Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1936, p. 1

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Tmyzt.-(ly .:t:1lk(>ri in Ihv midst (I, the ()|w: hnu:whuI at 12` (Thn'I`lnt[(: Sl.1'('!,'t. Bznrril`. (-.'n`l.\' Sm: ` aft:-rmum, but kind I`m\'i- rk-nor: interven- or] in limb. in znvmd :1 .\iI1};l(* nu` nvl-n n rhm. ,........ u..u -nun Iv\ nu. [x The hounds, smnc lwn (ln7.(`n nfi them. kvpl tn the trail fairly \V(.'H`1 and nally run the mm-s" dnwnl bt-fun they had quite l`1ni.\'h(-(I their 1 run and hm! hiddvn. Hnwt.-vcr, they `: soon di.<:npp(-arcd in :1 nmr-h_v CL-rlur1`_ clump and only thrve of lht-m \\'(`I`1` T fnuntl. The hmmd.\" finrlim:"h;1r0*<"$' \k'l'l`l` Vr.'nu-in (`.1-vvnnv u-Du. f`:.nn,I`\ ' iandih* B;;sNo1edn*n A In Inspection of Swine Clubs :L.umm1ng. Lrh'lr1t:.\` nxun (`hamx-ll. Roy Walt, Bar: French. Morris Darby. I .-`pin I`.rn-Ainnv \\7xv.xI\v Elnnisl Investigation j Of Alleged Shortages g Is Still Proceeding u - l t i The carnpzIi[.:n to mnkv .'~}in1r-nu 1 County :1 tuln-rt`ulrwsis-restrlvted n'.'~: 1 ml is pru;.:r<~ssim,' fuv ac- (`Ul`( llHL{ In J. Frzmk N(.'Hl'.'.'~, :Is'sisl..'1IIt5 ::;,'riculluml rcprm-s(-nl:ativ<:, Barri:-,1 who is . the taking 0| ; 1 lhv Vntt` in North Simcne. ` ' A number of srrluml sections; huvv` ulmnrly pull!-rl tho roqulrr-(l lwn-l lhix`(l.< volt: in favour of lhc prnpo:<-: 111, while the results from nllmr! ' school sections are still coming ln.| 'I`hn rm-..Ic.. ..I H... .. . I r 1 I l I 1 l 4. :.. .. ..a| ma. POLLING T ; PROGRESSING I 1 SUCCE%S_SFULL'Y; lMany Sch;>ol Sections AI-. ready Noted for Re- stricted Area ` u\4ll\lI)l uuuwlulln DIAL -`||ll| LIIIIIIIIE III.` Thu results of Hits wait: in snnu: nf'. those :~:(:hnol st-ctinns which lmw: re-f ported to date, are as follows: ...-.. ..., V... ._,.... The older srrttlod smttlrm Cmmty nro w-ry fnvnnrnbla |pl.'1n." Mr. Nvllos sum.-rl tn ' 5: In i nur- "H in u nun. llllllll, AVII. A`1l`lH'.\ .\l:l|l.'ll Lll Ill! 1'13"} :unin(-r lnrlny. "I1 is n nvw thing in! `this Cnuniy. and some farmers are. run! In nnf rnvnnrn-u--.21:-Ii hh.-.c --tumwl, . 72nd Year. Natural Increlsra 59 Ths Year To Date Marriages Increase cRA1cHURs'f 100 P.C. )r0 Township Per Ce ES. 3, I)nls10n BS. 4. Cruipzhurst, SS. 13, Irfawkcstoho .................. .. ES. 14, Coulsnn 5.5. 16, Mnrtin s }'<`.'1rn1 .............. .. SS. 2. Crown Hill . North Orilliu l"u\vn. $5. 5. I.nk<,- Gr`nr;.{(- . . . . . . . . . . . .. .S. 7, UhH1nff .S. 13, Cnrlyon .. _ of 1 'Inun1y fnvmlrnhlv 11: 1 3l.')n " N1!` Nail]!-< Q'Zl1l'll On 'I`h4- I- The strange request of :1 transient, to be sent down" was made before Magistrate Compton Joffs in murl horn, Fi'i(Izi_v 12131,, mid His Worship had little zilternntivv (-x(-opt tn Zl('Ct`(i(` to H1!` prnpnsnl. 'l'h(- result was that Dan Mann), ngcrl 28, giving his hunm ml- drz.