Established 1864 A weekly nr:wsp:np(-r devoted to the interests of the '|'CWn of Barrie and the Slll'l`0Llnl'HIlg country, issued at the Post. Office :~3quzn'c, Barrie, ova-ry 'I`lnu`sda_y, by J. A. M'acl..m'vn H-(Hlm') and W, (2, Walls (manager), owners and pu|)li.~-thr*I'.`:. Thu Barrie Examiner is a member of The (f.':nn.'1dizm Wm-kly Nf`W.`l[)H[)l`l`S Ass0~ ciation and or (,'lns;s A Wr-ol `and p1'og:1'(`.\': If Lhv lawn xwr llet and pm 11 av we belxvvu. lw xwl rvqu`u`vd (`mung ot expmuhlurv. wl mm)`. is .\'u1nM`1x11:`.~ the 1nomy\' to war! nu. '1` \IIV\\ 1*...` The `1\`\\\ n ( -nmlter mrHw1' `_may get the n upportunixy mr Iunu uuu \n|I'\A u . . tiun Lu nu.-: du'c~'1 stumls 10 gm the .dm=s l.lm1g'.~: rlght. the` l:11'p,'v.\:t -.m-.m- < :0 ..\\.\..l.I nun. nu For walking urmmd the city beaches and `Island. pztrks -.11 smno mnsidemble distance froth the \\".1ft"`I`. in bathing suits. eight pe1'son.s -were fined $100 9-.u`h by :1 Toronto magis- trate. If the (`am is that hard on swhnmers. we wonder what he would say to the girls ~ some of them well on towards voting age--- seen about the streets of B:1rrie wearing ex~ ceedingly abbrevimed shorts with the rest of their costume pI`0p0l`Ii01`l:`lIt`ly scanty. --., .e\ .. ..- _ The Examiner 11:15 l'PL`riVt*d trom the North Bay Nuggex a copy 01 us 1938 Quinulpxet mom. Tms, prllxtecl m two colors and plenti- Sully illustrated. gives the story ox I-he Dionne 'l`l||'I \'() l`I-I 'l`0 'l`l|I-`. l l.U\\'lN(i MA'l`('ll HON. bu 7THE7B ARR|E EXAMINER - `x<'`-QM llw uddc ; . Anywhere in C.".m:zrI:a, $200 a yum`; in United States, $2.50 a your, puy.'aI;J- in m!vzm(_-e_ Single copies, 5) rvnts. Subr:t:z'ibr-1'5: wiahing In disvominue paper at expirznion of puriml paid for urn vxpm~1:~d to notify, this office br-fm'I- tiulv mt c-xpiry. Wl'll.(,`()Ml'I I`() 'I`llI'l l*`l|{l*`.Ml*`.N! \'l\l I 1.11:1 'I`I`{ URHl')AY, JULY 28, 1938 `\ I ||\r| \.I\ ||\ I|\I. hut. Hw nun1lw1' ml (1 `:11 h'1g11vx'. in B-.-u'1"u~. mm ` ICARI. l{()Wl'l'S RI'I l`lRl*)MEN'l` . . w .. . :uldv(1 S UBHCRI PTION RATES EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIAL H U\t1 An p|\Ip\ | nL_\'I\. ll vV\I\IA\4 , ~ wvll \\`0l'H1 the additional sum` ling out -.1 lvw hundred d0ll`.~`l`.\" v. Wllllt` it in-.1_\' sound like econ- lllllt`.\` inure vastly than putting, xmrk in the right plzwe. Cmiiivil might. well give this 1' l`0ll:aldt`l".lU0ll so that the town lull blefll of this exceptional 01' good publicity. The Barrire I-`irv l .rip.',':uI- :1l`l(i the'/.9n.. OI" Barrie g'm1ernlly urn m1l,m't,aini11g' during" Lhv coming` we-r-kr-nr! Hw l"'n're1m*n`s A.