Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1898, p. 5

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overcharge ox waxes. Woo.!-Finlny--That the Clerk -procure: for the use of the Council six copies of thx ' Municipal Wand. . .[,mvin-(`.arvin--That Thus. Puttendeu conesamu. Finla Lewis-Thu't_ the` following ac- counts b paid :-G. G. Smith, undertaker, for buryu the late Joseph Wright, S12; Thea. (`o e, tor supplies to James Cock, an indigent, $6; Eamon" I: Creswicke, law costs, $5. , Lewiu-Unr\'iu-That W. J._Bishnp be re- ` Bppl)illld~&-I10ll1b_GY` of the Board of Health. Finlay-\\'Lod--LTht Township Autiitor` - fur their services In! paid $5 each. Finl:m..l'.au:iI-Th:xL the Collectdr aluulcxpzu wunu. - Lewia-Garv'm--'Ihac be paid the sum of $17 f cnnasinn. tur their sernccs nu peuu an eacn. , E`iulay,~Lewis -Thur. the Collector "be allowed until lat February next to nish gollecting the taxes of 1897. L WnnrL}4`inhv.-'l'Iml`. the Clark ask f0: [ collecmng the taxes or law. I9 Wood-Finl3y--Thab the Clark V tenders fur the pridting required by the cor- pnratinu for the presept. year. Winlm:-l{ar\'in-ThaC ~'DeLt-Reeve Wood pnratinu tor mu preset}: Fin1ay-Garvin-That~-Dept-Reeve ha requested to .v`aIue the timber on 11th Con. line apposite lob 10 and report at next monfina. ` . meeting. . Wood_-Fin1nv--That$5.00 be granted by this Council to the Sick Ch|ldreu's- Hoapibai, Toronto. \ . \\r..n,L,1.`;..1nu_'I`lmr :1 rpnnrr. Imvmil been Toronto. Wood-Finlay-Tliat a report linvin'g been circulated that Councilman Lewis kept book A sum of $5.00 {mm a grant made for Allis own use; with a view of injuring liimat - his election. This Council hereby testifies that such report is false, neither Mr. Lewis or any member of the Council has the opportunity of nppropriatiiig i-oml moneys to his own use. . \_ E \ .mmmuninnrinn wrist rlIr'9i\`0{i from ` work on 11th line and zipropriatedm it for A communication was received from Dickinson & larcwatt, attorneys,` on behalt I of'Mrs. Wright claiming damages caused by overow of water over her` lands, which the Clerk was reqnes_terl to answer. Tho (Tnunnil ndioiirned to meet on Wed- R. |. FRASER & 00;} Clerk rcques_teguo V ` The Council adjourned neuday, '2nd Feb. next, at 10 -.n.xn.' Gxo. SNEATII; Clerk. { Woxider-Wo1'king l Tlmusands of? ladies in Canmlzx know well .tlm1:'D'gamm1 Dyes combine immense variety, merit and great beauty. These wonder-working dyes are prepared in - ffurty-elglxt uf the bust standard colors for . wool, silk and ft.:1l_ll(.`l'S, xvltllapecinl dyes I for coloring cotmu and all mixed goods. _ u:....+_. ....r1 full rliruntimla am with each tor coloring comm anu an xuzmu guuua. Minute uud full directions go mhh each package of the Diamond-Dyes, so that V the 111038`. inexpenencuid person can do ea goud work as the ptofessiomxl dyer. Remember tlmt imitators are tn"-xq to I copy the style and package of Dmuiend `- Dyes.` When you buy `dyesrfor home dyeing see that your. dealers gives you I the"`Dimnond"; 11uotl1ermake.of package. will deyour work with protzmd satisfac- pion. . u....,1 6r\' ulalia .\`v. Rinlmrrlnnn C0,". non. Send to` Wells 8:, Richardson 00.", Moritreal, P.Q.. for valuable book. of directions ands-ample card of colors ; posh t....... L: ...uv W3:-nun . Ul1U\5EllJlAa uuvu free to any 9.31 ' \.'R\-\lkJ\Jl4LLL\ 11- . .- Jan, 15-We had _(1uite 9. l xa`vy raizn : storm on Wednesday. It looked vexy much ` I like taking awayoux snow. - ' M.-1 Dnnmlas Jmhwshiug peas foif Mi. . [ Story this week. MisrMmm 'i ' " friend; in 7' 0m and Oriilia this Week. - mm. and Miss Marv Cotton are visiting ilike taking . _ Mr". Douglas imthxeshiug pens for. M1. this week. . - 3 ` " `Migmwm friend3 Um and Uruna mus ween. Willie and Miss Mapy Cotton yisititng ' friends in` Oro. ; present. M`. Murry iz a1:aying"wit;h Mr. Myrs Ext ' M r; Mamxire intends to moveiht6 the house ` eys. present. Mr-. Maguire 1oveihtd occupiedyhy. P. Rytbcr very oon. - ---_-.