I `K country is called upon to swallow *- another dose ofibluo ruixi inthe shape ` of Bmds61oet'a report` upon the failures of the nine inonlhsi just closed. After qnolii1g'.tho gures. _the report. _com_ m`entaA chereon as follows? fl.`he._ia'il. ni*es~for the nine mimtlis poriod of 1898 n_mke_ on eniinently aatisfactoiily show ' ing, aggregating asthey do only 1091` _ aiiures with aggregated `liabilities of 7,`592,5_0l-, sderense of 26 pop cent ~ in xinmber and of 29 per cent in? liabil- ities from last yein; andMof-.34 per cent in n,umbe__ra, and 33 percent in liab_i_li- ' mties `fIo'n'iV189.6,o audit is possible, in foot} to get back ten yom in the Cana- `dim: failures recorlls without finding a total of failures and .-lia__l>iliiiie_s for ,_then ` GEO. EVERALL,:Genna1 Agent. j :?:Etb:;?;`a V V. A W At the_Gla;-ks_on H ouse,"Ba1-ri,o uV SATURIAYS6n1y ` good cow but" ` Farm Property onlyjnsured and operations conned to County Simcoe only. vhdneaboutvthe 4- -V ,. A . .. W I benecialeectn _ V A , _ , . , - . A + , _ resu1ting r:oni" . . 4 V ~ A. . .. `theuaof V 5 __ ` jnnnnnnrtnnnru-uu1.nnrm.E I ur;\:A.vI.m'_y-vuaq._vu "I151-III, u-vgvuruuupo. B!!!)C08- . l`reasurer-Joseph Kelly. _ ` . . _ DIRECTORS, . : L . -. V. Wm. McDerm0tt. ex-Warden Co. Simone; W. H. Hsimmell. ex-M.P.P. ' `James Brett. Member .%f*?.ie:::.f yPm?`so%g;r:$::*aea,::k?%e:u*:::.?s`.;.~`,22;;,%mWe-*"`~m' The average cost `of carrying Fire Insux-_anc.e during. the past 20 .yea1-s is `gout one-half charged by "Stock Companies. Full particulars may be had om , - . . ' . ` I lsimcoeuulualfire Insurance cal T5 Shrey s}.LClOthFi1n%g %. ; tor guIh. ,B`oys_`ant`I luldren BARRIE S L;A.n|nc VGl.'OTI-|l ER+S% V F j A cAsHMA_N & PERRY, Five Points, Barrie, R. I. Fraser &Co. \I/ .....A... i*%*%$%*%%x%%*****%*x$ AK \ K '/\ w r\|r- Vnr i R. I. FRASER at: C0. 53% uu-nus u:v vvvunl vt nuv_ tau no 01:91:94 (I \lI\&l'I I IIIIIIIEU I CREE! \ An allover cheapneee. An awful squeeze in prices, to give a healthy boom to every Fall Buyer, We have set the "reaper low enough to catch --the~'_shortest purse, and harvesters who are lucky enough to catch the Bargains Will reap the reward. The store is brimming full of Bargains, and like the farmers we are crowded` to the rgtters. We include the entire stock of our."s(tore in this Great Harvest Sale of _ e NIL Whmney grand elqqueiatlvy pro~`V` ""e::tmit;nm-Jjcounxryizhnx avsiytjpw % [Jest against the Liberal; would` be } lought to the bitter end. The number . u puiaqg. Jmdy droppodshows am `Mr. :Whitney was bnly putting `up his 1~_1nsu:1guux_ofNuifgud bluafer. Vv ` - 9 The fafmers boutifnl, crop, the prospect Of better wages and the hope of the mercbantfor a brisk Ball business, has inspired us to lay in an increased load of timely bazgams foy_Fall. .I n- . . `I n---.---n-n-gAn-n CA_SHMAN &%PERRYS$`% ` OLOTHINGJHARVESLT 'bu.i' i3e5Jei{5r the Fair we started a GV"RE` A'|" Hmvzsr SALE; 0 Avon nknnnnnn An !IIlIt\l\!;l\ :n ox-:A;'m in uh-vn .. L....hL..- LA-.. L... ...... L nou:uvuv-uwIU]vn murruw1 Secr_etary-Joseph Wright, ex-WVarden:0o. Simcoe. l`rmm1mr--.Jn9m\h m-nu ESTABLISHED `JUNE H878 President-Georgeic. Morrwj ' {N-rntnrv.