I `m}w-.M1`d njonesc ma,-= _ - .. `0h'. my friends, therrsre jewels 111` peril richer tha.n them} which iy upon` me table that night. They are jewels _ Lthe immojtal soul. Wou1dbGo,d tha ` some song Telling" up out of-t1xe"de,- ` sorted nursery of your ohilhood orvsome, song rolling np outLot, tl1`e- comelds. the 90113.0! thB lmskbrs20 or`-10 year; ago, mi ht turn all our feet out of the natha n ',sil1= into thasnaths of right- ` '3,Efih"t1 }"n ouf t'e'et' but 6t this pathai o Lain; into this.pb.ths r_i3ht- eousness . Would God that those m_em- m-:..;. urnffn i~n n`n` nm` or.sons2"mmht _ eth?in_ip*his season. ' ; Would God that those mem- oriea. waited in on` odor or.song"might start us thisvmoment with swift feet toward. that" blessed place:where so ' `many of our loved onex-1_h`ave already ` precedad us.:_as-a shock pf` corn come iildeoILQCrIie'lty o|`_ niiuigepiu mfowm-mils ` '74-. ._ A ,\V_ oueu mul; I`-l:Il`dten."" ` " S I, L4 :m1:mME4ay:- . stormof. mdigngtimxnv hasb_e;en pro: 9. Yoked_ ha'.I` by . news `of gtortu;z:e`s__in'- f11o_be,d lby.thIa' Cubap `rebels upon the ' of Guisa, wqmen gndchil; _% " dMten+ ;be'mig' boxbx-nd;aVnd.,"}._>i'1rned; a'1 ive`.'_ ` '1'l1ia*?:1et;zxi`1s Me ..givan3 who ,Impar -i .' .c.'xal; apap-ext` by .no4`neans "avo`u`x;ablo_ j _to;the present Government policy, mud.` . thb news is ncinv-_officia.1ly 0fontirm0_d:'_ Z ' Que` of the Mihisters=`says,`.that;s far ' 4as,.xs Enuwga at ,p;ces_fan.t;lA1ve__ p1_11`y crims T the un`9rtuna_te`crga_\1rs_v-Tappaazt ta V A have; 1bee13 _;,gu`i.lty_ of, _1sL that my. fav.-' '.mm1fthe:aoopt.a';nee p9'aixtoixomy-. MV8,` ,b9761 _;,gL1:1.Lt . 01.__ _IS. E;1z;.g,. _u.r._a~,y . nu ~nj1`r ooptanee gt 'm.xtqnoxn_y-. _ .gioop1fdi'1 .` , .L<.md6n.:?M., iii ., . M iIbI1af!6t.?;ifXi\i .3[h6" 3 4 '.t's/6'7 I '; \WA.(1.3`l`:s*`- , ; .3ck:w ztkfxtmmt` :' "?t,i1:V`0rtjT`In. Ii.Wi: w$"hlhheaan . `. ~ miaa1e-4?-6eV%tembo jf'pre7a_8n!.`1y; BURIED ALiVE.'- `3 Gin!!! xv w...... .. ;Books,%%StatIone1rykA%& !Pai 1 `T Qc. SMlT.*, `A unntlmxsn * = TBa1-rig `:2 Strand. I Order}; by telegriph or tlephoe promptly ntteded ti) Cotns amt-Caskets of all lixidakept in itock A Robes andmpe, and all l3`.1 n1?I Boquiaitoa my `shed : D ,0` DOLMAGE, Manager, Stuoud W Show Room and Work S.l1`dp.`0o11io'r `St. A niat/um! action`: .onth|tnmach,liva,bowcIIand bioodoi. any medicine known, hcncc its ciictts are I iprovmpivand lasting. .1! cimgwithout fail,- 'all such D Co ' i tio __,,_ auasms e.ovEBs1-was TH:Q:CANAD:ANi,%LfRWRj A i `nints. t 0. gifarante 6ur wdrkni%1ns1ii}$ . .. ;`;o;i:he %.;:gm1:t;x;gn; .fa1.1d1_: in` jegry part;1;1ar,- mm .45 `an evidence xhat W * {lie Gua:anteeV%Tcard,%;vmch yo 1i xviu ' 1 7 ziii " of VTSi;9rey s . g_a;35 eafiiAIxm;itsays;if%youAareV' `R 11bbers.tt ` L A11 nee-1 _ero` 11815 f3+%F_<>nTYi=oiJHV `Yic`;A`B8_-1V.897 7 T In La'coAi'cA1a1'1c<':' c}IAsa` om1{naNT. lsfa (lun'mnteed cura For? SALE 1 WEAR5 -anare UP'_;F 6:DATE-as {hi __immese sale and popuhrity proves kip . hsconb, in MAKING ntfhznsi BY _ H. H.0TTON _& SON. BARBIE. VSTARDAARD. knaviuov 9ThVo 'Handsome's t uni. Best` - Woxjking Stove of this Class in _Amrica. j_ ' 1 . The constiuction of the uei gives it a greater heating capacity than any pther. v Entire base radiates heat; . Made in my Eizespwich and: without oven. Oven is made with . -three uesfsame as 9. cooking stove.