Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1897, p. 7

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Elegant Boats in be `Bum In / t I Toromo. , ' V] ` A despatph from Montreal" says:-`-`l The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation} (`ompany has decided to build two new steamers, `at a. cost of $275,000. ea.c_h{ T. _model1_ed on the 1i_.i,1e's.Wo,_{the Priscilla .- , .,.._~m_u[ _thegEaILRi\j,er, Line.;13h_e_~designer ` _ .> the Priscilla, Mr. H'a.gge,gstro m,. will assist -Mr. Bgrram of Toronto in the jeoustruction of the two bi)_ats . Col. !1ens1ja.\`v,bone ,of.,the,,,R. & 0. directors, , n,,A,_, 1 .` The trlul of 7{l)\/var(_L C.`H;1_\'nes, of \\ atertown, 1. Y., for, killing Mz_u'y Croucll axll/}Iz1ry Dilly} after lasting .ei`gl1t w e`s. resulted on: Saturday `in_: at ver ct Qof murdr in the. second de- x.:.l.`.. +1`..+ :1)/'{: o C1-1i`1ou.ds of Canadian hide-h&t~ 1 ad been smuggled into the Umited S:11e from Ctuxetdw have been seized in Boston. This is the. first seizure of hides since the Dixigley tariff lam: Went into effect. nr_. rvu.,._, . _ 1r n,,._,__ .._,. -4` uu-u o;u:\m. Mr. Chauncey M. Depew, one of the presidents of the New York Cemrul RuLlw:L_v, is `decidedly qt opinion that the` wreck av; Garn- .n \U.'lR r-nlmml hv 'dvnn.n1H (\ 1)1Iff'- opuuon rum um` \\'I`e(`K at. unru- .u was ca.use.d b_v'dyna.u1ite plut- ed upon the truck with c1fimi1m1_ intent. ' A_. ,,n,,, 1 `w: . I-u.|a\.u u. Au alleged kliscovef` of conspir- acy to murder Shorif ` Martin has -been made at \\'iIkesba.rm by Unr- Li11 S, son. Martin was in charge `L180, of the deput.ies~ who shot: down number of the `miners. 3; _short. time I"1]`\YIJ`DlA Y Count Tolstdi, the/RusixT:1u_thor, is re.por_ted to be dying. ; I It is currently reportiel that Prince Hohe'nl.ohe,. Lhe. German Chancellor, has resigned. ~ _.__; n....-.__) `r-......":.. 1:1.,.1.. +.. ,....m...a.1 Acangucu. I '~-~-~-~ V Gepernl Jazmat is-likely to su_ccedv Gen. Saussier as commander-xn-chlef of !'t.he,French army; ` ` IN... 11:... at Cl... Ln . ......:m-..A n nmn'}\`_ ;uorA.'u:-uuu Luu.u_y. > : The King gf Siam has ordered a mem- ber of his stiff to be exec.ute for a. H)reu<:h ofetiquette, committed at Lis- ` mm . , . . uuu. lVIarslial "Blanca has arrived inf? Iavuvna .andihas'taken command _oi Itbat island from Captain Genem1\Veg-_ J er. ' ` n.,,; m.,_,_,,.1 A:n__ r_.-,-_. n,'....;.. I Slixteen thousand titles from Iibn:~ Kong :u1d>Sha.ngh_ai havebaen racew- ed by Philippine rebels in. the: west -,99a1s,9.f .e9z.n- " m"EsT1tD IN CANADA.. \('.(T[IMl7LA l`FD FUNDS _ 4` ;e66rt taf Cegral t`;ti'1V1o,theb' Cuban leudr. has been killed in an en- gagement with the Spanish troops is_ confirmed. _ ' . .. 4 .n can.-an ._._,.y-- -1. nu-.. 'r,....... L\J|lll.lLl.lO\.ln ' Over~12,000 people` at Gi_fu,,Japan. w11o.'_\i ere rendered homeless by the [loads recently vnre no3L13eu1 `- ,. ported by the Government". I .... .. . . -< .-~n. I-.-1,, 4,9,. The Catholic _misi6n ji\t'H*t1e'.' Cochin China, reports that. disastrous ty- phoon swept ovgr` that part ofthe coun- try On October 222 \+'eae%a4s-ef.-tbe-Nga , .~n, together with a. broker `in the Ni- gam. Grain ..Excha.nge. have been ar- rested for rembezzlement; ` n..-..=zn ............ ... I.:nm1 nun`. QII ` 8 resteu 101` ruuluezzxemuuu. 0ver"5O persphs` were killed and 80. injured in the >st:1mpe'de',a.t Khhielefff. R.ussin., on Sunda from `I church. ` _ cry of firg-cause ' the` ganic. `|1}El_1l\lDB.~ P;.\ I o_,,`! I - v ' . Tile, resulfs bf -tl1\e gen"om'l.,e1ect.ioYi ofmembersy of the Newfoundland As~ ` seinbly indicate that the Whiteway 'Governme'pt wlll ave niucli smaller ,majorityjxn he ew saezmbly. ' x = n.....+ Qrnnuuvchn in mnlrimr `nwmnm-`. " AfQss' s`lm__l`>.l.on_-txf`ap"unknoiv1$lnni~ mul, large ban 0. rhxnocems, is re," .nm~tad M. Athens to`ha.vo heen found` tghgnng. IiH~._ ._ I . 1`I.ewsf'1>`Q1.Loinh1ak, Ja;hy;s:thf< Mr. Landerhou'-tthe Dutch Controller . of the village of; Sisqlla-..`lms`beeu__mu? dered by insurge_nts.__ _ There was he 7i .\ L, ' `: . . ' ` 1 ~ .. . 1.. .6! ll... nuuuunnl n1nnunW _'!ll~J|l.luvy_ I In vuv I-lvvv .--.-u~.....~.,,. `_CaptV Sevordrup is makin `pzfepama tgonsvto go on a North `P0 In` expedi-` man. The Norwegian Government will allow him to use the Framhnnd will ~ give him twenty thousand tone: to refit; the` nasal. ' ;.'rhjej;-Egpployeis `Liability but which A mul, large mm rmnoceros, gs rev,` - red lat. Athe to ' lxafol hciden f%1u1%)d` na.c`oa_ ine"a` yT " san'o~ - UNITED STATES. JAMES 1:D\irA mas. . CONVE}._ANOER.d:O.,_ V Issuer of Llilarriyaze Licenses - V P(55T OFFICE BUILDING, BAHEIE GENERAL. THE BARRIE EXAMINER, TEURSDAY, NOV. A4, 1897. viulnl-uK.7l.l. 'l`he.3'uua.tio. in Western Afrira has heen_ greauy aggrzwatait hy the pub- .1'u-.-xuon of sernx-uflia-in! nuu2s l13- Lhe French and Bri`sL1 Governnmnts. and :1 coniuc l;enveen`*(11e {mm of me two nations in the Hin!.cx'Jzmd ni Lagos m:Ty7i1 am,` moment take nlave. 1 4* . -7-- has been adopted by the Freurh Chamber of Deputies. is .1 most, dras- tic measure, holding the employer- respunsible (6: all accidents :9 the \s'urkme}1.` mg, --.,, L3, n- A ..- - The German. po.5fI'-office is exp:-r_iu1-! entuuz wnh an xnvenunn. an sh`(`l1`u':1l a.ppm:n.us.` which, gm. the ms : of una} hundred and L\\'en'L_i'-ive glollars, rang he counm-lee! wit!) :1. Ie_Jc=graph wi_re. and messages which are Iypmi off `M. due and are reproduced- at the other` end. - ' K ..._;\a. It in agaim rissertetl that Captain Dreyfus. undergoing imprisonment for - life for divulging rnilitary S(`L`I`elr 10, a foreign` power. `is innocent, and than the reason the Frenr-li Gum-rniiient re- fuses an investigation is l:e_ruuse the mwviction of thnrreal culprit. would in-' _volve a State secret. that might. be- come :1 vasus belli. _ It is reported in` Cl]I lS(i;lui:l that a whaling boat returning from the .