Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1939, p. 5

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PRESBYTERIAL 0F SIMCOE HAS GOOD GROWTH nncr munICIp;muL-s. , Finance accounts passed under` `chairmanship of Coun..jBanting :1- `muunted tu $940. including 5120 0!` `election expenses. L4l:4I|I.1 vv.-an... n\I Puuplc n.'u._ur21l1_V ltmk :n ` ammcr's "Coming Events", 1 of dances. suppers. etc. In I Exznniner curried 3479 lie`-V -:las~t of :v1vm`Iis`ing_r Z9? l.E.~\R.\' 'Hl;'RI TO (`-0 n '1 ,.\u.-,v uunn u 6 rt. I .\l2l4l`.I ll'.II I'|,Ivl\uI.'\ ~3LI%:BY` - L=;::`.;:; St-r\'o (`vl`(-llllI`(l Vm 174 "n'ii"6"o`Vii;%`% Tin. 25 D0 "HS: Mus.-;n,;_:c his: throat. clwst. nnd back with Vlcks V|mnh`.1Il) nnri Luck him into hvd. NPXL. put :1, .<;pmml'ul of VupnR.Ilb in n. lmul --r boiling \vnl.c-r: hlmtn n no.-wrapulwr or sin.-r.-I. over the child's; huutl like fl. 110111.. covering Hm howl mm, :40 Lhv nw(H<'ut,(2d vnpnrs (run he inlmlvd for several minutes. This t,1`cn.Lmcnt loosens pl1l(-[:m-('1om`s nil`-passages- -lwvks l:m1(lN1vy in cnngll -- ro- 1|-vvs Int-:11 mm:(r:;Hn11. Lonp; Mt- vr ht` 1`vln.x('s inln p(`.('.(`.flll slvcn. Vn]mRnh':: pm|lt,i('0 - and - vnpm` n('|.Inn is nun hrlnpjng 1'c1|cf~-m1d VAr>oRua l rvm. ton. I/nu mm wt. :1. unnd nlp.'11t/SVUCKS l"r(-`sh ,Sh|pllH`lI(--|-|-':?IlI' 1 I-'l.(HH|\A .\`I '`i'i`Ki> "r"i'ii1T . 2 fins 1 (`R-ISI HlCLl*'.("l'l'I|I_ l"l,()l{ll),r\ any clan!` l.;n--n SICLl'I("l`F.I) I`()Il'l'() |H(2,:.\.'-.;'.'l'Y|.l~Z nu Junk 'l'h.. Au-'~.-lnmml uf All .\XlzI`4l llll l'|Il(lI1 V AMS. "`"':,.3::`: lino ( i('H QLz\I4[I\ FRESH GREEN E A S V 2 lbs. 25? i3R`ii'Si`i i$s`V3'57'i:.s. 10 254 24% 7:-9'_%&'ea/ca .\'IlII`.l.l) ||l.IIIIl loci Salad Dressing I I Nun]: . \II\'l|Ir1' \\`H|| i\l".'u .\`I<\r'k *1` soups on :.;.::. \`Ill-`LIN nr IH-?.\lI\ l'l"l`< 523; 15; 2;;1s.: wd Musllrnmn-.' nu Your l":I\'vnIrxl` Stu` LI19 LR` , for dates- l.'R I` L: . . 5 Huh- l*`R()N'I'l'}`\' AC l!l'.':IHI S\Vl-`.l7. l` Ml\'l-`In i*i.i'"-Ii=S lltll Iill-A\.\ nu - /\rZslum".Il ul` Hvn-"I l`n(:Itm-H SPECIA}:"LOBLAW'S c_om Flgkss I!!! l\Pl l\lV\lII nun IKI I l`I\AV \ \I|\|. 1.: I I4\ III [.141 ;\.\nI l4\ \rn\J.un\ nun: . Ask your dealer for pamphlet or write lkunilton By-Product Coke Ovens. Limited. luau. ...\,u..... iiihn 1.113131. SPECIAL! Manning}: inn Quul i ('3' vuvrwrwvvvrv-rV '53}? 10c .\' .*-'.'l"Y|.