` Double heater attaclmmnt by which heat can be carried to upper rooms. b Beautifully nickled. ' , Q Base5lE51' A Triumph `of Art and" Utlllti. K , ~ ` LONDON, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, V'AN_COU'V_ER. " "5 .` St. Barde- .... ---...` _ _ \ Coatnd Ting" --...-, vtucuu uvunuulu . ,.- -..-. _a.nfccd to cdrc if isscd according" directioh: ` , ,,_ -..u--__ 1-" ..:..:.... .. (15. MAI _ 3-ntCCd `0 CU ll USCG |U Uuuuuvua warrants any suffugr in giving 9. hi: trial to Burdock 81096; i EEiJ*Kii1(p&Nu. `the SiaiT__of Life and the Man i _ .whoMakeV it.` _- HOT wonx `Ana tom: nouns. Tetter . - ' '" .:suyu;a , L Eczema. - ' Salt Rheum And All Itch; Skip Diseasaa , eoior` with -s reddish sticky" sediment-, with *' ' thing. I was low spirited and-discouraged. -_Hearing.of Doau's Pill: I went to Mr. W, T.- Pmclical bakers are so. exposed to extremes . of temperature that it is not -surprising` thatq they often suffer from kidney aridother lrou-~ _b1e's. In many cases their workiat night con- fines them in a heated ntmesphei`e for hours. . from whic tbeysaily forth through the Said E, night air t9_).lteir,we1i-reatrrrederevsi. _ V __ `Mr. George Roberts, baker for Mrs: `S. Rnnalwy 237 .Du.n. gives us > the followingfacut 5' I Have suffered so `much. for the past =four'teeri years wyiih kidney disease thatitgives` me pleasure-to tell of my changed . condition for the better. I had fearful pain, in theback and right side;' the urine wa.s_rcd in bnckdtlst '_ "At tinientsevcre pain` in V the region 0 the hiadder, causing me _great'i ' Iuiforingund discomfort. _ Appetite very poor. , .-and much trqubled with sleeplessuess at ni ht. Xfelt tired and worn out all the time. _ N ork hecame I drudgery ; it`was arreffort to do any- 3trong'n drug store, London. '0m., and y gotone box. ` From the first dose '1 com- manned to improve. and now my back and `dds are nllrizhtz the urine is natural in color; ` Eunced to i_mpro_vc. e,nd_ n_ow mac: anu . IE: are 111 right; 15 color; K V edlmenl`hns disa pearel; I haw: no pain of any kind: rest w : appetite` has/returned; I am stronger and better i_n evcry_way ; for the - ' rs! urge in many years '1 now feel that life is worth vin ._,_Doa `s Kidney Pillshgve cured ma at my nu standing complaint, and I uni %:;1HEc66KsBE's'1%ratENn _ _LAI alI_1' SA..l.E nu cm.AnA-; _ ilvin ._,Doan's Kidney musngve cureu me,of my n standing complaint, lured to ac owle c what they have done or me._ . Ihuve -not ta en more than two boxes, .6! the ill: and: result is as Ihave stated. .Prcv.io 1y~to~ th I hd tried nearly cm kidney rernedyTbi1Int1l I took Dow ! V ~exp;ncmd no] the Ilig);}est relief. ..._..-._._.. ', PRIOI co omm PER tax . _ at that it is g gig Pimp] of Agtltz V !aundic_c2 and `I . L -" '>'. $ (V2; 0 4` , g ronmwsnnv nwssxnas Ann qon-. ~ ;;sngu:sr. vaxanxnss HI!` lc. *ir. lC1:ui:`o.nvswnluplunun IunL ` m.0o.n.?I,e1l ~V-V m :9: menu pt up lam; no--'uowu1 lull! um llleuln or Ilemugs. ' - I Reg, Taluugo prewhed on Sun- day morning Irbm th tx'E}Job .v, 28, "As a s'h9ck ofxcorn cgmeth in his .II . ` . Goihpat 3 rate ot`49 mile: the hour a. tow day; ago, Ioaught the garmon; f It you havo'rooe`ny been in tho_ fields 1 1 1 I 1 of Pexinaylvunia; or New Jersey, or New York, or New England,` or my` of the country tlitrictx, `you know that the ` corn `is nearly ail mt. "The-sharp knife ` muck through the. stalks am"! left them all along the fields until a mazrcamoil wiih 9. bundle of straw and twisted. mi ten` of these wisps o15.sL;a.sy into sham! = and than gathering up as much of the! corn as he could compass with his aim be bound it with his wisp of at,ro.