-ss us C:11gzn'_v. /\Hu.. xvns S(`Hi(`H(`(`(i to two mtmfhs in u` Cmmiy Gaol for \'&l`&lIl(`} . ~"T`|\ii. .._. .,...u. .u. .u,,.--nu}. 'I`hi.< mun w:mt.< in IN` S0111." qlmth Chief of P()(,`(` 1.. H. lluugzh. Cnliim:\vim who laid tho <-lmrgze. "H0 is in 2: rundnwn L-umlitimi and ll('(`(t3 1lH('lllil)l1 of swine sort." The Chief siiggi.-stu(l :1 ti-rm of two months. Such 1| l`(`(]il(`St .<('(`in, at this time if the yvar when it's gum! tn hv zilivi-_" His Wm'.'~'hip 1-mnim-ntml. "I H`- L:ri,~t having, to do this; I hos- itutv In (In this. 1):: you rvznliy think it the Ix.-st thimz'."' M .'lssIiI`l3(l His Wmzwhip that ht: ruulii 11 built. up If he wont to iznui for it while. Man Sent Down At Own Request U l'ilH`I' 1-gard. 'm'.~:' l`l`pn)'l ]H(-1-\`v (`h.' L` \ |u\1-.- E sTATEMriTm ISSUED iCouncil Anxiouo to Reach 1 Definite Conclusion M Without Delay `Another Cgmference Will be Held Within Next Few Days THIS WEEK S CIRCULATION um-1. nun \v. :.-mum m.u:u.. u--...~....- er. M1`. Allen wna uL'<'Innp.'|III<`rl by I I i 113 solicitor, C. l). Slnwart, Harrie. J ... .. ..,.v Chargge I5 bi sr%1T1-i`ssed In Car-Buggy Crash nun \*.uxAv.w. nun-u. u;nu.- -u-.- ..u. prcsc-nl. Maxzistratu (`. Jeff: dlsmlasorl the cusz-. stating the costs of Dr. Ives, be met by the L-umplninant. IITIHLI HI YH'lH7f1_ HUYH` U1 Wl'Il(.'|l '1-rv 1`:-rum-vi. whilv um: app`.lI."1- nn, pvt-vuu. rvfu.s`(-d, was grant- -1 A RECORD I-1GG_ [`. N:--bin. Gilfurd. believes he ha. rcx---ml m ;-;._:'.:s. A hen owned by m mid an egg weighing six ounces. va.~urin;: vuzht-m1d-a-half inches vund. zmd rnnminine: three _\'(\lk.<. no mwnsrnp \.nllIll`II x\'n.\`hi]u .\`o|i('i1m`, will (I within a fvw (lays `:11 up Hm nitu:|l.imI. that u 1'1-pr(`.:('m:Ilive urlvruun nnri C` 1m'(~vi :wvmml.'Inls who nmks xmrl m.'(`nunls Hf fur Hm pnst fnur z- prvsonl. at this next HI` Sllllillll ulnlinns` n : qmckly _- w Hr-n ly lhr-rv wn:< a net de- m.- m Vhv Simmn Crum- Ponsioma list. iuururrling wxxnmnncr.-d by Cnuniy Simpxnn tmlny, F`mIr lilnlm wc-rn {granted by :11 C when-~ :nh.. and nu c:.nnc-lla- PAGES 1 to 6 M-port, has not yr`! rlryplwl hy the 'I'nwn- Rq-nvu Hr'nr_v isx If at Hw <::|rryin1,' of II for Hm udtuplinn of ml invnl\'u zulnplirm no of all its: rt-(`mn- ....;..o...a ....4 mm: H... 4850 rm nf thv finmwial `n\vn. nf Innisfil M4 and unutlwr cun- Tnwnship (Ymlnvil ship vihin n 0' June SECTION 1 of Innisfil Town- . (`armwlly sihmtinn rrgnrrling inns` nf tho nudit- n<:kl_\' us: pns:.s'ihl`," V. Hnry luld The I` (II illl NH l'l'('UH|` mium-rl nut. Um! Hu- (l_v h('l`Il hwc-ivr-(I Hwil 1:4 rlernliruz with H:-nu in Hun l`l'l|t|I`| .1... ..-.. .. L Isnuerl u.-nIIn1;\-vnn tho I`('pm`l the Tawn- the 'I'uwn- IIIYSIIIIQII. IXH i(`i:1nr< said hv ` (Turn to page . UKII. <`:u-(rs Severn! 1id(l1<--;|;:(-rl mun. who h (\n1pIn_\'(`o of :1 lm-:11 tn Ql`\/(`VIII \.'f`!ll'Q f.'