houghton Star For Locals |`IlHll R:n'x'i~ Hi S` Mr-rv(lith 'I`m`r unto L Jtnlhst-hilxl 15 ' Rntluschild 400 (NH 320 I00 (I05 0~--1(i (H1 310 ()2 (H2 2I0 l-- 15 Barrio lvh-rmlit I1 ']`nrtmto (.'. ..l!) Humsulxildfs lth Bzn`1'i(- end; Roths- 111' Hw mun-h. 3H....,a 'lhv Orillizn bnnspivl last Wvdm!.s'duy, =F,-D. I. but brnughi hnmo nu |)l'i7.l`S. The rinks \vcre: 1`)on;:lns Rmnsny. Clydv Jl)hl)SI)lL Hurry Armstrong. Alix-rt Simon, `skip. Vernon Honk. Mun RDb('1`lsnI. Hu1'ry Hunk, Churh-s Bu-lhy. skip. C. E. Fllrick. 1):`. Rundnll Rich:ml- sun. T. C. Phillip.~:. A. A.Sxnill1,sl:ip. First ganmvs Simnn 8-Dr. Mel .1.-::n, Orilliu. 5; G00. Rnbinsnn. 1"(-nx-lun;,:. 14-Smith 1: B01-ll)_\' H-l). Wtmdh`, OI - iliu, 5. Second g:\m(_-s~-Snnun H)-Wm. Mc- KL-n'/.it-. Midland. (S: J. '['hum])snn. U. l'I.0.. 12-Smith 5: ('l`H)_V I2-Jnck gm-ivv. Churchill. 9. Third gaunt-.~: Smith I3-In`. Mc- Lunn. Orillin. 8; J. 'I`lmmp.~:nn. (ML 0., 10-Simon, U; Wm. 1\'lL-K:-n /.ix-. l\/lid- w_n....|m- Ill I > I r 1 After n|)sm'l)ing 1hl`l'(.' straight uh-~ feats. l3m'1-in I.iun.'~: turnud on Col- lingwnod Shipl)uild:.-rs`. Monday night. at the latter town. and hm- tled lh(.-ix` wny tn -.1 8-2 win, n:n'|`in`s` .|nni:n- (' (INA `mun ucu mun` ll) .s-;/_ wm. Bxn-rin`s .lnn'un- ().H./\. 10:11:! had lost. gmnvs to 1110 Shipbuilders previously by 4-2. 6-4 and 31-1. llw last Iwu in nverliym-, Mmulzly night they had to cnmv fmm bL-hind :1 two-goal lvnd to win (.111. and into the bargain gut all thv \\vur.~1 n1 Hu- rclbruoing of Ernie Rnbhi" Fryer. nccording In lucnl )'0])url_s' bmughl buck humv. llaunl (Ln-inn: unm `unrulnul -u Inn- L. GORlNG TS `PEN/\LTYi uuuu numv. Lloyd Goring xvus hand:-d :1 ton- milllllu mis(-nmlm-1 pmmliy in tho last. pvriiwrl. In zulditiun Fryvr, \V.ll'd(.'d Cullixxgxvunul n pvnznlly S110! and pon:Il1_v In Bill Liltlu in thv lust f('\`V mi1m\os su lhul Lions; hzul lwu men MI" :11 tlw smnv limu-. H\.vul'(l(.'u Lgulllmgxvunul 1 Li llauldry Stars Lust Pm-in Um! Bnuldry ])l1l_Yl.`(l Sl`H> hU(,`k(`),' in the nols for Liums lust p(-rind wlwn they W(`|'(` hv:1mI(- llv is l`(`pl.I`h~(l In turm-(I nsidv nl Imus! 21) l .`llUl.\. | ` l'h< it'v was sticky nml slnw all. llirmmli the gzuiiv. A1 7.10 nf lhu l i1`>'l ])( l il)(I 23!)-puuml 'l`nm Sims 0!` Sl)i])lJllll(i(`l'.'~`. Iiflvd 1lu- puvk frnin his uwn bluu lino CIPIII` over llio liglils, Evm-ybudy lusl sight of i1. `inn-ludin1,{ G()2l]l(' R:iul(1r_v. imlil lliv ' puck was (liSC()\'('l'l`(l in the rim. (.`nl|inu\v st-c gnarl runn- ut 1.20 of tliv svcnncl p(~riml. wlivn Avmuur Owvn fin-(l frnni Hu- buainls ulinnsl at (`('llll`('. l:m|1lry I':mm-l (H1 lhe shot. I llrvak Cnmv Willi l vn:ill_v J3m'rie`s 1`ir. brvnk czunv wiiii lwu minulvs in play in lhv middle [)(`l`l()d. whvn Sims was sum uff fru- lim.-king. Rl'_Vll()l(lS (':ll`l'i('(l HM` piwk in. p-.1. tn H()ll[,hll)ll. zmrl Cl\`llll- -`nu-gli firvtl it for a goal. Sims mint` buck um but in 30 st-L-mirls H1l|'l`it' li-ad lhv scum lil`(l. lluu;',hInn {mm iC:i\~un:nu:li this time. I (`:1u:in:nn'Jl\ nnzl Ilunnluluni Dunn. '\.nl\'nlllIlllKlI UH.` llHll'. I C:1v:111uugl1 and lIuugl1lu11 m111- bin:- for thv wi1111i11g gnu] :11 4.50 inf lhv third poriud. Fm s<:1nv l'(':I-I ISO}! I'vfOl'vv Fl`y(-`I picked (Ill I.