\s=,vand then stood it in the field in what. is called ihbck. 9 ` -- ! to :. ..;s:.....+.A Luif. them aria ..1. .....mt.. Ill. ....w.....u... . Roaring mirth greeted the "late farm- 1 or as he cr.a.wled over the fence. Joke and repartee and rustic salutation abounded, .LAl1,ready, now! The men take hold the shock otcorn and hurlit `prostrate, while" the moles and mice `, which have secreted thamselv`esTthei`e i forywarrhth uttenipt escape`. The withe .1 of straw `is unwound from `the corI`1' shock, and the stalks heavy with the wealth pf `grain, are rlled into two ' q bundles, between which the nusiiers sit ~ down. Thehusking peg is thrust in: until it "strikes theq>rn. and `then the fingers rip of: theaheathing of the ear . => and here is 9.` crack at the root of the -- corn is snapped off frdx the husk, and the grain, disimprlsoned, ts hurfled/up, into the sunlight.` . J i rm... ..:.. 2.. .. ;....*...- `tn .'......1.- In km` V--_y u 5 Uuuuv uavvvv ....-....(-.. been x.ea;;&`"vnl-[ks as a ahockwof cofa i ed WOYUI Ill!-`3Kl.I).g. WU buruw vuow -u.:... comathm in his seas/on. * " \_a_ p11(.'.evB.1l by xtselfj and >W6>Ual18dlt "nubb1ns. . - r ` . There 1s a difference of opinion as to v_ some ot+~.it was mdewad and some i -whether `the orientale knew. `anything about the corp as it stands in ourfields 1, it "15 mica I\>1_31I1 and some of - ` ` - A - me great. romxse and no fulllment. but lecentmscovema have `found out. `All cobs on?! no.`corn.`Nubbins! After _ ' had beem'drivenvuI>' to , 13 burn we came aroun. _W!_ V corn basket and we picked up these n_|;\)}lip$. They were worth, so.vin`g,-but not woithk much." So,a1l around' xus? there are people who umountgto, `n0.H1~. `mg, They develop into no kind of use- ,,_*1IheQre lbbled on` _onerside: 'b`y"the world, a.n'd*n_ibbIed` `on thveotherp side, by tltrwlevil'fe1i1mHdesv9d~-ell-; over. j Grealiromise end` no full-: meat, I All` cob aLnt1_`njo corn.u~.Nub~' bins! _ ' ' '_ _ . They arelworth saving. Ieauppose` , 0fthB;co_I'n*p1cked up out of `ancient . crypte and exhumed from hiding places 7 \vhera=$hey: were-p ub-*doxatn*4i1auy;:en. A turiee ago, and theyhuve been plent- mi in our time and ha.ve com-e.up just ouch-Enx}im1ma{rzeas_wereisei_nNe, York and Ohio. o.So.I.am..right,_\vh,e;1 1, my that my text may refer to wshqck of corn juatius you and I" bound it, just at; you end I thi-aw Vit.- juat aewyou and` 1 huakegl `it. There muycome some . practicnnd useful and. comforting les- aonb in all our ..aou1s,`- while we thjnk V . .. V \ og oomingin auast '-`like -a.'shock1'of Am? ` `"" kE9~" V`v`-"`o _ corn comingin in his season." M thy are 1.`rWm`Y t be m"id u. in High um mm the xzinxror W. -2.9 t!xeA:*arx9_1:Is1.3;{_t_1,x_ f,ff`f_ ;`_'_k`:`,"_ W333 ' many of those who mingled in thatic eunuorwm , A _` ' y' After a.whi1e"the_ dinner -horn- sounds ,,y` 1-6m`-the ,furmho'use, andthe table is ` . surrounded by a.` group `of jolly 'and,;}. ,` hungry menl. From all (the pa_ntries; and the cellars and the percheso fowl ; 5 on the'pla.cia,the richest dainties come,.i3 and there are .cernivulva.u`d` neighbor-1. `hood reunion," and a scene which fills ; our memory. part with smiles, but more i It with tears, as we remember that the farm belongs now to other owners, and `5 other .he.mh4_ gather in the fields, and * t nierry husking scene have themselves` reaped "like shock-`otcorn cometh in , hum in `n iffnmnnn nf nnininn m: to l e w_.., ..... .