Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1938, p. 9

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THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER I`uH.u;rrs \ll SH Y()l"I4l, Lllili FUR l).'\I\'(`lN(i (Ill l,I`n"l'Ii.\'lN(i W1-5.1 )Nl:1.`iI)_AY \\\l \l 7\'ll .|l'|' fur t1.x.';rrx .'mr| I';\O`l \'lHHI_\' \l H|'Nl."~f. 'Vl(.I|'l u 4 . u-1,. AI VU u_..,, ..... l'.\>i'.l .r\I.I. Vicforia School n '3x:ul.- VII 1:. 1'.r7ui~ 1- II. .. n.. JUNE PROMOTIONS IN ARRIE SCHOOLS '::`A'ruR1)AY ru-Hm:_x; \I\\ lluing wry H.|.-I11` Night Special Preview Thur., June 30th _IT_\_/g_ Tl Jr~`.s;IT>AhY 'l'()Ni(.;ll'I' H .1) 5! \l(I`~.l. (. l'\i('l \' \H'.Il'I' '\U.'l,t'|Hl, lH`||`l"` IV l\IlrIlllHl INN)`; v'1.~~un_ Ray SIn;.:e-r_ Jny Smnh. Ehlhc-1 ..pzm1s. I`h_vlh.< Shank. Dnnulu 9\\-nzc-r. RIIHO 'I`1r1-m:m. June Teas-. dale. Bvtty Wale. Donald Wn0d-l Iunsv. V--ra \Vhl'(`l('l'. Jusephim: Wale`, Dorothy Gzxlinger. Miss M. E. Andrews. teacher. r. II in Gr. IIIA Ross Allems. l,umo- AH,-he.-1'. Ronald Armstrong, ;(`nnstance Barnes, Joan Butler. Eric ;(`hnnnen. Doris Gnodwin, Joe Har- :v'm:i1n<-. Elaine Irwin, Paul Irwm, `Vincent, Jesson, Joyce Jones, Ron- /m...... 5. n..,... (<:..a...... nl....m.\ '- UR!?AY:E!3'PAY - SATURDAY uu,\..., u\-vu\1In, uu_,.._ ..\...\.., .... (Turn. to Page Sixteen Please) FIGT!N_G..~'J!h..K1I.%%CAR$9N with JOAN BLONDELl_._ )}'v'_- 'v'v' V` 1' AAA AAAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAA`/ _IMPERIAfI /VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV . with JOHNNY MACK BR()WN--B|`}'l'HY |(lN(E RUSS NOAH BEERY, SR.--N()/\l| BEPIRY, JR. 'l`ULI.Y M/\R.SllAl.I.-l.ANl`Z (`ll/\NlDI.l'IlC BIG HOLIDAY PROGRAMME _~ Cooled and Ventilated with Fresh Air Complete Change Every 3 Minutes =n.e+rgreg Mg;g;.;t;;;%:5 THE PURPLE VIGILANTES WALT DISNEV _SlVilV(ZKEY MOUSE THROUGH THE MIRROR I{.-puhliv Pivturc-s l rn.sm1t with HOB LlVlN(:'uH'l`0N----R/\Y (`.()|{l{,I(i MAX 'l'l`IRIllIMl`) Sl l.("l/\l. MATINEE FRIDAY /\'l` 2.30 I`.M. PERS(3NALITY PARADE A Mascot Serial in 12 Chapters I`/\R/\MOUNT'S NEVVEST /\Nl) l -l'I5'l -- IIIT N0. 1 __` T CHAPTER 1 HIT N0. HIT NO. 3 - HIT N0. 4 -__j: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV`. JIM` p!IDll(` are asked to (`U-0p\I'-1 anrl aw remmdod that all kitvla-"7' roluse must be wrapped and plan`-. `i in covered cans. If placed on vlw curb. the charge is 25 per mum.`- :15 before. 28-3';'..';il1 _,/2 - /r Examiner Classifieds save 1/00 money. --I\l.S()-- Other Treats Jimmy Fidler's w;-u-;p-.`_o . - -.--uw Public Heal: Nofic; ON JL'I.