Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1898, p. 3

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= .'lh1ems%om,s.b1:>,nad.i"'.fJ3hree years-they on him ` 'Co-nt{inent ; ;, them, `with, (L; Vbaby,` and. 9;Swi;3a__nurse,- thvwreturhqdv ; \hnu'1nse.:V4La.x;3cL`jBizac ] ,oor1,:AGAmn=ge Abecama "_ -hh`e:r}}Sa.pp1Qi3(;. h1na,`im' itlwlnndg ; , ` V` DIV ~T.9hn;:i5 V 1} `av v..a-twin . 7|`; `M f-Am_Y;.`$t9IfLr I. . 11 1' `J18 l.}l`|LKl.{1SL u3`u_uu 5U U35 LIUL . Amywate. mfrashed by her deep ' leap. and "hurried to the sick--room. -It was: vnrv, Imrv still. `The shutters u awn Lry Lu ans But, J0hl)-". lfinn 1:3.-1;. `Y in 1` 3` ` '_\ " `T. 'y ,_,_H\ Z 1%. ` `. ' .i_"AUS~T.lil5N , ; ~3q.;L(|5- cm. 1 7 ;EvT . " a. ;oo..und;.yo;u_);_uqw V L ` b %whnVb: hiiawIs.Vsn1i= nrraaesnna rrams Anour own courmtv. " I _-._._... -- ._. - _._._. , Thedfm-d anavr ahng rink is 150x_:; 40 feet. - .. 9 0 Mrs. R. F.'Hinds. formerly ot Gait, is dead at Winnipeg. . . Moody, the `ev`angoli.st, wi'be in Montreal, early in Febfuary. r: _L;. \._._,)_.-.I -..,..I.. _._:.......5.'..! P-min \ \_ s'nuu'1u 5 :.au.n V ARRl?`~'l`E1iH; l-`oliritora :11 Eight Uourt 0- Jurlie, Notjrios Public Conveyance: ' Macao: Our Bsnln ol'Tor0ht0. Barrio. ` Money in rum 0! $2000 uni upwards, to JLUHLLCGI, C41! Lu xuun `JILL . Eight hundred people cmigratd from Michigan to Canada last year." An Ekisex man had kept eight liarrala. [of _Canadisn-grown tobacco `for thirty VAQ FR ' " . 1 Harry Wigginstown,-ond of thppro-; priebors of the fwindsor Hotel, Regina, T1 is dead. _ 4 2 0 ., The MC.R. have commenced cutting ice at \\'aberforiL They will out about` 1,000 mu-s \ i _x,vuu was a. ' Chief-Justice Burton, who has just; been knighted. began the study `of law; in Ingersoll. Q: St. Thomas already. has LL candidate` for Mayor, in 1899, in the pefson of Ald. Meehnn. ' "! \r . . _u, ,,,` ..;.:.1'a..(|.-" M'olwn s `Bank people Sr vs1id' to he looking for a. lot to erect a lzank build- ' ing in Revalstoke. - \ / E John and James Brow_n. \Vh0.l1`., among the luckiest of Klondikers, arai well known in Gult. . /' Ii "/ I:*.l__J_ _: \\r-..- - ..-,. I,|.l\(VlLA ..._\....-. ,, _ Hon. Edw'ard Dewglney is Zt.\Vran-1` gel, arranging terminal fa ixitiesfdr his'Lrnnaport,at.ion. compan .- . An exporli company ha been form- .ed at Kingston to su ply Canadian: poultry to the British market. The Wn.Ilacal>urg on ning factory will; 11* turned `into 9. j nt stock concern! with an L-a;;ita.l= sto of seventy thou-g '2:-nu! :lnHawa"' . 1 \\ ILH Ill l'8;a|-Li `hand (l0U31`;Sl' !`h.\-nun `MK Dunn ..vu...,.. - Thomas Mc\\" linms, as I eterboro`i ,youth, has lee sent to jail for {if- "tcen days for busing 1; \_livery man's ` H0138; I I 5 ~ ` A surve mg in-x+t.y has been I sent: out _to`l ate anhltzrnate route for the rail fay up the Lar.t1(>Duncun Riv- ` Al`. -A_uan named Kelly took too much > [mus cheer at Ladner`s Landing, v`., (vent: to sleep, and never wak- lIfmu1e.1lexeggIe's um , uuu Dlllsos, B.a. cs: 14- - ~ , 11 January 1st. the Bank of British olumbia. notified its o(i."u\1s oi aunt in salaries of can per cent. gxlfround. Own Eoun'd`l>uys have been amusing thenusz-lms robbing the ~nuighbm1rs' hen rousts. A number of arrests have I been made.~ v I r.. y n 2 L .._......:....x ..z. t I xct u Iuuuv.` (`Exurles Vannell has Item :\rr9ste`(l at St. 'Ihomn.s, charged with trying _'W f}ixn-fhu1x 1-`1a.3:1 & Son out of a dun- mond ring. ' ' A n....I.~. A.-nmnmuv nnrnml Tmmrn IILUHU. flllg. A Quebec drummer `named Lgzxre ` l,vOk'rom:d`a pull" of gamlllets und {xii overc-out at a.Peterbo1`o'.l1qti-l. saying he was gomg tu-Bob:'aygeof1. and _fgr_- 'got to return. He has teen zu`-1`e'srad { born for trial. 'n._.-....-._'\Y,... r......... nF. in Quebec, and will be taken to 'l. el.er- 11' ILVJUJ uu uuu. Ex-County '.l`rea.surer Van Luven, 012-} Kingston, is said to to in Montgomery, Ala. HV'.s;wi'fe expects to juiu'him there in a. few days. In ,_:.I iL..L 'i`..,... H... unn l:l.|l1_1V Lu u mu u;,_,.:. I ' It is now sz`1idvtbat"1`ruy, the mur- derer will be sent to the <.-rimiual asy- hun in Kingston pauitentziary. instead of being hanged. 11-...I..-.A Tnvnnn n ununn nH\]nfn .Nana.imo, B.C- ' uL mums uuu5vu.. _Ro\vland James, 21 young a.t.h;lete, wu.svki1led=)y the ears, juuxuing the track at he Union colleries, near 11', ,.,, \r..\...... H... at '!`k.-nun Annnng-_ - LViUlil.l.L|.lU, u.\4. . Mary Malone. tha St. Thmnas domes- tic whoo took t.oot.hn`<:he drops because elled- with her lover, has completely recovered. V V - *nr.....: .. 16) u..n'.~-.-Jr! A-znnluhxr nf uu.1uc,s.- uun lawn. _...u. A\ .,-.,....... Ernest Brault, 9.7 French-VCamLdin.n, said to be not vveryghrighg, is missing frqm `Peberboro_', and the police _ar'9 making "inquiries for him. ` mI__ :u*....5.'