Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1935, p. 1

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. l'n mm.-. thorn lms l)-on Vl'l'_V litllv stlr. such n.-: now blond l`(IlllilI}.{ lntn l,hr- field or uld bluotl I'(.`llll`llHl},{, in nu effnrl tn oust Hw I935 In (i.-elnlm:-;_' und lI('l`|llllHIH(Ill.`s' nrv n [)m4.-.-ilxllily. nl lclmt in .~:-vc.-rul uumh-ipulit-.-:. I Hut nunin, n nnmlwr ml` lnuln-zhin--] v v w: .41. w. -. .':. '1! };'ar_"m:2rx: arr. Ir TOYODU -... aha Yarn fin. 7!. >'|.l ).`;'r.: " 7.1; in-.:..:.~;} "/1. ,1 V-. t. Htrmuut-, nu Hm rnllnwlmg u rnhnutnef de- I4: I: 'l`mn|mll '.'un.~: In-M In I ('|IIIlIH)f!l` ll) lvmm unulmsb I Ilw wlltmmum Phlo- ~ Hum I II... 1. lh- av!- w .`3r':m|nyI .. ... nu Acclamations Probable in Some Municipalities; Polling in Others Township Nominations } | Will Be Held Mmlday Voting on January 61 aisgeum.oN 4900 71:! Year. ynill`. llll`!`(' ` Hltlv (`|(`(`H()ll .l'|_\' IN` illl nr llmnuzh l(Hl'|'t-l't'l|I V\'l`Il |\lIH\\'lI I|Hl'Ill' (`1`ll'l)l'Ml(' hl:: IHHII In m'I:1_\'_ l)(`('t'llIIN`l' 1m, (ulllu-I` HI. lh- hn,-: of nrrlv fur mnrv I iH0N.LEARrlR0WE [S CWTENDER As my HEAD! ;;Said to be Strongest in Field ! as Successor to ` Henry illlII_\ \\'III III` H|.'l Ins: .-u.-.~.-.~4inn of tho llnturn. um! um! ` (`nn.-:1-r\'nH\'v5 n I|vnvun.- 1.. IUIINI In .'~:l'\'Cl`lIl ll1III1lt'1]mlIll('.-:. Hull u1,,'nin, u mnulwr of lu\vn::hip:: (ll(| nnl hnvv I'('H| nlrl--limv l'|I`(`Hnll.\ ll yum` nun. nnd .`i()lllt!Hll)('.`: 1-I4-:'lim.~. urn ('()ll.H'l(|(`I'('ll m-m-.~4.~:ur_v In (`I Hun nlr nu il um 1- In Hm.-.. ... OTHERS MENTIONED D .\l.-\JOR .\l.-\RK ROBl.\'S0.\' lg --I`lu>tn'by (7. W. .Im`k.\'(m. Harrie-I To lHll.'|l`IH \ I|ll.`w'l'l'\'Il|I\ l' ~ ht.-Id dnrilm the (`mur- f tho I`mvin(riul Lnp[i.I:- hm .r.-varnl prmnlnunl : may allow Hmir In-fun-~ Hm vnnw-nlinn. ` tn Hun. l~`..'|rl Huwu`. wrl nu-. I.('n})nI(| Mm-- |'n\'nu'I` l\/lII||:I4u' nl`I 4 BARRIE . i|l llltl llll ; hm-n n I lhnn lili _` {JURY BLAMES i }BABY S DEATH i , ONITSMOTHER mu`: I'IIIIIL'_ 1| .".lul \' on NI, |<`n\/in}; M Imrzlu-I ul Hm t-h1l(|rt-n. 'l'h1- pr: Ihr-n til.-1tril~nm`(l nnmm: I In Hun p|'np_r1nIn wn-r'- : |'..Il. .. g: . . `Finds She Was of Unsound Mind at Time of Tragedy urn x-nn.wu-run In I'l':n" thv uh`. us it \V4'l'('. In flu.