Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1939, p. 1

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74th Year l'|` III III` \'l.'l`I`lI1l'l nu... .. . "Ill; Ill UlIll'| l`lI[.:tl).;l'I||I'lll`v _: 'lho- Hula-H':;lIn;,' fvilllllv pf llu bu-Inllng wer: l|n- Imrnlny; c-I Hu- .IIu>I'lL:M(.:r. wlnrh w.n.~. .-.u:~:----.`.h\|I_\` m`<'vun|:|i:|n-ul by M|:;~` II` R `ml: HHI llhv ulclo-nl ;i1'\'|'t`|ill`_\' nf Htmml W IA. nml Ml . HHII4-_v H-Imlrnmn ml the` llunul ul '|`I u.sln-I~.~; for III _\"l'iH.. il:~!\I.\'.It`(l h_v lllv Iwnrlv np|I|uu~..- of llw iHI(liu-Inn` Hill|(l\V|('|I|`.*, -ulu- nml t'nHI`I' wt-rv um,|nyc-(I MHNI` l|n- ]u`ll1,:I`iIIIIII'4 'l'|Iih c.nnmuml_y in 11: hr 4-un-;,-ml n|ul:-xi un Imvmg .~.m'I\ n nplvnlil hull lur its vzn`|uu.-: 1-uh-rt.unnu-me. wuul xucc-un;;s, rrm- uf (lvhl. lli.~`.ln|`lvnl Hlu-lvlm () R. lllm-k, :4:-1'I'o-lzIl`ylr--.I:InI`! ..-..,.. ........ r....|_ ..I.....I II... l nun.-no Aura-:u_v, nnu. -1. mu` ,1: Pmgressxvr_- crnkinnlz-_ Mxdhurst 3 Township Hall. Feb. H. novelty; ` Valr.-ntinc lunch. prxzcs. admissmn; _._ 1251: and Lie. HUSDICPS L.T.B. 511. 6b` -} Afternoon tea. sale homemade; 2-`baking. Trinity Parish Hall. 3 to 6.f - Saturday, Feb. ll. auspices Girls`! b ;Bible Class. Adlmssiun tree. tea 25] `n--5:: A| -uxln on.-u `u. Pancake 1024. St George-'5 Church} .A1landale. 3-6. Socml evening. 8' Hfclock. Pancake-s served as rofresh-` ments. Tuesday. Feb. 21. bi n _ . _ _ _ , _ , . .. _.__u.:_._I.. vu;_n..._...1 l`ht- ()nLzu'in (lop:u'l,~ nu-nl, of hH. ,hW'.l_Y.`i plum." :1 H_v:sl.vIn of (luzLl-lum- lHL{hWl_V.`i lmm Winrlxnr nntl Hnmiu tn the Qm-hm-. hnr(!-r, ()4 A. lmhhin.-s, (lo- pa1'Lxm-nl. t-mmu- Ln!!! LIu- I-.`nuim-4-rim; Insl.iI,nt.c- nf (lznnmln. :11, :1. Ill('(`HHL{ hold in 'l`n1`nI1t,n luxl, WN.-k Llml, l.h- f|(`])2tl`l.llH`IlL Imp- vz: In (:umplc-t(- :<.u'h :1 rhnin. with 1-xt,-nslunx sumlh ml" NiuL:;n':L ["$ll|SH.l1'l l]()l.l4lI l.hmuuh Bzu'riI- In H(`Vl`l`l) Hrirl;-,0. "Unlc-::; our highway.-4 :m- (lnvvlupt-(I and kt-pt. in umnrl .~'.lm.p(-. wv 2114- HI (hm- ggvr ()1 lnsillu um` !mu'i:;!. hu..iuwsx, mu m` nur hit..- gt-xt. '1||r1n:.'l|'iv-:'," ho warn- ml. (Turu to Page .'I Pl(.'(L.`m) ...... ..-..---.--5.. .- [HELPING MORE I BUT cos'r LESS ron WELFARE` , ` , Mm I.i.*|H`d M, I-lml M .|nnnury I With 5| In-.1-elv|ug Partial` .. l\..I.. Allhuugh M2n`ric- hiln |IliN`|It'iI_V l|u- .~unn- uumln-1" uf \\u-lfm`- It't'I[I- in-nl.~x ln us it yrur ngn, c-xpc-ndi~ turn` M h[,'|l) Ins.-. Hr ul la-usl il \\ ilb In .|&|l|llk|I`_\" uI'I'n|(Hl|g In 1: lvlmll of Wt.'|fuI'c (iffivvr 'l'l|uIIhI:, A (irnnl. wlnuln was [l|'l`hl`llU`(| lu |Iu- Town ('nlI|II`ll, Mnmluv mu-n iug. 'l'n REAif WOLF `CAUGHT IN ' TRAP WITHINMA MILE or BARBIE I lnlnl l|lIlIlHI`I IIII I|'lII`| (II III!` l'l|lI` uf Jmnmry wurs -109 plus til glvu-In <'ln:i.N|iIIIfI`_ us zu,'uIII:~;|. ~|lHi u .Vl`iI| ugu plu.-. IN p,-Iw-n ilS:~:|:2lrIlIl'I' 'l`utal w.|n-|u|1Iurn- {Hr lhv nu-nth \\'iI.s` $'..~ h1Il.5i| Uh l'I)IIl|)HI't`Il with '.:'.,i`.'.'.Ilm. inr|iu'ulim,' n rullwliuln uf :}il|'I.hh l ('ommnmlI\w figure-rs fur l_In- lwn nuuuH|< um. |ll|ll||'Nll||},' M ('n|npiII'iIll lII1>llHl.i urn- H:-mln :4 In l)t`])HlIllI`||':: lm|lv| `l`ulul cm nc-lie-I` Hullnl u:..s'l.sl.nu-u 'I'nll|.~. '1':-lul o-x1n-mlIlIu'u- $2 l)c~rn'u.-;- lur mnnlh `SCHOOL FAIRS i ; PLAN REVISED ; . FOR THIS YEAR; '1'..- .