cents if charged). Classmed aovts acce table up to ten o'clock on W NESDAY NIGHT. But adlets will be accepted up to nine o'clock Thursday morning, to be run on the same page, under the heading. `Too Late to Classify." 7-ROOMED HOUSE for rcnt. 125 _ ' Mary St.. all cmmvmxivncos. garage-. rwmluhlo at oncv. Apply Dr. Rog- ers. 50 Mary St. 451(1) ITO REN'1`-~Suito of 3 or 1 office` heated. central. furnished or not. W. Sarjoant. Phone 94. 1Z-6p ply 84 Worslcy St. 2b NEW APARTMENT for rent. living room. kitchen. dinette. 2 bedrooms, sunroom. modern bath. largv attic. electrical refrigerator. 1'an}zo_ hot`, water heating. garage available. An- M TO LE'I`-No. 76 Maple Ave: 7- -` roamed modern brick house with all conveniences. large garden and} new arage. Property of the late J. Wu tie. Apnly C0utts' Real Es- tale. Phone office 281. or residoncc 853.}. 48! fl)` Takcnctll Y'S BLUE UVERUUAT 1 14 years. Phone 580M. 3 BOX for sale. in good condi- 1. good for grocer or 1`ostzu1rnn1. - 8 ft. high, 5% ft. wide. 2% fl. 1). Price $35.00. /\m)l,v Pryson`s E HOOVER with attachments . sale, pmctically now. guaran- rl, cheap for quick sale. Apply G. Smith & Cn.. for M1`. HI 2:) L SALE-4 used tires and tubes, :19. Phone 185. 2b WASHING Mnummu.` 101' lol Bradford St. J. W. Hart. 0 335. 2b LIVE FOWI. WANTED - Market] price paid. Phone or write H. Lev- lt. Barrio. 52-4p ROOMS AND BOARD (luv um: mm It In Thu Eunmlnau-I I 11.. mgn. D`/.2 IL. wide. 252 11. ` $35.00. Apply Pryson`s ` 21) M run m\1.r.' Lm KILNI V-|.m ` =. Con. 11. Lot 8. Essa Tnwn- ` Highway 27. Apply at the . 52-41) I BLUE OVERCOAT f0-1` Silk}, l vnarg Phnnn BROM 2h WASHING MACHINE for M lm Rradfnrd S1,. J W. Hart. WOOD FOR. SALE luv vnu any It In The: Exnmlna PROPERTY TO LET `Inn unn can I! In Th: FInnIInn!\ FOR. SALE nu -nu: II In Th: Fr: fix- .`. $1111 I" rage for! 1 F.cn`l(`s' ithl IIOUSEKEEPEWS position want- ed. town or village, good referenc- es. Apply Box Z". Barrie Examin- er. 2b M12 2p LOS'1`-Mzm's Waltham watch, _nn| Friday ni ht. in front of Salvatuml Army Hal. Finder please return h\ (`Ann1ain'Mm-mm Rmvard. 1-Znl WOULD EXCHANGE 8-roomed house in Toronto, suitable for two families, for farm. Box 8, Richvalc. Ont, Zn THANKS FOR. REMEMBRANCES am my I-mm. mum Hlrn in LOST - Lady's black purse. near Post Office on Saturday night. Re- ward` Finder please Phone 1486. 2b LOS'I` - In the vicinity of Craig- hurst. 2 female hounds, one black and white and tan. one black with blue and white specks. Anyone knowing whereabouts Phone 52. Barrie, Harry 'I`ravcrs. 2p 6-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE for sale, 18 by 26. Apply Aub. Slossor, Edgar. 50-2b '1'I`lN|\5 run. nnmmuunnnuun Goo. M. Lavery would like to thank the employees of tho_C.N.R.. All-andale. for their very kind rc- mcmbranccs on his retirement af- ter 47 years of service. 213 ,__T__________._ TENDERS wiil be received up In` Jmumry 21. 1939. for 7 curds 12-` inch beach and maple. dellveredl to S.S. N0. 8. Innisfil. by March 15 } H I. Rnlstcm. I.ofrnv_ Scc'v. '2DI TENDERS will be received up un- til Jan. 21. for five cords bench and maple, 4 t. and 1 ft. hardwood, to be delivered to S.S. No. 8, Es:~'.'1. ` J. A. Dawson. Secretary. 'I'hm`n- Ion. 2-3p A REFINED EI..DERI..Y WOMAN want: work as hnusokccner or TENDERS will be received up till Jan. 21. for 8 cords of 4-H. green lmdy hardwood. at least mo-half maple, for Dalsttm Schtmlz same tn be nilcd in ,va.rd. John R. Wilson., ` TENDERS will be received until 1 Jan. 25 for 7 cards of gr(`,(\n body ' hzlrdwnod. at, least 2/3 mnpk-_ to f be dolivorcd In Holly School by _March 15. E. C. Johns, Sec`_v.- : Tron.s'.. RR. 2. Allandale. I-21) mnplp, for Dalston School: u\| Dllcd in. yard. Wilson. RR. 1. Bnrnc. 2b| I l WANTED - Seven curds suund body hnrdxvood, at. least half Innplo. to be delivered. piled and measur- ed at Cundlcs School by June 1. Tenders close February 1. H. A. Pearson. RR. 3. Barrie. 2-3p TENDERS will be rncvivod up 1 ti] F011, 1. for 5 rnrds mrmln 1 half cord of cedar, cut. 1 mm. long, to bv delivered at S.S. N0. 14. In- ni. by March 1. Gen. Fennel. Sec`y.. Allzmdnle. TLR. 1. 213 Lil Fob. 1. for 5 cords maple and bv0(`l1 h:u'd\vn4)d. cut, 2 ft, long; also. half cord of cedar, cut. 1 font. 101132,] tn hn r'h\li\7nrr>d nf g NO 14 Ill- 'l`l'INI)I*)l{S \VlH bu rnc('1v(`(1 un-I I SEALED TENDERS will ht` 1'm`~i"- ed up until Jan 21. for 6 cords Izrocn beech and maple body wood. dvlivcrcd. split. and proporlv piiod at roar of School Section 13. Ves- TENDERS will be received unlil Saturday, Jan. 21. 1938. for eight H8) curds nl` sound green maplv , and bvvch bodywood. delivered in l.