. nu .-.~| nrst \w-` in 'I'h-I nu. CL... - .\ll'Sl(' HY .T. ?. .W..C,.*. Robert Bayes, l-yr=:n'-nltl Rtrrmd farmer. xvus s1I`u('k by Iixzhthihq during Saturday nftz-rrmnn'.: . but escaped with his ]if('. Ho \x';1-.| knocked down and snrfmw-(I 21 fr:w~I lured right hip. and is: now mak- ling pl`UL{l'(`S.Q in Ruynl Vi(.'lnri:n Hr: I pita}. Barrio. with Dr. ("rank Shun- non. ChllI`('hi. in aHr-ndzu1r.'( ` | Mr. Bayes was stahtling 2:1 thv-' door of the cow stable, when li;.'hI-I ning S'.l'll(`k tho hyclrn Iim-5: and blow out tho fu.<<-.<. Tho (`lIl`I'('llY. whlvh passml from lhv` =:wit('h Il('uI` the chum`. \va.< so vinlmll Hm! it lknockod him down. i Simcoe Peopie lvitd I To Forestry Field Day} I i vm. v/Lightning Strikes Farmer At Stroud; Has Broken Hip! lrlll vll IA. Hxbrimlgtr. Let us zu'r:Ing(- your insurzmco prol.(-(`Lion Information without obligation FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 DAYS ONLY A.F.A. Malcomson BAIEIHIG : l hum~. `M7 !Births More Numerous ` Weddings Fewer, Here i"HE MAN FURY SPILLING THE THR|llSj%`!L%A|% During the first seven months of his yum`. births numborvd 120 as -nn1purod with 112 last your, accom- ng In statistics supplied by the ..-._.._.-.-..-_._..g ` V .._. ._ .-...._.._ _ _ _ _: .-_,._._ /IVVVVV VVVVV VVVV `VVVVVVVV . THURSDAY`kFRlDAY*SATURDAY The piclure that tears the top off America's newest, mos! during 1 big-money racket! ,, .\('-m- from ' n u.`- MONDAY -r TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY THE MUSICAL THRILL HIT OF THE YEAR! l`;n`riv's 0nl_\' ('.-\RRll-ZR .~\l|t ('umlitimu-(I 'l`|u*utrv--lhv kind that r('n10\'(`s umromfnrt-.1hl mnnulity and give. you COOL, CRIS!` (`U.\l1l_M'. 1` The `T0111 .9f,+T!w %Y'4 MONDAY*TUESDAY*yVEDNE;SDAY I--IEALTHY, WEAVLTHY ANDm'W1sE" ___ Now playing` Rzulio City. 'l`m'nntu's Hi-,1" N4-w 'l'lu-zntrlt 2---Brand New First-Run Fc:ai:ure.s ----- ~2 BARRlE'S BIGGEST SHOW VALUE DON T MISS IT Cartoon-~Who Killed Robin? HOLIDAY Atinlph my -119 "('ul| of [hr Yulum" from (hr nuw-I SWll"'l' I,l(i|l'l'.VI.'\'(i" I1} .l.`um-. Ulxxvr ( llrxumd uilh I{|(`lI.\H|) .-\l{l1|..\ -- Hl'.\|.l{l,l'.\' |{()lH'.l('I'S ANllU\\'I.'\`( U.\ 'll|l', .\\\lI`. l`l:H(;l( \\l.\lI`. ------- >'. ! "" 2? \ ,_ -..nv.HO 1L""DE l;`\' 'l`llI'lll{ l..\'l'l'I.\"l`, .\l"l"l'lE.\"I' ('().`vll'.|)\' .-.._---- --._-.....-<---- !AAAAAAa_ Night l ri(-rs: Atllllls 200. (`hihlrvn HM` Sutllrtlny Niglntsz All S`ut.~; 20-. MATlNl*ll`l SATUKJ)/\Y /\'l` 2.90 l .1\l. ..$'.!'..99{E`3 9Ei i FA3RY;::;LT%9U"LY .\l:\'l'lNll'l Wl'll)NI`lHl):\ Y, - IIl.I.v|\r| .11.! -. -nun: .v:.vv.x 'l`h(- LAM-x uml |'..ll'\ 1! [hr mill uucovcwnaorn ' Continuously Air}:-c-mditioned with Pure Fresh Air RESULT: BARRIE'S MOST MODERN THEATRES ' \|{,\ \|()l'.\'l"*$ L \'l'l`..\'l` .'\l`.\\ N JUNE CLYDE - cum LUBE F % =5 .\l)l)|'ll) 'llii'.. Town Clerk's Office. Deaths luiullorl GI - innnc uvnrn 7:` iHl(l llldl with 61. \v nu .... In July ` dzalhs l3_ gains! 