-.1-_ nny-1 thing mi).:hl h1l[)[)(`H mu lVlun(|n_v V4-spun, Om, I-1.-:sn. Wu-.-:1 (iwillim--1 bu1'_v. '.l'u.s'.s'm'mnliu uml (`)1-illin 'I`mvn-` .s'hip.~: hml ll(`(.'l1IlmIHuI|5: ull--mmul lnsl, your. while lht-1'0 xv:-rv 'lm'Iinn:; for min or IlI0l'(' of lhv ul'I'i-1-.-: in lnnl.-:l'll_ [~`ln.<, .`-%unnlrlnl(-, 'l`4-(-muru-Ih.` r 'l`lny nnd Motluntc-. 1 In \/An:|n~n Hm.-.. uvill |:I...I.. |.,. u-u._, which cnnw In his dc-nlh in u slum- nt his hmno nl Wnslmgu T)-vmnlu-1' 17, was on Monday night, I`\('|(| ru-- spnn.-:ihl- for tho lr:u4v(ly by :n mu- (mt-r'.< jury nl nn inqm-.~:l ||I'|l| nu HHI ()I'i||i:| ("unnx-l ["|!An\|\n-, lh I i INQUESTM AT ORILLIAI Mrn. Vt-rn (`mhmm-, M lIlulh('|' 0| llu- .-nx m:mIIn.\.' 17 Win.` nn Nhuntlnv nnthl On I`lnn'.-4rln_v t.'\`t'niI|1.:, I):-.-, ||_)_ [lu- mumul ('hrl.-mmn.-; In-u nnrl mm-x-rt Wnn hold in l*`h'.~:l Hupllazl 1-Imrvh. The prugrnnum: l'(Ill5l:H('(I n1` (`hm - uaers, I'm-ilnllnlm, tl(`.. by (ha: mm- fulku and .~.-ovu-rnl .-xhm-I plnyeg by lhv 2::-nlm` clzlsm-H. I)lII'in|r n... mmu nun ww.-I'M! Hum`! plnyr; C|lS.`il`H. l)urin;.; lhn pl` I-trl. Arm.-.'Lruu; wu.-: -nln-cl plul.l'm'm mu! pr:-.-avnh-cl Will: 1 lIl'lIl lnnnlt-I <'lm'k, in I`:-n-n;~_n1 hi:: ".5: yc-.'u'.-:` l'nilh|'u| um! u A, .1. .. . u . ._. I251 yfs. Superinte;1dent Baptist Sunday School ` IE. Armstrong Honored l` (Turng >|II`UpI'mr- 'w:t-utuliml "\'mn' mil 1 01' on-(pp: a nu -nvmm.- Ill'l'('('lhnI Ill lhv ml(h'-.~:-.- K. H. Hnlly H): H Ir-nlhm I . we thrrc, plmsr) With municipnl nmninnl|nn.~; bt-in;'_ hold In tho vzu`Inu.~4 lmvn.~4hip.-; on `Monday In-xl, Dc`m-mhur 30, um! pulling, if lH'('('.*.`~'lIl'_V, Ihv rUH(I\Vil,l): Mummy, Jnnmu-y (I. llwrv Ir: munc- S|H'('lllllH(IIl n.~: In whul lhv pru.~:pu-'l.~: for vnllm: um in lht-.sv mnnI('ipn|~ mt.-.~a. l'.. .l..A.. n. .__V_.,_,, ,, us... uunnl llll l>t'll.'I mr l'uilh1'u|uo~:. .-. ('u.npt-rnlltvu (-nvin|l.- plm nr-IL... ..n I'C"H`IH`. \\'l I lhn .~:-hnln ' im-hula-(I I IHIII lltl plum- tall 1 |l|I Ill ;.