year. ~ _ GF.NER.AL. '. . Banks in 1!ox11,ha. y.`und lgengal, India, ' have in:-reused the mtg of discount from 6 to"? per cent. ` v " l`hare has been a mnwal of conmcta be_tm>en M_,u&'`u1mx1ns and Chris! iansvn tvhe Island of Crete. v v -` .. n-|M..1..1... ...:r.. nl kn (Ear- H18 lzsluuu pl \ = V P1"u1q_ess Holmnlohe. wife of the Ger- man lnurexiul Chancellor, is dead. She ~\vn.s 3ix_ty-eight years of age.- ...:4:.m :n A'..un-`n hswn Ar- ~\H|4H :.\l)-ttxguta gran`) xu u.E,u. ` Racial zuximositiea in Austria. have ex- tenuknl to the army, and there have been many serious fighhiin the bar- racks. ' Qlvhmn marnnmx u-nrn killnd 85 0. l'8' racks. Sixteen persons were killed sult` of the [5.l'e~d3mp explosioxrin tho Kzmiserstul 11. pit-at Dortmund. Prus- Hlih Count Esterhuzy, who is Laitl to be! the "real traitor," m1 not` Dn-,y[us,! has heen committed for trial hy court martial. ` ` ` v: - ,,.,, . I\IlL')V \,uua_u I av; - 'L`.?:e Bozmgal Chamber of Counnerce has `sent an address to lv1n2Govc1'nment urg- ing that the tuna has nrnved to! adopt _ the gold Slnndtml; 1 4:...-:.m-z ufrilro di have m'c.uI'- ln:u'uu1. _ . It. is; `now suppusetl thz1t`za. frien(ll*' ~un(ler.vtm1ding exists Irehvven Eng- la-ul :md(}(\rmnny over`t.11eseizu1'eo[ Kia,)(,`ha.u TE` ' - ,, u n: .___L,... 58' !\....x...n../V. Inn. {me gmu uumumu. I Se1'7.ous strike diso1'd<\rs h.'\ve occur- ,red at `Moroso. Spain. \\'lx-are at band of istrikors utiaz-ked the non-strikers and '5mo.ny were \mux1 vm... .xn$1.y:v,-luim lmun Iafl Hhnndvtlnd s iuuny wrui \\!vLLu\.l'Lu. The d-:=i`vi:~:l1srs have left Shondyund I\Iet.o.-mmeh that; are marchingugatinslx, the Amz'I()-l`.gypt521a1 f<`1'c-ts. with Ber- flier _as',i.h9i,1' objective pcintj - ' n , I -,`AnA1x/K '.. ...\..-aw. n...+ um ,.r.,.. | `nun the g mu sue I5 HUW JUXDIJCBD u: out; nu-w - x K As`. a. Greek gunl)oro.t_\vns i`eavi_ng`__t_hWe `I Guli of Aanlrn.':'in. on -Friday 0. shot. l.` '\\`_l];'. Ii red :1,f;-her 'by~_t.vl1e- 1`4u'ks at - Foxztr. c ` .PTei'?>.~n. and Gran-L-e*ri3ks for an gr);- piu.-1ut_i011 of the uuI1`ien;I1y act. 1 . '| 1... at n.\`nrc"`r11l'lv.l\f(`:l`inl} T\v'L'nu\'nn..` [nufuu-_:vu \.u. uluru uu._uu4..,u.__, ...... Hm St. Pe,tersl';:u1'g--Official Messen-' . ger"fo'rma.l1y .a.nno_unces t'l1e.CzzLr's ` 'sa11:l=io;1,.ovi`v:i11e` appqlnt-n(1e.11t. of Coun- ` seller MTu`tens, uf the Mmlslry of For- ` 'ei;:ix`.XIfui1`s,` u'nd- P'rofessm~ bf ' inter-1 `mi.t.`onul law in this University of_ St, . etv.rsJ:u1`g, as umpire in "the. Anglo- -` Venezuelan ar1>1tra.tio.n; _ 4 A immy of their sins m1_d imstakeg. .` ~ Onef of the grandest ageucxcsvwhicll en-, .lightened Scien'c,l;as discovered togelicve mothc;r11ood from' excessive sufferin is. the `7`Favorite. Prscriptiqn* devised < y Dr. ' :R. .V.*I?ierce, c}xifc`onsulting physic_;_2m'of" . e, vlnvallda-"_Hote1 and` Suri:ica1..IA1Pd.itute,' ` ~ gt` Buffalo, N. Y. Th,ia`w.'onderf\tl ?Pr`e-, acrigxtion " iinbuea the ntire 'nervau_s`aya-., t.m.1_wit1\ i'n_at`ura1_,:h 1!}: ,vita1`1t < .e'asuu:vigorJo:.'1he.x! ch" 79:15; cmlly nmxqe _.ned _ in in'pththood- _ _ ;:the`pmnpec lye nxot`-her atrong at;(i.'cheei`fll1`; ;mxd; makes the comxrz ofLb5aby_entire1y free` from Ranger angla moat`-f17e,:~fxom4' airy ,'-The, de1xhterdV gratitude: M, Mrs; I ll earl` Waitdn,-0 A v_o, Caas__(1u.,jNb;,,wi11= ndg` an echo "in lm` heatrof every expec sM.n_t~ gmotlxer; : . 'un.....a..... In a's.;.sc.}1.' an--.;.a`. In mg - days `when, Eve .sium':d _iv.'was wru- * Om: Hm! _n. was writ- ten thaL.,. _=I19.L.hj.c-r_Ix,<>.or.1,.. V> should here ' aftm`, be 'ac- c'ompanied' wi(h_, 'paiu_._ ' ` and sorrow; v _-`jut V his ` `curse upon ,_ ou`r.'fore-. Meats has tea light-' med more mid .m'o,_re; ~ namahkiud have. learn-. to rise superior to 7 `many Qf their sins au_d_ n'xis"ta,k_a- One. the zrandest agenciesv gmumcr: ~. . ft ~-mv1us~ 1 the Slirih Itiiv Mrs. Waltoua.` I had no a ite. ml sick at age] , 0 r` .1 ` [1 _womv9%:, " "mg:a'ctiVp.u9f .:.'-1'1 __ , . ynudmaunw mu`:-6 htnw;y..-mu . WI! mmpxem wo mmccdiq nae ,t.1 4and*1r e,%s Id mg Imam f n ma be:-mu. Mt '.>tes1'!I1S[. tn;-. J\|n,g .UZHl(1H.lgUV\`,1` 3 g0ve.ru1nem..of the, country to Rus- u as writ- : 'thaL_ Etc-r_13.<.s,o<.i,... - xld : 'ac-_ .panied |_, * `e' r.'fore-. ants :1 :1 more The so_ngs"tne cradnp. V n... 1...uu...._ " * ` , comma to IJICSS; J ) Two soft chubby hands" \= . /4 '_t1)utwi11patm3 ./"'A`pu;c limc soul mug- .