IlII_ |JI\l\I\|L_ L/\:uvun1n_u\ I'I:a`t.n|)|i::I1r-(1 1864 A weekly nowsp:Ipr'r dvv<)l-d tn lhv hlt(`T(`SLS of [ht- Town of Hm-riv and lhv .-znrrnumlimg (-uunlry, is.s'u(-d at the I ()st. ()t'I`im~ Squun-. H:u-rio_ vva-ry 'l`lnn'5:(luy, by J. A. Mac[.:u`vn H-ulilnrr and W. U. Wulh: lnuulzurvr). owners and puh|i.~:ln-r.<. 'I`ln- H:u'x;i:- lilxxnninur is u m'xnbm' of Thu (`:nuuH:m Wm-kly N:-xv::p:npm':: A.~::;0~ cinliun and (If (`|:ls:: A Wm-kli<-.\'. SUHS(`IHl"l`I()N H/\ |`l9]S Anywhcrtr in ('nn:u|:n_ $2.(m ;u yu-ur; in Unih-(I, $2.50 u your, p:ny.'nhl- in :ul\':uu--_ Simzlv (`t)pi<':`., 5 cents. Sub.~:oril`wr.~: wi.~:hlnp_' In (|i.\`(`()lllillll(` pzlpvr at vxpiratinn of pvriml paid fur arr uxpm-h-(I In notify lit; 0il`\' h(`f tl;Ih- III` 4-x]xi|`_v. .__T__ I The buil(1i11g :u'tiv'1l.y um)-.u`onlM in B~.11'1`iv :1t thv pro.~;vnt mm` is p;1'ut.i1'y'111;:. Imildiug vnulti bx` mu`0111`ug`v(l by :1 1n0doruu~ :1s.x`cs:m1u11t, 1`01'.i say. the 1'i1`.x't fivv _vv:u's. Thv (`n111u`il'.\' pulicy of scllmg l`n\vn-uwnv(\ lute; :11 u low fi:1111'v, upon cuuL1it.im1 Lhut. l\m1.~4r*.\` urn` l`I't`('[l`(1 Llwrc-~ on is at good mm. | ,__._ | Sp0kos111v11 1'01` the` pmvi111'os "111 pluo111g'! their vimvs b1~l`01`o 1111` Rowvll (`o1111111ss1o111 show 11 u1`c:11 dcsi1'e 1'01` '111c1'v:1s1~(l p1*1w'111c'1z1ll taxing [)U\VL`l`. but 11-.1vv 11011111111: Lu my :15 mi the 1111:1111! 110111! of 1`1`d11ci11p; tl1<- 11111011111. 01'; their uwn 1\x1)c11(1'1L111`o.\: 'I`l1o11' solv '1(lo;1 1111-} 1101115 to D1` 111 gm 111u1'1\ 111111103` 111 sp1`11d. ' --4n\--- ` Coxnpulsory d'xsb:uuhnvnt. us in the case 01`! the Boy Scouts of Genmmy, 1L-.113, and Russ'r.1.! is. now mood by the Boy Scouts of .\usLr'1-.1. as" at result of the` nbsurpmm of that c0u1\tM1'_\' by Hitler. 1)ict.uIu1`s lmvo nu usv for youth o1'g':1n~! iv.-.1ti0x1.s' \vhu.~:o principles i11vlmh~ '1ntm'n:1t`1ox1-i `.11 1'ric11dsl1'xp The world Sn-mxi vv1)s\1.\' 01' 1937: gave :\us\1"x-.1 1u.4ms Scmlts -.m lt".ldC1`.\`.. ' v Behind all the l`\1.\`s0\'m` tho m-.111-.1gon1oh1 of; the nrmn-s m" lhv Dioxmv Qu'n11ot(v and thoi dermmd for -.m i11\'ustigz1Lioh (which tho Gov, emment quite p1'uperl_\' mftxsed). may be seen the hand 01` l`Assm-ixmon (`-.1n;\dio1mo-P`x';1n-2 raise d` Educ-.1t'mn. an org-.1ni'1.ut.ion to protm-3 the educutimxul 1'ig111s of the 19`1'o1u.'l\~C-.111-.1-l diuns in L)nt:u"w " or 111 other wo1'd.