Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1898, p. 1

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uuuuu-..u ulu. uuu uuI.u vuu uuuu UIHUIC eight o'clock ever sent in that part ofthe house Wa.S__ Red. `- The meeting was a. model _one in every respect. The attendance and the speechcg were . all `rthat could be desired and the ` a.ud1ence listened with the closest attention from stzu-l;_ to nish and showed-their u.ppx'eciz1.tion by frequent. ` and vigorous a. plause. -- President, J. Mclutosh` nerfox-umd , aisonyrseeoaclenoxu; J. E{ Turtoti, first `bass; H. Rllbhveu McDonald, second-ba.ss;*<"~-*'" W" ` Mn `l\'r\"i\n`\ .\nnnnA l\:n ../lJ..n.... L" uuumu1'a' ux Luwnspcuple nemg aug- mented. 4 Anten Mills; Cra.igluu`st.. Dalston. Minesing. Midhursta. Apto! Guthrie, Shroud. ine. Holly, Pzsiuswicli ":i'{1"d i11t7a?'vening points. The first gnllerv was reserved for ladies and in such lxumbem did they burn out that before was The umpfjmr l1L_t'Anme1:s;.,fmnL, ,ElmvaIe,.. uuu V1 uwus applause. ~ President A. performed the duties of - chadrnnun in u- manner creditable to himself and to the club. Besides him on` the plzttfox-111 were M11.-~ Davidson, '_ Hon. G. W. Ross._ the President and Secretzmry of the Reform Assochttion, the oi ce1's of the Young Liberals and several other Liberals. *` Thu {.s|1n\'m1'r" i1:rrf.T11'TzT']`.l.J'x n iiunly one Thousand People` Heard His Full and.Able Discussion of Every Department of Provin- cial Affn.lrs-Mr. Davidson, the Liberal .Candidat3:, Enthuslasticdlly _ "Received-A VVell might; any on-;.::u1iz.zu`.iu11 fa-:33! I sproud of such II. meetiuguns that. held in the Grand Opera House on Monday night under bhu.muspice:3 of the Bamie : Young Liberal (tub. I`ha.t. cupacious : building was crowded and mzmy stood I tlnroughoutz the meeting. The audience 4 was 21. most. rep:-esenmbiv`3: one, the-u numbers of townspeople being uug-[1 n1entedml1LJ'anmers;.,;-n;xL ,Eh1um.le_.. v mums; w; muss? DELIVERED A A: 1_uAaNu=:cEN'r` spgsecu on guomoav mqnr. wuu;uv we are concerneu. [A pp1ause.") Referi'i'ug to a.syI'i1L_iT,'1~Efm-m:rbor1es,~' V ,- et.c., he showed th'eexte'nb. `of the ` work with em expenditure of $1,000,000 on their population` of 3l;190` F0226 ~yenrs`they `had umaged these great institutioiisand the oniy complaint, of the 0pposit,ion \'c{a.sLl3l1a.t. some`-of the supplies were not`. purcha.sed_ by tender. $66;O00. whioh_showed' how picayuue was the Opposition criticism. It `was ; s_ut11*criticism tha.t,iW`eakeued :`ii 0 - lxnkihinfl l'mFrwn intaIIi.vnrH- nnnnln. - u , -d,V'L`l4l"'d` -i`~d- The bow mount so pmwhased was for the ne1_a_ca.nd1 ate foi Mu NOTES.- '""Efou. G. W; Ross_ was accompanied by Mrs. Ross` who recewed :2. numlwer of Libeijal ladies and gen- blem en_ at the Q'ue,1;n s on Monday from"f01'u~ `i) ciock tillsix. ' Among 7 meeting .bhose' i'ese.i1t~ a.(; .the. was Wm. right, of Brad- well. To THEJEXAMINER he. stated that prospects for vic are bright; ' _ . A..NlisczLmphe1l, M. . -.,.-aind "H. enn`et_t',. _M. P..1 _were' in town _o1_1 .ptJ;_ 0,e[o11e 1n_ue1,1Igen_n_T people-g_;_.e referred to term them the Opposxtxon would indulge-in such'pigmy,pica.yune.- peanut. crijsicislns. - ' M T 1'H`E TIMBER. QUESTION. V ; ' ~lu1890, the` .G`ovefi-muent mtaxched :1. * nnanufacturing clause to the `licenses gmued to quiz Orpwn Lands t.x mbe1-~._ Iur1893`. Kn-.,, Miscmmpbell` a.dopted`.om*~ M 'A policy off1890 and brought. in rt resom- bion to have all logs ma.vuufa.cbu1-ed~in: Canada. At`._t;ha.t; tinge; sggh>:3._1gp_e w7il_iT.I1'a.jr_fnE rfered~ with the nppor-V ` ities for freettrade with the Unwed .Sta.tes.. as oifenad by the Wilson m.ri ,;;v 580 the 1:la.use was "ugh .impos'ed.'