Th!` fnllm-Jin1.; ess::1y by Orrnck. Smith of Bzn'1'i(* Collegiate Im:titutL- won the first Local and the first County prize in lhe essay vnntt-. tunrllmfr-rl nnrlm' the nunsmices: of the! 75 Elizabeth St. 1935 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan l932sI)urant Coupe 1932 Ford Coupe 1932 Ford Roadster 1932 Ford Coupe I931 Ford (`.ou(~.h I931 l)o(lg'o St-dun ISDZH) ':mti:1c f~iod;1n 1930 Pontiac Coupe 1930 Durant Coupe SALMON Nu. L 'l'in PEAS 3 for 25 GINGER ALE ., 1.0.9 CLARK S Pork & Beans 1.: W`! ugh -c-I ht r CHANGES OF ADDRESS Miracle Whip -`Is-nruzw-my County ]')l`I7.(.` m me essay rnnu-su, mrulllctt-(1 under the auspices: m the Wmnmfs Christian I`ompm'anr2r- Un- Cnn nous}: COFFEE Tiger `/2 tins Christie's FIG ROLLS Yukon Club lV!AX\-V ELL --I`--.<-urn HABITANT PEA SOUP PHONE 186 FOR DELIVERY DREss1Nc.' 12171;:-35-55 I"s 33: xcm. .Thr- F('|ll!'|l`f` Cyulopnan fi;:urn._ nl.-ll tirvd in :1 shnhhy cont, with turn` :=lr:w'ru~z. is fnmiliar to all, zmal Hm! fnm-_ inn - - lhn rmugh hnir I)rn::h--rl impnlimutly nfl lhv fnreht-nd, thn lmlrlly :n'cl1cr.l 'yel)rnws_ rt-snln1<- III::`(` and firmly 301 month. truly a nnhlv t':I(':,- wilh :1 t:(`1`tuin S`Vf`)`(` in- lr-1,-riiy. and pas.~;i0m|I.r: power and; |ol`l_y .`{|dl1P.`~`.B about it. soelnimz in! H2: 4-lo-Valium, and xvideam-:;s of u-.\'- pm`: m. to claim kimjmd Jilh .1 xwrrlrl HI" id:-as out of all prnpenrliun In our own". 1.. II1:-* rlnunu-iniinn urn nxnul I'u -- 11` m-gun l'uIn]m.'-In;_', unnu-mm lizllvly. whnn B:-1-thnvr-n'.~: :-`un \v.'ns! ling: In .~:hin(- :1 Cloud, pnvm'l_v', - e 3 tins 25c 2 tins 19 2 lbs. 29 2 for 25c l t`r Bntiiv 1 __7QAs'1` lb. 4 peamean Sliced lb. 31 ;EACON Piece lb.z9c mm-r 1m. :5 --n------3---u--:- Bl .. \ D M (`ill l.'llIll|)U."lll|llIh. nu: vvunnr. nu -- lnlln-r lrn;:ic lifr-time, who propurorl for our I-.'n'.-2, lwmlly. whivh lw him~ :'r.-ll` mm-r heard. 'l`h<- ::lm-_y of BI-=c-lImvr*n's IiI':- in nn (lnllhl. familiar to all. but. I will rrzpo-nl, .<:nrm= of ll, In-t-nu.<:c~ nf >:um( - lining \'m'_v impnI'l.'1nl wv m. -my lnnrn: 1hr..u;:ll its: nxznnpln. '1.....n...w.~.n urn--. hm-n in tho vs-:n* Cooked HAM lb. 49 Beef Bologna lb. 15 --`-u-.5:-nu.-..--a--a---u--nu-. _ ---..~.....-..-- DUTCH LOAF u..z5c Y._`;.3 1-a 5_.1-._33S (`()()KiIl) (`()(}l(.iI!.` Corned Beef lb. RE 1--...._..-..-_. . ._..........a...-.-- `,~\\`i".? '1' .\!l.\Li'IU .i'l.X'\ 5:: I. ri'IcrsI-Ejsivnt 21 FRUIT and VEGETABLES Cantaloupes 2for25c ORANGES Dozen 29 LEMONS Dozen Zc V lH|'l.HL'|l IL`; l`Xi|Hl|}ll'. .!'I'|]l1I`.'I"l'l wn.--. burn in tho _ve-:n*` 1770 or 1772. Hr was nnl n c-mull ]n'uu|i;:_\' and (lid nut. .~:m-m tn Iukw I0! Inu~:it'. His: I':llhm'_ lw('.'u1.~:o of 1h<*{ mvc-nnw ho might rm,-vivr-. I'u|'<'od| him in prm.'li(-(I at Iho pixmn wh0lh- 4-J` hv wirlu-(I in nu` nut. . A1 Ilu. nun nf lurrflvn vr-.'n't: hr? x\'A'l`l\'l~I Cabbage zlbi 15 .