Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1897, p. 8

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sid_ereLl partjor ms uumes. , On motion of Mau'Li1x-Q11ix1lzm,.Lhe Edumtxou Counmttee \\'u.s requested ' ' to c()nsidu1' the atclvis-ability of re- esLzLb.ishir1g cxat11)i11:i._Lu1'a in diifercllb hi H-.< nml of 'n(`..'~Ll`in[! the 0051101. I)1'Bn L`5Lil.U`|a'1llIlg cXilIl)1l!i[,b_l_:)l:a lu uu1.cL'uuu ` places, uml of `ue:u~ing cost, of prew siding exauniner and sLu.\:io'ne1-"y. On mntimn hv .KexL1:ns-VVl1itesides, ` siding exaunmer mm sbu.r.1onery. On motion by -_JU{exL1:x1s-VVl11tL`s1des, . It was ducndcd tlmt; the Uouutll go mto :1.()()mx1xiLteu of the Whole` for the ap- . Emiumuenb of n. (}uu1.L_y.l`rcns111-e1- on *`:,-iduy evcu'mg._ . .\i`nrl,in-Ke:m1s~-5Thut. the Edllc:).Li0n Uonunittee c011Si(U].' the p1'npriul.y of nmkriug it grant to continlmtiuncizxsses as in 1896,, ' ' ` . u.mem,... ' Tlniniun _ l`!`mr. Fhmnr-n| m xwu, ` Hewson -'- Quinlztn 5 l`hat,_ Fnmnce Uolmxxittee p1-eepare u by-law 1'equ1ru1g the Cuuuty _mimios to be paid into fbhe _ bu.uk iusLezu1 of to the l`rezL`su1-er. I \X7L:./.n:`.ln_~, Tun `Dnu .._"l`|mf. 1111:: 7 ll)u.nK 1usLezt(l or to me `1`1`eusl11'er. . Wl1iLesi`des--Jno. Ross -"Bliut,-_.Ll1.e Council petition the Legislzittii-e at its next session to pass an act to consoli- '(lnLe the u'npi'ovi(lcd for debts of the `()ounty_ and to uulahorize this Council - to issue tlebeiibiims fol: ${1),000, payable in miuuul pu,yment.s sp1'en.d.'ovur .20 yams.-< _ ` Among the zic'coiints'pr"esente(1 were: Provincial Aulil;o1-s` _ I)upux't,1ne11L. - $256.80,` $200 being 1'01` 20 days .301-vicp) . and the b'nlnn(-.'e'foi' expenses-:~_l.no. McEa.clieI-n, for sci-vices us- special; uutlitor. 155190; .'Vig..tori,ei ,_I1.-o - Scl1 ool,;-SL. John's '[iulust~1'iul S;-llool; $78`; Uouksbown Reportoi-. [pi-imng. c"./;l:~5.5a. * - g__ ()n"f`Tu-.sr|;iv eveuinxz Rev.,'1`hos.'Mc- Dlnluwlun classes In ovum mxucnu. Jhairmuu Whi_teaMea ..=ubn\muil.. the _ repornbuu L|1e`1 uur tloum aite which was !ui(io_1n the miblo till 1`|mra(lg\y m0rniu1,{." l`hu report ruiutecl how.th: vanuuw pruper. - 't1e_a~ otfeted in the 36' Laudena had bepn - inspected. .. In _BeaLuI1'v 1-he, Roh'um'un prupertyigmd the bear soil of any, uk-mJ,, the vocab :6! kid; SW6-l)_u_i1lg;l; $5,950. v 1`_'ue '1latg:h_:r fmrn in $5,450 `wu.8J:he mat in '_ Allisvtou. . In. Colliu;.;wood__und~ `Midland suitable` pi tea ` wu1'e_ ups `ql1'ure{1' am! in_ Uri 111:; theyvwere too inn` from tqwn; In Puueunug. l the best. ipe. jmll: back of nhez_\u_m1ner.l1onel, V hm. only 7 a_`e_doud_-olusa aoiI,_Vtl`ae- soap being H|l.Zll)0. ' p1'1nt,m 1'. c".'.m.ua. , On "'15 ucadily evening Rev.1l1os. .lV\IE- 'Keu,I 1 .S. sub1uitt;edn report, "showing the exuellt-,u,L work. (lone by the con-... tinlmtiun classes in South Simcne. m...:...m... \xI|.m..`..m. . m|inu`r.tm|. Hm '_0I3N,'lfY GOUNGIIJL`. ff mt` M3313 EXAMQIER, _1'nu_1zsIm`, NOV. -13. V1997. ,1-mum: I Qy.vn gv /t o n $93?! 5-rpm ; U {A bank: at 5; X. am; he and Sanford won in I sir; Boddy nid that ship Januhry Seuign in 1890 when no was `Warden, they-heud lhatflisrrne wu gaming mcmey from Ihp aznmed tonne if they could get `the amp rate. Unaueeufnl in thinithey went :9 the hasdptces in Toronto only to meehwith t.Le sums rauult. Knowing that the by`-lnw iid not specify at"; to where the- money shonmbovborwwed, he got - B promise mm the Staudagd Bank at Bmilotd of 5 74 `ml pmheps better. Bu: after they imd been In foruuto, tho,__Brudfmd bunk gob iuat{uc- ' inns not to give them muueywat iezs than i-5:3 Bu-rievmnks, which he felt was she re.