~<'|nm| fuil`:; [mllry in (In MINI) fur l'.J:l!I. Ml:-1' murlu thuughl h_y Hw ulllvlnl-s uf ll|<- I):-|mI`lnn-In `nf A1.;|n-ulInm- uml I):-].;n'lnn-nl I-1 l'I(lun-ullml. Inna In-vn n--vumpml mu-I I`--vim-1! In HI mvnv I'ln:vl_v Ilw In-w `sclmul vurriu-nlum. whivh wvnl illlu off:-vl Inurv Ihun n yum` ngu. ; "'l`h,- |n'ugrmunu- Ihiri your IM- vulvw; vs t'Hl|+iil|t'l`MhlI* vlmmgv mun lhzal nl f y-:n's_ I|n- n|)IH*l In - ing In |n'lm.; lhv Ht`||IIH| fzolr pm Hr.'unnu~ murv in lmr will: lhv; now vmlrsv uf ralmiy in llu: h I`hlml.`i,' ` mm In uliuxilmlv o-xiru ur nulnid:-' wurk ma fan as pu.-=.s`i|)|v fur to-m*h l 1.-rs nml mI|zilr+." Hluwm-1 |.. l n;;-`,3 I llgl`l(f|lHllI'H| rvpru~.~~Imalivv-. sinlwll today. ' {`n|mnnI {I iun I uluuunu um. I-mirun 1 I \ I V Pnliry R(_`-v(Iln|)()(l In l"I|| Mme Clusnly The New | `:)(.|mn| Clll'li(,ll|lllH v Cux11poI.UJuA...ulAL'i.`s::s, , aw . bcing t:unlinm~d fur lllv pmlm'l:+ ul farm and ;4.'n'l-II, lml fur rwluml work. 1-dm-nliunnl display.-; aw In hr 101:- lurn-rl, In amid. "lmhvlrluml mu! I,--mu cunt:-:'l.-s nl. llw fnirn WI In ..-1lI'n.~;:;mi " 1 MI H...... mm H.-.4 .. .|..o..zI...n \_,lHl|llI|lIl'l' l||l'l I'l'l'`Illl_Y III III!` IL ricullnrz-I Ollie-t-, Hnrrh-. and ii cn.~..-at-rl Hm pm|m:.'wl :'lmm;-:, III II s<'|1tm| fair prngr:unm<- fur ih ya-nr and rt-vised lhv prim list. '[`lm:;a- pI`l'h't`l)l Wl'l`f' zm fnllnws l'Il|)HI` Hrhtml Illfs'|)('(`|tn|i J (`Zulu-urn. Urlllin, l"n.~;l Simtrm-; W M:-Vntlu-, Hnrria-_ (`r-mrv Himm "J K l`Ivun:I, ('vllin;,'wtmd, W1` :Qnm-nu A live brush wulf. lrnmwul with- in u mile uf Hm`rw_ LN nu pn.w.<.~iun- of Churlc.-.< Gilmnro. fur farmer and-` lrappcl`. who up:-mu-.< H luurlsl` camp on }\'in;:'.~' HI;:h\\'u_\' `JG. nmlh` uf Bnrric`. In the` sunum'r tinn- 'n... ...4.n . . I I 4.. ..1 ._._ I. I 'l'nln| nnmln-I un :4-In-I' ul Iln- a-Iul I` Inn u IIr;A~; Jllll nlnm ."\I l|I\I|-II VIII-u un -vs-1 Ivuv A.~ss|.~at.uI|rt~. Only. CONHRlNCl Hl|..D -I154 Min - - .".!,liL".Hm $1!,51l| hi! I $!l'l.h.`) `I>(' .":('huI)I I` '`IIH_V in HM- Hnl 1- nnrl M n 1nl`|l_V I1 lililvd D11: hr` n-ml-l { I'\}.{- Ilia Hu- Hm. {Four -Year Sentences ii}-Xccused Had Long Recordsk mun-p nu n-up..~ uI;;n\\'u_\` .;u. IIHIIH Thv wolf was lruppml re-w`n!l,\" In H imp lwtwvvu his fur farm and the tuwn. Mr. Gllmurv In-lh-\-vs tho" animal is the "ronl thing in u~ul\-- vs M iv: uulrd und --.....n;..|.-~ .. BOY SCOUTS SEE ICOUNCIL WORK '9` I` 3;: Seeking; Sources of Seed ,` For Field Crop Contests 1| I " lu'IIl|Il| [Town's Tnlal Receipts 1 Increased In January /Kn.` ulllll l'r:~|mul Hoxv: $1 /I 'l'ux-as In nnwn.-a vl |4i('l`H-\l`.`a' l'lnmhing [H-rlnlls Ws=lf.'u`a- and ...nc.-..|Innu....u.- `I E a'lIl iIt AgI`it'u|IuI`:|l Suci:-ly hm; decided us.m:uuu1zu.twu {itL',(|-.mup c:mnp~Ii1imm in Imrlc-y mu! unin- Im-.~.' nun in u-garln I"|l`.'1l. II.II |'in~. 'I`Hmp of Hm .`s'-nms, nlmu `.55: in umuln-r, u~ 1-u-Iva-cl .1 |mu'lImI 1-clunrullun in Inunh=I|ml [um-c-,u|uI'o-. who-In tln-bv ullmulo-1| Hn- 'l'm\n l`uum~|I II|t`l|lIl| l\ImuIu_v 4-vc-Illmg. .`I'I'1|lllll|iI.'9'h'l' .I. ll (`uh-mun .-mitl H u M an plc-mmrr In Inlru elm-v lln- lmye. and llmnlu-I Hu- l\lu,vm' and lnunrll for llu-Ir Imulm-.s.~.. Ill. Il..I....-IL`... AILIIIIALLADII uuclauu usuuzuumzu. Lwu mun-.m`:.m :mnn~I,iliuu:. Imss, unv in HM": AH ll`[.!i`i|I`l'l'tI >I'wl lmrlv-_y um! rm llllml at-mi pnlnhu-:~; .'m- rt-qunru-I In lw own. by n~;;n|nlInn.-4 fur lhr-,-an Ewnnpvliliuns. llw Hm'|v|`V 1:; 4-ml:-n `vtun'mu In |m-.'al- .