~;s0ci:1Li0n 0| 01'1t;a1'i0 which 1:; lml(liI1g!,' its 37th zmnual con- venmrm horr-. 1-nu. . _..\I.....4.-.,... \...: `u"xI_\' .-wnt lhrmxghont O11t4u1'i() mum b`luu~s. the muL(`l1 is ad -:11 l%:\rr'u-". Last, yc':11"s attend- 1(m,()()U on tkw four days :md.] .i utIr:u`tim\ of the pl`t`S( n(`.(~` 0f| -Hz-xwml. 11 is mnhdently ex-' .oo.....):n.\- in 1006! will ...-.I\...- .\ nu-nu nu-_v lu\ n|\ nu. \. w bvsl. kmcl of publh .1. `Plus pluwmg nmtcl :1" of its kmd in the w muvh Lo Barrie L0 be .'u)' that wxll impress I -~; min the town's 91 -nun `|b|A\ . . AVI\ .*. `Hlu'1' and the yun ununn __,_ \o\ _ xx 2 ix) take hold of I -`r in pmper style. uddith .......I.... lull. ll 1.`! \\ l|ll\.l\AAhA_y xn lh('l' :1t1.'mling in 1938 will: lwr l\ 1u.\'t of this throng` um-r gulxlg m voxniup, ml luwn will b=m=l"it' lvy put in circulaxmn in ' the llugv crowd. In '.1cl(ll-_ mm-1;u`_\' Lwx1el`il.. the town} 03!. publ'1clL_v if it) ms nmtcll will hot 113 world and 'h Lu coupled. that impress me mul- llh ent.e1'pr 1sr=1 . l i I\/lost 1. u-1` }. ,'UiI1Q:`,' bl. l.\\\vv\ u this 1 u .-. quintette very effectively. Now in its third year. this edition xneets :1 popular dmnund for infu1'mat.i(m reg".u'(ling those bzibii-s. Owr 1()0,()0() is the issiw fur l.h- ('lll`|'(~']l/ .\`l`:L.\`()H. l`l`-- qm=..s'Ls for it, lwixlg; 1-u-(-viva-(1 (mm :1]! uvc-1' Llw l ('()llUlll`ll1.. VCIAIIIIIII lll`ll'. Tl):-l.w fir:-mr-n, 1':-pru:;m1t,i11p; v01unl,0m' b1'l-| _g`:1cle.<;, :u'(,- rr-m'l<-ringa, it vnlllublo se1'vi(:e in Llmir snvmnl rrmnnnmillx-:; :m(l 1'01` small rc- mune1':1l.inn. Al. :1 nmlm-nlls nuticv, they may be caller] Hymn to (Imp Llnr-ix` work 01' bl'f 11k in on l.l1r=i1' I-mm':; or :'-:-.I,, mm H, may be ri.s`l: Lln-ir llves, 1,0 szuvo l,hr- ]lmpm'l.y ml` Llw (-i1.l"/.r-ns and so1`noL'11n(~:; Ln 1'v.~;r-ur- pr-uplv in pr-ril. Tl1r~:;o I'ir(-- l'i',l1l,vI`.~: (l-.-am'vr- well of their own (:0mn'nn1iI.i'-:4 um! ::.l.~;u 01' um (':iLi,!l(l]: in the town or r-il,_y wlmro l.h(- zmnual ('0nvH1- Lion and uul,in;~; is: lwld. Barrio is L',l'.:,<.l l.n wvlr-mm them. We trust that, their bu.-;in-::.-; :;v.-;.~:`mn.~; may prove profil- ablo mu] (l('V('lU]) l(ll`1l.`i wl1l('.h will in(t1`u-use their nl'l'ir-.1:-nay uml Lhul. Lhr-y will enjoy Lheirl slay lwrv ::.n<'l ':H`l'_`/ away with Llwm plr`:1.<;unL 1'0c0llm-l,iml.~; ul I'.::,1'1'ir- :m(l il,.