`1' 1. tlw nmv schenw ` |Garhage (`0lle-tum wlll be in fw" * The pnhlil` are a'~:kr-ri tn <-In-opnm` that all knvlur l'hvir -. VI 1.... vv - ...\._. (Eiw-n Eva-r_v Niglu Tnkc-ns are now hcing gr:vrqn'l g for tho lznruvr pi(`(`(\-h. ` I'tu\II|v:< i .........u. u. ... ... I-1--I`! ,...... RE'l'URN l'IN'(Iu\(iEMEN l` .Il`I\ .\'|`I'I"l`l \I:|('lll)N -H1) IV The Lottery Britivwf` "WI\"lon.-Tues.-Wed. Mzltincv W(`(l. at 2.30 p.m. I) I4"l'IVIP KY l:\7l 1.1 I 1lo`T\/IIa`KI'l` I... ` `n __ _______ .- vmuw; --.- - .IE.-\NI~;1"r|~; mu-nn:\v\l,n BmIgRwg;g; T and a Musical Nrxvosl. Wt-r,l.*rn (BAN No. 2-. MIDNIGHT SHOW ALSO FINAL EPISODE OF DICK TRXCY*%STEt1}:%. COMING TO THE ROXY--' `LIFE BEGINS AT COLLEGE MONDAY*TUESDAY'kWEDNESDAY ANOTHER SWELL 2-FEATURE PROGRAMME \ j . 2 OU_TSTANDlNG FEATUF -73rd Year :\lwz1_vs Showing the First and Outstanding Features-the Public is already aware of that |1lII`.|| IGRFCV-(HI. flE|VY unwmu`-oar: IOIIIN-IDIUIIV IGMIN ` M-IV II|\I - `HE. ( IMIIIS - utnalbwiu nu gun; - 9......`-4 w. Manon um -Innxv nu nnrvuq 4( BARRIE S ONLY SCIENTIFICALLY COOLED THEATRE. CONTINUOUS FRESH Water-Washed AIR ALWAYS THUR.-FRI.-SAT. - LAST 3 DAYS ____1 0.. ___..1.__. -1 nun ...._ CLAUDETYE THURSDAY 4: FRIDAY 1: sA*i3iiiii)AY DELIGHTFULLY AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT |\.I|\o-l. A\nI"D.ll1lo L45 ll-ll II nznn Matinees Friday and Saturday at 2.30 p.m. -51-: \/-3 In a...;-a-._.-n 5fD1A div PARALISE7 MOLBERT In Cgzrzs CHARLES j L Tngnrhnr In rha Yo:/r's Suv/lost Comody! ARICH The first of 1038': Tm Rm! I u~mruI -All: BASH. RATHBONE ANITA LOITISE -THE RITZ BROS. in 1' and TOM SAWYER" ROXY LOI IISE KEEP COOL AT THE ROXY _u~:s 2 H1 - Granada Love BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938 First. Co-operativr- Packers of On- tario, Limitod. Barrie. was $15.00 pm` (-wt`, (Jr:-s.<(=d hm wnight on the rail. Iho high:-st since 1931. as com- `narod with $14.50 one week ag). $14 two xvnoks ago. $13.35 thrc~~ wot-ks ago, and $13.75 four weeks ago, The price paid for hogs fnday bvt (`11110 I-nnnriu inrlil-ninpl Han! Hun] am), Cable rt-pnrls indicated that vxpnrl markv-t was firm, but _priN- paid 1,url:l_v was: ahovv the 1 cl of the r-xpnrl market due [I smrt-iiy of hugs. ..,_,, Unrlu-=mL{<-rl from mm week : '[`(-ncIr`n.'_v for r>;_vg:< In risze nwin; I`0r'L-SS in prnrluvtinn. "A" l:n'Hr= .'>'prin;: (`hir:l Live Onv (`om rlnwn from wvok nun ])(`(`lil]f` oxpm-Ivd owing to grr-mm` pmdu<'tion. 1"5',-2', -J lbs. . . . ..,. H 2'./-_--3%; lbs. . . 1. ) 1%.--4'-V Ihs: . , _ . ` 17 All I: II. I!) MON.-TUE'.S.~WED. Mat. Wed. 2.30 The Season's Gayest Corned y "I"' Ill.\. 