// mg d_o\vn from abovey Aadm-hug to care for, a baby to loves; - - uav vnuuuv. . Bymbye! Hope riseg. l_1_ig_}_x; - Tnere`S aswcet littfc cru- dle hung up in the sk;_ A. dear little life that 5 cdmimv to bless 2 gram, at%'ra2nLuon; 31 fttknk :'rHA?1s name This * `_ - =1.;vnsLov ruousasns: T ~;1ssnAsLn.. 1 `r;E up.- ll 7 in 1 * in liglnek` and me, _nad~e_I_m. can Pnlplullou _nd lenm hull: with llcachu treatment! mg! Resend lo. From me 6nssex.5N:H.: `ieqrd; "" ---- ~A-ML --0-An-n 5.. u1!`1`lI` EXUIB um Uuuvoaq exam; l-.-sum;-x-. x i Thexfearo many ways in which poo E ple may prove`l;ea1eIa_ctA)r8-qt the hu 1 man race. ,,There_ `are those` who of , their alnmdenpe spend large gems in I erectingpublic buildings and heanti- ( fying paihlle parka. Others spend their 1 nmney'ix'1 charitable work, and in alleg. -' mun the sufferings `of less fortun~ ` ate elluive, - "and for these acts 1 the:-we people , are honored.- The" 1 person, who,-` having oi.-tgiinecl re- , 3 ` Iief`from' sickneee,{u1'd,x1mkes public ~ ~ ed; is none-hl_2e.ltms :1 `public benefac- ` tor. Among ilgeee latter is Miss El- themeans by _pv`lii?Jh with we: regain- ene'0 Neil; daughter of Mr. James ~ O Neil, 9, well-to-do fermef`. living near Millstream, Kipg s 00., N. 13. Miss j O'Neil was attacked with uneemlo -- ` povert of the blood-~`n trouble unfor- * tunate y too common among the young, girls of the presen`t day, and f ' one which is. certain to terminate fatally, it not promptly` cheek- - ,ed,~ and the, blouil enriig_he and re- 5` newed. Ilifving dieeovereal a rem-_ edy `ChlLi3`*\\'lll nchieve this happy result, Miss 0 N,eV is willing that less `fortunate sufferers nxaymcapl the bene- I iit.o her experience. To It correspond- enl `of the Record, Miss 0`Neil related the story of her illness exfd cure. She ,. said: "71 believe that hall I not-begun ` the use of Dr. WillizunsPinlz Pills my trouble would have enzled fmally. My illness came about sb gradually the.-l: I ...... ullllflllilli mu: vi.'h`nn it. lwnan. The CtlIllB.9.l)0tll1 so gruuuzuny Lllu.`L 1 can scarcely say when it began. first synxptonis xverva zLl0ps~ of color, `nd a. fouling of tiredness following .even" {nmleratn exertion. . Graxlually I be- cnmeias 11aleI_as n c.(rr;)se. and was ex- tremely nervpxis. Then I was attack- ed, with" ll. min inl the side, whih daily grew more and more intense. ,_I cough- ed it great deal and fino.lly grew so weal: that if I wait: mstzLir.a I l:n-:l- to mat wlie-t44ea.c'hed the top. My up lyetite forsook me. I was subject to I SlA`\ellS 0I dizziness, zmtl severe liexlaclxes and was grn:lue.`.ly -wasling away until, I lost all interest in life. I had trlel a . numlmr of medicines but foun (`no relif..' In ` this u,ppare,nlly _ho1:eless` condition thi apparemly A` -hopeless conxlition. "while leading a'ne.'.vs,;:apoi- I saw :1 statement of a` young lady whose symp- toms \ve_1*3 alniost; identiczxl with my uwml whose'h-ea'ltlh haul. been restored through thzyuse, of Dr. Willi:m1 s' Pink Pills. '.l`his Sl.a1E1l1`."X1`i. was so encour- Ilgixxg that I determinetl that Iwould try this metlicinra. In Inymste us in ,t.llnl of the young lady \_vl\ox11 1 haul raid about, the result was `nmrvelluus. - The pain in my -Side from whivh I had suffered so` much. rlisappeared. .my nierves were strengthened. my` zippe- r ltiba 1;-tumorl zmdmy whole system 9 seamed to be st`re'ngt.lw'n1-cl and re_new-_ I o ed,_.I am `now as \\'*3ll aw. any member G - in the family -unzl "=lmve not known wliat; ma-lmess was `since I (llS(.'(`rlliiI1t`.6d t.lie,1ise,o[ Dr. \Vllllfll'Il>" Pink Pills.- -`IL/`Iv nwihihurln fdxvnrrlfu thi urrand . t .l1e/,11.'se,<>1 U1`. wnuam-' rum nus.- ' t()\vardL~4 this grand m-adimne is unbounded and I hope my S\tvM.G-I11`?-Ilt may Ix: theimeam of bring-_ ing encoumgenmut and halth tosoxne (other suff-next. ' `ml... an-.+ .nn vnunlu fnHn\\`inD` H19. other sull-:~,1'er.. 3 1`he gru'til'yivngbresults following the I use of Dr. \\'illixumsf Pink Pills, in the case of Miss'0 Noil.prove llliat they are unequalled as in blood lmilllefr and nerve ' ton-io.--ln the case. of young girls who are pale" or sallow, `listless, "l,rou`ble * with :1 fluttering or palpitation of lihe heart. weak and easily tired, no time should be lost in inking a. .murs__e of Dr. \ Pink Pills, which will - I ma ` ow of health to theolmeks. .l`hey are`.a__apecific for troulrles peculiar to `females, s1wh;s.s suppresslons, irregu- : larities and all forms-of weakness. In . mein `t-hey Affect. radical cu`ra in, "all ; Hspeezlily enrich the blood` and bring '8. . ;. cases_anisi1ig irom mental ,,WQI,`,!.