-; ('/.m1.s. Tho lot-,;Ll l)1'l1.-;zulr- lm..~; 1|. big), job in :u'rang-l ing and (-zwryixw,` ml. Lhv (.lc-mils ml` Lhi.-; con- vvnliml. our (-iI,i'/.r-n.~; mm .~;lmw t.lm'n' :1ppr(--- (-ial/mu n1 Llw :;vrvi<~-:: nl` um` l'l1'm11m1 by 14-mi- ing; Llwm In-an-I.y (~u--up:-r;1,l.lun 2.1!, c-very oppor-E l,unil,y Ln mul:- l,ln- v1:;il. nl` Hm I~"i1'mm-n`x' A:`-;~ S()(`l1ll.l0ll :1 .`ll('('l`...'L (`,9< G. I`r0sl, of Lind 01' the ()nL:u'iu (funsol well known in Sinu-up 1 orly :1 rvsidu-ht. of ()1'iJ` in 1916 as an uH'ivvr under the l:1l,- Lia-ul,-(.' 1'm1yu1'0l'I.ih(l>;:1y hu m: in n1u11i("1p:-Ll atnuirs :11) ed in that (~:1p:u-il,_v .~; ht`1piI1{2,' LL) dl`Vi.`i(` pulivie 1,0 L119 ('it,i'/.n=n.s' ul` lhv pl Lives S9911) Lu huvv mzu they selr-c't.v(i Mr. l1`m.-;l t.z11`i0 01`g`u11iml,iun, .. On Allgusi. Isl ().\'h:1W:1 is .\'l,:ur;iny.-,' :1 (`n\/iv. 'Cm1m1unit.y 1):1_v 1.0 1`ui.~w $5().l)lHI for r-huril - able pm'po.s'os. ("ity <-ounvil zmd' muni- lcipal bodips, sv1'vi(-v clubs, ('h:unl)\r 01' mm! xnm'(',e and ])P()])Jt` )1 all (lvnnmm:11.inn:; um-E combining in (-:u'ryimv,` out :1 hip, and vuru- p1'0g`1':nnn1o 01 spm'l.s and nlhvr vvt-111.5. lni every town and city :l])})(`:1l.\`.:1l't' nnmlv by vur A ions 01'gm1i7.:Ll,i0ns lur (-~1'l.:nin ul).i-1-l,.~;, all! quite` worthy ()sh:Lw:1 i.-; g-mm-; :1 .-.l.u-1) l`m'l,hn~r. r~nlisl.i11p; L110 whnlo (-il,i7.vm'_v in our hi;-, (`Hull- ;n1unit_y~d1'ivo. m-h :1 (-mnbinml muie':av.r `should D0 1r11il.l ul nl` l'P.x'llll.:s for the .-;pu-rilu- ].)1lI`DOSP and Lhvro Sh0lll(l lw Hm l`u1'l.l'u-r, :1mi' equally '1mp01't.21nl., bmwfit, 01` .\'lI|`('m_','l|l<'IIil'2}.{ the (rommnnity .~apiri1. and improving; Llw mun play 01' the (~il.iz'-ns ms :1 whulo. _ .o- ,., lan agreeinenl with the 1)epl,. oi l1i:.',"hw:a.y.s lnl` The Mayor of (`uoderieh has i'el`n.x'm1 to sign the improvemenl of :1 r-oniieel,iii;;' link", l)P~ cause of :1 r-lnuse whivh would give Lhv 1). p:1l't,1nent Lhe righl. lo lieeiirw :1n r-nlleel all fees for gasoline puinp.-; ;ul_i:1(-enl. in llw l1lp,l*.- I way and also l.o license and ('I)|lI`(`l, lwx-a 1m" signs or .~;ip.,nl.)o:1r(l:; ;1lonp;.si i.l1i:; pim-v nl :;Ll`eet.. By the ag`1'eeinenl. the l)ep:n'l.mvnl, un- dertakes to pay half the r-o::l. oi Lliv vm1l,n thirty feel, of Lhe m'.'ul aim! of :;now rmnuvzll and sanding. The town is l'P.