"V\1 ag'e Twa V\'lll`ll ||lllIH`l' WHS (`Ill T]l'lH' r ,-`hip building and lndianr hlrr-In hark fur canons, UB3. NDFWEY DKXIII UOIFUI. KCI5lI\IllFKI Plcuekzngr an Iulucrwncn to `flu cnmun lcluuc Henna: to: n r In: $13.00 0 months M 00 3 month: 3100 Imonch 81.00 Wcdnudu tune. metallic Ihcuun Ioctlonz 1 not 0210. I lnuu an IIID fIII\ICIIf\IV CTl-'VT- IVITIVIITK As Innrudiouu. Duh Ncwspnpcr Ir. resorts to: you tn: mull : clan. conssxueuvc damp. `Eb: House: does not union stuns or unutloa; mmu: Iau 11 anon tutu. `on . data corncuvolx with than. Iuturn for mu! nun an! all the ham. lncludlu the Wool): Iuquuu losuon. tied at Ill- VV ii C IV-vvy will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A- l_.._.4. ....-) n..1.. 32.. .... -1... Tr15y_c_:nLo's GOOD NEWS A v-an-. L...--.- Ac,-as-y `Au vhununb. "5. lm hiil(ll`l`l`!| by arn Iiknlv m qnv I -Nnn Nnmulns ya 5 ` lmlay muzln I ilLIVnlIL`I`3 nt- - thn prrndllrt CORPORATION ,An item has ap1'.e:u'ed In :1 number of pa.- pers stating that, 0pe1'z1t01's' 1938 permits for motorlsts expired with the calendar year. Like license plates. they are good until March 31. .. __-.<!` Soapla C9 CI 1 TIIE nbmnuram busf ni-)}*` Tut} III`I'(I'l'lrIl'I'I 1:11-urn-rs:-4 "llns:pit.al r-mm insuranvo sclwmes in (`anmla aro proving their worth in lmlping tn finnrn hn.=pitals." --V Dr. Ilnruuu Agnmn, an an a "Canada Iweds :1 rlmng central g5nw>rnnnt-nl. In e-nszure the most hr=m=fir~iul msvplnpnwnl of all its [mr1.-`.." - l?. P. Jwllmr. is 1: u "A dF'I`PHI prirr fur farm _prn- dur-t.-: would gm 2) long way in salv- ivm lhv urlmn and rural prnblpms Inf nnvmplnymnnt in (":mar1a". -- .I. II. \Vv.<:.~:r,IL fl innd ranch and Iiiygliways (`rm- rlilnlu :1 firm in\. (`..l[l]f`IIl inwards wlhn wvll-hf`in[{ mi` :1 prnvinrv and ovvry individual mmmnniiy thorn- iin", ~`[`Iwrmlnr.- Mnryrlll ' I := at- an " I`hc> spirit. nf thn1u;lfulrnr-`..< fnr rlw ulhr-r fnllnw in (,`:umtl:1 iv. growing, in hlnsxim-.~=.< 1-in-Ins, which is not only r-It-arinn Hm way fur gr:-arm` I'm'wm'zl m-linn hul it is . also 1-nsmlling in Cl0.`!i*l' rnlatinn: bo- Iwt-nn 1`;-nnmiizm mpitnl and labor." -W. .I. (`(u rn::. ... ` "(?un:ul.1 .vhnnld vvhmnmnly pra- lvnl the l'1ll.'iIll pt-r.w-(unions In Ger- many and Sh! Fhnllld fulluw up im- prnlvszt. by 5::-vvrimz diplomatic and ('!rl1nlPl`('iU] rnlzrtinns unlil sllrh limv as this pt-rs'nt:utirm has (`r*a. 1-R4-v. G. Mr'(.'uu'hrn1L h In A " I').:- wriltrln wurd is rm? 0! the greatvs.l things in the world. ll pm- vids-_n: -:1 Mable faith in thv shifting ` s'and.<: nu Whi('h wv stand mday."-~- {Lard 7'u:m:d.-unnir. 1Hr'prudn("Yir'm Prnhihilr=d_ 1939. I-Educ-alimml I-`oaluwr. Syndicate: H. A. Nicholson. editor or Primer and Pub- lisher. est1n1at.e.. that. the volume of prhmhg in Canada for 1939 should be greater than for zmy year since 1929. when it. reached its peak with 9. gross valun or $141 millions. "Wff"W6f)" or THE WEEK Tr!` STERLING TRUSTS -A-___-_..___ SYEIIJNO YOWII IOIONTO Unconllonally Guanntuol JAMES J? `CARLYLE 'l`lnn'sla_v. Jnnnuury A legal Invcmncnc In: M Trust Funds On Jucrunlud 'I'nul- Codiulu ______-- - - cuc- CORPORATION -_;. 334% -% '1`-axe:`. collected by public bodies; now :1- mount to $335 pm` your for every C9.n'.1dh111 household. Much 01' this goes for wasteflll, un- necessary duphcution of the sort that could be eliminated by :1 little '.xpp11cat.&on of com- mon sense, su_v:; an exchange. j.\l'_j_ `PHI nun - $2 :7,00f),0()0 I2, L939 I A labor o1'g'anizmio11 suggests that where :1 public holiday is proclaimed in -.1 zmmicipality in connection with the visit of the King and Queen there should be no loss of pay to em- ployees. 'I`lu:. seexns reasonable. We are sure it is the way Tlletr Majesties would have it. __....<!` As :1 result of the work of six lnspectors. 400 summonses were issued in Toronto last week to alleged holders of non-llcensed radlos. By the law of the land. radio owners are req'ulred to pay a license, proceeds of which go towards the maintenance of the Canadian Broadcast- ing Corporation. lfeople who fall to pay this tax will have none but themselves to blame if they are called upon to put up a substantlal line in acldltlon to the license tee, THE CHEVRHER (,`0MMl.