.;__4When: the p.uI:'u, heavy duty on our. lumber, ` `We: hen` book stes -to pirolzct ourselves M in t_heA~recenb.t;iusbex- regulations. M/r. , Vwhitiney. _sa.yi)s_. that "all Orowu timber ~ should 11 'ma.uufa,ctt11*eI1;he13e, regard- xgssxmwheurthjlicnsegwere granted ' These: .1icene's<~were's`rmnted; rm; min or no ]:u'ge-`minded -Consel-va,t2i_ve . uu.uun..y lczwes us a. surplus or Z.;5i5l,- 059.75. Out uf all the money expended A Few M0v'aI Frames at Cot - ucuu Uu uucuuuar. \A.pp|d.1lS. ; Aft;e1- . coiupauiug Ontu-io wiLl1 Qtlehec a.n(l`h.Lhe Dominion, Mr. Ross ` sa,id.if the people were satisfied with their policy of prudent, mzmaigexuent, ` he coulil see. no reason why their L atewardship Sl10|ll(I.110li be renew/e'd.. `_-"We ca1.n. tiua.l pifomises like _tlm,Op- position." We live hy acts not words. (ApplzLuse.),_ You ,-will flndiusin the public a.ccount if you can t find the ` Opposition an-ywhe`re. You will find us in the stattite books. in the journals l 1 ' rTr\f `lulu .u.u in x.IutIib'U; .. --,. -. ... uu puns: auiueo LU tne ruiiiic school The cry is the very untipodes of argu- icourse\Dr2iwiii , (Jiuiadiaii History. I ent. It is the shriek of an Opposition lPliysiology an 'I`eiiipei':uice, the ad- 1 tint knows it has no"hope. lnste.-id of vantages of which none` can"-deny. this wail. why do they not give reasons Tliis was as broad as he could niake it. for a ciizuige? For 26 years we have Mr. \\ hiti-icy: does not .d%u'e' say the iuiule ste ) after step, in Inuiiicipal re- schools are not pros irons and doing . (fox-in. T ie Opposition cannot suggest well. or that the teac ers are not more it single reform. The are hzinkrupt eiiicient than those of 20 years (1. p in "inunicipal policy. hey are in the At Chicago when conipiired with at`/he ' saiiie position as regaids lubor legislu- systems Uf'ldl( . world. Untiii'io's.sysi;cin ( tion. inwhich the (1`rov-arninent liiis was pronounced":iii iilealwsystciii from done so inucli for the \voi-king-mini. kindergarten to Uuiversity.. (Ap- ` In 1867 we exported only liveiuillions ipluuse ) Mr Whitney says there are worth of cheese, as against 161 niillions too nian examinations, but the liswe no_w, while the United -States in the been 1`L'(1lL'(*,(l from 27 to ll e says sziiiietime-had increased only from 60 that fees are excessive and yet a child to (51 millions. This was to it consider- can go tliroiigh his whole course -:|.l)iP-- -ex-ien_t -diie-to the-- 1 \41'iiister~1w <.~\griculture. whose .-ippoiiitiiiciittiie - Opposition llild opposed.` in the de- . \Z3l0pllM}llbOf~aru brsnches-ot'-0otario s ngriciiltiiral interests, the Governin > has lent very valuable assistance. and the Uppositi n has not raised at single issue to ineril:\the votes of the farmers. V CHAIlG\I*.`S OF EXTRAVAGANCE. Mr. Whitney says we have squand- _ cred the people's ` money. i-Since comm into power, we have s ent $83. ' ,009.5l. and I defy the wor d to ` ne dollar lies been cor- ruptly spent. (Cheers.) The Toronto Mail ai. few years ago referred to our administratioii as generous. econom- ical and clean. (Applause) I am not particular whethei-"we have in surplus or not. so long as wehave applied the money prudently and in the best interests of the Province. The San- "ii'eId` Mac(Toiial'd`sii rpliis of '$3,000.0Q0 was all hypothecnted. and when Sir Oliver" Mowat -took change all this, . ways.AWhstrshenld~~we-do~w ;. money? Hoard (,it,_ up ond.'inn.ke 1!. sur lus for others to spend, or do as velopment of the country? For educa.tion_ there hind been spent ` 314336.000; agriculture and arts". 33.` ' 500.000; hcspita1s.$2.750,000; usylums, $15,500,000; mdininistration. of `ustice, S3.50D,0UO;co1oniza.t.ioii ro:i.ds.$3, -,O00; railsvays, 86.000000`; public works and buildings, $1,009,000, making for these services and works. $58.000,00. The Liberal party would `not he in power had theyvnot every `year realized the great resources of Ontario .-and the` importance of their development. The expenditure has been shown in the progress of Ontario` in every depart- ment o.nd-#notwi_thstandin the generous aid granted by the overn- inent it is still free of debt. We have assets of -$ on which we get ` with $100,000 more. giaid gone to rail- 1 ; We ave done, expend it upon the de-` 't7h(1TTffeEEf Ill6E"fl1lT B?