.....I Ql>'.'uml- Dniliun-u'f`r>\ L_Lmn-Lug nuquuma nu nu... V. ` > The 7`Montreal_ Sheet Railivay Co. got out over 151100.000 new tickets on Monday. A totacco firm paid $3,000. for an advertisement nxrthlesm: :_-, -u -_ ___-_...;.a. L... ...m:.;.. H.-.. .;..}.I'..e4- \3.Uu.|,yADM:x_y Lvvuvurnvuu Maud, 3 12~yezir-old daughter of Clark Tepl. Brantford, hung on at sleigh that-slewad as it went round 5; oo.rue,r.- She had her leg broken. - | n . n_._..i .. -n..,\..-|. n.......::.... -, ~ LOUIS! -I-'luU1._Vjr. BARRIS'l`ERs.=s)u< ITORQ` Pmc'mRs_ . X `TA'uIB5 CONVEY AAGERS. kc. _ V 0rtx:ss:--C..x.`DunLop And Gxpperwn streets. I -I,`.. In uutvx l.|.|\lI,\JA -u, u... ........-...... Billy Perduc. of Calgary, who-start.`-' ed for Dawson ,(`'u,y. with :1 bunch` of B5 Mberta. cattle, o`I1.Augi1'st 4th, got , [ t_h_erie with the b 4th. 1 .u_ )-__L..~;..........- '4-..~.. I.-`..-In m-mm 1.01` an nuvtu Vlavlgduuu -.5. um-.... It is prop -ultiliz of the Chau.dLere.for` tliifmanufacturev 9 `the of ac`e_tylene_ gas. .W. C. Edxvagida,` M. 1?.."is chief mover in. the scheme. ' ..... n,,._1__- D: n..x........ ..q-... ..p....r' uu:r,u VVLIA1 gun uvux LVVvvALAvvA w... to move t'neu-.113:-80' from the H9.rris~ of t.1xe_C01sf;vo1d Iactqry; was placed in cold storage. ._ - n_.__:n.. n....l7.T;d~m Tnlnazulinra (Vin- :, `Iii Jtook fpgty tams; two l(mds.each`,._ : ton cheeso factory. It, with the make - [cum 5\u.nsgu. . - - _ 5 Cyrille Conlffnbe. Telespholfe Con-, `_.1.,-`mus, and10;l.ilon`Dechene;~ have been ifmed. $200 nch. and snt to jail {QT 1 six. mant.ha for smu`gg1ing_whiskey. from k the Miquelox; Islands. r ' ' . r`! "A I'l`_.\m}auna mhn hm: r.m"|n'~nnd I "H. A. Trenmyne. who` has r-o':uf~ne_d ! Lo Wmnipeg. from this V _Klondike..'says~ I 1.116 1u.`Ll{umu`u atauouua. r `Z/.;,'V'rax1V-1` f.:y61ut1e.s[or| x_._, I V V H Y- , seventeen mmn sums ef Vwirem, rated Shipped for run Arlhnr_ `lb 1; Year. ` ear` _ ` In big retiring address at the un- rht barrels, . ` " . " `~' Grain f t tx Tnunl meeting of the \\ mm,eg V > . or b y:Exchange on Weyineadey Presidentkbl. "of u,,,o_Bawlt stated that therevwaa not 9. el, ? place in America where thefarmers had ;prospered`to'suchk an extent as had `Gd Cumngflnst `year those 0 ~. Manitoba. He also `f"`.aaid cur during the year there um}. i . . D justgbeen 21 very large increase in the cnp~ udy\0f1aw?CIit)' of the elevators for hrindling Igrain from farmers, and there was no candidate ` grain producing country in 1_he`\vorl`d' person ""to-day better equipped for receiving. V. _1.t .l geleaning and l.li1)])iI13: Qt grain than bgmfjgimnamba. In 1397 1_7.ooo,ooo bushels.ol I ` gwheat were shipped from Fort \\ iliiau1. 3. \,h0J,e `of which 12,928,000 went for export, 11-, .diker s, arei000.000 going via. Buffalo, the built of w [it in Amerium bottoms. Only 2.000,- 5 . . Tim` (20!) bushels found its way V'-"3" board via Montreal. Mr. Buwlf also drew nzxention to the interesting fact that there was double the zunount 57 Canadian of whcatehipped from Fort \\'illian1 rket. `last year than from` the 1i0Tt of Men- factory -111 ; treal. l\Ir_. Bewlf spoke strongly on the wk mm-,em,'anport,:tnce or ineans being adopted to wnty thou_i eep the harbour open at Fort \\'il- ` `l'*li:Lm'luter in {the full.` Of about 5,000,- -KUOO bushels 0 wheat of the 1397 crop l .I:etf(:)r!_bfli`_lim8pect:d here up to Den-esnber 31st, W` , , 64.15 per cent. was No. I'hard, 26 pm- ver mane . l 5' cent. No. 2 hard, 2.45 An. 1 Northern, ; sent 5 Duncan lfrom'1hz1rl to 1.'N`orlh9rn. Only 5 per cent was graded "rejected" and "no grade." > or a. total of 702.50 per crnnet. gr:1di.ng` to the s=_n- JAN. 20. 1391 W"# ` "V '"'" " 7' '. tint; gum is not uncomtortably plnh- fnl there. You can t m|.krO1.00D m a day. or even a. vault. ur u.....An ...........n..- nf 'I"-.+...! ` 513 A ( win , vs avast 3 Union txiod to climb into his jmpw with `U. lamp in his hand. ` tell. an! . though, fortunately. the lump want out he br(_\>ka his shoulfier. ,, ,: -__..'_..n..__I LL:-t W. Bowell, polunter-of Timed. no usynu nun uuuupuug. A ;few species of &rit:u_Jtura! thief ; hagbeen dnveloped near Galt. He hires |out Lu a/farmer, stays long enough to {gm familiar with the surroundings, {and tin-n decaznm with all the farm {` implements, axx:E1Est.the mortgage. quartz, 31111031; pnrii \_vhit`Ie, and easily ; pulverized. ` The pieces were from two It In Sugar quartz and In Fairly rlmld(i-tl W_I:h , in-.:':M-". r The richest gvld quiirtz yet iiximighti `from the Kioudyke was exhibited at Y Seattle. \\`ash., on Frixiay, to well- known mining men. It is sugar \ . . . 1 to three inches in thickness, with nug- 1 ` gels of various sizes mzibeddegl in the i that. he had found two iedgv~3s two feet quartz. `The discomrer represented-i. i . wide each 1-ying 1)iLI`{1ii8i within a few` - feet of one" another, and. 11130 a Ieilgoii `- 30 _ feet wide, all three being` vivhitoiij ' quartz, the lu.rg~;\,r one not'sho\vEng_ree f , .