|('("~' fl \'.' Changes THE; + BARRIEZ + EXAMINER $4.400 AWARD 1 i GIVEN EINHELL % AND WIFE $300` 1 Judgment ul-i-zn1'1;ied Downi \ Following Lengthy Trial 1 in Barrie } ill'l,' l'('l'l)\. |,il`lIl,L', in Royal Vic- tnrin Hospital. 1;,-,.',._ I-mm Olympia Oncschonk injurins su|`l`err-(1 when lhv f'u1'm(`r ran zmmk with a |1('::\'_v .x'.'xd ir and :1 bu1(:hvr knil`(`. zmrl i~: ulh-__-,<-(1 I.` have hentt-n up his: rl.'Hn;hH'r and Mrs. J. l.il,tl(-jnlun. ll'u-ir l:mr1l:xrl_\'., and [ht-u is 5lH(`,L{(`(l to have plxlvugwl` the knife l|1I' tho Iuwvr pull of his lurvusl, lmnv in :1 (-unI'v.~'.\`<-rl' znlthmpt. In t-ml his own liI`r-. Tho l'x'zI(`;I.~; H('('|ll`l'l"(] . nf[(`:`_ 1 p.m. Sund.'1y. at the I.i|l|<`jnlm z`(`sid(`.nm-. wh(~r(- 0m`sr'hrmk and his! rlnluzhlor hurl rvnlvri twn l1n11s:t'- lcoopingg rmnn.\' at Hm H-ur ml` lhtw svcnnd flnnr. I'ho_v hnrl hot-n Ilwrr sinvv Mun-I1. ` 'l'h.. m....\.r u-..r..,... .. ...~..,l....4,-. .- RESULT OF ACCIDENT` l |_\' Hu- .......,_ ,...... un .I;numr_v :I| l.'|: whcn El (' hunk plm-(`I br`l\\'(`('n zn mn1nrc_V<`l<: riddon south! by Einhcll with a sidccar (~nn!;Iinin;.:i his wife. and :1 northbound nultnnn-` l)il(- driven hy Dnriinpt and nwm-(I, ruhhvr ('n|11r.:`1L\'. I Mr. .luxli(t(.' J. A. l\ l('lvny has lEIl|(l(`(l rlmvn _iu at ().sg1,'mn`lv lull. 'l`m'mI|U. in Lhe civil action nl` muis l~`.in|10l|, ugvd 41, slmu r11)nir-! 1 1 l -1' and l1.'arnL'.s'.s' mnkvr ro. :|`. nulh l\'IV(`1`. l,`|l'I`)' Smmrl I7islr1('I. ln(`l him \\'il`n l\ l:-u H-....-.-.I. L`:..I...n Strict cnmplimmn with this orclcr is rt.-qucst0(1 and neces- sary if drastic pcnuHio.s' are to be avoided, the Commission stated in making the an- nouncement. Restrictions will be in force until further not- Gnn ., \.lIlll\llI The use of hose is; again pI't)hil)i1(.`d in Barrie except, between the hnnrs of 6.30 um. and 7.30 p.m. daily. when hose may be used for garden pur- poses only. nc(:m`din;.{ to m`d- c-rs issued by J. 13. l)nug:1`.. chairman 01' Barrie Water. Light and `rats Commission. today. R(`: are again in force on :1(.-count of continued (`xcossivo dmmmd and short- age uf xvmor for fire protec- tion purposes. Since the July dry spell. then` has been very limo rain. and the water can- sumcrs have been using more than advisable under the cir- clnnstnnccs, W. M. Saltor. sec- 1'm.'1ry-t1`oasL1rc1` of the Com- mission, explained. us: ...:n. 4|_:,. Use of Lawn Hose Again Prohibited ~x:,\, $300. he ncl it ..\. uuIIIL..`~>- nnu\l'| Il'.\I(1InL; ill 1 n|l'I`) his \\'if(', Nlrs. H:mn:zh Iiinhvll, Isl William S. I)z|x`lin,u`. Surll>|n`y. 1h(~ (`.uml_\'c;1r Tirv and Ruhhvr 1|` (`zm:u'l:n, l.imilod_ for :1 total 500. ull .7M.