`~}SION'.'5` REPORT THURSDAY. JXNUARY 12, 1939 THE BARRIE EXAMINER `lntn lnlinlxnpl 10l!A EDITORIAL NOTES SUBSCRIPTION RATES The report of the Clxevn-ier royal commis- sion upon highway tran.<:.portation in Ontario was received with mixed feelings: approval of the recommended plan to put the highways department on 1; pay--as--yon~go basis with provision for gradual (inbl. retirement; objec-.- tions to the proposed increase in taxation. It is a very exhtu1. one, containing a great deal of information um! much food for thought. "l"ha nnnfnnH.-in that Human urhn -non 0-ht: EDITORIAL Bowmanvnle mtepayers sewm in an econ- omical mom! Lhis: ynar. Five hyl:1wr-: were .-';ub-- mlttetl for their mmnrsminn on election my. but, only one of Hl().`1r" involving-; inr-,rnn,.<'.N1 ex- penditure was passzmt '1'm.; pl`nVitlPd for en- gaging a full-t.lme nm's(>, and H, hm! a, mz1jo`r~ ity of only 2:} vm.r>.<;. '!"ay1nem. of monlbers of the town cmmoil was 1mp,`:1rivNl by 21 n1.'1_]orH.y of 454, :1 sclmnl oxtmi.--.inn m'op;r:1n11m= was r.urned down by 209, and an annual grant, of $1000 to tile town hrmd lzu-km! PA . vnt.o: ; of carrying . The I`< n'n`ml.'mn 01' {L lmzml ml` =1nc:1- Mon was ztppmvml. -. Aka .. Like in Onlzario, zittmition ll-i l)(`il1{",` (lirc=ctb(l` to the more |Jl'{l.('.I.i(`:1l sido ol` otluozltion in Quebec. The I~1untinp;rlmi Gleaner report.<: that Principal lvI:1cMill.'m oi` the Promstanl, Edn- cational Survey tirominittoe "feels that there might still be too much Pn`l])h:1Si.`~`. plaoecl on university prepm'ntlon in the schools rather than L9:1(`hi1lE,' tlw stutlmits what is most snit- ed for them." Principal M:l(-Millan point:-d out that only one ..tnclont went to MnGill Uni- versity from the I-Inntingdon Academy last, fall. yet the whole educational system of the school, in which thero are about 270 stndc-nt.<:. tended gre-zltly towa1'd.~3 university p1'=pm':1tion -- 270 students talclnpc :1 conr.-*-,9 of which only one took mlvrmtage. _,,......~_... Politicians didn't pull their punches in the old days. Lord Benconsflelcl wrote about Glaclstonez "Ponterity will do j11...UCC` to that. unprincipled mmimc; extmo1'(1im11'y mixture of envy, vindictiveness, 11y'nocrisy and miner- stition; with one r-oinrrmnding r:1mmcI;erlsI;ic. whetlwr prime minister or iomler of the np~ position, whether m'encl1inp;, nrrtying, speech ifying or scri bhling-never :1 gent,1em:1n." _;--O Dr. C. C. Gohh'inp,'. speaking on "C1ti7.enship in :1 Democr.'1cy", :11, :1 nleetlnp; in Tornntn re.- cently gave plenty of mm! 1 m- t.hm1p,ht. and ac- tion when he stnmu that. tho nclmnlr: were the greatest inflmmc-0 fnr l .f?.'1(`.l1il`lL' the child :;eJ1'-1'er1ll7.:Lt.lnn, Lhn value of human 1'elatl0n..l1ips. economic r~fl`icic-nay and civic rt=sponsibllit.y. He mid Llmt. n:1rent.r; should take more intwest, in olecrinns; and public af~ falrs and strive um-onnlnp,ly to qlIif`l-IP11 the public rsenne n1'civl(-. duty. The sitnmtiun WlIi("|] 11:15; m'i:;<-n in mnmm'-.- tion with the tin vom.1`or Llm rle(!v(:.xl'Ii]) nf Essa :1pparenl.ly has no pm-cmlmit. in mm hl.s~ tory of ()m;m-in. .``.nch :1, 5:t.:1l,o 01; :11`l':1ir.~: not having been f0l'P..("("l'), no legal prnvisi(m was made for dealing; wiI.h it.. "I`hi.v. n.-4 :+o1nm.l1mg which should be |'9m.H'imt :11, Lhv nnxl, sil.l.ing 01' the I..egislat.ur0. In tho mnrm!.in'1o, the township will be put, in the oxpr-mo of :1 new election at, :1, r~.0.<;t, of about. $II;l).00, and the candiclates have Hm :ulzlIt.ionn.I work and ex- pense of :1 second (:nn1p:1.ip;n, |)l'l')Vi(1il1f ,' all the seats are conr,PSr.e(l. /.\______ Hon. Ernest. Lapointe, Minister of Justice, has been a member of the House of Coinmons for 34 years. He has been a close student of law and politics. Here is what he says of the life of the active politician: "Those who are, above all, fond of peace, who love the calm quietness of their homes, are at a loss to un- derstand how human beings can subject. themselves to ::uch a life as politics. The nerve~racklng cllfficulties, the unpleasant. publicity, the endless controversies. the elec- tion campaigns, absence from the family home, penalties suffered from occasional mis~ takes, unavolclahle compromises, false repre- sentations, the abuses, the idea which seems to prevail with many that public men have no feelings and do not resent mtr11.