|u_vl .Gm'ing. ll 111m-k and L'iL".ll1 pl:1;.u-1` at all H1111-3. :12: :1 "bud 111-1111". At .1:-y ruit he ;; :1vc him :1 minor p!`111`l_-' for Ii11I<- :1pp:11'(-nt 1-v:1su11_ Lh1~_1 :: ifcw 111i111111-s l:11.-1` 1'u.~'l1vd i11'.1 :1 fscr:1111l)lo and L{l'Zli)i)('d lhv 311111-- |pinyc1', G11-1'i11g L-l:1i111vd thv 1`-l'-:'<-'- `yamktrd him and tom.` his undvr\v(-:11`. Goring [)ll.\`hL`d him :1w.'1y and fin- nliy 1:111:11-d i11 lhv box with :1 mix- `lconducl pvimlly for 14-11 111i1111!<-:41 `i Pvnzllty Shut Slonpcrl With :1bnu1:1 111in11h- 111 phy I~1'_v~ 0!` gave C:1l1in:',wm1d :1 pl'!n"\!i_V shut. F which fell on lho lino hm tortu- nntely did11'1 ml] in. :1!'lv-1' l3:111ld1'y stopped it. 1 H;11'1'i- l.i(1ns- (Inul hid H'1i1|(lr\" hlU[)pL'U IL- Lions Guul. [Sud U'1uIdr": tlvfomro. Viv Rt-_vm:ld.<. Hm`r_\' LEWI- say: cvntrc. Humhl SIM-nt-': \\in',;.<. Leo Cnvzmuugh. Alvin Hnughtun; nlls., Murloy Rin'|1:u'Ll.~"n1. Hill Lil- ith-. Llnyd Guring. Clzurv (inring. Ray Iiayus. I ! Cndlimlwund--Guul. McI.('nn; (lv-- lk-ncv. Dunn-, I1u;;)u-.<: (`1'I11I`v. Smu- Io.-nbury,: wings. ()wvn. Wnrtlz ulls., Spmmm`, I :n'ri.~;h. Whu-(ll:-1'. llnlmvs. |Sim.~`. Ha-I'nn-u . I-`.1-nin l<`r\u-r (`HIHHII-` n5In).\'. HUl'(`l't-1' 1 wood. I ` I \lInll|Il'.` 'v3lHl I! '4nmuu' and mu: `Owen. Rx-,vnuld.~'. 4 Jm'ki(- Cinldiv (I, S:-ugrum E. I m`ks 11. C. Hall Ty Shanty. A. 1.1-hncn .P. (1. Hull \ A I.` Ihunlrnr iB.C.|. Boys Play at Orillioi; Friday; Girls Games Here: Sclu-tlulc-5 fur the vulln';:i-'Ih- hus- kvlbnll group \.v-rv :-Immulmul lhl. iWl'(`k us fnlluwsz H..v< u -Balrriv : -Orilli:1 : --nan'iv 2 Orillin um Barrio an -Midlmui u Orilhu at Orilllu :11 Midland 4: , ll'AI`l'iA~ :n I Vll(1lilll(1 ill DU. ~ B:u'rn~ :1! 0111] and has Junmr --..~- 0 Fix`:-'1 Pm'iu unri giII\\` Ill! :11 l5rn`ru- liu Midlzmd land an B'.I.1`I'ic- ri.. (`)1 illin H5 1 Midland at ()rillI;a Q H:`n'|'i- ys Orlllia HI`l`i<- Urillm n:-I in P1-l'iu(l ,.' yvv w - can -t C CIIII :4 can Be Reduced It Ilolo_-:_maIl cos! nu;:h- ('n||ill;!- >`zIli:m:|| ` in [he ' shunt- .. I\uIIr| `LIN! (iurinyz, l.iIlh'. truly: TEOLTS BEAT RANGERS 6-4 U:u'rit- Culi.-:l1:I(l :1 little 1: on 1lu- hull fur l um:l:u1L: I on Mundu_y night. ML-utinp; in Arunu fur Hm .-:<-cmul lin 0.11./\. Juninr "IS" st-zwrzl. won (Ill lhtir lIl('l`i1S l3--L :1 game t|i(ln`l have tn :5. n` ilk...- |Borrie Keeps Pace Wit Owen Sound Greys For Group Leadership Lgilllllf 1-i\l1x-r. `Ind lVll,`l (`I : . .1` Oh \ nu-unun Wl,'l`l' suuumlnn. Rvsull ml tho gczunv pul }}:n`rI just Iwu pnints h'hin Ow:-n Smm U1`:-y3~'. whn Imvv unv nluu-l|':ul hum 11 also plw-\rmIlml I x-In-12111;.-_ l'r<.z (slim-hing third pl:1(:(- mu! :1 .~:ur pln_v::l'l In-rlh. lK:n'ri(-'5 win gm` Midlznul ulmlhvr vlmm-v In (':Il<' up wiih l{'.nu;:-1'5. v|'..... n...\..l4:.... 1.. r.`-...1. '1`..-1... IL W115 El ('||'i|lI ;_',iIHIl'. \\'HIl lwu pumlliu-s tn -nvh la-um. nu dirty Work at any limv. Rt-I Hvd I":n'rI-ll haul m:nl1-rs mulcr (In)! at all times. u....n ......n...l cl. on...-inn -.I llllll (IL HI] ||ll)\'h. Scum upu-med 1h~ sw wlu-n hv ruslwd from all uluno. splitting 1 dul`<~m'v witlv up:-n. It to .s'm- his sp:-ml mu! U[)U1(`iL'(.