51 nt anywhere. Hm lxulkheud which was keeping _us I up for the time-beifng was naF3'S knld` ships. bwt not qmte. 1t,belng,&11tt1d > aft of that position, so not quite half Flak vessel \vus'zLt`,the mercy of" the I an . ' \'.- .K"l\nv`H`hr nflzni" ilnxrlhrhf. Hmm xx/as E Slxorvl max. , _ _ after ' daylight there was :2. 0011511 ftation in the c.wptuin's_ cabin as to what shmxlu be done. It was de- (vided to tzLke.t~11e hubohes off. and throw over all the cargo wbmt the engine- romn that. cou-d be got at. There was a.` s ceum~winch uvaulwle. and .9. der- nck was soon rigged ulp- . The cargo we could get at \vuLa. ull wdol, Ln" bales of} - aboult ten` `lmndredweight. each; and as - bzllo after bale went over the side. We 3 made 0. 1p'ng wak_e of ttheln. as they! dul not smk at once. , . Imm -nmn+. hm~ n:HI`.||' lnmf. fnirlv fine: - .szuze,.U11e amp. " r '1`he sto\vard',had not.nsg*lected his 3 - duty. and had prepaged its good a; F 4;renkfn.s't' as he o0uJ;k1 manuga; and I: lI1( ;(}'hilni&y we wsmt to it,` not that I unybo-(ly had any read! wih to go 10 1 b1'eakfa':-rt; but as umutter of habit. ;1 It was an uncanny thing. also, to take - amen! in m>n.bi.n~w`hioh one: Yalt almost "., sure would be at tfhxs bottom` oil the Han. " lfdi"YE CfimhTh8 did not smk at - _- '1`1h1e weatfhor s:LiJ`.|l' kept fairly fine; 1 .- :hacligaolie1>ee}:.fx1: jsL;n&4!!l!i!19% J have taken off the lmtuhea, as the ufter~ . ` part of the vesadh svus .hygth'xs time \ 1'a he Vvuher, and. we should. . ` in u probability have been unable to -.szuze,.M1e ship. j` _ ' -' . x- 'lV'h`a n.'f.mv:u`d had nonnmrlected 'L1_!`_(`g, w9o.1_;q_ne an um) uuuwu 01.. we sea. before fE ` mutnd. Yet.` in we we.n'b. the captain taking the Head of thatubliva as usual; b'mt hb coluid eat.-nothing, and pven his jc1-vial rurldy fame was much altered, V S`ho1'~trv after breakfast.- oue of the liilljlptll-LUU quu _ uguulrv` uyyvsu` I ed in a curious '.mau~per.. Evis1jy- body brigh't_eme usp wt uh-1s news . pap tioumly the - p*o~ wmnxm' ` but` affm` ` mreful ex2_Lminut1o'n_th*rough the 1588. it tmjnad orut tube mug some w `ale,sI_ xainoulbmtz.` ` . , ninnin EXAMINER, ravnsfmi, Nov. 4;`+{sa1. ._&)]1d3, nvjghitn a "aria the um ma be gas #41 hem fthnrvwn nvn!-Inn!-tl' Rn V. Vv`8V Of us` sgencn I I duscomfc human 0: star-lit sky with her dark BQU1 -W `_` set on'thv3 fomnmst. her bows f**}" ing'high.nbove thesea, her atf!` "" .r`y romrwun it: and mum ged lights in her foremast--sig~na.1h of`d1stress~loo - ed Ilke some huge monster out. of 3 fairy ta! stricken 'nigh__ umto death. but struggling on while [lie lastbgi i There were some m1l`1pU.8\\Mt3 ` character exhibited on the Part f mu` crew zu_1d Pagsongers, thollb 1110 of` __.:.n.. nail ma n- D Omcza ;-London and Canadian Ulmmberu. 103 Bay 8l'reec,. Toronto. \- Telephone 2413. \.\ Schombora. Saturdnyn. ' H. E. Inwm.-B.`A. Jxo; K\'l.I-:8. BA _____,_______________________._..... Character exhibited the pan. m W... crew and assengers. most thh-em did t eir duty quietly and man- fu`.ly.~ One man. a sieemge pass9891' took to his berth after the zwcidxht happened. when the second-mate went to rouse him up a`d"make h'}In take his turn at thepumps. he sznd. ` "he was not going to pamm; he knew the vossolxvas going dawn. and he ` would die conxfortahle in his berth. In fact he was left there. as the mate had no time. to mlsbe over him, All- - orhwrman armed h`inLse`:f with "21 _re- mlvex-.' with theintxntion of shooting F l1i'm.~';eLf if the worst came to the worst. 3 as he said. he preferred shooting to. drowning. frmn him, The revo2vor' was taken 2 (I TOW" II \I.|g'. from hm_I;"' :r MIRTHTSI umwlvm. --a.` 71:Xi{;{oRn1NART EX*S7Eib* RECORDED IN THE MEDICAL BOOKS, --.- Scvoml lnsjnnros of People ou1`helj- Benin- Iml Whose llllarlly :n'Hl Thvm-.\l|rll1 llelps l)lgo.sIIox1~-l.a|xglxler (`urea 11 case of llrulu Fever - some Humorous lmldeuts. w A Assuredly, it vseems. a singular idea "to assign to mirth un impoftant part - in tho cum of diseases. writes t1,Paris ; Vporrespoxxdent. If I undertake the task -: ,.\......:..,. ...k..+ Hm: mu~Hrnl:n' state 4 ;(_.`a0I`I`9S{lOll{1`[1t,. 1|. 1. uuuuuum: um ..... .. of showing what this pu1'ticul:u' state oi mind is capable of in the liealing line. LU is not that I wish tqmcommend its exclusive adoption, which would often i present consmerable difficulties, but to (i(3Ii1V(;[VlMSAi5.l_`Vlt(Qi`fh(li.`if. on. the one hand. the passions may in certain cases prove 1l0Xi0US. they am. on the other hand ` s11s_ce.pt.ib1e of exercising in some "oth- , em a highly favorable influence. Im.. r 2...; ,.e ...:.-n\' in: n r-.nr2\f,iVe (:15 U. 1ug;1u_y Au-vvnuunv -u....\...--. The suhje<:t of mirth` as a curative agent has been very humorously treat- ed by M. Bneu1oud, of. Paris. und IMO` p030 to make c0pi0u_S,use of his clevei` d'1si`o\u'se delvered ate recent. meeting of t. he"French scientific pm-ss,and re- ; produced in the Journal d'Hygie118,- um.-H. :u nnf .. mwi.-;IizM"re111e It prouirmu in we Journzu Mirth is not a spccializx >d"reuie cannot be taken in tlie form` of lozenges or pills; it is not made up into infusions u, [1_y' gwuu, like a potion according lo` recipe or ap- ` pcia to we skin in the shape of a '[)ll|SbeIf__; it is not a proprietary medi-_ r ; I:ine. nor is it worked by a more or 1 SB heavily capitalised company. m:..u_ ..,......\L l\:\ fVf\`l` . :+ :., nhmn Rut I or n1lxture_s;A-it cannot be swallmved = lVlll'l..U Eilllul lR $\\U|(l , IL in `nun. .uv~v `its Deception [)I`e$l11)p0S9S a particular condition, which it is for the present difficult txuxxplain. . mnmun A nr.1nnHr\ U Hr TTD nm 1\|'Tn'I' U.l11l(7l1lL L1,L..t`.X].ll'LLll.l. '.I.