`dB choose. to impose them. in `High schools fees had been increased from $29,000 to $120,000, and with such a" magnificent 'gh.scl1ooLsystem..nope should be- grudge the fees,` The High schools of today are doin better work than was done by the niversities of 30 years a o. (Applause) lt s aniusin to hear 4 1-: Whitney and Dr. Wiliougiby talk of "educating people from the farm." Why didn't they stay on theifarm P It is absurd to say that by any regula- tions ho sshall be compelled to stay on the arm. in the factory or any other place Where they don t want to stay. Why shouldn't fax`-mers s sons aspireto any calling that an,honest man may look up to?" (Applause?) My business as Minister 0f,a;(E(1llClIti0n is to give oiirchildren all the facilities wecun afford. It is for our sons and daughtersto decide what line they shall adopt. But we give them the opportunity of an ed.ucation that enables them `to hold up their heads 0ng_I.hBJ)B8b1:h1l8.!:B_0f. theeworldr 7. (Applii.u_se.) The Opposition claim that the text books are changed too frequently. The readers have been changed only twice in 52 years and other books have ' been changed in. order that we may keep abreast with` the times. This is in accord withlour educational policy which is;`fNothing_is too good for the children of Ontario 1 that the people can aiford._ (Applnusei The text books liave. baenreauce from 53 roll and the some kind` is used in all the schools. All the text, 4 books with the exception of-a_ Greek ` book and a; geometry are by Canadian authors. (Applause) ' It is claimed that the cost of text books-is excessive, which is answered `by , the` simple statement of the fact that, a: complete set o books required for the full Eublic School Course costs only as compared with $0.95 in New York. State, and the average cost` perannum uaaccs Ul 'ipU.UUU.UUU.UU on wmcn gen ' l3erestr,-a;n<%d'educLing our present: liability lezwes us a. surplus of $2.337.- 05075. 0:11 . ufn.-ll the mnmw mrmmrlpd : cent : on the dollar. (Appl-cmse.) .coum.-n~in.q- Ontsn-in 5 _ ` 17Oof' of our honenby in public tmnsacbions in which we are` conc_er'ned. (Applau_se.") Refe1'riVn2 H.SVIl1m". 1'Ef(Y|-Inn:hn'H9s.~ " ' """" """"' ' '"" A..M|S(.'il:IDDl)8ll, 1Vl.l."\J:'.,.-{lgIl(1 W.- '11. 'tha.b,iWe'e_Lkt-.11`)-`ed t:IiU'0 B H; M ' P ' . - - f -` `p5-`~``1 b-f"1'- iWl~`i3317~Pe9P1-'-' 3 M(:)l:1r:1:L'y"afte'1'no.o`i1 1?eapla%`:X 3 ; bermthem - . , - - - . - no large-`u1i11de_d ' Conse1-vamive g,?Ct'ec$ 1',;1i(;(:)Il3E)ft}E'1(:11:::;`iE)";-`on and such pigmy,pica.ynn`e.-_ ' ' nmu-vnim '1-dhm-I-' Iunnr` `Hm ' ~ -|.3HI8;1 ,l lD-:`L: V. L `~`;v.Ihni9:,$c6r;d`~ -`K . x`=.m w i cry, "They iuixst. go. Their complaint. 1 nu-\.v.I u-tuna w uuuu u. suppurb UI one Up sition. hey iinduo policy`; Noni iigt iug anythim; in the Government; to amwk. they wene attacking the U0- vernment misceliaueously with the now is that we have not governed` badly but too long- Is there any sense 3 in the cry. "It; is Time for H. chzmge? i The cry 18 L shriek of I. t" mt. ' do . I fora . 2 _ `form. cannot v Simziif I'8fdl`1lY.' "Phev :u'1 hzminvnni-. I. mrm. me upposmon cannot; } single The lmnk1'upt;\ pzune Lion. done exnorted onlv Hm millinnn . si pt iqg Johnsw ' -?-W%aArren%. uupussible to find a wbstantinl pulib itczil basis to %uat.if a. support of the` ad no Not f tint iuz an vthinnr in the (nvm*nmm.f. on position. Mr Ross declared thzmit, was wanna. go. QiWK_; on `.0lll?<~ ` Imus-,\tian ,-5* `liar"bha e- ;hrea;kfs.ib|i a.hckie1')'nr,< use.) . .&u*io , tisfied maigeinent, : ike not 413 , in the. `I; :u he lE$F66F of mm-r.inn9 in we ugovernmenn in me nnanuer-.. In concluding, Mr. oss paid a splen-V did" tr`-ibute to Liberal . progress and honesty. and asked the people once more. to give expression with their ballots to their appreciation of the honest; and capable Government. a that 1-iiled Ontario for over a. qiuirber of a. centuryrle brought his spec;-h_ to a. con;-l_usiox1 by omagnicent ` peromtion auid silt down zunid gl. perfect storm, of applaius . Cheers for the Queen, meeting` to a close. patriotism,` * the Governinent and `Mr. -.- Davidson brought; the very successful ` the Ggovernment; In the Inabtex-. In ...\.~...u...:..... .u.. Dunc mm .. `(Appln,use.) Opposition claim ` euuulua bI.IeU1`bU uuiu well` DBMS ong_theJJesbJcholars41f the worldr s are too in with - is`,`fNothing is Ontario a ord._ (Applause. ` text have beenreauceti _ claimed 1 excessive, E answered simple fact acomplete of costs $4.95. 1\'ewYor`k. average perannum for each child in Ontario is only 19 2-5 cents. (Appla.use.) The finding of the -1 LllllX. _ - Among? those resentg .the -ford, we Lihe1ia.l_a;ndida.t.e fox-TCzu~d- ` - stated ` vicgpr bright; 5 A. .\ 1iscn.mnh:a.ll. M. . - _.n.nrI W. -`H. wru. .l.U .l.KJ1`4J.L`JAl1l!l.I-lVl`4I u|: amnctp 1` Bennett. M. were` tmvu Monday afternoon but. apparently did. n0ta`ca1'e to accept the invitation fggg` `t_1;gAdiniste:j of Education. A ` Akonservattive 11-eport placed. `the least ca.