-\n:- tic saw Prof. Amlree s l)2|ll()0ll flout- ing in the water near aipitzbergen. Brakmo, the Arctic explorer, prnpn.~:-I `s to proceed to Prince L`lr.u'lcs pro-i memory to investigate the truth of the story. is \\ .. .:........s:..n. -.... ....v._, . An investigation in Athens rev.cal_s the sensational fzwt that the irnntridges fitted to the torpedoes `during the '1'ur ko~Greek wrtr were unprovidml with percussion caps, and would lluve keen! absolutly useless.. Prinre George,` who was commander of {he tul`Ded'0 flotilla L9 bein'g~ roundly ntmc-kecl. THE BRLTISH sclm EASY v1c- % TORY AT sammcna. Gallant (`hinges lnd_.;r llenvy FIN Rlounlnin Batteries ma Good Work - 4 "Sir William locklnnrt `ls Driving the Trlbctnmen lefom lllm. L :`LSimlzL dospafch sn_vs:-- I`~ho British > forces under Geiierzil Sir Wilimni Lock- . ` . . '1 hurt. caplurml the bempughu Pass at, 11.1;3\'d?c1oc'k Friday n1<`)rning.vGenerzil-K Gaselee, in coinumud of Life second hri-` gade. led the advance` upon the enemy's position, which was of the strqngest description. * / ' mi .. . .:.., ,_._,._- 51.- . ficers ulread_v reportd __--..,...\.... ` The <'z\s\!z1lKies among the iritish of- e L`aptuin`De Bails, of the Artille who succumb- ed to wounds reg-, during the en- gagpment and llavjor-I~Ia.ndfor(1 :1-`1ood'o the West. /gvxrrey Regiment, who is among wounded. \ .....J):.._ 5.. '_x_....,.a .n._... z'_,..... r~.....1 >lAJ..l\lAJ .... ........uw. E` An` ding to dospatches from Gumm- ki. Su` \\'iIliaun Lorkhurt, vxpl:1in.edv-his. yfnn of {muck to his officers on Satur- ' duy v,0ni 11g. uunl the :1dva11ce froxn Gund:xki_ (nmmonced in -the' dark: noss about five p`cl0ck Friday - morning. _The main force with {six batteries, moved ajtraighp on'the phss. T\,.~4....I.. ` ..-.6,` .......,. ..z...& i.. nu.`-maa . ty. The troops under cover of` amoun- 'the summit together at 9.39 a.m. The . within thirteen miles of the `Afghan ` peace or` to seek the inhospitable re- tirement of7thrSafed-Iho range.` opened the attack on the. pass between se.v.en,:inil eight `o'clock. and the nrtil- lery thoroughly seurcliing the ene_my s shelters, while :1. portiom of tl1eJ_ force turned the. enemy s position on the right. All six bzmtt-.ries then shelled the. defences.` The enemy could not face the fire, and Gen. Cnselee, who led the infantry spi1'ite,dly, had a compnrar. tively easy task.` The pass was found. to be 9. series of steep rises, affording much dead ground to an attacking par- tain_ buttery cebtured height. after height, and finally the Fourth Gurkhuls andthe West Surrey men .arris`=ed at enemy now opened a \`vell-directed fire at the troops on the. summit, but were effectually cleared about three hoursf. _The total casualties did not exceed twentyi With.the expected capture of Arhanga Pass on Satux`-"day. which is frontier, at Safed-Koh, the work of the column will be practically completed. for the main may ofthe Afridis, haw- ing the Peshmvur column on the east and Sir" Willia1n Lockhartls force on the` south wil1,be compelled to sue for w....w, ......w .,......,-.: VIA ...- ,..l.--. DeL:1clnnenls- were sent to opeI*.xLe against the villages on the flanks. W hen day da.wne all the troops` \\"em in position at the foot. of thci pass. The e.nemy s posmon was very strong and tll.<=., approuclxes to it were greatly ex- 'p0se until now the re5iSt:lIlv.`eh:l(l been trifling, the tril:es.n1en lmving been easily expellexl. frimi the Villages ` of Nazens `:;'.nt_l Kundislnisllti. THE PASS UAPTURED. uo`uvvn auy _ I-vo-w ,-vvu .. Emu_lsion:of-~,Go d-live: Oikwkk: 'Hy'pophosphites Lhavc cured thousancfs of cases of consurnp-` tion in the early stages. They; care` 015, advdnced cases too; but not so` many, nor so_>p:_gmpt~A I-lU|v HUS IV ulna], uvn av rlvsnnru ly, .Whn` aocasc is sd-`fa/1` `ad- yaxiced that a. cure cannot be l\I\f\FIV'f'O'f` vauvcu Luau nun uuvu -v -_pdins in chef chest, iedtics the your Afh1'th"\;to the one Rmzdy DARD FoRf'0vER 20 YEARS. Forsalaby all drugglsts at_50.`ud Dena . '1hade, even _t_h_en 0TT i_ EMULSIQN checks $11: rapid. bv `ity' oftiie relivcsithe flight svyzats, and f1i`1`$.g.tI1e" ossgh tasier. In "these _it5: cpmforts andg jjprlqngs ` life. '1 Donft Aexperimpnf with cum , hatgestx-Qy`-Lth'dig`sto_n. Pin which has Bin S I;AN; .Book$3uutitfrcc`for!h:ski;1g; _ 9.011311111911911 !Out_43oor fe ;1id Scott ; VU6 . `cow & ngnvng, nexxeytixe. QM.` _ " ERS in UOAL _of all kinds, importe rect from-the mines; also Lath and "Shingles, White and Grey Lune, Plasterers j Hair Sewer Pipes, Fire Brick, Fire,Cls_v. I --PIaete2 or Pwisreements, retc.,*u11-02--best; ii mallxy. and sold no very reasonable r.9.t.ea,.!. Lumen: 23 Elizabeth St., naarly opposite` 44:1Hn:ztonlIeteL- --- \ gUI.llVD\'JL.V M DAl'\.vJ.l`J:3`.V.l,-' 11131111.! \ .l`H'R.EE BATTERJES Jnmes Hutton illnbc-1 Ills `(in to Death - Plun-.:eI Illa Scissors In Ills \`l(`lIlll'IL llenri. ' \ \ A `(1espntc11 f/r/0111 Turonfo .~:u_\`s:'--- .`-\~ i terrible tragzody nccurrml oz11`l_\' un5:1t- kurduy cx4ning in :1 little (wu- l.smrv/V fr:uuu s`n:un3' on` the corner ui V,i<"iuri;1 and Ric-humnd sir:-om. in` which :1. y0um_:1nzm named John Hutton. \\'ixs stahhml to ch-:1!h. and his fgatller, Jxunos Hutton. is mm lying in the city jail with the rmful chargo of murder regisfgxipd ugnixxst him. ' 3 " The decezised and the pri.