`i}.)l)l1:ilbI(` for all the additional width of road and the 1-oucl :11- lowance. _We believe the smnnl mken by 1.110 Mayor of Goclerieli is. fully ju:;I,il ie(l. The De- partment should not. be })tl'l`l1ll.l,t`(l lo r-ollm-1. license fees for gasoline pumps and sigml within a town. The Governinmil. .\`h()lll(`l lie! satisfied with the big i'el.m'ns it, gels l"mm motor lit-ense fees and _9;:1.~aoline taxes. ;p;;.1 : ed wu Kmg :4 1 KY.` .- tuu craur ,y that are p e payers of I st. I.inds:1_V, the u (.'unso1'v:1l.ivv I (`mmt.v. .l . .- .\..:n:. .\ ()riJli:1 4 N` m:u1v :1 Inn '5 zuul Lhv kl i|._v >;hnnl(i I uli('ivs u':1l<'n rw pruvilwn`. ~ Inudo :1 wi.~ t"m:;l, :15 (`lm 1 and mu 1! 11 ---;.u. .u-.-... .-~...-... ...-.-----..._....._ The atmnum-mm-nl. or Lhe r9l.i1'Pment of Hon. Earl Rnwv l'I'um Llw leachwsllip of the ('.`(>n.`;m'vul.iv(- p:u'|,_v in ('*'m was not unex- pected, u:; it. Wm; c-vidont that me unanimity 1lf`(`(`.`i.`1ll'_V In l,h(- p:n'l._y':s Sl|('(`P.H. ~`. was lacking`. M1 . Ruwv (lid lml, .-;p:u':> lni1n:; ~l1' in the last, p1`0vim'in.l (`It-<'l`iuI1:~:, um! Lhv m1e1'g;y hv put mm l.he- t-.'u11]):um1 wu.-; (It-::(-rving of bet1m'l 1'<*sulL::. Ho wn.-; xn1lurl,un:L1,~ in :;0n1e- of the mlvioa givu-n by hi:. :ulvi:wrs and his position .... I... 1-1 41 x...`.... mm: him ||\n||r--IHHK` nf mu.- - '11 9, r (lvnmmn:11.i: ll .1 4\I|'\.\.- .\Ir;. wisv ; ohivl` nlls x . In. nun ;nu\ an . n:nm- rm" him:+ I` liI1uwlv(lp;v uni bu v:Llu:1l)Iv l<' Ln uppt ('0. 'l"lw (.`n11.\'.v|'v |. . .| . ,.. A.~'.: '. Hr Wu 1 wvnl. 1571,11 H: 1. M:u'1.: III \-\IlI- ` vlluit-0 U! lhu-i vw m~u.s'irIr11L .{..l{.n\ I.- H;1l.l.:1I`mn ,. ,, . I ,... ('i:Ll.ia) A :l])})l`1 `nunxrllu Ivul. n. I'm'm~ - wln-n ir ()n rm: mmnm EXAMINER. mrmm, omx. CANAHA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT Prospective Ontario Leaders A Weekly Review of National Affairs ".~;I'l1Cl`A'r()Il" Backward Glances llll,U lillf` ('illll])Ll);li Wilt lIl'.`>(`IV|up3 U1 unam- ]'( .SllH..`i. [. ,'iVl`ii mi the (.'_i.(). i.`i..ll(' mi.-:1, iiiiii i.iioii:~;iinds of vo1-- es in l'lii'iil (}li|.:ti i(), A.-; tlw l-ziiiipiiigii develop ed, il. win; H])})`.ll`t`iii that lit` had not the hill wvip;lil, ol' thi- i)1i.i'l._V hi-liiiitl him. Hit` split with Col. Drvw lH`lli}..', :iii ('.".pi'('iiLH_V h'(`i`il)llS loss. 11 iiiiiy hr Hiiii. ill` ii:'|.(l otlwi' Hiiii{.f,`S to ('()I ii,(.'ii(i with of Wiii(`li Hit` piiiiiiv knows iiothing". that tlw ili:::ii`Ii-('14-ii I*l(`i1it`i1l. hzid ciiangeci its 1; ititiiiiv iiml w;i.~: |)i'`]):li'( (l to swing` in behind .iiiiii. Ull(l('i' tiiw i`ii'(`lllii!