~' In sprcaull the French l-.11\;;11-.1p,v as muvh as p0s.\`iL)l<` lni this province. ; -q_ | H. H. Slm.'m1s. Ml . 1`-.1vor:: the` 13`edm.11 gov-1|, ormnem. ot 1er'u1g` to pa)` vver_\' n1umcipal`1t_\' in 7. Cauxada. :1 subsidy equ-.11 to `.25 per cent. of U101 taxes it derived froxn real estate on condition `- the municipu1i1_\: would agree not to incre-ase*.s assessments over a period of years. Thv muni-{ cipalitles would jump :11 such an offer. buty where would the }~`edcr:11 G0\'\`1`l1l11t.`I1I go: tho n1o1wy'.` In B-.u`1'io_ for ox-.unp1o, the `.25 per} cent. would -.unnunt to 352.533 on tins _ve:u`s; assessment. 0 .~. 1 In urging. before the Rowoll Coxmnission.` that all municipal borroxvmgs be subject to the -.'o11l1'0l ut` the province, the Dominion THE BARRIEWTEXAMINER 1.`.-I u I .1 I .-I\n.I Hum 'I`HURSl)A Y. MAY 5), EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIAL Page Two KL: IIIV l\I\ I I'n`; u Id\ ilIl('('_ 1) or _________...?__._ :1 nmrv uu.\'l'1y" job M Quinta at $51)!) :1 I 1938 Mortgage and I11vvst,m0nL:s Association poinl,~ (`(1 out. as 21 nmjor 1'-.u:t.0r in l)11(lg(-t.m'y (lim- cultle.-;, the "clisinclinutiun" on the pum, n1` Lhv p,.-nornl public 1.0 do without, or with ]l`.H`.`(,`l' sq-rvicvs so us to rvduc(- (expense Ln L114-ir abil- ity to pay, :1 nmt.l.<-1' now 01' y;'1'uv(- (`.UH.\`(`(|ll(`n('.(' to the Donllnlon, ])I'()Vill(2(`H and nnnm-V`1puli- t,iv.~4. I'2u.~`.y i.\`::ll1ll|(?(' ul` (lc*l)vI1t.1|1'v:; ('ll('()lll':LL'_'(*(l vxL1'uv:1p;zmN=. Hzul t.hvrv hm-n <-lusv sup:-r Vision 01 l)u1`mwin:.-,'.\:, muny Inunit-i|mlil,ie-.~. vvmlldlmvvbn-(-I1snvt-(Iulul,nl'1';x'i-1'. J1\,__._ In the i'upm't of thv Town 1Lu(littn`.~`. for 1937, first phu'<- i.-4 p;iv-n tn l.h(- situzttinn with re-~ .s`1w:'l. tn 1|l`l'('ill`.\` oi" l.1lX(`.`i. Thu lntul un|mi(l ul thu mid of H13 ! wue; $1lZ,!)8!.`.!Z zuul tlw nu<|iA- tnr:: Ilrtrv :1 .~;p<-('i:Ll 4-H`m'l. tn l`t`(ll|(`l` l,Iu-:u- :11`, l't`:ll`.`'. 'l`lw_y :il:u> point nut that t|H- wlmlv [ml l('_V ml` l`('V(`lHl(' xlmulii hv hzi.-;(-(I nnly upnn l`('V l'('('(`iVltl)l(` within :1 1-_`iva-n l'in:uu-i:ul ])l`l'i()(|. 'l`hi.~; .\'(`(`lll.`i .\'ulIll(i :ulvi<'z-_ l')\u~r_v _Vl'ill'. W|H`H' .