_ Wilson. ivgieiizsx ."'f'7#9in;sh'a~~ 35*. e 1: A Ewnd-ii;. 03ti..;30-rMfr.'AVd1`wa is ,p'I.ltt'ing_*-. ` ` st0ne-`Ac'a1}.ar.ui1`der `tihe hduse. John . 7 doihg-` th`e__ vvrorIfrv..`.-M-v'l.'hos' M Af'nd,arson?yisied B\'adfo`r,dL I;?gir';last 1 . ;vvn'e1:je-.-Dlincilil, ..M0$ria0v. 43119..` had, V the miafottnn. o~-'hawit_1g; hi`s;ile'g broken jjsom; thxee mks` ago? in,` doing L irelij : * _ hesV,k;1lui.V.tgatmen.._oE,Br; ' = F9`ii1i8`5v`. ? ( In cases uf severe sprams or strains V ordinary linimeuts that require rubbing V are very painful. A little Quickcure" spread nu linen or cotton, ::11dplac'ed over _ the song, art removes the Uxixr more` P quickly and surely than any other known? manna. 'l`l\./.1 Rnn znlrl RI fl .~::'Iw4 m'mmiI\ l I uugnuqmn .- Reporhxs. Vs. 9;. for 0ctobar;,-_.-V." mi StanJen,._B." Knapp,-_-W Ro{1ald.'S Jxcobs`, Sr.'=1V. IA Youl.1g..JKnupp, M.--Bremne1~._ n \vn.Mnnmn,4:...!rL' ]V;1l. `Tanadale. ~.A ' ts'r. =1V. ?.A- xoung, J nuupp, `.v1.Dteu_Iner, _ ` Jr. III. W` Btmnefa. E1 Krfdbp, `F,V[*`(ry,she,_,.. 0,. VWa`shington.4i-Jr';". W." J. . `.Tenedale, :- A .J_ohns_ton, J .0:"Q,ha.id;_ W A:1d_ieo_n.-S11. HI. D` M'0.!'ehard.' S`Frqlibk; ~ `F `Traay,`.J Ker-ftfm; N ~Ci'oslznd..-=~Sr.-II-. G S`h_iks,.- S Jlpwney, ;; -A. E`_rieat,IB Addimn. f ` ` - _ _. _` ` , qll1I.'IsI_)' ixllu :lll'Ul_y Lllilu xuly Unzm isuun uj. means. The 50c. and $1.00 sizes contain `clujee and nine` times the qunnmy in trial 9 size ;.only a [mle is requirvd; \ `Nov. 3-Miss R Tracey. of Toronto. is! visiting her parents here. ~Mrs. K Cameron is visiting friends'here.-Ha.llowe en name this year on.a.rather_ important day, in the ` enjoyment of which. as far as we can hear, i all pranks were forqntlen.~--The greatest! gathering ever seen in Grenfel. asseinhledi Iduring the services connected with the re- i opening of the church here on Sunday. and , Monday evening. .()n Sunday the church was packed at all three .sei'vi5es. `In the _. morning thepastor, Rev. Mr. Agar, preached,` and atthe closeof the service administered the sacrament. In the afternoon and even- ing the Rev. Thee. Edwards. of Allnndale. ` ` nndrthe Rev. Mr. Walker, of Cookstown, ll preached, excellent sermons. The. Utopia 3_ choir oiciated in'tl1_eaftern'oon andtho local [ choir at the rmaining services. On Monday ` evening the tables in the school house werei the Iiadiee" of Gienfel best know -how to] ' provide. ` Addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Large -of` Strond; l:[_u(lsri'ii`"d" : -Edwards, of Barrie. The chairman, Rev, 51 L :Peareon. asked for subscriptions to-. i wards the debt incurred in repairing the church and the sum of $356 was realized, which will also cover eonieiurtlier repairs: which are contemplated. fspeeclies were ' `_ `alsu,giv.en,hy. Zounty Cou'n`eil lor Quinlan and Reeve Richardmn, sn_d_n_rading'_rendeLe by C Sissons. The music was Vasily kindly supplied-"by the Collier street ethodistu ` chai.i>of'Barrie. which was much appreciated. rluden with innumerable good things, which`i_ ~ the {owing match, held :':t-Stro'ud, lust- Nov. 3.-;WTextnd` hearty cp_pgt_t_1}a- S tions to'Audrew Standen, "on his succcss at `- week.-`-Ge`o.. Campbell has just completed I water struck yet. Quite auumber have had .'this' _ kind` of well sunk lately.---Andrew, - Runald spent a few duyxrin Avening last an arteaian well-. and has the finest ow of w`e_:k.',-`-`Ehe school house is nearly ready for I use iibw. ,_It:`preaents a very ne appear- a_nce,. mad` 't'ee_t: ts g:'eat ct.-edit;._on _t}1e"*' buildars.