-ult. of an cgmbme. Shortly alter, the Bum banks lowexed mm rule to 5 IMge'ly he Lhought, on am-ouut of the _actsou 0! the Standard Bank. For this he thqught. the Standard uhou;d have a ah.r.eof`the account, and so he, vmhou: any alivicefrom Smfnrd. suggcated that the $5,000 note in March be dnuouuted in Bradford. 1,. Mr tx..;..M. \.. u...m.. um I... At the request of the (,`unnci', Assistant Tmauurer Stewart appeared to exphun the cnnnteraigning of Snniord s checks. In qpmg Mr. Stewnrt. explained his position In the union. He saii [llM(iu|'il1;z the mice years he [ind been amlitnr previuus to Snuf0rd s appointment the nssistcllb never gnv the eligneest information or'_ assistance. In 1836 the Council authorized him to cuunters1gn,Sandfurd s_uhccknin order lu satisfy the guarantee company.` volluning than the committee has" answered ins npplicngion for un lncrensubv stumng that it lny with the Treasurer to increase his sulurv. as he was not 9. county '0iIiuiui. Succeeding committees has contxnued to_give him that impression. He had never been asked to give any stntenienr/tegnrding the tiumccs. The countersigning always wm 2:. farce and he objectud to it wriots of in may c-iune in that wins paid out again nnd not` \icpusited._ R.ennrdin(Y' nerannni cnecks he said tint um.:uuuI.e:u Ill nrauiuru. '10 Mr. Ilzwsou, Mn Buddy said he rein.-diuu the 'I`teasurer e statement entireiy as to the unncialystuudiug oi the County Hekept track of the notes dxzcuunted for ll whim. He asked the 1`reiisurer Inr his bill bank but was mid wit. he kept track of his notes on a.c-uieudnr. \Vhen the last note was discounted at Bradiord.-Sanford assured him that they were we-21 within the limit. The proceeds of the last. $5000 were deI'i\'er- ed personally to .SJ|\i0f(_i by himself, thus eaivmg $2.50 express. Mr. Hewson stated this mm Leeu veried by a slip in the 'l'reasurei s uthcc. , V .14.. Mayrun tmuisiug that the" Warden ln`_'.;(i.'; be appointed 'l'reusure1, wanted to h;m~, the nominating oicers for the different divi-was appointed, but his motion was dt-.-L-.red lost. ` . found with that account. Q than shown on stub. WM paid out again unu HUI. ucpuun.::u._ Regnrding personal cnecks {when he entered the ollice by h`nnfui`tl s invitution, it was with the understanding thnthe would be ut liberty to lenvc the oilice for se\'c1'nl days if he so desired. Wlion he left he \\'onl Snnfonl enonglicountersip,iied checks to keep him supplied. -Sanford would do the same when he wont. This was known to the Couxiuil; In tax sale fees from 93 to 96, Sanford was entitled to utleust. $3,400, and the checks drawn on that nccount zimonntetl to only ' $2,632.. The nssietantfs duties were mostly with the tax sales and no fault had been He~ha never! moddlctl with the nnncinl alfnii's, Sanford` doing all the work in the caslrbook and ledger, If he had been lax in the counter- signing, it was through ignorance and" on nccountof implioit confidence in Sanford. Comparing cheektiwith stubs lie found that in some cases they did not agree, the checks being much larger and for other purposes p....i..:..,. 'o,. 4u.. u...-n,....i.;t mm that In; 4 nuu nun iwpt. truck 91 IE. 5 In 1893 he diew $700 instead of $600 for - his own salary. This he xplaiiied by saying , that Sanford charged up $350 ekich imii ynr 2 instead of $00, and when the auditors culled v his uttention to it. he said it was wrong nnd he would attend to it. Sanford always paid ' him 8100 out of his own pocket, but this was the only year in was charged to the county. Snnfoid drew as much as $1400 at L n time for payments from office. Heobjecteui -'t'o"'ti1e system $0-~~th6--Filltmce C-on'i'mt1:ee.'