\:L9\l:, ' vork,~ or_ excesses `of `wmxtever nat- uwx _ . life. Dr. Willitim"T ink Pills are gold in boxes (never in loose f(x1:m- by the doz- en'or hun(h'(-.d-) at 50 wnts a` box. or six boxes for` $2.50-, and may he -had - of-a.11-druggis,ts or dire{:t.,by,.Lmai1' from._ 'n.~ -\\-'nIimm:' Nfadirine Comnanv. V otrall-drugg1s`U.-3 or mre{:L.,uy,.,1uun u`uu1,4_ Dr. -\V'illizm1s_ Medicine ,-Broc.kvi1le,0n't. ; , . ~ I , _ - ` THE` BU"l"CI;Ig}_R S GU'1T'l`_IN( REPLY. . . _;:_....`.. .vm..:..- .` ..;.um.`. hn-_ key? l don t ljlieva you sir`. ' Miss. Antiquatca-;-Young 1.: Young as; ` Jl.'l.L`4` .UU.LUuuu.u uu;V.;u..-. 4u4-..-. Miss AnLiquat-- This` :1. young tur- =Bi1tch'ex`-It" is a. young tur 9:3,. compaftvit what ? ' , __.A_4 n.m~.h.u~...'I`he" nvmmids. er ver own compareu W1u1"wna.H 1 _-M _Bqtgher~The pyrmmds. yer own aweetsalf. mum. -` A_...._-.--4--s>.--dung-nun-'3 - HOW_\ .0 Uure uuaruu ulauunva. . Sixnply-amply "S\vu'_yna's Ointment." No in- ternal nxediuine required. - Cures tetter. itch, eczama. on:-plons on u1etace.ha.nds.nose,5cc., leaving the skin clean`, white and healthy. Its". greatha1ingnnd.oumtive ovv'ex:.s age possess- ed by no other renmd . A3 yourgl iggist for SWAYNFJS OINT -.\I NT. Lymamons 8; C9,; ' M ntrenl`_VVho1osMeAgouLB. Avoid subsmlgtes .._...._...,...,..~.-..............._-.. 1 STANDARD Merjue;.-0h`. dear. 1 am dresisdfully worried, 1. bet 9. dozap kisses with'Fred. _ ..m.:ng+ 9: Anna naim of ulovesfthal; it worried, 1. bet uozag KLSSGS WlL.l_1 nreu. against a dozau pairs of glovestl1_atj it will rain l.o~morro_w. . l :; I ' And you arenfraid you will lose l.` = Not 9. bit. _I do nq_t'neediVth`e gl_ovps.` lfcm dver my iiaatlz I ` used by millions of mothers for tl1e!r'mIdren , bottle of Mrs. :W . when tegth'l`gb If disturbed at niglxtvandhrokefn` of ourfestby-aa1ck`chil_d su`oring~ and cryltlg _. ~ send at once and 59% a wit 1ml11`6fc\ittix1?nt'eth, S W S u ` _ own on u ' 1'. children teething; Itfwl reliefve tiev y o.1")'vlili`.(: _' suei-r lxumediq.'t6iy.'.`Dapengl `upon i,m9thex : g gbore..fs_uo,mlstuke about it. It cures dlarrhrlw : 1 re meatlyestmnach andbowels gumswlgdjuullp. . V A53 tens tho= Vgunxs; reams indammnonm. -..... M..- ....,1 ..........u.vM`Hm mhnInnu_Imm.: Mm. W;nsLow s` Soo1'Ir:G-`Svm1 1? has been ' " gborels no mistake` a1!outit.`1t chm tum-tnnaa._: re mestlieatoxnzxch nndbowels ou'1'eswlmlVooli9. sote`1'\8,tlm` gums. iniinmmatidnmand V rm mtoneand ener wthawhqles tem._i-_ . eIOW 8'Sb0tl11n yrup`?-for (zhilmat int; ', twlgamnb to the` team! is thewaserl tlc`m.o ~ one of the okioa .und.lmst.fom&le plgygla x\&.,_`anrI 1 nnrsesln the-': nitad` St&teg.;1~.1 ;;'le_a"i@1;;;t;_s,av : , ,I,8j)l3llBl|nB I0 mu uwlv gnu. u: up: pwwu mu. .v. - the .und,l;est. fomaje pt;ygIa5zna,_nnd ' mrses in qitfd Sto,nes..2~Pr1ea=2fn;entsVo.v = bttlos --(la!-1.-M` Al "am-glans. - _t\\,.. h mu-Id. RA in -` s.ns1r.:n_ lot ~v1`:?&Inglqw`a; A bqeue; -;SalL-1;: -- world; `13,991 . ; Soothtn_s_' `yru `. A`VLExeout1ve;-"I~WV6uIdL4 \_>.`poi` `ydur -, mt. ;ws__. .2 .gt1_xorb.nt_ tor: I-heLp01ioieomo;". - selgxy-"D6n~ p`\ 1`.t#;. -htLu:+on-tha%aoh.ooL "'V V` Q 4.... -----I owtohloure Allskln biseus. ....1- ..'.'u.|., --:mu'\-nu`; ninr.mnnl." Nn awn {rREM`EN:uoU's` FEARQ mtinuat-ugxi4o1*u_t`or1n;wn1cn omen glean ta beeunuu .very,._ r9.A :`%wARn?s 5%; the: tuna b1eed.n*rhm\` md1x`mot_can9t/mm 3 ma mom I , .51 * ct Smeag:-,rr1e_e= trnaenxaa F111` lanslhx`. .u 1.1ti.t)1e ' tz:as1`c`'5(or -;1g1`r:la W`: imsrnmazmmy rnisxidoago 3A'f6m n.ra:gi 7 ` L PLO`ERS PROPQ8ALS.; ` itltltl` Oh limit 6-,-`A 1. /-hum: rung.-rentnyuleilewgt I gngnm rude ~ Aporuuuax vlnmw _ ` . .. , ` Inlnl War. ,,,,,b",,,., . , A I f ,m.A`dew weh Iandon s:sya:--`Thus : Jatrlkink sngireoi'i in their secxmdbavl-, 1 19t W pmmkus ot3us`enip10s:A} em.1a'm`again TO;jSC~t&g"`to.h3 _propoi- 71 by fkmvixunaterg-ix; the,.ooxi- 1 l Temnre. ,lI`h2e Ieadm of t.ha~sk- j ' em insured t11is~ result by_-coinbihixig ~ ' `two queisuous inxe haunts. These questi'o'n`\ver":' " A1fe`you iirfavor of 3 . the of tbeinasters in regard` ` to i;h_eir_masnsgeai1ent at \vorkshoys" . : an"d'_-"Are.,-ypu in"Ia"'vor`o1 ,9; w6rEing,' : `week `at titty-we hours?" 