`. Hum-I:nm (':Inu- hm-` U1) U1(`lL'L'. l`:m-tang czmw hack :1! 4.1:: knul thv L-nunl with :1 nivv bit p:1s. N:-lsou mil:-(I down - [W with V1.-trio cm his: righl. Ju dun nn Hun In-ft Al lhu I||I|1- I Llr Wnll Vl_`L|lL' III! III.` I .-`tun on the It-ft. Al H1: hu falu-I u puss 1:: his suckvd lhv (l4'1'1*n(.'(- ova stem! laid 1111- pm-k nu slick, and Alfiv r:1c Silk. D-nun...-U Ihuln-r l7l'n- an Rmlgc-r.\;` l'n\v<-r l l.'I_v VVw.`k.~' P('l)(.`lll1[.{ WUH1. ulwznd :11, `J [when '1`:-rry gut, the g,-ntv fur 1: ping. Thv Ilznu-uuk [)u\VL'I` 3 \Vl`llI right into action smtl \' .~:lmrlly :1 gun! l'(`2~llH('(l. (`.ri_;y_ : ling` llw puvk. \vilh 1)unkL-lmzm : O IIv. .n'n both 1-urning :1ssisl:a. Wiih five minutes tu go lhv Sm Buwcn cunminulinn }n'miu(`.,-(I (-quuli'/.-1'. Pm-wt-n m-zn'x'iv(l 1114- I In lhn hlum lim- mu! xzlilumrl il ('qUi.l|l7.l l'. l)l)'VVl'H l'iIl'lll'(l Ill (l!`. 1 U) the blue iinv and .~:|i|)p(~(l it I 1 Scult, whu wU1l\ ('(i lhr 1h- .h- fvncc again in hunt I..au'/.un. ` Cults Hnci F.i;;- In SlL`ull(i i3:ll`l'i(' had 21 small but dc-linixv` edge in tho scmmd period. dun -tr` L-nnugh fur lwu ;, nn)s wilhuul ply. Bnwun gut lhv first In 55 we . onds, with Sc-n1l's grunt hz-1,: n" czirryinx,-. the puck wvil in In-1`u,rv passing. AL 12.40 Cults sum-(I by ('31-. chin): Rnngi-1`s :1 bit nsii-up uruuml the nut. Vicks CIll`I`ii-ti Ihv purl: III-: lu thv dvl'Lnc- zunv and ]).l::.\ v'(i over by the warm-r In |)'.\'\`!l. whn lstmlod bx-hind liw not, only in M4,; .:md come buck fast. ilc trim! in, [slip iho (ii.`(' nmnml lhv pvml but 11 didn`t gun in umil Scull dn. fr:-zn nu\vh<.-J'e- In puke it pus! I.:m7.un 1.1-fl N:-I UIll.'U\'i'l`t?li SCOTT AN D BOWFN v um... nu....,,. .... 'l'wn l -nullivs 1 Al. -1.45 ml` thv 1:15! In; ,-ml righl I):ll'k n.. uruu hnnlinn 1 Gorriooo Clob Defeats Toronto Indoor B Team By 21.4 In Badminton`, V\/;gh.IBarric Sporfus Back Colts?`- 1Buf Fail To Find Man; 6 F - 'e 5 U` :wl1O Phoned In $400 Bet; adership J muvh !:1m_*vr.~;' \\ Illl (`in plvnty xlmu n u AI nu II [II had "H v'\ |l('|`t. ill l'\'('|l l'|l)IH`_\'. ll" vnim-, llw n;nm- living; 1 tn the list:-m-r. "\Vl-ll. _|;i\':- nw rnnnnu 0...: II... It `Victoria ScI;oo| V-VNi`ns From King Edward: lS;xr:'i:- x|m|-ls |):u-k the-h` Colts \'ilh -::.~:|I us \\':~ll as l:x|k-:md Ilrnl_\` nl` lmth_ it \\':Is '.llIl|)l)' zlmun nn .\lmn|:u'. Aluxul ll .. ... nu \`lu~ III\\ II . Ahmll ll : ul .. nluu... \ll .VIUlllI' lmul :u.m. Sam h'll`:lllh`I1I:llI :1 plmnv cull frnm l'~m-t:\n;-,1 -'v- Igul :1-I'll) in cash right I. to In-I um uur It-um tmniglll l'\'(-n n~mm-_v." IN) IN] thv ~ .I m I... .....u.. lmin llnrriv (lalrrisnn Uadmimxm Club "A \l`:IIll unit-rluinmi thv "B" it-um of llw 'l'm~nmn lmhmr 'l't`lll\i.\` nnd Ilzulminlun Club on Snlurduy (`V011- ..u Ol\n AI-nnnlrink` nnrl lh`fI`:l1( (|. .-1'.-nu-d` Kilns,` \ publir .s'(:}u:ul' `I'i|- /\r:~nn lust l|' .\(,'lll.'lIl rvnn lust Muib-` Hun uviI\- I Illl _\ .`ll|`I Ithv limit. I Railbirding Glimpses Through Smoky Way uh - hul rli Mmuluv In I ... ll...` "is sent NH-ll` m`\V I. Hi. ll. Ili\ l' until his ini- : (`nits nl w::.~: quite n IIi:|n'I `null Ill |ZH,'| Harmon qlul |:I.