~.m|:ah|- :-nun-aw Inf sum-I, and :cpp|i':aIun::; WI :,hl)l' |l_y hv esulia-ilml {mm Y. II'Hl|`l'.`a` ml:-r `I I Iv!` In I593. lull wh:-nl mu] [mini-n v---vvc-I"*~rfV'7` "*""" V""""-""'- "'v:' m.nuu-nlium; we-rv he'll! In u-n~|_v 'l`in- pulnlr) fl--III rm 111111. w-'a-- mm:-Iml In H nu-mlwr |' PV"|`_V mu W.-|( I".'nH wlu-M IN: .,.,| V4~y_y wa-ll lmsl -/1-in I1 lylw :,!` win`!-I, lull 4-Xhlhi Ila l".xh:|nH'm wI'II- v-xrv Hu- l,u1:n1m--\ `HUI! nlma ut |'|.,m _'/uni. mt`//:i Ilvllni I|IIIIIIIl'h-`I. Mnym` lluln-rl.-mu o=.|||o*.~..-so-cl ||I":lhIlI``. in lmvlng N'hl' "fu lun- rnmmillm.-s" M a a-mun-H Ilwvtinlg .lu.-at prim In Hnr Mum:-II Mn N. (hr Ho-mils imqn-4-lo>c| tlw l"iru- Il-Ill ulwrr I`|II' (`Mu-I" Wall'--II ah-n llI.'a`l'Ilt'IO'Il llu-In I1-gurclnug lhv u.so- an (In pulr, the flu lrurk, lmu In own Hw In o-.-., and mm In mumll u flrv hurlc ullilv in nmlmn. A I'.||m- allanm u.|.~. lung and .-an lmv.-1' unvr .c tII`II|H|I.`\ll'.|HIIIl ill lulu! Inn H u-'1 Illl l.||u- In I\!l xo-gm: rmwn. I: EThree Juveniles Sent T0 Training Schoqls,-f._ III!` I()\\'!\. Ml`. \illlll(H`l` lIl`H(`\'Q`.\' Hit` the in wnlx--` vs. I! is wild and "wulfi.~'h", mni Mr` (iilmurv and olhm-s dm-inrr thr~_v will takv nn rhzmci-:4 with it. It I dvfiniicly uni H wild du;:". Mr. (?ilnmrv's irnps urv all rm` within a thirty milo r:idiu.< of Bur riv. and in thvm hv miviu-s n\:my (ypos of fur-in-.'irin;: animals Th1'uughuui ihv winivr hr \-isils hi9 trap linvs with his mr. Hiu urn-.AIa\\'l u \\ IllIl' III III! allal n of lmw lung H u-`mild Ialw In uvl ml of In-4| annl gut down In llw I`iu- Iruvk Iny mu ul' Hu- pnle. 'l'lu' lmyn ulrm nmunlml Hw lwll luuo-I` A C. N. R. Train Delayed With Broken Car Truck /\ur.hrJry I 1 I , 'I'n|:'ll5 wnucnl poxuu.-u uut The accident occurred at 105 am. Friday. directly :11 {tom of the >-n.'m- mm nl|H(fI`HlIlIl*uIlS Burglars PR|';()Nl`R'-I AL -OARD 1., "7 0| Ir: \ (1 pm ull-4 unp IIKIPS wun ms (`iIT. His ;:roHl(`: s\:vm`.\`.`~ is In l'..'lp- ping rod tux. and hv has mxwkvtml 90 fax pelts this .\`(`:l.\l|ll Thu` wax`:-In is! almost over. Sincv thc snuw hm- hormm` so lw:n'\. lhv f0x(`.< h;n`v* l\t'(`l\ form-d in take lu thv lurush nf- ' lor {nod and their cnals arr h4-cnm- inn mallud and rvugll .- \(*cording to Mr. Gilmnrv. lhvrv \\'lll bv no pm-: `ants in llw llxslrim as lum: us thvn- urv fo.\<~.~', sum- lht` fox ls thv worst om-my nf thr- plu`a.~:mt. A nl\l\'1\;n\l dune ....o n.. Il'l`l'l| .~M'4l I 1 : luv runnlznl "f7:}.~L.} o'.'n}; `ll .`l'(`ll ll4Ul"_Y HIIU ""l l.'|hws l`P|,gllI-'IHHlI.H' !`m'|-Iv a-nr|-.'o- $.'1|,IM'l (I 5 TTI A|"lTll ll|(f "wIhmlorm m!Jl\i11:;wmlla and Hodoll M /he Givml Stiff E 'l'mms `nil, u-nun:--, 1-uunu:_y !WIl|lum, wuu: mu-In .-so-n ,t.u luur y=:n':. in l'urt,:< l'(-IIH,o-||l,InIv by .lmlu,- `llulnu-:. in t'uunI,_`/ . i1`rinIinul (`mu'l. In-In ,. guluy [ Julm I\m:.wu|l,h, ngmi LH, .|l`H|lu, um! Mlkv lfmlu-.ll. ngwl '.`..'i_ l`urmnlu, Immt-r|_v HI` Full. ....... ......o.......ul Iun|n.... . {Roth Mm: 5~$m`v0d '[`im.e ' In P<':nil(ml1C.Iry uh uh \V(md and \\'vlf:n'~ l'l'(.`I'l\'Cd then- full llI(`i.\`lIl`l` nf (il.~v|1s.~mn at Mon- day e~vvning's Im-1-ling of mu Tnwn (`mmoil 1.:-u_y 'l`|n- pull lnul |N'l'Il lmllul `,1.v,uIH,y ull .l:mu:n_v `M, nl'l,'I` ll }|I.wn lacy Lam], ml` In`:-solmlg and `n-nl,-Hm , Haw .`y|.HIl' nl` '/.t`Hl l"-`i :l.ImH.o-cl nlmnl, 25 :1 III. |)m'l`lII `Iwr l'.l_:m:l ;.I,o-ulllu.