20 InnI`I`i.')rn`~.` uruuuusu nu.---_ Directed by Louis King A Paramount Picture MARY CARLISLE LLOYD NOLAN ROSCOE KARNS `LARRY CRABBE an 6 43 5 "Vv7' The Only Theatre in Barrie that is Really Cooled by \Vatcr-washed Air--T-the Scientific Way `.30 H1zII'l'Iu;:t`:. sue. as .< h.<. 13 rlouths and fuly 1937. us against 012. 55 as compared ` nurnborcd 19, .n,\.~ uiv mu m No. 32 7 : SPECIAL ADDED TREAT A NEW MARCH OF TIME and TOPICS THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY TWO SWELL FEATURES ALL SEATS 20c SATURDAY NIGHT . `,i .APA. `E .X.Y% FEATURE an 11 6.`i% THE + BARRIEI + EXAMINER 011%` \\7 BARRIE, CANA.DA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, I938 4 ;oooo6oo6oo$o ow3$oo636o353ooooooo9:i HELP THE LIONS TO HELP OTHERS" g The southern part of Innisfil rmvnship was visited by H very sev- nro windstnrm--alnmst cyclonic in 1 fnr<'r~~l;us Snhn'da_v afternoon.` I .:u`n.\' wore unmnfod. trees blown |(ln\\'n and corn and standing grain lnid lnw. l`I.n f.. :54 Starts 7 p.m. -- Admission Free - Beauty (foutvst at 10 p.m. c-zu-h -\'vnin;.:. Proceeds for Lions Milk Fund and Welfare Work 09ooooooooooooooooouuooooooooo4oooooooom E T- - -sang nuura 1:114, n.ra II\l\ 0` 9: 9; .! I`hr~ farm of Orville Todd. doput,v-| r(~m'v of lnnisfil. lay right in the lpullu nf tho gale which swept across :1 path about fhl`F(` or four mil<-:< wirlvx l'h(- 5l((`l roof on his 90 by 44 fun! l_mm was liflod. one side bring: mxnplr`tnly CElI`l`l(`d away and tho Inllu-r hul{ badly \vr(~('ked. F'm'li0ns 1-! the` stool roof were borne across the fzmn by the wind. Cm ("4-mc9;alnln'u '\-\v`v\ .... rnu. = l uw mrm by the wlnd. Con ("m1s1nble's barn on Con. 5, 3 at Highw:a_v II. was almost a total ` `xvrovk. whilr` rm tho west side of the 'high\\'a_v. Wilfred Sto\vurt had his silo blown down. Fred Allan. also in the Churchill n(`ighbm`h(md. had part of his bum roof carried away by the wind, ' A number of ham doors were blnwn off | I.`;..I.a.< A` A...- .-_ AI. .u . |l"\`\'lI (HI. Fivlds of corn hurricane were 1;: r'I'-nin 1|-uh Inn . ladd ,___--...'.-. -v-vuvilul) I Have you trouble with Cracked `C`_vlindm' Hvads. Blocks or Watvr !.:u'kofs'.` Wu ham` :1 Guaranteed prnduvt for your car. Call at Dum- iniun Auto Wreckers and Supply. M-.'lp|(` Ava. for infnrmntirm. W0 al so mrry a vnmploto line nf Used and New Auto Parts. We van Sup- ply you with Used Tires and l'l`uhv.-=. R.'mm'io.<. nm\' or usvd. .H`a1i.~;f.'u-[inn f. ,'llll`HI1I(`{ (`l or nmnev r'fundod. Small AHZJE[rHiAcar1e Hits uth Port of Township; I Crops Flottened A So BARNiR&O%0JFS% 3 CARRIED AWAY ; IN LINNISFIL VIJFESSECI HUI. welgnz on ran) i'l`oday .......................................... .. $12.05 `;One week` ago .......................... .. $13.15 ` Two weeks ago . $15.25 , Three weeks ago . $16.00 ` Four weeks ago .... .. 