`HlU. {NIH 1H_l.:(`lh(`I' with `(NI Father Faces Charges Of Assault, Attempted } Suicide, After Meleei um` :|wzn"d(-d 1. and all $-1.4()[). and 1nnnH\nu- nu ! Ix llIl'lIl (HI lhgh\v;1. \'(-r m l HI \L' (IN nnrih .I:nunn`_v 1 hn.I- . Louis Ein- xrl $400 ox- rl 1\/hm Win, `Barrie Fire Brigade } Is Represented at the | Provincial Gathering` ` . 7..- ,. IUILE guuiuiuig. Launched by :1 parade in which '34 fire departments: and their bands iparlicipated. the final day of tho pi`cscn1,ziiion of fire drill. life sav- ing zmd platoon formation events. Thorold South. which visited I321)`- rie :1 year ago. at the Simcoc Coun- iy Fireman's Tournam(\nl, won one ..r om f n:11in-n nxrnnic mi... :4. ,:..:n| convention ended Monday with u| ny l`lll.'llll.'IlS l()lll'Il2lH1(`Hl, wnn mm! Inf {he feznmm events wlwn its drill !team. 24-31 mng, captu1'0<.l the nxvard yfnr the bc.-st turn-nut and most p1'(~- Xriscs porfm'm:mcc in the platoon drill. Peimlizx capturod first p1`i'/.1: `for the best turnout in the pnrndz-. ;Im't Cnlbnrnc took Second prim. but not until after c<)n: rz1l)Iu (lis- cu:<: among the judgvs. who du- Icidod 1hat I)und:1s mm'it(3d special imcnlicm for its xlepnrlmcntni smart- H(`!x', Fire Chief R. J. Wolfenden and Treasurer Otto D. Williams return- ed home on 'I`uesdz1y morning after attending the 37th annual conven- tion of the Ontario Volunteer Fire- men .<. Association in Oakvilie as representatives of the Barrie Fire| Brigade. They report a very instruc- `tive and enjoyable three days at `the gathering. I i.nIn\r`l1nr1 Int :1 nnrzu-in in urluinh iBuilding Proceeds Fairly Active F I Barrio Citizens` Band took part In the big: bzmd fu. at Orilliu on `iCivi(`. Holiday. In thv upon ('mm)(:1- ` ilinn I'm` bands P.r:u-r-lwidmx (`iii- SHl|'(` lVl'll`('H. The ynum: \\'nrn:m. :1 m'nrIun1n :' Barrie (wilt-uintv Instilxnln . years ago and rmgnrrlorl as quin- hright. had rmurncrl from Suvivl RusLs'ia In March. nrlor spr'nrIin," Your ,\'(`:1r.-: Hl('I'(`, hul hurl l`(`('(`I1|I_\ been o111|)l wiih :1 lm-:1! 1':nml`\' as :1 mnirl. She had rtu1u'm-(1 v I~`$zu'ric. S:1turd.':_v v\ (`nin_tz. ::pendim,' Iwn weeks :11 n cn1t.'1L:L- in Mndrnltn 1 1 K I E nflm I (.L'lI.\ lhlllll \.`\(l.\ il|l_|ll(l}.',('l1 IIl'.\|. Thu` local band took pm`! in tho lnftorxmnn and evening parades. and `in tho .'1f1ornnon and (`\'cnin1.{ (mun- `[:n'r concerts in the Oval. Features of I the cvvnim: perfnrnmncc \\'ero nmsscd bands and 1m'chli::h1 pur- 4:1rIo. 'I`m`nnto nr1isl.s n.<. In lboth show.~:. The affair xvns sponsor- .cd by Orillia Kiltie Band. of which Hhe lncnl bandlnnstvx`. Albert E. Sugg, is :1 former member. ! T_._F_ Buildimz and (`m1.~41ru<'linn_` i No is still proccrimz at :1 mn Iy active rzllc. the \':1|uv of ` issutrrl by the Town ('Im'k i `-\nu'-ur Q11 n'.'r'. 'T`lx3.. L/l\ l(? X lUl](l2ly. 1H lnl` ()]7L`H ('(Hn))(,`1- bands. P.r:nc(-bridgzv Cili- `7.on.x" Bum! was :1d_i11d;,'vr*l first. ` Thy` Int-:1] hnnrl inn]: n:n~1 in Hun ` Inspect` -15-;)Tt`2:t: Clubs] 'Within Short Time` ussuuu uy Inc mwn \ wrnc m .