3 - , Nnhn-nllv all `nm.mnn mmnori: the l .e1`ica{. -Yet. though \ y . A -London despatch mine New York 1 Tribune `says:-"l;ord . Lundonderry ,at 4 Neyvcastle has, taken 0. pessimistieview ` of the con<'lit,ion_`of trade. supportinfit I by st.a't'i3ti:s showing the decline of ex-- 4 ports and the increased competition * rpmpusevl locxpour. from. this Umitexl States, `Ger- j many. and Belgium." especially in 1 l machinery, - and? depjloring the; losses `caused by the engineering strike- 1` is generally shared by merchnnte and nmnufucturers, for 1 the shipping trade is almost the only` one which has had a prosperous` year, and this exception was due t0"Ul*e im- mense shipments of wheat from Am- tiuics are grow- ing worse, the conflict between the en- gineers, and the employers threatens to become even more dezully. The trades unions are rejecting the employers ultivinatum, a1l the lookout notices will probably be renewed early in the `new yezm The Engineers Society has al- ready received and ,expende_(l half. :1! million dollars from other trades uni- ;. one apart from depleting,` its own" resou_r<-es. and this devastating indus_-__ trial war will go`o:i." .9..--.---.._ WEGJKOI [lily-0118 B01118! ,Natur:_xlly all `t.he~m3n $\lpp0r.f.! I latter quesbion, against whi-.-h t.he'em- * pluyeljs have 8.11 along comexided, and xipgm which they are Still unyielqjing in their oppositioh. The masters decline that they never offered such u.coxn-. promibz. and they `are now tormulat- V lug plan; [or a xvidextebnsion of their` pmpoeed blovkpout. V \._ Suprt-luau-y of the lLx}w'A~u-rled My Ile- volwra. ' "A despatcli from Duhais, Pa, says:-~ ; Chief of Polic', 'Bl:i_ir, and a dozen cle- , patios, made an effort on Thursday`: morning to capture. Stephen Spellan, 1 who brutally murtlerod Michael liahar - the previous night, and then lrarriauleil 1 i l `J la himself in thehouse, and opened fire. on theiofiicers as soon as he saw them approacliing, shooting Chief Blair. L:l_t- , er he woumld officers Casey, Butter- horough andj_ Almott.' The rg,mgini`n`g officers p1'e1sse'il forward anti forced the 1` door. As they entered Spellan fled, ` -the officers following and firing` their * revolvers as they ran, Spellzm, in lies peration, lmltedvamd ret urne,d the` fire. The officers fired another volley, and the murderer` fell iwoundml with four h_ulle_ts in his body. The wuumled offi-' cers will recover. ` phylum 11-: \ (rial War. A .l-__...L-L I-`lm"l`I|ou=nml III-`olwn I-ivory; [my in III 1 E 1 _, I Allmnu,-u Factory. `Near Ci1ingkiang,Ciiina, isua great al- 5 human,ory.V_f9,l' ..L1m. utilization of ` the duck eggs `which arqv1'roduced.in11 that region in enormous. `quanyiyies, , flocks of 4,000 a.;rd.'5,000 duckso being by I noiinenns uncommon. 5 The eggs are i ` `broken at the rate at from -40.000 to 60,: . 2 ';ooo; [I}er,_d:u', by.\\'9;I1!!.-,_*V110I$9L5=!%i. i ' tire white `from the yolk, the `former being i::u=`uf_ix_ily` cleaned and dried un-. ' til they resemble fish-glue,'x\`heni=hey am 1;?-gked in" -100-pound caseriined wii._h-I zinc. ~The _yolksua,re passed. 1 through s-ieve`s` into tiventy-five gallon". i, JfBCepl8.GIeS,. mixed_1\:itlL,a_,s&lL1.1; solution. Wicked in 500-pounzl har- re1s.,and 'use Europe for'i_ixg and dressing articles of supgrior qual- it`y.'.l`he_a1iume11" nds a. ready mar-i ketb-in England. I`.`rauce,_~a,n:i:Ger1_nany for dyes for,' goods. ' ,9 AALoxi; Head--;`Wh.y does that hard- , Qinking Beasley wear his hatuxll` the t,'un;-9?, "For can't `get it on i he takes it oif." TI? II. -U,,i |-\-&Iy\-;- `C,--- \j`I2`}sit1vgz2Iy cui` :byV_iii1'Se.-.:L' 7 J V ghiittle .1~i11s;.:. ~. sim D251; `BY POLICE. ass on` nuances. cam TURNING?) am: mzxcnnoa ! [ON THE` NORTH. ll ii" Anti-lirlmh Newspaper Artlcles -~ `the Sh _. Pclcrsburx .\o\'n-Il`0`ppu.scs Bl'Il|_hvll|- llucm--1 IIcc!Ill:Il| |l3>G(`[llI:lI|):. , 1 ` i A despatoh from Pekin sztys :-'1`he E_Chinese Government has granted Rus- ksia. permission to winter a squadron at ;` Port Arthur, Great Britain demands 3; quid pro quo, it concessions have been made` to other powers. ' It has been sug-` gested that the Japanese and British - occupy: Wei Hui Wei jointly. The sit- `. ' unlion at Kiao Chou B1137 is unchanged; V Germany remains unyielding land the Chinese wunsels are divided as to whe- _` ther it should be peace or war with Germany. China regards Russia `as ` her only friend, and is asking her a.d~ it is regarded as proved that Port Ar- thur and Kiao Choir `Bay were proinised to Russia by a secret treaty. d3ritish _ influence innil, having suffered great- " `ly through the failure of the loan ne- 8 gotiations. China. is` now negoliuting la alone with Russia. Thejlatter demands the disinissul of the British` railroad ir engineers in North China, and it is g probable that` the demand will be e granted-. - The Gerixian .. drill instruct- ors will be dismissed at thegexpirntion of their contracts and will he replaced by Russians. Russian officers 1 have . already been appointed to drill the armies-of, `North China. A `rdnunnflili T1-nvril .'