` . v ', >` I` n 1- iv '1-._-.' n_..,L-_ , 17"?!" . Shows a sma1Lhard kernel, covered by{ layers. of hard skin. This tihy com causes keen 'pa_iu. The nnfy sure: means Of ex- 7 i.rn'riHnu"h. wihixlxt nmnf ii: A 35377." In) ._ lD1Pl'QV,9_m9l1l8. ' ' | `Bradford St.---Brick house, I6bi_ns.| Brick house. 6 rooms, jl)'o.uble`dwelling, `2 ` tenements. . A ' ` hnrlnn Qh~nnf'_ Winn -rnlnnnn 19 ` KUUH ptuu. Luu Hun] auuw Iucquq UL CA`l Ftx t':tiug"it.. wifmut pmnf iix zi RBI Is 7 . Putnam : E ainle`ss~Corn Extractor. Sure ? Yea. P'ain_less'I' Yes. 5'Gheap`. `Yes, indeed`! ' Try it. "ACORN raoroem PHED_ BY x RAYS Hunter Bros. New S%to$1'e , Men s and Boys Boots . Can be had-'i_),est in Barrie at HU1N.TEB___BB-. GRENFE L. modern IUIPIUVBUIEUDH. ' . . ' ' Elizabeth St.--Rough-cast hous; 5 rooms I stable, etc. -Brick `store, dwelliixg, &u. F`:-n'nnin"S:._.Rriv|z'hnnma. stable. am. R because they hmz1ke`a specialty of Men's and` Boys" Boots, Rub-* bgzrs, O\*'ersh0es, Slippers, Sox, and `Rubbers. ' Indeed, every- thing that is needed to make "men and `boys feel warm arid comfortable and dry. 54 DUNLOP STREET; BARR1E---~' % I f M i!tzv`r;no3jrA:3A.F`v,quirlxAa;z~Eoix';`y-N` 1.>v 'I;1:t` M"; mgrbsaom Offer V any` ot!1ei-nwrI~9ev . 1h_oIx1d ,apply' to _th IIndvsmgnad~. bfoorq ` (making other-`afgrghpemgmi; `- , .7. ; ` 1 V 4 "a_i1itV b J1_-x` ` - ` Lc}:ans.m} 51$} /lowest? (:gxrren1z.rates. 7 ' g L " ilV.1')A N ANB. Auncvco;% jmanAvV%sIn:ggoRo_yn9;F MiUef ` C(>11)pQ_1}1i Iron Fills cur 901 atipgstiolx. x')0~doae'e 25 cents. `_ ` _ 7 Sold` "at Seage:a;_;lLug` store, oppositc -Ba} nmnn ` _ * 1 blPE_ILlU|l . Sold M; ? oice. } Tm Lounou1:;p%gm.}g a minrguen Mu1nryre,ot- wanacenown. says: - -- - , . . ' I have had 2} botble of SLOANS INDIAN TONIC and believe it` ha_s'ciu-ed, 11; liver. 1 have not yet use-d one bottle and I have now no pain or ahlle so far,`-so I cbnsicter |ib my duty.1:o recommend it; to all \vh_:_)_m Lknow needfit. . , . ' .' ' , 7 Vnn mm use Iiw name. if van wish. ii1"recommendin'2 it. `I W35! ailimi for oilr thii.-nit lb my aucymo recommend xr. to an \vn_x_>_n1 J.,uuow ueeuu. .~ - V . x - You can use my name, if you wash. iirrecommeuding was ailing for over chi: {W1 my age is 70. - - . ~ . - . - ` ' -_ - A- m'n 'm.- .u `u 1, . us Mei}-rit`\Vi1'ae,. nf_ Beltnbnt, writes : plague nd Ihnlnsm nnnhnioe nr M.e1'rIt`\\ 1ltae,. nI_ Jelmont, writes: , Please find inclosed post-otce prder fox:-'31, fdru \vhich`se1`1c.i ane-bottle of `INDIAN TONIC`. We think_' its an_excllent medicine. . . gnnuu y.y-, `P -v_-. wvv .--.f ___..-_._~ .... .3..- -av-u_ I Minrgafelz Mnfyre,`of -WaHAtox('n. sa: T have had 21 bottle of SLOAN S INDIANA` MONEY `VAMuNte:eAL7EBENTuR Sf Y mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- _1o;s. - , ' r Bayeld Sb.--Fr'ame house and lot. VT Kempe_nIeldt' 8t."-j~Brick' hangs, _tablg,' Best house east of St. Viuc'en|; s_ Park." ' . . " "Town of Bmdford.-6 acres and dwfelling, ' `*Toront`.o._-2 ne lots,-Lyi1d' Aifenue., . L Medonta.-L`ut9. 2,_4, 5,6, 7, _Con._v`4;_ Lots36.7,C0n.5.-' . " ' --'I-`nurnnhin: nmfis. 'T nr2ir ;Sdi)hd;.I.nf- WYY;YYY??YYYYYY%YY\Y7YYYYWYWMME Ejl-I-as A. Mms mm l.-tofdress. well. He owes it to` society end to himself. \If. he hall lu give up every pleasure in order to be well clothed, he would be gainer by it. _A Well dressed mm isxsually e." suucesslul man. He "lies more chances in hfe tlnm ulslmbby t'llew. The mer to whom we sell cletlling zue well. (ll_`SS(`d in every sense of theexpres- sion. Style and lit are faultless, qualily the best, pyicea l`.