~:m1er`u-ore both tailors and lnid lived limho rity for nmny`_vo;irs. t.lion;_fli H10) hndonly been tenants of. the hou.~:v where the fzitnlity "occurred, `ll llirhinoiid street east. for the pnst two nionths, Tho old - `man. who is 691 yezirs of age, is (I. wid- ower; the dead ninm who w.-is nezu-ly 40 years old. was inurriml. and his wife Annit-.~who made the third nioinlu-r of the little houselmld, was pr0li.1l)l)' the only eye-witness of the tragedy. More than one account: has `rec-n given of i\'hi1t:ictu;ill_\' took I`t:l1`(`. lint the l:u~t:+. as nearly as ran he gathered, appear to be 215; Iollows:- _' A }.'X.[`.`\]4. Q1 .-XRREL. The ltwo,I~lnt.Ions, witli the young woninnl had lmeii ocviipiml; all the of- `ternoon not their mule in the work- room on l.l18_1l[Il)(`l` storey, and appar- ently coiisid.9.r:ililu liquorhedT hemi in- t'idon'l:illy consunied, until at. last the old inzin was :1. good deal tnddled. A young man, James Black. a _fl`l~?I)ll of the fllI1]ll_\',aSll8!1l . the nfte1'no0n`wit.h themfand about 5.30 o'clock he went. out to purchase a further supply of beer at )IcCarrc-'n s hotel in the nexi: ken place. prior to this or was in pro- -gress when he weii1;__ out is not clear, but .it.`w.'is in his bseuce thzit the casualty occurred. A quarrel stzirted between the .father' and 0l]pIfB~Sl1Il]1- lily .through soineireinark of the younger man ivhic-li--ihe*old I11(lI1_.:1f8- f sented. and hint; words led to blows. In the Scuttle the fiither. who was armed--' with` a pair of `tailor's long ' -scissorsistahhed and cut his`an_iag'on- _ ist several tithes. the wounds inelu(l- ing a stab in the fleshy part. of `the . left shoulder three inches deep, 2; cut` between theiirst a.nd~seoond fingers of the` left hand and a contused wound over the right eyebrow. ' But the most serious injury and Lliat. which speed- ily caused death was :1 terrible Slill). - in the chest. .The scissors enteredon the right side above the nipple lietwemi tlie third and fourth ifilis and passed obliquely to the left. through hell) lungs and into theheart. It was an i awful wound and"th`e blow must have Abeen-delimre force. for the weapon: penetrate(l;;het:-weer) five and six ing;l_ies intp the wretched ma_n s bocgy. With a cry of :i_iiguish-3.'euiig _H`utton fell to the g,-roundr. and the . 4;1(1_ i1;2ij;.g;x\=iirtligblilood3Lshea.rs_st~il - l. in his grasp; `set stupidly gazing mt.` his niurder_ou_s worlc. not realizing in. his drunken condition the en,oi'init__v ofihis-fearful dieed; L " ` hioclr. \\-Yliethgr any quarrel had 111-. i 319* HEMWHE T V \Ifositivcl_y7cmT-ed Hy Little Pills. They also xjrlic-vc Distress from Dyrpepstz, ` Indigestion ad Toojicnrty Eaging. A per- fect remedy for Dizzincu, Nausea, Drowsi. npss, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue ' Painin the Side, T ORPID LIVER. They` Regulate the Bowels. Pumfly -.Vegctab}c. 8mall_,Pi|l._ Q... Ull lIII__`I'IIII 9|! IGII _. sqiall Price. SUbSt1tUt1OI1 See you get C:1rtc_r's, Ask for Carter's, L\ v1~;s'1'1;v IN CAN ADA. .. HJCUHULATED FUNDS mT.-\L ASSURANCE. `.\'mM}a. nvI:R .... .. Insist and alemzxngl A1 movement is on} foot to conduct, hospitals on stctly: tetnpelrauxce lins. and _fo dispense t_ant'Lre.`.*y x`x"ith_`t,}1c use of intoxica. ting_1iquox*s"in the t.rea t-1 I mnt of .1_ia't.iu1ts.- Mu.i1S` praciitiqners b1eve'~ that; _;1;;e use. of imo;uic_ating stimultxnts results` in- momrlmrm than good`, and hold that inn'umembIe"drun`k`- '.s.r_d,s have {meg ernted-'b,3 `the. adminis- - ` - f:i`a`Lion`Oi,-lliiluor. in acc_o"rd'wnce,',\vith _ am 'b`hysicin-n`s p1sescriptin;'f In `the -Saahe wmy, `tlhereis hardly ~a. victim of ' t'hB"'n1orp~hine or` chi-ora.1_' l1a'u1'n; whose misfortmm Vhhs` no.t"beg_m`\ with the taking of `Links drugs for medicimtk pur- p'oses; There -zue ma.ny good smbsti~ tubes `for .a11t:oh'o1io lmoiicants, ; am; many which`; are qmlib as vaihmble as stimulants. Sfudh drugs as carbonate of; amlponiqr. s'try<>_h'ni.a. d_ig'1talvis_ a-gd m+.ma.vmrm are now. helm: used In Carters Little um Pills. SU -PERSEDING ALmHoL. IN VHQSPI-l FIVATL` h0Bp1t81B Lnsmzm 0!. we -mom uu.nger- -ous forms of nllholiol, and wifzl) ood re- `su-Pts. W-hero, the `new met 96. hgs v.lveen`I_'es!orted. it is 991;! the f_I,:`:fll1`.`ty})1s 3nxrx;rl\%).1)1. Y been gratied at xts1mcess. ; 0.|. umuwum. Suyu_uuI.m lA_|5H-mun. u-Mu nitrogl cexin are nqw. bemg in hoapita. ' instead of the more"Banger- nun forms good A FATHERS AWFUL` cams. ` the frautlof 1ag(_1xiy. small 5.1-3 9...... .. u.. ..-.u r... ` Eel uf |auuL and 31150 $211,000 to Susie _\I. ` Kane. nuw Stisie .\l. Vzzmlerventer, pro-idirig aim i1mrr_v him within unag year after the `death of her u1'ulher.. .'1`m~. pmiukirr \ms.u.;mm1 (amende- '* femlam in July. 18:45. in fulfilment. uf - htir parrvl uf'tl1e cuIlU':lL`I. ;lX1tlSGOn after Lk-uninded of tlxeklefeudzlnt that he Eul- fil;his pm of the mxlhzxrt. mu-an 1: , I is ullegezl. the dvfend;u1l; trzmraferred ` all such pru[;erL_\' to his sun. .-\IiH:t `i R. \':u1`derwxnvr. . _ ` (En the'lr2TaI .Lhe (lofcnulunt dmxied that 1. ....,.........x .1... . 9 i. STANDARD . L|FE.. A icogmucr $59033 nannram} A wolodu uk Indy llu Won I You Invari- Q unl gun. i , A despatch from Rbchestgr, sa_v$-'-Justice \\"ax.m-.r has rendered as Edecision for the plaintiff in the case jof Susie M. Vztnderventer, of` Wood- fsmck, Ont., against, .~`ua-phlen W. and Miner: \'andenenu=r", huth uf Penna 3;Yuu. The 21L`LiUll was brought to en-3 Eforce an xged ante-nupt al contract 1 made in `S3, in which Stephen \'ander- ; `enter agreed I/JV grant :1 certain pzir- E i 31150 |;V;me. Suvsie ..