\`l- Ppim-.ulmrn's..-1vs: vice a'one. In spite ot oiliciel denials, v moat? contirm V V f day, pogsibly wukaawak?` 1 > %.*::..:2n:::.: "I"";":.nQosomc-j{ : anmesvol. `norcn `umua. . h A`desp:Ltch'f1`omlSt. Petersburg says: -Ln it strongly anti-British arlicleon '1`l1'ursd'a.y , the Novosti says:--e[n>-~-Qon- id sequence of-the pretension of England 1; to compensate l1ers`el,' fqr the occupation of Port; Arthur lr-y Elie ac- `,3 qu`isitiox_1 of Port; Hamilton -01` Lazar-' eff, and in View of `the possibility of l1 ` l the disturiying a,c'tinn~o' Japan. 14.u1`ope \ cou1pli('aLions._ _It is._ therefore, well to 1 recall t`n`at.~tl1e.reinforcement of ...the ( German squad.ron*'u1- the Pacific per-' i " mitsRussia,, Fruncq and Gemiany ef- ` 2 l I 1 I the l;al:z.nne oi p6W 7-lITel:i\`x f`tVli fhfe` powers on one hand, and Great .Brit- ~ ain and-Japztn on the other, sucli, as stands on'tb.e brink of grave diplomatic I might Ix: p1`o:luce by violent seizures Tfectivelytgprevenba ,disturLvai1ce of V of texrit'ory;" `In m1iclusi'o1_1,' the N03 lvosti expresses the hope that. the iso-. . Jation ,Q.f_.Gmat.-Britzzin,` in'3Td _' $9.. the other European; powers. will para- lyze liar.-action sufficiently -to `permit V l l. l. , the pi-esei-yatiun of pace froxuthe dam gers threatening it :_1_t`the p1jesentmo- . ment. _ '1, ' I . v '_ Am... ...-Mhml u-onmn-n in mainfainnd us men too ex-4 -1 he to 1 qua , . _-..hfff": vv -~v -r v ` vthings indicate that you us: I onnwbnr W flfvu` X- ` 1.`1Iss1A s FRIENDSHIP menu." " The g1_'Q1tQ8t.l'6C0li]L-8 is maintained 3 here in Govemmengcircles. The_,c_:en`-' sorship has forbiddeil: the press to at- . tack Ge1`n1a_ny' on account of the oc~ c\1pation- of Kiao-Chan. _ Emperor` N'ic:i10las presided..L}_n'__'l`1;ursday apt at 3 special meeting`-:o.E the`Council at Alex- ~ under Palace, including the` .G1z).ne1 Diikes and-the chief military and naval < :i>..}1>t,t;o1`i_tviosL'.l`I1-. Chinese situatiovn was dxsnussed, and it. is ,-rumored that Grimd Duke Alexander Mic-h`ae1ovi'heh V - u1vi3ad- ne. imnwdiatef. strengthening: of '_t_he Russiap1squadron~in- China. . ,_ , 5 "`1\'`-,xt')'c~2nr. ~_ "2 g Aflpatqhi rm-m 0Lta\va.%ays:-`-;\Ir."- ` ,Sma.rf: ,'Dep';1f; Minister ofth D_ 4._-_ ; meni of t_l_1e~I;1ierx)i5{:" 5! ta a ? g6od - Limmigiratiop sgcsybiiii ` Bf ear y-*7 ` .czm1iais'n*`i-vi1!.~-"-fx:L:9n~ `ii: `-*ix.rt61`# t,h;ro`qgh." am -.._vv,I;en_ . spgfiqg; ,p ~1ob1:; to seem `L ` ' ` ` sr ieen: sf: ("1 Minn} . W1 ,1 IA(rne- lI|igx_ol IuIIqI0::raxul_Exi)L-cxm! -. 1393-: j_ In ya` :inte:s=ies5; ejsa_ia:=?;'o;r -V mqx .$g c1ras=h;:s iigvs" ;, M :11? M6-?V;S*0aI`S i1`lie9.go!5i-_ F. V '.brix1"thoir:7 - 7 .1:`:0I{~lRG~l}\;H:EA-D:-- aaav;smgs*: J Irina ' hixnielf fhv,` y"*11;WT-aitwn an` he sold his outt. aggx,-.'m;. pain` with Frank` Banaim;`ot.o1ympi& Tom Stpmy, of vasmia,` 3,0... gm`. 15-1; 'ru...... at Qanf'h a`f1u-}A(?n'!:'1k1`n uuvu 'l.l1'OlD In` In: g_-v-`ui.--_'.`_..f ., at ` Fort Y_ukm1'a.s has bean` pl ied. wffho give; rose gnfficientlg am remained open iong enough to enabl: sh {pad to- 1_xa.~/e been brought fro}: Fort Ypkon ham them=beex\s am: h_en The people of Dawson,` believii r {here was not an ampua foodusupply I - I)... vnlnm fnfnuat` tn cm there. D11 l0U,I.'EH3l& lllilu Uluwusg u Styli; Irvgov Aug a:'xmt_14o [minds of pmgigy {.,i;g_g.say__V8ays we Iiaxvsoq liovi 'thare is` no`g`rea.`t L n._..:. v..I.-... u. I-nan I-man` J there not 851 Mmgtu Luuu aupyly u Fort Yukon. refused tn so there, pl ! {earring to`re1nain,at Dawson. `Not mo: man 300- or 400`1mople took ndvgntaj of the transport company's offer. `I take the pzople to Fog-t Ynkon 1: nothing. When thgx miners at Itawsg fouird no mom provisions W0uI!1reM H... mwn her this, rimr route thew M provisxons wou1u`re8_ the tdwn by the river route they 3: nouncod that 0.` meeting` sould be_ he to take steps I91` nppqrtiouihg the pr vii in town.` Those who had DIG] ty must share with those who had non Capt.` Constantin. of the North-We Mounted Ptrlice, interfered, a_n to n..." ';;.`.;...... flu nn Annh thins n Mounteu rouse, Interuucu, nus} w the" iifmera that no such thing vu be permitted. The. meeting was 11 held. . ~ - -` I 2...].