|`1 5; 311.5. l'1c V.C.T.U. Winners i Receive Prizes At The I First Baptist Church! lllllllu` Ill 'lU I ll * Int; BISCUITS |(|Cl) HUINH /\IH`l/\ I) 0 Stop Constipation Get at Its Cause! MEAT. E13011 pmcss {i;nTe Feb. 9 - 15th GROCERY PRICES i;Ev"e Feb. 9-10-llth 5" 5c 10"/2-oz. Tin` gg Presentation of prizes nw:n'd(:rl to, scholars from Simcoc County. who were successful in their examina- tions on Temperance work. \VI,`l`(:| made by Mrs. J. A. Lennnx. Burric\.' at the opening session nf First, Bap-` List Sunday Schnnl on F`ubru:ujy 5.; IY-A,u. II... n ..r nil...` 17.4 I i 1351 lc ; 19 man. uunuu; nlwlnnrn I1|| .\.u...-u._, Under the supervision of Mrs. Ed.| Armstrong. County SupL`rinlendent. several scholars from First Baptist church and Collier St. United church | wrote their examinations. five ni'{ the prizes being captured by B:ip-E Lists and one scholar from Collier Si.` United received honnur marks. Th(' prize winners were: lst Senior. Ol-I ive Cole, 100 per eent.: lst Inter-i mediate, Alex Cnle and Pauline Mew. Phail tied 100 per eent..: Znd Int:-r-` mediate. Iris Mitchell nnd Jenn Mm`-,_ by (New Lnwell) tied 95! ])(`I' cenl..`; Special prize. awarded by Supt; Ed. Armstrong. was wnn by Audrey Irwin. E 1\/I -n I nnnnv nvnl-ainnrl lhn g-uI,nn4 Mrs. Lo:-nnux nxplninvd the sebum of the cnursc zmd r-xmninutinns nndl gave a few figures l`(`]illiVl` to this` year's activities. Seven (-m\1.n-s 101'- illin. HiHSd'rl1(!_ Now ].o\v('Il. Gl(-n- cuirn. McKol1m`. Stuynvr and Bur-i rie) sent in 2: mm! of fifty-Ixvn nf! their best papers for jllfI;.{il1L'. SHIN- inn in Smnmhtw fur :1 nu-rinrl nfl LHUIT DPSL D1I])L`l'S I01` _]ll(l}.{ll1L'. D'i|l'l- ing in September fur n |)I'l`in(] Hf! five weeks. each week lhz-rv is :1: section nf the Sunday Schnol p:upv_-r! devoted tn '1`cmpcr;m(-1:, and on 1h<'1 following Sunday 1-.'wh .'~'t`h()].`Il`> writes his oxuminnlinn untlm` Iho~ supervision of tho U-n(:h(-1' in (`h1Il'[1(`.` Mrs Lonnnx in olnuimv HIP!-=\'1\rl' Sll.Y)CI`VlSl0I1 H1 H1!` U`il(fn(`l' H1 ('l11Il'[f`.` Mrs. Lmmox, in cln. sti'vsxocl' the importance 0!` ihv ('hil(Ir(-n 1:nk-` ling an active inlm'(~sl, in this i`vm-` perzmce cnmp.'ai;.{n and nppn.-;1a-d In; the teachers and p:u'<-ms for clnsm cn0pm`zI1,inn. siniimz lhnl il wu. not the winning of the p1'i7.0s. but rzillu-1 the work and study (`Hi,&liil`(`l 1hn11 helped 1:) build l.h<- chnrncla-1' of tho Child ; VlN(?(_).!*-ISlI)l-2R`/\'rl`. I I`hm'(! was little wurk in he (ll-Iw` in the u|'fi('(`. and Imhnrly fvll hkv dning that litilv. Four nf thv mule ll-HP vnrnnr uf H10 nffi:-n unri rnl-|\`.