(`fruv Public School vard. Givv dvllvcrcd. split. and pmporlv puocl at Section 13_. Vps- pra: also one cord nf kmdlmg w.'1nt.ud. Wm. J. Cole, Suc'y.'I`rezas.. Bzmwc. 2b A REFINED ELDERLY WOMAN wants work as housekeeper companion for a lady. Can also do knitting and sewing. Good refer- ences. Phone 579W. 2b TENDERS f0l`_ five cords of maple and beech body wood, cut 16 inch- es long. dolivorcd on schnnl ;zrmn1d.< of SB. No. 2. Innisfil. Bethesda, by _ March 1. 1939. Lowest or any land- vr not lwcossnrily accepted. 'I`vnd- hrs in close Jzmunrv 14. Art.h1n' R ` Green, Socy.. I`har{\tnn_ RR. 1. I-2b nnd bvvclx b_odywood. don\'orcd_In l.(`fl`<)y School ym'd. p1'iCL`S in both 4-ft_ and 16-inch longlhs. C. P. McLennan, Secretar_v- 'I`rcasurc1'. 2-3h TENDERS l`ecoiv(`d U11 January 25' for 7 cords of maple and bunch body wood. cut 16 inches long. and 1 (`nrd coda!` out 16 inches lung. dc-Iivorod to Painswirk Sr-hon] bv I (`nrd cedar out 16 Inches lung. dvIivorc~d to Painswick School by `March 1. Lowost or any tcndvr not rwcos. at-copied. Wm. Wnrnicn. Sm-`y., Allandalo R.R. L 2-3p vd. G` W. Atkinson. Soc'y.. RR. 1. I TENDERS will bo rocclved up to Jzmumy 19 for ton cords sound. grvm1 body hardwood. mostly maple; also 2 cords of dry body hardwood, to be delivered at Crown' Hill School by Feb. 1. Lowest or any tondm` not nvc(~s. Moon!- ` Barrio. `lb I TENDERS will be 1'ccel\'ed by thv undorsigznod for five cords of green body lmrdwood at least half maple. ` out 22 ins. lnng. delivcwod and pil- ed in Chorr_v Crook school yard. SS, No. 3\. also for one card kin-I dlinx: rut 12 ins. long. 4 pilos 1o| ' curd. Tondvrs ('ln. Jan. `ll. How- '|m'd Allan. Churchill. '.2b I TENDERS will be received up to` |Janu;n`_\' 28, 1939. for tvn Cords of sound. grvmm body wood. sot ! maple! and vim, or vight cords hard maple and booch. 24" long and piled at! SS. No. 15. Vospra (Mina-. Sta-\ tion). Loxvvst or any tender not no-g 4-os.~`:n'i|\' nccontod. Delivered ho-y fnrv March 15. G. E. Richardson. ISO("y.. Amen Mills. 21) .1 gvunu, on. nu. mum... \r ihofnrv the first Rt MarCh.Ii9Zii., "[`(`nd'r.< will be rvc(`i\'ud up in 20th 3 !da_\' nf Jnmumv. The lowest or :m\" _ _ ` HF.[ I`l.F.STON In lmxing x1w111n1'}'f of Richznrd Hvpnlvstmu. who was` . dmwnvd Januarv 10 1937 ` Itvndor not m`cos.=m'11y accented. H. . . .; . .' " 1 1'5. Ko1co_v. Allandzv rm. 2. 2:).X0`j},,1f?l`(jj`_`}`,;.()1;`; ` - I - - - ` `His . on :1 cnurt uf Ltnld. `. i RHSCELLANEOUS '~I{is sauna quiet smilv 5 , ?O I I * ' 1': '~ IHAVE THOSF. FLOORS \vA>~.Ens,\2,,{`.fIfi ; ,1',`d;,_,._`. U{ .,m_ ` },!;;\' at n`a.~`mmblo rates. Plxnmxgi _<,E\.`.l-1.(.n.mb`,n.d by] ,2!) Aunliv Amy and Jummv " -_,..... -.-V. . .-..~ p: `my Hall. Finder please return: Captain'Mm'gan. Reward. 1-2p !MONF.Y TO LOAN r!a::o._ .-\pp1_\' Box lxamnwr. 1 SUN LAMP WANTED. must cheap. Apply Barrie Examiner. I _ 'I'WO-WAY ACTION on tho Kid-5 . noys, antiseptic and in\'i::nrmin;1.[ , Rumacans nttavk the cause nfI'.! . Rheumatism. Sciatica. Lumb'\0.5" : Douglas` Drug Store. 21311- S.S. No. 8. lnmsfll. by Mar . 1.. Ralston. Lcfroy. Scc'y. BUZ7.~S:\W1NG ]00NE at vvuhw Km`:-in] nrivns for BUZJ/.-S.~\WI.NG DUNE; v~1tv.~'. Sum-xal prices i Phone R66\V. M.~\D.~\M ALICE. scinntiflc rondvr. Card: and ion rup. 'I`IIr`sd5\,\'. Wavi- m\. Jan. 17. IR. 26 Owen St. Barrio. 2p 1 i PROPERTY FOR. SALE (In: um: unit It In Thn lnmlnur) |P.LEC'I`RI_C WIRING. ahnratinnszi `land r(`Dmr.<: sorvicvs in re-l pairs to smves and appliances: we-3 mntos given. J. R. Somorvi1!o.| 125 Dumop St.. Phone 122. 51-54;)` I PIG FEEDERS can have what bit! 3 lstzwter and mmcentrate they rt`- quiro for feeding market hogs. on. credit. You pay for feed when hurls` are sold. See us. The Sarjeam Cu.` 11.94.. Plume as. 50-21: : /LK(K)S'I` AND FOUND llnu Inul any It In `flu Iunmlnnrl TENDERS WANTED YOUNG CALVES WANTED. suit- nhln fnr vr-nlinu Gr-nrLro Gohcen. W_nT~<)xTT-:`::ExT x?c;`x'a- Inv mm nm It In `Hm Eunmlnnr I on first mm'-? "W", Barrxo` 9h! lnwost F I I polexs`. \ . '!n 5 5 v ` . ._. - l?;:it(::KE\'-[l\ lu\'in;.' memory of a clo.'u'['. ab`; wife and nmthvr, Hnpu Key. who '- " > p:1.~'.~`0(*l :|w:1_\` Jun. 8. 1936. `1 V\\` .Fl`ivnds depart when the ;:ning'.~'L` IL! . I HHS. `m`- M -'gp:t\nd hmvy b(_`cnnn~s thv load '1 _. But _\')u_r smile, yu1n' \'nlc:, ymlr rim.` gzuxdxnu hand Md- ' Hm-lps us on nw1nnr_\".< mad. . . St,_`And_ bvczmsc we know you'd wlh. gpi It dour, _ -- We let thu smile shine thmuzh 01- (id- I 1o\2I' ` < I sistor.<. Miss .Iu.~'.<|<- M(:NIvvn :m'.I Mrs`. F. A. Lnishlnv of 'l'nmnto.. Thu fulwrnl look nl-tuft` from hisl lntv rv. in Virdon. " R/\WSON--A1 (.`uld\v:11,(-I`. nn '1`u(~.~'-| day. .Inrm;1ry 3. 1939. Charles Ed-1 ;.