-ses mun were a.xva:c1ng/mm-. ' Alex. White, of'New F_'ios,'wh :0 New -Year s`` eve, stgle threeihogg, six I of wheat; ifrom,-rb1,ns_*.V-,b2w Alexi _MqG,izaig,_p1`a_.dedgui1uv sentenced to . b_vvo'.-!1no'n1sha. in V ._White'. hea.ri_n l1_eawas wamied` ge Demgtiytfwrdlw "qgxi and: tyas` ia.ppfx:ehendg(1f_; ; _-med `Dan-id: e?r`mu.i|2.;.Eo1:shealihgt and `_(2_l1i":iJ0l >.i_-.- -Hiusdale. star! 1 -last. week,Vwa givgn x-mofmzhs e dance at 260.; it should have said. 250 more 1 them" the .combi1gad_1j ` abbexidance at-the two Cause;-va.t._1ve h meepin srec-enblyheld,.bere an wh_u_:h` 001. W it;ne_ v a.nd`oth_'r big Oppositfoni. . . ,. Gentraali .. guns ap earledg-r` . H ;_. U011 xhgnighs 0% Jan. . ' 5 Oneo the boxes was occupie `Hy `Elid-y,Aia.,b"':nLegroAwhose : Mrs. G. W; Ross and Mrs. Davxtisqn, Edg_um,`;sso etwobag`s . Mr and Mr_s..HalI.o Penetanguishene.. ;Erljw}m:ls?`,ba,r_ Th "F0F-`VS1Il:h"3r. Tor gtownship. Ipnisl ve; ' sent unavervkz 1'enreaenta\`.xon.A. -nnh .-.91:-`hmmn FRANK Makerof: J.AQKs", Poftrai 1 56,1101-I . ; The .oungfL 7 for -feeling).1ittle 9jubila.ntz, over jibe` a, chase 01325 ijgsi. `success- of their meeting . . L the next: mo unde ` meebing`-1ike- than 011 Monday" night, '_E3.'wa'.1'7(i3 Wilhann . `What may we expect from-the Reto1'}__n; the a. very %ooa 1'epreaenta.m_0n.~ ou,b after '4 1. el.`iA1s.mLY b P&1`d9d' Jzhfe second-. coh_G8'f8Im._m OE . If the Young Libewlacah get; up a ca._r.j ` ' . 9}" tea ?ch{rga`L 9? ` in u. \AppIul15e.} xusuuluslu (.0 near V o.spre_to " msy up_to ?" - - themjo nchnlnm nf than wmvld Minnster ~ that by ` I J 4 1 lJihVlU>.'Ull Ul'Ullgl.Ib meebmg nun ` ,Mefi?sfi2.00iir8QIero;ts:.$10.00:: ;~ $8.00; iovencomzv for. $6,. S1450-over;-A ` Vg:_:a;.f,:;.ox2;35.00; a.t2_Hnnte ' - 2- ' 11 a. very` oo 1'epreaenta.\`.iou.~ ~ou.b 51fI`;r`MhI8.~n14$nFLITd v rm. _#a..I:m..`.. 1:-l.L:~:n)\:I....+. nvvnn nu. )1`-`Art ,.a n. .. .oungfL1 em1sLm1.y=be pa:-doned: .nhggacgq1 gen; {nes _R|; `_-mp1_ 1 Qmlmnl f.. i1 }`?Se;`{Eii L o N_g11s,V`see1_la; in,J'as.~ 6_`;a1 T e . lm=!'m %0~-MhI2ofn. .`:v;:"1?.3.i 91 BMG L i-'59 ' Lo ;;:_;:~I_.xktf-.jn5i2tI3n1n Anni ; ciinetl to .`N`(:ep(,:~ his challenge. Mr. Whitney talks giihly of lzrozuleuiug `the Public school system but can't. even ` suggest how this mu he done. There! is-agrea.(.e1-danger of havin .t-no umhy subjects rather than mu: ew, for in pr0pm`t.iun as you tax the energies of . fggpils and teachers with a great num- r of subjects, you lessen the . {then-on hneari of the work. It. is true J liuvlnzxg added to the Puhljc school v course \nl`;Lwil1(I,. (bin.-ulinn` Hhhmu VM|ub,|e.%%Fatm. and % % Su,mme;` J Hotel ` T ; "3i};"1'~:;i'i:I.':ri1omson. mm` at.ree o. inf _> visiting in Toronto. ' , ' Q '_ ` f Miss Watson; of Tomaso. is vidiny } -her- aunt-, ~ M.1_-s~.- H; '1!r}or1'iaV:`i*",` -`Y T M rs. Martin Burton left last: week to? i; visit in N ew York City :mcHri'e, Penn. moo r*_.m....x.....`..- ,.n'nsn~.......n.; :..*...-..:; _ -1 new nu upw Ll-11:5. Ullgy nu(l?`.l3l.'lE, fllg: . Miss Casselmzxn; gf Elmvale; ig` visit ing with Mrs. -W. A. Turner. Thompson st-1-eet. . ' " 7 ' ,.. p . u- " - ' -- '- - ` Cockuedge, of Miss Jennie Henry. of 0aIdw.el' was in town and vicinity laatii `- visiting friends. .- . ` Mrs. Cocksed and M155 `Annie Htxsdale. wre visiting, in town last week. - ` ' . 7 7 All. A `IV as 1- -64- Albert) Walker, "of Winni ` old Barrie bu wa.s'iu'to ` - reuewnngo acqtlainbancea, _ 4_ . ` Miss Nqble and Miss _He_IenGoop.ex:.` of. Collingwood. were ,the guests! of Mrs" S. M. Wells for bhg past we_ek.. Mme Flnhf Vina ' 4... - .-n...."....ll...I= 4.; peg; 'sho\'v unions: the successfulbns : . . `-year. , * -f-.~: -91 can IV\-lll1l\IA lIlA\'(& rs. Robt. King," jxn.` was-`called to To onto lash week-by-I2he illness of _he).n son;L_lm.1-les, who is now in_the\`i5oIa~ tiou hospiml `suffering from djp_hh9gia.. The re_s.ult;s of the*Law Schdof ' M_cKe,_ second yezv.1:;;I {:Si`8stiiz`s (honors), and -U7 1 x1...'u'}-.`__` 1. in -1- _yvwa.-, ' W; J. Valleau,` Lh.;ving;`so1jd.v.~lniaT business here.'..1;esume`sL hue; posiuijpgg with the Watet-w_.orIls Qugandtnemqves: with his familyglzo. Bualo;in a. _ weeks. Mr. a.nd:`Mrs. V.lleau;w' ha: muchgmissed` . by "them nmuy* here. - ' . . Interim. L V , On Monday His IiQno1- J u1g,Atd agh. held co urn to.