\l.V1LI!dX F(`[eI`, marry within one; I 3 The tolhe dc-f ' ` . ` ' _ . . I \ , ,,,. zu, ll. \ xlH.lIl'lVl'Hll`l. (En that he ever vxeruled. ~the L'('l1Il'11'.`[. and tt-xtifia-at that (H the date it is zxlloged to lmve been executed in Wond- rstovk. (.':1n:1d:1, has W115 'in` Pmm Kan. The decision l`(`ll(h'I`Cd hy .lus\i:`o\\'er- nvr gives the plaixxgifi 8U,(`v0:| with in- (t!'(".s[ from the time the x11u1w_\*`\ms-: duuluntied and the pr();mx't_\'. It (1150 restrznns the I911-11ui:1nL frumdisposixxg 'of any of the prupm-t,\y. "ANf"IN'l`ERVIEW wmi A COLI.EGEi - PRESIDENT. | A scmmsw sAv11n; L`l\'Hl |Xl\' . _ ` '1`1n- :lI:|r1.svil":e Cukluge. sin1:xLml-u( Ilzlrtsvillu, lmiiuxxu. \\'1\.~H'-0111111:-xl_\`0`.1I`S ago in 11) inIemsL_of the l`n'm-ti Br~ihn~n Churvh,\vhe1| the state \-.':1.~i mosxly :1\\`Ha!v1`uussz1nml vulloges \\'vrv St`1|I`l`1*. The cullt-ge' is \\`eH knm\`n Ihrmlghout the wuntry. funucr sm- dvn'-.' having g:<.m~ mm =11`: p:u`l.~; pf the xvorhl. ' Aug. 4...... ..u...... in Many Dulles Caused El lleullh Ln; Brcnk Down--Dr. \YlllInnn' Pink Pm: - Restore lllm to Acllvlly, A I \ \ x;'l- .-...-.u -. .,........-_.. A 1`vpux`ter recently culblml at. this f:1111r-us sezxt. of. !o:1rnL_ug and \\:1s_ shown into the room! of the }II`e.~'i1o11f'. Prof. Alvin P. B:u`n:1.L~)=. When last. seen by" the reporter 1-`rut, B:arnah_\' was in dclimio, l1c'.111,h. l.Hluy he \v:13':1m.\urcnt1y in the best 01'! health. hx rvspo'11se to km `u1qL1i1'_V the p1'm'es~ 501` said: ' "l. u-nu` T am mm-.h lmiim` than! . C`oun_'t_\'. Jliclx. Being of. zmamiritious `er trm1hlvs '|_n'0ughx`. on nervL)us.n1>ss. way. , K "Tell me afnuut `.L," said the reporter. I \\'e11.,1'o _'hc-tzixx 2: the ` -gixuling." said (.110 1xrn1'v:' "I studied Lombard ` wlmn :11. schunl. cmloawnring Lu miu-{ vale. myself for the mofessioxl. Aixer coxnpleting the. common cuursnlcaule here. and gmduamd from the theologi- cal course. .1 vuiered the minist'rym1d. :1cc_ep1ed. the charge of, :1 United Breth- ren chum-h` :11. asmnll place in Kxm naturpy I zmjlili my.~:e_,lf diligemly to; my \`vnrk In Lix,11Q11o1`;et1] Llmt my health \\ zlx' failing. .\l_v tmu-V. blo was indigzrslil. and this \vi5Lh oLh : 0 "\T\' nh\'\`i(`i:1I1.IL'I;PS(`I`i]?('d f(`1I`II]6 f0X'i I SUI SLHLII "Oh. yes,` I am for some t_i1n9. feet. he;1Iil1. but brought about in way." ""T'nH nw :1'vm1x(,":L. .]3i>w.'1nan. who pi`0f'e's0 r of nufurzi 'simiIiir case, and Iconcluded. to]/try` : {my iI`0l1l -.(`I`t`i`11l`l1ll1g. nus Mum XL: wus`x11'u'1'o Sm'e_rs= anx1i1_1 the wi_ntei' I; be_cz1n]e coinpletelg" p1`0sf.rz1ied. Itried \ 11I`i()l1;)f_(ii(`iI1i4 :1 I111 .iffe1`i`m ;`b\'Si-. l cums. I~`inaIIy,' T, was able to retum to i C my duties. -Tu the spring. of 1896 Imus? _` electeil president oi tiigcollege. Againl I hzid 1TOX_]Si.dE`I`(1i)i8- work. z1nd"- the` ,1 trouble. which had not been entirely ` cured. b eg:in to ;:.fi9~i me. 2_m.il. last z fai1'I. coiinpsed. I had different d0ctors.i but xinne did In any gobd. Professor scien_ce, told me o[..hi~s .experience. with Dr. _\\ il]i;i.n1s` Fink Piils mi` P:1.l'a`Pe9~ pie mid urged meio give iiie-u1a-4:r-ia1; iiemiiise 'ilieyIi:u`Lbenefite him iii /:1 t.he_u 1`2` ` _ M. . "'T`Xm re"? iinviminml mo, and i.h>. `er tmtlhlvs |Jl'0ugI\1`. nex`\'Qu.~:ru=5s. "My plxysicialn.p1`escrihe'd for me for; -s'nxnt.i1n(= and advised-111a Lu-try` a: .`x....m:n r .-Hmulm TIT did` Nhn r}=nuaSt-y Isnxnmuno :lnvl {lli\'iseu- iuu Lu- Hy` a. . u\ru.L.i_u 611:1-xigo of ulinuite. VII did :1si1erquest- iso`r`t._ ed and was smile i111p1'1)\`eii. Soon i She wa ,n.fter. Icmne liere; as proIe$so'r in igiri, rind pliysics z"u1'i cheinislry. and 1111,91` was 313=~4_11 `I1 finmxtial agent of this rolioge. '1`11eRW`11d' aliange agreed with me. and for afsiw W115 while 1ny he:1`:Ih was hei.=.e1' but n1_\'1_``'?r3 v:iuties'.\\_'e1'e hozivy; anti n.g`;1in I found iewhenet ! my irQul>1e`rei`u1`uing.` This time it,` ;I``i1`:r`:re : was `inure s0\'er0 anxi In ivintei` I g ,_n;M_ an sellln gave gg `BHUL, sucu H23 1. uuu never exper1(_3n_`c'eml. froltn` the treatment _of any phys1cxan.. "After usxngrsxx boxes ofthe llledlcillt` Iwas entirely cured`:-To- lum perfectly, well. I _fell1e_t.te.r a nd~stm1`1ger tl1;m`_for_vou.rs. ` Icertainly."recommend Dr". Wil|i:uns | Pink Pills` to similan" sufferers nd, over,-wol`l`{ed people; as ' _- ' S1_>'a_.r1_~'6ws ar`e. t1`1era_l;bbii`fdf. the fea.tlh-,,; Cered} world in `gqint`.of- mu1t,i}:1ica tio'n, frequexxw producing more] Umn.20 'yo'ung'ones in `a. season, thre-e or" four broods of six7or_ seven 9-inch` being not ' uu`usunJ. In` six ye:1rs~th.b progeny (gt ` on'e._sing-Ib pair of gaygurrows wI11;'am-. cunt ton"1i1ll1onB.asev1de-nce the`ularm- Ain rapidity, with 'wh'1c-.h t;he;United' S N teg. New Zezilzm5d~ra_r1 Autrzilia`-are now mfested, the number'o;;igina1ly Inknn mver hv emigrants beimr verv ll0\V` l[&`5l(l, `UN V uunwer Qfllillly Ink 11 over by emngrnnts begng very sum. . Complnmtsrom Amer1can.'AuB- ~ tralian and tow Zealand nrgiculi-.ur~ Late of (;he._1'ayages conU'v5J.1~by`the bird are even more bitter than thqse of. English farmers._ The total numbers of sparrows are out of all projnor(;iog.to ;tJaos.e: of other. spec-ies of lvirsls-I _...._.....-... . ` EECUND1TY'- QFI '1`HE.`SPAR,RO\V_.. 1eu'1`:` V _"Thev firsf bnxheiped me, and the -mud 'g:weg gelicgf, such as I hiul ~ war rwnprin from the `I- Yruf. A-Ivin P. B;u'nu.by. VI I .. "Blank,Books Elnd tt:/Olr` sun. ` RepuM':c;xu. Coiumllub} hid. ._....:rv.. 4'..lm A .