-an uulru H14: nnfnnf~nf Hm. mi hem. - Lindsay says the oqtput~.of the` mi ers will "ev greatly cuItailed..this.wi tar, because o_ gr scarcity or fuel E} Iighti. Coal oil sold for forty-fivesdc lars a gallon, and candles` are as hj` as one hundred aiid fity dollars at nf nmx hnnrml ' Rvhn if ' an WE as nunareu anu uuby Humans u L of one hundred." Even if an we able to work` their claims they cam: get light ;tuLdo`so. .j These statements are borne` out all xeturniug 1;1oml_ikars,'. quite number of whom have reached ' be during the past week. ]3`e\y of themvh ever`tak"en\as gloomy 0. view of'1 situation as does Mr. Lindsay. Two lien In Bow Street Ponce (dprt .0112: ml Will: Mlvpmulng ms Amwuinnt.` ortlae (`lam _ - I` A despat_,ch from London `says:--"V dimir Bouiizett, editor`of,'1`~he Mia V01etz,'will of the yeople, th who` was zi.rm~1te:t`at"tlfie British M . x 2 _-_..,'_c:4..'......I=; \YlJ. WM-`.I iLIIXl@LI. U _A.Il sum, and rem2tn7&6d*adrBqw*St1-eet% lice Court on Desemiber 16, -cgmrj with e-n.dgavoring' to persuade save persons o_n various bccasions toys: sci-uate the Czar, was biought up : remand On 1`_h'u'rsday. in company ,-..._.1 un:..,.r,.,..;I.: ...-:.~4-m- .ltum-uu vu L_n.u.IDuv.nJ, .._. .,.,...l,...._, .. a, man vnamed Weirzbecki, printer the` paper menbiqned, who had si been arrested. An incriminating 3 ole" in The Nam do Voletz wag; 1 V iduced in court, in it th1\Kri,tef\ _nlu;"ed`Lh.e policy or the Russian; _` `V0luf.ioI1iSt`\Y3S.fl1f.i}41343 as that of ; Terrosts ofrtwenty yars-.a.go.' 1 poiimtegt out th2xt'Uza.r Mirhotas hm ready.reignedthree years,_, `at; ape when the mvolumonist campaignfou ' ,.to be s mmed up in time word r _ cia.e.'- nmma han:;a;ssLna'tec` ' the clay of the funeral of .Cza1'-_A1e1 E der 1,1,, the article conti-nues._eith< _-- ~revo_1uti0n4vou1d h48.V'&.b1`0k6n'0l1t*1 kiberal constitution would have A} dec1am_d.. Each new autocrat. ace >1ung- to the writer, qught to` have! give` axyea.-r,f9.m1 if he had -not gr: d a"con:$titution a.t'th~s_end of .peri_od-he ought. to"been Lattu without pity, Datective Me1viI_1e. 1;; fie:1_x*'garding*his visit` to. 'Bour,t_i a;ng1_ tba fi-hdving-K of docum rleating to Nihilism, the assassin `out Alexnmler 1I..=t1'ae.deat.h_~o Stgg: and to tlie prese1_1`txCzar. -Both prise wes_m' rgmaned. _Bourtzeff_ ; from Si ba_riaI 1'0 _CQn5tntinop1e;' W Russm} poyoe tjrxed, to -`sei_2{e-'. on board a.'Br1Itish sauxar, bu); captain` `of .f,he vessel 'pl`;V8lJ_tl':;~` E_ R0iw.. ` ' ` 5. Mr. ; Cifimzmnslly deiir-, I 1et"s_ ta Mcottage in the`. country}. Mm, Cihmzin-'-\Vhv didn't. vou cottage In u1e.couuv.ry. . `\ Mrs. Citnmin-'-Why d_ir}n tb.`youA posewhat Aearlier 3; It i_s 890 late. I to-xnak a ga_rd_en+ V Mr 'f'!Hi1n`nn.i_Vmz_ Hmt R whv: - BAIL! LINK Ila'l'wn:I v OLEVELAND AND TOLEDO `van-io. e. 3.` LINE." ' _..\ t0!I1.8_K%_& Karuene Mr. Cxtilmane`-Yes, that s why '1 A ..g_{_tN1y;`_gguse -it" earlier.` V l;IIhS;ANv`NIHlLISTSs \ TH4E EfBEFORE.V 1l`1thi$-33`? VIII wvw---. Stimuli *?cxt'y or nale," (new) `link at Ohio-and "state of Hpw York H ' `DAILY TIRE TABLE. ~ " Daily, except Sund7if,`T1nli1 about ' December wt. ` _ , lav} 3:15:10, M0 PJI. l.v.Clevelund 8. ma . Amhvelud, 8.80135. Arr.Bu`nlo. 3. L)! ' ' uvrmx suxu mm mm. , lhe0. &.B. Line" steamers nude oy :. V x:lIzht s reel when enroutua 0 eve- ...n_c unibns.cmo1nnati,{l`_o!o_dp.lndl_~ Eng uflict Glove- ~ 6 umbtu.Qmo1nnau,'l`o!odo.lndl?~ 5 non: Chicago. Detroit. Inckinno hnnkhguwom Into Tourist mom. ox any 1B southwestern polnt. . . ' Bend dcents lnjnostnge for tourist pamphlet. Nw F`. Immnm. 1-. re. .\zmvLm_z's', I Gag ! Pass. Agt. . G_en l-llanager. , Cx.:vx:.1_uu n. on Io. Tin` am. W. NVESTED IN CANADA... vmrmn FUNDS .. o A Assuruxcm... , ME,0\'ER.....*.......` . ooNvmu'~Nc;1:n,.z-o., lssuenj ot_ lnlnrrinae Licenses , P08'l"0FFIOE 3mLDmo..1`mn1E ' `An Hug-on.-awu. ,~ UD..LVUiV `g m'.u:wn 3:11, uunu _._ EBB. in UOALr -of all kinda, impor_tu' "reot ,_from the mines; also Lam and . _ mnglea. White and Grey `Lune, Plasterers , Hnir__;S.wet Pipes, Eire Brick. Fire 010.)`. V ! 1mor'~ot Pgrip Oemonta, etc., allot best rm`\y.`a.ud son} at `very rauonnble ntea, |)moz_: \98E,1iza.beth 8t.,- `nearly opposite ummumu mm. 0-21 . _ av-tun:-av v --vo our a 1. V. . ,.DLIOAoY or FI.'A\_TOR;' Z sbtgznlonxrv IN QUALITY.` V \ -go 1ha`1lIEBv_0Ur'nr- DYBPEPTIO-_ " ,2!1'1f3;I _K1Yl QVIo1TIEB UNEIVALLED. " flit -l4uI,m9Lr-!'olind_'r|xis only-. ` . M60137 " . M d . *?*`.n.;.:2;="t*~ -= a:_~43 i;ma2ur.~an4-coxrumxnaw....j . raiurm W Janus 1:223 a: co: x.m.,., i Qlgfpks 1_I,lailf_ to order ilagazino `ailI_`d Music `;Binln2_ ` Esvecialty V -- ` gnaw Work `of ;__all um -. l xomp tly lxectlted` . ABinss " ~.vmoz_: \ `Au nsuun Wellington` Hotel.