4'/4;-5 lbs. Ovnr 5 lbs. .1-,;,- ':;_- ID. 11/2-5 |h,<. Over 5 HJIL K-'Hlll|'II 'HI.v2l'll il ll_VlIlVV III}. II |v~v_v on Hm! purl uf H1"; Cmmty not inr-ludr-d in High Hvhnnl gDi. m" (}r.'nriv /\ or (irarln Ii |Con1ir.nz1linn Schrml sm-linn.=:. in pay xfm` tho r-ms! of Pr|n(`:|lim1 of (?fIllllL\' {pupils in ihv v:|rirms High and Con- flinuntinn . rhn`in): 1937, mud!` n('<'('ss:n'y on m'(-nun? ml" rvvm ('hnmzPs in lhn /\('1. The 1012!! amount. wax $51.?.`.32.4. Busii1es } Tourist Information Bureau `Cabin Is Locofcd A1` Brod- ford S1`. Entrance To (T()l'N'l`\' HIGH fs'(`ll(H)l. l.|'IV\' _ .. . .. _ , Vnwl Onr- (,'(`lH zlnyxm frmn \w~r\k ago. I.ivr~ I)|'(-::`;r~rl 11. AH, IL... I`) ll . Today s Prices Hogs, Produce DOING GOOD WORK lllllll lI|(||Illl "<'|llElhl(` in (lulu ihvy -1.. -4- IT. ranadd Dominion Wreckers on: /\.F.A. Malcomson BARRIE : Phone `H7 mf`tl ium 'rm: nr:.\n' 'l`R.-\Fll(` is .\"l`.\I{'l`l.\'(`. rrurrrwr \ ()l'l{HHLl~' ANCuELO'S Spaghetti House riic.u| rural PTo'rl< (uvi-|I and Hmuvnmdr Egg Spaaglnvlti Inadv tn oldm`. !'1v'.a:.~ }`h~\Hv' Hl'dvr:. (S0 '.\Iul(`:1stt`r St. with NOW I\' I-'l'l,l. .\'\\'l\'li ll ('nursv .`~'p.IghNli liinnrr l"I\ l`|)\ nurth of .*\ll1(`l'il`:lll u.ue|aI|v v m....... um 11nV\J I I lA,4l\ EBHOL:FlNN % mt PERFECT LSPECIMEN. w has for llw first H1110 10 tourist hurczm. 5!!!!)U- lzwking horn fur yvnrx. I 211 lh(- Bmrlfnrd Sin-(`I /\L:ri(-nlluml Park and: In. D \ Lhu~ir\nuv_a vu;;v.'. I In M vvvry kind L41 trmri.-:1:<. who C11. and z have hm-n vovy num~ n vvr-r_v imtination .::l-i nurist hum-an is going` g su(:c(-s.< and bring a Ivss In ! .;n`rir~` I (mod `|'- 1. " 502 " iion Auto and Supply rvrw T\' lnsuramce just `v(*:.(-rd:1_\" [Inn and l)(-trnihl Mrmtrml, Qun-' rd. Rnflaln anal vs in Ontario as Mrs. Guilfoylc ,'(' frvo informa- .2,.l ....... H... 3 Mills. nu` nnu 1fNTERTA1NME.N_T_ "I -`\lIl('lll'.llI I'll:-aw HUJ hyluw - ..4' HUVV H1'dll' n :1 position ' night with truck. also ndrivh Tires ational Bat- l'rH I\ CIIILI Buszincss "zmk Guil- Va. 0; . and 1 u 711 LI 1` Hm the Lclrgesf And Most Success- ful Gathering In History Of District A C C C ` O ` Barrle 1s 1n b'llD()ll.l__ ,`l].'[ A As Local Lions aux: lgilmsls ;; j At District (1().IlV(`.IIli0.I;l FAVORABLE COMMENT; iBc1rric Band, Mayor Rob- } ertson, N. M. Thomson, Hon. Dr. Simpson I _ , _,_._ A HOUSE OF HITS `-||"V I\ . \Jl||?I|Hl illlll \4~(lll`IlI'l V H1 iho Intrwnatinnnl /\s'sm('in1im1 MI l.i Clubs on Sun 1Vlvmri:I.\'. 'l Iw: and part. uf Wvrhn-s(lny -vii `this wnok. ; Bigwin Inn, Lnkv uf Hays, Min! knkn, formvd :1 mnmmifivvm : rm` lhn 1nI`;Z(`!~'1. and mast slwt-5-!