-,1: Halo-|'nlI tminnilw, nmnnxinmlmly $2.11`!!! /\|mo~;aI t'un:sIt1vH-vi H An ;I|I|n'HI ul Llw :;v||l,n-.IH`!' In mult-|'t'n|t:.Ill`IH|.l|Ill by H1011!` " Imm-_ it. wuz. Imlu-nlml A pm- Llmlv um`/:. 1:, nlluwmi 1,4; Int! HI u .. I lnllllll ll nlll :1.||u rlr ` 'l'Iu' |n1w,I'HmHml 1m'uI1.,u| `Hm :H'4II:.m1 l.ulr| lwuvlly u ;u_.'nn|:.l` |.lu-'m /\m:;wm'l,h':s l`l' lwmt I::l.ml |):u.'| In |`J').l5, whilv :l,l\::l, nl It-ulo-II tl:sI,4-:1 |mI'|< In `IUZEH, W|II'II lu- wzu. H HIPH` , rlnlrl ` HIIHI lH"H hurt .`I | 3 In Hw ]H`lIi|I'lIH:Il'y _,|;a|'I/ ~|m|`gt':;_ /\llI.`iWl ...nI..nuvu:| Cowslmza APPEAL ._y-:u`:a In Hzn'ri- cm l)m- ll. `IEIZHI, and Mud:-ll Lu mm _'/vurx; III Ht-III-vz'|v HI! (M4,. ll, I935. Ihulvll hm! |u:.I. In-nan l I`Il :l.`i!"| nu c-xymzamcm M hi.-s .`;l`ll|,I`lIl'4' on I)!-'I'lll|)4'l 1. ),l:i:iL,1lI:i|,lU|lI In-ry. l'I'u:u In nnnu niuhl, IIIEIIJI` rluyrs Iwlmv Hw /.v-l|vr :s rub- Fisherman Gets Trout 9`/;, Pounds Dressed vnzng n`.rppv.'nr.u 5' one was injured and (be sad. .dc-m was noun-d by the locomotive Crew }u.-`.`. as soon as It happened. In order to rt-pair the baggage "car. . thv rear portion of the train was .- pulk-d back Lu Canhew S1111. 0"]! rwnvml HHI4` `nil:-nlmry am |9|Il`L', 1;v;;, /\IlI.`iWHl`Hl lmv :wI1l,t-Inrwi Lu l,1H`0 I' fnur 1'14 , .., I.........l lI|l|II'Hl ',4 lIHIllIu mu! llll"lI.Y `VI l"ll '1 .-'.-ntmu-.ul I'url,:muuI|,h a a.,....n.... Wood Ordered From Sun- dridgc Found To Be Below Standard .._..,_ _..,.,,...,.___ ` by Um Flu- v-mp vmnpw nl Ihul vvely vi phusw Iv! /In-M Hal rm! HI] I mm In Hm :1 t-xl:i|>i|'; M Bur`- 'II- v-xw-l|I*n|, mall , mean) _._,g--~r- muuuum. I )m1lo_y .l llfi[.{!"'u f/H314-J ~ '40. (1 K I'\Hll'll Thrn` works ugh (`uunml dc` tn purchasv a carknd of body `. wnod abuut 16 or IT curds Sundridgo at $4 per cord freight. bringing the pricc l about $7 to S` `.`.5 pm" curd. lhv to be uwd by rolior recipients Bln thy wood \A':I\ hmnd 1 uu Dc um-(1 oy rvnm rocxpxonxs Bm the \a\'mvd wa~ inund to be below standard and the order was cancollo.-d 'l\u.n cs... \|I..Il`.\.... r~.......: \'ill'lCl`lll'(I Then the Welfare Cummmpe` made` a survr.-_v of wood available lnmlly. but the quantities for sale \w.'n` found in be not too plentiful, To Buy Wood in Town The upshot of it all was that Council. on motion of Aid. W. J. Buchanan, chairman of the We-l~ fare Committee. and Aid. W. D. Paddlson. decided to purchase a` further supply 0! wood in inwn) lo!` rem-1 mi` next winter in lots of 25 cords. spv.-cificaiioiis to be sup- plied by the chairman of the Wol- faro Cnnmmtec". This inntiun pass- 06 Question Ruisod The qm-stiuii oi wmxi was raised under the heading of inquiries. Aid. 'I`wis.~ asked how many cords of wood was usually purch- asod annually for relief purposes. Maynr H. G. Robertson said the % i 1 Stroud Man Slips : Beneath Truck and Is 1:_'tall`y Injured`. THE * BARRIE + EXAMINER .::::~::.: DRIVER BLAMELESS )lll`NS3Ill\. A phmwm duvs nut fl_\' away as TENDERS 300 CORDS '\~ I.\ In nup- ~ ill Tht` ' u` 1... r.....`.. 1... . II (III \\'II.\ M! in (hr lhv lruvk : it run` h~- .~'un Flnnk. nu uni I 5 I I ` dvcuied` dy hxu`d~ A._~ 11' IMANY REQUESTS FOR TOWN GRANTS % Sanitary lnsccfor As Part-time Policeman Is Sought By Councill -{FINES AND cc$siT QFONLY $25! George Green, 77, Dies In` Hospital Six Hours After Accident Wllh llw |n'=purulInu an! un- 1-.