` % ` ENGLVi$.HVf % ijBEE`__I ;-.;99_A %AsunAncE? onmpnuv. [mas Enmunp. ' "OH! RR R JOHN '-uh-nuunlmnll A Arnnf ` is PnEP_A_1n T0 no ALL kinbs of z in 7` fax 1icatLiAon,`....V V -d;``v} .E` `3.-l'- . .f9yn*>!9 'm:arV in L asks Ma7xiaqm'x`:J._ c2xE.PA1'D L E `H 4* Li:-."IlvA`|ll'\ Ann TALEDO "J J niiiiiuag -aid. `Bzink of Torohb\o`Build1n ,\ * Owe_n S%lt-. ]I II` lI&&1|I$ ln'surance..Agent-. ._. '._..I lit. uuvuuwuuvuuu uvww the fouowlng 1 * Diltinhuive 3131 its: ..... ._.._ _.._ _a.. -...-. ,si'Ai3i1i11isb 13791 auug Fire nd Life. nlntev ..a-H P. O. Bgx 214, BARRIE ` ` M1 1133?] ..9 12,5oo,rxo ` 41,115,000 . H.3us').000 . . I 5.(zV0.000` Items About Our Own 0'ontry.; 1 mm: nnu1n..uae United Shtqg. ma M! mm at tl:";,0lobc. C6ndenseq my ' ` Avuox-ubd for Euyikudlng. mam mmwoawovmh . mxruuu.vouv_ vuu --cw-v~ *3 3rd. . . . - _ `L . _, I`he trolley: sylom 1" hm `"`3,' urnte `thof -Hamilton & DUNN Railway.` `7 ' ` ` tn :1 ll I1....lmm" 1|f1I'l"il"\Il*0`n'.-I Railway.` . J J. `_w. 21. ILGrahnmLof_Irvingt0`11TI . -- has been appointed Umted. Slo.tes_Con- suljto \\ inuipeg. H.- iu:r:n.J Qihnn HA3` (10118 `,0 um-.9 uvs II Ilav `let a most n,\!.. {C IEVJUUI `l)rolu>n; at n erat nmpauu. A` sale has just!)-can negotiated of $120,000` worth of London s 31-2 per cent. s e debentures at 98.95. The Confede.rz1'tion Life Insurance Connzzmy is the purchaser. r\...:_,._ 5.. LL- ,1, nf Hm \'nL"nn nroxen; Mr. W. W. Ogilvie has sent 11 chequel for five hundred dollars to St. Bonifam ll0Spit&l,' in" addition to giving one tlxzvusaml dollars to the W inhipcxg Gen- erhl hmpvitul. l- ....1.. Mine ;.m+` nmrniinted i , Owing to the damzrnds of the Yukon [8 H18 puruuu:m.i . district an Um Mounted P0_lice, it is likely that the Dominion Government will n-bnndon its (leclmed intention to re_dn<-re the force, and, instead, augment. `< it \z;onsiderably. ` ` ..e an... v..m:..:`nn mni-. tn|.- ..... ...).... in-wt Pnr11a1imm._- ` Ind Ila \l\;Uu,bIu!:Lu.ux_y. The imrdens of the Dominion peni-l tqntiaries have been (`ulleszl to meet in_ OLLz_1y;_u_e:t1'ly in January 1.0 discuss pri- 1 f`cT1' matters in order, if possible, to? have uniformity in the treatment of convicts. 1: n n u... ur:..,..... 4'.-nil CO'I1VlU|:5. _ . . Mr. E. D. Smzith, the Winona fruit! groiver, intends to build `an uddiltioni to his big storehouse for cold storage; purposes, and will spend $5,000 geumgg . ready for the shipping of, fruit to Eng`- land next year 0n u.1urge scale. ` rm.-. 1,. I:I...\.. "A L.` hmnhlal lmhvrmni Aauu. uc.-u. Jcuu vu u.-..,... ..-...`.. 1 There is likely_ to be troubl between , the Dominion Government and New- ` fomidlzlnd ever the o\vn<-.r31\ip of L u.bra-_ dor. Its shows ham lteen gmnrsxed to[ Newfuundtand for judicial reasons, and` now Juhe island would like to claim-qll. 1'1. 2.. ILA" \`l'..Hy:.u< uvinm nF Hun an. - up to-a. law hour; last night did not I HUW AMI!) lalunu. nuluu unv uv ununlu, 3.... . Fire in the Watkins \vinp;__0f t11eGen- erul l1us;:itu.l in_ _Kingston. Ont, did damage on Friday to the eDte`nt' of $10,000.. 'AlJou_1, forty. 1g.'1tient.s were rc- ; moved on strebchers and in chairs, and appear to have suffered by` their hasty! removal. The loss is"I_n0re than cover- ed by insumnce. ` r 3 _ The estate of'the1 latenctor, `Villizun 'J`er'1'isH isvestimuled at between` 40,(J00 and 50,000. ' - "an 2,. .;_:.x_... ..c Q/1.. 1`..\.-_. Mai i An-(lull-Bugul` uuuuuy tuzuguv foxjvxned in'Er1`g~{u.i1dm1'st week, ux the pvresi(1em'.-`y of Lord Sfmmxore. rm... A....Ll ,... ..c. r*.m0n.h.n-u :c um yA(1aur:xn.-_) U}. uvnu um-.uuuv.\.. The A1'chbisl1o)) of-.C:mLn._r|)u1'y is se- riously.-ill, and hiq c`on(lition' is causing his friends much anxiety. - `r L. ,. LL- 13.. ._I!..L A LIIB Atlcvuua :Iu.u.\.u uLlAIuv`y. Jaz:kson,_ the .-Engl.isl1 A,r<'~.i.ic-A ex-1`lo1_v-. - er. has altered/his proprrsed, I`011_l'.(l,iI1 the Puhar regions, so as not to clash with Lieut. Pea,1'y's course.` n_.: ;...'n.,. ,.x 1:-.. ..r n:...1.4 unn noun 1: \n wk.uu\.-_- . A Mrs. Jarvis a~mlI'her'nine children, - the youngest :1, baby, 'w~2re'1n1_1'nl to in a four-roamed cotiyztge, ,occu~ . London. pied by_tht~. Jarvis and two other {tuni- liea in Dixie bs_-treat, Bethnal Green, innmnix nm . mncv ii uu &_uu,uuU. ` . I Lxtdy Milluis, widow of Sir John Mil. `his, tile _L1t'o. jnrsidcintt of the `Royal At`-zulemy, is rli`:1d._ ':|.nnnh ' hm nun urn : `Vlllll .IJI\:Ll.|In -I. LIMIAJ U \a\l|ALhll.l - Owing to" the 0\>je.cL_i0x1 of Righin Hon Joseplr (.