~.trikim;' the h-vy_ mi :uh-(111:il.v :1lluwuhm- shuuld hr mzulv fur lIl)(`()H(`(`H|)I(' L1l.`(('.`:_ (?ullm' [inn nl l,:1x*.x' ir; nut uh :u; I'-v:n|)l<- i.:i::k fur :1 llllllli('i|)ill('UlllI('i1y1`l,ii,i:;lIll(`()|Hll'lIlll:IliiIl1 purtulit m:il,l:~r:; with \Vili('|l rzm-h l)n(lH-:'. hum- lt-nuv (l.uxv.~;) that mun he i'l`Hl'(l npnn :n.~; In-inn `In (ivul. l'l'l'lllil`l' H('|)hl|I'll'S :ulvm':u'y HI :| |mhli('l_v mvnml l)l`i(l1',`4`:tl.Ni:L|11ll':L l*'ul|:;,4|m-:1 nul, mm-I with Hw :1p|u'uv:ul nl Hit` l"m'l |*1ria- 'l'i1m`:`.rl\ .- vie-w. whivh is ('lu.\`(* (*ll(HI[',`|l (.1: (hr l":1||.-: Inn 11n(lv1'.~:l.uml vum|il.inn:; HH'l'l`. 'l`ln- 'l'im*:: Ha- vlvw puinl.:-: (ml. I.lI:Ll. Lhv [nu-rn:1l.im1::l Hui! ` way (Tn. i.-; pr:-;nu'v(I In rv|)l:u'- il.:; hri(l1-_<- um! lmvv Lhv lH`W .-;p:un up:-n by I03!) Imu-; lwl'm'v~ Hw [)l'l`HIllill:ll'_\ wurk ml" Hu- |nI|)l`H'lynwm-(l pmj4-(`I vuuld ht`('l)Il1[)ll`l.(`(|.'l'lli:: hri(lg.v_- W()lll(l puy l.uxu.~: In Ni:w,:u':1 I-':nIl.x'_ wlm-In it pnhlu-ly mvm-tl mw |n`nh:1hl_V would lml. (In '|`l1:-rv is nu :l.\`.\`lll`1lIl('(' z-itlu-1"`, .-.-uyr; Hw 'I`im4-:: -Ha-vi:-w.'l ...., . .|., u..u . . . . . . . . . ..a ....a.u.- 0.. nu-nun 'I fin-nn 'H() 1l.\'I\'lll`Xlll('(' l'HIll'l ,;uq,_v:. mu I nun .. ..\ VII vv "HULLH1!`l:ll.l`l'l'iSll(Il.()illL';l.()])l`(IV`:l l"In:m (`ml whH.:- 1-lvphzml. likv so many ntlwr pm _](`l't.S upon whirh our p"()V('l`lll1l('lll.:-: lmvv rm h;n'kv(l in (hr pu.-:t.." ...., .(b\ . ._ 'l`h<- l`('])()l`l. oi" ihv 'i`own :lll(Hl.(ll':; w:i.-; |)l`(' S(`llI.l`(l Lo (.hi- Town (Tonncil Montlny Iii;-;lil,, ()n i'_vlv with th:- 'l`own (Tl:-rk is UNI". 1-opy, :i,v:iil uhlv l.o r:ii.vp:Lyvi'.~: who (ll`Sil'l` l.o hr inrornii-(I upon (hr llllllIi('i[):ll l'iiium-0:4. llniil i.h:- lam! it-w y(`:ll'H it. was Lhv rn.~:i.oin in l:n`riu~ znnl is mill t.h<- p1': u'l.ii'i- in most oi HM` l.own.\`hi|).x' to i.\`.\`ll(` HM` :ni(lit.or.~;' .~:I,:Li.vii1mil, in 1):nnphli-I, forin. so that ihv tuxmiyi-i'.x` inip;hl. .x'm- Wl1('l'4` ihvir ii:n'(i(*u1'm*(i mix lll()ll(`_V mws. Hui, oi" 1`l`- vvni _vo:u`s ihv 'l`own l*'ilHll`I`H hil.Vl` <-ni. oni. Hu- i'onmui`:iLiv:-ly ::ni:1ll t-xpi~ii(lii,iirv I`H(|llil'(`(I to t.hoi'on;:hly :u-qnuini pvoplv wil.h Hlv civ- I.:lil.\` oi` i.hi~ ninni('.ip:iliLy'.s' l)llSiIi(`S..