Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1936, p. 3

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HOT ELECTl counzsws 1. lNNIF_lL TV 7 NKWI: ROOF LIQHT. |u mm` a:: v.',\LL,C .4 UIIAKX .' lb RAY CROSS Reeve shm'tzu:(-s different [1930-31. '1` $1,169 win was the av 13.... .\.ul... . -u nu; nu .,y Di.<;(`u.=s:in`r: the l'm'mm~ Inn W. Lc-nnnx Rim,-k. R(`(-\`(- llvm that for 1933-34, the s:hm'l $464.59 hurl ht-on rorlu<'!'rl by E whivh hurl ])(`('l1 p.'ni lwrk. the way I.('xmr>:< Elm-k did H nun-n'l II... .1" cl... WINDOWLESS { % HOMES`. Itnnry sztatort that thl! of 1932-35 were a little: than thn.~;(- illftt('.'tt('(t rm- l930-31. The total .\`hUtl. lL{('S \\'('l'l' without rm`:-rmta_:{n.<. hat that actual amount of taxes mi.<:: ing. Fm` 1933-1H. Mr. lt(-wwn had admitted mspnrusihility fur $722, hp. .2-.. AL... r...._ ;_ K_ .` -,;oIz`ruNF__r--1AER> -...r'\;l nu` n:p.n1L`l: `hu- `-(/|<|VNr: run-\r\:.v-D epqsc-M \m.t~;N1c;J2 `TM: ' DL'*l33>.VH IN .. `MON `$7/ npluunug lick `(J 1S)I~!()~ I (tn! :1 nun` (Continued from page one) The committee had $83,500 to spread over 335 miles of county mm], which was not very much. per mile. The County must either cut the number of county roads or else in- crease the appropriation for roads. r'\1nn..-,.:.... 4.. .......|_:_ ._.....v.. 11..-..- Llalcrl it and that avzxilzxblo lll_\: runu rlzxge of ' $].'{O.Al() -n HEIXN-Mayor Good to Run ' Against Mayor Johnston A c(mtesL for the mayuralty in the coming Orillia election was :15- surcd with the announcement from John Good. mayor uf 1933 and 1934. that he was definitely in the fielrl." against. J. B. Johnston, present may- (`I` Jzimcs Mercer. d0nL11_V-rce\-'e for the past yc-:11` and mm of the 1-l1iel' u])pm1(.-Ills of town scrip systcin for relief, has znmnum-L-(l himself as cle- finiloly in the field for rt-eve at the l'n1`thcmnin',: Orillia election. M1`. Mt.-rvcr will likely be npp0.~:c-(l by Reeve Cramp. who hug: announced h(.` will slzmrl 1'01` 1`L'-Plcction. Ald. A. W. Brien may also run for FCCVC`. Alrl I-lnvhnu-1 T-Hnu'n~n:n1 nlun rnnrln 4". W. LSFIEH nmy il|.`i() fill ) [UY lL'L'Vl.'. Ald. I-Ic-rbcrt F`Iuwmnn also made lhe statement. that he would be :1 r'z1ndirIz1tc for Deputy-Rt-(Wu. Ald. Plnwmnn h:u.~< server! fnur 3'0:n's on` tho F`nnn:-il I l'll)`.`.'HliHl Ilil.` the Cmmvil. |)|'('Il $925. l'|,'2l(l_V ])1'|l\/'L'(l IUSUII. 1`l}.',l.ll'l'S S[)L`EH\ for thc-m.<:<-1\'('!~:. The cost of looking, :tI`l(~r the mantis in 1935 had been about $2,756. while in 1936 it had t)f*<'n only $1,831, :1 rccluctimt mt` In ztrlrtitinn to that we get $552 from the County. making a h`1l\'il1L! of more than $1,4()0. What was the cost of gas usvd by the Inmntuinc-r'.' .l. Lvnnnrd n. .1 ZIHl((`(l. 'l`hr- train] cost nf l`|.H\nin).