`H- I?IRLAPEU'l`l_C VALUE OF MIRTH. L) Ckiurt, Proctors, mtarxus, \/Ull\'r);\ua\mu. .. ",1-Ioney tn Loan. - Omen: RosLs 13Iock,Dunlop street, Bnme. WnLL1.\'m`oN' A1:L'r. Amzx Cuwul. ,,...._4..-.___-- .|..u unuxx-. uu .|.lv v uu4uu V. _.___.r 'l`h proof of the therapetin value of mirth is; found in the following observa- t:'10ns:' ' ` u n .' .1,-, ,,,,a. ___-.__I-......I'.n :a l;et~usH)p,n the great encyclopedia ls- z~med' by M. Roohurd, of Paris, which ` makes this truthful remark: "E-very- . one k*no'ws the influence exemised on the appetite and wox kin~g of the diges- L:.. D . . * A . A ..... .. " A m . . . m ..nn`n' In} uvrfh. hut! lu)pULlLb uuu. WUL'lxLlJ`5 U1. \:u_D \u5vv . tivo functions of any person` by mirth- 1 ful ideas..-zigi'eeab1e surroundings. or i the fact of eating in cqmpauy instead I of alone." . ., k Beformochard, the author of the ` ; "'Art,;ot Living Long." Noirot. hadsuid: 1 "Nothing so much helps. digestion as ' mirth." n,.,L,:_u -nu -_ ___;..u. ..,L..-;... Hahn l.l.lll'U.l. Certainly muirth` bis swfoarthjnore than the drumbating prescribed bybR._ecam-` \ iex` to a dyspeptic mgrquise on .;tl},e, grouu~_d that this l0.tter's stomach hkegl \ rhythui. 1m:..n.v ..-....... L- LL.....`..-L mun lnnlnad my yum. mm seems` to nnvsuot only helped in the treatment of dyspeptic affections; \ it has also been effective_in h'eaI'm8 ..:....o 1',...,1 r....,...1....-.... .'mmu-Jinn in LL uua u:1:1U xxzcu ULl.UULLVO.|u I-Iv-M--5 c } gout. Lord _Lnnes1:row. according to ` Pope, used to begin dzuioing when` he a felt zllftltytack pf gout coming 0711. He 1 Jxacksuclroxrfitlenoex this guy: p)ZOQQd', ; mg mm at the d1aL.t11'o;f t1__1e Prince at l. Denmark. husbundof Queen Anne. he '* mquestd 1'; special audience of He - ` jesty is pnler to exp'lain- to her that shewoull do well to order t.hef_i for the sake` of her halth.. ` " ..,_u,1,_ .__A_ - -.-_..,...r..u ...z:......L :.. nu. bun Dunn UL uvz uvunu.- - Laughter was a poxwrful adjunct in curing amuse oif'p1ei1risi. It is_partidu- llarly uaefui arm tam-operation oft)1or- acentgsis. when the`1ung has been` torn- ed back against the spinaalr column and fails to mturn to its natural position, ' 'l_'J1e air, in this case, xmhbeing abldtb Bpusmodicvefforts, set up by the peculiar the convulsive tightening of ting threat. .1... -.. ........ ;-...........a He. +...~m.:nn1 km. escape from thdlungs excpt `in short. ` action of la ugh%or,___i>n consequence of . a.'eu`se' oif bleurisy. is_perticu- useful the` lung spinaal except short. epusmodicvefforts. peculiar ugh`tor,___i>n cehseqiisence tightening the seeks an issue toward the terminal [ex-. tnemities of the l>`ronhiel' tubes. [and ` this forceithe air eells grudixnllylto (list_m'd.__` `v = - A , ~ litnes and he wags eeon_111ete1y_ cureu. - Cases of~interm;Lttent ever 'sonletimes disappear. it seems. under the influ-. enoe of laughter. Such wu_s_s. case ;`e- _ eordecl by M. Brexnond attectingapr 1_Ih /habitant of Dunkirk; who fell a victim , in his -youth to a. moat persistentiorm -_o_this malady, Finally he left for Pu._r-` is. in order to tonsult*Anto1neDuboxa`l On the day of his arrlvel` he` was taken _to_th'e Theatre -Eranceis-_ be see_n'per_-' _' formnnee Off` LB Me :-1-agge de I"}a1'0`:. In- Voltei~ne s works_w}1l bejfolullll Q10 story of a. lady. Wh0,_86'61l1g_h81"f&VOI'lt,6 daughter elmostet lo pqmtof _death. e'xe1axmea;--j.ohi,A God !..;exv ~ hp: `back _ to Vundltalte *all:the not `ersl ,'3 One '01 hier's'ons-in-lziw. coming tomei` 9. rer " eponded c0ld_ly. Madame. are youn sonsi -law ineluded" The` icy rdehb-.9 efateness of the speaker `o.ndhco1,11lc self- lousness 9f.h>isfremnx*ks evoked `a shgut of lung-h-tar. from all'=pres_ent. lnoludtxgt the mother and the dyxngtbdaughterz `and from that moment the-Jntter pr RM! to recover. ' _ `ivou BaoNUnTA;Q'A'cA'rAu'nH:} it j;`1);-. Denle lfrudent-Bey. reekoned la Emit dsee._l bin` mir`tl1'{- ~foi` `thefourevof renchiel catnrrh. Laughter. h`e,o1aun-. ed. was a beneficial stimulus for. xnbet functions `of tl1e_body,..;ug1vih'g useful inn ..1m.m1m- mm ln'onoh1nl~ex'oretl0n` ' An`guulmne~. xglm wus w_n;u um 1xmg a n.;jm'rp_s. femwalukywith the__feyer. and. 11. T6 Be Contmuea. l\[\vK\-lD.|.L`4L\g \)UuAUAa_ ;. , ` CONVEYANCER, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN. Ovrxcx-:a:--Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie _ . . ~ -------r--------------- .l..I.1LL1 -....v..,... ._-_4_ , nfe _ _ . _ l If Lmdlmon cau_be bg11ev_ed,.Demoqr1- : tus cured nephntm o9hc-w1th a tune on 13855 the f-':Iu.'te; andAtheneu3, Aulagells. and ' Coelius Aurelimxds had recourse to the same ins_:t1t'_umen_t in order to charm awa SC-18.10 pams. = V w`snss:uzrives. of Montpellier. ,has .. Butl \nuLs_ That Seemsiikek a Very lln- . Ltime|yAand_AhsuId % % Question After IALL THETESTIMONYI in `inc Tests and the Thausauds of usgaam and unquestioned cures That Have Been Made by Munyon In Canada. -4; Mr. W. 8. Nelson, engineer Evenlng `ewe, Toronto, vcanatla. says: I was - troubled wlth-the most severe form 01! cntarrh (ox-height fears. Had trled every- thlng to get wel, but wlthont success. ' The `pains tneross my forehead were so - severe at nlzht that "I was unable to ob- ; taln my needed rest. I was also subject to sheezlug to such an extent that I would L often sneeze as often as for[yl - o titty tlmen "a day.