=......,,.... _ ` The air is so `tonic; the work` is so --u .a' ,-_.-. .. ...\ COT C01I1lI1g'lIl H) 1118 5021501!- romj were thrown out -of . ghe rhristian voca.bu1ury . A vast multxtude of peo- ; ~disaster_:. of _djsa.atrs}- instead of being to 9. good man the rblgaamg 'o'b1e'sa~ = ptbulg intbf-'a.war1n .t(}_y,nplq'.` It_ :13 mi:~ , .m.+mn.~ &'nr.n~-nroves. `oi nernetual It is high vthne that king" of tors.` D16-talk of d(`a.at;h as though itwere tlm; _ ` ginga-.;: I i`moin& -u\.1_t.of'n,v'ciold vea- ` tgilll, intbf-" warm .wmp1e'. LE_ -13 wk 9 M groves `of, perp'etus.l , i`u"Lta.g'\e._':It..iS achtLn g` 1 .'x'oIu._. b1e'nk .,Mo.-r,ci11 to~rn3aa,te Ju_xio.jjItji 'tit3_11p.pg ed %r9nmut;;i1g(V6f:A3;he ;`n~fon i\1J.n_deufts Qt. e:a,;?1y.Xn't;zu-czajrati6n_ig1tu thin _dwsmunded, \Vti9.tL1:.`9t_a>br1 party; or. to" use ,&t1qg1 of my txgu it `*i\onI`yr 1 run Ql`$!%I(.,$= sum WW a-roa.oa:hetam-L-- % bnnohosorf V/'*" o.ir, zmsco so`! ~h%` on. You :21?! 315`! 'h'*``' - V: . to map: F ;'?fa`i *m.`n;1`iif:` u`?ememher how ahlvoritiz mi. . Ind W pllnfnl wu ho"0h0okIl1 50" h:" numbed were we nanas.i But 4*" = while the sun wenbhls P 3d.` v the frosts went out"!!! I5 if? `mi Ilnrlnn nu-nlinnn out-`or we La.u_.7. um. hilnrities awakened tho oc11'oea~snd ! {gum one Ti:orn__ shook sweat Au1,,f`A 3- -` n " nun-I `vac nnnfihf bf 1 am `i30l'l.l,_8h00KWDRIAB1I|$,i`t\l1Do- I. 9.," and was answered b3J;yv tram : mother corn shock. "Aim. 7 1" _ V So we all.rc'a1ineA thlt thb death 0! . our flfiendl in the Sipping of many:-` pecL'&tiong,I mg . {hi chilling. the frosting? of our all: In ` from bein ~_L'a9nth`.w1nd. It comes from the rigidnnorth... and when tbey_ so may lrpm` an we stand bennmbotl in body and` benumbed inzmind and benumbed in soul. We atpnd amqnc K , our deadneighbors, our-dead fnmihes. nd we say,"Wil1 we ever get over it?"p _\! "as. we willget over itgamid the; lushoutings of heavenly reunion ' and we `: k will look back to all th6se`dist,resses of _ I hnrmnmmnnhl nnhr IRS tQ?4InD0l 8Ty back all thes9'uIs`r "` `" Ehoreavements only =33 `yhe }j`1n,P"`l"`y - `distresses bf hue}'ki!1_8`h,1119-` 9! 3_ may endum for `aintzhhl but .105 `'`:)mt. eth in thmmornln ." "Light: Md. `:6 for a_moment." as. d tpe apostle as` lclappedhia handss flnght and butiolri "fmoment." The c 111 of Que frost `Q `A; lowed by the gladnoss that cometh 11 "like as a shock'oi"born cometh "1 his season." *' . . I\P .. ,. ....._:_:..... Llinn made .513 588300." ~ 1] . 1 Of course theyhusking tline mad? Ii r ough"work with the ear of corn. The -t h-usking peg had to be thrust in and 0 the` hard. thumb of the maker had to t c01ne*-do\vn_on the ewathing of the ear. e and then there was a pull end a rut11- V 3 less tearing and then a complete snap- ping off before the corn wa_s free, and \ if the husk could have spoken. it would have saim ,"Why do you lacerete me? `Why `do you wrench me " Ah. my " friends. that is the way God has. ur-- - ranged that the eeian thehuk` 3 pnrt, and that is the way he has- ur- ;-renged that the body and-soul shall ~ 50138-rate. You tan afford to "ht?-V9 your physical distresses whe \ you . know that they are only [on erdln the soul's liberation. Every rhelimhc pain is only a plhnge of theihusklns peg. Every neuralgia twinge 1;! 