~ He urged Saninrd to keep arbili book `uni to let him keep track of the cash received `daily, but he refused. As he cnnsisiemi `himae1fSunf_ord s servant, he did not think it; his place to protest iurther. Hawn'n`n-.W|mt did vnn thinlz w.m nwtmt V Lllllll UIIUWHVUII HLUU. Replying to Mr. Hews`ou~-h said that h_ did not report ovexdrawu salary, ggcauae he had not kept track of it. In `I803 he drew F4700 inntmd nf SRGOO fnr 1 \vas. n.onusyoxiaiule. I In reply to further `questions from M.. Hewsmn, he will ,cliaLb`;uford lucked ah: 1: _chcoks ulcer they came frown the banli. Allzur 1892 the prau:r.iue'uf p istiug the enema in the books to currgspoml with stubs, hzul _ be-`An dlslllillledy;Why/il cnulll not;-say. Usually. wlien,he'cmne buck nfternn absence from` the uice, he did_'nuc examine the checks he ha 1 couuteiaigned to see how vtlmy V were lilled in. If he lmdflone wrong he was willing to take his allure of hxitynf duty, but Illl1_I.`e tliu11.onalw.d been deceived in Sanford. . (\..' Hy`. :.... \9;.i.u;... n.`.r.l.....l HI IHH PIECE LU PFUIUSIJ lU|'HlCl'a Hew:'o`u-What did you think was meant .1 by the couutersiguiug? _ ~ 1' Stew-art-I did not know, ulxdprbteste-E pgziinst it -to the committee, and they told .me`I mus: sign everything. The present comini_ttee told me it was simp1y to sutisty the Guammtee Company. When I 1\Sk_Ui 4 why it was necessary so do it with MT ` 1):-ury, who gnu uuly persmml .~'ec\11`i{_\'. they said th'-mt: in WIS all the 31m, and th .2 Iwas n.oMesyox1sible.' * ` ` |'n`rnn|u tn Fnrthnr nnmatinm frnm M.. ,H1 t3ll|lI()f. I On" \Vu(1ueaday 1x<)}_qing Messi`a. Quin_!:m --- He'wsuunmve:i .t!w.'h'tlw Fm:\110evC0u1: m`at.t'cu Luke` mtg cousid`eruti'ou the advi<;- ; bility of dmniaaing `Assist; '1`_|'u:\sux'ei_` P, H A" -tewrt ;_.,4~j-n.d nlsu that; they1k9....Tl,<;a;:lJ} cu:\nn:up`Jig'i1iug ul Lhabhecks. . _ - ` as to what extent he is'_l hl_)`(a far we A\speciaL1'nweting of Court Bzm-ie, was \p1~eseh,ted with It hatndsome easy I'21d.b "B1-_o. "R. J. Love. 0, R ; and Bro. J. Lac ie mudetlieg p1'esenta.ti0n. `Mr. Logux isvoueof th oldest tuenlbems pf. the Qmirt, and has held the position of ll[lp0I'5fht "part hemhztd taken in the wish that V both` he vatntl lite can `:1 4_oa11.wus(_sum-` plately taken lJys.ur pri so but ummxged to let thegourt kno\v`l1o\v 'much.h e apprac1itted.`thei1- knindneaa. Uom li-' ,l1nii-uxxdtun address. The h;dc11'ess was M Olniefixll e1"tl1reeto1'l1xs_.- fullling its` ; (1\1ties\vit_ rent-1t{e`(1it'. tot11i;ns_elf.uu_d j the Court. ' he address 1`ef,1're_d to the _ wm-k IJ_;`Il(1:f-he high" esteem in \vhj_'hv lief A was heldby all. .c('mclndin , with the; _s. Loan` ' might long ,be~spu~`ed to enjoy the mentnry and dong:-mn1lnt91`y. space as . fllth ` Wd Emma I u as agglxgagg gospem y H. .|fro'm the membormfollowed. all. wish- ling, '-as onemnember aaidt "that, he : mu \ ` tot hat Achaipon hiagnlden wedding ,day.`t' - ` I L I 319 .`0.0.l<`. wu{s._ held last"-Tl1111'_sd;VLyl evening, at which Wxn. Loan. P.Ut1t.,> ' gghtbe spmred.to~enjoy the taoxnfnrts i TW`Cure .6. Q'\II VIIUII l-VFRVIV |l|l_! W`f'|""'V"` V""' "f ` rmnw-%. P `t 31 gtrom % mi .`:'3oa%b 3IvImnili"io1l`.l..: `av ` as I.9lw:.M L Not, with +9;i` clan` ft 1; %;q.id Vs`hnt"7ts Ws ! .us`lt JGIIOI3 from . u....m.'