---.---__. lsoxlth American Nervine "Cal-riee Health _ end Happineee \\'hge Ever IL`Groee._ ' My dizughter was-aiicted `mm nervous ` ' faintlng spells for over eyear. _They caused greet weaikneea. Nothing that could be.dou_e for her-gave her any relief . until` we ,tried- South. American Nerviue.` There was a'wonlderful'change for the l better after a few -ddeee. " She continued . ;. um. by-nnI'r'nnnl and tn..ds\v she is as MOTHER AND DAUGIHER 3131` FREE. better _MEBl'_ IBW uuseu. Dub tiuudbuuuu . in 1119- treatment,` and to-day sue .`.of_judigestion. dyspepsia and" nervous ..-....a......`:'.m and izhiu on-mt. medicine has well as ever. My wgfg also was" a. v1ebi`m_ _ : OI __1Vl1u7lgunI.|uu. _`u_yuyv|.uuu sauna nu. . .....- ppnscration and this great medicine has fully rco1i1'mend_ ill." I. W. ~McRitchie. Buthwall, Ont. ~ V . Vbeen a-x{rat`bji1:to"her:A We cheerfully - ` can ..1 Q.mnnrn -:17-Ila ntnm. 0DDOi6> butllwau, Uuu. * r-SolH-~a$. Seager drug szo_Ee,>op1).o'iue. `po.sLoice.' ' A A `V . . ' ' erious illness df J,a.s.. Stoddart, of Guthrie, ' - `J:'-. .`.-!V`:'&.f_`."f."_! . . - _, :1:,:mTsi.;mmpne11, Tr s:.g"y.iEF,ja_e vinit;ing_wit_hM_rs.VAlex Campbell. . ' - - _ `W e regret very much to lern _ oi `the whqis very `ill w_if,l_1i inammation ab,prea'6nt.l j 2 'rhA..nmm!es-are snrearliusz very rapidly . ` whoxis very `ill w_it,t_1i umammauou an,p:ewuu., The,-m easles_are spreadipg_very-rapidly I and aeein` tube getting mor`a'-.da ng'erona ,wi'bh .e\(ery fresh victim. ' ` _ ` ',_G/gorge Campbell is visiting friendsv?`;vin~ 'T6rohbxi.v . . .f Mi`a'aBoyc'e. has 1'-turnecl`=Vhomej`t9_ Stmud ' \ `a t':,e`r a.-p`1'oloI`;ge,d-L vinitgi wig. hen:g`i:iz11s a iiauw, SIii%eb%:oli*4N-e-*rm*?` 1* \'1.ulra_&fT.',yd1l;'A4$11 %'i 759`: 291! hanlyvlg .. ~u~..mr.. Emu-!ninn..\ IL. I: `a`fach.tfns. @f?-'cours&._you 1011! I-3_Uj. y_vu suumw 1 `mike SmwbL_E,mu-!sif9n,.,\ ,Io..`i,s `a;?fsg;h.t~ff1ini a f.re_n}ed y,c,ur 9s it -;_ andigicureapetyausxieia-,' 9 ni3i:v3':_deb.il1Ly_aud.insV "11" a1_gu_. Q " Collier Str`<:et.-V`'in`ewtri;al,1:1Kx:g, all modern im iovements. ...a:,...,z : house`. 3 rooms. CRU$!AND.- GL,L_C.1L13_E_$l: `L` I`. ....`...lu. " vx ;;;;.n Dizmmnd Dyes- It, an lU`.l.II1.` SNEATII; Clerk. L 7 for work on the 9th L\1c.\4l!U KIU HUI" mru yCrH', ZIUJ UAUV Dl\B V` ujvzy.-<;`+6.vear~ of ll1dl"I`\i `utc. `They c me unginally :ror_n Ialay, >coLEaud. and settled in Ora, bgxt have rp ut`x::-. tut '20 years at tngir [ircaent hume. . Afier dinner the folltmiug address was read : lmu: Fvrmm Axn hIo'mI~;;1.-`\`ethauk me mumuug auureu was man DEAR FATHER Aw &,Io'mr.n,--\\`e thank you fur cilling us again to gamer '[ulXD;i\|th6 home cncle at law. that h. 3 bmne u's on~'the wings I iinagm-mun to` the place made B.lCl`ed `b, a smm . care mzl mother's iuvh, and the clu-r`i.-lied association; ofvhi-others and sisters. \\ ::"c moved Eimanifest our atfcctiou iumme mngibh: furtn on your re- p..... ... 0...... >1`- ...m.\.....-llxihnm. mluinl. Jan. I`.--Avery p`euaut iumly puny was hem at Jae house of Mr. and ..Ira. Dnuaui McN:.bb lug Wewlne-sday, 1'31}: iuu., when that {uni'.y unemblod to present them M: A two euy umu'_r: mi the ucceuiuuhf their wiring from (La e`|:z:\'c dutics that haw 'e12gage;2 th :11 f.r nu um y \'e_ur:. The only n:.wuh.- uf (`rm funzh` ahptint .\',.n M-L .-\|H\, H IWU C13) UUIIFS uu UXE U|lC3l!lUll Ul llllf` e|:z:\'c haw` "B1203 ex! ' on! i a 3 3 Y member uf me funzly. abunt -Vua Mus. Alcx._ H-mm, uf C.m'oru`.`:. I'll-ac present we-e, Mr. `and Mrs. Juhu .Zuc;\'4i,b. Mr:-and Mn. Duncan McNnbh, Mrs, Juhu Vartzigige, Mr, and Mrs. Angus &lc2\'ahb (Bame),_Mrs. Archie kiobiabb (stayncvy Mr. and Airs. James limgum. Mr. and .3115. Algxf Mc- Nubb, and `wit. eugi. Mrs. G_e:n}.I_e (fnlhaznx. MI`. .