|lll`\ `lwixl $4.075. 'I hi:< fiuure xvns rn:uiv ` up. chiefly uf $2.000 fur :1 new hnu:<<` `for J. R. ('nl('m:m in the 0:151. (`ml (of the inwn. $1.000 frn` r<`pnir.< In (',nl|im` Strexrt Unilvrl C`hur<*h. and $900 for r(,-pairs by (iumgue /\n Ch, BUN. ` Tlw valun of p(`rmit.< Fm` Jun ! (-m*npn)'P.x` with mhor munihs ns fnl--} uIn\\'.<: Junv. $5.135; I\'1;:_v. $5,725; /\pi |1'il. $3.120; M.-m-h. $175. i Hnxlsvs Iwins: (~,1'r`('1vrI hy W, H IVl n_\`no and Frank Livim:: cm Ross Slrvct, and L. A. Frnvm: nu (`h.'n'lo1,tv Strvot. are rapidly nour- ing cnmp]('1im1. }Barr1e Band 1n /\ sun: I- Tho Bn_\'.<' Potato Clubs in Shm-no (`mn1ty will he in: and jud;: ed within two nr three \\'ock.<. Stow- art L. :u.'c, Barrio. n_L:rirul(11r:\l rr~pro.=r'ntnli\'o for Nm'1h Sinumw. Jcfniorl 1rudn\' Tn fhvk mmnnr~1i..n I? -(3`1:i-l~ii2lx-`Festival Rate Eagnaticn Ongchook, 52, Olympia Oneschook, 24, in Hospital BOTH RECOVERING `HI INH- mdm`n1<~- ` p('rmi!r: in Jnlv .1rv.<<>l' 1 nd nnsm~- art cumo H10 hvrri L`.1hlv.<. \\'hi<'h \\'t` ed nut in 1111` (ir (`rnp mun |I:I\' the failure of 1 In tally with lhx` of crop damage of xho heal \\'.'u hit the vnunlx L);-1. [n.'.\l'HL l.llllL'. lvfl In As indicated in v, mm in this issue. the 11 -3, lk`(`Cl\'L'(1:lH(i filed (-m[;m1 ship (`nun('iI. but 1 mm hp` nor part of it. has rk undl Gvnllmncnz In our nppnintmvnt. v i|lH1i1`f< the audit nf you `H1 -` -`Yum-\n1L< for tho yr: :41 $~}.-ihur 31. 1035 Cc-rt.` ....-.~ A Simcuc Foresters` Regiment went into camp with the 22nd Infantry; |Brig:1dc at 1 cnet:1nguishm1e yester- day and will remain in camp until I<`ridny. August 14. ``l\' (`nvnn:n~n: uriih hnnrlnnnnl-`: |'(lllUlI, I\lHhllH|. Othvr ranks -I 1(3.<. T. R. Barrett. Barrio; I)ou;.zl.'1s Bellamy. Allisltm: 1.nwrencc Gzurtnor. Allzmdalc; Wal- ler 1.00. Allistun; Eric I.()GL`llI'. Bur- riv: Malcolm Mnurv. Allisumz New- mnn Mm)l'C. '1`hnrn1nn: Frmmk Mc- Guirv, /\1l:1ndz1le: Wm. Shipmnn. Al- lismn: W. J. Ncvils, (funkstown. l Si;,*`n:1llcr.s' lSimcnc [*` ()ffic(~r c0n1m:mding, Licut A. T. M(`N.'1l)l). Barrio; S111. Wilson Jubb. lmrriu; I t.n:<. D. J. Hul<.'l1in;,:s. HM"- ` ric: I). J. McCullough, B:n'ric; Wm. M(:(}niru_ B;n`ri(v: A. R. Rm`, llnrric. I`mnps from v:n'ious (`.(~n1res as- lxlnrl II\ All-xn, 11.. S-};;1:g Grai:Y{;1I_} Likely Down Fifth E Throughout Ontario 1 nuuy, nugusc 19. A" Cnmpzmy. with headquar1.e1'3 at Barrie, is represented by abuut twenty-Iivc officers and men. in- cluding the fullmvingz I (N'I'ir`nre -- Offinnr u-nnunznurlina 1Vl(T\ !|lll'lT. . morning z Simcoe Foresters in Camp At Penetang for Ten Days 1 First There for 86 Years Audit01's Make Report On Financial Affairs il il Hlil I Barrio, : Musknkn. 1. I-` lulnlu; ll! |lL' ullwn U_\ uulllll cl! IIKI ('t'nl.. crop ('.