-Jnaanh Wrlnht. n!.Turdnn'(`;\ man... V yul. Ab {uc|up-y.- ' V 1 It. so1d b a11'1ip-A' - to-date deeg1e_:?rs.and hasf 1 ' a Shor.e.y s =G1t`ar antel 7` Card in rone. -of ; the . pockets of'eaic1L1;"gLa're_,' meat?` " which `mans':~ Satlstacti6nrvr%your' mszney ba<=k- See that , ._'youge,tShQr0'y smake ' andrtake, no`9t_hr;= ` H . -vv_vu4u uA_uqI. uEau._C. ` It is a mista1 _ soeiate style wi1_:h`hig11i . prices; ` It does not ' -. cost any more to cuta . ; garmgnt fo` t than to M cutitvpadly;_; } 7 ` It is said hvi an rm`;- .. is cut ad tailored -i_n the best stylewsewn 7 with linen thread and ' gives your boy just ; t_hat- appearance ;.you - Iwculd most desire. 7 K '11. 1-,. .. .._:..:...1_-`;__ _ , our Mantklesteck is worthy of your inspec-., tion. -The extent any; variety of odr stock is not equalled. Prices |?ange"from 43;: . `:uu`*i3.3,g`I.:a:-.caasn . MAJOR General Hume's determi- nation to put our military system abeye the'pb`w:er of politics yvill` receive the support of ill Cauadmus. `The .e.di3gi1e*e>f"xf1 mismanagement of the United States army in the Cuban war _should be sui::ieut_ waming against ' letting polica`.enter into uilitary inatters. ~ . $25.06- Mmriowrm paw. .`V1_!oxt to n eosrsvou,%umm% 2 f . %Il{l%A8l?aERTdAyIl%l ISM: % V ions HGALBRAITII & sVr1'v.[ -. ;..,j,[,,;Appraisers--V; Farmers requiring _m'or_:ey to meet matuy; ing mortgage or for any other purpose should apply to rthrundersigned befon` I making other ammrement. - . " warks systems. THE Collingwooders evidently --!`)elieve that a `council of seven can attend to the ordinary Business and look after-the electric light and water- works as well. Last week they defeat,- led ifyr 191 to 13, the by-law to} author- 'ize the: appointment of ommissioners $9 manage th electric} light" and water- no Lounou Auncnunnm I } % LOAN ANMIZENGY cu. Loans made on improved farfn property a,` - rlowesycurrez1_t,rates " ` . lI{y{._ ms nu Siam. Aro`izo~+` . ,s " ` _ I Terms -to suit borr6wets ._ Modem- |~`har2es. ~ \ V H . . . u u y A \.Iu.lA1.l\JL'lU| uuuu, I. nut), SALMON. LOBSTERS. CRABS. _ DRIED FR UITS, CLEANED CURRANFS RAISINS. DELI(}IOUr.`v CI /IRON PEEL. `CANNED TOMATOES. CORN, PEAS, QAI\.In\,' l't'\Y)G'l"Dhn nnnno `MUN|CH?.\AYL? DEBENTURES . P.uR\CHASED A!` snsw iA:\1-:58 '3 _ _ _ _ - - J --- _ a. Coee and-Cocoa Merchant. OWEN. ' muixsuu, Tao. ma. u --.. Quvovuqyy E: ?.fFe{dE;g i{TgiiEf2?{s?"12fy eueramvag, g9"`1..`mL*W `hfhm, bf O91?%W1.6i0ni!' an M` A. wine as . A Oct. 17.-.-W9 `conmnkto (Mr. Mm June: Whotham on the min! on F V: . ` ` W On: 1 nnmimv [mm luau. -nffgnnignfjl --gs..- rulucnan ,{.,;_ 53:-I 'a3n,1:> u;I: 4.1;; ; ;mja`.nei3hborhoo .4 , Ul mar (l1lglIB(X' Ml'8.- aunuersori. , ~ Vt `Mr, .and'.Mra`; _ `Hernia. `and family " spent -Sunday at Grerifel with Mrs. I-Ierr4on a mother, Mrs. Hirona. T l - `Miss Ethel'_ROas,.whp hgsg ben visit- ing in Torontogr has returns}, L.:i_She~waal aooompanid by her sister Miss Annie ' R638. . _ . V __ _ Mrs.` Nelsoxi, 6f Lindsay, is spending " a short time with J.