.' I..'...1.m...m`I.n`.|u.. Anti P.n`sr1~t:1E("l;* ;`:)~:\;I;1TLot{n; PAI!VXduIs.V9HE&9% f*`6Y.Ed'r `l1.39 :1 ll] 9 to p m wmcu ARE LEVER _BROS.. [The malls :1rcrccmvcdnnd dosed at the Barrie ` Post Office as follows: ....,,....v .. , ..._- I u..'.u 1: m V "u.w GR.\\'E.\'IIURS'l`& NORTH BAY 2.07 1) m `1.25: ` ' ORILLIA v 3una,`}aess AND PuuLIav,:l% _` I` OUR SPEC|A'LT|ES, .,-i,{=:-`5 ` lgneat Pri`:aa_73I_):,a.:bixV:ad. '~ __ n_-...._u-. 11-4.. i nun `nu. ;.`u.uu Inuuuui U1 ` 3.1.111`. lIu5- 'D'0Il$ nml the shipping of wood and graiii.~-JaS. .\lcL:iughlin has con1n1en- ' cod butclieringngzniii Ioucconnnoilate the l citizens.-i\lrs. Reynolds is \'isiting_in. St-roud,--\l1'.. Lnl'rei.ier, who. has been unable to wniki lor the last. innntli on iMcAoiiiTt'{if a lestered hand has c01n1nen-` ;. c<-(l`\vork 21;;ain.-Ou1'. Lrnly of the snows has been trying on her new winter dress but it does not seelu to suit yet.-.-.\liss ..Ev'a Richardson had a ` severontmck of inllamumtion last week but sheis getting ntoumll again which is u great Iehel' to lii-,x_' many frieinis.- 1\[,lS3>FR|in)' Cook has gone to Bzn'rle`to reside afte/i 9. very sliort stay glt _lm1ne. (From another cone.-pomlent.) _ Divine sei'vic.os were conductel its usual Suinluy evening with a very large at_tendmice.--Chwiles H.Al'11iii'..)l1 imengh going to lllmiitoha for some ti1ne..-- Heib Knapp, late of this plaicenxnl now - living ntljbenezar, was uivay deer hunt~ ieg in M'.1sl(0l l'or` t\V()..`lVn:k.~r. The ? party were returning home on at small tug ucr <- the lulre and the weather being rough, Mr. Knapp was. svasned OVeI`h02u'd. Quick as n:f_lai_sl1- a small rope was thrown: to the drowliing man und he was pulled Saifely on ho;ml.-`-- John _Mur1_y wu_s'visiting at Like, vie\`z l on S\ti1rlny.'ez\lex. Wilson spent] ` Sunday _a_t7M inesin,g;e-"1`he*B;u=1`ie~ Gree Cluib intend holding a chm.-tin Anten Mills in the course of a couple or weeks._ V As they are second to none they should be greelwd. witli a crmvdeol house- Mrs. T. Culioi*d i=. \isil.ing with her 'sistex',vMrs, ll. Knapp.---Dan (hunpoell was visiting a.i'S. Gumpbell s, Edenvale, on Sunday. . H 9 A 12: 27 AbhANUALE 11_15 :1 m \ ` 11 00 :1 m 5.55 p m _ ` ` 5.10 p In `Only nmjls so marked include intermediate stations. . - ' I Nov. 16-The sta'.1on y.mi has assllmed ubtlsimss, uppeuramce of late` with -the i,;re.u. 'xm 1 1ib(31` of gmiii '\\*9g-1 -fnhe .n.r] Hun -2L\nn;nx1 AF u.-nu.` nn.l l I I mar 15 ul - I- _ COLLI2\'GWO()D & MEAFORD `5.55 p m . `11.0< .I3L`\V'[I"I` \\'l'1 Y. L`? \[\Y A`! D ; uuun. nnu u. uu.u v nun 8.10 .1 1n . ~ . ~ '11.00 :1 m `$.55 11 m A - 7.00 pm GRAVENIIURST &\[U5:{)Z{ \ L~\ KES `5.2b p m ~ *11.10_u 111 CI? .\ \, l:`\"HI'!L`Q'l` P. XVAWDVIVII D I K! OKULLIA 7.10 :1 m _ 7.00 p HILLSUALE & I.\"'I`ER`.\IEDIA:I`E I 0I;\'Ts` 10.00 n Ill 12.00 pm MIIHIURST ` ' IIIBV. AIBK. $uCL'Ul'lllllL'-K .lAK:`l1I.lUX -U011" gr xgutional ministex-.. ' b .;<: DIED. ` L . .'ME'1CALE-On S2Lb111'day. Nov; '13t)h, a 1897, in Iuuisl. Avlm-tl1u., wife of Robb. Metcalf, in her 76th year. I - - nAR,R|"lD; . - ` RUSSELL--S1 LVESTER.--At Bau`rie`,' l N0v. 10th, Manuel Wesley Russell and ]Miss Sarah Jane Sylvsstm, both of ' `_`B:n-Tie: were m1ibecl"i11 1uzii`i-ia'gE'l3?'tI1e " Rev. Aiex. Mcormzick Lenhox Cour t n-...m...+;.m..1 'nu'n:uI'uu poudenee invited. .--..u -.-.- n g`. References our alnlppcrsvtfveny-where. Corros- I Aftr an illnss of tllrlae yeaiis, Mrs. Metciylf. of t,he13bh concession, -Inni1, ; died "on Satxuwlny. Shawna a. native of Mzwkhmn township. but has resided . neztr.