-_ goid, but bing fairly well mix]-:7riiTi.cei1, while the smaller. ones are alive with"? precious metal in the form of nuggets? from` U18 eiize of :1. wheat grain to im ` ounce in weight. In iexprnssiiug his} opinion of. it, 1\I.n.j0r Gar1iard, for.V meriy suqmrhitendgnt of` the Carson, Mint, `sn.id:- . - ,_ "This is undoubtedly thgtrue mothelll lode of a great.plao9_[cqwnt.r'. and on Lherlowwer side. where ~d.isintegmLion has taken pl:LcvJ,.tl1e nd will be im- me1ns2ly_ricl1. Ishould judge the spe- cimen exhihited will go $390300 to the tan at least. and prblmbly mg-her." ` Thu rnnh fn Rlrnn-nnv and llwm lw LUII {LL H`.ll.SL. 111111 }}.l`UUllUly .1llg'(.'l'. The rush to Skaguay and Dyea by Kloudykv/rs has become. so `great that!` many passengers `are taking the J unenu g steamers and running the chances of getting from that point to Clxilroot and White passes in sma.1ler vessels. Every [4 steamer leav__ing SeMb1e in the next tw`q weeks has all; its passenger listsr en ad ~ V bW0_ wt 1 lled. ' Her Cargo was 'l`D`xI=I'x1us:uul.io,th lixn-Int of - at least $50,000. _ . _, i A despatuh from Boston, l\Iass.. says; < --A fipe_stzirtJ_ad from sogg unknown 1 amuse in the 1.l()3(i;70v7tii.lV8>D0m_i1li011 line 1 ` steamer Canada u.1;miL .19 ofdlock on _S}.urda;v xnorniug. nii:1_ f_o'r 3- time ther - j ' `was .consider;a.l)ba e_xuiteme_nt_ o board 1 .sh'Lp. ahd-`alicyut. the Hoosaciuxlnl locks ; w,_1_ie.re she wasAl_vin-3`. Smoke was first seen issuing from a new refrigerate!` . y,:oui:aiuving`-`grain an,d_`coti;an. but the steamers iirefqiumps, and the city " appami'.us"." Whi11'Te.sT9ifiE:T to ' an al- arm. `soon had` tliya fire, `ext.iiigu`islxgal..' I ` T113 vcxssers cargo, which was, nea1_~ly' - all "on board, was baily damaged by 3 "` smoke. fire, and water, the>10ss'.being " _> `placed at fully 350.000, a.lt1mu,r_rh-it will . ': naive. to be oviauledilaafomithe exact , exte;xt;,of'_th~ daxnzige can J33 asset'- ` Hzinml 'l`lm dammm 1'n'Hw~ vo.~.'.vmT if. exlE`u_LV>0-I. `DUI? URLIIHJKB gill! -U .ilU.Gl" mined. '1`1m.. to the `Va-ssefitj selfwill be slight. Asurvey will" be `held on-Momimy. and the Canada, which Mia scheduled to sail Saturday, willrbe delayed until _ I?u<:sdtLy.."a_ni1perhaps later: ; ' .~ : - ' `.k:I.o>|g`!-_,in|II1|"-_v. says Wgvs-of lntzen`: - _. . ~`:Ina`u'-:.1ri;';VIp;`% . , .. , V - AT. dspbclta fmxn. I;oridou;.?.S`qi`-b-"As? A, ' ' 7 " ma Hm} u.-kink-ha`: ' . `ti. l`l.Ull|.`-l-JUII.I\l1lp,_r)wJ-`4.:;q -pa neszglh oi ..bh_e inyetigatiqix whislmfhgis: ' ` Lheeg in p)`og_1`e;s__s. ~fDt aeve1*.alj Lweeks fgp;St_-im3p.`_thb g;'ea.t}fi1g` wliih v.u_c0I`1i"--V "ir_eIv in ',t`h`ga\ C:ipplag'gste` ..ft;i`o _e; pt Lbndon,.`inrq1v'ing- A logs Tot.` . $050,000; " 3.111? = on` Wednesday. ufg L stat: 1bze;4h1:zi1r.s'L` dnli>t_)er:utinn,._or;n;1';tha_t -`hie, l5i_rev`m4a:s(` the work of so;n:a'."pa:son( . I11heo1:oma.j;y-_sa.d the 'ju1jy} Ans un- . L `the; Italian bha!::f.thoi:` 1:-ixrg ; A I .t.hblnmmisea.Va;\?9Ts11e`r L L b . `.i!l33 ` I co.\'vi:YA1\ c1m ETC. ' ' MONEY T0 LOAN. omc'n's:-B.xk of Toronto nuuaxng, Owen street. -Birrle ' . FIRES} Tmsixntn CANADA. %MAAtI"I0BA S PROSPERITY. RICH IKLONDYKE QUARTZ! ' okay. CRIIPJPLEGAATE ma. input: In: nish last Year hunted Twenty-Iva` Per Cut. A L0`mlon cable gays:--Tbo Board of Trade returps fur X897. show that white _ imports from an countries increased 2 par cent. over_ km]. the imports Gem Canada. increasad 2.3 tent. jrue chif Increases are wheat. .. 8: ..(J(WJ; cheese. 760,080; butber. lU5,.00; eggs, L,v. 000;.timher: .+.`1.E3,(l00; catuza. i37.,-'3 000: sh, 91,000. ` ' rm... .I.......m.... urnv-o~;`\'hn.i: nu..- lllil; UBH, &Ul.UUU. The decreases warez`-\\'he:l': flour. 13.00(l;,&haep and lamlm. 80,030; baa-.- on. l72.(X}0; _ham,<, l(l5,000. 5 to Cilzi derreu ed nearly 6 perc-ant. 5! mar aunt and exports to all countries gnqro than Jackb, a talking parmt, dwned by 1 Mr. Grant Ridley. of Holloway Road. London. Eng.. brings in, to his master I 309 every year. Mr. _Ridley,lms been offered l500`for him. but he is wprth more than that. This wonderful bird I has perfect oomxlmnd uvor 4000 words, and never putsh sentence together in- . correctly; he can also ialk three lan- ` Ierent languages.` ` duuhes guglges ml` ten dialects. . 3.\'hal.ever language or dialect you ad,dx~ess him lg -he will reply" to id the same tongue. Eighty _pmrm.ls' was pald by the .-\.r<~.h- duchess Stephanie. widow of the Aus triu Crown Pl-iKc-n: f/03,}: p:u`~rut :s lxi :~h could recite the Paternoster In six (iii-t when the Arch-I L the wonderful bird lmme it! . could not uttzer a wor the mer- V ohzmt who sold-it was-`arrested fa: (mud. It tu!`ned- out that he `was *9 ventriloquisn, and he had taught the` binl to open_ his mouth and appear to be talking while his venlriloqui.-.m las't.- 1 ed. The Sulta.n..of Turkey paid 50 . for la. grey parrot that could speak 1150 | wprds. \ _ nuuuuu. ;4u5.un.; .; rl The Queen has :l}![l!