~McGill_nnd_ othar [nmmmatmy Rlrdumritism .s_o Acute `He `He Could Not Attend to His Daily ;Duties-~Lived Tli're\e Weeks in Agoniz- . ing Pain when that ' ' `Good Samaritan" I of . all Cures. South American Rhuu-_ rnalic (lure. rPme'd` Hia`Way-It-Helpqd `in a Few Hours V Speedily Cured?- l 0o'al':7540enls .-' ' ' ` _'_ Mr.` E, A. Norton, a*well-known citizen hf G rimah_y,"_()nt.. was severely Attacked with. inammatory 1-heul1:1:|liam;IOn'-30 years ago,-4 gfuer .a time he recovered; but veL_or iii weeks ngo..the dread disease rtm-ned ao viola`nItly4th_at he._;lm_d to give rupuwnrk`. for Imrly three_j-wepkq he in vinhed auerina terrible won .t iinothmy `resident [ofthg-town who h`a '_b'eainf"our_a,di , by-South Amarioanjthgumgtio 0u.refp_s!r- Vquad_eEl-h'im m fry-it, and, to. his `great- mrpriue afzarguuiv (the medicine but one Bk' he` Ewan : .far1-ecblvered ran to go . about -toIin; T pin! 8.l1e..1ira't am taken .119 felt my; J improremenhand ,t'o`-day ` `hot in mi, i'enthuIiml9. in ringing, in? M Va. ,omf~too',gover;o for South ' t=;1%l:euI1mrio(1\i;?6to aheakvin sir I friend; here. .- -_ . , I~ 7* ;,1:Wm; Barnes afcentllzlcinday in?Iimia-. j"..Mr.i J; Harrison, "of Edgar, . waa77`.'il1' Vmir'*ivillagq.lnat`w'ek. l_ _ `Mr; zimlf Mrs; 'IIir`unis',-j `of `Gieirt`_el',j upeu.5f.lBsl l Wednesday with Mrs. 5A,"; H8t`tOni._ ., , I V ' ` '- r G. O.lI1.3l90iar';t.Iil::rrll5,:Vlvlisthe gait; ' bf Geargegrookq list wvlrg . goat. Qlsmmlllls` TM.-;`A1.;;mei,it;or l [Ji_tllQ*C!1,til1t,`--`has rtqrn'edh9m_9lVafbgr1 Lj.A'[t_iwr,i L, y ,n- n mm:-.m7...`.;.. nmnn aiI,Q lvguuu, un quvqu, Ill "sitter Mnlggxfof Wafarlay, vmo gxmtn ' of their mother last week. .* ` = i `ll- Iln_-u_'.__. .1 1):, 1 -3, ,1 V (gumbo: {tom hora -"the Elmulo fnir. ` Q . an... Inn. n....u:.; -: a..`_-_.u ~-._n| In sum: uuvsuw IIDV WWI. . Mr. Whekham, of Elmvule, 1: at presenrviibing friend: here. ;'nIInIhnn and chain: `nnih ur.':(. `vu nu uul vuulgo uu gzuuuly. ' ' _The `stonework o ` John McA,uley s house is co__mp_leted. - supw wueu ue text, - Rev, Mr. aud_Mrs. Wallnce have niovediuto Barrie. Mr. Wallace in-` tends leaving for the N.W.T. this week while Mrs. Wallace will remain in Barriefor the winteu; ' J ` Rev. Mr. Paton*ismoviug` into the house vacated by ,Mr._. Wallace; = A few of our young people who took c intbe Eliuvale fair last Thursday en- joyed the -fair but on account of the . rain and darkness of the night it was nearly. morninqbeforev they reached -home, SHANTY BAY At Guthrie ' uvuuu VIKIIIAIII-I5 VUUDIU UUIUID IUH C hurch_' on Sundgy last, -there was a special service * for the children, inwhioh they took a 'promi- V nentpart, and by theirlready responses and M able singing did much credit to their teachers who held taken consider- able pains with them. The. Rev. N. Campbell e addresggvos most appropriate and instruclive. " making = the service interesting-to all present. ' " Potetei.diggingb seems to be the principal occupation `in this neighbor- hoodcet present and in most `cases the u tubers seem to be turning out well. . V Minn. pr-nnuor dnrl Mica II` Mabnnlf " ORO STATION. 