` `At the General Ilospltnl. where I Mm-nt ror tn-n`ttnent-I was told {operation was necessary and burnlng`It out the hnly hope. I have used Mnnyon's Cold and `Catnrrh Cure for one month and b(`CI)l9 mpldly._ better. I believe Munyon has done more for me than all the others and 1 have sent hundreds ottvpeople to `llunyonsl - . . ,.; n.-_....n.. mm ahldnm falls" to II- thht an , UUYOU. 3 Muayoni Rheumatic Cure ieldpm mm` (0 Have In one toghreo hour: um cum In | tow days. Price 25. , 'Munyon'I Dyspepsia Cum poamvcxy cures tli (arms or Indigestion and stomach `troublec: Price 259. _ __ ,._ ___..........I an or luuizemon uuu uvm... . ....... I` Prica Munyon'| Cold Cum prevents pneumonia and breninfup I cpld in a few houm. Pri(:e-25. Munynn`n Cough Cine stops` coughs. night mu-nil. aiinyu somuesa-and speedily hell! the lungs. Price 250. ` _Mui1yon'I Kidney _Cure.apeediiy cum paint in the iircix, ioina or grains, and ai_i totmm kidney disease. Price 260; X _ ` nunyoivn Nerve Cure amps Mgvoiisnea, W0 ili . ils up the system. Price 250. . zsiunmrs -lleuxinchg Cure oiops headache in .n.m'uninuteI. Price 25, _ `_ MI\iyu'n'I Cur ~(1n'(- mlnutel. Munynn'n 51-'Ile_()_lIu_1_:_e>u: ...______.._5._._._,..___. HDCARTHY. PEPLEI & MCCARTHY. Bamuswmzs. Asonxcrrons. couvmmomns, &c. mxrmx McCA1mI'i', Q.Q., F. 1-2. P. PEPLER. Q.(.`, J .. A. Mwmnw. D. C.Muxcu1s . BAIIRIE. McCarthy, Pcpler. McCarthy 6; Dunenn, Alllston and_CrecmorL~.. ' ` McCarthy, PepleI6(io bould & Mccqrtlny, r . ' Mlllutyu I 'uv;uu.u..., V-.. -.-, -(inc-"e Munynn'n;l-'ile Oimmeut positively cure: I)" {onus of ),)iiePrice 25. . . Munynn's mood Cure eradicate: an impuriiieuj 0: the blood. Price 2'50. __ . Mun}'on'o Female Remedies are a boon to ti! \\*(.men. --. _ mum`: Cmrrh Remedies never mi. `[119 Cntnn-h Cure--prica 2tic.,--erudicnies theidiseuq mm the uyntcm. and the Camrh Tablets-ptice `. 5c.-c1eame and heal the pane. ` Munyom Asthma Remedies relieve in three minutes and Eure permanently. Price Ii. . Munyon`s Vimixer. I steal tonic and to-` atom of vim). strength in weal: people. 8 A separate cure for each disease. In an drug.` gists, mostly 25 cents a vial. . _ , Persona], letters to Prof. Munyon. 11 Albert street. Toronto. Ont. answered with (nu ma! 17:21 advice tor any disease. - finding the l11al;L(ly increasing. he stop-. ped at Muulan on the Seine. His life was at length d-3spalretlf'of."`ztn the ' Duc, being apprised of his state, at once ` dalld for his confessor. When he had 1 . accolnplishd the last rites of religion, the pllysiciuns told `his servants that there W115 only one means of saving 3 their master; that was to make lmn ; laugll. Hum m hmv this cur was manzigd. laugh. ` _ . Hhrb is how cure managed. The Duo d AngouleIne's secretary and - lxniliff. who were both over sixty? and V his .Caplain of the guard, an `old sol- , dier of most solemn mien, cauie to the Prince's bedside all hsbited in rhite. ' kind the captain beingin the mid lie and ' alt-erndtely slapping each of.h~is'compan- ions on the cheek, while the hitter. who . wove extravagant red hats with a._plunt\e knock off his nggressors headgear. 111- i so amost fantastic affair, Before this laughableispectvacle the patient buist in- to loud merriment, hadcopious bleeding ` from` the nose, and so great a. clmngs was wrougglht in lilnithilt o.~t,the and of twojh0u.rs Qfeilt rieliavpih from his suf- ferings. Thovfever which had torment- ed him for twenty-two days appreciably diminished. and in less than sweek he was able to stand the journey in a, lit- ter as far as country residence. where he compltd his cure. ` am: FLUTE HAS `ms Usss. ' .l.JUU.ll LI.DA'U I _ Oh, Jauekl oh how `a;n` I do oughtn t to oareabou Ii But--" "I'm geladyeu doi" ` You. shouldn't hev algant. But-1 am so I held it out to her No. You mushpu . Ivtoeok it out ging fin ex` and thumb: v s itnsual f_or the things got the ring 9" No, I don't think` --pe1ih.aIps-kiss the l away sciatic pains. ` `Fonssugrives. Mentpellier, written some lines on this subjectithat are worth quoting: "Mirth is the most powerful lever of health." says he.- "It can take the place of everything else. * and nothing can act asits substitute. 1 Just because despunchency has so many iveys of attacking a ship's cmw by rea- son ".01 this 1e.ttm".4' isolation. confine- ment and the rncnotony of the-sen. the length of the .jUurne'y'_s.a.nd absence of news, it is in ) this more necessary to resist it. The jolliness of his sailors` is the best. recommendation an officer `can have` _ s ~ . , 3 "Laugh `let not only produces'aquick- And 013 k`359d We 9 ened c'r ifglilves cex;ta/in mus ~ ` oes an im so w some imes ac s * * ~ 5 cur$tiveiy._1?echl'in,reeorsis the ease of COTTON OP] .3. , mung Jnsn ,. who ,,,1.1;1d,,b9,6,1), i$:=}l, P,d in the chest so badly that medical aid Jppeard Amopeiess. His comrades who were watching by his bedside amused nmseuvm -hv h1:mkin`st,the,fa.ce of one Decision No! to Al'.(f(.`.|1 \Vuges-A long sm ; Ilawen lllsaslvous I a (`nu fun! In rm watching by ms beasme uunuauu amstslvexs by blzwking ,the,fa.ce of of their number who had fallen} asleep. \ Thedying man. on opening his eyes. was ; so s_t}'un_k -by this grotesque sight that he burst out 1auTghing.r'-H'is*"Lwouud thereupon bled to the extent of two - und_hla.was oon_11ete1y_cured. ma unu M intermittent sometimes vug4.m...... . - ... Perry 'Patettie-`-`Plea . m.%t6i_Lc;du1d you help tlxetvibtim f ahwashout Mister---OE 9. W muf Yes.:'n1`1bter.` ain`t had`nothin' hut ' ...,.m..n+n Ar` I: for two lomr wxeks. V Yes; miSt81`.- auwnau uuwm uu wottgr `to d ' k for two long 'MlINYO_I_4_ (1 II"0!1l Luau uwu sded to recover. %@@@w& , HOOD. JACKS & FRASER. SARRISTERS. soucxrogs. - . NOTARIES, we - ,, . m ..