-nmm.l..-.t {Hy l'Ck'JU\ t'.1"\ \\ .15 mther al peculiar . | 11111011 better M11111] 1 mm nr.u- Tn l1HY'->. ' the E xx -gixxI1i11-,;."` `I c1o:1\"m'ing urnfnuuinn A I-19?` ` ` ..unV| uucun. _u.\n.> -.n:u I 1 U I>0?_s0nwl from .\nin1a.!1mm.~i.-5; _ [1"11U11'1"lr1S. are :$uh_iu-L in v:|'riuu`:5 1` fsiuml. ui\s( and all flesh '-en ,l).U`|.'l'K'u mum: nr lm.-u nl thn vmr-u -..... - Vr ...._ --.- Digestion will. not Enegixxll the temperauure oi the food has been mix? ed by the heat. of the stomach to nine- ty-eight degrees. Heufe` the morn heat that can be imparted ta it? by .slow mastic-a._1iou. t_h\a_ bettut The prg-- Qcipitznidn of 1' large 4 quantitg: ' of ' 1old in the stomzxcti `py fast caning , smaymml often I093, cause dibcclllfrt undindigesiion. and every occz-i(.n`ul. this kind results in 2: mczu-ur;LiQk-. in- HUIV L0 Ihn dicmqtiwx In: mm X`:-.r. Ixluxa muu l"x`:$ulI8 H1 1.llt`Zu'ul'l!)h', nu- JU!')' the digestive furiiunsi Yer- Wl$ OI 10 `:~4`1}' and de-Laue!` 1112?! should eat weir food \vux'_;11, Strpng. 3 lrersnns `who are full of .w;LrInIh and` Fblodzi c;.n safer)` em cold foul if in is pxrnn ni..{rh- mu ;1` 1%.... ,-mhh: n./\1~x \..u .-nqei) can :3 eazan siowly .x;xi ` chewed. / uu.u n.-.L.u. ;.u. are unac::usVt01ned_ to colutzxct with V `L>i tl_ed persons have" in using the ban-4 '1 dies to Lhe names of `lords. and dukes " The diiculties which people` who Hxre immense. An English ,p_:1per,' L` tells tn the way in "which `one young - } so`rt._ . . ` . - .k`Im uvnc -an nmannixisxo.-Had 'nnunf.rv x:womnn solved 9. pr.oblem__ of tlga" 5 _... - ... a hi-31:11. nnuunnnn -vvuu u uuu I/xv xrnilvl Magazine and` ilusijylfinncling :1 enmzinlt . ".11 .),|`\' guthl l'UUllIlg" \\'Hl HllU_\ I110` gbznrnsixe. Admit _iL: hut if there is ;xn_\'_n11tr111m1t;l quality 1x1Ii`u\un'af. `that may be hyat. for. the uuokxngxnay de;slroy 1 51150. b`i}{a.i:i":s' di- vu\1r~ix'1g' lolpuxent. and 1. rmsxirrg finwa may not; kixmv pmmgh to kngw how 10 spurt; 1 Kim men, to must the pamaite. I 1,, ,,,, . r The best Tvruiim foods. o;1)hospl1afes. jam loom 111e:ms_, fish`, cheese`, Crabs. \\'hez1t._harlv_\', `oatmeal, :\ln1oud ugllr suuthorx1co"rn._ bezxns. pointers.` gs and prunes. The best curhonzues) on heat prudtxceras, are fat. nwvt, vsugllfs buugr. rice,` ryv, chocolate, dates, i L`uL'k\\'hPut. NrrKheI`n _ , ._,._ , T7. .1, .._ .1... .........` nl corn. white flounf `etc. A Ulmrnl fruit. diet at su.ch1ix_ |`<\1|!\" uhu. .Vl'l\LH5l'l1 UV: 1), U Inn: uuu-v. Ex<`es% in this hranch is me cause 01 puor heahh, your blood and hadskim The besL n7img'enous. foods or muscle xnukem ire vermicelli, eggs. M18639: _ xnmls--p:1r(icuIurl)' beef, -- Southexjn Com. salumn, bez1ns:,._'@_.Q:4LS;Eb9: phulic foods for persons of strong u1um;tli1_\', uu.1"Lhose who "study mucki- cannox. be too strongly urged. Th best food L: the cheapest. It '|s"\va}E to rc tliuf. in hot xveextlmer \\ simul_d avoid <'a.rb(in&te5 or heat mak- ers. snvll us fnta, rich -terellls, sweefn `in '11 ..y *Foru1erl_v :1. Ic~v`r p:x'LEe11i.l\\'as fork hi tr} take milk, while in modern , practice it is about the only "food allowed. :1 ml :1 \\'ell-uigh e._\c`lus'1ve\l1ei of tlml liquill is said to be wary effi- lczlcious in diabetes. At the German spnxs C.1rl'slsznl, \\'lesb;xden, . eto.. ~8- very little bread is zxllowed. the dieh bl-.ing 11m,~atly made up ollmllk, eggs, `grapes ninl lean beef; ll Iron-stanf .::.: .:.. -..xA z........1 ..'4....,1..`. ...m.... -Emuyua uuu AC\\u \.'L'\vL, . -nu. ... . is the rule. _1)1ja:y:l, Stayxjhj` vegd -u ml. R.icLr'~i.~i e;1.~;ilv dhzewited. and an ex- (`'.UcI1L {cm}. c?x(:e;) that it :1Uouu mrth Rails. Fruits are 110% only Idlgested in the fxrsl. sturxxm-:11. mt the_: ` h-:1\'e a. large part, of the nourishmen Lula]-as and cereals ltaing a1nmst:m(clud- . alremlv in :1. cundizim`. [0 be absorb- I ed and assi.mi1;1 ted .33 _.s-van as eaten; Thu food ale-.ment:s in bread and cereals [have ti undergo an. procexss of diges- t.ion7in the stmnach. and ' then be `1>:1& -on to the intestines for an still further vllmniczx} change before `.hn:.n(r .{t' nan tn the human svstem. ZSEH`. 1llI`UJI' \'l1?I[HL'iH cum 6 U!:lU1u - <. lg . 1bemg_ 01 use .to the hum:u_1 system ish0\\'lILg the uclv-.mI`z1ge of a dlet 0 ;lex.m Inemsvinnd fruits." . . \_` `sort. " . I was an umsophisticittedjcountry fgirl, and had be,e.n'_engnged as house- _ _f nmidvin the service 0.`-.' the Duke of ; Rutizmdr at Belvoir. When she c4m 16"" 5 she was thus instructed. byvmthe houw gkeepwar; - - V '~ .- Whenever youvmeet l:he.duke, Alice, ! be. sure to say Your Grace. '/ Qgomg down the passage, the/` duke `rclmncedbm meet. her. Immedi;/x.te1y the > {girl drmv lzerselj close ./t6 the \va1l,~ {closed `r9r eyes. and assuming; a fe~` iverenthxl uxmude, said-- _ ( Invv aTn'i'1u rhn,/xvnnfq nf- nthnri u The very next day, as the maid'was ` iRHEagmui_ cguys duumenk cnmjm sxiu mm. , ~- ` tions. _ I '_ 7-has nev_ei'; been Azzdrew. Aifon: '05 fererfrom eqzema. for three yearn . We _ ee eneew remedy so far die-r eovc`re'd for it-ia,rDr. ~ .f,Chas9"s Ointment; It - mm; to fail. 3M1-..,' '`-W W- ', H11:-tland.N.B...si|yi: . "M37 little dnugllter, Grace ElTa,' agdv-' thre and =a. half-, wan` a dx-`eadfx_1l,"s.ufgz-` I gt-1-l_ed n. ,x\.11a`x_11ic[;r,.of alleged cure:-.` agd` s_v~j. `oral dogttoria. bust A all without elfectt.` He '5 was indeed a. bad Dim. Her little I110 1' fvn l`lI\"lY`liTV} on`;-Vrn-.':J tuN`n I`-\I1I'_ 4 I'()'1`.-\L ASSURA] `.\'C(,\\1E.0VER.. .VeI`entml 'xUCl[-He, SaIu"" > ` Lord: s xI;113 ly....L119/giants. of; .others, and make us t1/umkful. _Amen. | All? `:1 (la HluL'UU ll uuu UKXHL`. 