-. nml Imm- ..I' _\Vill'(|(`llh`|li|)R1100()|H*ll 5 Fun r Now in I{un|1in;_I; 5 If I{(`l1II'1w(I for 1936 `Drinkwaler, Kiernan, Henry ` and Vancise, Declare Themselves EVANS A POSSIBILITY `Real FighlWi_r;-i;rospect for Wardenship if Electors Are Kind 4 BARRIE. .CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1935 (1911 ii _\'L`Lll' i15'U. EH10 an wnnorexv in order to give Reeve Crawford an , acclamation. Reeve Drinkwater ` withdrew at the last moment after .jit had been a pretty well-under ;smod fact thax he would enter the` lime hx av-gr llll.V IIIIU lVll,'(lUlIH`. In Vl'.`|)l'Il. llwrv will likt-ly lu- lI('('|lIllllIHun zuyznin thin _v-ur Hum nmninulinn (lily nmy IN] 1: (lil'I'a-1': Hlmgv. In (h-n r!1uuu- II I I'm. .-anhlv um I-u.~:lmn.x'_ A Nrm %j1`a11"zi 1)l}11`2mzl131` us-lly |I1y\'('|l_Y Ill ::t'1-um in imlu.~.lry, in mutt -. 1.1 llfv fur mnlmn'_y pawn- .11. . ,, 1:: . From the Ministerial Association A""Y `..F3.W .?,A.R, T. |.1ka-. Emu. Hus. w-r; for pmrltr-.; `.0 UCCUp_\` UH.` CHEN!` ITUH1 17181 SOC" tion was John Carlton. Reeve of Beeton. in 1932. Isaac Scott. Cree-f more. was warden in 1933. Edward Dutton. Victoria Harbor. in 1934. and H. J. Crawford. Oro. in 1935. A. E. Step_}.1ensnn of New Liskeard. who is in town this week. was gi\'- ` I ling the local curlers an invitation to ,the T. & NO. bonspiel which starts `February 3. Have you read the Classifieds ix this issue? i Iv -541:1`. um IA W_ .I (.'uH::'mIh, .-s|nl_v. I In ()1-u, Hm-\'v H. J. ('r:nwl`m'4l mn_\- l'l'Hl`(` nflvr lmvinpz .m'\*ml hi.-: muni Ivipnlily for so nmny _v-:n'::. 4-re-wn ` In); his: m`hi(-VI-Im'nl with lhv Wmuf donship this your, ll` lw i.-: :u:niv-.`, vnllml nu In tukv lhv In-Im. H i.-: pm:-; slhll` lhnl hv might lw ]m|m'(\(l In` nlnml zuznin fur Hw Hvvxw-:hip. 'l`hv-` l`l|HI'(` (`.mnu'il \vn.-; H-I-It-4-It-(I 1:) nvvlxnlnnlinn 11 _\'mn- nun In F.`:Sll wlu-rn Ihm-n urn-: nu Im- Owing tn (hr lmlitlav fullim: In lhv middlv 0! {hr wt-1'k. lhtrr in only one -4:-I-(inn--8 pzuuw--in this um-k'~4 F.x.1m- lnrr. 0114- of next vu-I-k'~s Iva turn". uill lw (hr rt-pnrlu of thv munit-ipatl nominations` In Um (nun-:hip~. .`.< \'v'HlI:-~(I;n' is 21 |mliIl.:\' nrxt \\I`lk. -nrrP`p0ndN`.(~. iId\`(`I'li~'l'r-4 1nd 0H1l'l'\ .nu- rs'- qm`~'u'd to .\l-I.\'l) lhrir (`()l'Y I-`ARI V Just One Section This Week hllwi WIHI Hw Spun ..n u.: 4:... .. 4.... 1 -|.... .(i/\HI .l(.' lm` |nl:-zmnw-; that llw In` h:n'I-rmp, II. mo REPORTS I 1 CASH BALANCE ` : ov $477L72i |Numcrous Contracts for | Hydro Approved by Council i /\flt"I` HM` pl hlh (`\'i(|l`l|l'l'_ u d In ('mml_y ( ltwlmun lmxl I Hollnv.