Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 9

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` t W .4. ... LI 5 35 `n3~z.a; W W! Feature No. 2 on the Same Bill .)|.|. l.vx.-Vn-v\- ----v-v-v --- ---- ---~ . - (`unxc tn {hr ux)" and wv nur nu wx)-inst'.\llud Iighti (Hm-t.~; and ~i1lmu-tt(*s. Coming Soon "Transatlantic Tunnel 'I'n- -_'i:.-.:;'. r 1-; ..'..1:` ..;>:-.`i..! I:`.;-.. _.`_.-:m :'oxm)`.c-ted a rec bw;1}<;x:;.'. :2 \\'=-rks` e'x1f_*..t}.',-!1`.:'l1I at To1`om.:w's big Upt, Ikwatro will soon be seen on the Roxy screen at reg pI'iL`0s. u'-.c..|. cm -~\|ntim- nn th Bountv noxr - Hausa or an VValt Disney's Silly Symphony in 100", color V COOKIES CARNIVAL v l.`\'l'..`\'l\'I1 \'III)\\'\' \'I` 3; .1-1 and (I n,n1, up, mug 0 LJUIUX \-Iv\/I`I&.A s., \/C -..-.1- v . .\l.l. F.\'}`INl.\'( .\'ll()\\'S .-\"I` 6.45 and 9 p.m. . up ,2 us- Watch for ".\lutin_v on thi: Bounty" JANE ws-mm PATRONS PI.EAS'I ;'0TE--",E`!\.c new thezttrc tax which came into ci`f4.-(:1, Dvcornbm` Znd, (Enos not ef- fect our p3.'i(-,0.-`; as 1`(,`{.',`1'll`d.`-3 to any rc(iucti)`.:. Admissions not more thzm I5 (rt-'n.t.;---1 cent tax Admissirms not nwcrse `eha.n >25 c=:21'i..~=.--73 cents tux` Admission not nmrc than 3; : (-cnt.=;-3 cents tax _ _ -_-- ----------..---.---.p..o.p;.4y~a.o.no.o:owsoAa~. alum: in . the kid _u . .....`..o I with HUGH HERBERT ROSS ALEXANDER PHIL REGAN 0 And Others Central Unilvrl W..\. bazaar, afteff} nnon 10:1 and :::Ilu nf g`o(\dS. Friday afternoon. Dvc` (3. 49b Z`El) FOR I) I-1N l`ERlNC`r` ---:-------r-----\ 4 COM!NG EVENTS ' Iilly l>m'u1'e His Honour Ilulnxvs tn :1 charge ontorim: Hurt, Carrolrs x-n11:|n\ on Jun" 10 and [.1 m the \ :\1ll0 of $20; 1. :wml `lit. fnrmc`.rl_\' .-ill lw . within Ho ;\l.\'o pk-ndod guik 1t:I:=lr:1`u' (`nmplon Jeff`: \_v l:1~:1 tn brvnking and .~t\':I|in:; ltmls from the .....l uvill Iva .m paid ? llllllh` IFUIH ll: , and will be H1 at the sum}- z\n0thm' Spovi JAY, l ULDU1-\I , VVI:.u1Vr. MATINEF. WEDNESDAY, 2.30 P.M. `and I D.1N'T MISS 'l`H!S I I 0GR:\1\l They make hey hey while the sun shines! There's 0 howl in every drop when it rains! wilh jjljjlflllfll H '| uamiav LEE THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION r.-ri and Dorolhy sing Low: the Grandad Thing " ,"Pl.' la|lo.l.lI 1).! \\./ ll \.\.-IUD, nu... 'oJ't-A000-e oto moon: r.o~o~oto~a~r~ooooo~o~o~ao~oJ \'GF.R l{0(iERS in IN PERSO.\"` kzon in "'l`h1'vo Kizls and 21 Queen" n-`- v._..._. A !.AUGh'-.'SODE IN THE HISTORY OFA GRAND OLD IRISH NAME! __ -date _. - __ __ . _ MARGARET CALLAHAN Annlcnu nnnnnl I VVILLIHNI lililll` Directed by Charles Vidor Cliff Reid. associatc producer {KO-RADIO PICTURE NIAKUAKII URLLAHRII ADDISON RANDALL WILLIAM HARRIGAN n.-....o.A L... m....v.. U`.~A,.. VVIII1 JAME A __ _._ 7 1 st Year. VVITI-I IAkJI: LIBERAL HEAD 3 SIXUL TERM Churchill Man Re-elected by? ! Centre Simcoe Liberal 1 t Association `ink. SIMPSON 1 Howard Allan. Churchill. war: re- `elected president of the Centre Sim- coe Liberal Association for a sixlh ltcrm at the annual meeting in Odd- xfnllmvsf Hall, Barrie. yesttsrday af- Eim`n<)0n. E\'er_v municipality in the riding. except Sunnidnlo. was repre-l I?L`.l`llCd at the gatl1e1`im_.