\..x....`n mm , : "Hullo, cm"; "'3 0:5-. M'~| J" L Tm is our usual _salutat,ion.v0l'. t0 - 'be accurate, the first part of W T59 remaimier is not xerl-nl. uxr.,. ,..- n__`... _x.....o.m out` n ha remamoser 13 not Jierlxu. . qYou axe thfee minutes and 3 half lhta." sai she. , _v"I`ve been busy-tb.inking." `'All' that timl, About me. yuunou ` "Oh: dear.""no! About 6.0 `bstract proposition." , _ "'ha`At proposition?" ` "A *I1ue'St.i0n -rather, WW 3 ' ladies wear erngpgement r'm8'3 "_ $ozi1edovzf t."' 4, V \ " I?h.;sa:.who aro~ ezngaged do. 619791` '....:-.. u "I don't! ` We Rind only been engag- ed a week. ` ' "But you are going` to?" - Yes. if you please; kizud air: if W9 3 b\:nn Ann N nou. nun.-u, nu; uuvu an.\\engagement~ n'n"g V" " 'l`.. ..1...... H... aha` J zxck." an\\engagemenc~ nngs , ` "' 0 show. -that she's engaggd. Of course. Why didyou iu1agine}" ` "'BecaLusa she likes jewe1,ry."-' "011, (`lea-r, no! I don't care much for jewelry. ` "Then you dgozft care whether the ' `r mg.'Ls pretty or npti": '."N--o. I don't. care. But engage` zxint rings. a1\|vays are p_1jettY You know. ~,,_. u_:._ ._ zc nhn ,:'.an'+ Jack." , ` She annmlixced this as if she did! wish me to make my mistake upon * the point. ' u:un..'.` r ......1.u-arma Hnf thfa fashion U13 pom. ` ~.:wny` I understood that ms fashion {ms to hzwa them quite `plain HOW." I observed solemnly.- I-n..a. LL..u- ..,..m...mn Van m\2=l`.' he ouserveu Evu1y;u1u1_y,- .- "But that's nonsense. You`.must' mistaken.` ' , I could detect (1. ,tmc of anxiety. .".l read it in some fashion paper; In some fuslxiwn Column I think." "But it isn't true, realiy, Jack?" I chuckled `m.-ujardly. It, is so rare- ly tint 1; can get a. rise out oi Cis. 141...; 1! .a..:.. -.......1 ~:+1. -17mmm=.d' nn `G110. E. J. unowx. Barrie. Alflslon and Crcemorc. Lennox & I3oys,.Ehnva1e. Barric(Im(1,-Cor. Dunlop .1n_(1 Owen streets. Elmmle ( :ice-01:p. Hunt .-s Hotel. Lgouev to Loan at lomx rates, --2-- y HLXL .1. L`-J-Ll gun ll: LIBG u-u.v u`. what- .."Just a plain band, with `Engaged on it," I wutinuml _placidly,` s like .1 dog's collar with the name on it}: . _ AN EEEAEEMEM Rum it. *- "kl call it.r.i(liculous," remarked she, wn'rmly. V. " "But, my dun` g'u`1---J `_'l won't be your dear Ci.l'1,; if you're gomg-to treat mp-lxke.-.u.dog.,". . , . Oh, of course, Li you tluu L_1Lke4t--_3 r isn't. usual, Jack," she said, p__it1- ".11. I fully. Rut "Uur. Ll we only ougw, L: w auuu ' that you're eng:1ged-" .Pe,op10 ooruld;n't. rad the letters."`: . _ "'11h_ey're very large and distinct," I .' e-xplmxu~ed,~ch>er[ully. , iorribl conspiuuous 1" _ "Nu-t`uraJYl3',-Lo achieve them` ob- ! ject. You say the ring is merely `to show thalt the 1udy.is engaged." . "Vn....A~: Rnl`. na:1sre111eut. I`i.llRS. 8.1- the Iudy.is engaged." "Ye---es.~_g;_`_g_ggg_gemeut rings. ` ways have stones 1.11 them." She .~`.honk- her head and spoke quite have stones chem." ` solemnly. She always gets the best o`_ She shook her head spoke _ ma, tha. t1 way. | Van would mLher ha:VB St0ntS in umu way. _ You would rather m ` it.,_the.n ?". I 9.sked,,:;s if thtrfach sur- ' pnsed me. , ` . "Well. I should like whatever. you W3 0118. ` "Well. then, why should 3 may V937 _ . . . _ . _ ~ .._L ...'..".. 0" _ prxsed "Well, ` gave me--but---1)ut-". You don't. want/the ring merely to_ ' shmv that you're e,ngnged.`I" ' "\Va1l:valL aaee-m.a.mma` is xx b'LI;__o1_d- 1) . HAU0llT(_)N Ltmeox. E. J that you're .ngngeo.r' VVAIL; you. aee-:-mmnma. fashioned. Jack-dear,~I lthigk she would expect~-of coursa, it isn't any ' -e.\saLq_1msLness-but if you think expect~-of Lt. isn't (my _eJsemmsme.ssL-_mtLx inf getting me on:-,-thm'e isn't unyid ` un-less yqu like-bu " - "Smppme I've bought one already 2" "Oh, Jack!" she looked at me in ab- ; soLut,e dismay. One of those new . nmn.u Q" `0snve,s8" - ~ , ' "Well, I don't know-- I began ' slotwly. thixmkirug she would interrupt,` ' but she d'1 If yo.u-_ don?n'1ike it 5 I must olmu1ga`i:t." ' .T-ah..1H mm w.l1:1tever vtu give me, A 1 must ummga- nu. _ _ -Iah-all like w-hatever yotu. gwe M Jack, for what it mea.ne,"V she said quietlx. - V =Thmln mv wo-rd she is :1. little `brick; . :Upo|n my `is brick; the tears came right imtu. her eyes, but she made a. desperate effurt to smile. `-`No. no. sis. mt. isnt the new sorts." desperate extort, E0 smue. No. no, sis, I said -hastily. - . ' You wouL teased- her_any` more if you'd- been `in? 111) Dlazoa. Lnok hare!" ` LI y0l1'Q' {611 l.!.l~ my plan). Luok hem!" `. lovely l`Di.a.monds ;`an` love them so! I. ; %%ght}l'i oaraabout the look, ought , u ___u > _ _ shouldn't have been so excra.v- I ' ant. so pLeased, Js.ck.'1 , in. its velvet case. 1 mustput it o.z;.,"fW_ V V gingerly, between mi 1 . _ ` ibnsual for the gwer to! do wmy- ` ; (:01 the ring I asked. `I so. Butlhe might." 1 lady." And Cis kissed the ring.` . UJ. n I. vnn'm pvnLr:u2'ed.-" Y V . at if the only object Ls ' v Decision Ngflxr Au-.<:p_t. tK1i:?luct'f&| Ii: \Vuges-A strike Expectedelt wlll Infect -"Possibility or ` _ uC(ml'1-.reIIc('_: N > . ; g . IA .despatch from London. saya:-A. ' `T uleeting of the.('1_t`.ga,I_'.e's`o[ the Am? mlgamated Assocmupu of cottoiifogw era.t. Lve_s, the sfr.o:ngest '1:ody'iu the _- cotton trade, was held og Sa.Lu1*day' in ' Manchester. `und:`c0nfh'me`d the deci- `a'x9g_a__];'en on"[`hursda.y last by the cut~` ` -_ ..C..,...n.1;;...a.. H... u,...,u. nr 5- nun.-. --..... (0Ufs`T10LEBK,,wi1l be at me Office in the Court House Barrie, every Saturday Residence and P.0., ookstown, V I U.