{.'n' Rznvsnn. in his Bmh your. fn-| llwr nf Town F.n;:invm` E. Olin Rn\v: Inlornu-nl. ;I1, Cnld\vn!vr__ Jllllilry 5. WALLWIN On Jan. 4, 1939. :11 Midhurst. Jnhn Wnllwin. in his - 91st your. Flnwral an '.'Inn. 6. In-' ` 1m-mnm Mirllmrsl (`.(\mol(`1`\'. I ua.1'y 11. M('N1V1"`.N-/\1 1110 r(~si of his rlmnulvr. Mrs. Wullvr Mumzl 1`.v:ms1nn. 111.. John D:1vi. MC-. Nivvn nf Virdvn. M:mi1uhn_ in his 77111 _vv:u'. Survivinz: him art` his widow. twn c1nu),'I11t-r.< and om` sun. 1,)nI1.'I1r1 A. MvNivun. M.1,,..A.. Rvginn. S:1: also two sistor.<. Miss .Iu.~'. M(:Nivvn :m'.| 1\I"< F A T.ni. of '1'omn1o.. /\I.I,.EN---~In loving memory or rlvzn` hushaml. William Jnnws Ion. who p2lS:~'(`d nwny Jun. 1935. Rnnchilln n:m sh-;|rln\vs full. 19 ' Sun 1in(- pzmavs. slmc1o\vs full, I l.o\ r: s rvmnmbrzmcc olntlnsts all. I` --- gvor romomborod by` `in Wife. '['mnm_v zmd Arlenv- 5 2p YOUNG CALVISS WANTIEJU. sun- : able for venlixm. Gcm`;,'c Gohcen. Stroud 181101. 2p w DYER~-In loving mvmory of our donr husbzmd and faihvr. Alfred A. Dyvr. who (`nlm'ud into rest Jzm. 9. 1925. ~ -l.nvin;.:ly rmm-mborod by Wife and Family. HEl I I.F.S'l`ON----In fund and loving A memory of mu` dvur sun and hm- thcr_ Richard .l;nn(-.< Hepp1cslon_.' who mod Jan. 10. 1937. I H0 has solved it. life's xvuntlerllll} 5 : nrnhlvm. H0 has S0l\/(`(1 H. mes wun(u_-run; ' prnblvm. Tho deepest. thv strangest. thv l:1;`.l And into the school of thv nngr-I | with the :l11S\V(`l` forever has pnsst-(l. . V 1 How st1'um.{v he should slg-up so` nrnfmxndlv [How su'um.{0 no snoum su-l_-p N , prnfmxndly Sn vnungt. so unwurn bv the :'11`if('. Whilc besidv him hrimful nf hum-`.< I nnm nr |WnllL' UL'.\1uL' llllll Ulllllllll Ill nu. . nvclm` Untouched stood the goblet nl` lllv. God knvw all nbmll it. hnw nnhlv. I How ;.'enll(: ho was. and how bran.- lHo\v bright his nussihlo future. Ym put him to sloop in his m`.'1v0. Godhlmmv all about lhuse whw l wt` I rm, |L:o(1 Km-w an aonux llmm: wu-,- I um him. `How bitter the trial nmsl ho _ And right th1'nu;.:h it all God i.\`l()Vll11.Zl I.-\n(l knows much hvttvr than xvow ---I.<)\`il\L',lA\' 1`mnvmb(`r(`d by Momi :`. b and Dad. Nora. Allcc and Jack.g HEPPLESTON -- In loving romvm-i branch of Richard Hvm)le: who 1)u. away Jun. 10. 1937. V .S\\'v0t m<`nmri<`.< will lingzvr fOI`(`\ (`l .I Time cannot ol1am.:v them, it's trm-:1 \'0:1I`s that may cmno cannot sever lolly loving 1'o1m`n1bmncv of ynu. } ` -I.n\'ingl_\' 1`mnvmbm'vd by Grand-E lma and Grandpa and Uncle Harry; innd Auntiv Adn. 21)` I .__:_.?:. a I i .Imu1:n`y 5. L V/\l.I.WlN ~- tm`m(`n1 Midhur.s'l C(\m(~t(~r_v. I 4 `LOWE In Inx-in: memory of H; dear husband and father. Cl1ar1t`~u i W. Lnwo. who passed u\v.'1y Jan. I 13,1920. care ! `For the one we loved lies slc-cplml} , there. ` Some may fnrgot him now he is gone. . ,But we'll not forget hlm no mattcrl n| how long. --.-\.lwa_vs Remen1bm'od by. t 2`) \\ J1. and l"utnil-'- ' BEAGL1". HOUND wanted. must be good on .rnbbi1.s and reasonable price. 94 Essa Road. Allzmdalc. Phone l272W. 2p IN MEMORIAM mm nmums EXAMINER. Baum. 0141.. CANADA . l_.n\\'L`. who passen Jan. , 1920. : only a grmvo but it still needs 1r. --I.m'in::1_\' rvxnmnbnrrrl `nj-` Husbznui and 1~`nn~.iL\`. _ *1 were ncnwvx-(1. Hnl)(`l`l Briullt. nlins Allan. ulins `Martin. ulins F`rnsm'. was :n`rc:~:1o(l in :1 shack nt-:n' Coldwnlvr nnd vvns mnvi(rl,(~cl on Friday ml` :1 mlmber nl` _ tlwfls by Mn;:_isl.rul(- Bick at Orillin. . who svnlvnced him to {nur _Y(.'Zll`S in ` Kimtslun Pnnitt-nliury. -' In uddilhm In l)('il1L{ convicted of .1hr~ thz-ft. of an w.'u.{nn from Jnhn Cnnk nl Pninswick, some weeks ago, _ :1 large nmnunt of stolen goods was - fuund in his place of ubndc. Among n the :n'licl(`.s' SlUl(,`ll from the MC- '._I..n1u;hli home r(-cnvenrcl by police lwore blankets. linen. clothing. jew- ` Jury and a .32 Smith and Wesson " . rcvnlvvr. I Goods Stolen Several ! Months Ago Recovered ` Thief Gets Four Years] I`u|im- rt-p<)r1(.-(l lndny Lhul. 90 D01` cunl. ml` the gnncls slnlon in :1 ;,'(mm'- "cl:-nn uul" nf lhu l`(,'Sid(_'I1C(' of Ed- wurd J. lVl'cI.nLu,'h1in, 91 1-IL-nry SL. on s('[)|. 17 last. had been returned. On that nu(:usion_ n Snlurdzny overn- im:. :1 mwm I.hi(-f hnd bucked :1 truck up In lhv side door and had rumnvcd :n'liclu:< from cellar In xzurrelt. H.'n'I'i:- unlit-n \'l`lI' nni n r`il'('lll:ll'x :u'nc|u:< Irmn ccunr In ;.:2u'rcu. I3.'n`ri(' pulicv soul. out {I CiI'culm' listing Ihv stnlvn goods in detail wilh Hm rt-sull, thul. (rxcvllent results wvre nchivvvd. "1u|\1\I'I H.-inlu All-.n uliqu "!'I`lmr. Jan. 19~Crcdit sale M1 . farm stuck. implements and `i housvhnld (-ff(-L-ts. Russel} Rawn.! .'