Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 8

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nlinucd from Page Five) is it thni 'L`hLmms McKnight town) draws $325 :1 year for hi; c1'viccs`." zlskerl (fnun. Wilmer P:'i 1_mu-. Adjnla. (`Ruth (`:`n'Hnn H-nli4ar7' "Hr-' in. mnrlkt-rt:hiL'l':< art.- nlul Hum (-vor. 7350. 29c, ::m-. 4!):-. 98cto $3.50 BARRIE FLOUR MILLS pluin Call`. with 7.ipp(H':1I1(lt1'i)n- PURSES 1 L-xton: 1114- ul`pL1r. ALVVAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU Llllllh IIUHI UHF l\,\_'4l'.l`V'lU'\\ | DCp:n'\mun1. Iilmnsus, sweat- (.-rs. kimnn.':.x'. slips. lingerie st-ts. p_vj;nn:n.~'. 1,-m\'n:e, bed jackets. all `n'l`|):lI`&l`(`l_\~ bnxml. Men's and Boys D E PA RTME NT Coun. Evans felt should be rnade mun putting in partitions down. ("nun TW.inI-uvnln.. IVllIH.\ illl wundurful KIIHI cnlurs Men's limw Illh. J.',Iv\,- . useful gift. Thllj'_5 EVER In pmdtxcc more p()u1Il`>\' the rig-N-`I11 Hut .s`z1ti>`l`icd with $`iI6'6 (`.'|]JL' H80, mul- ;t-flll ABOLIsH( .12 ssssmu kYSCOUNClL\ that the offices )l'(,` convenient 1)_`y' s 01` tearing them I to find a better official in (`z1nacin." he said. There should he one man .in command of the County (xfficos. !Accm'din_.<: tn ihe experience in 0"- _!iIlia. this was more suti. and `more efficient. |"lun.;\ :r- v... r`.\vIl\1 u'n --nu vninrl Crown Attornzsy of Simr.-00 C/`m1n1._\'. whose office was discussed by tin County Council. UIUFC (.`lll(.'lL'lIl. There is no doubt in my mind that we need :1 little nmre e.'fi<-iem.-,v around here. and :1 little less benev- olence." he declnrecl. He pointed out that Orillia paid more than 342.001) (county 1e\'_\' this yem`. or one-[it' tcenth of all the taxes that go into the County nf Simme. It \vas time that this amount was protected. L|lL'_Y (lll.T. Uoun. Morris asked the Cr)unl_\'l Clerk how much time it tnok in the Clerk's posiiinn. Mr. Simpson said Lhat considerable time was spun` There were 21 went mr1n_\' inquirior and inquiries roy.:;1rdinr_z nld age pen Isions were \`L`l`)` numerous. I-Io \\'u Innl, cxaggm`ntin_q when he said 111:1 the work \\'uu1(l take eight hours : `rinv lllL' L.UlllH-_\ Ul >3|HlL`Ul.'. ll \\il.\ llH|L' Conn. Spicher said he wouldn`t vote to combine the twn offices. "1 think 1l1(.':~:e offices should be left as Hun: n ...~. IIIC : day. . i oun. C`rzm=.p sz Winn. Orillia CIL tfn-n nu:-L -1 n 1 r 1" Cl", ujillil. %11. Carlton replied: He' in- spe S the house twice :1 week. he keeps all the books. takes stock twice a year. sends in all reports, and pays all his own expenses." ' r<....... r1....I4,... ..A....,..1 ..n ".1 1. I (V. U ilbllilll , I'm` the ccmv and the Con IvA\|1;1\lNI\.\ ml l.'\l. E Cuun. Carlton was i ;l\\'o . offioizs. |. by C/nun. Spic iscrlion be struck out. . A. -1\.\ :UU.\I_\' ll'Ulll II ELIH. U) 2) |).Ill. UH` LIlL' (-nn\'0ni0m'e of the public. and mat llho p1':1(`1i(`c of closing these uf1'iL-es `during the a!'tcrmmn in the smmner {months be discontinued." was struck [out on mmion 01' Conn. I-10nd:`1'sm1. -rr~...........nn. .`...a ram.` c.`:.u.n.. cum I `HUI. UII IHUIIUII Ul kUllI|. K1\'llLlI'I.\lH|. ;Tecums(`th. and Cuun. Spichcr. Sun- jnidule. after some discussinn. i Uoun. C`.nr11nn said the hours \\`(`.`L' lirregulm` which \\'.'1s11 1 us it ::hoL1l:l Vbu in public 0ffi('c'.