\lu.\.mu h in his 'bU.n v_-.1 and M13. . n` . .. L |~- \l_.\Y Lt. :.. on LVKUU, uuu VII} Elly. Lilli. U 'bi).z McN4bb `up her 73rd year, .u ivnm: LR vent. (sf m.sr`1 un mveuluubt radford V: Brick house. tenements. f`.lmr|nHn dllll UH: CU\'Tl.`ll'-ll ISUC|llllUI.|(l`l U1 |)l'UUldl` in some siunation hum the respun:.=lbihr.Ies which tins life uhrds. It is an appropriate time for us` to render -ILll' have Md appreciation to you. De_zu' Fuhcr an-i Mother, p193:-8 accgpt, as u elg-;t t[)?:3l1 m semembrance of ` us, these chnirsf \'nn'.~ their inherent value may M: ~_-,.np.s-.m\-u y miug, thvy may seru: to mniu-1 \r.u of mu kind and In :nlv1\n.)mfu ..f unn'.- .1. .h-an 'dCL'|;P|., {IS IS dl3"1L.U.3 iJlI hl Hill these chuirs; th 1 _\r.uuf I loving hearts uf you'r cuiidren. ` Mm: Gnd a imzsainu mneml xux-mg ueurrs ux your cnuuren. May God a messiru .ntt.eml your future, and may His \\' r-1 clutinue to b u light untd your path during your declining years. Dunn-..u'_.\Jc.\3ub,n rvpjied for the parents as ioluws :-I might say on behalf nf fathr ` and u\ot.hertlm1.even It they were able to . spunk lhv Egllah as well as the Gaelicxhay \\m1'..'l hp :1! A inss in mm words to express SFBJK UH` llgllll H5 WISH Z15 lull!) Uiilillllvlllliy 111511111 in at as loss 14; 111111 words express tin-111:el\'ea uu this happy o1:c:\si<:11. I know. that lhey _thirk you have over-eat11msLed their kindness by sliowing this g1eatapp1e- ointion of youi love to them. And it is__\itl1 regret than the time has c`.1netl1ut they have decided to resngn from the respousibilinies of this social fzunily circle ; z111dl1sfurl1e value or these prcz-1e11ts.,tl1z-y may appear as triing to you, but to them they are of great value. ` Hoping now you will aqrt-pt of their si11cL-1`e ` thanks, and wishing you all prosperous and - ' loug. happy lives, 111.1% God udrl Hie blessing to you all. l`m: l4`.\'A\11V1~`n inins the mzmv friends of [0 an. ' Tm-: E.\;A.\11xn`n joins the many friends Mr. and Mrs. McI\'abb in best wishes for many uaune yara of happiness. For fteen y e:\rs I was\` racked by severe kidney troubles. For weeks at a time I was unable to go about, so severe were the pains in my side. All remedies failed me, and my case buled physicians. ' I was 'iudnced t) t`1`ySuuth American Kidney Cure. "It worked like magic, and In an very short while the pains left me, my strength returned. and Bzun weIl.-.~ -Mr::.-\'. Matthews, Greywoozl, N.S. mug ..+ Qun..m~u r1r`u.r sun:-n nnnhnitn | . . But No Pu.ver to Resist Ihe Healing Tide I --South Amaricm Kidney Cure Never } ms. ' | uM.l`S.- \ . LVU1lMlt:\Vz5, \.uu_vnuu..|, u.u. Sold at Saagera drug skpre, opposite post oice. ' ...__,.,_____ EDE5V'\ ;LE. l Jan. l7~-.\1iss Lydia Adair, of Mouuti Forest. is visiting .\_1rs. Samuel Campbell. "Rev. Mr. Large. of Stroud, addressed large audience here on Sunday afternoon. a E 1 The vounsz neonle of this viclmty spent a ` Thomas Hays, Analytical Chemist, . Jlomnm. say=*-"I have made an exam: inatiuii` ()f D'ETChT\3e s Catarrll Cure fer , Cocaine and any "of" its compmmds from aamplea pulchasgsd in the open Inafket, and". find none present.-" Dr. Chase a , Oaharrhure is-a. cu're--nol a. drug. Price 25 cents,` blower igcluied. ` i 9 P V ` Charlotte Street.--Fine residencp, 13 rooms and basexnei1b;- garden, fruit, and all modern improveInent's.i> . J<`.|i-;.-l1a.fh St.`--Rouqh-cast house. 5 rooms I large illldlellc IHEN (JIJ euuuzxy u.Lu:L'uuuu. The young people vicinity spent very` enjoyable time at the home of _>'&`le:;l McNabb on \Vednesti:ry-e~'+3uing_v~-lastT._._. rm. I..a.mm.Amm lirmar nf Foresters here Mei`: abb W e(1n83:iy~e6ulug--wan-r---- The Independent Order of Foresters p_u"r"}')`dE }';'ivi11g A tree entertainment in `the `hall on Thursday exeninq-. Come and enjoy Sr . . `> . it *?