-.ion into their private lives and reflectlon.. on their personal characters. How is; it possible. to en- M clure it? Well, strange as it may appear, even ~ all that. has a magnetic attraction {or those ` who like life. action, st1'1.1g;gle and strife. It is M the encllesr: arlve.nture." ACTION WANTED Ihultsville I-`on=ste1'-I1' the 1lepburn~I~'.ing nuthrrnlr. has the affect. of impressing` upon Mr. King and his adm'm1strat.ian. :1 .~;v11sv of publir nnpatir-m-:= nvor HIP :IrniO,n)|A..C.3r." .\nl:.... up run-.uy.~. lo m.II Ivnrn ran.-Rm-. UKIIIIIIIIDLILIUIKIII. .1 .`."|I?I(' LII }ll||)lH Illl|l\||l' II` I III.` I III` wait-and-spc" policy at. 0ll3\'.'z1. it wxll have rPmle1'- ed a public service quite equivnlpm In any discip- linary action which pamy ::olidant_I,= n'.a:.' Y`F(]ui.l`P to be in1po::t=cl upon M1`. IIPpbu1n. WHY NF.WSPAPI~`.RS ARI-`. FEWER I Omtlgeville Bannor--- 'I`inw was when Duffvrin County had eight. weekly m=\.vSpl).u=t`:', -~- four in Or- angeville. two in fs`he-lbtu`m= amt twu in Gmml Val- ley. Today then- are mtly 1tn'm=. The -reason is largely the st:-nd_v iltL`!`t`fl..t` in the mat of pt`uc1ut`ing a nexvspapmz 'l`hn'ty-t'ivn _ve(lI`:; ago the composition work on nexvs.p:wt~s war`. (tone by hand labor. Wages were low and while the 5.17. of Hm tm\vspapm' wzw more vlosely 1-estt-icted than today, it was possible to keep pt'0cl1u-mm cost: \'e=t`_v low. Th ::t:=:1cl_v C1d\.'31`t(`P in wag'es, tho ndvettt of typerettittg n]Chil1PS and larger. 1'-aitet` px'=S5e.<. revolutionized the whole pub- lislting; industry and added imm-`nsely to Ilw cost of gettmg out -.1 tmwmapmz Under the circ~umstancc=s it was unly natural that tn-.m_v or the old-tune news- papers should lav t`o1-cml tn. -_-unalgamxxte or 9159 go out of bu5:inPs:`, 'Tlm~=o= that 1n'.maged to srurvix-'0 have bC`('0ll]l` l;u'ge'*r utui lwttm` pttbltcatimts, but the amt Of \'?i1' hublicatton hm; grown out of all proportion to wh'.1tr-vvr t1tcm;1:',.> there may have been in re- IJILU IJELI Us The contzentlon Llmt. those who use the highways should pay for their const;rucl.ion and maintenmwe, and in prnporI.lon to-the extent they use Lhmn. is :'.01mU. n-n__ .____ _, _,__. M, . _ 1,: u__ LI__ |__.,. F.DU(`ATlON l)l.PAR'I`t\lENT'S WISE CAUTION Huntsville I-`ore5te1*~In various: parts at` Ontario. Boards 01` Educatmn arr presstng for enlarged school accommodation upon the pretext that the Depart- ment of Education at Ttwonto has re-arranged I119 High School curriculum, and demands that more space must be p1`0'.`idv:`d within 3 gtven tune. Cer~ min ot`t`e1':1 of help t0\v;11`.t the mat of such exten- sions are made JLVIIJ A-III. Illslkll`. Despite tins. however, it appears that the Depart- ment is counsellmg boards in exercise W15? caunon in their ex!en::uJn pohcies. "I"\u`e me .343 .-ulnar .. en... .a...._ -..._ .. Au uAL|| r.\u-u;*.n.u| }JUuLu::u. This was made dear :1 few days ago. when the Min- ister, Hon. Dr. Simpson, speaking before 5 ratepay- ers meeting at lslington. emphatically contradicted statements that the Depanieiit of Edlication is urg- ing school boards to erect new schools. or additions. The Minister said` "We itnpress on school boards to go slow and not increase the burden of taxation. Let's look before we leap. Before embarking on fur- ther spending. let's analyze thoroughly the financial structure of the municipalities concerned." OPINIONS OF OTHERS W Frnm start. to finish thorn ls lit- tln that ls {lull ah-`ml. the poultry- 1-nir.im,I lmsinr,-5:5. The tlcklish work of ({1.=ttin;`; the narnfnlly lnwi egg: ::t1r-.~.os.5:fo1lly II'lCllb.'lh (`l is: no sm'n1.'>r nPl30l'|1nllSl1Gd than them awaits tha nmcimus owner a wholt= SPt`io`S nf running the gznmtlnts -- hrnr..1.>r house tnn cold or overheated tan much fPEd or too little pnllnrum~~ 'I`.B., rats, vrnws, hawks, oats. dog:=_ t'r>xP.