-hue lowest. . ` In` $1, 6' f0_r $5./ All d:xzlersA9r`.al.l;eiss;f" N T;AbE_ M'ARK `ALEX; MILNE, ggood ; to wa%r, zjzt :~prices,* are always in dem? Y C %%r%$rQ*1 go pairs Meffs .Boots`_(Bg]. and C.ong.,)` bought. at a bargainkwolrth $2.00 per pain this. week .`W__ )/ I You have often hear.do`f4 the" VMcPher`son Shock. You can buy thqm i , Barrie on/Ix/from us. V V ` ' '5 k wwu PROPERTY! `'I;he A-M:Ph.erson $ and "$4.00 Bocs . arc` 2 sunequalled .for comfort, 2 wear` and Try a pair. , ` THE__ TAILOR. on sm Ims wssr A 4,30` SLOAN S mnmn mm Mrs. J. W`. Beaven, of Hes.pelIer. says: ul ....... 8....`..m...1 ...:u. .....-.:..--:-_ tenelneu B5,. 1 Charlotte Street. - F ine " residenc, 13 i V rooms and basement ; 'garden,' fruit, and all ; modem improvements. `. Elizabeth St.--Rough-cast hous. 5 rooms DlgU.`1.D Lu ULALV 1.U;u\.a; H5 uelpeu mac Int-once and effected a cc_:mplete_~cure.I.. have recommended` it to 5a gI`e'at' many ple and believe in every case ithai ` ` satisfaction. . . -.,, , ~ *0 .. ' 4:1. I'._.._. I. .. `l .......... ugulamcuuu. - 1 .. 5 `Every spring I procure` it from Mr`. Ph in.; ouzf druggist here, and Ithink it all idea!" blood purier and system tonic. V ` ' '"""T'tr' d ...-4. vi ~v\. .......u4.., an n_L\.u`.vuAv|. uulnq I was irrwhblecl with constipation mauyyeara. In fact, it was my only.enen_xy,`_.; and \ ' ' xjtfyy distressing. ` - / 3. areaiinanv nil}: am} hnfjnir uuu WEN \ l |') U|SU`BSS|I!gv ""VI tri"e'ii" 5. great.'_inany pills and.patBnf xnedicineaflmt rec_eiA-vdyno relief until): trftig Ql ANN TNDYAN T(\\T[(`. - Hr `\n`r\n()Inn: 1ueuu:1u::a.uub l'(`(.'_BlA-VBU no reuer unmu. tl`l8(l;,,_g S1,0AN.'S INDIAN TONIC; it helped :1r..nnm1 and p`paf.m1 n nnmlntnwmu-n ' 1 Cures constipation; Sick Eeadmhe. Indigestion. 315:1. Dyspap 13; Clem-s tneuskln and Insures a Beautiful Complexion. u..hots31 6. 7, (Jpn. o.- M. `I - _ `1 _ - -'To>wnship'oCrof|i. =Pamy- :Soi1nd~.-Lots ; ' IQ and 20; Con. 9, beautifully-Bituxted puthe- ` ` ortl_'1`Sho1;e`9f Luke Ahiitx .ng_qe'd ion its . . ~ I\'.`_'0'2illia._-A155 'a.crea,A Lot 14;, Con`. 10. -'3 '1 `TMatc_hdash.-Liito 1?, C6`'T'I03757s'cres. ~ .Lot~l7~, (.!o'n.;1," f00s,eres. ~jLpb_ 1 15, Con. ?2. "-200:&cres."` _` ' " ` ' " ' A"Vb|';\rn f.'..-Ln]: ~`:af r*. .`..'i_lr_?: t.}+._' ii` nan`: _ -20U:n9res"` J. . E .' ..`VTespra.5--'.L0tf. 3; CoI3.;6.': Lot; 14, CorJ_._ 2 14., = ._E1"h qr I9at~h;1i Lot +22.;Cii4}T6. :18 '; 'nm-nn_. - lure Assunangg conmnv xx; 3 at-.uD5e_, etc. 'Dl.'lQll B(_)l9, uweumg, ow. F.mnc1s`Sl:.-.-Bri_ck_ house, sta_ble,_ etc. 8 rooms. V - ` , Mupy St.- -FVinsstVbri;jk mansion iaFfi: 18 moms , coach house. Mable, etc.'_ Fine 5_ --'-~~-; v~----~--rough-ezaheideaea-e --W. ....... __ ' Woraley St:.-RQugh-Inst house. 8 room. J.mn:;;s-Eaa?-.Lan;ure.7-TiT.A V _ Owen St.-'--Lirge bripk . house, vacant lain, V R,/I. FRASER 22 24 41-tf . ;ronsAfus% IN am % t1-._-...J I ._,...1. R.`R'.' IMPERIAL or QANADA. VP-0LiCI|*}S Uncouditioghi. ;;1;d7i'W)r1-f1c1-VViL1e from I commencexuent. GUARANTEED Cash S'ur1`ender L03. . and paid up VALUES, ' 4 POLICIES `Atltolmutically .VNo'n-F_or- _V_ feitable after 3rd ye:u`.] , AND~ " ' -_ Cogwewr I & I "R. LFRASER & 00.] i concert given by the Sore of Temper- l Nov. 1St--F'i1!'lIlEl'S are busy digging i.turnip.-There was no service in the English church -lust Sl1l1il.l_V'.--J`0Si(`pll Luck took charge of the service at `the Free Methoilist church on Sunday in the absence of their preacl1ei'.