1101' ll_l.l.LU boy was "eurY:v (:0exte(I wifn .mIh'..` One` day our Meal drngvgist`:-Mr`. Wm; .` E. Thistle; 4_:`ecummeut}erl me to try 111': * Cba5e`s 0ixxtm3mt."` I "did so, mid font boxgs affected a com-plete" cui`.e nnd saved, our child." . = T ` .._ . 1 . -n_ n:_._.;_ .-n,,. _,.' 1., `u -,._; _n;-. \ 3 en.` Ta!-on'to`;` piice A60 Vcentg, V uul Iuu.\u- ' ' Dr Chase- s Oilptmentl is eitec-ti` the for piles, salt xilmwm fund some olfj all Gem -iptionn. I~`or7.u1cy'by.alI Joajuleiii"; 3.3)`! Q..d_|nan'so'b, 1?-:\'tes.;&.Co.__. n\m;xuIa.ctiu.., . * ~ There is nqihime i. equi` i ..a seed a/ml A}-`urpentixxo.Lor` agveggaibidir 1;"... ,....m.... `t~:.`....... `mum; am: ...... vfrvu u/uu `.t|lI}lSu.lfAI|l\I`-IV!` uuv.u_:g=.UUI& mug ftrogxbioe. tiara; Mm vsas M` W 11 y (`:10 .. EAT cam FOOD sh-i<.vL\:. _, . . . . . . ' \; . . . 1IES'I`ED PPINTS IN DI _E'1`. A,BQL (\,_OOD A.\'D BAD FOODS. Annnnss . "On ` :. ......- . .,..._ -.15:-I xn~zu.~x*. have 't:(~`\m f:-.11!--, mi A}! phil- ,1 ,1: n.__L .. \ On the mmrary. ti ofzorxlilues proves - SAID. IT; I '1` .\I.}C.~\`l` _ V l71"JI.l.PI.~T." anigxal flvshnat AH! i.~n't. 1\mlm~5\ 0! the many. kin diagages, eczema. in one of thy won-at . and most common.` ,3 . H . E . cmsm I I. nc pztru hails, . .-'2 .1 `:'.Lting-.`er- reien` f:-.t:1l- an Ana;-x, . pus- ixc nine, nun (V I: ll: MY. ..L....,......., > U... T... ,um,,,... .. \Ju u.. |.'4\.|J\-`Ally wft invth wring fora tlmorough inspec- Ion of thekboats in American wa.tgr`s, 4 m_1d`u.fi;er travelling on the mlifla =er, 211. ,uL..'.... .....: u...` r n.l sum In ma Palms onl . xeu m;an1k.- Im_Grooers.- by and uuer tzravemng on the ru,1_,1~x;uvw-, Vlie Albahy and the Champ ' and` 1 law York steamers he xjetur dwitha l iscilla, The -`eportkin favor of the P ' .engthr~_)usL -'--3w4,a& ' ' sjevf5v1t1_'x\ feel. she _ orquebep, The.'y. ill have. sleeping ca- . pacity for qv, . four huni1mc1_pe_ople and willhe Iic'rlse cz}rry_fifteen huh- dr_ed. The dining room will..h'e'on_ the` secQ]1;<}dek.` and wallezl \vith- `plate Vzglasa, 39 thit; tl1e.pa;s"se n`ge1:s while v,c_l_in- 1-ng.ca_'n-`anjoy%the prope::t as they gnde on` the '\x;p`,te1`. - '.1`l1_e:.s`feci[ication call. {qr a`max1muI1l`S11_e(l Qt tw_ant.y`kno`_ts .. a11;l1ou1' and 0. n1-inlmulnvof leighteen. -'.l`h1 s means 'tl1a.t;_the -boats. instead of` leaving` Tdgonto at 2 o clot;k--in the at-` ,te.rno_on, w`x1l.-swin,g out of t_l1e_ Yonge .stree_h wh-.u`f up (3~o'c1oc`k. _just;-fpur . hours-later; agntl 8.rr1ve.0_n schedule time ztl r(;svott; _'1`here wlll be`fiL`ty. thou-3 ao.n'Ll dollars is` em: on inte_1-ior, decora,-, [ions on each ..0n.t. l.`h_q fxrst steamer` "will be ready by `July ~1st-. and the sec- 'o weeks later: , 7` .l '- '- ;.. rthan the x-.tc'nl.n- . 1-urn nvnnnnmm mmnm I . . - M... .. Kan she? -' M . 8. gay no. W-11y.- she can even I+3nsti;=,v2;.-.V is iiry Aduit-y in" `her ; stf, V-tk. our `without looking` j shx Emd. bath boots in the? ' ` for Counrv of Simcoe. All Farm Stock Sula 3:18. All other sales on mm reasonable terms. < Law Work f ali Kimllsl Promp _y -Execllted _ f `IS PREII -AR_ED T0 no ALL KINDS OF Assumes comrm. E E`; cuwrozzn. -;;;;;{MessowARns L "0HNSdN~ & SARJEANT,-- DEAL ERR in UOAT. of n.1]- kinda. imnnrha Erma rim ma" JE'_!!`..'35?.GFf3.N - BARR E Auctioneer an Valuator. ICE: '45 33111280 llingtonliotelr R. 8: o. STEAMERS.` Bank of Toronto Building`, Owen Street. non AND STILL THE BE! I'll` II&XII& Insurance Agent-, Fire and Life, unullhnn -.-A...-.. ..... .._. Tukcthc "(`.` & B. Line" steamefa and enjoy a ` rreshlmg night's rest when enroute to cleve- lnnd. Coln.ubus.Cinoinna% 'I'olado.1ndln- napous Chicano. Dettol Mackinac 15 land, Non om Lglm Tourist return. or -my Ohio. In nn. or southwesternfpoint. l`47L 1 . __,.._ n 4 ,. J. 4`... ..._._x-. .......I.lnA .c.Ex%Lo~ RULlNG- ET9. {V CIIIII III Bi 1; S|)(3i:I;T/j E, -W9. ear \w1t,nour.1'ooKLng_ M ihl..,Q1d4_,.ll`3;t,hL ,l;9!2L*3.__,i_n_1___t1;@ P. 0. Box 214, BARRIE ` JAKIS VAI3 _ . I ..I1`.?,;;0(`I,000 41,115,000 N.3(|5.0G0 f\.450.D(`() me VERY was: man ALL ma wean) oven. Interesting Item Aboht Ont o...c.;.m.! Great Britain. the United sum, and; A|I`Pu1s at me Globe, Condcnsed and; I " Aubncd for Buy Raiding. _ t All l".'u'm Stock SE18` reasonable lenns, .... ...... . .-vu u llouuavnl . 7 v The Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph has 150 students. - mL- n..u.._:- r.._,:-|4;.___ |._,_' L--- . \Il'\aIJ -suuuu Luau uLItu wun.uyu.u.u. `The Bank of Hamilton has purciias- ed px)o;"Jer'ty for an office in Winnipeg. An expedition will start, from Mont- real for the Klonilyke in afew weeks. A new issue of postage stamps will be `placed on sale about December I. A. ......,I .... 4.. 1-... ...:II \I|...l.. L- 3... John Callahan. an asylum patient`at',{ London. choked himself fatally whnlel [eating his dinner. Tut... D..ll.....l mnunknnt n\\'InRanr cuuug uxa uuuucnn. John Pollard. merchant of Windsor. N.S., who lost, heavilyin the recent` fire has become insane. ` -r .\ -1 . p , 1 3: . _ , _ . ..:_.. OANAJSA. The Russell fire fund now nmouutas to s;;2;65v. = (FL- I" H 1'1 ._.II| ..._..,.A _ _-..1 ..A-.!.... vv V.`-,uuv. , The G. T. R. will erect a new` statign at Merriton Junctioij. I\A -nu ,A vuu-yu nun) u.vv uuuuyumxn The Ontario Legislatur has been; called to meet on November 30. an n r\ n - . -.---nu 14\l nu.-n. nu Lvvvvcnalavh vu- The new C.P. R. grain elevator at; Owen Sound has been complete-.d.V_ ' N`|.... r)I|-n- -0 T!......:l&..... |.,` . .... .. '.... I um. pnun.