`0\ d the up-i 3 poinlment of General Sir Arthur Puw- 54-rs 1-`ulmer, K.C.B.. to succeml Gen: ",er:1l Sir Wa.llo`u:k I-lurl. as commander; I 3 5 of the 'l`ira:~. l`ie1l I-`orce onlha north-' _` \_vost froutliexj of India. ` 3! ~ l`lm (leufh of "Lewis Carroll. tl1e a..` slllev. _C_.ll. l)mlgsoh. lLlll`.')I` o`E"Ali=:0l j in \\ u1).:ler?2n1d." lms~cu.uae(ll'.l1a ,gr<-alt- ' _ est regret in all paws of `Great. liritain. `e}'l`lm p:1p9r.. are Tull of rm;1ini.~J.`e11\':e.s -__.o:` hLs_ many stiwries s,h<.~\\~ing hm in- n`lex1.~3e3. was his love for cflxildnan and `- i_how.uni_vors::1` was his slxynerga and -5 d`gnit,y to others-. " 1`. . . . Secretary C. R. Smith. rum Board] of 'l`ra:k3 is about to rksign and re- move tqsan FI`z1ncisc0_. J 1\ vv 1. m .: ......- .. .,..... -.. ` During a. fire ax, Hamilton an) excin-ad} Chixmmnn jum -0.1 {mm an 111>s::ur\\:xx- -, dmv with 8. moey box in hi.-5 nrtxmgi Mighting in the dark an (`onstu`.;lai` Ford's back- : VVIIII \ ;.u u .1` `Damn .\I('CAnrm', Q.C.. F.E.P'.Pr.x~u:n.Q.C, \/UL! I .1'J1.nL1\JJ3.l|L)a um 1 J. A. M<=uAnn.n'. D. C. MURC1l_1SON. * , BAR-RIE. v _ 1 McCarthy. Pepler. M4-Cm-thy &~Duncnn. Alliston and Cret-mom. McCarthy, [ e1Ie1C1_<)ould & McCarthy, ` N In. a. \I` u u uuun . Iilsgzemor "Strickland, at the Nort.h~ * wont Mounted I oIica', who istut \'js~.- toria en route to Prince :\H:erl. says`; the police posts on tho road to the Ynlmu are amply provisioned for five months. ` . V I ' 1 _'Phere were suveral ~ days of hnck, blmxk fog in Lomimx during the ma ; week; - } I` "[`he mildnesa of the wonmer is `in-5? gcreusing the spread of influenza in London. Euglzml. I l`|. .. {\....n.` 7...... .........,......l LL .... `.. vu... Roseantre blounnipg and hnxreds of butterflies have been seen in London._ Englnnd. -mu. _.v_)_..._.. .r n,, _, ,_n.-_. 3. E,` A shfpuxem`. of 93 lmfomutives for ;_ J :11/an and Goren is being cc\n)p'Eet.ed at _ the Brc3.1ks Works 3.1. Dunkirk, NY. '. 3 The Nmv York` (,hezI.tx*ical px'0fe2\ V is petifioning against the _biH penxnitg;-_ ing theatre per1o_rmtmces on Sunday. `II - r..|_.. | I \. I .,... .. ..-!|I___....._ ...b `u..-....v,V ,.-...._-...,...--. .........._.. ; J'4;_>bn_ A. Game. :1 \_\'evil-known g . citizen of C`inv_inma.tl. fxpvmerly one of 3 I the pr0pl`ict',ui`s of tho Cim.'i1u1uti Con_x- ` mercial. died "on Sal,11r(1uy. _, ' 1 M..- 1.. ' r . , L\-i ,`... , -._. , `Gray Gables. thvrsumnxr-r hmno~ of` - exPi`e,sidrent-C1e\vel}\m1.,. has been visit- ' ed. by burglars, `who rzL:1$:1:*ked' the hm1se_ from attio to cellar. and made? good their esczupa. ` "rm. - n..'.. I at I -Mrs. Jzxxxxes L. '1*`lo:)d,'_wife _of ~t-l1_ E lzmilliunuiro `mine-o\_\`ne1', dietl on Satur ! (`lay at Salt L"r:1n:vi:~*~'-0. as the result. 0 ma operation-`1`ecently' performed. ,,\___A nAL1_H Lu. _....__.... \_,..._ ,n \_zv.. vuvn- ...u-Q4... ` . . . ' i The Camxdiau steaamer Dzmube,whicl1 was v0luvn_ta'ri1-y plaoeil into the custody of the.U.zxi.t:Ied Sla.t=:\s a.mthorivt.ies for via"- ltiting the crustmxx razgulatinxxs of;:\Ias-. kn. has be-em` relbaseil on the :1iK:I)g}L>'(l/' bbndfpr'$3,000: - - _ .-.- upuu-u. -\,. 1,-vuqvuu. . The `.-\"z1shi.:1gIi:u1x corrwginxnmlenf. of the-. 'Bau.1`[aJ.x> Gve.x1img News says that Pos- tmmnien are sbfppmg-;1n from Czxna.da.. rm nxi-11:=r:1~l \va&.e'r' \vhiLn11v u~x1vJi`r the Dimglay bill should pug` u duty 01.24.-" cesrrts -per gull-Jn. The water is freez " ed.fi-rat-.. `1`lx=:\ra.is`ho duty rm . El`... 1`. 33.. Y..... ...._......_.-A. )..__,L' ` HOOD. JAGKSJ: FRASER. Bmnxsrans; soucrrons. . ~ - , ROTARIES. ETC ` Elma. Stnyner and Tottenhun. V. M A uonm T6 mm. .330. Bob -- ._ J15. Juan . Bmie Omce: Rm Bloek.~ ------._-_..--_.-_-:--... v\n..n.A\avo. - M. nu vhvuva mu -vv ` Mrs. ' Luciie I.zL:X:%.`* ;!.'aa.{1gh'- `her of ex-Ss<:uator Bfajxskbum, of Ken- tuc,ky. shoL }1ers:=,Lf in her :2::art_tumnsts f avL"2t.ha `Av :-.llmgf:on` 'hi!t9],__j;\ViShiIIg`,tOll on Saturday nigdrt, just. as h \vu_s prek pa1`3L'Jg for bed, l`1c. sm..\.,me.n't; gisven` ` m1rt by the f::m'I:y_. Is th:1.t_ tI1:_sbQ was an !l~(i.\iI3.r)LL.' J`.h.-. '\mt1ux\ ls in_ tbs _. ` `left: bvami -and is 1`*<'ulm\.yly fatal. `CHAMPION TALKI3\'G.PARROT. ' `an \vz;rs.h mporfert iliesoi u.bled_ amzhe ent1`m1j:e to tha.Red-Sen. nu , _n.L .1: . .1: ,.A....; n.__._...,. u-u-mu. \Iv.\-Aux uu ..- .-v vuv ..-nu uuu. A Th~$A1m.1th of ex-vEmp1`e.s Eugenie " `is diqumting, Her rheux_xmusn1 grpws A worse, ~a.ml 311:2. is unable `t';o- cross (1: room u.nass:is.b:\, ..\.` |E ..'n ,_,A.`v. ,11_' ' Lhe B-I -it}.-sh -' . ' Advics m>6ijie(l fl`0i`11 Btil_`ul..l1:(.la st:1t .__hnt the manna _oab'le bel;ween~Be!?~_ gmtxda and J.ml)i~3zlw'iS.>b&il1g"._]B;id: by - .a.'l...' ` ` Genarxl` Sir W illigm Lo5.lIu'u-t.; `t;'he_' Oomxliiindqt ot pm Briti.h fo`rces`on,t1\o`A; ~ Indian. fx.