. Int 19. Con. 7, Sunnidale. Sale at` ' 1 12.30 p.m. Voarl M` Cnutls. Auc- I 1 v iinnocr. Phone 1488. I-2x` 1`. D01` .7, won, anu uccrnxucr .1. :.~:.m. ~ ;Wc Are The Largest Private-} Copies of said list. of lands or ad-I; Owned property Managers '\'.ertlsemo_nt can be seen in mv pl - . . f ll b z 'l -d zk - ' 1... \Vh)' worry over your rents In Tor-1al;gC2i,`n fS,rms|;":.m_up(I): r3,.'fnl":l`{; ; -um`? We collect mom for you. Rat-1 of payment nf taxes as Shown ,,n l jvs: Om: Dollar per Month. Memberi said llst on or be1'orr- ""nl` l"rnpm`ly Ownors Association.< TUESDAY. JANUARY 24, 1939 :~:Wril.c us. Bank references. 43-4b'3l l-hf-` h0Ul 0T 1W0 0'Cl0Ck in H1" 1_ll)<-.von Realty and Management Co.I-`"' I 5h ` `hat m i"- ` I, ,, . .the Council Chambvr. Court I-lnu. ` 1906" G`d St` E" TORONTO; Barrie, Ontario. proceed in sell by public auction the said lands to` Sf'l'0IJd Telephone CO. L|'d.!, pay such arrears. tugolhm` with tho `NO I`ICE-'I h<- Annual Meeting orlcharzzes thereon , [tho Sl\a1`0l\uld01`s of Strnud Tole-: 13- H CO1-EM_-`\-`L '.`Dl1un(` Cump;m.\'. Limited. will bv T1`a_5m"-.C"m~"' of 5'"""w -V `hvld in lho Conmunitv H111 `T~U"'"- Om :h`Sh'nud` on \Vo(lrw: Jan'uarv (181 C`` H"U5- B"""ri"- 0' . .-\-.ll!)39. at 2 p.m.. for the eloctin oflllm dai "r J``-`'- W39 '1') g l)lI`(`('tm`S and general business. R. A. SUTHERLAND. r>res.= " 11-21; w. S. YOUNG. sm~'_v.l The Monarch Life l'.L l'Z` l POTATOES WANTED---Any quan- Hiv hinhrlul (`nch nrir-nc nnid 1710290 Mn`. Frzmk Bob!) and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors fnr extreme kindne.-'.s shown dur- `mg their recent. bereavement. 2b ! L`.ORBE'I"I`-We wish to thank all I V `: BEBB---Mrs. A. Bebb, Mr. andi; 1 `mg their recent bereavement. 20 i } L`.Ol3BE'I"I`-We 1 `DUI kind friends and neighbors for`. ``their many kind expressions nf sympathy and condolence durlng e-ur recent bereavement.-Mrs. J. W. Corbett and family. 2pbl_ PROSSER -- Mrs. Nettle Presser` and family wish to extend their l sincere thanks to the many friends | ` and neighbors who so kindly and.` ll1r)llLZhHLly rendered zisslstance. or 1 tendered their sympathy durinrzl their recent bereavement. lpbl I 1 i'l'IlANKS FOR Rl`IM|:IMBl{ANCES! (`_1\t\ n/r I-nu-u-u uunulri Iilzn in` ' I III\NI\B I`lII(. ISIHVIDIVIIIISIILVDFAD` l Goa. M. Lnvc-r_v would like in Hhnnk tho ('lT`lp]()y0(ES of the C.N`R.. !Al|andnlo. for their very kind re- 1m(`mb1':mC0s nn his retirement af- !1m- 47 y(~:u's of S(`l`Vi(.'(`. :CARDS or THANKS] ` -- 5| AUCTION SALES mmn'.' we collect mom mr ynu. mu-1 Member; nf Associzationml :Wril.c 43-4b` VIN-.von Co.I lliu Cnrrnrrl Sf FL TORONTOI r1lVIV\lr\- IvI--I Iuvt Barrie Union Cemetery THE ANNUAL MEETING of the .Sh.-wohuldcrs of the Barrie Unionr` f;L`nnwt(~I'y Cu will be held in them _*1\I:1gi.~`h`utv's Court. Chambers. Bar-L ,-`H(`. on the evening of MONDAY. ,.T.-\NU.-\RY 16. 1939, at 8 o'clock. fur the purpose of electing direct0rs| _\.`:md the lransactkm of general; ':business. including the Revision nf ,R_vlnw.<. All lot mvners are shaw- 1~ ; holders. 1v x 1 1 4 '4 '1 14 ` wrns NASH Pvesident. I5 5'1 9 \ 'QAAIJLAOAOoowooyooqowtat0ooooowooooooo-o\ono1009:1o9ooooIpo090OO19 ANNUAL MEETING WAN'I`F.[)~~1.ngs and radar shingle ` bolts. Muskukn Log Cabin Co.. . Highway 26. om` mile north of Bar- 1 rio_ Box 42. B:In'iv. Phone 227_ or u rt-.sidem`o phuno 4l7r1 1. 1-51) one cent, 2; word, cash. each 1nser- ` Mon, (mxmmum cha_rge. 25). ve Insertions for the pnce of four. 25 extra if not paid within five days 01 date of issucg; also 10c extra when replies are dxrectcgi to The Examin- er.` Store or busm_ess_qdver_tising will '.u`rive and be for sale at. G. W. A I`KINSON'S FARM CROWN HILL. on Tuesday. Jan. 17th. and after until ..,\:...I \/.|\\J soid. ANOTHER CAR OF GOOD YOUNG FARM HORSES AND COLTS HORSES FOR SALE THOS. NASH. P1'esiden:.| J. W . NESS. Sec`_v.~'I`r0.`.~`. G. W. ATKINSON. 1@E-EEETJIW COUICI` street. ----Fur coats. lowest prices in years. See us about your fur coat, we can save you money. Simmons & C0,. ` The Coat Store. Zb Gnu.-ul hnrlaniu nf 1-nrrnnunr1(!nc0 The Coat L-store. Several budgets of cmrespundcnce were too late for insertion in last. weeks Examiner, the mails being * held up by the storm. I __.1munn~v filnnrin S:|le~-Oul` Cn- uan- tity. highest, cash nricos paid. P Case state mnnher uf vl).'u.:.s'. Box Examiner nffico. 2p `lhcld by me storm. --January Clearing Sulc---Our tire winter stuck at prices that will be a great saving tu you. Simmons \`& C0., The Coat Store. 2!) ..n ._r l....z..r:I r<,.......:I ` -C0mplete clearance of all winter cunts, both cloth and fur cunts. Buy now and save. Simmons & Co. 2b .. ..r u..m~:.\ Ll.