[ power mnilxtnimry this yvnr was $1,239,` he r<:pIio(l. without d<~prc(-mtim1.' Wiln re;.::u'd to r:.'|rh:nr1(~ <:nll(.-clion. 2: .;v.'1om hurl ht-on in&Ill;.'_llI'(Il(?(l II) 193.). which had 1)rn\'- rl ht'n('fi1-izll in every H.-. ml the township. A pavilion in Innixfi] Park was :1 t.n\.u.n.. mu. u|1[JIU'l;Iu\,I'JIl nu Auuun. Discussing township rnuds, Reeve Henry said that gravel this year had cost 70 cents per yard us again- st 75 cents last year. Tenders had been called for this year, and the higher price represented :1 better made of gravel. The purchase nf the power maintainer for the roads had been amply justit'.ied during the past year. "It wasn't what we wnnted to (Ir); ii xvus what. we had tn do." Reeve Henry explained with reference to the lake .-4hrn-e resi- dents who had been demnndinpz better roads. The ercnenditnre nn the gr;idL'r had been divided into two parts. $2.000 paid this year, and $1,775 to he pnid far in I937. It was nnn nf thn hnut mm-hinn: nhtnin- lUa')- . \ \ IIICII IIEILI [H u Innis n<'(~(I. ha. r`:)nII f`.\nnl r(:u(1_v proved |'nv- (hr-nu-_nI\'nu I)_\' I Ill. uslcvd. ur Hm Coun. Thomas Cook. ilsull`. F'i}. ,l,ll`(`S speak : Thu ('n<! nf` Inn].-inn who sat LIUUUL IV l..\L'k'])l 1\)| JUOU. IIU It'll. sure 1937 would be 11 good year. Uoun. Cook thought the matter could be settled casy. but he did not favour going before too mzmy lawyers. ("nun f`nnI.r cnnl.-n finnn rnin- 2 Cu ncil in 1936, discussed the audit Rail said he didn't know an_vthin_zz about it except for 1936. He fell be good nu-.1.-I Ixn zutlnz-I nu:-{In Iuuo kn 1-HA |uv\'yL'1.\. Cmm. Cook spoke fifteen min- utes. uu..n A. W. Wurnica Ex-Deputy Reeve A. W. VVzn'nic:1 said he didn't know of 2: szmoollxcr. slicl poll`.-ici:1n than. the present Reeve. 1-Ic th0up,ht it was 21 shame that the audit had been ad\'e1'txsCd all over the County when it could have been settled in Innisfil. --'r*l\.\.-.. ...nn -n-nnw ...~nnL-u Hr-\' :bI,ll3) U) UL` [MINI [Ur In IUJI. ll VV7`S' (mu of the host mm-hinns uhtnin- nhlc. The spt.-:nl snid he hurl Boon in.t:h`1nnL-ntnl in s(`(-m'inL: an :1;:ron-- mr-m. with the Cmmly to rout tho grm(ur. nnd tho l'nwn:4hip (`nunm' hm! h'i(`.(l 1.0 lIlZIk(` in: much nmnx.-_v ma it could to h('l[) pay for the grud- III` nave noun sullleu xn unnsm. Those men aren't crooks. U are just as honourable men as members of the Council," he clared. ll.` \l7rn~v~.lnn u/1\nr1r\~.`r\rl u/hr enareu. Mr. Warntcn wondered why the mcmbers sat and drew their salnrit-.<. He alleged that a lot 01' their busi- ness had not been r0.~m*ded. "Secret meetiru,':<." he charged. had been held when the Clerk was m'dL-red to get. out. "Why don't they take their share of the blame with the ut't"i(~ials'."' he a. He felt that every one of these men wnuid endmvour to make good as far as they could. A.