15130 Cables today from the Old Coun- Ilry indicated Canadian market re `iduced one in three shillings. E (7ATTl.F`. Pnr ffxvl L/Ill Baby bee`./es Butcher steers Butcher cows Bologna bulls f"':n1r|nr= and n l./rll!IlL'lb i-ll1(1 Veal calves Lzunbs 3'4_.-4'/2 lbs. . 4`/2'5 ".35. Over 5 lbs. '1 Unchanged Hm turkrrys . Tum turkeys: . I These prices ;L;|zHII \\'HS I 1 \ I . `f VI1IIT1)(`I I x ET\ITERTAl_I\`I_M`E:l_\J:"l/" I tA.= quoted by First Co-operative Pzwkprs nf Onim-in Lfrl Rarrinl '11.` L]LlUltILl U_Y EIISL K/U UpeI"dl.|Vl5 Packers of Ontario Ltd.. Barrie) HOGS Per Cwt. (Dressed hot weight on rail) 'I`ndnv :1 9 n5 - nun-_u u. CARS WAN'I`F.D rnr Wrevking, llighvst Privv.< paid for same ["ARI(YNG H) ('`nt.< Ulldvl` Now Mn nn nnmnno :|I(`l l(1\V. r f\(\\`:\ nr In Ma.11{a'z"'zo;,a5," Plll One cent J oprlng Ono or-ni I `e~2`/2 lbs. " 2~3 lbs. '3`,{_- lbs. .. TORRENHAL RAIN Attention! Motorists Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry Mun.-Tues.-Wed. .\l\'l'. \\`|ll). `.'..'I(| up [0 $5 EGGS Unchanged from week ago. " largn medium PA!` `IIU BEAUTY CONTEST STREET ERQLIC - DANCE THURSDAY-FRIDAY-A_UG. 13419 w\;\:~ru< rsuw---.~__ A.-- -\_. _ _._____ n l'\('L mt,-r.ux_y POULTRY Spring (`hickens~-Live P (`Pnl Inuvnr lhnn uyanlr -3 LJ I l\.l_nI.4 I I I\\JIAI\z The latest. ganies to test. your skill. Draw 1'01` 350 pocligmeci Irish Le1`1'im`. Draw for $150 prizes. $65 typewriter. L, ...... .. .. we per 10. n`ko_v:< .................. .. 17 per lb. 9 are for good quality. Pl.'l3'~/L'b ` ' steers, heifers . nf\11:r~ UKJWS : .. .. : and cutters . Inna .. in the path of the I laid flat and standing 4 loft in a similar conditinn. 1' of trons wvrn blown (war. K. HEPBURN and C. GRANT in I` H) llll'!.`` `CATTLE (async- MISS BARRIE 1938" will receive beautiful Rose Bowl '1`1'uph.' and S1!) m~.`.1. \T6(`.On(l prize. silver tea service: LIp'u'(1 prim`. Spnclv ch`n1u (It`llll-I`L.~..(` set. (ON DISPLAY AT DOUGLAS` DRUG S'1`L)Hl'.'). H`\IIKL` 'l`l\I)l\\!'I`t\ Invnun ...:|| |.._ ._r 1|... l(l\l Nu HI (`HHS New Management :15 \, u)L'1u'llS~-La!VE lower than week ago. ~ 1 `. . Fowl . .......... Al . lower than week ago. Live Dressed no IA TIIRKIEYS ,1 from week ago. 5T`3_Fi%T W91-Jc l\J|V L/Akll Luxl (11 |l\1U\ll1{\IW L'(\L,'\1 \`\lk'l\l'aI. "MISS l`0|{0N'l`() 1938" will be om` of (hr jll(UL`~i. Entry blanks from local be-u11t.y parlors znul Ll1u;.; ;.tuu~ Barrie Lions Club -p'1.uu-.v.*.uu up to $9.00 ROXY TWO ALL-STAR ATTRACTIONS THE SCREENS ACE COMIC GOIN TO TOWN! ===-nnown ' zfh . '> ` loew nraganlc 200 plm" lb. 174" nnr Ih Per Cwt. $7.00-$7.50 $4.00-$5.75 $2.50-$4.00 $3.00-$3.50 . $1.50-$2.25 $4.00-$9.00 Inn In Q0 nn 'P'61_: 6FlE _S6l3.A:R-E, BARRIE `Hill , $13.15 . ' um: nip. Heavy Rain in Barrio K Barrie received the full force nf the 1`ainstm'm. but escaped the wind. Water pouring down the slrorr.-l:<.