~:t|nml-s fur the yc-nr In lin- llulnlnliulv nlng. Ilu` 'I`0\\n (`mllwll is now I'M-c-lvillg Ila share M l``(|lIt`sl I'm` I|n- Imml pzrunls Nu less than four (`mm- in cm Mnmln_\' ~\'n-uiug. nll hr- Ing I`1'ft'I'l'Nl lo the |"|nan-m-u- (`mnIIIHlm- fur rmlsltlu-I'nl'Inn up. i 1 ` wlwu l|u- hmlgc-I in In-Inn (|r.u\'n lhn-rir (`il .1-us` llauul (`mn- {HI llllh I.\lIl` IVI IIIl' l`n.\ ls: .-`nnIlm'_\' `ln.~;n-vlur in n pzu'l-li|m- ]\ S wus (I4-cialvd upun by l\ lnm|ny (`\'t`IH!lL:'S mm-I inn smlw clI.~t`lx.~<.~`iun V n..-.m NH, lll>l`ll.`~Sll|ll 'l'ln- l\nnrd nf llmllh l lmssrrl u mnlmn slluu:-skiing t (fnuncil um)`-ml n snI1`xunry i or, nfh-I` Dr. N W Rum-r.~`, lluul slung:-.-.1:-:1 in l'ull-linn- .~ i|1.~pa-t-lur with nu pollu- \\'hut0v:-r. ` nu... I,.o.. Inhn n....-...;... n I \\'lluu'\'I'I. ` 'l`h(- lain John lhnnmln nrwwl n- . inspmmur for many, yo-.'|r,s until tlw urfic-v \\-2:.-.' and (-mnhnu-rl with lhw |'nli(`c~ Dc- pzII'lnwnt. Sinrv Hm! Hum, ('hIrI Alvx Sh-wnrl mu! S:-rut .l:um-- CNS!` have [won m-ling 21:. jtlllll .~nniA lury in!:p(-clur.s' Thu M (HY. dc-om: such nu znrrnm,-1-um-nl l1IIsil|1sfiu'lul`_\' as sunilury duties nmst nt-rossnrlly ' 1nk'o somntl p'lHrt- to pnllrv (lutlos. Hu\\'v\r-r, (`nunL'il {(-11 than n mun shnultl he [mid 1| full-limo sulmgv unrl uvl us 2: pulirv 4-l'fu-1-r \\ hc'l\ l`1` quin-I. ._,, .-._..._ .3`. It'll |l \\'|`l Hnrrlv Hu- lhruu;:|\ Thu Iup. lIm'I'it- (`it|'u-us` mittt-r .\mn:tuI its mnnl SI.t)t)I| mul .\lIl)n\nlQ`(l n slut:-nu-nt of Imw the IIllIIlt`)' nus &|N'l|l lust `VNIP. tmu-llwr with ('t|ll(`t`"t'lI rlu-uuws; l|.n'rh- llrnm-II of tlw (`aunu|i;u\ RN! (`runs Sm-it-ty u.sk~ (`(I far 8300; Ihurh- Ilrulwll ul` tho (`sunullzm I.-gluon rt-qnwst--cl SI50: uml l..l).l. ii` .-\llmnIulu'. nml l..().I.. Itltiti. Ilnrlit-. (lt'N|I'l'tI EH50 plus the` uw of tho llauul xuul parks for nu tirztmzv w-|o-- hrutlnn Iwro on July IL`. Imu-th~ or with |N`rllI|hIIblI to hold a l`:n: lm_\ for llw l.u_\'.t| 'I`r|u- Im- 0rplmIIug~ 'l'|u- lust reum-.-tl \\n.~ .\ll|I|NII'lNI lay S, \l Ilurst. A. t`. Ih-mlrit-k and W. 'l`. (iilrny 'l`|u- llospltul fur Strk (`hildrt-n ulna .\'(IllL'|Il u grunt; mum wus- Inn n Incl \ I|:I r I`. I . l\I'll(I| llosplt suuL'|nl nnulv lust Tcndx-r.~ fur 300 C`m`(1s With 8 vivw to h:n'1ng n tuft`!-If L'u`m supply on hand next wintvr.t;~ .-\ld E. A 'I`\\'i. moved. svcundodl .b_v Aid Paddison. "that we adverb `. [so for tenders for 300 cords of wood L `for relief for no.-xx wintcr in lots!,. I `plied the Web}, Conmxittee". This mmiun 13 M! I - 'I'Iu- lIH';II pnlivr urr fur frmn vnrnlng (ha-ir km-p" us fim-s and costs lulzlllml nIl|_\' 525 in .lunmu'_\'. '.u'('ording to llw mun- lhly rumor! of (`hic-f nf l'uli(-v- :\lI`\ .\'l-uau-l. \\'hi<-h nus anh- mlllod In llu- `I`u\\n (`mmvi| M0mla_\' l`\'I`llill. - :|\ l`nlInu`\' lIlH|_\' l`\'l'IIIIl. Offvllt-vs \\vr(~ us fullnuxs: arm- rd rnlvhvr_\'. thru-r .1-nlu-m-I-(I ln I":-furnmlm-_\; |Hll`glaIl`_\'. ninr. I-ighl 1-nI|\'irl-(I. unr tlislnissml; pl-My Iln-Ha". fin-. lhrc-* (-nn\'Irl- WI. tun in\'-sIi:u|in': hl'(`2Il`lI l.. (' A u-\ `II II -1- 1-nun` irhwl l\ A lruglu u(`c|d0nt tnuk plucv nl Slrnud Hhutll H00 n.m 'l`u(-.~`lu\' whe-n George Green. ngml 77. wvll knuwn l`(`SidL'l\l of mm l`ummuI\- Hy. was fatally injure-rl. IL... -| I'll. |\\lI IlI\'('.\IIi|lllI: I|l'I`iIl'II '1. (` A M-\'t-|I. lhl'm- 1-uII\'ivlNI. luo dism ..'m|. mu awaiting trial: hrvatrll |I.'I`a\.. ll'l`t`. 