-1| (`nmlnyr-vs finally w:unr|m'v(l into` Safeguardfg Lord's Day Of Worship And Rest Urged lvlII|)III_yl'I'.\ I|lIiIll_Y \\`;Ill(l(`l`l`(l H11`? -110 ('m'n(`r nf H1r*uffi('v zmd l`(`l:'l.\"`f|.` 'l`hoy mndn tI1mn::(\lv(`s cmnl'm`t:u|1lv`.1 ||uld stnrios. and lmmlwd 1-vvry nww` `and then. ' Tho dnur I)p(`l1!`d :~'url(lr-nl_\ untl HIP Big Boss strmrl b(`fnl'(` Ihvm! ] I Gr~nllvmon! ;1<~ntl(-lnmwl" hp (:I`iv41.` I 1 `What's gning rm hm'(~'."' The four (-nmluyvns Immx-(I In their foot. tho Big Boss wvnl on. I)un'l j,'u'.l .r-n|i7.(- that all thru1u.',|1 this entire nfl'i(`P pmplc are trying to slecpi ` Is this :1 H1110 fur laud I:-m;:l1lm"."' Q GIVES BIGGICS1` V/\l.l1l~3 . What you gm fur your nmxugv what you pay d(rtm'minv.~' 1hv \':a Both in nows and .':dvu'rli. ' Barrio Exmninor givns by far 'bi;.:L:ost value. --1---- : 7 Dmfl, tnko -hnnros nn prnrlurts you know nnthin nhnut nr roly nn I4-mgmrnrv rv~|ir~l' whr-n I wrt-'5 not-d of :1 gnndrlnnir "f1ilV,u- "' Do This If You're 7:/1'-K .-.7 \/- c7`. , .- .. . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND unnnnmnn \I I'\I\l YLII'\ invd ihc lln1iI11Ili()HS undl wlnlivv Ihisf mn (E('n1.l L's 10%` xynvr Sun`!-t nr Hf! (`vk :_v nrc, lion :u:h(-1' :ln. . ' LE\ VlS 8; ROBERTSON (B`.u`ric) JENKINS (`OAL (`0.\ll`.-XNY (.-\ll;1ndule) I I RECENTLY gave a party /or my daughter and the guests who came early spoke to me as they arrived, but those who came late crowded. in l together and joined in the games ` or dancing at once, without even taking the trouble to say good eve- ! wing. Nor did they bother about in- ~ trodurring the person for whom they had rzslced an invitation. Is this (1 nmo idcrtor am I correct in think- ing that 1vell-l)ro\'qht-rm young people should al1na_1/s speak to the hostess? MRS. E. S. S. Answer-Not new-just. rude, or perhaps only thoughtless. And you are correct Those who had asked to bring additional guests were es- pecially at fault: in not. sneiiig that their friends were prnsented to you so they might thnnk you for per- mltting them to come along. other latc-comers should have post,- ` ponccl their gmncs nntl dnnr`in_L: for = "to say good evening to you. = youngsters should 1 selves. the short time it would have taken All the have l!18.(lf! an eort. to nd you before they left. too. to S415` good night. and lot you know how much they enjoyed them- If you weren't. around by that time, the nlvos`. thing they could have done in I1'tu'..