~`. I (`nun D A \7-Anr-icn N.11|'1\\':\c:::) zump said that 1\'Ii.<'.< John in Clurk~Tx'r)nsu1'er. hm mts. Is this place rm`. venience 01' the t:\xp:1)'er.< uxnty Council nr the van- I` the e1m)lo_\'(=es`.`" he ask- I N V gscuased was in fnvmw (H vials. and mnvc-:1 . Spichcr. that HM; : This \v:1.-` 'At this stage of the discussion. Conn. Spieher wrathily x'em:u'ked: `I don't think the special committee =hould try to choke this report down uur throat." The recmnmendalion <.-om-ei'nin.:=, :he Cuumy Engineer, which did not D1155. was: In view of the fact that I... ..4..4..onr. l`...... Luz. ...:.uuI..,l |\|-In Cbunty Engineer _ Will be Refained UUSS. \ VilS. ill VIUVV Ul LHL` lillll. Llli.l| the statutes have been znncncletl, pro- viding for the appointment of qual- ified (3l1.L{lll(3Cl`S in charge of county road \v0rl~:. we regret that our pres- ent engineer would not qualify un- der these regulations it` seeking an- pointment. and we would recom- mend that the Roads and Bridi.:es Committee c<>nsi<.ler the ziclvisability oi` engaginp, :1 qualified engineer with practical experience to serve in this capacity. our present eng.{inccr to be -retained in elinrge oi offir:I'- detail and as an advisory executive at a salary of $1.200 per zinnum." Coun. C. W. Henry. chairman 01' the County Roads Committee. asked by one 01' the members to explain Hxn `rl H-nut Han f`nnn1u nnntinn (- i i i l uuu yu_;.z tun: ....; u.... .4." ! Coun. Carlton mnverl. soctmdod by Coun. Leslie Borrow. lVIatchL-dash. that l.his clause be struck out. This passed. I n I | U_}' Ullt.` Ul tlllf lIlClIlUL l. LU Uxylillll the section, said that the (,`m.inty En_z,rineer was employed at $2.!lt)0 per year. and the Government paid $51)?) . as.sista1iee for the offiee. This year a technical engineer had been eni- pluyed because the Gnvermnent had int'0rmed the County that it must letl all wurlc l)_v (.`()lll.l`Z1(`1. A technical engineer was required to draw plans for certain work such as euttiI1_L{ down hills anrl makin;.{ .~:urv0_y.s`. It was because of this ruling of the Department of Ilip,l1ways that a tech- nical eng.-_ineer had to be nxetl. Cuun. Henry said that the (`ounty Emzineer of Peel received $2.900 per- year and \\'a.\' allowed $400 fur the use of his car. Peel had only 130 miles nf County Road while Simeue had over 300 miles. Cuun. Cramp asked if Mr. Camp-l bell \\'as not qualified as an engineer today. \\'a:< Council gtiiiiu to retain '1inn 4 in nu nrlxriuni-\: nnnnr-iI\-" . . _ __,l., . EhSU`v_0 OLl1 that fics were closed`in the after- during the summer months by 0 -r of the Council itself. The rem- edz was not to grant this permission he entire L']7.lLlS(` was rc-_iecte(l. K.Ullll. L,|illll[) i|hl`\L.'(l ll lV1l. em "mm in an advisory <:apucit_\". (`nun T\ Yn\~ric nnnlrl nn1 can H HUI 11] an ilLl\"lb'Ul'_V KILl])ilL'll,_\'.' Conn. Morris could not see the ad- -/i_ uf retaining-him in an ad- visury capacity. (,`.m1n. Rnhurtsnn said there \\':l:< `1()U1iH:_`. pu1`. in ihis r(`pm'l :1|.z1|l. Certain xmrk would not have DasF.(:d hn I3nnnrhnnn1 in rnnr-ivn ihn Urnnl \\.HllIl. l\UUl5l'\I\UI| SIIHI Hll'l(.' \\clh .hu Depnrtmem to receive the grant` lnloss 2| technical em{i11cc1` ma bu:-n `mploycd. The Emz,in(`er's depart- ncnt had cost g1boLH. $4.0()0 dL1rin,4 Lhc past _\' an ".