~;| ('1II`(l |(`l| Hnmmnlun (`Inn um nnmruuy rvrn-l inn an Lhv Arnmurivs. and (l4`l't':I\<'(l` jllv mHi\.uys._ whu` won the. 'I`nx-umu sizggiggu(9g,;;a3n;;;Ans1:i;;;.?ng,,:.%x1 i ii Pm". .1Y.-f.-`van.-Lscr~`. "'; -` :` ms; * , ; ln'ri"u-,, Gurrisun wnn nu Indies` .dQuhlc'-vs, 74). `tho menu doubles 5-LI mid Mu` mixvd dnulnlvs 9-3. Amongzi rthn \'i.~:ilm`.\' \Vl'I'l` Juhn l)ul'1'_v. club] pm. and \`h:n'l-5 (`nH:z. pm-.~:idN|l{ Ill` llw 'l`nnmlu club. Mr. Cmls is; I -... ......I.. ..u' Q1:n\ rum: Mumrvul _(1l)|U)lP>`, '1-U, uw lnt'll.\ lll1IllIll'.\ u-1.1` nu um-lv of !~`.\:\n. ('uH.~`. Muntrvull pm. who is ('ullsl(l\'l`l'd svcund (ml_\'` in Jack Purcvll lnduy. Tho '1'nl'untu hum \\u-n- mm-rluim-d at dinner` mu! ulsu an :1 dmwv in lhv 0ffivm'.~"% n.u.... ..n.... :1... ......\.._~ Milli] \\'|'l(` I'IHl'||uIIu'u uL unnu- :1 nu` 0ffivm'.<'l I\/Iva.-. Mn-r Ilw gnnu-s. I ltvrmlts \\'vrx- us fnllu\\'.<: Ludu'.\" l)rullv.< lVl1:;.- \Vl'l_!!l\l undl IVli.~.~' 'J`mu',h. '1`urunm. lust to Mrst. A 'l` Mu-Nnhh and Miss llolon Gm`-I It'll. Uill`I`|\', |-.:. n'|I.\\ |.Iuu_\ unu: Ilss 'l`ru\'vrs. `Pnrunlu. lost In Mrs I L A. Lilju and Miss wzmda Wan-| lm'\\'nrKh. U1ll`1`i1'A (Hi: Ivhs.-. Sh:lI`})'i and Miss Roln-rls. 'l`m`-mln. lost to; Mrs. (`.ulhr'u- ('l\il1ivk and Mrs. .-\r-` lhur Mt`Kv1w.iv. l.urri:'. ll-3; 1\1is.~ (iulbraitlx and Miss Bvnsun. 'l`uron lo. lust In Mrs. W I.iH1u and Mrs. Muuricv Eslcn. Barriv, 1-2: Miss` Nlul-nu and Miss M. Bx-H_ 'l`urm\'n.i Ins! In Miss Olga Dunbar und .Vhs.~. .Iny;`~v lmnb.-n`. Barrio. (L3. .\hs.-l Snnlh and Miss Runkim-. I`u1'nn|o lust to Mrs. B. Hawkins and Mn: I .R. Li l\luskoH. B:ll'l'it`. (V-3. Missx 1|:-ndry and Miss Smith. 'I`m'umu.- lost in Mrs N. M. [.:l1l1`i\' and Mi'>` Sillcluir. Barri--, 0-R. `- |\.h-n\ l)nuhh-s` C` (`HHS and IL` I`nlnl . Kilulu.-nor .-. 11' 'l`n1 :1| nun l)unk<-r hllllh \\ (`Il` cl-W IUII\I\\.~. v divs` undl 10 M\`Nnhl: and Miss llolcn Gm`-I l3:u`r`u-_ 1-2: I\'1I.~ .~' 1.ibb_v nndl s. Mix urlh. Ruin-rls l`.. In-in (`In nu l\I1I\` n\r. Finn] D Hill X It: Dr. N. W. Rum-1'31 Hurry AI'n1Slrr)ng A. Simon 1:1 4;3Borrie Defeated For 2nd Successive Year 5 In Last Match `TORONTO w1Ns 35-25i '1`: >1 :11 Hnrrlc I-3. 9 , C` Cutts and 11.1 Inst to Andvrmn ; I . Culln-rl. . B. Perkin * , Smule : . C. l"oI`: 6` . H. l'.vl'I>ul IL Skilch . Umlt-1' '. l.:m(.',r!un .. -um Lindsay I I 17...... l['ll'_ \l`d, ll.` - 'l`nmn- "` [..iHlu -*1-` \' rriv, x\1`ssg:atx1`. 'l`urun'n.i (`rum mbnr '.Vl\s.~.1,h._.- 3 rriv. .\h.~.- `_-3` I nkim-. 'l`:rm|n ` ` R051 vkins rriu. 1-nilh I`.n-untn . 11.... Barrie Defeats Stroud 21-17 ' I Two rinks from Stmud \'isil(-(I Barrio for a league match on l'hursd:1y inst. Barrie winning 21- 17. thereby gaining two points. Thr- match at Stroud rink was p ostpr)n- ` It.-d. `Results hr.-re were: .....-..n nynnrxvvn. ;u |4\A\.AA4. I Tom C uthbc-rt: Gnu. C0188 J. M. Mills 0. B. Patterson. ubin I4 K} D. (`in | LUI mun, -Skip .......... .. 14 Doug. Ramsay Lorne Whiting Vernon Hook N. C. J0hnsnn_ ` skip ............. .. 7 1m' the second sur:cess:ive year, ;:]3_urri:- (.`urlin;,' Club was rlofrratedg in the ()nlurio 1`unkm'd 1'ina|, when thr-y lost to I`m'unln Curling Club In.