--Next Sunday the C. Methodists will hold` their quarterly service lieie-On. Friday lLDl1lg,,l1CXiL,1i_il_!'3 , WilLl)9_....L~g anae here. One item on the pl'0gi`:_1lI1 will be a Mock trial on ii `breach of promise case. A good timv is expected. --.\lessrs. Wilson. `have moved into their new` hon,-e.-A considerable quantity of grain is moving town i ' ward. Fall Wheat is looking: nice and" fresl_1.-Fred Partridge and Wm. Riach spent Sunday at Stroudx Nov.` 1--Cha9.~~H*&rr.~Jas._", -Hewitt audA. Richardson areriut at Minesing huut.iug._ Rev. Mr, Teeney ~and Mr. Surgeaut have gone to M3:chedasl1.-- John Sheffield. Jos. Sheield aiid W.` Richrdson have left for the lumber camps.-Tl1eanniversary of the Gun- puwder Plot will Le celebrated `on Friday evening by a grand supper at ?the,Queen s._ Eve:-.ythingvLh.it goes to umh up a first: cl:issfashio'n-able supper will be served. Several hundred are (:.`p(`tg(l,.--Jolllx GI`! aves, when coming home with a. `large load of oats last. V l`hu_rsday evei1ing', by some means lost - hiswfootiug and.s1ipp ed off the load, the hiu`3'.`wh'eel of ll1e.vel1icle mssinu over V - . D in lmrlu n..-.. .::.>..m. i\....n.n.. ..n,1 montmymemglnq on wnlcn w` L India _`depend` `in the - kollr; dttgvsg of,uc,t-. A j , . -:,II'.pxep|ted.i31`tIl0deg'xees 1 _ gofstteu `*1 *` g J * `Na: ffororinnfycnsei M in by- r'j;heV bent medicine. known f--aoldb Vone.{9g;1st _ Q :1o.` .fo`r;- caps:--xo:`- A _ n1inm'\naI`s_".nn1:I` , H1aah&13~Vnn. 1 ~. .i:`3"s'i':?i"ia?'?i'x:.'u%*o`Z`o` ?V'V.1zi:`c.`e.LI_zo1`1VaVxq:V'.t,vr?l<`:432ox.ei a`.V Na. 1; m~N'o. 2.m1ihd.'nn I-`'ceinl:nl . Na-. :_~.:o=.~n.>. :..`maiI1von,'xec9igt.`..e - "Il1_,N.0;I.l0ll$I, I.WQ`Q0`-K..Ig ndgtnnlw - Presldent-'l`I1e Honorable Sir Oliver Mowat, - P.C.`,,G.C.M.G.. Minister of Justice Vice-Pfesldeut-Jo~opli W. Flavelle, Esq. Lizinngjrig Director-'I_`lie ' William Davies Co.. L1mited.,,nnd.,DircuioL_.CanmlimLl1anl:LQf . Commerce. ' . The Honorable Sir M:1c"kenzle` Boivell. P.C.. _5.C.2r{.G., Senator. Ex-Prl1n_e Minister of `unuaa. The Honorable J. D. Etiga P.C..M.P..Spe:1ker House of Commom`. The Honorzible Wm. Harry, Commiriouer ' Public VV orks Ontario. The Honorable Geo. A. Cox. Senator. President Ginmdizm Bank of 1 Toumierce. The Honornbiels. C. Wood. Mzuniging Director Freehold Loan & Savinvs Co`; Jolm Hoskin, E- ._Q.c..'i.L.D., President To- ronto.Gen:uo.1 usts Comp-.m .' J. J. Konnv. Esq.. Vlce-Presitent Western & British America. Assurance Companies. - `J. H. Plummer, Eu .. Asaismnt General Marm- , er Cmiadlxin Ban of Commerce, _p A. . Amos. Esq., of A. E. Axno_,sV&,(,`0.. _Pr'esi~ debt 'Toroi|to Stock Exchange. _ Hugh .\ . Baird; Esq, Graiu l\l.erclmnt, Director Wes.teri1 As=.ura'nce Com mny. I:t`.cck.*s, Esq., M.D.. F. .C.S ,etc., London. 11 . - " , ,h]$o1x:!:f`1;,6non\.A : j .7 nova naauavnvaa in Al` "\l`IIII&CI - ; GRATEFUL and C0 IIORTING _ 50 the <~NElY.0.US; nnf DYSREETIG. ,;qprn1nvm*ounL1rmsvunnzvannnn 7 Q 7 In Vougrtar-PquIgd"11na only. ` " Pronarad DY`. ' HESIIIPS & >00... Iatll-J, ` L; ` unuu- uuuun qx Luv. Iuuuau yucauna vv\.| `1;ody, One 1ib:was broken and otherinjuries su,st.uined but at time of . ( writing he is x'ecoveriixg.--lVI.p Gaston, isr., hag very poor health at. present. ' iEIGL;isI'-I `A, f `BRE&;I_(_|:ASTX oo"coA* ...... a.|.- .g;u-_.u__ .. IBLIIIHIIIIILVU 5101 I53 3 -.,i3EI.IcAcY o-rLAvoiE,` 4 : SIJPERIORITYT IN" --QUAILITY. murrm-m.. `...A nnuvnximma lEPP's:.9.Qoo%AJ cm. A I ' 1; 7tI1a';Ctinlv. ...r.:- .1a'gm.' L :O9Q@$9@'W9c5M ow , V ` Q V9 9Q?999VV9@?W` Give .Ht:-\ ~ Every .--- -;.-- w:V- vrossgsseagthe fllqwlng \ mmnouva Manta: .