Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1900, p. 8

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J%a\n\`ee; Lfatngs in hnimhinn um .'IIIO'I`I(}101I JDTIQCCU ._A nommoh quality, Enztsh on Cloths, _ = . ` ` v Emails 1 canon, but qu}m3ihc1y,- and phap as 265:. * VL .oqnazan `ow C'lo_tIi I/innlmlmn- uaacqaa DWIIIUGU. . ' .Being pkhaps ch; ` ` _.-.,conaider`nI.Eun,_:YVe hm .hEwing n` gram. variety of 4 and frame Bguaaela wjty hgxden to nqagzh ii `desired, A! 85, 90c., 81.00m'd8l.85, most staple 1iue_nf covering, rharreiieived` ox -2; we Liv`. pmiaoafcam ad .Ia mXm'v(oE`-1,oo !ut n oat` neur Wu vere:_I:aver"bcfn`re, in u demandnjof f.h`i"m'It`d`ucHi11i ' ' " nislng . home. We hiv nareg:1_1y pldiud zhisyr-n2:h` _ apue) in` the ueood ooi of our large huildng for dad exqlnlyp PS5 of oor`e`overi_i1ga. ` " ` u..;.. v.;.:.... .- ` -"l`.hoae.voho` sic 'fnir.niahiug,k1:Tu:`w`vhow i;x:pEmhL iitho qnnrklon {fur nishhig home. ha.ye'.canfnlIy mi: brunch` oft uaajmi ne ' W :II`_BVer.`b6!Kf!B gt1g<}_`|_pontinp 89' pp!) 3159 Matting; ` eff 6nr.cpvari:ga. -L _ _ -, ._. _ \ -., V . _` `Navr bisfoIe,i`n- this history` ol"Barria win 'tharo`|hoIm aoglugoi` V p_|'_l_9. vi_al_l_ e1eclg_d_ gnd varied/_u`:h1ck'..ol Cal-pa&n,. Ulqahi ;InI1 -This inakeu a vex`-y popular lin/e of g'oo:la for bd rooas. W9 Ihdl "them in a'g'rent. valiaty of qualities nnd patterns. `P(icel'25, 35,~4C and 50. _ " , ` ' . wry vurpvu ., - . ,'~ . In lnlgayt desigduagnd. giiahjy blogde co-lp>ri_';Igys,commo`11'n;leg `as uaguslilie, prices 259., 351:, 4 , _50o. nndfle. ` ' ' . _ _ - \ \ V ` _ . r vuu _.|.ny1:uvuo ..An excellent-variety of new} designs, eondgd ii; Barrie: to 3 being bought direct from the `makers, full yard wide. reversible: new eonngd in Barrie. our-rm, bought `makers, yard wide, riavenibio pu- -vterna;-g'ood-_coIora, 2 -andr-3 ply q.nalities,`wu1-nqead. extn'vilu_` special price of 75 and 850. , \ ` . ~ . ' ' Iloov` a-.uu._uuyo ` _ : _ ` ; r U . Xx beboiizing more popular each year as their nsefulneah hecoli: b6: 1' known. We hgve imported `A_!m-gs qnpntity o than thiaiag son-_ an! dsigna, block "design, and the` peculiar but dninty Iapane ` gu nrd wide, prices voi'y_ low; 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 500', ' ` _1}llz'ne7_'y pay. 1'. n.:.. ........... ........:i:.. : - 4-,. _ ` .r.'- , - - \ ., ' In this season one ding its fotmenrepntation 1` being in n _claaa_b"y it self, and fat n_u'-eeuhing all competition, been a of our many well know ndgntages. '[he,!nigest exclusive _milline _ room in Onhriu ,_nn appointed.