-n nun nninrr On hivn '1 vnnn On ` IilI' FIB lI|U_Y l.'U\|lU. Are we going to hire :1 man to dictate to u:*'.`" he :1:'l:(`(I. It is :1 slur on the 1`n\\'ri.=I1ip of Innisfil." Mr. VV:1rniv.-1 Llmught that imtcnxi of an nudit there slwuld have been nn in\'(*: "I cnv ihni thin ("mum-il iu nnl Ulll'll`U. I-To (-ri1i(`i7.(`rI (ho gxrzlric-r m1n~h:L<(~. and nrlvnmtod re-shzmimz tho ;:r:url- or to suit tho roads. In the matter nf earning: mnnoy wi1`.1 tho p,'1`:nr1o1- on thv C`nunt_v mnrls. ho 1hnlI[.{h1 tho m'nr'i(`r shnmd he usod at homo. ..._ 1.... .....I,l I11. A ...\u_,\.. ........` ` Annthor question ha: would like [to ask the Dt`(`SL`ht Council was why the iniquitous milk by1:t\\' w:1. e-nt'm*(`0d. Hr` felt that Council shnulri be relieved nf i'espnnsil)ilit)' fm` tho lp:n'|~:, It should he put into the hands gnf n parks commission. 'l`ht- s|)t`1l{Cl' alleged that thou` hadn't |)(`(.'n an adequate rclict ut- l'tt`(`l` fur the township. I am :u;21in in tho riolcl for thr` heC\`o. he clvclux-c'd. Any hi` you r:ttvpu_\'crs \\'hn want council lwncinncu rhino nl munnr-il tzuhin QIH)~ f|.L'L'\L'.\Hl]), Ill.` \Ik'L'|tl|\U. l\|l_V III businc. done 211 Council tabla, sup- ;'pm".. mo. Thc-re lms been too muvh `S`.'('l`(`l busim-.<.-4. and too mun-h um .m;m \\'nrk." '1 Kllll l4` L'l`\lh|A \. \l|Al`L ' in: Reeve Hcm'_\`. said . lioved R0)` Allen '35 he believed in British f nmind a man was ix Lake Shore Gold Mine" \Uu5I length 1' 1. p: hp vnship .lmu;_{h`. ..l-.....'l.) hum . I\nnr. me Rvvvo Henry said lhnl tho tnwn~ ship was in now] l`in:m<'inl r-umli4 Hun. nll Hm lIll|l\(`}' UWIIILL the hunk being $1.500 as ~nmpm'(-rl with $7. 000 or $f!,0()O, with (,`V(`l`_VlhillL{ also paid. Ynniufn Wtlrlt ilhort Black L` to the 1.! ..-:11 f.. THE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. 0N`l`.. CANADA Bi(-knell the rln , Coun. Middleton, Flos, Owns Freak Deer Head, Antlers Have 2| Points Walter Middleton. member of the F105 'I`uwn. Council. has :1 freak door head in his possession that he prizes highly. He secured it on his annual 0xp(~diti tn thu Buck Lake doering hunting grmnlci near Point- Au-Bari]. I-m..\ ...-u...._ ...`..-:.... ....o n! H-m A11-until. The un`..l<-rs coming out of 1110 (leer's head lizive 21 points. which is very rare, _4enern|ly there are only nine. The animal. shot by Mr. Middleton two (lays bet`m'e the sea- son L'lt)S(`(l. \\'z1.< unusual in C0101 . It is believed tn have been :1 vmss of elk and (leer. The fur \\':1.< nnt the nuturzil enl- nr til` the cnnmirm buck but :1 deep- er brawn . with _q1'ey. The animal was lwn\'ier than the ordin- :ll`_\' . nl` l)ll('kS, nnel tipped the S(`2ll(`S at 207% pmiiirls: Mr. Middle- tnn has re(~0i\`o(l inziny tempting of- fers fnr the head. hut he intends having it mmmtecl for himself. A('(-ninpnnied by William Dr_\'s- (lzilo and (`mrtllm Adam`: of F.lm\':ile. and William l`hnrlnw uf llillsrlnle. Mr_ Middlt-ton made his zmnuztl trek into the Buck Luke region. This yon1.