-putter. ha;-s_ pt1stponed.1;is,;joj11j:- ;, : i1e_s:'h_ -in the, ux;`mct,atio11_ of .3. s<:tt`lg:me';1t with the _Afridi`s.; `A ~ ., nn.. -....J!L...._' ..c' M... 1'. _ to s n-m,`.s utnem V air outo.,r am: pm `ui2;hn`m_ Hi 1 mlsid 'h'm~ lnniviria-I Bun j1`.1;fa e oiu1;tia:n._ 9:1 ti.m.Vl1ea;li:'h '5': f5izn~7 ;. pm=& Victoria BE" G>ari1v.u;y_ e xci`,l`A)3=.: comma-nhi '.:;Sh'-a;wi1,l` go in the spring; 3 xvuvunn. b * L'1`. 6 . $-ietyi _sugnz:5:nm'~ . `iucems wt. in a9e:>I+5!1*m9ebia3~ in)Bm:1in radbpbad` `resolutiqnsi ftL1?s?:1z'9n. .999 _DR. -PALME 'Jf11rvat um`! `Nose, 40 College street. ` 5m door from Yonao Nroet-, Tommo. -. may lvaconsullod at the Queen's Hotal,`Btm'1e. tthal second Friday of every month trnm V o Ia.1u. ` R summon, ` EYE T mn nnisu cxmnxw inns la.-':$)1,l!3nez3.n,1ll_3 cum.` not pny; . stjl _ har\.leu;vix;g`:v1st~ Has Won `the a:am.\mu4Aca ~ `dem ofalH:a3.1mv ~ . W Mogtvnrivmv vouaTmg_t1_'h_I1'_iz;3ItsI1rI The Pusve Evidence uiura. Ta g _ conclusive to Pemut at It It Younm Sm: "Ask Your Real! D1-ught fa: `u 28-Cull VIA! 0 xnuyonh Remedial and nncTnn:Y_[RsELI Mr. C. B. Nettleton. 41 Sf rt utml ' Toroutb, Canada, says: My son um 33- bad attack of the Own and no Munyoxfa Group Cure wit the but of II mus. 110 mu troubled with I uven bxd ho br-_nn using MuuTi1i'I emedlii '0 . ` vial 0 the Croup Cure Improved hlm once and the afseuo was cam lately haunt up In mu or three dz 3. he m-dicing :91-talnly have wondertu curative powers. [ Munyowi mmamntlc Cum ieldom M1: to II ygxevgin out (othreo hounund cumjnc tel v that he could ccumol Lnpelk, win? an.` Price we M ' D in c In poami-oxy`en:ann Eor`n`1`:u`2I .`\Id 5:: I111 Ilwml tnbl - it . _u "n coid curnmvem I`I`|m0Ill~.I&~~ 1 ummi I com` in a few lioum. Prue ea Munxnn'a Cough Cure otppa qqpalp. coufh and feeling very. badly Indeed. bi;-ii: 7:3 '1 Et'si3`1n"i`t'evv' liouuf Munxnn'a stop: can M. lid! Iwextl. nunyg uorengggnd opq-o_dl_l; hub (59 lngfn. Price 25. unyozrn Kidney curmspcedlly cum ml In um luck, loin: or xmim. 11} tom: , kidney disease. Price 2150: M - Mun_ron'n Norn Cure_x_tovI____nenommI,ul D1-uggnt lo: 25-Gun Runyon ; ` 1750-n'wT"l"rl} 9175i".-VW: 7 `. ' ' ' Cure atop! _nemmntI_anI lumdn up the Intern. Prlre 25. - .\i-.umm o l atop hbnducha (I et3}u- ot-'v"nai'iir'enxt'h In imk paople. u. ` A separate cure {or each dlsnu-,, M |_n um; um. mam: 15 cent: a vial. , _ Personal letter; tormf. Munynn. Italben | i ' 1 r, '1` m 111, (ML. nuawem! sub! . genie: :3: any disuse. -m an Inf! -t'h;VIvy`I`teI;)'.m!'rl`e' 256. ' ' .\i-.uu'nn Hndachg Cure three minutes. I r1re_25(-, Muurotfn Pile Ointment pntmrely cum I) .......,..-- ..--__._, ,,__ __ _ 7 Pm-e 25, Muuyotn (mm: of pun. Prxce 25`. , M.u\ynn'| Blood Cure mdicutex All lmwdlm` !nTx{{voT1:i|e}. I ' M.u\ynn'n nt Hm Mood. Price 250. ~ Munyon's Fungi Remedial In | ham: to II} `\\'(-lll`.'!. ' Mun3`oa'I Cmrrh Remain never fall. v Cuxurrh C\u'e-prlce 23c.-vadlcua the dime {mm the syltem, uxd lhelfnurth Time ~ 25e.--c.lonno and heal the pll. Mxmyun`n Asthma. Bemedlu ullofo II thin mhum-a and cum permanently. PH `X. _ Munymra Vunllxcr, a gm} tong lad!) miEEi'$}Ea'?x{&"'5rmaneuz1y. Prlui up Munymra vsumm. (rent {one lull! atom of "vital Imnzth weak paople. 01. separate eachVd_lsue., I_ll 7 U0! "aH fUg` wr-- For luformntlnn mix! rm Handbuo _ writa . MUNN 5: (TO., 361` !Jnm\DwAY. II` Yo Oldest bureau for secnrinx Ntontun Arm: (:3. Ever? mu-nt mimn out by us is bmunhc on thepubno by 3 notice swan me 01 chums an `(VI -9 -...l...I!!. Q AAuLAM:`J\~Ok 'e'.i{uii1{':'by 9 nus ox cunmu tn III nie::AtiicA%.m2a:imt ._-_;.. ..x.~u\InIh.n A! on`! .4-mnunn aunt in the . ' made s25o,.um. ( ' probably pntexgtubie. _ - _\ ,. : NomxmiTg.*H.`onest Servioe`..Bpoca:.mr: v ` ,G1'.l` men amour. `Write w.day'to:f 1 _ ourbnautifujillustratednogko\1Pgtuntsane1; , the fnsunnt-11I%toxty-ol 3 poor Iztventmt who. .SenLx`1s :3 rough Lskoznn; _~ -ormodol `or your iuvutaon and wo__vvi11- is new. and; promptly mil you.FREE ii; Tough chaos rejeemd in~othx hands `and: ` f01`c.i+l ` able Jseruxinuzna. pmp.,of= La. I;`rcsns,. -Henomble-~\D.-Aer~Ress, - tlxo-~lead;ing__nwai,m1- nimurs. Banks. Exnmsa Companies Sn o1ie:nt a:'- applionuons. Re_fern'oIIl_1:.- ~ -Honorable-xl).-Aer~Roia,< Hna-~1adingnews,~-- .111 any l0cn|it.y: Al _P:itente ,se`cn ..a.~ soooml notice -in, over an uewapagem papers, Banks, Ex resaompnnins o1iegta:'- our-a.go_noy are bmught bumm the xnxbllti ' our-agqxxoy nrougm: nature we xmoutxny v.,a~spum -mover newap mmxo & MARION Patent 7 - T3mp1o Bui!din'g':.I85SL :nmzsSt~;.Montr.eal~.;' f The only lXrm_of'GruduMaBntinbars'iiz, 5- v the .-Dominion tm`nm<:.bin8: rm: bnsixms. 1 hxulusively. Mention` this " the .-D IiI'nion'u:_msM}:in '1 i axulusgvelly. jMefntianVthi: -vvrv . . . T Lnrgi-stc1rcu!n!!nn of an: Bclng paper a wand. h `uzmllcll iilustraood. 