-`j'IoIr'eaT._~' '~ * I.gnast..,Np_:1;h_ pmc; Loe_v26.: Co9`...1 , . , North~bt_t1f L913 56,3on.,.1I.100.:' V Wllllu! Cl] Malitles LL c`10w}' HILL. I\fDVl_l nvvt Vvlllllll : - L _Ihs3tht'.5:1z;1$ Mreliabld M `mh1W?l.. 'i!1Q0n Vlhich lmiinx cm da'iaendr `in thq we Shbwr Lgdies Am 5 cnndrems is qof thisy S J6? Malia. b`,18J:tlccles,Esq.,M._I).. b`.K.C.S London. A.` E. Kemp. Esq., President I{emn3[zu111fact11r- lug Co."un_(1 2nd V.ke-Presidexlt Toronto. Board 0 Trade. . - F. G:,,Cox.Esq..Mai1zIging Director. u. u. \/UIIIUKVIUUU. V > . {- A few notes on the draining of the mamlgtz-About thirty men are-" employed now. A number of smsflil boys are earning 50 cents a day pulling '~ out roots andsticks. Geo. Elicklingis i appointed foreman. He uittie a pike I pole, but rot on`the `men. A man from Penetung has moved do \Vn"ii`i"1d'i taken the contract of `cutting all the timber into cordwood. Quite"-a number of good logs were taken from the bottom I` of the mill pond. Most ofiour citizensl have been viewing the work done. The -mmk mmg*F& m"lI few hundred yards from the `mouth of` the creek, allowing the men to work < `quite in distance-south. One do last _ 'week some one [nlled out a few oards . in the dam, and the rush of waiter came . nearly drowning some who /were engaged in the, old pond.` The dam at the old water mill, is completely torn` . away, and it makes thoiplace now look queer, after being there so manyiyeers. Quite a. lar,qe_number `of pike wentlover theold dam withthe rush of water, but . none were captured. One of our citizens cau;;ht_an eel about five inches ; long. Some of our oldest_citizen.s say ; they [1VelS`.1W any such fish in these ~ wat`er_s.b aWe extect to hear of some ,` old Indian relics being tonnd when the , `wateris all off the marsh. A few old A` beaver dams were dis_eovered `on the . c_reek.'_ `The marsh land owners are j ` taking great interest in the work, as 1 they take their daily walk to see the 1 . Ease, cL_tl1e,1vzork._Jt .i_s...J.oo. had; .. this wcrk hnd not .C0l_1]lI1Hllt:eti. enriier, for "then we would "probably have organized a. base-bull team. Win Me- Cennen has dom quite a bit in extend- ing the side road, north througli his place. This "road will be . opened straight `across this -marsh, when ' completed. Some of the boys are lamenting over the, thought of. no skating here this coming season. Take in Elmvnle. All theold logs and debris are just about cleaned Iout and next comes the digging to lower it ve feet_for quite a distance. i ;n.ine- _egr-oI_rxson._o ugonael, ueach made 9. ` .:w,b eel"fasll _-on him. .iE{e;was;hadIy ' Vhrniaad; b1i.t`ia;reoov`ringe~-`1`he.twoyewold A dsughteg of Wm. Newahaur found -` 7nay- aihernoon +d;`owvne_d_{in.u miq water bum! Weducan ;_ coULi) NOT gm DOWN Eon mxenrmmn MONTHS. . ' The Sulferina of a Torunto}Junction . Resident from Heart Disease. Nobman exceptional case of heart disease but "very distressing was that of Mr. L. W. Law-, of Toronto Junction, Onb., who was obliged to be propped up in bed with pillows for eighteen 1nontl1e, beci1uee of smothering {spells that would Game over him whenever he attempted loelie dowh. Nolruatmenb had done any good ugil he tried Dr.`_ Agnew : Cvurefor the Heart, and here one dose gave complete relief, and one b0bll6'Cl]l;6d him. and today he enjoys `the pleaeuree of good health as otherpeople do. Heart disease will kill : if not outed. Q.J.:| .'.L- o..,,..,._ .. .I_.... .c.__ ____._:L_ uamageu-.-wr nun nuuqesl uroxen on me , LL91; o;'ongcgoum;i9 mg 1o.v u1mer. ._._$wgv : bun es 0f,,pI1tefbl&ck_silk, 1yppqgd:_,1;9: have 1 . been laued in G. Moores a` ten: by thievegij * weie tbuhd on uleaiing it,'ou8i1aa`\v7o .