`. for :1 Ipleasnnt evening would hnv:-. 1;."-r` to write you a note of thanks. The ` The Simcoc Prcsbytcrial Execu- tive of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety ot the United Church, met at the home or Mrs. '1`. Sinclair. Bar- rie. on Friday afternoon, Feb. 3. to I'(t(:(.'iVC reports from the various departments and in plan for thc annual Prc.-hyir-ri:il nu-Ming. which is to bake place :11, not-Ion rm Tucs- day. April 25. and at which Mrs. Effie J:In\i(~::nn Day is to bo thl special speaker. V A .~.u-nliuninuu-u L`II|'\nn1v nf Han I'll. U;c Of Bar-Hooks By , Fishermen Of Lake ; Simcoe Prohibited; IIT1H_\' ll5(` INN ll]|lI(' lllclll nnv nun Ewilh nul mnrv than four hunks. 0|"! ;1:m~_ fishormon I'i.~'hin;: from lmh-| 'l)in;:-l1nn.<(-s lhmu;:h 1h(- i(:<- Uni `l..'1l{o Sinu:m- and K(~n\p<'I1fI'H l`.:I_v` jhnvn lw .\` 1hviI' fmnr [hrml<.< In n Sn-lit] stun] hm` with lhv` 1|)uinl.< of mu hnnl-(S wt in an up-{ `right, pn::ili:-n uh:-ul six iIl('hl`.<( upnrl. '|`hu~ illl':'l uf h:I\'in;; 1h<- hunks, snlitl is lhni in m:\n_\' ('.`l.`1`.\` n \\'hil<--I fish nhuut In p:n`l:1]u- of {hp bait an an insirlv hunk is .\'ll.'l],:]_ ,(`d in N10 burly by nnv nf llw I-:II'1.:(-r n1I12~'i(lr'] `hr-uk.<. _ll is vluimvd that many of llu-51' SI1:i11;_*(`rl fi. (\<(`.'|p(~ from Hw |wI`nI'- |win;.{ l.'mrh~d and rliv ~lalor from injuric-.< thus l`(`(,`(`i\'l`(l. ` Tu !h<- <-}'('.\' 121' the Dvp.'Ir1|m*nl 0|` `Game and Fi. 1hi.< is an il1v-- 1 gal manm-1' of fi. and any I i.~h .. n1'n\ hnnul in fnhnwv nu 21` uuvh [JIIlIII.\ riuhl. i :1 v \\'n_\' In finrl ;n`Li<'| 'l'li. in 'l`hr~ lS:n'ri(- ifi:-(IX. Onv cu-nl :1 Ill !HiIIl_\ ('.::u-.\ ` . o : 1 nrl H.-I. ncn')I\:\ I ! .oo~ooo~J-aoeoq-too N I I l 1 lsuslu-lhnll 'l`nurnum-nt i On l~`riL;|_v and Sznlurrlny. B.('..I'.<. lm::k('(,b:1ll p1ny('>r.~; jUlll`lH'y(.`(1 10' Nuwmnrkvl In (-unmx-In in :1 (Hurnn-| mnnl. ngninsl Aurnm nnd Nmvxnnr-w I knt High Sch B.C.I. I't`turn(:rl wnh H10 cl1:nnp'mn. having: wnn six out M n pussiblv vight gznnt-.s'. `for :1 total of 12 pnims. N(`\vmnrk(.-l zmd /\ll1`()|'-'l vnch had six points. Bnrriv Junior Girls lcrvnh.-rl Nr-wm:n`kvl Junim` Girls: 20-12. Barriv Jllllilly Buys dvfc:Il-, N-w- n1:n`kL-1. Juniur Bu_v.~: 36-23. Aururn Isvninl` ('viI'l.< lnxl in Nt-wm:n'k(-I H)- :.m A. u....;.\.. Inn-c In-4| cu H:n`~l |S0nIm' Ulrls Inrzl In lV(`VVHliI||`\|'l m-. -10. Aurora S:-ninr buys ln: in Bar riv 16-8. N(`wmm'ln-I .Iunim' Girls` r1:-ft.