< (`.\'t)(`(litinn to that area \va. the 2.'li'(l murle hy M1`. Mirlclletnn. 'T`h.n-n Ilu~nn rliulini-t nvn I"H'(\\\VlhK _V(`.'ll`.'~( (`.`(])I'u|LmI1 to lllill. in-.:.I war Thnrc nrn three di. }C ,I`t)\\ th5 nf nntlors coming` from tlw t'I`onl<'.~"' heart. In ndditinn tn thn psnnl largo nntlmxu there are two othm 2:01.: cnn1im.{ nut :11 the hnso of tho turg- vr antlers. On the turn", right :mt|<`I` lhvre is n hrnnvh with throo points uhnut halfway up. At tlw l):lS(`. whcro tho : sot k'(Hl1(`S nut of th(- hmrt. :1 third st-I with two points hart . to ;.v,rnw straight nut. ....u , , v p- , . uh, ..I I|IxlI >uI||\,-I ... ,.,..... | When I fir. .<:1\\' tho : lcnmimx 1n\\':n`d my hide n(*:u' : [lake T (,-mxld S(`(.' that hr` \\'.'l.\` ivnt than {hv ordinary buck. IMI: Middlr-Inn. I firm! 1\\'u I into his hndy, I-urn. r;.~.-0 hnllntc haul nn nH'r~ .,..~ '` p. ` ?a/7roa07 @9070 V1r/2'273/ 5/:g9 27a/. W/Ion .70C0f. Ic'// V6 approaches grade - cm s's`1`r/S /r .~7z.//0f7757I(i//)/ rows rac/70- _____:_._._1_=_.> ,. A 4.4.4 . . , i I _l.._ 1 /,.` czwr:T.u.|r= PlAL\EI(S I `mm his hurl)-'. "IVl_\' first. hullvts had no offtwl, the zmimul taking,-' to the lnlw and swim- ming tn the umm.s'il(- sl`.m'(`. I wont nmllnd the end of Hm lake and put [tho ( ]n;:.< in ])lll'Slli1. It \\'nsn l lulu: In-|'rn'v the (Imus :~`(`(`l1`f`(l thv nnimnl. I.`..,.m r\\\' hinn T uni:-rl it nnrl fiI'('(] SHUIV IIIIU ||.\ l|\'| /\l'lr`r fvIlim_{ (`nnfrnn1ud with (`llH_\'. 'l`h.'|1 \\':1.< .. .. [lino-nun l'.IHl[ Will 1 ll`l'Il (I-l_\.\ .:;;u. . in tho l`rv0'/.(`-11] clnsvd. Mr. Mid head on oxhihit l{:`\(`()`;\' ll()(i.\` I 1 n . .- L\`11`h. 1'1. lullnulnuu, 'I`ntlvnhum .................. .. 1 A.C1if1'u1`(l. Burgr_-: 1 K. Slmuldicv. Contrulin ...................... .. I:1`1n1v Champion, 'l`.'1vism(-k RR. 3 .......... .. nn 1 Y). q 31 `II4`|lIl| Hm help rmmht il 1 run nu-\~u'u3n< l lnklm,-' 10 Inc |1ll\'(` mm s\\'1m- d rugs wasn't ` my hid(` I : i1. uml firm] inln its hvnd. lr`r tho fronk I \\'n.~< ,,..1 .. 41. 4|... I\:..-.....4 .liI`(`i_ lU;). /\ddrcss T01. 1-lugs A 1}} Rural ll H) (`lH1]). rivimz home nhout fif- ugu. :ll'lt`r gcllim: <~nup,h1 "/.<'-up when tho . Middlvlun has had lhv qhihilinn :11 lilmvnle. WHL-n J(_Ig`,.l, !.!_'~ V 4,Ll[l U ' bgdif C;4:::f/(` //)/ O )__!O`:;:UL/192- ( f7)_`. ra -_= e$`/"F".7 cw, rig` Q"`73s IQ- /[3 _ nlliu] L (iR.v\|HCD l)RI'I.\'.\'l*'.I) ` lots for week L~ndin;; I,lll' II lhf` bi gvllimg ..... ..r r -\ u _\,\u 51400 .-nu \'nI' `rank )i;:;,ws1 rlil'fi- - I. :a l_.... 1.. ;;;;L'.\'l nu I :- it hnvk In H11: (H puhlis illllllllll ' :1 liltlv : diH'(`I`- Page Thrct`. Tuwnshi CAN IT j BIj:HI)0NE?

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