` A large. stock of new ' ode, pezaonlll; I selected in Toronto and NewVYox-2:,` by Miss Wright. , `V Ydur 1-oen`u mnsnrcd and In nude an_d land at l)nro-ooat- _ ' ;7`ff lb-`,1-ant} Ba:rIfiem u uwms, 'L.uanaa1_an 1 " Engus - oleump, ,. - ` ` Lace Owrtaiwysa `A Cu.rl.'a6'n2N_ets - 0&1-{New lhiuble stor. onntiin _ Post oleognd G.'|`.l. l,_a'tl'_on 539 _. on reaetp who ontmialate .-buyiAn`gL.I:;;!l6s?'..Ve;twi'1lI.dqVwell m ai)ect_onr stgickg.' , i _in7our Sbilng -`A\1iuDnncement, we uplziod up very '<)1'd_;:r." Qc'tober,_`Jh;1,d9;_'__gg,pgytect 01113-iustqmers from the hemiy` .advnqes `then. appsrung fy 'ni_:9 knows` have taken effect since that data. -- . ~ ahdjthe lot marked an v'er_y clogs: gure is--no_w, opan_for your '\iuspection. ` Ilsa we.1 )ameJA into swckbthe Ljgest. Asoitmenj ohfthis line of goods `lthat 6 e{ 7, VIo, I5, 25, 25, .30, 350`- .. : A4,---=t`5."*7.'Io;42::I5.2o. 25430;-35,40. soc; 'x=.v|;:s.,.. .`._...`._`....at 12,=,`,y2,/20, 25, s5,;_45,~ so., 2 ` nr-grud vie have Llslg Thread, in Pui-e White and Omani -` * i9rb.i!iG ; ~ '_ ... '- ' : 4- V g`gm,a'nd_vy1noqg_ . W` .5 I i . ~ - , ' . n Sjlk and.WoQI Mixtures, hlodveless, short an" Ipng sleeves 50, 60, 65, 75, `S50 ' 1 I 4 'i?z'\'Ii'?.&'F;;;`i;:."7$-77* `.`-""' svnddlnm |nLt !uqngAlJ_. ` ' Alpha! Tgronm I mong._th_e,'New.Arrlvals .th_is v7;ee{are .a well" assorted lot of `Rustic sailors, trimmed . A,-lnt_u;n9d,`_gi1'imported.'dire`ct `o_x_r_1 he makers ;' they corixein white, plain and mixed colors. _; '.Loghorn.:Hdis from 750. W the very" nest, and the Turhaii Hat which has become so } his begso. `Afthdre is ivgeammsh for spring hei1dvgvez}r, ladies will /do wel1_'to-place tbei} ` .i"u'. .' , . ` -_ - ,gr:aeea.agg;aa orlr_i_1a 153}! d 939 D: . gsujg-.~;o'.*E-s"`s`T4>;I`s<~_1':"c:I4:?o ii`_EMEv'I3V_ir"; `L _` ` A V_/5' i`_i)irec`Imp:>r;e,rsl Fm:-:,V DRY .-Goons ' AND ` MILLg_NEiiv ' IIrII In I who . I nu-u ' WTHE` mEw;METALu`c-5 . mm:Lnlsrnutgiamgnnung muss` ` 1 - -nn-wnxi ` 1 ,':'.ElA1a tn,lnYux`xu:r'z1.`;'t1i'Jpz"ht. mt.u 19 25c. ' capl: whyre .Lhe.'d_I\y.}'M8Js.[esa,_J._D 1'1-tovgtc `Ob:-`runs %hbt;:i."uM:m\!lih` 1*-min uqmd. ' rm npvnf ' ; : _ yawn u1._:u-ed? . I. " ::35-3':'$n wmdg ' IV dllfg ' HI ATII1`. J` Angnu. =-ugaawmalygaazeunuajaax: A `yhtulud A$!|nut(omwntd!nvutorl.' 1 , .*knuxumudighy:ag1;ckqu1iaa`iom nuggsmud, upaaaummmdxnvmoru. ` torpump all bated Pmun B DAVD5 mm: Damon Luuizani [or am ecle- 'rark. c In-easily the but In 1 gndhe ponvlnceds 19-20 hp mnhg W . , .,PI_-ovah Kl-_la y Fo`r'|_ ` nnu- Mnum-\\-'4 W911 I10: 4, .` ., `. 5u.- -` 1: Mn. 12 x)Ir:'::|1:`,19fu xfgny `3'`.`. -.`.':"`ny.. mi`... - Farm roe sane ~ )')y`lel|rl_~DI 1'0_ll`l|< II L-`frupu if in ` nvaw :g:`\,!.9f*l!1I_a|p!