01113! a twist by the husker. There is sold` I J I I I | 4 in you that must come out. Some way the shakel must be `broken. Some W9~Y_ the ship must be launched for heavenly . yoyage. You must let the heay6!_11Y _. Ilushamdmen husk off the mortality wfrom the-immortality. . ` , 0 nu ,, '....,LI. 1... I-... ...mnI- nnnnlo l l I D 5 l` B B `alrom Lnebnmmortnmy. V , There ought to be great consolatlgn ` in this for all who have cln'onic`N1- . ments. since the Lord is gradually and more mildly taking away from F0 that which hinders your soul's libera- 9 tion, doing gradually for you what for 9 many of us in robust health P9131395- ` He will do in onefell blow. at thelast. At the close of avexfyrillness, at . the- closo of every paroxysm, you ought 3 to.say:v~Tha.nk God that is all past nmv. Thank God. I willnever have to to.say:v~Thmik that is _&u Imm- now. Thank God, suffer. that again. Thank God Lam so much nexrcer the hour of 1'Lbera.tion'." \You will never suffer tor`the- same. Dam twice. You may have a new pain in `an old place, but never th same ` pain twice. -\ ' rm... .\..:..v,:..a.-n.;'uiny-1: nhd thn it ~ ders, thuft :vouv l1uvapo,much less sm- ifering at the lust. Thank God that- In the way of pain at the hands of gnu `you will have 'so.much;. less to feel v te heavenly Husbandman wheu"'the- .shock of com oometh in in his sea- pain twice. \ The 13hin does'its'work aud dies. Just so many plu n_g e3`of - tbe_ crowbur t5 {ree'the quarry stone for the building. Just so many strokes`_of the chisel to complete the statue. Just '80 many pangs to separate -the soul ' from the body. You who have chronic ailments and disorders `arevonly payihg in instalments that which` some) ofus l will have to pay -in` one payment when we pay the debt of nature. Thank God, therefore, yo who have chronic disor- that you l1uvo,so,much less suf- fnvinrv nf. Hm Inst! that - not` around ', us develop xmhbins. They were worm suvnug-,~uuu_ , .. ai*6Il>b11d*t5n`-onerside~ davelop into kmu or use- , > Fll)b1HfmWn%ide~ Great p_romise ' fu1f_i\-: :r_1gaut_." nal ' f` L ' tlxrdugh great t"ril.su1ations>into'_ . er have`..t1ib`Lpains of hhi 1if9._'fh&:m'_q-` ' `fortune; jot `this 1ie--who rwduld: not` .; L 3 `rated, and wreiiohedy and 11uska!_3;8Lnd- '7 3 inotvoifth husking 1* r.[n~.o>therV .W91_'dsv bins! _ ,_.,, are1wprt_11 ~ .ma.'ny of them"-wi11~ga37-tV_o heavembut not, worthy to . Tux theaame day with those .who wig: ' ` kingdom at ~God.~' .Who would not r`at.h~ _fat1:6r= be .torn_..an?dw(`>\'in.ded. ~:ndj1a,cu. .. at last; go. hi` 211;`uMheM very best `g_`r`ai1`x' of the` granary, tharrto iha p'r_(m_o1;n'ce__d. at all} Iubbius!*- I ".w.a.ntyto..say to you` 7 vrmnnhmwhn have dlatrssb body~ya'ixd' non; erfez .Wo1_'ds1 `.w.a.nt`,to_..uay w ,ygu\ 1 `who.ha.ve dlatressfo bodyr- ?t1_1__icl' g1igtre`ss,ix;. uamess an abrts; the _,I;ord1 has not: Lanny -gmda{e; against you, `M It is notlder`o a,tory::_ 9* {av _ ooy11>}_mxL1ta1;y.* _' "Whom" _11e Lordj .. ......H. Ilnn H-. In nrnnr ~`u,geiiust you. 1c is nocyuow u,u;~_;,;.p is _comp1imnta:y.* "Whom `%_hejLordf 16veth.=He ehaateMn_e|:h.`. *.-and it is proof pcsiti: isssomethingl vszluk j _8.blo`,iuw you, nor ` the` [Lord would not V nuve4_hu8ker%i"ym;: ~ ` ` -You remembe: .o.~isoVtl;at in , the hi] 1 of 1iuaking'1t aV,mV& .uaighb9rlns gm. g `union. - ~By.4 the.