|o-` '"I'1 g1.-m~ yau shouldn't have been` extrav- ....m.+ RM....T am so nLeased. Je.ck. 1 ton operives tfxroughdutv the North ` that the`. proposed: 1'e(lucti0n in wages I would not be ab`0t`-Dted.- \ ` sum uumu Uu> I.|l|ALOuwJ uaqv -;_, _.~...v \/LFII` of E_ng'l an,d, `to inform thejemployers ._M,.x.u~..: n....+ :`r fkn - wuuxu um. km M.,..,...m, _ It` was 'reaol\M`at1_ that if xe 1_ `$.e1's `association will take 9.` ` givyformail` xliqt-ice of red A ' _ ' lt:>!V;y`_ qt than we 0 b,_e'pim o5pe'i"ativesA a_s t0*th_e g., .. _' mid. 3-"` '~ I 0pe1'uL sued. .M , _-'pE`IWD.IlipS-KISS Bub` luuy. ring. wed. ` ---` ,..u At, a confer Xxhester betw n represe ntatives `ofthe employers {the co3:t'oi\`ope1?a.ti/es! it `- was mu unced. that .`the'gemp1oyers gjut held" ;n:1\ian- . Employers ,n_ne co,nc0n`0pm:u.Lwou 1 was an unced. th9..t,.`the';emp1oyers * x`nonh's_ notice 01? their ipt_9n,-.: to make 21 `five per cent.1`eduL=L1o_x1I, n... nmnund ."nf't}\B wmresof them! ` declared that they will rqsist. 8. redne- f,brin'g about rum of-`the . mtton in-. Doremher V lat. 'I`_lie Lm_prQsentati1e,,AO.i A employes. "As the operatives through- out the north of Englatrcihave already tion in]: eirwagesl. it seeins robable chat. atrltl gjaffectihg ppersons) whioh`u1`u.Ey -last. for mQnths..` entailing the loss a $850.000,.000. 'aceqtdi'ng--to.the Pall Mall Gazettgo. and also` possibly dus`try. In this couxwry.` will basin on ,__. . make is uve per Cen'E.1`eg.uL'.um_pg ` -the. amoum;`o'tha w.ges`of them co'1'ToN 'oPERATxv'Es.- -axbstractl Jxo. Bob I). win > show pi Plfotection %. .. . IT . :_ Baby ! Own Soap is something `I II mqrcjthanv, _ canscr. .1! is a pr'otc<: `I 5` tion against th annoying and frri'.at~ : a... an h-rmhles so often endured by Q 9 the annoymg uuu u....u~ * ting skin troubles Q .\ `I, /3 infants. . I > 1` It makes Babies hapgy and he2.1:I., ._u ': and keeps the dclicatef skin rosy. pink`: - ...1A n`n')I'\ ' '. unu nuuyu 3..- -....-... , A mid clean. I Fragrant and pure, I --... soip. V _ V "", 5 ma ALBERT TOILEI` son co., mu. 1:; .5 - 7 Montreal. 1 " CIIITIOI.`-Mznyof the imitationsofk BABY : V .: Own will burn and ruin the skin. ' 75 II '3 CIIITIOI.`-Mznyof mexmuauonsox Dan: 3 9 . QtQI!ItI!\QIt\t\!I&IEIttQ "" " V OOPYIIIIHYI emu For information and free Enndbook be . MUNN & CO 861 Bnounwu. Nxw on Toiiesl: bureau Yo: securing patents in Ants on Every patent taken out by us is brought etoro 1319 public by a notice givun tree otcharge in my '7 . 7. "ft; i AAAIAMBAWLI `$1 ; i)'11lii'i)y Enquco mo omnargu In 0 nieutific `gmzrxmx r W. ..um.mmn of an `scientic pupeg 1;: 119 UV...--.~.~ G) I. ~ seclmulu not a `solemn pave!!! wgarxsl. S 1eu`d1 I llfnainm kgci Inna [11 man shou d be V thou! gamwegfu .1 : 1.50 I uth . A . zeirxxgzxsui. Bmandwcy. MW Yefk Cm DR. `J. 0- SMITH. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON aw - (Late of Dxs. grvlo dz 5 [ch Orillla. Onxca mo Bxwvznoz :-Co _ Comet Screefa. Barrio ` ' . . ,....._,_ . . .._.-_..._.__._._.._..._.._____ at '- aK :,::~.:s%9:.:1::a:::$ \u w o! at ca. the employers and the delegates of the operatives had` previously conferred - to-day. but failed. to come` to an agre- mant. Lu-uu.y.. uuu xauvu w Lulu: \d`4 .... "D, , ment. _ L V M = Later in the day it was 'aun011nce(L `that the representatives of the em< Ioyers `and the de1ega.1;s of the opera.- `was had come to an agreement `to "submit to arbitration the p1'oposition `to reduce by five per cent. 8. mouth! ltxpnce the wages of the cotton opera-4 xves.- ~ - .- an CHEAP cE.MFM` PIPES. Cement pipes are made oheaphy by an ingenious yrqgess dyised by a. French invent'_ar. "A trench is angina th`e'.bots tom filled with biiifrormr (ii!-this is,vplaoeda rubber tube covered with canvas and inflated; the trench is theli filled up with` cement. Assoon as this is set this air 13 let out of the rubber ' tube, which is thbln rgampved and used , again in another section. By thi.s_=tn,e,tl1-ii od six-imch pipes have been made at uni _ cost 01322 cents ayard. ' J - RE1XI:fi~sEI5'E;-` Wher's Brown", the scoroher 8" "Laid up. V hal:'s the matter? Wagon? nun should DB vuuuus . ..... mnr;31.50si:?outha. A33ta3a.w%N& cc `nuansus. . 1 Broadway. mcv. , ,._,U11f},L____ l_1_en ' ions 1sn t It? 0__ _ Exmvaton B No`. Another sco1'cl1er. _ .__()_11c;,L_'[`l__1g311 ifs really __sg)/lg: innh ism It? `531i.s:vt-9; / ` Ind `am a umnb*f_ 6`.`y`;s bf `sic? Messrs. EDMA,;<$oi~!. _BATi:s&yCo... ' 1`. -.; y . _'I`'oronto. ` ' ' M `, _D,I!--\, I'S_!1;l`.'.'-`-rt1 libqrty .0! ' ,.'y`j9LHcg"a:iiing" thyc3;pcriencd,wilh-@n.:CIlI$l'8 KIDII.Y7LIVE(I Pitta. and zhwwpndergul cm `qt, dyspepsia of 18 ye;s_' s'LqndiiigeB"e'cy:_d,by th wilh_\hree bpxcs. 1am._swen as 1 vex _- c_o_xnmened`Dn.cnnu!a Iaqnzr-yr PILL; -I gteat number of people an may all sgy _`u-o wc')rth`theli> weight in,_. M.` It you dni ' any fuxthgr statemenpof i-ertiycnuof my .|wil1bepleQ5ed'/t{.\1rnishono. ' ` /,. ._ )l_6urs1n11y.~ - ` V ' u: 11! unnn.l`a`.Q `DR. PALMVR, 8 1iGIa0N, EYE Tlmmc tad one, 40 College 4 3rd dam {mm Yomza Street. '.'I'0l . EIGETEEN YEARS _.nR;` `c nAsa~s` KIDNEY-. ` .HOD(1ES.$UFFERED,, LIVER` PlLL,S EFFECTED % ` AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS " " In - cl `I Va.` 3` >lVO 1 tqa: ' 3 mi cm: 00.. "`"1`o 0810: ~ *- _YS%P)=/r`s1A uaulnyo` > `j (11 w. w. HOMES. '. -_; .. ~ Holland {.._....r.._.,, V , it is a `perfect 1 1, J. .. , . alenun pupenntho be Ci lnlgitiaan; lt8W.3N . 