-n-H. OZ L,U., lnu \.uu. aunc. In the report of Innlsfil Council, lnn page 1. the name uf Dopu1.y- Reeve Reynolds is omiltvd from the list of chairmen. He is head M the Rnntls and Bridges Committee. 1. .s,,- ~nu_..n.__..- 0: ...... .. 1' "111: HOW anu :iuvI:. uuunuuua u. \4\I. .. Annual meeting of Barrie Horti- cultural Soclety tonight (Thursday) ~in the magistrato's court room, Collier Street. 2x __w... 1-nutu Inumno m-1r-n: in vears. u.;u..,. l\.l7iIllh llllu IJIIu5l;n \4\u| William Mortimer, Sparrow Lake-. paid :1 fine of $10 and costs in enuri there ycsterda_y after pleading guilty : to .1 charge of reckless driving laid by Provncial Constable R. G. Beatty. Alfrml l.i has l1()ll0lll(;lll'!l)h Benny. AH'l`(,`d Liscumb has gnnu tn Gut-lph to take the three-mtmths cnursc in `duirying at Ontario Agricultural .Cu1lcge. George Kigzhtlt.-y has lukun inver Liscumb's oust-cm! mute for "B:uri0-Allundule Dniry. n uy..I.::.. L... ....I....-..,l (hm IJill'l'l|T"llll(lIlLltIll: lJulI_y. : R. S. Wuldic has pun.-lms(_-(I 1hv 'Warrcn property just east of his summer place on the Shanty Bay Road. Last. year Mr. Waldic hnd H very fine tennis cnurt construclml ,on the lawn cast of his house. i J. 1-1. Gublc has joined the stuff nf Harold Hill's Gurzlpzv us :Iccuunl- smt in place of Clint. Mnnru. Mr. Gublc-`s home is Wilmipug. nlt,huu;,'h .he had been in '1`o1'(mlu for :1 short time prior In locntimz in }~{.'n'rie. 1 . A1:-`I1 hninrr rnnllnl LllIll."1IllII In nn_uu-u-5 nu nu: - u_. Alterations are now being madug by cunlrnclur R. E. Tuck at Humid Hill's Gumgc. Two private nfficos are being made and sonw chzmgcs in. the shnwmom tn prnvidv bcl4l.(-1' zuc- cummudatiun for the office stuff and display of cars. Tho vn victims or the S(.'l`i(mS mspuny ox cars. The five victims of the seI`i(ms| motor accident south of Pninswiek on January 2. when (1 cm and a bus came Into collision, were ll`ilHSf(,'I`-` I i rod from Royal Vietnrla Hospital. Barrie, to Suldiers' Memorial Hos- pital, Orillin. at the end of Inst week. II, is understnnr.l that the in- jured are making gum! progress to- ward recnv(:1'y. I Dlnmiinur muillv In H10 lht-H of {I l V of the Czmzidizm Brrmdc.'1st,im.t Cor- \ ' 1 want recovery. Pleading guilty to the theft of II, .22 calibre rifle from J. V. Byrne on December 23. u local youth was- sentenccd to fifteen (lays in the County Gaul in court here yes- terday. It was his second offence so that. :1 fine could not he It-vierl.i' Chief Stewart testified neeused took the rifle to A. .l. Tuck's sec- ond-hzmd store and traded it. for .1 pair of boots. Last Friday night. rndln listeners had on opportunity to hear the first of 4: series of talks on European at -` [airs by the London (.'<)l`|'(`:~`.])t)ll(l.`llli porution. The speaker was Grnhum Spry. a nephew of Frank M. Spry,l Miss Adele Spry amrl Mrs. J. W. Hamilton. Barrie. These eommen-I turies will be heard ouch Friday night. over CBL. WANTED TO REN'I`r~5 or 6-room- r-rl hmusn nrnfnmhlv um nulskirts Society war: ANNUAL MEETING nf Bur-E. - ric Agricultural Society will hol ; held in the Magistrate's Court` `Chambers. Barrio. at 2 P.M._ nn lhr-| vaftemonn of Friday. Jnnu:n`v 20. |1939. All members and oxhihi!nrs iwclcomc. I .I.`2h A H. F`F.I.'I`. SOCl`(E1:lI`,V. | UIIIIIU U-131:`:--u--wu | v . I }SALF";"'(317`'i:1_NDS. Isl-ll-'1` V- -- " " " UI|I\.l' uxlu : i For Arrears of Taxes m`` "`' `m I I 1 i IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE "R. J. H. N. SNHTH To WKTI ; Physir-i-an :mrl SlIl'L (-rm NOTICE is hereby given that tho; Offirv: Owvn S`. at ('nHivr Hist. of lands nnw liable to be s01d.0fl'i('v Hmxrs: 1.Z .fl-330. 7-830 pm. `for arrears of taxes in the Cnunty`Phrm(r 700. R:-: 47 ('nHi1-I` S1 `of S.1mcoc was published in an nd- ` , ` ` ` ` V ` , `vertlscment. October 1. 1938. in tho; "- ""g_("`I (~ 5"'YMl Ontario Gazette. and upon Nov:-m-; Physlmzm and Surut-nn box` 5 1938, and Dccvmbc-r 3. I938. Office and Rr'. (`nrnr-r F.li`/:I- ...:.u 1:..o l\'1'\O\f`[l ,,.. ,,;_|h-(h nnrl 'I`m`unlu SLR. Phrmv MU } L). H. LIUlJ`JM.`\zV'. j Treasurer. County Smvru .'I`rcasurcr'.< Office, {Court Barrio. Ont. 111th day of 1939. `B-2. 1 Assurance Company Barrie Agricultural (--:-L.. Central Ontario Brunch OfflC(' 80 King St. W.. Toronto Phone 9021-4-2, BARRIE ANNOUN(?F.S TI-IF. .\PPOlNTMENT OF Gordon F. Robertson of Cruigvqlv. Out. as Local Representative- ADJOURNED T If WAN'1`ls`l) 'l`() lH1}N'l'-~-.`) ri-room- ed housr`. |)l'(`f(`l`nbl_y on outskirts of town. Rvply giving full par- giculars in Box D". Barrio Exam- 1110]` Qh A. H. FELT. Sc-crc1.:n*_v. " (lain:-4o%o=o%o=o%ol::o% N H: . Elizabeth of Mary : Phone 215 : We Deliver I 1 I I e;A!;;;A!::-T-`.M:7_o_=oIo:xo:eonT}' I I I I I I I l!