-1 in Hu- ('g(..... r;......... LITTLE s`1"1R`ro DATE`: \.ll|"II {JUL pl.l3I.'> `County levy. 1935 .. ;Board of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `Tile drainage debentures Wire fence bonus lshecp killed by dogs Miscellaneous . , hh-mac .-.-.1:..c 'Settle1(11:::1V tV-R~;t;::_l1-ed By Farm Manager Who Sued Employer .IJllC\Il. FCHEI 4:03.41; Town hall .......... [. [.I].I':.I 1333.19 Hawkestone Police Village 306.71` I Total pa_vments . ` Cash balance I 'nlIHt`H mt-I HI 1114- ul:|y_ Hm M, for .- uI' Hw w-:-1'. w |-lnmlifl` hm! :anlmnHlm| -. .-u-ll]:-nnmn \`\ ll.`l r-m~h- I_y (`mutt lwrv I-`rnlny nf~~ ll lu*l'm'n Jmlge Dmllx-_y ln- vlvil nrllum nf (`in-nI'}{u n-r, H|'mlI'm'l, Jmznlllral In >lu\'-'r, .l. H. Slnnxall, drug in fun \,'.!l}.(|!) l'ur lull .1--r. uml u!lw|' lI|IIIIl _\':x nlr Ha-fa-mlunl hm! rmllnl-'1'~ -x-u n-m I -'l'nwn Hnll HM-r Hnnl .|II` ..II 4|-I siafosi nu` lI'I`IlIH,`, l"|H`Il Ill` vznmms :.c:hum| ;,u:mlu. $'1.'1,l|.'M.!i 7. Ynnv up nu I nlt-nu~nlm'v ulnnlu SH ) 1` -Y1/`-),l)Jl'I.JI, Hlillll` III! M?` HHIUWHT NIH)" |)ll`!l||'IHHl'_`/ ununtu, $l'I,Hl|."),U'I; tequlv ` ult-Ht uuml rv l"iHh tllnnm-M, $?.,.'}`/.9. V 50; [mm ro 4-qulpmmnl, aw. $10.32. lo-n pv-r N-nt. uf hlllI|l'i19Il ul tenr:hm'-1 -sf l"iflh f'l:I'uI-r4, $`)..llM; 4-quivnl:-nil maul. 11- mglnijmwnl, 3.1.13] 5! . C I)l'l..`IlI` mr we luiluw-4 No ElectioI:1dfor:.Two Years} in Vespra, Oro, Essa, West Gwillimbury ,In|m Sc. % % Sluigll Slr ,` Acci%(lonta%I Is Vclwljict FRANK HA.VI.\lO.\'D. B.A. -Photo by G. W. Jackson. A Brilliant S7chT($InrT l"]H'-` I'll |II"` 'I'hI- l.ul.n| i.- tulluw.-4: mur` rmmm- ......|.,.` nn.s.. ` Barrie lI"1`1 Ill l\ HI}-1 MINI T:|H'l'1 `l`h1l|').ft`,*4 mm lw lnlul Wilh (`mum-I Mr. I`). [""`1|('i|IK, nn Inqnw.-4| lhn Mum.-t.h'nla-`-4 ('nm'1 tiny, (`H-van /\Hn[lH"/ l'lv |m; Hm uxlmlixmllrm n|'1 I-|.. I. Sleigh on -wr()l1g Side of Road Wilhuul Lights, Evidence Shown 'lNQUl?.S'l' I-ll.~`.Ll) TODAY \ B:xr:'1.~ and CU.".`.."`..i.`l":C*'.`d a law pr . ;n the o!..ce on Owen St '\u..2re he `<. located. He ha joyed a very successiul (Turn to page three. 'Edwin Latin, 22, Charged with Reckless Driving and Speeding tl|'|`llIIllI'Illl|H ll _\'l'lIl' HP, In F.*:.