~disposei0fsevera1fezvimiiua! cases that wete a.waiting;m-ial-2 .. ` White. f'NW"Fih. -who. ' m:c1uen5;- - ' . A . Mr. Creswicke: was` a_ -1.`{Mziy. of 3 England and canlxle Canadgwhgn F quite you 9; wit is I: W 0 I settled in [(1330, When 339 ' co rowrenry Ox-eswicke.sr..todk*up L lam surveyin and moved hid to Barrie. is son Henry follqw his fabhex- s profession and in: this capacity-\vas well known thmughoutv ` bhecouuty. He was almost 58`=Ly'ears. of age and unmarried; with his sxster at `The Hillside. A," E. Oreswicke mid Mrs. (}..E .Hewspt_1_- are brother anqsister. ` ` - V V .. -The fnnex-af\ bnnlf nlsuvp nn 'l`nmuInu- spa-: 7c:IA-LN H urunnex-an _s1sLer. ` ' funeraI\ boolhplace on Tuemla .` afternoon to the Union. cemetery Ian `was ver yT-1arg'ely- attended. The. .0 `Cuudle, E. A. Lime, `M. Grn.hn.m.- tollowing were the 'pnllb'ea;r`em `:--G. A." Radenhursb, A. Hay, agits. "Bird: R. .'P.',Aa1.1d W. uuuule, 1!.` Graham. IEOOD. l .l.9J-K19 .lBuff-alo, NJ . |n 1', 11',,n,- _ rn "`Ml7"tf $8 00`1iuit "fdr' suits for $4.00: $9.00 suits for sa.na._u;. Hunter Bros; _ ' _ -A "' "` 1een ny.,x'.ug:.o.,\{v_zw :11`. was" ofrliii "1318 5 A shocking accident \ " L ' nun Saturday evening by` will A ' Henry Creswicke, P.L.S.. met inant 9 (tenth. Shortly aflm ve, ha, ll 9 home for 'AllundiLla ouhusinaau l was on the ~rn.ilmLy trnck wheu:._tJm, sduth bound mail -train left Batdc ' fo1'A|laui'da1lt`.>. At Andaman : breweny thecustoum signa.l.fortbeaema.pl`mm was given am Mr. Greswicke. thinking the signal for him stgpped from jthu ' west. track to the east track on which the train was an prozwhinga . ,:n.pparvntly~ nnticed is mistake uni was cryimr to get. ol! the truck; .vI_hI':c_ sm-m_k by tlxe train: He _W:Ia`thNWn back on the cuwcatcller and 'al;r'unk.hi8 head behindtlle earon a. sharp 7 Inc. The result; must. have been -_ most instant death. for life was,{extiiqct when picked up a. few minulzesv `lama 'I`l1e only mark on -the body -_waal W3 one ml1n;1dhamm Nu` hlmue cm) be\al.tacbed to llhelgin menus Engineer Fennel! did yelgg.- thin in liig power to avexfli,`~th9 Mei eat Mn l\........;:..I... _l...- -Wnnmd mi: ond. a:`%ood general servant APDIY at-the ROYAL HUT L. ' 4-_ I Bbbb. Hendersop left lst: veek for: Buffalo. NY. " ' PER ,Y1:.uz' in " _ wmwmv, DEATH oN:ru_i3 "1; Want Pan Lot 35. Can. 1, Qro. about 105 acres. amd-A-ameba.m~and4sm&honm;_wel1,m!eL__; .1 _...s=oa.IH:s 1 MnALLIoNs." ` % . `In the _ ~ ' ew Year Without Smnoke Want Can. Qro. amour. . t 1 good pair 1 is 42 encea u re ' rce w- rm purchaser. Must be_ds1l))osed of a1:'once. _ . -1`. mnnnna _vb:.. xxxv. N6. 4: Weuliave av fu11`11ne5`o'fi5`lfif ch_oi`cest kindsfof GoldSpe- T ~ac-lee} mid Eye _GlasseS. which inake a [very .`.md- ' some and}; very acceptable : Ohrnfstmals gm; Wes'old'a ,f,x,.:e`.t 'a.uy_g'9ld.s tables for 2.0 .I'.i$I,tl,I1& S.J"` ' anntft `i year" We: hzive. gau ; 1 rgferIat0k;tok;hQ0se fr6m;, In-1 . . a i-Suevrvant Wanted. 30:! In the world: Sold only In}; T=0R SALE: lit,-;%m1 gt g]u;;1;a_ueeq.4 : NEW OIL` H. I-. Dnnvv Ivn Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. *]nsm% .W,_, ., J. H. LAMONT Aberdeen Chambe nu; uv_-u..r........ .. ... -77. N n. L. BTZRWIGK ....b of "l`m-mum Rnildino. Run`! J. H. LAM.U.N'1'. , _ Chambers, ` . _ 35 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. ;Presnts i ' welLmt&L; 3 law; terms to suit dof atonce. V; .' `'f d B; `; d _1 l[ L -Mm SfEPARTME~T- ~ :i{Lms.i &`1m.. 3_Fe,lt."fV.V~5: 1 7 =Hg,pVe <-and gwgon % ~`.'V?*.l *`*\'-`.5: 5P,`?`f.:`=:'c 3 :3-9 :gm`_;v y= :2; ; 394% Am-' if The ballolzx : ,so1Jaolf / V. V _ , u.;....w.u n.`.`..;.a... . )..A..;.m... an. I .etmh.'-metbxna 9: vo Everything in Gxanitewnre at same/' re- duation. no 21:3. cmvr. on-'r_ -I-mv5nnz nus No. 9 Boi1},_Copmr Bottom,` Best; .. $1 60 .. 9 Tea. Kama, CopperBottom. 39c. 12 qt. Painted Chamber Pail.`.,. .., . .. 320- _ sow." Decorated Flour Ban-61.. 1 72c. - so rm cum, on mans Iuzlms V Library Lamps from $2.00 up; Hall Lamps from $1.20 up. 15 `per cent." of Heatixig Stdves ' brings the price down very low.` .,r_--p-- I :prevE11_E= {._year. .N0,wh9rev Evil! you find. I `RUBBERS, OVERSHOES incluhgl . Biger "and bettex-I than lalxau uc. :s_:_nfasorr.hX'eni;` of SHOE?