00-5., v, mm Ctv. 1.004: I C0-{alt . STRATHY an :13). an ABBISTEl{8, Solicitors in mgm Couit 0 Justice, Notarim I`uMlr Conveyance: aces: Over Bank of-Toronto. Barrio. V Money in sum` or $2000 Eng! upwzu-drs, to nu .1 3. mar n.-.n[_ Ll '1'hr0M and Role, Au uouegea _3rd door he You a Street, -..To1 `may be couiulte at the ue_en's Hotel"._13 the second FI1 my 0! ovbry month to 11 mm. . xnwm & nuns. 1AmusTEns &o.. . the second . BUM: Us In: Iv o--u ARRXSTERS, Sniicltors of the` Supreme C3z1rt,Proctora,h\tarl&9, Coxxxvytnncers. aw. Mnm':vmLoau. _ Illa Viv an on--~-an--u--.s ENTIST will vlalbcookstown 1 I and 5 Wcd1xe3'(iay_of each ont11.Hll e 1, Wednesday, New.Lo lien in Wedneaday. 0me~3}La.st of Post 011106. Bugle, Ont. jmuuox. BOYS & imowx. Af{R_IS'I`ERS, SOLICITORS R. w. A. ROSS, `L.R;o.s. mu... E. C. P,, London._ - A PHYSOIAN. SURGEON,`&c.= On-xcrzs AND Nwm` `Rzsmxauca: Brown Black Dunlo 8|.,Batr!o. v Talevhono 7. 27 ........'.. Fran YOU THEN . , .-.` Vbozunn moss! 3. AI. IARRISTER. SOLICITQR. r\\'1~Y.1IV . urvnn Block uumo Telephone ` -.- n. ` l\UlnA\nuu Barrie. Smyner and Tottcpluxh. MONEY T0 LOAN. ` - JAR FRM 9.!1}3...3.PEE5`T} wEsIEnN`mauaANcEA co . ~93 wo.IwNTo.-% 7 _f ' IN`crmg1'MUsE UM. Mvislour--ExcuH@ mister. but ` there ; one thing wom like -to ask 01.1 . ~ . ; V '.[`!h'e Arm1easVWonde`r--Whaf is it`? .\ ;fZAit9rwHw_. do you manage, to . s5r1u'rmr at nsrizxk mmmmm RnlinHnr:i[)H1{L\l( ~(3arefl1lly Gmhmd and Trlled \M0m~;x "LU hunn. . Bob ~ _JAs. Fusxn Bnrrle :omce-. Rms` mock. a ..__._.____.._____..q_.__. POP Ina QUESTION Getjg Mnnxgan mcusm f1;o_m , ~ fan can have one ansrw frnin 95,000 from the large nunnlmrfor sale by nn. fox}. 1). Msouuum. mum-n.m ._:u -.l.n. n..-I..L....... 1.| .n AULT It OOWAN. umnnnn n.n,.u,...,. nf Hm anq lieniral Bgsnulr 3 ` H434-Em. T ' `1 " ' Orlllm. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates .......... ,1 ihofpoutod 1851'.` " n. '1': nimvmxu. `.. ..- -nu K LENNOX, \\ J. uuowx. Mon -ibis , m.ocK.A A3B!f.i" ,M5I7aoMEnY ; 3 AGENT} mxmum. `V x rnnllus, Imi." No witnsaea re;qVul`red1 V0ll;W_A_NT A nag}: o;H,yvoN. nxwenmjnoup OFFICIAL. I E RGEON, lgxhz man Jtteot, 1T0l`Dl1to, t Hm uean'n H0151`. Barrie. o. _H. mom ` G. H. Emu. `A DIGKIIBOH ll IAGWATT. BKBBIBTEBS. SOLICITORS IN HIGH OOUBT OF JUSTICE NOTARIES. . . a PUB__LIC comnxcans 1 ce9-In next Bank of Totem; and hnvale. '5 Block. 0 Sons Dxcuxnox. B.A. . D. F`. lhcwwr. X7\ 1?. `A. `Bows. _'nix_:nIn .j1'oronto, r,_Ba.rr1e. 11 (run In`thbspringot 18; Ixvnguton oi; the" 5-slhnda on thb` wast coast of Af- ' Pica. anxious. to take` the first chance : mat altered ,0! gittfng back to Old Enginnd. "One of the bug Cape mau- boafa was dug in hbout a week from} UL- .1.-. _._ __ _:___ _-.._...........`.. lg-mtg: UVGHD II-B uup Lu uuuuu :1 "tax; gun... ~ the timeumy story commences-boats! which combine thoomforls of ; firsh ; atlas; hotel with the nearest approach 5 to absolute safety that pei-sons must- i ing themsedves to` the mercy of the sea ; can-reastirlnhly expect. I did not, how- , ever, intehd. to \mitfur the >maiL4hoat, I it any other offered archunco 0! V setting to Engmua before her. One ` morning at steamor came` in bound fay: ` England. She was a cargo`-boat. huh I` carrymg afew passengers; and `thaf captain saidhe could make ruou;_fgrm6- ` Boforo baking 0. ;)a$age`in this V9559?! I hail a goodlook at her. and I cagnagw to the conclmaion that, though thereig \ve.m not many comforts `on board. at: anyrute she looked like a good safetsexhlo boat. She lmdtplenty of ireehoardii 3 indeed. I found out aftenmrds that hex`/E ~:__\:L l\~\A1 nnneiulinit O l M UJUVCU. L Jvuuu uuu usvu: n---. V > cargo was a `right one, consisting Oi Wool and raw 'uides,'tso that. aim was; higher out` pf water than usual-._iH1 she had. good mm [or her `xvngth. l ..-mu nu lxnurll nhmrl. siXl).1l1.{ 011i 6110 D110. goou Dczxui Lvx uxu u-~-v- A I went on board about six p.1u..` on`! a. Friday evening. The, xveutiiv.-r was,` beautiful; The deep blue skygv-set. off `by thovstiil deeper bliue of the sea. only i 1 b1'oken here and tlieie by the alnuflastz : oi "wiziw horses"--and the island g1ow- . ing in all this beziu.`Ly of tropical sum 1 shine, made LL iiiciuro not easy to for- ` get. Tho '])(1SSC1).g0I:-Pl'Ol1S'lS\Cl1 Of eighteen first-class and ten sieerzige. Amongst the former were two iudiesi and"four little `children. The crew ' mustered about twenty men 0.1-1 toldc After dinngr. I went on dcpk to t$Y`10k`3 -- - ` A .. . .....I amnlr Rf wifn and After dinnqr. 1 worn (lcfils w_ m .....J thepipof peace andthmk ofmto an .. ` - r- chmlreu, who were buulg br3M ed 4 , x __ ...._.... Ch:-Ah nf Hm n0\\ L`l" `.._.:___- rmwsou a cnaswxcxa. `- BRIS Solicitors of the Suprem Court of ndcimu-e for Quin-rio, Proo tors Nouiioo, Oonveyancers, etc. Money to Don. : ROM Block Bltrid. - . . G E.Hursol. A. E13; Cnnwlcn. Cnuureu, wno wcm U\.'I.u5 u.v...,..~ .. , ex` to me by every Lhrob oi the po\ver~ ful engines. ' A11 the cabins were on the upper` deck, the hold being devoted to cargo. wiU1` the exception of one small cabin V for t11e_:sLew:xrd. The mssel was steer- ed. from the bridge; bwt there .wu.s uu~ 0thex"Wheci11i)uae right aft, for use in` case of emergency. she carried two In-usis, and was sqxum-1-rigged on her fo1`c.ums.t. v,..~ .1, r mmml out. we were 5 l7o1`c.u1;\s.[. Next day, when I turned out, ' out of sight of.1*.md; the weatl still" fine. though there \V'{1S,\'). lit cuu.se bf! the north-east tram which was blowing steadily, the very strongly. uguinst\us._ A ....an ml H\n mu-,n`uu.r. At six stiil ue. though Luau: m...,_.. . ........ _, "trade-w'u1d, though not uguiusts. All wnb wen nu the evening. Ah six o'clock thdcubin passengers dined, the captain. 0. jovial. ruddy-{awed B.`L`i_l0I`f\Vh0 looked as if he had had no cures in the world} Lttlcing the head of the table; and the doc`t.o`r, u. sei!f-possessed wiry. littlenmn. taking the othex-'em1. As dinnn went, . on. the ow of mnulltulk intrmztsed, till, .. ..mn'nlnr u1e'cuI)1n [)U.b3UlJ)5U:.a ........., *4` B.'L`i_l0I`f\V I table -`M-n`-' u -w?.'f-nn wiry. 1 tukmg mo mum uuu- .... -..._,, . flow increztsed, 1 toxvzxrd.-i the end, there w:1sVa regular ` ,h`u.u1 of c<>nVersut~i011, and mosf of us ' were looking 1o1er,41bly happy and con- tented. . S1_1dden"xry. the wh<>l'e scene ' ' ' L--,91In sgxauxed to shake the ship from and to ' end; and then tycrupe, thud, hummer. _ as the engine continugsd to make severuh revoillutious l>eIore~ they were stopped. As was were aft. least` two hwxdred .`Ul l`6V()\UllJ}l0I\r5 ln:,Lun: um, ..--- ., _ miiba from. any lzrml or shoal-xvuter. I kne\v'ims tincjLive1Iy that the screw- shaft yvaabroken, and that. in am pro-1 . bubility. those last two or three revo~ bwtions had done terrible mischief. r. _m. ......an mm lwxh of mu` way 011. bwtions mm (1011:: uuuuw .. ....... -. _ We aiil made the bust of our way om__ deck. Tiho paxssongerawvere uot-.much - hdurmed as yet; bult I noticqd p/look: 01 of great anxiety oxrtho captain's (ace ~as~he huzrrien mvuy. ` It soon trzu_1s`pired that the shaft` was hroken_; and the broken ends hum mering against; each other before the - engine couiid be stopped had broken the aftm`-bearing where the slnuftjinsses out through the ship, and water was puuring in were into the: tuummfiity or sixty feet in length, leading to the engine-room. along `which the shaft) passes; The weiii was sonunded-abou`t`u. foot of water was fouti1d..und `prgpu.rx_:~ tions were at nxndo to get the pnuups to work. " ` ` I must now -recount a noble deed. whinh under Uther circumstzmws might`. weii have "earned 21 Victoria. Cross, The tunnel :w hi(~.-h I -`have just mentioned: ended at the engine-room with a we.- ber.-tigirt door in 0. so-cailled watsr- tight buik-hca(l.._ `The hiof engineer, knmving at oncp \vQ1tvt.hu happened, ,, an(i_,fh1\ding Vu. iurge Ihod of wuten ' wining ouitfbf ~t 1f6- tunne .-:c3;Hed:[QI.`: }] voiumteerw to go wibh him. up the tun- ] net and try to stop the leak. Thet ] danger was veg great; the tmnnei was : mireudy half if i of water. the rush of i \\chLv_h VWLH so strong ti1:tt:' it was difs _: ouiit to walk aguixmst it;'an nt vthm ratqit was rising. it seemed ahnost,im 0&*Jl)'.b for men to get~~-to+dxe-en(i~ of - he tu`xi'n<-A1. and back again before it was IBM 0f'W5r tM'. in w=1__1iu1i,_cuse- they muui, ~hn.ve been drowned. 0ne~_mt_xu r eta and ropes ` 1`*hey wctimlly _ _ , and suvcmtled in `p:1uc'u_1g' the ` Munketzs over U19 *1m_le; but |)pf9r,e they " than. the rieung xvntep of-wr'x fm w=1;Jun ,:use- Lucy must have been dxjowvned. One man (m'1?y respon ed to the appeal of. thg olef ; and.` `t xesra-hvo brrwe fellows. re- gurdlws OE everythin but,.t_11u'1r,,d\,1_tj,, dadhml into the mum I, carLry1ng,pb,lo.,nk-<, to swuzm ` gal; to Um. eand`of;the tuinnut :-rvnliil R01'.IlI'8 over the leak. _` muxnall, ou.r-ry1ng,p1),m.,1ns-, e to Um. ' ix1`p:1aci1_1g' *h1unketzs they could sgcure maul. rimng water - forced them lnwlc, jusL.fi~'nli.n` `the gun- .4 no! as Uhe dashed bzwk ixytot. eian me- room.. ",h_6n. with great difficulty; `- t`hB _wn_ter-tight doo_r \}v'ns.:r1'<>se and` mm 'fn-on not lh'av1mtAbeen`pIwt..,out. U16 xvnter-tight door wnsmuosea; uuu we res not having been `punt , out. to mean. t.hey.were able to`w'ork ti pow- 'ex"ull Mm -pu`x`np ;w1u;- whiiuh the ves-` 4 I ( L t.:horug h' t.11e_wMm` hu neur`l\y r1iqn up 1 I 1 6 . .591` was ii ind.-Bo`on 1'eduuipg`- tl1e'wMe'r in the ef1g lne-ro_om. fl`he \vuter-,t.ight: `bulk-hbad wasstxll leukmg bu,dly lnjiev-1, A e`ro.1:;Jlo.ces, and `ma xeqxnired all the-skill ": of the chief engmeer to make it a1g.ffi- oiemtny tight to prevent` the _wu('.er from gaining on the prumpa inside the em m'm:a-rootn. A ` _ ; Ui'D5`T0m~ , ' .Ab_uft t_'hoengmo-room the water. was; rupidhy ruslng. Some of the passengers _ M hhd. been sotto work at u llund-4prnln1'1i. , on deck`; lvultbelnag u.'pom' p.mp,_u1 { W111-J worked very hard wi~t.h wbtle m4 ' smillt. We took the work in two gangs. .J.w:eaut nlinujtes aEt~;am1 on. and Ifound Inyso. qmoklng my {wipe between the mzetls with wnsidem Ho cnmfort; ' * ""'I`hB Wt.*l`WlLBBK1L13ll(1Bll' again. and five - *QU%1TE% LOST. "hen af .1kmd; weather was ugh \V'us__a. little sea, ,..x. 4.-mlp-winr1. h considerable cmmort. l`wu.ssauiude1l'again.-and . bun" ;si,\: in ai!--fotu.r large ones. and N0 and! Thevessel was well found m uouw . NISUIL .E light gigs. It was decided to use 0111) ` XIHI1-9 lithe four`ln1`gB beam. OB Q10)`, 'uVl)` :);v__set_ _.m swu.'l18 on `an _p.r. t, I hurry. It was an mamas 111? 6593- ly the vessel held been` sinkulg Q!1l`1'i'13:- 0 V13 slgouid no`t have got. 9116; 1:011 `z`l`v`i`E Laud hboi}1x{1n`gzr\w'o111.gl \vtt)i1;11;m3(3{ .r6Si*:t an 1 m`l l temi Bind U1 `"513 my jammed in the blocks. Moreorvor_. Lb: mated boat I was told of! to had been pmnte nm 4..., hnfnrn m..1.w.-m` 1.1.1 `over wet i - j . ~ K feet of watar found. in it. Short!