`D6n t: >`forge1= that the T1pel`Zl.i1C- `Dilvision will hold an open lodge on Friday the 213: Show by your presume tl1a15- you uphold Temperance and are willing to help ? Vworkersiu 2} gggtj cause. All are wqlcome. `I '.DJ.\:L'AL\ J. I ! \J\IJ4I Jan. -l--We,are pleased to hear that M1`. Fisher, who has beeu.s'o very sick is slowly recovering; M ~ / Miss Flo.Ricl1ey visited Bxtrrie` last `week. NV. Sharpe and Miss L Sharpe. of Thorn- ton, were guests of Mrs. Wm. Wallace 'on ` Sunday. ~ Minn Li7'.7.ie`l\rl&lH:1' has been on `the sick` Sunday. Miss Liz'zieMah,u: been giok list latels. ' . _ W T-Tnvnei had a severe sickness last list lately. = W. Haynes had week, but under the treatment of Dr . Hunt, of New Lofvfhe is able to bearound again, J,VI,uc`aa spent Sunday in Allundale. |E-mwsLn1sAs: n- ....L..a. .L.v.aow-\nc hf hilmn -'II', T uwu--'-_---, is the most. da.ng`ero1'1s of all human ailments because It; approach is unob- _'ohhnr dizie.a&3_:s.._,\T.'1..Z_-;.;e.Ve1"3 H9353-0118:. . Blurred `Vision , Dy5pepsia;{'e't e; ' `Once let it get a." rmhqld on the system and ihisdmicult to dislod e. ~I.f4 is _cau`sed byyigabity of the ki eysto ltar u" 4Urea.fro_n'1.the blood. ,*g__f < v ' Yetit Qau'be_, .. _. " ~'@II,113- servtible. Its symptomsare cotnmontn v Baekf;,ehe,',,`,,Dizzinpq, 7S11Ta1`s1is,` * For t.he`pas1:two orcthreg years I have` been 5 , aufferl ng with `kidney an unmy vtroublesw I 1\`1(I"biT1m1h0T1I!11`Il}1n?Ya8= hll cqloredgm . , would" ha,vg_ sediment in iww en .n,llpwe,d* to` ; stand. I hjieg1'seve_1'al advertised kldneyxremeglies. but-found no "relief. Finally. Iwns ver,auade>7 . Ito ?! Hobba %mna.Kidney a-P1113 -I`-_btI3m3`d: who; tnomxjx ~e11tra1dn:g-store _zm'd;, ' ' 3. P 'it1|%-them according. ;directinn&. Be_ore I had M, 1.10 had talxefirst boxl elf. much betteI';.m_.nd'-'now, ` ._ 'o.'1er takmgthree-boxes, 1.1291` nrel muted `I { hem: vxeaomxnendthem to,a.nyone`w o'is"su`er-, '**:%&m;Wa.`';: ":;;:*3:z;"'*`V :~ _ `ye-,.;~ . `b ,, ` xowPactneoeex,-;~omHm-on.Lucx: I` . _ ._-.i-..- g._ modern itxxprovelnennsf v . 'Eli_z'tbeth St.`--Rough-cast house, etahks, em." .`B1~ick store, `dwelling, &_c,. .'FmncisSt.-Brick* house,-~ stable, etc. 8 Innnnnn Beware of Cocaine. - BAFELED THE D0,CTORb"V _ andnwm. BRENT\\ 0012. H2 1! LIX?` Ullly y. .. Iuc;\'.i,b. Mrs. \In\'..hI\H'u:-In} `MN .['revinua to Smck~takinq we will o"e`rh1- ten days our mrt; GOODS, MAN1:LE~`. CLOTHING, MILLINERYAND GENEEKE 333% The succeis of prex-ir/us`sa!ea Ind .tha htrict adherence to nllvuivo ' ~ tabshgd for us such 6- repuustiqn that when we announce-`L men Junugxy fur and near depend on - _ . I ' a . rooms. _ . . Francis `St. Eaet..--Lot. iacre. . Mary S_n.--Finest brick mansion in B`abn-ie, . 18. roou_1s__coach h9ug. ):ble, etc. Fige rough-cast residence. _ . M Worsley St. -_-Ro1_\gh-unst. huuae. S roommj 1` Owen St.-Large brick` hous, 2 vacant - -lots. v " - ~ Bayeld St.--Frame house and lot.- " IA 'Kempnfeldt S|:._-Brick house, stabka, - Best house east of St." Vincent's `Park. Town of Bradfoi`d.-6 acres and dwelling. - - Toronto. --2 ne 1ot.s,gLyml Avenue. ' `1\Iedoi:tuL-~Lts` 2,".4,, 5, 6; _7. Con. 4 ;_' Lots 3,. 6, 7,'Con. 5. . 'l`mxmnh-in of Draft. Pam? So'nnd'.,---VLot:s We ue'e; bad igbetter stock than thyear irom whiL`h:ito o 'aI' were rnoriezermiued to clear out 3.) many lines to make _room Afar Sprilyg. Goods. 5=`-vwhi=1sAi!1[heSwzeviillbe IGREATA Iuvmony Yes`! and we will sell sugaragiziu this year`. `Not: `M0 lbs. only wh-ich Bnlyzlaald V two hours last year, but enough -to supply evgry purclmser of one dollar : worth of Dryfg Goods during sale, who wis_l1es'it with 25 lbs. beat Granulated Sugar for.3l.00_. 