` .. :..u `......~.... ..t-"`D..Io- 11...:-......... D `LII L}?-L LJ.L'lL|I>J V V .I3.l.Ilv~) KIN! llllllll-l OBS. a-iullmuge of Felt Fo.ot'wear. P A are so xt_x-uneIy`_lo*w yon cm t alford to A -ig.g:ore 'thgam. - T A 2; The .1:-st ballot 17esu1t2edin` >9. tiej A `V ieiwh ge.ttsingV9a vot_es,_.1`he second?- ! blioughb the sa.me`rest1l_t a.ndethe Clerk ' ;:gtIl8'fl:&f{3u10aW noax1inations;"in:vccord. ane. WiLt11 ;tl1e: -Act; The "games of? ` Hziinllton and Devibb aware; `minl,uainn.* M1-.i 0 rnnfcmwr. OFF GBANITIWARI . HlAN5~ ' lf4_`qt. Preserving Keqtle for . .... ' 600. No. 9 Tea Kettle . . . . . . . . . . . .. 880. 13 qt; Sauce Pan, with cover for . 380. / . ' ,D|.U:E'mU:l`t;I\1;|Vltf:lVli1 puloxr--:nepnens and `I1-uelnan appointed __ ' 00 , 2 4 \ ' ``.````i*?s....1-```e.;,E'uupxe:e?`1.a:'5`. spacia`iT'T-%...v?Ts1as . ._. `."`--..-?"-' V r . mdiesr Wm}. Fm suppers` Emu`: in The :]J_gDlli1l"y'S.`6SSl0n,{0f the County _ mm mm 3019; rmmjpme, -Q5, .Oouqc1l'opqued-omTnes1a.y after-noon. V \ V -'Spw}:1| . .50. a,nd:mmed1a.telyVan _a.d3oux-nmeut was - j_Ls.1es".Felt,-COnw_r'e3,s tip. as ` ` gr`;-. vmade.t;u1- the evenmg. At 7.45 the. . > '-mica'I5c. SPWM "u f -..x J 'elect`.ion`of a Wa.r`(1enw`a.s nI'oe9ed`9r1' '_ "I69" ..Ee1t., -UOINYCSS E11). M > _ , .pricq'1bc.. 345.. '.. Garmem Fe, 39!? _3PR9'r " ~ ; :vL11}>_i;t_iLm;93;4:..A . nu-A nun :-u.A-u-o-nu-n |H.%H.UTTQN&0N. lH.A H.%0tInn& Sum `A Great .**SuqCess! ` WHA1: A` A; Our Discount Sale "*WH'v 2 T Becayse EvAerybo`dj , is ` `cettiriguaargainsv ` _ _ ? Souve.nir` X 7 No ttbubie to show gokgds. , - The se"prices ar` for Spot Cash. 'Ex`:hanged if not sat.is_facto'ry.__ _; Next lloor to Bau'k;,~llotel` `T . .~ >'|V'I-II,s 'WE E_l`(_.j . -gag`.---saw - - - LADlE DEPARTMENT; njxvianln, WM` Rnnn Rant. NLL h LAwA.A_y Luvnuuuvu U`, Luhlv .uVvuvuuu Lq._mg1nw prieggyw. _spee1su We-. ljn MEN.- S`iDEPARTMENT I and: Roman`; and 1.`homas'De-vit;t "by. N Messrs. Wri lIt.a.nd`Hewson.' _MesZ9rs. _3; 1 I;_[a.nyeyga.nd_a_.,wson acted as ;s(.~ruti_n.- _ nsaiti ``xntlan. : . ~ " ' `V " ' " I` `em,-vonzreas l'lp._ M-3 :-s_,W3W.r.:` `mane. IIHI ' M13 l`JVUl.l!lIg- AD `(-459 M19 : 50 3P``'9~` F 5! 'e1eAct2io_nIof Wartlen was proceeded` irmngm House 839%; .35.. with, all the-`members .being_` present. `L '*` `0n1ytwgsyomina.b_i_ons werezmade, viz. A 1 3g; Harry Hamilton by Messrs. Nettleton andz`. and 1 5Mess1~s. Wrixrht`andHewsnn.' Mnshni, ta"; r18.P t.Va.m'b' Fans, age Wf21'ic5!;1,16. S "F at naN?$`:nEPARTMENT` AHRE. Discount gale juntilc Feb, I5 sums SIORI-:_ n. .atei;};e1:-j. man__-;.thMqn.-_=ov.-qxusb ..~ , . ..P ; Tv.o:;e;-um-1; e- o a. ton. , L pm: Eonvth~MavvV0hve.%..Q&ss!9V VI .. , .(..pplause.). \` , . .V _, Satin zs'i2he:,{2r_eHQnh 11censes*e_xpixe,_,- `". - ?`i!``\`*E,: .`3 R;3n: I? '; > \ aami? illttttiol` ":3: A ~ L = Hm;';Ne11i_a.`..Usmu5T m. -Jim Q ah%ene:$7I: .1 ;s,,eo-_Dea ton: ~. d,v_n;x,0x{v 4 l_1 t1 :-'-_M18hlII A( ~- ~ _ . Vuxlou`-~.rEent`_,,.:: ,\ .,..-7g ::.J)a-.}v-r> 39): ff .a.uu. `.4 vv ya- ' --Meuflordz Welwb has entered inbo ` partnership with Joseph Leighton to `il1'l7y on an undertukin busmess. The rm will be known as V ebb & Leigh- tdiflind will have their establishment _ in the American `Hotel block. `nA-L_., /1,, 1-: n. n nu uuv 4.\uA\.a.n.wu A-LRJI/(*1 Ulubn. ' -Pa.stor Geo. Extenceofu Alton, l will have charge of thejser-vices in the ` bional College at Montreal. (l(.ngrega.tiona.l church next Sunday. He xs 2:. youn man, scholarly and eloquent, 2), gr uate of the" Congrega- M..- na,.'m'..I. .....1:..L ..c n... 1-.- ; `All. MIG J. U. McNab. of this town. died in Beaverto on Mo.nda.y.7 at the` age of sixty-nin` . years. The 1-em,a.ins were brought; here 1 toi- interment in -the Union cemetery `yesterday. ' - "T...~L' vm........:.... .... ..:..._ n .... ._- Welore _told that oui-7 townsum.n. Mb. ,.Geo..Reedy, ha3purcha.sed'a.n immense ' c.. at; thevlowe_s1: prices ever touched ~ in the United States. Tliis will afford - the ladies of `Barrie an opportunity to ' M their household ;wants- at; a. minimum ofcolsb; _ In *po;im; of qaialiby . and .du_ra.bilitv` Amex-iAca.n cottons bake rsli place in the xnatkets of the world. . guant.-ity of American cottons. prints, . AAutuInn.