-z, - Jbhn 0f;BIieu.hxa {four4l`egged d1i,c.k---1`h'e mine an-std bng Michael, ech'made a" hxfn- -_x_*whaI'sfn1I"-nri him, 'Hd*wna ImI"'n' : vguauunuo - .Tc}run.to, Without provocation mzide a brutal ~ as3a\_1It'1xp9n -.1o'nn- Tahaneyf of`. Mgragzin` ` irdbta of '-hht3f"CV1iil!II_otel; ;He."'ts.epend!ug' `d'amage's- .?`1foz" ` the ._anes]brok8h'- 9.1 the ` Last Tuesday a'man\2xnie(i'Willnxh, of ' E3, monthsain Ba';rrieHjaiM_s,15 rn,I:.`- Mn. j . Thomson talks of auingithe Government for: :L61iaor :hcIow1mer...mwo- 11 um. uureu. ' Sold At'.Seageia drug sore, oppositg post" ofce. i --'-""--'-'--" I Nov.i-}i6egf>;;s}J1'Maagurs:,. was here "last: week-Jae. Mm-lie ef_ Allandale, called here Thursd;1yfla_st. - `A number of the boys have gone to the woods, among whom a're Jack` Mc'Cui1i_g," ` Mac and Will E1don,-~4Jas. J ohgstone `,`sr.,' will move f;e_n1_ the Stevenson feym _ -shortly;.to his own farm on the Ridge, Road .---The ne)vblaeksmi>th shopisr in operati.;n;--AL few .t.ro\`1:tA have been caught lately.--T.' `S.7H0ldswort'h of -Innisl, has been threshing clover 1n thie viciniby.-.-_-A _numbgr otwour young folk` gathered `at "tH5 iesi dence of Geo. . Crawford on Friday evening last. and - had, 9. pdeaeat ime. Keeu:'u1"e'0r- : :ese*;1`r991ee,B@i*:`eseep}ies1etheemusia V atarrh"i\nd'Co1ds neueved in 1mg so Kicunn. ' .PiI!S55U5. .I HJHIUIB gi Llllgllbllll W3` U89, " it relieves "instantly and permanently _ cures 0atsrrh;_;H_ay-FeveI:.,.Culds,. Head- ` ache, Sor 'l`_b_roa&, Tonailitia. and Deaf- ness) .:\ll druggists. ` xqnlll at nn'1Arn'I-nryhtnrn nnnnahn BOARD QF/DIRECTORS : President--The Hodorable Oliver P.Cf. G.C.M.G.. Miuistnrnf Jnstive 55. an uruggtwc _ _ Sold at Seagera 'drug?lstore; oppopite post o_ice.- - , 1 ` ?.,"1;,_ ,.:.__..` .,,, - gutag-,, ` I ,. VHBHKIH llll VIM! RISIIUVHII Ill LIEU V" V Ouplishort puff uf the breath - the Blower agp`pliod`with each botnleof Dr. .. A;ztIe_w a Cabarrhal Powder diffuses thi_s.povvd,ar pvgr ihe gun-face of _the nasal_- .'paaages. .P`ainIaa and delightful to use, it `relieves Viriatnntlv Zuni} nm-mnmmklu ' .4`, uuu Lnuauug ll puuuul wuuuu. _.[ Geo. Cameron is keeping the live stuck trade on diej move in this district. i Three more mar loads left one day last } week. . ~ ' l.`I11 4 u - - u \.\,`n. ' Ld Gray hm retutneg home after :1 g few months employment with the G. T,` R. at Colliugwood. ' `A lam VInI:.n .... 5|... ,1- :L.:.. _ -1 .L,. .uuw _;_;uwcu. v . Ono day last _`_week while James! Brennan was engaged in chiseling a piece of hardwood, a fine piec of steel ew from yhe Mr:hiselvsp;ik`1_1__:g}_1i_u1_ ghg ? eye, and causing a. painful wound. `:90 pumnwxn Cu lrnnninn. pk.` l:n:l Nov 1--M123 B. Hunt} has turned home after visiting frianda here. 2 _ Miss M. Flatt is visiting friendain New_LowlL ` `. '. ORO STATION; PI}.E.L;8TON. . Hum 'URILLIA.' % , 7 , . ` :,~.`i . , ~'l'K'_EA BARBIE -EXAMIHER. THURSDAY_"Nf}Vt 1897. --7 vibiife_ o1i'%I:,b ult`.- -The fbllpwiiag ' ;fM,ia.'2A;_Er_ee and daughter Varnagjoi`Camp- . -bv3]:lfor`d',. and` 4 jH.oard. s I*5,tm`j0u..:-.,A. N ` ;`Totomo,on the` 27th; an `spent thenight uauz~{v.au.- - . 1`,I,o`v._:i_`:a... B/Ir,'.'a1id Mrs.- 3;. 1=m.:so:i* &r_q vuiaitinkwith Mn. and Mrs. S.-. Dean :-.-' \ `. rs.VJ . Scott,` of`. n whealad fmar` - with his cumin,` Mrs.-. M H4er7.-J-.` P. Dqafn , v had a logging bee oh Thumday..~ -- `Mofnvhffhks ieinrned from Staynen. whre; ' ` Mahe 'hasaTlie1i Vining ' her $.l'1t-.`"`Th.I::dl?85 ` imow qt. the. solifell mi Fridtiiy.-7. 