-mod /\lll`llI`:1 I9-13. B;n'ri<,- Jun-, inn` Buys \vvrz~ (`IL-l'r>:x1(-(I by /\uruI':|` I16-'1-1. Nvwmnrkvi Svniur Girls (iv- v ft-:11:-rl B~:1rriL- Seniors 41-19. New- 'm:11'k('1 S('ni<)l' Pmys ln:~'1 In Allrnrrzn` I245. n:n'riv Jlmiur Girls (l(_'fl`:ll('l| /\urm':1 2.0-14. /\m'nr;I Juninr Buy:~` lcl`:~:1l(-d Nv\vm:n'kr-t, 1'7-. I.'u'rio' Senior (}irl.< (I1-|'('.'Il(-r! /\urm';n 20-Ill.` B2Il`l`il` S1-ninr I!-~,_y:< rlvft-nlr.-d Nvw- nmrlnwi TITLI`) r1`-I\l -rlvuvuuyiuo Have you about given up Impa- nf l't`Ii(`f from thcsv ailmt-nlsz` lN).\" l` IN) l'I`-['Sl-I ACID HARDING S TREATMEN .I ml: D nlxnnl.-..n 'I`l... I\......- .4 apr:x.n.u .`'IK.(Ir\\ - . A preliminary . or the re- ports: row-;1t<-(I .1 mnrkert growth within the area of the Px`cshyto1'ial during the your with int-1'ea.-rd in- terost and ,-.:iving::. The rv: nf Mrs J. Me- Killnp of /\llistnn. . of the (`hri. Stexvzwrtslaip l)ep:n`tmvnt On account of the illness or Mr. Mc- Killnp, was rm-1-iw-rl with deep ro- gret. Mrs. Orville l'nd(t. Churchill. was appnintert tn the txffiee pro tem Mrs. Hnirtt. firilliu, and Mrss. Craig: Collingwouct. were appointed (tole- gatr-.< to the t-ml`erence branch vnvetim: whiz,-In will he hetrl in Tn- mntc). M:u'<'|t 28-3 . . _ __; TEE EXAMINER. BARRIE. 0N !`.. CANADA -....-yngvu I-I Il\llA|I|VlI4lII` Ask Ruhertsun. The l)rugg isl Ahnnl It By Don .`l`l.lHl. |IH' About It Felt I vvvvvvvvvvvvvvivvvvvvvvv vvvvvvv virwrvvvvvvvvvvvv @ - A AAAAAAA A\AAAa.AAAAAA *1 b` ' ' nnnrurnv P newton E soup l:c-1'1o1\T;vrm Nulionnlly-KnownSOU;_PS for youis::u:c'uoN ",T.'~:'.; {.339 ' A-`== .. ' . 0 _|1Vlll|'I`lL`d mcn \ I201 the wurk an Eriod so as to ho aS.\`lll`Dd the (101 be no discriminz vr\'ism' wzns ms ml the Immer. V Report I-n Ixiartm. a i nu. nuuuu -... .... . With re~;__;:|I'rl 1: pn.<. uhnnm-s in the l,.m'(l':~' Day Act, cnmn1iH(.'(`s \vuru nm)ninlL-rl tn confer with 10- ml mmnm-rs nf 1h(~ l`L;is|:1ture nnd to llI`1.:("I . of Ont:n'in'.< (lay of I'l`Sl and wm'. VIVI... ...I ..l I ')l\ jj-1-n SOIVIOR. Bram] Phm-nln Manmnillns nu ( uv nun um 11 .... 1.- n.... I .. ` SPECIAL _ l||'IlN I. Strained Foods 3 ms 25c /\Yl.Ml'lR. cuu.1 s5g_ .-,2,-.-x 17 \. -- llI(~I`:I':IV lll.`I;Vl I`/IKVIJI PEAS f."3;%.%: F.1l|('_V Mldfl Wax -4 BEANS am. wn "I'lEIlVlI`; l)l`.I`.l' Bl'I`;\';I!`lln`| C PRIME RIB Roam lb. 18c BLADE ROAST 12.. 17c Roast lb. 18 POT R0|S'l'1b. 15c I~`\'l I-u l`.n(wI \Iz|lnII? '3 |.I'|"I`l.|C PIG "V . SAUSAGE. Loose :5. 2lc- 1-n.