7 Och. l7--Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0:13. well. of 3rown Hill. ware id Ono Station onunday. . ,2." I . .1 IJVD|fI\lll uu ,-quuuc|_I . Peter S_micn, of `Hawkeston, was the guest of C. G.` Kirkpatrick on Sunday. Oliver Ross and.Will Elnon leavefor the lumber woods next week. The potato crop is very good here". Mr. Bameois very low with typhoid` fnvnr .. I nu uuuum_u5 uu u.I.Uuuu_y ulguu. The Chrigstiim Endeavor 4 met A as usual on ` Tuesday` evaning_ but on account of the..wez;her and toads very few were present. `L V . , Mk: T4`. .Qlnm..+.....,A A` n`:n-.:..1- _.__- % E%;?@W=' eww nun vV_v.7Hl EJIUBUHM ` Miss E. Shcrtreed, of Hillsdale; ' -the` guest of the Misses Orrock Sunday. ~ ` -I`. R+.m....L ......:...\A. LA. :_-_. uuuuuy. ' :0. Stewart` arrived home from the North West last Tuesday, and` reports - anpw when he left, pair Mn nnr` If-n "Tl7:-|`--'-- I-A~-- uuuw vvucu uu W auduifrs. moved into Barrie. M tends foi week Barrie'for D-.. M- 1)-.---:_~_.-_,:,. - - -~ 7- ' -..-.4. ..:...n., ,b Oct. 17-_ -Mis Mabe1'Sarderaof:, of ' ~T0x_`on.to,-Sis spendinga shortk-time` with herpai-ents here; ' . I K Minn Q... Dull. i. AI... ..... ...A -1: 11:; I-IDI QJKIIUIIVQ HUI u 9 Miss Sara P511: is the gues of Mis Ldadley; fVesp'ra, Mr}: D V L\T:lL:........;.'...r-..:..:1:_.._ .-_, Lul- fever. I IX. Mccuaig and 1. Emma are reg. oovenng as rapidly as possible. . nn nnfnknr IAHQ Mm ,Tan\nn Mnr`;n MIDHURST. Oct. 18--Rev. Mr. Paton `held his Bible meeting Sunday evening after segvice as bdlmd to attend a meeting in Minesing on Monday night; " ` Thn nhrintin Ennnvdr mnI- rm I.uUllJ-`Ulla _ . ' _ ' . ' . Mrs.Wats`on,`To1onto,*is the guest of her daughttr M1"a.- `Sanderson. Mr Inn`. Man` "'nu-uh-s '.r..)l" .(...|.. - ,H."olloxh|n and sister Annie vfai `ed in our village on unday. F Thu 'n}nmuInrk n J Jnhn M'nAnInu l >8-VIUUVIII Vllllls IIIIIHUF Vlad ' . ` V A Amw unpfincipled Tory sheets; ' like ktheliamilton Specttor, {Fe now aeeking to embamss the government bocausexthere was Tzijority for prohi` .bition.' These papers do not believe in . prohibition and l1BV6l' dared advocate -~-it:in"v rm_mf'th`sir**prm"nT*nctitd' ` one is? justified in believing tbpy would . " do anything, short of murder,` to bzfing "V ruin nund the head of at , political foe`. ` --?-`Owen Sound Sun (Indepehdent Con- J V nervatiye.) 7- " V ' _. vvvwl 135 can lay: a] sun. On October 1:?h,wMm. J 991:3: harlin presented her husband with adaughter. Congratulations. . ALI-LU. ALLDIA IV QUU UI MI-IID Pl L A Harvest Home will be held in connection with the Methodist church of this place on Monday. October 31st. There will be `service in the morningat 10.30 on Sunday 30th, conducted by V the pastor Rev. Mr. Walker and in the afternoon at 3 o clock it will becom- ducted by the Rev. Mr.` Inggam of Minesing. All are invited. vnlc. ' The Mfsses Tiin are at home again ' after their summer. visit in Muskulm. . A l.'m,. nk:lA 1..n1..`-..:..'. L- 1:.` J uwcu. uuuu uuluumr. vluu: nu JLUSKUKR. A little child belongiuf; to_ Mr. and Mrs David Donnely fell while away from home and brqkejits leg. L yuulu (Dill: Miss Emma Bell hasAgone to visit for a short time with her aunf at Elm- vale. " rnl '|r- mum 1.un.