`TPai411 s\xiiLek,' Where she) m`bv'ed with her rst`_h\1sb3n`1cl `Henry. Smitli.;' .Afor}.al>o`ut`;56 `years. She `had a large} mmuy. ,,.u'ine,- of whoIn,s11rviva..her.L ` _The-funml to 'Stroud cexm1te1'y} on`; L Mcinday ` jg,ftu`_nogn jgyst. vats largely M .ilM3t`I'}_d2`d. , ll.l. l {I m ` 3.35;) m : 8.55 p m a.`-,,4L`_';~ = V On ~Mo_uda3'v , Nov. 22nd. Miohaal-'-'l`yu'6,., . lut'25..cou. 1, `Our, will hold an extensive.- male. 92. f&'x}:x_n.' at.oo`kA.--'W. -D. MCoukey!' auotioneerr . 4 __ . an 'I`nnndn`u' NR1! Qlvlvu >nn `MA nnubh |.'..Il\ auouoneer: >4 _ On Tuesday, Nov. 30th, on ,thevnorhhhalE. . 191:. 21, con; 7, E33, David M`oFarlauo will: sen his`, farm nook and implements posigively ' wihout r'mrvo.-~\VL. `D. MoQ9pkog;, much`. 1.00 1) I11 Lsiimm - I-$oAp \ Your Grocer will give yoil `pa<(tic-uI`nra or drop a postczm to 2 Barrie Post Otce. "mum; iu.mgw'I~;|;I. Co.,' I;,a _3g,3mn K ;,'rcmQ.\"m; : . wt j Ann cmnnn you was In 1 "I_ E.\'ETANG& EL.\IVALE ~ 1 VSTEARNSV BICYCLEB "mvN%Awm{ EVERY MONTH com * F WATQH 1:3 `ANTEN MILLS. ` coI,1.L\'G W001) .\nm1URgT ALLANDALE .TQRONTO Bum isxmll .4 4 Uat_s..... _R_yVu' 5 ._... V. ;,Bl1clW.beat . . . .4 o u ~ ,Limited, TORONTO 9.005 n ' 1.2?) p n `.110 p 11 un 1 p m 7.00 1)` m ` DI`! 2.1!) p In ! Men sv Ulslesr, worth ffonx $6.00 `to $7.50, for $4.50 and $5.00 A V . .;,.On account of several llnesof l`ezulin.g' goods being sold out-, our buyer Visited Toronto and .\Iontreal-~ (lul'l[lg'-l3l;1(3 post week, and being able to l1_31n(lle in large" quantities, we zrrelin a position `to plaoe be- fore tho gul-)lio_tlo1e bestVvaluel mfe1'ofl'cr_(l in V the following lino_sl;.-- v uu I-`o unuuuu a yqmqea per ha . .- .... " Cabbage, pgglau` .'... ;Bam, per bag .. _-.On!ong,..per bag . -.' . _. . -'1 Gmuw,ma.lli_red, perpbpgp mmru Jun tun`: Bdyg Ulsters, worth 1 mm $4.50 to S_t3.(T'0, for $3.75 A L % Bargains ! A W ._Bargains! Bargains! One Hum11'ed pair Men's Full Cloth Pants; bsvt quality for $1.25 per pair. ' _ . .Se,L0m' 131m-E; Worsted Uoamxd Vest at $8.5O;,,w01'tb $13:50. &\'lai\1e' tQA01'de1', every` garment 9. tter. _ l_ r 4 my pairs woa Blankets h-oni`$n.5o up. Every pail `guaranteed. `A , ` M ` - _>_` ' f _ ~ Fifty`dozeI1AGrain Bags at` $l.75 1nc1 $2.25. Eve1'y"bagvw full standzufdf, ' ` ` f` A ' FRAWLEY &% DEV1l`N S No More Space. Must Stun. but PlenIy~M_ur1 BARGAINS Wat AV`.'t;C$(1U.\\: I 1;|Ju1uuU1uvA nu` stmnatmg _eFood_andRe .ula,-. ling the Slmnachs andBowe of . :r1n.;iw,L.:,euae3_-i?-.7? i%'.z'.T'V' " Tgllai, Vrotiglnper lb . " . . ;jr. ,3. . . .-'. m`m-tnviu I ca-u-n(ii>'a' .- u 9-`. ...V: _ '0 gig 3, I_l .l'I|I`l_`y? '`:~ !, . T3093`/IBf!..V4 yl!,`-DAI_If! -naouok. ` I '6! -an r "I- 1 ib-5 1" : 18., $75.1. .-, I Promotes Di1gn;stibn,Ct1eeffu1- . 3l`NA_R'Cb0TICA._~ Vness q'ndRgst.0_ontninsLne1tne1j ' 1um,MorphineV11o'r}nera1. NIHWH3 HHVUIU I I H 3 ti . II Mu A\7eec'table Prgparaiion forAs - elmhntind tho)-`nnd nndodnnln- -"1'InW13uJv"a'al,`. ' I ..4Lv.;rmu. `25TPieces` Scotch Olleviot Dress Goods; 30 inches wide, for . worth double the xnoney. T ' . Our $5.00 Suifgin all sies; is a wonder. Wxrth $7.50. IJunlop r,Streef, Barr ie '--w'tu........,..... 9 uu..o w guys." erg -n_u7' 7.4 nun `J0, n W_. 5-:- `,pVl.9l`II1.I .8 Hon uvpr\vnn _AI.~obi"v-Zvolguuvvvul"-5.: 6 ~ FAG- s1M1Lis " Lntotlt in put up in. onbfnixo 1)otl6(cn1y'. flij, um sold in; -bulk. `Do:;ts $110!/Inyolmtd an iyyhgnythlng qlno"on.