2~u1n&2:l)!a: u9 . a man shon Q be w thou: II." Woekl , gear: $1.50 six months. Adclnw. EU: _N a: (0. , . - \usm:n_s,`.':_61 1lr:\ad\'mJ, N'e\'I-??`er; 01:" cavern. ' TRRDB IIlARK3u DESIGN PATENTQ 00? `lRlGHY8,'~ I fivn Hnndbnok N. U On-`wmss`:--L`oudon And Oanlitn Qhhmbzi, `us Buy ` ' _ Teiphono 2413. \ Schqmberg. Satnrduyu. H. E. luwm. B.A. , Jun. Kmsn. B-A __ n-- aw ac..." --.-up I (own 0L'ERE,m1I be at M; Oloein V ~ _tbb Cuurt Houso.B:m-in, every Saturday Rasidence and P;().. Caokudwn. _ v drawn nu .~_-......-_.. `' "PHYSICIAN, SURGEON kc (Late of Du. uarvie &:.sm1t-h O'riIlla.)' Qlfrrcn nu) Bs1nIman:-Coruer Owen and Colhox Sweets. Barrio . ` .nuus`_us v-_a-u-.-.. 1 ARRISTERS. Solicitors of the S:um`eme - Court. l rm-tors. Numries, Convnvancera. &c. Money to Loan. ` Otves: Rom Block. Dunlopstreet, Barrie. Wnm.mo1`oN AL'L'l`. ALEX Comm. _-.i. _,_-~. IJ Wedn ` -4\\ c-(Lnesdav, New Lo veil 2nd Wednesday. __ Om:-e -East o fPos1: Oicg. Bm-Ie. ?A#r_(I-:_n_-_f You. at-iv in - --- ----u-un---.-u 1 will flslt Cookstown 13,5 and art] . x\'odno.sIanv. New Wednesdtxv; HA_L'GIITON Lwxnx. w. A. aux. ` Gm. E. J. Buow, Banjie. .-\I'iston and Creemora. 1 Lenunx 8: Boys, Ellnvznlc. Barrie 0mt~t-Ger. Dunlon and Owen streets. l< lmvnle (` ma-e-('u1~. hum '5 Hotel. - - Mogmv (0 Loan .n; lowest ram.~;. ` _.-_.. _,...._._ 1) HA_['GIITON Lmrxnx. J ` ftt I`ab_uuV. n\un.unun.Voou. 0FF1CE8.A!\'1) Nxum ` Rixssnncucs: Brown`: _ |~|0k_!.?\l)1_l0p Sn, Barxie. '1`:-lephune 77. ` " 87 -w---av-Vi--.._...._. \H.E'WS01! 3 GRIISWICKE. 3AliRISTEsiS Solicitors 0! ' the Snprem ' `Control fnduiugure for Onturio, n Nata `es,Cunvcy:au'cers`,ebo. M0n6!10 5.1:. On 3:80:93 Block, Barrie. u'_ E. hiuoi. A. 15.11. Ummvmnl. :7 B Lnnaox; novs an nnown. 3'Amus'r1::12s. soL1g:1TQ'12s ~ L . PEPLER a`.MDGARTHY.7- :lABBISTERS. SOLIGITOIIS, nn\n-nnv n'Iun1'.'Y)Q ._-__.._.-_....._......_,......- D"NA`LD ROSS. B. A.. 2ARxus_Ti;R_. SOLICITOR, I-o,-\\vvVv1`v . nu-an A `R; W.- A. .Ross`,' L.R..O.S. mam. 1`.0.1>.. London... ` . . ` PHYS()IAN."S\URGE0N.V&c. `muunm um Nmn-1 R`1;sxn1<:mm: Brown`: ~,.Y`m` ., .- . ` f`: .1 s;s,ooovtr;s;nVcne1o.~ge;.u:rmzsrro;gsaue by 6. w. Lam-.' > B ? 4 4H_E E$_T|0N * `.`qiet.n.B!A1.?i1`IA.(iHLlGAl%21k8l5 fro1ii , h s""nu'rnY k }:'r}:1 mh:'lli`_un- 1-`nli.-Hnrn In limb idbym [:1 -rIom'_'.l'" Is:'r|m_~a,: sum 11089. PRO . nm J. c.:sxtI'rx;r.~-' .-..- . .. nv1~u:~vs1\\v AU'Ia'l'._ & 0I_3'WAN. nnnn I'\t n u. u_.._ _g n.,_ Jarthy, [ epIer.Cm`I>ould an Mcllamu Crillin. b Money to Imuu at Lowesg Rates BANTING. _ mwgm II. $71.33. -~--;A.)ABRIS'1`ElKS am. I I . ~|7inv.-lcugxs, mo. - E139 riaiuxlred ; H0055 gmscsnnxows '0I_I\`l(`lAlu 17 v\!p.J-l\-'A. 0; I-I.` LYON J\.'LL U nu, ouvmmucnns. &o. n n rm 1*." n......... r\ h um second -3` to lIAa.1u. rn W.`A. IBOYB. !N. 031". Byn _ \_ CHAPTER 1:. A I } The January dly had been hopelessly had and wintry, All the morning the. ` low~lyin.g clouds and complaillin "1343 1 whistling ahrilly mroqfa` -the bare 1 tmely but foretold. the coming` storm: At noon. thn sbonn burst: The wind,` ratio to `A wild; piercing gale. and the .` smurf 911 tastsr and fa'ste_x`. and in 1 wild, whirling drifts. until all around ` ` Blackwood Gxfmge lay buried 1;; it._s 5 } midwimter winding sheet. ; rm... 4\`4` 1.-.... ....... "um .Hll_i-hnl` ' upper rooms. They had never liked; Ilu\lV'lL|.'|l' Wlllls GLKVOI i '1`lm old house was very still-the stillnass on`. dsath sumly, for death :4 stood grim on; their threshold. The will- ing-servdnts bated their breath. andf` huahpd theirwioes, and muffled their mmd. for /the master they had naveril liked lay sick unto dea.t.h in one of the "him; but the dmad majesty of the: , grave was around him how, and th_ey, forgot" their old aversion. - , E 1'- LI.'..L .........`...... ..l..\...l..u- lsnnn wifhl for master they mm never;uo|.3' - ; ' ' ' M0 He turned her toward her ownroom. _ . lmlbertotli a mndlftherthereh upper r hkedfwitll a. ;arciu:g Sign lfsedarod aw . dread the'obey_ Amy smiled. to herself LS aha they.w'en.t in. `It was very sweet to b6 , Juhm , 7 In that spacious c1nmbnhun8.Wi`; In_ the sick-room tubal Vnnua my sathmdamask. carpebad in MISSY BN9: 1 flntbering between life and. doat.h. No- adorned gwith exquisite pictures nndgthmg could save herynow. She lay. smuems. tlhe mytery of Blmk\w'ood}:;1htii:yu:;x;;?;. Grnngorwaaa mystery no longer. LY-ism; Mack eyes making [,1ank1y`be_ Lug m the low, French bed. Whltl` than; tore her at the wall. _ um snowy pillows, lay Ishbol Vpam-e.,v Thedark eyes turned upon the you? . ;doctor as La ntnred. but the old light Vmto-r Latoun mt mookery of mm 3 of hate wu.s'l:hem no more. was no mnm.- "Isabel Vanm. in _th;. Shall we som1ornclerl;yman.Mi88 whim robes of her sex, lay tossl.n$`:Vnnne?" ha (said bending over_h81" there, raring in delirium. or sleeping YOU!` h0lh 5 0!! GRFUI 9-N l!1WF`l- E y l / Shellook her hazul. the heavy.unmtumlytgeepprogincnd by: NO clergyman cmyhelp-_ ma___I um _ _ _ _ . ..L LL-LOl- - - ';tal_{en poaassion at ln this way by DT3 1111] nuuw `an. 11'!