()Yb' &. Iunm BiIl`l'iHlL`I`.`, Solicitors. Nuturix,-s Fuh- lic. CUl]V('y&l!I(?(`l'.\', (-l<-. Mmwy l.n lmm at. lowest rates of inlvr:-sl. ()f-I five: 13 Owt-n Sl._ M:nsnni' T1-mpl:-| Building, Barri:-. Brun('h ul'fit-(3; Elmvulu. .I. R. Buys J. 1*`. Wnutls.` __&_ \ I-`ANK IIAMMONID. I2./\.. K.(7. BEIl'l`iS1,(`l`. Sulicitm`. (-Ir. M:I::uni:~ Tomplv Bldg. Barrio, Mum-y tn llmll. . T _ "'.Vl(3'l`()RIAN ORDER 0|" .\Il`RSl"..\' (Barrio Bram-hi. We-H Baby ('Ill1Il` `..b`-from 2.30 {U 4.30 n'('h:t-k I,-\'n-r_v ["rI~ day. Applimtinn for lmr.s'<-`:< S('I'-i .. vices mnv hr nmriv (f`('(`l or 'UI\l(H.l-S'l lb!` 5 Owen SL. MOI Al.l';xI\NIIr;Ic Ituwnn Gm'ris1(`r, SnIi('itm' for l)hHlillillL( prnbutv of wills, }_{|lI1l`(li:lnhip mu: administration. (`.1-n(-rul Sulivilnr. Notary. C(lnV(`_Vln(!(`I . (-It`, 17 Owen S1... Mnsnniv 'l`vmpl(- ll|(|;,'.. R:nrrir'.1 MONEY 'l`() LOAN j (7l\Ml'Zlt()N & C/\M|".l{()N B/\RRIS'l`ERS, SOl.I(,.'I'l`()RS. I-1 I`(.'. 5 Owen SL. llurriu I 'I`t-It-nhum: 406 _ . IIIINCAN I . Mt-.(IU/\l(i. B./\.. K.(. BARR[S'I`F.R. SO! .l(?l'I'()R. I /I`( Y. (Su(:cv~: In Cr:-. X1. Ht-Ill mr ..... .. . In-... - Dnuu Illnnlr .:Il`I`II' SEED AND mun FOR SALE % Ill-u vnu uw II In Thu Funmlnnri I Hl\lUlD I hit. (Su(:cussm* ~ Money to loan ` I .__:: ` ' J. A. (:muw:'I"r ' Nnlnry Public. (.Yr>nw-y`:|m't-r. in- cluding drawing uf wills. L-4-ls. ur-` `rnngim: nf |nm::<, Flt`. In.' :11 ; [all kinds. I-`.xr-culur. /\dmnisIrn1uI" :`I1n(l 'I`ruslut-. Thu:`n1un. (ml , HIS. W. [L hluvvln _ fSurL:m'y nnrl I)i: of Wnmvnii Chit-f Cnrnmrr, (funnly Inf SinIt'm' I I 1 | and DR. I-:. ll. AINSLIIC g !(Tl`lU'l`lHI| Mr-dit~im: and Anru -'1hI'.\i:c M Phmlv 61 : Offfrv 55% (fnlli `r H! {mo-9.:m :I.m.. 1-2.1m mm n.:m.:s p.nI.L .._____.____?______... ; ` HR. W. (3. LI'l"l`LI'I i/kssnciznlc Cnrumrr. County I-f Sirncm` and DR. A. I). GRAY 3 1 Ph_vsicim)s and Suruvum , .Offi('(-. 47 M:np!(- Aw-., l`~l('phmu~ 2115! I Office hours: I in 4 p.m.. 7 to ` i 9 p.m.. or by :mpr>inln'u-n1 __ i`. : `.'l.l'1-H -R`!-`V.K:i-rll'l1(`t-. (Turn _ib(`H) nnrl Sm. PI _`I~Imu's: 9-l() n.m.; 1-4 pm; ____ ! DR. N. M. l.l\URII'2, l..nl.(`..(3. iPhy:~'ician, Snvcinlist in lliSl'5I.\'l':; vf.` chvildron. int:-rn:nl_ mt~rli(.'im- nml ` minor 31111.2(,-ry. ()ffI(:<- and rv: ` 26 Owen SI. : l`hIuu- 487 \ __ DONALD I". Mzwl./\lll'2N. I BARRISTEIT. SO|.I(`,I'l`()H. Mzlsonic 'I`mnpl(- Builrlinu. I MONEY 'l`0 LOAN IHC. N. W. luIuIun.n : Ihysir~i:nn nnrl Slll`L{('UH 1 (\.\'.\'ucinlv(3nrrnwr. Cnunly nf Sim:-m I Officc and rt-sir]!-n(-0: 50 Mary SI. Phnnn l{()Bl~2R'l` ll. SMITH EYESIGHT SI`E('l/\I.IS l` 53 Dunlu) St; Phrnno 80 .Huurs 9-6 dui 3'; S:mn`da_vs till 10. ___.:?__._._.__:._.__ DR. E. G. 'l`lTR`NBUl.|. lGrndu:m- M('Gill Univ:-r. ,Offic~ and rvsiriom-c-2 mrn:-r Dun} ` and Pnynlz Sts. Phmw 105. Hours: El-10 n.m.. 1-3 pm.` '7-8 p ` I ` 16 TONS GOOD CLOVER HAY for 3310. also 100 huslu-ls barley. Phone . ' . 2p i DR. \'\'.\I.'l'Iul II. wlnnnurw `,(Sll(`(`(':~`Sru' In late Dr. A. I . Arduuhv `Eyck Ear. Nnsv and Thmn! Sn:-1-i:1li':l ` Will b1` :11 Quv(~n'.< Hniv`. Barric- Saturdn_vs. H :1.m. 9:) I2 nmm ` VICCS may `through dm:lm`. V V%%%V%%A N~V\%\ ~I&!v'qAIV'o`VV\V A~\~~\-~\AAM~\~vmAMAmw-m~.~wumMMAnA LEGAL ; /\(t(',()lIN'l`/\N H M. LAY%2\ .F1:.R1'5T 4: ......,...- - ,, '14 Blake St. l'hmu-, R32 I37 l".li'I,n|n-II: SI. -~ l'|mm- 722 Ml'JMBl".R 1"l.()RIS'I`S' I`l`1l.l`2(H{Al ll l)I4`.l.|Vl".HY /\:~'..H'( )(`l/\'l`l()N __. _. _.._.._.._...-..-...-...:..1..1u1u:uzn-...-n..-..:p-m.::.:v-2 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. '.\I/I'I'IR H. \V(N)l)IN)\'V 1,. mm m A 1 Am;.Lq 3 _Ic.C1_l`lough s Grocery AI.I'IXANI)l'I|l (`,()W/\N u.-Inr Qnli:-ilnr fur nhlui QU/\N'1`1'I'Y 1 for sale. R. T`hm1(` 10-23 FITZPATRICK OPTICAP - ISTERS. S()l.I(,.'I'l'()I(H. I-.u.. n 'I'vlt-phum: MONEY l`O LOAN 93 Du_n}op St. nit: 'I`mnpl(- Hllll(IlHL{. J MONEY DR N. W. l[()('-ICRS n unrl Qnrrn-nu (`omplcte DR. W. A. LEWIS .. nu ! T`|ig-nucnu nf \ SING-l.l42 VISION I. v---..-_... _ _, Be-ttvr \'i.s`iun-(ir(`nt(`r BOYS & BOYS Qnlinihn-< Nnml Thundaiy. Jnnuu-y 12. 1939 J. F. PHELAN. I{.O. .... ..o4.....ln...... Ami]: A Complete Modern Optical Service ~ ..._.. 1.... I -.....( ...-|,,-I \ lid: l Llnxu-\` and up MEDIL/\L 0l'T()M ETRY J. I`. llIDutI;V. lt.\.I. in attendance daily S(.)l.l(.'l'I`UK. 2 Russ Hluvk. 1 '1 Mr nLll`$('.'~' Sm`- dirt-cl nr 'I`(`l(-phumr 36, I)()l?Bl.E VISION (`omplcte .4: p I930 OLDSIVIOBILE SEDAN for` sale. $160. n(`\\' Iirvs. Apply Flotclxol`. Box 8. R.i<'hv;1lo. Stop 22, Yongc SL1`o(`L 2p `r lull /.:u- vmv M0. 7-!) p.m. East of Post Office 5'-.{I{'.: up AWE! f 'WI".l,(IIl. /\Nl)l".I(HUN N UUMI /\N t`I.