\ll:w ,. vyllg V '~ v V w _ Mrs. R. Y. VVi1iHnrmr~ia;"vi_siting in Ifhornton. ` ` ' u`_.1'rr.'m --- -l I A number from here attended the Elmvale fair; ' Mrs.-J. Brumby. is on the sick list. Mrs. 8wrey,`of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Mark Webb of this place. ` unrunal nn\n hr! kn I-(`Ll :r\ Qct. 17-The farmers here are busy taking up their potatoes. In some places they areiurning put very well for this season, One pouito dug from the eld of Joseph Russell weighed 2 lbs. 5 oz. Inn.` 1'-. ..... miILis;M. Smith, daiighter of F. Smith, is very ill at present with typhoid fevu. ' ` M.'... n`........ mu 1.....'..-_- 2- ..:-:. "il`i:afis1:;f~`;nlih, of Sjziwoqd, ma` n`i>dIH~lA`W ninrlnu manna nnnpln ' GRENFEL. `Oct; 17--Mrs; LJ. l\'Iuiri&.,seriously H - `sHA*N'TY BA}? .031; UTOPIA. VVKID l_aat .Auuuua)'_. _ >-` I. ' '> - M `Now that tbreahlug 13 ab`ou_t,o - the hay-hailera are c'pm'mencing work here..- ' ' vacating or summer kitchens, falling at -leaves and donning of overcoats very strong reminders of the` rapidity of time. ` `V'.,,_, ..-_._,_.,j "A. _,. I.,: I UL IIIIUUQ " Your correspondent neglected to chronicle the addition to H. `Stokes family of a daughter h. ~ Thu wnrnalnru K` lhin u;n:n;h- Onnlr VV LIIIVVI VJ LILIUD CINUIU IVLHII`: H * Mr. Sampsoxfa new stone house is nearing co.u'pleti':>u`; the painters and plasters are putting on thenishing .toucl1es`,and we" expect there will be a v house warming there before long (1-llljlri nlnn-1|.l\'nn Qulnann In-of I-UKIDID scum UJ Ur: 1I|II`UlL|" Uulr W611- Miss. Presser and Mf ss_1v. Mebcslnlf "wheeled up to Edgar. tvo vnsitfriends on Monday.` ~T\Tmu Hunt" H{mL.l{.:..r. :. ..l..-.-..'.; ,4.-- `III-I-III `II ll UGUKHDVU UH IJUPM Etllilh -The Foresters of this vicinity _took their refzular monthly nocturnal journey to Edenvale on Monday night. That society in arranging for a church parade on Sunday Oct. 30th-. Qnhnnrihn fnr Tun W_vAun:I-I: nnr` UH UUHUIJ \J|1|i- UVLIJL, Subscribe for Tan EXAMINER and get the best local newspaper " ~ pan A T Innrom nnua n val-B corn- ECU VUU IIUUN IUUOI LIUWHFHPUI I. Rev. A. T. Ingram gave a very earn- est discourse to young men on Sunday night. He took for his `subject the haracter of Absalom. Thbseuce of the singing byithe` choir leftia dis- appointing void in the service. ` Thu incl H014] n` flu: unau :0 ixnlnn *"a:".;:;a'::. 22:31;`;;:1::`;;;::2s:1.eHg harvested and the boys are kept busy 4 V picking potatoes, the crop of which is not so large as last year. The meeting of the Auxilliery of the W.F.M.S. at Guthrie church on. Wed- nesday the` 12th was well attended. The proceeds of the thank_-offering envelopeen amounted to upwards of twengy-ve dollars. The secretary and treasurer : reports were read for the year. showing a belance_9f_ sixty dollars after all expenses were paidrwhich was more than was expec/bed. _ The oigere were 'electediou.he ensuing -year; who will he the name us last with the Fox ception `of the treasurer whese place will be lled by MISS Annie `Muir. `Jr Qarnnann n nnum unuln 1\t\ucnn 1. l Uot. 18-.