1 _ - ' D0n t 'Forget'th Dates, Jan . 121311 t6 the `ndlj, and. t;11_e`} lace, THE`BARGrAI DRY GOODS HOUSE. _ I ! Barrie. January 5th, 1898. 3' I6 % _ W, -_ .,..,,..._.-,-.... -_--,-- ----- Coma and see to`? yyrolrxrself what`? we arddqing, as we donut sh7)w ydnion Map1 .Ci.ty Coopi-ag,- I V A North shore of Lakey Ahmlc. noted for its` Lots 7,'Con. 5. - . Township of Qrofh. Parry Sound ,--VLots _ 10 andA20."Con. 9. beautifully situated on the an. . x. . _1$..QrilIia.--l55 a.9r._:_It l4.:Con.__l0. Matcheda_sh.`~Lo1. li , Con. 10] 4;5,aci'es. )A7Z'l7, 00HT`1, `.2 nnia. V . V 00aere;a.~/V -Lot.;;15,Lion, .2, . meg amim_'s_1k" M win~ 1=I`tmng' b manta nt*.S}30A T 4..:...-4 Vs. ...HOW ARE _ THESE FOR 304 `E ? 3*l`3M `Table Dzimitsk all reduced. `Special `lino, 60inolles4wi`de,"wortl1 3'l'c., for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mo. _Our Special White (,`eLLon, 36 inches wide, 8c., during Sale 70. Bleached and Unbleached, Plain abgl Iwilled Slreatings. all ex; re- gluced prices, " ` ' ML-u s Underwear at a great reduction. `Suila wor_tli $L26`fo_r-"H \90c. Suits worth 900. for 6(li:. Allour splendid stock of Colored rind Blaek Dress Geods ,'at 20 par ; Vcent. reduction during time of sale. Your choice of 15 Stylish Costumes, worth fort 4. . . ._ . . V32 75 10 very choice`Costumes, regular price'$6 at1 d $7, at. . . .` . . . . . .. 4-00 ' I500" yards of 35 ; inch wide Flanuelettg-. lmt Pink _V._Grey atrips. worth Tc. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l Plain and Iwilled. light and dark fey Flannel, worth l5l:.. dale ` price . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Sp:-niul line dark ;1nd\light grey Flannel? regular price 20m. .: `25 pieces of English \\'rappgaie'tte's, pretty plmerna. were 150., to 'xu:1r....... .. 1000 yards of \nd_a Fvlnnnelelte, g'uod coloringa, "ll -II`: I ' acres, Tmm .,.Qeujng Genuine *BVa@rgz1 iAp1sa..7`.; px ices. 5 (I62. 1 5 dez. `.hildren"s`Cashmere anal and Riugwood Gloves, wdl-th 2'56.` apnlnat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.: The balance `of our Mnntleswe will clear out at a great aariq, as ' we are determined not to carry any overt - _ ~ 50 Boys and Ydut-113` Overcoacs. sizes 22 to 35. to be `clnred ouli regardless of boat at your own price, ' _ I JAMES VA rR&C0. 100 pieces of new Printafaud wool washed .Henrietta_3v'|l at sale r-an, - . -'. . I .~ ' ` .4eu s Frieze Ulstei-s and Beher Overconts at Coat; Price. 5. best; Scotch Woul Ribbed Hose, sizes 8 :to 9}, regulaf for .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " ` 80 acres. V _L`{0!'m-nD.l1.uu,u Jau, . Korea.` " Soxgtsh,-'haIf_ Loy 25, lallbi A`nTn~ `;%'IuwN `PRUPERTYF ,.I's'ent`:itl`ed to the most for` that mgiiiejl. " If ypixl work hard you are 1nosHikely, to \y;1tch_j;heT do!4-' 1.- 4.. ..\.-..1.. ur;.- ..mn.+' fn heln mu i nmak 1n- V ~ money on eve;-yVart'ic1e of 'clothing."you. buy,fro1n * : our work} work hard 1n0SEug LU \`':1Ls.11_).,u\.J.nwr lars `closely. We` want" to help ydix in7 m}aking : your 1 money go. as afar as. possible. -We_ ha\e.-T ' some attragtxve bargains` go-_s'ho`w _j3ff.)A1.i"_`:A`_7_2i}'}t`_7` -f._' Suitings `and _O'Vferco{i&ings.~.- You can _ Vsaxfe. 7 us, and-vwh-at _s more, you will be atisd7wi_th JAN. 12th to I Hk, hiigfietby`. who. W0\r7k3 For Money We jut mention a few: 3AncAms.;._ acres. I ' . `~., . Inxiisl.-North Apart, Lot 5 80 ucres.? North-bnlfLo,b 26, I n n:-`an Rnllth-l'|R`f Lot -.IIa.v:y .1 Ilia. 11$- am: .aeres.m~_-._v`_*_ f.Mmit &1? ;12_8_0,-rand` 1690 abrcs. V . DuAnl0p.Street;-3. Brick dwe1liug.2{_tot~ mnf , qp;n.I_l!f\l!_!-ms 3- -cu - -vi. vw ` 1_ -~.. V 4 .. Amgnon. .=gm Hull. I I, vuun Z00 acres, > Yespra-.'