`, Wvrv il. not. for tho pnbli('it._V [.:'iV(`l1 by Lin` lo:-:11 Ht`WH- p'.ipvr.s' ~:ni(l t.owm'(is which t.h(- 'l`own (tonni-ii i'ont,i'ibnt.vs not, ono nickel 90`? of H1!` r:il.(-- |]):1_Vm's would bu entirely ignoriinl, l`(`_',':ll'(lill1. _ |i,hv (iumils oi` i.hv 'l`own's i'in:nii',i:il :Li'l`:1ir.~:. "in- .- of following` sin-.h :1 })()H('_V. Lhv (touni-ii I should publish in tho lovui l1l`W.\]):l])(`l`.`' un :in-~ nnul,viiii`iii. which would uiiuhlo Lhv tux-- D`d._V(`l`F. i.o iiii(li~i'si.:1i1d how the 'l`own'x In()iH`_V has boon misi-(1 und spout. (lllI`ilHJ,' H1!` yuan: > This is :1 duty 1`(`h`I.il11` upon Lhv (fonni-il and ii. is uni`uii' to Lhv iu'`x i.o vxpvvi, l,hi-ni to pi-1`1`o1'm this .\`(`lVi('.U L','l`:I.l.iS in :u|(liI.ion Lo ' all the oi.hi`i' pnblii`.i1.y whivh i.lw_v nivv Irm- 1'(` mnni('ipz11 ho(ii(\s. I _ .,.. ..... I Ikvnfrvw 1\'h lnrin l.v;.:i.~`l:m Nu-'11` nmnvz`. 1`: _x'mu.!h1 thv :11 lhmu;:!1 :1 H` shu\v:: lhul In solver: m SIM: usvd murv H: mm/\I. llYl)Iu) l)lC\'I-1I.0I'1\llN I` Ilydmismukinu mpid1-xpzunahm tummy," t.hv f:u'lnm`:~: 01' Sinu',m~ (?mmt._y. In l,h- rural cm`- resp0I1(l(-=n<'v nppvnrim: in 'l`ln- Exzlnnhu-1*, 1'1`:- quvni. mention l1u.~:h<'vll mzulv nl ill.`%HlHlLH()ll.`i by l'u1'x1w|'.~;.'I`l1:- 4-xlmnt ml" Hnis (l'v(`l()|nnl'lll. I.-A: imli('ul.e(i by Hm li:';u1`v:;}-,iw~n in nu inl,m'vi(-w with I[Iu`l'y 'l`i(lvm:m. :;11pm'inl.1-ml:-nl. M` llu~ Burriv rural an-:1, in t`hi.~'. issnu-. N1-w llnvs :m~| hvim: built, vvvry _v<-:11` and old mu`.-: mum- Ln. Wlwn mu rt-p!_ul:ul.inn rvqnirim-,` l.lm-v ('ll::- (.()u1m'.<. Lu IL milv In-I`u1`v :1 Iinv mm hr [ml in. is ('h:uw;ml In m:nl<~ Hw .x-vrvivv :1V:lH:lhl(` it` Lwn Lukvn: siulx up |wr mil:-, N112 'l`i(ivm:m prv- (livts Hull, Hydru will hr "::\v:1m|w(l" with :u)- })li('ut.im1s. 'l`hn f'1\li\IIIiuuiIIl\ H-HI lvillll HH hI'H`l'!' \.VlV [IL 1 u. nu...` 'I`h- lmg. (`minty WONIII-`.R.*s` ()l~` l ()S'l` Prinvv Iiuport Daily Nvws A1 Vvnrnor stuxw of lhv xww pus! m lnosdny, Bishop Nix drt-w :1ttomic '.s`L'I'vir~ -,:ivun In this l`HllH|l`_`y' hy purlxnmn, A lvttvr can 1)- l11.')l' n ,:., . . 13,1.` nu... .- cmlts. I. and In |||\ . \...-. .. . ..... ,,_ when thorv is :1 >4 xcattcwd pupulutin H10 Pnst Offivv DU its \\'. l_V whilv ;;i\'i and c:u`xu ;.