-;.pkg. 23. ._ _ .. `IE 1'nlIN'rIn'SlIH". an um u-u. ....,.. up. The mcvtinf.-,' t:nnvm`.-d at 1.30! o'clock. wilh Mrs. A. R. Hnrvin nf ` Rugby. pI'('si!lvIlt of tho T 1`c.shyl,'~r-I iul. in the chair. 'l'hr.- nlt.ond;u1ce` was um-rl nnrl inclurlvrl n numhnr of cm'rosprmr.Iin;;' mvmbors who am- zmxili:n'_v prvsirlc-nI.s: ` 0|... ..l'I. PURE In-.Nur.Ic BEEP FAT l'UUlV'l'I(.}'.\lllI'. SAUSAGE l IllI2I` ul-NIIICR nuanuu PURE RI-.Nl)I~ZRED nu!!!` I.` I1` su-r:r|.\|. - |1 ma 'b-23= VEFCE 'b~17c SI'l-2i3lVl.W:-- H0NI".I4I'3S'~`: fiiiiiii 24-lb. BAG 98-lb. bag $2.39 7- lb. BA i'5iinIT1r :1: gjxj Fancy Midget Wm; Iif A I9PEc1Al.:--A\'LNiI}ie.`i=7\r " "' ' ` CORN Golden Kemcl ] (;i}'Il:iJ`W)(ib' rR'r`.I-Alum ' ` .`;'.'J.L..s.... MUSTHRD.?,22hHORSEB.H_DISH *1-'? :~ ms 276 :a~:erm:mmmwr~ M 3; SPIIGIIIITTI - - ~ *;:.f;'-- N(}lAN l` FANCY I .__j,.. " , `.1 ` T IL` b. During: thv :ufl n Mrs. E. E. Lnhg. HIlI`I'il`_ 10!! in :1 rlc.-votimml period, urging |`l'(l(.'diL'2Ili()l1 as thv. m-xl, teltvp :nI'lvr ;n(*hir~v(-mvnl, wilh{ whivh tn f.'u-(- Hw l'nlII|'(.-. Thanks \Vl`l`I` tvn(l<~r(-d Mrs. Sin- clair rm` he-r ;r.'u-ions huspilnlily so f1'(-qua-nlly given in the inter- vsls ml` the work. at Wood (ut tn rhaorge --f "PRIME BEEF` SI`!-1(lALS"` O 22 J7.Z= Small Linlx lb. 15 Approx.'8-oz. Mould 5: xmpunr Bun] Mood, taking '11: -1- SI`!-.(`U\l.-()N'l`ARl)il:uml viikcd ` W K K WHITE BEANS .`?`'S"" 12~ GLASSCIPS with PlI(,"T[l" PEACH JAM .2 IL, ;, SPECll\l.!--lN(il'IllSOl. cm-rm - -v-v-vvv nunygg nun} ,, sum! sun:n_r1n1-:'Pow1_)n` si;"117:i`i%%i3i':":i:iNuTs; l .Il1_PlV R. [up I-DlI'Iu`.\"I'l\ J1 V H X: (K in JAV wman lit`! I'll H_.H.B. \x n.... HINDI] RHIGTS puries rid of the_piu1pl.'e' B. --'**"' j Plain, Pimento or Horn fart !`!='.v-tn` linings u_sf-ZYU Anpls nnmrin` Thu:-sd.ay, February 9, 1939 : umslllul. 0nmrin`s hhaiv .1 ilnpornun. fruit cl` S and this Dilaf .\`l'.\s0II' 'rrop u}_ ' most} st-.mon`s "SPYS" i nm- of 1 -in history.` Mom-y A rircluaolt hlglgjpm SPYS" : tho lie '_ an! in} x allp ylhn us`6r` `(IL this I hchflh ' y: frllip lmmcditt-Iy _ `re-n'clI_s' in i_h..i thislhchfth gljmg Inn re-nulls in creased huyizig power In all I,hns- rngngc-d in nu apple producing industry. nun:-av I 1 I 'i>'LE`c'i){iIf' Assistnturio Apple Grosgers Annl.-.~ mnitllulr-,:.otm` .0! 5k ]:iUl.PLL! 6 (II; For I For For ` Eating Pics ` Baking ----- sou) 31' IBAKRIE rm-:1. & su>n.\' C()MPAN1'

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