\/Tr ("rnnnhnll hut} nrivnn v:n1nnrli:'I. l .llC ])'dl _\'Cl`.l, ii M1`. Cainplmell had }_{i\'en splencliclu service in the past. and his km)\\'- `wine uf the wurl: in Simeue County 4 was g_{1'eal. It was thought zidvisulale lu reiain him in an advisory capacity. Conn. Rul)erts felt sure that :1 qiialified technical engineer could now be securecl for $2.400 per year. and he had even had emzineers ufl'e`.' their .\`Cl`\'l(.'l.`.< at $2.000 per year. ll $2.000 were paid a leehnieal engin- eer. and $1.200 to Mr. Campbell for acting in an ad\'i. capacil_v, the, lulal cost would be $3.200 instead of 54.000. The lime is not far dis-= `lam when the Department will re-l fuse graiils unless something is clnne," Coun. l"-{nl)e1`lsun concluded. Coun. Carltnn said: ` inieue Coun- INEJ /Continued '1: Page 0;) Barrie Board of Education and proficient, in this art. ' Nlnvrir-(I in Rnrrin in 199.2 In NH [JFUIICICXIL H] l.l|lS IIYL. ` Married in Barrie in 1922 to Miss Annie Powell, they have three bright young dnLu.zhtcrs. Frum-es, up,ed 12. Peggy, aged 9. and Phyllis. agar! 6. Mr Qhnnlr iv: :1 n'u-rnhr-I` nf (",nHir\r agccl 1). M1`. Shank is :1 member of Collier St. United Church, Corinthian, L.0d;!,e N0. 96. A.F`. and A..M. Barrie Branch No. 147. Canadian Legion. and :1 former member of the old Barrie Soldiers` Club which joined with the Canadian Legion. ulhnn Hqn I.inn`q (`lnh mu (`hm'1- |.lU\`Vll. Coun. Drinkwater said that the Clerk and Treasurer. and ospocizxlly the latter, shnulrl have smaller ml`- fices in one corner 01' the |nr,x{01* 01`- ficcs. So many penplre rmnv in that the officials wcrt: l'in(lin;:_' it rIi1`l'icuH to get their work done without be- ing: disturbed. (`nun T.I-Qhnrhv (`nIrlu'n1nv~ cnirl \VHn LHC L.HHil(.lli.lIl L4L'[.;ll)H. When the Lion's Club was chart- Iercd in Barrie more than four y(`nr:' `ago. he was one of the charter group. and since that time has but-n one of its most active mem`.Jer:.. Lion Tmner in 1934. he stepped min `the office of vice-president for H):-`.:). land war`. rexvnrdecl with the pr:-:ei- ildency for 1936 without 0ppr).=Ilirm. Unrinr! the nnst venr. us vi':<:-m'(--1 'Cl(`Ill,'y NH 1:10!) wxLnIIu| U)l )U.`l|l'lIl. ' During the past year. Vi ..`u-p:'('~ s'irlont. he has been chairman of lhr-., Major Activities Cmmni!.lr~c_~ m` the Club. the commiltec which r>\'pcnd:< the funds raised by 1hr`. Club for welfare work. This nfficv he hns` carried nu with c<,)nsirls:2'z|l.)I<.- .' c(-ss. being r0sp for :1 wi variety of work such :24 lrt.-:1`|m-:11 `Nnf eyes. supplying of uI:u.<:~'z`.<. trmlh ' |)l'llSh(`.S. cud livvr nil. .<(:|mnl flunk- zmd |)('l1CilS. spt.-cinl (eye lrc:nlm(,-n1" and npemtinn.<. nnrl hnhhv ! No i: 2 in ihis` nffiur In K innd npeI`uum1.<. nnrl H()l)I)\` :~nu\'-'. He is succeeded 1;) Rnherl S. Lcishman. the vicc-prc_-si ldcnbelect. __ .____.__.____?..._.__ !t_V owns :1 lot to Frcemzln Camphr-H.` I believe Frcumzm Campbell woulrl die for the County of Simone if m.-<,-- c. y. Perhaps he is not as effi- cient as the (.`.uvernmcnL requires, in -their way of thinking. but I drm'| think learning in any line oulwc-i;'_l1sl 1)l`Z1C1iC2l[ experience." Bvfure hr.-I could vote on the motion. he would want to have 21 talk with the Engin- I l\n|. leer. "Cnun. Roberlsnn used the expres- sion that we hire a new Em.