| vu- ' `x 2' --At the meeting` or bhe Simcoe Law Society yesterday, all the oicers wexe re-eleqted and A. `E. Scanlou was added to the tI"IIStE`ST'ThB"f`8-fU members outside Barrie was reduced `Fl-nI;1'7Q9* I-.n i- -" ' Gold 5PCfac|eSV IUEIQ QEPS OIIBSU from $2 to $1; I 1..,.c-~._1' n J ua-nu, um --'La.st '1 :Thu1'sda.y. nevning George A-Johnson. eldest son of Martin J ohnsbn, tookaquazitity of Paris green, think-` in ibfto be sulphur. The large quamtziby ta 'en__`_i;na,(1e him vomit}. When i_b_W3.s evident what he had taken a. physician -was fprompbly -summoned; and M1-. i Jnhnsnn i9,m-mimnv rem-'(\vn1-ihu'fn-nm F in?` i_b_W3.s ~was?proI_1xpbIy end Johnsgn1s%1,'ndua.l' ly - A theeifectso his mistake. ' . We are told our townsumn. ,.Geo. Reedy, prints, `ever i DEVITT IS WARDEN; 3B9a'l:"'II. Hamilton Ten to"Se`.ven..on `the Third Billet--".$tephensandTi-uema,n appointed _ ' _ An_d_lt9rs.. . .4, ' _ The January eesstonm Council` opened" dnafllesday a,ft.erno,on. A-Johnson. eldest; of Ma.rtinJohnsbn. "`"5" ' . .. . - W Dwvidson on coming torw.'u'd .-In his life the plaibform of the IIIUL, imcoe. 'Q..-.`y.:.!..I.} ..... Mr. was enthusiasticnll received and made `it. `most; fzworu. le'*imp_'ression; b his short speech which was givenin his ` sr.1*aightfo1'\va.1'd iiuprelfenhioiis nnmnet said, hu,(i_ been more " in his `line thzin was the public bhe`pleas9_.nt features or the meeting. In .a.us:iu-swell for Lihera.l'ism to see I them taking such an active interest. * For many years he had. been a. Lil)era.l . worker and he was us proud of ` the I may as ever. They had given Ontario I .airm1dsqL1;u-e Llealings for so runny ` years that they deseifved and would _ poweggo. As They ms; ublinhle acqilaintegl wilzhnmuy of his ` hearers, he .t;hought= this a, good ` et. a.not2he1' 'leu.se"o_f opporbinlity for them ._.l_;o kn'o}v;3_;onie> thing '.more . about ._lxim.. For over 30 ears he has been as. residents of Oenbxfe ca.uryi'ng on business in 8 TI'\:...... .'l....:..... ...L:., ln.L_form.s- He ,con- 1 granulated the C111 on_`_such nN_ni,eetiiig,. -whichgspoke volumes for them. The_ `presence of so many ladies was one of . --Thg: Presbyterizms of Midhurst. hold `their annual te:i.-meel3ing next Thursday, Februzu'y3rd. and it promises to be .a. repetition of their former SUCCESSBR. ouuutnooa 31105. Gulford. of An`fh_Mills, on Tuesday morning ca.`ught; an unusually large cmtamouut in a. trap. Mr. Sim- mons. who is having _it set`. up. says it isthe largest. hej_eve1- siuv. - '--+=Otr~-Sam:sy-morumg'*a,**G:13; Smith was driving into the lung beside ` his house.ghis. team swerved su denly and he was thrown from the sleigh with such =~force that two ri were fractured. M ` A1 A: .- . . .. n. .~ | at Hunter Bx-os. uu-u-.u vu 'JIll.l\ll`J unutulug. ,'Meii s' 87.00 ulsters for $5.00; $9.00! ulsters fur $7 50; $5.00 lIlSLt*1'8(`)>1` / , uuu auuu uuutums. _ _ \ -011 Friday Martin Johnson's horse `again ran awu. at the east end of the toivn. Mr. Jo user) was thr()wn out and recenved sex-nous mjxu-Les. ,__Y-no 11' Il'Lm......7.. mu a.L.....L :,. In|n~n Awswnv uni up:-vuu uugu Ava. --._Ia.s. G -. Keenan s lkgft. thumb is an inch shorter than it; Sught to be, for ` 'WbT(.'li"th'`t6bX:ii5"cTi`6EF1-'GY?IT Hn.nmer`s store is -responsible-. (1.... ur u,.w..u 4.1` rsn_.x `}\_-L,._. a..u.u-nun. u uuvnu ID Lcapunlalunc. -Geo. W. Moutt, th` Blind brawn from St. John. N.B., gives :1. lecture in the Town Hall at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday. A his `subject; being, Is Death the End _of All. V 1. . ... _us 4 4-"On Monday afternoon the children of the Collier strb Ihiethouist church Sunday school en 'oyed their annual sleigh-ride followe by ten. in the school room. in: n . . . ' - -.... ` neoemary outbuildings. in good repain. is nowhe- o within a tow weeks. . I I , 1 That spiendicproperty at Big Bay Point on his Simcoe. cqnsistiug of o. Summeimotkl known as the OBINSON HOUSE." utighln of accommodating 100 guests, wgether vi the valuable farm on which it is situated; _ mwmnrising 137 acres of rst-class land. with `all inn offered for sale-on terms _to Suit purchnser._ _ Possession may: be given at any time. Persons desiring to invest in propert at this fashionable summer resort, will commuu cate with the under. ned at once. as this prgpgrty must be disposed --A. H. Goodall was elected by ncclamution. o;1'Mouday as Public School trustee for Allamdale _Wzu'd. - ' ' -uunllltla on uuvuw nun nlllulumlt _vuuu. '*-His` Lurdshj Bishop Swenlzuum, of To1`f0nt,o, wi preach nu T1'x_xujry church on Sunday morning.