-.u vu -Juluv uuvuv umvmv... ;. An insolvency law will likely -be in- trudumd at the n,e`xt session otPar~ lizunent-. . ` ...... u .x..,n. Mr. Qgilvie reports fresh discoveries of gold in the Klondike increeks tri- butary to the Indian River. ` u :`.. x..L;-.....L..I um; [')..:L.... I.`.lm-um} DAILY" L]!!! IITWIIN CLEVELAND AND TOl._.EDO WA `'0. &_B. LINE." " uuuuy DU LLIC Luuxuu LIIVLA4 ` It is estimated that-Prihce Edward County will have 13U.,U03 barrels of up- I plea for export this `year. u .. -..-..\..o.\.X plmr Hm l`\rh...m and NDVCK. Ylu\.CHh lll.` Ltblll J.\4LIlI.\,|l\4llAA-Vn Guelph has spent. $3,000 in sidewalks and 3100.000 in buildings, principally private houses during the past year. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will uccmnpany Sir Louis Davies when the latter goes tn nrfnnl Hun unal nrunfnrnnnn in \\':l.4l!- x.n.v-Vu mu-u~u...u ...........v The six-_ven.r-old sun of ~21. mm-ller named Rudd :11`. West, Letblsridge. .\1a.n. while playing with R gun. Shot. and killed his tl)1`ee.-vear-ol(l sister .. I... .... !. (`anus n, yxca IVA 1.-Lpuxu Luna Jvutr. It is expected that the Ottawa. and _New York railway will be open for traffic on the first` of December. ' The Ancient and H`onouruble Artil- . 1er y,Compun_v ,of Boston` have aban- .) ,\\)\A` n...:.. L..:.. tn Unnfnv Honourubl hav duned their trip to Halifax. h_.._.L_. \I:..1..L,... .. Yu.L.n\ uuucu vucu any w .\1uIAAu.x. Deputy Minister of Justice Nexvcmnh reports that peace has been restored- ntVSt. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary. t\ u u u . ,,.A nnnnn :>-< ..:.)..._...H.,. ,,......u ..uw.., ........a ...V ,, latter to attnd the seal conference in `Warsh- ington ' next month. A .l......o,.'....o. {.....y. \fnnh-.-ml nn \\'n:L xugum llC.\Lv usuut-u. A deputation Irom Montreal on Wed- nesday urged upon the Guvernfnent. the desirahility of having Canada.` re- presented at, the Paris Exposition. .v:_. r-...:,_ n,`..:...~ \f:.. u- nu` Rf."-nn p.n::v:u\cu uh vuc Lunux ;,uxl;u.uu.\-... Sir. Louis Davies, Minister of Marine `and Fisheries has pu1'chz1s.e(l the resi- ` dence of Sir John Carling in 0tt:l.W`\& for eleven tholisqml dollars. nu _ .3 _ _ A A __>_ L____ ILICIJ uu Lxnuu-_y nun. L\A1-\\A ...-.-n-----_,- The date of the meeting of the Dum- inion Purlimnent has not yet been fix- ed. but it is expected that the open- iing will take place about the n1idd1e-1'~ ` I . of Ja`nuar_v. ` Tu .. ....... ..A_`,.:.x.._..1 1:x...|.. um+ Hm) .1 u.. ..... nu.-..... V. .v.......`......___,.,._, Sen14renlsln:1)osm(ie for tourist pamphlet. _ W F. HERMAN, T. F. NEWMAN. Gen`! Pnse. Agt. Gen l Manager. CLEVI-_)LAND. Omo. - -`UL uu.uuu`\. '. R is now ronsiderad Hkely that the/` 8 `Allan: and Dominion steamship lip wl mm-uni` Hm Gnvpz'x1iv\n1\f. mm]/sub- JULIA KJD. ll\lLL-|ln ' . A Federal Minister dis ssing forest. fires. expressed his ru conviction that the st:1rting.o a fire '11 a. forest should he made 0. criiniI1:)./L/<)ffence. punislmble by heavy penal `es. T.` U 11...... ,.l- .4 ..~:.\:...~. nuuni-cnnaa J .m.., ,,...... W. . ` E. H. Hay ck. a`. unning engineer, has o1>t}1.L11e _a _pmtent for an zxpp_:1mt_us `_hy wlncl xnunng may be (-arrled on In fro n ground at comparatively smal expense. 'ohn McIntyre, one bf the Winds- r. N. \S., men; arrested: on a charge of starting the re which resulted in the comin_ittezl_ for t_ri:Ll. A- .._.....1 . . . A . . .....!....2 lI."(....u...(;`...... destruction of that town, has been ` ISIIICU LIX! lLIlVE'_\C\lL'UI\l QIHLVA. Ferdinand Carriers. the crank from Rimmxski who expressed a desire to kill Sir \\'iHri has been de- clared insane and sent to an asylum. AlliLTl." {HILL UULUIHIOD SY8llIlSll|}) 1111168` will mccept the Goverxlinent nlail/s'1_1l>- sidy and give 3. fortnightly ervxccg f"?m.S." 3913?: .. .. A` Bert Leedham, aged 16, son of the foreman of the` Withroxv mines, South Uniacke. N.S., was caught in the !I.l(`h- ineryou 'Is`rida.y and killed instantly. :m._ .)..L,. /\r\I\ ..m..+:m~ at Hm hum- l.Uu.|u.uL~I.t:u._ LUL bl nu. Annnvelope ' marked "Consci`ence Boodle," and containing $1,050 in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Armmcnn bills, has been received at the Finance Department at Ottmva. " 11,... `LY `D 1':......,.....,\..a :11 n.......:,... at Svteamship_-Company . and Ithe Grand. ' Trunk 1ja1l\va.y for a. regular monthlv nu.) agxfeement has hee.iLentexe11 i>ntoW between` the._ Hamburg-Amer'Lca.n `service; between Hamburg and J? t- lland, Me. * ` H-I in nl-n{>nA (~'hn+ {Inn 111nm; 'nn (Inn- xxvfun u.u.n.uu Mu vuuun... . _ Hou. B. R-.-,Emmerso11 is Premier`. of -New Brunswick, .1 reconstruction of the "Local Government having been ef- fected; On account `of iii-health Hpn. J:1_mes' Mitchell resigned` the Premier: ship. V - - -7. ,_m,,,_i_..L L... I....L.. _._L_--.1 :_.A-`l mun, nus. 11'! is stated. that the Domi 'on Gov~. ermnent proposes next se 1011 to in- troduce legislation to i rea.se\,the-1`e- l;iriBg,`1LO)Vl3J'1CQ._()[` ; .upggI;elQ Court- judges from two-thirds to. xfour-fifths A of their salary. c~.......mi ...\:'.;'..n1a m.,.....1 nan n+'n...m S``l:tDA ur. hucu na..oL`y . Several uni " 0.1.9 o\v'n~ed near Otfasva were .rece1itly found to` ;be suffering from tuberc.u1osis.and on the authori- ` .ty..'of the Minister of Agriculturev itis `the-Ex-perimea_ta1 Farm._ rr`\1__'.n-L-:I `nr,.....L....L..s A....._.:..;:-_. -11 vuu A.la\kr\rAAAAA\.rI4U\~n .. ........ The "Retail Merchants" Association of 0t.tawa.,_'l:as`flepided to ask -the Legis-I lnture ti) radically change the present zyuctiongeering. laws, and 6.1} the mini- cipalties thIoughou Ontario" will_ be askezlb to -join in,th1 appeah ` -= As there has been no respon `call to Canadian sculrytors for cjesigns for the statues `_of `the Quenund the Jate Hon, A~1ex:1.nder l\1:1`c-keuzfe, which are to be_`pl;mctL on. Paxjlia-. mgmt` Hill, the utfen `ma.y-,ha ..ue-. to be thrown_ open` to Brlsh and -foreign artists. ` . . 5 . _._ ._ I`1`r`\`I .\ "nu nnvm~*.--rm- Prt.-sidnpt Mckunley has issued. his proclamzltion. ua_ming`Nov_e1_n1_)er 25th as: ' a.~,do.y,' of 'n_mtion'althanksgnvmgz , A {- u.A:....'v.h:u|m'.. m-...xm.". ...m.~:~1...a z;...`..{ nu-iuuayl Us. 11 hvluual |1.lJllvl.`hAB6lVLI`.`lB- % ':;A rehbishop Muchmy, yvhchag bgseq, i1l-- i`i1l .Eng1und; continues to improve. and expcgs` tovreturgj to (`anada after Gfhristmas. V , -- _ ` A -' L A` T118. 3:1 `J.-oiidnl. of I~`ra_mcis -Tzumer I o.lg~ra.v$.. the poet and essayist. V ` He was seventy-f_iveA (yeurs~_oI.o.ge, , g _ .; rm. 4 ' a 1 111-, ._ nn:'._-J;_:-...a.L.. ' `J!-wu_va.`u`.v` ;_ ` "Jig L Impgarial War .0_tice (denies {the report _;`u.t the British Govermegnt ink , jj;en<}_ ;;z.;,1,g,`g13> `gvlg; Britishg regiments Ypo; t at me brmxsn uovemnenu In-- } tends f ';`,;;,1,Q,.c-43' Ltwg` regiments `in 'British- Columbia. \ . : ' ` ML _ 1.. L-.. ..1.:`....,.-.. A... ...t IVA\.I`..`.!!;'\s-.` Ju..H.~ "with t l .D1`1L|$1.|' hU{ulUll. } _ ` ` _ 'Dhe latg1'-shipmen ts of Canadian fruit to .Emi1n.nd .&I`l`iVed in good condition, *sl;oyv9d 4: e2ndenox;!91droz> fr9m-;th9ir e exception of the gmpe's`,`,whioh I Btms. b V . ux blalaw Gi2.E.i_,_11- 131utri:IN'.* `Nae coroner : jury in the case of Ed- ward Langlry, husband of the actress. has returned a verd-1ct.in London of death " due ro~an_ effusion of blood up- on the brain, caused by a. fall." I K nnxuv 9.-.......I..' .x....o-........ ... on L- 32.50 [W m iastmr A ..,.u.. ... ..\...... ..- ....... ~_-_v--- ~_ -- ; ' 'Hegr_v" George. the single tax advo- ;('ate; and one of the-candidates for the _.\{ayoralty of Greater New York died suddenly at his hotel on Friday morn: ;.ing after addressing several meetings. ;He was fifty-eight years of age. ' \.u-n-Alum In. n..mmn-4\nI uuvmmorinq`. -._ ....v \Il5~L.IJj \.sauuL|x u_y a nun. A new mrpedd destroyer is to 1'1! built an N e\\'<. ast}ezn-Tyne. withtll._x`- blue engines, which is eq.e:-led to at-~ tain a-speed gf thirtgusix l0 forty knuts an hour. " _` The L0nd0'n"S;iecta"tur 'V:ak apessi- lmistic view of the situation l:m.\\'een .tbe Unitezf States and Spain. and ex- Qpresses the opinion Lhgxt. the Ch-'lIll'ES are in favour of war. " n -.\. u. ....uuu u; - u. United States .Axnbassadur Haiyon V Qsaturtlay, telegraphed to` the Queen at EB-ahnural an gxpresaiuu _u1' Presigient McKinle_V s sympathy and condolence upon the death ofhg Duchess of I`e-ah. .` K1..- -__.__ .x_, ..._._1A 5-.. ........ L4\. mug A.n\;_y \.~A5uv Julnlu \IL Anny: furnished by the mercantile agencies of Dun and Bradstreet, the condition of trade shows generally little if any ap- preciable change since the last re- turns. In different quarters the un- usualhv mild weather has acted as a de- terrent to theordinary progress of trade. and the demand for certain lines of seasonable goods has" been checkeil. There is no decided increase in any direction. The demand for iron and steel continues good, as it is expected ', the cost of manufacture will increase lshortly. There is a fair ,demand for woolen goods atikteady prices, but corn ton goods are weak and stock large; The commercialtztilures in the United States for the week just. ended are `.318. Ifomparctl with `.305 for the correspond- ing Week a year ago. A nnnfn-nnn.-.\ hnhpnnn u-nu:-ncnnqiivnu \ . I According to commercial summaries. u.u. u. J-.-u. unev- A conference between representatives of the employers 'Zll1(l. delegates from the striking engineers in Britain has been practically arranged, the latter having" agreed `to withdraw their de- mud {or eight hours per day. w 'ch has been the great stumblingl) in the wziy of. arriving at a settlement of the strike. -. 044.,-..u -44..--..-... An attempt will he made in Chicago ~ to prevent dep:u'Lu1euLul stores` selling provxsnuus or liquors. , u;.. 1..1:,.'"..`vu........nr.,+.. nu. run- ynuvnoluuuvn uquuno. Sir Julian Pnuucefotxe, the Brit- ish Aml)ass.1(l0rAt0 the United States, arrived in New? York on Saturd-.1_v. n:_., 2 ..,_ _z- u., ._.__..._ . d.I.|lV!fLl ILI )\U\V_ LUIK UU x:uuu1mw_v- Five inmates of the county insane) asylum an Pennring. 111.. have. it 15 asserted. been mauled to death by at- Lendnnts. :- Canon Gore. who has been seriously ill in Buffalo. has sufficiently recover-< ad lb enable him to leave New York on his way borne to London. Thev American Public Health Associa- tion, in session in Hiilaulelpliin, passed at resolution approving of individual (`ups in the celebrulion of the cum- I.lllU1lOD. vrv|., -_,,,, 1 L !I'tl\_,_L,___.. 1).. uuuuuu. The grand jury at Wi.!kesb:u're, P}1., on 'l`.hursdny returned xrue bills 101' murder ug:n.'Ln5t Sheriff Murxin and - llislleputius for firing on and killi striking miners at .L;1timer, Pu. Governor Atkinson of Georgi/.1,/ill his message, condemns mob lznw, and suggests, among other 1`en{edies. that the. prisoners be rm and allowed `uv ,1` Spenmus "city of Bnmale." (new) State at Ohio" and "sum of New York , DAILY T'1.\u: TABLE. Daily, except `Sunday, until about December 151." Lv. Eu`alo, 1.30 mi. Lvflllevelandl 8.00 P.u xrr.Cleve1And.8.30A.u. Arr. Buffalo. 8.80 as sAs'n:m snxn nu) ma. ~ I

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