`th%plea_.prA _ I J; `tutu gout pd: will you. . _l.U`E`!eoLthIi.`! N -._ M -A. `lliau; " THAT `EH E %WRAPPE%R Is ON THE. LQSIGNATURE '/~V'V96l;`_:g1 t:vvizasiid. .; ._.' ` Wm]; wimhhd ` _ _ _~_, ,.,.`.....?._._,., ......,,,.....:. imrton. .; . V U . 5"`r l`,-alounmu 3043.1`: .vN"-oi t'n o`urnu`. powdu.Am;?}uhd ug ` PIST-C- n sumllhdxy and mom- ma 1'.) Ssnvz Gun feats to aim: < . Vazsr Rssuns ._.___ 1 g miyclt-1x\p>rcL-lalxx u~._\-gm 4 ` SECOND-Put in om! l\:11~'1k)0llflIl H1: . mx _lL_u's>% hr each my )1 : red. -- A THiBD-A-1`-.-ur un. the r--quires! `qu:n- my 01 1'mbl_vluih-d mm`-r and lot it sun; with clexiul lid from 2 [-1 3 mlnute.a."` ' .\'uver,buil the 1c.'\\ C". F'II"l`B.-.--Xsn\\'!,,-~1`t::rrmintlmgmural 4 ' :n'0j`. Km 1:-.u'c< .~'hnul<|- be kept in li;:hu~.1nurjz1r free 4 / from m_vi~'Iur:. %P%ui-eold }_&L`plVlll ngrlu-.1nurJ:\r1rcu V xrom xn.v1 A: J. c Anson: V O GIIOCER. ~ ` nAmnE; MAIEIE'l`S. Va _ good hemh_ _ (3 ' 1 powder insures cook1ng-a1l inn t in mm: In-mam nf-fad-nr `thnenecs and n9xb__of the hultsf `.nnuaa1s'r*---,-b-V-_w and OPTLGIAN. BARRIE u_,n_ouovu 0'UV,.ui$ npvonrq `:36 `V , anti .. (3;m.,fu1ly Lurrectczl to ;_It,e." 9 ' _ HAn_uu'. Nay} 18," 1897. (In '1 ,`T hat esh is hclr to. WC makela` specialty of killing colds'l_at_ this . season, ~ 7 Our is` thoxoughly, equipped "and `thing that you wou'1d' ex-. Iepect to nd in a rst-Clziss drug store. - A I y A - ; - .: the drugs are high grade. i'n every Trcapect, We `sell toilet requisites and every: H} MaQLa`1f`eti,- .-\k yhr reiphbori .-.b..uc . om \*-.-nted C`-_yluu.,~Lspm 0:` _y\v1l Tn-1--Un-v um `` ,Ic.:u`o% f. M :l\.`.~'lri5d. :ReLtvnrhsT Pr9mn!l;:Mda0,: v vxqxiwxize. Ci H'u'u rg,u Ed` '9! .u'a; ' . 11;!` J, ' .'!.' I no omen r":"' ----- o".,- '"-"1: "'3 the ngneos knit: Jon get hxpure credm of-tartar . -I2": 14.~ 129.. V ].\N'l`F.Di-Inl ml!-m. M w! r-xt nur w.1uM In \ \ :nul;\n_*0 ' and vxp'en~c ` ` 113)., l._hnlt/ed. \\'hc(hcr you lnw/-,1u.t.1'tock, or lu1vclmdu.'m!e come on your pneIni~`c.~1. you shunid zuiw-.rri;-`u it in Tm: EX_A5.l1.\']~Ill, if-yml wieh the xrxissimg :mhn:1l.-3 restorctl to their rightful owners. 1!Pi1oIgga{g11_l1i% Busines For V.-Sale` In Harrie.` '.('rlloq11ippcd 1`u1'111nki11;: gout] work. In 1119116. I*`u1'nif11re:1111lall Appli.1I11'1:s in heat V order. A mm (-1111111-c `for :1 smart pe.rs1o11. Anyly (l1ul<-kly. {t`\vz1n1cd, :11 THE B11010. S'1`UD O. ,S Block. ncnr Scott's Book Store. 1: :-1`; 17. can 4i. \ 0asn1'n. on u1':1buI1tth 15,417.11 rn.-d.u1d w lite 01u:_\'e.1rci1rIln 1n::yh:n c .'.'uncvl)y prov-i'n;.f prupcrt_` expemec-4. - ~ " ~sw HENRY l R-\ I`~'l`. Luf'17. ()4 ....... '1'lx--rt-, c.-um: into the pr.:n1is.-.9 of me under signed, Lot 25,. (?on.\8. Oro. on ur about the midtlh-_ of Juno.-one fed yu:L'll|11.:.Stem`. Owner may have the unhml by paying e.\'penscs_zu1d . pruvllr: properly. - - ' _ JmAS.;.RE\'IE, H-18 v- ()1'o .~`tn.tlon. O` Hie] ~-L Float mm In: Stmyod frmn the prc11: 5eof :e:ll1IGv=-I`~i>:Ilt3(1 onm'z1boutthur.~:L of June last, Two Ycarllm: -Hnifcra. Om: light m1."tIn<: utlxexwa (l:n'k red with white spot un furch~.-ui.~ Anyone giviu informzxtinu that \\`Hl.lu.'\d In the]: rut-uvcry wi hr.-suitablyrewurdud. . ' ` " '\\`u u\n1'u 9W::::::4sFr[ W103! HIV will _- Voi(:c Cllnllrnf. Si11',:in`,'t. Pizumt'o|`lu, Vlolln. t|mruughlv r:uu.rlp; uh.) Hm`- many mu! C0llIIlt:l`;)':iI1t. ` 43~51 \vhite.~1potun1\3n:l::m]:u1{l rlng of white on one hind leg. Any xutonmtzon _re,L:zLrdiII,r.r the, said aujmatl wiil be tlmukfully receiver} by ~ - MRS. P. LOF I`US, - ~ .