`(-`S it was no won- C191` thiil. Mi`. liowv pi`:-l'c`i`i`i` to step out and uwvolv iiiiii.-wii to I'Miii':ii :tl`l".iii`.~'.. I\iol.with.~;luiiiiiiii.-; tho tiil'i`i-iiit sitiiatioii with whivh lit` iiml In iiviii. Mi . Rowe niade iiiniiy l`i'ii-iiiit: imlii williiii iiiici without his }):|.i'l,_V iiiiil ii-w will qiii-::i,ioii thiit iw Siii(`Pl'Fl_V .`;ll'l)V(` in .`i|`i'\~ t` hi.~'. ]i:ii'i_v initi his ('oimti'y. 'i`lw |`ni'uiiin .``i,:ii` well H'.l_VF.i "Oi Mi`. Rowe ii i-iiii hv .~;:iiii that lit` witiiciriiws l'i'oiii the ie`~:iili*i';iiiii wilii li'i:: ::(~ii ~i'i*.~:pv(`t. iiit.z'u't mid. wlizil 1:; :iiiim,-.1 t'(lll:iH_\' iiiipoi't:iiil.. l`(`i.liii1ii_L , tho v.-:l,e-viii iii wiiivli lit` '11:: hold by the gen- vrul iiiihiir wiie-ii iii` :i<*(-viilmi the oiierous and soiiwwiiiil Hiiliiki`.`i.`;(iiiii('S()lIU1!`l(`{l(H`X'Shi})."l i Tli(`i'( wu.-; i`itl.i- (`Vi(l(`ii('.(', Si1i(`l` the oeciioiis :\\'II.|.|.\ \| I (ll '|'I|l'I TH|5M'lI. il' STOP! if !'.'.r rw in nu -112:.-`.-.nHv. ur path and vnu / -UL. mu ';`.v H:_'1..-.::`.. Mall: tamard II V: I7 , 1: Fe. in M ' \\'}'.>-11 \u.u walk 1- \\...=i w:.~ ;;.`.;.g wurhc, vnu (an vau'h ck: :`. 1.x! .:.~ 1'. .-x;;::~mln-ts`, and the 1:,.~~r .1115-'t.~v'.J llwut rlsk your lift: l'.ru1`n.~.~1`.. (">'})(`k1.1.1}_\ `:1! High! Walk ~ in 7!.t` NI! rfldv`. .11.d kt-CL! Cinch` U! the oummo _` DEPARTMEr;, A', D or mcuwnz ezor Ydncle: L `V . f mi HVVl1o"s Who _In Kiwa;1is ll..H..4...| u you H! yuu walk .....a..|. II III IIIWIJIIID Wm'I\ly Hullvln l.lVlN(`.f rripti: i'l()N- '1`11v l`11w11 (`1111111-11 11111-;111 1121119 been 11101`? p,'1~111\1'1111s "111 1.1111 11111 1-.-1\'1'11 1.11 11111 111L1~1'11111.11111'11 } l11w1111>.' M:1l1'11 11111111111-1 :11'1'-.1ng`od L1) be held 111 B:11'1'i1-. '1`111\ $211111 V1111-11 1:: j-11:41, 1119 51111111 :1- 1111111111 11:: 1111111111111 by 1.110 village 01' 1<"1-1`g11s. \-.'1L11:1 }1111111l:1l'11111 1-1111111111-1'z1b1y 11155 1111111 111111- 1l1'11'1l 111` 11:11'1`11-`:1; 111w:11'11.~; 1111- 1-1151 111` 121311 1. . . . , . . ..1 : ..::. .m_v;-:.J&...::. cm 2. a%,...m -~:.~uw~ , ,. . _ y~1*u1p~;g.=s*1g;wvrHuu*`wa~-ggng. I47 ; --.`.`1[,~ W'i1E f"\XI6k6 or THEYWEEK DOMINION l)I(:`:ES'l` OF THE ____..____. ---...-.-`nu Some Thinkabouts .\IU l`()l( .\lA\` NIIIKS Tlun'sdn\'. Julx -224. 192. _ In I -:--ununl ((3:11;/I'Ig[I1I) -(l |:_\ I M`z11".'< lmllqum. In mu publu and mm [hr U1 \'t`l'-H.\'(`(i an: "nu: Al\\ with I the` (3 pm`! (`L . be` :1 will L frmn 1:111:01 4...-yn `