{in(-er and hire Freeman ns his assistant 50 we could get practical assistzlnce. It .rlnn't look riuht tu me to call the man who has the knowleclue. an as- sistant." Coun. Carlton (l()ClEl1`(`(l. Cuntimiinu. he said that Freeman Canipbell is a good nl't'ice man. and there is no engineer who sends in as good a report and none that sends in any better. I have a tender spot in my heart for Freeman Campbell and if I did right I would Consider -it with Freeman Campbell first. and with the nlcler heads in this Conn- eil." i I I-urn": A" W... mn-m nlrlnv lmznk-`* I Whu1 do you menu, older l\Cu(l.\"` [Shot back Conn. Evans. Do yr` think the special committee was tr young? (`nun (`,:u`Hrm aznirl ho was not 1': `CH. I xcrrlnp, [0 me commlucc. Cnun. Evans said he would be quite willing to increase lhe $1.200 per yum` 10 $1.600 per year for Mr. ,C'.ampbel|. The total would still be below the cost of the Engineer's dc- `pnrtmont this your. 1 (`nun DuHnn mrwpr] thnt. H10. yULu1;,': Cnun. Czn'lt(m said he was 1 lfcrrinp, to the committee. (`mm F`.\~,nw cnirl ho wnuld `pnrtmcnl nus yczux . ` 1 Coun. Duktrm moved that the clause `be struck nut. A show 01" hands indi(::1lecl that this motion had been carried by 15 to 7. \I\I\7$\ I-Il\I\X|J\J\rVr< It took little IliseLI:<: hefurul lCmmeil carried the following rec-l i mnmendution in the report concern- ing the provincial police: that steps ~lm taken to have the costs of travel- iling expense of the Provincial Polittt: nssumerl by the Province rather lhzml `the Cmmt_\'." . Ti u-nu nninin nlll I-nv (`nun Ruh- MIL: LllSlLll'UU(l. Coun. Lcthcrby. CnId\\':1t(.`1`. said` these were rlnrl: and dil't'icul1 fld_\'.s`. and he felt that the County was well blessed with its County Troastlror. and County Clerk. `'1 for me oppm:- ` most strenunu::I_v t1(>im. axvny with: their services." he said. 1 E Provincial Police } Costs_ Discussed! `(HQ L,()Ul"lt_Y.` I i It \\'as pointed out by Coun. Rut)- iertson that extra costs accrued a;.:ninst the County every time the Provincial Police were called out of `town. mileage c-harges being put in uagninst the County. No Retirim: Allowances The clause rcgardinL: retiring al- lowance recommended that your committee be mithurized to inquire into and recmmnend a s3`stem of contributory pt-nsinn nilowanvc tu iprovide for the retirement of Count) infficials after a certain term of oil. I I ifice. as may prove satisfactor_v with usueh arran:.:emcnts." i Cnun. Robertson declared that I'm.-. FC`nLinty was big enough to make pm-I ivision for its retiring ut`l'icial.<. . I Coun. Morris SLl_L1L{l!SI(.`d C0llHL'i] ;1'l.`(.`()l`ltn`.(`l1(t to the I ro\'im:ial (Duv- I ernment to do this. | f`..nn T.-..n.~ .~.\.vI `lint n.nhnu |Ul HlHL'H\, IU UH llllb. , 5 Cuun. Evans said that nothing` ieuuld be done without 1e,r_.:i.s'lutiun. i'1`his stiggestititt was made only to `get Cuunci! intc-reste(l in it. i Coun. lIenr_\` declared that there `,was 21 big deficit in Dominion finan- tcinl affairs, partly on account 01'. i[)(!l1_\'i()nS. Simeoe was an agricul- 'lUl`2l1 e0unt_\,' and the ntajm'it_\i of its `residents would never get pension I "linw many in the m'dinury C0llI'> i of life. get pen.siens'."' he asked. 5 E Conn. Carlton thought the muntyl `officials might contribute to their` own fund. exclusive of the County. . Coun. Higgiiisuii said he agreed iwith Cuun. Henry. The 0l'i'i(`iuI.