~I, wt-nsnls and palm-ats of the fur~mvr.~rr-(I, t'nm--legged varinty, as well as the increasing nnrnh-'-rs of two-lagged skunks who travel in trucks and make off with savkfulsz nf nice plump roost-`-rs, whiln tho werngv pnnltry man lies a-drarntng nr lhn fine big; rhvquo his well f-=t birds will bring him in the nnmlng (`In-lstmus rnarknt day. I (:I'lllHPd that ha lnr elm) tn: him-4-_ l nnslmus Y2ll'KPl Gay. '1 Crunhvd that he mr slw) ls; hlr=.'*.s- I ed with enough luck m` skill In 05- : cape. the most of H1950 everprr:.=0nL ` pmilsx, and bring m tho` marketing ' smsxnn a worlhwhlle ock, |hr~rc- .v.l,i|l remains the big gamble> of got- tlng H19 flnishod pmduvl. sold at a : p1 i('e that will give a profitable rot.urn for Ihn nnl. lncnn.=.idc'rahlr- lnvos;lmc=nl, ln slnc-k. vqulpmnnl, labor and feed. Unfnrlunately. garnble Is all Inn nflnn Hm wm'(_| 1:. bn appllpd in a_le=svrll>lng the mar- lcr.-llng of poultry. Wn road nuwln llw::( - limm; alum! Hm mend nl "unl~ mly n'nurks=ling of farm prmlm-ts. Alnvnlw wishinn In. vim ":Iivnnla.r.| n-Hy HIuHu=Iu|p; (ll liII'H1 |1l'()(llll`lS, l An_vun~'- wishing In. sum "li..ur(t(=r- ly inm`k`r`tii1;;"' at lts: wnrstt vnuld lumlly (tn lwttnr than pay :1 visit. In an mn nhm' of tho mm-h twrnlalml "(.1l'iri.~:t,mz1s Poultry Market-4," Hy nu-znis ut hills, rto l)nnklnt:=,, uml nowspapvr nrlrz. tlwsn nvr-nl.~: urv pul)li::lwd to the: 9th (lngroo. "A large` nurnhr-r nf buyorr: rnprr- smiling tho lnading produr-o firms will be prr-smit." Good prlr-vs`. are r-xpm=te(l. otr-,, r~tr`." 'l'lm gmnt (lay arrives. Pnnltry I'nis',r~i-5 for many rnilos amnnrl, af- tc`-r clays of killing and pluvking, load up thntr aociiniiilaterl tons of 1iny;x:iclr=d product and throw the whole thing on n buym-::' market at Inna toll swoop. Occasionally the prions prvvniling aro quitn .o.'IliSfI(?- tm'y to tho prmlnvers, but all ton nl'|c=n tho rr-v(=r.o is the (-1190. Aside from tho birds that. may bo mid to local towngpr-oplo, tho rnturns are fwqiionlly very disappointing. lilsirtn lmvorq wl-in tnkn thn IrvquvI11I_v Vvry (lI.`2i'J])|)Ulllllll. Oulsido buyers who mko the bulk of the offering: cannot be I Ottawa, January 10--Yn two days: now the Governor-General, Lord ` l`weeclsmuir. will formally open the Dominion .~;ession, and in the Speech from the Throne will give :~'.ome ; intimation of the legislation which , parliament. will discuss. The npen~ . ing will he. married out with the quaint. and impressive ceremony modelled on the procedure at the Mother of Parliaments in London. A royal lady in London_ nld in- years, but a close friend of Canada, the Princess Louise, only srurviving daughter of Queen Victoria, will hear with interest that her regi- ment raised when she and her hus- band, the Marquis of Lorne. were! at [tide-an Hall in Ottawa, again performed its ceremonial function of esmrting the Governor-General to the House of Partiament_ 'I'he Fourth Princess Louise Dragoon Guards have become a Canadian insttmtinn with :1 tradition of sixty _$'t".ll'S. 'l"hn Rnvnl Visit y='.irs. The Royal Visit `During the past week further ln- - foi-nialimi has been given out by - arrange ` ni-ants that are lining iriacle for the - the government, of the Wl(`(lITiF of Their Majesties to this country. The King and Quven ar- - rivii at. Quebec on May lfi, and will loiir through 'i`lie=y will spend 28 daysin Can- adu. four iii the United St_ales and will leave Halifax on, the; evemlng of June 15. it will be a long and , taxing journey westward from Que- ` bee to Victoria and back across Czinsiila to llw United States and back again In the lvlaritimss -- to (itliarlottetown and finally to Hall (3);. where they will board the Liattle 1-ruiser Re-pulse for the re- mm to London. They will make as many stops as possible, fifty stops in all, in their long train journey. and will give: the opportunity for as many people as possible, par- ticularly the children, to see them. Special provision will be made for war veterans as well as children to have 3 View of the King and Quaen, "Y\l...:.. Yur...'...~.`....' .'o:............ all nine provinces; The pay-as~y0u-no plan would be the bus- iness-like met.ho or Hnanc.ing our provincial highways. Let all motor rnvenue be devoted to roads and, after providing; for the annual pay- ment on the debt. lmilcl the roads according to funds availublv, Under rzuch :1 system there should be closer scrutiny as to the roads which should be built first, more consIdc=m- tion as to the type of const,r1wt.|on for various degrees of density of t'.ra1'fic and g;neat;c=r econ- omy in expenditures; to make Hm atvuihxhle funds go as far as possible. -n. x_ _I_-..__.u 1-.. ...._.,- A.I._l .. ......_ .,.... Ar tun luuvn u v|\-vv un un 131.115 uuu wqu-xu. `Their Majesties' itinerary was arranged after a most careful study by committees and railway officials. Some dlsappohltment ls naturally felt in towns which cannot be visit- ed, but the government has point- ed out. that the limitation in time and the arduous nature of the long tour had to be borne in mind by officials making the final arrange- ments. It has been made clear that there will be. no addresses of wel- come to Their Majesties except In the capital cities of the Dominion and provmces. The King and Queen will make several speeches during, their tour which will be broadcast. I 1111.. ,,,-_:. ,5 4., vr'_.# , ; A, uu.u uaun vvuuu Wu: nu uLuau\.u:>L. The visit of the King and Queen. who are the symbol of the unity of the democratic sisterhood of the British Commonwealtli. will be a unique event in Canadian history. This is the first time a reigning sovereign has come to this country. it puts a seal on Canada's nation- hood, while the visit to the United States will unquestionably further strengthen the bonds of friendship between that country and the Bri- tish Commonwealth. Ministers Appointed On Promotion Principle The principle of promotion has been followed in the appointment of new ministers to foreign capi- tals_ Colonel George P. Vanier. who has been on the staff of the Canadian High Commisioner in London is to be Minister at Paris. succeeding Hon. Philippe Roy, who has retired. and M. Jean Desy, pre- sent Counsellor of the Legion at Paris. will be the head of the new legation in Belgium and the Neth- erlands. There will be one legatlon for these two countriea It is ex- ` THE GREAT STAMPEDE THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review of National Affairs -Agric-(')|:J SPEC'l`ATOR" e> hlarnnd for ml`-in;-5 .Mv.1nI.);.;.- n1 .1 :m.n.-ninn v.-rm!--:1 by lmrl-.' uf rm-.-~ sight. um thn` purl, of th-- pmillry l'iSt`l`S. l`I`O1I|4`~` d`:llI`I`:$ 11! .-` t.||IHv* ;l hit.-Jik-`- lh-- re-.~: 0|` 1I:=. `Hwy arr- in l)n.~:ine~.~xs fur me m-Hwy II1--y --an make nut of it. I`l.u\H.~ .;u\ mane OIII (`H H. Poultrym-`-n wlm fuel that lh-y are nut gwning n .-tqmmx IIr H| an. these (`hri.-`.tmns' n1m`k.>t~'. lmvn u rt-rn-`y in 1hri.- nwn lmn-i.~:. mg.-m- izalionnI' a_'nA`)pr-mlivn* nlzlrlwlinpg nuns is the snluli-m. 'l'hn wrH.-.- know.-\ of n mum!)-~r nr poulh-_y p-ml-. that have hvwn in npm.1!imI fnr some y=ar.=. and are _r3ivhu;' highly salisfaurmn-y r:=.~;nIls In Ih-'-ir n1--m- I)r=rs. 1`)... n:.lili.~.n .~.r .-..~.x.lu.v 011.; n.. -...._... av v... ..v. -... r.\....... . It is claimed by some that :1 gas tax of nine ` cents a gallon such as proposed would very adversely affect the tourist tratle. 1`~'lo1-Ida, which, next to (JuIit`orniu_ has the greatest. winter tourist trade oi` any or the States, has a gasoline tax, two and two-fifth cents per Canadian gallon greater than the present. On- tario tax, yet from the many Ontario people i who motor there we have heard very few com- piaints as to the tax. Nova Scotla has :1 gas tax of ten cents. yet the tourist, trade to that province has shown marked growth -each year. i A higher gas tax would, no doubt, have :1 temporary effect. but it would ere long be tak- en as a matter of course. Although the com- mission recommencir: u three-i-.ent raise and proposes that the proceeds he used in highway debt reduction, which is greatly to be ciesirecl. there does not seem much likelihood that the government will jump the levy to that extent. If the plan of retiring the highway debt, with the need of increased revenue involved, is approved, it would be much better that :1 por- tion of this increase should come from license fees rather than from such a. large increase in the gas tax, 0-u-___.