-..o...-n:| /\:-1-nIII\"|I|`\' 'l'|'I|x;Inl-~: I-ll` VVI'.I4l:Il, I\IV N n\ (`.h:n'tvI'<'tl /\r:-mml:nnl.<. ' (Trnwn |.il :- I .uilr|In1:. 5 "'tn'uIIln J. EDWIN WIl..\'UN. ll S./\.. l).(). ()S'|'l".()l /\'l'Hl(`. l`llYHl('I/\N King [ .ln1`k_ '.:n'I`I-' 'l`v-Ivplmnv IMF: Offirw n....~ 9.12:. 1:;nn.5 zmrl hv :unlmIH|Im'nl DR. ('. ('. |"l.l'IM|NG VF.'I'l.|HN/\l{l/\N nnrl SlIH(H'I()N :4}! Hnvfit-Ill SI . `.:nrIu- : Phnmg Bll ..--- vr-,-- (.Tun1|'orl-Sl)li.sl| (ilusscs IU r.:4,<:n ()ffim- :1! Offivv hrx`. Iun.\'n|1ntinn 100-ACRE FARIVI for $810, W`/'2 1.0! 10, Can. 6, F.ss.|. Good dwelling huusv. `.2 In-n lmusz-s. turkey . well w:m.~rvd. Apply Angus Edgar. Egbert. 2p , /\Nl| |ll.()().\lIN(i I'll/\N'l`S ('lI()I(`|. (`I "I' I"l.(I\`VI`Zl(h' 1.122? 19% B9 J_|\.4I\4I Baking Pozvder 16-oz. tin 23c ` WWOODBURYS 'l_`OII:ET `SOAP 2 cakes for 15 IIIVII IMVIIIIIIAAVIIIIU /\.\llH`l.`\!\'('lC '~'.l'Il(\ l('l". 17 l2li1.::hc-Ih St. : l'hom~, 2|! - BULK M/\(`/\I{0NI nun nu ` r . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . .. ` l".li'I,:||u-III :6. SMITH Cr co. I. L` .l.liuIu...I |$U'.'I I"II.Ill|I`llI'lI lI1'I.l l"l' N lilt .`\l. lIlI( I-'.( "l'()l{S AND I'l\Il ;\l.\`I|ll{h' Motor nmhulnnrc In cnnnm-Mon l\I'I/\' IL\\' /\\'II \'l(`.lI'l` FOR S2\l.Is2- 4 vhuico young sows. bro-d": um` hay 1.-;vldin;:, 1500 lbs, R. E. (`nul1vr. 'l`hm'nlun. `JD directed to The Examin- er; business advertising (including agents) in this column. two cents per word. cash with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue. 70 charged). Classified advts accentable up Motor nmnumnrr, In cunnrmuon Ul'|".\' l>`\\' ANII .\l(`.lI'l' H/\Rl(lli. H.\"l'. -- PIIONF. R2 I n $3 XX? I T l"l7Nl'll{A|. l)I|{|`I('.'l'0ll. AND l..\II!:\I.I\`ll'IR ; nunru u \'l'I.` k'l.`lII/ll`lf `1;ms.(; W. D. MINNIKIN ,;__. l'IAI\ IVIIII lllllrt 5 lbs. 25c Vv, aw. -vu--<. ~ - . . ..` .'\\llH I,\\( In .\l"I{\'l('I". Funeral Director V; Vl-Tl`-I-2"l`{lN1\l{l/ \VN "_Ec;g-o "6?i-i?:)IA?i'iii I. -lIv\IIII V l'\l.Ih\"I -1| IRIS!) I"kH( 5I\l:l!L- 4 (`h(|l('( yx 1.`,'vldln1'.Z Cnulivr. I.A|-:ssnN.s" . LLOYD \ll)I.`l "IVA Page Nlnl ---,-'-';_:: Phone 232 ml `I-59 [1 HI. :urljlI:;Hm'n|! my 51 l`Imm- 40. ) f; 2' I I Y(f\UN(`u H()l;S'1`FIIN COW for} sulv. fn`.~'lu`n any limo. W. 0. Hub-` burl, Lu! 5. Con. 11. lnnisfil. `.`.p Y(.'\UN(`u HOLSTEIN COW for main Trn,\'h:-In nnv limo W 0 Hub- FOR SALE -3 y>11x1;: c0\\'_s_ stvilxs. l A_\-rslnrv. fresh m. V H (` -In-mun Allnnrlzal 'l'F.AM 01" GREY PERCHERON goldlmzs [or sale. 3000 lbs.. in their prinu`. .-\ppl_\' Arcl\iv Bvasloy, (.`(\ukslnwn. Zn` | V X. COW. '7 .\~v:n'.-. duv last of February.` fur sale; also In-ifmx rising two years. duv in July Apply `.20 Nap- lvr Sl.. (`.'1.~:l uf l.illl0 Lukv Rnud. 2p (CUUD \\'(llll\' 'l'l*'.:\lVl for sale or SP" -\`t`DiII`:|tvl`\': also bluck volt. ris- in}; two: \\'lll svll 1'v:1.~'m\al_1l(`. Bill 'l`i\'vndnlc. RR. 1. Ne-w Lowell. 2p J 1 1 I }~`0l,1(`P. DOG AND PUP for sale ` from hvllll) . well hrvd stock. This is your vlmxm` tn not :1 (`log or pup rvasun:ahl-. W M. Smn11o_v. Allis- ton. Phmw 800 .-xftor 9 p.m. 2b| IH-'.(}lS'1`EREIl fur sale`, din` tn RI-`.GlS'I`Em-In \'()RKsHnu~; auwr fur sulv. duv tn f:m`n\v: also 21 num~ he-r nf _\'nunQ hrod sn\\'s and ton pure bred Oxford own` lambs. J. Rl'(`Hwt. Tunmxhnm. Phont` Bootrm 46-40. 2;: .: STENOGRAPHER - BUUKKE.'lSl I1;l( wanted immediately; give age, ex- perience and reference. Box X", Examiner. 2b 1-`OR S.-\l.E Yuum: Holstvin cmv.'. T.B. tested. frv.~ this month: also Lmrv bred \'m`kshin* sow. due I-`ebruur.\': ml\'~.< \vantv.`d for Von]- ing. Gm-dun MvCnrm:u~k. RR. 1. Barrio IH(`\\'itt's Hill). 2p FOR SALE v- H0l`S(` for farm or ` driving. m.:vd '7. wouzht 1300, jot hlavk. usvd to all tmffic. Percho1`- on and Blood. suitable for mail route: or any kind of work. Prim` below valuv. .1. W. Lvigh. Hnwko- stone. nurth hi;.',h\\'a_v curve-. 2p 2 YOUNG COWS for sale, Durham. fresh. good dual purpose stock: young (Nun. matched. Clyde and Blond cross. 4 and 5 years. weight `.3900 lbs: mn.n\ in ((131. due in Blond 4 and 5 wmgr.-u 9900 lb.<.: man` in foal. due 111 March Reasonable and zuamnteed right. Apply N, R. Stnddart, Guth- rie. Phono 176 Oro. 2b FOR SALE ~- 4-year-old gelding. 1200 Ibs.. good road horse: bay ' mare. 7 years old. 1450 lbs.: also I hr:-:s<-mounted team hames and: sleighs. small cutting box. good: as now. sell cheap. Apply 7th Lipe . Vespra. corner town line. 1 mile ` west of Allandale. Phone 611112. 2p lbs.. good road horse: 5 as now sell chean. Annlv 1 WPOSITIONS WANTED (Inn um: any It In Th: Elnmlnnrl nnur Vvnnxnu (lay you mm It In Tho Examiner) :_?? LIVE STOCK i`bR SALE lnv vnn mw It In Thu Eunmlnnr) vv nn 1 nu (Gav you may II. In The Eumlnor) GIRL WOULD like work minding children afternoons or evenings. Phone 885. 