\' ishoulcl take out their own insurance lzurainst the rain_\' day. Others agreed Ewith this view. 3 Coun. Henry moved that no action] `be taken. t I`.\nn D..|\.\..v...\u\ in Iv1A\ 4\ IX-vxli UL.` L's\lL'H. Q ! Conn. Robertson. in mo\'in_2 that 11119 committee of the whole rise and; `report prn,-;ress. thanked Council rm-Q {its cooperation. and in closing paid a tribute to the value of Cm1nI_\"l Ecuuncils to their respective cum-, tlnunitics. Hu attacked tho mtg;-,o.~'-' `Iuon uf the Departmem in Tornnlu. [that County Councils might be done` awu_\' with. l . PM... .....\....o Bu: u... ...\......;n,... ..." ! ELECT OI-`l-`I(`l~:RS J.-\Nl;.\RY 7 ` 1 Elccuun of nxfico.-r.< of the Simcou`. vCuunl)' Children's Aid Society for !H)3t3 was puslpuncd from TllL'Sdil_ fcvcnimz. when the Board of Dirac:-1 Eurs met in the Child1`en`.< Shelter.` lumil tho next mumhlv meeting on I ]`\1osd:xy. Jzmuzu`_\' 7. Frank A. Ham- 'mund. Barrie. has been president 01" izhe Society for the past eleven yeux-.4. I ! Whcn moths go after soiled spots. (-I1 clothing. they nmy be hunting in more complete diet with adequate `vitamin 13. home ccon`Wnics experts . ,:.\-plain J BM _;UlllI. LVHIIS. Later. a resulution of thanks 1: 11m Ihc special ncmbers 01' .\`11s passed. comm 11100. I of the: committee 01" amended. was adopted ; 1` Cnun. Robertson and} i ....... ......V\..:. II\. .VI ... t Evidently there \\':1.<: some misun-i clcrstanding lwetwoun Conn. Evans. and the rest of the special commit-j tee 1'c_L:ardin:_: the intent of this svc-j tion. for Coun. Evans cleclarocl that! it was furthest from his mind that` there should be mily one ot'fir-inl in- 1 stead of two. 21 Clerk and Tr0z1suro1`.~ His idea was that tho cmfficcs shnulrll be together in one part of the l3uild- i ing. If the two wcrv tn_4<~tl1ei`. the: public would get :1 zzront dual l)(`ttm' service. One et"l`i<-icnt girl cuuld do the typing and ;umth<`r ll`l us vlurk` for both 0l't'iCi:il.<. It would be :m t-c-; onomy ,mo\'c. (`nun (`nnn'\h: nnintnrl nut that the`! l t ICWNWKHDIT SYSTEM AGAIN ; IS SUBBORTED (Conunursd from Paae one) Cuun. Cznrltun .'z; why the n:1m(' of 21 p;n'ti(-ulzlr firm was in- wrtt.-(I in the amendment. He thought it was up to the Council to `-u;,'go. the firm if such an appoint- ms.-nt \V(.`l`(.` rn.'t(lr'. (`nun '\/1...-via z-nip! kn .....(- uyilline-l IHUIH \VL'lL' lIIrlU\'. Cuun. Mm`x`i.< said he was willing Hm! any name . be inserted. He had only mt.-minned this firm b<~cz1n. lhvy zmrlited the books of the 'I`m\'n of Orillia and gave good at moderate rates. Cnun. J. Cuombs said the mat- ilcr had lat,-on dispost-(i of previously Iwhnn (`nnnr`i| nf Hun Jnnumrv Sou- | KJIUH. -J. 11. \,Ul)IIIU> .\iHU llll, IH(lL" Iwhvn Council. at 1110 January Ses- ' hurl roscimlcd :1 motion passed '11 the N>\'vmb(:r Session a year ago "(~crnn1m`:nding the appointment of '.`Il.'l1`1L`1 (`('l z|(:cnun1un1.<. and had up- |m>in1o(1 two lucnl men for this year. |H:- \\';1.< quim satisfitxl with two 10- ` "11 n1r\n `W \'lHt' Ul .`lU'lL lllL' Ul\ l.\HIH UCHI3 us `l`ul1nw.<' For anwndmc-nt: Cramp. Hicklin". McDe1`mid. Morris. Smith. Todd: (0181 6. _\..- .4 -\.-n.\nrln~.nn- ..\-mhnr Ai- mtal ti. .-\g:1111sl amendment: Archer. As- ;-`clin. Banting. Burr. Borruw. Braw- '--_\'. Buiv. Carlton. Clark. C0omb.