{. l ;` Other nfficc-rs olectccl arc: vice-` ` l)1`(`Sl(l(.`l1l. ldgai` Moreau. Penelan-` `, guishcnn; sem`(`eta1`y-trenssurei`. Ken-I ` noth A. Cameron. Ba1'1'i(-. E I 'I.`\.-(nut lun nnnn~niHnn- `l3unrl-,unr3`ni- ;! 1(`ln /\. L.ilIH(?l`UH. D'rll'1'lL'. ! E ExCr'u1i\'e mmmiifer: Pm1c1angui- ' Limoxzscs. Phil Cha1*lv- boisz Tiny-~James Wilson. S. R.` ` Gomlrcm. Albert I3e1cmn`i'. Flns mi` ` James Sirath. .111. C. E. Du1<.-`nor: V `t Vu.v.pr:1--AlCx. McKee. Jamzs Dnrung: Tnnisfil ~- Ilzlrvoy Hughes. T. (L. E Rnivc: Sunnidnle---Gt-m'p,c (,'uIham.! 5 Robert Macham: Barrie -- W. .I.' ';,WnIkm`. A. F. Pugh; West Gwillim-, `bury -- Norman ChantI<,-x`. Lorne |'.Tar*.mnn; Bmdfnrd---D1`. C. W. F.1- `is. i.m`n(? \VesI. A 10110:` was rcooived from D. lVIcCu;:i;_.{, K.C.. M.I`.. stating that hf? Q. wnulrl be unable tr) act. as .~'9c1'vt21ry-g `l`ron: and 1`: .-i;mim,r aftcr five` ve:-.r.< in 111:1! ml'i<`e. J. D. Milne, |` '. ..'-.rrio. was nppointcrl secretary pro, 1 . `arm I %Three Men Barefaced i 3 In Entering House} F. J. Crawford & Co. u ...u.`. ~_ unu... ll Jordzul .\'u't`t'l--'l'0R0,\"l`0 2-~E $a'zmd Nmv and (`win-date F,`1l.l 1. A. I-Iummnnrl. Ba1`ri('. then cr ml mu nlectinn of r.~l'fi(:cr.< I vnsningz _\`oa1'. Most of Hm uffh (Turn to page eltrvcn, please) lIl_ II\-`S I l\l\I\lL|\ll| Nm'e1nbvr S'76.`. .0() Mine ixnprovings. all `.119 time "i;h(`St Production \' .._-1..... "M: -nun Sold :11 $1.15 t0d'.1_\` SPEAKS Z BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1935 - mm mm Ems mu 94 mmsjaw yam `I It . `. 9 'i Q} 7| 1 -\ :i0scar E. by Accla-I` % mation; R. R. Lcishman 3 Vice-President PROGRES_REPORTED * lHl|l_L1 L'UHlIIlHll'(' Ill . I 1'('sidcnl drew. |)| UU}. ,l|l II_V L dbl. Cinrciun Lnn-_vm;m. with- Mr. [,.vi. has huen Linn "Tanner and also clmirman of the Ac- tivities Committee, which has chamo of the raising of charitable funds. durinp,` the past yum`. very c1'ficivn1 Ch;m'm.'m. .i Re-elected by :1(`cl;nnn1irm ,/'\\'('l`C Inhn R. Hnd_uus as Trcasurc1' for his 4'H'1k -uni Rum: N n1i1h invun He pruvedr 1 HQ` COLLIER ST. UNITED CHURCH CHOIR CHDRAL %R.!53C1'f.1.f.-;._._. - ._.-. -ca-q r-cw CHORUS OF Orilli-.1 and Barrie u-v/-xi/\If\ "xi/`"di'13:" 'l`I(`.KE'l`S ()B'l`.-\lL\'.-\Bl.l FR()M (`,1 1()Il\ z.\'\E.\\`L%l~ .RS Ur Hurlhu1't`s Shoe Store, :\M>nk1n;1n'.\` zmd l`.>L1tch~:1".< , 21 IMLVE \l ' (.`z1|mbl_V. \\':xs I\Ir=('f I The price paid for hogs tad:-.y bf"! `First Cooperative Packers of On- tariu. Limited. Barrie. xvas $7.4() live weight. f.u.b. shipping point. :15 compared with $6.90 one wvcl-: zigzy. $7.15 two weeks ago. $7.25 timwe weeks agu. and $7.25 ruur \\?L.0l<.` mg n. I 'I`hn in-im nniz. {cm rail grade \x';r= WCCKS and m.'.:.')1nux' \. mm m; Ll I The price pain im` raj! gmcle \'mv:, $7.50 per cwt.. as cnmparcd with S7` 10110 week ago. $7.25 two \vvek.