\`.r\'l`l\'l N ;\'l' I V I . BEETS bunch Sc Tomatoes 1 lbs. 25 Ii`-\'I`lN (R iliius iiiius (I02. 121 And Other Fruit Specials (`EN I`. Chrs!:ie3 s CRIS BROVVN SODAS hr wmwn In mm. Al lhv ngo of Iwr-`Ive yo.'|r5: hr l`t('_l{!ll1 taking l:~s.sm1:: from his: first gznml In-.'1('lu-r. llw (`HUN nrp_.':11i.~`1` Nor-fc-. This in.-:tig:1l.r-(I his lnvv fur: mII. nml hnimz thus int-linml by! nnlnrn hv begun mnnrm.-:ing nlmus nlnlv ` in-nun: s.5z.M_g@N GINGER ALE __ 19 IONA N1LT_" -.\'!'.`x' TOMATOES OLD TOWNE SWEET PICKLES Special Blend Yukon Ciui; 2 pkgs. 232 4nv\ag-o E`vapor:=~;ite::l mmg I[HIIll`ll| Just beuinni Tiger 1 s "TEA lb. 39 4 *3":-?%5T 2 tins 19c _A.&P. 21: 24 Pm` lhli: WENDEN HAS . 21 BiRTHDA.Y. % 1`!!ANY ATTEND I<'Y'lllll lI'I|I` I{|\'~ll. |l|ULlk'H VUHLII` 11}-me were nnt at the best. m\'In; mm the very heavy rain that had I fallen -:hm'tl_\' before. Tea was ser-.' `ed rvn the verandah. The opening number was a gyxn di.~`|.\l:LV. qmte cleverlv executed by tthv pre:tent school. Old Girls pro- vided the balance of the entertain- ment. Those from 1915 to 1922, had the following numbers: 1. Gym; 2. The First Guide Com- puny in Barrie. Students from 1922 to 1929 gave the play "Stage Page Light THE BARME EXAMINER. mmnm. 0N'l`.. CANADA nm'(l from page snmn) ,,., .1.. I f'_ Ill-ll VV" 'Il|Hl||l on-. and make u that 15: is In'ir,`hl 4 I('()l .\"I'Y (`()l'N('ll. `IO . -IFJET IN ISARRII . Dl Rl.`\(i NIZXT VS'l'ZICl( .I 1.1::-I-W Iw 111- H'H I~':u~ ;'\ki.n`- (`:`-'-Wm Lm \\"t*l`I:`. L" |H:- ` `FWIK ;IlI H- '4 `V .:n:x ('ixlIx"|"\`.n1u!.']`M"` I .\1t-w:n 1 anal I-;`!W " H |)l`a\`l"l'~ m ` .\'`w -` H` |n` (;l.H`.` .\]!t'.!`.:? .:lt!. N.I ` 'H 5`.-nzjlr l!. f \' " ` 6 1] H Y A } ' I\ x ".4v 1 ' \ . ` ( ](llln('l'l', 0! 1h 5 Six and Straight Eight Offer New Renements of Beauty and Comfort The Silver Streak Pontiac Sixes and Eights, 1936 version. have just been zmnuum-ml by (2;-neral 1\Iutrn's , I mducL~: of (Tunudu, Limit:-cl. The ? Straight l and the Six, which 1 are equipped with Solid Steel Tur- Pontiac Makgg Bow for 19.36 ret Top bodies by Fishcx`, hydraulic triple-sealed brakes. and knee- action spring . are nmru beautiful than u-vvr. Thv Pnntizu: engineers have ;:(mc tln-uuuh thus- sis and body, rening and perfect.- n own In [his (]l`S(`l'i|)li0l1 W0 must I'"~ tnrnizo no ullwr than Ludwig van `Ev-'1l1rw-I1, f.'| mnu.~-H bvlnvnd and ru- m-mbr-red for his wonderful mu::iA ':1| r.-mnpo-:i!irn1.s'. !hr_- wurks: ml` .1 nlln-r lrn;:u: '01` ~r-H` nnxu-r hr-nrr! im: feature after feature. Ifalmu, Pontiac Six special smlzm. Ifiy/ht, ulmm-, the Silvt-r .`w`tr(-uk, cu-ntral de- sign motif. Imfl, ulmm-., rmnny intu- rim` of lllL'f.fi1L:(5 cununartment in one of the trunk models. 'rlmrvd:w. June 11. 1936 Sub wishing vhangzo nf nrldross are reqtmsted to reomi nutivv nu The Examlmtr by 6 p.m. on Wednesday.