\'pm`ts 51:110. nflvr lu- l:il|in_z_: up the inust rm-(`nil i`(:ymi'ls of lhv (l:im.'iu(- ('. IllSl`(l I)_\' the 1'c<-nr (ll`ll1l1_',lll in Jul_\'. l`hi.< l`ii.:ui'o is for llw \\'lm|(~ I rn\' inn` and lllCll|(lL`S lhv .'ll`(`,:l.H' \\'hl('l1 did and did not stiffer {ruin the h|`Jll \'\'1l\'l`. In .\`()l1l(Y drmuzlii-hil .'ii't`:i:: ii is oslininlvd that the s|n'im: uruin lu,<:< will he as high as til) per vvnl. Thu hCl()\\`-2l\ (`l'ilu(` spl'iiI1{ _i:r:iin l1:ir\'(`xl will probably bl` tho l)ll{!jl`.\l loss : l)_\' Onlnriu f.'ll'l11l`l'S. lht` e.\ pm'ls Slillk`. Pam` }).'1Sl.lll'lL{(` is rul- vd lhv svcnncl i.:i'c.'1lt`st in 'I'hI`ii AIA\V\'\.s Hun |\nu~u-i:u- nnrl n- nnun, llH' I`:.\xlHIHll'l' ])lH)ll.\I without munnwnt. the m nf tho I'(`pnI'I of Wok-I and (`nmp;m_\'. (`hnrtcrz zmts. Tnrmnn. nurlitm Tm\`n. nf Innisfilv. wit topic of int.0r0. in rosi ni.~:fil and Simcoc Cm nmmnna 0 inxn HAIHC (H HIl.l'l r.\ H) p1'u. time. A: inriu-:|1DrI in : in zmothor column report has been lk`('L'l\'l'(l and film] by Innisfii Town- n(`i1hm' the whnlr` | yet boon udnplvd I ac`(~m'danr`0 will 1 we prnvcodvr! with I your book; and ac- r'nunL< _\ o:1r ondod Decem- ber 193: ). C`c~1'l.'nn dtwolnprnonls \\'hi(`h were hrmutht in your a1t(`n- Hun. rc. in mstru(`Iiun.< tr`) H1ll-\"` an audit nf lht` tax nr1'(`m`.': fur thl _v(`:n`:< 1932. 1933 and 1934. Thi: nHs.u- nu.-HI... (J Hun nnl l'.~nws oh. ()nt:u'iu'.< 1936 s1)rin_u zrn .< going: in he duwn by znlmu In! l`I`l\l\ nvnnric v BARRIE, CANADA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1936 Th<- FIxnxnin(~r plxhlishvr: hvrewi" vithnul major pnrtim` yf Wclch. Andm-snv [ml (`l1m'1cr1-(1 n('(-nnnl mts, ntxditnrs for rhr Fm\'n. whirh is 21 li\'v- npic ro:~:idL-nts in In- 1i.~:fil County at Iht wnurxni Oinsn \]H'| LN .\l(||K'. l'U||l [)nI.\|.lllilL{(' lh lqI|'|" i lruss. Thvnli` H110 lwrrics and early VL`].- ll nhlvs. \\'urc pretty wvll hum- ! drnluzhl ('vntr(`.s'. h ll.'l\'(` an ox1)l:m:11inn for H`. lhvir prvsvnl fi_L:u1't`: n svur0h0znd r(`prn'`.-: ! " made at lhc hciuh1[r wave. The hm! Wm 1 it (-nunlxgv uruund '[`urm1l'v I Of Innisfil Township i 1I'UH1 Vill'lUll.`i (T(,'lll.l'l.'h il.\- in AH:mdnI<.- yeslcrdny and enlruimrd by special 'I`h(.- h1i(l(H('-ZI;{(`f1 been an nmgv for svvoral you iniu ..l` :.I\a.....n.. rnin _\`i(`I(l {ml 20 pm` ,.,......m.. nu. `nu-uuxuxu nu In-HI. ` Hislnry is also linkvd wilh llw silu upon V\ lll(.`h the Pump will lw ll(`l(l.` Many yuan: :1;.{u_ in the (lays of H1` nlrl ;z:n'ri: this Slh`. was used :13 '1 (rrivkvl gmuml by the sul(li<:r:<. It i: snirl lhnl snnm of the pimwer trump: are lmricd there. The gzmuncls :11-v nnw knmvn as lhv nlrl l`(rm.-l:1m,'ui- .' gulf link.-4. and is :I(l_in('('nl ln llm old milit.;u-y (`hlll`('h of St. J:unu::.` Thu 1-:nnn in Hun znunnnl mnnn nf uu- mu 1mI1I.;Iry r-nurrn 0| bl. .Jnmu::.