`hambex-lain", the reduction in posutge on `letters f'rom. L`an:ulH.. to` other parts othe British Empire has been -'[)().`itp0116d. A 1M`... 1'......:.. .....!.,l.....'..:.... ,.L(l.l.m..> A ' UNITED S'l`A .L`ES. ._ Thze New York -Sun Sa_\,'s _t_};e United Stums pemsion rolls are` padded `be-_ yoml v belief. I Q...m-.` |.m.< ....n.AI lam .in Hxn |\:1uu'(rn J `run. u-.1 L_u.u.. . n lives weret los;-I, the Chiczigo 'cmi'aeum"`w hicl1"w'a:~1"(lest;roye'd'byL "fi1fe' W on` Friday. . . .- . n.... "A4 1)-! .:n 1. n.....;.A 4+ ....u...., ... W... ..... ...V..`..... _ , _ ,_ The munufaniturers of. Fall I,l'ivMn`v1-`.'~ -Mass.`,- 1mvev41ecile_l upon. it -- reduction ,_ 4J_I-wn.p;es, and the n]:e1'ul1iv_e_a,s,vi\pD3a1` to be- in favor 04': opposition. ' 1.I..!.!n...._ L-.. l...h. .` n.": Inu1{1]"':\. n|u-1" Uu .I;;nuw .- 7 . _ - . I L Cl2ui`1es7A; l30lm1y. will be hanged at -Bxjidgeport, C`o11n.,AApri]= lrith, fur the murder of Geo. M. Nichols. ' : 1- L,. _ , a n_iI n.:.._-.. -| uu nu Luvv; nu. lrltyvwavlvnau Evidencg has been` axrduce11"to`al1ow `TfI1'zi`1';*;i;I1Es"`;ig+;;" nix: " ivhip',' t:h e" 't1ai'};,_ cll and bread. and wnte.r `diet are` in use in the P_rntes1.u|1t ]91pisc(Jpa.1 House _ jof Mervy, for Girls, a(;_.lnsmod. N.Y.' _ ` 'lA`:.-... r..:a..' L1..`..*...-.1 ..'..m.n- no : H.i.{ ' T Miss Leila` 11-L1-`tum. fia\{gl\ te1' at: the? * :'jxn pi':1g }1c.-351-fI5i`x~,I11o<. frum le. thihif l V\ , D@rmnnn'n|'nr:1n .T'n}1r;nnu k I ' UL nusuay, Mu uum, wu__.uuumu. u..u`. exSec1'epa.ry:oV f,h6. Uilitgad States `Naivy, Wmmittzed _suicit-l`e a,t1'.Wa.%_hingt()n, by 3 .slo?r_ey`\s'i;1 of hjer4a1tI1er av i'osideny:e'.V :L\gp_y nguuuvv Ul _l_l`D`1`.IuU,_bll`Dl a"xU:uuu`u}u-V ` ~Bepresg`pt.gmtit*e Jnhrisson,~.o' `North- mymwg mys ~>it_..gbst` cue, Unitpd ' tq,f.egf;GQ?G.1`nmeut. M4514 Am mukg, `3niJ;n5ngc9sf v1B .!'1I.'I,vfi0r `damages has i$>im2il~ on :`?j?o'1iia =`jsgsa1 ' '|..M" ` .L.. .l1r...}.'.'|.: 7`-'15 - .ae;1eo;vf:.x;x;s 5: me .na,m;.m `arm. ' 4;Le7GIg;elv1i1;sI8 ._%'m L _ thi1"Mem-- ployeft (:11 pr uni? A 1.u..`8;; in `V m....m..,, _ . Zn .E1`n'tT-iug a'1-"jhgugty' league \va;aL `M-um ! in" "Wvrn~Innd FTanf. xvaok, nnm` !{`.'iH`W,'-'.. A; L.des:mtoh ,f1`;>1Ix,W_?t8_1IlfI.'t.0_1Ll' aln,ti+ M mates` thtit.,.Prsidai_;tM Mulignley .`.wi}I .:ur`s1<%` = an vConsre8':v We . ea.rl-y- -gay Ament-j of 3th` claimaiof the `(Jana 19.1} ?ise:,yh1axsT awarded by we j Joint Wwmmisg an I. -Ll; .. . ::."1... * 1.1'.`,.` (71 GREAT I3RI'1`.MN. oA'A-I:}k 0 . will nmal. L1ll\l,`lA. _ > . . _~will neet 0;; February av: (er gm ,l.ucu uu_ uu|.|v\. ln...u. ` 1f) Ztggl General Pamlo reports that the pffe t 1 of autonomy to Ou_bzL"is 1'ejccte by.l.he L-ale. iaisurgunts, and that the only way to 3-between finial) the war i___by' war. ma ltis reportml tl1a,l:sevex1tee,n British Imbra- \V(Ll`S1)lpS are at Caren to support the mmmd top1'olesl'..a.gainst. the Jiingg handing over -...1 l Hm rrnV9.rlI`mBn'l. of countrv 2 ;'$n:nt:, ntji `crussinu 31613410-"28-\_`6.=, `wanna . A&% Western Bailxosrfbgtwaan Pssanio. 3 mg 19! lI>I}1;upux/. - - . .-.-.. and` Boltworo. lti. J; 1`j1'ey.wuro_`in I stage. w-hichgwbs `struck b I. train. Those malty injured are m. 01-aneL `W111. Moran amt (`fhgries Swnnkia. all W 0! Pa8saic.v W * , _r`,:s..r -43 :2... r...i:...... ..~:.., Lggfta oi! tide "x" rajid ua`g1l`in in; for fmbnllt. V L V \ uni-unt umm inin}~h:il{nt`. in llL!`l!- ~ ~ ~ Business has been reasonably, good 1 t.hro1rgz:out thel.fnit.csd States during , the ;mst.wo'eek..' According la the com ` .mer:.-int re{;or,ts.of Messrs. D n_ and ; iessrs. Bradstreet, the holiday trade ; has been everywhere uxiusually heavy; ] and Ui wholesale trades-`-wliich'\ misu- ally are slack just before Christmaa- \ have been kept: well o_xnployed'fo meet , the requirements 93', a very l:u'g' de- mand. For thei time of year the can . for various lines: of products 1133 bepn 4 unpret-edent'e-lly large. Altogetherthe actual comliiion` o!';trm1e,.:1nd its im- mediate outlook, is considered by many of the leading. men bf business to` be A most _ sulisfaclpry. Th business failura in `the United `Suztns for `the month have been less than half of_ the number which? occurred in the r'o1`rasponding week` of flask: year. ' . GF.NEn.;xL. `Q1 -I.`Imu:s;.g Tho long sfrik of {he Iniana. swin- A dow glasq factory hands {closed on . Christmas eve., The men Kined their point 9! ans cent `utter a four months` -strike, which cost, them, mote min five Jstrike which `coat them i loatwagea more than five-ixqnrlrgad t u=n3:md"dol- lura. - W n . ,.__ 1.4;- .... ....Id.. 1..-uni