` great ;fi_te p1ao;a,; gin __: tho::.fireJ:I; 'r A M V . twinned , :5 ave; ..&. in an V . cw, Wghx 5 ` I1 l3am.m!Ip Iro\_u1d`i=.~- . ` ` V ' I 4 fa _ .1 I `V17 _ ` .;a`~` ' 8`, Rd mcitnlofi mmemhorthat. or ' 7 / ..b1'f8.htestfepe!1enO08 in alhtholr thou: wasoarzrat equah 11118; Vjifpg. Add rrtheroswura` neighborhood H1988. hzhhotn, * Then atom; rounionrtllarmemry at `wok/uch mgkes jwra aback`; fwnnr EW14 59 It Vt0_K all the nervosot m body trmbls with who ownodaw-raorea at ground: The emotionIia the at; an `of a barn when Whom bums bikini mth at the ` the,nger`s 01.9. player have swept next corn but 80 was - tho chords. ` ` . M M 01 Stomul. and perhaps all oowerod by - The hcgski time was the time of 3- m0YtfBB-V That` waning. alt the! ndgn1xh idr*m`nven close 0 hulking day; one mu drove I will he just that. .. Then! they coma up! . ` V home-a map.-span.aa trinity. so full of `They slept In` the old_villaga L church- Wm U101 80? their feet over the`traces.*f yard -There they come up. (They re- The other ma`n- walked homo. ,Great' E clined an1(1&`irt!1e fbuntains and the -ditfera_ence in ducation. great `differ-V sculuture and the pa,-genes of 3 my anoe zn worldly moans. butlgroticed cemetery. There Lhesy.com-3 up! They at the huskixk tixm they _.ll sehpled to` went down when: the Ship fouudered Aanjoy each. o_tha:e's society. _ Thy did; 'offCape Hatteras. Thy come. up from met a s.k any manh0W much v_mi>erty; an gideg,_.f,~_0m poumus mm and out has erwm-.d or what his education had`. `of the soda masonry bf Westminster -,been. _'I`hey all seemedrvo be happy to- ` gather, In-those god times. ` ' s`."."Y-..f!.9. `2".1.1", _'`P? 3333 Am! no It will be m heu'verr ;*ou`r vthechorda. `` . v- time E d"w"hmven cl that... There yard they come` _ enrlr the . the a cemetery. the `of f Cape They . potter s `ofithe masonry - "Abbey. They come upl They come .up! \-All `the hindrances. to their ` better nature busked off. All their ~ phyaicalailments hushed oft. All their f spiritual despondencies hushed off. All ' their hindrances to usefulness hushed f off. The grain. the golden grain. the * iGod fashio d grain: visible and con- ` ; spicuous. mm of them on earth were " such disagreeable Christians you Would ` hardlystand itinytheir presence. Now in heaven they are so radiant you hardly know them. The fuel; is all -their imperfections have been husked off, They did not mean on earth to be `disagreoableu They meant well enough but they told you how Sick you looked. and they told you how mahy hard things they had heard about you, and they told you how often they had to stun/l up for you .in some but- tles until you wished almost that they had been slain in some of the` battles. Good. pious. consecrated. well mezlning dlsagreeables. 11... c.. r.........+ ..n tingl-nil'nn'<|\.'PIl(`.SS T uxaaggnvcmuvuo. . NOW. In heaven all their oltenslve-ness hi`-3 P801). 1111-Sked. off. Each one is as lmppy as he can be. Every one he meets 9-'3 ht`-Dpy'a.s_ he can be. Heaven `one great neighborhood reunion. All .`lyl8 anxbqneens. all songsters. all millwnlaires. all banqueters. God, the fzL`ther,; with his children all` around Him.~ No "gooilby" in all the air. No Have cut in all the hills. Rivers of - C1')'staLml1ing;over heel of pearl, under arch of chrysoprasus. into the sea of , glass mingled with re. Stand atthe gate of the granary and see the grain .C0I_ne in, eutoi the frosts into the sun- 5_h`lne.'