--Lot .1, -Ivv V... v.. 3 3.. Com. 6. V Lo_.tr14, Con. on. 6, I891 son SALXE an BARBIE. ma mtrerem ranernsm mouse silks` 50 zndsome Costumes at Great]: Redu_ce i Prices HANDKERCHIEFS M `Jf FRAWLEV, sJneL;| Ager_1t,.'Barrie l_{ (i_l)_ber Feet . Ask (or the nss. '._~`t.--Brick house`, 3_ 96 rooms, Ddublg dwelling, 2 - I.'l;=AI_%at s'u1_1-.L GLOVES Slater %Sliples`s` Slioe. Corny, clammy, cold and Eainx. `Doctor says.that\1\ub\bers did it! S1ushy.w`\euther . _ `coq1ing,--must wear something.` What to do? New shoe madekof Kidduck, tan Willow calf, or black Alumina calf. Wet-proof,-snow-proof,-stylish,--1ight, --easy,-'-wax-m,-with Goodyear Welt. SensiblLe,%S_uitabl<; Presents at ,Rez{s0nable& %P19i%cVes,.;L `25. Con. 11, ` . 3ub.- 11. 100 Qou._h 7. >100` Silk Haxidkerchiefs: Hein Stitched. and Fancy V % FANCY: eoops VD01~ls Toilet Articles. Cusbic_) us-, :in E Gneaxt Variety , ' i A Com__Pl1om2rapl1e(l by X mus Slmws a. small hard kernel, covered by -layers ofhard skin. This my corn causes ~ keen pain.` The only sure means of ex- tracting it. wvhout; pain, in a day, is Plitnanfs Faixnless Corn Extractor. Sure? Yes. Painless ? Yes, Cheap? Yes, indeed! Try ir. , i [ . I l.|_vA4uAu Jan. 18%-R.ov.Thos Edwu.rdsr'e-or ga`niz_ed ` the Epwurjah Lengxe of Clxristiaujudeaypr last" Thursday evening, when the following ` `Yigg Pres.,,,,Miss Zeime Srigley ; Sec,` Migs Flu Campbell; Treas., W5 J. Andrews; ,Conimittees--Pro.yer meeting, Mire Mary Jago ; Literary, Herbert Srigley: Social, Miss Mary Lougheed. `Mr. Edwards. also invited the young people to visit the Allandale society, which they did last night_ and were very cordially` received and enicertniueduinltheir literary meeting. The return visiviil be made Thursday 27th`. . Ink-T. Rnikunn nf \.\. innin9o`, is visitino` I return Vlslt. Wm 08 mam: J.uuruuu._y um. John-L.Gibson, of Winuipeg.,is visiting bruthers aud.istrs here. _ , - um Addea Hui-nr, -nf Pittshurizh. .wu.'s brothers auqmscers nere. Miss Addie Ejutst, ~oi Pittsburgh, .wu.'s . renewing` acquauitanceayhererlnst week. M ism Morris is visihinu her sister Mrs. J. .Wice, lorouno. _ ` _ \ [ Miss Manetta Lougheed has returned 1 from gay visit WI _t.h friends in 0u1'lia_ .renewing acqua.ml_3_ancea-nerer1&s\; weex. Miss Morris is visiting her sister .Wice, Toronto. > \/lima Mnnetta Lousiheed ' "the Bnigq Inuence of South American Rheumatic Cure. ' I was a alaveto Rheumatism in Avery . acute fcrm for o,ve'r 3. year. I could not Zatten.to.buiness. - I tr`ied.South Amer-- ` `ican Rheumatic 0(1re.. AfJ.eL.Jm'ing_oJ1'Q ` bottIle I Waaho grgally benetfed I'c'on- rtiuued using it. and to-daiy after using oniy three b5ttl_ea, I amperfeonly well. F. G. Cole. Grain Merchant, Elesherton,_' . .n` , ., ArebBing. Ffed bv t Thousands Under . -Um. _ - . _ Sold aAt..Seag'ers drug store, `opposite '-post, D08;,.~ . ` > -x -. V` . \- I-IIHLULN -I SJLVIZJ-'ll-It " -. J an. `l7--Mxsaes Libbie Sawyer` and, Cauie Mamhewahave ieturnbd home, -after apend- , _ ;d1Lgh tnendsin Flos. ' ` T Mr Hughes.` ot ififf M L;iggJ_;1#ag;d1a__91gh Irxendsm Inns. 1 Mr Hughes, AY1TFx~ETs'`\?iIbi'i5d3 ' in our village. _ - ; , . __.f'B{ovivats,we-.shil1.bing held, this wek, :ax(d-much good isbaiugf don, Rev. Wash-1' in'gl:on_ preachedm: able sermon to`aylnr"ge c'o_n'gregation.~ lash Ss.bbatb.:. . " A number` are.'1ookin`= forward t<)`_7,_i`e-` ` ' A number` are.'Look1ng' torwam coqsne f manual -convention,` whi_chw`iill be. -beldvmr` Cl11m5:hill.:Thursd_ay e\yauing.~ and. an ~{iay *3 'Frida-Vh9F11=-nd.=213' .: G M s , _ . Hm W.M_.quite st'xrpcisedAwhi1v-h '? 1 ehJ1r1_1ed,t9\_tho,11Qte! shed at Ohurqhillo.` - '.ndp`t,h\,_b'_Bo!,x`lpbo(.iy had helpejthemaelva 1 `tb ' hi.Bffh,Or8. rblagnket. The _,hqrs_e,..!mdjustA "` _ heseusagcKng_in'fhhe-`shed8-eWLmVi1uI:gg., j_`_1 `, 4 Thetating. tin); iT\{o%;ering well" mid'er }embIgy,1wh9Lh_a ` . n ag$zn`en_t"oC,ha3 lqi .V9,rz9=wl1i'la;~na;:b'.qy:nox;{anA T.: .b_cu 5` Hpnry..V . L`; L :4 We .1.