` uuuv ..... .-_K : wonder wft.h which she lmd first heard.` I lmr wild incmdulity. her absolute i;1- `` abitity to convince herself _ot the ltiuth. : ' are not to be described. It provexhthe: truth of Dr, S1er1'u1g s assertion-xvlmt-_}'3 ewr the secret; she had sworn to keep A um; w"a,s not it. Slowly um truunf forced itself upon her, day by du'_\9, un-{ "til _she could realize it at lasig. 7Slm'i clasped her hands -in iudescril)able`i' thanksgiving, her, whole face alight); ` with joy. ` ' ml-:.....l.. rI'.]`.......,.n I" ulm I'Y`;n`>a:1 ` "Oh i ' wxu} Jug . "Thank _CE{ez1ven 1" she cried. "OIIIL: think Heaven! thank Heaven! Bblterf ` zmyuz-ing than be what" Ithought 1% wa&--an m9d1na.n s wife!" \Vh;xtl'V'- c.\v .;imexl. Mrs._Sterli_ng. , ' But '.\,m:r.'. with afriglxtencxl cry)`; c<\vv.-ml. her face with Eer_ hands. _ "I have broken my U(LUl-I swore not? to. Oh! g1on't usk me questions, Mrs.= Sterlipg--I dam not tell you!" . . . I '\ r... QL....1. nu cvnIL11l Qhq could; DLe1`up.g*-J. uzuv um. Lcu _vuun Mrs. Sterling smiled. She" could guess pnetty nearly the trut:h_now. "`Lo\u .z;.x um. mu Amv Hmt other i I in 5 moxlhmm or a pnson. Any 1111'. by the walmdow. " ' _ 31:-the 1`ust_-falliv snow. An. innite calm had, settled her -a deep cmiatent; A st:-on . truer. whom" fervent.-love" thanmany wild 8;n~ tasy`, she". hadpver pknown, as slowly ` in horheart. . In mu, fing ~ rly `dusk-,t_lxe}. ; - ground; was[heL_ and the bit- I her. win.d.:shri4eke_ - icily. Amy arose ` to draw t,bg._;c mitms a.n<`1 _1ig`ht the.. 311688 pmL1.y uuzxuy huu uu-......\.... They did nbhball "Amy that h(rfi1?-[ Isabel Vance ; u was the niurzleress of Georga Wilduirl Such ghastly horrors were not for in-: n0cenl;gear's; they wou1 spare her that "L`they could. ' ` ' u_. mr\hI`:I\(`f 4...... H\. i.as1:'.x`mazL;e1`. I-IJIM. LL busy \:uL_uu. - V` 4 , Mrs. Sber1i=u.g.v. \-rn,\`, Um holzrxslgeaper.` numb the doctor ,,wero uf:l"\vho were ui-.,_ [owed to set foot inside that sick--room.`; The omoz of the housekeeper `-was something ludicrous in its intensity; but therowas no help {or h;-`-they were forced to Luke har into thclr confidence. .`Aml by day and by_mght. for` two long weeks. `those three women wzitched. by tho bedside o"t1xa.t gum woman who had \vmnged one of them so deeply.. l`hriz wild Jn.m1a.rv afternoon Mrs; had xvrjongeq 01 Lqem so l1eepLy.. ~ l`h'i3 wild January afternoon Mrsgl Starling sat;- by the bedside. \va.t('.hing -` `her 1mtio_~n.~t with :1. very: grave face. The crisis `of the foyer had arrived. there wag ~little chance of the` Sick_womzfn's 1`ec0v_e1`y.- and they" did not even" hop if Rnfihli` for: them-. better for he ,_ .it. . .thut death _should;ra1ease her. t n that alxeghouid. live mamd h.e_tj and they am not uvuu_ uup Better for: them-. better , madhouo prison. . Aun'rr'1m1-_ hv Hm wi.-nydow. T b0':.&l!W- -'?~ * 3 L .' , "t But lS,ube1._`_'V3.noe._~,'"pu$-had; away than 1 L ?0u`p`~:v_ufith-:'l10,!."- d,e;livco.toVha.-1`1tl; `and fixer; . hot": 1; dark o3y9sV-on the m&tr`on"s= Vs , 4 ;i3:_i f3 sum -in mm: -taint; ` , i `? :.ha.hha.s-h81I>P6ned;fl Whit,` ` . V I"tel1%`m;! 3 : iAm.y-..-m9 iry ( 2 li} 1 1,ke.*1v lamp. - ~ l_zun are :imp&ss~ able." aha sat ;' TJ.`he smo-Wis, higher` `than: thojfence8. nncn John will _pel*- -1 A sist in coming tine mostwbampestuousl` "l171gJ1ts.._ Hdwkis-she 3" 7` ,snss` supppea short win; auxin ~ ' haneori > . . I Amy knlew `all. Tlw "unuttemble_ ...._;-_ ...:`n. ...x.:-I. .4... km: fir-cf hnnr1l_' `Fog t;wo-grea;i;.""d.9.'1'k eyes looked" npiv }H1Jen wegirdly from thq b_e<,1,-.tW0 8163 ;,i.n`. which: the, 1jg_},1t, 915 d,el`1r1um3sl;onq no. A. V- _.. _ - . .+;.:...~> gvrm. is ir.`9~. WlFha3`hii.n-` xx ".whem a.m`..u" sum o.;o.w.. Iaxnm pamed.%-""__ .. -',`YQu`I1'e..'* But.`1$ibe .V.anoe>.'. ..uahe aw%1*319{ ".:u':'|`r'A"'\n'ri}1.hn. .de`1imte'hu.-nd.` and xed ._v;,ma.: ':wng_;:;1g,A` Wlffhaa nam- A . V f .3? ans\;er`iad-1.` `Mts2{;Ster),i_ng-_'A`iIl.4 oifbrnip _ fevgr. ` iDoii.- t~ thxa and `go 1; ` J6 H wvww-w~v. mg]? the-'r&iiu.V.. w,iml.V egnd: hIx.h1;i18_!1~ : ' J`o`h.:u= M mad! 11251 ` .~ th9+Grun1s8":&a_,tha- ~_ ;hD+'1*._Mi`.1T 91!-' -.AN"?L 7 ` inggn `sY.i_>'h':)';l" .; Qhdrit` your ; V hi gcom.so9`no1:I* Nothing, Q`~.@` L ;'J.` _ THIRD TIME. been at mugJu."Mymomar Indth lul-A Han Aha xmnknn Vat?" basil 0! mug_}u. mymuuur um-.u her. Hana! spoken you" Still. with that whit`; Irightomd fwo..Amy told of that dreadful twai- ;' suing. She tretnblod with nervous kibarmt fromhoad to footuahoreullod In. '- . "My poor little giill" Dr. Sterling `said; "then death-bed horrors are too lmuchf forqour tendon heart. Go t_.o your own room. my-Army. and_ he down; you look ._worn out. I don't want my` previous little tmasur&-lost . so 1on`g-bo wear lvaraulf to a shmdoiv. Go and try to slsop. -Rut Jnhn.