<. nnn\'m1tim1 the Di::Iri(-I has vvvr hold. with nearly six hunrlrmll Lions-_ ladivs and um~s1:< ]`)l'I`i~'(`1`.|.| 'l`lw rvuistr:I|im1 xv! n H-r~-mi fun` number rogish-rorl. and 4-xm-v(l~r|i lby nr*:_n*l_v two hundrvd Ihv pun; vimm high ror`.01'd. Si.~:1y-fivr- nf ilwi -:mn\nIv.fi\n~ 1-Inh< in (`)nl.'|riu :mI: './Illllh lllgll ::`w`nl_v-fivv 1-lubs in (')nl.'uriu :mI; Quwhm: were nfficinlly roprc~: Thv` xwwnlwr rvmninml mm] In`. tlw ;;:a1|u:rim,'. and mu I':u-Ilnluv-i `pl`l>ViIi"rI on Riuwin Izslzmrl fm` Hug 'vnh`I`i:Iinn1l`nl nf (ho L:I1v.\'1' \`. ('l'l' llh! mum, Ill` oI.V.I_Y-|Iu-- HI lIIl'x Extra (-npivs of The Exn may be >b1Hil1(`d 2:1 tho nnws 5 in Bm'ri(- and Allnndzalo nnri .- |nffi(`(`. Snmv :absvn1 frivnd ' ` liko In svn this i$:. Why nut one? I .1 M'mbm`s of Rnwix` l.iun.< fnrlnvrl lhr` r`nmmll,1r`r- In rh: m>x1\'rm!izn1 :m':nm.(mm~nle<. 'l'l vitntimm of Hw R:n'rio- urnu] :w(`vp1r~rl nl H10 :mnIxnI wmv n yvar ago. and xinr-P Hm! px'(`p:nm1im1:< fur Hw r-mm New Superintendent For R.V. Hospital Comes From Weston At a : vnvctimz nf tho Hn.v-i ul Victoria Irlospiml Board. ha-lri In:-.1 Fight, Miss Eisir` A. Williams: val : Vlvxtnn was appointed Supurinion-4 dmnt to :~'u(`('o0d Miss Ada S<'i1r`il'v-I-`J who resigned lasi month in lnkv H`; position in Hamilton. Miss Wi1-- iirns came to Bzirrin in ini('rvi(\u'i Hho Board and tho nppnintmvm i followed, I T\K~n :lI:PII\-st` in u sq-\(:u:;\ ~l IHIIUVVVCU. Miss Williams is: a native -sl` ,FrPdorictnn. N.B., is :1 g1`ndunlo nf ;IhI.- Stmnford I-lnspital in S1,mnI'nrrl. C(mn.. and has had a v:n'iwl vxpv-rv `ivnco. A1. pr(-son! shr` is r-hiof in gezfrnctross nf nursos and X-rn_v tm-]x- `n.L-Ian in the Wmmsn IIn. F`-In `i.; 10 a.<: hm` now dutinrz on `/\u;:u: I5. iron HAVE A mmnn wno wmmn um-1 rr 'U"(1U||t'.\_ HS vlll Hnn for industr Gnu.-Q.-on :..l'...-.< .ll|C ILILXI l.\l l}Lll"(1ll I5 1'" *l""l in handsome log cabin. kindly lam `*0 the Business Men's Club for 1 svason by the Musknka Log F`! struction Co., Bayiield SL. Bqrriv I . . . ROXY - Small but flashy pointvrl `is have been placed along all mg `ways leading into Barrie tn r `fourist bureau and mo entram-u h as large attraclive lighted sign gfurther attract tourists see-king i i formation. ./A` , .Q,_.. Have you paid your subscription`! IS (71111) pln_vml lm-4 ml mmw-ntimn nf Marin and Qlllwr innnl /\uru\m':|1inn "HIIVI l'\'1(:lIl.(H\lI(H('I DANCE Manms "n(m mwl-;I..L's Ml:Ll.()D". MEN Honored By Lions .H\' I \|'..ll`l>' l)\\l Ii THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1938 USUAL PRICES

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