{1'L';\tv.`. insmul only made use nmrriugv and d uuu All! uunnuu.` nu lklllll uu_ mems in their profession. Another pleasing feauxro \ |assume responsibility 'I`herc [no lugging; just an cvxdenl d~ l.~.4 M... .. I l., Farmmg is no longer :1 h;\phaz;1rdcd Thu Departmem of .-\gX`icuHu1`\` wurkmg agricultural repruzwntatlvos. has done an amount of missionary work. wnh the most farmers recognize the advantage: on their business along modern approved power to them! SPUN (ll CoHinx:\\'umi Er u` I '.....\ LU Ul'UU.l| l'!'llltl l'.\. Ono 01' our ('xt'l\:1I1g',v.~: Vt`l'_\ :mtl_v paints nut. _ wlmt, hydro pmvt-r lHt`:lll: Ln thv rum! t-tmr munlt,y: ``()m,- is givvn :1 sm1sv n1` rvul .~ Lion as ht` (trivvx t.hmm:h l`rnvim~v ut 0n- turio L0 301' thv mnnbvr of t':u'm.x' blt`.\S(`(l with the bt*nt\l`1t,s 01' Hytlrn. l)rivin:::1Itmp;m1 :l(l:l1'Ii night our N(`(`.`~`. `.1 l`:u`m_v:u' l.n`il1i:mt.l_v ltp;ht.vti with 11 t'l00dliu'l1tt, ctirmt-llimx t.l1v p;Iumn that has blank:-t.v(1 rural ()nt:n"m ::inm~ t.inu- bu- gnn. Not. only 0ut.sitIt~ h:1.\' :1 1n'n".u-l~ huvn. wrought. In thv lmu.~:t- the t':mm~1".~: witv t-am now have at In-1' (liS})0S:ll all l'()l1Vt`llil`ll('l`.\` which hm` 1u'D:m ::i.\`t,t`r lmx l`lljt)_V('(l for ymu'.\'. In the burn thv t`:u'nwr (luvs nut, llt`t`(t tn 1.',`() about hi}: I.:l.*:|{.~: with -.1 (l:ll1}.','t`1`Ull.\'. l:lllI.(`1'll. 1.-;1't)pim: in L111` dark to find his way ubnut. Portable vtvt't.1'it- 1nnt.m-.4 li;:ht.un the bll1`(ll`l1 nt` t`.0lll1tl(`Ss t.'.1.\'l{.\' about. 1`:u'm. Rurul Hydm uxpxmsitm is (mo of tho finost 1nutu1't,:1kimz'.~: in mtmy yt=ur::_" tho 1 vhur;:- nu.--._. ;n\uIl Hum nu 'illingn`: 4 .....,. H. 0- .'|llil`(`(l 1 `:11 n `(`_';:l|'(lill1,'_l Ul'l\H(' ll!` llU\l3L'.\ ill!` `cl LlllL`lll'[ pioymem relief. Earlier in the 503-! smn the Minister of Labor, .\'urman Rogers. made a generali statemenz on unemployment condi- nous throughout the country and THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Revlow of National A1'1'uu'a Sl l1(1'l`/\'l`()lt I ])ll('ill:lUll.\. 'I`h(- (!mnn1i.x'.\'i:m mm 1'in(l nu In-In-1' wuy ml n`1'.11'l((*Lil..\' su1'plus lmwvr Lhun in .x'um)l_Vin;-; it. for funn and humlc-I p11rpu:;v.\'. H :l(1(l.\` im- m(>n.\`vly Lu lhv 4-mnl'm'l.