1-mn'i:-H-(I: hrr;u~l| parkillg h)|.n\. \'l`. run- \'i'lmI; polly rumpI.oinl.s. `IR. all nllnllrh-II In` lnlnl G0 m`lwl Ispm-lul' \\-n.-.' In-(I l'|\(`(` Hun`. ..1 uI\:l Qnvul "I|\|AIA I'll l|I|I_\' 34.! III in: .\'|Ii'h ans `I`m\ In , I |.~; aulvr-rlmnp: !".xmmm-I` fun I Mr! nlsn n. Such il('HnlI \' (`nulwil nl ~c~lim.: fnllmv IN`:-nl|,\ ' : that Hu- iI\.\`}H'(`| | 4 M 0 H lI|.\}H'('I =, M 0 H .~nni1nr_\ 1- tlutlv; POLICE CHECKING ` ILLEGAL PARKING UNDER~ CRITICISM |Sl`\'I`I`lII /\I(lt`l`Ill|`II (Hnnpluin 'l`hut 'l`h-rt-. Is No Need to Infort-0 Bylaw In Winter l \ "Whul nhuul lhv |1uliI't' (`In-clum; up un purluug in this limv uf _vz-nr`.` mkml Alrl R. A, 'l'\\'|h'.s nl Mnnrluy c-\~vn1m,;`s nu-Ming ul` Ilw '|`uwn Cmllwll. "'l`ln_- .~'l1'm-ls urv nul n'm\\' t`(l and it >t`k'l]\.1 puur jutlmm-In in my npiniun." hr mldvtl. 'l hn' H-|m|'l nl |lu- (.`I\|x-I` nl |`nlIn'c- hm! .~'Im\vn lhm tlu-rv hm! bvvn lim- cnnvu~l|un.s nu .luuuary. M:......~ II 1: Hnlunlknn ,-Jillrill II\'||`lI||II.5 III I\'1a_vur II. that If lln-rv or if lrm'k.- \\'cl t' |`ml'k('l 1 Ihnnnhl H u Mr. Green wuss:-I away in Rn-ya. al Vlclnriu llmpilenl, lmrric-_ ulmut 6.30 ;\.m.. 'l'm'.\(lny. from .~~riuu.~a Injuries. inc-lutlim: M`\'l`l`lll hruken ribs. n (rm'lur:-(1 mllnr hum-. undl inlernnl injurin-s. llc- tlinl nut H--| gain om ' ' 'I'|.n .. ... III.. I \\'L`lt' |)lll\l'll Ill lllllll HI nun-urn. nu- lh(uu:|ll it wen. |n'::p-I` tn ('|n'rk lhvm. but hv nlnl Iml think that unliImr_\' 1`:'I.-'5 almuhl lw rlu-rlu-1|. AM \Vl|lImn (imm-r mill lw lmxl um-n 1: VIII [\2Il'kt'I| In (run! of I`. (` l.luyd`:; un ICII/Mn-lln SI- Wllh nut eumthc-r cur In llu- hllwk 'l`hx- own- :-r hml gm u In-In-I "SH hv rhuultl lmvv. l'UIlIllH'Il|\`tl .\|.I \u;.In...- ll-..||\..n-0 "\ In|'\v.. nnl `nu nu rluulltl nun- :\lnl Wullvl` llullu-rl lhv lx\'lu\\' um! .-~hnu| \'un (`ho-\\' Hm ran; uh: wlwn llu-_v em-n`l (lulu -Iml wlu-n lh:-_\' .u' " n.... n I.` 'llHl \\'ll|`ll lllt`)' (|Il' ll-z-xw 1). l MuvI.;m-n pnlu-u wz-ru rullmvlng l` lln-_\' w--ro~ alnlng lhv Ii ll(- fa-It Hm! at lhira litm- ur-._~ In. HM` mg LAKE SHORE * . SANITATION I ; IN INNISFIL} nu um Him`! In-l(l ul Slrnw Dr. Hlmnnuu. Ilvnllh, \\`.|.~' sunw sla-gm In- Ilzu" vnmlnlu M. O. H, Shannon Makes Recommendation To (IIl'lI Um` HI` I In-nllh Is ; up .nu- .--. \\lll'l, '~.'lI'I IIH` l\ll l /\ lnr;.:<- nmnln-r uf ' \\'vI`z- (`Ul|liIllHlIa||l`(i; .1 am: w,.n.~. pullumu: lhv l_\' \\ hl`I'I" pl! lmlvlti ln\\'-I\'Im- nr - l'l'|'('l\'l'(l ll`I|lH I ||t'aIllh (mu uf r`2III.\ \\'|m'h \\'t`l1' ul.u'l)' h_\' 1: mm .u n .\.V Tho n(:cim`m uct'uI`I'u-ti when Mr Green slippc-(I lIll(l('l' an lruvk whivh was but-king up in from of his rt`- sidc-nuo nn King.-,'s llighwny ll. 2:!` Strand. . I l"l\Inf I`.u-`nu.-~ I\.- \II .\ I... nun; In xnv mwu.\nu: .mu |llH'l- <`h.'In;:('.Il)h- l\'.'I(,'u- \w-0kl`v_ '|'ln-_\' woultl hv clq-.'nI:~'(l by .\|l'iIllI and rt-< Lnrln-(I 'l'In-rl1.'nu.:In;: wnuld Iw (lum- |v_\' lhv lhllllll'lDillll_\` and c|:.nrL:I'(l In u-.|1`|\ x':>H:n-U NI-l`\'H'a-ll EPLAINTIIF IN I FLOOD ACTION 3 I GIVEN $1,500 iitvwn had spvm. $4.500 las`. year for` 5 ' ralief wood ! " Ald Buchanan stated that the; ' ltnwn had nn hand about 25 curds. ' land used l8 cords weekly. The Sun- Idridge wuud had not been purch-` {used because it was not up to stan~ 3 dard. he said. The bosx wood could not be secured out of town for less 3! than $5 per curd plus frvighl. There - was some wood to be purchased yet in Barrie. at a maximum price of e $8 per curd. FEBRUARY MEETING In >mm~ pmcc-.