`lylnv, {tn .. em .'.1~;. .; ` . . l*`(no'I C ary Compound hug` fulls wh ' I,j'un(l in giving gnpd` renulta - Gs: Iha Ilk. , Onrlnpply of chip nplpd med- _ Ioj1ua_ignI\v_t5vp froth _nngLjho*uinnine. .1! _ you would regqln loll In-clinch, brpun`up'tliu I_I_nI:vo|.1I y.n.egn`.` Ind b: I butler.-' dlunu. nun` 5, 1' Seeding hu nonunenuad on the harm.` `, . 9 . `Thurs, um 5.__!D!'!l.|!.I5ht'pruI`an-v In_' the -'E`uuna', awn hqlng x-,eoonc|y___1gpnr>tad.`, ` it 1 oh 5; I 0n`uh`theH_wil|-ba upwudu of so ` innjn during. -_tha .lllmh'|l' Thin ;-in _ mi , vnno`e_.,ol`abn,ue M,ovar, an/van nd . |dvn'I_:qeI,ol`nbu'uI 2),.ovarq.lunt, yard`. 5| Ihpuld_ha l:'|\IljIb|!I |nne_ to inorexue 5 ` ot.hex-"stores at J._0 -Fme ClOthID\h f om 82 to Sign 1 suit or overcoat less Ith _ `you pay in 1 . rwm - V James SxeneT nret. - Whibmba Rohatt,Fluming., but , uf Medopjzm ` '1'3arFxE'iaE'v.he CMH score` i1d th3 7 prices are h_1lly_a quarter less than is I iii! fog: 9119 same quality outside of J. . rwm s. ` - - ` nlmpt.lon:_\Iled thrvuzh um world (or but . -Wnl ID DfllLUl]r .sg}a'ndoIdm-:'m1y2ou-oough.comnuaoon- century. be: curved lnnumenblu-nun! Indplonz consumpuan `and rcllevnd- many In advlncod Itogeo. `I! you Are not mtmled'wILh the result: vadw`ll1l`&a`2tIndyoIIrmonay. `P:-loans nu. MoM., .- . . I 'I:uqyu-u 1 Mn. -Dy Reformed church Ionlnl). cake: LtdiIII' . Auxilllnry. Brother ood lhllway Trllnlnen} ' (lake; gr. n'nQ_Mr_I_. Hgry Mygrg. S6 um.-nun-. menu and Min Dunn:-1'1, uh `:I L:dIes' Anxllllnry R. V. 11.. one dozen knives, one dozonforkl. onu dozen dessert I cont, Q dozen taenapnonu; Trinity Church nniur Anxllllnry. I aernun; Mr. Ind Mn. Enughton l'_.nnnox. nrumzu; M1-n; Slmnn Dvnnenc, Eauterlllyg Mlna Lall . Ladies Hume Journal for your: Pub in Jchool anpillpcrown El|l.`wild owaru: Mr. ogermn, vagacnhlau. Fur building fund. I_m'd Oval-ton, U_nmbn|5`o_n Scoclnnd, 5 .. .. `. n. .. ' Hnnnunra` nine `gc-ud' rules D1`-ink . loss.`breall\ lnqro feat leai,.oh w mom; `ri-1'9 `less,-' wag more ;'*cIochi_a"lo?s's, bathe more ;_\\'on'y less; ox-k morbg. wince lean , give mote eag, red mire; bulk, lesa,} think` mp?-e ;1 'proaoh- legs, 3 'practice mp V `To fol1`o`w.,Eese IE to `rriku for better`-henlt.h,~fur:hex' popu-' larily kmd gree " .B:al1eyill,a: Igitallfgiindor. ` `Ea-f-Y;I'w .' .ano'-tag: he to: ` ' Taken 0c!q_ol_l ioVl9uI_ ` H "In It a (ac: me nu an the 6 ` leuva`a ulpklnz p,'P'.V : 1: v ` - 'ho',ouIo.ot-the on ` t nn't oxdlorencwbetwoon : pt-In and n.`txnevn-Ice:-'P'.' 