` -Mn}. 5' ('1 M ..I.u.-..... L... a: nu an nu vv uuuuumu usun wccn. -Last Fridzlykeveuing .\Ix-. .\I01`g:a.n gavejssupperbu the choir of Trinity church .11. which a very pleaxsam. time wasispent. ` ` ` ` rm rm... f :.......... n........2,__: .,, _,, Iv|~\4 av`.-.--u `--The License Commissioners for ' Centre Simcoe have been re~.-L pointed. and John Lummis. They are Neil Harkins, Alex. ruwnlee` _ n n u .. .. .. . -nu A4ulIu<.L IJI um ' ' -The arbitration case bet.wee1fS}n i/- nidaie and Mr. Stephens will pi-obfnbly be nished this weiek`. ' - ` ...,..w. \IvnI\. \/ wu auuuvn --Mrs. M,cliSI:b, relict oflthe `late LOCAL NEWS. .ma.um g:-t.%:~;-2:1; kw Ii BARRIE, ONT., -THURSDAY; JAN. 2 1898. 3C|.'UlX' 01183; ' `W Mr W Mr. McIntosh opened his u.(ld).`ess by exprssing the thanks of 0116 Club for such a large a.ud.ience.- :1. result; ex- tremely grabitying to.the, Young Liberals, ex ressing apprecia.tion of [their eiforbs or Libel-alisnn. The club hn-nrnmn hm fhirann lYnnYIu *3 :-nnu n atthe ROYAL |.ll\4I Vl.lA\7' IJIIUIL VUUUW VI'\}l-AIL! UU ll] IKDV U17 1 em.-ca.n,1 a e.A 1-. nv1'son.; the next member for Centre Simcoe (a_.pplause).; - * ~- At the nnr-himr M the Im-mfAi`nn- an `ii-:p[)l4l15l>5). . At the opening (`)t' the meetlg an invitation was extended to Oppomion ` speakers; this . was again made but; none availed himself of !tl1e uppo1-4 ; tunity. My-_ nmvidsnh nn nnn5ino~ f`nI-uinlvl Vill'_LlC 111113 UVUH U. l'|?UlUC!.D UL UUUUXYU imcoe, ,ca.1'ri`ng in Sunnida.le - an my; duriu __whic_I_1 "zixi n. ' ' man umu ut: um UBl2.\Vt9ll--{MUU I10 owu men. :'il1-his'.emplcy. To thoserh. would 4 T willingly neferjanyone who wished to ; know} of hisvpast dealings. V Starting I Zwilih a..omn1o1L-;e he had by 1 ' jt'Or`his' family a.i1(U V |nni*A; . All his inf;-ma. f.`li$xiT "huh" halrd"w`ork been jemI.bled to provide 1 "~51 Aside somebbi .a.z%e identied with Centre Simcoe; -. .W;hi1 h.i$.. op :;Pefneta.ngAu1 ene, ~wa.sL "not even a. Vresid`enb`1n` H19 riding. . |D.0l`_e,. All I113 XUDBPBSDS nan 0360 34011, ' o.'x1'ez1t;;>Mt..'l2hompsdn;;o . tit \v}fs.. for the aleetaom tab smr Whelmv * 1'88l(18_Il_D'Il1` U19 rlumg. V 7 may put`. a. heavy duty lumber, _.7.1?,.WSa.QI`I i31.lB_,6i80"40,lT8 5.0 BRIY Vlhlihelf Wejtheli st,ep's ; uhey,. 1i!iferredi'.forAbheirrepwsenbar.ive;' in t.he~;'ecenb.t;iubber _ `t;beA01jd;b1isiness'unan acquainted with WhitAney. thabull > all t11_e'ueee1s10fL.chm-idihg .01 the young be ::_n9n.-tesi4de,nt lawyer _"_of4',P`l1eb;2ng:`lesiliof;-whenjthflicnseswere ~u)shsnn.~:;:, _ 3: 1 V j `- 'i. hese- 41icens.es=,w`e.re'gt'nnted:,\fon one ` > _sa2mc,.9 np,uom:Lo,N=. V _ yeaI.gfron1T,A `I\'il1sb.,=:1W7.,:andA having 5 ' ' ' ` 'p_ledge_d.nha pith of.th9_2zownLto these 15.: .. , _;`WEj11"1TEQffptE?5}!`E(1` bi'3K mad 1-,heV ;I_~ yv(:u.dr-a` thotzsau4i'h11nea,rathe_2j - mg. .nhe.`ghei?al;`7> !3B35.; .neg1t9d.V tha,n,21_mv`e_ s an .honax " - I muemls mm soverzu ouner Lunemls. The Lzxilmgr QmIftT:tft_"U]ub, of Toronto, sa.ng> several` rousing en. ~' ` pnign songs that were \v;u`mIy1_-eceived ` Both the words :and musigawere inspiriting utzespeciall soa.sr`ende1'ed by four suc voices Sp endily trained. The local hits fairly brought: down the house. The `quartette are S t.ewa.rt; Huntington, first;-~t.eno1- ; J. Hzu'bley- Turtou, I`. htlatl - H, R.nf.hunn MnT}nr:.;Irl ivg .hllt5l.l' l9.Ll.Ul'lIS`l.Ul.' J..lll.!tf_l'iHlSlLl. 1.118 (HUD had - grown in tinee years, from a, membership of 19m 232 and was doin va.luable wm-k in gissisting the olg Libemls-r- He urged the young men_to consider ca.1-efully the records of both parties and vote for what they (Teeme ' the country s best interests. If they did this. their votes would be in favor i I 1110:)-nsnnl I 9 u it u \V1\ ,."`.m.mQ,3'l,f P9. !}i!?Ys_' Guru! _.,W,nW.n.. tune be`hmIb'et,\veenL2000 to _ men. in -Bin` nnnnlrtr 'I`n izhnm -In ; m.\.u|A I-IA-IN|.>\.`l 'IV\ILB- uI..u ,> 5:: I_;u tlI.\}V.llI|.C ` '_jtor h1sfa.;n1ly_a.n(l la _a.1d somebbxn 4 more; All Ins iubere t;s``liatt'`bate"ri,`a;r17 ; ml/-a K'I"i.xn`l-.3nr1 mihh Honl`1on`I'unnna Eovlld Hut Why, by ning that r

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