$\b`t:lit-1!':.\.A.ve`r_ilA_l on hiluyxoges; 1; a`ec\)'rii':_ :_l;he'I`?iI2}, Like aclxoqi . -int!" ich them were-a.g,umem!i9 %E9l.icsnsa. .2 M `. Miaa\Jeshlaj Q 'il8zional;g- 1}}. I. ` ~ ~ Jmephc. mj M git . thqklondx 9;`: can qxdimxry uox.1ah;o,r .o..1;1` my-no.t _ * P "`?*'`.`.```K *3`: ?AV`,`,;. ? ;L,f(m`{,`;' mmLawan.dn`FnidaYj ` - _. a ":7 ; Mrs. .W.v..W..S[m_| ` . Erieuda 0.I1"1la!1ra!11i\{. .` -A _ Miaa,E..'De;nand Mm A` daiyhwh-h.MtmJgDam... `I 'a,:b,Imxg_1w mah.:o_ mhe timcmsuu. neglect ax `mqan'~.iu;ikl1_ereni :9. ;eona.ump_:M, p VV ` . M O.ha s Bygqi 'o= Iajjxaeqd Anni ' " V9= ~`*`.`3*?` P5V ~!li ;'qi1gregation.~lnaj1 5s.nbatn.;_ I A number` are.'Lookitig' t<>`_;_i2h`e-` ...mml .4-nnvnhtinn. `which"Viil . 'h01d,813' RHEUMATIKSLAVES 'cHmz cREE_1:f.. 1- ,-u_L:; 0- .........' HOLLY. Tlxe`Gouncil elect for tho township ofO.o `for the yur 1898, met Jan. 10, as required by Statute. All the members resent, viz.; Geo. Campbell,_R}eve ; Jobnbl '. Show, Is: epoty; George Malcolm, `Znd Deputy; Sunual Pearull and Donald Cameron, Coun- cxllon; ondlinviug rnmle and subscfihed doclnration of quulication and of olce, wore duly organized. . The Reeve took the - chair `and addressed "the Couneil. Short addresses were also made by the other members. Com. road from` P. McLeod. chairman 8.5. No. 13, Om. slatiuglhat the trustees would exempt. him from Co. and Tp. rates for some year.--Cnuncil agreel to exempt Hawkins. l\.. ......o:n.. n` (`nun-nu and Mal:-nlm Hm of mid section would refuurl school taxesof ' J Jocph Hawkins for 1897, if the Council ` nawmns. On motion of Cameron and Malcolm, the clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for 4240 cedar logs for road purposes, divided into four lots and delivered M: the following paint: Crossroad 15 and 16, East Oro; Town Hall, Om; crossroad 17 land 18. con. 2; and croasrond M rand 21, con. 3; each lot to contain 40 logs. 16 it.,,long. 15 loga 18 ft. long, and 5 logs `24\ft. long, not less than 10 inches in: small end. and hdwn or unwed on, two sides so as to lenveiheni 6 inches in thickness. . . n.. ......c:.... ..c nu... ma (`..m...-4. Duh...-t 109083 In tnlcxnesa. On motion of Shaw and Cameron , Robert Robertson was appointed auditor on behalf of the Council to audit accounts of `Q7. The - Reeve nnm'ed~D:wid Bqa,th_ka_$' the other auditor. , n midinn II` Qlunn -um! R.InInn`m fhn 31.101101`. 0n mdtion of Shaw and Malcolm. tlxe following otcers were appointed for 1898: John Harfson. assessor; R. 0. Bell; cu_l~" lector; H, J. Tudhope. clerk and creasnienl and Mrs. N. Bell caretaker of Town Hall. Under nutl1o'rit.y of Public Health Act, Donlald Cnmerou`_nnd_Samnel Pearsoll were appointed menxlmrvs of-4Local'Heal_tn Board. -On motion or Shaw and Cameron`. Dr._.W. appomtea memlmlfs Ol"I..0(.'lll ueulm Duuru. mogiou Cameron`, H. Clutton was nppointed Medical Elealth Otcgsr, ,and George Malcolm ,Sanitary` In- spector lur 1898. _ ' The` clelk was instructed lo order 8 copies of Municip:'l Would for 1898. - Alex. McA'mhur madrrequest for same trues u\n roud opp. lot. `.22, line con.-`': and 3. Alan F Hm-lwrt for some deudltrees on 6 trees I) roam opp. IUD `.75, um: cuu.-1 auu a. Also F. Herbert for some ieadwrees on KYRQPR, ' line con. 10 and 11. opp. lot l3.-let Deputy" was appointed to etan1}ue~and act in both cases. ` 1 .~ The clerk was instructed tb notify. Chris. `Wrigley not to remove any `timber from crossroad `.30 and '21. con. 13. until further notic, as zlxc Council hard not yet ascertained the proper owner of said timber. V The Racine and `Ind Dggpnty reported_: Whereas the Council of 1897 ordered .the clerk to notify James Reevie, J. J. Brown and others, to move their fences, on cross- rond between lots 25 and 26. con. Sand 9, and on receipt of notice t_h'said p.