____-.: ;..-...x..... :.. ...-.L ..AH..hn:I kn nun- lam ` Il'H lilll. Th . (`.' 'PfIll px-mint-n 1:: in an: un t=(iIn~z)1i :n.. birds lhnl urn llw In I`ais`.0. \I...... an 1n\I In ru, ` Vc-I'_y diffr-rvnl n..ual prm-wlllrv zal rnnrkols;, whvrv n 4"-vm` is: dnnv nl um Ilntl inrliffnrmn I): one mwnring, I hnnn up hmp A-~1 A.-` the unmnh4-rs; 1y arrangn tn rln m=(-r~.<,s'nry wnrk I-hinninu rlnv-4 llw lH ('( .`..`||'_Y WUFK lll|`H].`. :hippim-, lay.-4 llw PXDI-`II! duemi to tho minimum. '0.-:l:: :~`,PI(lmn vxrm-1! Iwu : nrtr r-vnt.. I Wit}: rm-on! mnmm-la-nrw pvctvd that the nvw minim:-r Tokyo will . Iw mnmod. f`..unAn'.s VH1:-\n~; uni-.9 \ :.Inu..ul I Canada's rcpI`os4-nl:it,iun ::l)l`U.'Hl i:: gradually oxpanrlimz, but llu- l4-vo-l opmem procc-t=(ls oar:-fully. with dim regard in expeiisn miluilr-rl. In rour:=.r~ of limo stpwinl l'(`]TI'(`.l'lllll lives will driulitloss hv- f'.\:('llLIll; ,t"v;l with all aritish I)0mininn.<: AI- ready the rc1:n'esmtativo from tin- Union of South Africa has jnlnmtl . the diplomatic corps at Ottawa, and has hr-como well known in thr- capi- ml. The special rs=p1'ese=ma1iv-:: from the Dominions will lw an in- lvaluable aid in tho impmvonlmit and expansion of trarln rnlatiom 'h9twe0n the varinns. Dominion: and Canada. Having diplomatic :;laIu.<. they will have clnse communion with the leanlnrs (if the ;3r.w=1'ii- menl to which mi-y liaise 138911 and (`refilled ' ' "I"l1.- Qnuninu It is not a light task \Vlll(`]l fnrr-5 the p31`1l3n1PHIal`l.'3llS nnw . mg into the capiml. Bnlowo them is: the pl'OE`})E!(`l. of a frtcleral r-lnptirm which cannot now be far nit` with the large govt-rnmpnt rnajarity in the Commons there will (ln\lbY1`. be little diffif-Lilty in carrying through projected legistlatiott. The miwhinetfy of gnvernnie-nt i.h(Il11L'i Izherefore run smtonthly. But. on the shoulders. of all memherr. ut parliament rest thP 1nn'do-rt.-`. or great. national problems and in their ears are the rnmblingc of a troubled world_ The annual review:7 which have appeared havn been f .'llllir,Ill`3" ly opttmistir. but C`an:`.cl:1. as; :1 great exporting nation, is deeply concerned in the nmnnmin condi- tions prevailing in all parts M the world, (`anada's emnnmic welfare also depends on the niaintenarme of peace. The deep interest at` the western hemisphere in world ]w;'u'.A and the prevention of aggressioit by totalitarian states was forcibly ex- pressed by President Rnnse-vvlt lll his recent message to C0llFJ`( FF. at Wasltitigton. The fllllfLlli0n. ut` geographical i.=nlatir:n semn to lw rapidly being washed mmy. I`hi:-. will be in the minds of nut` par- liamentarians as they take up their sessional duties. |. -,, 1 ___x___ _,, . By tar best value in advertising` is giv'en by The Examiner--Quan- my and Quality in circulation, and proven too. .5-....;u.. nu-ma. Leaders. however, feel that if thr- troubles of the world are kept in check, gns point In an lnm1'o\u>- ment in Canadian busines.<; Condi- lions seem to be on the upg1`adn in the United States, and this will have a beneficial effect on C`anad;a The trade treaty with the Utiitml States is expected to expand mut- ual trade and will certainlv mil ; Canada's prinimy pI'0dn('`l':` It further hoped that tho inlPl`nalim1- al wheat conference soon to meet in London. will help that lieaxgily burdened world indus`t1',V lit \Vlllt`ll Canada is so deeply intererted. I`h wheat problem, unemployment, de- fence and tran.=.pot'tatinn will ht heard about. a great deal in the ses- sion. The building trades are prom- ised better conditions in the com- ing year from the good beginning that. has been made on last se.=Sion'.