~'n. wlu-rt` 1l`l'!` wn.-; H tinn Ins! _\'l`2Il'. Rm-\'v I". N N Null. l)l'|)lIl_\' llm-\'v (3. I). I` und tho Inc-Inh:-r.~a of (`mun-il 2 isfin-(l tn rmunin in Nu-Ir re->4 .'~:0nl.~x fur unulhnr your. 'l`Iu pour.-.' In hv V('l`_\' vlovlh in Flssn. Innl.-H| Inn! \.ld.Z :1.'J I `J`/' 41!}. I15 IUYVJKIU Tho hand of the .' '1. the 13:42 T Blar;k:<`.ock, `A ~: one of the p.-r:m:ne.r.`. rrr.ir:a1 lawyers in Can ada. and .~\l:xan-der Galt. one of other rr.e-nib`.-r:~'. was {he lather Barrza-. vow. --..-.. u. u=...........\ V"I"l mm- H! Mn v-n l)mil.-1 ~ ....A..I I . 'J`|u- lnqnm.~4 ..nI .- .- H {TIC K1()|'VlUl" LVIUTWI . xn 1915, with the de- lnr of Arm. Attending . Toronto. for three : calied to the Bar in IIIHH ll,` rmvillitm of Atrrh Im1:h|v- I 1. IIHI Illllll llH' l'Vl' Julm he-mulun t'Ill'lH', | fizmminy nhnul 13 I. lamb, whllv driv- ~| 'J/l1'. nu l.H/.- Inu, alum-Ix by M cur llw :mm:~ ntlm-I. by um Mun]: llurdun, "4' hm-u um-ldmnlnl." I-144! ui lhu-. fuHnw- mm fuuunmn, MM- . H llunsl, W, J. lv1'u|'.nu|iI|`, W. H. , -H _VI'1lI`~-HUI 1(1lH' I l`1ll/nlu-HI Hi... just .'.`ll Imnl.-4. war: In- hmliy nllvn U |'n.m.. \'.`lH-n llw .`il1`i||l -on Ihlmu_ wn.-1 nlrm-It 0 hlw-n lny lildwhn ., Hnvnl (`unmllun = .-.. . n.... ....; nu nu` .'1I|`lHll Illl ulmu rlllvn-1| `nmp Hmwlun, mud , Hlurul Ila mum-u -mmll `hl|lrn. ~41 lny ltwul jmlhro un Inn! of $l,f$l)U ` $:'lIl) um-h In up~ .- 1v1x.gmmm.!urf:I : I'|mIl-(M Hf rawh- V-=,,.-wlIm.5, Ullwl` III nniay 9. 1393. a and Mr: Frank 3 '-IIHCC U53 Cull. ; ago In practice In Ill I..H. llmisfil hm! n stirring Ilm-c---mun fluhl. fur llw [Known-;l|lp lust _\ ("ll' mul nlsn an hut h:|lllc- fur (`mun-i! Donuly Rm-vv (W. F} '|'n(lrl, who w:u.-: rt'lIn'nmI l)_\' m"l:mI.'Ilinn :1 _vv:u' Iln. (luv.-4 nut inlvml In H::piI" In thu- Rm-vn.<|nip. :40 mm if lhr-rv i.-4 unv l'l1`vtlm1 in luni.~:I`iI. it will likc-l\' Iw fur lhv .~:vut.k: un ("mun-il. lnui.-l`il i.~. pm-l.(_v much u lwn-yv:|r" luwn- :-xhip. judnhut by pn.~:t. pmfm'n1nncn.~.'. Fins ulsn hurl 11 1'01!` fight In.-:1 your whvn Rm.\v(- A, A, 'l`mu-r um.-4:-(I um ox-lh-v\'v W. I". Duwm-y by :-l::h| \'nh-:4, mu! llmrv wns mu vim- Hun fur (`m|m'il. lCx~~Rm-\'- Du\\'n<-v is likt-l_\' lu try :umllwr \'lHHl`-|).'H'|\. I

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