-at I"ridny. ' ' \AlinnnI'\* or their IIl'0llD and (Srl D Barrie In-feats Midland B:n`riu curlers had IVIid|nn cluwn on Friday night fur a return match and won by 51-42. Skips T. C. Phil- lips. C. C. Parsons and R. I . Gar- rel! uf I3;n`ri(,- worv winners. bu! .Bnb Mnlcmnson lost to W. Kellor `in Mid|nnd's xmly win of 1110 nighl. As Barrio wnn in Nlitlkmd 46-36 :~`.evm'al wt-eks ungn, it gnvv Iho lo- cals 1h_(- nnmml intm`-trluh round by 19. BARRIF. `MIDI./\Nl) H. M. D |Vi(`S (31-0. Wzlllun R. F. Grant Miltrm Irwin C. I`). Eh'i(,'k Cunt. Bonity C. C. Pnrstons 'l.. S. Wnllzmv I'm's0n.~: 0 0 0 2 0 1 I 3 U U 4 2-- I3 Wallace 1 I I I) 2 0 0 (I 3 1 U 0 El `*(}('0.> Jamit-.-=(m R. Muiliguu : P. A. Spurlingz Juhn Hodges rvcrnon Hunk A. Hm tm:1n `R. F`. Gzu'r(-H D1-I Hastings GH!'l'(`l1 0 () 3 (I 2 3 0 U 3 0 (I 4-- 15 u1.r....n..m. I -) n 1 n n 1 9091 n In! , [U., ll!-Dlmnll. 0; Wm. l\/lL'l\l'Il'l.ll'. wnu-n "!1:uI(l. 12-Be-(-lby 10. 1 : `Thus B.`L'lb_V and Simon wun llu-11*. :first two gaunt-s but bum L-st m Hhv lhird round. Smilh won hi< l.s1 `game only. Txvvlvv clubs worn mp-` .11-st-Illc-(I. including lhl't'(' frum 1`m'-I `hnxtn. Fred Grnh:1m'.x' OHl`|l`in Hus- [pitul rink wnn first pri'/.<- with Ihrm-` gwins plus 17. Two prim-5 wt-nt in b Purl [VIL'Nlt_`l)H, mm in '1`:n'nnlu " C`-rennin-s. and lhv mhvr in Midluml K , _ _. /o`.._--.._.....__ IL:l'I`|`ll U U .3 u z. .1 u I] .) u u -1- n lHz1slingsl20100120210 l( J. A. Wilson Capt. llnrpl-ll '1`. W. Culhlzort H. M(-Gill _ R. P. Merrick W. Cumming,-` `"2 C. Phillips Capt. Iludson Phillips 10 4 l 1 (121 ()2 l l~--l.' Hudson 0 2 0 5') 0 1 0 0 l U U 0 5 Harry Brysun H. Hnmiltnn Br-1-1,. Rol)orlsm B. An(lorson [Andy Malcomsnn R. Dvadmzm `Bub Mulcomsnn W. Keller lMal.-..n.snno2o2n:so1100100---1: `l((`ll("l' ..... .3(lli)2ll1iH)2l20?. 1- `x is 3 r.: ` In nu. -......... >1] I 'J`hr<-1* B:n"ri(- rinks: tank pm`! in?: Ilhv bnnspivl : I I 1`\munln.- Wnnncnv (`lvn Jnhnunn Ismp. ....... . C 1. .. (1 TN l\I(nI nun nun. .. kx. . ......,,... .._ lV[cI.x.-nu.` G00. Ol'-l UVITITZ T . w w, . ;.~ _ `I I __V \- . t[o`ugh_ I,'egdI,_r!g_ Games . =.<.-"* `. I % .} ",:-!15a(Vf`pll\tQ\ll.`-.CllIt)R '.?B` , H.a!c?' hurtful-ct Badmimn . >|C|Ub team ~1ivd in`1h9lr Sim<'m- Hllndminmn l.t-auunv mulch in l3x'~.1d- <"1'urd 1:nvn Hull. 'l`l|mnx`s(1:u_y vv:-Inn;_I lllust. l)~l). nlthuuuh (,::rn. Hunk vhhu points by 19-17. .`|_.... 4|. . l.. mu, :2. {Vic-l 0.`, ]l'I.0.. Hm-lhy I2-.l:1L-Ii`; H{'iVL'. I 'l`hiu-A u.-nu:-Q .QIniI|\ l.'{-HI` M1-- M Gurrison B" Team Ties rmgrgh. __o Bradford,_ 5-5,. ,5 ,1, -.3`, | _-, _'n:,_-L 3~____ __ 4 1'3/XRRIE: siucv I875. Plyihg bu.-srnni and siniw in good udvuritngn: un their uwn ice in ihe s'e1ni-finuls and fiimls, the [`ummn C.C. (|ll:lI`i.(,`1[L'S n-1I.s`lL'(1 Lindsay by ,9, until of 37-16. and lht-n triumph- `-ed nvor l3:n'rio- by 35-25 in the _"finuI innu-Ines. The Bzirriv rinks had unliminutt-d Kil(.'hL-in,-1' by 29-23 in 7711: ulhcr st.-mi-finial. ` 'I`ht- Hurclt-n Tmphy. secondary event, was (.'{IplllI`(`(l by l.nnd0n: Curling Club, which also won this pl`iz(.