< Eln,` $7.35 three xvcclcs ugu. nnd $7.23 `four \VCt`kS agn. This was: (,`(|lH`li I I $10.10 per ('\Vl., (l1`(.'.\':-'(`(i \\'z-iuhl. .9 l m\n1n:\I`nd with 9:945 mm \\`<-(`k nu: GUEST ARTIST MASTER DEWI JONES CELEBRATED VVELSH BOY SOPRANO 3hlU.lU (`V (.`()111})Ell`(!d wi $9.510 hm) \\ weeks ago, :21 : vmv. mm r`. _Wec|. Dec. 11, 8.15_ I Jill.` KJIU \,lll according: 1:) : -.;ver's:L-11:: lndn; 1. u`... .-1\-In \)ll llll' l)(||I app`m'0(1 i 'M1. E. Bu- ir:u'}' Huzml . T u...-u { I HOG PRICES TODAY I ` \.j._? Referring m lhv I -T-zm uu\r\t\I\n~;\r` 3 RHDING />`:;CAE:?ZE`% EEY l Speciai Aiieniima Ea E;%z2g:I.mwrs Ex aning Prices: Adults ?5(3'c, Children 10c SATURDAY NEGEETS--:\E.i. .`-`>E.: \ i`S 5300,, including 'l`a:x'. v with Lionel Barrymore-Jean Arthur _ ChesterMoIris-]osephCa11eia P.1nlKnll:.Lnwis Stone aaa%%:m VCK'l\.V (IE.-I. lllln (In.-.~'.~'<' |l`(`.d with $9.45 m wuv.-k< mg. and $9.95 fnl (Hr! F`nnn1r\' nun K4neS[eX'1VlOII1S 'JUSe[JIlkd Paul Knllw-Lnwis Stone DIIECN.-d by Produrz 1. Walter Ruben LUCIE!) HI "lil'l)l)Y Tilfl l)li.\ [l\ I" ('.~\l{T()()N .~\.Vl) ".\'I-L\'\'.\` 01 Hw \\urIIl" [l:SvO DON T BET ON BLO'N.DiE:'3 `BTmI1I.'.1l'{i I\lL`L\Jl.lA -.v.`~-v--. P0.~;iti\'eiy tho inst *.'}:m.s'i;:;; Bi . SUSHI`) 'l`() 1~`.i.-1!". .lE/\NE'l"l`F. Mzu-.l)()NAl.E) and .\'2-.l __ -_.. .__-- van`: 1 ar- 2 Days _- FRIDAY ms SATUR`D.A`Y cD1:r~uu IUIATINFF` ATHV.DA"/. 2.30 P.M. Llllll -DELI)-J IUIH \`.k Cuum.r_\' murkvt is aclvives 1'(`(?(`i\'( lndny. The ]>:`o.<(2r.i s02\:~` .\R'l'l(`I.l'I .\I l`R!-`.4 `l.\'I'!! HQ! HDDBI Luuluu nu. A I\'lClI(.}l)/I/((49!)-rt-3'6! l'll.iUI1 --:n-au---un-v-v-v--.-.`-suu.-n--- ll()RSi`lf"s FOR E'l'\'!'l.?.'1' f,.*i'i |v$CIcwr-ttaav. .---um: T_ONIGH'l"--TH J RS D;'. C1./' No. 2 FEATURE __ PARKVEEW Simcoe Boy Judges I VS in On Potatoes Guelph `Winter Fairi ,_ g i-.LSOI\' EDDY in ; CHORUS OF} THURsDAY_FR1:DA42_sATuRDAY SATURDAY MATHNEE AT 2.39 Orilliu and B;1r'ri- uv4\uI\I-1!` "\`/c>"1'Ei'" \. . i Chief of Police Alex. Stmvart re-3 '.~:umc(I his duties _\'-'..`.\`1C`l`d1l_V mmnim: sitter having :1. ton-riny vnt-z1ti(m dur~ ing which timu (`mislul)lu Jnmos Case was Acting Chief. Chief and Mrs. Stewart took 21 motor trip to Eranttord and other \NL*.st.c-rii Ontar- in points, retux'nin1,: uvcr the \\'ee`.~'.- I Ix-nil I 1 " ``~~., .' I `i 2" ,1-` 4`. ; ' No man is safe when three dough 3 , girls turn on (`he hrall They love `! _ . ' ' `cm and I:-.wr `awn--/Ia! lrnrlu . . . in V/nrnrr Hru'..' cnnxul-in}: rnmrdy of the brculch-of-proxniuv rad: rt. l;I(_).N'DAY~---TUESDAYT~ ~WEDN`Zi`L3DAY c-nnrqu n/vA'l`lNL`I:` \}.II.'I\T\,'L'k'I|l./ ii `In PM IVILJIVLJFI 1 ' I kJ14unJrn :1 SPECIAL MATINEE VJIjDI`{i';Sl:!:1`.:{#.u';`..:(`). T .-1:1: 2 BIG SHOWS FOR THE PRECE of ONE ~-----~-~- `NO. 1 FEATURE. -~~----- ,, ,,:.n_ CIHEF BACK IIOMI-`. p- .. 1 .u_ 1NA,.,,,, Jzme comr- unuthcr hi MQNDAI; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY I\AA"r nU!_`.T u/::r\NL";:\AV '1 '2n P TM

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