.Voul; of the darkness into the ' 1_1_8ht. out of the tearing and the rip- ` P1118`. and the twistingend the wrench- ` {I1xra_n laceratlng, and the husk- ` 1048` time of ea.rth_inl:o the wide open 7 d1` Of the King's granary, "like as a. . shoal; of corn cometh ln in his season)". - _ Ye,~ heaven,\.\& greet sociable. with 5' JOY like the joy of theihusking time. 5 Noene there feelingeohig he declineeg l`. tn mmnl: fn mmn nnn who is not 80 3 rgo one were Ieeung supng mg um......,.`. to, speak to some one who 15 nqt 80 large. "' Arch-angveI_w1llmg to listen to smallest cherub. No blting of the_ door ofvcaste at one heavenly man5i tn lmnn nuf Hm r-i-mncl. nf )1. smaller d.00I` ofvcaste (It neavemy m?~"1 . to. keep out the citizens of a. smaller nfanaion. ' _ Na c1ique_ in 13110 0011101` whispering about a chque in another comer. David taking none of-t}16V8-`F5 or n A-;nn+ billar Jnnhna makmsz `no uavm taxing none U14.-uu mun of 8. giant killer. Joshua making one halt` until he passes because he ' made the sun. and moon halt. Paul making no assumptions` over the most Ordinary preacher of righteousness. Nanman, captain of the Syrian host. no more honored than the captive maid who to1 where he could get 8. ` gooddoctor. O. my'sou1, whet a. counV-' try! The humblest man 9. king. The poorest women a. queen. The pneanest _ house a. palace. ` The shortest-iiifetime . ebernit . And what is more strange _about it all is, we may all get there. _'fNot I." says some one-standing back : tinder the galleries." Yes. you, Not L}: sagmsome one who has not.been in Hum Inn 15 years before. Yes. A I you. "Not 1'; says some one who has been for 50 years lling up his life "with all kinds of wickedness. Yes. you; ' _ Thererure` monopolies on` earth! mono- f 'polisti<>;-railroa.ds.--anonopo1istlo-.,tele_ 7, ' graph = companies and `monopolistic grain. dealers; but no` monopoly in r.e- ligion. All who want to be saved" may ' be saved. _w-ithout.-money 9.Jl.1With011t W11` price.". Salvation by "the L017?-Te'sA Christ for all `people. Ofoourse. use common sense in this %a.tter. Xou cannot expect to geH.o_ _ making shlp.for Portland. ..a.m1you oannot "expect to get to heaven by go- "9th.N" KIIQWQ WLl\:.|_lv ugul. `wt ` `f-I have Meg troublgg ,th fer, 3' (314 rrhw `u? In " Hysi wt 3 V u-3:311`. tag entree ; .4 x1er.o$2ats ~:`-`:.~wmme :33 M 11-mstStioh,.~~ x xs;*s;gte1;: 9`: M l.jl.I-K$;0!,!,1X1WiAiV` *' ` me`-t 19. U'` + I ha ,:akn gfunrbot` `Wu tiimsi: ask .%gw; ~ .. (*inatln>atonui3 ; Erkhaati ngeqigiigo :43: a_K.`>l_!B`p`1;at;t:r., , Lave 9, :01 : I , em` ewea new` `at H7s\c?a'u=a1l.3 ct rrtxofthc womb? 4 Eeagsarea I1er.o$2atsh c1ar1u-;to.. .'~I.;, octore _ -`R: an did noi et.1>,e.t!.,e.r-, o.s.tLI(cox;mmcwc \ saysij: .!:*,ierce. Bawtu a- >.: u n x. `mm m4m.m>.t_o_g.,; 4; 4 . a u L 1tvnuac?nts 1~ llrt v()_l\SIl1l_I1uI ' IIft1e;_J:lus'xi'n_tLi,v!'< ex na i:._l`xi! young woman. . m ten nowa- - _days w o u1dr~ " dare; to run out bare, he a de d and hue hand ed `and frolic 4 am! Znmnw ball jlaua snow nau_ in midwinfer. Thaw '|unm to . 9 .be,.Jmu_Eed. up. ' mm .-hnbhouse ' sndv Balllnt-1 About one Anna wmnuu :_owers theydare ven- ` ture out in se-' veter aweather, '.'and.even then come in. . I do not know how you e.re~cons_ti- tuted. but Iam sol constitutecl that V there is nothing that so awakens rem- iniscences in `mess the odors of :1 corn- field when Icross it at this time of year atter the corn has been out and it stands in shocks. And so I have thought it might be practically useful- tor us to-dey to `cross the cornfield. - and I have thought perhaps there ` might be some reminiscence roused in ' our soul that might be salutary and` might be saving. In Sweden. 