-`y at-. tor thin. the captain loild I110 Dl'1VBWY that than was no chance of saving {.116 nhivr and In: nun nhnrhln nmin L0 g'e IDBL US$10 01181100 0l`B&Vlu5-fit ship; and he was shorb.y\ 30Ul8 8 the order to repare the boats T01` .1 "`, r ing her. T is order was 690.1! Ewe? ` and than occurred the` om) 513" ; min which I saw from` first to hat: 1:: nf {n nrnur uI}\h`.h W38 0013005" 401' the boat in no time. 1 ` About this time I had oocasnon to S0 I ` ' u`Gb the saloon; the steward W38 D; WW6: and althoxxgh he knew that 9r- 4 3 : dam had l)mn given to leave the ship. . ,_ ; he was busy dusting some. giasses In 11 ."; 1`81`k an. dhad evident.`.'y been round the *g3& -0011 puming nverything in perfect a;ox`der. so that it might go to the bot- eiitwn tidy! I suppose habit "mus sec- ioud nature to him. `On g`0'mg outml H>:x.~2sed the cabin wlmre the fol-ur chu- *3 dren were peacefully sleopm_g._ , ;$<`0u!';d not help~pwp'Lng in; but It was gsad to look at the rosy cheeks and `l>Ciu'et'ui faces of t`he'1'rttle ones, and to think what a s.nm`.`l chance they had ~0f Sllrviving u.'1oug"boat-cruise: .19 l`1mves.<;e.I was found in beds; 1` ,D0 VS' `I53ll|l.aU(fl7la1-llltl.ll4t\ll.\)l|g_hulhvusq W `Fang, .,_....,.., ,,., ` awn or 1 urn Otu o- cm` 1 I N, -g -` . ; msev-.,. _en es waver 1. m `e, *1), 13.31 . (11,. 1' _ "- _.he-skm "by `tho , a.1`t,emoom."t11Je 3 `em at` t e " Ft dBnf1)Yru-elihuoy koneq 8} . 1t vexsael `was vary mwnh` lower `mt M r'.h-af'- a`t mr'{lrLa7" `gm %. f- - I er water. Tqwar(l,+_`eveun`i'x1wg,`as tvhb 1`Lg,-11%. ed M` 1 "b: "' fri .' I 1" . Em: 1 qn~ wast L_nmng to fudg. we` saw a stez;.._1_n- f ' `S5 `;h'3bf1 W 139%` "~ 1?3l I .er;1)u ntwua.h:u.I1 down. and we could iggcugr `ma b`;i';,=i 1{la{ AFe;l`.otf1e5*t`;0`l1]_': m `a 'ts.mMdt V . zgneeolh cgoxfudtnwhhfllxnglud [XE shocks to th o11eet..E1`eatly prom6t- _ \d.. [n1lmI]:I)1,_b 1%I](|,g(L ben fired at am, Mme on apd actmg xucieed _11ke u;1`exoe3_llent. me- \1mp,_ii1 mm Blue.` '_'h1a was loaded. and with Muse. f V v 1* . % `rbtle great mm-.un red; hutlt. took such In an h1sto110.ln8Ns9oe lmtuhter got` 0 zu lo-`.n . time. L at Lh steamer wasFout1' We b~e_tber- o.anuttaok of brain fev-. of mg` `L before it wm14t art. and no ma 6!`. Whlla Henry IV. was busy bringing man su1It`fo|Io\vd . We also t1'Ked`one on `tlxve le-agpe to stybxniasion. the. Duo d - rt; two mom rockets; lmih it was of no` Angoulemes. who wxtlx the_ King'a . }!f4j ..n.. . r ' - armimsl. rem sick with the. fever. Iuu uwu ulumusvu um v_--.' "f- t., me f'rom`{1rst .118 . of the crew, which W3?` m95" I At` nf yuan nf cnvnrH'~r\aHnlI1`.i3. In?-de jmcvc; VIDA llllnlvn . mm 3 `Loan at 5 per cent. ` IL 1! Sznnnx. Q.G., `Some Wt_i_00mI 5" ed of men of several nationalxlxeg. a dash at one of the boats._vmh the ixmmtion of getting axmy gnu her by ` Uhamselvea. mo night was dark. C118 mmn nnf. hn.v1'm;r vat. rimn. 80 that any ummsewea. `mo mgxgt wan w---- `W moon not having yet men, that were not noticed for u. mumte 01' tv but when the nmtm found out what was going on, they bundled them 0 of the boat in time. Ahnm H..'.. Hm. I lmrl mmsmn 80 boat of! to had 09011 I331n`}` the day before. nndwvas u..l_*oyer` Ct paint, which nmdeitn1ost. dlH_lC-*"(: [0 ihandle her, lxesitles leaving it remu1ngl- |nr nu n.'u(\'u nnrunnnfn n0\VOV(`I'. it : 'mau brought all : he couid only phandie her. lresitles Jeavuu: ll rem ` er on one's garments. However. mu; done at last; and tinned meat. bi5('.11il.S, and water t. into each boat. A5. to our \\'{i,`t(`,l`-(IHSYI, it was so rotten it com"-zl not-hold xvat/ex` at all, zmd-we il.lll||" : haul t0'(`onte11h.ou,1seIJ\'es with fillixxg _ at few bpttles. _ The captain then ordered the W0- men and children and one sick mam mto the boat he was goi g to take nlmrgo of; and in Lhey gcg the bout still swinging at the duvits. One old his heavy boxes from the cabin. and placed them beside the boat he was gomg in; and when told. _ [take sumo wraps. hp drugged Iuhem `back to MS _ culnn. J-|ncf W H... "ram-`wmf a-oimz to in fast as it did at first; and me vessel. in his opinion. was sure to float for some llmurs yet, if she coulxl not be kept aoat altogether. The muvfniu mms\snt5d' 0 \V`J.it U11 f surviving u.'1oug"h0nt-cruisqx I Thevessel boa 3, iv in n*I_,_fn:u-r- Int-ma n'ni31, d kept aoat altogether. _ _' ' The <'u.1rtaiu consented` to 1 daylight. and we men wenL hack to the pumps. though the poor woulgm and dhiltlren were still kept swingm'_g ah the daviis, the ca. )tain being ufrzud to ' bake tihenl amt 0% thh bouts. fox`. fear. Uhere worulkl not be time to get them in again. ' But after about two hours _ at it.~1L0r1N.JJ1'l3Z1IJ..0Qlni3g0.Ll.t. ` ' 'lhn Ilrmn-tr ninwf. warn ll. C0003-1' ` [Um rest bemg (lamp unu txsuxesu. ` The moon was up now. We got some ~ sail on the vessel. and headed her.fon Madeira., which was about two Imp- dred nlilea distant, and the wind fun`. '4'. An far as we _wu1kb see. no vessels were 9-hrsigh-t; hrwl; some rockets were tried. :4 Ony one of th_um., however, went up, 3 the rest. being dump was useless. S1m(lzw tmomimr broke ut~1aat.. A." -0lE FL. 110 l0L_[.11B{!1'.L l)Ql1LtLU-Ll.L The .d1'eury night xmre on. ` _zu1d_on_cg> ,0. drink of rum, were served om, to the men at the pumps. \Vhe,n the rum camepu wino-g'1k1ss[u1 to every two 1ne11-111`o man I shared with was agrimp stokernxnd he had first drink. for u moment I hwimted when my , twrn oumc; but the claims of exhaust- the rest being damp and usukess. `I 'l`h(\ mnon ms 111) now. not {I10 T885 bemg 0.8.1111) VWLS ulsezuaa. Blmclzxy morzuin broke M;~1ast.. sad Swuday! \ e anxiousby scunugd lm horizon ;'"`there was not uxauu m ~ axght anywhere. ' ~.- keeping _u . mum t LOUIT. B:\!u}l8'! RB3. S0l.ILI I`0RS.J Pl0G'DOR8 AOTABIES. CON\`E} AI\cERS..&c. _. ` ,0nr:c:s:-0or." Dunlap and Ohppenon straw,