5,. ,, .1x...m.. hm: n..:.:,...a::=.sz.V. ,..:.m..ma. w. 2511.. . NDOW . W13, H3859]-\ Ieu 011` Dfl(_lBvy-,*")- B:,. ;Eoo'}`::r has nished hibvconsmxt with E Bell,; fhdf V W9rking.foc.J Daanmrlr and,'Mr: J- \ Rmuzxmm Fm ma` Mihn.T'.nr'ms~. took: a. -M `HQ 1! WQl,'KlU_K0lT cl .lJliB!1_{rr,-L,l` &IQ,Cl,J.l.l.1'I U` " USt;'ott, :Mr,9 Free, and Miks~Ln(:aa, `tom: g Qolhg" wood (in` Saturday: ' 71Men71,h.o `nerzfjmnxl niantal worry and , -uvpmork vxI;l, gnd; ; pram pg. raliqt; :in-. A` Gotnnnmilronfi bodms` vyiul , u wcuuxub UL |.\\U \VHlUlJ,_' IAU` ' 1 'c;iii hear Slight. iiiikliugs in ` ducied hunting has coiiinieiiceil quite a nuinberl duuliis iviillie keptquict," bucyuiethinliliizll `ihel distance; and i.uiiiei'uus'oiher ilJlI1g:Sl' which piily iequirii it siaii uiiil. zirel. necessary to` keep interest from llugglg i iii a live neighborhood. V (From anotliur coirspuiideiii) gov. 2%-Servicas were con- ' W`, in iiie iieiiioaiss ciiui.-iii S"lNTY B9.` 011 Siliidaiy eviiiiiigus usual with ii! NOV; 3EW- J! J5`~`=1'lVL`E-`.~"\V"`-1"9Tl) . very Mae 3Ltegdancg_.J05e 1, })jckjn_spi2iit; bun ziy wiii is. i-iglif.--Alex S00 is viositing H. Knapp, ol) Ebiiuzer, l Muir was in Toioiiho lust l\'C`ri{:-- Bert. _..-Ml`S.`_VI11T7ils0n his beemvery 1:Siinileisoii spent Sllllllilylll Gi'eiifl.- D i I ` [or the past few weeks {mg is 1-EL-over- l`-Iziines McGill'is deer hiintiii: in .\line- i ing.'_Ai{ix, VV j1suuis a m,`lsiiig.-Jiiiiies W-iitt visited his iiziieiilsl re:-i`deuce,v me contractor and i,u,ide'; heie lust weel:.--.\Ii`. Ciiviiiia, Urilliii, bring I). Jacobs. II, iiiteiids llilifiubv I \\'zis,iii thp 8l`.lll)0I`l)00llS|l1`\'(llllg lust . iccou,p]eu;i1t'ui- )1,-_ \\:'j):U,.j5 occupy; week.--Miss little P'il1.I`ldg(` _lioiiie_ mm by Chub-~_ma5,_J0[m and )[u1wm fiiiiii W;ivei`l_y, on :1 \'i.~:it.-;\[i'. iiiiil i Murry spei1tSuiiil;i_y at Rubi. Czii's-.-n s. _M1`3- Tll0=`- Dl`.Yi B`1'li 51191 5l`l`l.Y _1{obe1-t Hardy and fmlily are mm-.1 with Mr. and .\l:l`S. Thos. H:ii't:.-A.iii- _ mg to Ailmudule` this week_ 1`Leh.!lii`osu lllldtli Miss P. Biiild, Berlin, niid- f;i3ud_g of 5111,; Village um sorry [0 put, Mrs. J: Robit_scn, L\)llEl()ll? were ll-)l1)e~ w`,;,h.$uch an 01d and respmed cmz,,ul:ittianiliiii,; their flllllEl`S iiinerzil.-A. 33'"')`IT."""'"'l.'l73`| d)'.--GCO. i\Iiiir and -1}. Pi1lli!S~l1tt-l8SUll Einusi, is _i'ecuvering' Prim-rose inmmfgDmm-m iiiattack of iiil1;i_inin2itiuu.ot' the _ so0_ii.---Eil.' Wilsuii spent Sunday at A. 5 ll lull?--A ml _9l" 0f 0_l` Volllylg Giirrmfs, Llml liiie.-.\I. Cuughliii, our Pel l`3 -1l"5"`l **Wl_`ll`l`.`-I the 0l _r- 014 and renabie grain '0u_ve,,.;5 Sm; up i concert at Ci-oivii Hill No-.'.` ; illi.-.\Ii:i- to the mark '_\Viimm COOK ha, bought 1 ses Aila {ll1\.l\~E\:Z`LS1l`)l)i1lnl, B-airie, weie the farm fo'i'ni`ei-ly owned by Heniy;l3`9 lust `V"$`kf i ' Fuller on 8th coiice:s_ioii.--As the deerl, N0 RUBPBING NEEDED. of yquiig men lrum this town intendl if taking 3 faw_ days` spui:c,_.Cgughs and liniineiits tliiit i:eqiiire_rul)biii:,_E colds :ii'e_'very pi`\'ali:iiti in this village. l`*."fl' Md Qllmkcure 3`- DMA__ H` _,m"D__H:_._ ;_ u..'i...-i :..'..ii. - ... -._u. , OF. J Long. D1 UH`. ` "'- "Jr. III --Mabel Legnce, Phouse Caughlin, Sbzuxley Reynolds, Alex. Grunt. Sr. II-Arthur Stokes, Cora Collins, May Cou;zhlin,VR,ussel Reid. V ` . Jr. II-Gerty Stukea, Mabel Kitcbing. Pt. _II. 5r.-Lillie Slmnuahzm, V Nellie Cu:tinrEux1 Eweat Carson. Sr. l--Darav Rrwnnlds. Clam. Carson. ._ .-_., ......_.._... ._ ._.... -._..-a- Report of thePubli<: Schuol fo rthe month of October. u H` l}......!. D....u n`..