[;',.47 ' I hr\ln'sz0nn P (I run Hru'.' pm! U 1 4Jx mm iIcKlIJLEY'? L ~ _ $1.300. V Q A - f 4 -RE-OPENED - m:";*::;:" 3?;?t::?1;:!;%6?Ii)t?a.t;Ie:(3:~%!`%$m(:;` i -9 N V I 5;:;:anus~te|a.b6 the b}1'i(li i ul*3nIhel1ig1)t'v`groux'gd., .V ' e D we `most on ra a_ pwper on are :` , . I \ _ ' ~ the Thomptmn Estate 'o`wrlookIn g Quean s be . ` ' ,.__- _,._ 1 V . ,_ Park mm u0i*v('le)su'thu,towu bonus) of $8: I _ 4. -< . ' ` , . 0251`-tine Bunker" property on Bayeklli Havm: been ihorouglxly 'ovm-`hauled -unditreuh M. I can oi-e-a--sand the Oman 1 cleamd under-M the newmmna emoutmd) oil`? _;~_o my outhe Sunnidule Ihnd at'acoa_t of I of 5 :` %'%;"`f'tg`1mf};fJ;}L n`ffa,{u,1;2`gfKff}3 Attach moovoaraiul consideration V _ ate awn Oumgdn. in now Mr oxqellonoor at the qugetiop. M19 committee reported I ' V % ` -- `L - V - thatln their opinion tha_heHn0I'6I_%I,0f % "W7 "'F!--!~-'99mM9-'`'.' W WW * ~the ummty wou1d*ba.:i`a;vedbyM locating _nh_o 2 ' .5 ' " ' * `V 1, gem h3,o9mw_. g_wp_,__ * ~: % 'm".". X (nub.01.$lQ0.!!M_!|d'W.`hH!*+ gnnty . ,.A nllavtzih Wan -ilorouglxly 'ov}-`hauled -t`md' .new'*mnna old ' D0tl'o1IlI\v||lndthehuu gran y nnproved in * (veg wax, tho culaitm be ng lxmharge of one _ the gm V` n Omguin. `oxo_ellonoe.L ml!!LlJQ9!.A!b own mu; a Came into the [n`(3ll1i:$L`3 of I 17. Con 43. \ or :1 \YAX`l`EI)~-An cxnerilm andlug~;::\t:u.,::m _\' xd -vxnen~u -mid. Tm: U 'MIss,aAWr!avLAYe xe1nrc1r1i.-ms uf 3113. l .L')fIu3. Lot 18. (Jun. -',nIl m'.:zi1.H.1t the 1-uh d-my of ()ctobcr. 1897. (inv: sin}! 4; 11131311-lz_>l;1,__x_jj_1x__s1naIl spot on t'on:lwml:u1:l rlnr: white nu mm 1 Lost,;strayed o{ stiif HEIFER ESTRAAY. stray 1}a ttle: F.l)-Tl1r\-rlalietl x i.-1 . n Ii I r.xt.|r r.'U-!n:ltNrimIsmenof1-har:mN~r;_ THE.l.I.\'S(_`U'I`T Cl).\1i A.\'Y. _ - Toronto. stray[fTVc5tt1 T} BAKING T POWDER e Mn ;L h1dian 9r 7\:V`:`i`?\'%?.; 3%/ion Tea A -!n:luerrious' men of 1-har:1`q'N~r; H E . LI.\'SL`H I`T (`.l)_\H AN\'. ` i`xm*h!;:em Men with L: whom 5:; so and rxpx-n-2 he n im|m*v1'xmxr. \\' 5 4031 IH I`-_`I.|l'||i {fl POE - .1 u.;\_L1.m\',u', T. Sm 01 Talusici I R-\ Lut'17, C911 ` 1` the n11-lm`.~'i:.n::l, Int r ubuut the 14: Aunnut. e.u.' cilrl lmifcr. 0\\'g1vI' : pmpcrty dud 1g:1yn1g w ` / - -. 1.u1"1'US. ~ I hemst0n I . U_._ 1\';\~`=9r to lrrwel \'.n~`-um Sxhry G .1:m7mm.' . V)`: 5, V &`,~'[!|':\. .'\H:Jimr.-1 l-'. 'rh"Po$r Home am up the msmnmp to be Settled to-{lav glad toemomw. It is some time since a Session of` the Caunty Council has attracted so much mention ;is.tl1e present one is doing. )1 co'm~.`e the xgregxtesc into.-`rest. centres .-nnml than -uzhwhnn nf A Hmmp `hf 3ooo3! A nosr Inposmur sessmnlhow % L , IN PROGRESS. ` ` `:15 um. unulluucc HZlS`l`L`[N)l [cu m mvur uf Lu `county town. H. sun.-Ins that mm`u`In'.tl1xlu:1's will (1-y_ to {nave this qllt*sti\)I1(lc'I':1'1'cd till the tinmuccs of me ()uuuby;zu`c in` better shape. " h`m- thu '1`:-+-.~|_m|~m'. t.|1vI`.3a1'a: um umim=y;urc Ill nclwr slmpu. For the Tl`L`zL$lll'e1`;`lIlp ll1crc- are allI`.)llL Llmgc, dozen :`. p"i>livn11Ls,,`al1ioii7 them being \V;u' b'uL-ulli; Dr. P.-Ll - ing, F. M. Smith, W. F. Bail], John UH). .\lol)e1-.1-y, Collingiwoll; John .\lau-lmy, C1`e3mu1-9'. .l)i:. Slcmlister, Nul.L'.1\\'z1sugn; ' Dr` A1-xuisbrong. G. P. M.-LcKuy. Juo. SLc\\'zu-t, .-&llist Wm. .\lcUc1'ul()l.l.. Beeimi; D1`. \VesL. Au- gns ; T. \V. Leunox, 'l`h01'nt(m; J. S. Buddy, Brzull'ui'd; D. W. LlElll)()I\', Uliurulx ll; 11. Tllllll\)})L'. 1{ugby`,A1`Ll1Ix1- Uruig. (jmiglulrsl; T. T`? Young, lmlsion ; G. St. V. Mu1'g2m,"l cnlaug. 