- lust your. The Londoners, with Dr. J. .A. Wright and Frank C. Wilsun slapping`. rl<~l`~ut(-(I Mea- fnrrl in the final by 35-23 ziftvr huvinr; Ln-nu-ii (.)I'lll},{'l.'ViHl` 2844 in tho murnin1.;` -Sl`l!ii-fillill. St-nii~l~`inuIs i uu- ,n---no ._._y .u ... A rulv pnssvcl whvn was furnwd lusi your 2: Euvh mulch two on gzunvsl shall cuunl mw thv {mun winning: tho play shall count two pui iguv sl'.1m'liu;:. In :1 misc Iwlns an equal numbvr leach shull n-nun! nnv p I The ulusmmss of iindivalod in the luv! ytwvlvv suts won! 14 `Gnrrismx taking: fuu l!rudt'm'd l`i\'v. A m `sols wvm to point uunxn i Hurrw. U-:i. ! Mixed Doubles J Du1`1`_v and .Miss Tough. 1`uronm. lost to Crussu Ivy and Miss (`.mn=n_ 1-2. L` L`m1.~ and Miss Wright. Toronto, d-.-funu-d 1W. K. Walls and Mrs. N1.~`~'_uu.uu` B'.ll`ric. 3-0; Math:-sun '_\'l;~.~; Sh'.n`pv. Turxmlu. lost In Bo.-s .-nda !Mrs. Mu-Nabb. Bmwio. I-`_'; Boyd` innd Miss 'h'uvvrs. 'I`umnl-3. lost 1` Kn-nncdy and Mrs. {.111 1. Uurru 0-:5; Beck and Miss Libby '1`m-unto dvfz-ntud Frlckc and x\IiSS Joye. Dunbar. I3:\rr'w. 2-1; Les .\Iuo1'e and Miss Benson. Tommu. lost In Ami:-r um and Miss 0 Dunbar. B;u'ric. 1-`.` Webb and Muss Snulh. 'I`-rmxm. los to Wilar and Miss \Va'-t\`I`\\'Ul'll) l:!'.n`ric_ -3: S. R'.1wl'mg:.~ and ;\/11>: Rubkrls. '1\n'omo, lost to Inosun and Mrs. Chinivk. Barrie`. 0-3: Booth and. _Miss Bell. Toromo. dvfc-mod I\1m-- Lan-n and Mrs. Hawkins, Barrie, 3-0 iMcl.:u'hl'.m und Miss Runkinv. Tu- routo, lost In Craig: and Mrs. Est:-1\ Barrie. 0-3: Gamble and Miss (7.: - braith. T0|'0l\lL). IDS! IL) Hinds and Mrs. Lime. Barrie. 0-3; Taylor and Miss Muruu. Toronto. lost to Dr. I.m.\r.ie and Mrs. lvlaskelt. D-3. {HE RoA1N= mm I ganu-. 1 C`r:u'risun cupturvd u mixrd ( Iblvs 3-0. but lust (hr um-n`s dull and the mixud dnuhh-.< 2--I Rosulls \\`ox'u us fullm\'s' I Lndios` Dnublvs 11 A `lull. `Claude Craig. 0-`.1. McLaughlin. '1`m'nn1` F. Woods and Dr iBurric. 0-3. . |\.1i\n-d Dnnhlns I .uu u Mrs. H A `. A. SIm'lxIn'. rcn. ...@r Druurorg,_ D-D,` Ht`5dg1i_ Itgdi g Game .2:-s Lem!`-.~sr-ice-.-43! 7 :1 . 7.` H Lhcals at Orillia I `Spiel vv\..\. STROUI): Wm. Culvurh.-_v ML-1. Ayurst J. V. Hunter F, Smhurlnml, cl; 3 n N wuiimggu FINAL; !()1IiHl(l42--l #2000310!) l23()U30()4--1 1001202101 H Mr-(`till .x.~ ..m..,... Patterson and B:I1'ru' Garrison Dlllllifl lilllll, `skip ............. .. 7 Gard. Ru|)m'tsm1 Bub McD:mmd Wm. Ymmp; Wm. Nvw, _~I.yi.-. 1n mu. m skip lhv lt`.'l;.!llI' 1-sun` enve- out of thrm" no point. and` an um-niInr s` [HUI vw win. It ;gun(l 5 LU-Wm. Mc- mmpsun. (J. by i M W {,1-;:;:::: mi ;?f;',{i,{`r~ ; ;:-um-. Mid-`g mlms n\vu'n llln-bu` .1 \ IFS - .\'mI H1`l`(:I s 1up- Fur - Irum H! in tsn,'.< Aim -2; Bnyd 0. - Jnvm 1 ll` Barrio. curl:-rs had played even nearly as wall in the final as they laid In the semi-final, 1hey would have wun tho Ontario Tnnl-tard quite tnsily. was the pgonoral opin- ion nf thnsc pm-.x`(.-m. t In the morning at Toronto Vic- turia Club, Barrie played smart `games against the p'nwm'ful Kitch- I enexj rinks, and won hundily. But in the afternoon they were defin- ill-Iy bu-low par against Toronto (jurling Club. Ki1(`hL`Il(.`l' was enn- sidc-1'.-d : than '1`ul'vnl0. Tn thn nun-ninu ltnmox` Rll`l'l(` [Barrie Sys ;eI;1~~<;f Ploy Didg | Not Meet With Success E In The Final Inst |"ridny. ' _ WiHll(.*l'S of ;_{r0up disc trig-L, Hnr1'ie'curlcr.s'. .