- The camp is lhv mmunl mnnp of the 22nd lnl':u1tr_y l n'i;,'.'uh~. and in- clllrlvs four r(:;1i1n(`I1L'<. thv /\lx.{ quin Rifles. from Cuh:1H., IIuilvy- bury, New I.isk<-;n'tI, Smlhury, Tim< mins, Kirklzlnd lu'Ik(` zmrl nlhcx` nor- lhvrn lawns: the Nnrihvrn l im'1(e(-1'5. recruited in Brucel)ridL*c. Hnnt.<:- ville. Parry Sound. G1';1\r(:I1I1111`sl. Burk's l?`nll.<. I`u\v:1. and sur- rnun(Iin;.{ urvn: lhv Sixncno I"nI`('S{- vrrs from Barrio. (,)rillin. Culling- wrmrl, Midlunrl :m l (-nu-l.'\nuui- shone, and the Grey R4-gimont frnm Owen Sound and (Iroy County. About 450 1r(mp:<. all r:mk.<, are (I(,`- vupyinu H11! czunp. /\n advance (Turn to 7mm: four, 1)l'u.s'-) |tmin for I cnetm1guistu'n0, the train ;pulling out about 9 am. Of Histuricu] Interest The military encampment is the Iirst hold at Pmutnnguishcnc simu- thc g;n'ri. moved out uf there W3 years ago. Except for the curly ctn_v.~' of the CH-nt War wln-n nu-rullu _VlZil|.\' il;. .ll. 1'4X(,'(`])I NH` IHC (`ill'|y U'1_V.w' ml the Great War when l`L'L`I`llH\ were mubili7.od. tlwrc has b(!(`n rm 0u1st;m(lim.', military activity. Mil- itnry fool will once more fnllnw thr- truil b]n7.(-(1 by [)il)ll()(`l` : Thv ;.{m"isnn \v: ` dislnmdod in l8.'30. : .,u l:,| u ~.. .. WSe`:7r\:ice I`rZ1Atet-`_:'u[3;::i" As a Truck Breaks Hydro Pole in Two A h_V(ll`u polo :11 1110 (`()I`H(`I Owvn and M(`I)nn.'1lrl S1l`(`f`lS 'l>mkt'n in lwn wlwn :1 truck (I 1.,-..I .'..c ..\n luv I)...-nu I ...l...~ . 1 . hardest. it. is t~x1lnint'tl. and firm [mpnrls |n'(:(li(!lC(l more cm]; d:unu;.'.c than the l ru\=im-t'-wi(l(,- 1'i;.:urL's jum- ` lifv ,....`\. .-.. nu, 1-vu-n nun The tax roll; wvrv prepared and in nnne was the total znmnnni cm'r<`t'l as c1'1'1ifiL`d In I` We found that t.'xx0.~ w by \`;n'inu.~4 uffi(`i:1l.= n.< Lax mullet-tun`. :1! :1 time rhn r`......ov o..n...~...-n.. ... u ;._x\.u| u rt-(-nrrls of 1 the . miH(`d to h Thn Fruauniuv Lower School Results Announced for Ivy, Cookstown, Thornton NOUCCS unaer fms heading 13 per word: mmimum charge 50 cents. . " I Dancxng at Cnnksluwn Pavxlmnl c\'or_\' F`x'ida_\' ni,-zhl. Music by Art? Vvest and his o'rcl1u. 19tfb Mixed dancing. Slmnty Bny Hall. Friday evening. music by McCm'k-| indale'.< orclu`-stx`21. Admission 25c. tf Ice cremn social. Dalston church lawn. \Vedncsday evening. Aug. 11!. fill` nf H\l\`\`ir\lI xvnrk ', ."\r~ :'n\d T-*-? ` I COMING EVENTS I J (Turn to map s1'.1.'. please; ` (HI |IIl' UIILLHIEII Iilll ~ h:I\`(` hnrl tn rr`(`.'1l- cr('. on all :lI`l'l`.'ll'_u nhn\'0 rmlt-d. furlht-1 rH..,-".01" ...H|\ ull 0...: ]mli(`', I.n:1d<.-1' on Owvn St.. the turn onto nu! IIv`11\:\l rv Inn! Dalston church `\'`nin2- 13.} Irwin Gm'dim*r on wnrk. 25:` and 11n\'irl. (3. ` 32b I\Inurico Jmms. llll'lH(`1 all tax mn In I ])oci. was remrhcd tn El1)E1l1dO|15 all l`(.`li(`f pnymt.-nls by the town- ship. leaving lhv situation squarely UH U10 Sh()ll|(I("l`R of H10 ln'n\rin:-inl 1 u was z1nnmm('(`(1 I:1l,ur Ihut unj Suturrlny r`v(`nin;.