9 . _ bout ` ,:p,lulxjo_3 * by '0 0 `two ' an ill: --Thus big. est. stock of dress goodlls ii; i arrie is n -f.be Cash Store and the vices fully at less, 91:31; is lwn Tl.S SHILOH? - A irahdold amed? for Oouzh. Coldfnml O0! . . . a 1 | Bags. live, ehmouaoeo )hlh.5 s7.5 an Chlokanl gar pni . 8 303:, live, light: and his, 62$: ' Ieu than chains V 2 * 00 Turkey ` dr-sued. . I2 Lard, '__lb ... . . . 10 utmr, _tnl: ROI) 12 14. ` `Glove:-Boot l`en Aurxnx n_ Eu cu-nm'wn.u. girl with an at! 22.9.` - V} 1 *"-*5`...'T::*... bore. sh.-.. u::'o'll.:ng .. .v....|..o. GDAPIII - _ Therongre nulonal churph was well " ntlened on nndn evanm to hear_ an nddress on than ova sub eel: trom `P339011 Bottexj _ Tpa__ch_oi_r gave__n nddrese thenbove subject `Pastor Botterill. The choir gave a. tenderly beautiful eelectloxi dunngjhe service. .!l`helpasbor. who bu been an!- fering severely for two weeks past and L` against. the am-nee; ...........:..... .,..m....n.. " E faring severely for two WEEKS pas: mm l was mtha pulpit` wish` of his can . evident] , ' atheredJI_palLhm11:;n n'i'ningstrengt * ` or this service. _ He said among other things :.I am ; s?enkin%for myself on this matter to- n ght. I ', child hx_\s a. right to demand ; :1 health ; body. 11 well balanced mind. It aoun education and :1. Mann name. Any piueutase t1.m_!'-.2:-28.1992 . t.h.*8-. ' here are some things that a. dxrnws my Ehild from my inuence) that there shall he as an a cure of_ ir. . up the playground as n the class room._ .The speakenaad : By the kind invita- tion of Rev. Dean Egan ,1` w_enh 13.31`. week to the e11gna_te school of this tow'p.- The mgpachfnl behavior. of all this acholggravzaa ynrygapptxrexit, Their: religious xmnination on the Creation. Inuu-nation. `xedpm ption.- aimggu ' :h)`n,_the nd ment to come. wniapleaa-. 'nur.sat.I act on ;- ,lluIi`thQ public invita- tion otyne ~]gx_a_.n,fux memo Qsk any A nation an gwe any religibua mat;-uc c on waa~very_ pleasant in pad Hhnb I my invged by_ the t.9achrs_t_o"vJait. 3 " iaeati aEEg-i3any rel! ions instruc- ` If - . was by manners to` visit. their rooms audnxamine in history. 5 8:0, was A aurptjine to`_me gemembering ` nu`! dld_-ol~outaide"j\I a; no ` S.varet 5.921 ` -kc. v;va.saaux-prisetome did-of ~oin:sidej\IJg Sn pgt scliool gyatgmz ' ` 7- n glqalumtha pnewhe > _ ecu thqc,_u=~rgovluqe`aa`~ rllg_ ` ` _ utnu-lui3`\yl_,s `qr-qchool, -V ' t'x~nst'e_e pl1n1l'_avex- hmornl ynd In: I tell 1.-nuuly` hto their iceythab the V all e hl h`ex' = Palm. III , bh_o_hIklmu p` '55! --A-.-. oven. tunmd with. L M Bmaeys - ' `Rm... ..L.v..... n... ......e L 1_'c_zpeam*y C"aa-pet Tn Inhs-I, Junior.`

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