-." Jzqxniisozt 1:. nncwuw. Axnwrnrss. snnxcrrowa IN `man * . oomrr or Ji`\ l`I(`E. NOTARIES. _ `; 1-`U_BLlC (x>:m1Y.czcERsL :`_Mk_U- -*1! Bllrriel next Bank of `fomnm; and -~Chn1,Ih. KeKeggle s Block. - Juan D. F. lmwrrr. _.___...a.zL.. .._..,__ _.___ I. "But, Jump---". _ Mina Em-1a.`I imint upon beius_obev- zed. If my patient cxpmsaes a mat: to , JIAA vnru vnn ' AMLII ha mllad. MEIE- led. It patient expmsaes 5 wum w $896 you. you'sha.1l handled. go to `bad. and go tn sleep. `I ; am n9t- accustomed to;being disoboyed; Pam} don't you begin. 'mademoiso1le.I (;c."" ~_ B I U_y'\:Q- _ ' I 6 b{ "You shot your false lover. George iwilduir, the night bgfore 118 \`-'0-3 W C was :*`;2`:;seuY:: 21:: I (.`(`,l\'( 181` 03.` S ` 14" fOI`l.\l;l{ Dorothy Hardenbronk Blmllld 1` have rlefli-you. You see {know all." A",\ml yet you talk ofvforgiveness." ' _ "Be.-;n_1se thereis forgiveness for all ;\v'ho-l' 011i.." " . ` ` M "gut [ch- n t, repent. would do t lagalln, if -1t were to_'be done. Gqurge ti} \Vil.d:1ir deserved hls fate; uiuxl yet l fxvas `mad the night Ishot um um s.wlth my wvmngrs. I don't th' k my 5 gbmiu has ever been right sine . What i d`; E totllxl A1:_w,';` tlh flay I murrle her was ` ` r`l"1\\;'l1:tzelid ' V b you tell huer >1` - "Do you not know? I; Isuppose ( to; she kept her I.to her _I_wa.s a 1 I.-_ manomaniac--possossed. `f A& _l0' I zmurtler her. I hold 1' the ltnslty "'-od .'my love had bogo t.hat`mo.d deslre 51` -tlmt Idam not? maixn an instant with her alouw. I t/I should. plunge '1. rthe fatal kn-ife. i ' her heart. She .' fainted, poor lift a girl; and that see- .l-imt kept my 0 erLhscrei`t._ 1l_::1tl)le u.5;oul impose on a nslpl 1. e 3.9 l nliiiientity." Y. "Pour A _ ' less to huar. Isabel Vance 1" N ."\\v'~3lly con-sole her whenlam 1- goals. I .1}; beyond your power a_nd. hers. ' on would like to have me trued. for an der. I daresay. '1_)ea_t.h w1ll_ s;2.v'ey that trouble." ` ' `_ ' slept. ldng and soundly upt1l;~ _ whe ~ tho sun was shining brilliantly if on the snow. the houmkeeper brought Lg h r the hmnkfast she had so used her I-. Anr&Iu"'""uh. vu`f'nnnl'1n`:l kw hnr damn t l l I ' You have been merel- 8 18 w 30 yul` _IlUuL'l U11 Glifla-H ILAU IIIILI-IA-'- !' 3 She shook ` 3 can help" um` {long past t.ha.t.."' . .- . ` i `. ""Fhimn`h vnur sins be as scarlet. ilong past. t.na.r.."' ` I "'Th`ough your sins be ` they slml be come white as snow.` The `infinite mercy of God is beyond` our poor comprehension. Isabel." ' She shook her head again-. X "You don t;.knowl ` You don'_t know! 3` I have commitbsd a. greater crime than L 7 deceiving and making wretched the life [01 an innocent girl. _ John Sterling. WI am a. murderees'I 3 .'`f kuocixf it!" _ H She stared. at him with wild. wide feyes ' 4 1 u\f,.... ..|...b- ......... Pnnm `Inumr Cnnrn-A L), Eula. uurrleu LU bub 5lC.l'UUu.l. -It was very, very still. `The shutters were still closed. the curtains still drawn. Mrs. Sterling moved softly l:`.b<])rl`1t; Dr.- J ohm met her on the thres- n . ' . - , mom. . A11isove_r,"'l1'esaid. - "Isabel'Va_7Ye died this morning. almost without a, ` _strugg1o. ' ' ' V '*I:I'o'Iett.,`he1j` the bed. Strmgely ` quiet anxlwhite-. inthe solemn majesty of death lay Isabel Vance. More beau- tiful in d9ath,,_;t_ha.n she had -b"een; in I life; the~o1d_feat1;res1p_oking.like-`those . pfan exquisite statue carved in marble`. ` ` T1: wast zrivnn. nut that Victnr Rntnnr ` hold. uuuuu; ~ 0.1)] DI'8.,!). GXQUSSIDB SWJJIB CBIVEII l HIILIDLB. ` X It. was given. out that Victor Ij.ai_:our was dead. and, on this third day, a stately proe_ess Lon. 19ft:-tlm gatps .at'. ` BlackwQo_g:l., L_ But in` some way the 4 story leaked out. got wh~isp,ere_1 abroad. ` cneptji1to' the newspapers, warpeuiand _ dsistor-bed. `until John 'Sberling,_ for `A ' `(Amy's sake. rem; compelled "to come out ` with the truth. Far mm wide people ,1` talked of- the won.de-rful tu.1,e,,' and _].` mm! were` z'a.ma.zed.~ It was the. ||most unheard of occurrence that-had! evver traunspired, . Earls left BLackwood "Grange lv 3,311 .M1-3, Stgrhng` \vit.h_ her. They took up than-Eabbd in-London um] Jspring, jivipg Every ref.ired, and`-.pre-l {paring 1101' Q. mar;-inge and a. [bug tour mbr.on.d. g nu;..1.. .~..-. Mun H 15.11;. Rhnrlina we - * a&m1"b6ame,al:1:essed'wi mi }l`as1:..?.;' `7 5 ' ' " H1-l)I`.0}M1. 4 `.m';g, _po'z.1:ien!ts. in J ude's for a.,veryl ; _ Ezixrly in.`-. Dr. John Starling mu 1 pmlonged. h01id1i.y.~and. joined his `moths - _ er in: Iiqndnn, And-. a. week after. them was 'a._quiet _weddi.n;g;A and Am:y~.- . `tor the third tiuna; wore the: starry Hail m_n1.omng>a "wreath of +1 virgin m1m.._.u'.....a-I in; u-An.1'|A:l~J`1Au,-I `I. 0vor'BanL ot~Tox-ONO. Bame. money and ` -Loan at 5 per cent. H, U .v1-array. Q.C., _ _ G. `H.

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