2., Maui) think the \Vzu-dl-n`s glialxices Eire Very goal, though an iiI1f) 1'essior1 has g0l,ub1'ozul ::l1uL A1-Linn` U1-alig has it cinch on Line job. John Stewart. illlil Geo. M.l)l)Cl'it`)' are (L0l1a'lliL l`Cll by some as fwuliztlile winners, mid it is suid that W. 11. llumillmi may go in at Lhelusb muumul. As every L-zuitlillzitle seems sure of one suppm'tc1- at lcasL._ there will have Lube smnc wmulurhil iu:1n'Ip- ul:wipn;s- fur cigllbcen Uoliilcillors Ln give one vote in each (`)VOV01' Lll_lI'Ly camdillzttcs. '1hu fun will L`0llllIlCI1Cu to-moi-rmv night. at, selzcli o clock, and will no doubt, d1-luv it full llUllSL - l`lm I\......+u (`hunt-ii Inui nu Mnml:|,v u Bxu'~1'ic; F. \V. Cbl1i'cl1ill, Jl L`Utll 5C LIH3 }.Kl'iIlH3L IIIHJITSD C'HL1'S mund the selectmn of a House `of xi;-fugu site and the appointment of an L m1ut._v '1`:-msxlwxj. ' _ ~ K Po.-nc-mung is putting up n gre:\t fight for H1a'Pun1`-House, and wvcml of hm-} i)l`()lRXlCllL citizuls (.-.-nlw duwn on 1`uw.w|.n_v. iuciudmg Dr, Sphll. Mi`351`a`-) B.-ck, llcwson. Mt-Giblmuztlmd others. Thu matter has been dcferred till `1`mumav morning, when the light will pmimhly he |)eL\v(eL-n Peuetuug and ` ugtn-i'{-. with odds in fuvur of the utter. ':1s lhe. unuunttcc hzts~1'L-pmtecl In favor n{ I. m i-nnntv mwn, Ix. S-UNIIS that \Vlll (mum umw mu uuusc. The Qmmty Council met, on Monday at 7p.1u_..a|lLl1e 111e1ubc1`sbeing present. VV.'u'dcu Sue21Ll\:uld1'essed the Council at cunside1'ab|e lL~ugLh `He spoke con tidcutly of plxe souud-uam.-ial-st:Lml~ ingot` the County11oL\viL|'rst:rn1L1ing Lhc uxnfm-ml1mte~def:u1lL of the late 'l`reas- LI.` ..\..\..,,..1 fhuf fhu urhnln llllI()1'I/llllilte"t1t I:ll1lLOI Luc mu: Lruu.a- urer. . He showed that the wvhplc [()ount.y s imk-bLe about $60,- 000. which was increusecl about, $10,000 since Junc'lu..sL, for schools, l`O1ld u.ml bridges. and lzuv costs. He outlined tche business to be bmughb before the -`ouncil. ` ` A colllxntmicatioxx was read from the (frovernor lie11e1'al s sccrebau-y expres- ing ,He1-'_M:1jes'Ly's thanks folf the mnu-ii'n nm. [ltm-111011103 pi\.l('[ m.'- - ` 4 - I (J. 1). Kniglxt, Town Treasurer of I Uo|ling\v0od. applied fol-.$5 ful-'sex'vicuS v `rendered Mr. Lnuing in the, Szmfurd 1 ixxvestigatioxm; but his ztppliczttioll we; 2 0!, ex1bc1't2Li1)eu as the work was cun- '31 Sidered p'zu`tl0t' his "duties. , . n mntinn nf ;\In.1'LiIl--Qlililllztll. Lime 1 H15 .115]. `&VL(I.JUO|/J ()ouucii s message; 'I`hn Lnmlnn G11 uouucns message. The London (u`ruzu';mtec~ 00. gave notice that all statements in the up-. plication for Szmfurd s bond and all 0111101` stntexnelxts made to induce them L0 c11Le1-iutusuch bond. are limited to `cases in which such st-uteuxents nu: lnateriau to the colltrnct. And every Lf0l](liLi0l1 in we bond provic_liug that} `such coutx-act sham be voided by reason of any sLuLeu1e11L ixrbhe application (he1'-efo1'.;u'e dcc,:u'ed to be ximitaed to `such statements as are luil.tL`1'i:|.l to the ,. . I contmztcb. v ' I m....... 4` ....1.- umm nf f`.n!limr\vrmd, contract. " ' Town U.e1-k H0gg,,0f Cu1liug\v0od, asked that :'t,1)01-mxglrinvestigation be `Iuzulp of the` H. and N.-W. Ry. Group ` Bonus By-law account at the px'cse11t ' sibbing of the Council; in ui~ the above corpm-ubtion xuztyyjyggt. tux-x11u|11es puu-`I m.` - r`. I) Knmrht. Town Treasurer due credi b '. Whit :7 .Red'\\r tq;{t. . Flt: m',,: nako ;rs,pe';bbl.. `Flour, aun_5ly . ." TIwrrI5i*IrTi1

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