-:.: ..lI:... H CF. 1. Muir. T. 1 uu:nn,.mx1uqe-s-12La-Eel-y;~:R1esn uuson. Sr. 1-Darcy Reynolds, Clara Carson, Eddie Benton, James McLaughlin. , ` Pt. II. Jr.-A. Lewis. E. Segace, Jos.I Bernard, Maggie Binnie. ` ` Jr.` T--l3`.nn. {`.mml\lin_ Penri Wilson. i ch_u'r`ch' on the 15th Mon-is -_. .,_ _ __ ._ `Nov. 1--V\:a' hear A lthebl Wilson Forbes has rented the old McConkey 7 lehomestead. Wesvelconie -Wilson hack to this locality.-It2 has been decided to iliave the annivenary serviceellere on ` t-l1e.s`ec ond or third Sunday in January. - .--The quarterly hoardof. g Methodist church meetsin the church `here on Saturday next.'--Farmers still coni- p1`ain_ofh_the_ ground being l1e1'd.-['he boys tookiadvantage of the uncertanity [inf which -is the coir:-"eel; night: for `- Hallowe en~to--wo1-kbothnights; It is V 9. pity that so much supei e'oe`n,ergy , could not be employed to" better ad-'_ My vantage. If one could " eonvirice his ` boys that it would be elgood trick "to. 7 roll off 9. l0t"of"big-srones.'tl1e. fence, . - vantage and no lose sensible.-`-W.C.W.. ' McCullough has anice lot of Spy apples, 4ecoosidering4.,the .},'ean_-V-.\V,m..e.eNe,_s_ " in` "the Ipeelity, b_I1'nnh,in ,nh;1nsi;reda `of V _apple trees are almost: -here of frui t.--1-, = Fowl s_upper'at. the Central Presbyterian` ' ._- h'as;ihis'-":'_le%gecie{a)f; oniohe ,_saf`ely_ ` ieletives. _ They will also take in the housed.`-Wln'. King and M15. Graham, of V ;\_Iaik_ham, were visiting at Andiew ` King s on ` Friday` lest.--John J C`ross i -chopping mill is running to [its fullest. , capacity.-_.\1iss,Ide Ilastings end. her "1 brotzher, ha__ve gone 'to. Tett`enl1am"Lo- 1 visit `.theirngrendp_e`renhs and other: : ouoty ` eonve'nti0n..- l `expended wouldnhe to` giteazer ad-- . said tolhzive-tl1e"best \piece of tliflllp . ` Dunlop`S_tleb.2.Brick ,d welling,.2sor- eye . . . ; . ' Cnllier Street.-Fine dwelling. all modern . I QLJV a.l.LL|-Jlald. ;N0v. `. .--h;I.ibz 4'B. Wine, of Siroud, ..'is'\'vXiaiiing l1er`u'nt,l Mrs. Colhn.=.--B. illiardy has removed his family fiom `amongst nu. Uiir loss .is- Allandale's" I gain.-.0urgr.1in merchant is keep: busy. day -was moving day in our liiunld :7iTappnien`tly._ The house vncaied by Mr. lardy in the morning was occupied ini `Garnet was very conspicuous movingl loaf. a Berlin nrgannmil putting in 'Berlin` piano.-Ainusenin is so; gscarce in our neigliburliond, that _\vl.en; +lli3we`en' began to appruach .ll1e{ i l iforelock and kvpt. up their iniscliievuus ; nuisiiizce for mice nighia. How hai-di 2 they are willing on work [or this kind? Iuf amusement !--.\liss{~`mrretm`32{rrie, l spent b`uu.l.iy at liuuie.--~.\lr`. Wiightf of Uriili-.v`," and Mrs. Fox with `annex; relatives were Visiting` Wm. Richard-,~' `son lasa.Sundn3 .--'l`lic pl'0l)lll)llltl88`0f } 1116 coming Szlun might receive 3 iimlej `speculation how the pen of your; currespondent ;un enteiminiiient or we l which eliuuld be C0f.Sltl8l'Ll and Lnlkedl Prices aieibeuer than last yea`:-.-Mon` i zlie nnernoon by Mr. Volliner. 31123. guutlilul citizens graapcd it. by Lheli over; `if Wddingior Lwa wliich,- no? V rlnnhr. iviirlm lz....r ..n;.,+" L... .....il. Deruuru, Maggi J1`.l I--Geo. VViIlie Iali1_e'y. 5,. ` ` . l . IV-Gerty Gillis, Nelson Garrett. . III-Rosa Bernard, Chas. Pratt;Eglit11 V` JLU UB1`. . IV--Frauk hath. Essi Collim, )1. AMEN MILLS. .-. ,,... le Dmme. Cuughfin, Pnrl VY 3; -' ollir S_tre_t_,7]__3`jne1_yr;elling, all modern impro_v,e_m>nts. `Rmdfnrd Ht --Rrir-It Hanna, "9 r}\'}\i'r1A I