-`. on m't.'uuIn tllfllvnlly |)I`:IpIt' haul in cru lhv .~:lu-pt-1') rain`:-rlra. `I -vu u nu; (Turn In ` '|l|`ll .'n- 1). him! it llw (hr luylnw. Inning Iiuhl lhmg. t Hunt at this Hunt nf Va-HI` ll pun III mp: lLl\Jl un n Twp. Council H <; 5 nu-z-Inu.: of IllIlI>fIl (`muu'Il, `In-ml um Mu|ul.u_v. I:-h Ii, mun. l\`|HlIx'2al ()|l'l'l` of .. ......-....I |.. nrun Hun Bll'll||ll. Chlef Curum-r Dr W. A l.-\v1:'. Burrit`. lll`(`i(Il`d lhul nu imnuwl would not hv hold. us pnlirt` In-Ii:-\`-! ed the (K`(`ul`l't`ll(`(` puxwly m'('i(le-nlul. Run Ova-r Hy 'l`ru('k An-urding In 'l`ruffit- Olum` (`vu- il Dean. Drudfurrl, whu |II\'t':~'ll|.:iIl- ed the m'('id(-M. an uulv|mnl)1lc- hml gum: lulu tho ditch in from uf Hu- r(`sidcnn- uf Wilb:-rl Hluck. lwu doors norm nf (hr (irm-n n-side-um-I on N10 \v`.s'l sidv M the hi;:lnvu_\- M Slrnml. lurk. n (rm-kn-r, hm! hnlrnn and hi: Omar-la unul unll...l 4|...` Ill!` III.`-| ll'I|!Il.`\ zu 1uu.- ~umsl)' Ivl Hw M 0 H . n.nnl....- ..f Inn u Juumnry. (i Ruin-|l.snm ralnln-ll r wu.~. (lnulhlr parking . lnzldud with null! In from ml" .-`Iul'z~.~`, lu- \\'en.- |.| II I; H..l ml! uumm-u >s lI}:.:l*>lIc um llu- I):-|u.u'(nn-nl ' lln`,\'o- I.~. Illt` ll.`;I' In lw ('l\nm.:u-(I I`: lIlIIll|t`I]>.'Il mn|lu_yo-o- '1'I`.\.`vlII _\` [)hlC'.'-`. - In-unlv ]|ll'.`\K`ll| ll 1` l.:|(t'II lui nm in Hu- llll ull nu I. l\1r(lIv2 ]ol`I'.`t`ll| .- Lulu-n In i|llH`lI luuvp gul .-~hnuhl t-nfnrvv ll ulmlll thv D(Il't' I`! tlmug tln-Ir duh . .5,` nun:-u mg n , Pnpv 5 I 1m.w-) lnu-I slum,-a~>l|u [M-l|.|I`Yll|l-l|| mm- on than ..n ..,., `HfrxnHti\`t'. he lIm`k`d uuurs norm m m- urm-n n-snnc-nu-an vi taken nut his truck mu! pull:-I lhv` car from the ditch. Unhnuking th-- low line` und gotting lmvk In lln truck ho cnllod tn nsk If nll wnw` Lleur. SUI]l(`()l\(` mlsxvt-|`z~d tuward his lama It \vns Iw-' longing tn Mr. (`-I've-I\`.~ that llw trnvk \v-u.~' pulling nut. Polivv in\"stip,ntiun rvvc-nl:-(I that Green had he-on \\'llklnj.: nunr thv sidc of thv mad nmi had slimn-I Un tlw icv under lhv \\'hN'l.~' ut thu- approarhing tnu-kt tlw rc-ur whm-l~ uf \\'hi(:h hml pzlssq-(1 mu-r his |'ht'$`. ..I` ll... An uu..,....o.... - I II I \\'vl|:., ||t- nuld. nlm lhv (trum- lukv, t'1-i|)P(`i&Il- 4 \\'c-r- lISl'(l In |lI'l|\~'I' hull!` ' .nko- Shun` . Ill "'(|lIII' {lrm|mu.: BARRI E, cAN}\t5}{:_:f4HjQIisDAv, FEBRU/\lY.V9Z, 71539? `Electric Range Campaign | Rcsultsln Mgny Sales People of Stroud Burn Mortgage On CommunityWHal|; Cost $1500`! Ill!` :uI'l'III' Ill u lung-r 5-Lun ..,., . 'l'hur.-.nlny c-v-Hing. l"-|n'nm'y '.!.l \\'|H'II n l:H l"|)l't`.`-Pllllll|\'I' nuIn~ |wI' uf HIIHN llllwmgll \\'hu.~o- n-ffu|t`i| lhv Nml uf l|u- hull hm! In-n-n |mH|.~ nu-I In wilm~s:s lhn hI1l'n|nv.' uf 3'1"` hnl| 1uurlgu;:n- 5'-mu Hrulo`_v w-ry ulnly '|I`2("I 11>` vh.m'nmn nml :.n'1Il-cl nll Iln- plan! I II-rm with him \\u-r4- llw ulha-I` Imll lh'n:lm-:.: Irving llulwrl:.nn. HiI. \`I_`,' |||\1L:|Iv.\. Huhl. Huyver mul (D H Him-k. .-I`l'l't`lIII _\ -Il'HIS|ll'l'|' lwl.` `IN-m-uric. &Il)llH](`|' lrllstt-v, wn.~e null x I ,....-~. ... _ ,. H . Hmll |l:; Jln: prn1.:Imnnu- Ilwlualml n.~:.<--r-I my mlging Md by (h_m_m_ Muumlrilanxul xnuw-l1n`;;.s. I'M-v la-ht. lunul. WIHI Mrs (inrrlun Mu:)nIl.! """'-"'*" pinnml, vocal (luv! by Minis`.