~`.f unninghzlm. Dm\*nc_v. Drink\\'ater.i Dutlon. Evans. Flemingz, Harmmn. Hzlwkins. I-Iondmxun, I-I(~nr_\'. H152`-, uinszm. Horne. Lethe-rb,v. Living-j ~'!one. l\Iome.ome1')'. Neff. Palmc-r.i Pzatterson. Robb. Robertson. Rup~ nert. Suichor. Tessier. Toner. Van- cise. Wood: total 36. 2367'-Q"'-'Q`%7*??>~T'77+?__-'-r%$ &+ ` LUlll1. 1VlUl'l'l.\' `in the 'I`rea. `xnanvr which vit `an ! I\.\ (`nit 0|-.0 1' The first section of the 1'ecmnmen- I dntion regarding, the County Clerk` and County TreusLn'er was as fol- lmvs: II. is our considered opinion that the offices of the County Clerk 1 and the County 'I'r(msu1'er could bei combined. and your committee would suggest that applications he invited for this dual position. these applications 10 be dealt with at the January Session of the 1936 Coun- cil." r`1,...... nut... .,`. .:...n.`1 H...` Ea 1 )' COD) at WALKER STORES PHONE 25 W. J. Cunnim:hz1m. chai1'-u Finance. said that com- md bt.-vn unzmimuus against in); (`ha1'lcx`0d accountants, nu. v\.\ I'()'Ic1\r9 ..-l-n- chic An- Let us help you in making your gift selections with the great variety of beautiful and useful gift suggestions which our hundreds of lines offer. Watch our windows every day. Come in and look over the many, many lines. We offer a few suggestions as an example. ' ls appi`ec1ared. UH. nbjected to calling `. b(`cuu.~`c it \\'as a ionllu nffnntn.-l I\:nn Hum called in ` D. H. Coleman to ()1: our m'.(;oml floor. l`o,v.~.'. gamcu. books: 01` vvmyv Ill` 'iplinn me shown tlnrrv. UIlUlIl_Y `Il1l_!\'L'. Coun. Cnombs pointed out that the Vaults were in two different places, and it would be :1 big job In mm'C{ one of them. I Coun. Carlton suirl ho was nut in} nvour of combining the uffi(`(`.\`. ` C0un..C.rmm1 puitttud mt that Or-i "21 has the finest (-tork and t1'on.<- `r, Combined in (IH(` pmwnxt n \\`n- - n "Y rlnn't L-nnuv \\'h:-rn \'tnv'r} nu! VISIT SANTA S TOYLAND-BIGGER AND BETTER THAN BRING THE LITTLE ONES TO THIS DEPARTMENT [U]. Ilh u claim is in: the ` head \\-it | the resta 0`) an I]! ungwoon. Evidence of expansion of 1 Ver fox breeding industry in 1 and elsewhere is seen by tin tam l)1~m*:\'; whn .-we cumtinu: "`s72`.?`"&=.E E``r7 fie?"'.`-";f5f_ \\ VQWWPWQVHWQWEVQIV Linensfor Christmas ~:7`??3"*?V'f.`~i1"1 \?A`~".`x"/">~"~7? 7;? 5????/ !l`WW `~<=`7"=7 if/"CW? '%51"*`/ O"~97"Zl"?"C*`~7 Ladies Hosiery the sil- 1 Canada he Allis`- nnllu `on, `W " I Combining Treasurer } and Clerk Rejected 1 ml. Spun-i::l1_\' with us. Box:-Ll us. >;(`I`\'iL`1U'S. lowel.s'. \l0iliC.~.. Produce More Eggs We an 1'! :1turin'.;' :1 `!l-in. m'.|-m:| doll. full with hnrmt ('0nlp'(`t., pink, blue. _\'cIlow. Prim (I. nu-I1 ,. . . ..... ., It costs nothing extra c-jqgs IF _x`L>u fccd _y(,)LlI' kind at" rccd. II" _\`(,)Ll are _\'uL11` egg` production lil`ull.\' um 4i.`l(', 790. 'll1csc Iwu ligg` 1.:'._yi11;i" Mitshcs arc ;_-'_'i\`i11g' cntirc s;Ltist`;1ction. Tr)" them. Manufactured and Sold by Try Beach's Vitamineral or Beach's O.A.C. Free Choice Egg Laying Mashes When Prices are High Cll. Coun. Rubcrisnn Qxplainod that Council had before it -an application for help in the Cmmty ']`I`eznsLIro-':< Office. and now might be the proper lime to consider the future. I`! -.. .,..

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