2b I SALE -3 _\'<)um: cows, `.5 H01- \s. l\_\'l'.\`hil`(`. in. Apply 1). Cuchrzuw. Allzmdulc RR. Int 21)} iH`ELP WANTED nu vnu uw It In Thu Exnmlm FARIVIS FOR SALE may um: can: It In Thu Ennmlnnr) --AlI'l`0MOBlLES nu unu nnw II In `I'll: fillnlm WANTED n am: It In Thu Eu of (`loan whom chaff `. Brrwk\vvlAl. Ivy. Out. I Ivy. 2pl YORKSHIRE sow? \ fzn'rn\\" nlsn 2! num-1 like positions immediately. I101 , 21) .. H01- Annlv FOR Sr` 550x19. TWO GIRLS would :11. liahl hnu ` BOYS 1 sin` I4 BUY size 1 _ THOR Qaln LEATHER PATCHING MACHINE for sale. Mode] 29K2. 11 Pool St.. ' Phone 1237. 2b ANYONE interested in fencing please [all 398W. 2b '1'HUlt sale. 1( Phone 1% IFOR SALE-F'ormcr electric tures of Barrie Public Library. ply to Miss McPhec. Librarian. BEEF -- For much reduced prices on cuts of beef. 10 lbs. and over. Phone 821. Store room, 55 Park SL, Jack Dyck. 2-6p MAN'S WINTER COAT for sale (brown tweed), good as now. worn only a few times. Apply 40 Worsley SL. or Phone 1530. 2b FOR SALE-2 good used upright ` ` pianos. with walnut c:n~'eS. Priced ` very reasmmbly. A. E. Smith Trade-in-Store. I47 Dunlap St. 52!) TWQ GIRLS would lulu at light housework irr Apply Barrie Examincr. ICE ` lion. I FOR SALE - Sloop sleighs. 6-ft. runners. best 2%" spring steel shoeing. price $45. A. J. McArthur, Blacksmith and Woodworker. Ed- . mar 60-911 S120 1 deep r:.-in 7 HONEY-Forty pounds No. 1 wal- ' er white honey, in dairy pail, $3.60. . I amber $2.40. 6-85 amber, $3.10. : Twenty mile free delivery. R. W. ` ; Maguirc. Minesing_ Ont. 43tI`b deep Grill --_.._ units for s teed, (1 U. U King. BABY CUTTER for sale. moy ena- mel with hood, good condition, $3: also cxtonsinn gale. 75; Gmmral Electric sun lamp, $12. Telephone 1061W. 2p sm DELIVERY SLEIGHS for salo. 1_ good cutter with doors. 1 50!. delivery harness. I set driving ` HRFHCSS. Apply M. J. Brennan. Tel- ephone 1098. 2b S'I'ENOGRAPHER BOOKKEEPER 1 wanted immcdiatolv: zzivc age. ` FOR SALE ~ 1 day couch, beds and dressgrs: 1 Vict.roln_ and re- cords: dlpmg room furniture and _ other articles. Nn reasonable offer refused. Phone 1272W or 94 Essa , : Road. 2p. {FARM FOR SALE on TO LET (Inn van gnu: II In Th: EIarnlnAI\ L ship: farm. FARM FOR SALE OR REN'I`~l38 nrrr-< (`nn 11 Int R Rx`:-.1 'T`nuJn- | WOOD FOR SALE - Good hard-4 wood, maplo and bov(`h_ 4 foot or out In nrdor; also good furnace wood. Herman Osborm`. Telephone 14.1. 51-4!) BODY HARDWOOD. $7.50 per` `card: hardwood limbs, $5.00 per cord; mixed wund. $6.00 per cord. Applv E. Barron. 98 Wellington St. E. i hon(~ 1596.! 52-4b KUUM AND BU. \l(l) In (`Omit nblo homo. central. garage if sirvd. Phone 102412. TO LET ~- 3 bright, unfurni.~'h(`d rooms. Apply T2 \Vor. St. 2p ROOM AND BOARD in (`mnforh nhln hnmn, -1\nh'al nnrnmv if dr- COMFORTABLE warm mom rent. ('(`l1lI`l] 1nmtion_ board if sired. Phone 1507. l WOMAN WANTS WORK as com- panion in good hnmc in town for room and board. or in doctor`s of- fice. Apply Box A", Barrie Exam- iner. 2b X `FOR RENT -- L:n`gq bright, xvarm` "rnmn wxth board, suitable for twml \':-rv vmnral Phmm '79-1 48 I`nrnm0 - FURNISHED ROOM my rant. rm-1 businc-ss gvntlom:m. ventral 1\ IozIL< may in` had m~n.rby. Phnm` 364. H 1"m'ksid(- Drivv. 1-Sp BEDROOIYI t\l AR'I'MENTS. fur nishvd. s1x_1tnblo for young men. A? `ply upslalrs, 82 Elizubvth St. ..I YOUR`! \\'lU1 D0il\`(1. Sllllllbllf 101` I\V V. \'er_v contra]. Phone 794. 48 I`m'nmo Street. 2!) fo- hr 7 .- _ . . . vnntlral Io2:1slTENDF'RS I b` mrmd b" nu` d xi d \'n- (` ords of mnplvv bv _xwn.rby. FM :l::.:d(E:(R(`b(,d,`.',s(,g_ out 15 mclw,-;] P`"'k"d DNV one cord nino`m` vodar. out 16 ins..{ . -_ to h d`!i' r`d znd il(`d in schnnl WARM` COMFORTABLE f`""h'lva1~d(T S.\(`N('n_ 115. Ranisfil. on or! ad rpm11S `\~1_th 111- \\.|thpnt l1(s11so.:hMm. u, dm, of March. 1939! `,`,"`('.`,`f3f. ,"\`}\,-, .3`. ("3`_`q . I 1 I nst nu. pp 3 -1 vun .1. ..p!day "mm LARCE ROOM to [CL . .11 fm.m_.h_ I n~nd or m`co.<.=m'il_v `H. !od. in n1(\d<`rn}J\`.'m` htlmu` Slli: 1%-9 2 3" 'l.AHU1'; KUUM to let, \\'L"ll in (`d nmdorn prinm` home. or `.3. board nptinnal: also garzl rent. Phone 579W. 1:! South Eh-nr-t rem. H Street. APARTMENT for rent. furnished or unfurnishod. as desired. Applv ` 39 Ivlary Street. -tsltfbi BUSINESS GAR.`\(`vFI for rent Nlnnln Avn Annlv Trs J V RN BUSINESS Ut\K.*\Ul`I Yr rem on Maple Ave. Apply Mrs. J. V" Brmt. Phone 885. 2b1 HOUSEKEEPER. middle-aged wid- ow. kind. trustworthy, reference. s lendid cook: mntherless home or ode-crly people. Telephone Barrie 1531-R. 2p `