| made a number or washnuts. thouL:h| `none of them were big. Manhnlos filled and therr` \-ms cunsidomblv sewer trouble. Altogether it Inmlv quite a bit of \v for tho Bt)|I'(li l of Works. IU Ul'lVL'. . Robert Bnyrrs \\r;ns knuckz-rl (lux- I lightning shock one hip. I Y-Tnznrv Wni TWO MOBERN TANKS Go Under Own Power From Angus Station To Headquarters E I It is the firm belief that the firsll rider in Canada's first tank mav have been a_stowaway. l_nvu1--,nn-:Hnnl ":1: All-Jinn I1` ii` IIGVE UCCH H_.SlU\`VHV\ H,Y. Long-awaited by Major F`. i"`.| Worthington. M.C.. M.M., and H19 staff of the Canadian Armuurml Fighting Vehicles School (former- ly Canadian Tank Svhonl). lwn modern light tank: .'1rrivor'l at Camp Borden yesterday. and worr- imlncdiately placed in use. 5 1 RH? Hui 1-:u1r~h HYLIQ H151! n nnrI'n1 HOUSE OF HITS But the (.`H1(`h xvas that n pm`('el Crmtaining the remninr: of :1 brezut HhftChf`("S(`tlll1(`h. evidently en-i Jlvyert by R stn\v-mvny en mute. `W.'l.~1' found in the wireless room of mm of the vehicrles. These were a pievvt of dry b1'e:.id. believed In be nil English origin, and a Cite:-. rind. The mystery figure might imve been an ambitious stnwnway whn! hoarcted the tank in l .ngl.'mri zm(l| stayed with it until Cannrta wns:' reached. The vehiclr` nrrivt-d in Montreal by ship :1 W`!`k ago. And thn nivctnrv unnn miniul ||![1ll1CCllElICl_`/ DIHCCCI Ill USU. ` I pvunm Wl_'?vL. Unlnadod al Angus The two new tanks were unh Dd from flat cars at Anuns Sm` and Wflm' bving limb(`r(-cl up pulled by truck for a s:hurf mute. were st;n't(`d on their ('I'u,rn, to page !.welve, please vm,1. intvrruptkms tn Hydro an tv.-lr\phone . /\l`l'lIl`lII'\.'IlIVil|LY Ihn urinrl Hun- U.'u'p1|ul1l,' .\L`l'\'lL'l'.\. Accmnpnnying the wind. I was :1 lorrmntial 1'2-in~ -th(- wars nvvr `n\M, mm p(:1`.=:nn ztntrwi I -`.v-my "nu uI-.c...- nu...-...1 .1....... Long Awaited Tanks Arrive at Borden Dry Bread, Cheese Rindw Found In Parcel In One lVlUHll'(`ZH ny Sllp H W`(`K Hg`). And the mystery man mighl have been a irzmsiont Sc-(`king vusy lransportaon from N[(lI`Ih'(`Zll In points west. [ YI'n1nnrInri nl Anmuu -_BEAUTY CONTEST- AND I!_o\_~ Another Big Feature Attraction! _-`_.1-___.______ _-7 MAT. SAT. 2.30 P.M. EVENING SHOWS 6.45 and 9 p.m. Also Fox News `=:OI'=Oi' _o _ -_.-_.- V MALE;vQcA1:i`r_"E(_i'NTEsT F%.lINZA1L`"'"' MlNET S POINT DANCE PAVILION Eris!_a;.%%Ausust 12 EIGHT MEN QUALIFIED in the pr:-1m1`n12n'_v <-m1t-.,(.. IP11!) '1`ll|4' lI`T?\lAI ?\ll(`1Il'l` .4--.4; . g1 u4nn_:;; ;uu nu L,uL guvnuuuuuv \\'lI||-3 lV|A_l ., FOR '1`}1E FIN./\L. NI(;Il'[` .II7D(ilN(: BY l`()l'l'l.Al( \'()'l`I-2 HI" l).\.\`('l';l(s Come L0 Mlnetfs ["ridu_v ni:;l1t,, lmlr 'xcvl1'11[ ::1ns:z~r and vote fur _v(>u1' 1'uvm1rit<~. DANc1NcTTMONTDAY-%T{ `WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 7; ATURDAY BOB POWELL`S MELODY MEN I s of Can. 8, Innisfikl own in tho smblv hyf c and fell. breaking UNDER T1113 S'l'AI(.`u` 'l'() .\1L7f_w'I(' HY Bob Powell's Melody Mon i"r{x'.-` (52.95 _ please) D - unload- : Shutiun. u... and LAST SIIOVVING TONIGIIT` ('l`llURS.)