-: l.nrn'n l.2I\\':u=|\mI(l l hyllis (HIH()\VIL\';(`I1llI`- L:iWI' 51||l|` furl.-1 nlmul lh-~ 1|l'I[.',iII urn-:2 by llm Hull '[`ru.s'1m`.~;; suing hy|0f lhu muv,'Im~nl In n~r-vl n h.IH Hlllv Jmul um! .luun Mulhullunr';&zuul u|.~:u Iuhl almul l|n- lnnlxllnr .~.`pm-vlu-.~. by Hm`. U, I`. Smylh, H.'||"U |1i||I1'i||H- A Sullu-rluml. (So-urp,-(2 Martin. nml After Um now .`~'(fI|tuhl was huil. |Mr.-~:. Huy Guudfu-lluw_ pl`(EE1'i(l(`lll of Mt Slmucl, H10 uld .-ichunl w'x- umri nu. \|lnn1vn'~I ln.~4lil.uI-: sulmzfinml (Turn tn Pmw .'l Plvttmel Ml .-~:. Mu) k:uun|I'lIu\\'_ |)l'Ut1l(ll`l| lhv Wnmvn'.~I lu.~4lil.ul-; auluut ...~..-..._._ g1sub1ish`c5uaru.;r1y\ }Welfare Business`; %`;Of Local Merchants} . nun... uuu pa.-.-uu \I\\ I um lllx .`I. An `_\'l`-\\ lIlll'.~`.\' uf llw H(`(`l(Il`lll was Mrs. W H. Mnrlin. \\'hu I'v.~i(l~ an nvarhy. and Ila-rbvrt \Vu1ln(`:~` was nlsu pruzwnt Surviving arc` sl.\' daughters nnd fmlr mlxs: Miss .lus-phixnn Ml hunw: Mrs. Edwin Jchnston, `Cruigvuh-; Mrs, f,`l1-:I`oI1cv l\ l(`C`ulw. Allunrlnlu-; Mrs. Rodger Wt-[vb and Nlrs. Whitt-- hond. 'I`ux'unlu; Mrs. IlnI'ry \ Vvhl), Slrnud; Prq-d und I-`runk Crown of CI'nl1:vHlt-: Edward Grm-n. Barrie; and Art l.1_['C;0:___ll,`_'\()nt,_Qx},_ _` ` .19- .._. `Town Council Adopts DUO -I-one Hi9hW0Y _ [ New Relief Toronto Thro' Bomc I I POHCY . Thu ()nl,nrinV . u u ; . nl 1.! hiuhuv-nu-: nlunc: iFORMERLY ANNUAL; EOpon Voucher Given 1 To Recipients Says Mayor l`lu- vim-.l.x'|(' rungs ckunpuign, wniuh hm; hm-n mu- ('("t`(.d by Barrio Public Ut.illt.les Cmmni.~a.~elm1, in ('n-n|wl'~ utlun with munuhu'l.uI'ers mu! maul rlmtlons. hm; prove-rl u .~nus(-.cx~:.-4.. W. M. Sullmr, h`(`.(`l'(Bl.lll`_V-IIllllHl{.:t`l' M` Lin- ('mn1ni.~:.-siml. lnfm`1m~,d 'l`hv iixmmnvr t.n(lu_v. nu n..|n.... `...:.l A|...O nun.-.. |I..... A.......o.. 41.... ............ \ Iruluu-\.u\uI. uuunuu-u -nu` ---~- Mr. Salim` suid Mutt. mnrv Lhun |.w-nt.y--Hv- runm-:s haul nlrvurly mwn sulcl, and Llml. many ml(llI.lmml sulc-.~+ \vvrv in pm.~:p-01.. lnclu(l~(l in the |n:1`clm.~w.|`s or new .-sl,uv- vs worn muny lncnlsullnlrlms whu huw lwvn u:m\g' gun, l.h- (Ii.-'t.rlhul.lm1 uf whi(-h (-,m1s0.~a April l. mu! ulsn t.lm.<;c- h|l.h- -rm using.-. mm] and wood. 'l`I.n f`1\|\`\I\\II nlun |a\|- nnvu nnununniu L'I\l`1lIIA. -nun u mnuu_y ` ].',lI`.\n('\I UIIIIIIH I'll! w\I n, uu. -uum | nuul. lllllln ll.l|lIIl`II nntnnlyl.nt.lw(?unkh1g Sclmnl lt..~u-ll , hut, amen Ln Lhv spit-n~ am n1 vl~v,t.1'iu rzu1|:~>am l.lu- Im.~.'e-nu-nl.." 'l'lu-rv won- uhuut. tJ1lL'.Ly_.v'u:11.',t-:'. in (lLs'plny (l|ll`ll1|.',` l.ho wm-k. givlm; Mr nnd Mrs. Jnhn Puhllv the fL(|V}llll.1l|.', ` ml` (-mnpnrlm.-, Lho-. vnriuus Inutlvls, \vH,h(mt. 2u|_v vmhu|'I'm;:;nu-nl.. p|.I_V'S. \ U stun 259. Dance : :|||1u Llul [mun .5aL` 4-up' ' Saturday evening. Odd!-eh lows Hull. Barrio. Music by Bob !Pn\vol1's Melody Men. Gentlemen 35:`. ladies 30c. Hfb ;` wmm Pnhy-nu.-u 1'7 r\v\.\n lm- var-ni. aac. iauies auc. um; Keep February 17 open for carni- val in Thornton's new arena. G-nod ,prizes for various classes of fancy` skating and clown. 5-6b ' Trinity `Me-I1'.~` Club will repeal ` their centennial fashion parade. ` Wednesday. Feb. 15. 8.15 pm. ln Pill`-l ish Hall. Collier St. Tickets on sale.` at Di.\'ie`s Smiuke Shop and W:-ay~l muuth's Bunk Store. 51>} For Town Council Briefs See Page 14

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