8 prim donnu. while her house in the city was being repaired. took a. house in the country for temporary residence, and... she brought out her,.greet array oh" jewels to show a friend who wished to: see them. One night after` displaying; these jewels and le ving them on the; . table. and all her friendshed gone. and` the servants hads gone-one summer night-ashe set thinking endlooking in- to a. mirror just in front of her chair. when she saw in that` mirror the face of a robber 1oo_k u_1g,in"e.t the -window behind her and gazing at those jew- . els. She_wes in great fright, but .594`? - still. and hardly knowing why she did" so. she,b_hegan_ tosin'g an oldnursery_ song.` her fears` making the pathos of V the song moretelling. . Suddenly . she noticed while looking at the mirror. that the rebberfs iace hed `gone from the windows and it did not come back. `A few days after theprime onne __l`CBi1&{l_3_1&i.i'.8I..f1`0]I1-th rob- 1 bar. saying. "I .h'eard_.thet the jewels. were to be `out-that night `ziird I came .Fn 'h:lrn'Hmm at wksiffnvhr hazard. but n , D0110` ./talt, >1istic 11` l" -vent-1 gather, In-those good mums. . And so It will m heaiviiifur Father will gather His children around . Him and the neighbors will come in. and tho paatwill be rehearsed. And some one ,will tell ot_ victory and we will~all _ce1ebra.t_e it. And some one Will tssll` of grea.l:_strug 1e. and we ' will-all praise the graceghat fetched _ him out of it,` And some ,ona.\\`ill say: v ." Here is my old father that 1, [mt away. with.heartbreak. Just` look at him. ha ~ is as young `as any of us 1", Andgonxe one will gay." " Here is my `darling child that I buried in Greemzood. and all the after years of my life were shadowed with desolation. Just look at her! She * doesn't seem aslf also had been sick 3 minute. Greahsociality. Great neigh- borhood kindness. \m.g.+ n.n'.mh Jnhn-Minnn sit down borhooa Kindness. What thciugh John- Milton sit on". one side and John Howard sit down on the other aids. No smbarrzissment. What though Charlotte Elizabeth sit down on one side. and Hz1nna.h'Mo1'e sit ` d'o\\"u on the other side? No embarrass- ment. A monarch yourself. why he em- ` bnrrasssd among monarchs? Asong-, ster yourself, whyhe embarrassed amid glorified vongsters Y` Go. in :ml' dine. _ All'ths shocks coming in their sea- son. 0h..yes, in their season. Not one of you having died too soon. - too late, V or hinting died at haphazard. Iflantegl at just the right time. Plowd just at the right time. Husked at just the right time. Garnored at just-the right time Coming in, in your season. 0.11.1 wish that the billions of bushels` of corn now in` t.heftieldsgor.on the way to`the. sealzoardmiglit he a type 'of'.tho grand yield of honor-and glory and immortality. when all the shocks coma in. b to be `out;that`nig_nt. and I 69-1119 to `take `them at (whatevar hazard. but ` when I heard you sing that nursery_. . song with which my mother..Vs,0 0fte_I\ .' sang me_to slew. I could not stand It . and I flat}. and I have resolved 1111? F ' m;iv-.aud hjonest life,-"" _ . . nu mu h-hm: 1-hArA-1~!`A-`ISWBIS ml