-mien and "others were of theopinion that the intention ; of the Council in opcning said crossrond would not nccomniodnte all parties owning land on con. 8 and 9, but would recommend. that the Council `reconsider the petition of J. J. Browrrund others, and have line he-l .......... (lf\l. Q um} 0- nnnnml and imnrrivml l J. ,1. brown mm ocners, aux; nave uue new tween con. 8 and 9' opened and imprdved. I We would" rcommend that the Council re- consider said netiywou, and appoint :1 com~ 1 mittee to examine saidmads_and report at _ some Tenure time." . 1... .....o:n.. nf .Q|mu- mi Po=nrn.H, Rnnnrh { femre time. . Un motion of Sha.\y and Pearsnil. Report` adopted. Agijourngd to Feb. 11th, at 10 LLIITT` v ' H. JJTUDHOH5, Clerk. |cAsT AWAY` %Pmws%ce1m Gnmuvun Mr..Bec_hin`or was in `afT _ V_ .>-C6'nd'ttion-. (3_oa;1;1;Nnt;wa|k of rut ms `: . 1Ian(_1_to IIis;_Moutl1. ' ' Six BoI_;tl es:L0.f Nature's Medicine! ' 'l$l ect. a .l}om11letq:' Cure. . - [ I. For `Holiday *Trade_ Jfl:LI.s_ & Rxcnsonzi Cd. n;_.,.. wall 1:... ., WELIaS_!G 1\IUnA1tu1m- mg. . .Dn.u1 Sms :--For five yems I suffered 1 from sciatica` and.'rheumaIisni, alztimu-. i b`ei`u'guo had was I'could'no_t walk or pub ' ' mfhand to my. L ` . Iflat m tedg ' to do any, work _Iwou1ii:,be_'<;ripp1ed_or~ 1 weeks. -Lt.o0k medical treatment, Turkish V` audpgnineral baths, bun alHailed to` meet ; -- um Strum. r.i`mn man I` trid Paine : and mineral baths. bur. mnauuu w umuu my case. Some time ago ]tri.d . Celery-. Gqmpn-m_1d, and after using sit ' 'bot.tl'esAI feel .like`wnew man, and can do` ` a.harti da.y. 8. wurk and feel none the worse i f0x"`it'; have-also-- gniue@i1j?z7uEhLmi_ --.~..u.._Lun.nnLn1anen11lJI; mn`.ed..__ W _ fofit`; hsver-akstr gniuegHg..uug,m,_....,L_ * catrs_ayf~P&.!n--ptmnane`unly;m11ted.._. .1; ____ ' Yoursitxiuly. . `JV, B1;ncumo1`z,_Shi':oh, Ont. . ." -` _ A1'j;u. ._ > _ :Jm, ;:l2:-,_Q}`1i!:e gr number from-V here |` agtended. hh>ey',$h,0,,l abhtcart. at Ah_te_u Ming, nx1F_r`uI_av- nighft. ? ,. j. .. V` , ` . ~ ,,R.\Le&;hrdale._9I Cnldwater-,-iwo.s s. gnestl .',at~W.`G...1;{iblmrdn s_1astwgek;,2 _ . ` ` ` n. nui`e're~ hm . I-Immltnn and 1,1116 Bu-ulgux :3... ..,,,. .,,_..V-`_. aiT`1;r;wzi$ig=11e1{-to?`Iiig~uusg; ' % ' `mix./Wilon, 6&1 VAnm.;_:m_u;, - n_ , ialgt E; Eagxgi1on.',. " Barge ` Banishes Rheumaiism % and Sc1a11ca..J :*h;knMiMi9~.Ee,l:lmt=on.% x . .. TahQr.e.`.~w'a's` A aumfpgae` 3 my .t.u>m%-V Barrie 1 ..,.u..nm- nlmm Iisa6'nbIedAab`\k`a 'MoA\joy`t_1l` We sll {he clebratd Tefuusse (Hove ' _AIso Gems Lined and,`Unlim>d A S_tI-oiag : : and`c6nvIne1x_ig.I.ettoir. ` ' A1>r'6/ `i5UR"EVER.{ TE[E,&.;.B_gRBIErTE}?i'A`KfIIs*E1i_, `rnunsnu JAN.T 20, 1898. Lewnrantl Alex. muuy, Luuucmur: The Reeve briey gddreased the (`(:.m'cul congratulated them on the satsiautory state of the nances and, as ig the` past year. urged that economy in the expenditure be used tbu present year. TR Rmwa named Samuel Jaobs as be uged mu present year. The Reeve named Samuel 'auditor and the Council appoipted Thus. T. Yaunghs auditor. . nu mntinn of Wood and Finlay` it was \ vuluptu vu-nu; --Jan 10. 1898`,-The Council elect mail this due pnmun: Kn Itstute, tiled their declaration of qunlarlcmolp and oliicc-. W! I) the clerk bud took` when seats at xtsefibuuui. table. ,, ,. _ _ D-.-....- (V I`, Ri.ah.nhmn H~9'.'9, Han table. , _ Present, W.C Richmlson. P.:e'.'e, Dan". Wood, Dept-Reeve. Dwid. (hrvxr-. Jalnes Lewisnnd Alex. Finlay, Councillor: _ `mm aura hripv nddrmxml the (`u.niml `Iaungas autntor. Ou mution of Finlay ordered 't|1-an B. Tracey _be refuuled $2 overcharge of .taxe.-.. Wnn?-F'inlnv--That the Clark -nrocun: . 7' ' - .6 V Embroidered Hlmtlkerclniefs is :great ' ! ' I ' variety \

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