--Mrs. J osph Chw and little son fpom Orillia wexe `the guests of Mrs. Sandem this week. II'._ J `ll_, 1,! IV ..l,.._., l,,,, Ul Lulm unuuvu: uum YVDDA. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardener from Hawkastone, and Mrs. Stone, mid son frdm Barrie, called at the regidence of Simeon Calvert on Sunday, but did not nd them at home, 11.. n.._u__.\ _ n .1 _...|_I:- LIVV I-llltl IIIIDLU Ill! LIIII-HE. Mr. Pentland, our Guthrie public school teacher, preached a very accepcg able sermon at Oro Methodist church on Sunday the 9th inst., in the absence of the Rev. H. A. Fish. ~ `It. __,_I 11,- (VI, 1 1.1 .- nu. emu nun. uuuuua lLnlll_92Ll_l_l'_U_l_lJ, 'ca.:e;rrrn1`;;a;;e'.;;.Ea":;.;;2;ng meat` old friends here. . "IL (I .I I -'n- n .. 91{xr}`a I'<!`onre pm-mpeni_I` L I . old ate? Seuss: drug aQl'e;`0ppahIte` j l |IL|U .lVUVa Ll: 8. .l.`lHH. r_I\i[_r. and Mrs. Charles A! :l'!\lI1 JI"HR1J`,V?/WEEKS` in vaeomk. Silo _. SL1 PPERS RUBBEBS ovnasaoms Y-FELT` 60053 J` Son of the Toronto merchants hovel "boon oomplaming about the tax impoqd ' on them by the dnilpqollections for hhchnty, enrtainmnta etc. Few per- - sons who. have norhbeen-in` business _ave any idea of the exten to which ' memhngta sud other busineeq men are ~,,hled in this hay. ' ' ' TRUN KS M`ocAss1Ns BAGS} GLOVES. MIITS : GUTHRIE, ..-r .ug._v wv .4 9 pm-maa` nE1_ y. man than mm um munspu.-' ad, View `I3.00_rr sin. 1- agum: am at 1 four years and find it just as salsmen .. represen1d.+;1Lgmd_bakm:.andA.gxea._ - fuel saver. l Wm. Young.'Mono Mills Sarah Brett, Mulmur H. R. Whimesidu. Elmgrove John Brett. Rosedale Alex. Brenner Camilla . cox. Bunting. ookstown " J . R. Smith.` Thorntpn -- To whom it my oono`a_rn% V This is to certify that about four years ago I purcI_1a5ed a Home Comfort Range and as a cook- ... u .41..-- ..... t`.......lh. .....c,.... --u..:...u... `me following is a list of names of well-known gentlemen who have been using this famous Range. Read what; the say and judge for yourself. V '9. the undersigned. have been us. V This is to certify thaj about four I {mrchased n stove it gives m family perfect satisfwotion an Itocan.Iconsci(;;e()usiy- say ixtt 1;` the s ve ever or saw. ves ea angd is a. eat saver of fuel. not taking more than half e the quantity of other stoves and ye mrows out plenty of heat. R. T. Banting Co.Cierk. Dan. 0 Le4ry.innis Mrs. Stevenson. Loraine ' Mrs.'& Mrs; James Buntink. flxompsonviiie Joseph Kidd,Cooktown _ . Repairs for. Old Rzinges A . ` `_ ' _ Furr._\ishec_l Free" T` H DMSIUH" HEADQUARTQRS, -V I _` -ALLISTON _ 1 one say uuu JllUg.U l.Ul.' yU|.llSlI. V e. the undersigned, have been us- ing :1 t , : . HOMEr CUMFDRTL RANGES- o~+w~~$oo91 HOME COMFORT RANGE . A little more for your money belie than anywhem in the Dominion is iiivhat we aim at; We are in the lead (and mean to stay there. We will maintain Qlll` claim t_`(_)-.. the title of being `Ready-made Qlothing, Underwear,` ?urnihing a, Hafsn and Gaps. 4 .9 orfru lsnmn. llurie. om. inmuum "aaouubemam6a. mu:x.uu` I