~: l legislation on housing and tnunici~i. pal improvement On account. lmw-l ever, of heavy drains on the pulrl lic exchequcr there seetnr. little likelihood of any drastic reduction in taxation during the coming sion. The finance ministet-'5 policy has been to balance the budget before materially cutting taxation It is suggested here - though the rumor is not yet authenticated -~ that there will be launched a large public works programme. probably.` the St. Lawrence Seaway project, _,,.vL,, i.~ II IL- I-Jl V.I\I\I|.. |..I\I \lVIIlVI-l\ Established 1864 A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the `town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued atthe Post Office Square, Barrie, every THursda_v, by J. A. MacLaren_ (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager). owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn- ciatlon and of Class A Weeklies of Canada. . `b OI~TZ`.. CANADA The Sesasinli |N\ul`il Buy T luw [f(|lli|)IH.`l`Il`,' IA`-railinrx of ("mI'1ly 'l'rur;l'm>. Shawn SUBSTITUTE IS s0um1'1` mm GAS (1-`on no.1. mus. I3!)/\Rl`) OI" l.'l)lJ(./\I`lON `.;nllu' I11: 1. IIll`H'l' )/ '5-.. J):.|u.n1 Hr_v~:nn 'l`h:ll tho r-h.'m': m.m um] :1.-a-rm;u'y ho ;nIl|1m'izv In vi.-.1: ]).Ap:.r1mr-nl of" I`dn('m.ir)n in r4-;-`nu! In JVI.'mlI-I 'l`r.'n'nimI,` and Hulnf` EL-r.r1r.1nig:.~: ::(-m.unl:; for ygrzmt. Wnml::-i1)rh9on---'l`hzI1 it- is; with mm-I1 .-'e,>1::'->1. that we rm-I-ivv. Hm H`-:i;_m:niorI nf our v:2I`m-rl mmnh.=i', .1` run]: Nellr-3;, snhmiltod tojias by 1-e-:.:nn of hi:;.re1nrv:1l from t)n." (.un1y. Rralurzlzmlly, wr- :u'er;b1iged In z4u4:er:r Ihir.:.4'es;gpati-`An ax)'dg._\uiS3. In `.\:}'um"-"- um` 9int'i.-1'0 :.|`m1`c}ci::1.ii>rI ml` Ihu -.v:.Iu::|:|-- r.vr\'ic,-5: lw hm; run- rlvrml uml the pleasure wv |1;u.'r> hm! nu Imin .':~..-;-nr-int-~rl with him in mm- ..,..~l. V7 III} 3 V7 III} III (From l(iu=um`2 `Wum K |('n1llH`l_Y nllltl i:('H|)Ul5 Ill K (lUKSlU`v\ l|. well an the l`PlluJdt`lltg of the Mn- bUllltTt.`ll1pl(.`, l0.0.F Teinple. `Trin- ity (`him`h. Burton Ave. United Chuirgh. and the Waterworks station and residence which he completed this Fall. lvlember Burton Ave. United (`hin'ch. where he has served on the (f)tiicial Bnznd and is an lioittwary member of the Session. Conserva- tive in politics. Past Noble Grand of the 1.0 OF. Member Kerr Mas- nnir Lodge and Scottish Rite 32`. Has had long experience in muni- cipal politics. starting as Councillor of Allandale when it was a village. lkzllmved by Alderman for Ward 6 of Barrie, altogether 7 years, then two deputy-teeve and reeve of Barrie. Member of Royal Victoria Hospital Board tor eight years and chairman of the Property Committee for sev- eral years. Qnixwveunvlinn Iaurn }\r\Iyv`v\ :1 L`i'm.-:n Hill and 7th Line, Vt`S})l`Zl. as . years each as 2nd deputy-reeve. lst , ucuu<.m lil um man-'m Hv 1.`.1l..\-wd fanning; 1 ago, when he lc9:n'Iw mu`! plu.~:tr1`i11g Wnlh . l7:.I<!.n nn r.f hm an .,.. ....... ..\ . an Ihn contra before jr.inimz_ the Rrgilwaf; as B.&B. for mg in this posni.n1 f~ lull) he rs-mrnc-d In I hnsiness, which he Sums uf the larger n..n.~n-nn1.-_.-l urn aha I`. Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue paper at expiration of period paid for are expected to notify this office befdre date of expiry. u.--:n.~:u-uczeu are Inc 195. Allzmdale Hm Mills, L`h'~vmlel |\.. I` nuns ` UH -`II. . Arljulzu yvhozsb Whb in Kiwanis . .1- 117....)-In Rnllunn) LLIAM RUSK 'I`..v.n..h... 1::|\.nn' T w: \ fl'Lll )1-. dl'. Sports-CurUng. Ancestry-Irish f)LA-_ .vn.-hip. \-.=h2-r- he` and received his 9 1|.-.. Qo~.o..r.n nu. A gfunau I -Phoro i "BILL" RUSK |Dil`_>(`m1` I925) .'Xl!'l'(` IN` \'V.lb lJ'Il wed e;u`ly ed: 1110:] public schun ring ml 20 y(~:n's : 9:n'IwLl brickluyin nth Jus. Ondes r us early jubs bein . (Thur:-h at (`olgzu I` he ::p:_=nl sow:-re -.nc.