~'kjpped by Srrlvin M1.-redith and Oliver `Can?- Inn :-Ilnrl m '[`m'0nto Victoria `ICI: SHEE:I:S6|FFERENT ;Sl(lL`l'1.'(1 !\`ll'1)ll[.;('l' Illun .L|)IlilIlU. | In the morning, games Barrio 'l:u1'h,-d on ice Nu. 1 und 2, but in the final had to switch to ice 3 and -1. 'I'h:re was :1 big dierenco and: the lm.-111:: found their shots entire- ,ly chungvd as Iu weight. Their op- lpmnu1t.~. in ilddiliun tn having usodl 3 and -1 for 1h('il` mnrninp_ guxne. `were used [(1 Ihv .s':1nu- ico all sea-I urui I son. | In the st-mi-final Barrie fonnd' much .-:uc(:L-ss against Kitchener by using lust shuts. This systexn did nui wurk in llw final. with the ice shvcl. dil'l't-l'L.-nl. I`I~.I4~ .-`ml cu... unnru in '1 mun. .`1l|l'L'|. L|I|ll'|L.'ll|, ` This muku-s lwu youths` in a rnvvl; l Barrie has lost, in tho Tankard fin- nl, .:n'm- swouping; all group and diSlI'i('l uppnsitiun In one side. In 1938 they lost. to the Campbell` rinks nf Hzumillun Thistlvs, andl wuro gen:-rally WU ht.-men. Thisi `yvar llu-y full Hwy had :1 rcnll L`hlllI(`(` and ihrvw it away. In 1937. Bun-ic lost in the s'0mi-final, al- 1hm1g'h lhv Cumm'nn rink won the` |BnI'(h~n 'I`mphy, consolation '1`nn~` `kurd 4-vvnl. ,,r..____` ._ l umu AN!) nI1u|c.l'uI' u` ; l\/lrs. Shnrl l'l`L'('lIl.Iy mcl. Mm. LnIu.{ [in :1 Mnusv Juw lndir.-s` curling bon- spivl and Mrs. Short finished on the lmm mud of lhv scmw-. iIiti7BiiiiIii:1i iznAi;ii:n iii 1T0 msum: A rmorr 311111111 lDllllC.I(`X`.\' \\'l`l'(` (l(`H'l'lll|l1l`(l Lll b('L'|ll|.'|'] la play-u1'1` bcrlh and lurned thol -iprvssurc on from the opening bull.i_r, -1rinp_ing up fmlr counters in lhe: ini- "liul p(.1`i()d. which. as it turn:-cl lnul would have bvun vnuugli log lwin. In this p(-rind lho ice was in`? `:uuml >'lm1)(-, but during the mid- `ldlp and final sessions it was quilt-`:4 ,>`lll`l(_\' nml plz1_\' In-vznnv x`v:Igg0(l at! `Minn-5. l`his was p:n'liL'ul:Irly L-vi-ill `itlonl in the socolul when both.` '!lunn1s l[l])<`1ll'(`Ll Lll1ill)l(` In lmlruckz- r` zlu-m.~:ol\'n-.~: for any sy.~'l<-malicf. `play. `amp rtupplivd all the stmisz-[5 li('.\' hUWl`\'l`I`, getting the only goal`: mm! tlw lune 1:.-nulty. '1 '1 tlw Shiplmildcrs Nubes lurn-1, ' :1 linv v1`l`m'1 L:u:u`dimg_ lho I : 'llwim-, making some great savus I`:-nun I-lnnn in (in nun um- ;Col|ingwood Scores Four} ` Goals In First Period 1 I i On Home Ice -_- I ` (cullinuvvood Emcrpriso-Bulletin) Thv Inlormudialo Shipbuildvrs cumu but-k to winning form last` Friday night. after their diSaS1l`01lSE lapse in me final p(`l'i()d of tho! gznno: in Midland on Wednesday: tlu ground Camp Bordon Fliers 7:` `am fl Thu (I:-fc-:11 nul an (-nd to: iTwo MORE FOR MYRE'l 'I`urun1n C,(T. A. Hurvvy J. Cuvam Dr. J. lvlnlumnsnn J. M. Hulh.s'- "mm 151 gm gmunu L,nmp nm`(u-n 1'|u'r.s 4: `ilu .. Tho (lull-:11 put an lo; iC;1mp's play-nff chnncm. . Ii`:-idm-`< 1-nnw nmdnced both lL'4nnp's pl:Iy-nXI chances. I l?`rid.'u_\".< ggznno produced gund and punr hockey. The Ship- vbuilch-rs \\'t`l`(' (In-tmunim-d to secure I-. ..Iuu_..I'I` hr-v~Ilu nn tnrnnri H11-I wI'('.\'-`\`l\'l` 5'.U]).\. lV\"U \NHll(` .\|||ll|g UH _Ihx~ in-. Ht` didn't have u chum-v_ nu Ilw two lhul ht-:11 him. Dutch: `Cum and Burn Bmphy plalyu,-d Ihvl s.