{. fnlluwimz Hm ('r)un()iI nu-Hing, the rvvvc and nn-mhcrs nf lhv (,'l)lln('H mvt mun`- xficinlly with Ihm, Dr. '1, .1. Simp-; son. M.l'.l ., and A. J. 1}. Gray OH l)vp:n`lmvnt. ml` Mnni<'ip.'1l Affairs and it \'UlS lII`gvd Hunt the cnunrll l`(`V(`l`S(' Ilwir d(`(`iSiUl], nnrl cnnlinur; with rt-liof p.'nynu-nl.s'. 'l`h(- (-mmr`il,: lmw<-w-r. H-mnim-tl firm in HIM)`: !~:l:nnl Man Alleged to Have At-l tacked Daughter, Then Knifed Himself Relief payments by Tiny township , lmvc bx-on r(-pu(liatod_ following 2:` inovl.im.{ of tlw township council. held in tho t:oun(:il chambers at l unol:in;,'ui. Sutixnlziy after- noon. The action was taken when action by provincial authorities fail- ed to inuleriulizv. and followed a stormy session of H10 municipal body. 1)r`l-iuinn urnc rn-xnhnrl In I\`|v\I\rlrxr\I aulp, xuuvnu.-, mu snuunlrm S(]llEll`(ly` Sh()ll|(l("l'S of H10 pmvimrinl gov:-mmt.-nl.. with only one CULln(`i|~l lur di::.<(mlim1 and with R1-rrvc Mich-| uol Assvlin being, in :1('('nrrl. | At one st.:u.u- of the prrwvvding.-: the meeting thrvnlom-(I In break up in di.t:m'd<.-r, l nlluwinx.t :1 vorhnl ex-i tthnngu ht.-twt-on (,`uun('illm' /\)(`l`l`. HI.-l(~mn`l zmrl llnrmidns Mnilluux. k It was z1nnmmt'(`(1 l:1I,ur 1hut rm, lSuturrlny I(-nuncil mt-vlimr Hm rnmm nlnl :~.lilll(I. I "You are all fznnilim` wilh crop] u-umlilinlm in 'l`in_v tnwnship. zmrl` the nmlamk is nnno trm bright." salt]! R(`l'\'(.` M. J, /\s:<(`Iin. (Tun w(- puti thv hurllvll 0|" (`.`(1.l'I 1:|x:u1iun ll|ml1- f:Irxm~rs whn ll'(` zllrvzuly |1:nI`rlpI`n.<.<~| ml in Ul'(l('l' tn mvvl rvlivf pay- lnu,-nl ' llll IlH'I .` mt,-nlsi" lwasaga Beachzbackedl `On Holiday Weekend` Tiny Repudiates I Relief Payments I At Stormy Meeting; II~'iIIIIIIIIl' l| IVII/'(ll`lIll. l\|`HlL', llll` ht-zwh. innum(-r.'Ihh.- t-znnpvrs; pilr-hm! lhvir tvnls and many nlrl I-v-sitI<-nlng nf tho smnlncr pl:|_Vurmxnrl nlntc thm; ,lht-rv \v('ru mnrv U'llL\' on \VlS.'IL1-'>l `B(:.'u'h Hum l'\'(`l` In-l`::1'(:, ()n lhv r nmlnrists wvrv t-zmlimxcd by pnlmllim: ()ffic(:I`s `< drive sluwly as n slrmlnx nI' lr:nfI'ir moved up and dawn the hv.-wh. Must. 0| Uw wuy Hw (r.'u's wt'rI puck!- bumper to bmnpur and (he cnmzvslinn \-vus nn1. nnly on WlS&I| lml :|l nhmrv hinhwnv vr: I` (fill Hare - Hounds Chasel Is Held by K-Y Club lVl"3\L Ul UH` \\/El.V UH` \`Vl'I"' WlS&I|1 but. also alum; highway 26. I`r.':ffirJ ()fl`i(:ur Jack (.`.u1'pc-um.-r estirnnlc.-x the number of cars on Wusngn Btmch at over 10,000. The K-Y Club hold one of its rnosl. s11(:(:cssful sunnner activities, Tuesday afternoon. It was the Hurt- and Hound (zhasc as zmnuunccd Inst wvck. A real good trail was laid by 1110 h.'1r(-:<" in Hm! it wnq 1-Ir-:u~ hnil nx-I,\' nu i(`l_\ (ll. fl-' -nu

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