|-I?ries{LitBeep ,......, .... ..... ' I `V V . move regardless cl value. The list. The gciods are known by` cvc-ryonc _to be new and-l'rcsh._Cmnc_amL.s;:r:_:__ you'll `E~ '*1xml(~in<,,_*- ._...L , ,,,-n, uy, , \Vc_havc an`unus,ua|ly_`la_rg_c>_ sgock` ._gl___ . VAlR_, v3cKERs'& co. `s our way to make things . nu :1 great T0 Cl 6211"" "Out Surpl us? -/Stock of. Goods Fbr Holiday -rm: numxx ix'Aunu;x. mvnsnn. mu. 2, 1-901 .-& Ch:-. Wibou is home to rpond lhe holiduyl. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wel E0 rpll HIE uouunyl. Webb spent Xmu 1 wan I-in pwsuu at Cmigvule. " ll. Murray of Burton Ava, is con- nncd lu his home wilh 1-rysupelua. `Wm. Fouar oLAllnudula died in tha nnncu ll) III! IIOUJB Wllll (`l_yB|]\ElIB. we R. V. Iioepiul Sunday night of clnuen. ( :u|-n mwnm Hrnnha nl Tn:-unto in ' Mn. Wm. Hurst cl Toronto is via ing lrrr hmband ~\nJ rt.-nuwing old nc- I quuinluacmr. ' Ym k are Fu Hang, C ' t.....:. W Miss 14) How of the Torunto public school tenuliing alu rpent the n.id-win- 1 let holidays with her Durante here. '1`)... D`....|.un.-inc. IIILI. (`Inga Ian Mina Tow 0! Turouw is visiting her Mend. Mm Sleggles. Ch:-. Wibou {mm Town! Ony Lnuia Hoard of Hamilton, and D.|l~ I ' ton Hoard oi Chnthauz, uro tha guasta 0! their father. V | Rev. J. A. Russ, B.A., of Cburchill- . will preach it. the Preubyysrian church next Sunday, Mr. Cameron cbhdixiixng anniversary sorvicca nt. Scroud. ` John Rutherford oi Pencuug IA].-ent 'CnriaI.mu hue. Mn. A. Putin: and chlldran moved - to Toronl ALLA_I)4LE. -. Cl. IL`! uuuuqu vvlvu uc. .-um...-a nor.-. Tha P'r-sbytm-inn Bible Clnsa I-tat work presented their teacher, Rev. Mr. Cafllcrun, with a handsome armchair. c unuug, \.-uuauuruuu usrutu. v Lnuia Hoard of Hamilton, and D.|l~ Ion Chnlhaln. Izuasta I umuuxun, -um n uuuuuuunz u-u.vuuu~. I _ Chu. Sheppard; liremu-, of Lindsa'y'. Imp been brauafened lo Allundnla and ) public ' a.id-win- Now is the time to buy your Christnlls Cake at .0` Come early before they are all gone. . Only oLgR FANCY. _' .. _q;IRIsIMAs_BoxE Filled vlsh choln Chocolnto nud _ non: nuts 1 -mauve present. [or I Hana. - Fresh -Roasted Peanuts \V|lnuu. Almnnrh. Filbern. Drum $eliing- Notk-4 laherqbv given nnun App cnllon-wll bumnde to lho Ouurlo 14:g1sIntum'n the next . In,-hIl(ul On a _E. Lo%NAnn, 39 Dunlob St. Phane I30. nu u \Ja_y;u.ui.- cZ\"s"i'9 JA. c . A.._A_.. _-u..4 25c Pound 'hristm'as 4 .._.Cakes . `3T%F\I [1e,,,,,,,1 , ._ _ . _.____.. zR_E,M9VAL .NQTIQ 4 Days luun THANKS Are due fmd che`erfI11lyg;ive;1Vt'4'> .o'1r'nutnerous f `heir generous and much appreciated favors during the ` closed. `To us the vear 1901 has been a most sucgvasful aha.` `Wbf : 'I'1iis issue of Tax-: EXAMINER witnesses t.be$L)v~vr`1A Atli Nn_r_ ' _Y88X;`1902. -` We have pleasure in tendering t_o alI`on1`Vfriends V ` _`_`x_;d':cii'stomer's the compliments of the seasoq-~ I901: In the future, as in the. past, oqr eamst desire will be ti)" onduct our business as to Emke om cusfomers interests _oin- int consideration apd merit a continuance of the pleasanp trade rah.-` tions at fireeeut existing. ' ` \Frawlg=XtrePEuaFDevH'n ' arrxe o e ,_ where they will be prepared to show a fig}! line of Hardware: X-Cut Saws, Axes and Axe Handles, Horse Blankets, Cow Chains. Sleigh Bells. Hockey and Spring Skates, Hockey Sticks and Pucks, .and everything to, be found in an up-to-date" Hardware Store. A large assortment of all kinds -of STOVE5 and RANGES. We -will be pleased to Show you goods and quote prices. - ' wBRIGHT;HAPPv%NEw{xEAnT CHANANV 5:" 2fI'lE (I P, , -(A)\;/ing to incregig businss BU Buha-nah & Penston, late of J. Henderson's 1 DOOR WEST OF BARRIE Ht Ladies and Gents Kid Gloves Wool Toques . , ' Wool Clouds and Shawls Ladies Fancy Blouse _Silks Gents Ties, Gents Mufflers Ladies Silk and Lace Ties V Ladies Fine Umbrellas ' U M_ain Street, Bgrrie.` EFAC-SXMILE Icnsrwm Onntaxinhpntupinom-dnbotnanly. It` tum mm in bulk. Dnn t dlmr uyonp to :11 n anything also an the plan at pxunlu` Iliult I Just :1 good."nu1 "will suit! any pug. pa _E`Seo utywngut 0-L~&T~0-Ea!-._I_._ .'3-I1. 3'. .",`.:.. .{' 7-3'5 "nmmfi 7 pin." _ gut yum got " ` ._._1j THAT THE WRAP-ER. SEE or Evan` 7 .We exfend to Ali or hearty wishes for ` a Bright` and Happy New SIGNATURE 19.0 Holiday Goods on hand, and make _an exceptional offering for 4 days selling only} ending Saturday, Jan. 4th. $800 .u, -n u u . .. ,. , ____. saving_ to the buyer.