~.r-nun In ul nu ll ,YL`u|.s. All In the mmracting 1e snll carries -`an rgor buildmgs he he B:nl`I`i(* Armour- ntel. B2u'rie Flour Iaxngo`. Barrie muls at Cnokslmvn. th (it-`HIIAD nf H19 Mn- ILA uAA\; 568.9 nun. `Increased taxation is not relished by any- one. When a new impost is announced there is an outcry from the parties most directly affected. One thing greatly needed in Can- ada today is a keen realization by every in- dividual citizen of the total sum governments of various kinds are extracting from his pocket. Thousands of people pay scarcely any ciirect taxes and the indirect. taxation con- cealed in the price oi` what they buy seems oi? small consequence to them. (;`onsequeni.ly when they see large outlays being made they are little concerned. And even many who pay direct taxes regard lightly those expenditures of which the government pays the major share, foolishly forgetting that the only way the government can get money to spend is to take it out 01' the people. Siicli increased tax- ation as the commission smggests would be a blessing in disguise if it would awaken a deep interest in the causes of taxation and result in a sharp scrutiny of the manner in which " ublic funds are expended. , lawn bowling. and English. Ru Conn`!-1. Cond- nus. .4-.5-nan`. by Smith Stud IL` !.})_ Hl BEVCI ill mi-tmg business - Grzmd Trunk aunun var.-min, [). I\IVvy|III3 -cl.`-lg Hullynn) - I xuua n. being . olgan. ;u\v.'n':1l "Heath" Was To 84: Town Where Wasaga Stands VV-'. lIl'2H`ll. In Ins. p(:,.':1.`2"'lIu| I.--' u mun .hnw- inpf lln- .-`Ir:-M plunr. fnr Hm lnwn of [lunlh nuWm'1'I1piN'! by rummvr vi.--:~ iluw: In Wns':ng3:L Mr. Ilivlmy rr--' lnf`H||)1-l':l whvn Iimhr-r was Put nr-ur Illnrn rlnin Innilrlinu and 'l`Il`i'.)I'\n `II illl HM` ]HISl. ' 'I`||u.-;r- whu hnvv sum-nmiml |`wsl in` lnfv hnvn hm! In frwmvntly il'lf)l'l` tho ccmw-ntiunnlilit-5:. I H nnunnv u.~.uo 0 Ln hinulnv-1.1! In: _ um um u.-......._y - .\....-;,.. nu. ....l,. Ofronrws worn as follows: burg- lary, Ihroo, nnv (Ii.-uniw-Pd, one awaiting ~v.rinI, on nu I.-Inn; thrift from pL-r.=:c.n,.mnr=. no rim : pr-My `tlwfls, four. two 4-rmvir,-tr.=d. lwn nu vine; fram!. mm, withdrawn on rt- r:Limlim1: wifo (1r>::m'1inI1. lwn, unn- vivlurl: |)l'`.'.l('h I..C.A., four, mn- vimmi; |)reac-h H. I`.A., two, vnn-v victrd; I211-ac]: parking bylaw. Ir-n. mmvit-twig pr-tly onrn17uinl=.. 27. all ntlnndml ta; mm]. 54. ,,, 4 ,;.f-; Ill`. lleully clevo-r pluypk` arr alv/nys`. h-uwszl. us; thr-_y urn tun szlnurt in bar .nlhM`wisv, ` M,-... M.\m..|,,l Col. Drew, who is to enter the Legi..luture as member for East; Simeon. will, as leader or 1.119 Conservative Party in Ontario, bl-mg added prestige to the ridmg. _.......O._.__ I"im-'.-2 and (-0513 r-ullvclnd by Har- rir- Pulicv Ilvpnrtmt-m during Dw- I-rnb(:~r mmllnd $73.50. umrnrtling in the monthly rrpurt ul' (Ihir-.f Sn-xv-i art, prvstrgntrwl 1:; Han Town (`nun- r-il at Monday P\'(*l1infj'.\` rrmming. f\I`l`n.-.nnn ...n.-n I111 l'..lI;....~. I. Snmv so t-nllvd solf-mmlv $114`!!! In Iw prvlly pun! jrnhs. `Hm _ymmu ywupln of I: In Iu- .'| ;;o-nc-mliruu in zulvnm: any nth:-r, fur lh:-y urn prr nf all tho pusl. 'l'||nl'1- ullln hnun v:||:>t-nndnll M1 Three Burgldry Cses Reported In December; 7' / I7 ` N--wsimy an Iinvr: "'l`nday's "!`:1hInid'. sir`? Lovely snap nt you both in mi.-. uu'm>r!" ~!Inm0rist When answering adlots say. mw nt in Tho Examiner." Some Thinkabouh (Copyright) A STITCH IN TIME . . Wills too often are thought of as final, when as a matter of fact they need periodic revision. Births, deaths, your children's marriages, a change in your business, the purchase of a new house; any of these may make your W/ill obsolete to a greater or less degree. l The officers of the Toronto General Trusts, through long experience as executors and trustees, can give you practical assistance in re-considering your Will. 'l'hey will be glad to estimate the probable amount of your Succession Duties and to explore with you the most workable solutions to your current estate problems. Such consultations place you under no obli- gation. [1] Among the many matters demanding your attention in the new year, give first place to reviewing your Will in the interests of your family anti estate. 371/: will be uwll .uI1'im/ I0 e/Ilrml the drafting of any rm/it 1/: In your Will, or the reriiimz of II, In your solicitor. '|`00N'|`0 GENEMI. l`|lUS'l`S Assets under administration Toronto is getting :1 most. unenviable repu- tation with its g`ang's1.ers. racketeers, robbers and various 0t;he1' kinds of m"unina1:; operat.- mg with lncreasmfs DOIGIIPSS. ..__r,L___