~i.~;t_v mnnulvs on dx-fence, except thzo .Lw<> n1g'11ut.c.s`..=aL'h;l1:_y_d ,0n the }d;1j_%l1_\* bcntth. Bruphy-. was `;1`ly`ig`g` `tn`:.'d` is t-wu gm-_nls w:-rq_.<:naV1*t- solo, [nl fm't. whi'lo he made Tho play for; :\ViI5m1'.\` third gnu]. which was um-.; . (`m.~'.~l-_v mu! [Vlr.~`. N. M. l.ilLll`1t`.l Barrio (,`.;n`risun. defeated Mi jM:n',.-an-I Du\'v_\' and Miss F`ran('v:<; Cdm-`\'. Brudfm-d. 2.1; Mrs. R. S.! ` .'\tk<'_v and Miss Juno Simp. Bar-I . u-in ( 'l`i\'l1l1 dM'I\aH-Id Mrs. H. o._ _._. Tlll-I IBNG KN?) snom` 01-` 1'1` l\/l.... c|..... ..........1lu nan: l\/I.-c `Ann .110 UdI'X`l.\`0n. ( Marks and Mix: BI`:ndl'urd. 2-1. l\1I..u`_. With a record of 50 years an a man _ lurtury lruall_l\enV. fur plan or huuorrbund you can puniurrly depend uu An 4: . g. . 1 6I*`.wCE|";"a`;;';_.O~_intmn1. Montreal ruilwuymen estnnate skhng b1`uug'h! out an expenditure at $l.0()0.l)0() in Ihv 1.-.un`enhun area :15! wimv.-r. Sun Valley in Idaho nv.".mI "250.000 uddmunul to the` `raffle dnparimunt of the Union !`m'n`ic Rallway which crvated it. Seie Page 12 For Additional Sport I . IVI. I`U|Il.\' child .......... .. ` H. M. Scull '1`. B. B1.-utliv Chm-lv.~: Hull C. R. Ru-dl'vrn K 1Vli.\`.\ lvlnrgzm-I Ellis :1 Snor. l3rudi'0rd. 2-1; V.-v `-uni Nlrx` N NI rd. 2-1; Mrs. K. 3.1 a Jan Bar-5 dvfvated Mrs. H.` iss Mnrinn (`hum-h.i Axuuuun and Dr. Laurie-. lost to Miss Snor Ilr-Idxr 1-9` '\/Ti ~ Iinublos , I'\.. I-`OR I{:\Il.W.~\\'S zrrusun. Insx tn: ghan and T. H.| l. 1-2; H. E. Tyr-I . Barrie GIl`l`lS()H. vans and J. Wm`-I and Miss]. l; 1Vh'>:. H.` I I nnr`n V gproaijge ;.{{.a; Hockey KENNETH DAVIE _S1ar 1_eft winger of the classy Nurth !Bay Trappers, contenders for Can- judian junior hockey honors this lenacnn whn is n nrndm-t nf B:1I'I'i(`| gucuan JUTIIUY nncxey nuuur.~ ll|I:- lseascn. who is a product of Burrit- church hockey Teague. Ken. Ibziviu, who is now 19, was born in North Bay. but his family moved to Bar- lrie to open a dairy about 1930. Ht` got his start. in hockey in the var- ious kids gaines via local bay and pond. Whn the midget ('hul ch lua- guo was formed in 1933, he was the star dnfonceman for Jack Walsh's lCt.ntrai United loam. which won the champion.-=hip. The Examiner filos record that in the final ;ip,uinst `Trinity. "Dnvio was the best play- er on tho ice. and was clnmzoiwius: !vvory time he got the puck. Anoth- i].-r player on that same (.-hampion |Centrnl tmun was Douglas Cmrns, . who later moved to Mvnfont and ~ in now the ot.~ntro star for Owen rlsound Greys. On the 'I`rini1V tvzim ` was Konm-th l`:-rry. who now ])`:x_\_~.-' idufr-nce for Barrio Colts. Vnu IN-uni.` -nnunrl In 'l"r~mnn|n H11- I Smclzur. nnrrn-` U-3. ~ l\h-n`.~' 1)nublv.< (`us lhI{(i\_V'l;(|)I'\\I}\xl\>. In?! to :;n(ix-rtun um n s. urriv. \-3: S. ken-k and _`J- Dllff) . 'l`Ul`\H1t0. dt`fx`x\lt`d J R, `Ht\_\'. and Ru-h:u`d Crussluy. Barri:-.l ll`-`ll: :1` `N1lilI!l(`t\Il\ .l`l\(F, !~`(`.|n\:1)`.;E-L. K:):I11\:`)\l&' `[:l`l`it|`uDA-"";. `\Vubl- and B Gu;1;l)l-. 'l`m`Cm1n 'lu_<( "in W \\'ilg.II` and D F. Mncl.u\n,: {Burruu l-`.2; l. Muurv and R, `Pay-t Tim`, 'l`uronlu. lus! in T . Incmn ;.nd:

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