~: and 4-l`Hn'|mu-y 01' those t`I1u`:w_'v(l in th:- \ lH':LHUll m xu:'rl<'ul- t.u1'o.:m t.1`ivu1 :1(|v:1l1t,:1u;`.x` \V|li(`h wvrv an lmm x-nnfinml to urban vmntn-x. /\-.,. . . .. .. ..|\..n.r.... nu.-u uuoln nniniu null ft` llKt'|)' [U -N0n Nomolos GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN HOMES .FR()BI this great natinml "(;ummunity Chest". families throughout Canada rccrivr Half :1 Million I)ull;1rs L-wry working day. As a result. fathcrlcss childrcn are fed, clothed and educated. Their mmhcrs are guaramtcc-d nmncy to [my the bills. And men and women. p.15! their earning years, are assured n.mci.:l security. LIFE INSURANCE This community chc-st-madc possible by the accumulated s-Ming: of _ 2,500,0()O l}anada's Greatest llummunity Chest '1 hus Life lnsumnee not only protects (,un.xdi.m humes, but also performs a great Iluliunill service in lessening the burden uf public as well as private relief. lhrifl} (..m::dian~. -~is Life Insurance. (Tun :111y01u- in1:1;:i1u- than 1)ubli<-it.y auzvxll rm` Qui month ;' S4; Ltrgc .1fL' [lit payments of Life Insur.tnct- In policyholders and bene- ciarics. th.u (ht-y far exceed the total nmnunls Iiistrihulrd fur direct relief by Dumininn. Prmimi.ti and Municipal I , Aurora hm: :u101)t,:>(1 t.hv plan Sllf.','L ,'l`SL(`(l to the Bnrriv Board of E(l11(`.:1l.iun, for u11u1'(lim: children {mm t.1.1l'1'i(' d-.uxp;vr nmu` L119 svlmnls. Four 01' um ultlvr l)u_V:~`. :u'<- zu-tfnw, us I.r:11'1"u- u1'1'1ce1`.s'. (IN Reportimz Owvn Sm1mi's g'rmvt.l1 in popul-.\~ mm to 13.437, :1 1ww.x`p:mor d<*.x`put.<'h sazys. "tho prop-rI,y tux i:: said Ln be l1igl1vst. in history n1` Lhv viby." No doubt. thv 0wnm'.\' m` p1'0pm`t,v '.u':- ullilv t'.m1.s'(`.i011.\' 01' the 1':u'L. . __`,__-__ I The value of mu s-.1l`vt._v zulvim-, Stop, Look and 1.i.x`t.:-11" .~:l1nul bv !"u`n1ly i1111)r<\ssv(l upon lhv minds of all who rum n1` llw lvvol-(-1'0s.x`im;, :u'.cidenl. at S1111(l1'i which cost five l'1vo.~'., But. unl'm'Lun;m-ly, Lhv |)u|)li<- hm: u .~`.h()r(, memory. ._...A\_`-.. Tho vhuirmzm of 1111- ;!_1'ivv:11u`v vnnnniLLv`l 01 the u1u`1m)luyml in (`,ul1in;.';\vnml nmtiv Lhv S3t\:1t,on1un1. lust, vvvok tlml. no fumilivx in (ink l1m:'w00(l -.m~ in want at, Lhv p1'v.s'u1\I, Linux That survly 1:: :x happy cnmlitinu after whul. (,"n11i11g-,`\vnm! has mnw t.l1mugv;h. V . . |